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Index: vendor/bc/dist/.gitignore
--- vendor/bc/dist/.gitignore (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/.gitignore (revision 368063)
@@ -1,61 +1,60 @@
# Ignore the generated test files
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,389 +1,364 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-VERSION = 3.2.0
+VERSION = 3.1.6
SRC = %%SRC%%
OBJ = %%OBJ%%
+BC_SRC = %%BC_SRC%%
+BC_OBJ = %%BC_OBJ%%
+DC_SRC = %%DC_SRC%%
+DC_OBJ = %%DC_OBJ%%
GEN_DIR = gen
GEN = %%GEN%%
GEN_C = $(GEN_DIR)/$(GEN).c
BC_LIB = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.bc
BC_LIB_C = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.c
BC_LIB_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.gcda
BC_LIB_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.gcno
BC_LIB2 = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.bc
BC_LIB2_C = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.c
BC_LIB2_O = %%BC_LIB2_O%%
BC_LIB2_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.gcda
BC_LIB2_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.gcno
BC_HELP = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.txt
BC_HELP_C = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.c
BC_HELP_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.gcda
BC_HELP_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.gcno
DC_HELP = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.txt
DC_HELP_C = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.c
DC_HELP_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.gcda
DC_HELP_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.gcno
BIN = bin
LOCALES = locales
BC = bc
DC = dc
-LIB = libbcl
-LIB_NAME = $(LIB).a
-BCL = bcl
-BCL_TEST_C = tests/$(BCL).c
MANUALS = manuals
EXEC = $(%%EXEC%%)
RM = rm
MKDIR = mkdir
LINK = ./
VALGRIND_ARGS = --error-exitcode=100 --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --errors-for-leak-kinds=all
CC = %%CC%%
-BC_LIB_C_ARGS = bc_lib bc_lib_name $(BC_ENABLED_NAME) 1
-BC_LIB2_C_ARGS = bc_lib2 bc_lib2_name "$(BC_ENABLED_NAME) && $(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH_NAME)" 1
+BC_LIB_C_ARGS = bc_lib bc.h bc_lib_name $(BC_ENABLED_NAME) 1
+BC_LIB2_C_ARGS = bc_lib2 bc.h bc_lib2_name "$(BC_ENABLED_NAME) && $(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH_NAME)" 1
+OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(BC_LIB_O) $(BC_LIB2_O) $(BC_LIB3_O)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-all: %%ALL_PREREQ%%
-execs: make_bin $(OBJ_TARGETS)
+all: make_bin $(OBJ_TARGETS)
-library: make_bin $(OBJ) $(BC_LIB_O) $(BC_LIB2_O)
- ar -r -cu $(LIBBC) $(BC_LIB_O) $(BC_LIB2_O) $(OBJ)
$(BC_LIB2_C): $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_LIB2)
- $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_HELP) $(BC_HELP_C) bc_help "" $(BC_ENABLED_NAME)
+ $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_HELP) $(BC_HELP_C) bc_help bc.h "" $(BC_ENABLED_NAME)
- $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(DC_HELP) $(DC_HELP_C) dc_help "" $(DC_ENABLED_NAME)
+ $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(DC_HELP) $(DC_HELP_C) dc_help dc.h "" $(DC_ENABLED_NAME)
$(MKDIR) -p $(BIN)
@printf 'available targets:\n'
@printf '\n'
@printf ' all (default) builds %%EXECUTABLES%%\n'
@printf ' check alias for `make test`\n'
@printf ' clean removes all build files\n'
@printf ' clean_config removes all build files as well as the generated Makefile\n'
@printf ' clean_tests removes all build files, the generated Makefile,\n'
@printf ' and generated tests\n'
@printf ' install installs binaries to "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(BINDIR)"
@printf ' and (if enabled) manpages to "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(MAN1DIR)"
@printf ' karatsuba runs the karatsuba script (requires Python 3)\n'
@printf ' karatsuba_test runs the karatsuba script while running tests\n'
@printf ' (requires Python 3)\n'
@printf ' uninstall uninstalls binaries from "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(BINDIR)"
@printf ' and (if enabled) manpages from "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(MAN1DIR)"
@printf ' test runs the test suite\n'
@printf ' test_bc runs the bc test suite, if bc has been built\n'
@printf ' test_dc runs the dc test suite, if dc has been built\n'
@printf ' time_test runs the test suite, displaying times for some things\n'
@printf ' time_test_bc runs the bc test suite, displaying times for some things\n'
@printf ' time_test_dc runs the dc test suite, displaying times for some things\n'
@printf ' timeconst runs the test on the Linux timeconst.bc script,\n'
@printf ' if it exists and bc has been built\n'
@printf ' valgrind runs the test suite through valgrind\n'
@printf ' valgrind_bc runs the bc test suite, if bc has been built,\n'
@printf ' through valgrind\n'
@printf ' valgrind_dc runs the dc test suite, if dc has been built,\n'
@printf ' through valgrind\n'
check: test
-test: %%TESTS%%
+test: test_bc timeconst test_dc
time_test: time_test_bc timeconst time_test_dc
-library_test: library
-test_library: library_test
valgrind: valgrind_bc valgrind_dc
@printf '%s' "$(VERSION)"
@printf '%s' "$(BC_LIB_C)"
@printf '%s' "$(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH)"
- $(MANPAGE) bcl
@$(RM) -f $(GEN_EXEC)
@printf 'Cleaning files...\n'
@$(RM) -f $(OBJ)
+ @$(RM) -f $(BC_OBJ)
+ @$(RM) -f $(DC_OBJ)
+ @$(RM) -f $(HISTORY_OBJ)
+ @$(RM) -f $(RAND_OBJ)
@$(RM) -f $(BC_EXEC)
@$(RM) -f $(DC_EXEC)
@$(RM) -fr $(BIN)
@$(RM) -f $(LOCALES)/*.cat
@$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB_C) $(BC_LIB_O)
@$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB2_C) $(BC_LIB2_O)
@$(RM) -f $(BC_HELP_C) $(BC_HELP_O)
@$(RM) -f $(DC_HELP_C) $(DC_HELP_O)
clean_config: clean
@printf 'Cleaning config...\n'
@$(RM) -f Makefile
@$(RM) -f $(BC_MD) $(DC_MD)
@printf 'Cleaning coverage files...\n'
@$(RM) -f *.gcov
@$(RM) -f *.html
@$(RM) -f *.gcda *.gcno
@$(RM) -f *.profraw
@$(RM) -f $(GCDA) $(GCNO)
@$(RM) -f $(BC_GCDA) $(BC_GCNO)
@$(RM) -f $(DC_GCDA) $(DC_GCNO)
@$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB2_GCDA) $(BC_LIB2_GCNO)
clean_tests: clean clean_config clean_coverage
@printf 'Cleaning test files...\n'
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/parse.txt tests/bc/parse_results.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/print.txt tests/bc/print_results.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/bessel.txt tests/bc/bessel_results.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/bessel.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/parse.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/print.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/add.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/divide.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/multiply.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/subtract.txt
@$(RM) -f tests/dc/scripts/prime.txt tests/dc/scripts/stream.txt
@$(RM) -f .log_*.txt
@$(RM) -f .math.txt .results.txt .ops.txt
@$(RM) -f .test.txt
@$(RM) -f tags .gdbbreakpoints .gdb_history .gdbsetup
@$(RM) -f cscope.*
@$(RM) -f bc.old
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,949 +1,931 @@
# News
-## 3.2.0
-This is a production release that has one bug fix and a major addition.
-The bug fix was a missing `auto` variable in the bessel `j()` function in the
-math library.
-The major addition is a way to build a version of `bc`'s math code as a library.
-This is done with the `-a` option to ``. The API for the library can
-be read in `./manuals/` or `man bcl` once the library is installed with
-`make install`.
-This library was requested by developers before I even finished version 1.0, but
-I could not figure out how to do it until now.
-If the library has API breaking changes, the major version of `bc` will be
## 3.1.6
This is a production release that fixes a new warning from Clang 12 for FreeBSD
and also removes some possible undefined behavior found by UBSan that compilers
did not seem to take advantage of.
Users do ***NOT*** need to upgrade, if they do not want to.
## 3.1.5
This is a production release that fixes the Chinese locales (which caused `bc`
to crash) and a crash caused by `bc` executing code when it should not have been
able to.
## 3.1.4
This is a production release that fixes one bug, changes two behaviors, and
removes one environment variable.
The bug is like the one in the last release except it applies if files are being
executed. I also made the fix more general.
The behavior that was changed is that `bc` now exits when given `-e`, `-f`,
`--expression` or `--file`. However, if the last one of those is `-f-` (using
`stdin` as the file), `bc` does not exit. If `-f-` exists and is not the last of
the `-e` and `-f` options (and equivalents), `bc` gives a fatal error and exits.
Next, I removed the `BC_EXPR_EXIT` and `DC_EXPR_EXIT` environment variables
since their use is not needed with the behavior change.
Finally, I made it so `bc` does not print the header, though the `-q` and
`--quiet` options were kept for compatibility with GNU `bc`.
## 3.1.3
This is a production release that fixes one minor bug: if `bc` was invoked like
the following, it would error:
echo "if (1 < 3) 1" | bc
Unless users run into this bug, they do not need to upgrade, but it is suggested
that they do.
## 3.1.2
This is a production release that adds a way to install *all* locales. Users do
***NOT*** need to upgrade.
For package maintainers wishing to make use of the change, just pass `-l` to
## 3.1.1
This is a production release that adds two Spanish locales. Users do ***NOT***
need to upgrade, unless they want those locales.
## 3.1.0
This is a production release that adjusts one behavior, fixes eight bugs, and
improves manpages for FreeBSD. Because this release fixes bugs, **users and
package maintainers should update to this version as soon as possible**.
The behavior that was adjusted was how code from the `-e` and `-f` arguments
(and equivalents) were executed. They used to be executed as one big chunk, but
in this release, they are now executed line-by-line.
The first bug fix in how output to `stdout` was handled in `SIGINT`. If a
`SIGINT` came in, the `stdout` buffer was not correctly flushed. In fact, a
clean-up function was not getting called. This release fixes that bug.
The second bug is in how `dc` handled input from `stdin`. This affected `bc` as
well since it was a mishandling of the `stdin` buffer.
The third fixed bug was that `bc` and `dc` could `abort()` (in debug mode) when
receiving a `SIGTERM`. This one was a race condition with pushing and popping
items onto and out of vectors.
The fourth bug fixed was that `bc` could leave extra items on the stack and
thus, not properly clean up some memory. (The memory would still get
`free()`'ed, but it would not be `free()`'ed when it could have been.)
The next two bugs were bugs in `bc`'s parser that caused crashes when executing
the resulting code.
The last two bugs were crashes in `dc` that resulted from mishandling of
The manpage improvement was done by switching from [ronn][20] to [Pandoc][21] to
generate manpages. Pandoc generates much cleaner manpages and doesn't leave
blank lines where they shouldn't be.
## 3.0.3
This is a production release that adds one new feature: specific manpages.
Before this release, `bc` and `dc` only used one manpage each that referred to
various build options. This release changes it so there is one manpage set per
relevant build type. Each manual only has information about its particular
build, and `` selects the correct set for install.
## 3.0.2
This is a production release that adds `utf8` locale symlinks and removes an
unused `auto` variable from the `ceil()` function in the [extended math
Users do ***NOT*** need to update unless they want the locales.
## 3.0.1
This is a production release with two small changes. Users do ***NOT*** need to
upgrade to this release; however, if they haven't upgraded to `3.0.0` yet, it
may be worthwhile to upgrade to this release.
The first change is fixing a compiler warning on FreeBSD with strict warnings
The second change is to make the new implementation of `ceil()` in `lib2.bc`
much more efficient.
## 3.0.0
*Notes for package maintainers:*
*First, the `2.7.0` release series saw a change in the option parsing. This made
me change one error message and add a few others. The error message that was
changed removed one format specifier. This means that `printf()` will seqfault
on old locale files. Unfortunately, `bc` cannot use any locale files except the
global ones that are already installed, so it will use the previous ones while
running tests during install. **If `bc` segfaults while running arg tests when
updating, it is because the global locale files have not been replaced. Make
sure to either prevent the test suite from running on update or remove the old
locale files before updating.** (Removing the locale files can be done with
`make uninstall` or by running the `` script.) Once this is
done, `bc` should install without problems.*
*Second, **the option to build without signal support has been removed**. See
below for the reasons why.*
This is a production release with some small bug fixes, a few improvements,
three major bug fixes, and a complete redesign of `bc`'s error and signal
handling. **Users and package maintainers should update to this version as soon
as possible.**
The first major bug fix was in how `bc` executed files. Previously, a whole file
was parsed before it was executed, but if a function is defined *after* code,
especially if the function definition was actually a redefinition, and the code
before the definition referred to the previous function, this `bc` would replace
the function before executing any code. The fix was to make sure that all code
that existed before a function definition was executed.
The second major bug fix was in `bc`'s `lib2.bc`. The `ceil()` function had a
bug where a `0` in the decimal place after the truncation position, caused it to
output the wrong numbers if there was any non-zero digit after.
The third major bug is that when passing parameters to functions, if an
expression included an array (not an array element) as a parameter, it was
accepted, when it should have been rejected. It is now correctly rejected.
Beyond that, this `bc` got several improvements that both sped it up, improved
the handling of signals, and improved the error handling.
First, the requirements for `bc` were pushed back to POSIX 2008. `bc` uses one
function, `strdup()`, which is not in POSIX 2001, and it is in the X/Open System
Interfaces group 2001. It is, however, in POSIX 2008, and since POSIX 2008 is
old enough to be supported anywhere that I care, that should be the requirement.
Second, the BcVm global variable was put into `bss`. This actually slightly
reduces the size of the executable from a massive code shrink, and it will stop
`bc` from allocating a large set of memory when `bc` starts.
Third, the default Karatsuba length was updated from 64 to 32 after making the
optimization changes below, since 32 is going to be better than 64 after the
Fourth, Spanish translations were added.
Fifth, the interpreter received a speedup to make performance on non-math-heavy
scripts more competitive with GNU `bc`. While improvements did, in fact, get it
much closer (see the [benchmarks][19]), it isn't quite there.
There were several things done to speed up the interpreter:
First, several small inefficiencies were removed. These inefficiencies included
calling the function `bc_vec_pop(v)` twice instead of calling
`bc_vec_npop(v, 2)`. They also included an extra function call for checking the
size of the stack and checking the size of the stack more than once on several
Second, since the current `bc` function is the one that stores constants and
strings, the program caches pointers to the current function's vectors of
constants and strings to prevent needing to grab the current function in order
to grab a constant or a string.
Third, `bc` tries to reuse `BcNum`'s (the internal representation of
arbitary-precision numbers). If a `BcNum` has the default capacity of
`BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` (32 on 64-bit and 16 on 32-bit) when it is freed, it is added
to a list of available `BcNum`'s. And then, when a `BcNum` is allocated with a
capacity of `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` and any `BcNum`'s exist on the list of reusable
ones, one of those ones is grabbed instead.
In order to support these changes, the `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` was changed. It used to
be 16 bytes on all systems, but it was changed to more closely align with the
minimum allocation size on Linux, which is either 32 bytes (64-bit musl), 24
bytes (64-bit glibc), 16 bytes (32-bit musl), or 12 bytes (32-bit glibc). Since
these are the minimum allocation sizes, these are the sizes that would be
allocated anyway, making it worth it to just use the whole space, so the value
of `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` on 64-bit systems was changed to 32 bytes.
On top of that, at least on 64-bit, `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` supports numbers with
either 72 integer digits or 45 integer digits and 27 fractional digits. This
should be more than enough for most cases since `bc`'s default `scale` values
are 0 or 20, meaning that, by default, it has at most 20 fractional digits. And
45 integer digits are *a lot*; it's enough to calculate the amount of mass in
the Milky Way galaxy in kilograms. Also, 72 digits is enough to calculate the
diameter of the universe in Planck lengths.
(For 32-bit, these numbers are either 32 integer digits or 12 integer digits and
20 fractional digits. These are also quite big, and going much bigger on a
32-bit system seems a little pointless since 12 digits in just under a trillion
and 20 fractional digits is still enough for about any use since `10^-20` light
years is just under a millimeter.)
All of this together means that for ordinary uses, and even uses in scientific
work, the default number size will be all that is needed, which means that
nearly all, if not all, numbers will be reused, relieving pressure on the system
I did several experiments to find the changes that had the most impact,
especially with regard to reusing `BcNum`'s. One was putting `BcNum`'s into
buckets according to their capacity in powers of 2 up to 512. That performed
worse than `bc` did in `2.7.2`. Another was putting any `BcNum` on the reuse
list that had a capacity of `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE * 2` and reusing them for `BcNum`'s
that requested `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE`. This did reduce the amount of time spent, but
it also spent a lot of time in the system allocator for an unknown reason. (When
using `strace`, a bunch more `brk` calls showed up.) Just reusing `BcNum`'s that
had exactly `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` capacity spent the smallest amount of time in both
user and system time. This makes sense, especially with the changes to make
`BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE` bigger on 64-bit systems, since the vast majority of numbers
will only ever use numbers with a size less than or equal to `BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE`.
Last of all, `bc`'s signal handling underwent a complete redesign. (This is the
reason that this version is `3.0.0` and not `2.8.0`.) The change was to move
from a polling approach to signal handling to an interrupt-based approach.
Previously, every single loop condition had a check for signals. I suspect that
this could be expensive when in tight loops.
Now, the signal handler just uses `longjmp()` (actually `siglongjmp()`) to start
an unwinding of the stack until it is stopped or the stack is unwound to
`main()`, which just returns. If `bc` is currently executing code that cannot be
safely interrupted (according to POSIX), then signals are "locked." The signal
handler checks if the lock is taken, and if it is, it just sets the status to
indicate that a signal arrived. Later, when the signal lock is released, the
status is checked to see if a signal came in. If so, the stack unwinding starts.
This design eliminates polling in favor of maintaining a stack of `jmp_buf`'s.
This has its own performance implications, but it gives better interaction. And
the cost of pushing and popping a `jmp_buf` in a function is paid at most twice.
Most functions do not pay that price, and most of the rest only pay it once.
(There are only some 3 functions in `bc` that push and pop a `jmp_buf` twice.)
As a side effect of this change, I had to eliminate the use of `stdio.h` in `bc`
because `stdio` does not play nice with signals and `longjmp()`. I implemented
custom I/O buffer code that takes a fraction of the size. This means that static
builds will be smaller, but non-static builds will be bigger, though they will
have less linking time.
This change is also good because my history implementation was already bypassing
`stdio` for good reasons, and unifying the architecture was a win.
Another reason for this change is that my `bc` should *always* behave correctly
in the presence of signals like `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM`, and `SIGQUIT`. With the
addition of my own I/O buffering, I needed to also make sure that the buffers
were correctly flushed even when such signals happened.
For this reason, I **removed the option to build without signal support**.
As a nice side effect of this change, the error handling code could be changed
to take advantage of the stack unwinding that signals used. This means that
signals and error handling use the same code paths, which means that the stack
unwinding is well-tested. (Errors are tested heavily in the test suite.)
It also means that functions do not need to return a status code that
***every*** caller needs to check. This eliminated over 100 branches that simply
checked return codes and then passed that return code up the stack if necessary.
The code bloat savings from this is at least 1700 bytes on `x86_64`, *before*
taking into account the extra code from removing `stdio.h`.
## 2.7.2
This is a production release with one major bug fix.
The `length()` built-in function can take either a number or an array. If it
takes an array, it returns the length of the array. Arrays can be passed by
reference. The bug is that the `length()` function would not properly
dereference arrays that were references. This is a bug that affects all users.
## 2.7.1
This is a production release with fixes for new locales and fixes for compiler
warnings on FreeBSD.
## 2.7.0
This is a production release with a bug fix for Linux, new translations, and new
Bug fixes:
* Option parsing in `BC_ENV_ARGS` was broken on Linux in 2.6.1 because `glibc`'s
`getopt_long()` is broken. To get around that, and to support long options on
every platform, an adapted version of [`optparse`][17] was added. Now, `bc`
does not even use `getopt()`.
* Parsing `BC_ENV_ARGS` with quotes now works. It isn't the smartest, but it
does the job if there are spaces in file names.
The following new languages are supported:
* Dutch
* Polish
* Russian
* Japanes
* Simplified Chinese
All of these translations were generated using [DeepL][18], so improvements are
There is only one new feature: **`bc` now has a built-in pseudo-random number
generator** (PRNG).
The PRNG is seeded, making it useful for applications where
`/dev/urandom` does not work because output needs to be reproducible. However,
it also uses `/dev/urandom` to seed itself by default, so it will start with a
good seed by default.
It also outputs 32 bits on 32-bit platforms and 64 bits on 64-bit platforms, far
better than the 15 bits of C's `rand()` and `bash`'s `$RANDOM`.
In addition, the PRNG can take a bound, and when it gets a bound, it
automatically adjusts to remove bias. It can also generate numbers of arbitrary
size. (As of the time of release, the largest pseudo-random number generated by
this `bc` was generated with a bound of `2^(2^20)`.)
***IMPORTANT: read the [`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] to find out
exactly what guarantees the PRNG provides. The underlying implementation is not
guaranteed to stay the same, but the guarantees that it provides are guaranteed
to stay the same regardless of the implementation.***
On top of that, four functions were added to `bc`'s [extended math library][16]
to make using the PRNG easier:
* `frand(p)`: Generates a number between `[0,1)` to `p` decimal places.
* `ifrand(i, p)`: Generates an integer with bound `i` and adds it to `frand(p)`.
* `srand(x)`: Randomizes the sign of `x`. In other words, it flips the sign of
`x` with probability `0.5`.
* `brand()`: Returns a random boolean value (either `0` or `1`).
## 2.6.1
This is a production release with a bug fix for FreeBSD.
The bug was that when `bc` was built without long options, it would give a fatal
error on every run. This was caused by a mishandling of `optind`.
## 2.6.0
This release is a production release ***with no bugfixes***. If you do not want
to upgrade, you don't have to.
No source code changed; the only thing that changed was `lib2.bc`.
This release adds one function to the [extended math library][16]: `p(x, y)`,
which calculates `x` to the power of `y`, whether or not `y` is an integer. (The
`^` operator can only accept integer powers.)
This release also includes a couple of small tweaks to the [extended math
library][16], mostly to fix returning numbers with too high of `scale`.
## 2.5.3
This release is a production release which addresses inconsistencies in the
Portuguese locales. No `bc` code was changed.
The issues were that the ISO files used different naming, and also that the
files that should have been symlinks were not. I did not catch that because
GitHub rendered them the exact same way.
## 2.5.2
This release is a production release.
No code was changed, but the build system was changed to allow `CFLAGS` to be
given to `CC`, like this:
CC="gcc -O3 -march=native" ./
If this happens, the flags are automatically put into `CFLAGS`, and the compiler
is set appropriately. In the example above this means that `CC` will be "gcc"
and `CFLAGS` will be "-O3 -march=native".
This behavior was added to conform to GNU autotools practices.
## 2.5.1
This is a production release which addresses portability concerns discovered
in the `bc` build system. No `bc` code was changed.
* Support for Solaris SPARC and AIX were added.
* Minor documentations edits were performed.
* An option for `` was added to disable long options if
`getopt_long()` is missing.
## 2.5.0
This is a production release with new translations. No code changed.
The translations were contributed by [bugcrazy][15], and they are for
Portuguese, both Portugal and Brazil locales.
## 2.4.0
This is a production release primarily aimed at improving `dc`.
* A couple of copy and paste errors in the [`dc` manual][10] were fixed.
* `dc` startup was optimized by making sure it didn't have to set up `bc`-only
* The `bc` `&&` and `||` operators were made available to `dc` through the `M`
and `m` commands, respectively.
* `dc` macros were changed to be tail call-optimized.
The last item, tail call optimization, means that if the last thing in a macro
is a call to another macro, then the old macro is popped before executing the
new macro. This change was made to stop `dc` from consuming more and more memory
as macros are executed in a loop.
The `q` and `Q` commands still respect the "hidden" macros by way of recording
how many macros were removed by tail call optimization.
## 2.3.2
This is a production release meant to fix warnings in the Gentoo `ebuild` by
making it possible to disable binary stripping. Other users do *not* need to
## 2.3.1
This is a production release. It fixes a bug that caused `-1000000000 < -1` to
return `0`. This only happened with negative numbers and only if the value on
the left was more negative by a certain amount. That said, this bug *is* a bad
bug, and needs to be fixed.
## 2.3.0
This is a production release with changes to the build system.
## 2.2.0
This release is a production release. It only has new features and performance
1. The performance of `sqrt(x)` was improved.
2. The new function `root(x, n)` was added to the extended math library to
calculate `n`th roots.
3. The new function `cbrt(x)` was added to the extended math library to
calculate cube roots.
## 2.1.3
This is a non-critical release; it just changes the build system, and in
non-breaking ways:
1. Linked locale files were changed to link to their sources with a relative
2. A bug in `` that caused long option parsing to fail under `bash`
was fixed.
## 2.1.2
This release is not a critical release.
1. A few codes were added to history.
2. Multiplication was optimized a bit more.
3. Addition and subtraction were both optimized a bit more.
## 2.1.1
This release contains a fix for the test suite made for Linux from Scratch: now
the test suite prints `pass` when a test is passed.
Other than that, there is no change in this release, so distros and other users
do not need to upgrade.
## 2.1.0
This release is a production release.
The following bugs were fixed:
1. A `dc` bug that caused stack mishandling was fixed.
2. A warning on OpenBSD was fixed.
3. Bugs in `ctrl+arrow` operations in history were fixed.
4. The ability to paste multiple lines in history was added.
5. A `bc` bug, mishandling of array arguments to functions, was fixed.
6. A crash caused by freeing the wrong pointer was fixed.
7. A `dc` bug where strings, in a rare case, were mishandled in parsing was
In addition, the following changes were made:
1. Division was slightly optimized.
2. An option was added to the build to disable printing of prompts.
3. The special case of empty arguments is now handled. This is to prevent
errors in scripts that end up passing empty arguments.
4. A harmless bug was fixed. This bug was that, with the pop instructions
(mostly) removed (see below), `bc` would leave extra values on its stack for
`void` functions and in a few other cases. These extra items would not
affect anything put on the stack and would not cause any sort of crash or
even buggy behavior, but they would cause `bc` to take more memory than it
On top of the above changes, the following optimizations were added:
1. The need for pop instructions in `bc` was removed.
2. Extra tests on every iteration of the interpreter loop were removed.
3. Updating function and code pointers on every iteration of the interpreter
loop was changed to only updating them when necessary.
4. Extra assignments to pointers were removed.
Altogether, these changes sped up the interpreter by around 2x.
***NOTE***: This is the last release with new features because this `bc` is now
considered complete. From now on, only bug fixes and new translations will be
added to this `bc`.
## 2.0.3
This is a production, bug-fix release.
Two bugs were fixed in this release:
1. A rare and subtle signal handling bug was fixed.
2. A misbehavior on `0` to a negative power was fixed.
The last bug bears some mentioning.
When I originally wrote power, I did not thoroughly check its error cases;
instead, I had it check if the first number was `0` and then if so, just return
`0`. However, `0` to a negative power means that `1` will be divided by `0`,
which is an error.
I caught this, but only after I stopped being cocky. You see, sometime later, I
had noticed that GNU `bc` returned an error, correctly, but I thought it was
wrong simply because that's not what my `bc` did. I saw it again later and had a
double take. I checked for real, finally, and found out that my `bc` was wrong
all along.
That was bad on me. But the bug was easy to fix, so it is fixed now.
There are two other things in this release:
1. Subtraction was optimized by [Stefan Eßer][14].
2. Division was also optimized, also by Stefan Eßer.
## 2.0.2
This release contains a fix for a possible overflow in the signal handling. I
would be surprised if any users ran into it because it would only happen after 2
billion (`2^31-1`) `SIGINT`'s, but I saw it and had to fix it.
## 2.0.1
This release contains very few things that will apply to any users.
1. A slight bug in `dc`'s interactive mode was fixed.
2. A bug in the test suite that was only triggered on NetBSD was fixed.
3. **The `-P`/`--no-prompt` option** was added for users that do not want a
4. A `make check` target was added as an alias for `make test`.
5. `dc` got its own read prompt: `?> `.
## 2.0.0
This release is a production release.
This release is also a little different from previous releases. From here on
out, I do not plan on adding any more features to this `bc`; I believe that it
is complete. However, there may be bug fix releases in the future, if I or any
others manage to find bugs.
This release has only a few new features:
1. `atan2(y, x)` was added to the extended math library as both `a2(y, x)` and
`atan2(y, x)`.
2. Locales were fixed.
3. A **POSIX shell-compatible script was added as an alternative to compiling
`gen/strgen.c`** on a host machine. More details about making the choice
between the two can be found by running `./ --help` or reading
the [build manual][13].
4. Multiplication was optimized by using **diagonal multiplication**, rather
than straight brute force.
5. The `` script was fixed.
6. `dc` was given the ability to **use the environment variable
7. `dc` was also given the ability to **use the `-i` or `--interactive`**
8. Printing the prompt was fixed so that it did not print when it shouldn't.
9. Signal handling was fixed.
10. **Handling of `SIGTERM` and `SIGQUIT`** was fixed.
11. The **built-in functions `maxibase()`, `maxobase()`, and `maxscale()`** (the
commands `T`, `U`, `V` in `dc`, respectively) were added to allow scripts to
query for the max allowable values of those globals.
12. Some incompatibilities with POSIX were fixed.
In addition, this release is `2.0.0` for a big reason: the internal format for
numbers changed. They used to be a `char` array. Now, they are an array of
larger integers, packing more decimal digits into each integer. This has
delivered ***HUGE*** performance improvements, especially for multiplication,
division, and power.
This `bc` should now be the fastest `bc` available, but I may be wrong.
## 1.2.8
This release contains a fix for a harmless bug (it is harmless in that it still
works, but it just copies extra data) in the [``][12] script.
## 1.2.7
This version contains fixes for the build on Arch Linux.
## 1.2.6
This release removes the use of `local` in shell scripts because it's not POSIX
shell-compatible, and also updates a man page that should have been updated a
long time ago but was missed.
## 1.2.5
This release contains some missing locale `*.msg` files.
## 1.2.4
This release contains a few bug fixes and new French translations.
## 1.2.3
This release contains a fix for a bug: use of uninitialized data. Such data was
only used when outputting an error message, but I am striving for perfection. As
Michelangelo said, "Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle."
## 1.2.2
This release contains fixes for OpenBSD.
## 1.2.1
This release contains bug fixes for some rare bugs.
## 1.2.0
This is a production release.
There have been several changes since `1.1.0`:
1. The build system had some changes.
2. Locale support has been added. (Patches welcome for translations.)
3. **The ability to turn `ibase`, `obase`, and `scale` into stacks** was added
with the `-g` command-line option. (See the [`bc` manual][9] for more
4. Support for compiling on Mac OSX out of the box was added.
5. The extended math library got `t(x)`, `ceil(x)`, and some aliases.
6. The extended math library also got `r2d(x)` (for converting from radians to
degrees) and `d2r(x)` (for converting from degrees to radians). This is to
allow using degrees with the standard library.
7. Both calculators now accept numbers in **scientific notation**. See the
[`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for details.
8. Both calculators can **output in either scientific or engineering
notation**. See the [`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for details.
9. Some inefficiencies were removed.
10. Some bugs were fixed.
11. Some bugs in the extended library were fixed.
12. Some defects from [Coverity Scan][11] were fixed.
## 1.1.4
This release contains a fix to the build system that allows it to build on older
versions of `glibc`.
## 1.1.3
This release contains a fix for a bug in the test suite where `bc` tests and
`dc` tests could not be run in parallel.
## 1.1.2
This release has a fix for a history bug; the down arrow did not work.
## 1.1.1
This release fixes a bug in the `1.1.0` build system. The source is exactly the
The bug that was fixed was a failure to install if no `EXECSUFFIX` was used.
## 1.1.0
This is a production release. However, many new features were added since `1.0`.
1. **The build system has been changed** to use a custom, POSIX
shell-compatible configure script ([``][6]) to generate a POSIX
make-compatible `Makefile`, which means that `bc` and `dc` now build out of
the box on any POSIX-compatible system.
2. Out-of-memory and output errors now cause the `bc` to report the error,
clean up, and die, rather than just reporting and trying to continue.
3. **Strings and constants are now garbage collected** when possible.
4. Signal handling and checking has been made more simple and more thorough.
5. `BcGlobals` was refactored into `BcVm` and `BcVm` was made global. Some
procedure names were changed to reflect its difference to everything else.
6. Addition got a speed improvement.
7. Some common code for addition and multiplication was refactored into its own
8. A bug was removed where `dc` could have been selected, but the internal
`#define` that returned `true` for a query about `dc` would not have
returned `true`.
9. Useless calls to `bc_num_zero()` were removed.
10. **History support was added.** The history support is based off of a
[UTF-8 aware fork][7] of [`linenoise`][8], which has been customized with
`bc`'s own data structures and signal handling.
11. Generating C source from the math library now removes tabs from the library,
shrinking the size of the executable.
12. The math library was shrunk.
13. Error handling and reporting was improved.
14. Reallocations were reduced by giving access to the request size for each
15. **`abs()` (`b` command for `dc`) was added as a builtin.**
16. Both calculators were tested on FreeBSD.
17. Many obscure parse bugs were fixed.
18. Markdown and man page manuals were added, and the man pages are installed by
`make install`.
19. Executable size was reduced, though the added features probably made the
executable end up bigger.
20. **GNU-style array references were added as a supported feature.**
21. Allocations were reduced.
22. **New operators were added**: `$` (`$` for `dc`), `@` (`@` for `dc`), `@=`,
`<<` (`H` for `dc`), `<<=`, `>>` (`h` for `dc`), and `>>=`. See the
[`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for more details.
23. **An extended math library was added.** This library contains code that
makes it so I can replace my desktop calculator with this `bc`. See the
[`bc` manual][3] for more details.
24. Support for all capital letters as numbers was added.
25. **Support for GNU-style void functions was added.**
26. A bug fix for improper handling of function parameters was added.
27. Precedence for the or (`||`) operator was changed to match GNU `bc`.
28. `dc` was given an explicit negation command.
29. `dc` was changed to be able to handle strings in arrays.
## 1.1 Release Candidate 3
This release is the eighth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the third
release candidate meant as a general release candidate. The new code has not
been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 Release Candidate 2
This release is the seventh release candidate for 1.1, though it is the second
release candidate meant as a general release candidate. The new code has not
been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 5
This release is the sixth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the fifth
release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 4
This release is the fifth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the fourth
release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 3
This release is the fourth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the third
release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 2
This release is the third release candidate for 1.1, though it is the second
release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 1
This release is the second release candidate for 1.1, though it is meant
specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new code has not been tested as
thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.1 Release Candidate 1
This is the first release candidate for 1.1. The new code has not been tested as
thoroughly as it should for release.
## 1.0
This is the first non-beta release. `bc` is ready for production use.
As such, a lot has changed since 0.5.
1. `dc` has been added. It has been tested even more thoroughly than `bc` was
for `0.5`. It does not have the `!` command, and for security reasons, it
never will, so it is complete.
2. `bc` has been more thoroughly tested. An entire section of the test suite
(for both programs) has been added to test for errors.
3. A prompt (`>>> `) has been added for interactive mode, making it easier to
see inputs and outputs.
4. Interrupt handling has been improved, including elimination of race
conditions (as much as possible).
5. MinGW and [Windows Subsystem for Linux][1] support has been added (see
[xstatic][2] for binaries).
6. Memory leaks and errors have been eliminated (as far as ASan and Valgrind
can tell).
7. Crashes have been eliminated (as far as [afl][3] can tell).
8. Karatsuba multiplication was added (and thoroughly) tested, speeding up
multiplication and power by orders of magnitude.
9. Performance was further enhanced by using a "divmod" function to reduce
redundant divisions and by removing superfluous `memset()` calls.
10. To switch between Karatsuba and `O(n^2)` multiplication, the config variable
`BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN` was added. It is set to a sane default, but the
optimal number can be found with [``][4] (requires Python 3)
and then configured through `make`.
11. The random math test generator script was changed to Python 3 and improved.
`bc` and `dc` have together been run through 30+ million random tests.
12. All known math bugs have been fixed, including out of control memory
allocations in `sine` and `cosine` (that was actually a parse bug), certain
cases of infinite loop on square root, and slight inaccuracies (as much as
possible; see the [README][5]) in transcendental functions.
13. Parsing has been fixed as much as possible.
14. Test coverage was improved to 94.8%. The only paths not covered are ones
that happen when `malloc()` or `realloc()` fails.
15. An extension to get the length of an array was added.
16. The boolean not (`!`) had its precedence change to match negation.
17. Data input was hardened.
18. `bc` was made fully compliant with POSIX when the `-s` flag is used or
`POSIXLY_CORRECT` is defined.
19. Error handling was improved.
20. `bc` now checks that files it is given are not directories.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 7
This is the seventh release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0
Release Candidate 6.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 6
This is the sixth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
Candidate 5.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 5
This is the fifth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
Candidate 4.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 4
This is the fourth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
Candidate 3.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 3
This is the third release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
Candidate 2.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 2
This is the second release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
Candidate 1.
## 1.0 Release Candidate 1
This is the first Release Candidate for 1.0. `bc` is complete, with `dc`, but it
is not tested.
## 0.5
This beta release completes more features, but it is still not complete nor
tested as thoroughly as necessary.
## 0.4.1
This beta release fixes a few bugs in 0.4.
## 0.4
This is a beta release. It does not have the complete set of features, and it is
not thoroughly tested.
[4]: ./
[5]: ./
[6]: ./
[9]: ./manuals/bc/
[10]: ./manuals/dc/
[12]: ./
[13]: ./manuals/
[16]: ./manuals/bc/
[19]: ./manuals/
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,355 +1,337 @@
# `bc`
[![Build Status][13]][14]
[![Coverity Scan Build Status][17]][18]
***WARNING: This project has moved to [][20] for [these
reasons][21], though GitHub will remain a mirror.***
This is an implementation of the [POSIX `bc` calculator][12] that implements
[GNU `bc`][1] extensions, as well as the period (`.`) extension for the BSD
flavor of `bc`.
For more information, see this `bc`'s full manual.
This `bc` also includes an implementation of `dc` in the same binary, accessible
via a symbolic link, which implements all FreeBSD and GNU extensions. (If a
standalone `dc` binary is desired, `bc` can be copied and renamed to `dc`.) The
`!` command is omitted; I believe this poses security concerns and that such
functionality is unnecessary.
For more information, see the `dc`'s full manual.
This `bc` is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It is offered under the BSD
2-clause License. Full license text may be found in the [``][4] file.
## Prerequisites
This `bc` only requires a C99-compatible compiler and a (mostly) POSIX
2008-compatible system with the XSI (X/Open System Interfaces) option group.
Since POSIX 2008 with XSI requires the existence of a C99 compiler as `c99`, any
POSIX and XSI-compatible system will have everything needed.
Systems that are known to work:
* Linux
* FreeBSD
* OpenBSD
* NetBSD
* Mac OSX
* Solaris* (as long as the Solaris version supports POSIX 2008)
Please submit bug reports if this `bc` does not build out of the box on any
system besides Windows. If Windows binaries are needed, they can be found at
## Build
This `bc` should build unmodified on any POSIX-compliant system.
For more complex build requirements than the ones below, see the
[build manual][5].
### Pre-built Binaries
It is possible to download pre-compiled binaries for a wide list of platforms,
including Linux- and Windows-based systems, from [xstatic][6]. This link always
points to the latest release of `bc`.
### Default
For the default build with optimization, use the following commands in the root
./ -O3
### One Calculator
To only build `bc`, use the following commands:
./ --disable-dc
To only build `dc`, use the following commands:
./ --disable-bc
### Debug
For debug builds, use the following commands in the root directory:
./ -g
### Install
To install, use the following command:
make install
By default, `bc` and `dc` will be installed in `/usr/local`. For installing in
other locations, use the `PREFIX` environment variable when running
`` or pass the `--prefix=<prefix>` option to ``. See the
[build manual][5], or run `./ --help`, for more details.
-### Library
-This `bc` does provide a way to build a math library with C bindings. This is
-done by the `-a` or `--library` options to ``:
-./ -a
-When building the library, the executables are not built. For more information,
-see the [build manual][5].
-The library API can be found in [`manuals/`][26] or `man bcl` once the
-library is installed.
-The library is built as `bin/libbcl.a`.
### Package and Distro Maintainers
#### Recommended Compiler
When I ran benchmarks with my `bc` compiled under `clang`, it performed much
better than when compiled under `gcc`. I recommend compiling this `bc` with
I also recommend building this `bc` with C11 if you can because `bc` will detect
a C11 compiler and add `_Noreturn` to any relevant function(s).
#### Recommended Optimizations
I wrote this `bc` with Separation of Concerns, which means that there are many
small functions that could be inlined. However, they are often called across
file boundaries, and the default optimizer can only look at the current file,
which means that they are not inlined.
Thus, because of the way this `bc` is built, it will automatically be slower
than other `bc` implementations when running scripts with no math. (My `bc`'s
math is *much* faster, so any non-trivial script should run faster in my `bc`.)
Some, or all, of the difference can be made up with the right optimizations. The
optimizations I recommend are:
1. `-O3`
2. `-flto` (link-time optimization)
in that order.
Link-time optimization, in particular, speeds up the `bc` a lot. This is because
when link-time optimization is turned on, the optimizer can look across files
and inline *much* more heavily.
However, I recommend ***NOT*** using `-march=native`. Doing so will reduce this
`bc`'s performance, at least when building with link-time optimization. See the
[benchmarks][19] for more details.
#### Stripping Binaries
By default, non-debug binaries are stripped, but stripping can be disabled with
the `-T` option to ``.
#### Using This `bc` as an Alternative
If this `bc` is packaged as an alternative to an already existing `bc` package,
it is possible to rename it in the build to prevent name collision. To prepend
to the name, just run the following:
EXECPREFIX=<some_prefix> ./
To append to the name, just run the following:
EXECSUFFIX=<some_suffix> ./
If a package maintainer wishes to add both a prefix and a suffix, that is
**Note**: The suggested name (and package name) when `bc` is not available is
#### Karatsuba Number
Package and distro maintainers have one tool at their disposal to build this
`bc` in the optimal configuration: ``.
This script is not a compile-time or runtime prerequisite; it is for package and
distro maintainers to run once when a package is being created. It finds the
optimal Karatsuba number (see the [algorithms manual][7] for more information)
for the machine that it is running on.
The easiest way to run this script is with `make karatsuba`.
If desired, maintainers can also skip running this script because there is a
sane default for the Karatsuba number.
## Status
This `bc` is robust.
It is well-tested, fuzzed, and fully standards-compliant (though not certified)
with POSIX `bc`. The math has been tested with 40+ million random problems, so
it is as correct as I can make it.
This `bc` can be used as a drop-in replacement for any existing `bc`. This `bc`
is also compatible with MinGW toolchains, though history is not supported on
In addition, this `bc` is considered complete; i.e., there will be no more
releases with additional features. However, it *is* actively maintained, so if
any bugs are found, they will be fixed in new releases. Also, additional
translations will also be added as they are provided.
## Comparison to GNU `bc`
This `bc` compares favorably to GNU `bc`.
* It has more extensions, which make this `bc` more useful for scripting.
* This `bc` is a bit more POSIX compliant.
* It has a much less buggy parser. The GNU `bc` will give parse errors for what
is actually valid `bc` code, or should be. For example, putting an `else` on
a new line after a brace can cause GNU `bc` to give a parse error.
* This `bc` has fewer crashes.
* GNU `bc` calculates the wrong number of significant digits for `length(x)`.
* GNU `bc` will sometimes print numbers incorrectly. For example, when running
it on the file `tests/bc/power.txt` in this repo, GNU `bc` gets all the right
answers, but it fails to wrap the numbers at the proper place when outputting
to a file.
* This `bc` is faster. (See [Performance](#performance).)
### Performance
Because this `bc` packs more than `1` decimal digit per hardware integer, this
`bc` is faster than GNU `bc` and can be *much* faster. Full benchmarks can be
found at [manuals/][19].
There is one instance where this `bc` is slower: if scripts are light on math.
This is because this `bc`'s intepreter is slightly slower than GNU `bc`, but
that is because it is more robust. See the [benchmarks][19].
## Algorithms
To see what algorithms this `bc` uses, see the [algorithms manual][7].
## Locales
Currently, this `bc` only has support for English (and US English), French,
German, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese locales.
Patches are welcome for translations; use the existing `*.msg` files in
`locales/` as a starting point.
In addition, patches for improvements are welcome; the last two messages in
Portuguese were made with Google Translate, and the Dutch, Polish, Russian,
Japanese, and Chinese locales were all generated with [DeepL][22].
The message files provided assume that locales apply to all regions where a
language is used, but this might not be true for, e.g., `fr_CA` and `fr_CH`.
Any corrections or a confirmation that the current texts are acceptable for
those regions would be appreciated, too.
## Other Projects
Other projects based on this bc are:
* [busybox `bc`][8]. The busybox maintainers have made their own changes, so any
bugs in the busybox `bc` should be reported to them.
* [toybox `bc`][9]. The maintainer has also made his own changes, so bugs in the
toybox `bc` should be reported there.
* [FreeBSD `bc`][23]. While the `bc` in FreeBSD is kept up-to-date, it is better
to [report bugs there][24], as well as [submit patches][25], and the
maintainers of the package will contact me if necessary.
## Language
This `bc` is written in pure ISO C99, using POSIX 2008 APIs.
## Commit Messages
This `bc` uses the commit message guidelines laid out in [this blog post][10].
## Semantic Versioning
This `bc` uses [semantic versioning][11].
## Contents
Items labeled with `(maintainer use only)` are not included in release source
.gitignore The git ignore file (maintainer use only).
.travis.yml The Travis CI file (maintainer use only).
codecov.yml The Codecov file (maintainer use only).
configure A symlink to to make packaging easier. The configure script. A script with functions used by other scripts. Install script. Script to find the optimal Karatsuba number. A Markdown form of the BSD 2-clause License. A script to link dc to bc. A script to install locales, if desired. A script to uninstall locales. The Makefile template. Script to generate man pages from markdown files. List of contributors and copyright owners. A checklist for making a release (maintainer use only). A script to test for release (maintainer use only). Safe install script from musl libc.
gen The bc math library, help texts, and code to generate C source.
include All header files.
locales Locale files, in .msg format. Patches welcome for translations.
manuals Manuals for both programs.
src All source code.
tests All tests.
[4]: ./
[5]: ./manuals/
[7]: ./manuals/
[19]: ./manuals/
-[26]: ./manuals/
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1098 +1,971 @@
#! /bin/sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
scriptdir=$(dirname "$script")
script=$(basename "$script")
. "$scriptdir/"
usage() {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
printf "%s\n\n" "$1"
- printf 'usage:\n'
- printf ' %s -h\n' "$script"
- printf ' %s --help\n' "$script"
- printf ' %s [-a|-bD|-dB|-c] [-EfgGHlMNPT] [-O OPT_LEVEL] [-k KARATSUBA_LEN]\n' "$script"
- printf ' %s \\\n' "$script"
- printf ' [--library|--bc-only --disable-dc|--dc-only --disable-bc|--coverage]\\\n'
- printf ' [--force --debug --disable-extra-math --disable-generated-tests] \\\n'
- printf ' [--disable-history --disable-man-pages --disable-nls] \\\n'
- printf ' [--disable-prompt --disable-strip] [--install-all-locales] \\\n'
- printf ' [--opt=OPT_LEVEL] [--karatsuba-len=KARATSUBA_LEN] \\\n'
- printf ' [--prefix=PREFIX] [--bindir=BINDIR] [--datarootdir=DATAROOTDIR] \\\n'
- printf ' [--datadir=DATADIR] [--mandir=MANDIR] [--man1dir=MAN1DIR] \\\n'
+ printf 'usage: %s -h\n' "$script"
+ printf ' %s --help\n' "$script"
+ printf ' %s [-bD|-dB|-c] [-EfgGHlMNPT] [-O OPT_LEVEL] [-k KARATSUBA_LEN]\n' "$script"
+ printf ' %s \\\n' "$script"
+ printf ' [--bc-only --disable-dc|--dc-only --disable-bc|--coverage] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--debug --disable-extra-math --disable-generated-tests] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--disable-history --disable-man-pages --disable-nls] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--disable-prompt --disable-strip] [--install-all-locales] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--opt=OPT_LEVEL] [--karatsuba-len=KARATSUBA_LEN] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--prefix=PREFIX] [--bindir=BINDIR] [--datarootdir=DATAROOTDIR] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--datadir=DATADIR] [--mandir=MANDIR] [--man1dir=MAN1DIR] \\\n'
+ printf ' [--force] \\\n'
printf '\n'
- printf ' -a, --library\n'
- printf ' Build the libbc instead of the programs. This is meant to be used with\n'
- printf ' Other software like programming languages that want to make use of the\n'
- printf ' parsing and math capabilities. This option will install headers using\n'
- printf ' `make install`.\n'
printf ' -b, --bc-only\n'
- printf ' Build bc only. It is an error if "-d", "--dc-only", "-B", or\n'
- printf ' "--disable-bc" are specified too.\n'
+ printf ' Build bc only. It is an error if "-d", "--dc-only", "-B", or "--disable-bc"\n'
+ printf ' are specified too.\n'
printf ' -B, --disable-bc\n'
printf ' Disable bc. It is an error if "-b", "--bc-only", "-D", or "--disable-dc"\n'
printf ' are specified too.\n'
printf ' -c, --coverage\n'
printf ' Generate test coverage code. Requires gcov and regcovr.\n'
printf ' It is an error if either "-b" ("-D") or "-d" ("-B") is specified.\n'
printf ' Requires a compiler that use gcc-compatible coverage options\n'
printf ' -d, --dc-only\n'
- printf ' Build dc only. It is an error if "-b", "--bc-only", "-D", or\n'
- printf ' "--disable-dc" are specified too.\n'
+ printf ' Build dc only. It is an error if "-b", "--bc-only", "-D", or "--disable-dc"\n'
+ printf ' are specified too.\n'
printf ' -D, --disable-dc\n'
- printf ' Disable dc. It is an error if "-d", "--dc-only", "-B", or "--disable-bc"\n'
+ printf ' Disable dc. It is an error if "-d", "--dc-only" "-B", or "--disable-bc"\n'
printf ' are specified too.\n'
printf ' -E, --disable-extra-math\n'
printf ' Disable extra math. This includes: "$" operator (truncate to integer),\n'
printf ' "@" operator (set number of decimal places), and r(x, p) (rounding\n'
printf ' function). Additionally, this option disables the extra printing\n'
printf ' functions in the math library.\n'
printf ' -f, --force\n'
printf ' Force use of all enabled options, even if they do not work. This\n'
printf ' option is to allow the maintainer a way to test that certain options\n'
printf ' are not failing invisibly. (Development only.)'
printf ' -g, --debug\n'
printf ' Build in debug mode. Adds the "-g" flag, and if there are no\n'
printf ' other CFLAGS, and "-O" was not given, this also adds the "-O0"\n'
printf ' flag. If this flag is *not* given, "-DNDEBUG" is added to CPPFLAGS\n'
printf ' and a strip flag is added to the link stage.\n'
printf ' -G, --disable-generated-tests\n'
printf ' Disable generating tests. This is for platforms that do not have a\n'
printf ' GNU bc-compatible bc to generate tests.\n'
printf ' -h, --help\n'
printf ' Print this help message and exit.\n'
printf ' -H, --disable-history\n'
printf ' Disable history.\n'
printf ' -k KARATSUBA_LEN, --karatsuba-len KARATSUBA_LEN\n'
printf ' Set the karatsuba length to KARATSUBA_LEN (default is 64).\n'
printf ' It is an error if KARATSUBA_LEN is not a number or is less than 16.\n'
printf ' -l, --install-all-locales\n'
printf ' Installs all locales, regardless of how many are on the system. This\n'
printf ' option is useful for package maintainers who want to make sure that\n'
printf ' a package contains all of the locales that end users might need.\n'
printf ' -M, --disable-man-pages\n'
printf ' Disable installing manpages.\n'
printf ' -N, --disable-nls\n'
printf ' Disable POSIX locale (NLS) support.\n'
printf ' -O OPT_LEVEL, --opt OPT_LEVEL\n'
printf ' Set the optimization level. This can also be included in the CFLAGS,\n'
printf ' but it is provided, so maintainers can build optimized debug builds.\n'
printf ' This is passed through to the compiler, so it must be supported.\n'
printf ' -P, --disable-prompt\n'
printf ' Disables the prompt in the built bc. The prompt will never show up,\n'
printf ' or in other words, it will be permanently disabled and cannot be\n'
printf ' enabled.\n'
printf ' -T, --disable-strip\n'
printf ' Disable stripping symbols from the compiled binary or binaries.\n'
printf ' Stripping symbols only happens when debug mode is off.\n'
printf ' --prefix PREFIX\n'
printf ' The prefix to install to. Overrides "$PREFIX" if it exists.\n'
printf ' If PREFIX is "/usr", install path will be "/usr/bin".\n'
printf ' Default is "/usr/local".\n'
printf ' --bindir BINDIR\n'
- printf ' The directory to install binaries in. Overrides "$BINDIR" if it exists.\n'
+ printf ' The directory to install binaries. Overrides "$BINDIR" if it exists.\n'
printf ' Default is "$PREFIX/bin".\n'
- printf ' --includedir INCLUDEDIR\n'
- printf ' The directory to install headers in. Overrides "$INCLUDEDIR" if it\n'
- printf ' exists. Default is "$PREFIX/include".\n'
- printf ' --libdir LIBDIR\n'
- printf ' The directory to install libraries in. Overrides "$LIBDIR" if it exists.\n'
- printf ' Default is "$PREFIX/lib".\n'
printf ' --datarootdir DATAROOTDIR\n'
printf ' The root location for data files. Overrides "$DATAROOTDIR" if it exists.\n'
printf ' Default is "$PREFIX/share".\n'
printf ' --datadir DATADIR\n'
printf ' The location for data files. Overrides "$DATADIR" if it exists.\n'
printf ' Default is "$DATAROOTDIR".\n'
printf ' --mandir MANDIR\n'
printf ' The location to install manpages to. Overrides "$MANDIR" if it exists.\n'
printf ' Default is "$DATADIR/man".\n'
printf ' --man1dir MAN1DIR\n'
printf ' The location to install Section 1 manpages to. Overrides "$MAN1DIR" if\n'
printf ' it exists. Default is "$MANDIR/man1".\n'
- printf ' --man3dir MAN3DIR\n'
- printf ' The location to install Section 3 manpages to. Overrides "$MAN3DIR" if\n'
- printf ' it exists. Default is "$MANDIR/man3".\n'
printf '\n'
printf 'In addition, the following environment variables are used:\n'
printf '\n'
printf ' CC C compiler. Must be compatible with POSIX c99. If there is a\n'
printf ' space in the basename of the compiler, the items after the\n'
printf ' first space are assumed to be compiler flags, and in that case,\n'
printf ' the flags are automatically moved into CFLAGS. Default is\n'
printf ' "c99".\n'
printf ' HOSTCC Host C compiler. Must be compatible with POSIX c99. If there is\n'
printf ' a space in the basename of the compiler, the items after the\n'
printf ' first space are assumed to be compiler flags, and in the case,\n'
printf ' the flags are automatically moved into HOSTCFLAGS. Default is\n'
printf ' "$CC".\n'
printf ' HOST_CC Same as HOSTCC. If HOSTCC also exists, it is used.\n'
printf ' CFLAGS C compiler flags.\n'
printf ' HOSTCFLAGS CFLAGS for HOSTCC. Default is "$CFLAGS".\n'
printf ' HOST_CFLAGS Same as HOST_CFLAGS. If HOST_CFLAGS also exists, it is used.\n'
printf ' CPPFLAGS C preprocessor flags. Default is "".\n'
printf ' LDFLAGS Linker flags. Default is "".\n'
printf ' PREFIX The prefix to install to. Default is "/usr/local".\n'
printf ' If PREFIX is "/usr", install path will be "/usr/bin".\n'
- printf ' BINDIR The directory to install binaries in. Default is "$PREFIX/bin".\n'
- printf ' INCLUDEDIR The directory to install header files in. Default is\n'
- printf ' "$PREFIX/include".\n'
- printf ' LIBDIR The directory to install libraries in. Default is\n'
- printf ' "$PREFIX/lib".\n'
+ printf ' BINDIR The directory to install binaries. Default is "$PREFIX/bin".\n'
printf ' DATAROOTDIR The root location for data files. Default is "$PREFIX/share".\n'
printf ' DATADIR The location for data files. Default is "$DATAROOTDIR".\n'
printf ' MANDIR The location to install manpages to. Default is "$DATADIR/man".\n'
printf ' MAN1DIR The location to install Section 1 manpages to. Default is\n'
printf ' "$MANDIR/man1".\n'
- printf ' MAN3DIR The location to install Section 3 manpages to. Default is\n'
- printf ' "$MANDIR/man3".\n'
printf ' NLSPATH The location to install locale catalogs to. Must be an absolute\n'
printf ' path (or contain one). This is treated the same as the POSIX\n'
printf ' definition of $NLSPATH (see POSIX environment variables for\n'
printf ' more information). Default is "/usr/share/locale/%%L/%%N".\n'
printf ' EXECSUFFIX The suffix to append to the executable names, used to not\n'
printf ' interfere with other installed bc executables. Default is "".\n'
printf ' EXECPREFIX The prefix to append to the executable names, used to not\n'
printf ' interfere with other installed bc executables. Default is "".\n'
printf ' DESTDIR For package creation. Default is "". If it is empty when\n'
printf ' `%s` is run, it can also be passed to `make install`\n' "$script"
printf ' later as an environment variable. If both are specified,\n'
printf ' the one given to `%s` takes precedence.\n' "$script"
printf ' LONG_BIT The number of bits in a C `long` type. This is mostly for the\n'
printf ' embedded space since this `bc` uses `long`s internally for\n'
printf ' overflow checking. In C99, a `long` is required to be 32 bits.\n'
printf ' For most normal desktop systems, setting this is unnecessary,\n'
printf ' except that 32-bit platforms with 64-bit longs may want to set\n'
printf ' it to `32`. Default is the default of `LONG_BIT` for the target\n'
printf ' platform. Minimum allowed is `32`. It is a build time error if\n'
printf ' the specified value of `LONG_BIT` is greater than the default\n'
printf ' value of `LONG_BIT` for the target platform.\n'
printf ' GEN_HOST Whether to use `gen/strgen.c`, instead of `gen/`, to\n'
printf ' produce the C files that contain the help texts as well as the\n'
printf ' math libraries. By default, `gen/strgen.c` is used, compiled by\n'
printf ' "$HOSTCC" and run on the host machine. Using `gen/`\n'
printf ' removes the need to compile and run an executable on the host\n'
printf ' machine since `gen/` is a POSIX shell script. However,\n'
printf ' `gen/lib2.bc` is perilously close to 4095 characters, the max\n'
printf ' supported length of a string literal in C99 (and it could be\n'
printf ' added to in the future), and `gen/` generates a string\n'
printf ' literal instead of an array, as `gen/strgen.c` does. For most\n'
printf ' production-ready compilers, this limit probably is not\n'
printf ' enforced, but it could be. Both options are still available for\n'
printf ' this reason. If you are sure your compiler does not have the\n'
printf ' limit and do not want to compile and run a binary on the host\n'
printf ' machine, set this variable to "0". Any other value, or a\n'
printf ' non-existent value, will cause the build system to compile and\n'
printf ' run `gen/strgen.c`. Default is "".\n'
printf ' GEN_EMU Emulator to run string generator code under (leave empty if not\n'
printf ' necessary). This is not necessary when using `gen/`.\n'
printf ' Default is "".\n'
printf '\n'
printf 'WARNING: even though `` supports both option types, short and\n'
printf 'long, it does not support handling both at the same time. Use only one type.\n'
exit "$_usage_val"
replace_ext() {
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0"
printf '%s\n' "$_replace_ext_result"
replace_exts() {
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0"
for _replace_exts_file in $_replace_exts_files; do
_replace_exts_new_name=$(replace_ext "$_replace_exts_file" "$_replace_exts_ext1" "$_replace_exts_ext2")
_replace_exts_result="$_replace_exts_result $_replace_exts_new_name"
printf '%s\n' "$_replace_exts_result"
replace() {
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0"
substring_replace "$_replace_str" "%%$_replace_needle%%" "$_replace_replacement"
-gen_file_list() {
+gen_file_lists() {
- if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
+ if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0"
- _gen_file_list_contents="$1"
+ _gen_file_lists_contents="$1"
- p=$(pwd)
+ _gen_file_lists_filedir="$1"
+ shift
- cd "$scriptdir"
+ _gen_file_lists_typ="$1"
+ shift
- if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
- while [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; do
- a="$1"
- shift
- args="$args ! -wholename src/${a}"
- done
+ # If there is an extra argument, and it
+ # is zero, we keep the file lists empty.
