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add devel/rlvm port

Authored by jbeich on Jan 28 2015, 8:09 AM.
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F111952729: D1696.id3534.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 6:14 PM
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Mon, Mar 10, 5:56 PM
F111911179: D1696.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 3:55 AM
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Sat, Mar 8, 10:25 PM
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Tue, Mar 4, 7:31 AM
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Tue, Mar 4, 6:40 AM
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Thu, Feb 27, 2:08 PM
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Wed, Feb 26, 1:10 AM



Add new port devel/rlvm

PR: 195964
Approved by: bapt (mentor)

rlvm is a Free Software reimplementation of VisualArt's KK's RealLive
interpreter, used in the games Kanon, Air, CLANNAD, Planetarian,
Tomoyo After and Little Busters, among many others.


Testing how far I can swim on mentor approval alone.
Test Plan

poudriere testport logs: (8.4R amd64) (9.3R i386) (10.0R amd64) (10.1R i386) (8.4R amd64, inverted options)

And played a game with it:

$ poudriere jail -sj 93i386
$ env -i TERM=$TERM DISPLAY=$DISPLAY /usr/sbin/jexec 93i386-default sh
$ rlvm /path/to/Clannad_Eng

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

jbeich retitled this revision from to add devel/rlvm port.
jbeich updated this object.
jbeich edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
jbeich added a reviewer: bapt.
bapt edited edge metadata.

I also see a .desktop file have you check the port won't need a run dep on desktop-file-utils?
If you add DEVELOPER=yes in your make.conf a bit of QA checks are run after the stage phase they will tell you of you need or not the desktop-file-utils.

Usually it is a good idea to add DEVELOPER=yes in the poudriere's make.conf as well as pkg will become a bit more strict


This is creative but hey why not :)


This is known to be buggy our ld(1), and every ld(1) (a bit less on newer ld(1)), I will trust you on having tested the final binary making sure it is linked properly to the right libs
In particular what you have to care about is to ensure the link to pthread if any is kept (this is mandatory if the binary dlopen an shared object linked to pthread) also note that this issue have been fixed in head and will be merged soon to 10 if not merged yet


to be exact COMPILER_TYPE is defined in when USES are evaluated (COMPILER_TYPE is defined by USES=compiler aka Mk/Uses/

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 28 2015, 8:43 AM
In D1696#3, @bapt wrote:

I also see a .desktop file have you check the port won't need a run dep on desktop-file-utils?
If you add DEVELOPER=yes in your make.conf a bit of QA checks are run after the stage phase they will tell you of you need or not the desktop-file-utils.

Usually it is a good idea to add DEVELOPER=yes in the poudriere's make.conf as well as pkg will become a bit more strict

Is poudriere testport not enough?

	# We will handle DEVELOPER for testing when appropriate
	if grep -q '^DEVELOPER=' ${dst_makeconf}; then
		msg_warn "DEVELOPER=yes ignored from make.conf. Use 'bulk -t' or 'testport' for testing instead."
		sed -i '' '/^DEVELOPER=/d' ${dst_makeconf}

I've borrowed the idea from other ports.

  • devel/gdb
  • textproc/htmldoc

I think you're referring to rS276630 et al. In this case, libpthread satisfies references made by a header from libboost_thread.

$ nm -D =rlvm | fgrep pthread
                 U pthread_mutex_destroy
                 U pthread_mutex_init
                 U pthread_mutex_lock
                 U pthread_mutex_unlock

Otherwise, see TEST PLAN. devel/rlvm doesn't install shared libs, so no need for -Wl,-z,defs.


COMPILER_TYPE is also defined by any Makefile that pulls, or via I'm trying to keep XXX in sync with other ports (e.g. security/afl) to ease discovering.

-D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99 should be harmless for clang/libc++, so let's add unconditionally.

jbeich edited edge metadata.
  • add DOCS to option selection [1]
  • get rid of include [2]
  • expand japanese font selection [1]
  • drop unnecessary g modifier for sed(1) (10.1R i386, DOCS=off, all fonts selected) [1] (8.4R amd64, -D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99 consumer) [2]

$ portlint -AC
WARN: devel/rlvm/pkg-plist: [10]: installing gettext translation files, please define USES[+]=gettext as appropriate
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr/share".
0 fatal errors and 2 warnings found.
This revision now requires review to proceed.Jan 30 2015, 8:15 AM
jbeich edited edge metadata.

Oops, missed devel/Makefile for --update.

Oops, s/MULTI/GROUP/ for easier testing but only one font can be used.

const char* ja_platform_fonts[] = {
    // We should prefer fonts that we've verified work over whatever the default
    // system font is.
    NULL}; (10.1R i386, default = no japanese fonts)

bapt edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 30 2015, 12:13 PM
jbeich updated this revision to Diff 3537.

Closed by commit rP378150 (authored by @jbeich).