//Honeycomb (from SolidRun)//: build kernel with DPAA2 drivers from the latest CURRENT, boot it and configure "dpni" interface.
//Ten64 (from Traverse)//: ~~I used to network-boot it, but recently discovered that buildworld/buildkernel with several threads fails for me. Kernel panics in the different places during network stress test which I can't explain at the moment. I wouldn't recommend to use it for tests until those issues fixed.~~ It appeared that SoC on Ten64 was overheated during my build processes and the stress test with the latest firmware (0.8.10) flashed. Ten64 was shipped (in my case, at least) with Cortex-A53 cores running at 1600 MHz, a basic/small radiator and a single fan installed. It wasn't enough to cool it properly, I think. My thermocouple showed ~64 °C on radiator under load. It's possible to down-clock Ten64 to 1200 MHz (and reduced bus frequencies) by flashing modified firmware: https://forum.traverse.com.au/t/cpu-temperature-and-fan-speed/182/4?u=dsl. It helped me to solve all of the unexpected panics during world/kernel builds and the stress test.