Script started on Tue 11 Sep 2018 10:09:19 AM PDT
[7P(reverse-i-search)`':[Cp': picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
[01;32mbwidawsk@rantogno-builder[00m:[01;34m~[00m$ picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
picocom v1.7
port is : /dev/ttyUSB0
flowcontrol : none
baudrate is : 115200
parity is : none
databits are : 8
escape is : C-a
local echo is : no
noinit is : no
noreset is : no
nolock is : no
send_cmd is : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv
imap is :
omap is :
emap is : crcrlf,delbs,
Terminal ready
db> set $lines = 0
db> ps
pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd
4186 4185 4185 1001 D+ ufs 0xfffff8004a223a48 ccache
4185 2330 4185 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff8004b7c5528 sh
4099 4098 4098 1001 D+ ufs 0xfffff8004b59d2e0 ccache
4098 2330 4098 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff8004b3b5528 sh
4047 4046 4046 1001 D+ ufs 0xfffff8004a223a48 ccache
4046 2330 4046 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff8001174f000 sh
2330 2325 2325 1001 S+ select 0xfffff80005b26140 make
2325 2300 2325 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff8001174e000 sh
2300 2299 2299 1001 S+ select 0xfffff80005b261c0 make
2299 1208 2299 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff800116e3528 sh
1208 1207 1207 1001 S+ select 0xfffff80003085140 make
1207 1174 1207 1001 S+ wait 0xfffff80003832000 sh
1174 1003 1174 1001 S+ select 0xfffff8000587c340 make
1035 1 1035 1001 Ss select 0xfffff800057b1140 ssh-agent
1003 1002 1003 1001 Ss+ wait 0xfffff8000564f528 bash
1002 937 937 1001 S select 0xfffff80003a8b840 sshd
1001 1 1001 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040da4b0 getty
1000 1 1000 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040da8b0 getty
999 1 999 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040dacb0 getty
998 1 998 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040db0b0 getty
997 1 997 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040db4b0 getty
996 1 996 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040db8b0 getty
995 1 995 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040dbcb0 getty
994 1 994 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040dc0b0 getty
993 1 993 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800040dc8b0 getty
943 1 943 0 Ss nanslp 0xffffffff80e81556 cron
938 1 938 25 Ss pause 0xfffff80005cdeaf8 sendmail
937 931 937 0 Ss select 0xfffff800030851c0 sshd
934 1 934 0 Ss select 0xfffff8000585b2c0 sendmail
931 1 931 0 Ss select 0xfffff80005b26340 sshd
903 1 903 556 Ss select 0xfffff800057b11c0 dbus-daemon
881 1 881 0 Ss select 0xfffff8000577d0c0 powerd
878 1 878 0 Ss (threaded) ntpd
100131 S select 0xfffff80003085240 ntpd
789 1 789 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003900bc0 syslogd
646 1 646 0 Ss select 0xfffff800057b1240 devd
645 1 645 65 Ss select 0xfffff8000577d1c0 dhclient
599 1 599 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003085340 dhclient
596 1 596 0 Ss select 0xfffff8000577d140 dhclient
27 0 0 0 DL syncer 0xffffffff81a239c0 [syncer]
26 0 0 0 DL vlruwt 0xfffff800056f1000 [vnlru]
25 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [bufdaemon]
100092 D qsleep 0xffffffff81a22e60 [bufdaemon]
100094 D - 0xffffffff80c0a580 [bufspacedaemon-0]
100096 D - 0xffffffff80c12840 [bufspacedaemon-1]
100098 D - 0xffffffff80c1ab00 [bufspacedaemon-2]
100099 D - 0xffffffff80c22dc0 [bufspacedaemon-3]
100100 D - 0xffffffff80c2b080 [bufspacedaemon-4]
100102 D - 0xffffffff80c33340 [bufspacedaemon-5]
100103 D - 0xffffffff80c3b600 [bufspacedaemon-6]
100113 D sdflush 0xfffff800059c3ce8 [/ worker]
24 0 0 0 DL psleep 0xffffffff81a6e148 [vmdaemon]
23 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [pagedaemon]
100090 Run CPU 4 [dom0]
100095 D launds 0xffffffff81ab52a4 [laundry: dom0]
100101 D umarcl 0xffffffff808f0bf0 [uma]
22 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff80d002d8 [rand_harvestq]
21 0 0 0 DL waiting 0xffffffff81aaef70 [sctp_iterator]
20 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81a2285c [soaiod4]
19 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81a2285c [soaiod3]
18 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81a2285c [soaiod2]
17 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81a2285c [soaiod1]
16 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb]
100069 D - 0xfffffe0086b9e460 [usbus0]
100070 D - 0xfffffe0086b9e4b8 [usbus0]
100071 D - 0xfffffe0086b9e510 [usbus0]
100072 D - 0xfffffe0086b9e568 [usbus0]
100073 D - 0xfffffe0086b9e5c0 [usbus0]
100132 D - 0xfffff8001104b810 [ucom]
15 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam]
100066 D - 0xffffffff80cf40c0 [doneq0]
100067 D - 0xffffffff80cf4140 [doneq1]
100089 D - 0xffffffff80cf3f88 [scanner]
14 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ffad0 [crypto returns 7]
9 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ffa70 [crypto returns 6]
8 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ffa10 [crypto returns 5]
7 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ff9b0 [crypto returns 4]
6 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ff950 [crypto returns 3]
5 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ff8f0 [crypto returns 2]
4 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ff890 [crypto returns 1]
3 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff800037ff830 [crypto returns 0]
2 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xffffffff81a687f0 [crypto]
13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [geom]
100045 D - 0xffffffff81a8b050 [g_event]
100046 D - 0xffffffff81a8b060 [g_up]
100047 D - 0xffffffff81a8b048 [g_down]
12 0 0 0 WL (threaded) [intr]
100014 I [swi6: task queue]
100015 I [swi6: Giant taskq]
100017 I [swi5: fast taskq]
100035 I [swi3: vm]
100036 I [swi4: clock (0)]
100037 I [swi4: clock (1)]
100038 I [swi4: clock (2)]
100039 I [swi4: clock (3)]
100040 I [swi4: clock (4)]
100041 I [swi4: clock (5)]
100042 I [swi4: clock (6)]
100043 I [swi4: clock (7)]
100044 I [swi1: netisr 0]
100068 I [irq264: xhci0]
100074 I [irq265: ahci0]
100075 I [swi0: uart]
100076 I [irq1: atkbd0]
11 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [idle]
100003 Run CPU 0 [idle: cpu0]
100004 CanRun [idle: cpu1]
100005 Run CPU 2 [idle: cpu2]
100006 Run CPU 3 [idle: cpu3]
100007 CanRun [idle: cpu4]
100008 Run CPU 5 [idle: cpu5]
100009 Run CPU 6 [idle: cpu6]
100010 Run CPU 7 [idle: cpu7]
1 0 1 0 SLs wait 0xfffff800035a8528 [init]
10 0 0 0 DL audit_w 0xffffffff81ab46c0 [audit]
0 0 0 0 RLs (threaded) [kernel]
100000 D swapin 0xffffffff81a8b090 [swapper]
100011 D - 0xfffff80003583d00 [config_0]
100012 D - 0xfffff800035e0c00 [kqueue_ctx taskq]
100013 D - 0xfffff800035e0b00 [aiod_kick taskq]
100016 D - 0xfffff800035e0600 [thread taskq]
100018 D - 0xfffff80003583c00 [if_config_tqg_0]
100019 D - 0xfffff80003583b00 [if_io_tqg_0]
100020 D - 0xfffff80003583a00 [if_io_tqg_1]
100021 D - 0xfffff80003583900 [if_io_tqg_2]
100022 D - 0xfffff80003583800 [if_io_tqg_3]
100023 D - 0xfffff80003583700 [if_io_tqg_4]
100024 D - 0xfffff80003583600 [if_io_tqg_5]
100025 D - 0xfffff80003583500 [if_io_tqg_6]
100026 D - 0xfffff80003583400 [if_io_tqg_7]
100027 D - 0xfffff80003583300 [softirq_0]
100028 D - 0xfffff80003583200 [softirq_1]
100029 D - 0xfffff80003583100 [softirq_2]
100030 D - 0xfffff80003583000 [softirq_3]
100031 D - 0xfffff80003678100 [softirq_4]
100032 D - 0xfffff80003678000 [softirq_5]
100033 D - 0xfffff80003677e00 [softirq_6]
100034 D - 0xfffff80003677d00 [softirq_7]
100048 D - 0xfffff800036a2800 [firmware taskq]
100049 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_0]
100050 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_1]
100051 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_2]
100052 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_3]
100053 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_4]
100054 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_5]
100055 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_6]
100056 D - 0xfffff800036a2700 [crypto_7]
100077 D - 0xfffff800040e0400 [mca taskq]
100082 Run CPU 1 [deadlkres]
100084 D - 0xfffff800040e0300 [acpi_task_0]
100085 D - 0xfffff800040e0300 [acpi_task_1]
100086 D - 0xfffff800040e0300 [acpi_task_2]
100088 D - 0xfffff800036a2600 [CAM taskq]
db> show pcpi u
cpuid = 1
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086040f00
curthread = 0xfffff800040ef580: pid 0 tid 100082 "deadlkres"
curpcb = 0xfffffe00005d1a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035ab580: tid 100004 "idle: cpu1"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc188
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc188
rsp0 = 0xfffffe00005d1a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2dc0
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2e00
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2df0
spin locks held:
db> show allpcpu
Current CPU: 1
cpuid = 0
dynamic pcpu = 0x12eef00
curthread = 0xfffff800035ac000: pid 11 tid 100003 "idle: cpu0"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075bcaa80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035ac000: tid 100003 "idle: cpu0"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc120
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc120
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075bcaa80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2d58
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2d98
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2d88
spin locks held:
cpuid = 1
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086040f00
curthread = 0xfffff800040ef580: pid 0 tid 100082 "deadlkres"
curpcb = 0xfffffe00005d1a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035ab580: tid 100004 "idle: cpu1"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc188
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc188
rsp0 = 0xfffffe00005d1a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2dc0
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2e00
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2df0
spin locks held:
cpuid = 2
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe008604bf00
curthread = 0xfffff800035ab000: pid 11 tid 100005 "idle: cpu2"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075bd4a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035ab000: tid 100005 "idle: cpu2"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc1f0
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc1f0
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075bd4a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2e28
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2e68
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2e58
spin locks held:
cpuid = 3
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086056f00
curthread = 0xfffff800035aa580: pid 11 tid 100006 "idle: cpu3"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075bd9a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035aa580: tid 100006 "idle: cpu3"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc258
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc258
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075bd9a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2e90
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2ed0
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2ec0
spin locks held:
cpuid = 4
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086061f00
curthread = 0xfffff80005714000: pid 23 tid 100090 "dom0"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0089e04a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035aa000: tid 100007 "idle: cpu4"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc2c0
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc2c0
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0089e04a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2ef8
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2f38
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2f28
spin locks held:
cpuid = 5
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe008606cf00
curthread = 0xfffff800035a9580: pid 11 tid 100008 "idle: cpu5"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075be3a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035a9580: tid 100008 "idle: cpu5"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc328
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc328
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075be3a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2f60
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc2fa0
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2f90
spin locks held:
cpuid = 6
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086077f00
curthread = 0xfffff800035a9000: pid 11 tid 100009 "idle: cpu6"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075be8a80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035a9000: tid 100009 "idle: cpu6"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc390
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc390