+ if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
+ _gen_file_lists_use="$1"
- args="-print"
+ _gen_file_lists_use="1"
- _gen_file_list_needle_src="SRC"
- _gen_file_list_needle_obj="OBJ"
- _gen_file_list_needle_gcda="GCDA"
- _gen_file_list_needle_gcno="GCNO"
+ _gen_file_lists_needle_src="${_gen_file_lists_typ}SRC"
+ _gen_file_lists_needle_obj="${_gen_file_lists_typ}OBJ"
+ _gen_file_lists_needle_gcda="${_gen_file_lists_typ}GCDA"
+ _gen_file_lists_needle_gcno="${_gen_file_lists_typ}GCNO"
- _gen_file_list_replacement=$(find src/ -depth -name "*.c" $args | tr '\n' ' ')
- _gen_file_list_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_list_contents" \
- "$_gen_file_list_needle_src" "$_gen_file_list_replacement")
+ if [ "$_gen_file_lists_use" -ne 0 ]; then
- _gen_file_list_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_list_replacement" "c" "o")
- _gen_file_list_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_list_contents" \
- "$_gen_file_list_needle_obj" "$_gen_file_list_replacement")
+ _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(cd "$_gen_file_lists_filedir" && find . ! -name . -prune -name "*.c" | cut -d/ -f2 | sed "s@^@$_gen_file_lists_filedir/@g" | tr '\n' ' ')
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_src" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement")
- _gen_file_list_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_list_replacement" "o" "gcda")
- _gen_file_list_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_list_contents" \
- "$_gen_file_list_needle_gcda" "$_gen_file_list_replacement")
+ _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "c" "o")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_obj" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement")
- _gen_file_list_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_list_replacement" "gcda" "gcno")
- _gen_file_list_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_list_contents" \
- "$_gen_file_list_needle_gcno" "$_gen_file_list_replacement")
+ _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "o" "gcda")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcda" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement")
- cd "$p"
+ _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "gcda" "gcno")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcno" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement")
- printf '%s\n' "$_gen_file_list_contents"
+ else
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_src" "")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_obj" "")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcda" "")
+ _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcno" "")
+ fi
+ printf '%s\n' "$_gen_file_lists_contents"
-while getopts "abBcdDEfgGhHk:lMNO:PST-" opt; do
+while getopts "bBcdDEfgGhHk:lMNO:PST-" opt; do
case "$opt" in
- a) library=1 ;;
b) bc_only=1 ;;
B) dc_only=1 ;;
c) coverage=1 ;;
d) dc_only=1 ;;
D) bc_only=1 ;;
E) extra_math=0 ;;
f) force=1 ;;
g) debug=1 ;;
G) generate_tests=0 ;;
h) usage ;;
H) hist=0 ;;
k) karatsuba_len="$OPTARG" ;;
l) all_locales=1 ;;
M) install_manpages=0 ;;
N) nls=0 ;;
O) optimization="$OPTARG" ;;
P) prompt=0 ;;
T) strip_bin=0 ;;
case $arg in
help) usage ;;
- library) library=1 ;;
bc-only) bc_only=1 ;;
dc-only) dc_only=1 ;;
coverage) coverage=1 ;;
debug) debug=1 ;;
force) force=1 ;;
prefix=?*) PREFIX="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
bindir=?*) BINDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
- includedir=?*) INCLUDEDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
- includedir)
- if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
- usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
- fi
- shift ;;
- libdir=?*) LIBDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
- libdir)
- if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
- usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
- fi
- LIBDIR="$2"
- shift ;;
datarootdir=?*) DATAROOTDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
datadir=?*) DATADIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
mandir=?*) MANDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
man1dir=?*) MAN1DIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
- man3dir=?*) MAN3DIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
- man3dir)
- if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
- usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
- fi
- MAN3DIR="$2"
- shift ;;
localedir=?*) LOCALEDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
karatsuba-len=?*) karatsuba_len="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
opt=?*) optimization="$LONG_OPTARG" ;;
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option"
shift ;;
disable-bc) dc_only=1 ;;
disable-dc) bc_only=1 ;;
disable-extra-math) extra_math=0 ;;
disable-generated-tests) generate_tests=0 ;;
disable-history) hist=0 ;;
disable-man-pages) install_manpages=0 ;;
disable-nls) nls=0 ;;
disable-prompt) prompt=0 ;;
disable-strip) strip_bin=0 ;;
install-all-locales) all_locales=1 ;;
help* | bc-only* | dc-only* | coverage* | debug*)
usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;;
disable-bc* | disable-dc* | disable-extra-math*)
usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;;
disable-generated-tests* | disable-history*)
usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;;
disable-man-pages* | disable-nls* | disable-strip*)
usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;;
usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;;
'') break ;; # "--" terminates argument processing
* ) usage "Invalid option $LONG_OPTARG" ;;
?) usage "Invalid option $opt" ;;
if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 ] && [ "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then
usage "Can only specify one of -b(-D) or -d(-B)"
-if [ "$library" -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 ] || [ "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then
- usage "Must not specify -b(-D) or -d(-B) when building the library"
- fi
case $karatsuba_len in
(*[!0-9]*|'') usage "KARATSUBA_LEN is not a number" ;;
(*) ;;
if [ "$karatsuba_len" -lt 16 ]; then
usage "KARATSUBA_LEN is less than 16"
set -e
if [ -z "${LONG_BIT+set}" ]; then
elif [ "$LONG_BIT" -lt 32 ]; then
usage "LONG_BIT is less than 32"
if [ -z "$CC" ]; then
ccbase=$(basename "$CC")
suffix=" *"
prefix="* "
if [ "${ccbase%%$suffix}" != "$ccbase" ]; then
ccdir=$(dirname "$CC")
if [ "$ccdir" = "." ] && [ "${CC#.}" = "$CC" ]; then
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $ccflags"
if [ -z "$HOSTCC" ] && [ -z "$HOST_CC" ]; then
elif [ -z "$HOSTCC" ]; then
if [ "$HOSTCC" != "$CC" ]; then
ccbase=$(basename "$HOSTCC")
suffix=" *"
prefix="* "
if [ "${ccbase%%$suffix}" != "$ccbase" ]; then
ccdir=$(dirname "$HOSTCC")
if [ "$ccdir" = "." ] && [ "${HOSTCC#.}" = "$HOSTCC" ]; then
if [ -z "${HOSTCFLAGS+set}" ] && [ -z "${HOST_CFLAGS+set}" ]; then
elif [ -z "${HOSTCFLAGS+set}" ]; then
link="@printf 'No link necessary\\\\n'"
-tests="test_bc timeconst test_dc"
bc_test="@tests/ bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 \$(BC_EXEC)"
bc_time_test="@tests/ bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 1 \$(BC_EXEC)"
dc_test="@tests/ dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 \$(DC_EXEC)"
dc_time_test="@tests/ dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 1 \$(DC_EXEC)"
timeconst="@tests/bc/ tests/bc/scripts/timeconst.bc \$(BC_EXEC)"
# In order to have cleanup at exit, we need to be in
# debug mode, so don't run valgrind without that.
if [ "$debug" -ne 0 ]; then
vg_bc_test="@tests/ bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 valgrind \$(VALGRIND_ARGS) \$(BC_EXEC)"
vg_dc_test="@tests/ dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 valgrind \$(VALGRIND_ARGS) \$(DC_EXEC)"
vg_bc_test="@printf 'Cannot run valgrind without debug flags\\\\n'"
vg_dc_test="@printf 'Cannot run valgrind without debug flags\\\\n'"
karatsuba="@printf 'karatsuba cannot be run because one of bc or dc is not built\\\\n'"
karatsuba_test="@printf 'karatsuba cannot be run because one of bc or dc is not built\\\\n'"
if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 ]; then
dc_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'"
dc_time_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'"
vg_dc_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'"
- install_prereqs=" install_execs"
- install_man_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage"
+ install_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage"
uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_bc"
uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bc_manpage"
elif [ "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then
bc_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'"
bc_time_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'"
vg_bc_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'"
timeconst="@printf 'timeconst cannot be run because bc is not built\\\\n'"
- install_prereqs=" install_execs"
- install_man_prereqs=" install_dc_manpage"
+ install_prereqs=" install_dc_manpage"
uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_dc"
uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_dc_manpage"
executables="bc and dc"
link="\$(LINK) \$(BIN) \$(EXEC_PREFIX)\$(DC)"
karatsuba="@\$(KARATSUBA) 30 0 \$(BC_EXEC)"
karatsuba_test="@\$(KARATSUBA) 1 100 \$(BC_EXEC)"
- if [ "$library" -eq 0 ]; then
- install_prereqs=" install_execs"
- install_man_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage install_dc_manpage"
- uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_bc uninstall_dc"
- uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bc_manpage uninstall_dc_manpage"
- else
- install_prereqs=" install_library install_bcl_header"
- install_man_prereqs=" install_bcl_manpage"
- uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_library uninstall_bcl_header"
- uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bcl_manpage"
- tests="test_library"
- fi
+ install_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage install_dc_manpage"
+ uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_bc uninstall_dc"
+ uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bc_manpage uninstall_dc_manpage"
if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then
if [ -z "$CFLAGS" ] && [ -z "$optimization" ]; then
if [ "$strip_bin" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -n "$optimization" ]; then
CFLAGS="-O$optimization $CFLAGS"
if [ "$coverage" -eq 1 ]; then
if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 ] || [ "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then
usage "Can only specify -c without -b or -d"
CFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -O0 $CFLAGS"
COVERAGE_OUTPUT="$COVERAGE_OUTPUT;gcovr --html-details --output index.html"
COVERAGE_PREREQS=" test coverage_output"
COVERAGE_OUTPUT="@printf 'Coverage not generated\\\\n'"
if [ -z "${DESTDIR+set}" ]; then
destdir="DESTDIR = $DESTDIR"
if [ -z "${PREFIX+set}" ]; then
if [ -z "${BINDIR+set}" ]; then
-if [ -z "${INCLUDEDIR+set}" ]; then
-if [ -z "${LIBDIR+set}" ]; then
if [ "$install_manpages" -ne 0 ] || [ "$nls" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -z "${DATAROOTDIR+set}" ]; then
if [ "$install_manpages" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -z "${DATADIR+set}" ]; then
if [ -z "${MANDIR+set}" ]; then
if [ -z "${MAN1DIR+set}" ]; then
- if [ -z "${MAN3DIR+set}" ]; then
- MAN3DIR="$MANDIR/man3"
- fi
- install_man_prereqs=""
+ install_prereqs=""
-if [ "$library" -ne 0 ]; then
- extra_math=1
- nls=0
- hist=0
- prompt=0
- ALL_PREREQ="library"
- ALL_PREREQ="execs"
if [ "$nls" -ne 0 ]; then
set +e
printf 'Testing NLS...\n'
flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_HISTORY=$hist"
flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=$extra_math -I./include/"
flags="$flags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700"
"$CC" $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $flags -c "src/vm.c" -o "$scriptdir/vm.o" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf "$scriptdir/vm.o"
# If this errors, it is probably because of building on Windows,
# and NLS is not supported on Windows, so disable it.
if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'NLS does not work.\n'
if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then
printf 'Disabling NLS...\n\n'
printf 'Forcing NLS...\n\n'
printf 'NLS works.\n\n'
printf 'Testing gencat...\n'
gencat "$scriptdir/" "$scriptdir/locales/en_US.msg" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf "$scriptdir/"
if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'gencat does not work.\n'
if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then
printf 'Disabling NLS...\n\n'
printf 'Forcing NLS...\n\n'
printf 'gencat works.\n\n'
if [ "$HOSTCC" != "$CC" ]; then
printf 'Cross-compile detected.\n\n'
printf 'WARNING: Catalog files generated with gencat may not be portable\n'
printf ' across different architectures.\n\n'
if [ -z "$NLSPATH" ]; then
install_locales_prereqs=" install_locales"
uninstall_locales_prereqs=" uninstall_locales"
set -e
if [ "$nls" -ne 0 ] && [ "$all_locales" -ne 0 ]; then
install_locales="\$(LOCALE_INSTALL) -l \$(NLSPATH) \$(MAIN_EXEC) \$(DESTDIR)"
install_locales="\$(LOCALE_INSTALL) \$(NLSPATH) \$(MAIN_EXEC) \$(DESTDIR)"
if [ "$hist" -eq 1 ]; then
set +e
printf 'Testing history...\n'
- flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_NLS=$nls -DBC_ENABLE_LIBRARY=0"
+ flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_NLS=$nls"
flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=$extra_math -I./include/"
flags="$flags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700"
- "$CC" $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $flags -c "src/history.c" -o "$scriptdir/history.o" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ "$CC" $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $flags -c "src/history/history.c" -o "$scriptdir/history.o" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf "$scriptdir/history.o"
# If this errors, it is probably because of building on Windows,
# and history is not supported on Windows, so disable it.
if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'History does not work.\n'
if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then
printf 'Disabling history...\n\n'
printf 'Forcing history...\n\n'
printf 'History works.\n\n'
set -e
-if [ "$library" -eq 1 ]; then
- bc_lib=""
-if [ "$extra_math" -eq 1 ] && [ "$bc" -ne 0 ] && [ "$library" -eq 0 ]; then
+if [ "$extra_math" -eq 1 ] && [ "$bc" -ne 0 ]; then
CLEAN_PREREQS=" clean_gen"
if [ -z "${GEN_HOST+set}" ]; then
if [ "$GEN_HOST" -eq 0 ]; then
GEN_EXEC_TARGET="@printf 'Do not need to build gen/strgen.c\\\\n'"
if [ "$extra_math" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$hist" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$nls" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$prompt" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$manpage_args" = "" ]; then
-if [ "$hist" -eq 0 ]; then
- unneeded="$unneeded history.c"
-if [ "$bc" -eq 0 ]; then
- unneeded="$unneeded bc.c bc_lex.c bc_parse.c"
-if [ "$dc" -eq 0 ]; then
- unneeded="$unneeded dc.c dc_lex.c dc_parse.c"
-if [ "$extra_math" -eq 0 ]; then
- unneeded="$unneeded rand.c"
-if [ "$library" -ne 0 ]; then
- unneeded="$unneeded args.c opt.c read.c file.c main.c"
- unneeded="$unneeded lang.c lex.c parse.c program.c"
- unneeded="$unneeded bc.c bc_lex.c bc_parse.c"
- unneeded="$unneeded dc.c dc_lex.c dc_parse.c"
- unneeded="$unneeded library.c"
# Print out the values; this is for debugging.
if [ "$bc" -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'Building bc\n'
printf 'Not building bc\n'
if [ "$dc" -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'Building dc\n'
printf 'Not building dc\n'
printf '\n'
-printf 'BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY=%s\n\n' "$library"
printf 'BC_ENABLE_HISTORY=%s\n' "$hist"
printf 'BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=%s\n' "$extra_math"
printf 'BC_ENABLE_NLS=%s\n' "$nls"
printf 'BC_ENABLE_PROMPT=%s\n' "$prompt"
printf '\n'
printf 'BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN=%s\n' "$karatsuba_len"
printf '\n'
printf 'CC=%s\n' "$CC"
printf 'CFLAGS=%s\n' "$CFLAGS"
printf 'HOSTCC=%s\n' "$HOSTCC"
printf 'CPPFLAGS=%s\n' "$CPPFLAGS"
printf 'LDFLAGS=%s\n' "$LDFLAGS"
printf 'PREFIX=%s\n' "$PREFIX"
printf 'BINDIR=%s\n' "$BINDIR"
-printf 'LIBDIR=%s\n' "$LIBDIR"
printf 'DATADIR=%s\n' "$DATADIR"
printf 'MANDIR=%s\n' "$MANDIR"
printf 'MAN1DIR=%s\n' "$MAN1DIR"
-printf 'MAN3DIR=%s\n' "$MAN3DIR"
printf 'NLSPATH=%s\n' "$NLSPATH"
printf 'DESTDIR=%s\n' "$DESTDIR"
printf 'LONG_BIT=%s\n' "$LONG_BIT"
printf 'GEN_HOST=%s\n' "$GEN_HOST"
printf 'GEN_EMU=%s\n' "$GEN_EMU"
contents=$(cat "$scriptdir/")
replacement='*** WARNING: Autogenerated from DO NOT MODIFY ***'
contents=$(replace "$contents" "$needle" "$replacement")
-if [ "$unneeded" = "" ]; then
- contents=$(gen_file_list "$contents" "library.c")
- contents=$(gen_file_list "$contents" $unneeded)
+contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src" "")
+contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/bc" "BC_" "$bc")
+contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/dc" "DC_" "$dc")
+contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/history" "HISTORY_" "$hist")
+contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/rand" "RAND_" "$extra_math")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_ENABLED" "$bc")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_ENABLED" "$dc")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "LINK" "$link")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "LIBRARY" "$library")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "HISTORY" "$hist")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXTRA_MATH" "$extra_math")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "NLS" "$nls")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "PROMPT" "$prompt")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_LIB_O" "$bc_lib")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_HELP_O" "$bc_help")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_HELP_O" "$dc_help")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_LIB2_O" "$BC_LIB2_O")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA_LEN" "$karatsuba_len")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "NLSPATH" "$NLSPATH")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "DESTDIR" "$destdir")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECSUFFIX" "$EXECSUFFIX")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECPREFIX" "$EXECPREFIX")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BINDIR" "$BINDIR")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "INCLUDEDIR" "$INCLUDEDIR")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "LIBDIR" "$LIBDIR")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "MAN1DIR" "$MAN1DIR")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "MAN3DIR" "$MAN3DIR")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "CFLAGS" "$CFLAGS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "HOSTCFLAGS" "$HOSTCFLAGS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "CPPFLAGS" "$CPPFLAGS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "LDFLAGS" "$LDFLAGS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "CC" "$CC")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "HOSTCC" "$HOSTCC")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "COVERAGE_OUTPUT" "$COVERAGE_OUTPUT")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "COVERAGE_PREREQS" "$COVERAGE_PREREQS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_PREREQS" "$install_prereqs")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_MAN_PREREQS" "$install_man_prereqs")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_LOCALES" "$install_locales")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS" "$install_locales_prereqs")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_MAN_PREREQS" "$uninstall_man_prereqs")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_PREREQS" "$uninstall_prereqs")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS" "$uninstall_locales_prereqs")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "ALL_PREREQ" "$ALL_PREREQ")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECUTABLES" "$executables")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "MAIN_EXEC" "$main_exec")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXEC" "$executable")
-contents=$(replace "$contents" "TESTS" "$tests")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_TEST" "$bc_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_TIME_TEST" "$bc_time_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_TEST" "$dc_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_TIME_TEST" "$dc_time_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "VG_BC_TEST" "$vg_bc_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "VG_DC_TEST" "$vg_dc_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "TIMECONST" "$timeconst")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA" "$karatsuba")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA_TEST" "$karatsuba_test")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "LONG_BIT" "$LONG_BIT")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "LONG_BIT_DEFINE" "$LONG_BIT_DEFINE")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN" "$GEN")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN_EXEC_TARGET" "$GEN_EXEC_TARGET")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "CLEAN_PREREQS" "$CLEAN_PREREQS")
contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN_EMU" "$GEN_EMU")
printf '%s\n' "$contents" > "$scriptdir/Makefile"
cd "$scriptdir"
cp -f manuals/bc/$ manuals/
cp -f manuals/bc/$manpage_args.1 manuals/bc.1
cp -f manuals/dc/$ manuals/
cp -f manuals/dc/$manpage_args.1 manuals/dc.1
make clean > /dev/null
Index: vendor/bc/dist/gen/lib.bc
--- vendor/bc/dist/gen/lib.bc (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/gen/lib.bc (revision 368063)
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* The bc math library.
define e(x){
auto b,s,n,r,d,i,p,f,v
define l(x){
auto b,s,r,p,a,q,i,v
define s(x){
auto b,s,r,a,q,i
define c(x){
auto b,s
define a(x){
auto b,s,r,n,a,m,t,f,i,u
define j(n,x){
- auto b,s,o,a,i,r,v,f
+ auto b,s,o,a,i,v,f
Index: vendor/bc/dist/gen/strgen.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/gen/strgen.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/gen/strgen.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,144 +1,143 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Generates a const array from a bc script.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
static const char* const bc_gen_header =
"// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.\n"
"// Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.\n"
+static const char* const bc_gen_include = "#include <%s>\n\n";
static const char* const bc_gen_label = "const char *%s = \"%s\";\n\n";
-static const char* const bc_gen_label_extern = "extern const char *%s;\n\n";
static const char* const bc_gen_ifdef = "#if %s\n";
static const char* const bc_gen_endif = "#endif // %s\n";
static const char* const bc_gen_name = "const char %s[] = {\n";
-static const char* const bc_gen_name_extern = "extern const char %s[];\n\n";
#define IO_ERR (1)
#define INVALID_PARAMS (3)
#define MAX_WIDTH (74)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *in, *out;
- char *label, *define, *name;
+ char *label, *define, *name, *include;
int c, count, slashes, err = IO_ERR;
bool has_label, has_define, remove_tabs;
if (argc < 5) {
printf("usage: %s input output name header [label [define [remove_tabs]]]\n", argv[0]);
name = argv[3];
+ include = argv[4];
- has_label = (argc > 4 && strcmp("", argv[4]) != 0);
- label = has_label ? argv[4] : "";
+ has_label = (argc > 5 && strcmp("", argv[5]) != 0);
+ label = has_label ? argv[5] : "";
- has_define = (argc > 5 && strcmp("", argv[5]) != 0);
- define = has_define ? argv[5] : "";
+ has_define = (argc > 6 && strcmp("", argv[6]) != 0);
+ define = has_define ? argv[6] : "";
- remove_tabs = (argc > 6);
+ remove_tabs = (argc > 7);
in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!in) return INVALID_INPUT_FILE;
out = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (!out) goto out_err;
if (fprintf(out, bc_gen_header, argv[1]) < 0) goto err;
- if (has_label && fprintf(out, bc_gen_label_extern, label) < 0) goto err;
- if (fprintf(out, bc_gen_name_extern, name) < 0) goto err;
if (has_define && fprintf(out, bc_gen_ifdef, define) < 0) goto err;
+ if (fprintf(out, bc_gen_include, include) < 0) goto err;
if (has_label && fprintf(out, bc_gen_label, label, argv[1]) < 0) goto err;
if (fprintf(out, bc_gen_name, name) < 0) goto err;
c = count = slashes = 0;
while (slashes < 2 && (c = fgetc(in)) >= 0) {
slashes += (slashes == 1 && c == '/' && fgetc(in) == '\n');
slashes += (!slashes && c == '/' && fgetc(in) == '*');
if (c < 0) {
goto err;
while ((c = fgetc(in)) == '\n');
while (c >= 0) {
int val;
if (!remove_tabs || c != '\t') {
if (!count && fputc('\t', out) == EOF) goto err;
val = fprintf(out, "%d,", c);
if (val < 0) goto err;
count += val;
if (count > MAX_WIDTH) {
count = 0;
if (fputc('\n', out) == EOF) goto err;
c = fgetc(in);
if (!count && (fputc(' ', out) == EOF || fputc(' ', out) == EOF)) goto err;
if (fprintf(out, "0\n};\n") < 0) goto err;
err = (has_define && fprintf(out, bc_gen_endif, define) < 0);
return err;
Index: vendor/bc/dist/gen/
--- vendor/bc/dist/gen/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/gen/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,83 +1,79 @@
#! /bin/sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
export LANG=C
export LC_CTYPE=C
if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then
echo "usage: $progname input output name header [label [define [remove_tabs]]]"
exit 1
exec < "$input"
exec > "$output"
if [ -n "$label" ]; then
nameline="const char *${label} = \"${input}\";"
- labelexternline="extern const char *${label};"
if [ -n "$define" ]; then
condstart="#if ${define}"
if [ -n "$remove_tabs" ]; then
if [ "$remove_tabs" -ne 0 ]; then
remtabsexpr='s: ::g;'
-// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
// Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.
-extern const char $name[];
+#include <${header}>
const char ${name}[] =
$(sed -e "$remtabsexpr " -e '1,/^$/d; s:\\n:\\\\n:g; s:":\\":g; s:^:":; s:$:\\n":')
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/file.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/file.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/file.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for implementing buffered I/O on my own terms.
#ifndef BC_FILE_H
#define BC_FILE_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <vector.h>
#define BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH (21)
typedef struct BcFile {
int fd;
char *buf;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
} BcFile;
void bc_file_init(BcFile *f, int fd, char *buf, size_t cap);
void bc_file_free(BcFile *f);
void bc_file_putchar(BcFile *restrict f, uchar c);
BcStatus bc_file_flushErr(BcFile *restrict f);
void bc_file_flush(BcFile *restrict f);
void bc_file_write(BcFile *restrict f, const char *buf, size_t n);
void bc_file_printf(BcFile *restrict f, const char *fmt, ...);
void bc_file_vprintf(BcFile *restrict f, const char *fmt, va_list args);
void bc_file_puts(BcFile *restrict f, const char *str);
+void bc_file_ultoa(unsigned long long val, char buf[BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH]);
#endif // BC_FILE_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/lex.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/lex.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/lex.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for bc's lexer.
#ifndef BC_LEX_H
#define BC_LEX_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <lang.h>
-#define bc_lex_err(l, e) (bc_vm_handleError((e), (l)->line))
-#define bc_lex_verr(l, e, ...) (bc_vm_handleError((e), (l)->line, __VA_ARGS__))
+#define bc_lex_err(l, e) (bc_vm_error((e), (l)->line))
+#define bc_lex_verr(l, e, ...) (bc_vm_error((e), (l)->line, __VA_ARGS__))
#define BC_LEX_NEG_CHAR (BC_IS_BC ? '-' : '_')
#define BC_LEX_LAST_NUM_CHAR (BC_IS_BC ? 'Z' : 'F')
#else // DC_ENABLED
#define BC_LEX_NEG_CHAR ('-')
#define BC_LEX_LAST_NUM_CHAR ('Z')
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#else // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_LEX_NEG_CHAR ('_')
#define BC_LEX_LAST_NUM_CHAR ('F')
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_LEX_NUM_CHAR(c, pt, int_only) \
(isdigit(c) || ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= BC_LEX_LAST_NUM_CHAR) || \
((c) == '.' && !(pt) && !(int_only)))
// BC_LEX_NEG is not used in lexing; it is only for parsing.
typedef enum BcLexType {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // DC_ENABLED
} BcLexType;
struct BcLex;
typedef void (*BcLexNext)(struct BcLex*);
typedef struct BcLex {
const char *buf;
size_t i;
size_t line;
size_t len;
BcLexType t;
BcLexType last;
BcVec str;
} BcLex;
void bc_lex_init(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_free(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_file(BcLex *l, const char *file);
void bc_lex_text(BcLex *l, const char *text);
void bc_lex_next(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_lineComment(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_comment(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_whitespace(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_number(BcLex *l, char start);
void bc_lex_name(BcLex *l);
void bc_lex_commonTokens(BcLex *l, char c);
void bc_lex_invalidChar(BcLex *l, char c);
#endif // BC_LEX_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/num.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/num.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/num.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,261 +1,243 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for the num type.
#ifndef BC_NUM_H
#define BC_NUM_H
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
-#include <bcl.h>
#define BC_BASE (10)
typedef unsigned long ulong;
-typedef BclBigDig BcBigDig;
+// For some reason, LONG_BIT is not defined in some versions of gcc.
+// I define it here to the minimum accepted value in the POSIX standard.
+#ifndef LONG_BIT
+#define LONG_BIT (32)
+#endif // LONG_BIT
+#ifndef BC_LONG_BIT
+#endif // BC_LONG_BIT
+#error BC_LONG_BIT cannot be greater than LONG_BIT
+#endif // BC_LONG_BIT > LONG_BIT
#if BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
+typedef int_least32_t BcDig;
+typedef uint64_t BcBigDig;
#define BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX ((BcBigDig) UINT64_MAX)
#define BC_BASE_DIGS (9)
#define BC_BASE_POW (1000000000)
-typedef int_least32_t BcDig;
#elif BC_LONG_BIT >= 32
+typedef int_least16_t BcDig;
+typedef uint32_t BcBigDig;
#define BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX ((BcBigDig) UINT32_MAX)
#define BC_BASE_DIGS (4)
#define BC_BASE_POW (10000)
-typedef int_least16_t BcDig;
#error BC_LONG_BIT must be at least 32
#endif // BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
#define BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE (8)
typedef struct BcNum {
BcDig *restrict num;
size_t rdx;
size_t scale;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
+ bool neg;
} BcNum;
#define BC_ENABLE_RAND (1)
#endif // BC_ENABLE_RAND
// Forward declaration
struct BcRNG;
#endif // BC_ENABLE_RAND
// This is the max base allowed by bc_num_parseChar().
#error BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN must be at least 16.
// A crude, but always big enough, calculation of
// the size required for ibase and obase BcNum's.
#define BC_NUM_NONZERO(n) ((n)->len)
#define BC_NUM_ZERO(n) (!BC_NUM_NONZERO(n))
#define BC_NUM_ONE(n) ((n)->len == 1 && (n)->rdx == 0 && (n)->num[0] == 1)
#define BC_NUM_NUM_LETTER(c) ((c) - 'A' + BC_BASE)
#define BC_NUM_ROUND_POW(s) (bc_vm_growSize((s), BC_BASE_DIGS - 1))
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) ((n)->rdx >> 1)
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(n) ((n).rdx >> 1)
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, v) \
- ((n)->rdx = (((v) << 1) | ((n)->rdx & (BcBigDig) 1)))
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(n, v) \
- ((n).rdx = (((v) << 1) | ((n).rdx & (BcBigDig) 1)))
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NEG(n, v, neg) \
- ((n)->rdx = (((v) << 1) | (neg)))
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(n) \
- (BC_NUM_ZERO(n) || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) * BC_BASE_DIGS >= (n)->scale)
-#define BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(n) \
- ((!(n).len) || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(n) * BC_BASE_DIGS >= (n).scale)
-#define BC_NUM_NEG(n) ((n)->rdx & ((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_NP(n) ((n).rdx & ((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_CLR(n) ((n)->rdx &= ~((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_CLR_NP(n) ((n).rdx &= ~((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_SET(n) ((n)->rdx |= ((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_TGL(n) ((n)->rdx ^= ((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_TGL_NP(n) ((n).rdx ^= ((BcBigDig) 1))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(n, v) (((n)->rdx & ~((BcBigDig) 1)) | (v))
-#define BC_NUM_NEG_VAL_NP(n, v) (((n).rdx & ~((BcBigDig) 1)) | (v))
#define BC_NUM_SIZE(n) ((n) * sizeof(BcDig))
#define BC_NUM_PRINT(x) fprintf(stderr, "%s = %lu\n", #x, (unsigned long)(x))
#define DUMP_NUM bc_num_dump
#else // BC_DEBUG_CODE
#undef DUMP_NUM
#define DUMP_NUM(x,y)
#define BC_NUM_PRINT(x)
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
typedef void (*BcNumBinaryOp)(BcNum*, BcNum*, BcNum*, size_t);
typedef size_t (*BcNumBinaryOpReq)(const BcNum*, const BcNum*, size_t);
typedef void (*BcNumDigitOp)(size_t, size_t, bool);
typedef void (*BcNumShiftAddOp)(BcDig*, const BcDig*, size_t);
void bc_num_init(BcNum *restrict n, size_t req);
void bc_num_setup(BcNum *restrict n, BcDig *restrict num, size_t cap);
void bc_num_copy(BcNum *d, const BcNum *s);
void bc_num_createCopy(BcNum *d, const BcNum *s);
void bc_num_createFromBigdig(BcNum *n, BcBigDig val);
void bc_num_clear(BcNum *restrict n);
void bc_num_free(void *num);
size_t bc_num_scale(const BcNum *restrict n);
size_t bc_num_len(const BcNum *restrict n);
void bc_num_bigdig(const BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig *result);
void bc_num_bigdig2(const BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig *result);
void bc_num_bigdig2num(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig val);
void bc_num_irand(const BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b,
- struct BcRNG *restrict rng);
+ struct BcRNG *restrict rng);
void bc_num_rng(const BcNum *restrict n, struct BcRNG *rng);
void bc_num_createFromRNG(BcNum *restrict n, struct BcRNG *rng);
void bc_num_add(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_sub(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_mul(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_div(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_mod(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_pow(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_places(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_lshift(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_rshift(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale);
void bc_num_sqrt(BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b, size_t scale);
-void bc_num_sr(BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b, size_t scale);
void bc_num_divmod(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, BcNum *d, size_t scale);
size_t bc_num_addReq(const BcNum* a, const BcNum* b, size_t scale);
size_t bc_num_mulReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale);
-size_t bc_num_divReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale);
size_t bc_num_powReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale);
size_t bc_num_placesReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale);
void bc_num_truncate(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places);
-void bc_num_extend(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places);
-void bc_num_shiftRight(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places);
ssize_t bc_num_cmp(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b);
void bc_num_modexp(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, BcNum *restrict d);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
-void bc_num_zero(BcNum *restrict n);
void bc_num_one(BcNum *restrict n);
ssize_t bc_num_cmpZero(const BcNum *n);
-bool bc_num_strValid(const char *restrict val);
-void bc_num_parse(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val, BcBigDig base);
+void bc_num_parse(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val,
+ BcBigDig base, bool letter);
void bc_num_print(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base, bool newline);
void bc_num_stream(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
void bc_num_printDebug(const BcNum *n, const char *name, bool emptyline);
void bc_num_printDigs(const BcDig* n, size_t len, bool emptyline);
void bc_num_printWithDigs(const BcNum *n, const char *name, bool emptyline);
void bc_num_dump(const char *varname, const BcNum *n);
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
extern const char bc_num_hex_digits[];
extern const BcBigDig bc_num_pow10[BC_BASE_DIGS + 1];
extern const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax[];
-extern const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax2[];
extern const size_t bc_num_bigdigMax_size;
-extern const size_t bc_num_bigdigMax2_size;
#endif // BC_NUM_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/parse.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/parse.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/parse.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,117 +1,116 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for bc's parser.
#ifndef BC_PARSE_H
#define BC_PARSE_H
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <lex.h>
#include <lang.h>
#define BC_PARSE_REL (UINTMAX_C(1)<<0)
#define BC_PARSE_PRINT (UINTMAX_C(1)<<1)
#define BC_PARSE_ARRAY (UINTMAX_C(1)<<4)
#define BC_PARSE_CAN_PARSE(p) \
((p).l.t != BC_LEX_EOF && (p).l.t != BC_LEX_KW_DEFINE)
#else // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_PARSE_CAN_PARSE(p) ((p).l.t != BC_LEX_EOF)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define bc_parse_push(p, i) (bc_vec_pushByte(&(p)->func->code, (uchar) (i)))
#define bc_parse_pushIndex(p, idx) (bc_vec_pushIndex(&(p)->func->code, (idx)))
-#define bc_parse_err(p, e) (bc_vm_handleError((e), (p)->l.line))
-#define bc_parse_verr(p, e, ...) \
- (bc_vm_handleError((e), (p)->l.line, __VA_ARGS__))
+#define bc_parse_err(p, e) (bc_vm_error((e), (p)->l.line))
+#define bc_parse_verr(p, e, ...) (bc_vm_error((e), (p)->l.line, __VA_ARGS__))
typedef struct BcParseNext {
uchar len;
uchar tokens[4];
} BcParseNext;
#define BC_PARSE_NEXT_TOKENS(...) .tokens = { __VA_ARGS__ }
#define BC_PARSE_NEXT(a, ...) \
{ .len = (uchar) (a), BC_PARSE_NEXT_TOKENS(__VA_ARGS__) }
struct BcParse;
struct BcProgram;
typedef void (*BcParseParse)(struct BcParse*);
typedef void (*BcParseExpr)(struct BcParse*, uint8_t);
typedef struct BcParse {
BcLex l;
BcVec flags;
BcVec exits;
BcVec conds;
BcVec ops;
BcVec buf;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
struct BcProgram *prog;
BcFunc *func;
size_t fidx;
bool auto_part;
} BcParse;
void bc_parse_init(BcParse *p, struct BcProgram *prog, size_t func);
void bc_parse_free(BcParse *p);
void bc_parse_reset(BcParse *p);
void bc_parse_addString(BcParse *p);
void bc_parse_number(BcParse *p);
void bc_parse_updateFunc(BcParse *p, size_t fidx);
void bc_parse_pushName(const BcParse* p, char *name, bool var);
void bc_parse_text(BcParse *p, const char *text);
-extern const char bc_parse_zero[2];
-extern const char bc_parse_one[2];
+extern const char bc_parse_zero[];
+extern const char bc_parse_one[];
#endif // BC_PARSE_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/rand.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/rand.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/rand.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,234 +1,233 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Parts of this code are adapted from the following:
* PCG, A Family of Better Random Number Generators.
* You can find the original source code at:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parts of this code are also under the following license:
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Melissa O'Neill and PCG Project contributors
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for the RNG.
#ifndef BC_RAND_H
#define BC_RAND_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <num.h>
typedef ulong (*BcRandUlong)(void*);
#if BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
#ifndef __SIZEOF_INT128__
#define BC_RAND_BUILTIN (0)
#endif // __SIZEOF_INT128__
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
#define BC_RAND_BUILTIN (1)
#else // __SIZEOF_INT128__
#define BC_RAND_BUILTIN (0)
#endif // __SIZEOF_INT128__
typedef uint64_t BcRand;
#define BC_RAND_ROTC (63)
typedef __uint128_t BcRandState;
#define bc_rand_mul(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) * ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_add(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) + ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_mul2(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) * ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_add2(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) + ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define BC_RAND_NOTMODIFIED(r) (((r)->inc & 1UL) == 0)
#define BC_RAND_ZERO(r) (!(r)->state)
#define BC_RAND_CONSTANT(h, l) ((((BcRandState) (h)) << 64) + (BcRandState) (l))
#define BC_RAND_TRUNC(s) ((uint64_t) (s))
#define BC_RAND_CHOP(s) ((uint64_t) ((s) >> 64UL))
#define BC_RAND_ROTAMT(s) ((unsigned int) ((s) >> 122UL))
typedef struct BcRandState {
uint_fast64_t lo;
uint_fast64_t hi;
} BcRandState;
#define bc_rand_mul(a, b) (bc_rand_multiply((a), (b)))
#define bc_rand_add(a, b) (bc_rand_addition((a), (b)))
#define bc_rand_mul2(a, b) (bc_rand_multiply2((a), (b)))
#define bc_rand_add2(a, b) (bc_rand_addition2((a), (b)))
#define BC_RAND_NOTMODIFIED(r) (((r)->inc.lo & 1) == 0)
#define BC_RAND_ZERO(r) (!(r)->state.lo && !(r)->state.hi)
#define BC_RAND_CONSTANT(h, l) { .lo = (l), .hi = (h) }
#define BC_RAND_TRUNC(s) ((s).lo)
#define BC_RAND_CHOP(s) ((s).hi)
#define BC_RAND_ROTAMT(s) ((unsigned int) ((s).hi >> 58UL))
#define BC_RAND_BOTTOM32 (((uint_fast64_t) 0xffffffffULL))
#define BC_RAND_TRUNC32(n) ((n) & BC_RAND_BOTTOM32)
#define BC_RAND_CHOP32(n) ((n) >> 32)
BC_RAND_CONSTANT(2549297995355413924ULL, 4865540595714422341ULL)
#define BC_RAND_FOLD(s) ((BcRand) (BC_RAND_CHOP(s) ^ BC_RAND_TRUNC(s)))
#else // BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
#define BC_RAND_BUILTIN (1)
typedef uint32_t BcRand;
#define BC_RAND_ROTC (31)
typedef uint_fast64_t BcRandState;
#define bc_rand_mul(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) * ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_add(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) + ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_mul2(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) * ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define bc_rand_add2(a, b) (((BcRandState) (a)) + ((BcRandState) (b)))
#define BC_RAND_NOTMODIFIED(r) (((r)->inc & 1UL) == 0)
#define BC_RAND_ZERO(r) (!(r)->state)
#define BC_RAND_MULTIPLIER BC_RAND_CONSTANT(6364136223846793005)
#define BC_RAND_TRUNC(s) ((uint32_t) (s))
#define BC_RAND_CHOP(s) ((uint32_t) ((s) >> 32UL))
#define BC_RAND_ROTAMT(s) ((unsigned int) ((s) >> 59UL))
#define BC_RAND_FOLD(s) ((BcRand) ((((s) >> 18U) ^ (s)) >> 27U))
#endif // BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
#define BC_RAND_ROT(v, r) \
((BcRand) (((v) >> (r)) | ((v) << ((0 - (r)) & BC_RAND_ROTC))))
#define BC_RAND_BITS (sizeof(BcRand) * CHAR_BIT)
#define BC_RAND_STATE_BITS (sizeof(BcRandState) * CHAR_BIT)
#define BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE (BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10 * 2 + 2)
#define BC_RAND_SRAND_BITS ((1 << CHAR_BIT) - 1)
typedef struct BcRNGData {
BcRandState state;
BcRandState inc;
} BcRNGData;
typedef struct BcRNG {
BcVec v;
} BcRNG;
void bc_rand_init(BcRNG *r);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void bc_rand_free(BcRNG *r);
#endif // NDEBUG
BcRand bc_rand_int(BcRNG *r);
BcRand bc_rand_bounded(BcRNG *r, BcRand bound);
void bc_rand_seed(BcRNG *r, ulong state1, ulong state2, ulong inc1, ulong inc2);
void bc_rand_push(BcRNG *r);
void bc_rand_pop(BcRNG *r, bool reset);
void bc_rand_getRands(BcRNG *r, BcRand *s1, BcRand *s2, BcRand *i1, BcRand *i2);
-void bc_rand_srand(BcRNGData *rng);
extern const BcRandState bc_rand_multiplier;
#endif // BC_ENABLE_RAND
#endif // BC_RAND_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/status.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/status.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/status.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,194 +1,186 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* All bc status codes.
#ifndef BC_STATUS_H
#define BC_STATUS_H
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef BC_ENABLED
#define BC_ENABLED (1)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#ifndef DC_ENABLED
#define DC_ENABLED (1)
#endif // DC_ENABLED
-#include <bcl.h>
typedef enum BcStatus {
} BcStatus;
-typedef enum BcErr {
+typedef enum BcError {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
-} BcErr;
+} BcError;
#define BC_ERR_IDX_MATH (0)
#define BC_ERR_IDX_PARSE (1)
#define BC_ERR_IDX_EXEC (2)
#define BC_ERR_IDX_FATAL (3)
#define BC_ERR_IDX_NELEMS (4)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_UNUSED(e) ((void) (e))
#ifndef BC_LIKELY
#define BC_LIKELY(e) (e)
#endif // BC_LIKELY
#define BC_UNLIKELY(e) (e)
#endif // BC_UNLIKELY
#define BC_ERR(e) BC_UNLIKELY(e)
#define BC_NO_ERR(s) BC_LIKELY(s)
#define BC_DEBUG_CODE (0)
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201100L
#include <stdnoreturn.h>
#define BC_NORETURN _Noreturn
#else // __STDC_VERSION__
#endif // __STDC_VERSION__
-#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
-#define BC_FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough));
-#else // defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
-#endif //defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
// Workarounds for AIX's POSIX incompatibility.
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
#define SIZE_MAX __SIZE_MAX__
#endif // SIZE_MAX
#ifndef UINTMAX_C
#endif // UINTMAX_C
#ifndef UINT32_C
#define UINT32_C __UINT32_C
#endif // UINT32_C
#ifndef UINT_FAST32_MAX
#endif // UINT_FAST32_MAX
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define UINT16_MAX __UINT16_MAX__
#endif // UINT16_MAX
#endif // SIG_ATOMIC_MAX
#endif // BC_STATUS_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/vector.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/vector.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/vector.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,102 +1,101 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for bc vectors (resizable arrays).
#ifndef BC_VECTOR_H
#define BC_VECTOR_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <status.h>
#define BC_VEC_START_CAP (UINTMAX_C(1)<<5)
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef void (*BcVecFree)(void*);
// Forward declaration.
struct BcId;
typedef struct BcVec {
char *v;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
size_t size;
BcVecFree dtor;
} BcVec;
void bc_vec_init(BcVec *restrict v, size_t esize, BcVecFree dtor);
void bc_vec_expand(BcVec *restrict v, size_t req);
-void bc_vec_grow(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n);
void bc_vec_npop(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n);
void bc_vec_npopAt(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n, size_t idx);
void bc_vec_push(BcVec *restrict v, const void *data);
void bc_vec_npush(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n, const void *data);
void bc_vec_pushByte(BcVec *restrict v, uchar data);
void bc_vec_pushIndex(BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx);
void bc_vec_string(BcVec *restrict v, size_t len, const char *restrict str);
void bc_vec_concat(BcVec *restrict v, const char *restrict str);
void bc_vec_empty(BcVec *restrict v);
void bc_vec_replaceAt(BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx, const void *data);
void* bc_vec_item(const BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx);
void* bc_vec_item_rev(const BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx);
void bc_vec_clear(BcVec *restrict v);
void bc_vec_free(void *vec);
bool bc_map_insert(BcVec *restrict v, const char *name,
size_t idx, size_t *restrict i);
size_t bc_map_index(const BcVec *restrict v, const char *name);
#define bc_vec_pop(v) (bc_vec_npop((v), 1))
#define bc_vec_top(v) (bc_vec_item_rev((v), 0))
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define bc_map_init(v) (bc_vec_init((v), sizeof(BcId), bc_id_free))
#else // NDEBUG
#define bc_map_init(v) (bc_vec_init((v), sizeof(BcId), NULL))
#endif // NDEBUG
#endif // BC_VECTOR_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/include/vm.h
--- vendor/bc/dist/include/vm.h (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/include/vm.h (revision 368063)
@@ -1,453 +1,386 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Definitions for bc's VM.
#ifndef BC_VM_H
#define BC_VM_H
-#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
# ifdef _WIN32
# error NLS is not supported on Windows.
# endif // _WIN32
#include <nl_types.h>
#endif // BC_ENABLE_NLS
#include <status.h>
#include <num.h>
#include <parse.h>
#include <program.h>
#include <history.h>
#include <file.h>
#error Must define BC_ENABLED, DC_ENABLED, or both
// CHAR_BIT must be at least 6.
#if CHAR_BIT < 6
#error CHAR_BIT must be at least 6.
#define BC_ENABLE_NLS (0)
#endif // BC_ENABLE_NLS
#ifndef MAINEXEC
#define MAINEXEC bc
#define GEN_STR(V) #V
#define GEN_STR2(V) GEN_STR(V)
// Windows has deprecated isatty().
#ifdef _WIN32
#define isatty _isatty
#endif // _WIN32
#define DC_FLAG_X (UINTMAX_C(1)<<0)
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#define BC_FLAG_W (UINTMAX_C(1)<<1)
#define BC_FLAG_S (UINTMAX_C(1)<<2)
#define BC_FLAG_L (UINTMAX_C(1)<<3)
#define BC_FLAG_G (UINTMAX_C(1)<<4)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_FLAG_I (UINTMAX_C(1)<<5)
#define BC_FLAG_P (UINTMAX_C(1)<<6)
#define BC_FLAG_TTYIN (UINTMAX_C(1)<<7)
#define BC_FLAG_TTY (UINTMAX_C(1)<<8)
#define BC_TTYIN (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_TTYIN)
#define BC_TTY (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_TTY)
#define BC_S (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_S)
#define BC_W (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_W)
#define BC_L (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_L)
#define BC_G (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_G)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define DC_X (vm.flags & DC_FLAG_X)
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#define BC_I (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_I)
#define BC_P (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_P)
#define BC_IS_POSIX (BC_S || BC_W)
#define BC_IS_BC ([0] != 'd')
#define BC_IS_DC ([0] == 'd')
#else // DC_ENABLED
#define BC_IS_BC (1)
#define BC_IS_DC (0)
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#else // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_IS_POSIX (0)
#define BC_IS_BC (0)
#define BC_IS_DC (1)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#else // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_USE_PROMPT (!BC_P && BC_TTY)
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#define BC_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define BC_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define BC_MAX_OBASE ((BcBigDig) (BC_BASE_POW))
#define BC_MAX_DIM ((BcBigDig) (SIZE_MAX - 1))
#define BC_MAX_SCALE ((BcBigDig) (BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX - 1))
#define BC_MAX_STRING ((BcBigDig) (BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX - 1))
#define BC_MAX_RAND ((BcBigDig) (((BcRand) 0) - 1))
#define BC_MAX_EXP ((ulong) (BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX))
#define BC_MAX_VARS ((ulong) (SIZE_MAX - 1))
#define BC_VM_JMP bc_vm_jmp(__func__)
#else // BC_DEBUG_CODE
#define BC_VM_JMP bc_vm_jmp()
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
#define BC_SIG_EXC \
BC_UNLIKELY(vm.status != (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_SUCCESS || vm.sig)
#define BC_NO_SIG_EXC \
BC_LIKELY(vm.status == (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_SUCCESS && !vm.sig)
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED do { assert(vm.sig_lock); } while (0)
#define BC_SIG_ASSERT_NOT_LOCKED do { assert(vm.sig_lock == 0); } while (0)
#else // NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
#define BC_SIG_LOCK \
do { \
vm.sig_lock = 1; \
} while (0)
#define BC_SIG_UNLOCK \
do { \
vm.sig_lock = 0; \
} while (0)
#define BC_SIG_MAYLOCK \
do { \
vm.sig_lock = 1; \
} while (0)
do { \
vm.sig_lock = 0; \
} while (0)
#define BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(v) \
do { \
v = vm.sig_lock; \
vm.sig_lock = 1; \
} while (0)
#define BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(v) \
do { \
vm.sig_lock = (v); \
if (!(v) && BC_SIG_EXC) BC_VM_JMP; \
} while (0)
#define BC_SETJMP(l) \
do { \
sigjmp_buf sjb; \
if (sigsetjmp(sjb, 0)) { \
assert(BC_SIG_EXC); \
goto l; \
} \
bc_vec_push(&vm.jmp_bufs, &sjb); \
} while (0)
#define BC_SETJMP_LOCKED(l) \
do { \
sigjmp_buf sjb; \
if (sigsetjmp(sjb, 0)) { \
assert(BC_SIG_EXC); \
goto l; \
} \
bc_vec_push(&vm.jmp_bufs, &sjb); \
} while (0)
do { \
if (!vm.sig_pop) bc_vec_pop(&vm.jmp_bufs); \
} while (0)
#define BC_UNSETJMP \
do { \
bc_vec_pop(&vm.jmp_bufs); \
} while (0)
do { \
vm.sig_pop = 0; \
vm.sig = 0; \
} while (0)
#define BC_VM_BUF_SIZE (1<<12)
#define BC_VM_STDOUT_BUF_SIZE (1<<11)
#define BC_VM_STDERR_BUF_SIZE (1<<10)
#define BC_VM_SAFE_RESULT(r) ((r)->t >= BC_RESULT_TEMP)
-#define bc_vm_error(e, l, ...) (bc_vm_handleError((e)))
-#define bc_vm_err(e) (bc_vm_handleError((e)))
-#define bc_vm_verr(e, ...) (bc_vm_handleError((e)))
-#define bc_vm_error(e, l, ...) (bc_vm_handleError((e), (l), __VA_ARGS__))
-#define bc_vm_err(e) (bc_vm_handleError((e), 0))
-#define bc_vm_verr(e, ...) (bc_vm_handleError((e), 0, __VA_ARGS__))
+#define bc_vm_err(e) (bc_vm_error((e), 0))
+#define bc_vm_verr(e, ...) (bc_vm_error((e), 0, __VA_ARGS__))
#define BC_STATUS_IS_ERROR(s) \
#define BC_VM_INVALID_CATALOG ((nl_catd) -1)
-#define BC_VM_FUNC_ENTER \
- do { \
- bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "Entering %s\n", __func__); \
- bc_file_flush(&vm.ferr); \
- } while (0);
-#define BC_VM_FUNC_EXIT \
- do { \
- bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "Leaving %s\n", __func__); \
- bc_file_flush(&vm.ferr); \
- } while (0);
-#else // BC_DEBUG_CODE
-#define BC_VM_FUNC_EXIT
-#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
typedef struct BcVm {
volatile sig_atomic_t status;
volatile sig_atomic_t sig_pop;
BcParse prs;
BcProgram prog;
BcVec jmp_bufs;
BcVec temps;
- BcVec ctxts;
- BcVec out;
- BcRNG rng;
- BclError err;
- bool abrt;
- unsigned int refs;
- volatile sig_atomic_t running;
const char* file;
const char *sigmsg;
volatile sig_atomic_t sig_lock;
volatile sig_atomic_t sig;
uchar siglen;
uchar read_ret;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t nchars;
uint16_t line_len;
bool no_exit_exprs;
bool eof;
BcVec files;
BcVec exprs;
const char *name;
const char *help;
BcHistory history;
BcLexNext next;
BcParseParse parse;
BcParseExpr expr;
const char *func_header;
const char *err_ids[BC_ERR_IDX_NELEMS + BC_ENABLED];
- const char *err_msgs[BC_ERR_NELEMS];
+ const char *err_msgs[BC_ERROR_NELEMS];
const char *locale;
BcBigDig last_base;
BcBigDig last_pow;
BcBigDig last_exp;
BcBigDig last_rem;
char *env_args_buffer;
BcVec env_args;
BcNum max;
- BcNum max2;
BcDig max_num[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10];
- BcDig max2_num[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10];
BcFile fout;
BcFile ferr;
nl_catd catalog;
#endif // BC_ENABLE_NLS
char *buf;
size_t buf_len;
} BcVm;
void bc_vm_info(const char* const help);
void bc_vm_boot(int argc, char *argv[], const char *env_len,
const char* const env_args);
-void bc_vm_init(void);
void bc_vm_shutdown(void);
-void bc_vm_freeTemps(void);
void bc_vm_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
void bc_vm_putchar(int c);
size_t bc_vm_arraySize(size_t n, size_t size);
size_t bc_vm_growSize(size_t a, size_t b);
void* bc_vm_malloc(size_t n);
void* bc_vm_realloc(void *ptr, size_t n);
char* bc_vm_strdup(const char *str);
void bc_vm_jmp(const char *f);
#else // BC_DEBUG_CODE
void bc_vm_jmp(void);
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
-void bc_vm_handleError(BcErr e);
-void bc_vm_handleError(BcErr e, size_t line, ...);
+void bc_vm_error(BcError e, size_t line, ...);
extern const char bc_copyright[];
extern const char* const bc_err_line;
extern const char* const bc_err_func_header;
extern const char *bc_errs[];
extern const uchar bc_err_ids[];
extern const char* const bc_err_msgs[];
extern BcVm vm;
extern char output_bufs[BC_VM_BUF_SIZE];
#endif // BC_VM_H
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,131 +1,113 @@
#! /bin/sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
usage() {
printf "usage: %s manpage\n" "$0" 1>&2
exit 1
-print_manpage() {
- _print_manpage_md="$1"
- shift
- _print_manpage_out="$1"
- shift
- cat "$manualsdir/header.txt" > "$_print_manpage_out"
- cat "$manualsdir/header_${manpage}.txt" >> "$_print_manpage_out"
- pandoc -f markdown -t man "$_print_manpage_md" >> "$_print_manpage_out"
gen_manpage() {
rm -rf "$_gen_manpage_out" "$_gen_manpage_md"
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [ "$line" = "{{ end }}" ]; then
if [ "$_gen_manpage_status" -eq "$ALL" ]; then
err_exit "{{ end }} tag without corresponding start tag" 2
elif [ "${line#\{\{* $_gen_manpage_args *\}\}}" != "$line" ]; then
if [ "$_gen_manpage_status" -ne "$ALL" ]; then
err_exit "start tag nested in start tag" 3
elif [ "${line#\{\{*\}\}}" != "$line" ]; then
if [ "$_gen_manpage_status" -ne "$ALL" ]; then
err_exit "start tag nested in start tag" 3
if [ "$_gen_manpage_status" -ne "$SKIP" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$line" >> "$_gen_manpage_temp"
done < "$manualsdir/${manpage}"
uniq "$_gen_manpage_temp" "$_gen_manpage_md"
rm -rf "$_gen_manpage_temp"
- print_manpage "$_gen_manpage_md" "$_gen_manpage_out"
+ cat "$manualsdir/header.txt" > "$_gen_manpage_out"
+ cat "$manualsdir/header_${manpage}.txt" >> "$_gen_manpage_out"
+ pandoc -f markdown -t man "$_gen_manpage_md" >> "$_gen_manpage_out"
set -e
scriptdir=$(dirname "$script")
. "$scriptdir/"
test "$#" -eq 1 || usage
-if [ "$manpage" != "bcl" ]; then
- for a in $ARGS; do
- gen_manpage "$a"
- done
- print_manpage "$manualsdir/${manpage}" "$manualsdir/${manpage}.3"
+for a in $ARGS; do
+ gen_manpage "$a"
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/A.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/A.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/A.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2041 +1,2092 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
It also has many extensions and extra features beyond other
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1693 +1,1691 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1). It also has many extensions and extra features beyond
other implementations.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/E.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/E.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/E.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1301 +1,1334 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1085 +1,1085 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EH.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EH.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EH.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1283 +1,1316 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1069 +1,1069 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1276 +1,1309 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1061 +1,1061 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHNP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHNP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHNP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1269 +1,1302 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1055 +1,1055 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EHP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1276 +1,1309 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1063 +1,1063 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1294 +1,1327 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1077 +1,1077 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ENP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ENP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ENP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1287 +1,1320 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1071 +1,1071 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/EP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1294 +1,1327 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
+\f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
-Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
+Turns\ the\ globals\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ and\ **scale**\ into\ stacks.
