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Changes to ZFS ARC interation with VM

Authored by smh on Aug 30 2014, 7:36 PM.
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Wed, Feb 19, 1:44 PM
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Thu, Feb 13, 6:38 AM
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Tue, Feb 11, 11:53 PM
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Dec 2 2024, 1:47 AM
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Dec 2 2024, 1:01 AM
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Nov 12 2024, 2:11 AM



Ensure that ZFS free memory checks include cached pages

Also restore kmem_used() check for i386 as it has KVA limits that the raw page counts above don't consider

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

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smh retitled this revision from to Changes to ZFS ARC interation with VM.
smh updated this object.
smh edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

By inspection, this appears to address my concerns. I was about to fire up a local preliminary version but I'll use this to keep it simple.

The 1-line change at the kmem_free_count() entry at the top is the one I particularly want.

I believe zfs on i386 (and other non-direct-map, kva-restricted machines) requires more work (eg: the arc_memory_throttle function needs a similar constraint) but I don't want to hold up the fixes for that.

Thanks for the review I've commit this change.

smh added a reviewer: smh.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 31 2014, 4:24 PM

Peter can you approve the patch so I can close this one off, as there doesn't seem to be a way to force it based on a comment only.