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075be8a80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc2fc8
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc3008
tss = 0xffffffff81bc2ff8
spin locks held:
cpuid = 7
dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe0086082f00
curthread = 0xfffff800035bd580: pid 11 tid 100010 "idle: cpu7"
curpcb = 0xfffffe0075beda80
fpcurthread = none
idlethread = 0xfffff800035bd580: tid 100010 "idle: cpu7"
curpmap = 0xffffffff81a8bca8
tssp = 0xffffffff81bbc3f8
commontssp = 0xffffffff81bbc3f8
rsp0 = 0xfffffe0075beda80
gs32p = 0xffffffff81bc3030
ldt = 0xffffffff81bc3070
tss = 0xffffffff81bc3060
spin locks held:
db> show locks
exclusive sleep mutex process lock (process lock) r = 0 (0xfffff801320ed120) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/kern_clock.c:274
shared sx allproc (allproc) r = 0 (0xffffffff80c02100) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/kern_clock.c:264
db> show alllocks
Process 4186 (ccache) thread 0xfffff8004bb2b580 (100253)
shared lockmgr ufs (ufs) r = 0 (0xfffff8004b59d2e0) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c:2590
Process 4099 (ccache) thread 0xfffff8004b89d580 (100231)
exclusive lockmgr ufs (ufs) r = 0 (0xfffff8004a223a48) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c:2590
Process 4047 (ccache) thread 0xfffff8004b89e580 (100228)
shared lockmgr ufs (ufs) r = 0 (0xfffff8004b59d2e0) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c:2590
Process 23 (pagedaemon) thread 0xfffff80005714000 (100090)
exclusive sleep mutex pmap (pmap) r = 0 (0xfffff80005a09130) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:6548
exclusive rw pmap pv list (pmap pv list) r = 0 (0xffffffff80c48be0) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:6433
exclusive sleep mutex vm page (vm page) r = 0 (0xffffffff80c45ac0) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/vm/vm_page.c:1103
Process 0 (kernel) thread 0xfffff800040ef580 (100082)
exclusive sleep mutex process lock (process lock) r = 0 (0xfffff801320ed120) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/kern_clock.c:274
shared sx allproc (allproc) r = 0 (0xffffffff80c02100) locked @ /usr/home/bwidawsk/usr/src/sys/kern/kern_clock.c:264
db> show lockedvnods
Locked vnodes
vnode 0xfffff8004b59d278: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 3, writecount 0, refcount 8 mountedhere 0
flags (VI_ACTIVE)
v_object 0xfffff8004b821d00 ref 0 pages 12 cleanbuf 1 dirtybuf 1
lock type ufs: SHARED (count 2)
with exclusive waiters pending
#0 0xffffffff8060f892 at lockmgr_slock_hard+0x332
#1 0xffffffff80610209 at __lockmgr_args+0x3f9
#2 0xffffffff808d49cc at ffs_lock+0x7c
#3 0xffffffff809e017a at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0xaa
#4 0xffffffff80717fe0 at _vn_lock+0x60
#5 0xffffffff80706f96 at vget+0x96
#6 0xffffffff806ecc1b at cache_lookup+0x6eb
#7 0xffffffff806f188c at vfs_cache_lookup+0xac
#8 0xffffffff809dcd40 at VOP_LOOKUP_APV+0xc0
#9 0xffffffff806fb021 at lookup+0x691
#10 0xffffffff806fa57d at namei+0x4cd
#11 0xffffffff80714da2 at kern_renameat+0x72
#12 0xffffffff823e64b9 at filemon_wrapper_rename+0x19
#13 0xffffffff8094a567 at amd64_syscall+0x2a7
#14 0xffffffff80928cad at fast_syscall_common+0x101
ino 56100653, on dev ada0p2
vnode 0xfffff8004a2239e0: tag ufs, type VREG
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 3
flags (VI_ACTIVE)
lock type ufs: EXCL by thread 0xfffff8004b89d580 (pid 4099, ccache, tid 100231)
with exclusive waiters pending
#0 0xffffffff8060fc9a at lockmgr_xlock_hard+0x3ba
#1 0xffffffff806101de at __lockmgr_args+0x3ce
#2 0xffffffff808d49cc at ffs_lock+0x7c
#3 0xffffffff809e017a at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0xaa
#4 0xffffffff80717fe0 at _vn_lock+0x60
#5 0xffffffff80706f96 at vget+0x96
#6 0xffffffff806f9061 at vfs_hash_get+0xd1
#7 0xffffffff808d039f at ffs_vgetf+0x3f
#8 0xffffffff808dbde9 at ufs_lookup_ino+0x959
#9 0xffffffff809dcf20 at VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV+0xc0
#10 0xffffffff806f18b6 at vfs_cache_lookup+0xd6
#11 0xffffffff809dcd40 at VOP_LOOKUP_APV+0xc0
#12 0xffffffff806fb021 at lookup+0x691
#13 0xffffffff806fa57d at namei+0x4cd
#14 0xffffffff80714da2 at kern_renameat+0x72
#15 0xffffffff823e64b9 at filemon_wrapper_rename+0x19
#16 0xffffffff8094a567 at amd64_syscall+0x2a7
#17 0xffffffff80928cad at fast_syscall_common+0x101
ino 56102994, on dev ada0p2
db> alltrace
Tracing command ccache pid 4186 tid 100253 td 0xfffff8004bb2b580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008ad4de70
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008ad4dea0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008ad4dee0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe008ad4df10
sleeplk() at sleeplk+0x149/frame 0xfffffe008ad4df70
lockmgr_xlock_hard() at lockmgr_xlock_hard+0x307/frame 0xfffffe008ad4dff0
__lockmgr_args() at __lockmgr_args+0x3ce/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e090
ffs_lock() at ffs_lock+0x7c/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e0e0
VOP_LOCK1_APV() at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0xaa/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e110
_vn_lock() at _vn_lock+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e180
vget() at vget+0x96/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e1c0
vfs_hash_get() at vfs_hash_get+0xd1/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e210
ffs_vgetf() at ffs_vgetf+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e2a0
ufs_lookup_ino() at ufs_lookup_ino+0x959/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e3b0
VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV() at VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e3e0
vfs_cache_lookup() at vfs_cache_lookup+0xd6/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e440
VOP_LOOKUP_APV() at VOP_LOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e470
lookup() at lookup+0x691/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e510
namei() at namei+0x4cd/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e5d0
kern_renameat() at kern_renameat+0x72/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e830
filemon_wrapper_rename() at filemon_wrapper_rename+0x19/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008ad4e9b0
--- syscall (128, FreeBSD ELF64, filemon_wrapper_rename), rip = 0x80033c67a, rsp = 0x7fffffffca58, rbp = 0x7fffffffca90 ---
Tracing command sh pid 4185 tid 100249 td 0xfffff8004bc05580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a4d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008ad3a9b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd048, rbp = 0x7fffffffd100 ---
Tracing command ccache pid 4099 tid 100231 td 0xfffff8004b89d580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008acdfe30
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008acdfe60
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008acdfea0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe008acdfed0
sleeplk() at sleeplk+0x149/frame 0xfffffe008acdff30
lockmgr_xlock_hard() at lockmgr_xlock_hard+0x307/frame 0xfffffe008acdffb0
lockmgr_upgrade() at lockmgr_upgrade+0x11c/frame 0xfffffe008ace0000
__lockmgr_args() at __lockmgr_args+0x2e6/frame 0xfffffe008ace00a0
ffs_lock() at ffs_lock+0x7c/frame 0xfffffe008ace00f0
VOP_LOCK1_APV() at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0xaa/frame 0xfffffe008ace0120
_vn_lock() at _vn_lock+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008ace0190
ufs_accessx() at ufs_accessx+0xbc/frame 0xfffffe008ace0210
VOP_ACCESSX_APV() at VOP_ACCESSX_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008ace0240
ufs_delete_denied() at ufs_delete_denied+0xb2/frame 0xfffffe008ace02a0
ufs_lookup_ino() at ufs_lookup_ino+0x98b/frame 0xfffffe008ace03b0
VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV() at VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008ace03e0
vfs_cache_lookup() at vfs_cache_lookup+0xd6/frame 0xfffffe008ace0440
VOP_LOOKUP_APV() at VOP_LOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008ace0470
lookup() at lookup+0x691/frame 0xfffffe008ace0510
namei() at namei+0x4cd/frame 0xfffffe008ace05d0
kern_renameat() at kern_renameat+0x72/frame 0xfffffe008ace0830
filemon_wrapper_rename() at filemon_wrapper_rename+0x19/frame 0xfffffe008ace0880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008ace09b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008ace09b0
--- syscall (128, FreeBSD ELF64, filemon_wrapper_rename), rip = 0x80033c67a, rsp = 0x7fffffffca38, rbp = 0x7fffffffca70 ---
Tracing command sh pid 4098 tid 100212 td 0xfffff8004b552580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008ac81460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008ac81490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008ac814d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe008ac81530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008ac81560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe008ac81600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe008ac81690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe008ac81880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008ac819b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008ac819b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd048, rbp = 0x7fffffffd100 ---
Tracing command ccache pid 4047 tid 100228 td 0xfffff8004b89e580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008acd0e70
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008acd0ea0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008acd0ee0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe008acd0f10
sleeplk() at sleeplk+0x149/frame 0xfffffe008acd0f70
lockmgr_xlock_hard() at lockmgr_xlock_hard+0x307/frame 0xfffffe008acd0ff0
__lockmgr_args() at __lockmgr_args+0x3ce/frame 0xfffffe008acd1090
ffs_lock() at ffs_lock+0x7c/frame 0xfffffe008acd10e0
VOP_LOCK1_APV() at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0xaa/frame 0xfffffe008acd1110
_vn_lock() at _vn_lock+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008acd1180
vget() at vget+0x96/frame 0xfffffe008acd11c0
vfs_hash_get() at vfs_hash_get+0xd1/frame 0xfffffe008acd1210
ffs_vgetf() at ffs_vgetf+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe008acd12a0
ufs_lookup_ino() at ufs_lookup_ino+0x959/frame 0xfffffe008acd13b0
VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV() at VOP_CACHEDLOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008acd13e0
vfs_cache_lookup() at vfs_cache_lookup+0xd6/frame 0xfffffe008acd1440
VOP_LOOKUP_APV() at VOP_LOOKUP_APV+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe008acd1470
lookup() at lookup+0x691/frame 0xfffffe008acd1510
namei() at namei+0x4cd/frame 0xfffffe008acd15d0
kern_renameat() at kern_renameat+0x72/frame 0xfffffe008acd1830
filemon_wrapper_rename() at filemon_wrapper_rename+0x19/frame 0xfffffe008acd1880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008acd19b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008acd19b0
--- syscall (128, FreeBSD ELF64, filemon_wrapper_rename), rip = 0x80033c67a, rsp = 0x7fffffffca48, rbp = 0x7fffffffca80 ---
Tracing command sh pid 4046 tid 100156 td 0xfffff8001172b580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f66460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f66490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f664d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f66530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f66560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089f66600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0089f66690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0089f66880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f669b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f669b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd048, rbp = 0x7fffffffd100 ---
Tracing command make pid 2330 tid 100221 td 0xfffff8004b751000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008acae520
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008acae550
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008acae590
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe008acae5f0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008acae630
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe008acae6a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe008acae6e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe008acae860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe008acae880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008acae9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008acae9b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x2c988a, rsp = 0x7fffffffc448, rbp = 0x7fffffffc470 ---
Tracing command sh pid 2325 tid 100178 td 0xfffff8001172a000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089fd44d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0089fd4880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089fd49b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089fd49b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd068, rbp = 0x7fffffffd120 ---
