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diff --git a/lib/libc/aarch64/string/ b/lib/libc/aarch64/string/
--- a/lib/libc/aarch64/string/
+++ b/lib/libc/aarch64/string/
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
strnlen \
+ memccpy.S
# Add the above functions. Generate an asm file that includes the needed
# Arm Optimized Routines file defining the function name to the libc name.
diff --git a/lib/libc/aarch64/string/memccpy.S b/lib/libc/aarch64/string/memccpy.S
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libc/aarch64/string/memccpy.S
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Getz Mikalsen <>
+#include <machine/asm.h>
+ .text
+ subs x3, x3, #1
+ b.mi .L0
+ dup v0.16b, w2
+ mov x9, x0 // stash copy of src pointer
+ bic x10, x1, #0xf // src aligned
+ and x11, x1, #0xf // src offset
+ ldr q1, [x10]
+ cmeq v1.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b // bytewise compare against src char
+ mov x8, #-1 // prepare a 0xfff..fff register
+ lsl x12, x11, #2
+ lsl x8, x8, x12 // mask of bytes in the string
+ shrn v1.8b, v1.8h, #4
+ fmov x5, d1
+ sub x12, x11, #32
+ adds x12, x12, x3 // distance from alignment boundary - 32
+ .Lrunt // branch if buffer length is 32 or less
+ ands x8, x8, x5
+ b.eq 0f // match (or induced match) found?
+ /* match in first chunk */
+ rbit x8, x8
+ clz x8, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x8, x8, #2
+ sub x8, x8, x11 // ... from beginning of the string
+ add x0, x0, x8
+ add x0, x0, #1
+ add x4, x9, x8 // dst + cnt
+ add x5, x1, x8 // src + cnt
+ b .L0816
+ ldr q3, [x10, #16] // load second string chunk
+ ldr q2, [x1] // load true head
+ cmeq v1.16b, v3.16b, v0.16b // char found in second chunk?
+ /* process second chunk */
+ shrn v1.8b, v1.8h, #4
+ fmov x5, d1
+ cbz x5, 0f
+ /* match in second chunk */
+ rbit x8, x5
+ clz x8, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x8, x8, #2
+ sub x11, x11, #16
+ sub x8, x8, x11 // adjust for alignment offset
+ add x0, x0, x8 // return value
+ add x0, x0, #1
+ add x4, x9, x8
+ add x5, x1, x8
+ b .L1732
+ /* string didn't end in second chunk and neither did buffer */
+ ldr q1, [x10, #32] // load next string chunk
+ str q2, [x0] // deposit head into buffer
+ sub x0, x0, x11 // adjust x0
+ mov x3, x12
+ str q3, [x0, #16] // deposit second chunk
+ add x10, x10, #32 // advance src
+ add x0, x0, #32 // advance dst
+ subs x3, x3, #16 // enough left for another round?
+ b.lo 1f
+ /* main loop unrolled twice */
+ .p2align 4
+ cmeq v2.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b // char found in second chunk?
+ shrn v2.8b, v2.8h, #4
+ fmov x5, d2
+ cbnz x5, 3f
+ str q1, [x0]
+ ldr q1, [x10, #16] // load next chunk
+ cmp x3, #16 // more than a full chunk left?
+ b.lo 2f
+ add x10, x10, #32 // advance pointers
+ add x0, x0, #32
+ cmeq v2.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b // char found in second chunk?
+ shrn v2.8b, v2.8h, #4
+ fmov x5, d2
+ cbnz x5, 4f // process chunk if match
+ str q1, [x0, #-16]
+ ldr q1, [x10] // load next chunk
+ subs x3, x3, #32
+ b.hs 0b
+ sub x10, x10, #16 // undo second advancement
+ add x3, x3, #16
+ sub x0, x0, #16
+ /* 1--16 bytes left in the buffer but string has not ended yet */
+ cmeq v2.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b // char found in second chunk?
