
Fix prefetching of indirect blocks while destroying


Fix prefetching of indirect blocks while destroying

When traversing a tree of block pointers (e.g. for zfs destroy <fs> or
zfs send), we prefetch the indirect blocks that will be needed, in
traverse_prefetch_metadata(). In the case of zfs destroy <fs>, we
do a little traversing each txg, and resume the traversal the next txg.
So the indirect blocks that will be needed, and thus are candidates for
prefetching, does not include blocks that are before the resume point.

The problem is that the logic for determining if the indirect blocks are
before the resume point is incorrect, causing the (up to 1024) L1
indirect blocks that are inside the first L2 to not be prefetched. In
practice, if we are able to read many more than 1024 blocks per txg,
then this will be inconsequential. But if i/o latency is more than a
few milliseconds, almost no L1's will be prefetched, so they will be
read serially, and thus the destroying will be very slow. This can be
observed as zpool get freeing decreasing very slowly.

Specifically: When we first examine the L2 that contains the block we'll
be resuming from, we have not yet resumed, so td_resume is nonzero.
At this point, all calls to traverse_prefetch_metadata() will fail,
even if the L1 in question is after the resume point. It isn't until
the callback is issued for the resume point that we zero out
td_resume, but by this point we've already attempted and failed to
prefetch everything under this L2 indirect block.

This commit addresses the issue by reusing the existing
resume_skip_check() to determine if the L1's bookmark is before or
after the resume point. To do so, this function is made non-mutating
(the caller now zeros td_resume).

Note, this bug likely predates (was not introduced by) #11803.

Reviewed-by: Alexander Motin <mav@FreeBSD.org>
Reviewed-by: Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Ahrens <mahrens@delphix.com>
Closes #14603


mahrensAuthored on Mar 24 2023, 5:20 PM
GitHub <noreply@github.com>Committed on Mar 24 2023, 5:20 PM
rGce0e1cc40250: Fix cloning into already dirty dbufs.