
Change the status of "interrupt context stealing (lightweight interrupt


Change the status of "interrupt context stealing (lightweight interrupt
scheduling) for i386" from "wip" to "suspended" for now. The truth is,
the work is sitting in my p4 branch ('interrupt') but is a little stale
and requires merging to post-KSEIII world - actually, the merging itself
is done but it needs to be unbroken.

Right now, I decided to dedicate more time to helping get -CURRENT
stabilized for 5.0 instead of adding Yet Another New Feature rush-rush
for 5.0. While lightweight interrupts are a really good thing for i386,
and I do plan to finish this after 5.0 is released, I (and others) need
to look at things realistically right now and focus more on knocking
the bugs out of what we already have (KSEIII, TrustedBSD, pmap, etc.)
in time for 5.0, as well as getting performance back to sane levels
with what we already have.

I have the code, it needs fixing but has worked before and has been
discussed at the last Devel. Summit; this is now a post-5.0 feature.


Bosko Milekic <bmilekic@FreeBSD.org>Authored on Aug 22 2002, 2:51 AM
R9:6424423be6b3: Fix some grammar and spelling nits.

Event Timeline

Bosko Milekic <bmilekic@FreeBSD.org> committed R9:2918f712f8bb: Change the status of "interrupt context stealing (lightweight interrupt (authored by Bosko Milekic <bmilekic@FreeBSD.org>).Aug 22 2002, 2:51 AM