-This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
-onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
-returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
-globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
-**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
+This\ has\ the\ effect\ that\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ current\ value\ of\ all\ three\ are\ pushed
+onto\ a\ stack\ for\ every\ function\ call,\ as\ well\ as\ popped\ when\ every\ function
+returns.\ This\ means\ that\ functions\ can\ assign\ to\ any\ and\ all\ of\ those
+globals\ without\ worrying\ that\ the\ change\ will\ affect\ other\ functions.
+Thus,\ a\ hypothetical\ function\ named\ **output(x,b)**\ that\ simply\ printed
+**x**\ in\ base\ **b**\ could\ be\ written\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ }
-instead of like this:
+instead\ of\ like\ this:
- define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
- }
+\ \ \ \ define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obase=c
+\ \ \ \ }
-This makes writing functions much easier.
+This\ makes\ writing\ functions\ much\ easier.
-However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
-**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
-work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
+However,\ since\ using\ this\ flag\ means\ that\ functions\ cannot\ set\ **ibase**,
+**obase**,\ or\ **scale**\ globally,\ functions\ that\ are\ made\ to\ do\ so\ cannot
+work\ anymore.\ There\ are\ two\ possible\ use\ cases\ for\ that,\ and\ each\ has\ a
-First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
-converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-aliases. Examples:
+First,\ if\ a\ function\ is\ called\ on\ startup\ to\ turn\ bc(1)\ into\ a\ number
+converter,\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ replace\ that\ capability\ with\ various\ shell
+aliases.\ Examples:
- alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
- alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+\ \ \ \ alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+\ \ \ \ alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
-**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
-three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
-functions could return the desired value for a global.
+Second,\ if\ the\ purpose\ of\ a\ function\ is\ to\ set\ **ibase**,\ **obase**,\ or
+**scale**\ globally\ for\ any\ other\ purpose,\ it\ could\ be\ split\ into\ one\ to
+three\ functions\ (based\ on\ how\ many\ globals\ it\ sets)\ and\ each\ of\ those
+functions\ could\ return\ the\ desired\ value\ for\ a\ global.
-If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
-could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
-**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
+If\ the\ behavior\ of\ this\ option\ is\ desired\ for\ every\ run\ of\ bc(1),\ then\ users
+could\ make\ sure\ to\ define\ **BC_ENV_ARGS**\ and\ include\ this\ option\ (see\ the
+**ENVIRONMENT\ VARIABLES**\ section\ for\ more\ details).
-If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
+If\ **\-s**,\ **\-w**,\ or\ any\ equivalents\ are\ used,\ this\ option\ is\ ignored.
-This is a **non-portable extension**.
+This\ is\ a\ **non\-portable\ extension**.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library before running any code, including
-any expressions or files specified on the command line.
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library before running any code, including any
+expressions or files specified on the command line.
-To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the library, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Number 6 is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Number 6 is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line flags are given.
+All of the functions below are available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line flags are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator and the corresponding assignment
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1079 +1,1079 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1).
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/H.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/H.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/H.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2021 +1,2072 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1676 +1,1674 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2014 +1,2065 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1668 +1,1666 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HNP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HNP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HNP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2007 +1,2058 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1662 +1,1660 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/HP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2014 +1,2065 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1670 +1,1668 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/N.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/N.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/N.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2034 +1,2085 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
It also has many extensions and extra features beyond other
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section).
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1685 +1,1683 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1). It also has many extensions and extra features beyond
other implementations.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/NP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/NP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/NP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2027 +1,2078 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
It also has many extensions and extra features beyond other
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1679 +1,1677 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1). It also has many extensions and extra features beyond
other implementations.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/P.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/P.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/P.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2034 +1,2085 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "BC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "BC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc \- arbitrary\-precision arithmetic language and calculator
-\f[B]bc\f[R] [\f[B]-ghilPqsvVw\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]] [\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]bc\f[] [\f[B]\-ghilPqsvVw\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in
1991 by POSIX.
(The current standard is
here (
The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is
-somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
+somewhat C\-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on
-the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+the command line and executes them before reading from \f[B]stdin\f[].
-This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[R] bc(1), including
+This bc(1) is a drop\-in replacement for \f[I]any\f[] bc(1), including
(and especially) the GNU bc(1).
It also has many extensions and extra features beyond other
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-g\f[R], \f[B]\[en]global-stacks\f[R]
-Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] into stacks.
+.B \f[B]\-g\f[], \f[B]\-\-global\-stacks\f[]
+Turns the globals \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], and
+\f[B]seed\f[] into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are
pushed onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when
every function returns.
This means that functions can assign to any and all of those globals
without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
-Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] that simply
-printed \f[B]x\f[R] in base \f[B]b\f[R] could be written like this:
+Thus, a hypothetical function named \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] that simply
+printed \f[B]x\f[] in base \f[B]b\f[] could be written like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- obase=b
- x
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
instead of like this:
-define void output(x, b) {
- auto c
- c=obase
- obase=b
- x
- obase=c
+define\ void\ output(x,\ b)\ {
+\ \ \ \ auto\ c
+\ \ \ \ c=obase
+\ \ \ \ obase=b
+\ \ \ \ x
+\ \ \ \ obase=c
This makes writing functions much easier.
-(\f[B]Note\f[R]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[R] exists in the
-extended math library.
-See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.)
+(\f[B]Note\f[]: the function \f[B]output(x,b)\f[] exists in the extended
+math library.
+See the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R]
+\f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[]
globally, functions that are made to do so cannot work anymore.
There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
-alias d2o=\[dq]bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8\[dq]
-alias h2b=\[dq]bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2\[dq]
+alias\ d2o="bc\ \-e\ ibase=A\ \-e\ obase=8"
+alias\ h2b="bc\ \-e\ ibase=G\ \-e\ obase=2"
-Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], \f[B]scale\f[R], or \f[B]seed\f[R] globally for any
-other purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on
-how many globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the
-desired value for a global.
+Second, if the purpose of a function is to set \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], \f[B]scale\f[], or \f[B]seed\f[] globally for any other
+purpose, it could be split into one to four functions (based on how many
+globals it sets) and each of those functions could return the desired
+value for a global.
-For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[R], the value assigned to
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is not propagated to parent functions.
-This means that the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that they see will
-not be the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees.
-This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[R] has been set.
+For functions that set \f[B]seed\f[], the value assigned to
+\f[B]seed\f[] is not propagated to parent functions.
+This means that the sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that they see
+will not be the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers that any parent
+This is only the case once \f[B]seed\f[] has been set.
-If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random
-numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[R], it can
+If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo\-random
+numbers of its parents, but wants to use the same \f[B]seed\f[], it can
use the following line:
-seed = seed
+seed\ =\ seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then
-users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] and include this
-option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[R] section for more
+users could make sure to define \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] and include this
+option (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES\f[] section for more
-If \f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]-w\f[R], or any equivalents are used, this option
+If \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-w\f[], or any equivalents are used, this option
is ignored.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-l\f[R], \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R]
-Sets \f[B]scale\f[R] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) to \f[B]20\f[R]
-and loads the included math library and the extended math library before
+.B \f[B]\-l\f[], \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[]
+Sets \f[B]scale\f[] (see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) to \f[B]20\f[] and
+loads the included math library and the extended math library before
running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the
command line.
-To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[R] section.
+To learn what is in the libraries, see the \f[B]LIBRARY\f[] section.
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-q\f[R], \f[B]\[en]quiet\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-q\f[], \f[B]\-\-quiet\f[]
This option is for compatibility with the GNU
-bc(1) (; it is a no-op.
+bc(1) (; it is a no\-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header.
This bc(1) only prints the copyright header if one or more of the
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]version\f[R] options are given.
+\f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], or \f[B]\-\-version\f[] options are given.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-s\f[R], \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-s\f[], \f[B]\-\-standard\f[]
Process exactly the language defined by the
standard (
and error if any extensions are used.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-w\f[R], \f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
-Like \f[B]-s\f[R] and \f[B]\[en]standard\f[R], except that warnings (and
-not errors) are printed for non-standard extensions and execution
+.B \f[B]\-w\f[], \f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
+Like \f[B]\-s\f[] and \f[B]\-\-standard\f[], except that warnings (and
+not errors) are printed for non\-standard extensions and execution
continues normally.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that bc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]bc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]bc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences.
+The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C\-like, with some differences.
This bc(1) follows the POSIX
standard (,
which is a much more thorough resource for the language this bc(1)
This section is meant to be a summary and a listing of all the
extensions to the standard.
-In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[R] means expression, \f[B]S\f[R] means
-statement, and \f[B]I\f[R] means identifier.
+In the sections below, \f[B]E\f[] means expression, \f[B]S\f[] means
+statement, and \f[B]I\f[] means identifier.
-Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[R]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
-followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX-1\f[R]) of lowercase
-letters (\f[B]a-z\f[R]), digits (\f[B]0-9\f[R]), and underscores
-The regex is \f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R].
+Identifiers (\f[B]I\f[]) start with a lowercase letter and can be
+followed by any number (up to \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\-1\f[]) of lowercase
+letters (\f[B]a\-z\f[]), digits (\f[B]0\-9\f[]), and underscores
+The regex is \f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[].
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to interpret
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a global variable determining how to interpret
constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-If the \f[B]-s\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R]) and \f[B]-w\f[R]
-(\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
-allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]36\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in bc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[R] built-in function.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a global variable determining how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[R] built-in
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+If the \f[B]\-s\f[] (\f[B]\-\-standard\f[]) and \f[B]\-w\f[]
+(\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]) flags were not given on the command line, the max
+allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]36\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in bc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]maxibase()\f[] built\-in function.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a global variable determining how to output results.
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxobase()\f[] built\-in
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
is a global variable that sets the precision of any operations, with
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[R]
-and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[R]
-built-in function.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] is \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried in bc(1) programs with the \f[B]maxscale()\f[] built\-in
-bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[R] variables and \f[I]local\f[R] variables.
-All \f[I]local\f[R] variables are local to the function; they are
-parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[R] list of a function
-(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+bc(1) has both \f[I]global\f[] variables and \f[I]local\f[] variables.
+All \f[I]local\f[] variables are local to the function; they are
+parameters or are introduced in the \f[B]auto\f[] list of a function
+(see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
If a variable is accessed which is not a parameter or in the
-\f[B]auto\f[R] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[R].
-If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[R] variable version of a
-variable that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[R], the value of
-that \f[I]global\f[R] variable in the child function is the value of the
+\f[B]auto\f[] list, it is assumed to be \f[I]global\f[].
+If a parent function has a \f[I]local\f[] variable version of a variable
+that a child function considers \f[I]global\f[], the value of that
+\f[I]global\f[] variable in the child function is the value of the
variable in the parent function, not the value of the actual
-\f[I]global\f[R] variable.
+\f[I]global\f[] variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence
-operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[R] the expression is
+operator is an assignment operator \f[I]and\f[] the expression is
notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable
-A single dot (\f[B].\f[R]) may also be used as a synonym for
-These are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+A single dot (\f[B].\f[]) may also be used as a synonym for
+These are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
.SS Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
.IP "1." 3
-Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[R] and \f[B]*/\f[R].
+Block comments are enclosed in \f[B]/*\f[] and \f[B]*/\f[].
.IP "2." 3
-Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next
+Line comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
.IP "1." 3
-Variables: \f[B]I\f[R]
+Variables: \f[B]I\f[]
.IP "2." 3
-Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[R]
+Array Elements: \f[B]I[E]\f[]
.IP "3." 3
.IP "4." 3
.IP "5." 3
.IP "6." 3
.IP "7." 3
-\f[B]last\f[R] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[R])
+\f[B]last\f[] or a single dot (\f[B].\f[])
-Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 6 and 7 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R]
-and used again, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
-produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the
-\f[B]seed\f[R] value was previously used.
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[]
+and used again, the pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to
+produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the
+\f[B]seed\f[] value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried again immediately.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will
-\f[I]not\f[R] produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
-The value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any use of the
-\f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] operands (see the
-\f[I]Operands\f[R] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], \f[B]1\f[R], or negative.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if \f[B]seed\f[] is queried again immediately.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will
+\f[I]not\f[] produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
+The value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any use of the
+\f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] operands (see the
+\f[I]Operands\f[] subsection below), except if the parameter passed to
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], \f[B]1\f[], or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the
same as variables.
-This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section), so
+This also applies to functions (see the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section), so
a user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same
name, and they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions
or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of
-\f[B]increment\f[R]/\f[B]decrement\f[R] operators and as the left side
-of \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[R]
+\f[B]increment\f[]/\f[B]decrement\f[] operators and as the left side of
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators (see the \f[I]Operators\f[] subsection).
.SS Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
.IP " 1." 4
-Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[R] subsection below).
+Numbers (see the \f[I]Numbers\f[] subsection below).
.IP " 2." 4
-Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[R]).
+Array indices (\f[B]I[E]\f[]).
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B](E)\f[R]: The value of \f[B]E\f[R] (used to change precedence).
+\f[B](E)\f[]: The value of \f[B]E\f[] (used to change precedence).
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[R]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[R].
-\f[B]E\f[R] must be non-negative.
+\f[B]sqrt(E)\f[]: The square root of \f[B]E\f[].
+\f[B]E\f[] must be non\-negative.
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]length(E)\f[R]: The number of significant decimal digits in
+\f[B]length(E)\f[]: The number of significant decimal digits in
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]length(I[])\f[R]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]length(I[])\f[]: The number of elements in the array \f[B]I\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 7." 4
-\f[B]scale(E)\f[R]: The \f[I]scale\f[R] of \f[B]E\f[R].
+\f[B]scale(E)\f[]: The \f[I]scale\f[] of \f[B]E\f[].
.IP " 8." 4
-\f[B]abs(E)\f[R]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]abs(E)\f[]: The absolute value of \f[B]E\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP " 9." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a non-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a non\-\f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
.IP "10." 4
-\f[B]read()\f[R]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[R] and uses that as an
+\f[B]read()\f[]: Reads a line from \f[B]stdin\f[] and uses that as an
-The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[R]
+The result of that expression is the result of the \f[B]read()\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "11." 4
-\f[B]maxibase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxibase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]ibase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "12." 4
-\f[B]maxobase()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxobase()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]obase\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "13." 4
-\f[B]maxscale()\f[R]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxscale()\f[]: The max allowable \f[B]scale\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]rand()\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R] (inclusive).
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]rand()\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[] (inclusive).
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]irand(E)\f[R]: A pseudo-random integer between \f[B]0\f[R]
-(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[R] (exclusive).
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is negative or is a non-integer (\f[B]E\f[R]\[cq]s
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R]), an error is raised, and bc(1)
-resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R] remains
-If \f[B]E\f[R] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+\f[B]irand(E)\f[]: A pseudo\-random integer between \f[B]0\f[]
+(inclusive) and the value of \f[B]E\f[] (exclusive).
+If \f[B]E\f[] is negative or is a non\-integer (\f[B]E\f[]\[aq]s
+\f[I]scale\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[]), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets
+(see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[] remains unchanged.
+If \f[B]E\f[] is larger than \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this operand is
-Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-value of \f[B]E\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[R] is
-\f[I]not\f[R] changed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Using this operand will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+value of \f[B]E\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and \f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[]
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.IP "16." 4
-\f[B]maxrand()\f[R]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[R].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]maxrand()\f[]: The max integer returned by \f[B]rand()\f[].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are
+The integers generated by \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are
guaranteed to be as unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of
-the pseudo-random number generator.
+the pseudo\-random number generator.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with \f[B]rand()\f[R] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[R] are guaranteed to
-\f[I]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[I]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with \f[B]rand()\f[] and \f[B]irand(E)\f[] are guaranteed to
+\f[I]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[I]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
.SS Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most
-\f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]Z\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]Z\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]35\f[].
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e-3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e\-3\f[] is equal to
-Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]-s\f[R] or
-\f[B]-w\f[R], respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are
+Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the \f[B]\-s\f[] or
+\f[B]\-w\f[], respectively, command\-line options (or equivalents) are
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and bc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if bc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e-4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and bc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if bc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e\-4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
.SS Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used.
They are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
Operators in the same group have the same precedence.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]increment\f[R], \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]increment\f[], \f[B]decrement\f[]
-\f[B]-\f[R] \f[B]!\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-\f[] \f[B]!\f[]
Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]negation\f[R], \f[B]boolean not\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]negation\f[], \f[B]boolean not\f[]
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
-Description: \f[B]truncation\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]truncation\f[]
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]set precision\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]set precision\f[]
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]power\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]power\f[]
-\f[B]*\f[R] \f[B]/\f[R] \f[B]%\f[R]
+.B \f[B]*\f[] \f[B]/\f[] \f[B]%\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]multiply\f[R], \f[B]divide\f[R], \f[B]modulus\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]multiply\f[], \f[B]divide\f[], \f[B]modulus\f[]
-\f[B]+\f[R] \f[B]-\f[R]
+.B \f[B]+\f[] \f[B]\-\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]add\f[R], \f[B]subtract\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]add\f[], \f[B]subtract\f[]
-\f[B]<<\f[R] \f[B]>>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]<<\f[] \f[B]>>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]shift left\f[R], \f[B]shift right\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]shift left\f[], \f[B]shift right\f[]
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
-Description: \f[B]assignment\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]assignment\f[]
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]relational\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]relational\f[]
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean and\f[]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
-Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[R]
+Description: \f[B]boolean or\f[]
The operators will be described in more detail below.
-\f[B]++\f[R] \f[B]\[en]\f[R]
-The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[R] and \f[B]decrement\f[R]
+.B \f[B]++\f[] \f[B]\-\-\f[]
+The prefix and postfix \f[B]increment\f[] and \f[B]decrement\f[]
operators behave exactly like they would in C.
-They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[R]
+They require a named expression (see the \f[I]Named Expressions\f[]
subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them
where possible.
-The \f[B]negation\f[R] operator returns \f[B]0\f[R] if a user attempts
-to negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]negation\f[] operator returns \f[B]0\f[] if a user attempts to
+negate any expression with the value \f[B]0\f[].
Otherwise, a copy of the expression with its sign flipped is returned.
-The \f[B]boolean not\f[R] operator returns \f[B]1\f[R] if the expression
-is \f[B]0\f[R], or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]!\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean not\f[] operator returns \f[B]1\f[] if the expression
+is \f[B]0\f[], or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]truncation\f[R] operator returns a copy of the given expression
-with all of its \f[I]scale\f[R] removed.
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
+The \f[B]truncation\f[] operator returns a copy of the given expression
+with all of its \f[I]scale\f[] removed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]set precision\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns a
-copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the value of the
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
+The \f[B]set precision\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns a
+copy of the first with its \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the value of the
second expression.
That could either mean that the number is returned without change (if
-the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression matches the value of the
+the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression matches the value of the
second expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]power\f[R] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[R] operator,
-as it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
+The \f[B]power\f[] operator (not the \f[B]exclusive or\f[] operator, as
+it would be in C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the
power of the value of the second.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]), and if it
-is negative, the first value must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]), and if it
+is negative, the first value must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]multiply\f[R] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
+The \f[B]multiply\f[] operator takes two expressions, multiplies them,
and returns the product.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
-The \f[B]divide\f[R] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
+The \f[B]divide\f[] operator takes two expressions, divides them, and
returns the quotient.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result shall be the value of \f[B]scale\f[].
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]modulus\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
+The \f[B]modulus\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and evaluates them by 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[] and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The second expression must be non-zero.
+The second expression must be non\-zero.
-The \f[B]add\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to the
-max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
+The \f[B]add\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the sum, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to the max
+of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]subtract\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[R] equal to
-the max of the \f[I]scale\f[R]s of \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
+The \f[B]subtract\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns the difference, with a \f[I]scale\f[] equal to
+the max of the \f[I]scale\f[]s of \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[].
-The \f[B]left shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the right.
+.B \f[B]<<\f[]
+The \f[B]left shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the right.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]right shift\f[R] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[R] with its
-decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[R] places to the left.
+.B \f[B]>>\f[]
+The \f[B]right shift\f[] operator takes two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[], and returns a copy of the value of \f[B]a\f[] with its
+decimal point moved \f[B]b\f[] places to the left.
-The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[R]) and
+The second expression must be an integer (no \f[I]scale\f[]) and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]=\f[R] \f[B]<<=\f[R] \f[B]>>=\f[R] \f[B]+=\f[R] \f[B]-=\f[R] \f[B]*=\f[R] \f[B]/=\f[R] \f[B]%=\f[R] \f[B]\[ha]=\f[R] \f[B]\[at]=\f[R]
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R] and
-\f[B]b\f[R] where \f[B]a\f[R] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
-Expressions\f[R] subsection).
+.B \f[B]=\f[] \f[B]<<=\f[] \f[B]>>=\f[] \f[B]+=\f[] \f[B]\-=\f[] \f[B]*=\f[] \f[B]/=\f[] \f[B]%=\f[] \f[B]^=\f[] \f[B]\@=\f[]
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators take two expressions, \f[B]a\f[] and
+\f[B]b\f[] where \f[B]a\f[] is a named expression (see the \f[I]Named
+Expressions\f[] subsection).
-For \f[B]=\f[R], \f[B]b\f[R] is copied and the result is assigned to
-For all others, \f[B]a\f[R] and \f[B]b\f[R] are applied as operands to
-the corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
+For \f[B]=\f[], \f[B]b\f[] is copied and the result is assigned to
+For all others, \f[B]a\f[] and \f[B]b\f[] are applied as operands to the
+corresponding arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to
-The \f[B]assignment\f[R] operators that correspond to operators that are
-extensions are themselves \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The \f[B]assignment\f[] operators that correspond to operators that are
+extensions are themselves \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-\f[B]==\f[R] \f[B]<=\f[R] \f[B]>=\f[R] \f[B]!=\f[R] \f[B]<\f[R] \f[B]>\f[R]
-The \f[B]relational\f[R] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[R]
-and \f[B]b\f[R], and if the relation holds, according to C language
-semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[R].
-Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]==\f[] \f[B]<=\f[] \f[B]>=\f[] \f[B]!=\f[] \f[B]<\f[] \f[B]>\f[]
+The \f[B]relational\f[] operators compare two expressions, \f[B]a\f[]
+and \f[B]b\f[], and if the relation holds, according to C language
+semantics, the result is \f[B]1\f[].
+Otherwise, it is \f[B]0\f[].
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
-\f[B]assignment\f[R] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[R] is
-interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[R].
+\f[B]assignment\f[] operators, which means that \f[B]a=b>c\f[] is
+interpreted as \f[B](a=b)>c\f[].
Also, unlike the
standard (
requires, these operators can appear anywhere any other expressions can
be used.
-This allowance is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This allowance is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean and\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if both expressions are non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+.B \f[B]&&\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean and\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if both expressions are non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The \f[B]boolean or\f[R] operator takes two expressions and returns
-\f[B]1\f[R] if one of the expressions is non-zero, \f[B]0\f[R]
+.B \f[B]||\f[]
+The \f[B]boolean or\f[] operator takes two expressions and returns
+\f[B]1\f[] if one of the expressions is non\-zero, \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is \f[I]not\f[R] a short-circuit operator.
+This is \f[I]not\f[] a short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Statements
The following items are statements:
.IP " 1." 4
.IP " 2." 4
-\f[B]{\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \&... \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]{\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B];\f[] ...
+\f[B];\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]}\f[]
.IP " 3." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 4." 4
-\f[B]if\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
-\f[B]else\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]if\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[] \f[B]else\f[]
.IP " 5." 4
-\f[B]while\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]while\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 6." 4
-\f[B]for\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
-\f[B];\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B])\f[R] \f[B]S\f[R]
+\f[B]for\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B];\f[]
+\f[B]E\f[] \f[B])\f[] \f[B]S\f[]
.IP " 7." 4
An empty statement
.IP " 8." 4
.IP " 9." 4
.IP "10." 4
.IP "11." 4
.IP "12." 4
.IP "13." 4
A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
.IP "14." 4
-\f[B]print\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R] \f[B],\f[R] \&... \f[B],\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]print\f[] \f[B]E\f[] \f[B],\f[] ...
+\f[B],\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
.IP "15." 4
-\f[B]I()\f[R], \f[B]I(E)\f[R], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[R], and so on, where
-\f[B]I\f[R] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the
-\f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
-The \f[B]E\f[R] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
-\f[B]I[]\f[R], which will automatically be turned into array references
-(see the \f[I]Array References\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section) if the corresponding parameter in the
-function definition is an array reference.
+\f[B]I()\f[], \f[B]I(E)\f[], \f[B]I(E, E)\f[], and so on, where
+\f[B]I\f[] is an identifier for a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the
+\f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
+The \f[B]E\f[] argument(s) may also be arrays of the form \f[B]I[]\f[],
+which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
+\f[I]Array References\f[] subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section)
+if the corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array
-Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Also, as a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], any or all of the
+Also, as a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], any or all of the
expressions in the header of a for loop may be omitted.
If the condition (second expression) is omitted, it is assumed to be a
-constant \f[B]1\f[R].
+constant \f[B]1\f[].
-The \f[B]break\f[R] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
+The \f[B]break\f[] statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume
execution immediately following a loop.
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]continue\f[R] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
+The \f[B]continue\f[] statement causes a loop iteration to stop early
and returns to the start of the loop, including testing the loop
This is only allowed in loops.
-The \f[B]if\f[R] \f[B]else\f[R] statement does the same thing as in C.
+The \f[B]if\f[] \f[B]else\f[] statement does the same thing as in C.
-The \f[B]quit\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
-branch that will not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
+The \f[B]quit\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a
+branch that will not be executed (it is a compile\-time command).
-The \f[B]halt\f[R] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
-(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[R] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[R] statement
+The \f[B]halt\f[] statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed.
+(Unlike \f[B]quit\f[] if it is on a branch of an \f[B]if\f[] statement
that is not executed, bc(1) does not quit.)
-The \f[B]limits\f[R] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
+The \f[B]limits\f[] statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is
subject to.
-This is like the \f[B]quit\f[R] statement in that it is a compile-time
+This is like the \f[B]quit\f[] statement in that it is a compile\-time
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing the results of expressions.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
-\f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R].
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[], and engineering notation is activated by assigning
+\f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is
-run with either the \f[B]-s\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R] command-line options
+run with either the \f[B]\-s\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[] command\-line options
(or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Print Statement
-The \[lq]expressions\[rq] in a \f[B]print\f[R] statement may also be
+The "expressions" in a \f[B]print\f[] statement may also be strings.
If they are, there are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted
What those sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown
l l.
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and
-character to be printed as-is.
+character to be printed as\-is.
-Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
-\f[B]last\f[R], like any other expression that is printed.
+Any non\-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to
+\f[B]last\f[], like any other expression that is printed.
.SS Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as
necessary to maintain order of operations.
-This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]0\f[R], in the expression
+This means, for example, assuming that \f[B]i\f[] is equal to
+\f[B]0\f[], in the expression
-a[i++] = i++
+a[i++]\ =\ i++
-the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[R] is set to \f[B]1\f[R], and
-\f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]2\f[R] at the end of the expression.
+the first (or 0th) element of \f[B]a\f[] is set to \f[B]1\f[], and
+\f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments.
-Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], this means that in
-the expression
+Thus, assuming \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], this means that in the
-x(i++, i++)
+x(i++,\ i++)
-the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], and the
-second argument is \f[B]1\f[R], while \f[B]i\f[R] is equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R] before the function starts executing.
+the first argument passed to \f[B]x()\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], and the second
+argument is \f[B]1\f[], while \f[B]i\f[] is equal to \f[B]2\f[] before
+the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
-define I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return(E)
+define\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return(E)
-Any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[R] list may be
-replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[R] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[R] var an
-array, and any \f[B]I\f[R] in the parameter list may be replaced with
-\f[B]*I[]\f[R] to make a parameter an array reference.
+Any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list or \f[B]auto\f[] list may be
+replaced with \f[B]I[]\f[] to make a parameter or \f[B]auto\f[] var an
+array, and any \f[B]I\f[] in the parameter list may be replaced with
+\f[B]*I[]\f[] to make a parameter an array reference.
Callers of functions that take array references should not put an
-asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[R] like
+asterisk in the call; they must be called with just \f[B]I[]\f[] like
normal array parameters and will be automatically converted into
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the opening brace of a
-\f[B]define\f[R] statement may appear on the next line.
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the opening brace of a
+\f[B]define\f[] statement may appear on the next line.
-As a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R], the return statement may also be
+As a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[], the return statement may also be
in one of the following forms:
.IP "1." 3
.IP "2." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B](\f[R] \f[B])\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B](\f[] \f[B])\f[]
.IP "3." 3
-\f[B]return\f[R] \f[B]E\f[R]
+\f[B]return\f[] \f[B]E\f[]
-The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[R] statement, is
-equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[R], unless the function is a
-\f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R] subsection
+The first two, or not specifying a \f[B]return\f[] statement, is
+equivalent to \f[B]return (0)\f[], unless the function is a
+\f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[] subsection
.SS Void Functions
-Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[R] functions, defined as follows:
+Functions can also be \f[B]void\f[] functions, defined as follows:
-define void I(I,...,I){
- auto I,...,I
- S;...;S
- return
+define\ void\ I(I,...,I){
+\ \ \ \ auto\ I,...,I
+\ \ \ \ S;...;S
+\ \ \ \ return
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an
expression would be printed alone, except in a print statement.
-Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[R] statements
+Void functions can only use the first two \f[B]return\f[] statements
listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is not treated as a keyword; it is still
-possible to have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[R].
-The word \[lq]void\[rq] is only treated specially right after the
-\f[B]define\f[R] keyword.
+The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to
+have variables, arrays, and functions named \f[B]void\f[].
+The word "void" is only treated specially right after the
+\f[B]define\f[] keyword.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the
-it is a \f[B]reference\f[R].
+it is a \f[B]reference\f[].
Any changes to the array in the function are reflected, when the
function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
-library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[R] subsection below), are
-available when the \f[B]-l\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]mathlib\f[R] command-line
+library (see the \f[I]Extended Library\f[] subsection below), are
+available when the \f[B]\-l\f[] or \f[B]\-\-mathlib\f[] command\-line
flags are given, except that the extended math library is not available
-when the \f[B]-s\f[R] option, the \f[B]-w\f[R] option, or equivalents
+when the \f[B]\-s\f[] option, the \f[B]\-w\f[] option, or equivalents
are given.
.SS Standard Library
standard (
defines the following functions for the math library:
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]s(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]c(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]a(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l(x)\f[]
+Returns the natural logarithm of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[R] raised to the power of
+.B \f[B]e(x)\f[]
+Returns the mathematical constant \f[B]e\f[] raised to the power of
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
-Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[R] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
+Returns the bessel integer order \f[B]n\f[] (truncated) of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
.SS Extended Library
-The extended library is \f[I]not\f[R] loaded when the
-\f[B]-s\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]standard\f[R] or \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]\[en]warn\f[R]
+The extended library is \f[I]not\f[] loaded when the
+\f[B]\-s\f[]/\f[B]\-\-standard\f[] or \f[B]\-w\f[]/\f[B]\-\-warn\f[]
options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the
standard (
-The extended library is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+The extended library is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]p(x, y)\f[R]
-Calculates \f[B]x\f[R] to the power of \f[B]y\f[R], even if \f[B]y\f[R]
-is not an integer, and returns the result to the current
+.B \f[B]p(x, y)\f[]
+Calculates \f[B]x\f[] to the power of \f[B]y\f[], even if \f[B]y\f[] is
+not an integer, and returns the result to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-It is an error if \f[B]y\f[R] is negative and \f[B]x\f[R] is
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]r(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round half away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]r(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round half away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-\f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[R]
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] rounded to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places according to
-the rounding mode round away from
-\f[B]0\f[R] (
+.B \f[B]ceil(x, p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] rounded to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places according to the
+rounding mode round away from
+\f[B]0\f[] (
-Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]f(x)\f[]
+Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]perm(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]perm(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-\f[B]comb(n, k)\f[R]
-Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[R]
-of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[R], if \f[B]k <= n\f[R].
-If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[R].
+.B \f[B]comb(n, k)\f[]
+Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]n\f[] of
+the truncated absolute value of \f[B]k\f[], if \f[B]k <= n\f[].
+If not, it returns \f[B]0\f[].
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l2(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]2\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l10(x)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]10\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
-Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[R] of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
+Returns the logarithm base \f[B]b\f[] of \f[B]x\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]cbrt(x)\f[]
+Returns the cube root of \f[B]x\f[].
-\f[B]root(x, n)\f[R]
-Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[R], \f[B]r\f[R], and returns
-the \f[B]r\f[R]th root of \f[B]x\f[R] to the current \f[B]scale\f[R].
+.B \f[B]root(x, n)\f[]
+Calculates the truncated value of \f[B]n\f[], \f[B]r\f[], and returns
+the \f[B]r\f[]th root of \f[B]x\f[] to the current \f[B]scale\f[].
-If \f[B]r\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R] or negative, this raises an error and
-causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[R] is even
-and \f[B]x\f[R] is negative.
+If \f[B]r\f[] is \f[B]0\f[] or negative, this raises an error and causes
+bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+It also raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset if \f[B]r\f[] is even
+and \f[B]x\f[] is negative.
-Returns \f[B]pi\f[R] to \f[B]p\f[R] decimal places.
+.B \f[B]pi(p)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]pi\f[] to \f[B]p\f[] decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]t(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]sin(x)\f[]
+Returns the sine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]s(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]cos(x)\f[]
+Returns the cosine of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]c(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[R], which is assumed to be in radians.
+.B \f[B]tan(x)\f[]
+Returns the tangent of \f[B]x\f[], which is assumed to be in radians.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]1\f[R] or \f[B]-1\f[R], this raises an
-error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]1\f[] or \f[B]\-1\f[], this raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]t(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[R], in radians.
+.B \f[B]atan(x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]x\f[], in radians.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a(x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
-Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[R], in radians.
-If both \f[B]y\f[R] and \f[B]x\f[R] are equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it raises
-an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
-Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[R] is greater than \f[B]0\f[R], it returns
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-or equal to \f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is less than \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)-pi\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is greater than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[R].
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is equal to \f[B]0\f[R], and \f[B]y\f[R] is less than
-\f[B]0\f[R], it returns \f[B]-pi/2\f[R].
+.B \f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
+Returns the arctangent of \f[B]y/x\f[], in radians.
+If both \f[B]y\f[] and \f[B]x\f[] are equal to \f[B]0\f[], it raises an
+error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
+Otherwise, if \f[B]x\f[] is greater than \f[B]0\f[], it returns
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than or
+equal to \f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)+pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is less than \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]a(y/x)\-pi\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is greater than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]pi/2\f[].
+If \f[B]x\f[] is equal to \f[B]0\f[], and \f[B]y\f[] is less than
+\f[B]0\f[], it returns \f[B]\-pi/2\f[].
-This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[R] function in many
+This function is the same as the \f[B]atan2()\f[] function in many
programming languages.
-This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R].
+This is an alias of \f[B]a2(y, x)\f[].
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]r2d(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Converts \f[B]x\f[R] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
+.B \f[B]d2r(x)\f[]
+Converts \f[B]x\f[] from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the \f[I]Transcendental
-Functions\f[R] subsection below).
+Functions\f[] subsection below).
-Generates a pseudo-random number between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive) and
-\f[B]1\f[R] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
-decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this function will
-change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R].
-If \f[B]p\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], then \f[B]0\f[R] is returned, and
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+.B \f[B]frand(p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive) and
+\f[B]1\f[] (exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the
+decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function will change
+the value of \f[B]seed\f[].
+If \f[B]p\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], then \f[B]0\f[] is returned, and
+\f[B]seed\f[] is \f[I]not\f[] changed.
-\f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[R]
-Generates a pseudo-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[R] (inclusive)
-and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] (exclusive) with the
+.B \f[B]ifrand(i, p)\f[]
+Generates a pseudo\-random number that is between \f[B]0\f[] (inclusive)
+and the truncated absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] (exclusive) with the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated
-absolute value of \f[B]p\f[R].
-If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[R] is greater than or equal to
-\f[B]2\f[R], and \f[B]p\f[R] is not \f[B]0\f[R], then calling this
-function will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[R]
-is returned and \f[B]seed\f[R] is not changed.
+absolute value of \f[B]p\f[].
+If the absolute value of \f[B]i\f[] is greater than or equal to
+\f[B]2\f[], and \f[B]p\f[] is not \f[B]0\f[], then calling this function
+will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[]; otherwise, \f[B]0\f[] is
+returned and \f[B]seed\f[] is not changed.
-Returns \f[B]x\f[R] with its sign flipped with probability
-In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]srand(x)\f[]
+Returns \f[B]x\f[] with its sign flipped with probability \f[B]0.5\f[].
+In other words, it randomizes the sign of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R]).
+.B \f[B]brand()\f[]
+Returns a random boolean value (either \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[]).
+.B \f[B]ubytes(x)\f[]
Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the
-truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Returns the numbers of signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer bytes
-required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]sbytes(x)\f[]
+Returns the numbers of signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer bytes
+required to hold the truncated value of \f[B]x\f[].
-Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[R]) representation of
+.B \f[B]hex(x)\f[]
+Outputs the hexadecimal (base \f[B]16\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[R]) representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]binary(x)\f[]
+Outputs the binary (base \f[B]2\f[]) representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output(x, b)\f[R]
-Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[R] representation of \f[B]x\f[R].
+.B \f[B]output(x, b)\f[]
+Outputs the base \f[B]b\f[] representation of \f[B]x\f[].
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
+.B \f[B]uint(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
-printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R]
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or is negative, an error message is
+printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[]
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
+.B \f[B]int(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
-but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, an error message is printed instead,
+but bc(1) is not reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uintn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]n\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]n\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]intn(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]intn(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]n\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]uint8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]1\f[R] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]1\f[] byte, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[R] byte.
+.B \f[B]int8(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]1\f[] byte.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[R] byte, an
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]1\f[] byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]2\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]2\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int16(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]2\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]2\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]4\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]4\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int32(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]4\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]4\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]uint64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+an unsigned integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
-\f[B]8\f[R] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into
+\f[B]8\f[] bytes, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[R] as
-a signed, two\[cq]s-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[R] bytes.
+.B \f[B]int64(x)\f[]
+Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of \f[B]x\f[] as
+a signed, two\[aq]s\-complement integer in \f[B]8\f[] bytes.
Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
-If \f[B]x\f[R] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[R] bytes,
-an error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If \f[B]x\f[] is not an integer or cannot fit into \f[B]8\f[] bytes, an
+error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[R]
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]hex_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]binary_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in binary using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[R]
-Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of
-\f[B]x\f[R] as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[R] (see
-the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section) using \f[B]n\f[R] bytes.
-Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[R] is too small.
+.B \f[B]output_uint(x, n)\f[]
+Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[]
+as an unsigned integer in the current \f[B]obase\f[] (see the
+\f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section) using \f[B]n\f[] bytes.
+Not all of the value will be output if \f[B]n\f[] is too small.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
-\f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[R]
-Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[R] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[R],
-where \f[B]0\f[R] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
-- 1\f[R] is the most significant byte.
+.B \f[B]output_byte(x, i)\f[]
+Outputs byte \f[B]i\f[] of the truncated absolute value of \f[B]x\f[],
+where \f[B]0\f[] is the least significant byte and \f[B]number_of_bytes
+\- 1\f[] is the most significant byte.
-This is a \f[B]void\f[R] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[R]
-subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[R] section).
+This is a \f[B]void\f[] function (see the \f[I]Void Functions\f[]
+subsection of the \f[B]FUNCTIONS\f[] section).
.SS Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up
to 1 ULP (
This is unavoidable, and this
article ( explains
why it is impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the
transcendental functions.
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those
-functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) set to at least 1 higher
+functions with the precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) set to at least 1 higher
than is necessary.
-If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[R] required, users can double the
-precision (\f[B]scale\f[R]) and then truncate.
+If exact results are \f[I]absolutely\f[] required, users can double the
+precision (\f[B]scale\f[]) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]j(x, n)\f[R]
+\f[B]j(x, n)\f[]
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]log(x, b)\f[R]
+\f[B]log(x, b)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]a2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[R]
+\f[B]atan2(y, x)\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
-When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which
attempts to start executing the statement right after the one that
caused an error.
-Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most bc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This bc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
-The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]
-can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[] and \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[] can
+be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
bc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]BC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]BC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[R]
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]BC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]BC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]rand()\f[] operand.
+Set at \f[B]2^BC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]BC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[R] statement.
+The actual values can be queried with the \f[B]limits\f[] statement.
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
-the \f[B]-s\f[R] option was given.
+the \f[B]\-s\f[] option was given.
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to bc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
-The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some bc file.bc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]bc\[dq] file.bc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "bc"
+file.bc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]BC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), bc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R]).
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), bc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash (\f[B]\\\f[]).
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]<<\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]>>\f[R]) operators and their
-corresponding assignment operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]<<\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]>>\f[]) operators and their corresponding assignment
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, using a token
where it is invalid, giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid
print statement, giving an invalid function definition, attempting to
assign to an expression that is not a named expression (see the
-\f[I]Named Expressions\f[R] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section),
-giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[R] list, having a duplicate
-\f[B]auto\f[R]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
-block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[R] function,
+\f[I]Named Expressions\f[] subsection of the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section),
+giving an invalid \f[B]auto\f[] list, having a duplicate
+\f[B]auto\f[]/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code
+block, attempting to return a value from a \f[B]void\f[] function,
attempting to use a variable as a reference, and using any extensions
-when the option \f[B]-s\f[R] or any equivalents were given.
+when the option \f[B]\-s\f[] or any equivalents were given.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
-arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
-attempting to use a \f[B]void\f[R] function call as a value in an
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, passing the wrong number of arguments
+to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and attempting
+to use a \f[B]void\f[] function call as a value in an expression.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (bc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+bc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
Per the
standard (,
-bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If bc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If bc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to bc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to bc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause bc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when bc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause bc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when bc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause bc(1) to clean up and exit.
-bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+bc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
-bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
-The flags \f[B]-efghiqsvVw\f[R], all long options, and the extensions
+The flags \f[B]\-efghiqsvVw\f[], all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts
-numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[R]) as a radix point, regardless of
-the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[R].
+numbers that use a period (\f[B].\f[]) as a radix point, regardless of
+the value of \f[B]LC_NUMERIC\f[].
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it
-supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[R].
+supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGES\f[].
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/bc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1687 +1,1685 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1). It also has many extensions and extra features beyond
other implementations.
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1810 +1,1808 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-bc - arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
+bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator
**bc** [**-ghilPqsvVw**] [**--global-stacks**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--mathlib**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--quiet**] [**--standard**] [**--warn**] [**--version**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...]
bc(1) is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by
POSIX. (The current standard is [here][1].) The language provides unlimited
precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences.
Such differences will be noted in this document.
After parsing and handling options, this bc(1) reads any files given on the
command line and executes them before reading from **stdin**.
{{ A N P NP }}
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1). It also has many extensions and extra features beyond
other implementations.
{{ end }}
{{ E EN EP ENP }}
This bc(1) is a drop-in replacement for *any* bc(1), including (and
especially) the GNU bc(1).
{{ end }}
The following are the options that bc(1) accepts.
**-g**, **--global-stacks**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and **seed** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all four are pushed
{{ end }}
Turns the globals **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale** into stacks.
This has the effect that a copy of the current value of all three are pushed
{{ end }}
onto a stack for every function call, as well as popped when every function
returns. This means that functions can assign to any and all of those
globals without worrying that the change will affect other functions.
Thus, a hypothetical function named **output(x,b)** that simply printed
**x** in base **b** could be written like this:
define void output(x, b) {
instead of like this:
define void output(x, b) {
auto c
This makes writing functions much easier.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
(**Note**: the function **output(x,b)** exists in the extended math library.
See the **LIBRARY** section.)
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, **scale**, or **seed** globally, functions that are made to do so
cannot work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has
a solution.
{{ end }}
However, since using this flag means that functions cannot set **ibase**,
**obase**, or **scale** globally, functions that are made to do so cannot
work anymore. There are two possible use cases for that, and each has a
{{ end }}
First, if a function is called on startup to turn bc(1) into a number
converter, it is possible to replace that capability with various shell
aliases. Examples:
alias d2o="bc -e ibase=A -e obase=8"
alias h2b="bc -e ibase=G -e obase=2"
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**,
**scale**, or **seed** globally for any other purpose, it could be split
into one to four functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of
those functions could return the desired value for a global.
For functions that set **seed**, the value assigned to **seed** is not
propagated to parent functions. This means that the sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that they see will not be the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers that any parent sees. This is only the case once
**seed** has been set.
If a function desires to not affect the sequence of pseudo-random numbers
of its parents, but wants to use the same **seed**, it can use the following
seed = seed
{{ end }}
Second, if the purpose of a function is to set **ibase**, **obase**, or
**scale** globally for any other purpose, it could be split into one to
three functions (based on how many globals it sets) and each of those
functions could return the desired value for a global.
{{ end }}
If the behavior of this option is desired for every run of bc(1), then users
could make sure to define **BC_ENV_ARGS** and include this option (see the
**ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section for more details).
If **-s**, **-w**, or any equivalents are used, this option is ignored.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-l**, **--mathlib**
: Sets **scale** (see the **SYNTAX** section) to **20** and loads the included
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
math library and the extended math library before running any code,
including any expressions or files specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the libraries, see the **LIBRARY** section.
{{ end }}
math library before running any code, including any expressions or files
specified on the command line.
To learn what is in the library, see the **LIBRARY** section.
{{ end }}
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
{{ A E H N EH EN HN EHN }}
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in bc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **BC_ENV_ARGS** (see the
{{ end }}
: This option is a no-op.
{{ end }}
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-q**, **--quiet**
: This option is for compatibility with the [GNU bc(1)][2]; it is a no-op.
Without this option, GNU bc(1) prints a copyright header. This bc(1) only
prints the copyright header if one or more of the **-v**, **-V**, or
**--version** options are given.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-s**, **--standard**
: Process exactly the language defined by the [standard][1] and error if any
extensions are used.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-w**, **--warn**
: Like **-s** and **--standard**, except that warnings (and not errors) are
printed for non-standard extensions and execution continues normally.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, bc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **bc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other bc(1) implementations, this bc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **bc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that bc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other bc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
The syntax for bc(1) programs is mostly C-like, with some differences. This
bc(1) follows the [POSIX standard][1], which is a much more thorough resource
for the language this bc(1) accepts. This section is meant to be a summary and a
listing of all the extensions to the standard.
In the sections below, **E** means expression, **S** means statement, and **I**
means identifier.
Identifiers (**I**) start with a lowercase letter and can be followed by any
number (up to **BC_NAME_MAX-1**) of lowercase letters (**a-z**), digits
(**0-9**), and underscores (**\_**). The regex is **\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\***.
Identifiers with more than one character (letter) are a
**non-portable extension**.
**ibase** is a global variable determining how to interpret constant numbers. It
is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input numbers.
**ibase** is initially **10**. If the **-s** (**--standard**) and **-w**
(**--warn**) flags were not given on the command line, the max allowable value
for **ibase** is **36**. Otherwise, it is **16**. The min allowable value for
**ibase** is **2**. The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in
bc(1) programs with the **maxibase()** built-in function.
**obase** is a global variable determining how to output results. It is the
"output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers. **obase** is
initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is **BC_BASE_MAX** and
can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxobase()** built-in function. The
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
min allowable value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are
output in scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in
engineering notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
{{ end }}
min allowable value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified
{{ end }}
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a global variable that
sets the precision of any operations, with exceptions. **scale** is initially
**0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max allowable value for **scale** is
**BC_SCALE_MAX** and can be queried in bc(1) programs with the **maxscale()**
built-in function.
bc(1) has both *global* variables and *local* variables. All *local*
variables are local to the function; they are parameters or are introduced in
the **auto** list of a function (see the **FUNCTIONS** section). If a variable
is accessed which is not a parameter or in the **auto** list, it is assumed to
be *global*. If a parent function has a *local* variable version of a variable
that a child function considers *global*, the value of that *global* variable in
the child function is the value of the variable in the parent function, not the
value of the actual *global* variable.
All of the above applies to arrays as well.
The value of a statement that is an expression (i.e., any of the named
expressions or operands) is printed unless the lowest precedence operator is an
assignment operator *and* the expression is notsurrounded by parentheses.
The value that is printed is also assigned to the special variable **last**. A
single dot (**.**) may also be used as a synonym for **last**. These are
**non-portable extensions**.
Either semicolons or newlines may separate statements.
## Comments
There are two kinds of comments:
1. Block comments are enclosed in **/\*** and **\*/**.
2. Line comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This
is a **non-portable extension**.
## Named Expressions
The following are named expressions in bc(1):
1. Variables: **I**
2. Array Elements: **I[E]**
3. **ibase**
4. **obase**
5. **scale**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
6. **seed**
7. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Numbers 6 and 7 are **non-portable extensions**.
The meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is assigned to **seed** and used again, the
pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if
**seed** is queried again immediately. However, if **seed** *does* return a
different value, both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain
values assigned to **seed** will *not* produce unique sequences of pseudo-random
numbers. The value of **seed** will change after any use of the **rand()** and
**irand(E)** operands (see the *Operands* subsection below), except if the
parameter passed to **irand(E)** is **0**, **1**, or negative.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
{{ end }}
6. **last** or a single dot (**.**)
Number 6 is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
Variables and arrays do not interfere; users can have arrays named the same as
variables. This also applies to functions (see the **FUNCTIONS** section), so a
user can have a variable, array, and function that all have the same name, and
they will not shadow each other, whether inside of functions or not.
Named expressions are required as the operand of **increment**/**decrement**
operators and as the left side of **assignment** operators (see the *Operators*
## Operands
The following are valid operands in bc(1):
1. Numbers (see the *Numbers* subsection below).
2. Array indices (**I[E]**).
3. **(E)**: The value of **E** (used to change precedence).
4. **sqrt(E)**: The square root of **E**. **E** must be non-negative.
5. **length(E)**: The number of significant decimal digits in **E**.
6. **length(I[])**: The number of elements in the array **I**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
7. **scale(E)**: The *scale* of **E**.
8. **abs(E)**: The absolute value of **E**. This is a **non-portable
9. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a non-**void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
10. **read()**: Reads a line from **stdin** and uses that as an expression. The
result of that expression is the result of the **read()** operand. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
11. **maxibase()**: The max allowable **ibase**. This is a **non-portable
12. **maxobase()**: The max allowable **obase**. This is a **non-portable
13. **maxscale()**: The max allowable **scale**. This is a **non-portable
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
14. **rand()**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and
**BC_RAND_MAX** (inclusive). Using this operand will change the value of
**seed**. This is a **non-portable extension**.
15. **irand(E)**: A pseudo-random integer between **0** (inclusive) and the
value of **E** (exclusive). If **E** is negative or is a non-integer
(**E**'s *scale* is not **0**), an error is raised, and bc(1) resets (see
the **RESET** section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If **E** is larger
than **BC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**BC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this operand is unbounded. Using this operand will
change the value of **seed**, unless the value of **E** is **0** or **1**.
In that case, **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
16. **maxrand()**: The max integer returned by **rand()**. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
The integers generated by **rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to be as
unbiased as possible, subject to the limitations of the pseudo-random number
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with
**rand()** and **irand(E)** are guaranteed to *NOT* be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they *are* guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
{{ end }}
## Numbers
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters, and at most **1**
period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **BC_NUM_MAX** digits. Uppercase
letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e., **A** equals
**10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value
of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **Z** alone always equals decimal
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
In addition, bc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e-3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
Using scientific notation is an error or warning if the **-s** or **-w**,
respectively, command-line options (or equivalents) are given.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and bc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if bc(1) is given the
number string **10e-4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
## Operators
The following arithmetic and logical operators can be used. They are listed in
order of decreasing precedence. Operators in the same group have the same
**++** **--**
: Type: Prefix and Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **increment**, **decrement**
**-** **!**
: Type: Prefix
Associativity: None
Description: **negation**, **boolean not**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: Type: Postfix
Associativity: None
Description: **truncation**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **set precision**
{{ end }}
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **power**
**\*** **/** **%**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **multiply**, **divide**, **modulus**
**+** **-**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **add**, **subtract**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
**\<\<** **\>\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **shift left**, **shift right**
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
{{ end }}
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
{{ end }}
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Right
Description: **assignment**
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **relational**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean and**
: Type: Binary
Associativity: Left
Description: **boolean or**
The operators will be described in more detail below.
**++** **--**
: The prefix and postfix **increment** and **decrement** operators behave
exactly like they would in C. They require a named expression (see the
*Named Expressions* subsection) as an operand.