+ shrn v2.8b, v2.8h, #4
+ fmov x4, d2
+ mov x6, #0xf
+ lsl x5, x3, #2 // shift 0xf to the limits position
+ lsl x5, x6, x5
+ orr x8, x4, x5 // treat end of buffer as if terminator present
+ rbit x8, x8 // simulate x86 tzcnt
+ clz x7, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x8, x7, #2
+ lsl x5, x6, x7 // simulate x86 bt with shifted 0xf
+ add x8, x8, #1
+ add x0, x0, x8
+ ldr q1, [x10, x8] // load tail
+ str q1, [x0] // store tail
+ add x0, x0, #16
+ tst x4, x5 // terminator encountered inside buffer?
+ csel x0, x0, xzr, ne // if yes, return pointer, else NUL
+ ret
+ sub x10, x10, #16 // undo second advancement
+ sub x0, x0, #16 // undo second advancement
+ rbit x8, x5
+ clz x8, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x3, x8, #2
+ add x0, x0, x3 // restore dst pointer
+ add x10, x10, x3
+ ldr q1, [x10, #-15]
+ str q1, [x0, #-15]
+ add x0, x0, #1
+ ret
+ add x12, x12, #32 // undo earlier decrement
+ mov x7, x5 // keep a copy of original match mask
+ mov x6, #0xf
+ lsl x4, x12, #2 // shift 0xf to the limits position
+ lsl x4, x6, x4
+ cmp x12,#16 // dont induce match if limit >=16
+ csel x4, x4, xzr, lo
+ orr x5, x5, x4 // treat end of buffer as if terminator present
+ ands x8, x8, x5 // if match always fall through
+ 0f
+ ldr q4, [x10, #16] // load second string chunk
+ cmeq v1.16b, v4.16b, v0.16b // char found in second chunk?
+ /* process second chunk */
+ shrn v1.8b, v1.8h, #4
+ fmov x8, d1
+ mov x7, x8
+ sub x12, x12, #16 // decrement limit
+ lsl x4, x12, #2
+ lsl x4, x6, x4
+ orr x8, x8, x4 // induce match in upper bytes of mask
+ rbit x8, x8
+ clz x4, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x8, x4, #2
+ add x8, x8, #16 // no match in first chunk
+ b 1f
+ rbit x8, x8
+ clz x4, x8 // index of mismatch
+ lsr x8, x4, #2
+ add x0, x0, x8 // return value if terminator not found
+ sub x0, x0, x11
+ add x0, x0, #1
+ /* check if we encountered a match or the limit first */
+ lsl x5, x6, x4
+ ands x7, x7, x5 // was the terminator present?
+ csel x0, xzr, x0, eq // return value based on what we matched
+ sub x8, x8, x11
+ add x4, x9, x8 // dst + cnt
+ add x5, x1, x8 // src + cnt
+ /* copy 17-32 bytes */
+ cmp x8, #16
+ b.lo .L0816
+ add x5, x5, #1 // ldp offsets are powers of 2
+ add x4, x4, #1
+ ldp x16, x17, [x1]
+ ldp x12, x13, [x5, #-16]
+ stp x16, x17, [x9]
+ stp x12, x13, [x4, #-16]
+ ret
+ /* Copy 8-16 bytes */
+ tbz x8, #3, .L0407
+ ldr x16, [x1]
+ ldr x17, [x5, #-7]
+ str x16, [x9]
+ str x17, [x4, #-7]
+ ret
+ /* Copy 4-7 bytes */
+ .p2align 4
+ cmp x8, #3
+ b.lo .L0103
+ ldr w16, [x1]
+ ldr w18, [x5, #-3]
+ str w16, [x9]
+ str w18, [x4, #-3]
+ ret
+ /* Copy 1-3 bytes */
+ .p2align 4
+ lsr x14, x8, #1
+ ldrb w16, [x1]
+ ldrb w15, [x5]
+ ldrb w18, [x1, x14]
+ strb w16, [x9]
+ strb w18, [x9, x14]
+ strb w15, [x4]
+ ret
+ eor x0, x0, x0
+ ret

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Mar 4, 6:14 AM (15 h, 37 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D46170.id141613.diff (6 KB)

Event Timeline