Index: head/share/man/man9/vm_page_hold.9 =================================================================== --- head/share/man/man9/vm_page_hold.9 (revision 349845) +++ head/share/man/man9/vm_page_hold.9 (nonexistent) @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -.\" -.\" Copyright (C) 2001 Chad David . All rights reserved. -.\" -.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -.\" are met: -.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -.\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as -.\" the first lines of this file unmodified other than the possible -.\" addition of one or more copyright notices. -.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -.\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -.\" -.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY -.\" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -.\" WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -.\" DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY -.\" DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -.\" (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -.\" SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -.\" CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -.\" DAMAGE. -.\" -.\" $FreeBSD$ -.\" -.Dd July 13, 2001 -.Dt VM_PAGE_HOLD 9 -.Os -.Sh NAME -.Nm vm_page_hold , -.Nm vm_page_unhold -.Nd "update a page's hold count" -.Sh SYNOPSIS -.In sys/param.h -.In vm/vm.h -.In vm/vm_page.h -.Ft void -.Fn vm_page_hold "vm_page_t m" -.Ft void -.Fn vm_page_unhold "vm_page_t m" -.Sh DESCRIPTION -The -.Fn vm_page_hold -function increases the hold count on a page. -This prevents the page daemon from freeing the page. -.Pp -.Fn vm_page_hold -should only be used for very temporary wiring of a page, -as that page will not be considered for paging or -reallocation for as long as its hold count is greater -than zero. -Also note that while wired pages are removed from whatever -queue they are on, -.Fn vm_page_hold -does not affect the location of the page. -If it is on a queue prior to the call, it will still -be there afterward. -.Pp -If the page needs to be held for a long period of time, -.Xr vm_page_wire 9 -should be used. -.Pp -.Fn vm_page_unhold -function reduces the hold count on a page. -If the hold count is zero it is possible that the page will be freed by the -page daemon. -.Sh SEE ALSO -.Xr vm_page_unwire 9 , -.Xr vm_page_wire 9 -.Sh AUTHORS -This manual page was written by -.An Chad David Aq Mt . Property changes on: head/share/man/man9/vm_page_hold.9 ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Index: head/share/man/man9/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/share/man/man9/Makefile (revision 349845) +++ head/share/man/man9/Makefile (revision 349846) @@ -1,2292 +1,2290 @@ # $FreeBSD$ .include PACKAGE=runtime-manuals MAN= accept_filter.9 \ accf_data.9 \ accf_dns.9 \ accf_http.9 \ acl.9 \ alq.9 \ altq.9 \ atomic.9 \ bhnd.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 \ bios.9 \ bitset.9 \ boot.9 \ bpf.9 \ buf.9 \ buf_ring.9 \ BUF_ISLOCKED.9 \ BUF_LOCK.9 \ BUF_LOCKFREE.9 \ BUF_LOCKINIT.9 \ BUF_RECURSED.9 \ BUF_TIMELOCK.9 \ BUF_UNLOCK.9 \ bus_activate_resource.9 \ BUS_ADD_CHILD.9 \ bus_adjust_resource.9 \ bus_alloc_resource.9 \ BUS_BIND_INTR.9 \ bus_child_present.9 \ BUS_CHILD_DELETED.9 \ BUS_CHILD_DETACHED.9 \ BUS_CONFIG_INTR.9 \ BUS_DESCRIBE_INTR.9 \ bus_dma.9 \ bus_generic_attach.9 \ bus_generic_detach.9 \ bus_generic_new_pass.9 \ bus_generic_print_child.9 \ bus_generic_read_ivar.9 \ bus_generic_shutdown.9 \ BUS_GET_CPUS.9 \ bus_get_resource.9 \ bus_map_resource.9 \ BUS_NEW_PASS.9 \ BUS_PRINT_CHILD.9 \ BUS_READ_IVAR.9 \ BUS_RESCAN.9 \ bus_release_resource.9 \ bus_set_pass.9 \ bus_set_resource.9 \ BUS_SETUP_INTR.9 \ bus_space.9 \ byteorder.9 \ casuword.9 \ cd.9 \ cnv.9 \ condvar.9 \ config_intrhook.9 \ contigmalloc.9 \ copy.9 \ counter.9 \ cpuset.9 \ cr_cansee.9 \ critical_enter.9 \ cr_seeothergids.9 \ cr_seeotheruids.9 \ crypto.9 \ CTASSERT.9 \ DB_COMMAND.9 \ DECLARE_GEOM_CLASS.9 \ DECLARE_MODULE.9 \ DEFINE_IFUNC.9 \ DELAY.9 \ devclass.9 \ devclass_find.9 \ devclass_get_device.9 \ devclass_get_devices.9 \ devclass_get_drivers.9 \ devclass_get_maxunit.9 \ devclass_get_name.9 \ devclass_get_softc.9 \ dev_clone.9 \ devfs_set_cdevpriv.9 \ device.9 \ device_add_child.9 \ DEVICE_ATTACH.9 \ device_delete_child.9 \ device_delete_children.9 \ DEVICE_DETACH.9 \ device_enable.9 \ device_find_child.9 \ device_get_children.9 \ device_get_devclass.9 \ device_get_driver.9 \ device_get_ivars.9 \ device_get_name.9 \ device_get_parent.9 \ device_get_softc.9 \ device_get_state.9 \ device_get_sysctl.9 \ device_get_unit.9 \ DEVICE_IDENTIFY.9 \ device_printf.9 \ DEVICE_PROBE.9 \ device_probe_and_attach.9 \ device_quiet.9 \ device_set_desc.9 \ device_set_driver.9 \ device_set_flags.9 \ DEVICE_SHUTDOWN.9 \ DEV_MODULE.9 \ dev_refthread.9 \ devstat.9 \ devtoname.9 \ disk.9 \ dnv.9 \ domain.9 \ domainset.9 \ dpcpu.9 \ drbr.9 \ driver.9 \ DRIVER_MODULE.9 \ efirt.9 \ epoch.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 \ eventtimers.9 \ extattr.9 \ fail.9 \ fdt_pinctrl.9 \ fetch.9 \ firmware.9 \ fpu_kern.9 \ g_access.9 \ g_attach.9 \ g_bio.9 \ g_consumer.9 \ g_data.9 \ get_cyclecount.9 \ getenv.9 \ getnewvnode.9 \ g_event.9 \ g_geom.9 \ g_provider.9 \ g_provider_by_name.9 \ groupmember.9 \ g_wither_geom.9 \ hash.9 \ hashinit.9 \ hexdump.9 \ hhook.9 \ ieee80211.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 \ ieee80211_beacon.9 \ ieee80211_bmiss.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 \ ieee80211_ddb.9 \ ieee80211_input.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 \ ieee80211_output.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 \ ieee80211_radiotap.9 \ ieee80211_regdomain.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 \ ieee80211_vap.9 \ iflib.9 \ iflibdd.9 \ iflibdi.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 \ ifnet.9 \ inittodr.9 \ insmntque.9 \ intro.9 \ ithread.9 \ KASSERT.9 \ kern_testfrwk.9 \ kernacc.9 \ kernel_mount.9 \ khelp.9 \ kobj.9 \ kproc.9 \ kqueue.9 \ kthread.9 \ ktr.9 \ lock.9 \ locking.9 \ LOCK_PROFILING.9 \ mac.9 \ make_dev.9 \ malloc.9 \ mbchain.9 \ mbuf.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 \ MD5.9 \ mdchain.9 \ memcchr.9 \ memguard.9 \ microseq.9 \ microtime.9 \ microuptime.9 \ mi_switch.9 \ mod_cc.9 \ module.9 \ MODULE_DEPEND.9 \ MODULE_PNP_INFO.9 \ MODULE_VERSION.9 \ mtx_pool.9 \ mutex.9 \ namei.9 \ netisr.9 \ nv.9 \ OF_child.9 \ OF_device_from_xref.9 \ OF_finddevice.9 \ OF_getprop.9 \ OF_node_from_xref.9 \ OF_package_to_path.9 \ ofw_bus_is_compatible.9 \ ofw_bus_status_okay.9 \ osd.9 \ owll.9 \ own.9 \ panic.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 \ p_candebug.9 \ p_cansee.9 \ pci.9 \ PCI_IOV_ADD_VF.9 \ PCI_IOV_INIT.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 \ PCI_IOV_UNINIT.9 \ pfil.9 \ pfind.9 \ pget.9 \ pgfind.9 \ PHOLD.9 \ physio.9 \ pmap.9 \ pmap_activate.9 \ pmap_clear_modify.9 \ pmap_copy.9 \ pmap_enter.9 \ pmap_extract.9 \ pmap_growkernel.9 \ pmap_init.9 \ pmap_is_modified.9 \ pmap_is_prefaultable.9 \ pmap_map.9 \ pmap_mincore.9 \ pmap_object_init_pt.9 \ pmap_page_exists_quick.9 \ pmap_page_init.9 \ pmap_pinit.9 \ pmap_protect.9 \ pmap_qenter.9 \ pmap_quick_enter_page.9 \ pmap_release.9 \ pmap_remove.9 \ pmap_resident_count.9 \ pmap_unwire.9 \ pmap_zero_page.9 \ printf.9 \ prison_check.9 \ priv.9 \ proc_rwmem.9 \ pseudofs.9 \ psignal.9 \ pwmbus.9 \ random.9 \ random_harvest.9 \ ratecheck.9 \ redzone.9 \ refcount.9 \ resettodr.9 \ resource_int_value.9 \ rijndael.9 \ rman.9 \ rmlock.9 \ rtalloc.9 \ rtentry.9 \ runqueue.9 \ rwlock.9 \ sbuf.9 \ scheduler.9 \ SDT.9 \ securelevel_gt.9 \ selrecord.9 \ sema.9 \ sf_buf.9 \ sglist.9 \ shm_map.9 \ signal.9 \ sleep.9 \ sleepqueue.9 \ socket.9 \ stack.9 \ store.9 \ style.9 \ style.lua.9 \ swi.9 \ sx.9 \ syscall_helper_register.9 \ SYSCALL_MODULE.9 \ sysctl.9 \ sysctl_add_oid.9 \ sysctl_ctx_init.9 \ SYSINIT.9 \ taskqueue.9 \ tcp_functions.9 \ thread_exit.9 \ time.9 \ timeout.9 \ tvtohz.9 \ ucred.9 \ uidinfo.9 \ uio.9 \ unr.9 \ vaccess.9 \ vaccess_acl_nfs4.9 \ vaccess_acl_posix1e.9 \ vcount.9 \ vflush.9 \ VFS.9 \ vfs_busy.9 \ VFS_CHECKEXP.9 \ vfsconf.9 \ VFS_FHTOVP.9 \ vfs_getnewfsid.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 \ vfs_getvfs.9 \ VFS_MOUNT.9 \ vfs_mountedfrom.9 \ VFS_QUOTACTL.9 \ VFS_ROOT.9 \ vfs_rootmountalloc.9 \ VFS_SET.9 \ VFS_STATFS.9 \ vfs_suser.9 \ VFS_SYNC.9 \ vfs_timestamp.9 \ vfs_unbusy.9 \ VFS_UNMOUNT.9 \ vfs_unmountall.9 \ VFS_VGET.9 \ vget.9 \ vgone.9 \ vhold.9 \ vinvalbuf.9 \ vm_fault_prefault.9 \ vm_map.9 \ vm_map_check_protection.9 \ vm_map_create.9 \ vm_map_delete.9 \ vm_map_entry_resize_free.9 \ vm_map_find.9 \ vm_map_findspace.9 \ vm_map_inherit.9 \ vm_map_init.9 \ vm_map_insert.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 \ vm_map_lookup.9 \ vm_map_madvise.9 \ vm_map_max.9 \ vm_map_protect.9 \ vm_map_remove.9 \ vm_map_simplify_entry.9 \ vm_map_stack.9 \ vm_map_submap.9 \ vm_map_sync.9 \ vm_map_wire.9 \ vm_page_alloc.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 \ vm_page_deactivate.9 \ vm_page_dontneed.9 \ vm_page_aflag.9 \ vm_page_free.9 \ vm_page_grab.9 \ - vm_page_hold.9 \ vm_page_insert.9 \ vm_page_lookup.9 \ vm_page_rename.9 \ vm_page_wire.9 \ vm_set_page_size.9 \ vmem.9 \ vn_fullpath.9 \ vn_isdisk.9 \ vnet.9 \ vnode.9 \ VOP_ACCESS.9 \ VOP_ACLCHECK.9 \ VOP_ADVISE.9 \ VOP_ADVLOCK.9 \ VOP_ALLOCATE.9 \ VOP_ATTRIB.9 \ VOP_BMAP.9 \ VOP_BWRITE.9 \ VOP_CREATE.9 \ VOP_FSYNC.9 \ VOP_GETACL.9 \ VOP_GETEXTATTR.9 \ VOP_GETPAGES.9 \ VOP_INACTIVE.9 \ VOP_IOCTL.9 \ VOP_LINK.9 \ VOP_LISTEXTATTR.9 \ VOP_LOCK.9 \ VOP_LOOKUP.9 \ VOP_OPENCLOSE.9 \ VOP_PATHCONF.9 \ VOP_PRINT.9 \ VOP_RDWR.9 \ VOP_READDIR.9 \ VOP_READLINK.9 \ VOP_REALLOCBLKS.9 \ VOP_REMOVE.9 \ VOP_RENAME.9 \ VOP_REVOKE.9 \ VOP_SETACL.9 \ VOP_SETEXTATTR.9 \ VOP_STRATEGY.9 \ VOP_VPTOCNP.9 \ VOP_VPTOFH.9 \ vref.9 \ vrefcnt.9 \ vrele.9 \ vslock.9 \ watchdog.9 \ zone.9 MLINKS= unr.9 alloc_unr.9 \ unr.9 alloc_unrl.9 \ unr.9 alloc_unr_specific.9 \ unr.9 clear_unrhdr.9 \ unr.9 delete_unrhdr.9 \ unr.9 free_unr.9 \ unr.9 new_unrhdr.9 MLINKS+=accept_filter.9 accept_filt_add.9 \ accept_filter.9 accept_filt_del.9 \ accept_filter.9 accept_filt_generic_mod_event.9 \ accept_filter.9 accept_filt_get.9 MLINKS+=alq.9 ALQ.9 \ alq.9 alq_close.9 \ alq.9 alq_flush.9 \ alq.9 alq_get.9 \ alq.9 alq_getn.9 \ alq.9 alq_open.9 \ alq.9 alq_open_flags.9 \ alq.9 alq_post.9 \ alq.9 alq_post_flags.9 \ alq.9 alq_write.9 \ alq.9 alq_writen.9 MLINKS+=altq.9 ALTQ.9 MLINKS+=atomic.9 atomic_add.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_clear.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_cmpset.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_fcmpset.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_fetchadd.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_load.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_readandclear.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_set.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_store.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_subtract.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_swap.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_testandclear.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_testandset.9 \ atomic.9 atomic_thread_fence.9 MLINKS+=bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_BOARD_TYPE.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_BOARD_VENDOR.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_CHIP_ID.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_CHIP_PKG.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_CHIP_REV.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_CORE_ID.9 \ bhnd.9 BHND_MATCH_CORE_VENDOR.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_activate_resource.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_alloc_pmu.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_alloc_resource.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_alloc_resource_any.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_alloc_resources.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_board_matches.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_match_child.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_1.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_2.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_4.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_stream_1.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_stream_2.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_read_stream_4.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_1.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_2.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_4.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_stream_1.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_stream_2.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_bus_write_stream_4.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_chip_matches.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_core_class.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_core_get_match_desc.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_core_matches.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_core_name.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_cores_equal.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_deactivate_resource.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_decode_port_rid.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_deregister_provider.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_device_lookup.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_device_matches.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_device_quirks.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_driver_get_erom_class.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_enable_clocks.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_find_core_class.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_find_core_name.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_format_chip_id.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_attach_type.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_chipid.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_class.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_clock_freq.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_clock_latency.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_core_index.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_core_info.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_core_unit.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_device.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_device_name.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_dma_translation.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_hwrev.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_intr_count.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_intr_ivec.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_port_count.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_port_rid.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_region_addr.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_region_count.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_vendor.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_get_vendor_name.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_hwrev_matches.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_is_hw_suspended.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_is_region_valid.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_map_intr.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_match_core.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_array.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_int.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_int16.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_int32.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_int8.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_str.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_uint.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_uint16.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_uint32.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_getvar_uint8.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_nvram_string_array_next.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_read_board_info.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_read_config.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_read_ioctl.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_read_iost.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_register_provider.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_release_ext_rsrc.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_release_pmu.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_release_provider.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_release_resource.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_release_resources.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_request_clock.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_request_ext_rsrc.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_reset_hw.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_retain_provider.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_set_custom_core_desc.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_set_default_core_desc.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_suspend_hw.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_unmap_intr.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_vendor_name.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_write_config.9 \ bhnd.9 bhnd_write_ioctl.9 MLINKS+=bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_alloc.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_dump.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_fini_static.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_free.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_free_core_table.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_get_core_table.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_init_static.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_io.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_io_fini.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_io_map.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_io_read.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_iobus_init.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_iores_new.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_lookup_core.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_lookup_core_addr.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_probe.9 \ bhnd_erom.9 bhnd_erom_probe_driver_classes.9 MLINKS+=bitset.9 BITSET_DEFINE.9 \ bitset.9 BITSET_T_INITIALIZER.9 \ bitset.9 BITSET_FSET.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_CLR.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_COPY.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_ISSET.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_SET.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_ZERO.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_FILL.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_SETOF.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_EMPTY.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_ISFULLSET.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_FFS.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_COUNT.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_SUBSET.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_OVERLAP.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_CMP.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_OR.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_AND.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_NAND.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_CLR_ATOMIC.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_SET_ATOMIC.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_SET_ATOMIC_ACQ.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_AND_ATOMIC.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_OR_ATOMIC.9 \ bitset.9 BIT_COPY_STORE_REL.9 MLINKS+=bpf.9 bpfattach.9 \ bpf.9 bpfattach2.9 \ bpf.9 bpfdetach.9 \ bpf.9 bpf_filter.9 \ bpf.9 bpf_mtap.9 \ bpf.9 bpf_mtap2.9 \ bpf.9 bpf_tap.9 \ bpf.9 bpf_validate.9 MLINKS+=buf.9 bp.9 MLINKS+=buf_ring.9 buf_ring_alloc.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_free.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_enqueue.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_enqueue_bytes.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_dequeue_mc.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_dequeue_sc.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_count.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_empty.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_full.9 \ buf_ring.9 buf_ring_peek.9 MLINKS+=bus_activate_resource.9 bus_deactivate_resource.9 MLINKS+=bus_alloc_resource.9 bus_alloc_resource_any.9 MLINKS+=BUS_BIND_INTR.9 bus_bind_intr.9 MLINKS+=BUS_DESCRIBE_INTR.9 bus_describe_intr.9 MLINKS+=bus_dma.9 busdma.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_create.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_destroy.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load_bio.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load_ccb.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load_mbuf.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_load_uio.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_sync.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamap_unload.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamem_alloc.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dmamem_free.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dma_tag_create.9 \ bus_dma.9 bus_dma_tag_destroy.9 MLINKS+=bus_generic_read_ivar.9 bus_generic_write_ivar.9 MLINKS+=BUS_GET_CPUS.9 bus_get_cpus.9 MLINKS+=bus_map_resource.9 bus_unmap_resource.9 \ bus_map_resource.9 resource_init_map_request.9 MLINKS+=BUS_READ_IVAR.9 BUS_WRITE_IVAR.9 MLINKS+=BUS_SETUP_INTR.9 bus_setup_intr.9 \ BUS_SETUP_INTR.9 BUS_TEARDOWN_INTR.9 \ BUS_SETUP_INTR.9 bus_teardown_intr.9 MLINKS+=bus_space.9 bus_space_alloc.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_barrier.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_copy_region_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_free.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_map.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_multi_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_region_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_read_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_multi_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_set_region_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_subregion.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_unmap.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_multi_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_region_stream_8.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_stream_1.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_stream_2.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_stream_4.9 \ bus_space.9 bus_space_write_stream_8.9 MLINKS+=byteorder.9 be16dec.9 \ byteorder.9 be16enc.9 \ byteorder.9 be16toh.9 \ byteorder.9 be32dec.9 \ byteorder.9 be32enc.9 \ byteorder.9 be32toh.9 \ byteorder.9 be64dec.9 \ byteorder.9 be64enc.9 \ byteorder.9 be64toh.9 \ byteorder.9 bswap16.9 \ byteorder.9 bswap32.9 \ byteorder.9 bswap64.9 \ byteorder.9 htobe16.9 \ byteorder.9 htobe32.9 \ byteorder.9 htobe64.9 \ byteorder.9 htole16.9 \ byteorder.9 htole32.9 \ byteorder.9 htole64.9 \ byteorder.9 le16dec.9 \ byteorder.9 le16enc.9 \ byteorder.9 le16toh.9 \ byteorder.9 le32dec.9 \ byteorder.9 le32enc.9 \ byteorder.9 le32toh.9 \ byteorder.9 le64dec.9 \ byteorder.9 le64enc.9 \ byteorder.9 le64toh.9 MLINKS+=cnv.9 cnvlist.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_binary.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_bool.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_bool_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_descriptor.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_descriptor_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_null.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_number.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_number_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_nvlist.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_nvlist_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_string.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_free_string_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_binary.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_bool.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_bool_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_descriptor.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_descriptor_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_number.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_number_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_nvlist.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_nvlist_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_string.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_get_string_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_binary.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_bool.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_bool_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_descriptor.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_descriptor_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_number.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_number_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_nvlist.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_nvlist_array.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_string.9 \ cnv.9 cnvlist_take_string_array.9 MLINKS+=condvar.9 cv_broadcast.9 \ condvar.9 cv_broadcastpri.9 \ condvar.9 cv_destroy.9 \ condvar.9 cv_init.9 \ condvar.9 cv_signal.9 \ condvar.9 cv_timedwait.9 \ condvar.9 cv_timedwait_sig.9 \ condvar.9 cv_timedwait_sig_sbt.9 \ condvar.9 cv_wait.9 \ condvar.9 cv_wait_sig.9 \ condvar.9 cv_wait_unlock.9 \ condvar.9 cv_wmesg.9 MLINKS+=config_intrhook.9 config_intrhook_disestablish.9 \ config_intrhook.9 config_intrhook_establish.9 \ config_intrhook.9 config_intrhook_oneshot.9 MLINKS+=contigmalloc.9 contigmalloc_domainset.9 \ contigmalloc.9 contigfree.9 MLINKS+=casuword.9 casueword.9 \ casuword.9 casueword32.9 \ casuword.9 casuword32.9 MLINKS+=copy.9 copyin.9 \ copy.9 copyin_nofault.9 \ copy.9 copyinstr.9 \ copy.9 copyout.9 \ copy.9 copyout_nofault.9 \ copy.9 copystr.9 MLINKS+=counter.9 counter_u64_alloc.9 \ counter.9 counter_u64_free.9 \ counter.9 counter_u64_add.9 \ counter.9 counter_enter.9 \ counter.9 counter_exit.9 \ counter.9 counter_u64_add_protected.9 \ counter.9 counter_u64_fetch.9 \ counter.9 counter_u64_zero.9 \ counter.9 SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64.9 \ counter.9 SYSCTL_ADD_COUNTER_U64.9 \ counter.9 SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64_ARRAY.9 \ counter.9 SYSCTL_ADD_COUNTER_U64_ARRAY.9 MLINKS+=cpuset.9 CPUSET_T_INITIALIZER.9 \ cpuset.9 CPUSET_FSET.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_CLR.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_COPY.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_ISSET.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_SET.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_ZERO.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_FILL.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_SETOF.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_EMPTY.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_ISFULLSET.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_FFS.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_COUNT.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_SUBSET.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_OVERLAP.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_CMP.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_OR.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_AND.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_NAND.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_CLR_ATOMIC.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_SET_ATOMIC.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_SET_ATOMIC_ACQ.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_AND_ATOMIC.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_OR_ATOMIC.9 \ cpuset.9 CPU_COPY_STORE_REL.9 MLINKS+=critical_enter.9 critical.9 \ critical_enter.9 critical_exit.9 MLINKS+=crypto.9 crypto_dispatch.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_done.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_freereq.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_freesession.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_get_driverid.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_getreq.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_kdispatch.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_kdone.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_kregister.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_newsession.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_register.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_unblock.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_unregister.9 \ crypto.9 crypto_unregister_all.9 MLINKS+=DB_COMMAND.9 DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND.9 \ DB_COMMAND.9 DB_SHOW_COMMAND.9 MLINKS+=DECLARE_MODULE.9 DECLARE_MODULE_TIED.9 MLINKS+=dev_clone.9 drain_dev_clone_events.9 MLINKS+=dev_refthread.9 devvn_refthread.9 \ dev_refthread.9 dev_relthread.9 MLINKS+=devfs_set_cdevpriv.9 devfs_clear_cdevpriv.9 \ devfs_set_cdevpriv.9 devfs_get_cdevpriv.9 MLINKS+=device_add_child.9 device_add_child_ordered.9 MLINKS+=device_enable.9 device_disable.9 \ device_enable.9 device_is_enabled.9 MLINKS+=device_get_ivars.9 device_set_ivars.9 MLINKS+=device_get_name.9 device_get_nameunit.9 MLINKS+=device_get_state.9 device_busy.9 \ device_get_state.9 device_is_alive.9 \ device_get_state.9 device_is_attached.9 \ device_get_state.9 device_unbusy.9 MLINKS+=device_get_sysctl.9 device_get_sysctl_ctx.9 \ device_get_sysctl.9 device_get_sysctl_tree.9 MLINKS+=device_quiet.9 device_is_quiet.9 \ device_quiet.9 device_verbose.9 MLINKS+=device_set_desc.9 device_get_desc.9 \ device_set_desc.9 device_set_desc_copy.9 MLINKS+=device_set_flags.9 device_get_flags.9 MLINKS+=devstat.9 devicestat.9 \ devstat.9 devstat_add_entry.9 \ devstat.9 devstat_end_transaction.9 \ devstat.9 devstat_remove_entry.9 \ devstat.9 devstat_start_transaction.9 MLINKS+=disk.9 disk_add_alias.9 \ disk.9 disk_alloc.9 \ disk.9 disk_create.9 \ disk.9 disk_destroy.9 \ disk.9 disk_gone.9 \ disk.9 disk_resize.9 MLINKS+=dnv.9 dnvlist.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_binary.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_bool.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_descriptor.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_number.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_nvlist.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_get_string.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_binary.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_bool.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_descriptor.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_number.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_nvlist.9 \ dnv.9 dnvlist_take_string.9 MLINKS+=domain.9 DOMAIN_SET.9 \ domain.9 domain_add.9 \ domain.9 pfctlinput.9 \ domain.9 pfctlinput2.9 \ domain.9 pffinddomain.9 \ domain.9 pffindproto.9 \ domain.9 pffindtype.9 MLINKS+=drbr.9 drbr_free.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_enqueue.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_dequeue.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_dequeue_cond.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_flush.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_empty.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_inuse.9 \ drbr.9 drbr_stats_update.9 MLINKS+=DRIVER_MODULE.9 DRIVER_MODULE_ORDERED.9 \ DRIVER_MODULE.9 EARLY_DRIVER_MODULE.9 \ DRIVER_MODULE.9 EARLY_DRIVER_MODULE_ORDERED.9 MLINKS+=epoch.9 epoch_context.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_alloc.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_free.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_enter.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_exit.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_wait.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_call.9 \ epoch.9 epoch_drain_callbacks.9 \ epoch.9 in_epoch.9 MLINKS+=EVENTHANDLER.9 EVENTHANDLER_DECLARE.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 EVENTHANDLER_DEFINE.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 eventhandler_deregister.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 eventhandler_find_list.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 eventhandler_prune_list.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER.9 \ EVENTHANDLER.9 eventhandler_register.9 MLINKS+=eventtimers.9 et_register.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_deregister.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_ban.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_find.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_free.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_init.9 \ eventtimers.9 ET_LOCK.9 \ eventtimers.9 ET_UNLOCK.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_start.9 \ eventtimers.9 et_stop.9 MLINKS+=fail.9 KFAIL_POINT_CODE.9 \ fail.9 KFAIL_POINT_ERROR.9 \ fail.9 KFAIL_POINT_GOTO.9 \ fail.9 KFAIL_POINT_RETURN.9 \ fail.9 KFAIL_POINT_RETURN_VOID.9 MLINKS+=fdt_pinctrl.9 fdt_pinctrl_configure.9 \ fdt_pinctrl.9 fdt_pinctrl_configure_by_name.9 \ fdt_pinctrl.9 fdt_pinctrl_configure_tree.9 \ fdt_pinctrl.9 fdt_pinctrl_register.9 MLINKS+=fetch.9 fubyte.9 \ fetch.9 fuword.9 \ fetch.9 fuword16.9 \ fetch.9 fuword32.9 \ fetch.9 fuword64.9 \ fetch.9 fueword.9 \ fetch.9 fueword32.9 \ fetch.9 fueword64.9 MLINKS+=firmware.9 firmware_get.9 \ firmware.9 firmware_put.9 \ firmware.9 firmware_register.9 \ firmware.9 firmware_unregister.9 MLINKS+=fpu_kern.9 fpu_kern_alloc_ctx.9 \ fpu_kern.9 fpu_kern_free_ctx.9 \ fpu_kern.9 fpu_kern_enter.9 \ fpu_kern.9 fpu_kern_leave.9 \ fpu_kern.9 fpu_kern_thread.9 \ fpu_kern.9 is_fpu_kern_thread.9 MLINKS+=g_attach.9 g_detach.9 MLINKS+=g_bio.9 g_alloc_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_clone_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_destroy_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_duplicate_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_new_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_print_bio.9 \ g_bio.9 g_reset_bio.9 MLINKS+=g_consumer.9 g_destroy_consumer.9 \ g_consumer.9 g_new_consumer.9 MLINKS+=g_data.9 g_read_data.9 \ g_data.9 g_write_data.9 MLINKS+=getenv.9 freeenv.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_int.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_long.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_string.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_quad.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_uint.9 \ getenv.9 getenv_ulong.9 \ getenv.9 kern_getenv.9 \ getenv.9 kern_setenv.9 \ getenv.9 kern_unsetenv.9 \ getenv.9 setenv.9 \ getenv.9 testenv.9 \ getenv.9 unsetenv.9 MLINKS+=g_event.9 g_cancel_event.9 \ g_event.9 g_post_event.9 \ g_event.9 g_waitfor_event.9 MLINKS+=g_geom.9 g_destroy_geom.9 \ g_geom.9 g_new_geomf.9 MLINKS+=g_provider.9 g_destroy_provider.9 \ g_provider.9 g_error_provider.9 \ g_provider.9 g_new_providerf.9 MLINKS+=hash.9 hash32.9 \ hash.9 hash32_buf.9 \ hash.9 hash32_str.9 \ hash.9 hash32_stre.9 \ hash.9 hash32_strn.9 \ hash.9 hash32_strne.9 \ hash.9 jenkins_hash.9 \ hash.9 jenkins_hash32.9 MLINKS+=hashinit.9 hashdestroy.9 \ hashinit.9 hashinit_flags.9 \ hashinit.9 phashinit.9 MLINKS+=hhook.9 hhook_head_register.9 \ hhook.9 hhook_head_deregister.9 \ hhook.9 hhook_head_deregister_lookup.9 \ hhook.9 hhook_run_hooks.9 \ hhook.9 HHOOKS_RUN_IF.9 \ hhook.9 HHOOKS_RUN_LOOKUP_IF.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211.9 ieee80211_ifattach.9 \ ieee80211.9 ieee80211_ifdetach.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_choose.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_cleanup.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_init.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_node_init.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_setinterval.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_tx_complete.9 \ ieee80211_amrr.9 ieee80211_amrr_tx_update.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_beacon.9 ieee80211_beacon_alloc.9 \ ieee80211_beacon.9 ieee80211_beacon_notify.9 \ ieee80211_beacon.9 ieee80211_beacon_update.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_bmiss.9 ieee80211_beacon_miss.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_available.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_decap.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_delglobalkeys.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_delkey.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_demic.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_encap.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_enmic.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_newkey.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_register.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_reload_keys.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_setkey.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_crypto_unregister.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_key_update_begin.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_key_update_end.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_notify_michael_failure.9 \ ieee80211_crypto.9 ieee80211_notify_replay_failure.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_input.9 ieee80211_input_all.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_dump_node.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_dump_nodes.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_find_rxnode.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_find_rxnode_withkey.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_free_node.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_iterate_nodes.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_ref_node.9 \ ieee80211_node.9 ieee80211_unref_node.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_output.9 ieee80211_process_callback.9 \ ieee80211_output.9 M_SEQNO_GET.9 \ ieee80211_output.9 M_WME_GETAC.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_new_state.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_resume_all.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_start_all.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_stop_all.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_suspend_all.9 \ ieee80211_proto.9 ieee80211_waitfor_parent.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_radiotap.9 ieee80211_radiotap_active.9 \ ieee80211_radiotap.9 ieee80211_radiotap_active_vap.9 \ ieee80211_radiotap.9 ieee80211_radiotap_attach.9 \ ieee80211_radiotap.9 ieee80211_radiotap_tx.9 \ ieee80211_radiotap.9 radiotap.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_regdomain.9 ieee80211_alloc_countryie.9 \ ieee80211_regdomain.9 ieee80211_init_channels.9 \ ieee80211_regdomain.9 ieee80211_sort_channels.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_add_scan.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_bg_scan.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_cancel_scan.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_cancel_scan_any.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_check_scan.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_check_scan_current.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_flush.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_probe_curchan.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_assoc_fail.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_done.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_dump_channels.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_flush.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_iterate.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_next.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scan_timeout.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scanner_get.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scanner_register.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scanner_unregister.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_scanner_unregister_all.9 \ ieee80211_scan.9 ieee80211_start_scan.9 MLINKS+=ieee80211_vap.9 ieee80211_vap_attach.9 \ ieee80211_vap.9 ieee80211_vap_detach.9 \ ieee80211_vap.9 ieee80211_vap_setup.9 MLINKS+=iflibdd.9 ifdi_attach_pre.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_attach_post.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_detach.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_get_counter.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_i2c_req.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_init.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_intr_enable.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_intr_disable.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_led_func.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_link_intr_enable.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_media_set.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_media_status.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_media_change.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_mtu_set.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_multi_set.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_promisc_set.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_queues_alloc.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_queues_free.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_queue_intr_enable.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_resume.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_rxq_setup.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_stop.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_suspend.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_sysctl_int_delay.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_timer.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_txq_setup.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_update_admin_status.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_vf_add.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_vflr_handle.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_vlan_register.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_vlan_unregister.9 \ iflibdd.9 ifdi_watchdog_reset.9 \ iflibdd.9 iov_init.9 \ iflibdd.9 iov_uinit.9 MLINKS+=iflibdi.9 iflib_add_int_delay_sysctl.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_attach.