The prefix versions of these operators are more efficient; use them where
: The **negation** operator returns **0** if a user attempts to negate any
expression with the value **0**. Otherwise, a copy of the expression with
its sign flipped is returned.
: The **boolean not** operator returns **1** if the expression is **0**, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: The **truncation** operator returns a copy of the given expression with all
of its *scale* removed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **set precision** operator takes two expressions and returns a copy of
the first with its *scale* equal to the value of the second expression. That
could either mean that the number is returned without change (if the
*scale* of the first expression matches the value of the second
expression), extended (if it is less), or truncated (if it is more).
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
: The **power** operator (not the **exclusive or** operator, as it would be in
C) takes two expressions and raises the first to the power of the value of
- the second. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
+ the second.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*), and if it is
negative, the first value must be non-zero.
: The **multiply** operator takes two expressions, multiplies them, and
returns the product. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result is
equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The **divide** operator takes two expressions, divides them, and returns the
quotient. The *scale* of the result shall be the value of **scale**.
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **modulus** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
evaluates them by 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale** and 2) Using the
result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The second expression must be non-zero.
: The **add** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and returns the
sum, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of **a** and **b**.
: The **subtract** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns the difference, with a *scale* equal to the max of the *scale*s of
**a** and **b**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: The **left shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the right.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **right shift** operator takes two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
returns a copy of the value of **a** with its decimal point moved **b**
places to the left.
The second expression must be an integer (no *scale*) and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
**=** **\<\<=** **\>\>=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=** **\@=**
{{ end }}
**=** **+=** **-=** **\*=** **/=** **%=** **\^=**
{{ end }}
: The **assignment** operators take two expressions, **a** and **b** where
**a** is a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection).
For **=**, **b** is copied and the result is assigned to **a**. For all
others, **a** and **b** are applied as operands to the corresponding
arithmetic operator and the result is assigned to **a**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
The **assignment** operators that correspond to operators that are
extensions are themselves **non-portable extensions**.
{{ end }}
**==** **\<=** **\>=** **!=** **\<** **\>**
: The **relational** operators compare two expressions, **a** and **b**, and
if the relation holds, according to C language semantics, the result is
**1**. Otherwise, it is **0**.
Note that unlike in C, these operators have a lower precedence than the
**assignment** operators, which means that **a=b\>c** is interpreted as
Also, unlike the [standard][1] requires, these operators can appear anywhere
any other expressions can be used. This allowance is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean and** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if both
expressions are non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The **boolean or** operator takes two expressions and returns **1** if one
of the expressions is non-zero, **0** otherwise.
This is *not* a short-circuit operator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Statements
The following items are statements:
1. **E**
2. **{** **S** **;** ... **;** **S** **}**
3. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S**
4. **if** **(** **E** **)** **S** **else** **S**
5. **while** **(** **E** **)** **S**
6. **for** **(** **E** **;** **E** **;** **E** **)** **S**
7. An empty statement
8. **break**
9. **continue**
10. **quit**
11. **halt**
12. **limits**
13. A string of characters, enclosed in double quotes
14. **print** **E** **,** ... **,** **E**
15. **I()**, **I(E)**, **I(E, E)**, and so on, where **I** is an identifier for
a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section). The **E** argument(s) may also be arrays of the form
**I[]**, which will automatically be turned into array references (see the
*Array References* subsection of the **FUNCTIONS** section) if the
corresponding parameter in the function definition is an array reference.
Numbers 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 are **non-portable extensions**.
Also, as a **non-portable extension**, any or all of the expressions in the
header of a for loop may be omitted. If the condition (second expression) is
omitted, it is assumed to be a constant **1**.
The **break** statement causes a loop to stop iterating and resume execution
immediately following a loop. This is only allowed in loops.
The **continue** statement causes a loop iteration to stop early and returns to
the start of the loop, including testing the loop condition. This is only
allowed in loops.
The **if** **else** statement does the same thing as in C.
The **quit** statement causes bc(1) to quit, even if it is on a branch that will
not be executed (it is a compile-time command).
The **halt** statement causes bc(1) to quit, if it is executed. (Unlike **quit**
if it is on a branch of an **if** statement that is not executed, bc(1) does not
The **limits** statement prints the limits that this bc(1) is subject to. This
is like the **quit** statement in that it is a compile-time command.
An expression by itself is evaluated and printed, followed by a newline.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
Both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for printing the
results of expressions. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1** to
**obase**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to **obase**.
Scientific notation and engineering notation are disabled if bc(1) is run with
either the **-s** or **-w** command-line options (or equivalents).
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
## Print Statement
The "expressions" in a **print** statement may also be strings. If they are, there
are backslash escape sequences that are interpreted specially. What those
sequences are, and what they cause to be printed, are shown below:
-------- -------
**\\a** **\\a**
**\\b** **\\b**
**\\\\** **\\**
**\\e** **\\**
**\\f** **\\f**
**\\n** **\\n**
**\\q** **"**
**\\r** **\\r**
**\\t** **\\t**
-------- -------
Any other character following a backslash causes the backslash and character to
be printed as-is.
Any non-string expression in a print statement shall be assigned to **last**,
like any other expression that is printed.
## Order of Evaluation
All expressions in a statment are evaluated left to right, except as necessary
to maintain order of operations. This means, for example, assuming that **i** is
equal to **0**, in the expression
a[i++] = i++
the first (or 0th) element of **a** is set to **1**, and **i** is equal to **2**
at the end of the expression.
This includes function arguments. Thus, assuming **i** is equal to **0**, this
means that in the expression
x(i++, i++)
the first argument passed to **x()** is **0**, and the second argument is **1**,
while **i** is equal to **2** before the function starts executing.
Function definitions are as follows:
define I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
Any **I** in the parameter list or **auto** list may be replaced with **I[]** to
make a parameter or **auto** var an array, and any **I** in the parameter list
may be replaced with **\*I[]** to make a parameter an array reference. Callers
of functions that take array references should not put an asterisk in the call;
they must be called with just **I[]** like normal array parameters and will be
automatically converted into references.
As a **non-portable extension**, the opening brace of a **define** statement may
appear on the next line.
As a **non-portable extension**, the return statement may also be in one of the
following forms:
1. **return**
2. **return** **(** **)**
3. **return** **E**
The first two, or not specifying a **return** statement, is equivalent to
**return (0)**, unless the function is a **void** function (see the *Void
Functions* subsection below).
## Void Functions
Functions can also be **void** functions, defined as follows:
define void I(I,...,I){
auto I,...,I
They can only be used as standalone expressions, where such an expression would
be printed alone, except in a print statement.
Void functions can only use the first two **return** statements listed above.
They can also omit the return statement entirely.
The word "void" is not treated as a keyword; it is still possible to have
variables, arrays, and functions named **void**. The word "void" is only
treated specially right after the **define** keyword.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Array References
For any array in the parameter list, if the array is declared in the form
it is a **reference**. Any changes to the array in the function are reflected,
when the function returns, to the array that was passed in.
Other than this, all function arguments are passed by value.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended math
library (see the *Extended Library* subsection below), are available when the
**-l** or **--mathlib** command-line flags are given, except that the extended
math library is not available when the **-s** option, the **-w** option, or
equivalents are given.
{{ end }}
All of the functions below are available when the **-l** or **--mathlib**
command-line flags are given.
{{ end }}
## Standard Library
The [standard][1] defines the following functions for the math library:
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the natural logarithm of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the mathematical constant **e** raised to the power of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**j(x, n)**
: Returns the bessel integer order **n** (truncated) of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
## Extended Library
The extended library is *not* loaded when the **-s**/**--standard** or
**-w**/**--warn** options are given since they are not part of the library
defined by the [standard][1].
The extended library is a **non-portable extension**.
**p(x, y)**
: Calculates **x** to the power of **y**, even if **y** is not an integer, and
returns the result to the current **scale**.
- It is an error if **y** is negative and **x** is **0**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**r(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round half away from **0**][3].
**ceil(x, p)**
: Returns **x** rounded to **p** decimal places according to the rounding mode
[round away from **0**][6].
: Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of **x**.
**perm(n, k)**
: Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
**comb(n, k)**
: Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of **n** of the
truncated absolute value of **k**, if **k \<= n**. If not, it returns **0**.
: Returns the logarithm base **2** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the logarithm base **10** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**log(x, b)**
: Returns the logarithm base **b** of **x**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cube root of **x**.
**root(x, n)**
: Calculates the truncated value of **n**, **r**, and returns the **r**th root
of **x** to the current **scale**.
If **r** is **0** or negative, this raises an error and causes bc(1) to
reset (see the **RESET** section). It also raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset if **r** is even and **x** is negative.
: Returns **pi** to **p** decimal places.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**a2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the sine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **s(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the cosine of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
This is an alias of **c(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the tangent of **x**, which is assumed to be in radians.
If **x** is equal to **1** or **-1**, this raises an error and causes bc(1)
to reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is an alias of **t(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Returns the arctangent of **x**, in radians.
This is an alias of **a(x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
**atan2(y, x)**
: Returns the arctangent of **y/x**, in radians. If both **y** and **x** are
equal to **0**, it raises an error and causes bc(1) to reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, if **x** is greater than **0**, it returns
**a(y/x)**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y** is greater than or equal
to **0**, it returns **a(y/x)+pi**. If **x** is less than **0**, and **y**
is less than **0**, it returns **a(y/x)-pi**. If **x** is equal to **0**,
and **y** is greater than **0**, it returns **pi/2**. If **x** is equal to
**0**, and **y** is less than **0**, it returns **-pi/2**.
This function is the same as the **atan2()** function in many programming
This is an alias of **a2(y, x)**.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from radians to degrees and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Converts **x** from degrees to radians and returns the result.
This is a transcendental function (see the *Transcendental Functions*
subsection below).
: Generates a pseudo-random number between **0** (inclusive) and **1**
(exclusive) with the number of decimal digits after the decimal point equal
to the truncated absolute value of **p**. If **p** is not **0**, then
calling this function will change the value of **seed**. If **p** is **0**,
then **0** is returned, and **seed** is *not* changed.
**ifrand(i, p)**
: Generates a pseudo-random number that is between **0** (inclusive) and the
truncated absolute value of **i** (exclusive) with the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point equal to the truncated absolute value of
**p**. If the absolute value of **i** is greater than or equal to **2**, and
**p** is not **0**, then calling this function will change the value of
**seed**; otherwise, **0** is returned and **seed** is not changed.
: Returns **x** with its sign flipped with probability **0.5**. In other
words, it randomizes the sign of **x**.
: Returns a random boolean value (either **0** or **1**).
: Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated
absolute value of **x**.
: Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to
hold the truncated value of **x**.
: Outputs the hexadecimal (base **16**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the binary (base **2**) representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output(x, b)**
: Outputs the base **b** representation of **x**.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are
split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed
instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both
outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, an error message is printed instead, but bc(1)
is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**uintn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**intn(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **n** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **n** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **1** byte, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **1** byte. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **1** byte, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **2** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **2** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **4** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **4** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as an
unsigned integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated
by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an
error message is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET**
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
: Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of **x** as a signed,
two's-complement integer in **8** bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes
separated by spaces.
If **x** is not an integer or cannot fit into **8** bytes, an error message
is printed instead, but bc(1) is not reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**hex_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in hexadecimal using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will
be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**binary_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in binary using **n** bytes. Not all of the value will be
output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_uint(x, n)**
: Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of **x** as an
unsigned integer in the current **obase** (see the **SYNTAX** section) using
**n** bytes. Not all of the value will be output if **n** is too small.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
**output_byte(x, i)**
: Outputs byte **i** of the truncated absolute value of **x**, where **0** is
the least significant byte and **number_of_bytes - 1** is the most
significant byte.
This is a **void** function (see the *Void Functions* subsection of the
**FUNCTIONS** section).
{{ end }}
## Transcendental Functions
All transcendental functions can return slightly inaccurate results (up to 1
[ULP][4]). This is unavoidable, and [this article][5] explains why it is
impossible and unnecessary to calculate exact results for the transcendental
Because of the possible inaccuracy, I recommend that users call those functions
with the precision (**scale**) set to at least 1 higher than is necessary. If
exact results are *absolutely* required, users can double the precision
(**scale**) and then truncate.
The transcendental functions in the standard math library are:
* **s(x)**
* **c(x)**
* **a(x)**
* **l(x)**
* **e(x)**
* **j(x, n)**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
The transcendental functions in the extended math library are:
* **l2(x)**
* **l10(x)**
* **log(x, b)**
* **pi(p)**
* **t(x)**
* **a2(y, x)**
* **sin(x)**
* **cos(x)**
* **tan(x)**
* **atan(x)**
* **atan2(y, x)**
* **r2d(x)**
* **d2r(x)**
{{ end }}
When bc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any functions that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
functions returned) is skipped.
Thus, when bc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Note that this reset behavior is different from the GNU bc(1), which attempts to
start executing the statement right after the one that caused an error.
Most bc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This bc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **BC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **BC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
The actual values of **BC_LONG_BIT** and **BC_BASE_DIGS** can be queried with
the **limits** statement.
In addition, this bc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **BC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on bc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where bc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**BC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **BC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **BC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **BC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **BC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **rand()** operand. Set at
{{ end }}
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
The actual values can be queried with the **limits** statement.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
bc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), bc(1) behaves as if
the **-s** option was given.
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to bc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **BC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time bc(1) runs.
The code that parses **BC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some bc file.bc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"bc\" file.bc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **BC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), bc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash (**\\**). The default line
length is **70**.
bc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**\<\<**), and right shift (**\>\>**)
operators and their corresponding assignment operators.
{{ end }}
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator and the corresponding assignment operator.
{{ end }}
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, using a token where it is invalid,
giving an invalid expression, giving an invalid print statement, giving an
invalid function definition, attempting to assign to an expression that is
not a named expression (see the *Named Expressions* subsection of the
**SYNTAX** section), giving an invalid **auto** list, having a duplicate
**auto**/function parameter, failing to find the end of a code block,
attempting to return a value from a **void** function, attempting to use a
variable as a reference, and using any extensions when the option **-s** or
any equivalents were given.
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, passing the wrong number of
arguments to functions, attempting to call an undefined function, and
attempting to use a **void** function call as a value in an expression.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (bc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, bc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode bc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when bc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since bc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow bc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Per the [standard][1], bc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, bc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, bc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
{{ end }}
{{ A E H N EH EN HN EHN }}
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
{{ end }}
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause bc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
bc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If bc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If bc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to bc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though bc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with bc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause bc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when bc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause bc(1) to clean up and
{{ end }}
default handler for all other signals.
{{ end }}
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
bc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If bc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
{{ end }}
{{ A E H P EH EP HP EHP }}
This bc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGES**.
{{ end }}
bc(1) is compliant with the [IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1]
specification. The flags **-efghiqsvVw**, all long options, and the extensions
noted above are extensions to that specification.
Note that the specification explicitly says that bc(1) only accepts numbers that
use a period (**.**) as a radix point, regardless of the value of
{{ A E H P EH EP HP EHP }}
This bc(1) supports error messages for different locales, and thus, it supports
{{ end }}
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,694 +1,671 @@
# Build
This `bc` attempts to be as portable as possible. It can be built on any
POSIX-compliant system.
To accomplish that, a POSIX-compatible, custom `` script is used to
select build options, compiler, and compiler flags and generate a `Makefile`.
The general form of configuring, building, and installing this `bc` is as
[ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=<value>...] ./ [build_options...]
make install
To get all of the options, including any useful environment variables, use
either one of the following commands:
./ -h
./ --help
***WARNING***: even though `` supports both option types, short and
long, it does not support handling both at the same time. Use only one type.
To learn the available `make` targets run the following command after running
the `` script:
make help
See [Build Environment Variables][4] for a more detailed description of all
accepted environment variables and [Build Options][5] for more detail about all
accepted build options.
<a name="cross-compiling"/>
## Cross Compiling
To cross-compile this `bc`, an appropriate compiler must be present and assigned
to the environment variable `HOSTCC` or `HOST_CC` (the two are equivalent,
though `HOSTCC` is prioritized). This is in order to bootstrap core file(s), if
the architectures are not compatible (i.e., unlike i686 on x86_64). Thus, the
approach is:
HOSTCC="/path/to/native/compiler" ./
make install
`HOST_CC` will work in exactly the same way.
`HOSTCFLAGS` and `HOST_CFLAGS` can be used to set compiler flags for `HOSTCC`.
(The two are equivalent, as `HOSTCC` and `HOST_CC` are.) `HOSTCFLAGS` is
prioritized over `HOST_CFLAGS`. If neither are present, `HOSTCC` (or `HOST_CC`)
uses `CFLAGS` (see [Build Environment Variables][4] for more details).
It is expected that `CC` produces code for the target system and `HOSTCC`
produces code for the host system. See [Build Environment Variables][4] for more
If an emulator is necessary to run the bootstrap binaries, it can be set with
the environment variable `GEN_EMU`.
<a name="build-environment-variables"/>
## Build Environment Variables
This `bc` supports `CC`, `HOSTCC`, `HOST_CC`, `CFLAGS`, `HOSTCFLAGS`,
`EXECPREFIX`, `LONG_BIT`, `GEN_HOST`, and `GEN_EMU` environment variables in
``. Any values of those variables given to `` will be
put into the generated Makefile.
More detail on what those environment variables do can be found in the following
### `CC`
C compiler for the target system. `CC` must be compatible with POSIX `c99`
behavior and options. However, **I encourage users to use any C99 or C11
compatible compiler they wish.**
If there is a space in the basename of the compiler, the items after the first
space are assumed to be compiler flags, and in that case, the flags are
automatically moved into CFLAGS.
Defaults to `c99`.
### `HOSTCC` or `HOST_CC`
C compiler for the host system, used only in [cross compiling][6]. Must be
compatible with POSIX `c99` behavior and options.
If there is a space in the basename of the compiler, the items after the first
space are assumed to be compiler flags, and in that case, the flags are
automatically moved into HOSTCFLAGS.
Defaults to `$CC`.
### `CFLAGS`
Command-line flags that will be passed verbatim to `CC`.
Defaults to empty.
Command-line flags that will be passed verbatim to `HOSTCC` or `HOST_CC`.
Defaults to `$CFLAGS`.
Command-line flags for the C preprocessor. These are also passed verbatim to
both compilers (`CC` and `HOSTCC`); they are supported just for legacy reasons.
Defaults to empty.
Command-line flags for the linker. These are also passed verbatim to both
compilers (`CC` and `HOSTCC`); they are supported just for legacy reasons.
Defaults to empty.
### `LDLIBS`
Libraries to link to. These are also passed verbatim to both compilers (`CC` and
`HOSTCC`); they are supported just for legacy reasons and for cross compiling
with different C standard libraries (like [musl][3]).
Defaults to empty.
### `PREFIX`
The prefix to install to.
Can be overridden by passing the `--prefix` option to ``.
Defaults to `/usr/local`.
Path to prepend onto `PREFIX`. This is mostly for distro and package
This can be passed either to `` or `make install`. If it is passed
to both, the one given to `` takes precedence.
Defaults to empty.
### `BINDIR`
The directory to install binaries in.
Can be overridden by passing the `--bindir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$PREFIX/bin`.
The root directory to install data files in.
Can be overridden by passing the `--datarootdir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$PREFIX/share`.
The directory to install data files in.
Can be overridden by passing the `--datadir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$DATAROOTDIR`.
### `MANDIR`
The directory to install manpages in.
Can be overridden by passing the `--mandir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$DATADIR/man`
### `MAN1DIR`
The directory to install Section 1 manpages in. Because both `bc` and `dc` are
Section 1 commands, this is the only relevant section directory.
Can be overridden by passing the `--man1dir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$MANDIR/man1`.
The directory to install locales in.
Can be overridden by passing the `--localedir` option to ``.
Defaults to `$DATAROOTDIR/locale`.
The suffix to append onto the executable names *when installing*. This is for
packagers and distro maintainers who want this `bc` as an option, but do not
want to replace the default `bc`.
Defaults to empty.
The prefix to append onto the executable names *when building and installing*.
This is for packagers and distro maintainers who want this `bc` as an option,
but do not want to replace the default `bc`.
Defaults to empty.
### `LONG_BIT`
The number of bits in a C `long` type. This is mostly for the embedded space.
This `bc` uses `long`s internally for overflow checking. In C99, a `long` is
required to be 32 bits. For this reason, on 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers,
the generated code to do math with `long` types may be inefficient.
For most normal desktop systems, setting this is unnecessary, except that 32-bit
platforms with 64-bit longs may want to set it to `32`.
Defaults to the default value of `LONG_BIT` for the target platform. For
compliance with the `bc` spec, the minimum allowed value is `32`.
It is an error if the specified value is greater than the default value of
`LONG_BIT` for the target platform.
### `GEN_HOST`
Whether to use `gen/strgen.c`, instead of `gen/`, to produce the C
files that contain the help texts as well as the math libraries. By default,
`gen/strgen.c` is used, compiled by `$HOSTCC` and run on the host machine. Using
`gen/` removes the need to compile and run an executable on the host
machine since `gen/` is a POSIX shell script. However, `gen/lib2.bc` is
perilously close to 4095 characters, the max supported length of a string
literal in C99 (and it could be added to in the future), and `gen/`
generates a string literal instead of an array, as `gen/strgen.c` does. For most
production-ready compilers, this limit probably is not enforced, but it could
be. Both options are still available for this reason.
If you are sure your compiler does not have the limit and do not want to compile
and run a binary on the host machine, set this variable to "0". Any other value,
or a non-existent value, will cause the build system to compile and run
Default is "".
### `GEN_EMU`
The emulator to run bootstrap binaries under. This is only if the binaries
produced by `HOSTCC` (or `HOST_CC`) need to be run under an emulator to work.
Defaults to empty.
<a name="build-options"/>
## Build Options
This `bc` comes with several build options, all of which are enabled by default.
All options can be used with each other, with a few exceptions that will be
noted below.
**NOTE**: All long options with mandatory argumenst accept either one of the
following forms:
--option arg
-### Library
-To build the math library, use the following commands for the configure step:
-./ -a
-./ --library
-Both commands are equivalent.
-When the library is built, history, prompt, and locales are disabled, and the
-functionality for `bc` and `dc` are both enabled, though the executables are
-*not* built. This is because the library's options clash with the executables.
-To build an optimized version of the library, users can pass optimization
-options to `` or include them in `CFLAGS`.
-The library API can be found in `manuals/` or `man bcl` once the library
-is installed.
-The library is built as `bin/libbcl.a`.
### `bc` Only
To build `bc` only (no `dc`), use any one of the following commands for the
configure step:
./ -b
./ --bc-only
./ -D
./ --disable-dc
Those commands are all equivalent.
***Warning***: It is an error to use those options if `bc` has also been
disabled (see below).
### `dc` Only
To build `dc` only (no `bc`), use either one of the following commands for the
configure step:
./ -d
./ --dc-only
./ -B
./ --disable-bc
Those commands are all equivalent.
***Warning***: It is an error to use those options if `dc` has also been
disabled (see above).
<a name="build-history"/>
### History
To disable signal handling, pass either the `-H` flag or the `--disable-history`
option to ``, as follows:
./ -H
./ --disable-history
Both commands are equivalent.
History is automatically disabled when building for Windows or on another
platform that does not support the terminal handling that is required.
***WARNING***: Of all of the code in the `bc`, this is the only code that is not
completely portable. If the `bc` does not work on your platform, your first step
should be to retry with history disabled.
### NLS (Locale Support)
To disable locale support (use only English), pass either the `-N` flag or the
`--disable-nls` option to ``, as follows:
./ -N
./ --disable-nls
Both commands are equivalent.
NLS (locale support) is automatically disabled when building for Windows or on
another platform that does not support the POSIX locale API or utilities.
### Prompt
By default, `bc` and `dc` print a prompt when in interactive mode. They both
have the command-line option `-P`/`--no-prompt`, which turns that off, but it
can be disabled permanently in the build by passing the `-P` flag or the
`--disable-prompt` option to ``, as follows:
./ -P
./ --disable-prompt
Both commands are equivalent.
### Locales
By default, `bc` and `dc` do not install all locales, but only the enabled
locales. If `DESTDIR` exists and is not empty, then they will install all of
the locales that exist on the system. The `-l` flag or `--install-all-locales`
option skips all of that and just installs all of the locales that `bc` and `dc`
have, regardless. To enable that behavior, you can pass the `-l` flag or the
`--install-all-locales` option to ``, as follows:
./ -l
./ --install-all-locales
Both commands are equivalent.
### Extra Math
This `bc` has 7 extra operators:
* `$` (truncation to integer)
* `@` (set precision)
* `@=` (set precision and assign)
* `<<` (shift number left, shifts radix right)
* `<<=` (shift number left and assign)
* `>>` (shift number right, shifts radix left)
* `>>=` (shift number right and assign)
There is no assignment version of `$` because it is a unary operator.
The assignment versions of the above operators are not available in `dc`, but
the others are, as the operators `$`, `@`, `H`, and `h`, respectively.
In addition, this `bc` has the option of outputting in scientific notation or
engineering notation. It can also take input in scientific or engineering
notation. On top of that, it has a pseudo-random number generator. (See the
full manual for more details.)
Extra operators, scientific notation, engineering notation, and the
pseudo-random number generator can be disabled by passing either the `-E` flag
or the `--disable-extra-math` option to ``, as follows:
./ -E
./ --disable-extra-math
Both commands are equivalent.
This `bc` also has a larger library that is only enabled if extra operators and
the pseudo-random number generator are. More information about the functions can
be found in the Extended Library section of the full manual.
### Manpages
To disable installing manpages, pass either the `-M` flag or the
`--disable-man-pages` option to `` as follows:
./ -M
./ --disable-man-pages
Both commands are equivalent.
### Karatsuba Length
The Karatsuba length is the point at which `bc` and `dc` switch from Karatsuba
multiplication to brute force, `O(n^2)` multiplication. It can be set by passing
the `-k` flag or the `--karatsuba-len` option to `` as follows:
./ -k64
./ --karatsuba-len 64
Both commands are equivalent.
Default is `64`.
***WARNING***: The Karatsuba Length must be a **integer** greater than or equal
to `16` (to prevent stack overflow). If it is not, `` will give an
### Install Options
The relevant `autotools`-style install options are supported in ``:
* `--prefix`
* `--bindir`
* `--datarootdir`
* `--datadir`
* `--mandir`
* `--man1dir`
* `--localedir`
An example is:
./ --prefix=/usr --localedir /usr/share/nls
make install
They correspond to the environment variables `$PREFIX`, `$BINDIR`,
***WARNING***: If the option is given, the value of the corresponding
environment variable is overridden.
***WARNING***: If any long command-line options are used, the long form of all
other command-line options must be used. Mixing long and short options is not
## Optimization
The `` script will accept an optimization level to pass to the
compiler. Because `bc` is orders of magnitude faster with optimization, I
***highly*** recommend package and distro maintainers pass the highest
optimization level available in `CC` to `` with the `-O` flag or
`--opt` option, as follows:
./ -O3
./ --opt 3
Both commands are equivalent.
The build and install can then be run as normal:
make install
As usual, `` will also accept additional `CFLAGS` on the command
line, so for SSE4 architectures, the following can add a bit more speed:
CFLAGS="-march=native -msse4" ./ -O3
make install
Building with link-time optimization (`-flto` in clang) can further increase the
performance. I ***highly*** recommend doing so.
I do **NOT*** recommend building with `-march=native`; doing so reduces this
`bc`'s performance.
Manual stripping is not necessary; non-debug builds are automatically stripped
in the link stage.
## Debug Builds
Debug builds (which also disable optimization if no optimization level is given
and if no extra `CFLAGS` are given) can be enabled with either the `-g` flag or
the `--debug` option, as follows:
./ -g
./ --debug
Both commands are equivalent.
The build and install can then be run as normal:
make install
## Stripping Binaries
By default, when `bc` and `dc` are not built in debug mode, the binaries are
stripped. Stripping can be disabled with either the `-T` or the
`--disable-strip` option, as follows:
./ -T
./ --disable-strip
Both commands are equivalent.
The build and install can then be run as normal:
make install
## Binary Size
When built with both calculators, all available features, and `-Os` using
`clang` and `musl`, the executable is 140.4 kb (140,386 bytes) on `x86_64`. That
isn't much for what is contained in the binary, but if necessary, it can be
The single largest user of space is the `bc` calculator. If just `dc` is needed,
the size can be reduced to 107.6 kb (107,584 bytes).
The next largest user of space is history support. If that is not needed, size
can be reduced (for a build with both calculators) to 119.9 kb (119,866 bytes).
There are several reasons that history is a bigger user of space than `dc`
* `dc`'s lexer and parser are *tiny* compared to `bc`'s because `dc` code is
almost already in the form that it is executed in, while `bc` has to not only
adjust the form to be executable, it has to parse functions, loops, `if`
statements, and other extra features.
* `dc` does not have much extra code in the interpreter.
* History has a lot of const data for supporting `UTF-8` terminals.
* History pulls in a bunch of more code from the `libc`.
The next biggest user is extra math support. Without it, the size is reduced to
124.0 kb (123,986 bytes) with history and 107.6 kb (107,560 bytes) without
The reasons why extra math support is bigger than `dc`, besides the fact that
`dc` is small already, are:
* Extra math supports adds an extra math library that takes several kilobytes of
constant data space.
* Extra math support includes support for a pseudo-random number generator,
including the code to convert a series of pseudo-random numbers into a number
of arbitrary size.
* Extra math support adds several operators.
The next biggest user is `dc`, so if just `bc` is needed, the size can be
reduced to 128.1 kb (128,096 bytes) with history and extra math support, 107.6
kb (107,576 bytes) without history and with extra math support, and 95.3 kb
(95,272 bytes) without history and without extra math support.
*Note*: all of these binary sizes were compiled using `musl` `1.2.0` as the
`libc`, making a fully static executable, with `clang` `9.0.1` (well,
`musl-clang` using `clang` `9.0.1`) as the compiler and using `-Os`
optimizations. These builds were done on an `x86_64` machine running Gentoo
## Testing
The default test suite can be run with the following command:
make test
To test `bc` only, run the following command:
make test_bc
To test `dc` only, run the following command:
make test_dc
This `bc`, if built, assumes a working, GNU-compatible `bc`, installed on the
system and in the `PATH`, to generate some tests, unless the `-G` flag or
`--disable-generated-tests` option is given to ``, as follows:
./ -G
./ --disable-generated-tests
After running ``, build and run tests as follows:
make test
This `dc` also assumes a working, GNU-compatible `dc`, installed on the system
and in the `PATH`, to generate some tests, unless one of the above options is
given to ``.
To generate test coverage, pass the `-c` flag or the `--coverage` option to
`` as follows:
./ -c
./ --coverage
Both commands are equivalent.
***WARNING***: Both `bc` and `dc` must be built for test coverage. Otherwise,
`` will give an error.
[4]: #build-environment-variables
[5]: #build-options
[6]: #cross-compiling
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/A.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/A.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/A.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1334 +1,1407 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1195 +1,1194 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/E.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/E.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/E.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1130 +1,1203 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1031 +1,1030 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EH.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EH.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EH.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1115 +1,1188 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1018 +1,1017 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1111 +1,1184 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1013 +1,1012 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHNP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHNP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHNP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1104 +1,1177 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1008 +1,1007 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EHP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1108 +1,1181 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1013 +1,1012 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1126 +1,1199 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1026 +1,1025 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ENP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ENP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ENP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1119 +1,1192 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1021 +1,1020 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/EP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1123 +1,1196 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
Values are output in the specified base.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-and \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[], and
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware
integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and
-attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is required.
+attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]) operator.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]) operator.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1026 +1,1025 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/H.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/H.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/H.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1319 +1,1392 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1182 +1,1181 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HN.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HN.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HN.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1315 +1,1388 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1177 +1,1176 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HNP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HNP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HNP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1308 +1,1381 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1172 +1,1171 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/HP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1312 +1,1385 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1177 +1,1176 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/N.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/N.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/N.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1330 +1,1403 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
Disables the prompt in TTY mode.
(The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
-See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section) This is mostly for those users that
+See the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section) This is mostly for those users that
do not want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1).
Most of those users would want to put this option in
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1190 +1,1189 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/NP.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/NP.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/NP.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1323 +1,1396 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1185 +1,1184 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/P.1
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/P.1 (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/P.1 (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1327 +1,1400 @@
.\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
.\" Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
.\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
.\" this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
.\" and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.TH "DC" "1" "October 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
+.TH "DC" "1" "July 2020" "Gavin D. Howard" "General Commands Manual"
.SH Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc \- arbitrary\-precision reverse\-Polish notation calculator
-\f[B]dc\f[R] [\f[B]-hiPvVx\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]version\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]help\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]] [\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]]
-[\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R]]
-[\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-f\f[R]
-\f[I]file\f[R]\&...] [\f[B]-file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]\&...]
+\f[B]dc\f[] [\f[B]\-hiPvVx\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-help\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]] [\f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[]]
+[\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]...] [\f[B]\-f\f[]
+\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[B]\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]...] [\f[I]file\f[]...]
-dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator.
+dc(1) is an arbitrary\-precision calculator.
It uses a stack (reverse Polish notation) to store numbers and results
of computations.
Arithmetic operations pop arguments off of the stack and push the
-If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
-as \f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
+If no files are given on the command\-line as extra arguments (i.e., not
+as \f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments), then dc(1) reads from
Otherwise, those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
-implementations, where \f[B]-e\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]) and
-\f[B]-f\f[R] (\f[B]\[en]file\f[R]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
+implementations, where \f[B]\-e\f[] (\f[B]\-\-expression\f[]) and
+\f[B]\-f\f[] (\f[B]\-\-file\f[]) arguments cause dc(1) to execute them
and exit.
The reason for this is that this dc(1) allows users to set arguments in
-the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
-VARIABLES\f[R] section).
-Any expressions given on the command-line should be used to set up a
+the environment variable \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] (see the \f[B]ENVIRONMENT
+VARIABLES\f[] section).
+Any expressions given on the command\-line should be used to set up a
standard environment.
-For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[R] always set to
-\f[B]10\f[R], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] to \f[B]-e 10k\f[R],
-and this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[R] of \f[B]10\f[R].
+For example, if a user wants the \f[B]scale\f[] always set to
+\f[B]10\f[], they can set \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] to \f[B]\-e 10k\f[], and
+this dc(1) will always start with a \f[B]scale\f[] of \f[B]10\f[].
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and \f[B]-f\f[R] arguments (and their equivalents), then
-they can just simply add \f[B]-e q\f[R] as the last command-line
-argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[R].
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and \f[B]\-f\f[] arguments (and their equivalents), then
+they can just simply add \f[B]\-e q\f[] as the last command\-line
+argument or define the environment variable \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[].
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
-\f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[]
Prints a usage message and quits.
-\f[B]-v\f[R], \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]\[en]version\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-\-version\f[]
Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
-\f[B]-i\f[R], \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-i\f[], \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[]
Forces interactive mode.
-(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section.)
+(See the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section.)
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-P\f[R], \f[B]\[en]no-prompt\f[R]
-This option is a no-op.
+.B \f[B]\-P\f[], \f[B]\-\-no\-prompt\f[]
+This option is a no\-op.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-x\f[R] \f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R]
+.B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[]
Enables extended register mode.
-See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[R] subsection of the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section for more information.
+See the \f[I]Extended Register Mode\f[] subsection of the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section for more information.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-e\f[R] \f[I]expr\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R]=\f[I]expr\f[R]
-Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-e\f[] \f[I]expr\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[]=\f[I]expr\f[]
+Evaluates \f[I]expr\f[].
If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order.
If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given.
This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is
read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]file\f[R], \f[B]\[en]file\f[R]=\f[I]file\f[R]
-Reads in \f[I]file\f[R] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it
-were read through \f[B]stdin\f[R].
+.B \f[B]\-f\f[] \f[I]file\f[], \f[B]\-\-file\f[]=\f[I]file\f[]
+Reads in \f[I]file\f[] and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were
+read through \f[B]stdin\f[].
If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated
in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless
-\f[B]-\f[R] (\f[B]stdin\f[R]) was given as an argument at least once to
-\f[B]-f\f[R] or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R].
-However, if any other \f[B]-e\f[R], \f[B]\[en]expression\f[R],
-\f[B]-f\f[R], or \f[B]\[en]file\f[R] arguments are given after that,
-bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
+\f[B]\-\f[] (\f[B]stdin\f[]) was given as an argument at least once to
+\f[B]\-f\f[] or \f[B]\-\-file\f[].
+However, if any other \f[B]\-e\f[], \f[B]\-\-expression\f[],
+\f[B]\-f\f[], or \f[B]\-\-file\f[] arguments are given after that, bc(1)
+will give a fatal error and exit.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-All long options are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+All long options are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-Any non-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[R].
+Any non\-error output is written to \f[B]stdout\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stdout\f[R], so if \f[B]stdout\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc >&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
-This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[R] is
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stdout\f[], so if \f[B]stdout\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
+This is done so that dc(1) can report problems when \f[B]stdout\f[] is
redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stdout\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stdout\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
-Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[R].
+Any error output is written to \f[B]stderr\f[].
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will
-issue a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section) if it cannot
-write to \f[B]stderr\f[R], so if \f[B]stderr\f[R] is closed, as in
-\f[B]dc 2>&-\f[R], it will quit with an error.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue
+a fatal error (see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section) if it cannot write
+to \f[B]stderr\f[], so if \f[B]stderr\f[] is closed, as in \f[B]dc
+2>&\-\f[], it will quit with an error.
This is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when
-\f[B]stderr\f[R] is redirected to a file.
+\f[B]stderr\f[] is redirected to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1)
implementations, it is recommended that those scripts be changed to
-redirect \f[B]stderr\f[R] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[R].
+redirect \f[B]stderr\f[] to \f[B]/dev/null\f[].
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the
-\f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[R]
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section) or a command (see the \f[B]COMMANDS\f[]
section), is processed and executed, in order.
Input is processed immediately when entered.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to interpret constant numbers.
-It is the \[lq]input\[rq] base, or the number base used for interpreting
-input numbers.
-\f[B]ibase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R].
-The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]2\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]T\f[R] command.
+It is the "input" base, or the number base used for interpreting input
+\f[B]ibase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[].
+The min allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]2\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]ibase\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]T\f[] command.
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that
+\f[B]obase\f[] is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that
determines how to output results.
-It is the \[lq]output\[rq] base, or the number base used for outputting
-\f[B]obase\f[R] is initially \f[B]10\f[R].
-The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R] and
-can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[R] command.
-The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R].
-If \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]0\f[R], values are output in scientific
-notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]1\f[R], values are output in
+It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting numbers.
+\f[B]obase\f[] is initially \f[B]10\f[].
+The max allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[] and
+can be queried with the \f[B]U\f[] command.
+The min allowable value for \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[].
+If \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]0\f[], values are output in scientific
+notation, and if \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]1\f[], values are output in
engineering notation.
Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
-Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are \f[B]non-portable
+Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are
+\f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of an expression is the number of digits in the
-result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[R]
-is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) that sets the
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of an expression is the number of digits in the
+result of the expression right of the decimal point, and \f[B]scale\f[]
+is a register (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) that sets the
precision of any operations (with exceptions).
-\f[B]scale\f[R] is initially \f[B]0\f[R].
-\f[B]scale\f[R] cannot be negative.
-The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[R] can be queried in dc(1)
-programs with the \f[B]V\f[R] command.
+\f[B]scale\f[] is initially \f[B]0\f[].
+\f[B]scale\f[] cannot be negative.
+The max allowable value for \f[B]scale\f[] can be queried in dc(1)
+programs with the \f[B]V\f[] command.
-\f[B]seed\f[R] is a register containing the current seed for the
-pseudo-random number generator.
-If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] is queried and stored, then if it
-is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] later, the pseudo-random number generator
-is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that
-were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] was first queried.
+\f[B]seed\f[] is a register containing the current seed for the
+pseudo\-random number generator.
+If the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] is queried and stored, then if it
+is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] later, the pseudo\-random number generator
+is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers
+that were generated after the value of \f[B]seed\f[] was first queried.
-Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] can produce the same sequence
-of pseudo-random numbers.
-Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], it is not
-guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[R] immediately after will return
-the same value.
-In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[R] will change after any call to
-the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command or the \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] command that does not
-get receive a value of \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command can be
-queried with the \f[B]W\f[R] command.
+Multiple values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] can produce the same sequence
+of pseudo\-random numbers.
+Likewise, when a value is assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], it is not
+guaranteed that querying \f[B]seed\f[] immediately after will return the
+same value.
+In addition, the value of \f[B]seed\f[] will change after any call to
+the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command or the \f[B]"\f[] command that does not get
+receive a value of \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+The maximum integer returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command can be
+queried with the \f[B]W\f[] command.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: The values returned by the pseudo-random number
-generator with the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] and \f[B]\[dq]\f[R] commands are
-guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be cryptographically secure.
-This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator.
-However, they \f[B]are\f[R] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
-\f[B]seed\f[R] values.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: The values returned by the pseudo\-random number
+generator with the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] and \f[B]"\f[] commands are guaranteed
+to \f[B]NOT\f[] be cryptographically secure.
+This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo\-random number generator.
+However, they \f[B]are\f[] guaranteed to be reproducible with identical
+\f[B]seed\f[] values.
-The pseudo-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[R], and all associated
-operations are \f[B]non-portable extensions\f[R].
+The pseudo\-random number generator, \f[B]seed\f[], and all associated
+operations are \f[B]non\-portable extensions\f[].
.SS Comments
-Comments go from \f[B]#\f[R] until, and not including, the next newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+Comments go from \f[B]#\f[] until, and not including, the next newline.
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to
-\f[B]F\f[R], and at most \f[B]1\f[R] period for a radix.
-Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[R] digits.
-Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[R] + their position in the
-alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] equals \f[B]10\f[R], or \f[B]9+1\f[R]).
+\f[B]F\f[], and at most \f[B]1\f[] period for a radix.
+Numbers can have up to \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[] digits.
+Uppercase letters are equal to \f[B]9\f[] + their position in the
+alphabet (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] equals \f[B]10\f[], or \f[B]9+1\f[]).
If a digit or letter makes no sense with the current value of
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
+\f[B]ibase\f[], they are set to the value of the highest valid digit in
-Single-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[R] alone) take the value that
+Single\-character numbers (i.e., \f[B]A\f[] alone) take the value that
they would have if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of
-This means that \f[B]A\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[R] and
-\f[B]F\f[R] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[R].
+This means that \f[B]A\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]10\f[] and
+\f[B]F\f[] alone always equals decimal \f[B]15\f[].
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation.
-These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[R].
-The exponent (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[R]) must be an integer.
-An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[R], which is equal to
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[R] is equal to
+These have the form \f[B]<number>e<integer>\f[].
+The power (the portion after the \f[B]e\f[]) must be an integer.
+An example is \f[B]1.89237e9\f[], which is equal to \f[B]1892370000\f[].
+Negative exponents are also allowed, so \f[B]4.2890e_3\f[] is equal to
-\f[B]WARNING\f[R]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
-notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[R], but
-the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10\[ha]exponent\f[R] regardless
-of the current \f[B]ibase\f[R].
-For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[R] is \f[B]16\f[R] and dc(1) is given the
-number string \f[B]FFeA\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be
-\f[B]2550000000000\f[R], and if dc(1) is given the number string
-\f[B]10e_4\f[R], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[R].
+\f[B]WARNING\f[]: Both the number and the exponent in scientific
+notation are interpreted according to the current \f[B]ibase\f[], but
+the number is still multiplied by \f[B]10^exponent\f[] regardless of the
+current \f[B]ibase\f[].
+For example, if \f[B]ibase\f[] is \f[B]16\f[] and dc(1) is given the
+number string \f[B]FFeA\f[], the resulting decimal number will be
+\f[B]2550000000000\f[], and if dc(1) is given the number string
+\f[B]10e_4\f[], the resulting decimal number will be \f[B]0.0016\f[].
-Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non-portable
+Accepting input as scientific notation is a \f[B]non\-portable
The valid commands are listed below.
.SS Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are
available for printing numbers.
-Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[R] to
-\f[B]obase\f[R] using \f[B]0o\f[R], and engineering notation is
-activated by assigning \f[B]1\f[R] to \f[B]obase\f[R] using
-To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[R].
+Scientific notation is activated by assigning \f[B]0\f[] to
+\f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]0o\f[], and engineering notation is activated
+by assigning \f[B]1\f[] to \f[B]obase\f[] using \f[B]1o\f[].
+To deactivate them, just assign a different value to \f[B]obase\f[].
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
-\f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+\f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]p\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and
prints a newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
+.B \f[B]n\f[]
Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops
it off of the stack.
+.B \f[B]P\f[]
Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
-result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[R] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] and
+result is printed as though \f[B]obase\f[] is \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] and
each digit is interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]f\f[]
Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
.SS Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
+.B \f[B]+\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]\-\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[R] of
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to the max \f[I]scale\f[] of
both operands.
+.B \f[B]*\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-If \f[B]a\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the first expression and
-\f[B]b\f[R] is the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the second expression, the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to
-\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[R] where \f[B]min()\f[R] and
-\f[B]max()\f[R] return the obvious values.
+If \f[B]a\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the first expression and
+\f[B]b\f[] is the \f[I]scale\f[] of the second expression, the
+\f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to
+\f[B]min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))\f[] where \f[B]min()\f[] and \f[B]max()\f[]
+return the obvious values.
+.B \f[B]/\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]%\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result
is pushed onto the stack.
-Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[R] to current
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
-\f[B]a-(a/b)*b\f[R] to \f[I]scale\f[R]
+Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing \f[B]a/b\f[] to current
+\f[B]scale\f[], and 2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate
+\f[B]a\-(a/b)*b\f[] to \f[I]scale\f[]
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
+.B \f[B]~\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered,
and the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the
-This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[R] except that \f[B]x\f[R] and
-\f[B]y\f[R] are only evaluated once.
+This is equivalent to \f[B]x y / x y %\f[] except that \f[B]x\f[] and
+\f[B]y\f[] are only evaluated once.
-The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
+The first value popped off of the stack must be non\-zero.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]^\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
+.B \f[B]v\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and
the result is pushed onto the stack.
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[R].
+The \f[I]scale\f[] of the result is equal to \f[B]scale\f[].
-The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
+The value popped off of the stack must be non\-negative.
-If this command \f[I]immediately\f[R] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
+.B \f[B]_\f[]
+If this command \f[I]immediately\f[] precedes a number (i.e., no spaces
or other commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy
is negated and pushed onto the stack.
-This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This behavior without a number is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]b\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed
back onto the stack.
Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]|\f[]
The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation
is computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
-integer and non-zero.
+integer and non\-zero.
The second value popped is used as the exponent and must be an integer
-and non-negative.
+and non\-negative.
The third value popped is the base and must be an integer.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]$\f[]
The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is
truncated and pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]\@\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the
second is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]H\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
left (radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]h\f[]
The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted
right (radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]G\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if they are equal, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[R], a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed.
+.B \f[B]N\f[]
+The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a \f[B]0\f[], a
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed; otherwise, a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B](\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than the second, or \f[B]0\f[]
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]{\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
-or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second,
+or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B])\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
-\f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or
+\f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]}\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
-\f[B]1\f[R] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
-second, or \f[B]0\f[R] otherwise.
+\f[B]1\f[] is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the
+second, or \f[B]0\f[] otherwise.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]M\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If they are both non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
-If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is
+If they are both non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
+If either of them is zero, or both of them are, then a \f[B]0\f[] is
pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]&&\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]&&\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]m\f[]
The top two values are popped off of the stack.
-If at least one of them is non-zero, a \f[B]1\f[R] is pushed onto the
+If at least one of them is non\-zero, a \f[B]1\f[] is pushed onto the
-If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack.
+If both of them are zero, then a \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack.
-This is like the \f[B]||\f[R] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[R]
-a short-circuit operator.
+This is like the \f[B]||\f[] operator in bc(1), and it is \f[I]not\f[] a
+short\-circuit operator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-.SS Pseudo-Random Number Generator
+.SS Pseudo\-Random Number Generator
-dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator.
-These commands query the pseudo-random number generator.
-(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[R] value that
-controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
+dc(1) has a built\-in pseudo\-random number generator.
+These commands query the pseudo\-random number generator.
+(See Parameters for more information about the \f[B]seed\f[] value that
+controls the pseudo\-random number generator.)
-The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[R] be
+The pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to \f[B]NOT\f[] be
cryptographically secure.
-Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see
-the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section).
+.B \f[B]\[aq]\f[]
+Generates an integer between 0 and \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], inclusive (see
+the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[R]
+.B \f[B]"\f[]
+Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an \f[B]exclusive\f[]
upper bound on the integer that will be generated.
-If the bound is negative or is a non-integer, an error is raised, and
-dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) while \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If the bound is negative or is a non\-integer, an error is raised, and
+dc(1) resets (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) while \f[B]seed\f[]
remains unchanged.
-If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[R], the higher bound is
-honored by generating several pseudo-random integers, multiplying them
-by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[R], and adding them
+If the bound is larger than \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[], the higher bound is
+honored by generating several pseudo\-random integers, multiplying them
+by appropriate powers of \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX+1\f[], and adding them
Thus, the size of integer that can be generated with this command is
-Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[R], unless the
-operand is \f[B]0\f[R] or \f[B]1\f[R].
-In that case, \f[B]0\f[R] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[R]
-is \f[I]not\f[R] changed.
+Using this command will change the value of \f[B]seed\f[], unless the
+operand is \f[B]0\f[] or \f[B]1\f[].
+In that case, \f[B]0\f[] is pushed onto the stack, and \f[B]seed\f[] is
+\f[I]not\f[] changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
-limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
+limitations of the pseudo\-random number generator.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
-Removes all items from (\[lq]clears\[rq]) the stack.
+.B \f[B]c\f[]
+Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
-Copies the item on top of the stack (\[lq]duplicates\[rq]) and pushes
-the copy onto the stack.
+.B \f[B]d\f[]
+Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy
+onto the stack.
-Swaps (\[lq]reverses\[rq]) the two top items on the stack.
+.B \f[B]r\f[]
+Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
-Pops (\[lq]removes\[rq]) the top value from the stack.
+.B \f[B]R\f[]
+Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
.SS Register Control
-These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section).
+These commands control registers (see the \f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]s\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register
-Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[R] and pushes it onto the stack.
-This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[R].
+.B \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Copies the value in register \f[I]r\f[] and pushes it onto the stack.
+This does not alter the contents of \f[I]r\f[].
+.B \f[B]S\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the
-stack of register \f[I]r\f[R].
+stack of register \f[I]r\f[].
The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
-Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R] and
-push it onto the main stack.
-The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[R], if any, is now
-accessible via the \f[B]l\f[R]\f[I]r\f[R] command.
+.B \f[B]L\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
+Pops the value off the top of the stack for register \f[I]r\f[] and push
+it onto the main stack.
+The previous value in the stack for register \f[I]r\f[], if any, is now
+accessible via the \f[B]l\f[]\f[I]r\f[] command.
.SS Parameters
-These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[R], \f[B]obase\f[R],
-\f[B]scale\f[R], and \f[B]seed\f[R].
-Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[R] section.
+These commands control the values of \f[B]ibase\f[], \f[B]obase\f[],
+\f[B]scale\f[], and \f[B]seed\f[].
+Also see the \f[B]SYNTAX\f[] section.
+.B \f[B]i\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]ibase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]2\f[R] and \f[B]16\f[R],
+\f[B]ibase\f[], which must be between \f[B]2\f[] and \f[B]16\f[],
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]o\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]obase\f[R], which must be between \f[B]0\f[R] and
-\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[R], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section and
-the \f[B]NUMBERS\f[R] section).
+\f[B]obase\f[], which must be between \f[B]0\f[] and
+\f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[], inclusive (see the \f[B]LIMITS\f[] section and the
+\f[B]NUMBERS\f[] section).
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]k\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R], which must be non-negative.
+\f[B]scale\f[], which must be non\-negative.
-If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[R], the
-\f[I]scale\f[R] is ignored.
+If the value on top of the stack has any \f[I]scale\f[], the
+\f[I]scale\f[] is ignored.
+.B \f[B]j\f[]
Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set
-The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[R] is dependent on the current pseudo-random
+The meaning of \f[B]seed\f[] is dependent on the current pseudo\-random
number generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major
-The \f[I]scale\f[R] and sign of the value may be significant.
+The \f[I]scale\f[] and sign of the value may be significant.
-If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[R] value is used again, the
-pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
-sequence of pseudo-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[R]
+If a previously used \f[B]seed\f[] value is used again, the
+pseudo\-random number generator is guaranteed to produce the same
+sequence of pseudo\-random numbers as it did when the \f[B]seed\f[]
value was previously used.
-The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] is not guaranteed to be
-returned if the \f[B]J\f[R] command is used.
-However, if \f[B]seed\f[R] \f[I]does\f[R] return a different value, both
-values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R], are guaranteed to produce the
-same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
-This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R] will not
-produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
+The exact value assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] is not guaranteed to be
+returned if the \f[B]J\f[] command is used.
+However, if \f[B]seed\f[] \f[I]does\f[] return a different value, both
+values, when assigned to \f[B]seed\f[], are guaranteed to produce the
+same sequence of pseudo\-random numbers.
+This means that certain values assigned to \f[B]seed\f[] will not
+produce unique sequences of pseudo\-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits)
-or \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[R].
+or \f[I]scale\f[] of the value that can be assigned to \f[B]seed\f[].
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]I\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]O\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]K\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main stack.
-Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[R] onto the main stack.
+.B \f[B]J\f[]
+Pushes the current value of \f[B]seed\f[] onto the main stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]T\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]ibase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]U\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]obase\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[R] onto the main
+.B \f[B]V\f[]
+Pushes the maximum allowable value of \f[B]scale\f[] onto the main
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]W\f[]
Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the
-\f[B]\[cq]\f[R] pseudo-random number generator command.
+\f[B]\[aq]\f[] pseudo\-random number generator command.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
.SS Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section) can hold both strings and numbers.
dc(1) always knows whether the contents of a register are a string or a
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an
error if given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros.
-For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[R] is executed as a macro, then
-the code \f[B]1pR\f[R] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[R] will be
+For example, if the string \f[B][1pR]\f[] is executed as a macro, then
+the code \f[B]1pR\f[] is executed, meaning that the \f[B]1\f[] will be
printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
-Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[R] and pushes it onto the
+.B \f[B][\f[]\f[I]characters\f[]\f[B]]\f[]
+Makes a string containing \f[I]characters\f[] and pushes it onto the
-If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[R] and \f[B]]\f[R]) in the string, then
+If there are brackets (\f[B][\f[] and \f[B]]\f[]) in the string, then
they must be balanced.
-Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\[rs]\f[R])
+Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (\f[B]\\\f[])
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the
(first) backslash is not.
+.B \f[B]a\f[]
The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken.
-The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[R] is calculated.
-If that result is \f[B]0\f[R], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
-one-character string where the character is the result of the mod
+The result mod \f[B]UCHAR_MAX+1\f[] is calculated.
+If that result is \f[B]0\f[], push an empty string; otherwise, push a
+one\-character string where the character is the result of the mod
interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made.
If the original string is empty, the new string is empty.
If it is not, then the first character of the original string is used to
-create the new string as a one-character string.
+create the new string as a one\-character string.
The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]x\f[]
Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
-For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[R] will execute the contents of register
-\f[B]a\f[R], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[R] will not.
+For example, \f[B]0 1>a\f[] will execute the contents of register
+\f[B]a\f[], and \f[B]1 0>a\f[] will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!>\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is less than the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal
-to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+to), then the contents of register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!<\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register
-\f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+\f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them.
If the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of
-register \f[I]r\f[R] are executed.
+register \f[I]r\f[] are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[R] if the comparison
+.B \f[B]!=\f[]\f[I]r\f[]\f[B]e\f[]\f[I]s\f[]
+Like the above, but will execute register \f[I]s\f[] if the comparison
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an
-error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+error and reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
-This is a \f[B]non-portable extension\f[R].
+This is a \f[B]non\-portable extension\f[].
-Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[R] and executes it.
+.B \f[B]?\f[]
+Reads a line from the \f[B]stdin\f[] and executes it.
This is to allow macros to request input from users.
+.B \f[B]q\f[]
During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and
the execution of the macro that executed it.
If there are no macros, or only one macro executing, dc(1) exits.
-Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
+.B \f[B]Q\f[]
+Pops a value from the stack which must be non\-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack.
If the number of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing
macros, dc(1) exits.
.SS Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
+.B \f[B]Z\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits
it has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
+.B \f[B]X\f[]
Pops a value off of the stack.
-If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[R] of the value onto the
+If it is a number, pushes the \f[I]scale\f[] of the value onto the
-If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[R].
+If it is a string, pushes \f[B]0\f[].
+.B \f[B]z\f[]
Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
.SS Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
+.B \f[B]:\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the top two values off of the stack.
-The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]REGISTERS\f[R] section), indexed by the first value.
+The second value will be stored in the array \f[I]r\f[] (see the
+\f[B]REGISTERS\f[] section), indexed by the first value.
+.B \f[B];\f[]\f[I]r\f[]
Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the
-array \f[I]r\f[R].
+array \f[I]r\f[].
