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Jan 22 2020, 5:27 AM (227 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 16 2021 added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Have you tested the current patch set? if not can you please complete it ASAP, Since it has been idle from one month.

Jun 16 2021, 10:39 AM

May 28 2021 accepted D30299: smartpqi: clear CCBs allocated on the stack.
May 28 2021, 9:47 AM added a comment to D30182: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver for FreeBSD13.0.
In D30182#685386, @imp wrote:

i've staged this commit at
to make sure I've got the details right. This branch builds for me. I have no way to test it, but it's identical here.

Please check to make sure that I've given the proper credit (for author) and the folks that have reviewed it here. I'm unsure if they are co-authors of this or not, but would be happy to credit them as such.
Once this one is sorted out, I'll do the merge using the other review that's going on for 12.2.
This review applies to both stable/13 and to -current as far as I can tell, though I've only test compiled on -current.

May 28 2021, 9:44 AM

May 26 2021 added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Hi Yuripv,

May 26 2021, 12:34 PM

May 21 2021 added a comment to D30299: smartpqi: clear CCBs allocated on the stack.

Sure, I'll hold off.

What's the relationship between and

May 21 2021, 8:25 AM

May 20 2021 added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Hi Yuripv,

May 20 2021, 5:35 PM updated the diff for D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Fixed lockup issues and trailing white space errors.
FreeBSD 12.2 and 13.0 code reviews patches doesn't have lockup code fix, it
will be pulled once it's verified in main branch.

May 20 2021, 5:26 PM updated the diff for D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Fixed lockup issue

May 20 2021, 11:24 AM

May 17 2021 accepted D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Quoted Text

May 17 2021, 4:39 PM added a comment to D30299: smartpqi: clear CCBs allocated on the stack.

Indeed; I've added the author to the reviewers list.

(Also: tinderboxed.)

May 17 2021, 9:01 AM

May 13 2021 added a comment to D30182: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver for FreeBSD13.0.

Hi Rainer,

May 13 2021, 2:43 PM added a reviewer for D30182: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver for FreeBSD13.0:
May 13 2021, 2:42 PM

May 10 2021 added reviewers for D30182: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver for FreeBSD13.0: imp, Contributor Reviews (src),,, trasz, mav, mjg, emaste, yuripv, chuck.
May 10 2021, 11:45 AM requested review of D30182: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver for FreeBSD13.0.
May 10 2021, 11:40 AM added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

The server hasn't crashed anymore so far (20d uptime).

Maybe if this could be committed to 12-stable, so it will at some point make it to a release?

Not sure how and when I'm going to test 13, TBH.

May 10 2021, 10:26 AM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Added lockup code detection in driver

May 10 2021, 10:22 AM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Added lockup code code detection in driver

May 10 2021, 10:19 AM

May 4 2021 added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

With this patch applied, it fails much faster for me completely locking up ZFS, usually after some minutes of light load (e.g. I was doing git gc when this happened):

[ERROR]::[4:655.0][CPU 0][pqisrc_heartbeat_timer_handler][178]:controller is offline
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 4f e0 00 07 e8 00
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 7d 98 00 00 58 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 67 98 00 07 e8 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da0 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 64 lun 0
da0: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX32D7088CCV detached
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 38 28 00 07 e8 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da1 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 65 lun 0
da1: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX42D70CHZS7 detached
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 75 b0 00 07 e8 00
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da2 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 66 lun 0
da2: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WXC2D90D7YAX detached
da3 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 67 lun 0
da3: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX12DB0N8F4X detached
ses0 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 68 lun 0
ses0: <Adaptec Smart Adapter 3.53>  s/n 7A4263EAB3E     detached
pass5 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 1088 lun 1
pass5: <Adaptec 1100-8i 3.53>  s/n 7A4263EAB3E     detached
(ses0:smartpqi0:0:68:0): Periph destroyed
(pass5:smartpqi0:0:1088:1): Periph destroyed
Solaris: WARNING: Pool 'data' has encountered an uncorrectable I/O failure and has been suspended.

