I tested each of the following crontab entries in isolation:
# should both log and send email
* * * * * date
# should only send email, but won't show up in log
* * * * * -q date
# should not send email
* * * * * -n date
# should not send email or log
* * * * * -n -q date
# should send email because of ping failure
* * * * * -n -q ping -c 1
I also tested to ensure the command options work using the
/etc/crontab format which requires user to be specified.
Also, I tested the empty command entry, e.g.:
* * * * *
This will log but never send an email.
However, because of the way the parsing works, an empty command
is not supported in conjunction with command options. So:
* * * * * -q
will not parse as valid crontab syntax.
I suspect this is the same behaviour as OpenBSD crontab, and
frankly makes sense - since an empty command entry only purpose
is to provide a signal in the cron logs.