The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays.
(Number/string registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is
the top of the stack for the register.
-All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[R]) in
+All registers, when first referenced, have one value (\f[B]0\f[]) in
their stack.
-In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
+In non\-extended register mode, a register name is just the single
character that follows any command that needs a register name.
-The only exception is a newline (\f[B]`\[rs]n'\f[R]); it is a parse
+The only exception is a newline (\f[B]\[aq]\\n\[aq]\f[]); it is a parse
error for a newline to be used as a register name.
.SS Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly
unlimited amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
-If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]-x\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[en]extended-register\f[R] command-line arguments are given), then
-normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[R] the
-character immediately following a command that needs a register name is
-a space (according to \f[B]isspace()\f[R]) and not a newline
+If extended register mode is enabled (\f[B]\-x\f[] or
+\f[B]\-\-extended\-register\f[] command\-line arguments are given), then
+normal single character registers are used \f[I]unless\f[] the character
+immediately following a command that needs a register name is a space
+(according to \f[B]isspace()\f[]) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
-\f[B][a-z][a-z0-9_]*\f[R] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
-error if the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
+\f[B][a\-z][a\-z0\-9_]*\f[] (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse
+error if the next non\-space characters do not match that regex.
-When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default
+When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non\-default
handler for, it resets.
This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages.
Then the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute
(after all macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error
-(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[R] section), it asks for more input;
+(see the \f[B]EXIT STATUS\f[] section), it asks for more input;
otherwise, it exits with the appropriate return code.
-Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[R] types to calculate the
-value of \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
+Most dc(1) implementations use \f[B]char\f[] types to calculate the
+value of \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow.
This dc(1) does something different.
-It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[R] decimal digit
+It uses large integers to calculate more than \f[B]1\f[] decimal digit
at a time.
-If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] (see the
-\f[B]LIMITS\f[R] section) is \f[B]64\f[R], then each integer has
-\f[B]9\f[R] decimal digits.
-If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R] is \f[B]32\f[R]
-then each integer has \f[B]4\f[R] decimal digits.
+If built in a environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] (see the
+\f[B]LIMITS\f[] section) is \f[B]64\f[], then each integer has
+\f[B]9\f[] decimal digits.
+If built in an environment where \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[] is \f[B]32\f[]
+then each integer has \f[B]4\f[] decimal digits.
This value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow
-This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R], but is
+This integer type depends on the value of \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[], but is
always at least twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
-The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[R] type in the environment where
+.B \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[]
+The number of bits in the \f[B]long\f[] type in the environment where
dc(1) was built.
This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single large
-integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
+integer (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]
The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the
-\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R] section).
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+\f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[] section).
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[]
The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
-\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R]) plus \f[B]1\f[R].
-Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[R].
+\f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[]) plus \f[B]1\f[].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_BASE_DIGS\f[].
-The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[R]
+The max number that the overflow type (see the \f[B]PERFORMANCE\f[]
section) can hold.
-Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[R].
+Depends on \f[B]DC_LONG_BIT\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_BASE_MAX\f[]
The maximum output base.
-Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_BASE_POW\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_DIM_MAX\f[]
The maximum size of arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum \f[B]scale\f[R].
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+.B \f[B]DC_SCALE_MAX\f[]
+The maximum \f[B]scale\f[].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_STRING_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of strings.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NAME_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of identifiers.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_NUM_MAX\f[]
The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes
digits after the decimal point.
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\-1\f[].
-The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] command,
+.B \f[B]DC_RAND_MAX\f[]
+The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the \f[B]\[aq]\f[] command,
if dc(1).
-Set at \f[B]2\[ha]DC_LONG_BIT-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]2^DC_LONG_BIT\-1\f[].
+.B Exponent
The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative).
-Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]DC_OVERFLOW_MAX\f[].
-Number of vars
+.B Number of vars
The maximum number of vars/arrays.
-Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX-1\f[R].
+Set at \f[B]SIZE_MAX\-1\f[].
-These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so
-large (at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point
-at which they become a problem.
+These limits are meant to be effectively non\-existent; the limits are
+so large (at least on 64\-bit machines) that there should not be any
+point at which they become a problem.
In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
-This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1).
-They should be in the same format as all other command-line arguments.
+.B \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[]
+This is another way to give command\-line arguments to dc(1).
+They should be in the same format as all other command\-line arguments.
These are always processed first, so any files given in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will be processed before arguments and files given
-on the command-line.
-This gives the user the ability to set up \[lq]standard\[rq] options and
-files to be used at every invocation.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will be processed before arguments and files given
+on the command\-line.
+This gives the user the ability to set up "standard" options and files
+to be used at every invocation.
The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs.
-Another use would be to use the \f[B]-e\f[R] option to set
-\f[B]scale\f[R] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[R].
+Another use would be to use the \f[B]\-e\f[] option to set
+\f[B]scale\f[] to a value other than \f[B]0\f[].
-The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] will correctly handle quoted
+The code that parses \f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] will correctly handle quoted
arguments, but it does not understand escape sequences.
-For example, the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some dc file.dc\[rq]\f[R]
-will be correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]\[lq]/home/gavin/some
-\[dq]dc\[dq] file.dc\[rq]\f[R] will include the backslashes.
+For example, the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"\f[] will be
+correctly parsed, but the string \f[B]"/home/gavin/some "dc"
+file.dc"\f[] will include the backslashes.
-The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[cq]\f[R] or
-\f[B]\[lq]\f[R]. Thus, if you have a file with any number of single
-quotes in the name, you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as
-in \f[B]\[rq]some `bc' file.bc\[dq]\f[R], and vice versa if you have a
-file with double quotes.
+The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, \f[B]\[aq]\f[] or
+Thus, if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name,
+you can use double quotes as the outside quotes, as in \f[B]"some
+\[aq]bc\[aq] file.bc"\f[], and vice versa if you have a file with double
However, handling a file with both kinds of quotes in
-\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[R] is not supported due to the complexity of the
-parsing, though such files are still supported on the command-line where
-the parsing is done by the shell.
+\f[B]DC_ENV_ARGS\f[] is not supported due to the complexity of the
+parsing, though such files are still supported on the command\-line
+where the parsing is done by the shell.
If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is
-greater than \f[B]1\f[R] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[R]
-(\f[B]2\[ha]16-1\f[R]), dc(1) will output lines to that length,
-including the backslash newline combo.
-The default line length is \f[B]70\f[R].
+greater than \f[B]1\f[] and is less than \f[B]UINT16_MAX\f[]
+(\f[B]2^16\-1\f[]), dc(1) will output lines to that length, including
+the backslash newline combo.
+The default line length is \f[B]70\f[].
+.B \f[B]DC_EXPR_EXIT\f[]
If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the
-\f[B]-e\f[R] and/or \f[B]-f\f[R] command-line options (and any
+\f[B]\-e\f[] and/or \f[B]\-f\f[] command\-line options (and any
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
+.B \f[B]0\f[]
No error.
+.B \f[B]1\f[]
A math error occurred.
-This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[R] for expected errors,
+This follows standard practice of using \f[B]1\f[] for expected errors,
since math errors will happen in the process of normal execution.
-Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[R], taking the square root of a
+Math errors include divide by \f[B]0\f[], taking the square root of a
negative number, using a negative number as a bound for the
-pseudo-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
+pseudo\-random number generator, attempting to convert a negative number
to a hardware integer, overflow when converting a number to a hardware
-integer, and attempting to use a non-integer where an integer is
+integer, and attempting to use a non\-integer where an integer is
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the
-power (\f[B]\[ha]\f[R]), places (\f[B]\[at]\f[R]), left shift
-(\f[B]H\f[R]), and right shift (\f[B]h\f[R]) operators.
+power (\f[B]^\f[]), places (\f[B]\@\f[]), left shift (\f[B]H\f[]), and
+right shift (\f[B]h\f[]) operators.
+.B \f[B]2\f[]
A parse error occurred.
-Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[R], using an invalid
+Parse errors include unexpected \f[B]EOF\f[], using an invalid
character, failing to find the end of a string or comment, and using a
token where it is invalid.
+.B \f[B]3\f[]
A runtime error occurred.
-Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[R],
-\f[B]obase\f[R], or \f[B]scale\f[R]; give a bad expression to a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[R] inside of a
-\f[B]read()\f[R] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
+Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to \f[B]ibase\f[],
+\f[B]obase\f[], or \f[B]scale\f[]; give a bad expression to a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, calling \f[B]read()\f[] inside of a
+\f[B]read()\f[] call, type errors, and attempting an operation when the
stack has too few elements.
+.B \f[B]4\f[]
A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to
open files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII
characters (dc(1) only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a
-directory as a file, and giving invalid command-line options.
+directory as a file, and giving invalid command\-line options.
-The exit status \f[B]4\f[R] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
-always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[R], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
+The exit status \f[B]4\f[] is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1)
+always exits and returns \f[B]4\f[], no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in
-interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[R] section), since
-dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section) and accepts
-more input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
+interactive mode (see the \f[B]INTERACTIVE MODE\f[] section), since
+dc(1) resets its state (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section) and accepts more
+input when one of those errors occurs in interactive mode.
This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the
-\f[B]-i\f[R] flag or \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option.
+\f[B]\-i\f[] flag or \f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option.
-Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
-Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[R]
-and \f[B]stdout\f[R] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]-i\f[R] flag
-and \f[B]\[en]interactive\f[R] option can turn it on in other cases.
+Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non\-interactive mode.
+Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both \f[B]stdin\f[] and
+\f[B]stdout\f[] are hooked to a terminal, but the \f[B]\-i\f[] flag and
+\f[B]\-\-interactive\f[] option can turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the
-\f[B]RESET\f[R] section), and in normal execution, flushes
-\f[B]stdout\f[R] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
+\f[B]RESET\f[] section), and in normal execution, flushes
+\f[B]stdout\f[] as soon as execution is done for the current input.
-If \f[B]stdin\f[R], \f[B]stdout\f[R], and \f[B]stderr\f[R] are all
-connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on \[lq]TTY mode.\[rq]
+If \f[B]stdin\f[], \f[B]stdout\f[], and \f[B]stderr\f[] are all
+connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the \f[B]COMMAND
-LINE HISTORY\f[R] section).
-It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[R]
+LINE HISTORY\f[] section).
+It is also required to enable special handling for \f[B]SIGINT\f[]
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is
required in the bc(1)
specification (,
-and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[R] and \f[B]stdout\f[R]
-to be connected to a terminal.
+and interactive mode requires only \f[B]stdin\f[] and \f[B]stdout\f[] to
+be connected to a terminal.
-Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
+Sending a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the
current input.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), it will
-reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[R] section).
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), it will
+reset (see the \f[B]RESET\f[] section).
Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
-Note that \[lq]current input\[rq] can mean one of two things.
-If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] in TTY mode, it will
+Note that "current input" can mean one of two things.
+If dc(1) is processing input from \f[B]stdin\f[] in TTY mode, it will
ask for more input.
If dc(1) is processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop
processing the file and start processing the next file, if one exists,
-or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[R] if no other file exists.
+or ask for input from \f[B]stdin\f[] if no other file exists.
-This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[R] is sent to dc(1) as it is
-executing a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the
-signal since it will immediately start executing the next file.
+This means that if a \f[B]SIGINT\f[] is sent to dc(1) as it is executing
+a file, it can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since
+it will immediately start executing the next file.
This is by design; most files that users execute when interacting with
dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file.
The rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing
the user to continue.
-\f[B]SIGTERM\f[R] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[R] cause dc(1) to clean up and
-exit, and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
-The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R]; in that case, when dc(1) is in
-TTY mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[R] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
+\f[B]SIGTERM\f[] and \f[B]SIGQUIT\f[] cause dc(1) to clean up and exit,
+and it uses the default handler for all other signals.
+The one exception is \f[B]SIGHUP\f[]; in that case, when dc(1) is in TTY
+mode, a \f[B]SIGHUP\f[] will cause dc(1) to clean up and exit.
-dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing.
-If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[R] section), history is
+dc(1) supports interactive command\-line editing.
+If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the \f[B]TTY MODE\f[] section), history is
Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.
-\f[B]Note\f[R]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
+\f[B]Note\f[]: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different
-locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[R].
+locales and thus, supports \f[B]LC_MESSAGS\f[].
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the
-bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
-(\[lq]POSIX.1-2017\[rq]) (
+bc(1) IEEE Std 1003.1\-2017
+(“POSIX.1\-2017”) (
None are known.
Report bugs at
Gavin D.
-Howard <> and contributors.
+Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/dc/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1190 +1,1189 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
: This option is a no-op.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/manuals/
--- vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/manuals/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1258 +1,1257 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Name
-dc - arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
+dc - arbitrary-precision reverse-Polish notation calculator
**dc** [**-hiPvVx**] [**--version**] [**--help**] [**--interactive**] [**--no-prompt**] [**--extended-register**] [**-e** *expr*] [**--expression**=*expr*...] [**-f** *file*...] [**-file**=*file*...] [*file*...]
dc(1) is an arbitrary-precision calculator. It uses a stack (reverse Polish
notation) to store numbers and results of computations. Arithmetic operations
pop arguments off of the stack and push the results.
If no files are given on the command-line as extra arguments (i.e., not as
**-f** or **--file** arguments), then dc(1) reads from **stdin**. Otherwise,
those files are processed, and dc(1) will then exit.
This is different from the dc(1) on OpenBSD and possibly other dc(1)
implementations, where **-e** (**--expression**) and **-f** (**--file**)
arguments cause dc(1) to execute them and exit. The reason for this is that this
dc(1) allows users to set arguments in the environment variable **DC_ENV_ARGS**
(see the **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** section). Any expressions given on the
command-line should be used to set up a standard environment. For example, if a
user wants the **scale** always set to **10**, they can set **DC_ENV_ARGS** to
**-e 10k**, and this dc(1) will always start with a **scale** of **10**.
If users want to have dc(1) exit after processing all input from **-e** and
**-f** arguments (and their equivalents), then they can just simply add **-e q**
as the last command-line argument or define the environment variable
The following are the options that dc(1) accepts.
**-h**, **--help**
: Prints a usage message and quits.
**-v**, **-V**, **--version**
: Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.
**-i**, **--interactive**
: Forces interactive mode. (See the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section.)
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-P**, **--no-prompt**
{{ A E H N EH EN HN EHN }}
: Disables the prompt in TTY mode. (The prompt is only enabled in TTY mode.
See the **TTY MODE** section) This is mostly for those users that do not
want a prompt or are not used to having them in dc(1). Most of those users
would want to put this option in **DC_ENV_ARGS**.
{{ end }}
: This option is a no-op.
{{ end }}
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-x** **--extended-register**
: Enables extended register mode. See the *Extended Register Mode* subsection
of the **REGISTERS** section for more information.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-e** *expr*, **--expression**=*expr*
: Evaluates *expr*. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in
order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are
evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an
expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
**-f** *file*, **--file**=*file*
: Reads in *file* and evaluates it, line by line, as though it were read
through **stdin**. If expressions are also given (see above), the
expressions are evaluated in the order given.
After processing all expressions and files, dc(1) will exit, unless **-**
(**stdin**) was given as an argument at least once to **-f** or **--file**.
However, if any other **-e**, **--expression**, **-f**, or **--file**
arguments are given after that, bc(1) will give a fatal error and exit.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
All long options are **non-portable extensions**.
Any non-error output is written to **stdout**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stdout**, so if
**stdout** is closed, as in **dc <file> >&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can report problems when **stdout** is redirected to a
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stdout** to
Any error output is written to **stderr**.
**Note**: Unlike other dc(1) implementations, this dc(1) will issue a fatal
error (see the **EXIT STATUS** section) if it cannot write to **stderr**, so if
**stderr** is closed, as in **dc <file> 2>&-**, it will quit with an error. This
is done so that dc(1) can exit with an error code when **stderr** is redirected
to a file.
If there are scripts that depend on the behavior of other dc(1) implementations,
it is recommended that those scripts be changed to redirect **stderr** to
Each item in the input source code, either a number (see the **NUMBERS**
section) or a command (see the **COMMANDS** section), is processed and executed,
in order. Input is processed immediately when entered.
**ibase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
interpret constant numbers. It is the "input" base, or the number base used for
interpreting input numbers. **ibase** is initially **10**. The max allowable
value for **ibase** is **16**. The min allowable value for **ibase** is **2**.
The max allowable value for **ibase** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the
**T** command.
**obase** is a register (see the **REGISTERS** section) that determines how to
output results. It is the "output" base, or the number base used for outputting
numbers. **obase** is initially **10**. The max allowable value for **obase** is
**DC_BASE_MAX** and can be queried with the **U** command. The min allowable
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
value for **obase** is **0**. If **obase** is **0**, values are output in
scientific notation, and if **obase** is **1**, values are output in engineering
notation. Otherwise, values are output in the specified base.
Outputting in scientific and engineering notations are **non-portable
{{ end }}
value for **obase** is **2**. Values are output in the specified base.
{{ end }}
The *scale* of an expression is the number of digits in the result of the
expression right of the decimal point, and **scale** is a register (see the
**REGISTERS** section) that sets the precision of any operations (with
exceptions). **scale** is initially **0**. **scale** cannot be negative. The max
allowable value for **scale** can be queried in dc(1) programs with the **V**
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
**seed** is a register containing the current seed for the pseudo-random number
generator. If the current value of **seed** is queried and stored, then if it is
assigned to **seed** later, the pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to
produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers that were generated after the
value of **seed** was first queried.
Multiple values assigned to **seed** can produce the same sequence of
pseudo-random numbers. Likewise, when a value is assigned to **seed**, it is not
guaranteed that querying **seed** immediately after will return the same value.
In addition, the value of **seed** will change after any call to the **'**
command or the **"** command that does not get receive a value of **0** or
**1**. The maximum integer returned by the **'** command can be queried with the
**W** command.
**Note**: The values returned by the pseudo-random number generator with the
**'** and **"** commands are guaranteed to **NOT** be cryptographically secure.
This is a consequence of using a seeded pseudo-random number generator. However,
they **are** guaranteed to be reproducible with identical **seed** values.
The pseudo-random number generator, **seed**, and all associated operations are
**non-portable extensions**.
{{ end }}
## Comments
Comments go from **#** until, and not including, the next newline. This is a
**non-portable extension**.
Numbers are strings made up of digits, uppercase letters up to **F**, and at
most **1** period for a radix. Numbers can have up to **DC_NUM_MAX** digits.
Uppercase letters are equal to **9** + their position in the alphabet (i.e.,
**A** equals **10**, or **9+1**). If a digit or letter makes no sense with the
current value of **ibase**, they are set to the value of the highest valid digit
in **ibase**.
Single-character numbers (i.e., **A** alone) take the value that they would have
if they were valid digits, regardless of the value of **ibase**. This means that
**A** alone always equals decimal **10** and **F** alone always equals decimal
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
In addition, dc(1) accepts numbers in scientific notation. These have the form
-**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The exponent (the portion after the **e**) must be
-an integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**.
-Negative exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
+**\<number\>e\<integer\>**. The power (the portion after the **e**) must be an
+integer. An example is **1.89237e9**, which is equal to **1892370000**. Negative
+exponents are also allowed, so **4.2890e_3** is equal to **0.0042890**.
**WARNING**: Both the number and the exponent in scientific notation are
interpreted according to the current **ibase**, but the number is still
multiplied by **10\^exponent** regardless of the current **ibase**. For example,
if **ibase** is **16** and dc(1) is given the number string **FFeA**, the
resulting decimal number will be **2550000000000**, and if dc(1) is given the
number string **10e_4**, the resulting decimal number will be **0.0016**.
Accepting input as scientific notation is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
The valid commands are listed below.
## Printing
These commands are used for printing.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
Note that both scientific notation and engineering notation are available for
printing numbers. Scientific notation is activated by assigning **0** to
**obase** using **0o**, and engineering notation is activated by assigning **1**
to **obase** using **1o**. To deactivate them, just assign a different value to
Printing numbers in scientific notation and/or engineering notation is a
**non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and prints a
newline after.
This does not alter the stack.
: Prints the value on top of the stack, whether number or string, and pops it
off of the stack.
: Pops a value off the stack.
If the value is a number, it is truncated and the absolute value of the
result is printed as though **obase** is **UCHAR_MAX+1** and each digit is
interpreted as an ASCII character, making it a byte stream.
If the value is a string, it is printed without a trailing newline.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Prints the entire contents of the stack, in order from newest to oldest,
without altering anything.
Users should use this command when they get lost.
## Arithmetic
These are the commands used for arithmetic.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, added, and the result is pushed
onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max *scale* of
both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to the max
*scale* of both operands.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. If **a** is the *scale* of the first expression and
**b** is the *scale* of the second expression, the *scale* of the result
is equal to **min(a+b,max(scale,a,b))** where **min()** and **max()** return
the obvious values.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided, and the result is
pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to **scale**.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, remaindered, and the result is
pushed onto the stack.
Remaindering is equivalent to 1) Computing **a/b** to current **scale**, and
2) Using the result of step 1 to calculate **a-(a/b)\*b** to *scale*
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, divided and remaindered, and
the results (divided first, remainder second) are pushed onto the stack.
This is equivalent to **x y / x y %** except that **x** and **y** are only
evaluated once.
The first value popped off of the stack must be non-zero.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, the second is raised to the
- power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of
- the result is equal to **scale**.
+ power of the first, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer, and if that
value is negative, the second value popped off of the stack must be
: The top value is popped off the stack, its square root is computed, and the
result is pushed onto the stack. The *scale* of the result is equal to
The value popped off of the stack must be non-negative.
: If this command *immediately* precedes a number (i.e., no spaces or other
commands), then that number is input as a negative number.
Otherwise, the top value on the stack is popped and copied, and the copy is
negated and pushed onto the stack. This behavior without a number is a
**non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off the stack, and if it is zero, it is pushed back
onto the stack. Otherwise, its absolute value is pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top three values are popped off the stack, a modular exponentiation is
computed, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
The first value popped is used as the reduction modulus and must be an
integer and non-zero. The second value popped is used as the exponent and
must be an integer and non-negative. The third value popped is the base and
must be an integer.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: The top value is popped off the stack and copied, and the copy is truncated
and pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the precision of the second
is set to the value of the first, whether by truncation or extension.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted left
(radix shifted right) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off the stack, and the second is shifted right
(radix shifted left) to the value of the first.
The first value popped off of the stack must be an integer and non-negative.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if they are equal, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top value is popped off of the stack, and if it a **0**, a **1** is
pushed; otherwise, a **0** is pushed.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is less than or equal to the second, or **0**
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than the second, or **0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack, they are compared, and a
**1** is pushed if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or
**0** otherwise.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If they are both non-zero, a
**1** is pushed onto the stack. If either of them is zero, or both of them
are, then a **0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **&&** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: The top two values are popped off of the stack. If at least one of them is
non-zero, a **1** is pushed onto the stack. If both of them are zero, then a
**0** is pushed onto the stack.
This is like the **||** operator in bc(1), and it is *not* a short-circuit
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
## Pseudo-Random Number Generator
dc(1) has a built-in pseudo-random number generator. These commands query the
pseudo-random number generator. (See Parameters for more information about the
**seed** value that controls the pseudo-random number generator.)
The pseudo-random number generator is guaranteed to **NOT** be
cryptographically secure.
: Generates an integer between 0 and **DC_RAND_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the stack, which is used as an **exclusive** upper bound
on the integer that will be generated. If the bound is negative or is a
non-integer, an error is raised, and dc(1) resets (see the **RESET**
section) while **seed** remains unchanged. If the bound is larger than
**DC_RAND_MAX**, the higher bound is honored by generating several
pseudo-random integers, multiplying them by appropriate powers of
**DC_RAND_MAX+1**, and adding them together. Thus, the size of integer that
can be generated with this command is unbounded. Using this command will
change the value of **seed**, unless the operand is **0** or **1**. In that
case, **0** is pushed onto the stack, and **seed** is *not* changed.
The generated integer is made as unbiased as possible, subject to the
limitations of the pseudo-random number generator.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
## Stack Control
These commands control the stack.
: Removes all items from ("clears") the stack.
: Copies the item on top of the stack ("duplicates") and pushes the copy onto
the stack.
: Swaps ("reverses") the two top items on the stack.
: Pops ("removes") the top value from the stack.
## Register Control
These commands control registers (see the **REGISTERS** section).
: Pops the value off the top of the stack and stores it into register *r*.
: Copies the value in register *r* and pushes it onto the stack. This does not
alter the contents of *r*.
: Pops the value off the top of the (main) stack and pushes it onto the stack
of register *r*. The previous value of the register becomes inaccessible.
: Pops the value off the top of the stack for register *r* and push it onto
the main stack. The previous value in the stack for register *r*, if any, is
now accessible via the **l***r* command.
## Parameters
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, **scale**, and
**seed**. Also see the **SYNTAX** section.
{{ end }}
These commands control the values of **ibase**, **obase**, and **scale**. Also
see the **SYNTAX** section.
{{ end }}
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **ibase**,
which must be between **2** and **16**, inclusive.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **obase**,
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
which must be between **0** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section and the **NUMBERS** section).
{{ end }}
which must be between **2** and **DC_BASE_MAX**, inclusive (see the
**LIMITS** section).
{{ end }}
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **scale**,
which must be non-negative.
If the value on top of the stack has any *scale*, the *scale* is ignored.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: Pops the value off of the top of the stack and uses it to set **seed**. The
meaning of **seed** is dependent on the current pseudo-random number
generator but is guaranteed to not change except for new major versions.
The *scale* and sign of the value may be significant.
If a previously used **seed** value is used again, the pseudo-random number
generator is guaranteed to produce the same sequence of pseudo-random
numbers as it did when the **seed** value was previously used.
The exact value assigned to **seed** is not guaranteed to be returned if the
**J** command is used. However, if **seed** *does* return a different value,
both values, when assigned to **seed**, are guaranteed to produce the same
sequence of pseudo-random numbers. This means that certain values assigned
to **seed** will not produce unique sequences of pseudo-random numbers.
There is no limit to the length (number of significant decimal digits) or
*scale* of the value that can be assigned to **seed**.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
: Pushes the current value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **obase** onto the main stack.
: Pushes the current value of **scale** onto the main stack.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: Pushes the current value of **seed** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **ibase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **obase** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pushes the maximum allowable value of **scale** onto the main stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: Pushes the maximum (inclusive) integer that can be generated with the **'**
pseudo-random number generator command.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
{{ end }}
## Strings
The following commands control strings.
dc(1) can work with both numbers and strings, and registers (see the
**REGISTERS** section) can hold both strings and numbers. dc(1) always knows
whether the contents of a register are a string or a number.
While arithmetic operations have to have numbers, and will print an error if
given a string, other commands accept strings.
Strings can also be executed as macros. For example, if the string **[1pR]** is
executed as a macro, then the code **1pR** is executed, meaning that the **1**
will be printed with a newline after and then popped from the stack.
: Makes a string containing *characters* and pushes it onto the stack.
If there are brackets (**\[** and **\]**) in the string, then they must be
balanced. Unbalanced brackets can be escaped using a backslash (**\\**)
If there is a backslash character in the string, the character after it
(even another backslash) is put into the string verbatim, but the (first)
backslash is not.
: The value on top of the stack is popped.
If it is a number, it is truncated and its absolute value is taken. The
result mod **UCHAR_MAX+1** is calculated. If that result is **0**, push an
empty string; otherwise, push a one-character string where the character is
the result of the mod interpreted as an ASCII character.
If it is a string, then a new string is made. If the original string is
empty, the new string is empty. If it is not, then the first character of
the original string is used to create the new string as a one-character
string. The new string is then pushed onto the stack.
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops a value off of the top of the stack.
If it is a number, it is pushed back onto the stack.
If it is a string, it is executed as a macro.
This behavior is the norm whenever a macro is executed, whether by this
command or by the conditional execution commands below.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is greater than the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
For example, **0 1>a** will execute the contents of register **a**, and
**1 0>a** will not.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not greater than the second (less than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is less than the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not less than the second (greater than or equal to), then
the contents of register *r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is equal to the second, then the contents of register *r*
are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Pops two values off of the stack that must be numbers and compares them. If
the first value is not equal to the second, then the contents of register
*r* are executed.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
: Like the above, but will execute register *s* if the comparison fails.
If either or both of the values are not numbers, dc(1) will raise an error
and reset (see the **RESET** section).
This is a **non-portable extension**.
: Reads a line from the **stdin** and executes it. This is to allow macros to
request input from users.
: During execution of a macro, this exits the execution of that macro and the
execution of the macro that executed it. If there are no macros, or only one
macro executing, dc(1) exits.
: Pops a value from the stack which must be non-negative and is used the
number of macro executions to pop off of the execution stack. If the number
of levels to pop is greater than the number of executing macros, dc(1)
## Status
These commands query status of the stack or its top value.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, calculates the number of significant decimal digits it
has and pushes the result.
If it is a string, pushes the number of characters the string has.
: Pops a value off of the stack.
If it is a number, pushes the *scale* of the value onto the stack.
If it is a string, pushes **0**.
: Pushes the current stack depth (before execution of this command).
## Arrays
These commands manipulate arrays.
: Pops the top two values off of the stack. The second value will be stored in
the array *r* (see the **REGISTERS** section), indexed by the first value.
: Pops the value on top of the stack and uses it as an index into the array
*r*. The selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
Registers are names that can store strings, numbers, and arrays. (Number/string
registers do not interfere with array registers.)
Each register is also its own stack, so the current register value is the top of
the stack for the register. All registers, when first referenced, have one value
(**0**) in their stack.
In non-extended register mode, a register name is just the single character that
follows any command that needs a register name. The only exception is a newline
(**'\\n'**); it is a parse error for a newline to be used as a register name.
## Extended Register Mode
Unlike most other dc(1) implentations, this dc(1) provides nearly unlimited
amounts of registers, if extended register mode is enabled.
If extended register mode is enabled (**-x** or **--extended-register**
command-line arguments are given), then normal single character registers are
used *unless* the character immediately following a command that needs a
register name is a space (according to **isspace()**) and not a newline
In that case, the register name is found according to the regex
**\[a-z\]\[a-z0-9\_\]\*** (like bc(1) identifiers), and it is a parse error if
the next non-space characters do not match that regex.
When dc(1) encounters an error or a signal that it has a non-default handler
for, it resets. This means that several things happen.
First, any macros that are executing are stopped and popped off the stack.
The behavior is not unlike that of exceptions in programming languages. Then
the execution point is set so that any code waiting to execute (after all
macros returned) is skipped.
Thus, when dc(1) resets, it skips any remaining code waiting to be executed.
Then, if it is interactive mode, and the error was not a fatal error (see the
**EXIT STATUS** section), it asks for more input; otherwise, it exits with the
appropriate return code.
Most dc(1) implementations use **char** types to calculate the value of **1**
decimal digit at a time, but that can be slow. This dc(1) does something
It uses large integers to calculate more than **1** decimal digit at a time. If
built in a environment where **DC_LONG_BIT** (see the **LIMITS** section) is
**64**, then each integer has **9** decimal digits. If built in an environment
where **DC_LONG_BIT** is **32** then each integer has **4** decimal digits. This
value (the number of decimal digits per large integer) is called
In addition, this dc(1) uses an even larger integer for overflow checking. This
integer type depends on the value of **DC_LONG_BIT**, but is always at least
twice as large as the integer type used to store digits.
The following are the limits on dc(1):
: The number of bits in the **long** type in the environment where dc(1) was
built. This determines how many decimal digits can be stored in a single
large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE** section).
: The number of decimal digits per large integer (see the **PERFORMANCE**
section). Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The max decimal number that each large integer can store (see
**DC_BASE_DIGS**) plus **1**. Depends on **DC_BASE_DIGS**.
: The max number that the overflow type (see the **PERFORMANCE** section) can
hold. Depends on **DC_LONG_BIT**.
: The maximum output base. Set at **DC_BASE_POW**.
: The maximum size of arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
: The maximum **scale**. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of strings. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of identifiers. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
: The maximum length of a number (in decimal digits), which includes digits
after the decimal point. Set at **DC_OVERFLOW_MAX-1**.
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
: The maximum integer (inclusive) returned by the **'** command, if dc(1). Set
at **2\^DC_LONG_BIT-1**.
{{ end }}
: The maximum allowable exponent (positive or negative). Set at
Number of vars
: The maximum number of vars/arrays. Set at **SIZE_MAX-1**.
These limits are meant to be effectively non-existent; the limits are so large
(at least on 64-bit machines) that there should not be any point at which they
become a problem. In fact, memory should be exhausted before these limits should
be hit.
dc(1) recognizes the following environment variables:
: This is another way to give command-line arguments to dc(1). They should be
in the same format as all other command-line arguments. These are always
processed first, so any files given in **DC_ENV_ARGS** will be processed
before arguments and files given on the command-line. This gives the user
the ability to set up "standard" options and files to be used at every
invocation. The most useful thing for such files to contain would be useful
functions that the user might want every time dc(1) runs. Another use would
be to use the **-e** option to set **scale** to a value other than **0**.
The code that parses **DC_ENV_ARGS** will correctly handle quoted arguments,
but it does not understand escape sequences. For example, the string
**"/home/gavin/some dc file.dc"** will be correctly parsed, but the string
**"/home/gavin/some \"dc\" file.dc"** will include the backslashes.
The quote parsing will handle either kind of quotes, **'** or **"**. Thus,
if you have a file with any number of single quotes in the name, you can use
double quotes as the outside quotes, as in **"some 'bc' file.bc"**, and vice
versa if you have a file with double quotes. However, handling a file with
both kinds of quotes in **DC_ENV_ARGS** is not supported due to the
complexity of the parsing, though such files are still supported on the
command-line where the parsing is done by the shell.
: If this environment variable exists and contains an integer that is greater
than **1** and is less than **UINT16_MAX** (**2\^16-1**), dc(1) will output
lines to that length, including the backslash newline combo. The default
line length is **70**.
: If this variable exists (no matter the contents), dc(1) will exit
immediately after executing expressions and files given by the **-e** and/or
**-f** command-line options (and any equivalents).
dc(1) returns the following exit statuses:
: No error.
: A math error occurred. This follows standard practice of using **1** for
expected errors, since math errors will happen in the process of normal
Math errors include divide by **0**, taking the square root of a negative
{{ A H N P HN HP NP HNP }}
number, using a negative number as a bound for the pseudo-random number
generator, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**), places (**\@**), left shift (**H**), and right shift (**h**)
{{ end }}
number, attempting to convert a negative number to a hardware integer,
overflow when converting a number to a hardware integer, and attempting to
use a non-integer where an integer is required.
Converting to a hardware integer happens for the second operand of the power
(**\^**) operator.
{{ end }}
: A parse error occurred.
Parse errors include unexpected **EOF**, using an invalid character, failing
to find the end of a string or comment, and using a token where it is
: A runtime error occurred.
Runtime errors include assigning an invalid number to **ibase**, **obase**,
or **scale**; give a bad expression to a **read()** call, calling **read()**
inside of a **read()** call, type errors, and attempting an operation when
the stack has too few elements.
: A fatal error occurred.
Fatal errors include memory allocation errors, I/O errors, failing to open
files, attempting to use files that do not have only ASCII characters (dc(1)
only accepts ASCII characters), attempting to open a directory as a file,
and giving invalid command-line options.
The exit status **4** is special; when a fatal error occurs, dc(1) always exits
and returns **4**, no matter what mode dc(1) is in.
The other statuses will only be returned when dc(1) is not in interactive mode
(see the **INTERACTIVE MODE** section), since dc(1) resets its state (see the
**RESET** section) and accepts more input when one of those errors occurs in
interactive mode. This is also the case when interactive mode is forced by the
**-i** flag or **--interactive** option.
These exit statuses allow dc(1) to be used in shell scripting with error
checking, and its normal behavior can be forced by using the **-i** flag or
**--interactive** option.
Like bc(1), dc(1) has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode.
Interactive mode is turned on automatically when both **stdin** and **stdout**
are hooked to a terminal, but the **-i** flag and **--interactive** option can
turn it on in other cases.
In interactive mode, dc(1) attempts to recover from errors (see the **RESET**
section), and in normal execution, flushes **stdout** as soon as execution is
done for the current input.
If **stdin**, **stdout**, and **stderr** are all connected to a TTY, dc(1) turns
on "TTY mode."
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
TTY mode is required for history to be enabled (see the **COMMAND LINE HISTORY**
section). It is also required to enable special handling for **SIGINT** signals.
{{ end }}
{{ A E H N EH EN HN EHN }}
The prompt is enabled in TTY mode.
{{ end }}
TTY mode is different from interactive mode because interactive mode is required
in the [bc(1) specification][1], and interactive mode requires only **stdin**
and **stdout** to be connected to a terminal.
Sending a **SIGINT** will cause dc(1) to stop execution of the current input. If
dc(1) is in TTY mode (see the **TTY MODE** section), it will reset (see the
**RESET** section). Otherwise, it will clean up and exit.
Note that "current input" can mean one of two things. If dc(1) is processing
input from **stdin** in TTY mode, it will ask for more input. If dc(1) is
processing input from a file in TTY mode, it will stop processing the file and
start processing the next file, if one exists, or ask for input from **stdin**
if no other file exists.
This means that if a **SIGINT** is sent to dc(1) as it is executing a file, it
can seem as though dc(1) did not respond to the signal since it will immediately
start executing the next file. This is by design; most files that users execute
when interacting with dc(1) have function definitions, which are quick to parse.
If a file takes a long time to execute, there may be a bug in that file. The
rest of the files could still be executed without problem, allowing the user to
**SIGTERM** and **SIGQUIT** cause dc(1) to clean up and exit, and it uses the
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
default handler for all other signals. The one exception is **SIGHUP**; in that
case, when dc(1) is in TTY mode, a **SIGHUP** will cause dc(1) to clean up and
{{ end }}
default handler for all other signals.
{{ end }}
{{ A E N P EN EP NP ENP }}
dc(1) supports interactive command-line editing. If dc(1) is in TTY mode (see
the **TTY MODE** section), history is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled
and edited with the arrow keys.
**Note**: tabs are converted to 8 spaces.
{{ end }}
{{ A E H P EH EP HP EHP }}
This dc(1) ships with support for adding error messages for different locales
and thus, supports **LC_MESSAGS**.
{{ end }}
The dc(1) utility operators are compliant with the operators in the bc(1)
[IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”)][1] specification.
None are known. Report bugs at
-Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
+Gavin D. Howard <> and contributors.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/
--- vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/ (revision 368063)
@@ -1,582 +1,536 @@
#! /bin/sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
usage() {
printf 'usage: %s [run_tests] [generate_tests] [test_with_clang] [test_with_gcc] \n' "$script"
printf ' [run_sanitizers] [run_valgrind] [run_64_bit] [run_gen_script]\n'
exit 1
header() {
printf '\n'
printf '*******************\n'
printf "$_header_msg"
printf '\n'
printf '*******************\n'
printf '\n'
do_make() {
make -j4 "$@"
configure() {
if [ "$gen_tests" -eq 0 ]; then
_configure_configure_flags="-G $_configure_configure_flags"
if [ "$_configure_CC" = "clang" ]; then
_configure_CFLAGS="$clang_flags $_configure_CFLAGS"
elif [ "$_configure_CC" = "gcc" ]; then
_configure_CFLAGS="$gcc_flags $_configure_CFLAGS"
_configure_header=$(printf 'Running ./ %s ...' "$_configure_configure_flags")
_configure_header=$(printf "$_configure_header\n CC=\"%s\"\n" "$_configure_CC")
_configure_header=$(printf "$_configure_header\n CFLAGS=\"%s\"\n" "$_configure_CFLAGS")
_configure_header=$(printf "$_configure_header\n LONG_BIT=%s" "$_configure_LONG_BIT")
_configure_header=$(printf "$_configure_header\n GEN_HOST=%s" "$_configure_GEN_HOST")
header "$_configure_header"
CFLAGS="$_configure_CFLAGS" CC="$_configure_CC" GEN_HOST="$_configure_GEN_HOST" \
LONG_BIT="$_configure_LONG_BIT" ./ $_configure_configure_flags > /dev/null
build() {
configure "$_build_CFLAGS" "$_build_CC" "$_build_configure_flags" "$_build_GEN_HOST" "$_build_LONG_BIT"
_build_header=$(printf 'Building...\n CC=%s' "$_build_CC")
_build_header=$(printf "$_build_header\n CFLAGS=\"%s\"" "$_build_CFLAGS")
_build_header=$(printf "$_build_header\n LONG_BIT=%s" "$_build_LONG_BIT")
_build_header=$(printf "$_build_header\n GEN_HOST=%s" "$_build_GEN_HOST")
header "$_build_header"
do_make > /dev/null 2> "$scriptdir/.test.txt"
if [ -s "$scriptdir/.test.txt" ]; then
printf '%s generated warning(s):\n' "$_build_CC"
printf '\n'
cat "$scriptdir/.test.txt"
exit 1
runtest() {
header "Running tests"
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
do_make "$@"
do_make test
runconfigtests() {
if [ "$_runconfigtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf 'Running tests with configure flags')
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf 'Building with configure flags')
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf "$_runconfigtests_header \"%s\" ...\n" "$_runconfigtests_configure_flags")
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf "$_runconfigtests_header\n CC=%s\n" "$_runconfigseries_CC")
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf "$_runconfigtests_header\n CFLAGS=\"%s\"" "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS")
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf "$_runconfigtests_header\n LONG_BIT=%s" "$_runconfigtests_LONG_BIT")
_runconfigtests_header=$(printf "$_runconfigtests_header\n GEN_HOST=%s" "$_runconfigtests_GEN_HOST")
header "$_runconfigtests_header"
build "$_runconfigtests_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigtests_CC" \
"$_runconfigtests_configure_flags" "$_runconfigtests_GEN_HOST" \
if [ "$_runconfigtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
do_make clean
build "$_runconfigtests_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigtests_CC" \
"$_runconfigtests_configure_flags -b" "$_runconfigtests_GEN_HOST" \
if [ "$_runconfigtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
do_make clean
build "$_runconfigtests_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigtests_CC" \
"$_runconfigtests_configure_flags -d" "$_runconfigtests_GEN_HOST" \
if [ "$_runconfigtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
do_make clean
runconfigseries() {
if [ "$run_64_bit" -ne 0 ]; then
runconfigtests "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigseries_CC" \
"$_runconfigseries_configure_flags" 1 64 "$_runconfigseries_run_tests"
if [ "$run_gen_script" -ne 0 ]; then
runconfigtests "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigseries_CC" \
"$_runconfigseries_configure_flags" 0 64 "$_runconfigseries_run_tests"
runconfigtests "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS -DBC_RAND_BUILTIN=0" "$_runconfigseries_CC" \
"$_runconfigseries_configure_flags" 1 64 "$_runconfigseries_run_tests"
runconfigtests "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigseries_CC" \
"$_runconfigseries_configure_flags" 1 32 "$_runconfigseries_run_tests"
if [ "$run_gen_script" -ne 0 ]; then
runconfigtests "$_runconfigseries_CFLAGS" "$_runconfigseries_CC" \
"$_runconfigseries_configure_flags" 0 32 "$_runconfigseries_run_tests"
runtestseries() {
_runtestseries_flags="E H N P EH EN EP HN HP NP EHN EHP ENP HNP EHNP"
runconfigseries "$_runtestseries_CFLAGS" "$_runtestseries_CC" \
"$_runtestseries_configure_flags" "$_runtestseries_run_tests"
for f in $_runtestseries_flags; do
runconfigseries "$_runtestseries_CFLAGS" "$_runtestseries_CC" \
"$_runtestseries_configure_flags -$f" "$_runtestseries_run_tests"
-runlibtests() {
- _runlibtests_CFLAGS="$1"
- shift
- _runlibtests_CC="$1"
- shift
- _runlibtests_configure_flags="$1"
- shift
- _runlibtests_run_tests="$1"
- shift
- _runlibtests_configure_flags="$_runlibtests_configure_flags -a"
- build "$_runlibtests_CFLAGS" "$_runlibtests_CC" "$_runlibtests_configure_flags" 1 64
- if [ "$_runlibtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
- runtest
- fi
- build "$_runlibtests_CFLAGS" "$_runlibtests_CC" "$_runlibtests_configure_flags" 1 32
- if [ "$_runlibtests_run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
- runtest
- fi
runtests() {
runtestseries "-std=c99 $_runtests_CFLAGS" "$_runtests_CC" "$_runtests_configure_flags" "$_runtests_run_tests"
runtestseries "-std=c11 $_runtests_CFLAGS" "$_runtests_CC" "$_runtests_configure_flags" "$_runtests_run_tests"
karatsuba() {
header "Running Karatsuba tests"
do_make karatsuba_test
vg() {
header "Running valgrind"
if [ "$run_64_bit" -ne 0 ]; then
build "$debug" "gcc" "-O0 -g" "1" "$_vg_bits"
runtest valgrind
do_make clean_config
build "$debug" "gcc" "-O0 -gb" "1" "$_vg_bits"
runtest valgrind
do_make clean_config
build "$debug" "gcc" "-O0 -gd" "1" "$_vg_bits"
runtest valgrind
do_make clean_config
debug() {
runtests "$debug" "$_debug_CC" "-g" "$_debug_run_tests"
if [ "$_debug_CC" = "clang" -a "$run_sanitizers" -ne 0 ]; then
runtests "$debug -fsanitize=undefined" "$_debug_CC" "-g" "$_debug_run_tests"
- runlibtests "$debug" "$_debug_CC" "-g" "$_debug_run_tests"
- if [ "$_debug_CC" = "clang" -a "$run_sanitizers" -ne 0 ]; then
- runlibtests "$debug -fsanitize=undefined" "$_debug_CC" "-g" "$_debug_run_tests"
- fi
release() {
runtests "$release" "$_release_CC" "-O3" "$_release_run_tests"
- runlibtests "$release" "$_release_CC" "-O3" "$_release_run_tests"
reldebug() {
runtests "$debug" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
if [ "$_reldebug_CC" = "clang" -a "$run_sanitizers" -ne 0 ]; then
runtests "$debug -fsanitize=address" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
runtests "$debug -fsanitize=memory" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
- runlibtests "$debug" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
- if [ "$_reldebug_CC" = "clang" -a "$run_sanitizers" -ne 0 ]; then
- runlibtests "$debug -fsanitize=address" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
- runlibtests "$debug -fsanitize=memory" "$_reldebug_CC" "-gO3" "$_reldebug_run_tests"
- fi
minsize() {
runtests "$release" "$_minsize_CC" "-Os" "$_minsize_run_tests"
- runlibtests "$release" "$_minsize_CC" "-Os" "$_minsize_run_tests"
build_set() {
debug "$_build_set_CC" "$_build_set_run_tests"
release "$_build_set_CC" "$_build_set_run_tests"
reldebug "$_build_set_CC" "$_build_set_run_tests"
minsize "$_build_set_CC" "$_build_set_run_tests"
clang_flags="-Weverything -Wno-padded -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-format-nonliteral"
clang_flags="$clang_flags -Wno-cast-align -Wno-missing-noreturn -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion"
clang_flags="$clang_flags -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-unreachable-code-return"
clang_flags="$clang_flags -Wno-implicit-fallthrough"
gcc_flags="-Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-clobbered"
cflags="-Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -Wno-conditional-uninitialized"
debug="$cflags -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
release="$cflags -DNDEBUG"
set -e
scriptdir=$(dirname "$script")
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$run_64_bit" -ne 0 ]; then
cd "$scriptdir"
if [ "$test_with_clang" -ne 0 ]; then
elif [ "$test_with_gcc" -ne 0 ]; then
export ASAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
export UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stack_trace=1,silence_unsigned_overflow=1"
build "$debug" "$defcc" "-g" "1" "$bits"
header "Running math library under --standard"
printf 'quit\n' | bin/bc -ls
version=$(make version)
do_make clean_tests
if [ "$test_with_clang" -ne 0 ]; then
build_set "clang" "$run_tests"
if [ "$test_with_gcc" -ne 0 ]; then
build_set "gcc" "$run_tests"
if [ "$run_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
build "$release" "$defcc" "-O3" "1" "$bits"
if [ "$run_valgrind" -ne 0 -a "$test_with_gcc" -ne 0 ]; then
printf '\n'
printf 'Tests successful.\n'
set +e
command -v afl-gcc > /dev/null 2>&1
set -e
if [ "$err" -eq 0 ]; then
header "Configuring for afl-gcc..."
configure "$debug $gcc_flags -DBC_ENABLE_RAND=0" "afl-gcc" "-HNP -gO3" "1" "$bits"
printf '\n'
printf 'Run make\n'
printf '\n'
printf 'Then run %s/tests/ and the fuzzer.\n' "$scriptdir"
printf '\n'
printf 'Then run ASan on the fuzzer test cases with the following build:\n'
printf '\n'
printf ' CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DBC_ENABLE_RAND=0" ./ -gO3 -HNPS\n'
printf ' make\n'
printf '\n'
printf 'Then run the GitHub release script as follows:\n'
printf '\n'
printf ' <github_release> %s .travis.yml codecov.yml \\\n' "$version"
printf ' tests/ tests/ tests/radamsa.txt tests/ \\\n'
printf ' tests/bc/scripts/timeconst.bc\n'
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/args.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/args.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/args.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,219 +1,221 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code for processing command-line arguments.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <read.h>
+#include <vm.h>
#include <args.h>
#include <opt.h>
static const BcOptLong bc_args_lopt[] = {
{ "expression", BC_OPT_REQUIRED, 'e' },
{ "file", BC_OPT_REQUIRED, 'f' },
{ "help", BC_OPT_NONE, 'h' },
{ "interactive", BC_OPT_NONE, 'i' },
{ "no-prompt", BC_OPT_NONE, 'P' },
{ "global-stacks", BC_OPT_BC_ONLY, 'g' },
{ "mathlib", BC_OPT_BC_ONLY, 'l' },
{ "quiet", BC_OPT_BC_ONLY, 'q' },
{ "standard", BC_OPT_BC_ONLY, 's' },
{ "warn", BC_OPT_BC_ONLY, 'w' },
#endif // BC_ENABLED
{ "version", BC_OPT_NONE, 'v' },
{ "version", BC_OPT_NONE, 'V' },
{ "extended-register", BC_OPT_DC_ONLY, 'x' },
#endif // DC_ENABLED
{ NULL, 0, 0 },
static void bc_args_exprs(const char *str) {
if (vm.exprs.v == NULL) bc_vec_init(&vm.exprs, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
bc_vec_concat(&vm.exprs, str);
bc_vec_concat(&vm.exprs, "\n");
static void bc_args_file(const char *file) {
char *buf;
vm.file = file;
bc_read_file(file, &buf);
void bc_args(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int c;
size_t i;
bool do_exit = false, version = false;
BcOpt opts;
bc_opt_init(&opts, argv);
while ((c = bc_opt_parse(&opts, bc_args_lopt)) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'e':
if (vm.no_exit_exprs)
- bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, "-e (--expression)");
+ bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, "-e (--expression)");
case 'f':
if (!strcmp(opts.optarg, "-")) vm.no_exit_exprs = true;
else {
if (vm.no_exit_exprs)
- bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, "-f (--file)");
+ bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, "-f (--file)");
case 'h':
do_exit = true;
case 'i':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_I;
case 'P':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_P;
case 'g':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_G;
case 'l':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_L;
case 'q':
// Do nothing.
case 's':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_S;
case 'w':
vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_W;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
case 'V':
case 'v':
do_exit = version = true;
case 'x':
vm.flags |= DC_FLAG_X;
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#ifndef NDEBUG
// We shouldn't get here because bc_opt_error()/bc_vm_error() should
// longjmp() out.
case '?':
case ':':
#endif // NDEBUG
if (version) bc_vm_info(NULL);
if (do_exit) exit((int) vm.status);
if (opts.optind < (size_t) argc && vm.files.v == NULL)
bc_vec_init(&vm.files, sizeof(char*), NULL);
for (i = opts.optind; i < (size_t) argc; ++i)
bc_vec_push(&vm.files, argv + i);
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/data.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/data.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/data.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,1025 +1,1004 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Constant data for bc.
