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Index: share/man/man3/tree.3
--- share/man/man3/tree.3
+++ share/man/man3/tree.3
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
-.Nd "implementations of splay and red-black trees"
+.Nd "implementations of splay and rank-balanced (wavl) trees"
.In sys/tree.h
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
.Fn RB_REINSERT NAME "RB_HEAD *head" "struct TYPE *elm"
These macros define data structures for different types of trees:
-splay trees and red-black trees.
+splay trees and rank-balanced (wavl) trees.
In the macro definitions,
@@ -364,26 +364,46 @@
macro should be used to check whether a splay tree is empty.
-A red-black tree is a binary search tree with the node color as an
-extra attribute.
-It fulfills a set of conditions:
-.Bl -enum -offset indent
-Every search path from the root to a leaf consists of the same number of
-black nodes.
-Each red node (except for the root) has a black parent.
-Each leaf node is black.
+Suppose that every edge in a binary tree has an integer weight.
+Define the rank of a path from a tree node to a missing node at the
+bottom of the tree as the sum of the weights of the edges along that
+A tree is rank-balanced if, for every node in the tree, the rank of
+every path from that node to a missing node is the same.
+The rank of the node is the rank of any one of those paths.
+Missing nodes have rank zero.
+Leaves must have rank 1.
-Every operation on a red-black tree is bounded as
+Different conditions on the weights of those tree edges lead to
+different kinds of balanced binary trees.
+In AVL trees, every weight is 1 or 2, and every node has a least one
+downward edge of weight 1.
+In red-black trees, every weight is 0 or 1, and two consecutive
+0-weight edges cannot appear on any path.
+The set of conditions applied here are the "weak AVL" or "wavl"
+conditions where every weight is 1 or 2.
+Wavl trees are a hybrid of AVL and red-black trees, and combine the
+good properties of both.
+A wavl tree built from insertions alone has the same structure as an
+AVL tree, and thus a smaller average search time than a red-black
+tree, in the worst case.
+For example, red-black tree built by inserting an ascending sequence
+of nodes into an empty tree has twice the height as an AVL or a wavl
+tree built the same way.
+Removing a node from a wavl tree takes no more than two tree
+rotations, where red-black node removal can require three rotations
+and AVL removal can require O(log n) rotations.
+Every operation on a wavl tree with n nodes, built from m insertions
+and m-n removals is bounded as
.Fn O "lg n" .
-The maximum height of a red-black tree is
-.Fn 2lg "n + 1" .
+The maximum height of a wavl tree is
+.Fn min(2lg "n+1", 1.44lg "m+1"),
+so a wavl tree can only become as unbalanced as a worst-case red-black
+tree after a large number of removals.
-A red-black tree is headed by a structure defined by the
+A rank-balanced tree is headed by a structure defined by the
@@ -488,7 +508,7 @@
macro initializes the tree referenced by
.Fa head .
-The red-black tree can also be initialized statically by using the
+The rank-balanced tree can also be initialized statically by using the
macro like this:
.Bd -ragged -offset indent
@@ -567,7 +587,7 @@
-macro should be used to check whether a red-black tree is empty.
+macro should be used to check whether a rank-balanced tree is empty.
@@ -581,7 +601,7 @@
This is a lower overhead alternative to removing the element
and reinserting it again.
-The following example demonstrates how to declare a red-black tree
+The following example demonstrates how to declare a rank-balanced tree
holding integers.
Values are inserted into it and the contents of the tree are printed
in order.
@@ -697,6 +717,13 @@
.Xr arb 3 ,
.Xr queue 3
+.%A "Bernhard Haeupler"
+.%A "Siddhartha Sen"
+.%A "Robert E. Tarjan"
+.%T "Rank-Balanced Trees"
+.%U ""
The tree macros first appeared in
.Fx 4.6 .
Index: sys/sys/tree.h
--- sys/sys/tree.h
+++ sys/sys/tree.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
* This file defines data structures for different types of trees:
- * splay trees and red-black trees.
+ * splay trees and rank-balanced trees.
