For large networks, static routes quickly become unscalable.
FreeBSD comes with the standard BSD routing daemon man:routed[8], which provides the routing protocols RIP, versions 1 and 2, and IRDP.
-Support for the BGP and OSPF routing protocols can be installed using the package:net/zebra[] package or port.
+Support for the BGP and OSPF routing protocols can be installed using the package:net/frr7[] package or port.
Consider the following network:
@@ -2897,11 +2897,6 @@
* Contact an Internet Service Provider to see if they offer IPv6.
*[Hurricane Electric] offers tunnels with end-points all around the globe.
-Install the package:net/freenet6[] package or port for a dial-up connection.
This section demonstrates how to take the directions from a tunnel provider and convert them into [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# settings that will persist through reboots.
The first [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# entry creates the generic tunneling interface [.filename]#gif0#:
*[The Complete FreeBSD], published by[O'Reilly], 2003. ISBN: 0596005164
*[The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide], published by[Addison-Wesley], 2000. ISBN: 0201704811
* FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System for Your Personal Computer, published by The Bit Tree Press, 2001. ISBN: 0971204500
-* Teach Yourself FreeBSD in 24 Hours, published by[Sams], 2002. ISBN: 0672324245
-* FreeBSD 6 Unleashed, published by[Sams], 2006. ISBN: 0672328755
-* FreeBSD: The Complete Reference, published by[McGrawHill], 2003. ISBN: 0072224096
+* Teach Yourself FreeBSD in 24 Hours, published by[Sams], 2002. ISBN: 0672324245
+* FreeBSD 6 Unleashed, published by[Sams], 2006. ISBN: 0672328755
+* FreeBSD: The Complete Reference, published by[McGrawHill], 2003. ISBN: 0072224096
== Users' Guides
-* Ohio State University has written a[UNIX Introductory Course] which is available online in HTML and PostScript format.
+* Ohio State University has written a[UNIX Introductory Course] which is available online in HTML and PostScript format.
-An Italian[translation] of this document is available as part of the FreeBSD Italian Documentation Project.
-*[Edinburgh University] has written an[Online Guide] for newcomers to the UNIX environment.
+An[Italian translation of this document] is available as part of the FreeBSD Italian Documentation Project.
Many users install third party software on FreeBSD from the Ports Collection and require the installed services to be started upon system initialization.
-Services, such as package:mail/postfix[] or package:www/apache22[] are just two of the many software packages which may be started during system initialization.
+Services, such as package:mail/postfix[] or package:www/apache24[] are just two of the many software packages which may be started during system initialization.
This section explains the procedures available for starting third party software.
In FreeBSD, most included services, such as man:cron[8], are started through the system startup scripts.
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
Most users only need `1` (quick suspend to RAM) or `3` (suspend to RAM).
Option `5` performs a soft-off which is the same as running `halt -p`.
-The man:acpi_video[4] driver uses link:[ACPI Video Extensions] to control display switching and backlight brightness.
+The man:acpi_video[4] driver uses link:[ACPI Video Extensions] to control display switching and backlight brightness.
It must be loaded after any of the DRM kernel modules.
After loading the driver, the kbd:[Fn] brightness keys will change the brightness of the screen.
It is possible to check the ACPI events by inspecting [.filename]#/var/run/devd.pipe#:
@@ -1978,5 +1978,5 @@
More information about ACPI may be found in the following locations:
* The FreeBSD ACPI Mailing List Archives ([])
-* The ACPI 2.0 Specification ([])
+* The ACPI 6.4 Specification ([])
* man:acpi[4], man:acpi_thermal[4], man:acpidump[8], man:iasl[8], and man:acpidb[8]
-The graphics category ([]) of the Ports Collection contains several GIMP-related plugins, help files, and user manuals.
+The graphics category ([]) of the Ports Collection contains several GIMP-related plugins, help files, and user manuals.
=== Apache OpenOffice
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
# pkg install libreoffice
-The editors category ([]) of the Ports Collection contains several localizations for LibreOffice.
+The editors category ([]) of the Ports Collection contains several localizations for LibreOffice.
When installing a localized package, replace `libreoffice` with the name of the localized package.
Once the package is installed, type the following command to run LibreOffice:
-This command is installed with the package:sysutils/cdrtools[] package or port.
+This command is installed with the package:misc/schilytools[] package or port.
While `cdrecord` has many options, basic usage is simple.
Specify the name of the ISO file to burn and, if the system has multiple burner devices, specify the name of the device to use:
@@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@
Once the edit is saved, the user will be asked twice to type the passphrase used to secure the data.
The passphrase must be the same both times.
The ability of gbde to protect data depends entirely on the quality of the passphrase.
