
comms/rxtx: mutiple fixes


comms/rxtx: mutiple fixes

  1. Missing dependancy on plibthread.so.1

Java code base

  1. Added commandline debug output in multiple Java files
  1. Tided comment statements, tabulation and white space to aid reading

of sections of the original source code

  1. Added additional debug statements to aid diagnosis in multiple Java


  1. Moved error logging from Zystem to be local in the RXTXPort.java

file (was never firing from Zystem); now common with rest of codebase

  1. Ensured that RXTX only outputs debug level information when


  1. Only enumerate the local ports on initialisation once (use of

init_clean), rather than three times.

  1. Updated ports lists to reflect current usage pre FreeBSD v10 and post


  1. Debug identifier inserted before all calls
  1. correctly read the properties file when there are multiple java

library paths

  1. Enabled the skipping of parrellel ports during scans where they are

not used by the invoking java parent base to RXTX (Still allows them to
be manually specified in gn.io.parellel env arg)


  1. Tidied code indentation (where needed, it is a medium length file

and doesn't provide benifit on areas that work)

  1. Added standard out debug support to allow for assessment of

interaction with Java code that can be compiled in (DEBUG_STDOUT)

  1. Added entry and exist debug statement for key functions
  1. where sprintf is being used, ensure that the existing ptr refers to

an empty string (uses memset to sizeof)

  1. cleared up display tabulation of function headers in entire file (on

second enumeration strings contained garbage)

  1. Remove LEAVE and ENTRY functions as not working as expected in


  1. Made sure all debug statements are null pointer terminated (note

sprintf is not solely used for debug message formatting)

  1. Added condition so that a port that is in use during testread() is

still reported as selectable. (If you attempt to open it after the port
scan and it is still EBUSY the behaviour is unaltered and will throw a
suitable error back)

  1. Disabled uucp for lpt ports, as uucp only applies to tty on

FreeBSD (so says the Handbook...)

  1. RXTXPort:interruptEventLoop - resolved SIGABRT call to

process (intended to kill off thread not entire JRE)...

  1. RXTXPort:interruptEventLoop now waits for timer in child thread to

expire before attempting to closing the thread (delay between 0 and
1000000 sleeps)

  1. All debug streams for FreeBSD now forward to same function for

uniform formatting.

This fixes two downstream issues in the arduino port, which results in
missing dependancies, a core dump when uploading, or very slow port
enumeration (up to 30s in some cases) when the arduino IDE is first

PR: 200179
Submitted by: james@elstone.net
Approved by: maintainer timeout (mirror176@cox.net ; 45 days)


pgollucciAuthored on
rP390724: ports-mgmt/pkg_tree: support pkg_* and pkg