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User Since
Dec 5 2020, 8:21 AM (183 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Apr 10 2021 added a comment to rP557880: Actually update the newly created port lang/mono6.8 to 6.8..

Respectfully bumping this since it would truly be awesome to have a more recent version of mono in the ports tree to benefit from the latest performance improvements and bug fixes.

Apr 10 2021, 11:45 PM

Feb 27 2021 added a comment to D12330: "Long" filename support changes.

@cem Hi there! Is there a link to the v2 ?

Feb 27 2021, 3:49 PM

Feb 21 2021 added a comment to rP557880: Actually update the newly created port lang/mono6.8 to 6.8..

Is there something we can do to help move this work forward?

Yes. Please bring plumbing supplies and a snowblower :-)

Feb 21 2021, 1:11 PM

Feb 20 2021 added a comment to rP557880: Actually update the newly created port lang/mono6.8 to 6.8..

Is there something we can do to help move this work forward?

Feb 20 2021, 10:22 PM

Jan 19 2021 added a comment to rP557880: Actually update the newly created port lang/mono6.8 to 6.8..

We tested this patch, the mono runtime seems to work fine to run existing applications, however there are missing build tools. We are among the many people using mono as a development environment using the tools included in the mono package (msbuild, the csharp interactive interpreter etc...). To be specific, the exact error we got when trying to build a csharp application was that the folder /usr/local/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Roslyn/ is missing - along with all the files this folder is supposed to contain.

Jan 19 2021, 12:46 PM

Dec 7 2020 added a comment to D23300: lang/mono: take maintainership, update to

If there is something we can do to accelerate the merging, please let us know. We are in the process of migrating all our workstations to FreeBSD, but the lack of a recent mono version is blocking and so critical that we may have to move to Linux instead, this would be a shame. A recent mono is indeed now required to have a development environment for csharp on Unix (omnisharp-roslyn requires mono version 6.4.0 at least. For context: omnisharp-roslyn is the backend providing IDE-like features for csharp to all text editors).

Dec 7 2020, 6:20 AM · mono

Dec 5 2020 added a comment to D23300: lang/mono: take maintainership, update to

Is anyone working on this?

Dec 5 2020, 10:09 AM · mono