Tests done so far, all on amd64 unless stated:
- install all three Guile versions at once and test clients of each: lilypond for guile1, guile-gnome-platform for guile2, and guile-cairo (via g-golf which is not yet a port) for guile3.
- testport builds for all ports touched in the patch so far
- actual runtime tests on guile-gnome-platform, guile-cairo, g-wrap, guile-lib, lilypond (w/ and w/o GUILE2 option), lilypond-devel, irc/weechat, finance/gnucash
- build guile3 on i386 to confirm it is not BROKEN as was previously specified
Tests planned:
- build and run tests on other guile-dependent ports
- test on i386 and armv7 if resources allow (I don't have an aarch64 system to test on)
- test some non-clean builds to check that the correct Guile version is being picked up