net-mgmt/check_nwc_health: Update to 11.2.4
Changes since
- add mode ha-status for Palo Alto
- add perfdata for the mode interface-nat-rejects
- fix and git add the cisco and arista pm files
- add mode interface-errdisabled (Cisco and Arista only)
- require, not use Net::Ping for F5 checks
- drecksmacoctetbinaerschlonz
- add mode list-arp-cache
- PR #324, detect Ivanti devices (formerly identifying themselves as Pulse Secure)
- show vlans only on demand, --report short+vlan
- more runtime reduction for huawei, cpu and mem
- suppress output of empty vlans
- cache huawei entities to avoid hitting the device's snmp rate limit cache vlan configs
- show vlans with interface-status
Reported by: portscout