-For tips on how to select a secure passphrase that is easy to remember, see\~reinhold/diceware.html[].
+For tips on how to select a secure passphrase that is easy to remember, see[].
This initialization creates a lock file for the gbde partition.
In this example, it is stored as [.filename]#/etc/gbde/ad4s1c.lock#.
-_Coordination of the Problem Report handling effort_
-The purpose of this list is to serve as a coordination and discussion forum for the Bugmeister, his Bugbusters, and any other parties who have a genuine interest in the PR database.
-This list is not for discussions about specific bugs, patches or PRs.
_Bug reports_
@@ -830,11 +791,6 @@
This is the forum for technical discussions concerning the redesign of the IP firewall code in FreeBSD.
This is a technical mailing list for which strictly technical content is expected.
-_ISDN Communications_
-This is the mailing list for people discussing the development of ISDN support for FreeBSD.
_Java(TM) Development_
@@ -942,12 +898,6 @@
Discussions surrounding implementation and issues regarding packaging the FreeBSD base system.
A network used on a local area, e.g. office, home, or so forth.
-Lock Order Reversal::
-The FreeBSD kernel uses a number of resource locks to arbitrate contention for those resources.
-A run-time lock diagnostic system found in FreeBSD-CURRENT kernels (but removed for releases), called man:witness[4], detects the potential for deadlocks due to locking errors.
-(man:witness[4] is actually slightly conservative, so it is possible to get false positives.)
-A true positive report indicates that “if you were unlucky, a deadlock would have happened here”.
-True positive LORs tend to get fixed quickly, so check and the link:[LORs Seen] page before posting to the mailing lists.
Minimally localized applications should call a `XtSetLanguageProc (NULL, NULL, NULL);` function early in the program.
-See[] for more instructions on localizing Xorg applications.
-For more general information about KOI8-R encoding, refer to[].
+See[] for more instructions on localizing Xorg applications.
+For more general information about KOI8-R encoding, refer to[].
=== Additional Language-Specific Resources
This section lists some additional resources for configuring other locales.
-Traditional Chinese for Taiwan::
-The FreeBSD-Taiwan Project has a Chinese HOWTO for FreeBSD at\~statue/freebsd/zh-tut/[].
-Greek Language Localization::
-A complete article on Greek support in FreeBSD is available[here], in Greek only, as part of the official FreeBSD Greek documentation.
Japanese and Korean Language Localization::
-For Japanese, refer to[], and for Korean, refer to[].
+For Japanese, refer to[], and for Korean, refer to[].
Non-English FreeBSD Documentation::
Some FreeBSD contributors have translated parts of the FreeBSD documentation to other languages.
This is meant as an example which still requires the administrator to test that the implemented policy meets the security requirements of the network before using in a production environment.
This example requires `multilabel` to be set on each file system.
-It also assumes that package:net-mgmt/nagios-plugins[], package:net-mgmt/nagios[], and package:www/apache22[] are all installed, configured, and working correctly before attempting the integration into the MAC framework.
+It also assumes that package:net-mgmt/nagios-plugins[], package:net-mgmt/nagios[], and package:www/apache24[] are all installed, configured, and working correctly before attempting the integration into the MAC framework.
It can also perform tasks such as searching on the server in order to minimize data transfer between clients and servers.
Several POP and IMAP servers are available in the Ports Collection.
-These include package:mail/qpopper[], package:mail/imap-uw[], package:mail/courier-imap[], and package:mail/dovecot2[].
+These include package:mail/qpopper[], package:mail/imap-uw[], package:mail/courier-imap[], and package:mail/dovecot[].
@@ -752,8 +752,8 @@
-These lines provide Sendmail the proper configuration options for linking to package:cyrus-sasl2[] at compile time.
-Make sure that package:cyrus-sasl2[] has been installed before recompiling Sendmail.
+These lines provide Sendmail the proper configuration options for linking to package:security/cyrus-sasl2[] at compile time.
+Make sure that package:security/cyrus-sasl2[] has been installed before recompiling Sendmail.
. Recompile Sendmail by executing the following commands:
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@
alpine can be customized using the [.guimenuitem]#SETUP# option from the main menu.
-Consult[] for more information.
+Consult[] for more information.
The current list of protocols supported by the community mirrors was last updated on 2022-01-31, and it's not guaranteed.
@@ -436,19 +419,9 @@
This section demonstrates how to install Subversion on a FreeBSD system and use it to create a local copy of a FreeBSD repository. Additional information on the use of Subversion is included.
-=== Svnlite
-A lightweight version of Subversion is already installed on FreeBSD as `svnlite`.
-The port or package version of Subversion is only needed if the Python or Perl API is needed, or if a later version of Subversion is desired.