* A splay tree is a self-organizing data structure. Every operation
* on the tree causes a splay to happen. The splay moves the requested
@@ -50,15 +50,24 @@
* and n inserts on an initially empty tree as O((m + n)lg n). The
* amortized cost for a sequence of m accesses to a splay tree is O(lg n);
- * A red-black tree is a binary search tree with the node color as an
- * extra attribute. It fulfills a set of conditions:
- * - every search path from the root to a leaf consists of the
- * same number of black nodes,
- * - each red node (except for the root) has a black parent,
- * - each leaf node is black.
+ * A rank-balanced tree is a binary search tree with an integer
+ * rank-difference as an attribute of each pointer from parent to child.
+ * The sum of the rank-differences on any path from a node down to null is
+ * the same, and defines the rank of that node. The rank of the null node
+ * is -1.
- * Every operation on a red-black tree is bounded as O(lg n).
- * The maximum height of a red-black tree is 2lg (n+1).
+ * Different additional conditions define different sorts of balanced
+ * trees, including "red-black" and "AVL" trees. The set of conditions
+ * applied here are the "weak-AVL" conditions of Haeupler, Sen and Tarjan:
+ * - every rank-difference is 1 or 2.
+ * - the rank of any leaf is 1.
+ *
+ * For historical reasons, rank differences that are even are associated
+ * with the color red (Rank-Even-Difference), and the child that a red edge
+ * points to is called a red child.
+ *
+ * Every operation on a rank-balanced tree is bounded as O(lg n).
+ * The maximum height of a rank-balanced tree is 2lg (n+1).
#define SPLAY_HEAD(name, type) \
@@ -294,7 +303,7 @@
(x) != NULL; \
(x) = SPLAY_NEXT(name, head, x))
-/* Macros that define a red-black tree */
+/* Macros that define a rank-balanced tree */
#define RB_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *rbh_root; /* root of the tree */ \
@@ -325,25 +334,16 @@
* that the left or right child of the tree node is "red".
#define RB_UP(elm, field) (elm)->field.rbe_parent
-#define RB_BITS(elm, field) *(__uintptr_t *)&RB_UP(elm, field)
-#define RB_RED_L (__uintptr_t)1
-#define RB_RED_R (__uintptr_t)2
-#define RB_RED_MASK (__uintptr_t)3
+#define RB_BITS(elm, field) (*(__uintptr_t *)&RB_UP(elm, field))
+#define RB_RED_L ((__uintptr_t)1)
+#define RB_RED_R ((__uintptr_t)2)
+#define RB_RED_MASK ((__uintptr_t)3)
#define RB_FLIP_LEFT(elm, field) (RB_BITS(elm, field) ^= RB_RED_L)
#define RB_FLIP_RIGHT(elm, field) (RB_BITS(elm, field) ^= RB_RED_R)
#define RB_RED_LEFT(elm, field) ((RB_BITS(elm, field) & RB_RED_L) != 0)
#define RB_RED_RIGHT(elm, field) ((RB_BITS(elm, field) & RB_RED_R) != 0)
#define RB_PARENT(elm, field) ((__typeof(RB_UP(elm, field))) \
(RB_BITS(elm, field) & ~RB_RED_MASK))
- * This header may appear in user code where 'bool' is not defined,
- * so it defines its own boolean type to avoid breaking that code.
