
lang/php74: Upgrade from RC1 to RC3


lang/php74: Upgrade from RC1 to RC3


03 Oct 2019, PHP 7.4.0RC3

  • Core: . Fixed bug #78604 (token_get_all() does not properly tokenize FOO<?php with short_open_tag=0). (Nikita)
  • FFI: . Fixed bug #78543 (is_callable() on FFI\CData throws Exception). (cmb)
  • GMP: . Fixed bug #78574 (broken shared build). (Remi)
  • MBString: . Fixed bug #78579 (mb_decode_numericentity: args number inconsistency). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78609 (mb_check_encoding() no longer supports stringable objects). (cmb)
  • OpenSSL: . Changed the default config path (Windows only). (cmb)
  • Standard: . Fixed bug #78549 (Stack overflow due to nested serialized input). (Nikita)

19 Sep 2019, PHP 7.4.0RC2

  • Core: . Fixed incorrect usage of QM_ASSIGN instruction. It must not return IS_VAR. As a side effect, this allowed passing left hand list() "by reference", instead of compile-time error. (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #78531 (Crash when using undefined variable as object). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #78535 (auto_detect_line_endings value not parsed as bool). (bugreportuser)
  • FFI: . Added missing FFI::isNull(). (Philip Hofstetter) . Fixed bug #78488 (OOB in ZEND_FUNCTION(ffi_trampoline)). (Dmitry)
  • Opcache: . Add opcache.preload_user INI directive. (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #78514 (Preloading segfaults with inherited typed property). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #78429 (opcache_compile_file(FILE); segfaults). (cmb)
  • PCRE: . Fixed bug #78349 (Bundled pcre2 library missing LICENCE file). (Peter Kokot)
  • PDO_Firebird: . Implemented FR #77863 (PDO firebird support type Boolean in input parameters). (Simonov Denis)
  • PDO_MySQL: . Fixed bug #41997 (SP call yields additional empty result set). (cmb)
  • sodium: . Fixed bug #78510 (Partially uninitialized buffer returned by sodium_crypto_generichash_init()). (Frank Denis, cmb) . Fixed bug #78516 (password_hash(): Memory cost is not in allowed range). (cmb, Nikita)
  • Standard: . Fixed bug #78506 (Error in a php_user_filter::filter() is not reported). (Nikita)

Changelog taken from: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-7.4.0RC3/NEWS

MFH: 2019Q4


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rP513737: Update to 3.0.4