ports-mgmt/pkg-devel: update to 2.0 beta1
- the pkg target ABI is now dynamically detected, pkg can be used to cross install packages among OS.
- macho ABI handling completly rewritten
- ALTABI is not used anywhere anymore, we are now only working with ABI
- Lots of cleanups thanks for compiler sanitizers
- shlibs handling is now portable (and do not depend on elfhints anymore)
- deprecate ALLOW_BASE_SHLIBS, now pkg scans for /lib and /usr/lib (respecting rootdir) to find the list of shlibs provided by base. This scan is skipped when using pkgbase.
- new SHLIB_REQUIRE_IGNORE_GLOB and SHLIB_REQUIRE_IGNORE_REGEX to filter out some librariries to be added to shlibs_required list
- speed up pkg repo by using buffered stdio
- pkg now tracks shlibs with tagging: libfoo.so.1.0.0 - native (no change to status quo) libfoo.so.1.0.0:32 - compat 32 libfoo.so.1.0.0:Linux - compat Linux libfoo.so.1.0.0:Linux:32 - compat Linux 32
- pkg tracks 32bit compat shlibs
- pkg can track linux shlibs for linux compatibility (disabled by default) via TRACK_LINUX_COMPAT_SHLIBS