<dd>Send a mail to <a href="mailto:listserver@freebsd-fr.org">listserver@freebsd-fr.org</a> with the words "SUB freebsd-questions" in the body of the message for subscribing to the questions mailing list in French.<br></dd>
<dd>Send a mail to <a href="mailto:listserver@freebsd-fr.org">listserver@freebsd-fr.org</a> with the words "SUB annonces" in the body of the message for subscribing to the announce mailing list in French.<br></dd>
<dd><a href="http://www.freebsd-fr.org/cgi-fr/cvsweb.cgi/">CVS web </a></dd>
<dd>Send a mail to <a href="mailto:listserver@freebsd-fr.org">listserver@freebsd-fr.org</a> with the words "SUB cvs" in the body of the message for subscribing to the French CVS update mailing list in French.<br></dd>