Tracing command make pid 2300 tid 100188 td 0xfffff8004b554580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe008ac09520
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe008ac09550
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe008ac09590
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe008ac095f0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008ac09630
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe008ac096a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe008ac096e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe008ac09860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe008ac09880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe008ac099b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008ac099b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x2c988a, rsp = 0x7fffffffc838, rbp = 0x7fffffffc860 ---
Tracing command sh pid 2299 tid 100167 td 0xfffff80011a5f000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d4d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f9d9b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd8f8, rbp = 0x7fffffffd9b0 ---
Tracing command make pid 1208 tid 100143 td 0xfffff80005bd7000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f25520
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f25550
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f25590
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f255f0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089f25630
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089f256a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089f256e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089f25860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089f25880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f259b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f259b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x2c988a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd0a8, rbp = 0x7fffffffd0d0 ---
Tracing command sh pid 1207 tid 100109 td 0xfffff80005831000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e63460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e63490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e634d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e63530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e63560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089e63600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0089e63690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0089e63880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e639b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e639b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x800402f2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffddb8, rbp = 0x7fffffffde70 ---
Tracing command make pid 1174 tid 100128 td 0xfffff80005818000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089eca520
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089eca550
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089eca590
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089eca5f0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089eca630
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089eca6a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089eca6e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089eca860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089eca880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089eca9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089eca9b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x2c988a, rsp = 0x7fffffffd588, rbp = 0x7fffffffd5b0 ---
Tracing command ssh-agent pid 1035 tid 100142 td 0xfffff80011304580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f20540
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f20570
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f205b0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f20610
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f20640
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f206a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089f206e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089f20860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089f20880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f209b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f209b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x8006d6a4a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe1f8, rbp = 0x7fffffffeac0 ---
Tracing command bash pid 1003 tid 100124 td 0xfffff80005663000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089eb64d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0089eb6880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089eb69b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089eb69b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x80070cf2a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe7a8, rbp = 0x7fffffffe7f0 ---
Tracing command sshd pid 1002 tid 100129 td 0xfffff800040f1580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf4c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf4f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf530
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf590
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf5c0
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089ecf9b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x80087a53a, rsp = 0x7fffffffa5a8, rbp = 0x7fffffffa5e0 ---
Tracing command getty pid 1001 tid 100154 td 0xfffff8001172c000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c5a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c6c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c7b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c7f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f5c9b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 1000 tid 100153 td 0xfffff8001172c580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f57530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f57560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f575a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f57600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f57630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f57690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f576c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f57720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f57750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f577b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f577f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f57830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f57880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f579b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f579b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 999 tid 100152 td 0xfffff8001172d000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f52530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f52560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f525a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f52600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f52630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f52690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f526c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f52720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f52750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f527b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f527f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f52830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f52880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f529b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f529b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 998 tid 100151 td 0xfffff8001172d580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d5a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d6c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d7b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d7f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f4d9b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 997 tid 100150 td 0xfffff80005829000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f48530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f48560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f485a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f48600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f48630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f48690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f486c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f48720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f48750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f487b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f487f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f48830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f48880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f489b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f489b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 996 tid 100149 td 0xfffff80005829580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f43530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f43560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f435a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f43600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f43630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f43690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f436c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f43720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f43750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f437b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f437f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f43830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f43880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f439b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f439b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 995 tid 100148 td 0xfffff8000582f000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e5a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e6c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e7b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e7f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f3e9b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 994 tid 100117 td 0xfffff8000582f580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b5a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b6c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b7b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b7f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e8b9b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebe8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec30 ---
Tracing command getty pid 993 tid 100104 td 0xfffff80003646000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a530
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a560
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a5a0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a600
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a630
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a690
tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x42/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a6c0
ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x212/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a720
ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a750
devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xde/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a7b0
dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a7f0
kern_readv() at kern_readv+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a830
sys_read() at sys_read+0x86/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e4a9b0
--- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x80042f55a, rsp = 0x7fffffffebd8, rbp = 0x7fffffffec20 ---
Tracing command cron pid 943 tid 100141 td 0xfffff80011305000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b600
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b630
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b670
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b6d0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b710
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2e9/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b7b0
kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1b7/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b840
sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x5f/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f1b9b0
--- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x8003d10aa, rsp = 0x7fffffffeaf8, rbp = 0x7fffffffece0 ---
Tracing command sendmail pid 938 tid 100134 td 0xfffff80005816000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8650
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8680
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089ef86c0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8720