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_deregister.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_detach.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_suspend.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_register.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_device_resume.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_led_create.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_irq_alloc.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_irq_alloc_generic.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_link_intr_deferred.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_link_state_change.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_rx_intr_deferred.9 \ iflibdi.9 iflib_tx_intr_deferred.9 MLINKS+=iflibtxrx.9 isc_rxd_available.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_rxd_refill.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_rxd_flush.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_rxd_pkt_get.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_txd_credits_update.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_txd_encap.9 \ iflibtxrx.9 isc_txd_flush.9 MLINKS+=ifnet.9 if_addmulti.9 \ ifnet.9 if_alloc.9 \ ifnet.9 if_alloc_dev.9 \ ifnet.9 if_alloc_domain.9 \ ifnet.9 if_allmulti.9 \ ifnet.9 if_attach.9 \ ifnet.9 if_data.9 \ ifnet.9 IF_DEQUEUE.9 \ ifnet.9 if_delmulti.9 \ ifnet.9 if_detach.9 \ ifnet.9 if_down.9 \ ifnet.9 if_findmulti.9 \ ifnet.9 if_free.9 \ ifnet.9 if_free_type.9 \ ifnet.9 if_up.9 \ ifnet.9 ifa_free.9 \ ifnet.9 ifa_ifwithaddr.9 \ ifnet.9 ifa_ifwithdstaddr.9 \ ifnet.9 ifa_ifwithnet.9 \ ifnet.9 ifa_ref.9 \ ifnet.9 ifaddr.9 \ ifnet.9 ifaddr_byindex.9 \ ifnet.9 ifaof_ifpforaddr.9 \ ifnet.9 ifioctl.9 \ ifnet.9 ifpromisc.9 \ ifnet.9 ifqueue.9 \ ifnet.9 ifunit.9 \ ifnet.9 ifunit_ref.9 MLINKS+=insmntque.9 insmntque1.9 MLINKS+=ithread.9 ithread_add_handler.9 \ ithread.9 ithread_create.9 \ ithread.9 ithread_destroy.9 \ ithread.9 ithread_priority.9 \ ithread.9 ithread_remove_handler.9 \ ithread.9 ithread_schedule.9 MLINKS+=kernacc.9 useracc.9 MLINKS+=kernel_mount.9 free_mntarg.9 \ kernel_mount.9 kernel_vmount.9 \ kernel_mount.9 mount_arg.9 \ kernel_mount.9 mount_argb.9 \ kernel_mount.9 mount_argf.9 \ kernel_mount.9 mount_argsu.9 MLINKS+=khelp.9 khelp_add_hhook.9 \ khelp.9 KHELP_DECLARE_MOD.9 \ khelp.9 KHELP_DECLARE_MOD_UMA.9 \ khelp.9 khelp_destroy_osd.9 \ khelp.9 khelp_get_id.9 \ khelp.9 khelp_get_osd.9 \ khelp.9 khelp_init_osd.9 \ khelp.9 khelp_remove_hhook.9 MLINKS+=kobj.9 DEFINE_CLASS.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_class_compile.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_class_compile_static.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_class_free.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_create.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_delete.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_init.9 \ kobj.9 kobj_init_static.9 MLINKS+=kproc.9 kproc_create.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_exit.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_kthread_add.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_resume.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_shutdown.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_start.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_suspend.9 \ kproc.9 kproc_suspend_check.9 \ kproc.9 kthread_create.9 MLINKS+=kqueue.9 knlist_add.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_clear.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_delete.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_destroy.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_empty.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_init.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_init_mtx.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_init_rw_reader.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_remove.9 \ kqueue.9 knlist_remove_inevent.9 \ kqueue.9 knote_fdclose.9 \ kqueue.9 KNOTE_LOCKED.9 \ kqueue.9 KNOTE_UNLOCKED.9 \ kqueue.9 kqfd_register.9 \ kqueue.9 kqueue_add_filteropts.9 \ kqueue.9 kqueue_del_filteropts.9 MLINKS+=kthread.9 kthread_add.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_exit.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_resume.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_shutdown.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_start.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_suspend.9 \ kthread.9 kthread_suspend_check.9 MLINKS+=ktr.9 CTR0.9 \ ktr.9 CTR1.9 \ ktr.9 CTR2.9 \ ktr.9 CTR3.9 \ ktr.9 CTR4.9 \ ktr.9 CTR5.9 \ ktr.9 CTR6.9 MLINKS+=lock.9 lockdestroy.9 \ lock.9 lockinit.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_args.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_args_rw.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_assert.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_disown.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_printinfo.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_recursed.9 \ lock.9 lockmgr_rw.9 \ lock.9 lockstatus.9 MLINKS+=LOCK_PROFILING.9 MUTEX_PROFILING.9 MLINKS+=make_dev.9 destroy_dev.9 \ make_dev.9 destroy_dev_drain.9 \ make_dev.9 destroy_dev_sched.9 \ make_dev.9 destroy_dev_sched_cb.9 \ make_dev.9 dev_depends.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_alias.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_alias_p.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_cred.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_credf.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_p.9 \ make_dev.9 make_dev_s.9 MLINKS+=malloc.9 free.9 \ malloc.9 malloc_domainset.9 \ malloc.9 free_domain.9 \ malloc.9 mallocarray.9 \ malloc.9 MALLOC_DECLARE.9 \ malloc.9 MALLOC_DEFINE.9 \ malloc.9 realloc.9 \ malloc.9 reallocf.9 MLINKS+=mbchain.9 mb_detach.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_done.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_fixhdr.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_init.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_initm.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_int64be.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_int64le.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_mbuf.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_mem.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uint16be.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uint16le.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uint32be.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uint32le.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uint8.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_put_uio.9 \ mbchain.9 mb_reserve.9 MLINKS+=\ mbuf.9 m_adj.9 \ mbuf.9 m_align.9 \ mbuf.9 M_ALIGN.9 \ mbuf.9 m_append.9 \ mbuf.9 m_apply.9 \ mbuf.9 m_cat.9 \ mbuf.9 m_catpkt.9 \ mbuf.9 MCHTYPE.9 \ mbuf.9 MCLGET.9 \ mbuf.9 m_collapse.9 \ mbuf.9 m_copyback.9 \ mbuf.9 m_copydata.9 \ mbuf.9 m_copym.9 \ mbuf.9 m_copypacket.9 \ mbuf.9 m_copyup.9 \ mbuf.9 m_defrag.9 \ mbuf.9 m_devget.9 \ mbuf.9 m_dup.9 \ mbuf.9 m_dup_pkthdr.9 \ mbuf.9 MEXTADD.9 \ mbuf.9 m_fixhdr.9 \ mbuf.9 m_free.9 \ mbuf.9 m_freem.9 \ mbuf.9 MGET.9 \ mbuf.9 m_get.9 \ mbuf.9 m_get2.9 \ mbuf.9 m_getjcl.9 \ mbuf.9 m_getcl.9 \ mbuf.9 MGETHDR.9 \ mbuf.9 m_gethdr.9 \ mbuf.9 m_getm.9 \ mbuf.9 m_getptr.9 \ mbuf.9 MH_ALIGN.9 \ mbuf.9 M_LEADINGSPACE.9 \ mbuf.9 m_length.9 \ mbuf.9 M_MOVE_PKTHDR.9 \ mbuf.9 m_move_pkthdr.9 \ mbuf.9 M_PREPEND.9 \ mbuf.9 m_prepend.9 \ mbuf.9 m_pulldown.9 \ mbuf.9 m_pullup.9 \ mbuf.9 m_split.9 \ mbuf.9 mtod.9 \ mbuf.9 M_TRAILINGSPACE.9 \ mbuf.9 m_unshare.9 \ mbuf.9 M_WRITABLE.9 MLINKS+=\ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_alloc.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_copy.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_copy_chain.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_delete.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_delete_chain.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_delete_nonpersistent.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_find.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_first.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_free.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_get.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_init.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_locate.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_next.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_prepend.9 \ mbuf_tags.9 m_tag_unlink.9 MLINKS+=MD5.9 MD5Init.9 \ MD5.9 MD5Transform.9 MLINKS+=mdchain.9 md_append_record.9 \ mdchain.9 md_done.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_int64.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_int64be.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_int64le.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_mbuf.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_mem.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint16.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint16be.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint16le.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint32.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint32be.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint32le.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uint8.9 \ mdchain.9 md_get_uio.9 \ mdchain.9 md_initm.9 \ mdchain.9 md_next_record.9 MLINKS+=microtime.9 bintime.9 \ microtime.9 getbintime.9 \ microtime.9 getmicrotime.9 \ microtime.9 getnanotime.9 \ microtime.9 nanotime.9 MLINKS+=microuptime.9 binuptime.9 \ microuptime.9 getbinuptime.9 \ microuptime.9 getmicrouptime.9 \ microuptime.9 getnanouptime.9 \ microuptime.9 getsbinuptime.9 \ microuptime.9 nanouptime.9 \ microuptime.9 sbinuptime.9 MLINKS+=mi_switch.9 cpu_switch.9 \ mi_switch.9 cpu_throw.9 MLINKS+=mod_cc.9 CCV.9 \ mod_cc.9 DECLARE_CC_MODULE.9 MLINKS+=mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_alloc.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_create.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_destroy.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_find.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_lock.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_lock_spin.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_unlock.9 \ mtx_pool.9 mtx_pool_unlock_spin.9 MLINKS+=mutex.9 mtx_assert.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_destroy.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_init.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_initialized.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_lock.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_lock_flags.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_lock_spin.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_lock_spin_flags.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_owned.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_recursed.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_sleep.9 \ mutex.9 MTX_SYSINIT.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_trylock.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_trylock_flags.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_trylock_spin.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_trylock_spin_flags.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_unlock.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_unlock_flags.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_unlock_spin.9 \ mutex.9 mtx_unlock_spin_flags.9 MLINKS+=namei.9 NDFREE.9 \ namei.9 NDINIT.9 MLINKS+=netisr.9 netisr_clearqdrops.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_default_flow2cpu.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_dispatch.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_dispatch_src.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_get_cpucount.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_get_cpuid.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_getqdrops.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_getqlimit.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_queue.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_queue_src.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_register.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_setqlimit.9 \ netisr.9 netisr_unregister.9 MLINKS+=nv.9 libnv.9 \ nv.9 nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_bool.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_bool_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_null.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_number.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_number_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_stringf.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_stringv.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_add_string_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_clone.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_create.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_destroy.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_dump.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_empty.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_error.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_bool.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_bool_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_null.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_number.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_number_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_exists_type.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_fdump.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_flags.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_bool.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_bool_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_null.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_number.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_number_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_string_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_free_type.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_bool.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_bool_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_number.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_number_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_parent.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_get_string_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_move_string_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_next.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_pack.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_recv.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_send.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_set_error.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_size.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_binary.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_bool.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_bool_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_descriptor.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_descriptor_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_number.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_number_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_nvlist.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_nvlist_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_string.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_take_string_array.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_unpack.9 \ nv.9 nvlist_xfer.9 MLINKS+=OF_child.9 OF_parent.9 \ OF_child.9 OF_peer.9 MLINKS+=OF_device_from_xref.9 OF_device_register_xref.9 \ OF_device_from_xref.9 OF_xref_from_device.9 MLINKS+=OF_getprop.9 OF_getencprop.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_getencprop_alloc.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_getencprop_alloc_multi.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_getprop_alloc.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_getprop_alloc_multi.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_getproplen.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_hasprop.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_nextprop.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_prop_free.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_searchencprop.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_searchprop.9 \ OF_getprop.9 OF_setprop.9 MLINKS+=OF_node_from_xref.9 OF_xref_from_node.9 MLINKS+=ofw_bus_is_compatible.9 ofw_bus_is_compatible_strict.9 \ ofw_bus_is_compatible.9 ofw_bus_node_is_compatible.9 \ ofw_bus_is_compatible.9 ofw_bus_search_compatible.9 MLINKS+= ofw_bus_status_okay.9 ofw_bus_get_status.9 \ ofw_bus_status_okay.9 ofw_bus_node_status_okay.9 MLINKS+=osd.9 osd_call.9 \ osd.9 osd_del.9 \ osd.9 osd_deregister.9 \ osd.9 osd_exit.9 \ osd.9 osd_get.9 \ osd.9 osd_register.9 \ osd.9 osd_set.9 MLINKS+=panic.9 vpanic.9 MLINKS+=PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_byhash.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_byinpcb.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_destroy.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_enabled.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_init.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_remove.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_update.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in_pcbgroup_update_mbuf.9 \ PCBGROUP.9 in6_pcbgroup_byhash.9 MLINKS+=pci.9 pci_alloc_msi.9 \ pci.9 pci_alloc_msix.9 \ pci.9 pci_disable_busmaster.9 \ pci.9 pci_disable_io.9 \ pci.9 pci_enable_busmaster.9 \ pci.9 pci_enable_io.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_bsf.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_cap.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_dbsf.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_device.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_extcap.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_htcap.9 \ pci.9 pci_find_pcie_root_port.9 \ pci.9 pci_get_id.9 \ pci.9 pci_get_max_read_req.9 \ pci.9 pci_get_powerstate.9 \ pci.9 pci_get_vpd_ident.9 \ pci.9 pci_get_vpd_readonly.9 \ pci.9 pci_iov_attach.9 \ pci.9 pci_iov_attach_name.9 \ pci.9 pci_iov_detach.9 \ pci.9 pci_msi_count.9 \ pci.9 pci_msix_count.9 \ pci.9 pci_msix_pba_bar.9 \ pci.9 pci_msix_table_bar.9 \ pci.9 pci_pending_msix.9 \ pci.9 pci_read_config.9 \ pci.9 pci_release_msi.9 \ pci.9 pci_remap_msix.9 \ pci.9 pci_restore_state.9 \ pci.9 pci_save_state.9 \ pci.9 pci_set_powerstate.9 \ pci.9 pci_set_max_read_req.9 \ pci.9 pci_write_config.9 \ pci.9 pcie_adjust_config.9 \ pci.9 pcie_flr.9 \ pci.9 pcie_max_completion_timeout.9 \ pci.9 pcie_read_config.9 \ pci.9 pcie_wait_for_pending_transactions.9 \ pci.9 pcie_write_config.9 MLINKS+=pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_alloc_node.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_bool.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_string.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_uint8.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_uint16.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_uint32.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_uint64.9 \ pci_iov_schema.9 pci_iov_schema_add_unicast_mac.9 MLINKS+=pfil.9 pfil_add_hook.9 \ pfil.9 pfil_head_register.9 \ pfil.9 pfil_head_unregister.9 \ pfil.9 pfil_remove_hook.9 \ pfil.9 pfil_run_hooks.9 \ pfil.9 pfil_link.9 MLINKS+=pfind.9 zpfind.9 MLINKS+=PHOLD.9 PRELE.9 \ PHOLD.9 _PHOLD.9 \ PHOLD.9 _PRELE.9 \ PHOLD.9 PROC_ASSERT_HELD.9 \ PHOLD.9 PROC_ASSERT_NOT_HELD.9 MLINKS+=pmap_copy.9 pmap_copy_page.9 MLINKS+=pmap_extract.9 pmap_extract_and_hold.9 MLINKS+=pmap_init.9 pmap_init2.9 MLINKS+=pmap_is_modified.9 pmap_ts_referenced.9 MLINKS+=pmap_pinit.9 pmap_pinit0.9 \ pmap_pinit.9 pmap_pinit2.9 MLINKS+=pmap_qenter.9 pmap_qremove.9 MLINKS+=pmap_quick_enter_page.9 pmap_quick_remove_page.9 MLINKS+=pmap_remove.9 pmap_remove_all.9 \ pmap_remove.9 pmap_remove_pages.9 MLINKS+=pmap_resident_count.9 pmap_wired_count.9 MLINKS+=pmap_zero_page.9 pmap_zero_area.9 MLINKS+=printf.9 log.9 \ printf.9 tprintf.9 \ printf.9 uprintf.9 MLINKS+=priv.9 priv_check.9 \ priv.9 priv_check_cred.9 MLINKS+=proc_rwmem.9 proc_readmem.9 \ proc_rwmem.9 proc_writemem.9 MLINKS+=psignal.9 gsignal.9 \ psignal.9 pgsignal.9 \ psignal.9 tdsignal.9 MLINKS+=pwmbus.9 pwm.9 MLINKS+=random.9 arc4rand.9 \ random.9 arc4random.9 \ random.9 is_random_seeded.9 \ random.9 read_random.9 \ random.9 read_random_uio.9 \ random.9 srandom.9 MLINKS+=random_harvest.9 random_harvest_direct.9 \ random_harvest.9 random_harvest_fast.9 \ random_harvest.9 random_harvest_queue.9 MLINKS+=ratecheck.9 ppsratecheck.9 MLINKS+=refcount.9 refcount_acquire.9 \ refcount.9 refcount_init.9 \ refcount.9 refcount_release.9 MLINKS+=resource_int_value.9 resource_long_value.9 \ resource_int_value.9 resource_string_value.9 MLINKS+=rman.9 rman_activate_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_adjust_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_deactivate_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_fini.9 \ rman.9 rman_first_free_region.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_bushandle.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_bustag.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_device.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_end.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_flags.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_mapping.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_rid.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_size.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_start.9 \ rman.9 rman_get_virtual.9 \ rman.9 rman_init.9 \ rman.9 rman_init_from_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_is_region_manager.9 \ rman.9 rman_last_free_region.9 \ rman.9 rman_make_alignment_flags.9 \ rman.9 rman_manage_region.9 \ rman.9 rman_release_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_reserve_resource.9 \ rman.9 rman_reserve_resource_bound.9 \ rman.9 rman_set_bushandle.9 \ rman.9 rman_set_bustag.9 \ rman.9 rman_set_mapping.9 \ rman.9 rman_set_rid.9 \ rman.9 rman_set_virtual.9 MLINKS+=rmlock.9 rm_assert.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_destroy.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_init.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_init_flags.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_rlock.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_runlock.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_sleep.9 \ rmlock.9 RM_SYSINIT.9 \ rmlock.9 RM_SYSINIT_FLAGS.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_try_rlock.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_wlock.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_wowned.9 \ rmlock.9 rm_wunlock.9 MLINKS+=rtalloc.9 rtalloc1.9 \ rtalloc.9 rtalloc_ign.9 \ rtalloc.9 RT_ADDREF.9 \ rtalloc.9 RT_LOCK.9 \ rtalloc.9 RT_REMREF.9 \ rtalloc.9 RT_RTFREE.9 \ rtalloc.9 RT_UNLOCK.9 \ rtalloc.9 RTFREE_LOCKED.9 \ rtalloc.9 RTFREE.9 \ rtalloc.9 rtfree.9 \ rtalloc.9 rtalloc1_fib.9 \ rtalloc.9 rtalloc_ign_fib.9 \ rtalloc.9 rtalloc_fib.9 MLINKS+=runqueue.9 choosethread.9 \ runqueue.9 procrunnable.9 \ runqueue.9 remrunqueue.9 \ runqueue.9 setrunqueue.9 MLINKS+=rwlock.9 rw_assert.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_destroy.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_downgrade.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_init.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_init_flags.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_initialized.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_rlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_runlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_unlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_sleep.9 \ rwlock.9 RW_SYSINIT.9 \ rwlock.9 RW_SYSINIT_FLAGS.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_try_rlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_try_upgrade.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_try_wlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_wlock.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_wowned.9 \ rwlock.9 rw_wunlock.9 MLINKS+=sbuf.9 sbuf_bcat.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_bcopyin.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_bcpy.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_cat.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_clear.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_clear_flags.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_copyin.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_cpy.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_data.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_delete.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_done.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_error.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_finish.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_get_flags.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_hexdump.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_len.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_new.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_new_auto.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_new_for_sysctl.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_printf.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_printf_drain.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_putbuf.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_putc.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_set_drain.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_set_flags.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_setpos.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_start_section.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_end_section.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_trim.9 \ sbuf.9 sbuf_vprintf.9 MLINKS+=scheduler.9 curpriority_cmp.9 \ scheduler.9 maybe_resched.9 \ scheduler.9 propagate_priority.9 \ scheduler.9 resetpriority.9 \ scheduler.9 roundrobin.9 \ scheduler.9 roundrobin_interval.9 \ scheduler.9 schedclock.9 \ scheduler.9 schedcpu.9 \ scheduler.9 sched_setup.9 \ scheduler.9 setrunnable.9 \ scheduler.9 updatepri.9 MLINKS+=SDT.9 SDT_PROVIDER_DECLARE.9 \ SDT.9 SDT_PROVIDER_DEFINE.9 \ SDT.9 SDT_PROBE_DECLARE.9 \ SDT.9 SDT_PROBE_DEFINE.9 \ SDT.9 SDT_PROBE.9 MLINKS+=securelevel_gt.9 securelevel_ge.9 MLINKS+=selrecord.9 seldrain.9 \ selrecord.9 selwakeup.9 MLINKS+=sema.9 sema_destroy.9 \ sema.9 sema_init.9 \ sema.9 sema_post.9 \ sema.9 sema_timedwait.9 \ sema.9 sema_trywait.9 \ sema.9 sema_value.9 \ sema.9 sema_wait.9 MLINKS+=sf_buf.9 sf_buf_alloc.9 \ sf_buf.9 sf_buf_free.9 \ sf_buf.9 sf_buf_kva.9 \ sf_buf.9 sf_buf_page.9 MLINKS+=sglist.9 sglist_alloc.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_bio.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_ext_pgs.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_mb_ext_pgs.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_mbuf.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_phys.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_sglist.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_uio.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_user.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_append_vmpages.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_build.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_clone.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_consume_uio.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_count.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_count_ext_pgs.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_count_mb_ext_pgs.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_count_vmpages.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_free.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_hold.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_init.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_join.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_length.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_reset.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_slice.9 \ sglist.9 sglist_split.9 MLINKS+=shm_map.9 shm_unmap.9 MLINKS+=signal.9 cursig.9 \ signal.9 execsigs.9 \ signal.9 issignal.9 \ signal.9 killproc.9 \ signal.9 pgsigio.9 \ signal.9 postsig.9 \ signal.9 SETSETNEQ.9 \ signal.9 SETSETOR.9 \ signal.9 SIGADDSET.9 \ signal.9 SIG_CONTSIGMASK.9 \ signal.9 SIGDELSET.9 \ signal.9 SIGEMPTYSET.9 \ signal.9 sigexit.9 \ signal.9 SIGFILLSET.9 \ signal.9 siginit.9 \ signal.9 SIGISEMPTY.9 \ signal.9 SIGISMEMBER.9 \ signal.9 SIGNOTEMPTY.9 \ signal.9 signotify.9 \ signal.9 SIGPENDING.9 \ signal.9 SIGSETAND.9 \ signal.9 SIGSETCANTMASK.9 \ signal.9 SIGSETEQ.9 \ signal.9 SIGSETNAND.9 \ signal.9 SIG_STOPSIGMASK.9 \ signal.9 trapsignal.9 MLINKS+=sleep.9 msleep.9 \ sleep.9 msleep_sbt.9 \ sleep.9 msleep_spin.9 \ sleep.9 msleep_spin_sbt.9 \ sleep.9 pause.9 \ sleep.9 pause_sig.9 \ sleep.9 pause_sbt.9 \ sleep.9 tsleep.9 \ sleep.9 tsleep_sbt.9 \ sleep.9 wakeup.9 \ sleep.9 wakeup_one.9 \ sleep.9 wakeup_any.9 MLINKS+=sleepqueue.9 init_sleepqueues.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_abort.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_add.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_alloc.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_broadcast.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_free.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_lookup.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_lock.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_release.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_remove.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_set_timeout.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_set_timeout_sbt.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_signal.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_sleepcnt.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_timedwait.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_timedwait_sig.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_type.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_wait.9 \ sleepqueue.9 sleepq_wait_sig.9 MLINKS+=socket.9 soabort.9 \ socket.9 soaccept.9 \ socket.9 sobind.9 \ socket.9 socheckuid.9 \ socket.9 soclose.9 \ socket.9 soconnect.9 \ socket.9 socreate.9 \ socket.9 sodisconnect.9 \ socket.9 sodtor_set.9 \ socket.9 sodupsockaddr.9 \ socket.9 sofree.9 \ socket.9 sogetopt.9 \ socket.9 sohasoutofband.9 \ socket.9 solisten.9 \ socket.9 solisten_proto.9 \ socket.9 solisten_proto_check.9 \ socket.9 sonewconn.9 \ socket.9 sooptcopyin.9 \ socket.9 sooptcopyout.9 \ socket.9 sopoll.9 \ socket.9 sopoll_generic.9 \ socket.9 soreceive.9 \ socket.9 soreceive_dgram.9 \ socket.9 soreceive_generic.9 \ socket.9 soreceive_stream.9 \ socket.9 soreserve.9 \ socket.9 sorflush.9 \ socket.9 sosend.9 \ socket.9 sosend_dgram.9 \ socket.9 sosend_generic.9 \ socket.9 sosetopt.9 \ socket.9 soshutdown.9 \ socket.9 sotoxsocket.9 \ socket.9 soupcall_clear.9 \ socket.9 soupcall_set.9 \ socket.9 sowakeup.9 MLINKS+=stack.9 stack_copy.9 \ stack.9 stack_create.9 \ stack.9 stack_destroy.9 \ stack.9 stack_print.9 \ stack.9 stack_print_ddb.9 \ stack.9 stack_print_short.9 \ stack.9 stack_print_short_ddb.9 \ stack.9 stack_put.9 \ stack.9 stack_save.9 \ stack.9 stack_sbuf_print.9 \ stack.9 stack_sbuf_print_ddb.9 \ stack.9 stack_zero.9 MLINKS+=store.9 subyte.9 \ store.9 suword.9 \ store.9 suword16.9 \ store.9 suword32.9 \ store.9 suword64.9 MLINKS+=swi.9 swi_add.9 \ swi.9 swi_remove.9 \ swi.9 swi_sched.9 MLINKS+=sx.9 sx_assert.9 \ sx.9 sx_destroy.9 \ sx.9 sx_downgrade.9 \ sx.9 sx_init.9 \ sx.9 sx_init_flags.9 \ sx.9 sx_sleep.9 \ sx.9 sx_slock.9 \ sx.9 sx_slock_sig.9 \ sx.9 sx_sunlock.9 \ sx.9 SX_SYSINIT.9 \ sx.9 SX_SYSINIT_FLAGS.9 \ sx.9 sx_try_slock.9 \ sx.9 sx_try_upgrade.9 \ sx.9 sx_try_xlock.9 \ sx.9 sx_unlock.9 \ sx.9 sx_xholder.9 \ sx.9 sx_xlock.9 \ sx.9 sx_xlock_sig.9 \ sx.9 sx_xlocked.9 \ sx.9 sx_xunlock.9 MLINKS+=syscall_helper_register.9 syscall_helper_unregister.9 \ syscall_helper_register.9 SYSCALL_INIT_HELPER.9 \ syscall_helper_register.9 SYSCALL_INIT_HELPER_COMPAT.9 \ syscall_helper_register.9 SYSCALL_INIT_HELPER_COMPAT_F.9 \ syscall_helper_register.9 SYSCALL_INIT_HELPER_F.9 MLINKS+=sysctl.9 SYSCTL_DECL.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_INT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_LONG.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_NODE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_NODE_WITH_LABEL.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_OPAQUE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_PROC.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_QUAD.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_ROOT_NODE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_S8.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_S16.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_S32.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_S64.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_STRING.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_STRUCT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_TIMEVAL_SEC.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_U8.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_U16.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_U32.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_U64.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_UAUTO.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_UINT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_ULONG.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ADD_UQUAD.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_CHILDREN.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_STATIC_CHILDREN.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_NODE_CHILDREN.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_PARENT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_INT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_INT_WITH_LABEL.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_LONG.9 \ sysctl.9 sysctl_msec_to_ticks.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_NODE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_NODE_WITH_LABEL.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_OPAQUE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_PROC.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_QUAD.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ROOT_NODE.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_S8.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_S16.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_S32.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_S64.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_STRING.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_STRUCT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_TIMEVAL_SEC.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_U8.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_U16.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_U32.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_U64.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_UINT.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_ULONG.9 \ sysctl.9 SYSCTL_UQUAD.9 MLINKS+=sysctl_add_oid.9 sysctl_move_oid.9 \ sysctl_add_oid.9 sysctl_remove_oid.9 \ sysctl_add_oid.9 sysctl_remove_name.9 MLINKS+=sysctl_ctx_init.9 sysctl_ctx_entry_add.9 \ sysctl_ctx_init.9 sysctl_ctx_entry_del.9 \ sysctl_ctx_init.9 sysctl_ctx_entry_find.9 \ sysctl_ctx_init.9 sysctl_ctx_free.9 MLINKS+=SYSINIT.9 SYSUNINIT.9 MLINKS+=taskqueue.9 TASK_INIT.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASK_INITIALIZER.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_block.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_cancel.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_cancel_timeout.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_create.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_create_fast.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASKQUEUE_DECLARE.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASKQUEUE_DEFINE.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASKQUEUE_DEFINE_THREAD.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_drain.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_drain_all.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_drain_timeout.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_enqueue.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_enqueue_timeout.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASKQUEUE_FAST_DEFINE.9 \ taskqueue.9 TASKQUEUE_FAST_DEFINE_THREAD.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_free.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_member.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_quiesce.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_run.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_set_callback.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_start_threads.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_start_threads_pinned.9 \ taskqueue.9 taskqueue_unblock.9 \ taskqueue.9 TIMEOUT_TASK_INIT.9 MLINKS+=tcp_functions.9 register_tcp_functions.9 \ tcp_functions.9 register_tcp_functions_as_name.9 \ tcp_functions.9 register_tcp_functions_as_names.9 \ tcp_functions.9 deregister_tcp_functions.9 MLINKS+=time.9 boottime.9 \ time.9 time_second.9 \ time.9 time_uptime.9 MLINKS+=timeout.9 callout.9 \ timeout.9 callout_active.9 \ timeout.9 callout_async_drain.9 \ timeout.9 callout_deactivate.9 \ timeout.9 callout_drain.9 \ timeout.9 callout_handle_init.9 \ timeout.9 callout_init.9 \ timeout.9 callout_init_mtx.9 \ timeout.9 callout_init_rm.9 \ timeout.9 callout_init_rw.9 \ timeout.9 callout_pending.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset_curcpu.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset_on.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset_sbt.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset_sbt_curcpu.9 \ timeout.9 callout_reset_sbt_on.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule_curcpu.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule_on.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule_sbt.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule_sbt_curcpu.9 \ timeout.9 callout_schedule_sbt_on.9 \ timeout.9 callout_stop.9 \ timeout.9 callout_when.9 \ timeout.9 untimeout.9 MLINKS+=ucred.9 crcopy.9 \ ucred.9 crcopysafe.9 \ ucred.9 crdup.9 \ ucred.9 crfree.9 \ ucred.9 crget.9 \ ucred.9 crhold.9 \ ucred.9 crsetgroups.9 \ ucred.9 cru2x.9 MLINKS+=uidinfo.9 uifind.9 \ uidinfo.9 uifree.9 \ uidinfo.9 uihashinit.9 \ uidinfo.9 uihold.9 MLINKS+=uio.9 uiomove.9 \ uio.9 uiomove_frombuf.9 \ uio.9 uiomove_nofault.9 .if ${MK_USB} != "no" MAN+= usbdi.9 MLINKS+=usbdi.9 usbd_do_request.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_do_request_flags.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_errstr.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_lookup_id_by_info.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_lookup_id_by_uaa.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_clear_stall.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_drain.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_pending.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_poll.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_setup.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_start.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_stop.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_submit.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_transfer_unsetup.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_clr_flag.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_frame_data.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_frame_len.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_get_frame.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_get_priv.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_is_stalled.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_max_framelen.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_max_frames.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_max_len.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_flag.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_frame_data.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_frame_len.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_frame_offset.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_frames.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_interval.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_priv.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_stall.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_set_timeout.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_softc.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_state.9 \ usbdi.9 usbd_xfer_status.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_alloc_buffer.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_attach.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_detach.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_free_buffer.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_get_data.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_get_data_buffer.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_get_data_error.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_get_data_linear.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_put_bytes_max.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_put_data.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_put_data_buffer.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_put_data_error.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_put_data_linear.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_reset.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_softc.9 \ usbdi.9 usb_fifo_wakeup.9 .endif MLINKS+=vcount.9 count_dev.9 MLINKS+=vfsconf.9 vfs_modevent.9 \ vfsconf.9 vfs_register.9 \ vfsconf.9 vfs_unregister.9 MLINKS+=vfs_getopt.9 vfs_copyopt.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_filteropt.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_flagopt.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_getopts.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_scanopt.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_setopt.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_setopt_part.9 \ vfs_getopt.9 vfs_setopts.9 MLINKS+=vhold.9 vdrop.9 \ vhold.9 vdropl.9 \ vhold.9 vholdl.9 MLINKS+=vmem.9 vmem_add.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_alloc.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_create.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_destroy.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_free.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_xalloc.9 \ vmem.9 vmem_xfree.9 MLINKS+=vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_lock_downgrade.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_lock_read.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_lock_upgrade.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_trylock.