+| Purpose | Section Anchor | File in ~/doc/shared/ | Order Specification
+| *FreeBSD Developers* | include-contrib-committers | [.filename]#contrib-committers.adoc# | alphabetical order by last name
+| *Core Team Alumni* | include-contrib-corealumni | [.filename]#contrib-corealumni.adoc# | rough reverse chronological order
+| *Development Team Alumni* | include-contrib-develalumni | [.filename]#contrib-develalumni.adoc# | rough reverse chronological order
+| *Ports Management Team Alumni* | include-contrib-portmgralumni | [.filename]#contrib-portmgralumni.adoc# | rough reverse chronological order
+| *Additional FreeBSD Contributors* | include-contrib-additional | [.filename]#contrib-additional.adoc# | alphabetical order by first name
+| *386BSD Patch Kit Patch Contributors* | include-contrib-386bsd | [.filename]#contrib-386bsd.adoc# | alphabetical order by first name
+| *Contributors to the central server project* | No include file used | [.filename]#contributors/_index.adoc# | unordered
+| *Direct funding* | No include file used | [.filename]#contributors/_index.adoc# | unordered
+| *Hardware contributors* | No include file used | [.filename]#contributors/_index.adoc# | unordered
+| *Special contributors* | No include file used | [.filename]#contributors/_index.adoc# | unordered
+=== "In Memoriam" Section
+If the intent is to notify the BSD community of the death of a community member, the following procedures should be used:
+. Search the files above for the name, email address, and nickname (such as `foobsd`).
+. Since the member is deceased (which should be double checked) remove the name from the appropriate file and add them to the "In Memoriam" file ([.filename]#contrib-develinmemoriam.adoc# as noted above) by editing the appropriate files.
+Try to find some additional information about their contributions to FreeBSD over the years and add it with their entry in the file.
+This may require asking in the development mailing lists, contacting colleagues, contacting the FreeBSD Foundation, or searching through the commit logs.
+. Where an email address is found with a name, remove the email address, but leave the name.
+| Purpose | Section Anchor | File in ~/doc/documentation/content/{language}/articles/contributors/ | Order Specification
+| *Development Team: In Memoriam* | [.filename]#contrib-develinmemoriam.adoc# | [.filename]#contrib-develinmemoriam.adoc# | rough reverse chronological order
+. In the [.filename]#~/doc/shared/authors.adoc# file, comment out (using one backslash '\') the email address to avoid creating the email link "mailto:"