For discussion only
- Change swap reserve to be in terms of unsigned long so that it can be manipulated as an atomic
- Move UMA zone fast path fields to a single cache line, lock to share cache line with infrequently accessed fields
- pcpu quota handling for swap reserve and uidinfo ui_vmsize, pcpu thresholds will need further consideration
- pcpu refcnts
- switch ucreds to use pcpu refcnts - for purposes of POC, new processes get their own ucred to simplify handling of kill
- move pmap_remove to using preemptible epoch rather than current global mutex based ad hoc EBR
- back counter_u64 with domain correct pages
- zero counters synchronously at alloc
4k brk calls at 48 processes 1.8M -> 106M (Linux is 103M)
128M mmap/munmap at 48p 1M -> 7M (Linux is 1.8M)