
ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.53 => 1.54


ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.53 => 1.54

Handles remaining resizing exceptions and improves display handling.

Yesterday's work handled most of the common display exceptions, but others
were still possible. Now all possible exceptions are handled.

Several improvements were made to the display:

  1. lines no longer wrap if the size width is resized too narrow; they get truncated as always intended
  2. Elements such as the elapse timer don't get displayed in the wrong place when the screen is too narrow (they just don't show)
  3. The dashes now get restored if the screen is sized small and then big again (or started small and then expanded). In many cases those lines just never came back before.
  4. The "full" refresh frequency was increased a period of 30 seconds to a period of 4 seconds. This has a side benefit to text-mode watchdog as well since that's the same timer for the log inspection.
  5. The history window height ranges from 10 to 50 rows. If the xterm window starts small, the history will be 10 lines. If it starts big, the number of lines will be dictated by the original size of the xterm window. Making the screen small and then bigger again will reveal the full number of log lines.


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rP423481: - move DOCS and make them an option