#include <args.h>
#include <lex.h>
#include <parse.h>
#include <bc.h>
#include <dc.h>
#include <num.h>
#include <rand.h>
#include <program.h>
#include <vm.h>
const char bc_sig_msg[] = "\ninterrupt (type \"quit\" to exit)\n";
const uchar bc_sig_msg_len = (uchar) (sizeof(bc_sig_msg) - 1);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
const char dc_sig_msg[] = "\ninterrupt (type \"q\" to exit)\n";
const uchar dc_sig_msg_len = (uchar) (sizeof(dc_sig_msg) - 1);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
const char bc_copyright[] =
"Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors\n"
"Report bugs at:\n\n"
"This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n";
const char* const bc_err_func_header = "Function:";
const char* const bc_err_line = ":%zu";
const char *bc_errs[] = {
"Math error:",
"Parse error:",
"Runtime error:",
"Fatal error:",
#endif // BC_ENABLED
const uchar bc_err_ids[] = {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
const char* const bc_err_msgs[] = {
"negative number",
"non-integer number",
"overflow: number cannot fit",
"divide by 0",
"memory allocation failed",
"I/O error",
"cannot open file: %s",
"file is not ASCII: %s",
"path is a directory: %s",
"bad command-line option: \"%s\"",
"option requires an argument: '%c' (\"%s\")",
"option takes no arguments: '%c' (\"%s\")",
"bad ibase: must be [%lu, %lu]",
"bad obase: must be [%lu, %lu]",
"bad scale: must be [%lu, %lu]",
"bad read() expression",
"read() call inside of a read() call",
"variable or array element is the wrong type",
"stack has too few elements",
#else // DC_ENABLED
#endif // DC_ENABLED
"wrong number of parameters; need %zu, have %zu",
"undefined function: %s()",
"cannot use a void value in an expression",
#endif // BC_ENABLED
"end of file",
"bad character '%c'",
"string end cannot be found",
"comment end cannot be found",
"bad token",
"bad expression",
"empty expression",
"bad print statement",
"bad function definition",
("bad assignment: left side must be scale, ibase, "
"obase, seed, last, var, or array element"),
"no auto variable found",
"function parameter or auto \"%s%s\" already exists",
"block end cannot be found",
"cannot return a value from void function: %s()",
"var cannot be a reference: %s",
"POSIX does not allow names longer than 1 character: %s",
"POSIX does not allow '#' script comments",
"POSIX does not allow the following keyword: %s",
"POSIX does not allow a period ('.') as a shortcut for the last result",
"POSIX requires parentheses around return expressions",
"POSIX does not allow the following operator: %s",
"POSIX does not allow comparison operators outside if statements or loops",
"POSIX requires 0 or 1 comparison operators per condition",
"POSIX requires all 3 parts of a for loop to be non-empty",
"POSIX does not allow exponential notation",
"POSIX does not allow array references as function parameters",
"POSIX does not allow void functions",
"POSIX requires the left brace be on the same line as the function header",
#endif // BC_ENABLED
const char *bc_history_bad_terms[] = { "dumb", "cons25", "emacs", NULL };
const char bc_history_tab[] = " ";
const size_t bc_history_tab_len = sizeof(bc_history_tab) - 1;
// These are listed in ascending order for efficiency.
const uint32_t bc_history_wchars[][2] = {
{ 0x1100, 0x115F },
{ 0x231A, 0x231B },
{ 0x2329, 0x232A },
{ 0x23E9, 0x23EC },
{ 0x23F0, 0x23F0 },
{ 0x23F3, 0x23F3 },
{ 0x25FD, 0x25FE },
{ 0x2614, 0x2615 },
{ 0x2648, 0x2653 },
{ 0x267F, 0x267F },
{ 0x2693, 0x2693 },
{ 0x26A1, 0x26A1 },
{ 0x26AA, 0x26AB },
{ 0x26BD, 0x26BE },
{ 0x26C4, 0x26C5 },
{ 0x26CE, 0x26CE },
{ 0x26D4, 0x26D4 },
{ 0x26EA, 0x26EA },
{ 0x26F2, 0x26F3 },
{ 0x26F5, 0x26F5 },
{ 0x26FA, 0x26FA },
{ 0x26FD, 0x26FD },
{ 0x2705, 0x2705 },
{ 0x270A, 0x270B },
{ 0x2728, 0x2728 },
{ 0x274C, 0x274C },
{ 0x274E, 0x274E },
{ 0x2753, 0x2755 },
{ 0x2757, 0x2757 },
{ 0x2795, 0x2797 },
{ 0x27B0, 0x27B0 },
{ 0x27BF, 0x27BF },
{ 0x2B1B, 0x2B1C },
{ 0x2B50, 0x2B50 },
{ 0x2B55, 0x2B55 },
{ 0x2E80, 0x2E99 },
{ 0x2E9B, 0x2EF3 },
{ 0x2F00, 0x2FD5 },
{ 0x2FF0, 0x2FFB },
{ 0x3001, 0x303E },
{ 0x3041, 0x3096 },
{ 0x3099, 0x30FF },
{ 0x3105, 0x312D },
{ 0x3131, 0x318E },
{ 0x3190, 0x31BA },
{ 0x31C0, 0x31E3 },
{ 0x31F0, 0x321E },
{ 0x3220, 0x3247 },
{ 0x3250, 0x32FE },
{ 0x3300, 0x4DBF },
{ 0x4E00, 0xA48C },
{ 0xA490, 0xA4C6 },
{ 0xA960, 0xA97C },
{ 0xAC00, 0xD7A3 },
{ 0xF900, 0xFAFF },
{ 0xFE10, 0xFE19 },
{ 0xFE30, 0xFE52 },
{ 0xFE54, 0xFE66 },
{ 0xFE68, 0xFE6B },
{ 0x16FE0, 0x16FE0 },
{ 0x17000, 0x187EC },
{ 0x18800, 0x18AF2 },
{ 0x1B000, 0x1B001 },
{ 0x1F004, 0x1F004 },
{ 0x1F0CF, 0x1F0CF },
{ 0x1F18E, 0x1F18E },
{ 0x1F191, 0x1F19A },
{ 0x1F200, 0x1F202 },
{ 0x1F210, 0x1F23B },
{ 0x1F240, 0x1F248 },
{ 0x1F250, 0x1F251 },
{ 0x1F300, 0x1F320 },
{ 0x1F32D, 0x1F335 },
{ 0x1F337, 0x1F37C },
{ 0x1F37E, 0x1F393 },
{ 0x1F3A0, 0x1F3CA },
{ 0x1F3CF, 0x1F3D3 },
{ 0x1F3E0, 0x1F3F0 },
{ 0x1F3F4, 0x1F3F4 },
{ 0x1F3F8, 0x1F43E },
{ 0x1F440, 0x1F440 },
{ 0x1F442, 0x1F4FC },
{ 0x1F4FF, 0x1F53D },
{ 0x1F54B, 0x1F54E },
{ 0x1F550, 0x1F567 },
{ 0x1F57A, 0x1F57A },
{ 0x1F595, 0x1F596 },
{ 0x1F5A4, 0x1F5A4 },
{ 0x1F5FB, 0x1F64F },
{ 0x1F680, 0x1F6C5 },
{ 0x1F6CC, 0x1F6CC },
{ 0x1F6D0, 0x1F6D2 },
{ 0x1F6EB, 0x1F6EC },
{ 0x1F6F4, 0x1F6F6 },
{ 0x1F910, 0x1F91E },
{ 0x1F920, 0x1F927 },
{ 0x1F930, 0x1F930 },
{ 0x1F933, 0x1F93E },
{ 0x1F940, 0x1F94B },
{ 0x1F950, 0x1F95E },
{ 0x1F980, 0x1F991 },
{ 0x1F9C0, 0x1F9C0 },
{ 0x20000, 0x2FFFD },
{ 0x30000, 0x3FFFD },
const size_t bc_history_wchars_len =
sizeof(bc_history_wchars) / sizeof(bc_history_wchars[0]);
// These are listed in ascending order for efficiency.
const uint32_t bc_history_combo_chars[] = {
const size_t bc_history_combo_chars_len =
sizeof(bc_history_combo_chars) / sizeof(bc_history_combo_chars[0]);
BcFile bc_history_debug_fp;
char *bc_history_debug_buf;
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
const char bc_func_main[] = "(main)";
const char bc_func_read[] = "(read)";
const char* bc_inst_names[] = {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
-const char bc_parse_zero[2] = "0";
-const char bc_parse_one[2] = "1";
+const BcRandState bc_rand_multiplier = BC_RAND_MULTIPLIER;
const BcLexKeyword bc_lex_kws[] = {
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("auto", 4, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("break", 5, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("continue", 8, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("define", 6, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("for", 3, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("if", 2, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("limits", 6, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("return", 6, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("while", 5, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("halt", 4, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("last", 4, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("ibase", 5, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("obase", 5, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("scale", 5, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("seed", 4, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("length", 6, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("print", 5, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("sqrt", 4, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("abs", 3, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("irand", 5, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("quit", 4, true),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("read", 4, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("rand", 4, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("maxibase", 8, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("maxobase", 8, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("maxscale", 8, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("maxrand", 7, false),
BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("else", 4, false),
const size_t bc_lex_kws_len = sizeof(bc_lex_kws) / sizeof(BcLexKeyword);
+const char* const bc_parse_const1 = "1";
// This is an array that corresponds to token types. An entry is
// true if the token is valid in an expression, false otherwise.
const uint8_t bc_parse_exprs[] = {
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, true, true, true, true, true, false, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, false, true, true, true, true, false, 0),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, true, false, false, true, true, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(false, false, true, true, true, true, true, false),
BC_PARSE_EXPR_ENTRY(true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false)
// This is an array of data for operators that correspond to token types.
const uchar bc_parse_ops[] = {
BC_PARSE_OP(0, false), BC_PARSE_OP(0, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(1, false), BC_PARSE_OP(1, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(2, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(4, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(5, true), BC_PARSE_OP(5, true), BC_PARSE_OP(5, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(6, true), BC_PARSE_OP(6, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(3, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(7, true), BC_PARSE_OP(7, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(9, true), BC_PARSE_OP(9, true), BC_PARSE_OP(9, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(9, true), BC_PARSE_OP(9, true), BC_PARSE_OP(9, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(11, true), BC_PARSE_OP(10, true),
BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false), BC_PARSE_OP(8, false),
BC_PARSE_OP(8, false),
// These identify what tokens can come after expressions in certain cases.
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_expr =
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_param =
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_print =
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_rel = BC_PARSE_NEXT(1, BC_LEX_RPAREN);
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_elem = BC_PARSE_NEXT(1, BC_LEX_RBRACKET);
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_for = BC_PARSE_NEXT(1, BC_LEX_SCOLON);
const BcParseNext bc_parse_next_read =
#endif // BC_ENABLED
const uint8_t dc_lex_regs[] = {
const size_t dc_lex_regs_len = sizeof(dc_lex_regs) / sizeof(uint8_t);
const uchar dc_lex_tokens[] = {
const uchar dc_parse_insts[] = {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // DC_ENABLED
-const BcRandState bc_rand_multiplier = BC_RAND_MULTIPLIER;
#if BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax[] = {
- 18U,
+ 18U
-const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax2[] = {
- 768211456U,
- 374607431U,
- 938463463U,
- 282366920U,
- 340U,
#else // BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax[] = {
-const BcDig bc_num_bigdigMax2[] = {
- 1616U,
- 955U,
- 737U,
- 6744U,
- 1844U,
#endif // BC_LONG_BIT >= 64
const size_t bc_num_bigdigMax_size = sizeof(bc_num_bigdigMax) / sizeof(BcDig);
-const size_t bc_num_bigdigMax2_size = sizeof(bc_num_bigdigMax2) / sizeof(BcDig);
+const char bc_parse_zero[] = "0";
+const char bc_parse_one[] = "1";
const char bc_num_hex_digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
const BcBigDig bc_num_pow10[BC_BASE_DIGS + 1] = {
#if BC_BASE_DIGS > 4
#endif // BC_BASE_DIGS > 4
const BcNumBinaryOp bc_program_ops[] = {
bc_num_pow, bc_num_mul, bc_num_div, bc_num_mod, bc_num_add, bc_num_sub,
bc_num_places, bc_num_lshift, bc_num_rshift,
const BcNumBinaryOpReq bc_program_opReqs[] = {
- bc_num_powReq, bc_num_mulReq, bc_num_divReq, bc_num_divReq,
+ bc_num_powReq, bc_num_mulReq, bc_num_mulReq, bc_num_mulReq,
bc_num_addReq, bc_num_addReq,
bc_num_placesReq, bc_num_placesReq, bc_num_placesReq,
const BcProgramUnary bc_program_unarys[] = {
bc_program_negate, bc_program_not,
const char bc_program_exprs_name[] = "<exprs>";
const char bc_program_stdin_name[] = "<stdin>";
const char bc_program_ready_msg[] = "ready for more input\n";
const size_t bc_program_ready_msg_len = sizeof(bc_program_ready_msg) - 1;
const char bc_program_esc_chars[] = "ab\\efnqrt";
const char bc_program_esc_seqs[] = "\a\b\\\\\f\n\"\r\t";
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/file.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/file.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/file.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code for implementing buffered I/O on my own terms.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <vm.h>
-static void bc_file_ultoa(unsigned long long val, char buf[BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH])
+void bc_file_ultoa(unsigned long long val, char buf[BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH]) {
char buf2[BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH];
size_t i, len;
memset(buf2, 0, BC_FILE_ULL_LENGTH);
// The i = 1 is to ensure that there is a null byte at the end.
for (i = 1; val; ++i) {
unsigned long long mod = val % 10;
buf2[i] = ((char) mod) + '0';
val /= 10;
len = i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) buf[i] = buf2[len - i - 1];
static BcStatus bc_file_output(int fd, const char *buf, size_t n) {
size_t bytes = 0;
sig_atomic_t lock;
while (bytes < n) {
ssize_t written = write(fd, buf + bytes, n - bytes);
if (BC_ERR(written == -1))
bytes += (size_t) written;
BcStatus bc_file_flushErr(BcFile *restrict f) {
BcStatus s;
if (f->len) {
s = bc_file_output(f->fd, f->buf, f->len);
f->len = 0;
return s;
void bc_file_flush(BcFile *restrict f) {
BcStatus s = bc_file_flushErr(f);
if (BC_ERR(s)) {
if (s == BC_STATUS_EOF) {
vm.status = (sig_atomic_t) s;
- else bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_IO_ERR);
+ else bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_FATAL_IO_ERR);
void bc_file_write(BcFile *restrict f, const char *buf, size_t n) {
if (n > f->cap - f->len) {
if (BC_UNLIKELY(n > f->cap - f->len)) bc_file_output(f->fd, buf, n);
else {
memcpy(f->buf + f->len, buf, n);
f->len += n;
void bc_file_printf(BcFile *restrict f, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
bc_file_vprintf(f, fmt, args);
void bc_file_vprintf(BcFile *restrict f, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
char *percent;
const char *ptr = fmt;
while ((percent = strchr(ptr, '%')) != NULL) {
char c;
if (percent != ptr) {
size_t len = (size_t) (percent - ptr);
bc_file_write(f, ptr, len);
c = percent[1];
if (c == 'c') {
uchar uc = (uchar) va_arg(args, int);
bc_file_putchar(f, uc);
else if (c == 's') {
char *s = va_arg(args, char*);
bc_file_puts(f, s);
else if (c == 'd') {
int d = va_arg(args, int);
if (d < 0) {
bc_file_putchar(f, '-');
d = -d;
if (!d) bc_file_putchar(f, '0');
else {
bc_file_ultoa((unsigned long long) d, buf);
bc_file_puts(f, buf);
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
else {
unsigned long long ull;
assert((c == 'l' || c == 'z') && percent[2] == 'u');
if (c == 'z') ull = (unsigned long long) va_arg(args, size_t);
else ull = (unsigned long long) va_arg(args, unsigned long);
if (!ull) bc_file_putchar(f, '0');
else {
bc_file_ultoa(ull, buf);
bc_file_puts(f, buf);
ptr = percent + 2 + (c == 'l' || c == 'z');
if (ptr[0]) bc_file_puts(f, ptr);
void bc_file_puts(BcFile *restrict f, const char *str) {
bc_file_write(f, str, strlen(str));
void bc_file_putchar(BcFile *restrict f, uchar c) {
if (f->len == f->cap) bc_file_flush(f);
assert(f->len < f->cap);
f->buf[f->len] = (char) c;
f->len += 1;
void bc_file_init(BcFile *f, int fd, char *buf, size_t cap) {
f->fd = fd;
f->buf = buf;
f->len = 0;
f->cap = cap;
void bc_file_free(BcFile *f) {
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/lang.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/lang.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/lang.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code to manipulate data structures in programs.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <lang.h>
#include <vm.h>
#ifndef NDEBUG
void bc_id_free(void *id) {
assert(id != NULL);
free(((BcId*) id)->name);
#endif // NDEBUG
void bc_string_free(void *string) {
assert(string != NULL && (*((char**) string)) != NULL);
if (BC_IS_BC) free(*((char**) string));
void bc_const_free(void *constant) {
BcConst *c = constant;
assert(c->val != NULL);
void bc_func_insert(BcFunc *f, BcProgram *p, char *name,
BcType type, size_t line)
BcLoc a;
size_t i, idx;
assert(f != NULL);
idx = bc_program_search(p, name, type == BC_TYPE_VAR);
for (i = 0; i < f->autos.len; ++i) {
BcLoc *id = bc_vec_item(&f->autos, i);
if (BC_ERR(idx == id->loc && type == (BcType) id->idx)) {
const char *array = type == BC_TYPE_ARRAY ? "[]" : "";
- bc_vm_error(BC_ERR_PARSE_DUP_LOCAL, line, name, array);
+ bc_vm_error(BC_ERROR_PARSE_DUP_LOCAL, line, name, array);
a.loc = idx;
a.idx = type;
bc_vec_push(&f->autos, &a);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
void bc_func_init(BcFunc *f, const char *name) {
assert(f != NULL && name != NULL);
bc_vec_init(&f->code, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&f->consts, sizeof(BcConst), bc_const_free);
if (BC_IS_BC) {
bc_vec_init(&f->strs, sizeof(char*), bc_string_free);
bc_vec_init(&f->autos, sizeof(BcLoc), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&f->labels, sizeof(size_t), NULL);
f->nparams = 0;
f->voidfn = false;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
f->name = name;
void bc_func_reset(BcFunc *f) {
assert(f != NULL);
bc_vec_npop(&f->code, f->code.len);
bc_vec_npop(&f->consts, f->consts.len);
if (BC_IS_BC) {
bc_vec_npop(&f->strs, f->strs.len);
bc_vec_npop(&f->autos, f->autos.len);
bc_vec_npop(&f->labels, f->labels.len);
f->nparams = 0;
f->voidfn = false;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
void bc_func_free(void *func) {
BcFunc *f = (BcFunc*) func;
assert(f != NULL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (BC_IS_BC) {
#endif // NDEBUG
#endif // BC_ENABLED
void bc_array_init(BcVec *a, bool nums) {
if (nums) bc_vec_init(a, sizeof(BcNum), bc_num_free);
else bc_vec_init(a, sizeof(BcVec), bc_vec_free);
bc_array_expand(a, 1);
void bc_array_copy(BcVec *d, const BcVec *s) {
size_t i;
assert(d != NULL && s != NULL);
assert(d != s && d->size == s->size && d->dtor == s->dtor);
bc_vec_npop(d, d->len);
bc_vec_expand(d, s->cap);
d->len = s->len;
for (i = 0; i < s->len; ++i) {
BcNum *dnum = bc_vec_item(d, i), *snum = bc_vec_item(s, i);
bc_num_createCopy(dnum, snum);
void bc_array_expand(BcVec *a, size_t len) {
assert(a != NULL);
bc_vec_expand(a, len);
if (a->size == sizeof(BcNum) && a->dtor == bc_num_free) {
BcNum n;
while (len > a->len) {
bc_num_init(&n, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_vec_push(a, &n);
else {
BcVec v;
assert(a->size == sizeof(BcVec) && a->dtor == bc_vec_free);
while (len > a->len) {
bc_array_init(&v, true);
bc_vec_push(a, &v);
void bc_result_clear(BcResult *r) {
void bc_result_copy(BcResult *d, BcResult *src) {
assert(d != NULL && src != NULL);
d->t = src->t;
switch (d->t) {
bc_num_createCopy(&d->d.n, &src->d.n);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
memcpy(&d->d.loc, &src->d.loc, sizeof(BcLoc));
memcpy(&d->d.n, &src->d.n, sizeof(BcNum));
// Do nothing.
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // DC_ENABLED
void bc_result_free(void *result) {
BcResult *r = (BcResult*) result;
assert(r != NULL);
switch (r->t) {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#endif // BC_ENABLED
// Do nothing.
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/lex.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/lex.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/lex.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,230 +1,231 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Common code for the lexers.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <status.h>
#include <lex.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <bc.h>
void bc_lex_invalidChar(BcLex *l, char c) {
- bc_lex_verr(l, BC_ERR_PARSE_CHAR, c);
+ bc_lex_verr(l, BC_ERROR_PARSE_CHAR, c);
void bc_lex_lineComment(BcLex *l) {
while (l->i < l->len && l->buf[l->i] != '\n') l->i += 1;
void bc_lex_comment(BcLex *l) {
size_t i, nlines = 0;
const char *buf = l->buf;
bool end = false;
char c;
l->i += 1;
for (i = l->i; !end; i += !end) {
for (; (c = buf[i]) && c != '*'; ++i) nlines += (c == '\n');
if (BC_ERR(!c || buf[i + 1] == '\0')) {
l->i = i;
- bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERR_PARSE_COMMENT);
+ bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERROR_PARSE_COMMENT);
end = buf[i + 1] == '/';
l->i = i + 2;
l->line += nlines;
void bc_lex_whitespace(BcLex *l) {
char c;
for (c = l->buf[l->i]; c != '\n' && isspace(c); c = l->buf[++l->i]);
void bc_lex_commonTokens(BcLex *l, char c) {
if (!c) l->t = BC_LEX_EOF;
else if (c == '\n') l->t = BC_LEX_NLINE;
else bc_lex_whitespace(l);
static size_t bc_lex_num(BcLex *l, char start, bool int_only) {
const char *buf = l->buf + l->i;
size_t i;
char c;
bool last_pt, pt = (start == '.');
for (i = 0; (c = buf[i]) && (BC_LEX_NUM_CHAR(c, pt, int_only) ||
(c == '\\' && buf[i + 1] == '\n')); ++i)
if (c == '\\') {
if (buf[i + 1] == '\n') {
i += 2;
// Make sure to eat whitespace at the beginning of the line.
while(isspace(buf[i]) && buf[i] != '\n') i += 1;
c = buf[i];
if (!BC_LEX_NUM_CHAR(c, pt, int_only)) break;
else break;
last_pt = (c == '.');
if (pt && last_pt) break;
pt = pt || last_pt;
bc_vec_push(&l->str, &c);
return i;
void bc_lex_number(BcLex *l, char start) {
bc_vec_npop(&l->str, l->str.len);
bc_vec_push(&l->str, &start);
l->i += bc_lex_num(l, start, false);
char c = l->buf[l->i];
if (c == 'e') {
- if (BC_IS_POSIX) bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERR_POSIX_EXP_NUM);
+ if (BC_IS_POSIX) bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERROR_POSIX_EXP_NUM);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_vec_push(&l->str, &c);
l->i += 1;
c = l->buf[l->i];
if (c == BC_LEX_NEG_CHAR) {
bc_vec_push(&l->str, &c);
l->i += 1;
c = l->buf[l->i];
if (BC_ERR(!BC_LEX_NUM_CHAR(c, false, true)))
- bc_lex_verr(l, BC_ERR_PARSE_CHAR, c);
+ bc_lex_verr(l, BC_ERROR_PARSE_CHAR, c);
l->i += bc_lex_num(l, 0, true);
bc_vec_pushByte(&l->str, '\0');
void bc_lex_name(BcLex *l) {
size_t i = 0;
const char *buf = l->buf + l->i - 1;
char c = buf[i];
l->t = BC_LEX_NAME;
while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || isdigit(c) || c == '_') c = buf[++i];
bc_vec_string(&l->str, i, buf);
// Increment the index. We minus 1 because it has already been incremented.
l->i += i - 1;
void bc_lex_init(BcLex *l) {
assert(l != NULL);
bc_vec_init(&l->str, sizeof(char), NULL);
void bc_lex_free(BcLex *l) {
assert(l != NULL);
void bc_lex_file(BcLex *l, const char *file) {
assert(l != NULL && file != NULL);
l->line = 1;
vm.file = file;
void bc_lex_next(BcLex *l) {
assert(l != NULL);
l->last = l->t;
l->line += (l->i != 0 && l->buf[l->i - 1] == '\n');
- if (BC_ERR(l->last == BC_LEX_EOF)) bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERR_PARSE_EOF);
+ if (BC_ERR(l->last == BC_LEX_EOF)) bc_lex_err(l, BC_ERROR_PARSE_EOF);
l->t = BC_LEX_EOF;
if (l->i == l->len) return;
// Loop until failure or we don't have whitespace. This
// is so the parser doesn't get inundated with whitespace.
do {;
} while (l->t == BC_LEX_WHITESPACE);
void bc_lex_text(BcLex *l, const char *text) {
assert(l != NULL && text != NULL);
l->buf = text;
l->i = 0;
l->len = strlen(text);
l->t = l->last = BC_LEX_INVALID;
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/main.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/main.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/main.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,90 +1,93 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* The entry point for bc.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <bc.h>
#include <dc.h>
+char output_bufs[BC_VM_BUF_SIZE];
+BcVm vm;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int s;
char *name;
size_t len = strlen(BC_EXECPREFIX);
vm.locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
name = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); = (name == NULL) ? argv[0] : name + 1;
if (strlen( > len) += len;
bc_vec_init(&vm.jmp_bufs, sizeof(sigjmp_buf), NULL);
bc_main(argc, argv);
dc_main(argc, argv);
if (BC_IS_BC) bc_main(argc, argv);
else dc_main(argc, argv);
s = !BC_STATUS_IS_ERROR(vm.status) ? BC_STATUS_SUCCESS : (int) vm.status;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
return s;
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/num.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/num.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/num.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2971 +1,2837 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code for the number type.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <limits.h>
+#include <status.h>
#include <num.h>
#include <rand.h>
#include <vm.h>
static void bc_num_m(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale);
static inline ssize_t bc_num_neg(size_t n, bool neg) {
return (((ssize_t) n) ^ -((ssize_t) neg)) + neg;
ssize_t bc_num_cmpZero(const BcNum *n) {
- return bc_num_neg((n)->len != 0, BC_NUM_NEG(n));
+ return bc_num_neg((n)->len != 0, (n)->neg);
static inline size_t bc_num_int(const BcNum *n) {
- return n->len ? n->len - BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) : 0;
+ return n->len ? n->len - n->rdx : 0;
static void bc_num_expand(BcNum *restrict n, size_t req) {
assert(n != NULL);
req = req >= BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE ? req : BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE;
if (req > n->cap) {
n->num = bc_vm_realloc(n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(req));
n->cap = req;
static void bc_num_setToZero(BcNum *restrict n, size_t scale) {
assert(n != NULL);
n->scale = scale;
n->len = n->rdx = 0;
+ n->neg = false;
-void bc_num_zero(BcNum *restrict n) {
+static inline void bc_num_zero(BcNum *restrict n) {
bc_num_setToZero(n, 0);
void bc_num_one(BcNum *restrict n) {
n->len = 1;
n->num[0] = 1;
static void bc_num_clean(BcNum *restrict n) {
while (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n) && !n->num[n->len - 1]) n->len -= 1;
- if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) n->rdx = 0;
- else {
- size_t rdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
- if (n->len < rdx) n->len = rdx;
+ if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) {
+ n->neg = false;
+ n->rdx = 0;
+ else if (n->len < n->rdx) n->len = n->rdx;
static size_t bc_num_log10(size_t i) {
size_t len;
for (len = 1; i; i /= BC_BASE, ++len);
assert(len - 1 <= BC_BASE_DIGS + 1);
return len - 1;
static inline size_t bc_num_zeroDigits(const BcDig *n) {
assert(*n >= 0);
assert(((size_t) *n) < BC_BASE_POW);
return BC_BASE_DIGS - bc_num_log10((size_t) *n);
static size_t bc_num_intDigits(const BcNum *n) {
size_t digits = bc_num_int(n) * BC_BASE_DIGS;
if (digits > 0) digits -= bc_num_zeroDigits(n->num + n->len - 1);
return digits;
static size_t bc_num_nonzeroLen(const BcNum *restrict n) {
size_t i, len = n->len;
- assert(len == BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n));
+ assert(len == n->rdx);
for (i = len - 1; i < len && !n->num[i]; --i);
assert(i + 1 > 0);
return i + 1;
static BcDig bc_num_addDigits(BcDig a, BcDig b, bool *carry) {
assert(((BcBigDig) BC_BASE_POW) * 2 == ((BcDig) BC_BASE_POW) * 2);
assert(a < BC_BASE_POW);
assert(b < BC_BASE_POW);
a += b + *carry;
*carry = (a >= BC_BASE_POW);
if (*carry) a -= BC_BASE_POW;
assert(a >= 0);
assert(a < BC_BASE_POW);
return a;
static BcDig bc_num_subDigits(BcDig a, BcDig b, bool *carry) {
assert(a < BC_BASE_POW);
assert(b < BC_BASE_POW);
b += *carry;
*carry = (a < b);
if (*carry) a += BC_BASE_POW;
assert(a - b >= 0);
assert(a - b < BC_BASE_POW);
return a - b;
static void bc_num_addArrays(BcDig *restrict a, const BcDig *restrict b,
size_t len)
size_t i;
bool carry = false;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) a[i] = bc_num_addDigits(a[i], b[i], &carry);
for (; carry; ++i) a[i] = bc_num_addDigits(a[i], 0, &carry);
static void bc_num_subArrays(BcDig *restrict a, const BcDig *restrict b,
size_t len)
size_t i;
bool carry = false;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) a[i] = bc_num_subDigits(a[i], b[i], &carry);
for (; carry; ++i) a[i] = bc_num_subDigits(a[i], 0, &carry);
static void bc_num_mulArray(const BcNum *restrict a, BcBigDig b,
BcNum *restrict c)
size_t i;
BcBigDig carry = 0;
assert(b <= BC_BASE_POW);
if (a->len + 1 > c->cap) bc_num_expand(c, a->len + 1);
memset(c->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(c->cap));
for (i = 0; i < a->len; ++i) {
BcBigDig in = ((BcBigDig) a->num[i]) * b + carry;
c->num[i] = in % BC_BASE_POW;
carry = in / BC_BASE_POW;
assert(carry < BC_BASE_POW);
c->num[i] = (BcDig) carry;
c->len = a->len;
c->len += (carry != 0);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(c) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) <= c->len || !c->len);
- assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) == c->len);
+ assert(!c->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
+ assert(c->rdx <= c->len || !c->len);
+ assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || c->rdx == c->len);
static void bc_num_divArray(const BcNum *restrict a, BcBigDig b,
BcNum *restrict c, BcBigDig *rem)
size_t i;
BcBigDig carry = 0;
assert(c->cap >= a->len);
for (i = a->len - 1; i < a->len; --i) {
BcBigDig in = ((BcBigDig) a->num[i]) + carry * BC_BASE_POW;
assert(in / b < BC_BASE_POW);
c->num[i] = (BcDig) (in / b);
carry = in % b;
c->len = a->len;
*rem = carry;
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(c) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) <= c->len || !c->len);
- assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) == c->len);
+ assert(!c->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
+ assert(c->rdx <= c->len || !c->len);
+ assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || c->rdx == c->len);
static ssize_t bc_num_compare(const BcDig *restrict a, const BcDig *restrict b,
size_t len)
size_t i;
BcDig c = 0;
for (i = len - 1; i < len && !(c = a[i] - b[i]); --i);
return bc_num_neg(i + 1, c < 0);
ssize_t bc_num_cmp(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b) {
- size_t i, min, a_int, b_int, diff, ardx, brdx;
+ size_t i, min, a_int, b_int, diff;
BcDig *max_num, *min_num;
bool a_max, neg = false;
ssize_t cmp;
assert(a != NULL && b != NULL);
if (a == b) return 0;
- if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) return bc_num_neg(b->len != 0, !BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) return bc_num_neg(b->len != 0, !b->neg);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) return bc_num_cmpZero(a);
- if (BC_NUM_NEG(a)) {
- if (BC_NUM_NEG(b)) neg = true;
+ if (a->neg) {
+ if (b->neg) neg = true;
else return -1;
- else if (BC_NUM_NEG(b)) return 1;
+ else if (b->neg) return 1;
a_int = bc_num_int(a);
b_int = bc_num_int(b);
a_int -= b_int;
if (a_int) return neg ? -((ssize_t) a_int) : (ssize_t) a_int;
- ardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a);
- brdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b);
- a_max = (ardx > brdx);
+ a_max = (a->rdx > b->rdx);
if (a_max) {
- min = brdx;
- diff = ardx - brdx;
+ min = b->rdx;
+ diff = a->rdx - b->rdx;
max_num = a->num + diff;
min_num = b->num;
else {
- min = ardx;
- diff = brdx - ardx;
+ min = a->rdx;
+ diff = b->rdx - a->rdx;
max_num = b->num + diff;
min_num = a->num;
cmp = bc_num_compare(max_num, min_num, b_int + min);
if (cmp) return bc_num_neg((size_t) cmp, !a_max == !neg);
for (max_num -= diff, i = diff - 1; i < diff; --i) {
if (max_num[i]) return bc_num_neg(1, !a_max == !neg);
return 0;
void bc_num_truncate(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
- size_t nrdx, places_rdx;
+ size_t places_rdx;
if (!places) return;
- nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
- places_rdx = nrdx ? nrdx - BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale - places) : 0;
+ places_rdx = n->rdx ? n->rdx - BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale - places) : 0;
assert(places <= n->scale && (BC_NUM_ZERO(n) || places_rdx <= n->len));
n->scale -= places;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, nrdx - places_rdx);
+ n->rdx -= places_rdx;
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n)) {
size_t pow;
pow = n->scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
pow = pow ? BC_BASE_DIGS - pow : 0;
pow = bc_num_pow10[pow];
n->len -= places_rdx;
memmove(n->num, n->num + places_rdx, BC_NUM_SIZE(n->len));
// Clear the lower part of the last digit.
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n)) n->num[0] -= n->num[0] % (BcDig) pow;
-void bc_num_extend(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
+static void bc_num_extend(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
- size_t nrdx, places_rdx;
+ size_t places_rdx;
if (!places) return;
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) {
n->scale += places;
- nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
- places_rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(places + n->scale) - nrdx;
+ places_rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(places + n->scale) - n->rdx;
if (places_rdx) {
bc_num_expand(n, bc_vm_growSize(n->len, places_rdx));
memmove(n->num + places_rdx, n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(n->len));
memset(n->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(places_rdx));
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, nrdx + places_rdx);
+ n->rdx += places_rdx;
n->scale += places;
n->len += places_rdx;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) == BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
+ assert(n->rdx == BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
static void bc_num_retireMul(BcNum *restrict n, size_t scale,
bool neg1, bool neg2)
if (n->scale < scale) bc_num_extend(n, scale - n->scale);
else bc_num_truncate(n, n->scale - scale);
- if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n)) n->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(n, !neg1 != !neg2);
+ if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n)) n->neg = (!neg1 != !neg2);
static void bc_num_split(const BcNum *restrict n, size_t idx,
BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b)
if (idx < n->len) {
b->len = n->len - idx;
a->len = idx;
- a->scale = b->scale = 0;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(a, 0);
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(b, 0);
+ a->scale = a->rdx = b->scale = b->rdx = 0;
assert(a->cap >= a->len);
assert(b->cap >= b->len);
memcpy(b->num, n->num + idx, BC_NUM_SIZE(b->len));
memcpy(a->num, n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(idx));
else bc_num_copy(a, n);
static size_t bc_num_shiftZero(BcNum *restrict n) {
size_t i;
- assert(!BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) || BC_NUM_ZERO(n));
+ assert(!n->rdx || BC_NUM_ZERO(n));
for (i = 0; i < n->len && !n->num[i]; ++i);
n->len -= i;
n->num += i;
return i;
static void bc_num_unshiftZero(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places_rdx) {
n->len += places_rdx;
n->num -= places_rdx;
static void bc_num_shift(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig dig) {
size_t i, len = n->len;
BcBigDig carry = 0, pow;
BcDig *ptr = n->num;
assert(dig < BC_BASE_DIGS);
pow = bc_num_pow10[dig];
dig = bc_num_pow10[BC_BASE_DIGS - dig];
for (i = len - 1; i < len; --i) {
BcBigDig in, temp;
in = ((BcBigDig) ptr[i]);
temp = carry * dig;
carry = in % pow;
ptr[i] = ((BcDig) (in / pow)) + (BcDig) temp;
static void bc_num_shiftLeft(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
BcBigDig dig;
size_t places_rdx;
bool shift;
if (!places) return;
if (places > n->scale) {
size_t size = bc_vm_growSize(BC_NUM_RDX(places - n->scale), n->len);
- if (size > SIZE_MAX - 1) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_OVERFLOW);
+ if (size > SIZE_MAX - 1) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_OVERFLOW);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) {
if (n->scale >= places) n->scale -= places;
else n->scale = 0;
dig = (BcBigDig) (places % BC_BASE_DIGS);
shift = (dig != 0);
places_rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(places);
if (n->scale) {
- size_t nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
+ if (n->rdx >= places_rdx) {
- if (nrdx >= places_rdx) {
size_t mod = n->scale % BC_BASE_DIGS, revdig;
mod = mod ? mod : BC_BASE_DIGS;
revdig = dig ? BC_BASE_DIGS - dig : 0;
if (mod + revdig > BC_BASE_DIGS) places_rdx = 1;
else places_rdx = 0;
- else places_rdx -= nrdx;
+ else places_rdx -= n->rdx;
if (places_rdx) {
bc_num_expand(n, bc_vm_growSize(n->len, places_rdx));
memmove(n->num + places_rdx, n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(n->len));
memset(n->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(places_rdx));
n->len += places_rdx;
- if (places > n->scale) {
- n->scale = 0;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, 0);
- }
+ if (places > n->scale) n->scale = n->rdx = 0;
else {
n->scale -= places;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
+ n->rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale);
if (shift) bc_num_shift(n, BC_BASE_DIGS - dig);
-void bc_num_shiftRight(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
+static void bc_num_shiftRight(BcNum *restrict n, size_t places) {
BcBigDig dig;
size_t places_rdx, scale, scale_mod, int_len, expand;
bool shift;
if (!places) return;
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) {
n->scale += places;
bc_num_expand(n, BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
dig = (BcBigDig) (places % BC_BASE_DIGS);
shift = (dig != 0);
scale = n->scale;
scale_mod = scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
scale_mod = scale_mod ? scale_mod : BC_BASE_DIGS;
int_len = bc_num_int(n);
places_rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(places);
if (scale_mod + dig > BC_BASE_DIGS) {
expand = places_rdx - 1;
places_rdx = 1;
else {
expand = places_rdx;
places_rdx = 0;
if (expand > int_len) expand -= int_len;
else expand = 0;
bc_num_extend(n, places_rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS);
bc_num_expand(n, bc_vm_growSize(expand, n->len));
memset(n->num + n->len, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(expand));
n->len += expand;
- n->scale = 0;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, 0);
+ n->scale = n->rdx = 0;
if (shift) bc_num_shift(n, dig);
n->scale = scale + places;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
+ n->rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) <= n->len && n->len <= n->cap);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) == BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
+ assert(n->rdx <= n->len && n->len <= n->cap);
+ assert(n->rdx == BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
static void bc_num_inv(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
BcNum one;
BcDig num[2];
bc_num_setup(&one, num, sizeof(num) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_div(&one, a, b, scale);
static void bc_num_intop(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c,
BcBigDig *v)
+ if (BC_ERR(b->rdx)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NON_INTEGER);
bc_num_copy(c, a);
bc_num_bigdig(b, v);
static void bc_num_as(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t sub) {
BcDig *ptr_c, *ptr_l, *ptr_r;
size_t i, min_rdx, max_rdx, diff, a_int, b_int, min_len, max_len, max_int;
- size_t len_l, len_r, ardx, brdx;
- bool b_neg, do_sub, do_rev_sub, carry, c_neg;
+ size_t len_l, len_r;
+ bool b_neg, do_sub, do_rev_sub, carry;
// Because this function doesn't need to use scale (per the bc spec),
// I am hijacking it to say whether it's doing an add or a subtract.
// Convert substraction to addition of negative second operand.
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) {
bc_num_copy(c, a);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) {
bc_num_copy(c, b);
- c->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(c, BC_NUM_NEG(b) != sub);
+ c->neg = (b->neg != sub);
// Invert sign of b if it is to be subtracted. This operation must
// preced the tests for any of the operands being zero.
- b_neg = (BC_NUM_NEG(b) != sub);
+ b_neg = (b->neg != sub);
// Actually add the numbers if their signs are equal, else subtract.
- do_sub = (BC_NUM_NEG(a) != b_neg);
+ do_sub = (a->neg != b_neg);
a_int = bc_num_int(a);
b_int = bc_num_int(b);
max_int = BC_MAX(a_int, b_int);
- ardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a);
- brdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b);
- min_rdx = BC_MIN(ardx, brdx);
- max_rdx = BC_MAX(ardx, brdx);
+ min_rdx = BC_MIN(a->rdx, b->rdx);
+ max_rdx = BC_MAX(a->rdx, b->rdx);
diff = max_rdx - min_rdx;
max_len = max_int + max_rdx;
if (do_sub) {
// Check whether b has to be subtracted from a or a from b.
if (a_int != b_int) do_rev_sub = (a_int < b_int);
- else if (ardx > brdx)
+ else if (a->rdx > b->rdx)
do_rev_sub = (bc_num_compare(a->num + diff, b->num, b->len) < 0);
do_rev_sub = (bc_num_compare(a->num, b->num + diff, a->len) <= 0);
else {
// The result array of the addition might come out one element
// longer than the bigger of the operand arrays.
max_len += 1;
do_rev_sub = (a_int < b_int);
assert(max_len <= c->cap);
if (do_rev_sub) {
ptr_l = b->num;
ptr_r = a->num;
len_l = b->len;
len_r = a->len;
else {
ptr_l = a->num;
ptr_r = b->num;
len_l = a->len;
len_r = b->len;
ptr_c = c->num;
carry = false;
if (diff) {
// If the rdx values of the operands do not match, the result will
// have low end elements that are the positive or negative trailing
// elements of the operand with higher rdx value.
- if ((ardx > brdx) != do_rev_sub) {
+ if ((a->rdx > b->rdx) != do_rev_sub) {
- // !do_rev_sub && ardx > brdx || do_rev_sub && brdx > ardx
+ // !do_rev_sub && a->rdx > b->rdx || do_rev_sub && b->rdx > a->rdx
// The left operand has BcDig values that need to be copied,
// either from a or from b (in case of a reversed subtraction).
memcpy(ptr_c, ptr_l, BC_NUM_SIZE(diff));
ptr_l += diff;
len_l -= diff;
else {
// The right operand has BcDig values that need to be copied
// or subtracted from zero (in case of a subtraction).
if (do_sub) {
- // do_sub (do_rev_sub && ardx > brdx ||
- // !do_rev_sub && brdx > ardx)
+ // do_sub (do_rev_sub && a->rdx > b->rdx ||
+ // !do_rev_sub && b->rdx > a->rdx)
for (i = 0; i < diff; i++)
ptr_c[i] = bc_num_subDigits(0, ptr_r[i], &carry);
else {
- // !do_sub && brdx > ardx
+ // !do_sub && b->rdx > a->rdx
memcpy(ptr_c, ptr_r, BC_NUM_SIZE(diff));
ptr_r += diff;
len_r -= diff;
ptr_c += diff;
min_len = BC_MIN(len_l, len_r);
// After dealing with possible low array elements that depend on only one
// operand, the actual add or subtract can be performed as if the rdx of
// both operands was the same.
// Inlining takes care of eliminating constant zero arguments to
// addDigit/subDigit (checked in disassembly of resulting bc binary
// compiled with gcc and clang).
if (do_sub) {
for (i = 0; i < min_len; ++i)
ptr_c[i] = bc_num_subDigits(ptr_l[i], ptr_r[i], &carry);
for (; i < len_l; ++i) ptr_c[i] = bc_num_subDigits(ptr_l[i], 0, &carry);
else {
for (i = 0; i < min_len; ++i)
ptr_c[i] = bc_num_addDigits(ptr_l[i], ptr_r[i], &carry);
for (; i < len_l; ++i) ptr_c[i] = bc_num_addDigits(ptr_l[i], 0, &carry);
ptr_c[i] = bc_num_addDigits(0, 0, &carry);
assert(carry == false);
// The result has the same sign as a, unless the operation was a
// reverse subtraction (b - a).
- c_neg = BC_NUM_NEG(a) != (do_sub && do_rev_sub);
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NEG(c, max_rdx, c_neg);
+ c->neg = (a->neg != (do_sub && do_rev_sub));
c->len = max_len;
+ c->rdx = max_rdx;
c->scale = BC_MAX(a->scale, b->scale);
static void bc_num_m_simp(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c)
size_t i, alen = a->len, blen = b->len, clen;
BcDig *ptr_a = a->num, *ptr_b = b->num, *ptr_c;
BcBigDig sum = 0, carry = 0;
assert(sizeof(sum) >= sizeof(BcDig) * 2);
- assert(!BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a) && !BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b));
+ assert(!a->rdx && !b->rdx);
clen = bc_vm_growSize(alen, blen);
bc_num_expand(c, bc_vm_growSize(clen, 1));
ptr_c = c->num;
memset(ptr_c, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(c->cap));
for (i = 0; i < clen; ++i) {
ssize_t sidx = (ssize_t) (i - blen + 1);
size_t j = (size_t) BC_MAX(0, sidx), k = BC_MIN(i, blen - 1);
for (; j < alen && k < blen; ++j, --k) {
sum += ((BcBigDig) ptr_a[j]) * ((BcBigDig) ptr_b[k]);
if (sum >= ((BcBigDig) BC_BASE_POW) * BC_BASE_POW) {
carry += sum / BC_BASE_POW;
sum %= BC_BASE_POW;
if (sum >= BC_BASE_POW) {
carry += sum / BC_BASE_POW;
sum %= BC_BASE_POW;
ptr_c[i] = (BcDig) sum;
assert(ptr_c[i] < BC_BASE_POW);
sum = carry;
carry = 0;
// This should always be true because there should be no carry on the last
// digit; multiplication never goes above the sum of both lengths.
c->len = clen;
static void bc_num_shiftAddSub(BcNum *restrict n, const BcNum *restrict a,
size_t shift, BcNumShiftAddOp op)
assert(n->len >= shift + a->len);
- assert(!BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) && !BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a));
+ assert(!n->rdx && !a->rdx);
op(n->num + shift, a->num, a->len);
static void bc_num_k(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c) {
size_t max, max2, total;
BcNum l1, h1, l2, h2, m2, m1, z0, z1, z2, temp;
BcDig *digs, *dig_ptr;
BcNumShiftAddOp op;
bool aone = BC_NUM_ONE(a);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a) || BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) return;
if (aone || BC_NUM_ONE(b)) {
bc_num_copy(c, aone ? b : a);
- if ((aone && BC_NUM_NEG(a)) || BC_NUM_NEG(b)) BC_NUM_NEG_TGL(c);
+ if ((aone && a->neg) || b->neg) c->neg = !c->neg;
if (a->len < BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN || b->len < BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN) {
bc_num_m_simp(a, b, c);
max = BC_MAX(a->len, b->len);
max = BC_MAX(max, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
max2 = (max + 1) / 2;
total = bc_vm_arraySize(BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_ALLOCS, max);
digs = dig_ptr = bc_vm_malloc(BC_NUM_SIZE(total));
bc_num_setup(&l1, dig_ptr, max);
dig_ptr += max;
bc_num_setup(&h1, dig_ptr, max);
dig_ptr += max;
bc_num_setup(&l2, dig_ptr, max);
dig_ptr += max;
bc_num_setup(&h2, dig_ptr, max);
dig_ptr += max;
bc_num_setup(&m1, dig_ptr, max);
dig_ptr += max;
bc_num_setup(&m2, dig_ptr, max);
max = bc_vm_growSize(max, 1);
bc_num_init(&z0, max);
bc_num_init(&z1, max);
bc_num_init(&z2, max);
max = bc_vm_growSize(max, max) + 1;
bc_num_init(&temp, max);
bc_num_split(a, max2, &l1, &h1);
bc_num_split(b, max2, &l2, &h2);
bc_num_expand(c, max);
c->len = max;
memset(c->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(c->len));
bc_num_sub(&h1, &l1, &m1, 0);
bc_num_sub(&l2, &h2, &m2, 0);
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&h1) && BC_NUM_NONZERO(&h2)) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(h1));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(h2));
bc_num_m(&h1, &h2, &z2, 0);
bc_num_shiftAddSub(c, &z2, max2 * 2, bc_num_addArrays);
bc_num_shiftAddSub(c, &z2, max2, bc_num_addArrays);
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&l1) && BC_NUM_NONZERO(&l2)) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(l1));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(l2));
bc_num_m(&l1, &l2, &z0, 0);
bc_num_shiftAddSub(c, &z0, max2, bc_num_addArrays);
bc_num_shiftAddSub(c, &z0, 0, bc_num_addArrays);
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&m1) && BC_NUM_NONZERO(&m2)) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(m1));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(m1));
bc_num_m(&m1, &m2, &z1, 0);
- op = (BC_NUM_NEG_NP(m1) != BC_NUM_NEG_NP(m2)) ?
- bc_num_subArrays : bc_num_addArrays;
+ op = (m1.neg != m2.neg) ? bc_num_subArrays : bc_num_addArrays;
bc_num_shiftAddSub(c, &z1, max2, op);
static void bc_num_m(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcNum cpa, cpb;
size_t ascale, bscale, ardx, brdx, azero = 0, bzero = 0, zero, len, rscale;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
ascale = a->scale;
bscale = b->scale;
scale = BC_MAX(scale, ascale);
scale = BC_MAX(scale, bscale);
rscale = ascale + bscale;
scale = BC_MIN(rscale, scale);
if ((a->len == 1 || b->len == 1) && !a->rdx && !b->rdx) {
BcNum *operand;
BcBigDig dig;
if (a->len == 1) {
dig = (BcBigDig) a->num[0];
operand = b;
else {
dig = (BcBigDig) b->num[0];
operand = a;
bc_num_mulArray(operand, dig, c);
- if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(c))
- c->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(c, BC_NUM_NEG(a) != BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(c)) c->neg = (a->neg != b->neg);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
- bc_num_init(&cpa, a->len + BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a));
- bc_num_init(&cpb, b->len + BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b));
+ bc_num_init(&cpa, a->len + a->rdx);
+ bc_num_init(&cpb, b->len + b->rdx);
bc_num_copy(&cpa, a);
bc_num_copy(&cpb, b);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(cpa));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(cpb));
+ cpa.neg = cpb.neg = false;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(cpa));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(cpb));
- ardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpa) * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ ardx = cpa.rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
bc_num_shiftLeft(&cpa, ardx);
- brdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpb) * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ brdx = cpb.rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
bc_num_shiftLeft(&cpb, brdx);
// We need to reset the jump here because azero and bzero are used in the
// cleanup, and local variables are not guaranteed to be the same after a
// jump.
azero = bc_num_shiftZero(&cpa);
bzero = bc_num_shiftZero(&cpb);
bc_num_k(&cpa, &cpb, c);
zero = bc_vm_growSize(azero, bzero);
len = bc_vm_growSize(c->len, zero);
bc_num_expand(c, len);
bc_num_shiftLeft(c, (len - c->len) * BC_BASE_DIGS);
bc_num_shiftRight(c, ardx + brdx);
- bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, BC_NUM_NEG(a), BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, a->neg, b->neg);
bc_num_unshiftZero(&cpb, bzero);
bc_num_unshiftZero(&cpa, azero);
static bool bc_num_nonZeroDig(BcDig *restrict a, size_t len) {
size_t i;
bool nonzero = false;
for (i = len - 1; !nonzero && i < len; --i) nonzero = (a[i] != 0);
return nonzero;
static ssize_t bc_num_divCmp(const BcDig *a, const BcNum *b, size_t len) {
ssize_t cmp;
if (b->len > len && a[len]) cmp = bc_num_compare(a, b->num, len + 1);
else if (b->len <= len) {
if (a[len]) cmp = 1;
else cmp = bc_num_compare(a, b->num, len);
else cmp = -1;
return cmp;
static void bc_num_divExtend(BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b,
BcBigDig divisor)
size_t pow;
assert(divisor < BC_BASE_POW);
pow = BC_BASE_DIGS - bc_num_log10((size_t) divisor);
bc_num_shiftLeft(a, pow);
bc_num_shiftLeft(b, pow);
static void bc_num_d_long(BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b,
BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale)
BcBigDig divisor;
size_t len, end, i, rdx;
BcNum cpb;
bool nonzero = false;
assert(b->len < a->len);
len = b->len;
end = a->len - len;
assert(len >= 1);
bc_num_expand(c, a->len);
memset(c->num, 0, c->cap * sizeof(BcDig));
+ c->rdx = a->rdx;
c->scale = a->scale;
c->len = a->len;
divisor = (BcBigDig) b->num[len - 1];
if (len > 1 && bc_num_nonZeroDig(b->num, len - 1)) {
nonzero = (divisor > 1 << ((10 * BC_BASE_DIGS) / 6 + 1));
if (!nonzero) {
bc_num_divExtend(a, b, divisor);
len = BC_MAX(a->len, b->len);
bc_num_expand(a, len + 1);
if (len + 1 > a->len) a->len = len + 1;
len = b->len;
end = a->len - len;
divisor = (BcBigDig) b->num[len - 1];
nonzero = bc_num_nonZeroDig(b->num, len - 1);
divisor += nonzero;
bc_num_expand(c, a->len);
memset(c->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(c->cap));
assert(c->scale >= scale);
- rdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) - BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
+ rdx = c->rdx - BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
bc_num_init(&cpb, len + 1);
i = end - 1;
for (; i < end && i >= rdx && BC_NUM_NONZERO(a); --i) {
ssize_t cmp;
BcDig *n;
BcBigDig result;
n = a->num + i;
assert(n >= a->num);
result = 0;
cmp = bc_num_divCmp(n, b, len);
while (cmp >= 0) {
BcBigDig n1, dividend, q;
n1 = (BcBigDig) n[len];
dividend = n1 * BC_BASE_POW + (BcBigDig) n[len - 1];
q = (dividend / divisor);
if (q <= 1) {
q = 1;
bc_num_subArrays(n, b->num, len);
else {
assert(q <= BC_BASE_POW);
bc_num_mulArray(b, (BcBigDig) q, &cpb);
bc_num_subArrays(n, cpb.num, cpb.len);
result += q;
assert(result <= BC_BASE_POW);
if (nonzero) cmp = bc_num_divCmp(n, b, len);
else cmp = -1;
assert(result < BC_BASE_POW);
c->num[i] = (BcDig) result;
static void bc_num_d(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
- size_t len, cpardx;
+ size_t len;
BcNum cpa, cpb;
- if (BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) {
bc_num_setToZero(c, scale);
if (BC_NUM_ONE(b)) {
bc_num_copy(c, a);
- bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, BC_NUM_NEG(a), BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, a->neg, b->neg);
- if (!BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a) && !BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b) && b->len == 1 && !scale) {
+ if (!a->rdx && !b->rdx && b->len == 1 && !scale) {
BcBigDig rem;
bc_num_divArray(a, (BcBigDig) b->num[0], c, &rem);
- bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, BC_NUM_NEG(a), BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, a->neg, b->neg);
- len = bc_num_divReq(a, b, scale);
+ len = bc_num_mulReq(a, b, scale);
bc_num_init(&cpa, len);
bc_num_copy(&cpa, a);
bc_num_createCopy(&cpb, b);
len = b->len;
if (len > cpa.len) {
bc_num_expand(&cpa, bc_vm_growSize(len, 2));
bc_num_extend(&cpa, (len - cpa.len) * BC_BASE_DIGS);
- cpardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpa);
- cpa.scale = cpardx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ cpa.scale = cpa.rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
bc_num_extend(&cpa, b->scale);
- cpardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpa) - BC_NUM_RDX(b->scale);
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(cpa, cpardx);
- cpa.scale = cpardx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ cpa.rdx -= BC_NUM_RDX(b->scale);
+ cpa.scale = cpa.rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
if (scale > cpa.scale) {
bc_num_extend(&cpa, scale);
- cpardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpa);
- cpa.scale = cpardx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ cpa.scale = cpa.rdx * BC_BASE_DIGS;
if (cpa.cap == cpa.len) bc_num_expand(&cpa, bc_vm_growSize(cpa.len, 1));
// We want an extra zero in front to make things simpler.
cpa.num[cpa.len++] = 0;
- if (cpardx == cpa.len) cpa.len = bc_num_nonzeroLen(&cpa);
- if (BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(cpb) == cpb.len) cpb.len = bc_num_nonzeroLen(&cpb);
- cpb.scale = 0;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(cpb, 0);
+ if (cpa.rdx == cpa.len) cpa.len = bc_num_nonzeroLen(&cpa);
+ if (cpb.rdx == cpb.len) cpb.len = bc_num_nonzeroLen(&cpb);
+ cpb.scale = cpb.rdx = 0;
bc_num_d_long(&cpa, &cpb, c, scale);
- bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, BC_NUM_NEG(a), BC_NUM_NEG(b));
+ bc_num_retireMul(c, scale, a->neg, b->neg);
static void bc_num_r(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c,
BcNum *restrict d, size_t scale, size_t ts)
BcNum temp;
bool neg;
- if (BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) {
bc_num_setToZero(c, ts);
bc_num_setToZero(d, ts);
bc_num_init(&temp, d->cap);
bc_num_d(a, b, c, scale);
if (scale) scale = ts + 1;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_m(c, b, &temp, scale);
bc_num_sub(a, &temp, d, scale);
if (ts > d->scale && BC_NUM_NONZERO(d)) bc_num_extend(d, ts - d->scale);
- neg = BC_NUM_NEG(d);
- bc_num_retireMul(d, ts, BC_NUM_NEG(a), BC_NUM_NEG(b));
- d->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(d, BC_NUM_NONZERO(d) ? neg : false);
+ neg = d->neg;
+ bc_num_retireMul(d, ts, a->neg, b->neg);
+ d->neg = BC_NUM_NONZERO(d) ? neg : false;
static void bc_num_rem(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcNum c1;
size_t ts;
ts = bc_vm_growSize(scale, b->scale);
ts = BC_MAX(ts, a->scale);
bc_num_init(&c1, bc_num_mulReq(a, b, ts));
bc_num_r(a, b, &c1, c, scale, ts);
static void bc_num_p(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcNum copy;
BcBigDig pow = 0;
size_t i, powrdx, resrdx;
bool neg, zero;
+ if (BC_ERR(b->rdx)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NON_INTEGER);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(b)) {
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) {
- if (BC_NUM_NEG(b)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
+ if (b->neg) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
bc_num_setToZero(c, scale);
if (BC_NUM_ONE(b)) {
- if (!BC_NUM_NEG(b)) bc_num_copy(c, a);
+ if (!b->neg) bc_num_copy(c, a);
else bc_num_inv(a, c, scale);
- neg = BC_NUM_NEG(b);
+ neg = b->neg;
+ b->neg = false;
bc_num_bigdig(b, &pow);
- b->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(b, neg);
+ b->neg = neg;
bc_num_createCopy(&copy, a);
if (!neg) {
size_t max = BC_MAX(scale, a->scale), scalepow = a->scale * pow;
scale = BC_MIN(scalepow, max);
for (powrdx = a->scale; !(pow & 1); pow >>= 1) {
powrdx <<= 1;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(copy));
bc_num_mul(&copy, &copy, &copy, powrdx);
bc_num_copy(c, &copy);
resrdx = powrdx;
while (pow >>= 1) {
powrdx <<= 1;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(copy));
bc_num_mul(&copy, &copy, &copy, powrdx);
if (pow & 1) {
resrdx += powrdx;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(copy));
bc_num_mul(c, &copy, c, resrdx);
if (neg) bc_num_inv(c, c, scale);
if (c->scale > scale) bc_num_truncate(c, c->scale - scale);
// We can't use bc_num_clean() here.
for (zero = true, i = 0; zero && i < c->len; ++i) zero = !c->num[i];
if (zero) bc_num_setToZero(c, scale);
static void bc_num_place(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcBigDig val = 0;
bc_num_intop(a, b, c, &val);
if (val < c->scale) bc_num_truncate(c, c->scale - val);
else if (val > c->scale) bc_num_extend(c, val - c->scale);
static void bc_num_left(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcBigDig val = 0;
bc_num_intop(a, b, c, &val);
bc_num_shiftLeft(c, (size_t) val);
static void bc_num_right(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *restrict c, size_t scale) {
BcBigDig val = 0;
bc_num_intop(a, b, c, &val);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(c)) return;
bc_num_shiftRight(c, (size_t) val);
static void bc_num_binary(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale,
BcNumBinaryOp op, size_t req)
- BcNum *ptr_a, *ptr_b, num2;
+ BcNum num2, *ptr_a, *ptr_b;
bool init = false;
assert(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL && op != NULL);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
if (c == a) {
ptr_a = &num2;
memcpy(ptr_a, c, sizeof(BcNum));
init = true;
- else {
- ptr_a = a;
- }
+ else ptr_a = a;
if (c == b) {
ptr_b = &num2;
if (c != a) {
memcpy(ptr_b, c, sizeof(BcNum));
init = true;
- else {
- ptr_b = b;
- }
+ else ptr_b = b;
if (init) {
bc_num_init(c, req);
else {
bc_num_expand(c, req);
op(ptr_a, ptr_b, c, scale);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(c) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) <= c->len || !c->len);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(c));
- assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) == c->len);
+ assert(!c->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
+ assert(c->rdx <= c->len || !c->len);
+ assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || c->rdx == c->len);
if (init) {
-#if !defined(NDEBUG) || BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY
-bool bc_num_strValid(const char *restrict val) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+static bool bc_num_strValid(const char *val) {
bool radix = false;
size_t i, len = strlen(val);
if (!len) return true;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
BcDig c = val[i];
if (c == '.') {
if (radix) return false;
radix = true;
if (!(isdigit(c) || isupper(c))) return false;
return true;
-#endif // !defined(NDEBUG) || BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY
+#endif // NDEBUG
static BcBigDig bc_num_parseChar(char c, size_t base_t) {
if (isupper(c)) {
c = ((size_t) c) >= base_t ? (char) base_t - 1 : c;
else c -= '0';
return (BcBigDig) (uchar) c;
static void bc_num_parseDecimal(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val) {
size_t len, i, temp, mod;
const char *ptr;
bool zero = true, rdx;
for (i = 0; val[i] == '0'; ++i);
val += i;
assert(!val[0] || isalnum(val[0]) || val[0] == '.');
// All 0's. We can just return, since this
// procedure expects a virgin (already 0) BcNum.
if (!val[0]) return;
len = strlen(val);
ptr = strchr(val, '.');
rdx = (ptr != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < len && (zero = (val[i] == '0' || val[i] == '.')); ++i);
n->scale = (size_t) (rdx * (((uintptr_t) (val + len)) -
(((uintptr_t) ptr) + 1)));
+ n->rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale);
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET(n, BC_NUM_RDX(n->scale));
i = len - (ptr == val ? 0 : i) - rdx;
temp = BC_NUM_ROUND_POW(i);
mod = n->scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
i = mod ? BC_BASE_DIGS - mod : 0;
n->len = ((temp + i) / BC_BASE_DIGS);
bc_num_expand(n, n->len);
memset(n->num, 0, BC_NUM_SIZE(n->len));
- if (zero) {
- // I think I can set rdx directly to zero here because n should be a
- // new number with sign set to false.