Apr 16 11:36:45 sun ZFS[45956]: catastrophic pool I/O failure, zpool=data

Now every FS access is stuck. I was able to save the kernel dump using NMI (in case we can get something interesting from it).

This same system works just fine using the same HBA, same disks, same cabling under illumos (using our internal smartpqi driver) transferring TBs worth of data, so I don't expect this to be hardware issue.

HBA is 1100-8i, disks are 4x WDC WD40PURZ SATA3 HDDs, connected using breakout cable.

Thanks for testing the changes, The lockup issue is new to us. Could you please provide the Z-Pool reproduction steps so we can reflect the setup in our lab too for testing.

Pool configuration is simple -- raidz of 4 sata disks connected using breakout cable, i.e.:

# for i in $(seq 0 3); do gpart create -s gpt da$i; gpart add -t freebsd-zfs da$i; done
da0 created
da0p1 added
da1 created
da1p1 added
da2 created
da2p1 added
da3 created
da3p1 added
# zpool create -O atime=off -O compression=zstd data raidz da0p1 da1p1 da2p1 da3p1
# zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        data        ONLINE       0     0     0
          raidz1-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            da0p1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            da1p1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            da2p1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            da3p1   ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

I don't know what exactly triggers the issue, usually it's some simple operation like git clone, git pull, git gc and so on.

May 4 2021, 7:20 AM added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

FWIW, applying this patch via git apply D29584.diff results in a number of trailing whitespace complaints:

/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:70: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:100: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:1126: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:1850: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:1905: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:2113: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:3307: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:4254: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:4326: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:5418: trailing whitespace.
/home/tuffli/D29584.diff:6860: trailing whitespace.
May 4 2021, 7:19 AM updated the diff for D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..
  • Added lockup code info in driver,

Re-try the IO's if there is a lack of DMA resources instead of deferring.

May 4 2021, 7:15 AM

Apr 19 2021 added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

With this patch applied, it fails much faster for me completely locking up ZFS, usually after some minutes of light load (e.g. I was doing git gc when this happened):

[ERROR]::[4:655.0][CPU 0][pqisrc_heartbeat_timer_handler][178]:controller is offline
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 4f e0 00 07 e8 00
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 7d 98 00 00 58 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 67 98 00 07 e8 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da0 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 64 lun 0
da0: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX32D7088CCV detached
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 38 28 00 07 e8 00
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da1:smartpqi0:0:65:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da1 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 65 lun 0
da1: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX42D70CHZS7 detached
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 00 05 82 75 b0 00 07 e8 00
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): CAM status: Unable to abort CCB request
(da2:smartpqi0:0:66:0): Error 5, Unretryable error
da2 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 66 lun 0
da2: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WXC2D90D7YAX detached
da3 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 67 lun 0
da3: <ATA WDC WD40PURZ-85A 0A80>  s/n WD-WX12DB0N8F4X detached
ses0 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 68 lun 0
ses0: <Adaptec Smart Adapter 3.53>  s/n 7A4263EAB3E     detached
pass5 at smartpqi0 bus 0 scbus0 target 1088 lun 1
pass5: <Adaptec 1100-8i 3.53>  s/n 7A4263EAB3E     detached
(ses0:smartpqi0:0:68:0): Periph destroyed
(pass5:smartpqi0:0:1088:1): Periph destroyed
Solaris: WARNING: Pool 'data' has encountered an uncorrectable I/O failure and has been suspended.

Apr 16 11:36:45 sun ZFS[45956]: catastrophic pool I/O failure, zpool=data

Now every FS access is stuck. I was able to save the kernel dump using NMI (in case we can get something interesting from it).

This same system works just fine using the same HBA, same disks, same cabling under illumos (using our internal smartpqi driver) transferring TBs worth of data, so I don't expect this to be hardware issue.