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_trylock_read.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_unlock.9 \ vm_map_lock.9 vm_map_unlock_read.9 MLINKS+=vm_map_lookup.9 vm_map_lookup_done.9 MLINKS+=vm_map_max.9 vm_map_min.9 \ vm_map_max.9 vm_map_pmap.9 MLINKS+=vm_map_stack.9 vm_map_growstack.9 MLINKS+=vm_map_wire.9 vm_map_unwire.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_clear_dirty.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_dirty.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_is_valid.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_set_invalid.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_set_validclean.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_test_dirty.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_undirty.9 \ vm_page_bits.9 vm_page_zero_invalid.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_busied.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_busy_downgrade.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_busy_sleep.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_sbusied.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_sbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_sleep_if_busy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_sunbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_trysbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_tryxbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_xbusied.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_xbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_xunbusy.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_assert_sbusied.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_assert_unbusied.9 \ vm_page_busy.9 vm_page_assert_xbusied.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_aflag.9 vm_page_aflag_clear.9 \ vm_page_aflag.9 vm_page_aflag_set.9 \ vm_page_aflag.9 vm_page_reference.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_free.9 vm_page_free_toq.9 \ vm_page_free.9 vm_page_free_zero.9 \ vm_page_free.9 vm_page_try_to_free.9 -MLINKS+=vm_page_hold.9 vm_page_unhold.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_insert.9 vm_page_remove.9 MLINKS+=vm_page_wire.9 vm_page_unwire.9 MLINKS+=VOP_ACCESS.9 VOP_ACCESSX.9 MLINKS+=VOP_ATTRIB.9 VOP_GETATTR.9 \ VOP_ATTRIB.9 VOP_SETATTR.9 MLINKS+=VOP_CREATE.9 VOP_MKDIR.9 \ VOP_CREATE.9 VOP_MKNOD.9 \ VOP_CREATE.9 VOP_SYMLINK.9 MLINKS+=VOP_FSYNC.9 VOP_FDATASYNC.9 MLINKS+=VOP_GETPAGES.9 VOP_PUTPAGES.9 MLINKS+=VOP_INACTIVE.9 VOP_RECLAIM.9 MLINKS+=VOP_LOCK.9 vn_lock.9 \ VOP_LOCK.9 VOP_ISLOCKED.9 \ VOP_LOCK.9 VOP_UNLOCK.9 MLINKS+=VOP_OPENCLOSE.9 VOP_CLOSE.9 \ VOP_OPENCLOSE.9 VOP_OPEN.9 MLINKS+=VOP_RDWR.9 VOP_READ.9 \ VOP_RDWR.9 VOP_WRITE.9 MLINKS+=VOP_REMOVE.9 VOP_RMDIR.9 MLINKS+=vnet.9 vimage.9 MLINKS+=vref.9 VREF.9 \ vref.9 vrefl.9 MLINKS+=vrele.9 vput.9 \ vrele.9 vunref.9 MLINKS+=vslock.9 vsunlock.9 MLINKS+=zone.9 uma.9 \ zone.9 uma_zalloc.9 \ zone.9 uma_zalloc_arg.9 \ zone.9 uma_zalloc_domain.9 \ zone.9 uma_zcreate.9 \ zone.9 uma_zdestroy.9 \ zone.9 uma_zfree.9 \ zone.9 uma_zfree_arg.9 \ zone.9 uma_zfree_domain.9 \ zone.9 uma_zone_get_cur.9 \ zone.9 uma_zone_get_max.9 \ zone.9 uma_zone_set_max.9 \ zone.9 uma_zone_set_warning.9 \ zone.9 uma_zone_set_maxaction.9 .include Index: head/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,9949 +1,9949 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Alan L. Cox * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Jake Burkholder, * Safeport Network Services, and Network Associates Laboratories, the * Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under * DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA * CHATS research program. * * Portions of this software were developed by * Konstantin Belousov under sponsorship from * the FreeBSD Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define AMD64_NPT_AWARE #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_pmap.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SMP #include #endif #include #include static __inline boolean_t pmap_type_guest(pmap_t pmap) { return ((pmap->pm_type == PT_EPT) || (pmap->pm_type == PT_RVI)); } static __inline boolean_t pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap_t pmap) { return ((pmap->pm_flags & PMAP_EMULATE_AD_BITS) != 0); } static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_valid_bit(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: mask = X86_PG_V; break; case PT_EPT: if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) mask = EPT_PG_EMUL_V; else mask = EPT_PG_READ; break; default: panic("pmap_valid_bit: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_rw_bit(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: mask = X86_PG_RW; break; case PT_EPT: if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) mask = EPT_PG_EMUL_RW; else mask = EPT_PG_WRITE; break; default: panic("pmap_rw_bit: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } static pt_entry_t pg_g; static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_global_bit(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: mask = pg_g; break; case PT_RVI: case PT_EPT: mask = 0; break; default: panic("pmap_global_bit: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_accessed_bit(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: mask = X86_PG_A; break; case PT_EPT: if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) mask = EPT_PG_READ; else mask = EPT_PG_A; break; default: panic("pmap_accessed_bit: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_modified_bit(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: mask = X86_PG_M; break; case PT_EPT: if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) mask = EPT_PG_WRITE; else mask = EPT_PG_M; break; default: panic("pmap_modified_bit: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } static __inline pt_entry_t pmap_pku_mask_bit(pmap_t pmap) { return (pmap->pm_type == PT_X86 ? X86_PG_PKU_MASK : 0); } #if !defined(DIAGNOSTIC) #ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ #define PMAP_INLINE __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE extern inline #endif #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif #define pa_index(pa) ((pa) >> PDRSHIFT) #define pa_to_pvh(pa) (&pv_table[pa_index(pa)]) #define NPV_LIST_LOCKS MAXCPU #define PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa) \ (&pv_list_locks[pa_index(pa) % NPV_LIST_LOCKS]) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ struct rwlock *_new_lock; \ \ _new_lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); \ if (_new_lock != *_lockp) { \ if (*_lockp != NULL) \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = _new_lock; \ rw_wlock(*_lockp); \ } \ } while (0) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m) \ CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) #define RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ \ if (*_lockp != NULL) { \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) #define VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m) \ PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ int nkpt; SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, nkpt, CTLFLAG_RD, &nkpt, 0, "Number of kernel page table pages allocated on bootup"); static int ndmpdp; vm_paddr_t dmaplimit; vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; pt_entry_t pg_nx; static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM/pmap parameters"); static int pg_ps_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pg_ps_enabled, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &pg_ps_enabled, 0, "Are large page mappings enabled?"); #define PAT_INDEX_SIZE 8 static int pat_index[PAT_INDEX_SIZE]; /* cache mode to PAT index conversion */ static u_int64_t KPTphys; /* phys addr of kernel level 1 */ static u_int64_t KPDphys; /* phys addr of kernel level 2 */ u_int64_t KPDPphys; /* phys addr of kernel level 3 */ u_int64_t KPML4phys; /* phys addr of kernel level 4 */ static u_int64_t DMPDphys; /* phys addr of direct mapped level 2 */ static u_int64_t DMPDPphys; /* phys addr of direct mapped level 3 */ static int ndmpdpphys; /* number of DMPDPphys pages */ static vm_paddr_t KERNend; /* phys addr of end of bootstrap data */ /* * pmap_mapdev support pre initialization (i.e. console) */ #define PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT 8 static struct pmap_preinit_mapping { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_size_t sz; int mode; } pmap_preinit_mapping[PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT]; static int pmap_initialized; /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism. * Updates to pv_invl_gen are protected by the pv_list_locks[] * elements, but reads are not. */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); static struct mtx __exclusive_cache_line pv_chunks_mutex; static struct rwlock __exclusive_cache_line pv_list_locks[NPV_LIST_LOCKS]; static u_long pv_invl_gen[NPV_LIST_LOCKS]; static struct md_page *pv_table; static struct md_page pv_dummy; /* * All those kernel PT submaps that BSD is so fond of */ pt_entry_t *CMAP1 = NULL; caddr_t CADDR1 = 0; static vm_offset_t qframe = 0; static struct mtx qframe_mtx; static int pmap_flags = PMAP_PDE_SUPERPAGE; /* flags for x86 pmaps */ static vmem_t *large_vmem; static u_int lm_ents; #define PMAP_LARGEMAP_MAX_ADDRESS() \ (LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS + NBPML4 * (u_long)lm_ents) int pmap_pcid_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pcid_enabled, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &pmap_pcid_enabled, 0, "Is TLB Context ID enabled ?"); int invpcid_works = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invpcid_works, CTLFLAG_RD, &invpcid_works, 0, "Is the invpcid instruction available ?"); int __read_frequently pti = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pti, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &pti, 0, "Page Table Isolation enabled"); static vm_object_t pti_obj; static pml4_entry_t *pti_pml4; static vm_pindex_t pti_pg_idx; static bool pti_finalized; struct pmap_pkru_range { struct rs_el pkru_rs_el; u_int pkru_keyidx; int pkru_flags; }; static uma_zone_t pmap_pkru_ranges_zone; static bool pmap_pkru_same(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva); static pt_entry_t pmap_pkru_get(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_pkru_on_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva); static void *pkru_dup_range(void *ctx, void *data); static void pkru_free_range(void *ctx, void *node); static int pmap_pkru_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap); static int pmap_pkru_deassign(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva); static void pmap_pkru_deassign_all(pmap_t pmap); static int pmap_pcid_save_cnt_proc(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { int i; uint64_t res; res = 0; CPU_FOREACH(i) { res += cpuid_to_pcpu[i]->pc_pm_save_cnt; } return (sysctl_handle_64(oidp, &res, 0, req)); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pcid_save_cnt, CTLTYPE_U64 | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, pmap_pcid_save_cnt_proc, "QU", "Count of saved TLB context on switch"); static LIST_HEAD(, pmap_invl_gen) pmap_invl_gen_tracker = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&pmap_invl_gen_tracker); static struct mtx invl_gen_mtx; /* Fake lock object to satisfy turnstiles interface. */ static struct lock_object invl_gen_ts = { .lo_name = "invlts", }; static struct pmap_invl_gen pmap_invl_gen_head = { .gen = 1, .next = NULL, }; static u_long pmap_invl_gen = 1; static int pmap_invl_waiters; static struct callout pmap_invl_callout; static bool pmap_invl_callout_inited; #define PMAP_ASSERT_NOT_IN_DI() \ KASSERT(pmap_not_in_di(), ("DI already started")) static bool pmap_di_locked(void) { int tun; if ((cpu_feature2 & CPUID2_CX16) == 0) return (true); tun = 0; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.di_locked", &tun); return (tun != 0); } static int sysctl_pmap_di_locked(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { int locked; locked = pmap_di_locked(); return (sysctl_handle_int(oidp, &locked, 0, req)); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, di_locked, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, 0, sysctl_pmap_di_locked, "", "Locked delayed invalidation"); static bool pmap_not_in_di_l(void); static bool pmap_not_in_di_u(void); DEFINE_IFUNC(, bool, pmap_not_in_di, (void)) { return (pmap_di_locked() ? pmap_not_in_di_l : pmap_not_in_di_u); } static bool pmap_not_in_di_l(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen; invl_gen = &curthread->td_md.md_invl_gen; return (invl_gen->gen == 0); } static void pmap_thread_init_invl_gen_l(struct thread *td) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen; invl_gen = &td->td_md.md_invl_gen; invl_gen->gen = 0; } static void pmap_delayed_invl_wait_block(u_long *m_gen, u_long *invl_gen) { struct turnstile *ts; ts = turnstile_trywait(&invl_gen_ts); if (*m_gen > atomic_load_long(invl_gen)) turnstile_wait(ts, NULL, TS_SHARED_QUEUE); else turnstile_cancel(ts); } static void pmap_delayed_invl_finish_unblock(u_long new_gen) { struct turnstile *ts; turnstile_chain_lock(&invl_gen_ts); ts = turnstile_lookup(&invl_gen_ts); if (new_gen != 0) pmap_invl_gen = new_gen; if (ts != NULL) { turnstile_broadcast(ts, TS_SHARED_QUEUE); turnstile_unpend(ts); } turnstile_chain_unlock(&invl_gen_ts); } /* * Start a new Delayed Invalidation (DI) block of code, executed by * the current thread. Within a DI block, the current thread may * destroy both the page table and PV list entries for a mapping and * then release the corresponding PV list lock before ensuring that * the mapping is flushed from the TLBs of any processors with the * pmap active. */ static void pmap_delayed_invl_start_l(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen; u_long currgen; invl_gen = &curthread->td_md.md_invl_gen; PMAP_ASSERT_NOT_IN_DI(); mtx_lock(&invl_gen_mtx); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pmap_invl_gen_tracker)) currgen = pmap_invl_gen; else currgen = LIST_FIRST(&pmap_invl_gen_tracker)->gen; invl_gen->gen = currgen + 1; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap_invl_gen_tracker, invl_gen, link); mtx_unlock(&invl_gen_mtx); } /* * Finish the DI block, previously started by the current thread. All * required TLB flushes for the pages marked by * pmap_delayed_invl_page() must be finished before this function is * called. * * This function works by bumping the global DI generation number to * the generation number of the current thread's DI, unless there is a * pending DI that started earlier. In the latter case, bumping the * global DI generation number would incorrectly signal that the * earlier DI had finished. Instead, this function bumps the earlier * DI's generation number to match the generation number of the * current thread's DI. */ static void pmap_delayed_invl_finish_l(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen, *next; invl_gen = &curthread->td_md.md_invl_gen; KASSERT(invl_gen->gen != 0, ("missed invl_start")); mtx_lock(&invl_gen_mtx); next = LIST_NEXT(invl_gen, link); if (next == NULL) pmap_delayed_invl_finish_unblock(invl_gen->gen); else next->gen = invl_gen->gen; LIST_REMOVE(invl_gen, link); mtx_unlock(&invl_gen_mtx); invl_gen->gen = 0; } static bool pmap_not_in_di_u(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen; invl_gen = &curthread->td_md.md_invl_gen; return (((uintptr_t)invl_gen->next & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) != 0); } static void pmap_thread_init_invl_gen_u(struct thread *td) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen; invl_gen = &td->td_md.md_invl_gen; invl_gen->gen = 0; invl_gen->next = (void *)PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID; } static bool pmap_di_load_invl(struct pmap_invl_gen *ptr, struct pmap_invl_gen *out) { uint64_t new_high, new_low, old_high, old_low; char res; old_low = new_low = 0; old_high = new_high = (uintptr_t)0; __asm volatile("lock;cmpxchg16b\t%1;sete\t%0" : "=r" (res), "+m" (*ptr), "+a" (old_low), "+d" (old_high) : "b"(new_low), "c" (new_high) : "memory", "cc"); if (res == 0) { if ((old_high & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) != 0) return (false); out->gen = old_low; out->next = (void *)old_high; } else { out->gen = new_low; out->next = (void *)new_high; } return (true); } static bool pmap_di_store_invl(struct pmap_invl_gen *ptr, struct pmap_invl_gen *old_val, struct pmap_invl_gen *new_val) { uint64_t new_high, new_low, old_high, old_low; char res; new_low = new_val->gen; new_high = (uintptr_t)new_val->next; old_low = old_val->gen; old_high = (uintptr_t)old_val->next; __asm volatile("lock;cmpxchg16b\t%1;sete\t%0" : "=r" (res), "+m" (*ptr), "+a" (old_low), "+d" (old_high) : "b"(new_low), "c" (new_high) : "memory", "cc"); return (res); } #ifdef PV_STATS static long invl_start_restart; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invl_start_restart, CTLFLAG_RD, &invl_start_restart, 0, ""); static long invl_finish_restart; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invl_finish_restart, CTLFLAG_RD, &invl_finish_restart, 0, ""); static int invl_max_qlen; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invl_max_qlen, CTLFLAG_RD, &invl_max_qlen, 0, ""); #endif static struct lock_delay_config __read_frequently di_delay; LOCK_DELAY_SYSINIT_DEFAULT(di_delay); static void pmap_delayed_invl_start_u(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen, *p, prev, new_prev; struct thread *td; struct lock_delay_arg lda; uintptr_t prevl; u_char pri; #ifdef PV_STATS int i, ii; #endif td = curthread; invl_gen = &td->td_md.md_invl_gen; PMAP_ASSERT_NOT_IN_DI(); lock_delay_arg_init(&lda, &di_delay); invl_gen->saved_pri = 0; pri = td->td_base_pri; if (pri > PVM) { thread_lock(td); pri = td->td_base_pri; if (pri > PVM) { invl_gen->saved_pri = pri; sched_prio(td, PVM); } thread_unlock(td); } again: PV_STAT(i = 0); for (p = &pmap_invl_gen_head;; p = { PV_STAT(i++); prevl = atomic_load_ptr(&p->next); if ((prevl & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) != 0) { PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_start_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } if (prevl == 0) break; = (void *)prevl; } #ifdef PV_STATS if ((ii = invl_max_qlen) < i) atomic_cmpset_int(&invl_max_qlen, ii, i); #endif if (!pmap_di_load_invl(p, &prev) || != NULL) { PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_start_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } new_prev.gen = prev.gen; = invl_gen; invl_gen->gen = prev.gen + 1; /* Formal fence between store to invl->gen and updating *p. */ atomic_thread_fence_rel(); /* * After inserting an invl_gen element with invalid bit set, * this thread blocks any other thread trying to enter the * delayed invalidation block. Do not allow to remove us from * the CPU, because it causes starvation for other threads. */ critical_enter(); /* * ABA for *p is not possible there, since p->gen can only * increase. So if the *p thread finished its di, then * started a new one and got inserted into the list at the * same place, its gen will appear greater than the previously * read gen. */ if (!pmap_di_store_invl(p, &prev, &new_prev)) { critical_exit(); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_start_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } /* * There we clear PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID in * invl_gen->next, allowing other threads to iterate past us. * pmap_di_store_invl() provides fence between the generation * write and the update of next. */ invl_gen->next = NULL; critical_exit(); } static bool pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u_crit(struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen, struct pmap_invl_gen *p) { struct pmap_invl_gen prev, new_prev; u_long mygen; /* * Load invl_gen->gen after setting invl_gen->next * PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID. This prevents larger * generations to propagate to our invl_gen->gen. Lock prefix * in atomic_set_ptr() worked as seq_cst fence. */ mygen = atomic_load_long(&invl_gen->gen); if (!pmap_di_load_invl(p, &prev) || != invl_gen) return (false); KASSERT(prev.gen < mygen, ("invalid di gen sequence %lu %lu", prev.gen, mygen)); new_prev.gen = mygen; = (void *)((uintptr_t)invl_gen->next & ~PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID); /* Formal fence between load of prev and storing update to it. */ atomic_thread_fence_rel(); return (pmap_di_store_invl(p, &prev, &new_prev)); } static void pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u(void) { struct pmap_invl_gen *invl_gen, *p; struct thread *td; struct lock_delay_arg lda; uintptr_t prevl; td = curthread; invl_gen = &td->td_md.md_invl_gen; KASSERT(invl_gen->gen != 0, ("missed invl_start: gen 0")); KASSERT(((uintptr_t)invl_gen->next & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) == 0, ("missed invl_start: INVALID")); lock_delay_arg_init(&lda, &di_delay); again: for (p = &pmap_invl_gen_head; p != NULL; p = (void *)prevl) { prevl = atomic_load_ptr(&p->next); if ((prevl & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) != 0) { PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_finish_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } if ((void *)prevl == invl_gen) break; } /* * It is legitimate to not find ourself on the list if a * thread before us finished its DI and started it again. */ if (__predict_false(p == NULL)) { PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_finish_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } critical_enter(); atomic_set_ptr((uintptr_t *)&invl_gen->next, PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID); if (!pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u_crit(invl_gen, p)) { atomic_clear_ptr((uintptr_t *)&invl_gen->next, PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID); critical_exit(); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_finish_restart, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); goto again; } critical_exit(); if (atomic_load_int(&pmap_invl_waiters) > 0) pmap_delayed_invl_finish_unblock(0); if (invl_gen->saved_pri != 0) { thread_lock(td); sched_prio(td, invl_gen->saved_pri); thread_unlock(td); } } #ifdef DDB DB_SHOW_COMMAND(di_queue, pmap_di_queue) { struct pmap_invl_gen *p, *pn; struct thread *td; uintptr_t nextl; bool first; for (p = &pmap_invl_gen_head, first = true; p != NULL; p = pn, first = false) { nextl = atomic_load_ptr(&p->next); pn = (void *)(nextl & ~PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID); td = first ? NULL : __containerof(p, struct thread, td_md.md_invl_gen); db_printf("gen %lu inv %d td %p tid %d\n", p->gen, (nextl & PMAP_INVL_GEN_NEXT_INVALID) != 0, td, td != NULL ? td->td_tid : -1); } } #endif #ifdef PV_STATS static long invl_wait; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invl_wait, CTLFLAG_RD, &invl_wait, 0, "Number of times DI invalidation blocked pmap_remove_all/write"); static long invl_wait_slow; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, invl_wait_slow, CTLFLAG_RD, &invl_wait_slow, 0, "Number of slow invalidation waits for lockless DI"); #endif static u_long * pmap_delayed_invl_genp(vm_page_t m) { return (&pv_invl_gen[pa_index(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) % NPV_LIST_LOCKS]); } static void pmap_delayed_invl_callout_func(void *arg __unused) { if (atomic_load_int(&pmap_invl_waiters) == 0) return; pmap_delayed_invl_finish_unblock(0); } static void pmap_delayed_invl_callout_init(void *arg __unused) { if (pmap_di_locked()) return; callout_init(&pmap_invl_callout, 1); pmap_invl_callout_inited = true; } SYSINIT(pmap_di_callout, SI_SUB_CPU + 1, SI_ORDER_ANY, pmap_delayed_invl_callout_init, NULL); /* * Ensure that all currently executing DI blocks, that need to flush * TLB for the given page m, actually flushed the TLB at the time the * function returned. If the page m has an empty PV list and we call * pmap_delayed_invl_wait(), upon its return we know that no CPU has a * valid mapping for the page m in either its page table or TLB. * * This function works by blocking until the global DI generation * number catches up with the generation number associated with the * given page m and its PV list. Since this function's callers * typically own an object lock and sometimes own a page lock, it * cannot sleep. Instead, it blocks on a turnstile to relinquish the * processor. */ static void pmap_delayed_invl_wait_l(vm_page_t m) { u_long *m_gen; #ifdef PV_STATS bool accounted = false; #endif m_gen = pmap_delayed_invl_genp(m); while (*m_gen > pmap_invl_gen) { #ifdef PV_STATS if (!accounted) { atomic_add_long(&invl_wait, 1); accounted = true; } #endif pmap_delayed_invl_wait_block(m_gen, &pmap_invl_gen); } } static void pmap_delayed_invl_wait_u(vm_page_t m) { u_long *m_gen; struct lock_delay_arg lda; bool fast; fast = true; m_gen = pmap_delayed_invl_genp(m); lock_delay_arg_init(&lda, &di_delay); while (*m_gen > atomic_load_long(&pmap_invl_gen_head.gen)) { if (fast || !pmap_invl_callout_inited) { PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_wait, 1)); lock_delay(&lda); fast = false; } else { /* * The page's invalidation generation number * is still below the current thread's number. * Prepare to block so that we do not waste * CPU cycles or worse, suffer livelock. * * Since it is impossible to block without * racing with pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u(), * prepare for the race by incrementing * pmap_invl_waiters and arming a 1-tick * callout which will unblock us if we lose * the race. */ atomic_add_int(&pmap_invl_waiters, 1); /* * Re-check the current thread's invalidation * generation after incrementing * pmap_invl_waiters, so that there is no race * with pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u() setting * the page generation and checking * pmap_invl_waiters. The only race allowed * is for a missed unblock, which is handled * by the callout. */ if (*m_gen > atomic_load_long(&pmap_invl_gen_head.gen)) { callout_reset(&pmap_invl_callout, 1, pmap_delayed_invl_callout_func, NULL); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&invl_wait_slow, 1)); pmap_delayed_invl_wait_block(m_gen, &pmap_invl_gen_head.gen); } atomic_add_int(&pmap_invl_waiters, -1); } } } DEFINE_IFUNC(, void, pmap_thread_init_invl_gen, (struct thread *)) { return (pmap_di_locked() ? pmap_thread_init_invl_gen_l : pmap_thread_init_invl_gen_u); } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_delayed_invl_start, (void)) { return (pmap_di_locked() ? pmap_delayed_invl_start_l : pmap_delayed_invl_start_u); } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_delayed_invl_finish, (void)) { return (pmap_di_locked() ? pmap_delayed_invl_finish_l : pmap_delayed_invl_finish_u); } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_delayed_invl_wait, (vm_page_t)) { return (pmap_di_locked() ? pmap_delayed_invl_wait_l : pmap_delayed_invl_wait_u); } /* * Mark the page m's PV list as participating in the current thread's * DI block. Any threads concurrently using m's PV list to remove or * restrict all mappings to m will wait for the current thread's DI * block to complete before proceeding. * * The function works by setting the DI generation number for m's PV * list to at least the DI generation number of the current thread. * This forces a caller of pmap_delayed_invl_wait() to block until * current thread calls pmap_delayed_invl_finish(). */ static void pmap_delayed_invl_page(vm_page_t m) { u_long gen, *m_gen; rw_assert(VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), RA_WLOCKED); gen = curthread->td_md.md_invl_gen.gen; if (gen == 0) return; m_gen = pmap_delayed_invl_genp(m); if (*m_gen < gen) *m_gen = gen; } /* * Crashdump maps. */ static caddr_t crashdumpmap; /* * Internal flags for pmap_enter()'s helper functions. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM 0x1000000 /* Don't reclaim PV entries. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE 0x2000000 /* Don't replace mappings. */ static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc); static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv); static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static int popcnt_pc_map_pq(uint64_t *map); static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static void reserve_pv_entries(pmap_t pmap, int needed, struct rwlock **lockp); static void pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp); static bool pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde, u_int flags, struct rwlock **lockp); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp); #endif static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_change_attr_locked(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode, bool noflush); static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va); static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); static boolean_t pmap_demote_pdpe(pmap_t pmap, pdp_entry_t *pdpe, vm_offset_t va); static bool pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_enter_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp); static void pmap_fill_ptp(pt_entry_t *firstpte, pt_entry_t newpte); static int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, bool promoted); static void pmap_invalidate_cache_range_selfsnoop(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva); static void pmap_invalidate_cache_range_all(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva); static void pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde); static void pmap_kenter_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, int mode); static vm_page_t pmap_large_map_getptp_unlocked(void); static vm_paddr_t pmap_large_map_kextract(vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_pde_attr(pd_entry_t *pde, int cache_bits, int mask); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); #endif static boolean_t pmap_protect_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t sva, vm_prot_t prot); static void pmap_pte_attr(pt_entry_t *pte, int cache_bits, int mask); static void pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, bool exec); static pdp_entry_t *pmap_pti_pdpe(vm_offset_t va); static pd_entry_t *pmap_pti_pde(vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_pti_wire_pte(void *pte); static int pmap_remove_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pdq, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_remove_pte(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_remove_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, struct spglist *free); static bool pmap_remove_ptes(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, pd_entry_t *pde, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde); static void pmap_update_pde_invalidate(pmap_t, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde); static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t pmap_allocpde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free); static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, pd_entry_t, struct spglist *); /********************/ /* Inline functions */ /********************/ /* Return a non-clipped PD index for a given VA */ static __inline vm_pindex_t pmap_pde_pindex(vm_offset_t va) { return (va >> PDRSHIFT); } /* Return a pointer to the PML4 slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pml4_entry_t * pmap_pml4e(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { return (&pmap->pm_pml4[pmap_pml4e_index(va)]); } /* Return a pointer to the PDP slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pdp_entry_t * pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4_entry_t *pml4e, vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pdpe = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pml4e & PG_FRAME); return (&pdpe[pmap_pdpe_index(va)]); } /* Return a pointer to the PDP slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pdp_entry_t * pmap_pdpe(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pt_entry_t PG_V; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, va); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) return (NULL); return (pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, va)); } /* Return a pointer to the PD slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdp_entry_t *pdpe, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pde = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pdpe & PG_FRAME); return (&pde[pmap_pde_index(va)]); } /* Return a pointer to the PD slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pt_entry_t PG_V; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); pdpe = pmap_pdpe(pmap, va); if (pdpe == NULL || (*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) return (NULL); return (pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va)); } /* Return a pointer to the PT slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_pde_to_pte(pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pde & PG_FRAME); return (&pte[pmap_pte_index(va)]); } /* Return a pointer to the PT slot that corresponds to a VA */ static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_pte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t PG_V; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde == NULL || (*pde & PG_V) == 0) return (NULL); if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) /* compat with i386 pmap_pte() */ return ((pt_entry_t *)pde); return (pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va)); } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += count; } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count >= count, ("pmap %p resident count underflow %ld %d", pmap, pmap->pm_stats.resident_count, count)); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= count; } PMAP_INLINE pt_entry_t * vtopte(vm_offset_t va) { u_int64_t mask = ((1ul << (NPTEPGSHIFT + NPDEPGSHIFT + NPDPEPGSHIFT + NPML4EPGSHIFT)) - 1); KASSERT(va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS, ("vtopte on a uva/gpa 0x%0lx", va)); return (PTmap + ((va >> PAGE_SHIFT) & mask)); } static __inline pd_entry_t * vtopde(vm_offset_t va) { u_int64_t mask = ((1ul << (NPDEPGSHIFT + NPDPEPGSHIFT + NPML4EPGSHIFT)) - 1); KASSERT(va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS, ("vtopde on a uva/gpa 0x%0lx", va)); return (PDmap + ((va >> PDRSHIFT) & mask)); } static u_int64_t allocpages(vm_paddr_t *firstaddr, int n) { u_int64_t ret; ret = *firstaddr; bzero((void *)ret, n * PAGE_SIZE); *firstaddr += n * PAGE_SIZE; return (ret); } CTASSERT(powerof2(NDMPML4E)); /* number of kernel PDP slots */ #define NKPDPE(ptpgs) howmany(ptpgs, NPDEPG) static void nkpt_init(vm_paddr_t addr) { int pt_pages; #ifdef NKPT pt_pages = NKPT; #else pt_pages = howmany(addr, 1 << PDRSHIFT); pt_pages += NKPDPE(pt_pages); /* * Add some slop beyond the bare minimum required for bootstrapping * the kernel. * * This is quite important when allocating KVA for kernel modules. * The modules are required to be linked in the negative 2GB of * the address space. If we run out of KVA in this region then * pmap_growkernel() will need to allocate page table pages to map * the entire 512GB of KVA space which is an unnecessary tax on * physical memory. * * Secondly, device memory mapped as part of setting up the low- * level console(s) is taken from KVA, starting at virtual_avail. * This is because cninit() is called after pmap_bootstrap() but * before vm_init() and pmap_init(). 20MB for a frame buffer is * not uncommon. */ pt_pages += 32; /* 64MB additional slop. */ #endif nkpt = pt_pages; } /* * Returns the proper write/execute permission for a physical page that is * part of the initial boot allocations. * * If the page has kernel text, it is marked as read-only. If the page has * kernel read-only data, it is marked as read-only/not-executable. If the * page has only read-write data, it is marked as read-write/not-executable. * If the page is below/above the kernel range, it is marked as read-write. * * This function operates on 2M pages, since we map the kernel space that * way. * * Note that this doesn't currently provide any protection for modules. */ static inline pt_entry_t bootaddr_rwx(vm_paddr_t pa) { /* * Everything in the same 2M page as the start of the kernel * should be static. On the other hand, things in the same 2M * page as the end of the kernel could be read-write/executable, * as the kernel image is not guaranteed to end on a 2M boundary. */ if (pa < trunc_2mpage(btext - KERNBASE) || pa >= trunc_2mpage(_end - KERNBASE)) return (X86_PG_RW); /* * The linker should ensure that the read-only and read-write * portions don't share the same 2M page, so this shouldn't * impact read-only data. However, in any case, any page with * read-write data needs to be read-write. */ if (pa >= trunc_2mpage(brwsection - KERNBASE)) return (X86_PG_RW | pg_nx); /* * Mark any 2M page containing kernel text as read-only. Mark * other pages with read-only data as read-only and not executable. * (It is likely a small portion of the read-only data section will * be marked as read-only, but executable. This should be acceptable * since the read-only protection will keep the data from changing.) * Note that fixups to the .text section will still work until we * set CR0.WP. */ if (pa < round_2mpage(etext - KERNBASE)) return (0); return (pg_nx); } static void create_pagetables(vm_paddr_t *firstaddr) { int i, j, ndm1g, nkpdpe, nkdmpde; pd_entry_t *pd_p; pdp_entry_t *pdp_p; pml4_entry_t *p4_p; uint64_t DMPDkernphys; /* Allocate page table pages for the direct map */ ndmpdp = howmany(ptoa(Maxmem), NBPDP); if (ndmpdp < 4) /* Minimum 4GB of dirmap */ ndmpdp = 4; ndmpdpphys = howmany(ndmpdp, NPDPEPG); if (ndmpdpphys > NDMPML4E) { /* * Each NDMPML4E allows 512 GB, so limit to that, * and then readjust ndmpdp and ndmpdpphys. */ printf("NDMPML4E limits system to %d GB\n", NDMPML4E * 512); Maxmem = atop(NDMPML4E * NBPML4); ndmpdpphys = NDMPML4E; ndmpdp = NDMPML4E * NPDEPG; } DMPDPphys = allocpages(firstaddr, ndmpdpphys); ndm1g = 0; if ((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0) { /* * Calculate the number of 1G pages that will fully fit in * Maxmem. */ ndm1g = ptoa(Maxmem) >> PDPSHIFT; /* * Allocate 2M pages for the kernel. These will be used in * place of the first one or more 1G pages from ndm1g. */ nkdmpde = howmany((vm_offset_t)(brwsection - KERNBASE), NBPDP); DMPDkernphys = allocpages(firstaddr, nkdmpde); } if (ndm1g < ndmpdp) DMPDphys = allocpages(firstaddr, ndmpdp - ndm1g); dmaplimit = (vm_paddr_t)ndmpdp << PDPSHIFT; /* Allocate pages */ KPML4phys = allocpages(firstaddr, 1); KPDPphys = allocpages(firstaddr, NKPML4E); /* * Allocate the initial number of kernel page table pages required to * bootstrap. We defer this until after all memory-size dependent * allocations are done (e.g. direct map), so that we don't have to * build in too much slop in our estimate. * * Note that when NKPML4E > 1, we have an empty page underneath * all but the KPML4I'th one, so we need NKPML4E-1 extra (zeroed) * pages. (pmap_enter requires a PD page to exist for each KPML4E.) */ nkpt_init(*firstaddr); nkpdpe = NKPDPE(nkpt); KPTphys = allocpages(firstaddr, nkpt); KPDphys = allocpages(firstaddr, nkpdpe); /* * Connect the zero-filled PT pages to their PD entries. This * implicitly maps the PT pages at their correct locations within * the PTmap. */ pd_p = (pd_entry_t *)KPDphys; for (i = 0; i < nkpt; i++) pd_p[i] = (KPTphys + ptoa(i)) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; /* * Map from physical address zero to the end of loader preallocated * memory using 2MB pages. This replaces some of the PD entries * created above. */ for (i = 0; (i << PDRSHIFT) < KERNend; i++) /* Preset PG_M and PG_A because demotion expects it. */ pd_p[i] = (i << PDRSHIFT) | X86_PG_V | PG_PS | pg_g | X86_PG_M | X86_PG_A | bootaddr_rwx(i << PDRSHIFT); /* * Because we map the physical blocks in 2M pages, adjust firstaddr * to record the physical blocks we've actually mapped into kernel * virtual address space. */ if (*firstaddr < round_2mpage(KERNend)) *firstaddr = round_2mpage(KERNend); /* And connect up the PD to the PDP (leaving room for L4 pages) */ pdp_p = (pdp_entry_t *)(KPDPphys + ptoa(KPML4I - KPML4BASE)); for (i = 0; i < nkpdpe; i++) pdp_p[i + KPDPI] = (KPDphys + ptoa(i)) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; /* * Now, set up the direct map region using 2MB and/or 1GB pages. If * the end of physical memory is not aligned to a 1GB page boundary, * then the residual physical memory is mapped with 2MB pages. Later, * if pmap_mapdev{_attr}() uses the direct map for non-write-back * memory, pmap_change_attr() will demote any 2MB or 1GB page mappings * that are partially used. */ pd_p = (pd_entry_t *)DMPDphys; for (i = NPDEPG * ndm1g, j = 0; i < NPDEPG * ndmpdp; i++, j++) { pd_p[j] = (vm_paddr_t)i << PDRSHIFT; /* Preset PG_M and PG_A because demotion expects it. */ pd_p[j] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | PG_PS | pg_g | X86_PG_M | X86_PG_A | pg_nx; } pdp_p = (pdp_entry_t *)DMPDPphys; for (i = 0; i < ndm1g; i++) { pdp_p[i] = (vm_paddr_t)i << PDPSHIFT; /* Preset PG_M and PG_A because demotion expects it. */ pdp_p[i] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | PG_PS | pg_g | X86_PG_M | X86_PG_A | pg_nx; } for (j = 0; i < ndmpdp; i++, j++) { pdp_p[i] = DMPDphys + ptoa(j); pdp_p[i] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } /* * Instead of using a 1G page for the memory containing the kernel, * use 2M pages with appropriate permissions. (If using 1G pages, * this will partially overwrite the PDPEs above.) */ if (ndm1g) { pd_p = (pd_entry_t *)DMPDkernphys; for (i = 0; i < (NPDEPG * nkdmpde); i++) pd_p[i] = (i << PDRSHIFT) | X86_PG_V | PG_PS | pg_g | X86_PG_M | X86_PG_A | pg_nx | bootaddr_rwx(i << PDRSHIFT); for (i = 0; i < nkdmpde; i++) pdp_p[i] = (DMPDkernphys + ptoa(i)) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } /* And recursively map PML4 to itself in order to get PTmap */ p4_p = (pml4_entry_t *)KPML4phys; p4_p[PML4PML4I] = KPML4phys; p4_p[PML4PML4I] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | pg_nx; /* Connect the Direct Map slot(s) up to the PML4. */ for (i = 0; i < ndmpdpphys; i++) { p4_p[DMPML4I + i] = DMPDPphys + ptoa(i); p4_p[DMPML4I + i] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } /* Connect the KVA slots up to the PML4 */ for (i = 0; i < NKPML4E; i++) { p4_p[KPML4BASE + i] = KPDPphys + ptoa(i); p4_p[KPML4BASE + i] |= X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. * * On amd64 this is called after mapping has already been enabled * and just syncs the pmap module with what has already been done. * [We can't call it easily with mapping off since the kernel is not * mapped with PA == VA, hence we would have to relocate every address * from the linked base (virtual) address "KERNBASE" to the actual * (physical) address starting relative to 0] */ void pmap_bootstrap(vm_paddr_t *firstaddr) { vm_offset_t va; pt_entry_t *pte; uint64_t cr4; u_long res; int i; KERNend = *firstaddr; res = atop(KERNend - (vm_paddr_t)kernphys); if (!pti) pg_g = X86_PG_G; /* * Create an initial set of page tables to run the kernel in. */ create_pagetables(firstaddr); /* * Add a physical memory segment (vm_phys_seg) corresponding to the * preallocated kernel page table pages so that vm_page structures * representing these pages will be created. The vm_page structures * are required for promotion of the corresponding