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diff --git a/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1 b/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1
--- a/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1
+++ b/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.1
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd February 2, 2022
+.Dd June 6, 2022
@@ -151,18 +151,27 @@
For Internet sockets, this is the address the local end of the socket
is bound to (see
.Xr getsockname 2 ) .
For bound
-sockets, it is the socket's filename.
-For other
+sockets, socket's filename is printed.
+For not bound
-sockets, it is a right arrow followed by the endpoint's filename, or
-.Dq Li ??
-if the endpoint could not be determined.
+sockets, the field is empty.
-(Internet sockets only)
-The address the foreign end of the socket is bound to (see
+For Internet sockets, this is the address the foreign end of the socket
+is bound to (see
.Xr getpeername 2 ) .
+For bound
+sockets a left arrow followed by the peer list is printed.
+sockets that went through
+.Xr connect 2
+system call a right arrow followed by the peer is printed.
+Peers are printed in square brackets as [PID FD].
.It Li ID
The inp_gencnt if
.Fl i
diff --git a/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c b/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c
--- a/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c
+++ b/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c
@@ -114,7 +114,14 @@
#define CHK_PORT(p) (ports[p / INT_BIT] & (1 << (p % INT_BIT)))
struct addr {
- struct sockaddr_storage address;
+ union {
+ struct sockaddr_storage address;
+ struct { /* unix(4) faddr */
+ kvaddr_t conn;
+ kvaddr_t firstref;
+ kvaddr_t nextref;
+ };
+ };
unsigned int encaps_port;
int state;
struct addr *next;
@@ -159,8 +166,24 @@
static SLIST_HEAD(, sock) nosocks = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&nosocks);
-static struct xfile *xfiles;
-static int nxfiles;
+struct file {
+ RB_ENTRY(file) file_tree;
+ kvaddr_t xf_data;
+ pid_t xf_pid;
+ uid_t xf_uid;
+ int xf_fd;
+static RB_HEAD(files_t, file) ftree = RB_INITIALIZER(&ftree);
+static int64_t
+file_compare(const struct file *a, const struct file *b)
+ return ((int64_t)(a->xf_data/2 - b->xf_data/2));
+RB_GENERATE_STATIC(files_t, file, file_tree, file_compare);
+static struct file *files;
+static int nfiles;
static cap_channel_t *capnet;
static cap_channel_t *capnetdb;
@@ -862,8 +885,9 @@
if (xup->xu_addr.sun_family == AF_UNIX)
laddr->address =
*(struct sockaddr_storage *)(void *)&xup->xu_addr;
- else if (xup->unp_conn != 0)
- *(kvaddr_t*)&(faddr->address) = xup->unp_conn;
+ faddr->conn = xup->unp_conn;
+ faddr->firstref = xup->xu_firstref;
+ faddr->nextref = xup->xu_nextref;
laddr->next = NULL;
faddr->next = NULL;
sock->laddr = laddr;
@@ -878,6 +902,7 @@
static void
+ struct xfile *xfiles;
size_t len, olen;
olen = len = sizeof(*xfiles);
@@ -893,7 +918,20 @@
if (len > 0)
enforce_ksize(xfiles->xf_size, struct xfile);
- nxfiles = len / sizeof(*xfiles);
+ nfiles = len / sizeof(*xfiles);
+ if ((files = malloc(nfiles * sizeof(struct file))) == NULL)
+ err(1, "malloc()");
+ for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
+ files[i].xf_data = xfiles[i].xf_data;
+ files[i].xf_pid = xfiles[i].xf_pid;
+ files[i].xf_uid = xfiles[i].xf_uid;
+ files[i].xf_fd = xfiles[i].xf_fd;
+ RB_INSERT(files_t, &ftree, &files[i]);
+ }
+ free(xfiles);
static int
@@ -1066,10 +1104,8 @@
static void
displaysock(struct sock *s, int pos)
- kvaddr_t p;
int first, offset;
struct addr *laddr, *faddr;
- struct sock *s_tmp;
while (pos < 30)
pos += xprintf(" ");
@@ -1106,26 +1142,57 @@
if ((laddr == NULL) || (faddr == NULL))
errx(1, "laddr = %p or faddr = %p is NULL",
(void *)laddr, (void *)faddr);
- /* server */
- if (laddr->address.ss_len > 0) {
- pos += printaddr(&laddr->address);
- break;
- }
- /* client */
- p = *(kvaddr_t*)&(faddr->address);
- if (p == 0) {
+ if (laddr->address.ss_len == 0 && faddr->conn == 0) {
pos += xprintf("(not connected)");
offset += opt_w ? 92 : 44;
- pos += xprintf("-> ");
- s_tmp = RB_FIND(pcbs_t, &pcbs,
- &(struct sock){ .pcb = p });
- if (s_tmp == NULL || s_tmp->laddr == NULL ||
- s_tmp->laddr->address.ss_len == 0)
- pos += xprintf("??");
- else
- pos += printaddr(&s_tmp->laddr->address);
+ /* Local bind(2) address, if any. */
+ if (laddr->address.ss_len > 0)
+ pos += printaddr(&laddr->address);
+ /* Remote peer we connect(2) to, if any. */
+ if (faddr->conn != 0) {
+ struct sock *p;
+ pos += xprintf("%s-> ",
+ laddr->address.ss_len > 0 ? " " : "");
+ p = RB_FIND(pcbs_t, &pcbs,
+ &(struct sock){ .pcb = faddr->conn });
+ if (__predict_false(p == NULL)) {
+ /* XXGL: can this happen at all? */
+ pos += xprintf("??");
+ } else if (p->laddr->address.ss_len == 0) {
+ struct file *f;
+ f = RB_FIND(files_t, &ftree,
+ &(struct file){ .xf_data =
+ p->socket });
+ pos += xprintf("[%lu %d]",
+ (u_long)f->xf_pid, f->xf_fd);
+ } else
+ pos += printaddr(&p->laddr->address);
+ }
+ /* Remote peer(s) connect(2)ed to us, if any. */
+ if (faddr->firstref != 0) {
+ struct sock *p;
+ struct file *f;
+ kvaddr_t ref = faddr->firstref;
+ bool fref = true;
+ pos += xprintf(" <- ");
+ while ((p = RB_FIND(pcbs_t, &pcbs,
+ &(struct sock){ .pcb = ref })) != 0) {
+ f = RB_FIND(files_t, &ftree,
+ &(struct file){ .xf_data =
+ p->socket });
+ pos += xprintf("%s[%lu %d]",
+ fref ? "" : ",",
+ (u_long)f->xf_pid, f->xf_fd);
+ ref = p->faddr->nextref;
+ fref = false;
+ }
+ }
offset += opt_w ? 92 : 44;
@@ -1228,7 +1295,7 @@
struct passwd *pwd;
- struct xfile *xf;
+ struct file *xf;
struct sock *s;
int n, pos;
@@ -1253,7 +1320,7 @@
cap_setpassent(cappwd, 1);
- for (xf = xfiles, n = 0; n < nxfiles; ++n, ++xf) {
+ for (xf = files, n = 0; n < nfiles; ++n, ++xf) {
if (xf->xf_data == 0)
if (opt_j >= 0 && opt_j != getprocjid(xf->xf_pid))

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Mar 7, 2:42 PM (20 h, 5 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D35726.id107874.diff (5 KB)

Event Timeline