Tested discovery of setuid binaries by changing `bin/feh` in graphics/feh to all possible configurations and spot tested the test-case results. Full results are linked below.
- `@(root,wheel,4644) bin/feh` - no warning
- `@(,,4555) bin/feh` - prints warning
- `@(,,2555) bin/feh` - prints warning
- `@(root,,6444) bin/feh` -no warning
- `@(,,4544) bin/feh` - no warning
- `@(,,2544) bin/feh` - no warning
- `@(,,0555) bin/feh` - no warning
- `@(,,755) bin/feh` - no warning
Script used to generate unit test cases: [[ https://git.io/Jtd6u
| Link to GitHub Gist ]]
Positive (triggered) test cases: [[ https://git.io/Jtd6s | Link to GitHub Gist ]]
Negative (not triggered) test cases: [[ https://git.io/Jtd6c | Link to GitHub Gist ]]
Full test suit output: [[ https://git.io/Jtd6m | Link to GitHub Gist ]]