Triggered by an issue with finding Iceland in tzsetup menu (it's- assumption that single-zone countries do not have description
located under Africa instead of Atlantic Ocean).
While here, is no longer correct; add the Arctic Ocean that is only found in the overridesdo not try to optimize this case as it's
at the moment and remov only going to make the shortcut skipping country selection ifcode more confusing and we now have menus
it's the only one for that continent (ocean) as otherwise selecting with a single zone selection because of this
Arctic Ocean will immediately display the zone with "most of Germany"- remove the single-country continent short cut, it also only serves
description which can be pretty confusing (it still is, but at least we to confuse users as we now have such a continent
get the country name first).- instead add a single-zone contry short cut (see above), now all
single-zone countries fall here
- use the @# continent overrides that introduces (this is
visible at least fixing Iceland being currently listed under Africa)
- add Arctic Ocean "continent" coming only from the overrides at the
- update baseline with the changes