
lang/seed7: update to 05_20160229


lang/seed7: update to 05_20160229


  • The function fltCmp in flt_rtl.c has been improved to work correct in the case that isnan returns neither 0 nor 1 (Many thanks go to Arnel L. for reporting this problem).
  • The function determineGetaddrlimit in chkccomp.c has been improved to include <sys/types.h> before <sys/resource.h>. FreeBSD needs that to work correctly (Many thanks go to Pietro Cerutti for providing a fix and explaining the background).
  • The function getOsCwd has been added to cmd_rtl.c. With this function it is possible to read (e.g. under Linux) a current working directory that is longer than PATH_MAX.
  • Documentation comments have been improved in encoding.s7i.
  • The program chkccomp.c has been improved to write definitions of USE_DIRENT, USE_DIRWIN, OS_WIDE_DIR_INCLUDE_DIR_H, os_DIR, os_dirent_struct, os_opendir, os_readdir, os_closedir, INCLUDE_SYS_UTIME, os_utimbuf_struct, USE_ALTERNATE_UTIME, os_utime_orig, os_utime, os_chdir, OS_GETCWD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, os_getcwd, os_mkdir, os_rmdir, OS_CHMOD_INCLUDE_IO_H, os_chmod, os_remove, os_rename, os_system, os_fopen, os_popen, os_pclose, DEFINE_WGETENV, os_getenv
  • The functions keys_helem and values_helem in hshlib.c and hsh_rtl.c have been improved to use a loop instead of a tail recursion. For compilers that don't recognize the tail recursion this results in a speed improvement (Gcc recognizes tail recursions so there is no speed improvement).
  • The functions free_helem and free_hash in hsh_rtl.c have been improved to stop searching for helems as soon as the last helem has been freed.
  • The functions helem_data_to_list and helem_key_to_list have been improved to use a loop instead of a tail recursion (see above).


gahrAuthored on
rP410610: Update to 1.4.0