In order to test Kyua jail support against `main`:
- apply kyua patch:
- apply jailed tests demo patch:
- full build
- `kldload pf if_epair`
- (jailed parallelism test only) `kyua -v parallelism=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) test -k /usr/tests/sys/netpfil/pf/Kyuafile pass_block`
- optionally it can be run without parallelism to compare timings
- (full suite test) `kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile`
- (full suite test in parallel) `kyua -v parallelism=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile`
Extra testing for the cases without jail feature:
- apply kyua patch:
- apply jailed tests demo patch:
- full build WITHOUT_JAIL
- (jailed parallelism test only) `kyua -v parallelism=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) test -k /usr/tests/sys/netpfil/pf/Kyuafile pass_block`
- it should report what those tests are skipped due to execenv=jail is not supported
- (full suite test) `kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile`