
audio/din: Update to 59


audio/din: Update to 59

Changes since 58.1:

DIN Is Noise 59:

  track phrase position while scrubbing
    Menu > Voice > Track
      default is off

  record multiple mouse phrases on the phrasor:
    press f to record a phrase. move mouse.
      press f again to stop recording and start playing
    press f to record another phrase. din appends this phrase to existing phrase.
      press f again to stop recording and start playing from the start
    press g to clear all phrases


  Gater is now called Beater in preparation for the new beat engine in DIN (still WIP
  as of 59)

  edit beat pattern in beat pattern editor
    press 5 from microtonal-keyboard or Menu > Editors > Beater
  new beat patterns in the library
  use 9 and 0 keys to go thru beat patterns

  in the beat pattern editor:

    press F3 to halve current BPM
    press F4 to double current BPM
    press F5 to shift key up an octave
    press F6 to shift key down an octave

  on the microtonal keyboard:

    press F3 to halve current BPM
    press F4 to double current BPM


in a curve editor:


    increase/decrease size of tangent of a curve

    click+pick a tangent of a curve and press f or Menu > Tools > Size tangent
    and just mouse up and down to size tangent



    pin / unpin vertices & tangents of a curve in a curve editor

    choose Menu > Tools > Pin / Unpin
    and click+pick a vertex or tangent. ESC to stop.

    or click-pick a vertex or tangent and press p to pin/unpin. click to stop.

    why pin?

      pinned vertices and tangents dont rotate when curve rotates.
      pinned tangents dont move when their vertex moves

        try it on shapeforms!
        watch fft!


      press ' to draw/hide snapping guides or Menu > Tools > Draw
      press g to draw/hide cursor or Menu > Tools > Draw cursor
      press u to restore view too on undo/redo or Menu > Tools > View too

/* press SHIFT when clicking into a text/value field to clear its contents *\

/* timestamps on log file at start and shutdown of program *\

* changes to default parameters in binaural drones instrument
  * start pitch is 128 Hz
  * justification is left
  * scale notes at C D G B when C = 128 hz (if A = 432 Hz)

* default tuning is pythagoras for all instruments
  * tuning is global ie applies to all instruments

* Menu > Tools > Fold tangents with Selection only ON, folds just the selected tangent
  and if you select a vertex folds both its tangents

* improved delay lines
* optimised handling of parameter spinners in UI *

* boxes not filled by default in Mondrian

:( mouse returns to last position on all screens :)
:( bug asked user to select drones when no drones were selected and drone volume change was attempted :)
:( fixed bug not saving inner, letter and word spacing curves on morse code module :)
:( fixed fold tangents only folding tangents of the selected vertex then stopping, instead of offering
   to fold other tangents until canceled by user :)


Santhosh Raju <fox@FreeBSD.org>Authored on Sun, Jan 19, 9:36 PM
R11:5e8e9ffbff18: net/rsync: fix build with portmaster

Event Timeline

Santhosh Raju <fox@FreeBSD.org> committed R11:f0e73ad47839: audio/din: Update to 59 (authored by Santhosh Raju <fox@FreeBSD.org>).Sun, Jan 19, 9:40 PM