HBA is 1100-8i, disks are 4x WDC WD40PURZ SATA3 HDDs, connected using breakout cable.

Apr 19 2021, 5:16 AM

Apr 12 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.


I have this slated for production in one week.
I will have to wait a couple of days to see if it fixes the hangs I have.

Apr 12 2021, 7:43 AM added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
In D24428#663851, @imp wrote:

Can someone approve/review the code ?

I'll look at it this afternoon.

Do you also need someone to commit it to the FreeBSD tree too?

I would be happy if someone commit it to the repository.

Apr 12 2021, 6:48 AM

Apr 7 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
In D24428#663851, @imp wrote:

Can someone approve/review the code ?

I'll look at it this afternoon.

Do you also need someone to commit it to the FreeBSD tree too?

Apr 7 2021, 2:49 AM

Apr 6 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Can someone approve/review the code ?

Apr 6 2021, 7:55 AM added a comment to D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..

Can someone approve/review the code ?

Apr 6 2021, 7:55 AM

Apr 5 2021 updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Updated copyright section

Apr 5 2021, 9:32 AM added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
In D24428#657918, @imp wrote:

There's issues with applying this patch. Something seems to have gone amiss in its generation.

It almost applied cleanly to stable/12 branch, but not to the main branch:

% find . -name \*.rej

In the main branch, it crashed patch :(.
A quick sample of the .rej files shows the diffs likely are easy to resolve by hand, but with such a large patch I'm leery to do so. Add '-l' to patch to cope with whitespace changes didn't seem to help.
So it looks like this patch needs to be regenerated and/or moved to git where patch generation and uploading is a bit more reliable.

(Also commented on a couple of nits that didn't look quite right in the copyright stuff, but that can wait for the patch to get done).


  • 12.0 stable branch and 12.2 main branch has two different source codes. I've pulled the 12.0 source code and applied the patch. (12.0 stable branch has bug fixes which is done by community but I do not see the same changes in 12.2 main branch because of that the patch is failing on 12.2 main branch).

"main" mentioned is literally main git branch, where this change should go first (and it's 14.0-CURRENT at the moment). I have HBA 1100-8i that is misbehaving under load, so I'd really like to try this patch -- could you please rebase this against main?

This patch is for 12.2 only, I will push a new patch separately to the main branch.

Is there a review/patch for main branch yet to test?

Here is the review patch for main branch.

Apr 5 2021, 2:48 AM added reviewers for D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver.:,, trasz, mav, imp, mjg, emaste, scottl.
Apr 5 2021, 2:47 AM changed the repository for D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver. from rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion to rG FreeBSD src repository.
Apr 5 2021, 2:37 AM requested review of D29584: Newly added features and bug fixes in latest Microchip SmartPQI driver..
Apr 5 2021, 2:34 AM

Mar 31 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
In D24428#657918, @imp wrote:

There's issues with applying this patch. Something seems to have gone amiss in its generation.

It almost applied cleanly to stable/12 branch, but not to the main branch:

% find . -name \*.rej

In the main branch, it crashed patch :(.
A quick sample of the .rej files shows the diffs likely are easy to resolve by hand, but with such a large patch I'm leery to do so. Add '-l' to patch to cope with whitespace changes didn't seem to help.
So it looks like this patch needs to be regenerated and/or moved to git where patch generation and uploading is a bit more reliable.

(Also commented on a couple of nits that didn't look quite right in the copyright stuff, but that can wait for the patch to get done).


  • 12.0 stable branch and 12.2 main branch has two different source codes. I've pulled the 12.0 source code and applied the patch. (12.0 stable branch has bug fixes which is done by community but I do not see the same changes in 12.2 main branch because of that the patch is failing on 12.2 main branch).

"main" mentioned is literally main git branch, where this change should go first (and it's 14.0-CURRENT at the moment). I have HBA 1100-8i that is misbehaving under load, so I'd really like to try this patch -- could you please rebase this against main?

