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x11/xfce4-goodies: Default disable any plugins which still depend on GTK2

Authored by woodsb02 on Oct 7 2019, 3:00 PM.
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Group Reviewers

x11/xfce4-goodies: Default disable any plugins which still depend on GTK2

Test Plan

"make all-depends-list" does not depends on GTK2

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 26911
Build 25219: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

woodsb02 retitled this revision from x11/xfce4-goodies: Disable by default Xfce plugins which depend on GTK2 to x11/xfce4-goodies: Default disable any plugins which still depend on GTK2.Oct 7 2019, 3:02 PM
woodsb02 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
woodsb02 added a reviewer: xfce.

Since this change is only about what the metaport depends on I have no "strong feelings" and don't see too much harm.

Anyway some of the components to be disabled are useful to the common user (xfburn and notes for example), and are not legacy xfce components.

Is there some logic why we need to rush disabling GTK2 components?

No rush to this, just a thought that we should strive to:

  1. Minimise footprint where it doesn’t sacrifice daily use functionality - rather not install GTK twice. To that end, I was going through an exercise to see if I could have Xfce and goodies installed without GTK2 - it wasn’t easy.
  2. Those programs/plugins which have not moved to GTK3 yet tend to be stale/unmaintained, and should probably therefore be off by default, unless they are fundamental. Users can still elect to pkg install them manually.

In practice, this change doesn’t achieve #1 on its own, as GTK2 will need to be a run time dependency of the panel and garcon anyway, to allow users to manually elect to install these GTK2 programs/plugins.

Happy to take your direction on this.

madpilot requested changes to this revision.Oct 8 2019, 4:34 PM

No rush to this, just a thought that we should strive to:

  1. Minimise footprint where it doesn’t sacrifice daily use functionality - rather not install GTK twice. To that end, I was going through an exercise to see if I could have Xfce and goodies installed without GTK2 - it wasn’t easy.
  2. Those programs/plugins which have not moved to GTK3 yet tend to be stale/unmaintained, and should probably therefore be off by default, unless they are fundamental. Users can still elect to pkg install them manually.

In practice, this change doesn’t achieve #1 on its own, as GTK2 will need to be a run time dependency of the panel and garcon anyway, to allow users to manually elect to install these GTK2 programs/plugins.

Happy to take your direction on this.

I agree on the general desirability of point 1, but I think it's to early for that right now.

What about keeping XFBURN, MAILWATCH and NOTES, which are useful components and somewhat maintained [1] and I think we can drop the other ones.

TIMEOUT has alternatives also, we have x11-clocks/xfce4-timer-plugin which is gtk3 and performs the same function I think, could you investigate that and maybe replace it in place of the old one?

Apart from these changes some cleanup is in order so, considering the above suggestions, go ahead.

[1] A few months ago I filed a patch for xfburn and it was integrated fast, so while nobody is actively working on porting it to GTK3, ordinary maintenance is performed.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 8 2019, 4:34 PM

Agree the timing is not right for this yet.
I noticed that the time-out plugin has had commits in the last 5 days to move it towards GTK3.

Given that these goodies are small footprint installed, and GTK2 is going to be pulled in anyway, I will abandon this change.