-The only difference from normal Subversion use is that the command name is `svnlite`.
=== Installation
-If `svnlite` is unavailable or the full version of Subversion is needed, then it must be installed.
Subversion can be installed from the Ports Collection:
Audio ``CD``s have specialized encodings which means that they should not be mounted using man:mount[8].
-Various applications, such as package:audio/workman[], provide a friendlier interface.
The package:audio/mpg123[] port can be installed to listen to MP3 audio files.
Another quick way to test the card is to send data to [.filename]#/dev/dsp#:
@@ -862,8 +861,6 @@
The resulting `MPEG` file, [.filename]#output_vcd.mpg#, is ready to be played with MPlayer.
The file can be burned on a `CD` media to create a video `CD` using a utility such as package:multimedia/vcdimager[] or package:sysutils/cdrdao[].
-In addition to the manual page for `transcode`, refer to[] for further information and examples.
This example entry shows the values for the `dn`, `mail`, `cn`, `uid`, and `telephoneNumber` attributes.
The cn attribute is the RDN.
-More information about LDAP and its terminology can be found at[].
+More information about LDAP and its terminology can be found at[].
=== Configuring an LDAP Server
FreeBSD does not provide a built-in LDAP server.
-Begin the configuration by installing package:net/openldap-server[] package or port:
+Begin the configuration by installing package:net/openldap26-server[] package or port:
-# pkg install openldap-server
+# pkg install openldap26-server
There is a large set of default options enabled in the extref:{linux-users}[package, software].
-Review them by running `pkg info openldap-server`.
+Review them by running `pkg info openldap26-server`.
If they are not sufficient (for example if SQL support is needed), please consider recompiling the port using the appropriate crossref:ports[ports-using,framework].
The installation creates the directory [.filename]#/var/db/openldap-data# to hold the data.
@@ -2328,44 +2328,6 @@
In addition to mod_perl and mod_php, other languages are available for creating dynamic web content.
These include Django and Ruby on Rails.
-==== Django
-Django is a BSD-licensed framework designed to allow developers to write high performance, elegant web applications quickly.
-It provides an object-relational mapper so that data types are developed as Python objects.
-A rich dynamic database-access API is provided for those objects without the developer ever having to write SQL.
-It also provides an extensible template system so that the logic of the application is separated from the HTML presentation.
-Django depends on [.filename]#mod_python#, and an SQL database engine.
-In FreeBSD, the package:www/py-django[] port automatically installs [.filename]#mod_python# and supports the PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite databases, with the default being SQLite.
-To change the database engine, type `make config` within [.filename]#/usr/ports/www/py-django#, then install the port.
-Once Django is installed, the application will need a project directory along with the Apache configuration in order to use the embedded Python interpreter.
-This interpreter is used to call the application for specific URLs on the site.
-To configure Apache to pass requests for certain URLs to the web application, add the following to [.filename]#httpd.conf#, specifying the full path to the project directory:
Later versions of `mgetty` (from 0.99beta onwards) also support the automatic detection of PPP streams, allowing clients scriptless access to the server.
-Refer to[] for more information on `mgetty`.
+Refer to[] for more information on `mgetty`.
By default the package:comms/mgetty+sendfax[] port comes with the `AUTO_PPP` option enabled allowing `mgetty` to detect the LCP phase of PPP connections and automatically spawn off a ppp shell.
However, since the default login/password sequence does not occur it is necessary to authenticate users using either PAP or CHAP.
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
Any required service tag information should be in the documentation provided by the ISP.
-As a last resort, one could try installing the package:net/rr-pppoe[] package or port.
+As a last resort, one could try installing the package:net/rp-pppoe[] package or port.
Bear in mind however, this may de-program your modem and render it useless, so think twice before doing it.
Simply install the program shipped with the modem.
Then, access the menu:System[] menu from the program.
@@ -764,8 +764,6 @@
Do not forget to change _ISP_ to the profile.
-For additional information, refer to[Cheaper Broadband with FreeBSD on DSL] by Renaud Waldura.
=== PPPoE with a 3Com(R) HomeConnect(TM) ADSL Modem Dual Link
Some cannot be used at all because of proprietary PDLs.
Avoid these printers when possible.
-Descriptions of many PDLs can be found at[].
-The particular `PDL` used by various models of printers can be found at[].
+The particular `PDL` used by various models of printers can be found at[].
== Direct Printing
@@ -497,7 +496,7 @@
The carriage returns will cause each line to start at the left side of the page.
-==== Fancy Plain Text on PostScript(R) Printers with package:print/enscript[]
+==== Fancy Plain Text on PostScript(R) Printers with package:chinese/enscript[]
GNUEnscript converts plain text files into nicely-formatted PostScript(R) for printing on PostScript(R) printers.