Mar 31 2021, 5:24 PM

Mar 26 2021 updated the summary of D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
Mar 26 2021, 3:20 PM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Updated driver.

Mar 26 2021, 2:55 PM

Mar 25 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
In D24428#657918, @imp wrote:

There's issues with applying this patch. Something seems to have gone amiss in its generation.

It almost applied cleanly to stable/12 branch, but not to the main branch:

% find . -name \*.rej

In the main branch, it crashed patch :(.
A quick sample of the .rej files shows the diffs likely are easy to resolve by hand, but with such a large patch I'm leery to do so. Add '-l' to patch to cope with whitespace changes didn't seem to help.
So it looks like this patch needs to be regenerated and/or moved to git where patch generation and uploading is a bit more reliable.

(Also commented on a couple of nits that didn't look quite right in the copyright stuff, but that can wait for the patch to get done).

Mar 25 2021, 9:51 AM

Mar 15 2021 edited reviewers for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi, added: trasz; removed:, sbruno.
Mar 15 2021, 11:02 AM added reviewers for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi: emaste, mjg.
Mar 15 2021, 10:57 AM

Feb 19 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Please excuse me, I am only a user, I only try to get this working.

(f-hosting </root>) 130 # cd /usr/src
(f-hosting <src>) 0 # git apply /root/D24428.diff
/root/D24428.diff:1875: trailing whitespace.
_softs->pci_mem_handle.pqi_bhandle, _offset)
/root/D24428.diff:3930: space before tab in indent.


/root/D24428.diff:3944: space before tab in indent.


/root/D24428.diff:6642: trailing whitespace.

  • Populate hostwellness time variables in bcd format from FreeBSD format

/root/D24428.diff:7949: space before tab in indent.


error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_cam.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_cmd.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_defines.h: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_discovery.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_event.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_helper.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_includes.h: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_init.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_intr.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_ioctl.h: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_ioctl.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_main.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_mem.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_misc.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_prototypes.h: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_queue.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_request.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_response.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_sis.c: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_structures.h: No such file or directory
error: dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_tag.c: No such file or directory

I know it's not your job - but can you walk me through what I have got to do to get this to compile on 12.2-RELEASE-p3?

Feb 19 2021, 5:15 PM added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Fixed system crash while creating and deleting logical volume in a continuous loop.
Fixed where the volume size is not exposing to OS when it expands.
Added HC3 pci id's.
Fixed compiler issues in 12.2 kernel.

I can't seem to apply the patch cleanly on 12.2-RELEASE-p3.

See my comment in the PR above.

Feb 19 2021, 4:17 PM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Fixed white space errors

Feb 19 2021, 3:45 PM

Feb 15 2021 updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Updated year in Copyright section.

Feb 15 2021, 5:20 PM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Fixed system crash while creating and deleting logical volume in a continuous loop.
Fixed where the volume size is not exposing to OS when it expands.
Added HC3 pci id's.
Fixed compiler issues in 12.2 kernel.

Feb 15 2021, 4:31 PM

Feb 12 2021 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

This does not compile with 12.2.


Can someone look at this?

Yes, we're working on the issues. I will update the latest driver soon.

Feb 12 2021, 1:05 PM

Jul 13 2020 updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Updated Inbox Driver version to match with latest Out-of-box driver 1x.4014.0.105

Jul 13 2020, 4:40 PM updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Added newly fixed system crashes

Jul 13 2020, 7:34 AM

Jul 10 2020 added a comment to D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Hi All,

Jul 10 2020, 9:38 AM

May 14 2020 updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

comments resolved

May 14 2020, 1:52 PM

May 7 2020 updated the diff for D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.

Added bug fixes which is happened recently

May 7 2020, 9:09 AM

Apr 15 2020 updated the summary of D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
Apr 15 2020, 10:33 AM updated the summary of D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
Apr 15 2020, 10:24 AM created D24428: smartpqi: Maintenance commit of Microchip smartpqi.
Apr 15 2020, 10:13 AM