- n->len = n->rdx = 0;
- }
+ if (zero) n->len = n->rdx = 0;
else {
BcBigDig exp, pow;
assert(i <= BC_NUM_BIGDIG_MAX);
exp = (BcBigDig) i;
pow = bc_num_pow10[exp];
for (i = len - 1; i < len; --i, ++exp) {
char c = val[i];
if (c == '.') exp -= 1;
else {
size_t idx = exp / BC_BASE_DIGS;
if (isupper(c)) c = '9';
n->num[idx] += (((BcBigDig) c) - '0') * pow;
if ((exp + 1) % BC_BASE_DIGS == 0) pow = 1;
else pow *= BC_BASE;
static void bc_num_parseBase(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val,
BcBigDig base)
BcNum temp, mult1, mult2, result1, result2, *m1, *m2, *ptr;
char c = 0;
bool zero = true;
BcBigDig v;
size_t i, digs, len = strlen(val);
for (i = 0; zero && i < len; ++i) zero = (val[i] == '.' || val[i] == '0');
if (zero) return;
bc_num_init(&temp, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_init(&mult1, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
for (i = 0; i < len && (c = val[i]) && c != '.'; ++i) {
v = bc_num_parseChar(c, base);
bc_num_mulArray(n, base, &mult1);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&temp, v);
bc_num_add(&mult1, &temp, n, 0);
if (i == len && !(c = val[i])) goto int_err;
assert(c == '.');
bc_num_init(&mult2, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_init(&result1, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_num_init(&result2, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
m1 = &mult1;
m2 = &mult2;
for (i += 1, digs = 0; i < len && (c = val[i]); ++i, ++digs) {
- size_t rdx;
v = bc_num_parseChar(c, base);
bc_num_mulArray(&result1, base, &result2);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&temp, v);
bc_num_add(&result2, &temp, &result1, 0);
bc_num_mulArray(m1, base, m2);
- rdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(m2);
+ if (m2->len < m2->rdx) m2->len = m2->rdx;
- if (m2->len < rdx) m2->len = rdx;
ptr = m1;
m1 = m2;
m2 = ptr;
// This one cannot be a divide by 0 because mult starts out at 1, then is
// multiplied by base, and base cannot be 0, so mult cannot be 0.
bc_num_div(&result1, m1, &result2, digs * 2);
bc_num_truncate(&result2, digs);
bc_num_add(n, &result2, n, digs);
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(n)) {
if (n->scale < digs) bc_num_extend(n, digs - n->scale);
else bc_num_zero(n);
-static inline void bc_num_printNewline(void) {
+static void bc_num_printNewline(void) {
if (vm.nchars >= vm.line_len - 1) {
static void bc_num_putchar(int c) {
if (c != '\n') bc_num_printNewline();
static void bc_num_printChar(size_t n, size_t len, bool rdx) {
assert(len == 1);
bc_vm_putchar((uchar) n);
+#endif // DC_ENABLED
static void bc_num_printDigits(size_t n, size_t len, bool rdx) {
size_t exp, pow;
bc_num_putchar(rdx ? '.' : ' ');
for (exp = 0, pow = 1; exp < len - 1; ++exp, pow *= BC_BASE);
for (exp = 0; exp < len; pow /= BC_BASE, ++exp) {
size_t dig = n / pow;
n -= dig * pow;
bc_num_putchar(((uchar) dig) + '0');
static void bc_num_printHex(size_t n, size_t len, bool rdx) {
assert(len == 1);
if (rdx) bc_num_putchar('.');
static void bc_num_printDecimal(const BcNum *restrict n) {
- size_t i, j, rdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
+ size_t i, j, rdx = n->rdx;
bool zero = true;
size_t buffer[BC_BASE_DIGS];
- if (BC_NUM_NEG(n)) bc_num_putchar('-');
+ if (n->neg) bc_num_putchar('-');
for (i = n->len - 1; i < n->len; --i) {
BcDig n9 = n->num[i];
size_t temp;
bool irdx = (i == rdx - 1);
zero = (zero & !irdx);
temp = n->scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
temp = i || !temp ? 0 : BC_BASE_DIGS - temp;
memset(buffer, 0, BC_BASE_DIGS * sizeof(size_t));
for (j = 0; n9 && j < BC_BASE_DIGS; ++j) {
buffer[j] = ((size_t) n9) % BC_BASE;
n9 /= BC_BASE;
for (j = BC_BASE_DIGS - 1; j < BC_BASE_DIGS && j >= temp; --j) {
bool print_rdx = (irdx & (j == BC_BASE_DIGS - 1));
zero = (zero && buffer[j] == 0);
if (!zero) bc_num_printHex(buffer[j], 1, print_rdx);
static void bc_num_printExponent(const BcNum *restrict n, bool eng) {
- size_t places, mod, nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
- bool neg = (n->len <= nrdx);
+ bool neg = (n->len <= n->rdx);
BcNum temp, exp;
+ size_t places, mod;
BcDig digs[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10];
bc_num_createCopy(&temp, n);
if (neg) {
size_t i, idx = bc_num_nonzeroLen(n) - 1;
places = 1;
for (i = BC_BASE_DIGS - 1; i < BC_BASE_DIGS; --i) {
if (bc_num_pow10[i] > (BcBigDig) n->num[idx]) places += 1;
else break;
- places += (nrdx - (idx + 1)) * BC_BASE_DIGS;
+ places += (n->rdx - (idx + 1)) * BC_BASE_DIGS;
mod = places % 3;
if (eng && mod != 0) places += 3 - mod;
bc_num_shiftLeft(&temp, places);
else {
places = bc_num_intDigits(n) - 1;
mod = places % 3;
if (eng && mod != 0) places -= 3 - (3 - mod);
bc_num_shiftRight(&temp, places);
if (!places) {
bc_num_printHex(0, 1, false);
goto exit;
if (neg) bc_num_putchar('-');
bc_num_setup(&exp, digs, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&exp, (BcBigDig) places);
static void bc_num_printFixup(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig rem,
BcBigDig pow, size_t idx)
size_t i, len = n->len - idx;
BcBigDig acc;
BcDig *a = n->num + idx;
if (len < 2) return;
for (i = len - 1; i > 0; --i) {
acc = ((BcBigDig) a[i]) * rem + ((BcBigDig) a[i - 1]);
a[i - 1] = (BcDig) (acc % pow);
acc /= pow;
acc += (BcBigDig) a[i];
if (acc >= BC_BASE_POW) {
if (i == len - 1) {
len = bc_vm_growSize(len, 1);
bc_num_expand(n, bc_vm_growSize(len, idx));
a = n->num + idx;
a[len - 1] = 0;
a[i + 1] += acc / BC_BASE_POW;
acc %= BC_BASE_POW;
assert(acc < BC_BASE_POW);
a[i] = (BcDig) acc;
n->len = len + idx;
static void bc_num_printPrepare(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig rem,
BcBigDig pow)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n->len; ++i) bc_num_printFixup(n, rem, pow, i);
for (i = 0; i < n->len; ++i) {
assert(pow == ((BcBigDig) ((BcDig) pow)));
if (n->num[i] >= (BcDig) pow) {
if (i + 1 == n->len) {
n->len = bc_vm_growSize(n->len, 1);
bc_num_expand(n, n->len);
n->num[i + 1] = 0;
assert(pow < BC_BASE_POW);
n->num[i + 1] += n->num[i] / ((BcDig) pow);
n->num[i] %= (BcDig) pow;
static void bc_num_printNum(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base,
size_t len, BcNumDigitOp print)
BcVec stack;
BcNum intp, fracp1, fracp2, digit, flen1, flen2, *n1, *n2, *temp;
BcBigDig dig = 0, *ptr, acc, exp;
- size_t i, j, nrdx;
+ size_t i, j;
bool radix;
BcDig digit_digs[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10 + 1];
assert(base > 1);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) {
print(0, len, false);
// This function uses an algorithm that Stefan Esser <> came
// up with to print the integer part of a number. What it does is convert
// intp into a number of the specified base, but it does it directly,
// instead of just doing a series of divisions and printing the remainders
// in reverse order.
// Let me explain in a bit more detail:
// The algorithm takes the current least significant digit (after intp has
// been converted to an integer) and the next to least significant digit,
// and it converts the least significant digit into one of the specified
// base, putting any overflow into the next to least significant digit. It
// iterates through the whole number, from least significant to most
// significant, doing this conversion. At the end of that iteration, the
// least significant digit is converted, but the others are not, so it
// iterates again, starting at the next to least significant digit. It keeps
// doing that conversion, skipping one more digit than the last time, until
// all digits have been converted. Then it prints them in reverse order.
// That is the gist of the algorithm. It leaves out several things, such as
// the fact that digits are not always converted into the specified base,
// but into something close, basically a power of the specified base. In
// Stefan's words, "You could consider BcDigs to be of base 10^BC_BASE_DIGS
// in the normal case and obase^N for the largest value of N that satisfies
// obase^N <= 10^BC_BASE_DIGS. [This means that] the result is not in base
// "obase", but in base "obase^N", which happens to be printable as a number
// of base "obase" without consideration for neighbouring BcDigs." This fact
// is what necessitates the existence of the loop later in this function.
// The conversion happens in bc_num_printPrepare() where the outer loop
// happens and bc_num_printFixup() where the inner loop, or actual
// conversion, happens.
- nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
bc_vec_init(&stack, sizeof(BcBigDig), NULL);
- bc_num_init(&fracp1, nrdx);
+ bc_num_init(&fracp1, n->rdx);
bc_num_createCopy(&intp, n);
bc_num_truncate(&intp, intp.scale);
bc_num_sub(n, &intp, &fracp1, 0);
if (base != vm.last_base) {
vm.last_pow = 1;
vm.last_exp = 0;
while (vm.last_pow * base <= BC_BASE_POW) {
vm.last_pow *= base;
vm.last_exp += 1;
vm.last_rem = BC_BASE_POW - vm.last_pow;
vm.last_base = base;
exp = vm.last_exp;
if (vm.last_rem != 0) bc_num_printPrepare(&intp, vm.last_rem, vm.last_pow);
for (i = 0; i < intp.len; ++i) {
acc = (BcBigDig) intp.num[i];
for (j = 0; j < exp && (i < intp.len - 1 || acc != 0); ++j)
if (j != exp - 1) {
dig = acc % base;
acc /= base;
else {
dig = acc;
acc = 0;
assert(dig < base);
bc_vec_push(&stack, &dig);
assert(acc == 0);
for (i = 0; i < stack.len; ++i) {
ptr = bc_vec_item_rev(&stack, i);
assert(ptr != NULL);
print(*ptr, len, false);
if (!n->scale) goto err;
- bc_num_init(&fracp2, nrdx);
+ bc_num_init(&fracp2, n->rdx);
bc_num_setup(&digit, digit_digs, sizeof(digit_digs) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_init(&flen1, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_init(&flen2, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
radix = true;
n1 = &flen1;
n2 = &flen2;
fracp2.scale = n->scale;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(fracp2, BC_NUM_RDX(fracp2.scale));
+ fracp2.rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(fracp2.scale);
while (bc_num_intDigits(n1) < n->scale + 1) {
bc_num_expand(&fracp2, fracp1.len + 1);
bc_num_mulArray(&fracp1, base, &fracp2);
+ if (fracp2.len < fracp2.rdx) fracp2.len = fracp2.rdx;
- nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL_NP(fracp2);
- if (fracp2.len < nrdx) fracp2.len = nrdx;
// fracp is guaranteed to be non-negative and small enough.
bc_num_bigdig2(&fracp2, &dig);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&digit, dig);
bc_num_sub(&fracp2, &digit, &fracp1, 0);
print(dig, len, radix);
bc_num_mulArray(n1, base, n2);
radix = false;
temp = n1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = temp;
static void bc_num_printBase(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base) {
size_t width;
BcNumDigitOp print;
- bool neg = BC_NUM_NEG(n);
+ bool neg = n->neg;
if (neg) bc_num_putchar('-');
+ n->neg = false;
if (base <= BC_NUM_MAX_POSIX_IBASE) {
width = 1;
print = bc_num_printHex;
else {
assert(base <= BC_BASE_POW);
width = bc_num_log10(base - 1);
print = bc_num_printDigits;
bc_num_printNum(n, base, width, print);
- n->rdx = BC_NUM_NEG_VAL(n, neg);
+ n->neg = neg;
void bc_num_stream(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base) {
bc_num_printNum(n, base, 1, bc_num_printChar);
+#endif // DC_ENABLED
void bc_num_setup(BcNum *restrict n, BcDig *restrict num, size_t cap) {
assert(n != NULL);
n->num = num;
n->cap = cap;
void bc_num_init(BcNum *restrict n, size_t req) {
BcDig *num;
assert(n != NULL);
req = req >= BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE ? req : BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE;
if (req == BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE && vm.temps.len) {
BcNum *nptr = bc_vec_top(&vm.temps);
num = nptr->num;
else num = bc_vm_malloc(BC_NUM_SIZE(req));
bc_num_setup(n, num, req);
void bc_num_clear(BcNum *restrict n) {
n->num = NULL;
n->cap = 0;
void bc_num_free(void *num) {
BcNum *n = (BcNum*) num;
assert(n != NULL);
if (n->cap == BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE) bc_vec_push(&vm.temps, n);
else free(n->num);
void bc_num_copy(BcNum *d, const BcNum *s) {
assert(d != NULL && s != NULL);
if (d == s) return;
bc_num_expand(d, s->len);
d->len = s->len;
- // I can just copy directly here.
+ d->neg = s->neg;
d->rdx = s->rdx;
d->scale = s->scale;
memcpy(d->num, s->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(d->len));
void bc_num_createCopy(BcNum *d, const BcNum *s) {
bc_num_init(d, s->len);
bc_num_copy(d, s);
void bc_num_createFromBigdig(BcNum *n, BcBigDig val) {
- bc_num_init(n, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
+ bc_num_init(n, (BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10 - 1) / BC_BASE_DIGS + 1);
bc_num_bigdig2num(n, val);
size_t bc_num_scale(const BcNum *restrict n) {
return n->scale;
size_t bc_num_len(const BcNum *restrict n) {
size_t len = n->len;
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) return 0;
- if (BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) == len) {
+ if (n->rdx == len) {
size_t zero, scale;
len = bc_num_nonzeroLen(n);
scale = n->scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
scale = scale ? scale : BC_BASE_DIGS;
zero = bc_num_zeroDigits(n->num + len - 1);
len = len * BC_BASE_DIGS - zero - (BC_BASE_DIGS - scale);
else len = bc_num_intDigits(n) + n->scale;
return len;
-void bc_num_parse(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val, BcBigDig base) {
+void bc_num_parse(BcNum *restrict n, const char *restrict val,
+ BcBigDig base, bool letter)
assert(n != NULL && val != NULL && base);
assert(base >= BC_NUM_MIN_BASE && base <= vm.maxes[BC_PROG_GLOBALS_IBASE]);
- if (!val[1]) {
+ if (letter) {
BcBigDig dig = bc_num_parseChar(val[0], BC_NUM_MAX_LBASE);
bc_num_bigdig2num(n, dig);
else if (base == BC_BASE) bc_num_parseDecimal(n, val);
else bc_num_parseBase(n, val, base);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(n));
void bc_num_print(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig base, bool newline) {
assert(n != NULL);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(n)) bc_num_printHex(0, 1, false);
else if (base == BC_BASE) bc_num_printDecimal(n);
- else if (base == 0 || base == 1) bc_num_printExponent(n, base != 0);
+ else if (base == 0 || base == 1)
+ bc_num_printExponent(n, base != 0);
else bc_num_printBase(n, base);
if (newline) bc_num_putchar('\n');
void bc_num_bigdig2(const BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig *result) {
// This function returns no errors because it's guaranteed to succeed if
// its preconditions are met. Those preconditions include both parameters
// being non-NULL, n being non-negative, and n being less than vm.max. If
// all of that is true, then we can just convert without worrying about
- // negative errors or overflow.
+ // negative errors or overflow. We also don't care about signals because
+ // this function should execute in only a few iterations, meaning that
+ // ignoring signals here should be fine.
BcBigDig r = 0;
- size_t nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
assert(n != NULL && result != NULL);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(n));
+ assert(!n->neg);
assert(bc_num_cmp(n, &vm.max) < 0);
- assert(n->len - nrdx <= 3);
+ assert(n->len - n->rdx <= 3);
// There is a small speed win from unrolling the loop here, and since it
// only adds 53 bytes, I decided that it was worth it.
- switch (n->len - nrdx) {
+ switch (n->len - n->rdx) {
case 3:
- {
- r = (BcBigDig) n->num[nrdx + 2];
- }
- // Fallthrough.
+ r = (BcBigDig) n->num[n->rdx + 2];
+ // Fallthrough.
case 2:
- {
- r = r * BC_BASE_POW + (BcBigDig) n->num[nrdx + 1];
- }
- // Fallthrough.
+ r = r * BC_BASE_POW + (BcBigDig) n->num[n->rdx + 1];
+ // Fallthrough.
case 1:
- {
- r = r * BC_BASE_POW + (BcBigDig) n->num[nrdx];
- }
+ r = r * BC_BASE_POW + (BcBigDig) n->num[n->rdx];
*result = r;
void bc_num_bigdig(const BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig *result) {
assert(n != NULL && result != NULL);
- if (BC_ERR(BC_NUM_NEG(n))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(n->neg)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
if (BC_ERR(bc_num_cmp(n, &vm.max) >= 0))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_OVERFLOW);
bc_num_bigdig2(n, result);
void bc_num_bigdig2num(BcNum *restrict n, BcBigDig val) {
BcDig *ptr;
size_t i;
assert(n != NULL);
if (!val) return;
bc_num_expand(n, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
for (ptr = n->num, i = 0; val; ++i, val /= BC_BASE_POW)
ptr[i] = val % BC_BASE_POW;
n->len = i;
void bc_num_rng(const BcNum *restrict n, BcRNG *rng) {
- BcNum temp, temp2, intn, frac;
+ BcNum pow, temp, temp2, intn, frac;
BcRand state1, state2, inc1, inc2;
- size_t nrdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n);
+ BcDig pow_num[BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE];
+ bc_num_setup(&pow, pow_num, sizeof(pow_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_init(&temp, n->len);
bc_num_init(&temp2, n->len);
- bc_num_init(&frac, nrdx);
+ bc_num_init(&frac, n->rdx);
bc_num_init(&intn, bc_num_int(n));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(vm.max));
+ bc_num_mul(&vm.max, &vm.max, &pow, 0);
- memcpy(frac.num, n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(nrdx));
- frac.len = nrdx;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(frac, nrdx);
+ memcpy(frac.num, n->num, BC_NUM_SIZE(n->rdx));
+ frac.len = n->rdx;
+ frac.rdx = n->rdx;
frac.scale = n->scale;
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(frac));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(vm.max2));
+ bc_num_mul(&frac, &pow, &temp, 0);
- bc_num_mul(&frac, &vm.max2, &temp, 0);
bc_num_truncate(&temp, temp.scale);
bc_num_copy(&frac, &temp);
- memcpy(intn.num, n->num + nrdx, BC_NUM_SIZE(bc_num_int(n)));
+ memcpy(intn.num, n->num + n->rdx, BC_NUM_SIZE(bc_num_int(n)));
intn.len = bc_num_int(n);
// This assert is here because it has to be true. It is also here to justify
- // the use of BC_ERR_SIGNAL_ONLY() on each of the divmod's and mod's below.
+ // the use of BC_ERROR_SIGNAL_ONLY() on each of the divmod's and mod's
+ // below.
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&frac)) {
bc_num_divmod(&frac, &vm.max, &temp, &temp2, 0);
// frac is guaranteed to be smaller than vm.max * vm.max (pow).
// This means that when dividing frac by vm.max, as above, the
// quotient and remainder are both guaranteed to be less than vm.max,
// which means we can use bc_num_bigdig2() here and not worry about
// overflow.
bc_num_bigdig2(&temp2, (BcBigDig*) &state1);
bc_num_bigdig2(&temp, (BcBigDig*) &state2);
else state1 = state2 = 0;
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&intn)) {
bc_num_divmod(&intn, &vm.max, &temp, &temp2, 0);
// Because temp2 is the mod of vm.max, from above, it is guaranteed
// to be small enough to use bc_num_bigdig2().
bc_num_bigdig2(&temp2, (BcBigDig*) &inc1);
if (bc_num_cmp(&temp, &vm.max) >= 0) {
bc_num_copy(&temp2, &temp);
bc_num_mod(&temp2, &vm.max, &temp, 0);
// The if statement above ensures that temp is less than vm.max, which
// means that we can use bc_num_bigdig2() here.
bc_num_bigdig2(&temp, (BcBigDig*) &inc2);
else inc1 = inc2 = 0;
bc_rand_seed(rng, state1, state2, inc1, inc2);
void bc_num_createFromRNG(BcNum *restrict n, BcRNG *rng) {
BcRand s1, s2, i1, i2;
- BcNum conv, temp1, temp2, temp3;
+ BcNum pow, conv, temp1, temp2, temp3;
+ BcDig pow_num[BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE];
BcDig temp1_num[BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE], temp2_num[BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE];
BcDig conv_num[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10];
bc_num_init(&temp3, 2 * BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE);
+ bc_num_setup(&pow, pow_num, sizeof(pow_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_setup(&temp1, temp1_num, sizeof(temp1_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_setup(&temp2, temp2_num, sizeof(temp2_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_setup(&conv, conv_num, sizeof(conv_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
// This assert is here because it has to be true. It is also here to justify
- // the assumption that vm.max2 is not zero.
+ // the assumption that pow is not zero.
- // Because this is true, we can just use BC_ERR_SIGNAL_ONLY() below when
- // dividing by vm.max2.
- assert(BC_NUM_NONZERO(&vm.max2));
+ bc_num_mul(&vm.max, &vm.max, &pow, 0);
+ // Because this is true, we can just use BC_ERROR_SIGNAL_ONLY() below when
+ // dividing by pow.
+ assert(BC_NUM_NONZERO(&pow));
bc_rand_getRands(rng, &s1, &s2, &i1, &i2);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&conv, (BcBigDig) s2);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(conv));
bc_num_mul(&conv, &vm.max, &temp1, 0);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&conv, (BcBigDig) s1);
bc_num_add(&conv, &temp1, &temp2, 0);
- bc_num_div(&temp2, &vm.max2, &temp3, BC_RAND_STATE_BITS);
+ bc_num_div(&temp2, &pow, &temp3, BC_RAND_STATE_BITS);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&conv, (BcBigDig) i2);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(conv));
bc_num_mul(&conv, &vm.max, &temp1, 0);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&conv, (BcBigDig) i1);
bc_num_add(&conv, &temp1, &temp2, 0);
bc_num_add(&temp2, &temp3, n, 0);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(n));
void bc_num_irand(const BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b,
BcRNG *restrict rng)
BcRand r;
BcBigDig modl;
BcNum pow, pow2, cp, cp2, mod, temp1, temp2, rand;
BcNum *p1, *p2, *t1, *t2, *c1, *c2, *tmp;
BcDig rand_num[BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10];
bool carry;
ssize_t cmp;
assert(a != b);
- if (BC_ERR(BC_NUM_NEG(a))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(a->neg)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(a->rdx)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NON_INTEGER);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a) || BC_NUM_ONE(a)) return;
cmp = bc_num_cmp(a, &vm.max);
if (cmp <= 0) {
BcRand bits = 0;
if (cmp < 0) bc_num_bigdig2(a, (BcBigDig*) &bits);
// This condition means that bits is a power of 2. In that case, we
// can just grab a full-size int and mask out the unneeded bits.
// Also, this condition says that 0 is a power of 2, which works for
// us, since a value of 0 means a == rng->max. The bitmask will mask
// nothing in that case as well.
if (!(bits & (bits - 1))) r = bc_rand_int(rng) & (bits - 1);
else r = bc_rand_bounded(rng, bits);
// We made sure that r is less than vm.max,
// so we can use bc_num_bigdig2() here.
bc_num_bigdig2num(b, r);
// In the case where a is less than rng->max, we have to make sure we have
// an exclusive bound. This ensures that it happens. (See below.)
carry = (cmp < 0);
bc_num_createCopy(&cp, a);
bc_num_init(&cp2, cp.len);
bc_num_init(&mod, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_init(&temp1, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_num_init(&temp2, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_num_init(&pow2, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_num_init(&pow, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_num_setup(&rand, rand_num, sizeof(rand_num) / sizeof(BcDig));
p1 = &pow;
p2 = &pow2;
t1 = &temp1;
t2 = &temp2;
c1 = &cp;
c2 = &cp2;
// This assert is here because it has to be true. It is also here to justify
- // the use of BC_ERR_SIGNAL_ONLY() on each of the divmod's and mod's below.
+ // the use of BC_ERROR_SIGNAL_ONLY() on each of the divmod's and mod's
+ // below.
while (BC_NUM_NONZERO(c1)) {
bc_num_divmod(c1, &vm.max, c2, &mod, 0);
// Because mod is the mod of vm.max, it is guaranteed to be smaller,
// which means we can use bc_num_bigdig2() here.
bc_num_bigdig(&mod, &modl);
if (bc_num_cmp(c1, &vm.max) < 0) {
// In this case, if there is no carry, then we know we can generate
// an integer *equal* to modl. Thus, we add one if there is no
// carry. Otherwise, we add zero, and we are still bounded properly.
// Since the last portion is guaranteed to be greater than 1, we
// know modl isn't 0 unless there is no carry.
modl += !carry;
if (modl == 1) r = 0;
else if (!modl) r = bc_rand_int(rng);
else r = bc_rand_bounded(rng, (BcRand) modl);
else {
if (modl) modl -= carry;
r = bc_rand_int(rng);
carry = (r >= (BcRand) modl);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&rand, r);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(rand));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(p1));
bc_num_mul(&rand, p1, p2, 0);
bc_num_add(p2, t1, t2, 0);
if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(c2)) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(vm.max));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(p1));
bc_num_mul(&vm.max, p1, p2, 0);
tmp = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = tmp;
tmp = c1;
c1 = c2;
c2 = tmp;
else c1 = c2;
tmp = t1;
t1 = t2;
t2 = tmp;
bc_num_copy(b, t1);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
size_t bc_num_addReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
size_t aint, bint, ardx, brdx;
- ardx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a);
+ ardx = a->rdx;
aint = bc_num_int(a);
assert(aint <= a->len && ardx <= a->len);
- brdx = BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b);
+ brdx = b->rdx;
bint = bc_num_int(b);
assert(bint <= b->len && brdx <= b->len);
ardx = BC_MAX(ardx, brdx);
aint = BC_MAX(aint, bint);
return bc_vm_growSize(bc_vm_growSize(ardx, aint), 1);
size_t bc_num_mulReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
size_t max, rdx;
- rdx = bc_vm_growSize(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a), BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b));
+ rdx = bc_vm_growSize(a->rdx, b->rdx);
max = BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
max = bc_vm_growSize(BC_MAX(max, rdx), 1);
rdx = bc_vm_growSize(bc_vm_growSize(bc_num_int(a), bc_num_int(b)), max);
return rdx;
-size_t bc_num_divReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
- size_t max, rdx;
- rdx = bc_vm_growSize(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a), BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b));
- max = BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
- max = bc_vm_growSize(BC_MAX(max, rdx), 1);
- rdx = bc_vm_growSize(bc_num_int(a), max);
- return rdx;
size_t bc_num_powReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
return bc_vm_growSize(bc_vm_growSize(a->len, b->len), 1);
size_t bc_num_placesReq(const BcNum *a, const BcNum *b, size_t scale) {
- return a->len + b->len - BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a) - BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b);
+ return a->len + b->len - a->rdx - b->rdx;
void bc_num_add(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, false, bc_num_as, bc_num_addReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_sub(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, true, bc_num_as, bc_num_addReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_mul(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_m, bc_num_mulReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_div(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
- bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_d, bc_num_divReq(a, b, scale));
+ bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_d, bc_num_mulReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_mod(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
- bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_rem, bc_num_divReq(a, b, scale));
+ bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_rem, bc_num_mulReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_pow(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_p, bc_num_powReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_places(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_place, bc_num_placesReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_lshift(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_left, bc_num_placesReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_rshift(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, size_t scale) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(a));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
bc_num_binary(a, b, c, scale, bc_num_right, bc_num_placesReq(a, b, scale));
void bc_num_sqrt(BcNum *restrict a, BcNum *restrict b, size_t scale) {
BcNum num1, num2, half, f, fprime, *x0, *x1, *temp;
size_t pow, len, rdx, req, digs, digs1, digs2, resscale;
BcDig half_digs[1];
assert(a != NULL && b != NULL && a != b);
- if (BC_ERR(BC_NUM_NEG(a))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(a->neg)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
if (a->scale > scale) scale = a->scale;
len = bc_vm_growSize(bc_num_intDigits(a), 1);
rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
- req = bc_vm_growSize(BC_MAX(rdx, BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a)), len >> 1);
+ req = bc_vm_growSize(BC_MAX(rdx, a->rdx), len >> 1);
bc_num_init(b, bc_vm_growSize(req, 1));
- assert(a != NULL && b != NULL && a != b);
- assert(a->num != NULL && b->num != NULL);
if (BC_NUM_ZERO(a)) {
bc_num_setToZero(b, scale);
if (BC_NUM_ONE(a)) {
bc_num_extend(b, scale);
rdx = BC_NUM_RDX(scale);
- rdx = BC_MAX(rdx, BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a));
+ rdx = BC_MAX(rdx, a->rdx);
len = bc_vm_growSize(a->len, rdx);
bc_num_init(&num1, len);
bc_num_init(&num2, len);
bc_num_setup(&half, half_digs, sizeof(half_digs) / sizeof(BcDig));
half.num[0] = BC_BASE_POW / 2;
half.len = 1;
- BC_NUM_RDX_SET_NP(half, 1);
+ half.rdx = 1;
half.scale = 1;
bc_num_init(&f, len);
bc_num_init(&fprime, len);
x0 = &num1;
x1 = &num2;
pow = bc_num_intDigits(a);
if (pow) {
if (pow & 1) x0->num[0] = 2;
else x0->num[0] = 6;
pow -= 2 - (pow & 1);
bc_num_shiftLeft(x0, pow / 2);
- // I can set the rdx here directly because neg should be false.
x0->scale = x0->rdx = digs = digs1 = digs2 = 0;
resscale = (scale + BC_BASE_DIGS) + 2;
while (bc_num_cmp(x1, x0)) {
bc_num_div(a, x0, &f, resscale);
bc_num_add(x0, &f, &fprime, resscale);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(fprime));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(half));
bc_num_mul(&fprime, &half, x1, resscale);
temp = x0;
x0 = x1;
x1 = temp;
bc_num_copy(b, x0);
if (b->scale > scale) bc_num_truncate(b, b->scale - scale);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(b) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(b));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(b));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b) <= b->len || !b->len);
- assert(!b->len || b->num[b->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b) == b->len);
+ assert(!b->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(b));
+ assert(b->rdx <= b->len || !b->len);
+ assert(!b->len || b->num[b->len - 1] || b->rdx == b->len);
void bc_num_divmod(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, BcNum *d, size_t scale) {
- size_t ts, len;
- BcNum *ptr_a, num2;
+ BcNum num2, *ptr_a;
bool init = false;
+ size_t ts, len;
ts = BC_MAX(scale + b->scale, a->scale);
len = bc_num_mulReq(a, b, ts);
assert(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL && d != NULL);
assert(c != d && a != d && b != d && b != c);
if (c == a) {
memcpy(&num2, c, sizeof(BcNum));
ptr_a = &num2;
bc_num_init(c, len);
init = true;
else {
ptr_a = a;
bc_num_expand(c, len);
- if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(a) && !BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(a) &&
- !BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(b) && b->len == 1 && !scale)
- {
+ if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(a) && !a->rdx && !b->rdx && b->len == 1 && !scale) {
BcBigDig rem;
bc_num_divArray(ptr_a, (BcBigDig) b->num[0], c, &rem);
assert(rem < BC_BASE_POW);
d->num[0] = (BcDig) rem;
d->len = (rem != 0);
else bc_num_r(ptr_a, b, c, d, scale, ts);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(c) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(c));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) <= c->len || !c->len);
- assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(c) == c->len);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(d) || BC_NUM_NONZERO(d));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(d));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(d) <= d->len || !d->len);
- assert(!d->len || d->num[d->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(d) == d->len);
+ assert(!c->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(c));
+ assert(c->rdx <= c->len || !c->len);
+ assert(!c->len || c->num[c->len - 1] || c->rdx == c->len);
+ assert(!d->neg || BC_NUM_NONZERO(d));
+ assert(d->rdx <= d->len || !d->len);
+ assert(!d->len || d->num[d->len - 1] || d->rdx == d->len);
if (init) {
void bc_num_modexp(BcNum *a, BcNum *b, BcNum *c, BcNum *restrict d) {
BcNum base, exp, two, temp;
BcDig two_digs[2];
assert(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL && d != NULL);
assert(a != d && b != d && c != d);
- if (BC_ERR(BC_NUM_NEG(b))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(b->neg)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_MATH_NEGATIVE);
+ if (BC_ERR(a->rdx || b->rdx || c->rdx))
bc_num_expand(d, c->len);
bc_num_init(&base, c->len);
bc_num_setup(&two, two_digs, sizeof(two_digs) / sizeof(BcDig));
bc_num_init(&temp, b->len + 1);
bc_num_createCopy(&exp, b);
two.num[0] = 2;
// We already checked for 0.
bc_num_rem(a, c, &base, 0);
while (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&exp)) {
// Num two cannot be 0, so no errors.
bc_num_divmod(&exp, &two, &exp, &temp, 0);
- if (BC_NUM_ONE(&temp) && !BC_NUM_NEG_NP(temp)) {
+ if (BC_NUM_ONE(&temp) && !temp.neg) {
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(d));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(base));
bc_num_mul(d, &base, &temp, 0);
// We already checked for 0.
bc_num_rem(&temp, c, d, 0);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(base));
bc_num_mul(&base, &base, &temp, 0);
// We already checked for 0.
bc_num_rem(&temp, c, &base, 0);
- assert(!BC_NUM_NEG(d) || d->len);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(d));
- assert(!d->len || d->num[d->len - 1] || BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(d) == d->len);
+ assert(!d->neg || d->len);
+ assert(!d->len || d->num[d->len - 1] || d->rdx == d->len);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
void bc_num_printDebug(const BcNum *n, const char *name, bool emptyline) {
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, name);
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, ": ");
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
if (emptyline) bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
vm.nchars = 0;
void bc_num_printDigs(const BcDig *n, size_t len, bool emptyline) {
size_t i;
for (i = len - 1; i < len; --i)
bc_file_printf(&vm.fout, " %lu", (unsigned long) n[i]);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
if (emptyline) bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
vm.nchars = 0;
void bc_num_printWithDigs(const BcNum *n, const char *name, bool emptyline) {
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, name);
bc_file_printf(&vm.fout, " len: %zu, rdx: %zu, scale: %zu\n",
- name, n->len, BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n), n->scale);
+ name, n->len, n->rdx, n->scale);
bc_num_printDigs(n->num, n->len, emptyline);
void bc_num_dump(const char *varname, const BcNum *n) {
ulong i, scale = n->scale;
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "\n%s = %s", varname,
- n->len ? (BC_NUM_NEG(n) ? "-" : "+") : "0 ");
+ n->len ? (n->neg ? "-" : "+") : "0 ");
for (i = n->len - 1; i < n->len; --i) {
- if (i + 1 == BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n)) bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, ". ");
+ if (i + 1 == n->rdx) bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, ". ");
- if (scale / BC_BASE_DIGS != BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n) - i - 1)
+ if (scale / BC_BASE_DIGS != n->rdx - i - 1)
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "%lu ", (unsigned long) n->num[i]);
else {
int mod = scale % BC_BASE_DIGS;
int d = BC_BASE_DIGS - mod;
BcDig div;
if (mod != 0) {
div = n->num[i] / ((BcDig) bc_num_pow10[(ulong) d]);
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "%lu", (unsigned long) div);
div = n->num[i] % ((BcDig) bc_num_pow10[(ulong) d]);
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, " ' %lu ", (unsigned long) div);
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, "(%zu | %zu.%zu / %zu) %lu\n",
- n->scale, n->len, BC_NUM_RDX_VAL(n), n->cap,
+ n->scale, n->len, n->rdx, n->cap,
(unsigned long) (void*) n->num);
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/opt.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/opt.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/opt.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,252 +1,250 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Adapted from
* *****************************************************************************
* Code for getopt_long() replacement. It turns out that getopt_long() has
* different behavior on different platforms.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <opt.h>
#include <vm.h>
static inline bool bc_opt_longoptsEnd(const BcOptLong *longopts, size_t i) {
return !longopts[i].name && !longopts[i].val;
static const char* bc_opt_longopt(const BcOptLong *longopts, int c) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; !bc_opt_longoptsEnd(longopts, i); ++i) {
if (longopts[i].val == c) return longopts[i].name;
return "NULL";
-static void bc_opt_error(BcErr err, int c, const char *str) {
- if (err == BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION) bc_vm_error(err, 0, str);
+static void bc_opt_error(BcError err, int c, const char *str) {
+ if (err == BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION) bc_vm_error(err, 0, str);
else bc_vm_error(err, 0, (int) c, str);
static int bc_opt_type(const BcOptLong *longopts, char c) {
size_t i;
if (c == ':') return -1;
for (i = 0; !bc_opt_longoptsEnd(longopts, i) && longopts[i].val != c; ++i);
if (bc_opt_longoptsEnd(longopts, i)) return -1;
return (int) longopts[i].type;
static int bc_opt_parseShort(BcOpt *o, const BcOptLong *longopts) {
int type;
char *next;
char *option = o->argv[o->optind];
int ret = -1;
o->optopt = 0;
o->optarg = NULL;
option += o->subopt + 1;
o->optopt = option[0];
type = bc_opt_type(longopts, option[0]);
next = o->argv[o->optind + 1];
switch (type) {
case -1:
if (type == -1 || (type == BC_OPT_BC_ONLY && BC_IS_DC) ||
(type == BC_OPT_DC_ONLY && BC_IS_BC))
char str[2] = {0, 0};
str[0] = option[0];
o->optind += 1;
- bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, option[0], str);
+ bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, option[0], str);
// Fallthrough.
if (option[1]) o->subopt += 1;
else {
o->subopt = 0;
o->optind += 1;
ret = (int) option[0];
o->subopt = 0;
o->optind += 1;
if (option[1]) o->optarg = option + 1;
else if (next != NULL) {
o->optarg = next;
o->optind += 1;
- else bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION_NO_ARG, option[0],
+ else bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION_NO_ARG, option[0],
bc_opt_longopt(longopts, option[0]));
ret = (int) option[0];
return ret;
static bool bc_opt_longoptsMatch(const char *name, const char *option) {
const char *a = option, *n = name;
if (name == NULL) return false;
for (; *a && *n && *a != '='; ++a, ++n) {
if (*a != *n) return false;
return (*n == '\0' && (*a == '\0' || *a == '='));
static char* bc_opt_longoptsArg(char *option) {
for (; *option && *option != '='; ++option);
if (*option == '=') return option + 1;
else return NULL;
int bc_opt_parse(BcOpt *o, const BcOptLong *longopts) {
size_t i;
char *option;
bool empty;
do {
option = o->argv[o->optind];
if (option == NULL) return -1;
empty = !strcmp(option, "");
o->optind += empty;
} while (empty);
if (BC_OPT_ISDASHDASH(option)) {
// Consume "--".
o->optind += 1;
return -1;
else if (BC_OPT_ISSHORTOPT(option)) return bc_opt_parseShort(o, longopts);
else if (!BC_OPT_ISLONGOPT(option)) return -1;
o->optopt = 0;
o->optarg = NULL;
// Skip "--" at beginning of the option.
option += 2;
o->optind += 1;
for (i = 0; !bc_opt_longoptsEnd(longopts, i); i++) {
const char *name = longopts[i].name;
if (bc_opt_longoptsMatch(name, option)) {
char *arg;
o->optopt = longopts[i].val;
arg = bc_opt_longoptsArg(option);
if ((longopts[i].type == BC_OPT_BC_ONLY && BC_IS_DC) ||
(longopts[i].type == BC_OPT_DC_ONLY && BC_IS_BC))
- bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, o->optopt, name);
+ bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, o->optopt, name);
if (longopts[i].type == BC_OPT_NONE && arg != NULL)
- bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION_ARG, o->optopt, name);
+ bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION_ARG, o->optopt, name);
if (arg != NULL) o->optarg = arg;
else if (longopts[i].type == BC_OPT_REQUIRED) {
o->optarg = o->argv[o->optind];
if (o->optarg != NULL) o->optind += 1;
- else bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION_NO_ARG,
+ else bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION_NO_ARG,
o->optopt, name);
return o->optopt;
- bc_opt_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, 0, option);
+ bc_opt_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, 0, option);
return -1;
void bc_opt_init(BcOpt *o, char *argv[]) {
o->argv = argv;
o->optind = 1;
o->subopt = 0;
o->optarg = NULL;
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/parse.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/parse.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/parse.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,218 +1,221 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code common to the parsers.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
+#include <status.h>
+#include <vector.h>
+#include <lex.h>
#include <parse.h>
#include <program.h>
#include <vm.h>
void bc_parse_updateFunc(BcParse *p, size_t fidx) {
p->fidx = fidx;
p->func = bc_vec_item(&p->prog->fns, fidx);
inline void bc_parse_pushName(const BcParse *p, char *name, bool var) {
bc_parse_pushIndex(p, bc_program_search(p->prog, name, var));
static void bc_parse_update(BcParse *p, uchar inst, size_t idx) {
bc_parse_updateFunc(p, p->fidx);
bc_parse_push(p, inst);
bc_parse_pushIndex(p, idx);
void bc_parse_addString(BcParse *p) {
BcVec *strs = BC_IS_BC ? &p->func->strs : p->prog->strs;
size_t idx;
if (BC_IS_BC) {
const char *str = bc_vm_strdup(p->l.str.v);
idx = strs->len;
bc_vec_push(strs, &str);
else idx = bc_program_insertFunc(p->prog, p->l.str.v) - BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS;
#endif // DC_ENABLED
bc_parse_update(p, BC_INST_STR, idx);
static void bc_parse_addNum(BcParse *p, const char *string) {
BcVec *consts = &p->func->consts;
size_t idx;
BcConst c;
if (bc_parse_zero[0] == string[0] && bc_parse_zero[1] == string[1]) {
bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_ZERO);
if (bc_parse_one[0] == string[0] && bc_parse_one[1] == string[1]) {
bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_ONE);
idx = consts->len;
c.val = bc_vm_strdup(string);
bc_vec_push(consts, &c);
bc_parse_update(p, BC_INST_NUM, idx);
void bc_parse_number(BcParse *p) {
char *exp = strchr(p->l.str.v, 'e');
size_t idx = SIZE_MAX;
if (exp != NULL) {
idx = ((size_t) (exp - p->l.str.v));
*exp = 0;
bc_parse_addNum(p, p->l.str.v);
if (exp != NULL) {
bool neg;
neg = (*((char*) bc_vec_item(&p->l.str, idx + 1)) == BC_LEX_NEG_CHAR);
bc_parse_addNum(p, bc_vec_item(&p->l.str, idx + 1 + neg));
bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_LSHIFT + neg);
void bc_parse_text(BcParse *p, const char *text) {
// Make sure the pointer isn't invalidated.
p->func = bc_vec_item(&p->prog->fns, p->fidx);
bc_lex_text(&p->l, text);
void bc_parse_reset(BcParse *p) {
if (p->fidx != BC_PROG_MAIN) {
bc_parse_updateFunc(p, BC_PROG_MAIN);
p->l.i = p->l.len;
p->l.t = BC_LEX_EOF;
p->auto_part = false;
if (BC_IS_BC) {
bc_vec_npop(&p->flags, p->flags.len - 1);
bc_vec_npop(&p->exits, p->exits.len);
bc_vec_npop(&p->conds, p->conds.len);
bc_vec_npop(&p->ops, p->ops.len);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
if (BC_ERR(vm.status)) BC_VM_JMP;
void bc_parse_free(BcParse *p) {
assert(p != NULL);
if (BC_IS_BC) {
#endif // BC_ENABLED
void bc_parse_init(BcParse *p, BcProgram *prog, size_t func) {
uint16_t flag = 0;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
assert(p != NULL && prog != NULL);
if (BC_IS_BC) {
bc_vec_init(&p->flags, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL);
bc_vec_push(&p->flags, &flag);
bc_vec_init(&p->exits, sizeof(BcInstPtr), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&p->conds, sizeof(size_t), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&p->ops, sizeof(BcLexType), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&p->buf, sizeof(char), NULL);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
p->prog = prog;
p->auto_part = false;
bc_parse_updateFunc(p, func);
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/program.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/program.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/program.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,2336 +1,2323 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code to execute bc programs.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <read.h>
#include <parse.h>
#include <program.h>
#include <vm.h>
static void bc_program_addFunc(BcProgram *p, BcFunc *f, BcId *id_ptr);
static inline void bc_program_setVecs(BcProgram *p, BcFunc *f) {
p->consts = &f->consts;
if (BC_IS_BC) p->strs = &f->strs;
static inline void bc_program_type_num(BcResult *r, BcNum *n) {
assert(r->t != BC_RESULT_VOID);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_NUM(r, n))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_NUM(r, n))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
static void bc_program_type_match(BcResult *r, BcType t) {
assert(BC_IS_DC || BC_NO_ERR(r->t != BC_RESULT_STR));
#endif // DC_ENABLED
if (BC_ERR((r->t != BC_RESULT_ARRAY) != (!t)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
static size_t bc_program_index(const char *restrict code, size_t *restrict bgn)
uchar amt = (uchar) code[(*bgn)++], i = 0;
size_t res = 0;
for (; i < amt; ++i, ++(*bgn)) {
size_t temp = ((size_t) ((int) (uchar) code[*bgn]) & UCHAR_MAX);
res |= (temp << (i * CHAR_BIT));
return res;
static void bc_program_prepGlobals(BcProgram *p) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < BC_PROG_GLOBALS_LEN; ++i)
bc_vec_push(p->globals_v + i, p->globals + i);
static void bc_program_popGlobals(BcProgram *p, bool reset) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < BC_PROG_GLOBALS_LEN; ++i) {
BcVec *v = p->globals_v + i;
bc_vec_npop(v, reset ? v->len - 1 : 1);
p->globals[i] = BC_PROG_GLOBAL(v);
bc_rand_pop(&p->rng, reset);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
static void bc_program_pushBigdig(BcProgram *p, BcBigDig dig, BcResultType type)
BcResult res;
res.t = type;
bc_num_createFromBigdig(&res.d.n, dig);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &res);
static BcVec* bc_program_dereference(const BcProgram *p, BcVec *vec) {
BcVec *v;
size_t vidx, nidx, i = 0;
assert(vec->size == sizeof(uchar));
vidx = bc_program_index(vec->v, &i);
nidx = bc_program_index(vec->v, &i);
v = bc_vec_item(bc_vec_item(&p->arrs, vidx), nidx);
assert(v->size != sizeof(uchar));
return v;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
size_t bc_program_search(BcProgram *p, const char *id, bool var) {
BcVec *v, *map;
size_t i;
BcResultData data;
v = var ? &p->vars : &p->arrs;
map = var ? &p->var_map : &p->arr_map;
if (bc_map_insert(map, id, v->len, &i)) {
bc_array_init(&data.v, var);
bc_vec_push(v, &data.v);
return ((BcId*) bc_vec_item(map, i))->idx;
static inline BcVec* bc_program_vec(const BcProgram *p, size_t idx, BcType type)
const BcVec *v = (type == BC_TYPE_VAR) ? &p->vars : &p->arrs;
return bc_vec_item(v, idx);
static BcNum* bc_program_num(BcProgram *p, BcResult *r) {
BcNum *n;
switch (r->t) {
n = &r->d.n;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
BcVec *v;
BcType type = (r->t == BC_RESULT_VAR) ? BC_TYPE_VAR : BC_TYPE_ARRAY;
v = bc_program_vec(p, r->d.loc.loc, type);
if (r->t == BC_RESULT_ARRAY_ELEM) {
size_t idx = r->d.loc.idx;
v = bc_vec_top(v);
if (v->size == sizeof(uchar)) v = bc_program_dereference(p, v);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
assert(v->size == sizeof(BcNum));
if (v->len <= idx) {
bc_array_expand(v, bc_vm_growSize(idx, 1));
n = bc_vec_item(v, idx);
else n = bc_vec_top(v);
n = &p->zero;
n = &p->one;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
// Fallthrough
n = &p->last;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
return n;
static void bc_program_operand(BcProgram *p, BcResult **r,
BcNum **n, size_t idx)
*r = bc_vec_item_rev(&p->results, idx);
- if (BC_ERR((*r)->t == BC_RESULT_VOID)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
+ if (BC_ERR((*r)->t == BC_RESULT_VOID)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
*n = bc_program_num(p, *r);
static void bc_program_binPrep(BcProgram *p, BcResult **l, BcNum **ln,
BcResult **r, BcNum **rn, size_t idx)
BcResultType lt;
assert(p != NULL && l != NULL && ln != NULL && r != NULL && rn != NULL);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 2)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 2));
bc_program_operand(p, l, ln, idx + 1);
bc_program_operand(p, r, rn, idx);
lt = (*l)->t;
assert(lt != BC_RESULT_VOID && (*r)->t != BC_RESULT_VOID);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
// We run this again under these conditions in case any vector has been
// reallocated out from under the BcNums or arrays we had.
if (lt == (*r)->t && (lt == BC_RESULT_VAR || lt == BC_RESULT_ARRAY_ELEM))
*ln = bc_program_num(p, *l);
- if (BC_ERR(lt == BC_RESULT_STR)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ if (BC_ERR(lt == BC_RESULT_STR)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
static void bc_program_binOpPrep(BcProgram *p, BcResult **l, BcNum **ln,
BcResult **r, BcNum **rn, size_t idx)
bc_program_binPrep(p, l, ln, r, rn, idx);
bc_program_type_num(*l, *ln);
bc_program_type_num(*r, *rn);
static void bc_program_assignPrep(BcProgram *p, BcResult **l, BcNum **ln,
BcResult **r, BcNum **rn)
BcResultType lt, min;
min = BC_RESULT_TEMP - ((unsigned int) (BC_IS_BC));
bc_program_binPrep(p, l, ln, r, rn, 0);
lt = (*l)->t;
if (BC_ERR(lt >= min && lt <= BC_RESULT_ONE))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
if(BC_IS_DC) {
bool good = (((*r)->t == BC_RESULT_STR || BC_PROG_STR(*rn)) &&
if (!good) bc_program_type_num(*r, *rn);
assert((*r)->t != BC_RESULT_STR);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
static void bc_program_prep(BcProgram *p, BcResult **r, BcNum **n, size_t idx) {
assert(p != NULL && r != NULL && n != NULL);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 1));
bc_program_operand(p, r, n, idx);
assert((*r)->t != BC_RESULT_VAR || !BC_PROG_STR(*n));
#endif // DC_ENABLED
bc_program_type_num(*r, *n);
static BcResult* bc_program_prepResult(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult res;
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &res);
return bc_vec_top(&p->results);
static void bc_program_const(BcProgram *p, const char *code, size_t *bgn) {
BcResult *r = bc_program_prepResult(p);
BcConst *c = bc_vec_item(p->consts, bc_program_index(code, bgn));
BcBigDig base = BC_PROG_IBASE(p);
if (c->base != base) {
if (c->num.num == NULL) {
bc_num_init(&c->num, BC_NUM_RDX(strlen(c->val)));
// bc_num_parse() should only do operations that cannot fail.
- bc_num_parse(&c->num, c->val, base);
+ bc_num_parse(&c->num, c->val, base, !c->val[1]);
c->base = base;
bc_num_createCopy(&r->d.n, &c->num);
static void bc_program_op(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *opd1, *opd2, *res;
BcNum *n1, *n2;
size_t idx = inst - BC_INST_POWER;
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_binOpPrep(p, &opd1, &n1, &opd2, &n2, 1);
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, bc_program_opReqs[idx](n1, n2, BC_PROG_SCALE(p)));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(n1));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(n2));
bc_program_ops[idx](n1, n2, &res->d.n, BC_PROG_SCALE(p));
bc_program_retire(p, 1, 2);
static void bc_program_read(BcProgram *p) {
BcStatus s;
BcParse parse;
BcVec buf;
BcInstPtr ip;
size_t i;
const char* file;
BcFunc *f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, BC_PROG_READ);
for (i = 0; i < p->stack.len; ++i) {
BcInstPtr *ip_ptr = bc_vec_item(&p->stack, i);
if (ip_ptr->func == BC_PROG_READ)
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_REC_READ);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_REC_READ);
file = vm.file;
bc_parse_init(&parse, p, BC_PROG_READ);
bc_vec_init(&buf, sizeof(char), NULL);
bc_lex_file(&parse.l, bc_program_stdin_name);
bc_vec_npop(&f->code, f->code.len);
s = bc_read_line(&buf, BC_IS_BC ? "read> " : "?> ");
- if (s == BC_STATUS_EOF) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_READ_EXPR);
+ if (s == BC_STATUS_EOF) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_READ_EXPR);
bc_parse_text(&parse, buf.v);
if (BC_ERR(parse.l.t != BC_LEX_NLINE && parse.l.t != BC_LEX_EOF))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_READ_EXPR);
if (BC_G) bc_program_prepGlobals(p);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
ip.func = BC_PROG_READ;
ip.idx = 0;
ip.len = p->results.len;
// Update this pointer, just in case.