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8750
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0089ef87f0
kern_sigsuspend() at kern_sigsuspend+0xb4/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8850
sys_sigsuspend() at sys_sigsuspend+0x31/frame 0xfffffe0089ef8880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089ef89b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089ef89b0
--- syscall (4, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_write), rip = 0x80075dfaa, rsp = 0x7fffffffd8c8, rbp = 0x7fffffffd8f0 ---
Tracing command sshd pid 937 tid 100135 td 0xfffff80011306000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089efd540
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089efd570
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089efd5b0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089efd610
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089efd640
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089efd6a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089efd6e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089efd860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089efd880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089efd9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089efd9b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x80081ba4a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe5c8, rbp = 0x7fffffffe600 ---
Tracing command sendmail pid 934 tid 100118 td 0xfffff80003689000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e904a0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e904d0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e90510
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e90570
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089e905b0
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089e90620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089e90660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089e90840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089e90880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e909b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e909b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x8007cf53a, rsp = 0x7fffffffce58, rbp = 0x7fffffffd8d0 ---
Tracing command sshd pid 931 tid 100140 td 0xfffff80005fc8580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089f164c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089f164f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089f16530
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089f16590
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089f165c0
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089f16620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089f16660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089f16840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089f16880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089f169b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089f169b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x80087a53a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe698, rbp = 0x7fffffffe6d0 ---
Tracing command dbus-daemon pid 903 tid 100107 td 0xfffff80003adc000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e59540
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e59570
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e595b0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e59610
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e59640
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e596a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089e596e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089e59860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e59880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e599b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e599b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x800a89a4a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe898, rbp = 0x7fffffffe8d0 ---
Tracing command powerd pid 881 tid 100126 td 0xfffff80005bd7580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089ec04a0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089ec04d0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0510
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0570
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089ec05b0
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089ec0880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089ec09b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089ec09b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x80042c53a, rsp = 0x7fffffffeba8, rbp = 0x7fffffffece0 ---
Tracing command ntpd pid 878 tid 100131 td 0xfffff80005fc9000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089ed94c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089ed94f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9530
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9590
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089ed95c0
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089ed9880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089ed99b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089ed99b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x8007a853a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe098, rbp = 0x7fffffffe0d0 ---
Tracing command syslogd pid 789 tid 100110 td 0xfffff8000368a000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e684c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e684f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e68530
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e68590
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e685c0
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e68620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089e68660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089e68840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089e68880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e689b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e689b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x80043553a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe6c8, rbp = 0x7fffffffece0 ---
Tracing command devd pid 646 tid 100115 td 0xfffff80005663580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e814a0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e814d0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e81510
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e81570
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089e815b0
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089e81620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089e81660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089e81840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089e81880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e819b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e819b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x2fbfba, rsp = 0x7fffffffcb78, rbp = 0x7fffffffed00 ---
Tracing command dhclient pid 645 tid 100119 td 0xfffff80005711000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e95520
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e95550
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e95590
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e955f0
sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089e95630
_cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089e956a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x6b/frame 0xfffffe0089e956e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089e95860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e95880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e959b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e959b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x8003eca4a, rsp = 0x7fffffffec48, rbp = 0x7fffffffec80 ---
Tracing command dhclient pid 599 tid 100108 td 0xfffff8000382c580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e540
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e570
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e5b0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e610
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e640
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e6a0
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e6e0
kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43a/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e860
sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e5e9b0
--- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x8003eca4a, rsp = 0x7fffffffec58, rbp = 0x7fffffffec80 ---
Tracing command dhclient pid 596 tid 100111 td 0xfffff80003634580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d4c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d4f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d530
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d590
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d5c0
_cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x1ce/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d620
seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x8d/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d660
kern_select() at kern_select+0x83f/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d840
sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d9b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089e6d9b0
--- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x80044b53a, rsp = 0x7fffffffea08, rbp = 0x7fffffffeac0 ---
Tracing command syncer pid 27 tid 100097 td 0xfffff80005712000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e227c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e227f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e22830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e22870
_cv_timedwait_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sbt+0x1f1/frame 0xfffffe0089e228e0
sched_sync() at sched_sync+0x609/frame 0xfffffe0089e22970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e229b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e229b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command vnlru pid 26 tid 100093 td 0xfffff80005712580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e13780
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e137b0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e137f0
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e13830
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e138d0
vnlru_proc() at vnlru_proc+0xa4/frame 0xfffffe0089e13970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e139b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e139b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100092 td 0xfffff80005713000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e7d0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e800
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e840
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e880
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e920
buf_daemon() at buf_daemon+0xd8/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e0e9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100094 td 0xfffff80003829000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e187c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e187f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e18830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e18870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e18910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e18970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e189b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e189b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100096 td 0xfffff80003828580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d7c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d7f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e1d9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100098 td 0xfffff80003828000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e277c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e277f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e27830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e27870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e27910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e27970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e279b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e279b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100099 td 0xfffff80005835000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c7c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c7f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e2c9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100100 td 0xfffff80005833580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e367c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e367f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e36830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e36870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e36910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e36970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e369b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e369b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100102 td 0xfffff80005833000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e407c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e407f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e40830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e40870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e40910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e40970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e409b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e409b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100103 td 0xfffff80005831580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e457c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e457f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e45830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e45870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e45910