It adds page numbers, wraps long lines, and provides numerous other features to make printed text files easier to read.
@@ -617,13 +616,6 @@
Test the filter by printing PostScript(R) and plain text files.
-==== Other Smart Filters
-Writing a filter that detects many different types of input and formats them correctly is challenging.
-package:print/apsfilter[] from the Ports Collection is a smart "magic" filter that detects dozens of file types and automatically converts them to the `PDL` understood by the printer.
This software provides additional auditing, more fine-grained user control, and can be configured to lock users into running only the specified privileged commands.
After installation, use `visudo` to edit [.filename]#/usr/local/etc/sudoers#.
-This example creates a new `webadmin` group, adds the `trhodes` account to that group, and configures that group access to restart package:apache24[]:
+This example creates a new `webadmin` group, adds the `trhodes` account to that group, and configures that group access to restart package:www/apache24[]:
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
* When using either Heimdal or MITKerberos from ports, ensure that the `PATH` lists the port's versions of the client applications before the system versions.
* If all the computers in the realm do not have synchronized time settings, authentication may fail. crossref:network-servers[network-ntp,“Clock Synchronization with NTP”] describes how to synchronize clocks using NTP.
-* If the hostname is changed, the `host/` principal must be changed and the keytab updated. This also applies to special keytab entries like the `HTTP/` principal used for Apache's package:www/mod_auth_kerb[].
+* If the hostname is changed, the `host/` principal must be changed and the keytab updated. This also applies to special keytab entries like the `HTTP/` principal used for Apache's package:www/mod_auth_kerb2[].
* All hosts in the realm must be both forward and reverse resolvable in DNS or, at a minimum, exist in [.filename]#/etc/hosts#. CNAMEs will work, but the A and PTR records must be correct and in place. The error message for unresolvable hosts is not intuitive: `Kerberos5 refuses authentication because Read req failed: Key table entry not found`.
* Some operating systems that act as clients to the KDC do not set the permissions for `ksu` to be setuid `root`. This means that `ksu` does not work. This is a permissions problem, not a KDC error.
* With MITKerberos, to allow a principal to have a ticket life longer than the default lifetime of ten hours, use `modify_principal` at the man:kadmin[8] prompt to change the `maxlife` of both the principal in question and the `krbtgt` principal. The principal can then use `kinit -l` to request a ticket with a longer lifetime.
Hosting Linux(R) guests or FreeBSD guests with more than one vCPU requires VMX unrestricted mode support (UG).
Most newer processors, specifically the Intel(R) Core(TM) i3/i5/i7 and Intel(R) Xeon(TM) E3/E5/E7, support these features.
UG support was introduced with Intel's Westmere micro-architecture.
-For a complete list of Intel(R) processors that support EPT, refer to[].
+For a complete list of Intel(R) processors that support EPT, refer to[]
RVI is found on the third generation and later of the AMD Opteron(TM) (Barcelona) processors.
The easiest way to tell if a processor supports bhyve is to run `dmesg` or look in [.filename]#/var/run/dmesg.boot# for the `POPCNT` processor feature flag on the `Features2` line for AMD(R) processors or `EPT` and `UG` on the `VT-x` line for Intel(R) processors.
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
=== Xen(TM) Dom0 Control Domain Setup
-Users of FreeBSD 11 should install the package:emulators/xen-kernel47[] and package:sysutils/xen-tools47[] packages that are based on Xen version 4.7. Systems running on FreeBSD-12.0 or newer can use Xen 4.11 provided by package:emulators/xen-kernel411[] and package:sysutils/xen-tools411[], respectively.
+Users of FreeBSD 11 should install the package:emulators/xen-kernel47[] and package:sysutils/xen-tools47[] packages that are based on Xen version 4.7. Systems running on FreeBSD-12.0 or newer can use Xen 4.11 provided by package:emulators/xen-kernel[] and package:sysutils/xen-tools[], respectively.
Configuration files must be edited to prepare the host for the Dom0 integration after the Xen packages are installed.
An entry to [.filename]#/etc/sysctl.conf# disables the limit on how many pages of memory are allowed to be wired.
-If using package:xorg-server[] 1.20.8 or later under FreeBSD {rel121-current} and not using man:moused[8], add `kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12` to [.filename]#/etc/sysctl.conf#.
+If using package:x11-servers/xorg-server[] 1.20.8 or later under FreeBSD {rel121-current} and not using man:moused[8], add `kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12` to [.filename]#/etc/sysctl.conf#.
Many mouse parameters can be adjusted with configuration options.