
dns/dnstable-convert: Upgrade to version 0.11.0


dns/dnstable-convert: Upgrade to version 0.11.0

dnstable-convert 0.11.0:

  • Add new tool dnstable_unconvert which converts the RRSET entries of a dnstable file to the equivalent NMSG format.
  • Add SVCB and HTTPS records indexing support, based upon draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https-07. Note that the hostname portion in the RDATA is downcased in the sliced encoding and reversed name entry.
  • Put CDS, CDNSKEY, and TA resource record types into dnssec.* output files. To duplicate these three DNSSEC types to the dns.* output files for compatibility, use the new dnstable_convert -D option.
  • Put RRtype in the currently empty value portion of RRSET_NAME_FWD and RDATA_NAME_REV indexes if it's in range (1 to 65535). Use an 8-bit integer if it is less than 256, else uses a 16-bit little endian integer.
  • Generate ENTRY_TYPE_TIME_RANGE and ENTRY_TYPE_VERSION metadata entries in output dnstable files.
  • The versions of the following entries are:

    ENTRY_TYPE_RRSET = 0 // Initial version.

    ENTRY_TYPE_RRSET_NAME_FWD = 1 // Add rrtype union as value.

    ENTRY_TYPE_RDATA = 1 // Fix the SRV slicing and add SVCB/HTTPS sliced entries.

    ENTRY_TYPE_RDATA_NAME_REV = 1 Add SOA, SVCB, and HTTPS name indexing; add rrtype union as value.
  • dnstable_convert: use input file - (dash) for standard input (stdin).
  • dnstable_convert: add -c compression option to set type of compression used. This defaults to zlib.
  • dnstable_convert: add -l compression option to set compression level.
  • dnstable_convert: add -m option to specify maximum megabytes of memory to use for in-memory sorting. It defaults to 2048 MB.
  • Various changes to the status output from dnstable_convert when it runs.
  • Documentation and testing improvements.

Sponsored by: Farsight Security, Inc.


truckmanAuthored on Oct 15 2021, 4:46 AM
R11:3555695ec1b4: dns/dnstable: upgrade to version 1.2.0