bufspace_daemon() at bufspace_daemon+0x2eb/frame 0xfffffe0089e45970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e459b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e459b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command bufdaemon pid 25 tid 100113 td 0xfffff80003689580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e777f0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e77820
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e77860
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e778a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e77940
softdep_flush() at softdep_flush+0x17f/frame 0xfffffe0089e77970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e779b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e779b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command vmdaemon pid 24 tid 100091 td 0xfffff80005713580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e097b0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e097e0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e09820
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0089e09850
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0089e098f0
vm_daemon() at vm_daemon+0xaa6/frame 0xfffffe0089e09970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e099b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e099b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command pagedaemon pid 23 tid 100090 td 0xfffff80005714000 (CPU 4)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d50df0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d50e10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d50f20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d50f20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff8090b3c0, rsp = 0xfffffe0089e04528, rbp = 0xfffffe0089e045b0 ---
vm_page_dirty_KBI() at vm_page_dirty_KBI/frame 0xfffffe0089e045b0
vm_pageout_worker() at vm_pageout_worker+0xf96/frame 0xfffffe0089e04950
vm_pageout() at vm_pageout+0x133/frame 0xfffffe0089e04970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e049b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e049b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command pagedaemon pid 23 tid 100095 td 0xfffff80005819580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e315b0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e315e0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e31620
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0089e31650
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0089e316f0
vm_pageout_laundry_worker() at vm_pageout_laundry_worker+0xc70/frame 0xfffffe0089e31970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e319b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e319b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command pagedaemon pid 23 tid 100101 td 0xfffff80005819000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b7f0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b820
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b860
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b940
uma_reclaim_worker() at uma_reclaim_worker+0xda/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089e3b9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command rand_harvestq pid 22 tid 100087 td 0xfffff800040e6000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005f27c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005f27f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005f2830
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00005f2870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe00005f2910
random_kthread() at random_kthread+0x296/frame 0xfffffe00005f2970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005f29b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005f29b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command sctp_iterator pid 21 tid 100083 td 0xfffff800040ef000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005d6810
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005d6840
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005d6880
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005d68b0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe00005d6950
sctp_iterator_thread() at sctp_iterator_thread+0x59/frame 0xfffffe00005d6970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005d69b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005d69b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command soaiod4 pid 20 tid 100081 td 0xfffff80005675000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005cc7e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005cc810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005cc850
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00005cc890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe00005cc930
soaio_kproc_loop() at soaio_kproc_loop+0x170/frame 0xfffffe00005cc970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005cc9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005cc9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command soaiod3 pid 19 tid 100080 td 0xfffff80005675580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005c77e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005c7810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005c7850
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00005c7890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe00005c7930
soaio_kproc_loop() at soaio_kproc_loop+0x170/frame 0xfffffe00005c7970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005c79b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005c79b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command soaiod2 pid 18 tid 100079 td 0xfffff80005676000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005c27e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005c2810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005c2850
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00005c2890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe00005c2930
soaio_kproc_loop() at soaio_kproc_loop+0x170/frame 0xfffffe00005c2970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005c29b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005c29b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command soaiod1 pid 17 tid 100078 td 0xfffff80005676580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005bd7e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005bd810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005bd850
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00005bd890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xfffffe00005bd930
soaio_kproc_loop() at soaio_kproc_loop+0x170/frame 0xfffffe00005bd970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005bd9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005bd9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100069 td 0xfffff80003ae6000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000580830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000580860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005808a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005808d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe0000580930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe0000580970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005809b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005809b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100070 td 0xfffff80003ae5580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000585830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000585860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005858a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005858d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe0000585930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe0000585970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005859b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005859b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100071 td 0xfffff80003ae5000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000058a830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000058a860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000058a8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000058a8d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe000058a930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe000058a970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000058a9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000058a9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100072 td 0xfffff80003ae4580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000058f830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000058f860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000058f8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000058f8d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe000058f930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe000058f970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000058f9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000058f9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100073 td 0xfffff80003ae4000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000594830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000594860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005948a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005948d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe0000594930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe0000594970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005949b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005949b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command usb pid 16 tid 100132 td 0xfffff8000367d000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0089ede830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0089ede860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0089ede8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0089ede8d0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe0089ede930
usb_process() at usb_process+0x12b/frame 0xfffffe0089ede970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0089ede9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0089ede9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command cam pid 15 tid 100066 td 0xfffff8000382a000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005717e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000571810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000571850
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000571880
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000571920
xpt_done_td() at xpt_done_td+0x7b/frame 0xfffffe0000571970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005719b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005719b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command cam pid 15 tid 100067 td 0xfffff80003829580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005767e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000576810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000576850
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000576880
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000576920
xpt_done_td() at xpt_done_td+0x7b/frame 0xfffffe0000576970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005769b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005769b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command cam pid 15 tid 100089 td 0xfffff80005714580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005fc7d0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005fc800
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005fc840
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005fc870
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe00005fc910
