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Update to latest, add docs

Authored by shurd on Jun 20 2014, 12:46 PM.
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Oct 31 2024, 5:38 AM
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Oct 26 2024, 10:48 AM
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Oct 11 2024, 8:39 PM



Update to 2.9.
This release only adds a useless manpage (not installed).
Added a DOCS option to install the documentation (previously not installed)

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
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No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

shurd retitled this revision from to Update to latest, add docs.
shurd updated this object.
shurd added a reviewer: skreuzer.

When using ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOC}, the pkg-plist should be %%DOCS%%, not %%PORTDOCS%%

shurd edited edge metadata.


Gotcha and updated. That's what I was originally doing, but the check-orphans output when I had mismatches between the Makefile and pkg-plist used PORTDOCS, and it looked from the Mk files that it would work.

I do believe the .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} is entirely unnecessary with staging.

To support PORTDOCS and PORTEXAMPLES, most of the time, there is no more need for hacks. Just add the right %%PORTDOCS%% or %%PORTEXAMPLES%% as prefix in your pkg-plist, then the given files from the stagedir will or will not become part of the package according to DOCS and EXAMPLES port options.

You always put the docs into stagedir but the %%DOCS%% prefix in the plist takes care of moving it from the stagedir to install or not.

The .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} would still be useful if the docs have to be built using DOXYGEN for example, but I do not believe they are needed for prebuilt docs like this. I haven't been bothering. ;)

Remove unnecessary DOCS option check.

skreuzer edited edge metadata.

New patch looks good and passes a testport build in poudriere. Approved to commit. Thanks!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 23 2014, 12:57 PM