- */
-#define RB_BOOL int
-#define RB_TRUE 1
-#define RB_FALSE 0
#define RB_ROOT(head) (head)->rbh_root
#define RB_EMPTY(head) (RB_ROOT(head) == NULL)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
RB_LEFT(elm, field) = RB_RIGHT(elm, field) = NULL; \
} while (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0)
-#define RB_COLOR(elm, field) (RB_PARENT(elm, field) == NULL ? RB_FALSE : \
+#define RB_COLOR(elm, field) (RB_PARENT(elm, field) == NULL ? 0 : \
RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm, field), field) == elm ? \
RB_RED_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm, field), field) : \
RB_RED_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(elm, field), field))
@@ -422,7 +422,8 @@
#define RB_PROTOTYPE_INSERT_COLOR(name, type, attr) \
attr void name##_RB_INSERT_COLOR(struct name *, struct type *)
#define RB_PROTOTYPE_REMOVE_COLOR(name, type, attr) \
- attr void name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(struct name *, struct type *)
+ attr void name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(struct name *, \
+ struct type *, struct type *)
#define RB_PROTOTYPE_REMOVE(name, type, attr) \
attr struct type *name##_RB_REMOVE(struct name *, struct type *)
#define RB_PROTOTYPE_INSERT(name, type, attr) \
@@ -464,123 +465,132 @@
attr void \
name##_RB_INSERT_COLOR(struct name *head, struct type *elm) \
{ \
- struct type *gparent, *parent; \
+ struct type *child, *parent; \
while ((parent = RB_PARENT(elm, field)) != NULL) { \
- if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == elm) \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
- else \
+ if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == elm) { \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ return; \
+ } \
RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
- if ((gparent = RB_PARENT(parent, field)) == NULL) \
- break; \
- if (RB_RED_LEFT(gparent, field) && \
- RB_RED_RIGHT(gparent, field)) { \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(gparent, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(gparent, field); \
- elm = gparent; \
- continue; \
- } \
- if (RB_RED_LEFT(gparent, field) && \
- parent == RB_LEFT(gparent, field)) { \
- if (RB_RIGHT(parent, field) == elm) { \
- RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, elm, field);\
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(parent, field)) { \
+ elm = parent; \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ if (!RB_RED_RIGHT(elm, field)) { \
RB_FLIP_LEFT(elm, field); \
- parent = elm; \
+ RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, elm, child, field);\
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(child, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(elm, field); \
+ else if (RB_RED_RIGHT(child, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ elm = child; \
} \
- RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, gparent, parent, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(gparent, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
- } else if (RB_RED_RIGHT(gparent, field) && \
- parent == RB_RIGHT(gparent, field)) { \
- if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == elm) { \
- RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, elm, field);\
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, elm, field); \
+ } else { \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(parent, field)) { \
+ elm = parent; \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ if (!RB_RED_LEFT(elm, field)) { \
RB_FLIP_RIGHT(elm, field); \
- parent = elm; \
+ RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, elm, child, field);\
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(child, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(elm, field); \
+ else if (RB_RED_LEFT(child, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ elm = child; \
} \
- RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, gparent, parent, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(gparent, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, elm, field); \
} \
+ RB_BITS(elm, field) &= ~RB_RED_MASK; \
break; \
} \
#define RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR(name, type, field, attr) \
attr void \
-name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(struct name *head, struct type *par) \
+name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(struct name *head, \
+ struct type *parent, struct type *elm) \
{ \
- struct type *gpr, *sib, *nec; \
- RB_BOOL left_elm, left_par, red_gpr; \
- left_par = (RB_LEFT(par, field) == NULL); \
- do { \
- left_elm = left_par; \
- if (left_elm ? \
- !RB_RED_RIGHT(par, field) : \
- !RB_RED_LEFT(par, field)) { \
- gpr = RB_PARENT(par, field); \
- left_par = gpr != NULL && \
- RB_LEFT(gpr, field) == par; \
- red_gpr = gpr == NULL ? \
- RB_TRUE: RB_COLOR(par, field); \
- } \
- if (left_elm) { \
- if (RB_RED_RIGHT(par, field)) { \
- red_gpr = RB_TRUE; \
- RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, par, gpr, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(par, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(gpr, field); \
+ struct type *sib; \
+ if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == elm && \
+ RB_RIGHT(parent, field) == elm) { \
+ RB_BITS(parent, field) &= ~RB_RED_MASK; \
+ elm = parent; \
+ parent = RB_PARENT(elm, field); \
+ if (parent == NULL) \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ do { \
+ if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == elm) { \
+ if (!RB_RED_LEFT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ return; \
} \
