Pydio cells uses a custom version of packr to embed the static
resources into the `cells` binary. Previously, the embedding process
was not peformed, resulting in a non-functional binary. When trying
to use the app, user will just get "404 Not Found" error instead of
a web page.
To fix this - before the build `gmake generate` has to be performed
in the WRKSRC, and a special custom version of packr v1
(devel/pydio-packr) has to be used.
Other changes:
- DOCS option was removed, as the file didn't really provide
any useful information for the port's users
- Generation of bash and zsh completion files was added
- App version is now provided during the build process (previously 0.1.0
would be indicated instead of the real version)
- Indicate failure to build on i386