A. sanity checks on queue names - script posixmqcontroltestsane.sh
1. must start with leading slash '/'
2. must not contain more than one slash '/'
3. must not be longer than PATH_MAX.
B. create, info, recv, send, and rm subcommands are tested for single queue operation - script posixmqcontroltest8x64.sh
1. verify info on non-existing queue returns an error.
2. create one queue.
3. verify queue exists.
4. send eight distinct messages - with increasing priority.
5. verify queue has eight messages waiting.
6. drain each message from queues - verifying expected order based on priority.
7. verify queue is empty.
8. remove queue.
C. create, info, send, and rm are tested for mutiple queue operations. send is tested for multiple messages - script posixmqcontroltest8qs.sh
1. verify 'info' on non-existing queue returns an error.
2. create eight queues in one 'create' operation.
3. verify eight queues exist in one 'info' operation.
4. send one message to all eight queues in one 'send' operation.
5. verify each queue has one message waiting as one 'info' operation.
6. drain one message from each of eight queues (one at a time).
7. verify each queue is empty as one 'info' operation.
8. remove all queues as one 'rm' operation.