- sib = RB_RIGHT(par, field); \
- if (RB_RED_RIGHT(sib, field)) { \
- if (RB_RED_LEFT(sib, field)) { \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(sib, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(par, field); \
- } \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(sib, field); \
- } else if (RB_RED_LEFT(sib, field)) { \
- RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, sib, nec, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(sib, field); \
- sib = nec; \
- } else { \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(par, field); \
- par = gpr; \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ elm = parent; \
continue; \
} \
- RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, par, sib, field); \
- return; \
+ sib = RB_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ if ((~RB_BITS(sib, field) & RB_RED_MASK) == 0) {\
+ RB_BITS(sib, field) &= ~RB_RED_MASK; \
+ elm = parent; \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(sib, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(sib, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ else if (!RB_RED_RIGHT(sib, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, sib, elm, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(elm, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(sib, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(elm, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ RB_BITS(elm, field) |= RB_RED_MASK; \
+ sib = elm; \
+ } \
+ RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, sib, field); \
} else { \
- if (RB_RED_LEFT(par, field)) { \
- red_gpr = RB_TRUE; \
- RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, par, gpr, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(par, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(gpr, field); \
+ if (!RB_RED_RIGHT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ return; \
} \
- sib = RB_LEFT(par, field); \
- if (RB_RED_LEFT(sib, field)) { \
- if (RB_RED_RIGHT(sib, field)) { \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(sib, field); \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(par, field); \
- } \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(sib, field); \
- } else if (RB_RED_RIGHT(sib, field)) { \
- RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, sib, nec, field); \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(sib, field); \
- sib = nec; \
- } else { \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(par, field); \
- par = gpr; \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(parent, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ elm = parent; \
continue; \
} \
- RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, par, sib, field); \
- return; \
+ sib = RB_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ if ((~RB_BITS(sib, field) & RB_RED_MASK) == 0) {\
+ RB_BITS(sib, field) &= ~RB_RED_MASK; \
+ elm = parent; \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(sib, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(sib, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ else if (!RB_RED_LEFT(sib, field)) { \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
+ RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, sib, elm, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_LEFT(elm, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_RIGHT(sib, field); \
+ if (RB_RED_RIGHT(elm, field)) \
+ RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
+ RB_BITS(elm, field) |= RB_RED_MASK; \
+ sib = elm; \
+ } \
+ RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, sib, field); \
} \
- } while (!red_gpr); \
- if (gpr == NULL); \
- else if (left_par) \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(gpr, field); \
- else \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(gpr, field); \
+ break; \
+ } while ((parent = RB_PARENT(elm, field)) != NULL); \
#define RB_GENERATE_REMOVE(name, type, field, attr) \
@@ -588,7 +598,6 @@
name##_RB_REMOVE(struct name *head, struct type *elm) \
{ \
struct type *child, *old, *parent, *right; \
- RB_BOOL red; \
old = elm; \
parent = RB_PARENT(elm, field); \
@@ -600,9 +609,6 @@
else { \
if ((child = RB_LEFT(right, field)) == NULL) { \
child = RB_RIGHT(right, field); \
- red = RB_RED_RIGHT(old, field); \
- if (red) \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(old, field); \
RB_RIGHT(old, field) = child; \
parent = elm = right; \
} else { \
@@ -611,28 +617,17 @@
while ((child = RB_LEFT(elm, field)) != NULL); \
child = RB_RIGHT(elm, field); \
parent = RB_PARENT(elm, field); \
- red = RB_RED_LEFT(parent, field); \
- if (red) \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
RB_LEFT(parent, field) = child; \
- RB_SET_PARENT(RB_RIGHT(old, field), elm, field); \
+ RB_SET_PARENT(RB_RIGHT(old, field), elm, field);\
} \
RB_SET_PARENT(RB_LEFT(old, field), elm, field); \
elm->field = old->field; \
} \
- if (elm == child) { \
- red = RB_COLOR(old, field); \
- if (!red); \
- else if (RB_LEFT(parent, field) == old) \
- RB_FLIP_LEFT(parent, field); \
- else \
- RB_FLIP_RIGHT(parent, field); \
- } \
RB_SWAP_CHILD(head, old, elm, field); \
if (child != NULL) \
RB_SET_PARENT(child, parent, field); \
- else if (!red && parent != NULL) \
- name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(head, parent); \
+ if (parent != NULL) \
+ name##_RB_REMOVE_COLOR(head, parent, child); \
while (parent != NULL) { \
RB_AUGMENT(parent); \
parent = RB_PARENT(parent, field); \
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D25480: Change from red-black to wavl balancing for RB trees
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