xpt_scanner_thread() at xpt_scanner_thread+0x93/frame 0xfffffe00005fc970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005fc9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005fc9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 7 pid 14 tid 100065 td 0xfffff8000382a580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000056c7c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000056c7f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000056c830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000056c860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000056c900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe000056c970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000056c9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000056c9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 6 pid 9 tid 100064 td 0xfffff8000382b000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005677c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005677f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000567830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000567860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000567900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe0000567970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005679b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005679b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 5 pid 8 tid 100063 td 0xfffff8000382b580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005627c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005627f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000562830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000562860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000562900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe0000562970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005629b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005629b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 4 pid 7 tid 100062 td 0xfffff8000382c000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000055d7c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000055d7f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000055d830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000055d860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000055d900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe000055d970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000055d9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000055d9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 3 pid 6 tid 100061 td 0xfffff800036ca580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005587c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005587f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000558830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000558860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000558900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe0000558970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005589b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005589b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 2 pid 5 tid 100060 td 0xfffff8000381d000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005537c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005537f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000553830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000553860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000553900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe0000553970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005539b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005539b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 1 pid 4 tid 100059 td 0xfffff8000381d580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000054e7c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000054e7f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000054e830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000054e860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000054e900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe000054e970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000054e9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000054e9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto returns 0 pid 3 tid 100058 td 0xfffff8000381e000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005497c0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005497f0
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000549830
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000549860
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000549900
crypto_ret_proc() at crypto_ret_proc+0x238/frame 0xfffffe0000549970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005499b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005499b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command crypto pid 2 tid 100057 td 0xfffff8000381e580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005447f0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000544820
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000544860
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000544890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000544930
crypto_proc() at crypto_proc+0x2c5/frame 0xfffffe0000544970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005449b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005449b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command geom pid 13 tid 100045 td 0xfffff800036c9580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005087f0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000508820
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000508860
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000508890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000508930
g_run_events() at g_run_events+0x4f/frame 0xfffffe0000508970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005089b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005089b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command geom pid 13 tid 100046 td 0xfffff800036c9000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000050d7f0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000050d820
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000050d860
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000050d890
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000050d930
g_io_schedule_up() at g_io_schedule_up+0xa5/frame 0xfffffe000050d960
g_up_procbody() at g_up_procbody+0x6d/frame 0xfffffe000050d970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000050d9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000050d9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command geom pid 13 tid 100047 td 0xfffff800036c8580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005127e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000512810
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000512850
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000512880
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000512920
g_io_schedule_down() at g_io_schedule_down+0x14c/frame 0xfffffe0000512960
g_down_procbody() at g_down_procbody+0x6d/frame 0xfffffe0000512970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005129b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005129b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100014 td 0xfffff800035bb580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000040d8e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000040d910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe000040d970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000040d9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000040d9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100015 td 0xfffff800035bb000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00004128e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000412910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe0000412970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004129b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004129b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100017 td 0xfffff800035ba000
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100035 td 0xfffff800036b7580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100036 td 0xfffff800036b7000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000049b8e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000049b910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe000049b970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000049b9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000049b9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100037 td 0xfffff800036b6580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100038 td 0xfffff800036b6000
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100039 td 0xfffff800036b5580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100040 td 0xfffff800036b5000
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100041 td 0xfffff800036ad580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100042 td 0xfffff800036ad000
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100043 td 0xfffff8000368c580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100044 td 0xfffff800036ca000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00004c38e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00004c3910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe00004c3970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004c39b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004c39b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100068 td 0xfffff80003ae6580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000057b8e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000057b910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe000057b970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000057b9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000057b9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100074 td 0xfffff80003adc580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005998e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000599910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe0000599970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005999b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005999b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100075 td 0xfffff800040f1000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005ae8e0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005ae910
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x313/frame 0xfffffe00005ae970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005ae9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005ae9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command intr pid 12 tid 100076 td 0xfffff800040f0580
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100003 td 0xfffff800035ac000 (CPU 0)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xffffffff81a71000
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xffffffff81a71020
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xffffffff81a71130
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xffffffff81a71130
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075bca800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075bca810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075bca810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075bca860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075bca880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075bca8a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075bca970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bca9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bca9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100004 td 0xfffff800035ab580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf850
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf880
critical_exit_preempt() at critical_exit_preempt+0x66/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf8a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bcf9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100005 td 0xfffff800035ab000 (CPU 2)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d3adf0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d3ae10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d3af20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d3af20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075bd4800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075bd4810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075bd4810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075bd4860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075bd4880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075bd48a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075bd4970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bd49b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bd49b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100006 td 0xfffff800035aa580 (CPU 3)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d45df0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d45e10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d45f20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d45f20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075bd9800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075bd9810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075bd9810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075bd9860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075bd9880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075bd98a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075bd9970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bd99b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bd99b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100007 td 0xfffff800035aa000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bde870
