+Set ELF binary feature control notes by setting `ELF_FEATURES`.
-Change an ELF binary's feature control note by setting ELF_FEATURES.
+When either no argument or the `build` argument is supplied, binaries under `BUILD_WRKSRC` are operated on, and files listed in `ELF_FEATURES` are relative to `BUILD_WRKSRC`.
+When the `stage` argument is supplied, binaries under `STAGEDIR` are operated on and files listed in `ELF_FEATURES` are relative to `STAGEDIR`.
@@ -441,13 +444,12 @@
USES= elfctl
ELF_FEATURES= featurelist:path/to/file1 \
- featurelist:path/to/file1 \
-The format of `featurelist` is described in man:elfctl[1]. The file paths are relative to ${BUILD_WRKSRC}.
+The format of `featurelist` is described in man:elfctl[1].