
Update from 1.19.6 to 1.19.7.


Update from 1.19.6 to 1.19.7.
Update njs module from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1.
Update third-party auth_ldap module to its recent commit.


Changes with nginx 1.19.7 16 Feb 2021

*) Change: connections handling in HTTP/2 has been changed to better

match HTTP/1.x; the "http2_recv_timeout", "http2_idle_timeout", and
"http2_max_requests" directives have been removed, the
"keepalive_timeout" and "keepalive_requests" directives should be
used instead.

*) Change: the "http2_max_field_size" and "http2_max_header_size"

directives have been removed, the "large_client_header_buffers"
directive should be used instead.

*) Feature: now, if free worker connections are exhausted, nginx starts

closing not only keepalive connections, but also connections in
lingering close.

*) Bugfix: "zero size buf in output" alerts might appear in logs if an

upstream server returned an incorrect response during unbuffered
proxying; the bug had appeared in 1.19.1.

*) Bugfix: HEAD requests were handled incorrectly if the "return"

directive was used with the "image_filter" or "xslt_stylesheet"

*) Bugfix: in the "add_trailer" directive.

Changes with njs 0.5.1 16 Feb 2021

nginx modules:

*) Feature: introduced ngx.fetch() method implementing Fetch API.

The following init options are supported:
body, headers, buffer_size (nginx specific),
max_response_body_size (nginx specific), method.

The following properties and methods of Response object are
implemented: arrayBuffer(), bodyUsed, json(), headers, ok,
redirect, status, statusText, text(), type, url.

The following properties and methods of Header object are
implemented: get(), getAll(), has().

Notable limitations: only the http:// scheme is supported,
redirects are not handled.

In collaboration with 洪志道 (Hong Zhi Dao).

*) Feature: added the "js_header_filter" directive.

*) Bugfix: fixed processing buffered data in body filter

in stream module.


*) Bugfix: fixed safe mode bypass in Function constructor.

*) Bugfix: fixed Date.prototype.toISOString() with invalid date




osaAuthored on
rP565417: Follow other distributions and switch to OpenPrinting version of CUPS.