kernel virtual * addresses to superpage mappings. */ vm_phys_add_seg(KPTphys, KPTphys + ptoa(nkpt)); /* * Account for the virtual addresses mapped by create_pagetables(). */ virtual_avail = (vm_offset_t)KERNBASE + round_2mpage(KERNend); virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; /* * Enable PG_G global pages, then switch to the kernel page * table from the bootstrap page table. After the switch, it * is possible to enable SMEP and SMAP since PG_U bits are * correct now. */ cr4 = rcr4(); cr4 |= CR4_PGE; load_cr4(cr4); load_cr3(KPML4phys); if (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMEP) cr4 |= CR4_SMEP; if (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) cr4 |= CR4_SMAP; load_cr4(cr4); /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). * Count bootstrap data as being resident in case any of this data is * later unmapped (using pmap_remove()) and freed. */ PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); kernel_pmap->pm_pml4 = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(KPML4phys); kernel_pmap->pm_cr3 = KPML4phys; kernel_pmap->pm_ucr3 = PMAP_NO_CR3; CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); /* don't allow deactivation */ TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvchunk); kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count = res; kernel_pmap->pm_flags = pmap_flags; /* * Initialize the TLB invalidations generation number lock. */ mtx_init(&invl_gen_mtx, "invlgn", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Reserve some special page table entries/VA space for temporary * mapping of pages. */ #define SYSMAP(c, p, v, n) \ v = (c)va; va += ((n)*PAGE_SIZE); p = pte; pte += (n); va = virtual_avail; pte = vtopte(va); /* * Crashdump maps. The first page is reused as CMAP1 for the * memory test. */ SYSMAP(caddr_t, CMAP1, crashdumpmap, MAXDUMPPGS) CADDR1 = crashdumpmap; virtual_avail = va; /* * Initialize the PAT MSR. * pmap_init_pat() clears and sets CR4_PGE, which, as a * side-effect, invalidates stale PG_G TLB entries that might * have been created in our pre-boot environment. */ pmap_init_pat(); /* Initialize TLB Context Id. */ if (pmap_pcid_enabled) { for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) { kernel_pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_pcid = PMAP_PCID_KERN; kernel_pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 1; } /* * PMAP_PCID_KERN + 1 is used for initialization of * proc0 pmap. The pmap' pcid state might be used by * EFIRT entry before first context switch, so it * needs to be valid. */ PCPU_SET(pcid_next, PMAP_PCID_KERN + 2); PCPU_SET(pcid_gen, 1); /* * pcpu area for APs is zeroed during AP startup. * pc_pcid_next and pc_pcid_gen are initialized by AP * during pcpu setup. */ load_cr4(rcr4() | CR4_PCIDE); } } /* * Setup the PAT MSR. */ void pmap_init_pat(void) { uint64_t pat_msr; u_long cr0, cr4; int i; /* Bail if this CPU doesn't implement PAT. */ if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PAT) == 0) panic("no PAT??"); /* Set default PAT index table. */ for (i = 0; i < PAT_INDEX_SIZE; i++) pat_index[i] = -1; pat_index[PAT_WRITE_BACK] = 0; pat_index[PAT_WRITE_THROUGH] = 1; pat_index[PAT_UNCACHEABLE] = 3; pat_index[PAT_WRITE_COMBINING] = 6; pat_index[PAT_WRITE_PROTECTED] = 5; pat_index[PAT_UNCACHED] = 2; /* * Initialize default PAT entries. * Leave the indices 0-3 at the default of WB, WT, UC-, and UC. * Program 5 and 6 as WP and WC. * * Leave 4 and 7 as WB and UC. Note that a recursive page table * mapping for a 2M page uses a PAT value with the bit 3 set due * to its overload with PG_PS. */ pat_msr = PAT_VALUE(0, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(1, PAT_WRITE_THROUGH) | PAT_VALUE(2, PAT_UNCACHED) | PAT_VALUE(3, PAT_UNCACHEABLE) | PAT_VALUE(4, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(5, PAT_WRITE_PROTECTED) | PAT_VALUE(6, PAT_WRITE_COMBINING) | PAT_VALUE(7, PAT_UNCACHEABLE); /* Disable PGE. */ cr4 = rcr4(); load_cr4(cr4 & ~CR4_PGE); /* Disable caches (CD = 1, NW = 0). */ cr0 = rcr0(); load_cr0((cr0 & ~CR0_NW) | CR0_CD); /* Flushes caches and TLBs. */ wbinvd(); invltlb(); /* Update PAT and index table. */ wrmsr(MSR_PAT, pat_msr); /* Flush caches and TLBs again. */ wbinvd(); invltlb(); /* Restore caches and PGE. */ load_cr0(cr0); load_cr4(cr4); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); m->md.pat_mode = PAT_WRITE_BACK; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_size_t s; int error, i, pv_npg, ret, skz63; /* L1TF, reserve page @0 unconditionally */ vm_page_blacklist_add(0, bootverbose); /* Detect bare-metal Skylake Server and Skylake-X. */ if (vm_guest == VM_GUEST_NO && cpu_vendor_id == CPU_VENDOR_INTEL && CPUID_TO_FAMILY(cpu_id) == 0x6 && CPUID_TO_MODEL(cpu_id) == 0x55) { /* * Skylake-X errata SKZ63. Processor May Hang When * Executing Code In an HLE Transaction Region between * 40000000H and 403FFFFFH. * * Mark the pages in the range as preallocated. It * seems to be impossible to distinguish between * Skylake Server and Skylake X. */ skz63 = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.skz63_enable", &skz63); if (skz63 != 0) { if (bootverbose) printf("SKZ63: skipping 4M RAM starting " "at physical 1G\n"); for (i = 0; i < atop(0x400000); i++) { ret = vm_page_blacklist_add(0x40000000 + ptoa(i), FALSE); if (!ret && bootverbose) printf("page at %#lx already used\n", 0x40000000 + ptoa(i)); } } } /* * Initialize the vm page array entries for the kernel pmap's * page table pages. */ PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (i = 0; i < nkpt; i++) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(KPTphys + (i << PAGE_SHIFT)); KASSERT(mpte >= vm_page_array && mpte < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_init: page table page is out of range")); mpte->pindex = pmap_pde_pindex(KERNBASE) + i; mpte->phys_addr = KPTphys + (i << PAGE_SHIFT); mpte->wire_count = 1; /* * Collect the page table pages that were replaced by a 2MB * page in create_pagetables(). They are zero filled. */ if (i << PDRSHIFT < KERNend && pmap_insert_pt_page(kernel_pmap, mpte, false)) panic("pmap_init: pmap_insert_pt_page failed"); } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); vm_wire_add(nkpt); /* * If the kernel is running on a virtual machine, then it must assume * that MCA is enabled by the hypervisor. Moreover, the kernel must * be prepared for the hypervisor changing the vendor and family that * are reported by CPUID. Consequently, the workaround for AMD Family * 10h Erratum 383 is enabled if the processor's feature set does not * include at least one feature that is only supported by older Intel * or newer AMD processors. */ if (vm_guest != VM_GUEST_NO && (cpu_feature & CPUID_SS) == 0 && (cpu_feature2 & (CPUID2_SSSE3 | CPUID2_SSE41 | CPUID2_AESNI | CPUID2_AVX | CPUID2_XSAVE)) == 0 && (amd_feature2 & (AMDID2_XOP | AMDID2_FMA4)) == 0) workaround_erratum383 = 1; /* * Are large page mappings enabled? */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pg_ps_enabled", &pg_ps_enabled); if (pg_ps_enabled) { KASSERT(MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && pagesizes[1] == 0, ("pmap_init: can't assign to pagesizes[1]")); pagesizes[1] = NBPDR; } /* * Initialize the pv chunk list mutex. */ mtx_init(&pv_chunks_mutex, "pmap pv chunk list", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Initialize the pool of pv list locks. */ for (i = 0; i < NPV_LIST_LOCKS; i++) rw_init(&pv_list_locks[i], "pmap pv list"); /* * Calculate the size of the pv head table for superpages. */ pv_npg = howmany(vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs - 1].end, NBPDR); /* * Allocate memory for the pv head table for superpages. */ s = (vm_size_t)(pv_npg * sizeof(struct md_page)); s = round_page(s); pv_table = (struct md_page *)kmem_malloc(s, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < pv_npg; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&pv_table[i].pv_list); TAILQ_INIT(&pv_dummy.pv_list); pmap_initialized = 1; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == 0) continue; /* Make the direct map consistent */ if (ppim->pa < dmaplimit && ppim->pa + ppim->sz <= dmaplimit) { (void)pmap_change_attr(PHYS_TO_DMAP(ppim->pa), ppim->sz, ppim->mode); } if (!bootverbose) continue; printf("PPIM %u: PA=%#lx, VA=%#lx, size=%#lx, mode=%#x\n", i, ppim->pa, ppim->va, ppim->sz, ppim->mode); } mtx_init(&qframe_mtx, "qfrmlk", NULL, MTX_SPIN); error = vmem_alloc(kernel_arena, PAGE_SIZE, M_BESTFIT | M_WAITOK, (vmem_addr_t *)&qframe); if (error != 0) panic("qframe allocation failed"); lm_ents = 8; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.large_map_pml4_entries", &lm_ents); if (lm_ents > LMEPML4I - LMSPML4I + 1) lm_ents = LMEPML4I - LMSPML4I + 1; if (bootverbose) printf("pmap: large map %u PML4 slots (%lu Gb)\n", lm_ents, (u_long)lm_ents * (NBPML4 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)); if (lm_ents != 0) { large_vmem = vmem_create("large", LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS, (vmem_size_t)lm_ents * NBPML4, PAGE_SIZE, 0, M_WAITOK); if (large_vmem == NULL) { printf("pmap: cannot create large map\n"); lm_ents = 0; } for (i = 0; i < lm_ents; i++) { m = pmap_large_map_getptp_unlocked(); kernel_pmap->pm_pml4[LMSPML4I + i] = X86_PG_V | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_M | pg_nx | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); } } } static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pde, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "2MB page mapping counters"); static u_long pmap_pde_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pde, OID_AUTO, demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pde_demotions, 0, "2MB page demotions"); static u_long pmap_pde_mappings; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pde, OID_AUTO, mappings, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pde_mappings, 0, "2MB page mappings"); static u_long pmap_pde_p_failures; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pde, OID_AUTO, p_failures, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pde_p_failures, 0, "2MB page promotion failures"); static u_long pmap_pde_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pde, OID_AUTO, promotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pde_promotions, 0, "2MB page promotions"); static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pdpe, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "1GB page mapping counters"); static u_long pmap_pdpe_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pdpe, OID_AUTO, demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pdpe_demotions, 0, "1GB page demotions"); /*************************************************** * Low level helper routines..... ***************************************************/ static pt_entry_t pmap_swap_pat(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t entry) { int x86_pat_bits = X86_PG_PTE_PAT | X86_PG_PDE_PAT; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: /* Verify that both PAT bits are not set at the same time */ KASSERT((entry & x86_pat_bits) != x86_pat_bits, ("Invalid PAT bits in entry %#lx", entry)); /* Swap the PAT bits if one of them is set */ if ((entry & x86_pat_bits) != 0) entry ^= x86_pat_bits; break; case PT_EPT: /* * Nothing to do - the memory attributes are represented * the same way for regular pages and superpages. */ break; default: panic("pmap_switch_pat_bits: bad pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (entry); } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode >= 0 && mode < PAT_INDEX_SIZE && pat_index[(int)mode] >= 0); } /* * Determine the appropriate bits to set in a PTE or PDE for a specified * caching mode. */ int pmap_cache_bits(pmap_t pmap, int mode, boolean_t is_pde) { int cache_bits, pat_flag, pat_idx; if (!pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap, mode)) panic("Unknown caching mode %d\n", mode); switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: /* The PAT bit is different for PTE's and PDE's. */ pat_flag = is_pde ? X86_PG_PDE_PAT : X86_PG_PTE_PAT; /* Map the caching mode to a PAT index. */ pat_idx = pat_index[mode]; /* Map the 3-bit index value into the PAT, PCD, and PWT bits. */ cache_bits = 0; if (pat_idx & 0x4) cache_bits |= pat_flag; if (pat_idx & 0x2) cache_bits |= PG_NC_PCD; if (pat_idx & 0x1) cache_bits |= PG_NC_PWT; break; case PT_EPT: cache_bits = EPT_PG_IGNORE_PAT | EPT_PG_MEMORY_TYPE(mode); break; default: panic("unsupported pmap type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (cache_bits); } static int pmap_cache_mask(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t is_pde) { int mask; switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: case PT_RVI: mask = is_pde ? X86_PG_PDE_CACHE : X86_PG_PTE_CACHE; break; case PT_EPT: mask = EPT_PG_IGNORE_PAT | EPT_PG_MEMORY_TYPE(0x7); break; default: panic("pmap_cache_mask: invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } return (mask); } bool pmap_ps_enabled(pmap_t pmap) { return (pg_ps_enabled && (pmap->pm_flags & PMAP_PDE_SUPERPAGE) != 0); } static void pmap_update_pde_store(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde) { switch (pmap->pm_type) { case PT_X86: break; case PT_RVI: case PT_EPT: /* * XXX * This is a little bogus since the generation number is * supposed to be bumped up when a region of the address * space is invalidated in the page tables. * * In this case the old PDE entry is valid but yet we want * to make sure that any mappings using the old entry are * invalidated in the TLB. * * The reason this works as expected is because we rendezvous * "all" host cpus and force any vcpu context to exit as a * side-effect. */ atomic_add_acq_long(&pmap->pm_eptgen, 1); break; default: panic("pmap_update_pde_store: bad pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type); } pde_store(pde, newpde); } /* * After changing the page size for the specified virtual address in the page * table, flush the corresponding entries from the processor's TLB. Only the * calling processor's TLB is affected. * * The calling thread must be pinned to a processor. */ static void pmap_update_pde_invalidate(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde) { pt_entry_t PG_G; if (pmap_type_guest(pmap)) return; KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_update_pde_invalidate: invalid type %d", pmap->pm_type)); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); if ((newpde & PG_PS) == 0) /* Demotion: flush a specific 2MB page mapping. */ invlpg(va); else if ((newpde & PG_G) == 0) /* * Promotion: flush every 4KB page mapping from the TLB * because there are too many to flush individually. */ invltlb(); else { /* * Promotion: flush every 4KB page mapping from the TLB, * including any global (PG_G) mappings. */ invltlb_glob(); } } #ifdef SMP /* * For SMP, these functions have to use the IPI mechanism for coherence. * * N.B.: Before calling any of the following TLB invalidation functions, * the calling processor must ensure that all stores updating a non- * kernel page table are globally performed. Otherwise, another * processor could cache an old, pre-update entry without being * invalidated. This can happen one of two ways: (1) The pmap becomes * active on another processor after its pm_active field is checked by * one of the following functions but before a store updating the page * table is globally performed. (2) The pmap becomes active on another * processor before its pm_active field is checked but due to * speculative loads one of the following functions stills reads the * pmap as inactive on the other processor. * * The kernel page table is exempt because its pm_active field is * immutable. The kernel page table is always active on every * processor. */ /* * Interrupt the cpus that are executing in the guest context. * This will force the vcpu to exit and the cached EPT mappings * will be invalidated by the host before the next vmresume. */ static __inline void pmap_invalidate_ept(pmap_t pmap) { int ipinum; sched_pin(); KASSERT(!CPU_ISSET(curcpu, &pmap->pm_active), ("pmap_invalidate_ept: absurd pm_active")); /* * The TLB mappings associated with a vcpu context are not * flushed each time a different vcpu is chosen to execute. * * This is in contrast with a process's vtop mappings that * are flushed from the TLB on each context switch. * * Therefore we need to do more than just a TLB shootdown on * the active cpus in 'pmap->pm_active'. To do this we keep * track of the number of invalidations performed on this pmap. * * Each vcpu keeps a cache of this counter and compares it * just before a vmresume. If the counter is out-of-date an * invept will be done to flush stale mappings from the TLB. */ atomic_add_acq_long(&pmap->pm_eptgen, 1); /* * Force the vcpu to exit and trap back into the hypervisor. */ ipinum = pmap->pm_flags & PMAP_NESTED_IPIMASK; ipi_selected(pmap->pm_active, ipinum); sched_unpin(); } static cpuset_t pmap_invalidate_cpu_mask(pmap_t pmap) { return (pmap == kernel_pmap ? all_cpus : pmap->pm_active); } static inline void pmap_invalidate_page_pcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, const bool invpcid_works1) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; uint32_t pcid; u_int cpuid, i; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { /* * Because pm_pcid is recalculated on a * context switch, we must disable switching. * Otherwise, we might use a stale value * below. */ critical_enter(); pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid; if (invpcid_works1) { d.pcid = pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; d.pad = 0; d.addr = va; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_ADDR); } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pcid | CR3_PCID_SAVE; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT | CR3_PCID_SAVE; pmap_pti_pcid_invlpg(ucr3, kcr3, va); } critical_exit(); } } else pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_gen = 0; CPU_FOREACH(i) { if (cpuid != i) pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 0; } /* * The fence is between stores to pm_gen and the read of the * pm_active mask. We need to ensure that it is impossible * for us to miss the bit update in pm_active and * simultaneously observe a non-zero pm_gen in * pmap_activate_sw(), otherwise TLB update is missed. * Without the fence, IA32 allows such an outcome. Note that * pm_active is updated by a locked operation, which provides * the reciprocal fence. */ atomic_thread_fence_seq_cst(); } static void pmap_invalidate_page_pcid_invpcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pmap_invalidate_page_pcid(pmap, va, true); } static void pmap_invalidate_page_pcid_noinvpcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pmap_invalidate_page_pcid(pmap, va, false); } static void pmap_invalidate_page_nopcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_invalidate_page_mode, (pmap_t, vm_offset_t)) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled) return (invpcid_works ? pmap_invalidate_page_pcid_invpcid : pmap_invalidate_page_pcid_noinvpcid); return (pmap_invalidate_page_nopcid); } void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { if (pmap_type_guest(pmap)) { pmap_invalidate_ept(pmap); return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_page: invalid type %d", pmap->pm_type)); sched_pin(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { invlpg(va); } else { if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) invlpg(va); pmap_invalidate_page_mode(pmap, va); } smp_masked_invlpg(pmap_invalidate_cpu_mask(pmap), va, pmap); sched_unpin(); } /* 4k PTEs -- Chosen to exceed the total size of Broadwell L2 TLB */ #define PMAP_INVLPG_THRESHOLD (4 * 1024 * PAGE_SIZE) static void pmap_invalidate_range_pcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, const bool invpcid_works1) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; uint32_t pcid; u_int cpuid, i; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { critical_enter(); pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid; if (invpcid_works1) { d.pcid = pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; d.pad = 0; d.addr = sva; for (; d.addr < eva; d.addr += PAGE_SIZE) invpcid(&d, INVPCID_ADDR); } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pcid | CR3_PCID_SAVE; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT | CR3_PCID_SAVE; pmap_pti_pcid_invlrng(ucr3, kcr3, sva, eva); } critical_exit(); } } else pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_gen = 0; CPU_FOREACH(i) { if (cpuid != i) pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 0; } /* See the comment in pmap_invalidate_page_pcid(). */ atomic_thread_fence_seq_cst(); } static void pmap_invalidate_range_pcid_invpcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_range_pcid(pmap, sva, eva, true); } static void pmap_invalidate_range_pcid_noinvpcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_range_pcid(pmap, sva, eva, false); } static void pmap_invalidate_range_nopcid(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_invalidate_range_mode, (pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t)) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled) return (invpcid_works ? pmap_invalidate_range_pcid_invpcid : pmap_invalidate_range_pcid_noinvpcid); return (pmap_invalidate_range_nopcid); } void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t addr; if (eva - sva >= PMAP_INVLPG_THRESHOLD) { pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); return; } if (pmap_type_guest(pmap)) { pmap_invalidate_ept(pmap); return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_range: invalid type %d", pmap->pm_type)); sched_pin(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) invlpg(addr); } else { if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) invlpg(addr); } pmap_invalidate_range_mode(pmap, sva, eva); } smp_masked_invlpg_range(pmap_invalidate_cpu_mask(pmap), sva, eva, pmap); sched_unpin(); } static inline void pmap_invalidate_all_pcid(pmap_t pmap, bool invpcid_works1) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; uint32_t pcid; u_int cpuid, i; if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { if (invpcid_works1) { bzero(&d, sizeof(d)); invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTXGLOB); } else { invltlb_glob(); } } else { cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { critical_enter(); pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid; if (invpcid_works1) { d.pcid = pcid; d.pad = 0; d.addr = 0; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTX); if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { d.pcid |= PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTX); } } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pcid; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3; if (ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { ucr3 |= pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; pmap_pti_pcid_invalidate(ucr3, kcr3); } else { load_cr3(kcr3); } } critical_exit(); } else pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_gen = 0; CPU_FOREACH(i) { if (cpuid != i) pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 0; } } /* See the comment in pmap_invalidate_page_pcid(). */ atomic_thread_fence_seq_cst(); } static void pmap_invalidate_all_pcid_invpcid(pmap_t pmap) { pmap_invalidate_all_pcid(pmap, true); } static void pmap_invalidate_all_pcid_noinvpcid(pmap_t pmap) { pmap_invalidate_all_pcid(pmap, false); } static void pmap_invalidate_all_nopcid(pmap_t pmap) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) invltlb_glob(); else if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) invltlb(); } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_invalidate_all_mode, (pmap_t)) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled) return (invpcid_works ? pmap_invalidate_all_pcid_invpcid : pmap_invalidate_all_pcid_noinvpcid); return (pmap_invalidate_all_nopcid); } void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { if (pmap_type_guest(pmap)) { pmap_invalidate_ept(pmap); return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_all: invalid type %d", pmap->pm_type)); sched_pin(); pmap_invalidate_all_mode(pmap); smp_masked_invltlb(pmap_invalidate_cpu_mask(pmap), pmap); sched_unpin(); } void pmap_invalidate_cache(void) { sched_pin(); wbinvd(); smp_cache_flush(); sched_unpin(); } struct pde_action { cpuset_t invalidate; /* processors that invalidate their TLB */ pmap_t pmap; vm_offset_t va; pd_entry_t *pde; pd_entry_t newpde; u_int store; /* processor that updates the PDE */ }; static void pmap_update_pde_action(void *arg) { struct pde_action *act = arg; if (act->store == PCPU_GET(cpuid)) pmap_update_pde_store(act->pmap, act->pde, act->newpde); } static void pmap_update_pde_teardown(void *arg) { struct pde_action *act = arg; if (CPU_ISSET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &act->invalidate)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(act->pmap, act->va, act->newpde); } /* * Change the page size for the specified virtual address in a way that * prevents any possibility of the TLB ever having two entries that map the * same virtual address using different page sizes. This is the recommended * workaround for Erratum 383 on AMD Family 10h processors. It prevents a * machine check exception for a TLB state that is improperly diagnosed as a * hardware error. */ static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde) { struct pde_action act; cpuset_t active, other_cpus; u_int cpuid; sched_pin(); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); other_cpus = all_cpus; CPU_CLR(cpuid, &other_cpus); if (pmap == kernel_pmap || pmap_type_guest(pmap)) active = all_cpus; else { active = pmap->pm_active; } if (CPU_OVERLAP(&active, &other_cpus)) { = cpuid; act.invalidate = active; = va; act.pmap = pmap; act.pde = pde; act.newpde = newpde; CPU_SET(cpuid, &active); smp_rendezvous_cpus(active, smp_no_rendezvous_barrier, pmap_update_pde_action, pmap_update_pde_teardown, &act); } else { pmap_update_pde_store(pmap, pde, newpde); if (CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &active)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(pmap, va, newpde); } sched_unpin(); } #else /* !SMP */ /* * Normal, non-SMP, invalidation functions. */ void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; uint32_t pcid; if (pmap->pm_type == PT_RVI || pmap->pm_type == PT_EPT) { pmap->pm_eptgen++; return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_range: unknown type %d", pmap->pm_type)); if (pmap == kernel_pmap || pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { invlpg(va); if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap) && pmap_pcid_enabled && pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { critical_enter(); pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_pcid; if (invpcid_works) { d.pcid = pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; d.pad = 0; d.addr = va; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_ADDR); } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pcid | CR3_PCID_SAVE; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT | CR3_PCID_SAVE; pmap_pti_pcid_invlpg(ucr3, kcr3, va); } critical_exit(); } } else if (pmap_pcid_enabled) pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_gen = 0; } void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct invpcid_descr d; vm_offset_t addr; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; if (pmap->pm_type == PT_RVI || pmap->pm_type == PT_EPT) { pmap->pm_eptgen++; return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_range: unknown type %d", pmap->pm_type)); if (pmap == kernel_pmap || pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) invlpg(addr); if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap) && pmap_pcid_enabled && pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { critical_enter(); if (invpcid_works) { d.pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; d.pad = 0; d.addr = sva; for (; d.addr < eva; d.addr += PAGE_SIZE) invpcid(&d, INVPCID_ADDR); } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[0]. pm_pcid | CR3_PCID_SAVE; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[0]. pm_pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT | CR3_PCID_SAVE; pmap_pti_pcid_invlrng(ucr3, kcr3, sva, eva); } critical_exit(); } } else if (pmap_pcid_enabled) { pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_gen = 0; } } void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t kcr3, ucr3; if (pmap->pm_type == PT_RVI || pmap->pm_type == PT_EPT) { pmap->pm_eptgen++; return; } KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86, ("pmap_invalidate_all: unknown type %d", pmap->pm_type)); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled && invpcid_works) { bzero(&d, sizeof(d)); invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTXGLOB); } else { invltlb_glob(); } } else if (pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled) { critical_enter(); if (invpcid_works) { d.pcid = pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_pcid; d.pad = 0; d.addr = 0; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTX); if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { d.pcid |= PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTX); } } else { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_pcid; if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[ 0].pm_pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; pmap_pti_pcid_invalidate(ucr3, kcr3); } else load_cr3(kcr3); } critical_exit(); } else { invltlb(); } } else if (pmap_pcid_enabled) { pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_gen = 0; } } PMAP_INLINE void pmap_invalidate_cache(void) { wbinvd(); } static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde) { pmap_update_pde_store(pmap, pde, newpde); if (pmap == kernel_pmap || pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(pmap, va, newpde); else pmap->pm_pcids[0].pm_gen = 0; } #endif /* !SMP */ static void pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde) { /* * When the PDE has PG_PROMOTED set, the 2MB page mapping was created * by a promotion that did not invalidate the 512 4KB page mappings * that might exist in the TLB. Consequently, at this point, the TLB * may hold both 4KB and 2MB page mappings for the address range [va, * va + NBPDR). Therefore, the entire range must be invalidated here. * In contrast, when PG_PROMOTED is clear, the TLB will not hold any * 4KB page mappings for the address range [va, va + NBPDR), and so a * single INVLPG suffices to invalidate the 2MB page mapping from the * TLB. */ if ((pde & PG_PROMOTED) != 0) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, va + NBPDR - 1); else pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } DEFINE_IFUNC(, void, pmap_invalidate_cache_range, (vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva)) { if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_SS) != 0) return (pmap_invalidate_cache_range_selfsnoop); if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_CLFSH) != 0) return (pmap_force_invalidate_cache_range); return (pmap_invalidate_cache_range_all); } #define PMAP_CLFLUSH_THRESHOLD (2 * 1024 * 1024) static void pmap_invalidate_cache_range_check_align(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { KASSERT((sva & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_invalidate_cache_range: sva not page-aligned")); KASSERT((eva & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_invalidate_cache_range: eva not page-aligned")); } static void pmap_invalidate_cache_range_selfsnoop(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_cache_range_check_align(sva, eva); } void pmap_force_invalidate_cache_range(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { sva &= ~(vm_offset_t)(cpu_clflush_line_size - 1); /* * XXX: Some CPUs fault, hang, or trash the local APIC * registers if we use CLFLUSH on the local APIC range. The * local APIC is always uncached, so we don't need to flush * for that range anyway. */ if (pmap_kextract(sva) == lapic_paddr) return; if ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLFLUSHOPT) != 0) { /* * Do per-cache line flush. Use the sfence * instruction to insure that previous stores are * included in the write-back. The processor * propagates flush to other processors in the cache * coherence domain. */ sfence(); for (; sva < eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size) clflushopt(sva); sfence(); } else { /* * Writes are ordered by CLFLUSH on Intel CPUs. */ if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); for (; sva < eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size) clflush(sva); if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); } } static void pmap_invalidate_cache_range_all(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_cache_range_check_align(sva, eva); pmap_invalidate_cache(); } /* * Remove the specified set of pages from the data and instruction caches. * * In contrast to pmap_invalidate_cache_range(), this function does not * rely on the CPU's self-snoop feature, because it is intended for use * when moving pages into a different cache domain. */ void pmap_invalidate_cache_pages(vm_page_t *pages, int count) { vm_offset_t daddr, eva; int i; bool useclflushopt; useclflushopt = (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLFLUSHOPT) != 0; if (count >= PMAP_CLFLUSH_THRESHOLD / PAGE_SIZE || ((cpu_feature & CPUID_CLFSH) == 0 && !useclflushopt)) pmap_invalidate_cache(); else { if (useclflushopt) sfence(); else if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { daddr = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pages[i])); eva = daddr + PAGE_SIZE; for (; daddr < eva; daddr += cpu_clflush_line_size) { if (useclflushopt) clflushopt(daddr); else clflush(daddr); } } if (useclflushopt) sfence(); else if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); } } void pmap_flush_cache_range(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_cache_range_check_align(sva, eva); if ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLWB) == 0) { pmap_force_invalidate_cache_range(sva, eva); return; } /* See comment in pmap_force_invalidate_cache_range(). */ if (pmap_kextract(sva) == lapic_paddr) return; sfence(); for (; sva < eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size) clwb(sva); sfence(); } void pmap_flush_cache_phys_range(vm_paddr_t spa, vm_paddr_t epa, vm_memattr_t mattr) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t vaddr; int error, pte_bits; KASSERT((spa & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_flush_cache_phys_range: spa not page-aligned")); KASSERT((epa & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_flush_cache_phys_range: epa not page-aligned")); if (spa < dmaplimit) { pmap_flush_cache_range(PHYS_TO_DMAP(spa), PHYS_TO_DMAP(MIN( dmaplimit, epa))); if (dmaplimit >= epa) return; spa = dmaplimit; } pte_bits = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mattr, 0) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; error = vmem_alloc(kernel_arena, PAGE_SIZE, M_BESTFIT | M_WAITOK, &vaddr); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmem_alloc failed: %d", error)); pte = vtopte(vaddr); for (; spa < epa; spa += PAGE_SIZE) { sched_pin(); pte_store(pte, spa | pte_bits); invlpg(vaddr); /* XXXKIB sfences inside flush_cache_range are excessive */ pmap_flush_cache_range(vaddr, vaddr + PAGE_SIZE); sched_unpin(); } vmem_free(kernel_arena, vaddr, PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; vm_paddr_t pa; pa = 0; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pdpe = pmap_pdpe(pmap, va); if (pdpe != NULL && (*pdpe & PG_V) != 0) { if ((*pdpe & PG_PS) != 0) pa = (*pdpe & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDPMASK); else { pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va); if ((*pde & PG_V) != 0) { if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { pa = (*pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK); } else { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); pa = (*pte & PG_FRAME) | (va & PAGE_MASK); } } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t pde, *pdep; pt_entry_t pte, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; pa = 0; m = NULL; PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pdep = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pdep != NULL && (pde = *pdep)) { if (pde & PG_PS) { if ((pde & PG_RW) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, (pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK), &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); } } else { pte = *pmap_pde_to_pte(pdep, va); if ((pte & PG_V) && ((pte & PG_RW) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pte & PG_FRAME, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); } } if (m != NULL) - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t pde; vm_paddr_t pa; if (va >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS) { pa = DMAP_TO_PHYS(va); } else if (LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS <= va && va < PMAP_LARGEMAP_MAX_ADDRESS()) { pa = pmap_large_map_kextract(va); } else { pde = *vtopde(va); if (pde & PG_PS) { pa = (pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK); } else { /* * Beware of a concurrent promotion that changes the * PDE at this point! For example, vtopte() must not * be used to access the PTE because it would use the * new PDE. It is, however, safe to use the old PDE * because the page table page is preserved by the * promotion. */ pa = *pmap_pde_to_pte(&pde, va); pa = (pa & PG_FRAME) | (va & PAGE_MASK); } } return (pa); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Add a wired page to the kva. * Note: not SMP coherent. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = vtopte(va); pte_store(pte, pa | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | pg_g); } static __inline void pmap_kenter_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, int mode) { pt_entry_t *pte; int cache_bits; pte = vtopte(va); cache_bits = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 0); pte_store(pte, pa | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | pg_g | cache_bits); } /* * Remove a page from the kernel pagetables. * Note: not SMP coherent. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = vtopte(va); pte_clear(pte); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { return PHYS_TO_DMAP(start); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { pt_entry_t *endpte, oldpte, pa, *pte; vm_page_t m; int cache_bits; oldpte = 0; pte = vtopte(sva); endpte = pte + count; while (pte < endpte) { m = *ma++; cache_bits = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | cache_bits; if ((*pte & (PG_FRAME | X86_PG_PTE_CACHE)) != pa) { oldpte |= *pte; pte_store(pte, pa | pg_g | pg_nx | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V); } pte++; } if (__predict_false((oldpte & X86_PG_V) != 0)) pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, sva + count * PAGE_SIZE); } /* * This routine tears out page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { KASSERT(va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("usermode va %lx", va)); pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /*************************************************** * Page table page management routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Schedule the specified unused page table page to be freed. Specifically, * add the page to the specified list of pages that will be released to the * physical memory manager after the TLB has been updated. */ static __inline void pmap_add_delayed_free_list(vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free, boolean_t set_PG_ZERO) { if (set_PG_ZERO) m->flags |= PG_ZERO; else m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(free, m,; } /* * Inserts the specified page table page into the specified pmap's collection * of idle page table pages. Each of a pmap's page table pages is responsible * for mapping a distinct range of virtual addresses. The pmap's collection is * ordered by this virtual address range. * * If "promoted" is false, then the page table page "mpte" must be zero filled. */ static __inline int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, bool promoted) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); mpte->valid = promoted ? VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL : 0; return (vm_radix_insert(&pmap->pm_root, mpte)); } /* * Removes the page table page mapping the specified virtual address from the * specified pmap's collection of idle page table pages, and returns it. * Otherwise, returns NULL if there is no page table page corresponding to the * specified virtual address. */ static __inline vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); return (vm_radix_remove(&pmap->pm_root, pmap_pde_pindex(va))); } /* * Decrements a page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static inline boolean_t pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { --m->wire_count; if (m->wire_count == 0) { _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, m, free); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * unmap the page table page */ if (m->pindex >= (NUPDE + NUPDPE)) { /* PDP page */ pml4_entry_t *pml4; pml4 = pmap_pml4e(pmap, va); *pml4 = 0; if (pmap->pm_pml4u != NULL && va <= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { pml4 = &pmap->pm_pml4u[pmap_pml4e_index(va)]; *pml4 = 0; } } else if (m->pindex >= NUPDE) { /* PD page */ pdp_entry_t *pdp; pdp = pmap_pdpe(pmap, va); *pdp = 0; } else { /* PTE page */ pd_entry_t *pd; pd = pmap_pde(pmap, va); *pd = 0; } pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (m->pindex < NUPDE) { /* We just released a PT, unhold the matching PD */ vm_page_t pdpg; pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pmap_pdpe(pmap, va) & PG_FRAME); pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdpg, free); } if (m->pindex >= NUPDE && m->pindex < (NUPDE + NUPDPE)) { /* We just released a PD, unhold the matching PDP */ vm_page_t pdppg; pdppg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pmap_pml4e(pmap, va) & PG_FRAME); pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdppg, free); } /* * Put page on a list so that it is released after * *ALL* TLB shootdown is done */ pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free, TRUE); } /* * After removing a page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free) { vm_page_t mpte; if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (0); KASSERT(ptepde != 0, ("pmap_unuse_pt: ptepde != 0")); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptepde & PG_FRAME); return (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte, free)); } void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pmap) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; int i; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); pmap->pm_pml4 = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(KPML4phys); pmap->pm_pml4u = NULL; pmap->pm_cr3 = KPML4phys; /* hack to keep pmap_pti_pcid_invalidate() alive */ pmap->pm_ucr3 = PMAP_NO_CR3; pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); pmap->pm_flags = pmap_flags; CPU_FOREACH(i) { pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_pcid = PMAP_PCID_KERN + 1; pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 1; } pmap_activate_boot(pmap); td = curthread; if (pti) { p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_md.md_flags |= P_MD_KPTI; PROC_UNLOCK(p); } pmap_thread_init_invl_gen(td); if ((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0) { pmap_pkru_ranges_zone = uma_zcreate("pkru ranges", sizeof(struct pmap_pkru_range), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, 0); } } void pmap_pinit_pml4(vm_page_t pml4pg) { pml4_entry_t *pm_pml4; int i; pm_pml4 = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pg)); /* Wire in kernel global address entries. */ for (i = 0; i < NKPML4E; i++) { pm_pml4[KPML4BASE + i] = (KPDPphys + ptoa(i)) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } for (i = 0; i < ndmpdpphys; i++) { pm_pml4[DMPML4I + i] = (DMPDPphys + ptoa(i)) | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } /* install self-referential address mapping entry(s) */ pm_pml4[PML4PML4I] = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pg) | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_M; /* install large map entries if configured */ for (i = 0; i < lm_ents; i++) pm_pml4[LMSPML4I + i] = kernel_pmap->pm_pml4[LMSPML4I + i]; } static void pmap_pinit_pml4_pti(vm_page_t pml4pg) { pml4_entry_t *pm_pml4; int i; pm_pml4 = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pg)); for (i = 0; i < NPML4EPG; i++) pm_pml4[i] = pti_pml4[i]; } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ int pmap_pinit_type(pmap_t pmap, enum pmap_type pm_type, int flags) { vm_page_t pml4pg, pml4pgu; vm_paddr_t pml4phys; int i; /* * allocate the page directory page */ pml4pg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK); pml4phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pg); pmap->pm_pml4 = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pml4phys); CPU_FOREACH(i) { pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_pcid = PMAP_PCID_NONE; pmap->pm_pcids[i].pm_gen = 0; } pmap->pm_cr3 = PMAP_NO_CR3; /* initialize to an invalid value */ pmap->pm_ucr3 = PMAP_NO_CR3; pmap->pm_pml4u = NULL; pmap->pm_type = pm_type; if ((pml4pg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pagezero(pmap->pm_pml4); /* * Do not install the host kernel mappings in the nested page * tables. These mappings are meaningless in the guest physical * address space. * Install minimal kernel mappings in PTI case. */ if (pm_type == PT_X86) { pmap->pm_cr3 = pml4phys; pmap_pinit_pml4(pml4pg); if ((curproc->p_md.md_flags & P_MD_KPTI) != 0) { pml4pgu = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK); pmap->pm_pml4u = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP( VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pgu)); pmap_pinit_pml4_pti(pml4pgu); pmap->pm_ucr3 = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4pgu); } if ((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0) { rangeset_init(&pmap->pm_pkru, pkru_dup_range, pkru_free_range, pmap, M_NOWAIT); } } pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); pmap->pm_flags = flags; pmap->pm_eptgen = 0; return (1); } int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { return (pmap_pinit_type(pmap, PT_X86, pmap_flags)); } /* * This routine is called if the desired page table page does not exist. * * If page table page allocation fails, this routine may sleep before * returning NULL. It sleeps only if a lock pointer was given. * * Note: If a page allocation fails at page table level two or three, * one or two pages may be held during the wait, only to be released * afterwards. This conservative approach is easily argued to avoid * race conditions. