devel/arduino-irremote: Update to 4.2.0
Changes since 4.1.2
- The old decode function is renamed to decode_old(decode_results *aResults). decode (decode_results *aResults) is only available in IRremote.h and prints a message.
- Added DECODE_ONKYO, to force 16 bit command and data decoding.
- Enable Bang&Olufsen 455 kHz if SEND_PWM_BY_TIMER is defined.
- Fixed bug: TinyReceiver throwing ISR not in IRAM on ESP8266.
- Usage of ATTinyCore pin numbering scheme e.g. PIN_PB2.
- Added ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52 to support Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense.
- First untested support of Uno R4.
- Extraced version macros to IRVersion.h.
Reported by: portscout