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Modifications to elftc_set_timestamps manual page
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by on Jan 24 2024, 4:09 AM.
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Tue, May 28, 6:42 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, May 18, 2:13 PM
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Sat, May 11, 12:02 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, May 5, 7:26 PM
Unknown Object (File)
May 3 2024, 6:21 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 28 2024, 7:35 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 27 2024, 11:29 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 27 2024, 11:27 AM
This revision needs review, but there are no reviewers specified.



The elftc_set_timestamps manual page linked to the incorrect utime(2) manual page, the manual page was updated to reflect the correct utime(3) reference.

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rG FreeBSD src repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 55710
Build 52599: arc lint + arc unit

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Adding additional files to this revision, focus on:

There was a misalignment of time(2) -> time(1) retitled this revision from elftc_set_timestamps.3 modification to update from utime(2) -> utime(3) to elftc_set_timestamps.3 modification to update from utime(2) -> utime(3) and zpool.Jan 24 2024, 4:51 AM edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details) retitled this revision from elftc_set_timestamps.3 modification to update from utime(2) -> utime(3) and zpool to Modifications to elftc_set_timestampes, zpool_status, zpool_iostat, zpool_wait, zpool_list.

It would be better to submit to the upstream as well, or first.

Thank you for the recommendation. I will fork the openzfs work on github and submit the zfs related items to that

I have uploaded a pull request to here:

which would lead me to believe that the next actions would be to "remove" these from the commit and handle in that request above.

Beyond the zfs ones, are there any issues with the elftc_set_timestamps updates? to possible move this to a pull request.

I have uploaded a pull request to here:

Thanks and I saw it is merged. I think we can contact @mm for pulling in from OpenZFS.

which would lead me to believe that the next actions would be to "remove" these from the commit and handle in that request above.

Beyond the zfs ones, are there any issues with the elftc_set_timestamps updates? to possible move this to a pull request.

I am not quite sure if I understand these. Can you explain this more to me?

Summary: Removed the zpool items from this review as they have been addressed.

Addressed in pull request: retitled this revision from Modifications to elftc_set_timestampes, zpool_status, zpool_iostat, zpool_wait, zpool_list to Modifications to elftc_set_timestampes.Jan 30 2024, 4:24 PM edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details) retitled this revision from Modifications to elftc_set_timestampes to Modifications to elftc_set_timestamps manual page.

This is meant to just isolate to the elf timestamp man page..

I am not 100% sure why it was deleting the zpool stuff from the repo but this is in mistake and the arc utility does not "see" that the files are in fact there.

Please let me know if there is anything else required and request your patience as I am learning these tools through these submissions.

I have uploaded a pull request to here:

Thanks and I saw it is merged. I think we can contact @mm for pulling in from OpenZFS.

which would lead me to believe that the next actions would be to "remove" these from the commit and handle in that request above.

Beyond the zfs ones, are there any issues with the elftc_set_timestamps updates? to possible move this to a pull request.

I am not quite sure if I understand these. Can you explain this more to me?

Please disregard the comment. I was trying to, quite poorly, to explain it would be best to remove the zpool-* stuff from this commit. I took care of that component of it.

Thank you for loopin in @mm into the thread for openzfs considerations.