
My Dash


Provides a few handy queries for the src repository:

Needs Committer: Contributor revisions that are accepted, but not yet committed (2 weeks and older). Also: Oldest First.

Needs Reviewer: Revisions which lack specified reviewers, or are tagged with Contributor Reviews (src).

Stale Revisions: Revisions in the "Needs Review" state, that are > 1 year old. Also: Oldest First.

Stalled Revisions: Revisions in the "Draft", "Needs Revision", or "Changes Planned" states, that are > 1 year old

Accepted - Needs Src Committer


Needs Reviewer


Stale Revisions (1 yr)


Stalled Revisions (1 yr)


Dashboard Used By

This dashboard has not been added to any menus.

Event Timeline

mhorne created this object with visibility "mhorne (Mitchell Horne)".
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the layout mode for this dashboard from layout-mode-thirds-and-third to layout-mode-half-and-half.May 22 2021, 6:08 PM
mhorne changed the visibility from "mhorne (Mitchell Horne)" to "Public (No Login Required)".
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.May 22 2021, 6:10 PM
mhorne changed the layout mode for this dashboard from layout-mode-half-and-half to layout-mode-third-and-thirds.
mhorne changed the layout mode for this dashboard from layout-mode-third-and-thirds to layout-mode-half-and-half.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.May 22 2021, 6:13 PM
mhorne changed the layout mode for this dashboard from layout-mode-half-and-half to layout-mode-third-and-thirds.May 22 2021, 6:21 PM
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.May 22 2021, 6:29 PM
mhorne changed the panels on this dashboard.