This change reduces the size of iommu_gas.o by 48 bytes.
On a test code ({F47254409}) compiled with -O2 -DPLAIN that repeatedly inserts and removes nodes from a tree keeping it as close as possible to 32k in size, this change improves performance on 4 of 5 machines tested:
x plain.lip1.res
| + xx |
| ++ xx |
| + ++ xxxxx |
|++ +++ + + xxxxx |
|+++++++ + + + + xxxxxx x|
| |___MA___| |_A_| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 24 69.748549 70.051546 69.824668 69.836802 0.07465928
+ 24 66.338499 67.213256 66.570199 66.58625 0.19325032
Difference at 95.0% confidence
-3.25055 +/- 0.0851268
-4.6545% +/- 0.121894%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.146492)
x plain.lip2.res
| + x |
| ++ x |
| ++ x |
| ++ xx |
| +++ xxx |
| +++ xxx |
| +++ xxx |
| +++ xxxx |
|+++++ xxxxxx|
| |A| |A| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 24 76.020217 76.486612 76.174439 76.194297 0.12094221
+ 24 68.195964 68.63567 68.418908 68.413376 0.10211452
Difference at 95.0% confidence
-7.78092 +/- 0.0650399
-10.2119% +/- 0.0853606%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.111925)
x plain.lip3.res
| + x |
| +++ x x x x |
|+ +++ + + xx x x x x |
|+ ++++ ++ + +++ +++ xxxxxx xx x x xx|
| |____M___A________| |____M__A_______| |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 24 41.298008 42.148018 41.486214 41.591602 0.28646009
+ 24 39.026303 40.218466 39.51874 39.64809 0.33600281
Difference at 95.0% confidence
-1.94351 +/- 0.181429
-4.67285% +/- 0.436217%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.312216)
x plain.lip4.res
|++ x |
|++ x |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xx |
|++ xxx|
|++ xxx|
||A |A |
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 24 63.073985 63.237333 63.127556 63.134412 0.041624923
+ 24 56.700027 56.81675 56.740303 56.742484 0.030355262
Difference at 95.0% confidence
-6.39193 +/- 0.0211687
-10.1243% +/- 0.0335296%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.0364285)
x plain.lip5.res
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
| xx ++|
|xxx +++|
| A| A||
N Min Max Median Avg Stddev
x 24 84.044938 84.156457 84.119338 84.117232 0.026102463
+ 24 88.557503 88.647588 88.616434 88.611203 0.02483168
Difference at 95.0% confidence
4.49397 +/- 0.0148036
5.34251% +/- 0.0175988%
(Student's t, pooled s = 0.025475)