The current products of DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc. that will support the FreeBSD driver are DM9102 (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip), DM9102A (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip), DM9101 (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY chip, included into DM9102 single chip), DM9131 (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY chip, included into DM9102A single chip) and DM9801 (1M8 Home PNA PHY chip).
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R and D Associates, Inc. is an application development firm, specializing in client/server designs. We use FreeBSD, running Apache and utilizing PHP's and MySQL (As well as NT with ASP's and SQL/Access).