
Develop tests for issues #5866 and #8858


Develop tests for issues #5866 and #8858

Provide zfstest coverage for these two issues which
were a panic accessing extended attributes and
a problem comparing 64 bit and 32 bit generation

Reviewed-by: Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
Signed-off-by: Paul Zuchowski <pzuchowski@datto.com>
Issue #5866
Issue #8858
Closes #8978

Event Timeline

Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov> committed rG693c1fc478cc: Develop tests for issues #5866 and #8858 (authored by Paul Zuchowski <31706010+PaulZ-98@users.noreply.github.com>).Jul 27 2019, 12:52 AM