The current version of bhyve's man page is a very long block of text that has grown to proportions that are hard to read - particularly, because the nesting of various content has reached a depth that `man` no longer can render the text in a user friendly manner.
I used this opportunity to apply the following additional changes:
- I suggest moving the `-s` argument documentation into a separate section and reformatting the various arguments so they are consistent.
- added some documentation on how to use the -o config.dump feature
- made the listing of the various arguments more consistent
- consolidated duplicate listing of TPM backends
- updated the document date
- added an example for the config.dump feature
- fixed various formatting inconsistencies
Not sure who I need to include for reviewers here - I assume this also needs to go into "src" reviewers? Don't want to add before I understand whether I'm spamming anyone with this... feedback welcome!