
ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.63 => 1.64


ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.63 => 1.64

Change in hook behavior:

Now the initial building of pkg(8) triggers a success or failure hook
after building.  Before ports-mgmt/pkg was the only port that could
never trigger these hooks.  The "bulk run start" hook is triggered
afterwords as pkg(8) is a prerequisite to preparing the bulk run.

Fix potential bad unmount of /usr/src

In the case where /usr/src exists, but the profiles uses a system root
that is not "/" and doesn't have an "usr/src" subdirectory, an error
would be emitted as the unmount of the non-existant mount failed.  This
uncommon use case has been fixed.

Curses display builder "Elapsed" label changed to "Duration"

This matches the format of the web-based report

DragonFly only: Support File(1) v2.0 version parsing

The output of file(1) version on DragonFly will change with version 2.0.
For example, what is now version 4.0.702 will be displayed as 4.7.2 on
newer versions of file(1).  Moreover, the parsing for DragonFly 4.10+
would not have worked.  Now both versions are supports and the double-
digit minor versions are properly handled as well.


marinoAuthored on
rP425264: cad/ngspice_rework: Enable X support by default (introduce X11 option)