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_page_t m, pdppg, pdpg; pt_entry_t PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); /* * Allocate a page table page. */ if ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, ptepindex, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) { if (lockp != NULL) { RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); PMAP_ASSERT_NOT_IN_DI(); vm_wait(NULL); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, the page table * page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); /* * Map the pagetable page into the process address space, if * it isn't already there. */ if (ptepindex >= (NUPDE + NUPDPE)) { pml4_entry_t *pml4, *pml4u; vm_pindex_t pml4index; /* Wire up a new PDPE page */ pml4index = ptepindex - (NUPDE + NUPDPE); pml4 = &pmap->pm_pml4[pml4index]; *pml4 = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; if (pmap->pm_pml4u != NULL && pml4index < NUPML4E) { /* * PTI: Make all user-space mappings in the * kernel-mode page table no-execute so that * we detect any programming errors that leave * the kernel-mode page table active on return * to user space. */ if (pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) *pml4 |= pg_nx; pml4u = &pmap->pm_pml4u[pml4index]; *pml4u = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; } } else if (ptepindex >= NUPDE) { vm_pindex_t pml4index; vm_pindex_t pdpindex; pml4_entry_t *pml4; pdp_entry_t *pdp; /* Wire up a new PDE page */ pdpindex = ptepindex - NUPDE; pml4index = pdpindex >> NPML4EPGSHIFT; pml4 = &pmap->pm_pml4[pml4index]; if ((*pml4 & PG_V) == 0) { /* Have to allocate a new pdp, recurse */ if (_pmap_allocpte(pmap, NUPDE + NUPDPE + pml4index, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { /* Add reference to pdp page */ pdppg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pml4 & PG_FRAME); pdppg->wire_count++; } pdp = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pml4 & PG_FRAME); /* Now find the pdp page */ pdp = &pdp[pdpindex & ((1ul << NPDPEPGSHIFT) - 1)]; *pdp = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; } else { vm_pindex_t pml4index; vm_pindex_t pdpindex; pml4_entry_t *pml4; pdp_entry_t *pdp; pd_entry_t *pd; /* Wire up a new PTE page */ pdpindex = ptepindex >> NPDPEPGSHIFT; pml4index = pdpindex >> NPML4EPGSHIFT; /* First, find the pdp and check that its valid. */ pml4 = &pmap->pm_pml4[pml4index]; if ((*pml4 & PG_V) == 0) { /* Have to allocate a new pd, recurse */ if (_pmap_allocpte(pmap, NUPDE + pdpindex, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } pdp = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pml4 & PG_FRAME); pdp = &pdp[pdpindex & ((1ul << NPDPEPGSHIFT) - 1)]; } else { pdp = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pml4 & PG_FRAME); pdp = &pdp[pdpindex & ((1ul << NPDPEPGSHIFT) - 1)]; if ((*pdp & PG_V) == 0) { /* Have to allocate a new pd, recurse */ if (_pmap_allocpte(pmap, NUPDE + pdpindex, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { /* Add reference to the pd page */ pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pdp & PG_FRAME); pdpg->wire_count++; } } pd = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pdp & PG_FRAME); /* Now we know where the page directory page is */ pd = &pd[ptepindex & ((1ul << NPDEPGSHIFT) - 1)]; *pd = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; } pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_allocpde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_pindex_t pdpindex, ptepindex; pdp_entry_t *pdpe, PG_V; vm_page_t pdpg; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); retry: pdpe = pmap_pdpe(pmap, va); if (pdpe != NULL && (*pdpe & PG_V) != 0) { /* Add a reference to the pd page. */ pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pdpe & PG_FRAME); pdpg->wire_count++; } else { /* Allocate a pd page. */ ptepindex = pmap_pde_pindex(va); pdpindex = ptepindex >> NPDPEPGSHIFT; pdpg = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, NUPDE + pdpindex, lockp); if (pdpg == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; } return (pdpg); } static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_pindex_t ptepindex; pd_entry_t *pd, PG_V; vm_page_t m; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_pde_pindex(va); retry: /* * Get the page directory entry */ pd = pmap_pde(pmap, va); /* * This supports switching from a 2MB page to a * normal 4K page. */ if (pd != NULL && (*pd & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == (PG_PS | PG_V)) { if (!pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pd, va, lockp)) { /* * Invalidation of the 2MB page mapping may have caused * the deallocation of the underlying PD page. */ pd = NULL; } } /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment the * hold count, and activate it. */ if (pd != NULL && (*pd & PG_V) != 0) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pd & PG_FRAME); m->wire_count++; } else { /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has been * deallocated. */ m = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, lockp); if (m == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; } return (m); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { vm_page_t m; int i; KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); KASSERT(vm_radix_is_empty(&pmap->pm_root), ("pmap_release: pmap has reserved page table page(s)")); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active), ("releasing active pmap %p", pmap)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pml4)); for (i = 0; i < NKPML4E; i++) /* KVA */ pmap->pm_pml4[KPML4BASE + i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < ndmpdpphys; i++)/* Direct Map */ pmap->pm_pml4[DMPML4I + i] = 0; pmap->pm_pml4[PML4PML4I] = 0; /* Recursive Mapping */ for (i = 0; i < lm_ents; i++) /* Large Map */ pmap->pm_pml4[LMSPML4I + i] = 0; vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); if (pmap->pm_pml4u != NULL) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pml4u)); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } if (pmap->pm_type == PT_X86 && (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0) rangeset_fini(&pmap->pm_pkru); } static int kvm_size(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long ksize = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &ksize, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_size, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_size, "LU", "Size of KVM"); static int kvm_free(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long kfree = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - kernel_vm_end; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &kfree, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_free, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_free, "LU", "Amount of KVM free"); /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_paddr_t paddr; vm_page_t nkpg; pd_entry_t *pde, newpdir; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); /* * Return if "addr" is within the range of kernel page table pages * that were preallocated during pmap bootstrap. Moreover, leave * "kernel_vm_end" and the kernel page table as they were. * * The correctness of this action is based on the following * argument: vm_map_insert() allocates contiguous ranges of the * kernel virtual address space. It calls this function if a range * ends after "kernel_vm_end". If the kernel is mapped between * "kernel_vm_end" and "addr", then the range cannot begin at * "kernel_vm_end". In fact, its beginning address cannot be less * than the kernel. Thus, there is no immediate need to allocate * any new kernel page table pages between "kernel_vm_end" and * "KERNBASE". */ if (KERNBASE < addr && addr <= KERNBASE + nkpt * NBPDR) return; addr = roundup2(addr, NBPDR); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { pdpe = pmap_pdpe(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); if ((*pdpe & X86_PG_V) == 0) { /* We need a new PDP entry */ nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> PDPSHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); *pdpe = (pdp_entry_t)(paddr | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_M); continue; /* try again */ } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, kernel_vm_end); if ((*pde & X86_PG_V) != 0) { kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pmap_pde_pindex(kernel_vm_end), VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); newpdir = paddr | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_M; pde_store(pde, newpdir); kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); CTASSERT(_NPCM == 3); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 168); static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #define PC_FREE0 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE1 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE2 0x000000fffffffffful static const uint64_t pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { PC_FREE0, PC_FREE1, PC_FREE2 }; #ifdef PV_STATS static int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_count, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks allocated"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks frees"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_tryfail, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_tryfail, 0, "Number of times tried to get a chunk page but failed."); static long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs, pv_entry_count; static int pv_entry_spare; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry frees"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry allocs"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_count, 0, "Current number of pv entries"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_spare, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_spare, 0, "Current number of spare pv entries"); #endif static void reclaim_pv_chunk_leave_pmap(pmap_t pmap, pmap_t locked_pmap, bool start_di) { if (pmap == NULL) return; pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (start_di) pmap_delayed_invl_finish(); } /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. * * Returns NULL if PV entries were reclaimed from the specified pmap. * * We do not, however, unmap 2mpages because subsequent accesses will * allocate per-page pv entries until repromotion occurs, thereby * exacerbating the shortage of free pv entries. */ static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct pv_chunk *pc, *pc_marker, *pc_marker_end; struct pv_chunk_header pc_marker_b, pc_marker_end_b; struct md_page *pvh; pd_entry_t *pde; pmap_t next_pmap, pmap; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, m_pc; struct spglist free; uint64_t inuse; int bit, field, freed; bool start_di; static int active_reclaims = 0; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(locked_pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(lockp != NULL, ("reclaim_pv_chunk: lockp is NULL")); pmap = NULL; m_pc = NULL; PG_G = PG_A = PG_M = PG_RW = 0; SLIST_INIT(&free); bzero(&pc_marker_b, sizeof(pc_marker_b)); bzero(&pc_marker_end_b, sizeof(pc_marker_end_b)); pc_marker = (struct pv_chunk *)&pc_marker_b; pc_marker_end = (struct pv_chunk *)&pc_marker_end_b; /* * A delayed invalidation block should already be active if * pmap_advise() or pmap_remove() called this function by way * of pmap_demote_pde_locked(). */ start_di = pmap_not_in_di(); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); active_reclaims++; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc_marker_end, pc_lru); while ((pc = TAILQ_NEXT(pc_marker, pc_lru)) != pc_marker_end && SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { next_pmap = pc->pc_pmap; if (next_pmap == NULL) { /* * The next chunk is a marker. However, it is * not our marker, so active_reclaims must be * > 1. Consequently, the next_chunk code * will not rotate the pv_chunks list. */ goto next_chunk; } mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); /* * A pv_chunk can only be removed from the pc_lru list * when both pc_chunks_mutex is owned and the * corresponding pmap is locked. */ if (pmap != next_pmap) { reclaim_pv_chunk_leave_pmap(pmap, locked_pmap, start_di); pmap = next_pmap; /* Avoid deadlock and lock recursion. */ if (pmap > locked_pmap) { RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (start_di) pmap_delayed_invl_start(); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); continue; } else if (pmap != locked_pmap) { if (PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { if (start_di) pmap_delayed_invl_start(); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); continue; } else { pmap = NULL; /* pmap is not locked */ mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); pc = TAILQ_NEXT(pc_marker, pc_lru); if (pc == NULL || pc->pc_pmap != next_pmap) continue; goto next_chunk; } } else if (start_di) pmap_delayed_invl_start(); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); } /* * Destroy every non-wired, 4 KB page mapping in the chunk. */ freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { for (inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; inuse != 0; inuse &= ~(1UL << bit)) { bit = bsfq(inuse); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) continue; pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); if ((*pte & PG_W) != 0) continue; tpte = pte_load_clear(pte); if ((tpte & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tpte & PG_FRAME); if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((tpte & PG_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pmap_delayed_invl_page(m); pc->pc_map[field] |= 1UL << bit; pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, *pde, &free); freed++; } } if (freed == 0) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); goto next_chunk; } /* Every freed mapping is for a 4 KB page. */ pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, freed); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, freed)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); if (pc->pc_map[0] == PC_FREE0 && pc->pc_map[1] == PC_FREE1 && pc->pc_map[2] == PC_FREE2) { PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_frees, 1)); /* Entire chunk is free; return it. */ m_pc = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m_pc->phys_addr); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); break; } TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); /* One freed pv entry in locked_pmap is sufficient. */ if (pmap == locked_pmap) break; next_chunk: TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_marker, pc_lru); if (active_reclaims == 1 && pmap != NULL) { /* * Rotate the pv chunks list so that we do not * scan the same pv chunks that could not be * freed (because they contained a wired * and/or superpage mapping) on every * invocation of reclaim_pv_chunk(). */ while ((pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pv_chunks)) != pc_marker) { MPASS(pc->pc_pmap != NULL); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); } } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker_end, pc_lru); active_reclaims--; mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); reclaim_pv_chunk_leave_pmap(pmap, locked_pmap, start_di); if (m_pc == NULL && !SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { m_pc = SLIST_FIRST(&free); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&free,; /* Recycle a freed page table page. */ m_pc->wire_count = 1; } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); return (m_pc); } /* * free the pv_entry back to the free list */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int idx, field, bit; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / 64; bit = idx % 64; pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; if (pc->pc_map[0] != PC_FREE0 || pc->pc_map[1] != PC_FREE1 || pc->pc_map[2] != PC_FREE2) { /* 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the list. */ if (__predict_false(pc != TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_frees, 1)); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m->phys_addr); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } /* * Returns a new PV entry, allocating a new PV chunk from the system when * needed. If this PV chunk allocation fails and a PV list lock pointer was * given, a PV chunk is reclaimed from an arbitrary pmap. Otherwise, NULL is * returned. * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { int bit, field; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_allocs, 1)); retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = bsfq(pc->pc_map[field]); break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); return (pv); } } /* No free items, allocate another chunk */ m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { if (lockp == NULL) { PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_allocs, 1)); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0 & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV - 1)); return (pv); } /* * Returns the number of one bits within the given PV chunk map. * * The erratas for Intel processors state that "POPCNT Instruction May * Take Longer to Execute Than Expected". It is believed that the * issue is the spurious dependency on the destination register. * Provide a hint to the register rename logic that the destination * value is overwritten, by clearing it, as suggested in the * optimization manual. It should be cheap for unaffected processors * as well. * * Reference numbers for erratas are * 4th Gen Core: HSD146 * 5th Gen Core: BDM85 * 6th Gen Core: SKL029 */ static int popcnt_pc_map_pq(uint64_t *map) { u_long result, tmp; __asm __volatile("xorl %k0,%k0;popcntq %2,%0;" "xorl %k1,%k1;popcntq %3,%1;addl %k1,%k0;" "xorl %k1,%k1;popcntq %4,%1;addl %k1,%k0" : "=&r" (result), "=&r" (tmp) : "m" (map[0]), "m" (map[1]), "m" (map[2])); return (result); } /* * Ensure that the number of spare PV entries in the specified pmap meets or * exceeds the given count, "needed". * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static void reserve_pv_entries(pmap_t pmap, int needed, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct pch new_tail; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; int avail, free; bool reclaimed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(lockp != NULL, ("reserve_pv_entries: lockp is NULL")); /* * Newly allocated PV chunks must be stored in a private list until * the required number of PV chunks have been allocated. Otherwise, * reclaim_pv_chunk() could recycle one of these chunks. In * contrast, these chunks must be added to the pmap upon allocation. */ TAILQ_INIT(&new_tail); retry: avail = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list) { #ifndef __POPCNT__ if ((cpu_feature2 & CPUID2_POPCNT) == 0) bit_count((bitstr_t *)pc->pc_map, 0, sizeof(pc->pc_map) * NBBY, &free); else #endif free = popcnt_pc_map_pq(pc->pc_map); if (free == 0) break; avail += free; if (avail >= needed) break; } for (reclaimed = false; avail < needed; avail += _NPCPV) { m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; reclaimed = true; } PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_allocs, 1)); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0; pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&new_tail, pc, pc_lru); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); /* * The reclaim might have freed a chunk from the current pmap. * If that chunk contained available entries, we need to * re-count the number of available entries. */ if (reclaimed) goto retry; } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&new_tail)) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &new_tail, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); } } /* * First find and then remove the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address from the specified pv list. Returns the pv entry if found and NULL * otherwise. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or * 2MB page mappings. */ static __inline pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; break; } } return (pv); } /* * After demotion from a 2MB page mapping to 512 4KB page mappings, * destroy the pv entry for the 2MB page mapping and reinstantiate the pv * entries for each of the 4KB page mappings. */ static void pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; int bit, field; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((pa & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: pa is not 2mpage aligned")); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); /* * Transfer the 2mpage's pv entry for this mapping to the first * page's pv list. Once this transfer begins, the pv list lock * must not be released until the last pv entry is reinstantiated. */ pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); va = trunc_2mpage(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: pv not found")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; /* Instantiate the remaining NPTEPG - 1 pv entries. */ PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_allocs, NPTEPG - 1)); va_last = va + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; for (;;) { pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); KASSERT(pc->pc_map[0] != 0 || pc->pc_map[1] != 0 || pc->pc_map[2] != 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: missing spare")); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { while (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = bsfq(pc->pc_map[field]); pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; va += PAGE_SIZE; pv->pv_va = va; m++; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: page %p is not managed", m)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (va == va_last) goto out; } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } out: if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, NPTEPG - 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, NPTEPG - 1)); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * After promotion from 512 4KB page mappings to a single 2MB page mapping, * replace the many pv entries for the 4KB page mappings by a single pv entry * for the 2MB page mapping. */ static void pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; KASSERT((pa & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_pv_promote_pde: pa is not 2mpage aligned")); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); /* * Transfer the first page's pv entry for this mapping to the 2mpage's * pv list. Aside from avoiding the cost of a call to get_pv_entry(), * a transfer avoids the possibility that get_pv_entry() calls * reclaim_pv_chunk() and that reclaim_pv_chunk() removes one of the * mappings that is being promoted. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); va = trunc_2mpage(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&m->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_promote_pde: pv not found")); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; /* Free the remaining NPTEPG - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } while (va < va_last); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * First find and then destroy the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or 2MB * page mappings. */ static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found")); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } /* * Conditionally create the PV entry for a 4KB page mapping if the required * memory can be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { pv_entry_t pv; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, NULL)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * Create the PV entry for a 2MB page mapping. Always returns true unless the * flag PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM is specified. If that flag is specified, returns * false if the PV entry cannot be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static bool pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde, u_int flags, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) return (false); pv->pv_va = va; pa = pde & PG_PS_FRAME; CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; return (true); } /* * Fills a page table page with mappings to consecutive physical pages. */ static void pmap_fill_ptp(pt_entry_t *firstpte, pt_entry_t newpte) { pt_entry_t *pte; for (pte = firstpte; pte < firstpte + NPTEPG; pte++) { *pte = newpte; newpte += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Tries to demote a 2MB page mapping. If demotion fails, the 2MB page * mapping is invalidated. */ static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { struct rwlock *lock; boolean_t rv; lock = NULL; rv = pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, va, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); return (rv); } static void pmap_demote_pde_check(pt_entry_t *firstpte __unused, pt_entry_t newpte __unused) { #ifdef INVARIANTS #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC pt_entry_t *xpte, *ypte; for (xpte = firstpte; xpte < firstpte + NPTEPG; xpte++, newpte += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((*xpte & PG_FRAME) != (newpte & PG_FRAME)) { printf("pmap_demote_pde: xpte %zd and newpte map " "different pages: found %#lx, expected %#lx\n", xpte - firstpte, *xpte, newpte); printf("page table dump\n"); for (ypte = firstpte; ypte < firstpte + NPTEPG; ypte++) printf("%zd %#lx\n", ypte - firstpte, *ypte); panic("firstpte"); } } #else KASSERT((*firstpte & PG_FRAME) == (newpte & PG_FRAME), ("pmap_demote_pde: firstpte and newpte map different physical" " addresses")); #endif #endif } static void pmap_demote_pde_abort(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t oldpde, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; vm_offset_t sva; SLIST_INIT(&free); sva = trunc_2mpage(va); pmap_remove_pde(pmap, pde, sva, &free, lockp); if ((oldpde & pmap_global_bit(pmap)) == 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap, sva, oldpde); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pde: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); } static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t newpde, oldpde; pt_entry_t *firstpte, newpte; pt_entry_t PG_A, PG_G, PG_M, PG_PKU_MASK, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_paddr_t mptepa; vm_page_t mpte; int PG_PTE_CACHE; bool in_kernel; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_PTE_CACHE = pmap_cache_mask(pmap, 0); PG_PKU_MASK = pmap_pku_mask_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); in_kernel = va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS; oldpde = *pde; KASSERT((oldpde & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == (PG_PS | PG_V), ("pmap_demote_pde: oldpde is missing PG_PS and/or PG_V")); /* * Invalidate the 2MB page mapping and return "failure" if the * mapping was never accessed. */ if ((oldpde & PG_A) == 0) { KASSERT((oldpde & PG_W) == 0, ("pmap_demote_pde: a wired mapping is missing PG_A")); pmap_demote_pde_abort(pmap, va, pde, oldpde, lockp); return (FALSE); } mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va); if (mpte == NULL) { KASSERT((oldpde & PG_W) == 0, ("pmap_demote_pde: page table page for a wired mapping" " is missing")); /* * If the page table page is missing and the mapping * is for a kernel address, the mapping must belong to * the direct map. Page table pages are preallocated * for every other part of the kernel address space, * so the direct map region is the only part of the * kernel address space that must be handled here. */ KASSERT(!in_kernel || (va >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS), ("pmap_demote_pde: No saved mpte for va %#lx", va)); /* * If the 2MB page mapping belongs to the direct map * region of the kernel's address space, then the page * allocation request specifies the highest possible * priority (VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT). Otherwise, the * priority is normal. */ mpte = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pmap_pde_pindex(va), (in_kernel ? VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT : VM_ALLOC_NORMAL) | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); /* * If the allocation of the new page table page fails, * invalidate the 2MB page mapping and return "failure". */ if (mpte == NULL) { pmap_demote_pde_abort(pmap, va, pde, oldpde, lockp); return (FALSE); } if (!in_kernel) { mpte->wire_count = NPTEPG; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } } mptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte); firstpte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mptepa); newpde = mptepa | PG_M | PG_A | (oldpde & PG_U) | PG_RW | PG_V; KASSERT((oldpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_RW, ("pmap_demote_pde: oldpde is missing PG_M")); newpte = oldpde & ~PG_PS; newpte = pmap_swap_pat(pmap, newpte); /* * If the page table page is not leftover from an earlier promotion, * initialize it. */ if (mpte->valid == 0) pmap_fill_ptp(firstpte, newpte); pmap_demote_pde_check(firstpte, newpte); /* * If the mapping has changed attributes, update the page table * entries. */ if ((*firstpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE) != (newpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE)) pmap_fill_ptp(firstpte, newpte); /* * The spare PV entries must be reserved prior to demoting the * mapping, that is, prior to changing the PDE. Otherwise, the state * of the PDE and the PV lists will be inconsistent, which can result * in reclaim_pv_chunk() attempting to remove a PV entry from the * wrong PV list and pmap_pv_demote_pde() failing to find the expected * PV entry for the 2MB page mapping that is being demoted. */ if ((oldpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) reserve_pv_entries(pmap, NPTEPG - 1, lockp); /* * Demote the mapping. This pmap is locked. The old PDE has * PG_A set. If the old PDE has PG_RW set, it also has PG_M * set. Thus, there is no danger of a race with another * processor changing the setting of PG_A and/or PG_M between * the read above and the store below. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, newpde); else pde_store(pde, newpde); /* * Invalidate a stale recursive mapping of the page table page. */ if (in_kernel) pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, (vm_offset_t)vtopte(va)); /* * Demote the PV entry. */ if ((oldpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap, va, oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME, lockp); atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_demotions, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pde: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (TRUE); } /* * pmap_remove_kernel_pde: Remove a kernel superpage mapping. */ static void pmap_remove_kernel_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpde; vm_paddr_t mptepa; vm_page_t mpte; KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap, ("pmap %p is not kernel_pmap", pmap)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va); if (mpte == NULL) panic("pmap_remove_kernel_pde: Missing pt page."); mptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte); newpde = mptepa | X86_PG_M | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; /* * If this page table page was unmapped by a promotion, then it * contains valid mappings. Zero it to invalidate those mappings. */ if (mpte->valid != 0) pagezero((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mptepa)); /* * Demote the mapping. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, newpde); else pde_store(pde, newpde); /* * Invalidate a stale recursive mapping of the page table page. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, (vm_offset_t)vtopte(va)); } /* * pmap_remove_pde: do the things to unmap a superpage in a process */ static int pmap_remove_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pdq, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pd_entry_t oldpde; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m, mpte; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW; PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_remove_pde: sva is not 2mpage aligned")); oldpde = pte_load_clear(pdq); if (oldpde & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; if ((oldpde & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(kernel_pmap, sva, oldpde); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE); if (oldpde & PG_MANAGED) { CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pvh = pa_to_pvh(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pmap_pvh_free(pvh, pmap, sva); eva = sva + NBPDR; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) { if ((oldpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (oldpde & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pmap_delayed_invl_page(m); } } if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_remove_kernel_pde(pmap, pdq, sva); } else { mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, sva); if (mpte != NULL) { KASSERT(mpte->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pde: pte page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); KASSERT(mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG, ("pmap_remove_pde: pte page wire count error")); mpte->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(mpte, free, FALSE); } } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, sva, *pmap_pdpe(pmap, sva), free)); } /* * pmap_remove_pte: do the things to unmap a page in a process */ static int pmap_remove_pte(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t oldpte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW; vm_page_t m; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldpte = pte_load_clear(ptq); if (oldpte & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (oldpte & PG_MANAGED) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpte & PG_FRAME); if ((oldpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (oldpte & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_delayed_invl_page(m); } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, ptepde, free)); } /* * Remove a single page from a process address space */ static void pmap_remove_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, struct spglist *free) { struct rwlock *lock; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0) return; pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); if ((*pte & PG_V) == 0) return; lock = NULL; pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, va, *pde, free, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } /* * Removes the specified range of addresses from the page table page. */ static bool pmap_remove_ptes(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, pd_entry_t *pde, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { pt_entry_t PG_G, *pte; vm_offset_t va; bool anyvalid; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); anyvalid = false; va = eva; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != eva; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (*pte == 0) { if (va != eva) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = eva; } continue; } if ((*pte & PG_G) == 0) anyvalid = true; else if (va == eva) va = sva; if (pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, sva, *pde, free, lockp)) { sva += PAGE_SIZE; break; } } if (va != eva) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); return (anyvalid); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va_next; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t ptpaddr, *pde; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_V; struct spglist free; int anyvalid; PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; anyvalid = 0; SLIST_INIT(&free); pmap_delayed_invl_start(); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pmap_pkru_on_remove(pmap, sva, eva); /* * special handling of removing one page. a very * common operation and easy to short circuit some * code. */ if (sva + PAGE_SIZE == eva) { pde = pmap_pde(pmap, sva); if (pde && (*pde & PG_PS) == 0) { pmap_remove_page(pmap, sva, pde, &free); goto out; } } lock = NULL; for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) break; pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, sva); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, sva); if ((*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } /* * Calculate index for next page table. */ va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); ptpaddr = *pde; /* * Weed out invalid mappings. */ if (ptpaddr == 0) continue; /* * Check for large page. */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * Are we removing the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == va_next && eva >= va_next) { /* * The TLB entry for a PG_G mapping is * invalidated by pmap_remove_pde(). */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_G) == 0) anyvalid = 1; pmap_remove_pde(pmap, pde, sva, &free, &lock); continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, sva, &lock)) { /* The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } else ptpaddr = *pde; } /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; if (pmap_remove_ptes(pmap, sva, va_next, pde, &free, &lock)) anyvalid = 1; } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); out: if (anyvalid) pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); pmap_delayed_invl_finish(); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW; pd_entry_t *pde; vm_offset_t va; struct spglist free; int pvh_gen, md_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); retry: rw_wlock(lock); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); (void)pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, va, &lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: found" " a 2mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pte_load_clear(pte); if (tpte & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if (tpte & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, *pde, &free); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(lock); pmap_delayed_invl_wait(m); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * pmap_protect_pde: do the things to protect a 2mpage in a process */ static boolean_t pmap_protect_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t sva, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t newpde, oldpde; vm_page_t m, mt; boolean_t anychanged; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_M, PG_RW; PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_protect_pde: sva is not 2mpage aligned")); anychanged = FALSE; retry: oldpde = newpde = *pde; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if ((oldpde & (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } newpde &= ~(PG_RW | PG_M); } if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) newpde |= pg_nx; if (newpde != oldpde) { /* * As an optimization to future operations on this PDE, clear * PG_PROMOTED. The impending invalidation will remove any * lingering 4KB page mappings from the TLB. