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Index: head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5
--- head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5
+++ head/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd September 9, 2020
+.Dd November 6, 2020
@@ -289,6 +289,57 @@
if you want the
.Pa /etc/mail/aliases
file backed up and modifications to be displayed in your daily output.
+.It Va daily_backup_zfs_enable
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+to create backup of the output generated from the
+.Xr zfs-list 8
+.Xr zpool-list 8
+.It Va daily_backup_zfs_list_flags
+.Pq Vt str
+Set to the arguments for the
+.Xr zfs-list 8
+The default is standard behavior.
+.It Va daily_backup_zpool_list_flags
+.Pq Vt str
+Set to the arguments for the
+.Xr zpool-list 8
+The default is
+.Fl v .
+.It Va daily_backup_zfs_props_enable
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+to create backup of the output generated from the
+.Xr zfs-get 8
+.Xr zpool-get 8
+.It Va daily_backup_zfs_get_flags
+.Pq Vt str
+Set to the arguments for the
+.Xr zfs-get 8
+The default is
+.Cm all .
+.It Va daily_backup_zpool_get_flags
+.Pq Vt str
+Set to the arguments for the
+.Xr zpool-get 8
+The default is
+.Cm all .
+.It Va daily_backup_zfs_verbose
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq Li YES
+to report a diff between the new backup and the existing backup
+in the daily output.
.It Va daily_calendar_enable
.Pq Vt bool
Set to
Index: head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/223.backup-zfs
--- head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/223.backup-zfs
+++ head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/223.backup-zfs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Created by: Miroslav Lachman <>
+# Backup of zpool list, zfs list, zpool properties and zfs properties
+# for each filesystem. The backup will be stored in /var/backups.
+# If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
+if [ -r /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ]
+ . /etc/defaults/periodic.conf
+ source_periodic_confs
+rotate() {
+ base_name=$1
+ show_diff=$2
+ file="$bak_dir/$base_name"
+ if [ -f "${file}.bak" ] ; then
+ rc=0
+ if cmp -s "${file}.bak" "${file}.tmp"; then
+ rm "${file}.tmp"
+ else
+ rc=1
+ [ -n "$show_diff" ] && diff "${file}.bak" "${file}.tmp"
+ mv "${file}.bak" "${file}.bak2" || rc=3
+ mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}.bak" || rc=3
+ fi
+ else
+ rc=1
+ mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}.bak" || rc=3
+ [ -n "$show_diff" ] && cat "${file}.bak"
+ fi
+case "$daily_backup_zfs_verbose" in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss]) show="YES"
+case "$daily_backup_zfs_enable" in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+ zpools=$(zpool list $daily_backup_zpool_list_flags)
+ if [ -z "$zpools" ]; then
+ echo 'daily_backup_zfs_enable is set to YES but no zpools found.'
+ rc=2
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "Backup of ZFS information for all imported pools";
+ echo "$zpools" > "$bak_dir/zpool_list.tmp"
+ rotate "zpool_list" $show
+ zfs list $daily_backup_zfs_list_flags > "$bak_dir/zfs_list.tmp"
+ rotate "zfs_list" $show
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) rc=0;;
+case "$daily_backup_zfs_props_enable" in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+ zfs get $daily_backup_zfs_get_flags > "$bak_dir/zfs_props.tmp"
+ rotate "zfs_props"
+ zpool get $daily_backup_zpool_get_flags > "$bak_dir/zpool_props.tmp"
+ rotate "zpool_props"
+ ;;
+exit $rc
Index: head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/Makefile
--- head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/Makefile
+++ head/usr.sbin/periodic/etc/daily/Makefile
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
.if ${MK_ZFS} != "no"
-CONFS+= 404.status-zfs \
+CONFS+= 223.backup-zfs \
+ 404.status-zfs \
Index: head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf
--- head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf
+++ head/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.conf
@@ -82,6 +82,15 @@
daily_backup_gpart_verbose="NO" # Be verbose if new backup differs from the new one
daily_backup_efi_enable="NO" # Backup EFI system partition (ESP)
+# 223.backup-zfs
+daily_backup_zfs_enable="NO" # Backup output from zpool/zfs list
+daily_backup_zfs_props_enable="NO" # Backup zpool/zfs filesystem properties
+daily_backup_zfs_get_flags="all" # flags passed to `zfs get`
+daily_backup_zfs_list_flags="" # flags passed to `zfs list`
+daily_backup_zpool_get_flags="all" # flags passed to `zpool get`
+daily_backup_zpool_list_flags="-v" # flags passed to `zpool list`
+daily_backup_zfs_verbose="NO" # Report diff between the old and new backups.
# 300.calendar
daily_calendar_enable="NO" # Run calendar -a

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 6, 8:22 AM (58 m, 46 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D25638.diff (4 KB)

Event Timeline