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, BC_PROG_READ);
bc_vec_pushByte(&f->code, vm.read_ret);
bc_vec_push(&p->stack, &ip);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
size_t temp = 0;
bc_vec_push(&p->tail_calls, &temp);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
vm.file = file;
static void bc_program_rand(BcProgram *p) {
BcRand rand = bc_rand_int(&p->rng);
bc_program_pushBigdig(p, (BcBigDig) rand, BC_RESULT_TEMP);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- {
- BcResult *r = bc_vec_top(&p->results);
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID_NP(r->d.n));
- }
-#endif // NDEBUG
static void bc_program_printChars(const char *str) {
const char *nl;
size_t len = vm.nchars + strlen(str);
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, str);
nl = strrchr(str, '\n');
if (nl != NULL) len = strlen(nl + 1);
vm.nchars = len > UINT16_MAX ? UINT16_MAX : (uint16_t) len;
static void bc_program_printString(const char *restrict str) {
size_t i, len = strlen(str);
if (!len && BC_IS_DC) {
#endif // DC_ENABLED
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int c = str[i];
if (c == '\\' && i != len - 1) {
const char *ptr;
c = str[++i];
ptr = strchr(bc_program_esc_chars, c);
if (ptr != NULL) {
if (c == 'n') vm.nchars = UINT16_MAX;
c = bc_program_esc_seqs[(size_t) (ptr - bc_program_esc_chars)];
else {
// Just print the backslash. The following
// character will be printed later.
static void bc_program_print(BcProgram *p, uchar inst, size_t idx) {
BcResult *r;
char *str;
BcNum *n;
bool pop = (inst != BC_INST_PRINT);
assert(p != NULL);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, idx + 1));
r = bc_vec_item_rev(&p->results, idx);
if (r->t == BC_RESULT_VOID) {
- if (BC_ERR(pop)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
+ if (BC_ERR(pop)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
n = bc_program_num(p, r);
if (BC_PROG_NUM(r, n)) {
assert(inst != BC_INST_PRINT_STR);
bc_num_print(n, BC_PROG_OBASE(p), !pop);
if (BC_IS_BC) bc_num_copy(&p->last, n);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
else {
size_t i = (r->t == BC_RESULT_STR) ? r->d.loc.loc : n->scale;
str = *((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, i));
if (inst == BC_INST_PRINT_STR) bc_program_printChars(str);
else {
if (inst == BC_INST_PRINT) bc_vm_putchar('\n');
if (BC_IS_BC || pop) bc_vec_pop(&p->results);
void bc_program_negate(BcResult *r, BcNum *n) {
bc_num_copy(&r->d.n, n);
- if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&r->d.n)) BC_NUM_NEG_TGL_NP(r->d.n);
+ if (BC_NUM_NONZERO(&r->d.n)) r->d.n.neg = !r->d.n.neg;
void bc_program_not(BcResult *r, BcNum *n) {
if (!bc_num_cmpZero(n)) bc_num_one(&r->d.n);
void bc_program_trunc(BcResult *r, BcNum *n) {
bc_num_copy(&r->d.n, n);
bc_num_truncate(&r->d.n, n->scale);
static void bc_program_unary(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *res, *ptr;
BcNum *num;
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_prep(p, &ptr, &num, 1);
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, num->len);
bc_program_unarys[inst - BC_INST_NEG](res, num);
bc_program_retire(p, 1, 1);
static void bc_program_logical(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *opd1, *opd2, *res;
BcNum *n1, *n2;
bool cond = 0;
ssize_t cmp;
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_binOpPrep(p, &opd1, &n1, &opd2, &n2, 1);
if (inst == BC_INST_BOOL_AND)
cond = (bc_num_cmpZero(n1) && bc_num_cmpZero(n2));
else if (inst == BC_INST_BOOL_OR)
cond = (bc_num_cmpZero(n1) || bc_num_cmpZero(n2));
else {
cmp = bc_num_cmp(n1, n2);
switch (inst) {
cond = (cmp == 0);
cond = (cmp <= 0);
cond = (cmp >= 0);
cond = (cmp != 0);
cond = (cmp < 0);
cond = (cmp > 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
if (cond) bc_num_one(&res->d.n);
bc_program_retire(p, 1, 2);
static void bc_program_assignStr(BcProgram *p, BcResult *r,
BcVec *v, bool push)
BcNum n2;
n2.scale = r->d.loc.loc;
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1 + !push));
if (!push) bc_vec_pop(v);
bc_vec_npop(&p->results, 1 + !push);
bc_vec_push(v, &n2);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
static void bc_program_copyToVar(BcProgram *p, size_t idx,
BcType t, bool last)
BcResult *ptr = NULL, r;
BcVec *vec;
BcNum *n = NULL;
bool var = (t == BC_TYPE_VAR);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
bc_program_operand(p, &ptr, &n, 0);
if (BC_IS_BC)
ptr = bc_vec_top(&p->results);
bc_program_type_match(ptr, t);
if (last) n = bc_program_num(p, ptr);
else if (var)
n = bc_vec_item_rev(bc_program_vec(p, ptr->d.loc.loc, t), 1);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
vec = bc_program_vec(p, idx, t);
if (BC_IS_DC && (ptr->t == BC_RESULT_STR || BC_PROG_STR(n))) {
- if (BC_ERR(!var)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ if (BC_ERR(!var)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
bc_program_assignStr(p, ptr, vec, true);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
if (var) bc_num_createCopy(&r.d.n, n);
else {
BcVec *v = (BcVec*) n, *rv = &r.d.v;
BcVec *parent;
bool ref, ref_size;
parent = bc_program_vec(p, ptr->d.loc.loc, t);
assert(parent != NULL);
if (!last) v = bc_vec_item_rev(parent, !last);
assert(v != NULL);
ref = (v->size == sizeof(BcNum) && t == BC_TYPE_REF);
ref_size = (v->size == sizeof(uchar));
if (ref || (ref_size && t == BC_TYPE_REF)) {
bc_vec_init(rv, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
if (ref) {
assert(parent->len >= (size_t) (!last + 1));
// Make sure the pointer was not invalidated.
vec = bc_program_vec(p, idx, t);
bc_vec_pushIndex(rv, ptr->d.loc.loc);
bc_vec_pushIndex(rv, parent->len - !last - 1);
// If we get here, we are copying a ref to a ref.
else bc_vec_npush(rv, v->len * sizeof(uchar), v->v);
// We need to return early.
bc_vec_push(vec, &r.d);
else if (ref_size && t != BC_TYPE_REF) v = bc_program_dereference(p, v);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_array_init(rv, true);
bc_array_copy(rv, v);
bc_vec_push(vec, &r.d);
static void bc_program_assign(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *left, *right, res;
BcNum *l, *r;
bool ob, sc, use_val = BC_INST_USE_VAL(inst);
bc_program_assignPrep(p, &left, &l, &right, &r);
assert(left->t != BC_RESULT_STR);
if (right->t == BC_RESULT_STR || BC_PROG_STR(r)) {
size_t idx = right->t == BC_RESULT_STR ? right->d.loc.loc : r->scale;
if (left->t == BC_RESULT_ARRAY_ELEM) {
l->scale = idx;
bc_vec_npop(&p->results, 2);
else {
BcVec *v = bc_program_vec(p, left->d.loc.loc, BC_TYPE_VAR);
bc_program_assignStr(p, right, v, false);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
if (BC_INST_IS_ASSIGN(inst)) bc_num_copy(l, r);
else {
BcBigDig scale = BC_PROG_SCALE(p);
if (!use_val)
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(l));
- assert(BC_NUM_RDX_VALID(r));
bc_program_ops[inst - BC_INST_ASSIGN_POWER](l, r, l, scale);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
ob = (left->t == BC_RESULT_OBASE);
sc = (left->t == BC_RESULT_SCALE);
if (ob || sc || left->t == BC_RESULT_IBASE) {
BcVec *v;
BcBigDig *ptr, *ptr_t, val, max, min;
- BcErr e;
+ BcError e;
bc_num_bigdig(l, &val);
if (sc) {
min = 0;
max = vm.maxes[BC_PROG_GLOBALS_SCALE];
v = p->globals_v + BC_PROG_GLOBALS_SCALE;
ptr_t = p->globals + BC_PROG_GLOBALS_SCALE;
else {
min = 0;
max = vm.maxes[ob + BC_PROG_GLOBALS_IBASE];
v = p->globals_v + BC_PROG_GLOBALS_IBASE + ob;
ptr_t = p->globals + BC_PROG_GLOBALS_IBASE + ob;
if (BC_ERR(val > max || val < min)) bc_vm_verr(e, min, max);
ptr = bc_vec_top(v);
*ptr = val;
*ptr_t = val;
else if (left->t == BC_RESULT_SEED) bc_num_rng(l, &p->rng);
if (use_val) {
bc_num_createCopy(&res.d.n, l);
bc_vec_npop(&p->results, 2);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &res);
else bc_vec_npop(&p->results, 2);
static void bc_program_pushVar(BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn, bool pop, bool copy)
BcResult r;
size_t idx = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
r.d.loc.loc = idx;
if (BC_IS_DC && (pop || copy)) {
BcVec *v = bc_program_vec(p, idx, BC_TYPE_VAR);
BcNum *num = bc_vec_top(v);
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(v, 2 - copy))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(v, 2 - copy))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(v, 2 - copy));
if (!BC_PROG_STR(num)) {
bc_num_createCopy(&r.d.n, num);
if (!copy) bc_vec_pop(v);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
else {
r.d.loc.loc = num->scale;
if (!copy) bc_vec_pop(v);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
static void bc_program_pushArray(BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn, uchar inst)
BcResult r, *operand;
BcNum *num;
BcBigDig temp;
r.d.loc.loc = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
if (inst == BC_INST_ARRAY) {
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_program_prep(p, &operand, &num, 0);
bc_num_bigdig(num, &temp);
r.d.loc.idx = (size_t) temp;
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
static void bc_program_incdec(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *ptr, res, copy;
BcNum *num;
uchar inst2;
bc_program_prep(p, &ptr, &num, 0);
copy.t = BC_RESULT_TEMP;
bc_num_createCopy(&copy.d.n, num);
res.t = BC_RESULT_ONE;
inst2 = BC_INST_ASSIGN_PLUS + (inst & 0x01);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &res);
bc_program_assign(p, inst2);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &copy);
static void bc_program_call(BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict idx)
BcInstPtr ip;
size_t i, nparams = bc_program_index(code, idx);
BcFunc *f;
BcVec *v;
BcLoc *a;
BcResultData param;
BcResult *arg;
ip.idx = 0;
ip.func = bc_program_index(code, idx);
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip.func);
- if (BC_ERR(!f->code.len)) bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_EXEC_UNDEF_FUNC, f->name);
+ if (BC_ERR(!f->code.len)) bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_EXEC_UNDEF_FUNC, f->name);
if (BC_ERR(nparams != f->nparams))
- bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_EXEC_PARAMS, f->nparams, nparams);
+ bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_EXEC_PARAMS, f->nparams, nparams);
ip.len = p->results.len - nparams;
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, nparams));
if (BC_G) bc_program_prepGlobals(p);
for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) {
size_t j;
bool last = true;
arg = bc_vec_top(&p->results);
- if (BC_ERR(arg->t == BC_RESULT_VOID)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
+ if (BC_ERR(arg->t == BC_RESULT_VOID))
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_VOID_VAL);
a = bc_vec_item(&f->autos, nparams - 1 - i);
// If I have already pushed to a var, I need to make sure I
// get the previous version, not the already pushed one.
if (arg->t == BC_RESULT_VAR || arg->t == BC_RESULT_ARRAY) {
for (j = 0; j < i && last; ++j) {
BcLoc *loc = bc_vec_item(&f->autos, nparams - 1 - j);
last = (arg->d.loc.loc != loc->loc ||
(!loc->idx) != (arg->t == BC_RESULT_VAR));
bc_program_copyToVar(p, a->loc, (BcType) a->idx, last);
for (; i < f->autos.len; ++i) {
a = bc_vec_item(&f->autos, i);
v = bc_program_vec(p, a->loc, (BcType) a->idx);
if (a->idx == BC_TYPE_VAR) {
bc_num_init(&param.n, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
bc_vec_push(v, &param.n);
else {
assert(a->idx == BC_TYPE_ARRAY);
bc_array_init(&param.v, true);
bc_vec_push(v, &param.v);
bc_vec_push(&p->stack, &ip);
static void bc_program_return(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *res;
BcFunc *f;
BcInstPtr *ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
size_t i, nops = p->results.len - ip->len;
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->stack, 2));
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, ip->len + (inst == BC_INST_RET)));
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
if (inst == BC_INST_RET) {
BcNum *num;
BcResult *operand;
bc_program_operand(p, &operand, &num, 1);
bc_num_createCopy(&res->d.n, num);
else if (inst == BC_INST_RET_VOID) res->t = BC_RESULT_VOID;
else {
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
// We need to pop arguments as well, so this takes that into account.
for (i = 0; i < f->autos.len; ++i) {
BcLoc *a = bc_vec_item(&f->autos, i);
BcVec *v = bc_program_vec(p, a->loc, (BcType) a->idx);
bc_program_retire(p, 1, nops);
if (BC_G) bc_program_popGlobals(p, false);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
static void bc_program_builtin(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *opd, *res;
BcNum *num;
bool len = (inst == BC_INST_LENGTH);
assert(inst >= BC_INST_LENGTH && inst <= BC_INST_IRAND);
assert(inst >= BC_INST_LENGTH && inst <= BC_INST_ABS);
if (BC_IS_DC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_operand(p, &opd, &num, 1);
assert(num != NULL);
if (!len && inst != BC_INST_SCALE_FUNC) bc_program_type_num(opd, num);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
if (inst == BC_INST_SQRT) bc_num_sqrt(num, &res->d.n, BC_PROG_SCALE(p));
else if (inst == BC_INST_ABS) {
bc_num_createCopy(&res->d.n, num);
- BC_NUM_NEG_CLR_NP(res->d.n);
+ res->d.n.neg = false;
else if (inst == BC_INST_IRAND) {
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, num->len - num->rdx);
bc_num_irand(num, &res->d.n, &p->rng);
else {
BcBigDig val = 0;
if (len) {
if (BC_IS_BC && opd->t == BC_RESULT_ARRAY) {
BcVec *v = (BcVec*) num;
if (v->size == sizeof(uchar)) v = bc_program_dereference(p, v);
assert(v->size == sizeof(BcNum));
val = (BcBigDig) v->len;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
if (!BC_PROG_NUM(opd, num)) {
size_t idx;
char *str;
idx = opd->t == BC_RESULT_STR ? opd->d.loc.loc : num->scale;
str = *((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, idx));
val = (BcBigDig) strlen(str);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
val = (BcBigDig) bc_num_len(num);
else if (BC_IS_BC || BC_PROG_NUM(opd, num))
val = (BcBigDig) bc_num_scale(num);
bc_num_createFromBigdig(&res->d.n, val);
bc_program_retire(p, 1, 1);
static void bc_program_divmod(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult *opd1, *opd2, *res, *res2;
BcNum *n1, *n2;
size_t req;
- bc_vec_grow(&p->results, 2);
+ bc_vec_expand(&p->results, p->results.len + 2);
// We don't need to update the pointer because
// the capacity is enough due to the line above.
res2 = bc_program_prepResult(p);
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_binOpPrep(p, &opd1, &n1, &opd2, &n2, 2);
req = bc_num_mulReq(n1, n2, BC_PROG_SCALE(p));
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, req);
bc_num_init(&res2->d.n, req);
bc_num_divmod(n1, n2, &res2->d.n, &res->d.n, BC_PROG_SCALE(p));
bc_program_retire(p, 2, 2);
static void bc_program_modexp(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult *r1, *r2, *r3, *res;
BcNum *n1, *n2, *n3;
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 3))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 3))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 3));
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
bc_program_operand(p, &r1, &n1, 3);
bc_program_type_num(r1, n1);
bc_program_binOpPrep(p, &r2, &n2, &r3, &n3, 1);
// Make sure that the values have their pointers updated, if necessary.
// Only array elements are possible.
if (r1->t == BC_RESULT_ARRAY_ELEM && (r1->t == r2->t || r1->t == r3->t))
n1 = bc_program_num(p, r1);
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, n3->len);
bc_num_modexp(n1, n2, n3, &res->d.n);
bc_program_retire(p, 1, 3);
static void bc_program_stackLen(BcProgram *p) {
bc_program_pushBigdig(p, (BcBigDig) p->results.len, BC_RESULT_TEMP);
static uchar bc_program_asciifyNum(BcProgram *p, BcNum *n) {
BcNum num;
BcBigDig val = 0;
bc_num_createCopy(&num, n);
bc_num_truncate(&num, num.scale);
+ num.neg = false;
// This is guaranteed to not have a divide by 0
// because strmb is equal to UCHAR_MAX + 1.
bc_num_mod(&num, &p->strmb, &num, 0);
// This is also guaranteed to not error because num is in the range
// [0, UCHAR_MAX], which is definitely in range for a BcBigDig. And
// it is not negative.
bc_num_bigdig2(&num, &val);
return (uchar) val;
static void bc_program_asciify(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult *r, res;
BcNum *n;
char str[2], *str2;
uchar c;
size_t idx;
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
bc_program_operand(p, &r, &n, 0);
assert(n != NULL);
assert(p->strs->len + BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS == p->fns.len);
if (BC_PROG_NUM(r, n)) c = bc_program_asciifyNum(p, n);
else {
size_t index = r->t == BC_RESULT_STR ? r->d.loc.loc : n->scale;
str2 = *((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, index));
c = (uchar) str2[0];
str[0] = (char) c;
str[1] = '\0';
idx = bc_program_insertFunc(p, str) - BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS;
res.t = BC_RESULT_STR;
res.d.loc.loc = idx;
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &res);
static void bc_program_printStream(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult *r;
BcNum *n;
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
bc_program_operand(p, &r, &n, 0);
assert(n != NULL);
if (BC_PROG_NUM(r, n)) bc_num_stream(n, p->strm);
else {
size_t idx = (r->t == BC_RESULT_STR) ? r->d.loc.loc : n->scale;
bc_program_printChars(*((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, idx)));
static void bc_program_nquit(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResult *opnd;
BcNum *num;
BcBigDig val;
size_t i;
assert(p->stack.len == p->tail_calls.len);
if (inst == BC_INST_QUIT) val = 2;
else {
bc_program_prep(p, &opnd, &num, 0);
bc_num_bigdig(num, &val);
for (i = 0; val && i < p->tail_calls.len; ++i) {
size_t calls = *((size_t*) bc_vec_item_rev(&p->tail_calls, i)) + 1;
if (calls >= val) val = 0;
else val -= calls;
if (i == p->stack.len) {
vm.status = BC_STATUS_QUIT;
else {
bc_vec_npop(&p->stack, i);
bc_vec_npop(&p->tail_calls, i);
static void bc_program_execStr(BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn, bool cond, size_t len)
BcResult *r;
char *str;
BcFunc *f;
BcParse prs;
BcInstPtr ip;
size_t fidx, sidx;
BcNum *n;
assert(p->stack.len == p->tail_calls.len);
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
bc_program_operand(p, &r, &n, 0);
if (cond) {
bool exec;
size_t idx, then_idx, else_idx;
then_idx = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
else_idx = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
exec = (r->d.n.len != 0);
idx = exec ? then_idx : else_idx;
if (exec || (else_idx != SIZE_MAX))
n = bc_vec_top(bc_program_vec(p, idx, BC_TYPE_VAR));
else goto exit;
- if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STR(n))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_TYPE);
+ if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STR(n))) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_TYPE);
sidx = n->scale;
else {
// In non-conditional situations, only the top of stack can be executed,
// and in those cases, variables are not allowed to be "on the stack";
// they are only put on the stack to be assigned to.
assert(r->t != BC_RESULT_VAR);
if (r->t == BC_RESULT_STR) sidx = r->d.loc.loc;
else return;
fidx = sidx + BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS;
str = *((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, sidx));
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, fidx);
if (!f->code.len) {
bc_parse_init(&prs, p, fidx);
bc_lex_file(&prs.l, vm.file);
bc_parse_text(&prs, str);
vm.expr(&prs, BC_PARSE_NOCALL);
// We can just assert this here because
// dc should parse everything until EOF.
assert(prs.l.t == BC_LEX_EOF);
ip.idx = 0;
ip.len = p->results.len;
ip.func = fidx;
// Tail call.
if (p->stack.len > 1 && *bgn == len - 1 && code[*bgn] == BC_INST_POP_EXEC) {
size_t *call_ptr = bc_vec_top(&p->tail_calls);
*call_ptr += 1;
else bc_vec_push(&p->tail_calls, &ip.idx);
bc_vec_push(&p->stack, &ip);
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, fidx);
bc_vec_npop(&f->code, f->code.len);
static void bc_program_printStack(BcProgram *p) {
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < p->results.len; ++idx)
bc_program_print(p, BC_INST_PRINT, idx);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
static void bc_program_pushGlobal(BcProgram *p, uchar inst) {
BcResultType t;
assert(inst >= BC_INST_IBASE && inst <= BC_INST_SCALE);
bc_program_pushBigdig(p, p->globals[inst - BC_INST_IBASE], t);
static void bc_program_pushSeed(BcProgram *p) {
BcResult *res;
res = bc_program_prepResult(p);
res->t = BC_RESULT_SEED;
bc_num_init(&res->d.n, 2 * BC_RAND_NUM_SIZE);
bc_num_createFromRNG(&res->d.n, &p->rng);
static void bc_program_addFunc(BcProgram *p, BcFunc *f, BcId *id_ptr) {
BcInstPtr *ip;
bc_func_init(f, id_ptr->name);
bc_vec_push(&p->fns, f);
// This is to make sure pointers are updated if the array was moved.
if (p->stack.len) {
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
bc_program_setVecs(p, (BcFunc*) bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func));
size_t bc_program_insertFunc(BcProgram *p, const char *name) {
BcId *id_ptr;
BcFunc f;
bool new;
size_t idx;
assert(p != NULL && name != NULL);
new = bc_map_insert(&p->fn_map, name, p->fns.len, &idx);
id_ptr = (BcId*) bc_vec_item(&p->fn_map, idx);
idx = id_ptr->idx;
if (!new) {
if (BC_IS_BC) {
BcFunc *func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, idx);
else {
bc_program_addFunc(p, &f, id_ptr);
if (BC_IS_DC && idx >= BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS) {
bc_vec_push(p->strs, &id_ptr->name);
assert(p->strs->len == p->fns.len - BC_PROG_REQ_FUNCS);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
return idx;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void bc_program_free(BcProgram *p) {
size_t i;
assert(p != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < BC_PROG_GLOBALS_LEN; ++i) bc_vec_free(p->globals_v + i);
if (BC_IS_BC) bc_num_free(&p->last);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
if (BC_IS_DC) {
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#endif // NDEBUG
void bc_program_init(BcProgram *p) {
BcInstPtr ip;
size_t i;
BcBigDig val = BC_BASE;
assert(p != NULL);
memset(p, 0, sizeof(BcProgram));
memset(&ip, 0, sizeof(BcInstPtr));
for (i = 0; i < BC_PROG_GLOBALS_LEN; ++i) {
bc_vec_init(p->globals_v + i, sizeof(BcBigDig), NULL);
val = i == BC_PROG_GLOBALS_SCALE ? 0 : val;
bc_vec_push(p->globals_v + i, &val);
p->globals[i] = val;
if (BC_IS_DC) {
bc_vec_init(&p->strs_v, sizeof(char*), bc_string_free);
p->strs = &p->strs_v;
bc_vec_init(&p->tail_calls, sizeof(size_t), NULL);
i = 0;
bc_vec_push(&p->tail_calls, &i);
p->strm = UCHAR_MAX + 1;
bc_num_setup(&p->strmb, p->strmb_num, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
bc_num_bigdig2num(&p->strmb, p->strm);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
bc_num_setup(&p->zero, p->zero_num, BC_PROG_ONE_CAP);
bc_num_setup(&p->one, p->one_num, BC_PROG_ONE_CAP);
if (BC_IS_BC) bc_num_init(&p->last, BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_vec_init(&p->fns, sizeof(BcFunc), bc_func_free);
bc_program_insertFunc(p, bc_func_main);
bc_program_insertFunc(p, bc_func_read);
bc_vec_init(&p->vars, sizeof(BcVec), bc_vec_free);
bc_vec_init(&p->arrs, sizeof(BcVec), bc_vec_free);
bc_vec_init(&p->results, sizeof(BcResult), bc_result_free);
bc_vec_init(&p->stack, sizeof(BcInstPtr), NULL);
bc_vec_push(&p->stack, &ip);
bc_program_setVecs(p, (BcFunc*) bc_vec_item(&p->fns, BC_PROG_MAIN));
assert(p->consts != NULL && p->strs != NULL);
void bc_program_reset(BcProgram *p) {
BcFunc *f;
BcInstPtr *ip;
bc_vec_npop(&p->stack, p->stack.len - 1);
bc_vec_npop(&p->results, p->results.len);
if (BC_G) bc_program_popGlobals(p, true);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, BC_PROG_MAIN);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
bc_program_setVecs(p, f);
ip->idx = f->code.len;
if (vm.sig) {
bc_file_write(&vm.fout, bc_program_ready_msg, bc_program_ready_msg_len);
vm.sig = 0;
void bc_program_exec(BcProgram *p) {
size_t idx;
BcResult r, *ptr;
BcInstPtr *ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
BcFunc *func = (BcFunc*) bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
char *code = func->code.v;
bool cond = false;
BcNum *num;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t jmp_bufs_len;
#endif // NDEBUG
#ifndef NDEBUG
jmp_bufs_len = vm.jmp_bufs.len;
#endif // NDEBUG
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
while (ip->idx < func->code.len) {
uchar inst = (uchar) code[(ip->idx)++];
switch (inst) {
bc_program_prep(p, &ptr, &num, 0);
cond = !bc_num_cmpZero(num);
// Fallthrough.
idx = bc_program_index(code, &ip->idx);
if (inst == BC_INST_JUMP || cond) {
size_t *addr = bc_vec_item(&func->labels, idx);
assert(*addr != SIZE_MAX);
ip->idx = *addr;
bc_program_call(p, code, &ip->idx);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
bc_program_incdec(p, inst);
vm.status = BC_STATUS_QUIT;
case BC_INST_RET0:
bc_program_return(p, inst);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_program_logical(p, inst);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
BcBigDig dig = vm.maxes[inst - BC_INST_MAXIBASE];
bc_program_pushBigdig(p, dig, BC_RESULT_TEMP);
bc_program_pushVar(p, code, &ip->idx, false, false);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_program_pushArray(p, code, &ip->idx, inst);
bc_program_pushGlobal(p, inst);
bc_program_builtin(p, inst);
bc_program_const(p, code, &ip->idx);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
r.t = BC_RESULT_ZERO + (inst - BC_INST_ZERO);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
bc_program_print(p, inst, 0);
r.d.loc.loc = bc_program_index(code, &ip->idx);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
bc_program_op(p, inst);
bc_program_unary(p, inst);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_program_assign(p, inst);
if (!BC_IS_BC) {
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->stack, 2));
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
cond = (inst == BC_INST_EXEC_COND);
bc_program_execStr(p, code, &ip->idx, cond, func->code.len);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
bc_vec_npop(&p->results, p->results.len);
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 1));
ptr = bc_vec_top(&p->results);
bc_result_copy(&r, ptr);
bc_vec_push(&p->results, &r);
BcResult *ptr2;
if (BC_ERR(!BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 2)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_STACK);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_EXEC_STACK);
assert(BC_PROG_STACK(&p->results, 2));
ptr = bc_vec_item_rev(&p->results, 0);
ptr2 = bc_vec_item_rev(&p->results, 1);
memcpy(&r, ptr, sizeof(BcResult));
memcpy(ptr, ptr2, sizeof(BcResult));
memcpy(ptr2, &r, sizeof(BcResult));
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
bool copy = (inst == BC_INST_LOAD);
bc_program_pushVar(p, code, &ip->idx, true, copy);
idx = bc_program_index(code, &ip->idx);
bc_program_copyToVar(p, idx, BC_TYPE_VAR, true);
bc_program_nquit(p, inst);
ip = bc_vec_top(&p->stack);
func = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip->func);
code = func->code.v;
bc_program_setVecs(p, func);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
#ifndef NDEBUG
// This is to allow me to use a debugger to see the last instruction,
// which will point to which function was the problem.
assert(jmp_bufs_len == vm.jmp_bufs.len);
#endif // NDEBUG
void bc_program_printStackDebug(BcProgram *p) {
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, "-------------- Stack ----------\n");
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, "-------------- Stack End ------\n");
static void bc_program_printIndex(const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn)
uchar byte, i, bytes = (uchar) code[(*bgn)++];
ulong val = 0;
for (byte = 1, i = 0; byte && i < bytes; ++i) {
byte = (uchar) code[(*bgn)++];
if (byte) val |= ((ulong) byte) << (CHAR_BIT * i);
bc_vm_printf(" (%lu) ", val);
static void bc_program_printStr(const BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn)
size_t idx = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
char *s;
s = *((char**) bc_vec_item(p->strs, idx));
bc_vm_printf(" (\"%s\") ", s);
void bc_program_printInst(const BcProgram *p, const char *restrict code,
size_t *restrict bgn)
uchar inst = (uchar) code[(*bgn)++];
bc_vm_printf("Inst[%zu]: %s [%lu]; ", *bgn - 1,
bc_inst_names[inst], (unsigned long) inst);
if (inst == BC_INST_VAR || inst == BC_INST_ARRAY_ELEM ||
inst == BC_INST_ARRAY)
bc_program_printIndex(code, bgn);
else if (inst == BC_INST_STR) bc_program_printStr(p, code, bgn);
else if (inst == BC_INST_NUM) {
size_t idx = bc_program_index(code, bgn);
BcConst *c = bc_vec_item(p->consts, idx);
bc_vm_printf("(%s)", c->val);
else if (inst == BC_INST_CALL ||
(inst > BC_INST_STR && inst <= BC_INST_JUMP_ZERO))
bc_program_printIndex(code, bgn);
if (inst == BC_INST_CALL) bc_program_printIndex(code, bgn);
void bc_program_code(const BcProgram* p) {
BcFunc *f;
char *code;
BcInstPtr ip;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < p->fns.len; ++i) {
ip.idx = ip.len = 0;
ip.func = i;
f = bc_vec_item(&p->fns, ip.func);
code = f->code.v;
bc_vm_printf("func[%zu]:\n", ip.func);
while (ip.idx < f->code.len) bc_program_printInst(p, code, &ip.idx);
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, "\n\n");
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/read.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/read.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/read.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code to handle special I/O for bc.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <read.h>
#include <history.h>
#include <program.h>
#include <vm.h>
static bool bc_read_binary(const char *buf, size_t size) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (BC_ERR(BC_READ_BIN_CHAR(buf[i]))) return true;
return false;
bool bc_read_buf(BcVec *vec, char *buf, size_t *buf_len) {
char *nl;
if (!*buf_len) return false;
nl = strchr(buf, '\n');
if (nl != NULL) {
size_t nllen = (size_t) ((nl + 1) - buf);
nllen = *buf_len >= nllen ? nllen : *buf_len;
bc_vec_npush(vec, nllen, buf);
*buf_len -= nllen;
memmove(buf, nl + 1, *buf_len + 1);
return true;
bc_vec_npush(vec, *buf_len, buf);
*buf_len = 0;
return false;
BcStatus bc_read_chars(BcVec *vec, const char *prompt) {
bool done = false;
assert(vec != NULL && vec->size == sizeof(char));
bc_vec_npop(vec, vec->len);
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, prompt);
if (bc_read_buf(vec, vm.buf, &vm.buf_len)) {
bc_vec_pushByte(vec, '\0');
while (!done) {
ssize_t r;
r = read(STDIN_FILENO, vm.buf + vm.buf_len,
BC_VM_STDIN_BUF_SIZE - vm.buf_len);
if (BC_UNLIKELY(r < 0)) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
if (vm.status == (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_QUIT) {
vm.status = (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (BC_USE_PROMPT) bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, prompt);
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_IO_ERR);
+ bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_FATAL_IO_ERR);
if (r == 0) {
bc_vec_pushByte(vec, '\0');
vm.buf_len += (size_t) r;
vm.buf[vm.buf_len] = '\0';
done = bc_read_buf(vec, vm.buf, &vm.buf_len);
bc_vec_pushByte(vec, '\0');
BcStatus bc_read_line(BcVec *vec, const char *prompt) {
BcStatus s;
if (BC_TTY && !vm.history.badTerm)
s = bc_history_line(&vm.history, vec, prompt);
else s = bc_read_chars(vec, prompt);
s = bc_read_chars(vec, prompt);
if (BC_ERR(bc_read_binary(vec->v, vec->len - 1)))
- bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_FATAL_BIN_FILE, bc_program_stdin_name);
+ bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_FATAL_BIN_FILE, bc_program_stdin_name);
return s;
void bc_read_file(const char *path, char **buf) {
size_t size, r;
struct stat pstat;
int fd;
assert(path != NULL);
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
- if (BC_ERR(fd < 0)) bc_vm_verr(BC_ERR_FATAL_FILE_ERR, path);
+ if (BC_ERR(fd < 0)) bc_vm_verr(BC_ERROR_FATAL_FILE_ERR, path);
if (BC_ERR(fstat(fd, &pstat) == -1)) goto malloc_err;
if (BC_ERR(S_ISDIR(pstat.st_mode))) {
goto malloc_err;
size = (size_t) pstat.st_size;
*buf = bc_vm_malloc(size + 1);
r = (size_t) read(fd, *buf, size);
if (BC_ERR(r != size)) goto read_err;
(*buf)[size] = '\0';
if (BC_ERR(bc_read_binary(*buf, size))) {
goto read_err;
bc_vm_verr(e, path);
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/vector.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/vector.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/vector.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,344 +1,345 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code to manipulate vectors (resizable arrays).
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <lang.h>
#include <vm.h>
-void bc_vec_grow(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n) {
+static void bc_vec_grow(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n) {
size_t len, cap = v->cap;
sig_atomic_t lock;
len = bc_vm_growSize(v->len, n);
while (cap < len) cap = bc_vm_growSize(cap, cap);
v->v = bc_vm_realloc(v->v, bc_vm_arraySize(cap, v->size));
v->cap = cap;
void bc_vec_init(BcVec *restrict v, size_t esize, BcVecFree dtor) {
assert(v != NULL && esize);
v->size = esize;
v->cap = BC_VEC_START_CAP;
v->len = 0;
v->dtor = dtor;
v->v = bc_vm_malloc(bc_vm_arraySize(BC_VEC_START_CAP, esize));
void bc_vec_expand(BcVec *restrict v, size_t req) {
assert(v != NULL);
if (v->cap < req) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
v->v = bc_vm_realloc(v->v, bc_vm_arraySize(req, v->size));
v->cap = req;
void bc_vec_npop(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && n <= v->len);
if (v->dtor == NULL) v->len -= n;
else {
size_t len = v->len - n;
while (v->len > len) v->dtor(v->v + (v->size * --v->len));
void bc_vec_npopAt(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n, size_t idx) {
char* ptr, *data;
assert(v != NULL);
assert(idx + n < v->len);
ptr = bc_vec_item(v, idx);
data = bc_vec_item(v, idx + n);
if (v->dtor != NULL) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) v->dtor(bc_vec_item(v, idx + i));
v->len -= n;
memmove(ptr, data, (v->len - idx) * v->size);
void bc_vec_npush(BcVec *restrict v, size_t n, const void *data) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && data != NULL);
if (v->len + n > v->cap) bc_vec_grow(v, n);
memcpy(v->v + (v->size * v->len), data, v->size * n);
v->len += n;
inline void bc_vec_push(BcVec *restrict v, const void *data) {
bc_vec_npush(v, 1, data);
void bc_vec_pushByte(BcVec *restrict v, uchar data) {
assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(uchar));
bc_vec_npush(v, 1, &data);
void bc_vec_pushIndex(BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx) {
uchar amt, nums[sizeof(size_t) + 1];
assert(v != NULL);
assert(v->size == sizeof(uchar));
for (amt = 0; idx; ++amt) {
nums[amt + 1] = (uchar) idx;
idx &= ((size_t) ~(UCHAR_MAX));
idx >>= sizeof(uchar) * CHAR_BIT;
nums[0] = amt;
bc_vec_npush(v, amt + 1, nums);
static void bc_vec_pushAt(BcVec *restrict v, const void *data, size_t idx) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && data != NULL && idx <= v->len);
if (idx == v->len) bc_vec_push(v, data);
else {
char *ptr;
if (v->len == v->cap) bc_vec_grow(v, 1);
ptr = v->v + v->size * idx;
memmove(ptr + v->size, ptr, v->size * (v->len++ - idx));
memmove(ptr, data, v->size);
void bc_vec_string(BcVec *restrict v, size_t len, const char *restrict str) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char));
assert(v->dtor == NULL);
assert(!v->len || !v->v[v->len - 1]);
assert(v->v != str);
bc_vec_npop(v, v->len);
bc_vec_expand(v, bc_vm_growSize(len, 1));
memcpy(v->v, str, len);
v->len = len;
bc_vec_pushByte(v, '\0');
void bc_vec_concat(BcVec *restrict v, const char *restrict str) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char));
assert(v->dtor == NULL);
assert(!v->len || !v->v[v->len - 1]);
assert(v->v != str);
if (v->len) v->len -= 1;
bc_vec_npush(v, strlen(str) + 1, str);
void bc_vec_empty(BcVec *restrict v) {
sig_atomic_t lock;
assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char));
assert(v->dtor == NULL);
bc_vec_npop(v, v->len);
bc_vec_pushByte(v, '\0');
void bc_vec_replaceAt(BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx, const void *data) {
char *ptr;
assert(v != NULL);
ptr = bc_vec_item(v, idx);
if (v->dtor != NULL) v->dtor(ptr);
memcpy(ptr, data, v->size);
inline void* bc_vec_item(const BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx) {
assert(v != NULL && v->len && idx < v->len);
return v->v + v->size * idx;
inline void* bc_vec_item_rev(const BcVec *restrict v, size_t idx) {
assert(v != NULL && v->len && idx < v->len);
return v->v + v->size * (v->len - idx - 1);
inline void bc_vec_clear(BcVec *restrict v) {
v->v = NULL;
v->len = 0;
v->dtor = NULL;
void bc_vec_free(void *vec) {
BcVec *v = (BcVec*) vec;
bc_vec_npop(v, v->len);
static size_t bc_map_find(const BcVec *restrict v, const char *name) {
size_t low = 0, high = v->len;
while (low < high) {
size_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
const BcId *id = bc_vec_item(v, mid);
int result = strcmp(name, id->name);
if (!result) return mid;
else if (result < 0) high = mid;
else low = mid + 1;
return low;
bool bc_map_insert(BcVec *restrict v, const char *name,
size_t idx, size_t *restrict i)
BcId id;
assert(v != NULL && name != NULL && i != NULL);
*i = bc_map_find(v, name);
assert(*i <= v->len);
if (*i != v->len && !strcmp(name, ((BcId*) bc_vec_item(v, *i))->name))
return false; = bc_vm_strdup(name);
id.idx = idx;
bc_vec_pushAt(v, &id, *i);
return true;
size_t bc_map_index(const BcVec *restrict v, const char *name) {
size_t i;
assert(v != NULL && name != NULL);
i = bc_map_find(v, name);
if (i >= v->len) return BC_VEC_INVALID_IDX;
return strcmp(name, ((BcId*) bc_vec_item(v, i))->name) ?
Index: vendor/bc/dist/src/vm.c
--- vendor/bc/dist/src/vm.c (revision 368062)
+++ vendor/bc/dist/src/vm.c (revision 368063)
@@ -1,919 +1,861 @@
* *****************************************************************************
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Gavin D. Howard and contributors.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* *****************************************************************************
* Code common to all of bc and dc.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#else // _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#endif // _WIN32
+#include <status.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <args.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <read.h>
#include <bc.h>
-char output_bufs[BC_VM_BUF_SIZE];
-BcVm vm;
BC_NORETURN void bc_vm_jmp(const char* f) {
#else // BC_DEBUG_CODE
BC_NORETURN void bc_vm_jmp(void) {
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, "Longjmp: ");
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, f);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.ferr, '\n');
#endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(vm.jmp_bufs.len - (size_t) vm.sig_pop);
#endif // NDEBUG
- if (vm.jmp_bufs.len == 0) abort();
if (vm.sig_pop) bc_vec_pop(&vm.jmp_bufs);
else vm.sig_pop = 1;
siglongjmp(*((sigjmp_buf*) bc_vec_top(&vm.jmp_bufs)), 1);
static void bc_vm_sig(int sig) {
// There is already a signal in flight.
if (vm.status == (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_QUIT || vm.sig) {
if (!BC_TTY || sig != SIGINT) vm.status = BC_STATUS_QUIT;
if (BC_TTY && sig == SIGINT) {
int err = errno;
if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, vm.sigmsg, vm.siglen) != (ssize_t) vm.siglen)
else vm.sig = 1;
errno = err;
else vm.status = BC_STATUS_QUIT;
if (!vm.sig_lock) BC_VM_JMP;
void bc_vm_info(const char* const help) {
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, ' ');
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, BC_VERSION);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
bc_file_puts(&vm.fout, bc_copyright);
if (help) {
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, '\n');
bc_file_printf(&vm.fout, help,,;
-void bc_vm_handleError(BcErr e) {
+void bc_vm_error(BcError e, size_t line, ...) {
- assert(e < BC_ERR_NELEMS);
- assert(!vm.sig_pop);
- vm.err = (BclError) (e - BC_ERR_MATH_NEGATIVE +
- }
- else if (vm.abrt) abort();
-void bc_vm_handleError(BcErr e, size_t line, ...) {
BcStatus s;
va_list args;
uchar id = bc_err_ids[e];
const char* err_type = vm.err_ids[id];
sig_atomic_t lock;
- assert(e < BC_ERR_NELEMS);
+ assert(e < BC_ERROR_NELEMS);
- if (!BC_S && e >= BC_ERR_POSIX_START) {
+ if (!BC_S && e >= BC_ERROR_POSIX_START) {
if (BC_W) {
// Make sure to not return an error.
err_type = vm.err_ids[BC_ERR_IDX_WARN];
else return;
#endif // BC_ENABLED
// Make sure all of stdout is written first.
s = bc_file_flushErr(&vm.fout);
vm.status = (sig_atomic_t) s;
va_start(args, line);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.ferr, '\n');
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, err_type);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.ferr, ' ');
bc_file_vprintf(&vm.ferr, vm.err_msgs[e], args);
if (BC_NO_ERR(vm.file)) {
// This is the condition for parsing vs runtime.
// If line is not 0, it is parsing.
if (line) {
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, "\n ");
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, vm.file);
bc_file_printf(&vm.ferr, bc_err_line, line);
else {
BcInstPtr *ip = bc_vec_item_rev(&vm.prog.stack, 0);
BcFunc *f = bc_vec_item(&vm.prog.fns, ip->func);
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, "\n ");
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, vm.func_header);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.ferr, ' ');
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, f->name);
if (BC_IS_BC && ip->func != BC_PROG_MAIN &&
ip->func != BC_PROG_READ)
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, "()");
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_file_puts(&vm.ferr, "\n\n");
s = bc_file_flushErr(&vm.ferr);
vm.status = s == BC_STATUS_ERROR_FATAL ?
(sig_atomic_t) s : (sig_atomic_t) (uchar) (id + 1);
if (BC_ERR(vm.status)) BC_VM_JMP;
static void bc_vm_envArgs(const char* const env_args_name) {
char *env_args = getenv(env_args_name), *buf, *start;
char instr = '\0';
if (env_args == NULL) return;
start = buf = vm.env_args_buffer = bc_vm_strdup(env_args);
assert(buf != NULL);
bc_vec_init(&vm.env_args, sizeof(char*), NULL);
bc_vec_push(&vm.env_args, &env_args_name);
while (*buf) {
if (!isspace(*buf)) {
if (*buf == '"' || *buf == '\'') {
instr = *buf;
buf += 1;
if (*buf == instr) {
instr = '\0';
buf += 1;
bc_vec_push(&vm.env_args, &buf);
while (*buf && ((!instr && !isspace(*buf)) ||
(instr && *buf != instr)))
buf += 1;
if (*buf) {
if (instr) instr = '\0';
*buf = '\0';
buf += 1;
start = buf;
- else if (instr) bc_vm_error(BC_ERR_FATAL_OPTION, 0, start);
+ else if (instr) bc_vm_error(BC_ERROR_FATAL_OPTION, 0, start);
else buf += 1;
// Make sure to push a NULL pointer at the end.
buf = NULL;
bc_vec_push(&vm.env_args, &buf);
bc_args((int) vm.env_args.len - 1, bc_vec_item(&vm.env_args, 0));
static size_t bc_vm_envLen(const char *var) {
char *lenv = getenv(var);
size_t i, len = BC_NUM_PRINT_WIDTH;
int num;
if (lenv == NULL) return len;
len = strlen(lenv);
for (num = 1, i = 0; num && i < len; ++i) num = isdigit(lenv[i]);
if (num) {
len = (size_t) atoi(lenv) - 1;
if (len < 2 || len >= UINT16_MAX) len = BC_NUM_PRINT_WIDTH;
else len = BC_NUM_PRINT_WIDTH;
return len;
void bc_vm_shutdown(void) {
if (vm.catalog != BC_VM_INVALID_CATALOG) catclose(vm.catalog);
#endif // BC_ENABLE_NLS
// This must always run to ensure that the terminal is back to normal.
if (BC_TTY) bc_history_free(&vm.history);
#ifndef NDEBUG
- bc_vm_freeTemps();
- bc_vec_free(&vm.temps);
+ {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < vm.temps.len; ++i)
+ free(((BcNum*) bc_vec_item(&vm.temps, i))->num);
+ bc_vec_free(&vm.temps);
+ }
#endif // NDEBUG
-#if !defined(NDEBUG) || BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY
-void bc_vm_freeTemps(void) {
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < vm.temps.len; ++i) {
- free(((BcNum*) bc_vec_item(&vm.temps, i))->num);
- }
-#endif // !defined(NDEBUG) || BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY
inline size_t bc_vm_arraySize(size_t n, size_t size) {
size_t res = n * size;
if (BC_ERR(res >= SIZE_MAX || (n != 0 && res / n != size)))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
return res;
inline size_t bc_vm_growSize(size_t a, size_t b) {
size_t res = a + b;
if (BC_ERR(res >= SIZE_MAX || res < a || res < b))
- bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
return res;
void* bc_vm_malloc(size_t n) {
void* ptr;
ptr = malloc(n);
- if (BC_ERR(ptr == NULL)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
+ if (BC_ERR(ptr == NULL)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
return ptr;
void* bc_vm_realloc(void *ptr, size_t n) {
void* temp;
temp = realloc(ptr, n);
- if (BC_ERR(temp == NULL)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
+ if (BC_ERR(temp == NULL)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
return temp;
char* bc_vm_strdup(const char *str) {
char *s;
s = strdup(str);
- if (BC_ERR(!s)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
+ if (BC_ERR(!s)) bc_vm_err(BC_ERROR_FATAL_ALLOC_ERR);
return s;
void bc_vm_printf(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
bc_file_vprintf(&vm.fout, fmt, args);
vm.nchars = 0;
void bc_vm_putchar(int c) {
- bc_vec_pushByte(&vm.out, (uchar) c);
bc_file_putchar(&vm.fout, (uchar) c);
vm.nchars = (c == '\n' ? 0 : vm.nchars + 1);
static void bc_vm_clean(void) {
BcVec *fns = &vm.prog.fns;
BcFunc *f = bc_vec_item(fns, BC_PROG_MAIN);
BcInstPtr *ip = bc_vec_item(&vm.prog.stack, 0);
bool good = ((vm.status && vm.status != BC_STATUS_QUIT) || vm.sig);
if (good) bc_program_reset(&vm.prog);
if (good && BC_IS_BC) good = !BC_PARSE_NO_EXEC(&vm.prs);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
if (BC_IS_DC) {
size_t i;
good = true;
for (i = 0; good && i < vm.prog.results.len; ++i) {
BcResult *r = (BcResult*) bc_vec_item(&vm.prog.results, i);
good = BC_VM_SAFE_RESULT(r);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
// If this condition is true, we can get rid of strings,
// constants, and code. This is an idea from busybox.
if (good && vm.prog.stack.len == 1 && ip->idx == f->code.len) {
if (BC_IS_BC) {
bc_vec_npop(&f->labels, f->labels.len);
bc_vec_npop(&f->strs, f->strs.len);
bc_vec_npop(&f->consts, f->consts.len);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
// Note to self: you cannot delete strings and functions. Deal with it.
if (BC_IS_DC) bc_vec_npop(vm.prog.consts, vm.prog.consts->len);
#endif // DC_ENABLED
bc_vec_npop(&f->code, f->code.len);
ip->idx = 0;
static void bc_vm_process(const char *text) {
bc_parse_text(&vm.prs, text);
do {
if (vm.prs.l.t == BC_LEX_KW_DEFINE) vm.parse(&vm.prs);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
while (BC_PARSE_CAN_PARSE(vm.prs)) vm.parse(&vm.prs);
if(BC_IS_DC || !BC_PARSE_NO_EXEC(&vm.prs)) bc_program_exec(&vm.prog);
assert(BC_IS_DC || vm.prog.results.len == 0);
if (BC_I) bc_file_flush(&vm.fout);
} while (vm.prs.l.t != BC_LEX_EOF);
static void bc_vm_endif(void) {
size_t i;
bool good;
if (BC_NO_ERR(!BC_PARSE_NO_EXEC(&vm.prs))) return;
good = true;
for (i = 0; good && i < vm.prs.flags.len; ++i) {
uint16_t flag = *((uint16_t*) bc_vec_item(&vm.prs.flags, i));
if (good) {
while (BC_PARSE_IF_END(&vm.prs)) bc_vm_process("else {}");
- else bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERR_PARSE_BLOCK);
+ else bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERROR_PARSE_BLOCK);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
static void bc_vm_file(const char *file) {
char *data = NULL;
bc_lex_file(&vm.prs.l, file);
bc_read_file(file, &data);
if (BC_IS_BC) bc_vm_endif();
#endif // BC_ENABLED
// bc_program_reset(), called by bc_vm_clean(), resets the status.
// We want it to clear the sig_pop variable in case it was set.
if (vm.status == (sig_atomic_t) BC_STATUS_SUCCESS) BC_LONGJMP_STOP;
static void bc_vm_stdin(void) {
BcStatus s;
BcVec buf, buffer;
size_t string = 0;
bool comment = false, hash = false;
bc_lex_file(&vm.prs.l, bc_program_stdin_name);
bc_vec_init(&buffer, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
bc_vec_init(&buf, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
bc_vec_pushByte(&buffer, '\0');
// This loop is complex because the vm tries not to send any lines that end
// with a backslash to the parser. The reason for that is because the parser
// treats a backslash+newline combo as whitespace, per the bc spec. In that
// case, and for strings and comments, the parser will expect more stuff.
while ((!(s = bc_read_line(&buf, ">>> ")) ||
(vm.eof = (s == BC_STATUS_EOF))) && buf.len > 1)
char c2, *str = buf.v;
size_t i, len = buf.len - 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
bool notend = len > i + 1;
uchar c = (uchar) str[i];
hash = (!comment && !string && ((hash && c != '\n') ||
(!hash && c == '#')));
if (!hash && !comment && (i - 1 > len || str[i - 1] != '\\')) {
if (BC_IS_BC) string ^= (c == '"');
else if (c == ']') string -= 1;
else if (c == '[') string += 1;
if (BC_IS_BC && !hash && !string && notend) {
c2 = str[i + 1];
if (c == '/' && !comment && c2 == '*') {
comment = true;
i += 1;
else if (c == '*' && comment && c2 == '/') {
comment = false;
i += 1;
bc_vec_concat(&buffer, buf.v);
if (string || comment) continue;
if (len >= 2 && str[len - 2] == '\\' && str[len - 1] == '\n') continue;
if (vm.history.stdin_has_data) continue;
if (vm.eof) break;
else bc_vm_clean();
if (BC_ERR(comment))
- bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERR_PARSE_COMMENT);
+ bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERROR_PARSE_COMMENT);
else if (BC_ERR(string))
- bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERR_PARSE_STRING);
+ bc_parse_err(&vm.prs, BC_ERROR_PARSE_STRING);
else if (BC_IS_BC) bc_vm_endif();
#endif // BC_ENABLED
vm.status = vm.status == BC_STATUS_ERROR_FATAL ||
vm.status == BC_STATUS_QUIT || !BC_I ?
vm.status : BC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (!vm.status && !vm.eof) {
goto restart;
static void bc_vm_load(const char *name, const char *text) {
bc_lex_file(&vm.prs.l, name);
bc_parse_text(&vm.prs, text);
while (vm.prs.l.t != BC_LEX_EOF) vm.parse(&vm.prs);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
static void bc_vm_defaultMsgs(void) {
size_t i;
vm.func_header = bc_err_func_header;
for (i = 0; i < BC_ERR_IDX_NELEMS + BC_ENABLED; ++i)
vm.err_ids[i] = bc_errs[i];
- for (i = 0; i < BC_ERR_NELEMS; ++i) vm.err_msgs[i] = bc_err_msgs[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < BC_ERROR_NELEMS; ++i) vm.err_msgs[i] = bc_err_msgs[i];
static void bc_vm_gettext(void) {
uchar id = 0;
int set = 1, msg = 1;
size_t i;
if (vm.locale == NULL) {
vm.catalog = catopen(BC_MAINEXEC, NL_CAT_LOCALE);
if (vm.catalog == BC_VM_INVALID_CATALOG) {
vm.func_header = catgets(vm.catalog, set, msg, bc_err_func_header);
for (set += 1; msg <= BC_ERR_IDX_NELEMS + BC_ENABLED; ++msg)
vm.err_ids[msg - 1] = catgets(vm.catalog, set, msg, bc_errs[msg - 1]);
i = 0;
id = bc_err_ids[i];
- for (set = id + 3, msg = 1; i < BC_ERR_NELEMS; ++i, ++msg) {
+ for (set = id + 3, msg = 1; i < BC_ERROR_NELEMS; ++i, ++msg) {
if (id != bc_err_ids[i]) {
msg = 1;
id = bc_err_ids[i];
set = id + 3;
vm.err_msgs[i] = catgets(vm.catalog, set, msg, bc_err_msgs[i]);
#else // BC_ENABLE_NLS
#endif // BC_ENABLE_NLS
static void bc_vm_exec(void) {
size_t i;
bool has_file = false;
BcVec buf;
if (BC_IS_BC && (vm.flags & BC_FLAG_L)) {
bc_vm_load(bc_lib_name, bc_lib);
if (!BC_IS_POSIX) bc_vm_load(bc_lib2_name, bc_lib2);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
if (vm.exprs.len) {
size_t len = vm.exprs.len - 1;
bool more;
bc_vec_init(&buf, sizeof(uchar), NULL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
bc_lex_file(&vm.prs.l, bc_program_exprs_name);
do {
more = bc_read_buf(&buf, vm.exprs.v, &len);
bc_vec_pushByte(&buf, '\0');
bc_vec_npop(&buf, buf.len);
} while (more);
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
if (!vm.no_exit_exprs) return;
for (i = 0; i < vm.files.len; ++i) {
char *path = *((char**) bc_vec_item(&vm.files, i));
if (!strcmp(path, "")) continue;
has_file = true;
if (BC_IS_BC || !has_file) bc_vm_stdin();
// These are all protected by ifndef NDEBUG because if these are needed, bc is
// goingi to exit anyway, and I see no reason to include this code in a release
// build when the OS is going to free all of the resources anyway.
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
-void bc_vm_boot(int argc, char *argv[], const char *env_len,
- const char* const env_args)
+void bc_vm_boot(int argc, char *argv[], const char *env_len,
+ const char* const env_args)
int ttyin, ttyout, ttyerr;
struct sigaction sa;
ttyin = isatty(STDIN_FILENO);
ttyout = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO);
ttyerr = isatty(STDERR_FILENO);
vm.flags |= ttyin ? BC_FLAG_TTYIN : 0;
vm.flags |= (ttyin != 0 && ttyout != 0 && ttyerr != 0) ? BC_FLAG_TTY : 0;
vm.flags |= ttyin && ttyout ? BC_FLAG_I : 0;
sa.sa_handler = bc_vm_sig;
sa.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER;
sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
if (BC_TTY) sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
- bc_vm_init();
+ memcpy(vm.max_num, bc_num_bigdigMax,
+ bc_num_bigdigMax_size * sizeof(BcDig));
+ bc_num_setup(&vm.max, vm.max_num, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
+ vm.max.len = bc_num_bigdigMax_size;
vm.file = NULL;
bc_file_init(&vm.ferr, STDERR_FILENO, output_bufs + BC_VM_STDOUT_BUF_SIZE,
bc_file_init(&vm.fout, STDOUT_FILENO, output_bufs, BC_VM_STDOUT_BUF_SIZE);
vm.buf = output_bufs + BC_VM_STDOUT_BUF_SIZE + BC_VM_STDERR_BUF_SIZE;
vm.line_len = (uint16_t) bc_vm_envLen(env_len);
+ bc_vec_init(&vm.temps, sizeof(BcNum), NULL);
bc_parse_init(&vm.prs, &vm.prog, BC_PROG_MAIN);
if (BC_TTY) bc_history_init(&vm.history);
if (BC_IS_BC) vm.flags |= BC_FLAG_S * (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT") != NULL);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
bc_args(argc, argv);
if (BC_IS_POSIX) vm.flags &= ~(BC_FLAG_G);
#endif // BC_ENABLED
- bc_vm_exec();
-void bc_vm_init(void) {
- memcpy(vm.max_num, bc_num_bigdigMax,
- bc_num_bigdigMax_size * sizeof(BcDig));
- memcpy(vm.max2_num, bc_num_bigdigMax2,
- bc_num_bigdigMax2_size * sizeof(BcDig));
- bc_num_setup(&vm.max, vm.max_num, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
- bc_num_setup(&vm.max2, vm.max2_num, BC_NUM_BIGDIG_LOG10);
- vm.max.len = bc_num_bigdigMax_size;
- vm.max2.len = bc_num_bigdigMax2_size;
- bc_vec_init(&vm.temps, sizeof(BcNum), NULL);
vm.maxes[BC_PROG_MAX_RAND] = ((BcRand) 0) - 1;
- {
- }
#endif // BC_ENABLED
+ bc_vm_exec();

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, May 3, 10:59 PM (1 d, 23 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(4 MB)

Event Timeline