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_long(pde, oldpde, newpde & ~PG_PROMOTED)) goto retry; if ((oldpde & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(kernel_pmap, sva, oldpde); else anychanged = TRUE; } return (anychanged); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va_next; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t ptpaddr, *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_G, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; boolean_t anychanged; KASSERT((prot & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("invalid prot %x", prot)); if (prot == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } if ((prot & (VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) == (VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) return; PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); anychanged = FALSE; /* * Although this function delays and batches the invalidation * of stale TLB entries, it does not need to call * pmap_delayed_invl_start() and * pmap_delayed_invl_finish(), because it does not * ordinarily destroy mappings. Stale TLB entries from * protection-only changes need only be invalidated before the * pmap lock is released, because protection-only changes do * not destroy PV entries. Even operations that iterate over * a physical page's PV list of mappings, like * pmap_remove_write(), acquire the pmap lock for each * mapping. Consequently, for protection-only changes, the * pmap lock suffices to synchronize both page table and TLB * updates. * * This function only destroys a mapping if pmap_demote_pde() * fails. In that case, stale TLB entries are immediately * invalidated. */ PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, sva); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, sva); if ((*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); ptpaddr = *pde; /* * Weed out invalid mappings. */ if (ptpaddr == 0) continue; /* * Check for large page. */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * Are we protecting the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == va_next && eva >= va_next) { /* * The TLB entry for a PG_G mapping is * invalidated by pmap_protect_pde(). */ if (pmap_protect_pde(pmap, pde, sva, prot)) anychanged = TRUE; continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, sva)) { /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pt_entry_t obits, pbits; vm_page_t m; retry: obits = pbits = *pte; if ((pbits & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if ((pbits & (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pbits & PG_FRAME); vm_page_dirty(m); } pbits &= ~(PG_RW | PG_M); } if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) pbits |= pg_nx; if (pbits != obits) { if (!atomic_cmpset_long(pte, obits, pbits)) goto retry; if (obits & PG_G) pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, sva); else anychanged = TRUE; } } } if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Tries to promote the 512, contiguous 4KB page mappings that are within a * single page table page (PTP) to a single 2MB page mapping. For promotion * to occur, two conditions must be met: (1) the 4KB page mappings must map * aligned, contiguous physical memory and (2) the 4KB page mappings must have * identical characteristics. */ static void pmap_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t newpde; pt_entry_t *firstpte, oldpte, pa, *pte; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V, PG_PKU_MASK; vm_page_t mpte; int PG_PTE_CACHE; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PG_PKU_MASK = pmap_pku_mask_bit(pmap); PG_PTE_CACHE = pmap_cache_mask(pmap, 0); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Examine the first PTE in the specified PTP. Abort if this PTE is * either invalid, unused, or does not map the first 4KB physical page * within a 2MB page. */ firstpte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(*pde & PG_FRAME); setpde: newpde = *firstpte; if ((newpde & ((PG_FRAME & PDRMASK) | PG_A | PG_V)) != (PG_A | PG_V)) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((newpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == PG_RW) { /* * When PG_M is already clear, PG_RW can be cleared without * a TLB invalidation. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_long(firstpte, newpde, newpde & ~PG_RW)) goto setpde; newpde &= ~PG_RW; } /* * Examine each of the other PTEs in the specified PTP. Abort if this * PTE maps an unexpected 4KB physical page or does not have identical * characteristics to the first PTE. */ pa = (newpde & (PG_PS_FRAME | PG_A | PG_V)) + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; for (pte = firstpte + NPTEPG - 1; pte > firstpte; pte--) { setpte: oldpte = *pte; if ((oldpte & (PG_FRAME | PG_A | PG_V)) != pa) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((oldpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == PG_RW) { /* * When PG_M is already clear, PG_RW can be cleared * without a TLB invalidation. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_long(pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~PG_RW)) goto setpte; oldpte &= ~PG_RW; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: protect for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", (oldpte & PG_FRAME & PDRMASK) | (va & ~PDRMASK), pmap); } if ((oldpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE) != (newpde & PG_PTE_PROMOTE)) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } pa -= PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Save the page table page in its current state until the PDE * mapping the superpage is demoted by pmap_demote_pde() or * destroyed by pmap_remove_pde(). */ mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); KASSERT(mpte >= vm_page_array && mpte < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_promote_pde: page table page is out of range")); KASSERT(mpte->pindex == pmap_pde_pindex(va), ("pmap_promote_pde: page table page's pindex is wrong")); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mpte, true)) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } /* * Promote the pv entries. */ if ((newpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap, va, newpde & PG_PS_FRAME, lockp); /* * Propagate the PAT index to its proper position. */ newpde = pmap_swap_pat(pmap, newpde); /* * Map the superpage. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, PG_PS | newpde); else pde_store(pde, PG_PROMOTED | PG_PS | newpde); atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_promotions, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: success for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. * * When destroying both a page table and PV entry, this function * performs the TLB invalidation before releasing the PV list * lock, so we do not need pmap_delayed_invl_page() calls here. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_G, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; pt_entry_t newpte, origpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t opa, pa; vm_page_t mpte, om; int rv; boolean_t nosleep; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); va = trunc_page(va); KASSERT(va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("pmap_enter: toobig")); KASSERT(va < UPT_MIN_ADDRESS || va >= UPT_MAX_ADDRESS, ("pmap_enter: invalid to pmap_enter page table pages (va: 0x%lx)", va)); KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva, ("pmap_enter: managed mapping within the clean submap")); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_RESERVED) == 0, ("pmap_enter: flags %u has reserved bits set", flags)); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); newpte = (pt_entry_t)(pa | PG_A | PG_V); if ((flags & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) newpte |= PG_M; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) newpte |= PG_RW; KASSERT((newpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_M, ("pmap_enter: flags includes VM_PROT_WRITE but prot doesn't")); if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) newpte |= pg_nx; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) newpte |= PG_W; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) newpte |= PG_U; if (pmap == kernel_pmap) newpte |= PG_G; newpte |= pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, psind > 0); /* * Set modified bit gratuitously for writeable mappings if * the page is unmanaged. We do not want to take a fault * to do the dirty bit accounting for these mappings. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) { if ((newpte & PG_RW) != 0) newpte |= PG_M; } else newpte |= PG_MANAGED; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (psind == 1) { /* Assert the required virtual and physical alignment. */ KASSERT((va & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_enter: va unaligned")); KASSERT(m->psind > 0, ("pmap_enter: m->psind < psind")); rv = pmap_enter_pde(pmap, va, newpte | PG_PS, flags, m, &lock); goto out; } mpte = NULL; /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ retry: pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde != NULL && (*pde & PG_V) != 0 && ((*pde & PG_PS) == 0 || pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, va, &lock))) { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS && mpte == NULL) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); mpte->wire_count++; } } else if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has been * deallocated. */ nosleep = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0; mpte = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, pmap_pde_pindex(va), nosleep ? NULL : &lock); if (mpte == NULL && nosleep) { rv = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; goto out; } goto retry; } else panic("pmap_enter: invalid page directory va=%#lx", va); origpte = *pte; pv = NULL; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS && pmap->pm_type == PT_X86) newpte |= pmap_pkru_get(pmap, va); /* * Is the specified virtual address already mapped? */ if ((origpte & PG_V) != 0) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is wired, * the PT page will be also. */ if ((newpte & PG_W) != 0 && (origpte & PG_W) == 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if ((newpte & PG_W) == 0 && (origpte & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove the extra PT page reference. */ if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_enter: missing reference to page table page," " va: 0x%lx", va)); } /* * Has the physical page changed? */ opa = origpte & PG_FRAME; if (opa == pa) { /* * No, might be a protection or wiring change. */ if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0 && (newpte & PG_RW) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); if (((origpte ^ newpte) & ~(PG_M | PG_A)) == 0) goto unchanged; goto validate; } /* * The physical page has changed. Temporarily invalidate * the mapping. This ensures that all threads sharing the * pmap keep a consistent view of the mapping, which is * necessary for the correct handling of COW faults. It * also permits reuse of the old mapping's PV entry, * avoiding an allocation. * * For consistency, handle unmanaged mappings the same way. */ origpte = pte_load_clear(pte); KASSERT((origpte & PG_FRAME) == opa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#lx", va)); if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); /* * The pmap lock is sufficient to synchronize with * concurrent calls to pmap_page_test_mappings() and * pmap_ts_referenced(). */ if ((origpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(om); if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, opa); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_enter: no PV entry for %#lx", va)); if ((newpte & PG_MANAGED) == 0) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); if ((om->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list) && ((om->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(opa)->pv_list))) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); origpte = 0; } else { /* * Increment the counters. */ if ((newpte & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((newpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, &lock); pv->pv_va = va; } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if ((newpte & PG_RW) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Update the PTE. */ if ((origpte & PG_V) != 0) { validate: origpte = pte_load_store(pte, newpte); KASSERT((origpte & PG_FRAME) == pa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#lx", va)); if ((newpte & PG_M) == 0 && (origpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); /* * Although the PTE may still have PG_RW set, TLB * invalidation may nonetheless be required because * the PTE no longer has PG_M set. */ } else if ((origpte & PG_NX) != 0 || (newpte & PG_NX) == 0) { /* * This PTE change does not require TLB invalidation. */ goto unchanged; } if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } else pte_store(pte, newpte); unchanged: #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * If both the page table page and the reservation are fully * populated, then attempt promotion. */ if ((mpte == NULL || mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG) && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) pmap_promote_pde(pmap, pde, va, &lock); #endif rv = KERN_SUCCESS; out: if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Tries to create a read- and/or execute-only 2MB page mapping. Returns true * if successful. Returns false if (1) a page table page cannot be allocated * without sleeping, (2) a mapping already exists at the specified virtual * address, or (3) a PV entry cannot be allocated without reclaiming another * PV entry. */ static bool pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t newpde; pt_entry_t PG_V; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); newpde = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 1) | PG_PS | PG_V; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpde |= PG_MANAGED; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) newpde |= pg_nx; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) newpde |= PG_U; return (pmap_enter_pde(pmap, va, newpde, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE | PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, NULL, lockp) == KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Tries to create the specified 2MB page mapping. Returns KERN_SUCCESS if * the mapping was created, and either KERN_FAILURE or KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE * otherwise. Returns KERN_FAILURE if PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE was specified and * a mapping already exists at the specified virtual address. Returns * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP was specified and a page table * page allocation failed. Returns KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if * PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM was specified and a PV entry allocation failed. * * The parameter "m" is only used when creating a managed, writeable mapping. */ static int pmap_enter_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t PG_G, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_page_t mt, pdpg; KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap || (newpde & PG_W) == 0, ("pmap_enter_pde: cannot create wired user mapping")); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); KASSERT((newpde & (pmap_modified_bit(pmap) | PG_RW)) != PG_RW, ("pmap_enter_pde: newpde is missing PG_M")); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((pdpg = pmap_allocpde(pmap, va, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } /* * If pkru is not same for the whole pde range, return failure * and let vm_fault() cope. Check after pde allocation, since * it could sleep. */ if (!pmap_pkru_same(pmap, va, va + NBPDR)) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdpg, &free)) { pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } return (KERN_FAILURE); } if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS && pmap->pm_type == PT_X86) { newpde &= ~X86_PG_PKU_MASK; newpde |= pmap_pkru_get(pmap, va); } pde = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pdpg)); pde = &pde[pmap_pde_index(va)]; oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_V) != 0) { KASSERT(pdpg->wire_count > 1, ("pmap_enter_pde: pdpg's wire count is too low")); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE) != 0) { pdpg->wire_count--; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* Break the existing mapping(s). */ SLIST_INIT(&free); if ((oldpde & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * The reference to the PD page that was acquired by * pmap_allocpde() ensures that it won't be freed. * However, if the PDE resulted from a promotion, then * a reserved PT page could be freed. */ (void)pmap_remove_pde(pmap, pde, va, &free, lockp); if ((oldpde & PG_G) == 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap, va, oldpde); } else { pmap_delayed_invl_start(); if (pmap_remove_ptes(pmap, va, va + NBPDR, pde, &free, lockp)) pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); pmap_delayed_invl_finish(); } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * Both pmap_remove_pde() and pmap_remove_ptes() will * leave the kernel page table page zero filled. */ mt = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mt, false)) panic("pmap_enter_pde: trie insert failed"); } else KASSERT(*pde == 0, ("pmap_enter_pde: non-zero pde %p", pde)); } if ((newpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { /* * Abort this mapping if its PV entry could not be created. */ if (!pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap, va, newpde, flags, lockp)) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdpg, &free)) { /* * Although "va" is not mapped, paging- * structure caches could nonetheless have * entries that refer to the freed page table * pages. Invalidate those entries. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } if ((newpde & PG_RW) != 0) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_aflag_set(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } /* * Increment counters. */ if ((newpde & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count += NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE); /* * Map the superpage. (This is not a promoted mapping; there will not * be any lingering 4KB page mappings in the TLB.) */ pde_store(pde, newpde); atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_mappings, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: success for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpte = NULL; m = m_start; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { va = start + ptoa(diff); if ((va & PDRMASK) == 0 && va + NBPDR <= end && m->psind == 1 && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap, va, m, prot, &lock)) m = &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE - 1]; else mpte = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, mpte, &lock); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; pt_entry_t newpte, *pte, PG_V; KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: managed mapping within the clean submap")); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { vm_pindex_t ptepindex; pd_entry_t *ptepa; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_pde_pindex(va); if (mpte && (mpte->pindex == ptepindex)) { mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Get the page directory entry */ ptepa = pmap_pde(pmap, va); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment * the hold count, and activate it. Otherwise, we * attempt to allocate a page table page. If this * attempt fails, we don't retry. Instead, we give up. */ if (ptepa && (*ptepa & PG_V) != 0) { if (*ptepa & PG_PS) return (NULL); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*ptepa & PG_FRAME); mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Pass NULL instead of the PV list lock * pointer, because we don't intend to sleep. */ mpte = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, NULL); if (mpte == NULL) return (mpte); } } pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte)); pte = &pte[pmap_pte_index(va)]; } else { mpte = NULL; pte = vtopte(va); } if (*pte) { if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, va, m, lockp)) { if (mpte != NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte, &free)) { /* * Although "va" is not mapped, paging- * structure caches could nonetheless have * entries that refer to the freed page table * pages. Invalidate those entries. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); newpte = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_V | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpte |= PG_MANAGED; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) newpte |= pg_nx; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) newpte |= PG_U | pmap_pkru_get(pmap, va); pte_store(pte, newpte); return (mpte); } /* * Make a temporary mapping for a physical address. This is only intended * to be used for panic dumps. */ void * pmap_kenter_temporary(vm_paddr_t pa, int i) { vm_offset_t va; va = (vm_offset_t)crashdumpmap + (i * PAGE_SIZE); pmap_kenter(va, pa); invlpg(va); return ((void *)crashdumpmap); } /* * This code maps large physical mmap regions into the * processor address space. Note that some shortcuts * are taken, but the code works. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_paddr_t pa, ptepa; vm_page_t p, pdpg; int pat_mode; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); if ((addr & (NBPDR - 1)) == 0 && (size & (NBPDR - 1)) == 0) { if (!pmap_ps_enabled(pmap)) return; if (!vm_object_populate(object, pindex, pindex + atop(size))) return; p = vm_page_lookup(object, pindex); KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_object_init_pt: invalid page %p", p)); pat_mode = p->md.pat_mode; /* * Abort the mapping if the first page is not physically * aligned to a 2MB page boundary. */ ptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p); if (ptepa & (NBPDR - 1)) return; /* * Skip the first page. Abort the mapping if the rest of * the pages are not physically contiguous or have differing * memory attributes. */ p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); for (pa = ptepa + PAGE_SIZE; pa < ptepa + size; pa += PAGE_SIZE) { KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_object_init_pt: invalid page %p", p)); if (pa != VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p) || pat_mode != p->md.pat_mode) return; p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); } /* * Map using 2MB pages. Since "ptepa" is 2M aligned and * "size" is a multiple of 2M, adding the PAT setting to "pa" * will not affect the termination of this loop. */ PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (pa = ptepa | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, pat_mode, 1); pa < ptepa + size; pa += NBPDR) { pdpg = pmap_allocpde(pmap, addr, NULL); if (pdpg == NULL) { /* * The creation of mappings below is only an * optimization. If a page directory page * cannot be allocated without blocking, * continue on to the next mapping rather than * blocking. */ addr += NBPDR; continue; } pde = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pdpg)); pde = &pde[pmap_pde_index(addr)]; if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0) { pde_store(pde, pa | PG_PS | PG_M | PG_A | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V); pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE); atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_mappings, 1); } else { /* Continue on if the PDE is already valid. */ pdpg->wire_count--; KASSERT(pdpg->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_object_init_pt: missing reference " "to page directory page, va: 0x%lx", addr)); } addr += NBPDR; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware * feature, so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. * Since pmap_demote_pde() for the wired entry must never fail, * pmap_delayed_invl_start()/finish() calls around the * function are not needed. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t va_next; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, sva); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, sva); if ((*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { if ((*pde & PG_W) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: pde %#jx is missing PG_W", (uintmax_t)*pde); /* * Are we unwiring the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == va_next && eva >= va_next) { atomic_clear_long(pde, PG_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, sva)) panic("pmap_unwire: demotion failed"); } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((*pte & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((*pte & PG_W) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: pte %#jx is missing PG_W", (uintmax_t)*pte); /* * PG_W must be cleared atomically. Although the pmap * lock synchronizes access to PG_W, another processor * could be setting PG_M and/or PG_A concurrently. */ atomic_clear_long(pte, PG_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { struct rwlock *lock; struct spglist free; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde, srcptepaddr; pt_entry_t *dst_pte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_V, ptetemp, *src_pte; vm_offset_t addr, end_addr, va_next; vm_page_t dst_pdpg, dstmpte, srcmpte; if (dst_addr != src_addr) return; if (dst_pmap->pm_type != src_pmap->pm_type) return; /* * EPT page table entries that require emulation of A/D bits are * sensitive to clearing the PG_A bit (aka EPT_PG_READ). Although * we clear PG_M (aka EPT_PG_WRITE) concomitantly, the PG_U bit * (aka EPT_PG_EXECUTE) could still be set. Since some EPT * implementations flag an EPT misconfiguration for exec-only * mappings we skip this function entirely for emulated pmaps. */ if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(dst_pmap)) return; end_addr = src_addr + len; lock = NULL; if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(dst_pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(dst_pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(dst_pmap); for (addr = src_addr; addr < end_addr; addr = va_next) { KASSERT(addr < UPT_MIN_ADDRESS, ("pmap_copy: invalid to pmap_copy page tables")); pml4e = pmap_pml4e(src_pmap, addr); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (addr + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, addr); if ((*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (addr + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; continue; } va_next = (addr + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, addr); srcptepaddr = *pde; if (srcptepaddr == 0) continue; if (srcptepaddr & PG_PS) { if ((addr & PDRMASK) != 0 || addr + NBPDR > end_addr) continue; dst_pdpg = pmap_allocpde(dst_pmap, addr, NULL); if (dst_pdpg == NULL) break; pde = (pd_entry_t *) PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst_pdpg)); pde = &pde[pmap_pde_index(addr)]; if (*pde == 0 && ((srcptepaddr & PG_MANAGED) == 0 || pmap_pv_insert_pde(dst_pmap, addr, srcptepaddr, PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, &lock))) { *pde = srcptepaddr & ~PG_W; pmap_resident_count_inc(dst_pmap, NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE); atomic_add_long(&pmap_pde_mappings, 1); } else dst_pdpg->wire_count--; continue; } srcptepaddr &= PG_FRAME; srcmpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(srcptepaddr); KASSERT(srcmpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_copy: source page table page is unused")); if (va_next > end_addr) va_next = end_addr; src_pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(srcptepaddr); src_pte = &src_pte[pmap_pte_index(addr)]; dstmpte = NULL; for (; addr < va_next; addr += PAGE_SIZE, src_pte++) { ptetemp = *src_pte; /* * We only virtual copy managed pages. */ if ((ptetemp & PG_MANAGED) == 0) continue; if (dstmpte != NULL) { KASSERT(dstmpte->pindex == pmap_pde_pindex(addr), ("dstmpte pindex/addr mismatch")); dstmpte->wire_count++; } else if ((dstmpte = pmap_allocpte(dst_pmap, addr, NULL)) == NULL) goto out; dst_pte = (pt_entry_t *) PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dstmpte)); dst_pte = &dst_pte[pmap_pte_index(addr)]; if (*dst_pte == 0 && pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(dst_pmap, addr, PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptetemp & PG_FRAME), &lock)) { /* * Clear the wired, modified, and accessed * (referenced) bits during the copy. */ *dst_pte = ptetemp & ~(PG_W | PG_M | PG_A); pmap_resident_count_inc(dst_pmap, 1); } else { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(dst_pmap, addr, dstmpte, &free)) { /* * Although "addr" is not mapped, * paging-structure caches could * nonetheless have entries that refer * to the freed page table pages. * Invalidate those entries. */ pmap_invalidate_page(dst_pmap, addr); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } goto out; } /* Have we copied all of the valid mappings? */ if (dstmpte->wire_count >= srcmpte->wire_count) break; } } out: if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); } int pmap_vmspace_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap) { int error; if (dst_pmap->pm_type != src_pmap->pm_type || dst_pmap->pm_type != PT_X86 || (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) == 0) return (0); for (;;) { if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } error = pmap_pkru_copy(dst_pmap, src_pmap); /* Clean up partial copy on failure due to no memory. */ if (error == ENOMEM) pmap_pkru_deassign_all(dst_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); if (error != ENOMEM) break; vm_wait(NULL); } return (error); } /* * Zero the specified hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pagezero((void *)va); } /* * Zero an an area within a single hardware page. off and size must not * cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (off == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) pagezero((void *)va); else bzero((char *)va + off, size); } /* * Copy 1 specified hardware page to another. */ void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t src = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc)); vm_offset_t dst = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst)); pagecopy((void *)src, (void *)dst); } int unmapped_buf_allowed = 1; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_page_t pages[2]; vm_offset_t vaddr[2], a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; boolean_t mapped; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; pages[0] = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; pages[1] = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); mapped = pmap_map_io_transient(pages, vaddr, 2, FALSE); a_cp = (char *)vaddr[0] + a_pg_offset; b_cp = (char *)vaddr[1] + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); if (__predict_false(mapped)) pmap_unmap_io_transient(pages, vaddr, 2, FALSE); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } if (!rv && loops < 16 && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } } rw_runlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { struct rwlock *lock; struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; int count, md_gen, pvh_gen; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (0); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & PG_W) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & PG_W) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } rw_runlock(lock); return (count); } /* * Returns TRUE if the given page is mapped individually or as part of * a 2mpage. Otherwise, returns FALSE. */ boolean_t pmap_page_is_mapped(vm_page_t m) { struct rwlock *lock; boolean_t rv; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (FALSE); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); rv = !TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))->pv_list)); rw_runlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * Destroy all managed, non-wired mappings in the given user-space * pmap. This pmap cannot be active on any processor besides the * caller. * * This function cannot be applied to the kernel pmap. Moreover, it * is not intended for general use. It is only to be used during * process termination. Consequently, it can be implemented in ways * that make it faster than pmap_remove(). First, it can more quickly * destroy mappings by iterating over the pmap's collection of PV * entries, rather than searching the page table. Second, it doesn't * have to test and clear the page table entries atomically, because * no processor is currently accessing the user address space. In * particular, a page table entry's dirty bit won't change state once * this function starts. * * Although this function destroys all of the pmap's managed, * non-wired mappings, it can delay and batch the invalidation of TLB * entries without calling pmap_delayed_invl_start() and * pmap_delayed_invl_finish(). Because the pmap is not active on * any other processor, none of these TLB entries will ever be used * before their eventual invalidation. Consequently, there is no need * for either pmap_remove_all() or pmap_remove_write() to wait for * that eventual TLB invalidation. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { pd_entry_t ptepde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pt_entry_t PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; struct spglist free; vm_page_t m, mpte, mt; pv_entry_t pv; struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; struct rwlock *lock; int64_t bit; uint64_t inuse, bitmask; int allfree, field, freed, idx; boolean_t superpage; vm_paddr_t pa; /* * Assert that the given pmap is only active on the current * CPU. Unfortunately, we cannot block another CPU from * activating the pmap while this function is executing. */ KASSERT(pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap), ("non-current pmap %p", pmap)); #ifdef INVARIANTS { cpuset_t other_cpus; other_cpus = all_cpus; critical_enter(); CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &other_cpus); CPU_AND(&other_cpus, &pmap->pm_active); critical_exit(); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&other_cpus), ("pmap active %p", pmap)); } #endif lock = NULL; PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); SLIST_INIT(&free); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { allfree = 1; freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = bsfq(inuse); bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * 64 + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; pte = pmap_pdpe(pmap, pv->pv_va); ptepde = *pte; pte = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pte, pv->pv_va); tpte = *pte; if ((tpte & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == PG_V) { superpage = FALSE; ptepde = tpte; pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(tpte & PG_FRAME); pte = &pte[pmap_pte_index(pv->pv_va)]; tpte = *pte; } else { /* * Keep track whether 'tpte' is a * superpage explicitly instead of * relying on PG_PS being set. * * This is because PG_PS is numerically * identical to PG_PTE_PAT and thus a * regular page could be mistaken for * a superpage. */ superpage = TRUE; } if ((tpte & PG_V) == 0) { panic("bad pte va %lx pte %lx", pv->pv_va, tpte); } /* * We cannot remove wired pages from a process' mapping at this time */ if (tpte & PG_W) { allfree = 0; continue; } if (superpage) pa = tpte & PG_PS_FRAME; else pa = tpte & PG_FRAME; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m->phys_addr == pa, ("vm_page_t %p phys_addr mismatch %016jx %016jx", m, (uintmax_t)m->phys_addr, (uintmax_t)tpte)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_remove_pages: bad tpte %#jx", (uintmax_t)tpte)); pte_clear(pte); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean/reference bits. */ if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if (superpage) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } else vm_page_dirty(m); } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(&lock, m); /* Mark free */ pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; if (superpage) { pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE); pvh = pa_to_pvh(tpte & PG_PS_FRAME); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) if ((mt->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&mt->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (mpte != NULL) { KASSERT(mpte->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); KASSERT(mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page wire count error")); mpte->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(mpte, &free, FALSE); } } else { pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, ptepde, &free); freed++; } } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, freed)); if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); pmap_pkru_deassign_all(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } static boolean_t pmap_page_test_mappings(vm_page_t m, boolean_t accessed, boolean_t modified) { struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv; struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t *pte, mask; pt_entry_t PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; pmap_t pmap; int md_gen, pvh_gen; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); mask = 0; if (modified) { PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); mask |= PG_RW | PG_M; } if (accessed) { PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); mask |= PG_V | PG_A; } rv = (*pte & mask) == mask; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); mask = 0; if (modified) { PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); mask |= PG_RW | PG_M; } if (accessed) { PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); mask |= PG_V | PG_A; } rv = (*pte & mask) == mask; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } } out: rw_runlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PG_M set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, FALSE, TRUE)); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is eligible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; boolean_t rv; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (pde != NULL && (*pde & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == PG_V) { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, addr); rv = (*pte & PG_V) == 0; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, TRUE, FALSE)); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t oldpte, *pte, PG_M, PG_RW; vm_offset_t va; int pvh_gen, md_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); retry_pv_loop: rw_wlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if ((*pde & PG_RW) != 0) (void)pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, va, &lock); KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: found a 2mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); retry: oldpte = *pte; if (oldpte & PG_RW) { if (!atomic_cmpset_long(pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~(PG_RW | PG_M))) goto retry; if ((oldpte & PG_M) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pmap_delayed_invl_wait(m); } static __inline boolean_t safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t pte) { if (!pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) return (TRUE); KASSERT(pmap->pm_type == PT_EPT, ("invalid pm_type %d", pmap->pm_type)); /* * XWR = 010 or 110 will cause an unconditional EPT misconfiguration * so we don't let the referenced (aka EPT_PG_READ) bit to be cleared * if the EPT_PG_WRITE bit is set. */ if ((pte & EPT_PG_WRITE) != 0) return (FALSE); /* * XWR = 100 is allowed only if the PMAP_SUPPORTS_EXEC_ONLY is set. */ if ((pte & EPT_PG_EXECUTE) == 0 || ((pmap->pm_flags & PMAP_SUPPORTS_EXEC_ONLY) != 0)) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). * * A DI block is not needed within this function, because * invalidations are performed before the PV list lock is * released. */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv, pvf; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; int cleared, md_gen, not_cleared, pvh_gen; struct spglist free; boolean_t demoted; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); cleared = 0; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(pa); rw_wlock(lock); retry: not_cleared = 0; if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) == NULL) goto small_mappings; pv = pvf; do { if (pvf == NULL) pvf = pv; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { /* * Although "oldpde" is mapping a 2MB page, because * this function is called at a 4KB page granularity, * we only update the 4KB page under test. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((oldpde & PG_A) != 0) { /* * Since this reference bit is shared by 512 4KB * pages, it should not be cleared every time it is * tested. Apply a simple "hash" function on the * physical page number, the virtual superpage number, * and the pmap address to select one 4KB page out of * the 512 on which testing the reference bit will * result in clearing that reference bit. This * function is designed to avoid the selection of the * same 4KB page for every 2MB page mapping. * * On demotion, a mapping that hasn't been referenced * is simply destroyed. To avoid the possibility of a * subsequent page fault on a demoted wired mapping, * always leave its reference bit set. Moreover, * since the superpage is wired, the current state of * its reference bit won't affect page replacement. */ if ((((pa >> PAGE_SHIFT) ^ (pv->pv_va >> PDRSHIFT) ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) & (NPTEPG - 1)) == 0 && (oldpde & PG_W) == 0) { if (safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap, oldpde)) { atomic_clear_long(pde, PG_A); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); demoted = FALSE; } else if (pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, pv->pv_va, &lock)) { /* * Remove the mapping to a single page * so that a subsequent access may * repromote. Since the underlying * page table page is fully populated, * this removal never frees a page * table page. */ demoted = TRUE; va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - (oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, va, *pde, NULL, &lock); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } else demoted = TRUE; if (demoted) { /* * The superpage mapping was removed * entirely and therefore 'pv' is no * longer valid. */ if (pvf == pv) pvf = NULL; pv = NULL; } cleared++; KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); } else not_cleared++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; } if (cleared + not_cleared >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) goto out; } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != pvf); small_mappings: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) == NULL) goto out; pv = pvf; do { if (pvf == NULL) pvf = pv; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: found a 2mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((*pte & PG_A) != 0) { if (safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap, *pte)) { atomic_clear_long(pte, PG_A); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); cleared++; } else if ((*pte & PG_W) == 0) { /* * Wired pages cannot be paged out so * doing accessed bit emulation for * them is wasted effort. We do the * hard work for unwired pages only. */ pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, pv->pv_va, *pde, &free, &lock); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); cleared++; if (pvf == pv) pvf = NULL; pv = NULL; KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); } else not_cleared++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; } } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != