MFC r307322,r307323,r307324,r307326,r307327,r307338,r307879,r307908,r307911,
r308535,r308776,r308843,r310236,r310726: Loader fixes, 2016q4
r307322: Remove /boot/boot.conf, deprecated for 16 years
r307323: Remove fetching of pInterp.
r307324: Create a new linker set, Xficl_compile_set which contains a list of
functions to call to register new forth words.
r307326: In UEFI mode expose the SMBIOS anchor base address via kenv
r307327: Update i386 build of loader.efi (but leave it disabled) so that we
at least build it now.
r307338: Create a pcibios-version environment FORTH word.
r307879: Preliminary support for EFI in boot loader.
r307908: Fix the build on both arm64 and when WITHOUT_FORTH is defined.
r307911: Add better comment...
r307942: Really make WITHOUT_FORTH (MK_FORTH==no) work.
r307950: Add it (Makefile.ficl) to the right place
r307951: Fix two backwards tests.
r307954: Back out the move to the loader script from -N.
r307955: LIBSTAND goes last, so put it last here too.
r308125: In loader.efi, instead of exiting directly, try to fallback.
r308195: efinet_dev_print should honor verbose option.
r308476: boot/forth spelling issue in forth word
r308534: The file_loadraw function grew an argument, update install function
r308535: Add support for LOADER_RC setting in the pkgfs manifes
r308776: loader: zfs toplevel vdev must have spa set.
r308843: loader: smbios version check is not correct
r310236: Renumber license clauses to avoid skipping #3
r310726: cdboot: add explict suffix to ambiguous or instruction
PR: 214375