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bde8a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0xb8/frame 0xfffffe0075bde970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bde9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bde9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100008 td 0xfffff800035a9580 (CPU 5)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d5bdf0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d5be10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d5bf20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d5bf20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075be3800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075be3810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075be3810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075be3860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075be3880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075be38a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075be3970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075be39b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075be39b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100009 td 0xfffff800035a9000 (CPU 6)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d66df0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d66e10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d66f20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d66f20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075be8800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075be8810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075be8810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075be8860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075be8880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075be88a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075be8970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075be89b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075be89b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command idle pid 11 tid 100010 td 0xfffff800035bd580 (CPU 7)
cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe0006d71df0
ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0006d71e10
trap() at trap+0x49/frame 0xfffffe0006d71f20
nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0006d71f20
--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xffffffff809c7f98, rsp = 0xfffffe0075bed800, rbp = 0xfffffe0075bed810 ---
acpi_cpu_idle_mwait() at acpi_cpu_idle_mwait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075bed810
acpi_cpu_idle() at acpi_cpu_idle+0x1c6/frame 0xfffffe0075bed860
cpu_idle_acpi() at cpu_idle_acpi+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe0075bed880
cpu_idle() at cpu_idle+0xa7/frame 0xfffffe0075bed8a0
sched_idletd() at sched_idletd+0x517/frame 0xfffffe0075bed970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bed9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bed9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command init pid 1 tid 100002 td 0xfffff800035ac580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5460
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5490
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0075bc54d0
sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x3e7/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5530
sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5560
_sleep() at _sleep+0x34e/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5600
kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x4af/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5690
sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe0075bc5880
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x2a7/frame 0xfffffe0075bc59b0
fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0075bc59b0
--- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x2ae76a, rsp = 0x7fffffffe788, rbp = 0x7fffffffe7f0 ---
Tracing command audit pid 10 tid 100001 td 0xfffff800035ad000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bc0810
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bc0840
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0075bc0880
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0075bc08b0
_cv_wait() at _cv_wait+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe0075bc0910
audit_worker() at audit_worker+0x93/frame 0xfffffe0075bc0970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bc09b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bc09b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100000 td 0xffffffff81a8b5e0
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xffffffff81fde8d0
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xffffffff81fde900
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xffffffff81fde940
sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x50/frame 0xffffffff81fde980
_sleep() at _sleep+0x2fc/frame 0xffffffff81fdea20
swapper() at swapper+0x77/frame 0xffffffff81fdea70
btext() at btext+0x2c
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100011 td 0xfffff800035bd000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bf2830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bf2860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0075bf28a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0075bf28d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0075bf2940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0075bf2970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bf29b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bf29b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100012 td 0xfffff800035bc580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bf7800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bf7830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0075bf7870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0075bf78a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0075bf7940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0075bf7970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bf79b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bf79b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100013 td 0xfffff800035bc000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0075bfc9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100016 td 0xfffff800035ba580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000417800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000417830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000417870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004178a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000417940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000417970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004179b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004179b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100018 td 0xfffff800035ad580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000441830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000441860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004418a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004418d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000441940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000441970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004419b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004419b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100019 td 0xfffff80003617000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000446830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000446860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004468a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004468d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000446940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000446970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004469b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004469b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100020 td 0xfffff80003616580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000044b830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000044b860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000044b8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000044b8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000044b940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000044b970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000044b9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000044b9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100021 td 0xfffff80003616000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000450830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000450860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004508a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004508d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000450940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000450970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004509b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004509b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100022 td 0xfffff80003615580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000455830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000455860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004558a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004558d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000455940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000455970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004559b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004559b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100023 td 0xfffff80003615000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000045a830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000045a860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000045a8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000045a8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000045a940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000045a970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000045a9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000045a9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100024 td 0xfffff80003614580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000045f830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000045f860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000045f8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000045f8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000045f940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000045f970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000045f9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000045f9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100025 td 0xfffff80003614000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000464830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000464860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004648a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004648d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000464940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000464970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004649b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004649b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100026 td 0xfffff80003613580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000469830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000469860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004698a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004698d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000469940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000469970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004699b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004699b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100027 td 