I observed hangs post-r362977 in QEMU with -smp 2, in which one thread
would acquire write access to an rm_lock (sysctllock) and get stuck
waiting in smp_rendezvous_cpus while the other CPU was servicing a trap.
The other thread was waiting for read access to the same lock, thus
causing deadlock.
It's clear that this is just one symptom of a larger problem. All otherThe general
architectures enable interrupts for some subset of trap values,expectation of MI kernel code is that interrupts are enabled. and thisViolating
this assumption will at best create some additional latency, but otherwise
might cause locking or other unforeseen issues. All other architectures do so
for some subset of trap values, but this somehow got missed in the RISC-V port
port. Enable interrupts now during kernel page faults and all user trap
The code in exception.S already knows to disable interrupts while
handling the return from exception, so there are no changes required