security/easy-rsa: update to 3.1.0
3.1.0 (2022-05-18)
- Introduce basic support for OpenSSL version 3 (#492)
- Update regex in grep to be POSIX compliant (#556)
- Introduce status reporting tools (#555 & #557)
- Display certificates using UTF8 (#551)
- Allow certificates to be created with fixed date offset (#550)
- Add 'verify' to verify certificate against CA (#549)
- Add PKCS#12 alias 'friendlyName' (#544)
- Disallow use of '--vars=FILE init-pki' (#566)
- Support multiple IP-Addresses in SAN (#564)
- Add option '--renew-days=NN', custom renew grace period (#557)
- Add 'nopass' option to the 'export-pkcs' functions (#411)
- Add support for 'busybox' (#543)
- Add option '--tmp-dir=DIR' to declare Temp-dir (Commit f503a22)
3.0.9 (2022-05-17)
- Upgrade OpenSSL from 1.1.0j to 1.1.1o (#405, #407)
- We are buliding this ourselves now.
- Fix --version so it uses EASYRSA_OPENSSL (#416)
- Use openssl rand instead of non-POSIX mktemp (#478)
- Fix paths with spaces (#443)
- Correct OpenSSL version from Homebrew on macOs (#416)
- Fix revoking a renewed certificate (Original PR #394) Follow-up commit: ef22701878bb10df567d60f2ac50dce52a82c9ee
- Introduce 'show-crl' (d1993892178c5219f4a38d50db3b53d1a972b36c)
- Support Windows-Git 'version of bash' (#533)
- Disallow use of single quote (') in vars file, Warning (#530)
- Creating a CA uses x509-types/ca and COMMON (#526)
- Prefer 'PKI/vars' over all other locations (#528)
- Introduce 'init-pki soft' option (#197)
- Warnings are no longer silenced by --batch (#523)
- Improve packaging options (#510)
- Update regex for POSIX compliance (#556)
- Correct date format for Darwin/BSD (#559)