0xfffff80003613000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000046e830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000046e860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000046e8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000046e8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000046e940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000046e970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000046e9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000046e9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100028 td 0xfffff80003649580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000473830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000473860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004738a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004738d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000473940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000473970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004739b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004739b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100029 td 0xfffff80003649000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000478830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000478860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004788a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004788d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000478940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000478970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004789b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004789b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100030 td 0xfffff80003646580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000047d830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000047d860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000047d8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000047d8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000047d940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000047d970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000047d9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000047d9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100031 td 0xfffff8000368c000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000482830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000482860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004828a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004828d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000482940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000482970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004829b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004829b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100032 td 0xfffff8000368b580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000487830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000487860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004878a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004878d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000487940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000487970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004879b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004879b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100033 td 0xfffff8000368b000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000048c830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000048c860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000048c8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000048c8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe000048c940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000048c970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000048c9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000048c9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100034 td 0xfffff8000368a580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000491830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000491860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00004918a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00004918d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe0000491940
gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0000491970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00004919b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00004919b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100048 td 0xfffff800036c8000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000517800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000517830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000517870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005178a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000517940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000517970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005179b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005179b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100049 td 0xfffff800036c7580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000051c800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000051c830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000051c870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000051c8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000051c940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000051c970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000051c9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000051c9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100050 td 0xfffff800036c7000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000521800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000521830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000521870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005218a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000521940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000521970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005219b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005219b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100051 td 0xfffff800036c6580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000526800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000526830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000526870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005268a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000526940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000526970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005269b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005269b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100052 td 0xfffff800036c6000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000052b800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000052b830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000052b870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000052b8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000052b940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000052b970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000052b9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000052b9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100053 td 0xfffff80003820580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000530800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000530830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000530870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005308a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000530940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000530970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005309b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005309b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100054 td 0xfffff80003820000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe0000535800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe0000535830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe0000535870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005358a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe0000535940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe0000535970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005359b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005359b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100055 td 0xfffff8000381f580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000053a800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000053a830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000053a870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000053a8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000053a940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000053a970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000053a9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000053a9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100056 td 0xfffff8000381f000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe000053f800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe000053f830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe000053f870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe000053f8a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe000053f940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000053f970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe000053f9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000053f9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100077 td 0xfffff800040f0000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005b8830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005b8860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005b88a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005b88d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe00005b8940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00005b8970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005b89b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005b89b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100082 td 0xfffff800040ef580 (CPU 1)
kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe00005d1870
vpanic() at vpanic+0x1c0/frame 0xfffffe00005d18d0
panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005d1930
deadlkres() at deadlkres+0x3a3/frame 0xfffffe00005d1970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005d19b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005d19b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100084 td 0xfffff800040ee580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005e3830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005e3860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005e38a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005e38d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe00005e3940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00005e3970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005e39b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005e39b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100085 td 0xfffff800040ee000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005e8830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005e8860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005e88a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005e88d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe00005e8940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00005e8970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005e89b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005e89b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100086 td 0xfffff800040e6580
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005ed830
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005ed860
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005ed8a0
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005ed8d0
msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x1b3/frame 0xfffffe00005ed940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00005ed970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005ed9b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005ed9b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100088 td 0xfffff80005715000
sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x7ca/frame 0xfffffe00005f7800
mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x16f/frame 0xfffffe00005f7830
sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x10d/frame 0xfffffe00005f7870
sleepq_wait() at sleepq_wait+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00005f78a0
_sleep() at _sleep+0x358/frame 0xfffffe00005f7940
taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe00005f7970
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe00005f79b0
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00005f79b0
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Thanks for using picocom
[01;32mbwidawsk@rantogno-builder[00m:[01;34m~[00m$ exit
Script done on Tue 11 Sep 2018 10:10:40 AM PDT