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x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-Ex-Utils: Add LICENSE

Authored by bofh on Jan 13 2015, 11:41 AM.
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Sep 23 2024, 2:00 PM


  • Pass Maintainership [1]

Differential Revision:
Submitted by:
Approved by: xxxx(mentor)

Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

bofh retitled this revision from to x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-Ex-Utils: Add LICENSE.
bofh updated this object.
bofh edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
bofh added reviewers: bapt, marino.
bofh set the repository for this revision to rP FreeBSD ports repository.
marino edited edge metadata.

same comment, add (LGPL21) after LICENSE for a more useful commit message

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 13 2015, 11:53 AM

hmm, you committed without taking care of my comment again.
Maybe I should use the "request change" disposition? I've been approving these "contingent on this change" approach to save a round of back-and-forth, but the review is getting lost so maybe it's a bad idea on my part.

In D1512#8, @marino wrote:

hmm, you committed without taking care of my comment again.
Maybe I should use the "request change" disposition? I've been approving these "contingent on this change" approach to save a round of back-and-forth, but the review is getting lost so maybe it's a bad idea on my part.

My mistake. But I took care of the second one.

I've been using "approved" when the comments are on the level of a suggestion (e.g. the current version is okay, but it could be better). I always use "change requested" for a real problem.

I guess you are going off the email titles, that's where the info gets lost?

In D1512#10, @marino wrote:

I've been using "approved" when the comments are on the level of a suggestion (e.g. the current version is okay, but it could be better). I always use "change requested" for a real problem.

I guess you are going off the email titles, that's where the info gets lost?

Yes. I was. Now I am shifting towards Phabricator only. :)

or you could just open the email and see if there was a comment along with the approval. =)

In D1512#12, @marino wrote:

or you could just open the email and see if there was a comment along with the approval. =)

No. I will follow phabricator as I need to make the svn commit message from phabricator. Won't mixup mail and phabricator. :)