pvf && cleared + not_cleared < PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX); out: rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); return (cleared + not_cleared); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { struct rwlock *lock; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_A, PG_G, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_offset_t va, va_next; vm_page_t m; boolean_t anychanged; if (advice != MADV_DONTNEED && advice != MADV_FREE) return; /* * A/D bit emulation requires an alternate code path when clearing * the modified and accessed bits below. Since this function is * advisory in nature we skip it entirely for pmaps that require * A/D bit emulation. */ if (pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) return; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_G = pmap_global_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); anychanged = FALSE; pmap_delayed_invl_start(); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, sva); if ((*pml4e & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, sva); if ((*pdpe & PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_V) == 0) continue; else if ((oldpde & PG_PS) != 0) { if ((oldpde & PG_MANAGED) == 0) continue; lock = NULL; if (!pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, sva, &lock)) { if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } /* * Unless the page mappings are wired, remove the * mapping to a single page so that a subsequent * access may repromote. Since the underlying page * table page is fully populated, this removal never * frees a page table page. */ if ((oldpde & PG_W) == 0) { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); KASSERT((*pte & PG_V) != 0, ("pmap_advise: invalid PTE")); pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, sva, *pde, NULL, &lock); anychanged = TRUE; } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((*pte & (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) != (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) goto maybe_invlrng; else if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if (advice == MADV_DONTNEED) { /* * Future calls to pmap_is_modified() * can be avoided by making the page * dirty now. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pte & PG_FRAME); vm_page_dirty(m); } atomic_clear_long(pte, PG_M | PG_A); } else if ((*pte & PG_A) != 0) atomic_clear_long(pte, PG_A); else goto maybe_invlrng; if ((*pte & PG_G) != 0) { if (va == va_next) va = sva; } else anychanged = TRUE; continue; maybe_invlrng: if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); pmap_delayed_invl_finish(); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t oldpte, *pte, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va; int md_gen, pvh_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PG_M set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_wlock(lock); restart: TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_RW) != 0) { if (pmap_demote_pde_locked(pmap, pde, va, &lock)) { if ((oldpde & PG_W) == 0) { /* * Write protect the mapping to a * single page so that a subsequent * write access may repromote. */ va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - (oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); oldpte = *pte; if ((oldpte & PG_V) != 0) { while (!atomic_cmpset_long(pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~(PG_M | PG_RW))) oldpte = *pte; vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: found" " a 2mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { atomic_clear_long(pte, PG_M); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(lock); } /* * Miscellaneous support routines follow */ /* Adjust the cache mode for a 4KB page mapped via a PTE. */ static __inline void pmap_pte_attr(pt_entry_t *pte, int cache_bits, int mask) { u_int opte, npte; /* * The cache mode bits are all in the low 32-bits of the * PTE, so we can just spin on updating the low 32-bits. */ do { opte = *(u_int *)pte; npte = opte & ~mask; npte |= cache_bits; } while (npte != opte && !atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, opte, npte)); } /* Adjust the cache mode for a 2MB page mapped via a PDE. */ static __inline void pmap_pde_attr(pd_entry_t *pde, int cache_bits, int mask) { u_int opde, npde; /* * The cache mode bits are all in the low 32-bits of the * PDE, so we can just spin on updating the low 32-bits. */ do { opde = *(u_int *)pde; npde = opde & ~mask; npde |= cache_bits; } while (npde != opde && !atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pde, opde, npde)); } /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual * address space. Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This * routine is intended to be used for mapping device memory, * NOT real memory. */ static void * pmap_mapdev_internal(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, int mode, bool noflush) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t va, offset; vm_size_t tmpsize; int i; offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); pa = trunc_page(pa); if (!pmap_initialized) { va = 0; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == 0) { ppim->pa = pa; ppim->sz = size; ppim->mode = mode; ppim->va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += size; va = ppim->va; break; } } if (va == 0) panic("%s: too many preinit mappings", __func__); } else { /* * If we have a preinit mapping, re-use it. */ for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->pa == pa && ppim->sz == size && ppim->mode == mode) return ((void *)(ppim->va + offset)); } /* * If the specified range of physical addresses fits within * the direct map window, use the direct map. */ if (pa < dmaplimit && pa + size <= dmaplimit) { va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); i = pmap_change_attr_locked(va, size, mode, noflush); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); if (!i) return ((void *)(va + offset)); } va = kva_alloc(size); if (va == 0) panic("%s: Couldn't allocate KVA", __func__); } for (tmpsize = 0; tmpsize < size; tmpsize += PAGE_SIZE) pmap_kenter_attr(va + tmpsize, pa + tmpsize, mode); pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, va, va + tmpsize); if (!noflush) pmap_invalidate_cache_range(va, va + tmpsize); return ((void *)(va + offset)); } void * pmap_mapdev_attr(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, int mode) { return (pmap_mapdev_internal(pa, size, mode, false)); } void * pmap_mapdev(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return (pmap_mapdev_internal(pa, size, PAT_UNCACHEABLE, false)); } void * pmap_mapdev_pciecfg(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return (pmap_mapdev_internal(pa, size, PAT_UNCACHEABLE, true)); } void * pmap_mapbios(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return (pmap_mapdev_internal(pa, size, PAT_WRITE_BACK, false)); } void pmap_unmapdev(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t offset; int i; /* If we gave a direct map region in pmap_mapdev, do nothing */ if (va >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS) return; offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); va = trunc_page(va); for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == va && ppim->sz == size) { if (pmap_initialized) return; ppim->pa = 0; ppim->va = 0; ppim->sz = 0; ppim->mode = 0; if (va + size == virtual_avail) virtual_avail = va; return; } } if (pmap_initialized) kva_free(va, size); } /* * Tries to demote a 1GB page mapping. */ static boolean_t pmap_demote_pdpe(pmap_t pmap, pdp_entry_t *pdpe, vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t newpdpe, oldpdpe; pd_entry_t *firstpde, newpde, *pde; pt_entry_t PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_paddr_t pdpgpa; vm_page_t pdpg; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldpdpe = *pdpe; KASSERT((oldpdpe & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == (PG_PS | PG_V), ("pmap_demote_pdpe: oldpdpe is missing PG_PS and/or PG_V")); if ((pdpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, va >> PDPSHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pdpe: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (FALSE); } pdpgpa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pdpg); firstpde = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pdpgpa); newpdpe = pdpgpa | PG_M | PG_A | (oldpdpe & PG_U) | PG_RW | PG_V; KASSERT((oldpdpe & PG_A) != 0, ("pmap_demote_pdpe: oldpdpe is missing PG_A")); KASSERT((oldpdpe & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_RW, ("pmap_demote_pdpe: oldpdpe is missing PG_M")); newpde = oldpdpe; /* * Initialize the page directory page. */ for (pde = firstpde; pde < firstpde + NPDEPG; pde++) { *pde = newpde; newpde += NBPDR; } /* * Demote the mapping. */ *pdpe = newpdpe; /* * Invalidate a stale recursive mapping of the page directory page. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, (vm_offset_t)vtopde(va)); pmap_pdpe_demotions++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pdpe: success for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (TRUE); } /* * Sets the memory attribute for the specified page. */ void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { m->md.pat_mode = ma; /* * If "m" is a normal page, update its direct mapping. This update * can be relied upon to perform any cache operations that are * required for data coherence. */ if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_change_attr(PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)), PAGE_SIZE, m->md.pat_mode)) panic("memory attribute change on the direct map failed"); } /* * Changes the specified virtual address range's memory type to that given by * the parameter "mode". The specified virtual address range must be * completely contained within either the direct map or the kernel map. If * the virtual address range is contained within the kernel map, then the * memory type for each of the corresponding ranges of the direct map is also * changed. (The corresponding ranges of the direct map are those ranges that * map the same physical pages as the specified virtual address range.) These * changes to the direct map are necessary because Intel describes the * behavior of their processors as "undefined" if two or more mappings to the * same physical page have different memory types. * * Returns zero if the change completed successfully, and either EINVAL or * ENOMEM if the change failed. Specifically, EINVAL is returned if some part * of the virtual address range was not mapped, and ENOMEM is returned if * there was insufficient memory available to complete the change. In the * latter case, the memory type may have been changed on some part of the * virtual address range or the direct map. */ int pmap_change_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode) { int error; PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); error = pmap_change_attr_locked(va, size, mode, false); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (error); } static int pmap_change_attr_locked(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode, bool noflush) { vm_offset_t base, offset, tmpva; vm_paddr_t pa_start, pa_end, pa_end1; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; int cache_bits_pte, cache_bits_pde, error; boolean_t changed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(kernel_pmap, MA_OWNED); base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); /* * Only supported on kernel virtual addresses, including the direct * map but excluding the recursive map. */ if (base < DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); cache_bits_pde = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 1); cache_bits_pte = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 0); changed = FALSE; /* * Pages that aren't mapped aren't supported. Also break down 2MB pages * into 4KB pages if required. */ for (tmpva = base; tmpva < base + size; ) { pdpe = pmap_pdpe(kernel_pmap, tmpva); if (pdpe == NULL || *pdpe == 0) return (EINVAL); if (*pdpe & PG_PS) { /* * If the current 1GB page already has the required * memory type, then we need not demote this page. Just * increment tmpva to the next 1GB page frame. */ if ((*pdpe & X86_PG_PDE_CACHE) == cache_bits_pde) { tmpva = trunc_1gpage(tmpva) + NBPDP; continue; } /* * If the current offset aligns with a 1GB page frame * and there is at least 1GB left within the range, then * we need not break down this page into 2MB pages. */ if ((tmpva & PDPMASK) == 0 && tmpva + PDPMASK < base + size) { tmpva += NBPDP; continue; } if (!pmap_demote_pdpe(kernel_pmap, pdpe, tmpva)) return (ENOMEM); } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, tmpva); if (*pde == 0) return (EINVAL); if (*pde & PG_PS) { /* * If the current 2MB page already has the required * memory type, then we need not demote this page. Just * increment tmpva to the next 2MB page frame. */ if ((*pde & X86_PG_PDE_CACHE) == cache_bits_pde) { tmpva = trunc_2mpage(tmpva) + NBPDR; continue; } /* * If the current offset aligns with a 2MB page frame * and there is at least 2MB left within the range, then * we need not break down this page into 4KB pages. */ if ((tmpva & PDRMASK) == 0 && tmpva + PDRMASK < base + size) { tmpva += NBPDR; continue; } if (!pmap_demote_pde(kernel_pmap, pde, tmpva)) return (ENOMEM); } pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, tmpva); if (*pte == 0) return (EINVAL); tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; } error = 0; /* * Ok, all the pages exist, so run through them updating their * cache mode if required. */ pa_start = pa_end = 0; for (tmpva = base; tmpva < base + size; ) { pdpe = pmap_pdpe(kernel_pmap, tmpva); if (*pdpe & PG_PS) { if ((*pdpe & X86_PG_PDE_CACHE) != cache_bits_pde) { pmap_pde_attr(pdpe, cache_bits_pde, X86_PG_PDE_CACHE); changed = TRUE; } if (tmpva >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && (*pdpe & PG_PS_FRAME) < dmaplimit) { if (pa_start == pa_end) { /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pdpe & PG_PS_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + NBPDP; } else if (pa_end == (*pdpe & PG_PS_FRAME)) pa_end += NBPDP; else { /* Run ended, update direct map. */ error = pmap_change_attr_locked( PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_start), pa_end - pa_start, mode, noflush); if (error != 0) break; /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pdpe & PG_PS_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + NBPDP; } } tmpva = trunc_1gpage(tmpva) + NBPDP; continue; } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, tmpva); if (*pde & PG_PS) { if ((*pde & X86_PG_PDE_CACHE) != cache_bits_pde) { pmap_pde_attr(pde, cache_bits_pde, X86_PG_PDE_CACHE); changed = TRUE; } if (tmpva >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && (*pde & PG_PS_FRAME) < dmaplimit) { if (pa_start == pa_end) { /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pde & PG_PS_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + NBPDR; } else if (pa_end == (*pde & PG_PS_FRAME)) pa_end += NBPDR; else { /* Run ended, update direct map. */ error = pmap_change_attr_locked( PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_start), pa_end - pa_start, mode, noflush); if (error != 0) break; /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pde & PG_PS_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + NBPDR; } } tmpva = trunc_2mpage(tmpva) + NBPDR; } else { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, tmpva); if ((*pte & X86_PG_PTE_CACHE) != cache_bits_pte) { pmap_pte_attr(pte, cache_bits_pte, X86_PG_PTE_CACHE); changed = TRUE; } if (tmpva >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && (*pte & PG_FRAME) < dmaplimit) { if (pa_start == pa_end) { /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pte & PG_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + PAGE_SIZE; } else if (pa_end == (*pte & PG_FRAME)) pa_end += PAGE_SIZE; else { /* Run ended, update direct map. */ error = pmap_change_attr_locked( PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_start), pa_end - pa_start, mode, noflush); if (error != 0) break; /* Start physical address run. */ pa_start = *pte & PG_FRAME; pa_end = pa_start + PAGE_SIZE; } } tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; } } if (error == 0 && pa_start != pa_end && pa_start < dmaplimit) { pa_end1 = MIN(pa_end, dmaplimit); if (pa_start != pa_end1) error = pmap_change_attr_locked(PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_start), pa_end1 - pa_start, mode, noflush); } /* * Flush CPU caches if required to make sure any data isn't cached that * shouldn't be, etc. */ if (changed) { pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, base, tmpva); if (!noflush) pmap_invalidate_cache_range(base, tmpva); } return (error); } /* * Demotes any mapping within the direct map region that covers more than the * specified range of physical addresses. This range's size must be a power * of two and its starting address must be a multiple of its size. Since the * demotion does not change any attributes of the mapping, a TLB invalidation * is not mandatory. The caller may, however, request a TLB invalidation. */ void pmap_demote_DMAP(vm_paddr_t base, vm_size_t len, boolean_t invalidate) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; vm_offset_t va; boolean_t changed; if (len == 0) return; KASSERT(powerof2(len), ("pmap_demote_DMAP: len is not a power of 2")); KASSERT((base & (len - 1)) == 0, ("pmap_demote_DMAP: base is not a multiple of len")); if (len < NBPDP && base < dmaplimit) { va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(base); changed = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pdpe = pmap_pdpe(kernel_pmap, va); if ((*pdpe & X86_PG_V) == 0) panic("pmap_demote_DMAP: invalid PDPE"); if ((*pdpe & PG_PS) != 0) { if (!pmap_demote_pdpe(kernel_pmap, pdpe, va)) panic("pmap_demote_DMAP: PDPE failed"); changed = TRUE; } if (len < NBPDR) { pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va); if ((*pde & X86_PG_V) == 0) panic("pmap_demote_DMAP: invalid PDE"); if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { if (!pmap_demote_pde(kernel_pmap, pde, va)) panic("pmap_demote_DMAP: PDE failed"); changed = TRUE; } } if (changed && invalidate) pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pd_entry_t *pdep; pt_entry_t pte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; vm_paddr_t pa; int val; PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pdep = pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (pdep != NULL && (*pdep & PG_V)) { if (*pdep & PG_PS) { pte = *pdep; /* Compute the physical address of the 4KB page. */ pa = ((*pdep & PG_PS_FRAME) | (addr & PDRMASK)) & PG_FRAME; val = MINCORE_SUPER; } else { pte = *pmap_pde_to_pte(pdep, addr); pa = pte & PG_FRAME; val = 0; } } else { pte = 0; pa = 0; val = 0; } if ((pte & PG_V) != 0) { val |= MINCORE_INCORE; if ((pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if ((pte & PG_A) != 0) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && (pte & (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } static uint64_t pmap_pcid_alloc(pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { uint32_t gen, new_gen, pcid_next; CRITICAL_ASSERT(curthread); gen = PCPU_GET(pcid_gen); if (pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid == PMAP_PCID_KERN) return (pti ? 0 : CR3_PCID_SAVE); if (pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_gen == gen) return (CR3_PCID_SAVE); pcid_next = PCPU_GET(pcid_next); KASSERT((!pti && pcid_next <= PMAP_PCID_OVERMAX) || (pti && pcid_next <= PMAP_PCID_OVERMAX_KERN), ("cpu %d pcid_next %#x", cpuid, pcid_next)); if ((!pti && pcid_next == PMAP_PCID_OVERMAX) || (pti && pcid_next == PMAP_PCID_OVERMAX_KERN)) { new_gen = gen + 1; if (new_gen == 0) new_gen = 1; PCPU_SET(pcid_gen, new_gen); pcid_next = PMAP_PCID_KERN + 1; } else { new_gen = gen; } pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid = pcid_next; pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_gen = new_gen; PCPU_SET(pcid_next, pcid_next + 1); return (0); } static uint64_t pmap_pcid_alloc_checked(pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { uint64_t cached; cached = pmap_pcid_alloc(pmap, cpuid); KASSERT(pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid < PMAP_PCID_OVERMAX, ("pmap %p cpu %d pcid %#x", pmap, cpuid, pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid)); KASSERT(pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid != PMAP_PCID_KERN || pmap == kernel_pmap, ("non-kernel pmap pmap %p cpu %d pcid %#x", pmap, cpuid, pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid)); return (cached); } static void pmap_activate_sw_pti_post(struct thread *td, pmap_t pmap) { PCPU_GET(tssp)->tss_rsp0 = pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3 ? PCPU_GET(pti_rsp0) : (uintptr_t)td->td_pcb; } static void inline pmap_activate_sw_pcid_pti(pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid, const bool invpcid_works1) { struct invpcid_descr d; uint64_t cached, cr3, kcr3, ucr3; cached = pmap_pcid_alloc_checked(pmap, cpuid); cr3 = rcr3(); if ((cr3 & ~CR3_PCID_MASK) != pmap->pm_cr3) load_cr3(pmap->pm_cr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid; ucr3 = pmap->pm_ucr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid | PMAP_PCID_USER_PT; if (!cached && pmap->pm_ucr3 != PMAP_NO_CR3) { /* * Explicitly invalidate translations cached from the * user page table. They are not automatically * flushed by reload of cr3 with the kernel page table * pointer above. * * Note that the if() condition is resolved statically * by using the function argument instead of * runtime-evaluated invpcid_works value. */ if (invpcid_works1) { d.pcid = PMAP_PCID_USER_PT | pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid; d.pad = 0; d.addr = 0; invpcid(&d, INVPCID_CTX); } else { pmap_pti_pcid_invalidate(ucr3, kcr3); } } PCPU_SET(kcr3, kcr3 | CR3_PCID_SAVE); PCPU_SET(ucr3, ucr3 | CR3_PCID_SAVE); if (cached) PCPU_INC(pm_save_cnt); } static void pmap_activate_sw_pcid_invpcid_pti(struct thread *td, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { pmap_activate_sw_pcid_pti(pmap, cpuid, true); pmap_activate_sw_pti_post(td, pmap); } static void pmap_activate_sw_pcid_noinvpcid_pti(struct thread *td, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { register_t rflags; /* * If the INVPCID instruction is not available, * invltlb_pcid_handler() is used to handle an invalidate_all * IPI, which checks for curpmap == smp_tlb_pmap. The below * sequence of operations has a window where %CR3 is loaded * with the new pmap's PML4 address, but the curpmap value has * not yet been updated. This causes the invltlb IPI handler, * which is called between the updates, to execute as a NOP, * which leaves stale TLB entries. * * Note that the most typical use of pmap_activate_sw(), from * the context switch, is immune to this race, because * interrupts are disabled (while the thread lock is owned), * and the IPI happens after curpmap is updated. Protect * other callers in a similar way, by disabling interrupts * around the %cr3 register reload and curpmap assignment. */ rflags = intr_disable(); pmap_activate_sw_pcid_pti(pmap, cpuid, false); intr_restore(rflags); pmap_activate_sw_pti_post(td, pmap); } static void pmap_activate_sw_pcid_nopti(struct thread *td __unused, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { uint64_t cached, cr3; cached = pmap_pcid_alloc_checked(pmap, cpuid); cr3 = rcr3(); if (!cached || (cr3 & ~CR3_PCID_MASK) != pmap->pm_cr3) load_cr3(pmap->pm_cr3 | pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid | cached); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); if (cached) PCPU_INC(pm_save_cnt); } static void pmap_activate_sw_pcid_noinvpcid_nopti(struct thread *td __unused, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid) { register_t rflags; rflags = intr_disable(); pmap_activate_sw_pcid_nopti(td, pmap, cpuid); intr_restore(rflags); } static void pmap_activate_sw_nopcid_nopti(struct thread *td __unused, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid __unused) { load_cr3(pmap->pm_cr3); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); } static void pmap_activate_sw_nopcid_pti(struct thread *td, pmap_t pmap, u_int cpuid __unused) { pmap_activate_sw_nopcid_nopti(td, pmap, cpuid); PCPU_SET(kcr3, pmap->pm_cr3); PCPU_SET(ucr3, pmap->pm_ucr3); pmap_activate_sw_pti_post(td, pmap); } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_activate_sw_mode, (struct thread *, pmap_t, u_int)) { if (pmap_pcid_enabled && pti && invpcid_works) return (pmap_activate_sw_pcid_invpcid_pti); else if (pmap_pcid_enabled && pti && !invpcid_works) return (pmap_activate_sw_pcid_noinvpcid_pti); else if (pmap_pcid_enabled && !pti && invpcid_works) return (pmap_activate_sw_pcid_nopti); else if (pmap_pcid_enabled && !pti && !invpcid_works) return (pmap_activate_sw_pcid_noinvpcid_nopti); else if (!pmap_pcid_enabled && pti) return (pmap_activate_sw_nopcid_pti); else /* if (!pmap_pcid_enabled && !pti) */ return (pmap_activate_sw_nopcid_nopti); } void pmap_activate_sw(struct thread *td) { pmap_t oldpmap, pmap; u_int cpuid; oldpmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); pmap = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); if (oldpmap == pmap) return; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #ifdef SMP CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_SET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #endif pmap_activate_sw_mode(td, pmap, cpuid); #ifdef SMP CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); #else CPU_CLR(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); #endif } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { critical_enter(); pmap_activate_sw(td); critical_exit(); } void pmap_activate_boot(pmap_t pmap) { uint64_t kcr3; u_int cpuid; /* * kernel_pmap must be never deactivated, and we ensure that * by never activating it at all. */ MPASS(pmap != kernel_pmap); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #ifdef SMP CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_SET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #endif PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); if (pti) { kcr3 = pmap->pm_cr3; if (pmap_pcid_enabled) kcr3 |= pmap->pm_pcids[cpuid].pm_pcid | CR3_PCID_SAVE; } else { kcr3 = PMAP_NO_CR3; } PCPU_SET(kcr3, kcr3); PCPU_SET(ucr3, PMAP_NO_CR3); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t superpage_offset; if (size < NBPDR) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); superpage_offset = offset & PDRMASK; if (size - ((NBPDR - superpage_offset) & PDRMASK) < NBPDR || (*addr & PDRMASK) == superpage_offset) return; if ((*addr & PDRMASK) < superpage_offset) *addr = (*addr & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; else *addr = ((*addr + PDRMASK) & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; } #ifdef INVARIANTS static unsigned long num_dirty_emulations; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, num_dirty_emulations, CTLFLAG_RW, &num_dirty_emulations, 0, NULL); static unsigned long num_accessed_emulations; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, num_accessed_emulations, CTLFLAG_RW, &num_accessed_emulations, 0, NULL); static unsigned long num_superpage_accessed_emulations; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, num_superpage_accessed_emulations, CTLFLAG_RW, &num_superpage_accessed_emulations, 0, NULL); static unsigned long ad_emulation_superpage_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, ad_emulation_superpage_promotions, CTLFLAG_RW, &ad_emulation_superpage_promotions, 0, NULL); #endif /* INVARIANTS */ int pmap_emulate_accessed_dirty(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, int ftype) { int rv; struct rwlock *lock; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 vm_page_t m, mpte; #endif pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_A, PG_M, PG_RW, PG_V; KASSERT(ftype == VM_PROT_READ || ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE, ("pmap_emulate_accessed_dirty: invalid fault type %d", ftype)); if (!pmap_emulate_ad_bits(pmap)) return (-1); PG_A = pmap_accessed_bit(pmap); PG_M = pmap_modified_bit(pmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PG_RW = pmap_rw_bit(pmap); rv = -1; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde == NULL || (*pde & PG_V) == 0) goto done; if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { if (ftype == VM_PROT_READ) { #ifdef INVARIANTS atomic_add_long(&num_superpage_accessed_emulations, 1); #endif *pde |= PG_A; rv = 0; } goto done; } pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); if ((*pte & PG_V) == 0) goto done; if (ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE) { if ((*pte & PG_RW) == 0) goto done; /* * Set the modified and accessed bits simultaneously. * * Intel EPT PTEs that do software emulation of A/D bits map * PG_A and PG_M to EPT_PG_READ and EPT_PG_WRITE respectively. * An EPT misconfiguration is triggered if the PTE is writable * but not readable (WR=10). This is avoided by setting PG_A * and PG_M simultaneously. */ *pte |= PG_M | PG_A; } else { *pte |= PG_A; } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* try to promote the mapping */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); else mpte = NULL; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pte & PG_FRAME); if ((mpte == NULL || mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG) && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) { pmap_promote_pde(pmap, pde, va, &lock); #ifdef INVARIANTS atomic_add_long(&ad_emulation_superpage_promotions, 1); #endif } #endif #ifdef INVARIANTS if (ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE) atomic_add_long(&num_dirty_emulations, 1); else atomic_add_long(&num_accessed_emulations, 1); #endif rv = 0; /* success */ done: if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } void pmap_get_mapping(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, uint64_t *ptr, int *num) { pml4_entry_t *pml4; pdp_entry_t *pdp; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; int idx; idx = 0; PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pml4 = pmap_pml4e(pmap, va); ptr[idx++] = *pml4; if ((*pml4 & PG_V) == 0) goto done; pdp = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4, va); ptr[idx++] = *pdp; if ((*pdp & PG_V) == 0 || (*pdp & PG_PS) != 0) goto done; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdp, va); ptr[idx++] = *pde; if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0 || (*pde & PG_PS) != 0) goto done; pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); ptr[idx++] = *pte; done: PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); *num = idx; } /** * Get the kernel virtual address of a set of physical pages. If there are * physical addresses not covered by the DMAP perform a transient mapping * that will be removed when calling pmap_unmap_io_transient. * * \param page The pages the caller wishes to obtain the virtual * address on the kernel memory map. * \param vaddr On return contains the kernel virtual memory address * of the pages passed in the page parameter. * \param count Number of pages passed in. * \param can_fault TRUE if the thread using the mapped pages can take * page faults, FALSE otherwise. * * \returns TRUE if the caller must call pmap_unmap_io_transient when * finished or FALSE otherwise. * */ boolean_t pmap_map_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; boolean_t needs_mapping; pt_entry_t *pte; int cache_bits, error __unused, i; /* * Allocate any KVA space that we need, this is done in a separate * loop to prevent calling vmem_alloc while pinned. */ needs_mapping = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (__predict_false(paddr >= dmaplimit)) { error = vmem_alloc(kernel_arena, PAGE_SIZE, M_BESTFIT | M_WAITOK, &vaddr[i]); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmem_alloc failed: %d", error)); needs_mapping = TRUE; } else { vaddr[i] = PHYS_TO_DMAP(paddr); } } /* Exit early if everything is covered by the DMAP */ if (!needs_mapping) return (FALSE); /* * NB: The sequence of updating a page table followed by accesses * to the corresponding pages used in the !DMAP case is subject to * the situation described in the "AMD64 Architecture Programmer's * Manual Volume 2: System Programming" rev. 3.23, "7.3.1 Special * Coherency Considerations". Therefore, issuing the INVLPG right * after modifying the PTE bits is crucial. */ if (!can_fault) sched_pin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (paddr >= dmaplimit) { if (can_fault) { /* * Slow path, since we can get page faults * while mappings are active don't pin the * thread to the CPU and instead add a global * mapping visible to all CPUs. */ pmap_qenter(vaddr[i], &page[i], 1); } else { pte = vtopte(vaddr[i]); cache_bits = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, page[i]->md.pat_mode, 0); pte_store(pte, paddr | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | cache_bits); invlpg(vaddr[i]); } } } return (needs_mapping); } void pmap_unmap_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; int i; if (!can_fault) sched_unpin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (paddr >= dmaplimit) { if (can_fault) pmap_qremove(vaddr[i], 1); vmem_free(kernel_arena, vaddr[i], PAGE_SIZE); } } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_paddr_t paddr; paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (paddr < dmaplimit) return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(paddr)); mtx_lock_spin(&qframe_mtx); KASSERT(*vtopte(qframe) == 0, ("qframe busy")); pte_store(vtopte(qframe), paddr | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0)); return (qframe); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { if (addr != qframe) return; pte_store(vtopte(qframe), 0); invlpg(qframe); mtx_unlock_spin(&qframe_mtx); } /* * Pdp pages from the large map are managed differently from either * kernel or user page table pages. They are permanently allocated at * initialization time, and their wire count is permanently set to * zero. The pml4 entries pointing to those pages are copied into * each allocated pmap. * * In contrast, pd and pt pages are managed like user page table * pages. They are dynamically allocated, and their wire count * represents the number of valid entries within the page. */ static vm_page_t pmap_large_map_getptp_unlocked(void) { vm_page_t m; m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (m != NULL && (m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_large_map_getptp(void) { vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(kernel_pmap, MA_OWNED); m = pmap_large_map_getptp_unlocked(); if (m == NULL) { PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); vm_wait(NULL); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); /* Callers retry. */ } return (m); } static pdp_entry_t * pmap_large_map_pdpe(vm_offset_t va) { vm_pindex_t pml4_idx; vm_paddr_t mphys; pml4_idx = pmap_pml4e_index(va); KASSERT(LMSPML4I <= pml4_idx && pml4_idx < LMSPML4I + lm_ents, ("pmap_large_map_pdpe: va %#jx out of range idx %#jx LMSPML4I " "%#jx lm_ents %d", (uintmax_t)va, (uintmax_t)pml4_idx, LMSPML4I, lm_ents)); KASSERT((kernel_pmap->pm_pml4[pml4_idx] & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("pmap_large_map_pdpe: invalid pml4 for va %#jx idx %#jx " "LMSPML4I %#jx lm_ents %d", (uintmax_t)va, (uintmax_t)pml4_idx, LMSPML4I, lm_ents)); mphys = kernel_pmap->pm_pml4[pml4_idx] & PG_FRAME; return ((pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys) + pmap_pdpe_index(va)); } static pd_entry_t * pmap_large_map_pde(vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t mphys; retry: pdpe = pmap_large_map_pdpe(va); if (*pdpe == 0) { m = pmap_large_map_getptp(); if (m == NULL) goto retry; mphys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); *pdpe = mphys | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | pg_nx; } else { MPASS((*pdpe & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pdpe & PG_FRAME; } return ((pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys) + pmap_pde_index(va)); } static pt_entry_t * pmap_large_map_pte(vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t mphys; retry: pde = pmap_large_map_pde(va); if (*pde == 0) { m = pmap_large_map_getptp(); if (m == NULL) goto retry; mphys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); *pde = mphys | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | pg_nx; PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pde))->wire_count++; } else { MPASS((*pde & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pde & PG_FRAME; } return ((pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys) + pmap_pte_index(va)); } static vm_paddr_t pmap_large_map_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe, pdp; pd_entry_t *pde, pd; pt_entry_t *pte, pt; KASSERT(LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS <= va && va < PMAP_LARGEMAP_MAX_ADDRESS(), ("not largemap range %#lx", (u_long)va)); pdpe = pmap_large_map_pdpe(va); pdp = *pdpe; KASSERT((pdp & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pdp va %#lx pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx", va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp)); if ((pdp & X86_PG_PS) != 0) { KASSERT((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0, ("no 1G pages, va %#lx pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx", va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp)); return ((pdp & PG_PS_PDP_FRAME) | (va & PDPMASK)); } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va); pd = *pde; KASSERT((pd & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pd va %#lx pde %#lx pd %#lx", va, (u_long)pde, pd)); if ((pd & X86_PG_PS) != 0) return ((pd & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK)); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); pt = *pte; KASSERT((pt & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pte va %#lx pte %#lx pt %#lx", va, (u_long)pte, pt)); return ((pt & PG_FRAME) | (va & PAGE_MASK)); } static int pmap_large_map_getva(vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t align, vm_offset_t phase, vmem_addr_t *vmem_res) { /* * Large mappings are all but static. Consequently, there * is no point in waiting for an earlier allocation to be * freed. */ return (vmem_xalloc(large_vmem, len, align, phase, 0, VMEM_ADDR_MIN, VMEM_ADDR_MAX, M_NOWAIT | M_BESTFIT, vmem_res)); } int pmap_large_map(vm_paddr_t spa, vm_size_t len, void **addr, vm_memattr_t mattr) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va, inc; vmem_addr_t vmem_res; vm_paddr_t pa; int error; if (len == 0 || spa + len < spa) return (EINVAL); /* See if DMAP can serve. */ if (spa + len <= dmaplimit) { va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(spa); *addr = (void *)va; return (pmap_change_attr(va, len, mattr)); } /* * No, allocate KVA. Fit the address with best possible * alignment for superpages. Fall back to worse align if * failed. */ error = ENOMEM; if ((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0 && rounddown2(spa + len, NBPDP) >= roundup2(spa, NBPDP) + NBPDP) error = pmap_large_map_getva(len, NBPDP, spa & PDPMASK, &vmem_res); if (error != 0 && rounddown2(spa + len, NBPDR) >= roundup2(spa, NBPDR) + NBPDR) error = pmap_large_map_getva(len, NBPDR, spa & PDRMASK, &vmem_res); if (error != 0) error = pmap_large_map_getva(len, PAGE_SIZE, 0, &vmem_res); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Fill pagetable. PG_M is not pre-set, we scan modified bits * in the pagetable to minimize flushing. No need to * invalidate TLB, since we only update invalid entries. */ PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (pa = spa, va = vmem_res; len > 0; pa += inc, va += inc, len -= inc) { if ((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0 && len >= NBPDP && (pa & PDPMASK) == 0 && (va & PDPMASK) == 0) { pdpe = pmap_large_map_pdpe(va); MPASS(*pdpe == 0); *pdpe = pa | pg_g | X86_PG_PS | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_A | pg_nx | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mattr, TRUE); inc = NBPDP; } else if (len >= NBPDR && (pa & PDRMASK) == 0 && (va & PDRMASK) == 0) { pde = pmap_large_map_pde(va); MPASS(*pde == 0); *pde = pa | pg_g | X86_PG_PS | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_A | pg_nx | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mattr, TRUE); PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pde))-> wire_count++; inc = NBPDR; } else { pte = pmap_large_map_pte(va); MPASS(*pte == 0); *pte = pa | pg_g | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_A | pg_nx | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mattr, FALSE); PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pte))-> wire_count++; inc = PAGE_SIZE; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); MPASS(len == 0); *addr = (void *)vmem_res; return (0); } void pmap_large_unmap(void *svaa, vm_size_t len) { vm_offset_t sva, va; vm_size_t inc; pdp_entry_t *pdpe, pdp; pd_entry_t *pde, pd; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_page_t m; struct spglist spgf; sva = (vm_offset_t)svaa; if (len == 0 || sva + len < sva || (sva >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && sva + len <= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS + dmaplimit)) return; SLIST_INIT(&spgf); KASSERT(LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS <= sva && sva + len <= PMAP_LARGEMAP_MAX_ADDRESS(), ("not largemap range %#lx %#lx", (u_long)svaa, (u_long)svaa + len)); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (va = sva; va < sva + len; va += inc) { pdpe = pmap_large_map_pdpe(va); pdp = *pdpe; KASSERT((pdp & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pdp va %#lx pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx", va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp)); if ((pdp & X86_PG_PS) != 0) { KASSERT((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0, ("no 1G pages, va %#lx pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx", va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp)); KASSERT((va & PDPMASK) == 0, ("PDPMASK bit set, va %#lx pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx", va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp)); KASSERT(va + NBPDP <= sva + len, ("unmap covers partial 1GB page, sva %#lx va %#lx " "pdpe %#lx pdp %#lx len %#lx", sva, va, (u_long)pdpe, pdp, len)); *pdpe = 0; inc = NBPDP; continue; } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va); pd = *pde; KASSERT((pd & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pd va %#lx pde %#lx pd %#lx", va, (u_long)pde, pd)); if ((pd & X86_PG_PS) != 0) { KASSERT((va & PDRMASK) == 0, ("PDRMASK bit set, va %#lx pde %#lx pd %#lx", va, (u_long)pde, pd)); KASSERT(va + NBPDR <= sva + len, ("unmap covers partial 2MB page, sva %#lx va %#lx " "pde %#lx pd %#lx len %#lx", sva, va, (u_long)pde, pd, len)); pde_store(pde, 0); inc = NBPDR; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pde)); m->wire_count--; if (m->wire_count == 0) { *pdpe = 0; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&spgf, m,; } continue; } pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); KASSERT((*pte & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pte va %#lx pte %#lx pt %#lx", va, (u_long)pte, *pte)); pte_clear(pte); inc = PAGE_SIZE; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pte)); m->wire_count--; if (m->wire_count == 0) { *pde = 0; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&spgf, m,; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pde)); m->wire_count--; if (m->wire_count == 0) { *pdpe = 0; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&spgf, m,; } } } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, sva + len); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&spgf, false); vmem_free(large_vmem, sva, len); } static void pmap_large_map_wb_fence_mfence(void) { mfence(); } static void pmap_large_map_wb_fence_sfence(void) { sfence(); } static void pmap_large_map_wb_fence_nop(void) { } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_large_map_wb_fence, (void)) { if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) return (pmap_large_map_wb_fence_mfence); else if ((cpu_stdext_feature & (CPUID_STDEXT_CLWB | CPUID_STDEXT_CLFLUSHOPT)) == 0) return (pmap_large_map_wb_fence_sfence); else /* clflush is strongly enough ordered */ return (pmap_large_map_wb_fence_nop); } static void pmap_large_map_flush_range_clwb(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t len) { for (; len > 0; len -= cpu_clflush_line_size, va += cpu_clflush_line_size) clwb(va); } static void pmap_large_map_flush_range_clflushopt(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t len) { for (; len > 0; len -= cpu_clflush_line_size, va += cpu_clflush_line_size) clflushopt(va); } static void pmap_large_map_flush_range_clflush(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t len) { for (; len > 0; len -= cpu_clflush_line_size, va += cpu_clflush_line_size) clflush(va); } static void pmap_large_map_flush_range_nop(vm_offset_t sva __unused, vm_size_t len __unused) { } DEFINE_IFUNC(static, void, pmap_large_map_flush_range, (vm_offset_t, vm_size_t)) { if ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLWB) != 0) return (pmap_large_map_flush_range_clwb); else if ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLFLUSHOPT) != 0) return (pmap_large_map_flush_range_clflushopt); else if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_CLFSH) != 0) return (pmap_large_map_flush_range_clflush); else return (pmap_large_map_flush_range_nop); } static void pmap_large_map_wb_large(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { volatile u_long *pe; u_long p; vm_offset_t va; vm_size_t inc; bool seen_other; for (va = sva; va < eva; va += inc) { inc = 0; if ((amd_feature & AMDID_PAGE1GB) != 0) { pe = (volatile u_long *)pmap_large_map_pdpe(va); p = *pe; if ((p & X86_PG_PS) != 0) inc = NBPDP; } if (inc == 0) { pe = (volatile u_long *)pmap_large_map_pde(va); p = *pe; if ((p & X86_PG_PS) != 0) inc = NBPDR; } if (inc == 0) { pe = (volatile u_long *)pmap_large_map_pte(va); p = *pe; inc = PAGE_SIZE; } seen_other = false; for (;;) { if ((p & X86_PG_AVAIL1) != 0) { /* * Spin-wait for the end of a parallel * write-back. */ cpu_spinwait(); p = *pe; /* * If we saw other write-back * occuring, we cannot rely on PG_M to * indicate state of the cache. The * PG_M bit is cleared before the * flush to avoid ignoring new writes, * and writes which are relevant for * us might happen after. */ seen_other = true; continue; } if ((p & X86_PG_M) != 0 || seen_other) { if (!atomic_fcmpset_long(pe, &p, (p & ~X86_PG_M) | X86_PG_AVAIL1)) /* * If we saw PG_M without * PG_AVAIL1, and then on the * next attempt we do not * observe either PG_M or * PG_AVAIL1, the other * write-back started after us * and finished before us. We * can rely on it doing our * work. */ continue; pmap_large_map_flush_range(va, inc); atomic_clear_long(pe, X86_PG_AVAIL1); } break; } maybe_yield(); } } /* * Write-back cache lines for the given address range. * * Must be called only on the range or sub-range returned from * pmap_large_map(). Must not be called on the coalesced ranges. * * Does nothing on CPUs without CLWB, CLFLUSHOPT, or CLFLUSH * instructions support. */ void pmap_large_map_wb(void *svap, vm_size_t len) { vm_offset_t eva, sva; sva = (vm_offset_t)svap; eva = sva + len; pmap_large_map_wb_fence(); if (sva >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && eva <= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS + dmaplimit) { pmap_large_map_flush_range(sva, len); } else { KASSERT(sva >= LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && eva <= LARGEMAP_MIN_ADDRESS + lm_ents * NBPML4, ("pmap_large_map_wb: not largemap %#lx %#lx", sva, len)); pmap_large_map_wb_large(sva, eva); } pmap_large_map_wb_fence(); } static vm_page_t pmap_pti_alloc_page(void) { vm_page_t m; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); m = vm_page_grab(pti_obj, pti_pg_idx++, VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); return (m); } static bool pmap_pti_free_page(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT(m->wire_count > 0, ("page %p not wired", m)); if (!vm_page_unwire_noq(m)) return (false); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (true); } static void pmap_pti_init(void) { vm_page_t pml4_pg; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; vm_offset_t va; int i; if (!pti) return; pti_obj = vm_pager_allocate(OBJT_PHYS, NULL, 0, VM_PROT_ALL, 0, NULL); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(pti_obj); pml4_pg = pmap_pti_alloc_page(); pti_pml4 = (pml4_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pml4_pg)); for (va = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS && va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && va > NBPML4; va += NBPML4) { pdpe = pmap_pti_pdpe(va); pmap_pti_wire_pte(pdpe); } pmap_pti_add_kva_locked((vm_offset_t)&__pcpu[0], (vm_offset_t)&__pcpu[0] + sizeof(__pcpu[0]) * MAXCPU, false); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked((vm_offset_t)gdt, (vm_offset_t)gdt + sizeof(struct user_segment_descriptor) * NGDT * MAXCPU, false); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked((vm_offset_t)idt, (vm_offset_t)idt + sizeof(struct gate_descriptor) * NIDT, false); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked((vm_offset_t)common_tss, (vm_offset_t)common_tss + sizeof(struct amd64tss) * MAXCPU, false); CPU_FOREACH(i) { /* Doublefault stack IST 1 */ va = common_tss[i].tss_ist1; pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(va - PAGE_SIZE, va, false); /* NMI stack IST 2 */ va = common_tss[i].tss_ist2 + sizeof(struct nmi_pcpu); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(va - PAGE_SIZE, va, false); /* MC# stack IST 3 */ va = common_tss[i].tss_ist3 + sizeof(struct nmi_pcpu); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(va - PAGE_SIZE, va, false); /* DB# stack IST 4 */ va = common_tss[i].tss_ist4 + sizeof(struct nmi_pcpu); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(va - PAGE_SIZE, va, false); } pmap_pti_add_kva_locked((vm_offset_t)kernphys + KERNBASE, (vm_offset_t)etext, true); pti_finalized = true; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(pti_obj); } SYSINIT(pmap_pti, SI_SUB_CPU + 1, SI_ORDER_ANY, pmap_pti_init, NULL); static pdp_entry_t * pmap_pti_pdpe(vm_offset_t va) { pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t pml4_idx; vm_paddr_t mphys; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); pml4_idx = pmap_pml4e_index(va); pml4e = &pti_pml4[pml4_idx]; m = NULL; if (*pml4e == 0) { if (pti_finalized) panic("pml4 alloc after finalization\n"); m = pmap_pti_alloc_page(); if (*pml4e != 0) { pmap_pti_free_page(m); mphys = *pml4e & ~PAGE_MASK; } else { mphys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); *pml4e = mphys | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } } else { mphys = *pml4e & ~PAGE_MASK; } pdpe = (pdp_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys) + pmap_pdpe_index(va); return (pdpe); } static void pmap_pti_wire_pte(void *pte) { vm_page_t m; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pte)); m->wire_count++; } static void pmap_pti_unwire_pde(void *pde, bool only_ref) { vm_page_t m; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pde)); MPASS(m->wire_count > 0); MPASS(only_ref || m->wire_count > 1); pmap_pti_free_page(m); } static void pmap_pti_unwire_pte(void *pte, vm_offset_t va) { vm_page_t m; pd_entry_t *pde; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)pte)); MPASS(m->wire_count > 0); if (pmap_pti_free_page(m)) { pde = pmap_pti_pde(va); MPASS((*pde & (X86_PG_PS | X86_PG_V)) == X86_PG_V); *pde = 0; pmap_pti_unwire_pde(pde, false); } } static pd_entry_t * pmap_pti_pde(vm_offset_t va) { pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t pd_idx; vm_paddr_t mphys; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); pdpe = pmap_pti_pdpe(va); if (*pdpe == 0) { m = pmap_pti_alloc_page(); if (*pdpe != 0) { pmap_pti_free_page(m); MPASS((*pdpe & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pdpe & ~PAGE_MASK; } else { mphys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); *pdpe = mphys | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; } } else { MPASS((*pdpe & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pdpe & ~PAGE_MASK; } pde = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys); pd_idx = pmap_pde_index(va); pde += pd_idx; return (pde); } static pt_entry_t * pmap_pti_pte(vm_offset_t va, bool *unwire_pde) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t mphys; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); pde = pmap_pti_pde(va); if (unwire_pde != NULL) { *unwire_pde = true; pmap_pti_wire_pte(pde); } if (*pde == 0) { m = pmap_pti_alloc_page(); if (*pde != 0) { pmap_pti_free_page(m); MPASS((*pde & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pde & ~(PAGE_MASK | pg_nx); } else { mphys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); *pde = mphys | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V; if (unwire_pde != NULL) *unwire_pde = false; } } else { MPASS((*pde & X86_PG_PS) == 0); mphys = *pde & ~(PAGE_MASK | pg_nx); } pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mphys); pte += pmap_pte_index(va); return (pte); } static void pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, bool exec) { vm_paddr_t pa; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, ptev; bool unwire_pde; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(pti_obj); sva = trunc_page(sva); MPASS(sva > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); eva = round_page(eva); MPASS(sva < eva); for (; sva < eva; sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = pmap_pti_pte(sva, &unwire_pde); pa = pmap_kextract(sva); ptev = pa | X86_PG_RW | X86_PG_V | X86_PG_A | X86_PG_G | (exec ? 0 : pg_nx) | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, FALSE); if (*pte == 0) { pte_store(pte, ptev); pmap_pti_wire_pte(pte); } else { KASSERT(!pti_finalized, ("pti overlap after fin %#lx %#lx %#lx", sva, *pte, ptev)); KASSERT(*pte == ptev, ("pti non-identical pte after fin %#lx %#lx %#lx", sva, *pte, ptev)); } if (unwire_pde) { pde = pmap_pti_pde(sva); pmap_pti_unwire_pde(pde, true); } } } void pmap_pti_add_kva(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, bool exec) { if (!pti) return; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(pti_obj); pmap_pti_add_kva_locked(sva, eva, exec); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(pti_obj); } void pmap_pti_remove_kva(vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va; if (!pti) return; sva = rounddown2(sva, PAGE_SIZE); MPASS(sva > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); eva = roundup2(eva, PAGE_SIZE); MPASS(sva < eva); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(pti_obj); for (va = sva; va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = pmap_pti_pte(va, NULL); KASSERT((*pte & X86_PG_V) != 0, ("invalid pte va %#lx pte %#lx pt %#lx", va, (u_long)pte, *pte)); pte_clear(pte); pmap_pti_unwire_pte(pte, va); } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, eva); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(pti_obj); } static void * pkru_dup_range(void *ctx __unused, void *data) { struct pmap_pkru_range *node, *new_node; new_node = uma_zalloc(pmap_pkru_ranges_zone, M_NOWAIT); if (new_node == NULL) return (NULL); node = data; memcpy(new_node, node, sizeof(*node)); return (new_node); } static void pkru_free_range(void *ctx __unused, void *node) { uma_zfree(pmap_pkru_ranges_zone, node); } static int pmap_pkru_assign(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, u_int keyidx, int flags) { struct pmap_pkru_range *ppr; int error; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); MPASS(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86); MPASS((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0); if ((flags & AMD64_PKRU_EXCL) != 0 && !rangeset_check_empty(&pmap->pm_pkru, sva, eva)) return (EBUSY); ppr = uma_zalloc(pmap_pkru_ranges_zone, M_NOWAIT); if (ppr == NULL) return (ENOMEM); ppr->pkru_keyidx = keyidx; ppr->pkru_flags = flags & AMD64_PKRU_PERSIST; error = rangeset_insert(&pmap->pm_pkru, sva, eva, ppr); if (error != 0) uma_zfree(pmap_pkru_ranges_zone, ppr); return (error); } static int pmap_pkru_deassign(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); MPASS(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86); MPASS((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0); return (rangeset_remove(&pmap->pm_pkru, sva, eva)); } static void pmap_pkru_deassign_all(pmap_t pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pmap->pm_type == PT_X86 && (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0) rangeset_remove_all(&pmap->pm_pkru); } static bool pmap_pkru_same(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pmap_pkru_range *ppr, *prev_ppr; vm_offset_t va; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pmap->pm_type != PT_X86 || (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) == 0 || sva >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (true); MPASS(eva <= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); for (va = sva, prev_ppr = NULL; va < eva;) { ppr = rangeset_lookup(&pmap->pm_pkru, va); if ((ppr == NULL) ^ (prev_ppr == NULL)) return (false); if (ppr == NULL) { va += PAGE_SIZE; continue; } if (prev_ppr->pkru_keyidx != ppr->pkru_keyidx) return (false); va = ppr->pkru_rs_el.re_end; } return (true); } static pt_entry_t pmap_pkru_get(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct pmap_pkru_range *ppr; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pmap->pm_type != PT_X86 || (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) == 0 || va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (0); ppr = rangeset_lookup(&pmap->pm_pkru, va); if (ppr != NULL) return (X86_PG_PKU(ppr->pkru_keyidx)); return (0); } static bool pred_pkru_on_remove(void *ctx __unused, void *r) { struct pmap_pkru_range *ppr; ppr = r; return ((ppr->pkru_flags & AMD64_PKRU_PERSIST) == 0); } static void pmap_pkru_on_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pmap->pm_type == PT_X86 && (cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0) { rangeset_remove_pred(&pmap->pm_pkru, sva, eva, pred_pkru_on_remove); } } static int pmap_pkru_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(dst_pmap, MA_OWNED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(src_pmap, MA_OWNED); MPASS(dst_pmap->pm_type == PT_X86); MPASS(src_pmap->pm_type == PT_X86); MPASS((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) != 0); if (src_pmap->pm_pkru.rs_data_ctx == NULL) return (0); return (rangeset_copy(&dst_pmap->pm_pkru, &src_pmap->pm_pkru)); } static void pmap_pkru_update_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, u_int keyidx) { pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t newpde, ptpaddr, *pde; pt_entry_t newpte, *ptep, pte; vm_offset_t va, va_next; bool changed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); MPASS(pmap->pm_type == PT_X86); MPASS(keyidx <= PMAP_MAX_PKRU_IDX); for (changed = false, va = sva; va < eva; va = va_next) { pml4e = pmap_pml4e(pmap, va); if ((*pml4e & X86_PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (va + NBPML4) & ~PML4MASK; if (va_next < va) va_next = eva; continue; } pdpe = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4e, va); if ((*pdpe & X86_PG_V) == 0) { va_next = (va + NBPDP) & ~PDPMASK; if (va_next < va) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (va + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < va) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va); ptpaddr = *pde; if (ptpaddr == 0) continue; MPASS((ptpaddr & X86_PG_V) != 0); if ((ptpaddr & PG_PS) != 0) { if (va + NBPDR == va_next && eva >= va_next) { newpde = (ptpaddr & ~X86_PG_PKU_MASK) | X86_PG_PKU(keyidx); if (newpde != ptpaddr) { *pde = newpde; changed = true; } continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, va)) { continue; } } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (ptep = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); va != va_next; ptep++, va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = *ptep; if ((pte & X86_PG_V) == 0) continue; newpte = (pte & ~X86_PG_PKU_MASK) | X86_PG_PKU(keyidx); if (newpte != pte) { *ptep = newpte; changed = true; } } } if (changed) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, sva, eva); } static int pmap_pkru_check_uargs(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, u_int keyidx, int flags) { if (pmap->pm_type != PT_X86 || keyidx > PMAP_MAX_PKRU_IDX || (flags & ~(AMD64_PKRU_PERSIST | AMD64_PKRU_EXCL)) != 0) return (EINVAL); if (eva <= sva || eva > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EFAULT); if ((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_PKU) == 0) return (ENOTSUP); return (0); } int pmap_pkru_set(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, u_int keyidx, int flags) { int error; sva = trunc_page(sva); eva = round_page(eva); error = pmap_pkru_check_uargs(pmap, sva, eva, keyidx, flags); if (error != 0) return (error); for (;;) { PMAP_LOCK(pmap); error = pmap_pkru_assign(pmap, sva, eva, keyidx, flags); if (error == 0) pmap_pkru_update_range(pmap, sva, eva, keyidx); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (error != ENOMEM) break; vm_wait(NULL); } return (error); } int pmap_pkru_clear(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { int error; sva = trunc_page(sva); eva = round_page(eva); error = pmap_pkru_check_uargs(pmap, sva, eva, 0, 0); if (error != 0) return (error); for (;;) { PMAP_LOCK(pmap); error = pmap_pkru_deassign(pmap, sva, eva); if (error == 0) pmap_pkru_update_range(pmap, sva, eva, 0); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (error != ENOMEM) break; vm_wait(NULL); } return (error); } #ifdef DDB DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pte, pmap_print_pte) { pmap_t pmap; pml4_entry_t *pml4; pdp_entry_t *pdp; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, PG_V; vm_offset_t va; if (!have_addr) { db_printf("show pte addr\n"); return; } va = (vm_offset_t)addr; if (kdb_thread != NULL) pmap = vmspace_pmap(kdb_thread->td_proc->p_vmspace); else pmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); PG_V = pmap_valid_bit(pmap); pml4 = pmap_pml4e(pmap, va); db_printf("VA %#016lx pml4e %#016lx", va, *pml4); if ((*pml4 & PG_V) == 0) { db_printf("\n"); return; } pdp = pmap_pml4e_to_pdpe(pml4, va); db_printf(" pdpe %#016lx", *pdp); if ((*pdp & PG_V) == 0 || (*pdp & PG_PS) != 0) { db_printf("\n"); return; } pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdp, va); db_printf(" pde %#016lx", *pde); if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0 || (*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { db_printf("\n"); return; } pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); db_printf(" pte %#016lx\n", *pte); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(phys2dmap, pmap_phys2dmap) { vm_paddr_t a; if (have_addr) { a = (vm_paddr_t)addr; db_printf("0x%jx\n", (uintmax_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(a)); } else { db_printf("show phys2dmap addr\n"); } } #endif Index: head/sys/amd64/vmm/vmm.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/amd64/vmm/vmm.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/amd64/vmm/vmm.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2719 +1,2719 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2011 NetApp, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NETAPP, INC ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NETAPP, INC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vmm_ioport.h" #include "vmm_ktr.h" #include "vmm_host.h" #include "vmm_mem.h" #include "vmm_util.h" #include "vatpic.h" #include "vatpit.h" #include "vhpet.h" #include "vioapic.h" #include "vlapic.h" #include "vpmtmr.h" #include "vrtc.h" #include "vmm_stat.h" #include "vmm_lapic.h" #include "io/ppt.h" #include "io/iommu.h" struct vlapic; /* * Initialization: * (a) allocated when vcpu is created * (i) initialized when vcpu is created and when it is reinitialized * (o) initialized the first time the vcpu is created * (x) initialized before use */ struct vcpu { struct mtx mtx; /* (o) protects 'state' and 'hostcpu' */ enum vcpu_state state; /* (o) vcpu state */ int hostcpu; /* (o) vcpu's host cpu */ int reqidle; /* (i) request vcpu to idle */ struct vlapic *vlapic; /* (i) APIC device model */ enum x2apic_state x2apic_state; /* (i) APIC mode */ uint64_t exitintinfo; /* (i) events pending at VM exit */ int nmi_pending; /* (i) NMI pending */ int extint_pending; /* (i) INTR pending */ int exception_pending; /* (i) exception pending */ int exc_vector; /* (x) exception collateral */ int exc_errcode_valid; uint32_t exc_errcode; struct savefpu *guestfpu; /* (a,i) guest fpu state */ uint64_t guest_xcr0; /* (i) guest %xcr0 register */ void *stats; /* (a,i) statistics */ struct vm_exit exitinfo; /* (x) exit reason and collateral */ uint64_t nextrip; /* (x) next instruction to execute */ }; #define vcpu_lock_initialized(v) mtx_initialized(&((v)->mtx)) #define vcpu_lock_init(v) mtx_init(&((v)->mtx), "vcpu lock", 0, MTX_SPIN) #define vcpu_lock(v) mtx_lock_spin(&((v)->mtx)) #define vcpu_unlock(v) mtx_unlock_spin(&((v)->mtx)) #define vcpu_assert_locked(v) mtx_assert(&((v)->mtx), MA_OWNED) struct mem_seg { size_t len; bool sysmem; struct vm_object *object; }; #define VM_MAX_MEMSEGS 3 struct mem_map { vm_paddr_t gpa; size_t len; vm_ooffset_t segoff; int segid; int prot; int flags; }; #define VM_MAX_MEMMAPS 4 /* * Initialization: * (o) initialized the first time the VM is created * (i) initialized when VM is created and when it is reinitialized * (x) initialized before use */ struct vm { void *cookie; /* (i) cpu-specific data */ void *iommu; /* (x) iommu-specific data */ struct vhpet *vhpet; /* (i) virtual HPET */ struct vioapic *vioapic; /* (i) virtual ioapic */ struct vatpic *vatpic; /* (i) virtual atpic */ struct vatpit *vatpit; /* (i) virtual atpit */ struct vpmtmr *vpmtmr; /* (i) virtual ACPI PM timer */ struct vrtc *vrtc; /* (o) virtual RTC */ volatile cpuset_t active_cpus; /* (i) active vcpus */ volatile cpuset_t debug_cpus; /* (i) vcpus stopped for debug */ int suspend; /* (i) stop VM execution */ volatile cpuset_t suspended_cpus; /* (i) suspended vcpus */ volatile cpuset_t halted_cpus; /* (x) cpus in a hard halt */ cpuset_t rendezvous_req_cpus; /* (x) rendezvous requested */ cpuset_t rendezvous_done_cpus; /* (x) rendezvous finished */ void *rendezvous_arg; /* (x) rendezvous func/arg */ vm_rendezvous_func_t rendezvous_func; struct mtx rendezvous_mtx; /* (o) rendezvous lock */ struct mem_map mem_maps[VM_MAX_MEMMAPS]; /* (i) guest address space */ struct mem_seg mem_segs[VM_MAX_MEMSEGS]; /* (o) guest memory regions */ struct vmspace *vmspace; /* (o) guest's address space */ char name[VM_MAX_NAMELEN]; /* (o) virtual machine name */ struct vcpu vcpu[VM_MAXCPU]; /* (i) guest vcpus */ /* The following describe the vm cpu topology */ uint16_t sockets; /* (o) num of sockets */ uint16_t cores; /* (o) num of cores/socket */ uint16_t threads; /* (o) num of threads/core */ uint16_t maxcpus; /* (o) max pluggable cpus */ }; static int vmm_initialized; static struct vmm_ops *ops; #define VMM_INIT(num) (ops != NULL ? (*ops->init)(num) : 0) #define VMM_CLEANUP() (ops != NULL ? (*ops->cleanup)() : 0) #define VMM_RESUME() (ops != NULL ? (*ops->resume)() : 0) #define VMINIT(vm, pmap) (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vminit)(vm, pmap): NULL) #define VMRUN(vmi, vcpu, rip, pmap, evinfo) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmrun)(vmi, vcpu, rip, pmap, evinfo) : ENXIO) #define VMCLEANUP(vmi) (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmcleanup)(vmi) : NULL) #define VMSPACE_ALLOC(min, max) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmspace_alloc)(min, max) : NULL) #define VMSPACE_FREE(vmspace) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmspace_free)(vmspace) : ENXIO) #define VMGETREG(vmi, vcpu, num, retval) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmgetreg)(vmi, vcpu, num, retval) : ENXIO) #define VMSETREG(vmi, vcpu, num, val) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmsetreg)(vmi, vcpu, num, val) : ENXIO) #define VMGETDESC(vmi, vcpu, num, desc) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmgetdesc)(vmi, vcpu, num, desc) : ENXIO) #define VMSETDESC(vmi, vcpu, num, desc) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmsetdesc)(vmi, vcpu, num, desc) : ENXIO) #define VMGETCAP(vmi, vcpu, num, retval) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmgetcap)(vmi, vcpu, num, retval) : ENXIO) #define VMSETCAP(vmi, vcpu, num, val) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vmsetcap)(vmi, vcpu, num, val) : ENXIO) #define VLAPIC_INIT(vmi, vcpu) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vlapic_init)(vmi, vcpu) : NULL) #define VLAPIC_CLEANUP(vmi, vlapic) \ (ops != NULL ? (*ops->vlapic_cleanup)(vmi, vlapic) : NULL) #define fpu_start_emulating() load_cr0(rcr0() | CR0_TS) #define fpu_stop_emulating() clts() SDT_PROVIDER_DEFINE(vmm); static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VM, "vm", "vm"); /* statistics */ static VMM_STAT(VCPU_TOTAL_RUNTIME, "vcpu total runtime"); SYSCTL_NODE(_hw, OID_AUTO, vmm, CTLFLAG_RW, NULL, NULL); /* * Halt the guest if all vcpus are executing a HLT instruction with * interrupts disabled. */ static int halt_detection_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm, OID_AUTO, halt_detection, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &halt_detection_enabled, 0, "Halt VM if all vcpus execute HLT with interrupts disabled"); static int vmm_ipinum; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm, OID_AUTO, ipinum, CTLFLAG_RD, &vmm_ipinum, 0, "IPI vector used for vcpu notifications"); static int trace_guest_exceptions; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm, OID_AUTO, trace_guest_exceptions, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &trace_guest_exceptions, 0, "Trap into hypervisor on all guest exceptions and reflect them back"); static void vm_free_memmap(struct vm *vm, int ident); static bool sysmem_mapping(struct vm *vm, struct mem_map *mm); static void vcpu_notify_event_locked(struct vcpu *vcpu, bool lapic_intr); #ifdef KTR static const char * vcpu_state2str(enum vcpu_state state) { switch (state) { case VCPU_IDLE: return ("idle"); case VCPU_FROZEN: return ("frozen"); case VCPU_RUNNING: return ("running"); case VCPU_SLEEPING: return ("sleeping"); default: return ("unknown"); } } #endif static void vcpu_cleanup(struct vm *vm, int i, bool destroy) { struct vcpu *vcpu = &vm->vcpu[i]; VLAPIC_CLEANUP(vm->cookie, vcpu->vlapic); if (destroy) { vmm_stat_free(vcpu->stats); fpu_save_area_free(vcpu->guestfpu); } } static void vcpu_init(struct vm *vm, int vcpu_id, bool create) { struct vcpu *vcpu; KASSERT(vcpu_id >= 0 && vcpu_id < vm->maxcpus, ("vcpu_init: invalid vcpu %d", vcpu_id)); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpu_id]; if (create) { KASSERT(!vcpu_lock_initialized(vcpu), ("vcpu %d already " "initialized", vcpu_id)); vcpu_lock_init(vcpu); vcpu->state = VCPU_IDLE; vcpu->hostcpu = NOCPU; vcpu->guestfpu = fpu_save_area_alloc(); vcpu->stats = vmm_stat_alloc(); } vcpu->vlapic = VLAPIC_INIT(vm->cookie, vcpu_id); vm_set_x2apic_state(vm, vcpu_id, X2APIC_DISABLED); vcpu->reqidle = 0; vcpu->exitintinfo = 0; vcpu->nmi_pending = 0; vcpu->extint_pending = 0; vcpu->exception_pending = 0; vcpu->guest_xcr0 = XFEATURE_ENABLED_X87; fpu_save_area_reset(vcpu->guestfpu); vmm_stat_init(vcpu->stats); } int vcpu_trace_exceptions(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { return (trace_guest_exceptions); } struct vm_exit * vm_exitinfo(struct vm *vm, int cpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (cpuid < 0 || cpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_exitinfo: invalid cpuid %d", cpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[cpuid]; return (&vcpu->exitinfo); } static void vmm_resume(void) { VMM_RESUME(); } static int vmm_init(void) { int error; vmm_host_state_init(); vmm_ipinum = lapic_ipi_alloc(pti ? &IDTVEC(justreturn1_pti) : &IDTVEC(justreturn)); if (vmm_ipinum < 0) vmm_ipinum = IPI_AST; error = vmm_mem_init(); if (error) return (error); if (vmm_is_intel()) ops = &vmm_ops_intel; else if (vmm_is_amd()) ops = &vmm_ops_amd; else return (ENXIO); vmm_resume_p = vmm_resume; return (VMM_INIT(vmm_ipinum)); } static int vmm_handler(module_t mod, int what, void *arg) { int error; switch (what) { case MOD_LOAD: vmmdev_init(); error = vmm_init(); if (error == 0) vmm_initialized = 1; break; case MOD_UNLOAD: error = vmmdev_cleanup(); if (error == 0) { vmm_resume_p = NULL; iommu_cleanup(); if (vmm_ipinum != IPI_AST) lapic_ipi_free(vmm_ipinum); error = VMM_CLEANUP(); /* * Something bad happened - prevent new * VMs from being created */ if (error) vmm_initialized = 0; } break; default: error = 0; break; } return (error); } static moduledata_t vmm_kmod = { "vmm", vmm_handler, NULL }; /* * vmm initialization has the following dependencies: * * - VT-x initialization requires smp_rendezvous() and therefore must happen * after SMP is fully functional (after SI_SUB_SMP). */ DECLARE_MODULE(vmm, vmm_kmod, SI_SUB_SMP + 1, SI_ORDER_ANY); MODULE_VERSION(vmm, 1); static void vm_init(struct vm *vm, bool create) { int i; vm->cookie = VMINIT(vm, vmspace_pmap(vm->vmspace)); vm->iommu = NULL; vm->vioapic = vioapic_init(vm); vm->vhpet = vhpet_init(vm); vm->vatpic = vatpic_init(vm); vm->vatpit = vatpit_init(vm); vm->vpmtmr = vpmtmr_init(vm); if (create) vm->vrtc = vrtc_init(vm); CPU_ZERO(&vm->active_cpus); CPU_ZERO(&vm->debug_cpus); vm->suspend = 0; CPU_ZERO(&vm->suspended_cpus); for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) vcpu_init(vm, i, create); } /* * The default CPU topology is a single thread per package. */ u_int cores_per_package = 1; u_int threads_per_core = 1; int vm_create(const char *name, struct vm **retvm) { struct vm *vm; struct vmspace *vmspace; /* * If vmm.ko could not be successfully initialized then don't attempt * to create the virtual machine. */ if (!vmm_initialized) return (ENXIO); if (name == NULL || strlen(name) >= VM_MAX_NAMELEN) return (EINVAL); vmspace = VMSPACE_ALLOC(0, VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); if (vmspace == NULL) return (ENOMEM); vm = malloc(sizeof(struct vm), M_VM, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); strcpy(vm->name, name); vm->vmspace = vmspace; mtx_init(&vm->rendezvous_mtx, "vm rendezvous lock", 0, MTX_DEF); vm->sockets = 1; vm->cores = cores_per_package; /* XXX backwards compatibility */ vm->threads = threads_per_core; /* XXX backwards compatibility */ vm->maxcpus = VM_MAXCPU; /* XXX temp to keep code working */ vm_init(vm, true); *retvm = vm; return (0); } void vm_get_topology(struct vm *vm, uint16_t *sockets, uint16_t *cores, uint16_t *threads, uint16_t *maxcpus) { *sockets = vm->sockets; *cores = vm->cores; *threads = vm->threads; *maxcpus = vm->maxcpus; } uint16_t vm_get_maxcpus(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->maxcpus); } int vm_set_topology(struct vm *vm, uint16_t sockets, uint16_t cores, uint16_t threads, uint16_t maxcpus) { if (maxcpus != 0) return (EINVAL); /* XXX remove when supported */ if ((sockets * cores * threads) > vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); /* XXX need to check sockets * cores * threads == vCPU, how? */ vm->sockets = sockets; vm->cores = cores; vm->threads = threads; vm->maxcpus = VM_MAXCPU; /* XXX temp to keep code working */ return(0); } static void vm_cleanup(struct vm *vm, bool destroy) { struct mem_map *mm; int i; ppt_unassign_all(vm); if (vm->iommu != NULL) iommu_destroy_domain(vm->iommu); if (destroy) vrtc_cleanup(vm->vrtc); else vrtc_reset(vm->vrtc); vpmtmr_cleanup(vm->vpmtmr); vatpit_cleanup(vm->vatpit); vhpet_cleanup(vm->vhpet); vatpic_cleanup(vm->vatpic); vioapic_cleanup(vm->vioapic); for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) vcpu_cleanup(vm, i, destroy); VMCLEANUP(vm->cookie); /* * System memory is removed from the guest address space only when * the VM is destroyed. This is because the mapping remains the same * across VM reset. * * Device memory can be relocated by the guest (e.g. using PCI BARs) * so those mappings are removed on a VM reset. */ for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (destroy || !sysmem_mapping(vm, mm)) vm_free_memmap(vm, i); } if (destroy) { for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMSEGS; i++) vm_free_memseg(vm, i); VMSPACE_FREE(vm->vmspace); vm->vmspace = NULL; } } void vm_destroy(struct vm *vm) { vm_cleanup(vm, true); free(vm, M_VM); } int vm_reinit(struct vm *vm) { int error; /* * A virtual machine can be reset only if all vcpus are suspended. */ if (CPU_CMP(&vm->suspended_cpus, &vm->active_cpus) == 0) { vm_cleanup(vm, false); vm_init(vm, false); error = 0; } else { error = EBUSY; } return (error); } const char * vm_name(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->name); } int vm_map_mmio(struct vm *vm, vm_paddr_t gpa, size_t len, vm_paddr_t hpa) { vm_object_t obj; if ((obj = vmm_mmio_alloc(vm->vmspace, gpa, len, hpa)) == NULL) return (ENOMEM); else return (0); } int vm_unmap_mmio(struct vm *vm, vm_paddr_t gpa, size_t len) { vmm_mmio_free(vm->vmspace, gpa, len); return (0); } /* * Return 'true' if 'gpa' is allocated in the guest address space. * * This function is called in the context of a running vcpu which acts as * an implicit lock on 'vm->mem_maps[]'. */ bool vm_mem_allocated(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, vm_paddr_t gpa) { struct mem_map *mm; int i; #ifdef INVARIANTS int hostcpu, state; state = vcpu_get_state(vm, vcpuid, &hostcpu); KASSERT(state == VCPU_RUNNING && hostcpu == curcpu, ("%s: invalid vcpu state %d/%d", __func__, state, hostcpu)); #endif for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (mm->len != 0 && gpa >= mm->gpa && gpa < mm->gpa + mm->len) return (true); /* 'gpa' is sysmem or devmem */ } if (ppt_is_mmio(vm, gpa)) return (true); /* 'gpa' is pci passthru mmio */ return (false); } int vm_alloc_memseg(struct vm *vm, int ident, size_t len, bool sysmem) { struct mem_seg *seg; vm_object_t obj; if (ident < 0 || ident >= VM_MAX_MEMSEGS) return (EINVAL); if (len == 0 || (len & PAGE_MASK)) return (EINVAL); seg = &vm->mem_segs[ident]; if (seg->object != NULL) { if (seg->len == len && seg->sysmem == sysmem) return (EEXIST); else return (EINVAL); } obj = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, len >> PAGE_SHIFT); if (obj == NULL) return (ENOMEM); seg->len = len; seg->object = obj; seg->sysmem = sysmem; return (0); } int vm_get_memseg(struct vm *vm, int ident, size_t *len, bool *sysmem, vm_object_t *objptr) { struct mem_seg *seg; if (ident < 0 || ident >= VM_MAX_MEMSEGS) return (EINVAL); seg = &vm->mem_segs[ident]; if (len) *len = seg->len; if (sysmem) *sysmem = seg->sysmem; if (objptr) *objptr = seg->object; return (0); } void vm_free_memseg(struct vm *vm, int ident) { struct mem_seg *seg; KASSERT(ident >= 0 && ident < VM_MAX_MEMSEGS, ("%s: invalid memseg ident %d", __func__, ident)); seg = &vm->mem_segs[ident]; if (seg->object != NULL) { vm_object_deallocate(seg->object); bzero(seg, sizeof(struct mem_seg)); } } int vm_mmap_memseg(struct vm *vm, vm_paddr_t gpa, int segid, vm_ooffset_t first, size_t len, int prot, int flags) { struct mem_seg *seg; struct mem_map *m, *map; vm_ooffset_t last; int i, error; if (prot == 0 || (prot & ~(VM_PROT_ALL)) != 0) return (EINVAL); if (flags & ~VM_MEMMAP_F_WIRED) return (EINVAL); if (segid < 0 || segid >= VM_MAX_MEMSEGS) return (EINVAL); seg = &vm->mem_segs[segid]; if (seg->object == NULL) return (EINVAL); last = first + len; if (first < 0 || first >= last || last > seg->len) return (EINVAL); if ((gpa | first | last) & PAGE_MASK) return (EINVAL); map = NULL; for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { m = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (m->len == 0) { map = m; break; } } if (map == NULL) return (ENOSPC); error = vm_map_find(&vm->vmspace->vm_map, seg->object, first, &gpa, len, 0, VMFS_NO_SPACE, prot, prot, 0); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) return (EFAULT); vm_object_reference(seg->object); if (flags & VM_MEMMAP_F_WIRED) { error = vm_map_wire(&vm->vmspace->vm_map, gpa, gpa + len, VM_MAP_WIRE_USER | VM_MAP_WIRE_NOHOLES); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { vm_map_remove(&vm->vmspace->vm_map, gpa, gpa + len); return (error == KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE ? ENOMEM : EFAULT); } } map->gpa = gpa; map->len = len; map->segoff = first; map->segid = segid; map->prot = prot; map->flags = flags; return (0); } int vm_mmap_getnext(struct vm *vm, vm_paddr_t *gpa, int *segid, vm_ooffset_t *segoff, size_t *len, int *prot, int *flags) { struct mem_map *mm, *mmnext; int i; mmnext = NULL; for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (mm->len == 0 || mm->gpa < *gpa) continue; if (mmnext == NULL || mm->gpa < mmnext->gpa) mmnext = mm; } if (mmnext != NULL) { *gpa = mmnext->gpa; if (segid) *segid = mmnext->segid; if (segoff) *segoff = mmnext->segoff; if (len) *len = mmnext->len; if (prot) *prot = mmnext->prot; if (flags) *flags = mmnext->flags; return (0); } else { return (ENOENT); } } static void vm_free_memmap(struct vm *vm, int ident) { struct mem_map *mm; int error; mm = &vm->mem_maps[ident]; if (mm->len) { error = vm_map_remove(&vm->vmspace->vm_map, mm->gpa, mm->gpa + mm->len); KASSERT(error == KERN_SUCCESS, ("%s: vm_map_remove error %d", __func__, error)); bzero(mm, sizeof(struct mem_map)); } } static __inline bool sysmem_mapping(struct vm *vm, struct mem_map *mm) { if (mm->len != 0 && vm->mem_segs[mm->segid].sysmem) return (true); else return (false); } vm_paddr_t vmm_sysmem_maxaddr(struct vm *vm) { struct mem_map *mm; vm_paddr_t maxaddr; int i; maxaddr = 0; for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (sysmem_mapping(vm, mm)) { if (maxaddr < mm->gpa + mm->len) maxaddr = mm->gpa + mm->len; } } return (maxaddr); } static void vm_iommu_modify(struct vm *vm, boolean_t map) { int i, sz; vm_paddr_t gpa, hpa; struct mem_map *mm; void *vp, *cookie, *host_domain; sz = PAGE_SIZE; host_domain = iommu_host_domain(); for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (!sysmem_mapping(vm, mm)) continue; if (map) { KASSERT((mm->flags & VM_MEMMAP_F_IOMMU) == 0, ("iommu map found invalid memmap %#lx/%#lx/%#x", mm->gpa, mm->len, mm->flags)); if ((mm->flags & VM_MEMMAP_F_WIRED) == 0) continue; mm->flags |= VM_MEMMAP_F_IOMMU; } else { if ((mm->flags & VM_MEMMAP_F_IOMMU) == 0) continue; mm->flags &= ~VM_MEMMAP_F_IOMMU; KASSERT((mm->flags & VM_MEMMAP_F_WIRED) != 0, ("iommu unmap found invalid memmap %#lx/%#lx/%#x", mm->gpa, mm->len, mm->flags)); } gpa = mm->gpa; while (gpa < mm->gpa + mm->len) { vp = vm_gpa_hold(vm, -1, gpa, PAGE_SIZE, VM_PROT_WRITE, &cookie); KASSERT(vp != NULL, ("vm(%s) could not map gpa %#lx", vm_name(vm), gpa)); vm_gpa_release(cookie); hpa = DMAP_TO_PHYS((uintptr_t)vp); if (map) { iommu_create_mapping(vm->iommu, gpa, hpa, sz); iommu_remove_mapping(host_domain, hpa, sz); } else { iommu_remove_mapping(vm->iommu, gpa, sz); iommu_create_mapping(host_domain, hpa, hpa, sz); } gpa += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Invalidate the cached translations associated with the domain * from which pages were removed. */ if (map) iommu_invalidate_tlb(host_domain); else iommu_invalidate_tlb(vm->iommu); } #define vm_iommu_unmap(vm) vm_iommu_modify((vm), FALSE) #define vm_iommu_map(vm) vm_iommu_modify((vm), TRUE) int vm_unassign_pptdev(struct vm *vm, int bus, int slot, int func) { int error; error = ppt_unassign_device(vm, bus, slot, func); if (error) return (error); if (ppt_assigned_devices(vm) == 0) vm_iommu_unmap(vm); return (0); } int vm_assign_pptdev(struct vm *vm, int bus, int slot, int func) { int error; vm_paddr_t maxaddr; /* Set up the IOMMU to do the 'gpa' to 'hpa' translation */ if (ppt_assigned_devices(vm) == 0) { KASSERT(vm->iommu == NULL, ("vm_assign_pptdev: iommu must be NULL")); maxaddr = vmm_sysmem_maxaddr(vm); vm->iommu = iommu_create_domain(maxaddr); if (vm->iommu == NULL) return (ENXIO); vm_iommu_map(vm); } error = ppt_assign_device(vm, bus, slot, func); return (error); } void * vm_gpa_hold(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, vm_paddr_t gpa, size_t len, int reqprot, void **cookie) { int i, count, pageoff; struct mem_map *mm; vm_page_t m; #ifdef INVARIANTS /* * All vcpus are frozen by ioctls that modify the memory map * (e.g. VM_MMAP_MEMSEG). Therefore 'vm->memmap[]' stability is * guaranteed if at least one vcpu is in the VCPU_FROZEN state. */ int state; KASSERT(vcpuid >= -1 && vcpuid < vm->maxcpus, ("%s: invalid vcpuid %d", __func__, vcpuid)); for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) { if (vcpuid != -1 && vcpuid != i) continue; state = vcpu_get_state(vm, i, NULL); KASSERT(state == VCPU_FROZEN, ("%s: invalid vcpu state %d", __func__, state)); } #endif pageoff = gpa & PAGE_MASK; if (len > PAGE_SIZE - pageoff) panic("vm_gpa_hold: invalid gpa/len: 0x%016lx/%lu", gpa, len); count = 0; for (i = 0; i < VM_MAX_MEMMAPS; i++) { mm = &vm->mem_maps[i]; if (sysmem_mapping(vm, mm) && gpa >= mm->gpa && gpa < mm->gpa + mm->len) { count = vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(&vm->vmspace->vm_map, trunc_page(gpa), PAGE_SIZE, reqprot, &m, 1); break; } } if (count == 1) { *cookie = m; return ((void *)(PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) + pageoff)); } else { *cookie = NULL; return (NULL); } } void vm_gpa_release(void *cookie) { vm_page_t m = cookie; vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_unhold(m); + vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(m); } int vm_get_register(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, int reg, uint64_t *retval) { if (vcpu < 0 || vcpu >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (reg >= VM_REG_LAST) return (EINVAL); return (VMGETREG(vm->cookie, vcpu, reg, retval)); } int vm_set_register(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, int reg, uint64_t val) { struct vcpu *vcpu; int error; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (reg >= VM_REG_LAST) return (EINVAL); error = VMSETREG(vm->cookie, vcpuid, reg, val); if (error || reg != VM_REG_GUEST_RIP) return (error); /* Set 'nextrip' to match the value of %rip */ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "Setting nextrip to %#lx", val); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu->nextrip = val; return (0); } static boolean_t is_descriptor_table(int reg) { switch (reg) { case VM_REG_GUEST_IDTR: case VM_REG_GUEST_GDTR: return (TRUE); default: return (FALSE); } } static boolean_t is_segment_register(int reg) { switch (reg) { case VM_REG_GUEST_ES: case VM_REG_GUEST_CS: case VM_REG_GUEST_SS: case VM_REG_GUEST_DS: case VM_REG_GUEST_FS: case VM_REG_GUEST_GS: case VM_REG_GUEST_TR: case VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR: return (TRUE); default: return (FALSE); } } int vm_get_seg_desc(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { if (vcpu < 0 || vcpu >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (!is_segment_register(reg) && !is_descriptor_table(reg)) return (EINVAL); return (VMGETDESC(vm->cookie, vcpu, reg, desc)); } int vm_set_seg_desc(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { if (vcpu < 0 || vcpu >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (!is_segment_register(reg) && !is_descriptor_table(reg)) return (EINVAL); return (VMSETDESC(vm->cookie, vcpu, reg, desc)); } static void restore_guest_fpustate(struct vcpu *vcpu) { /* flush host state to the pcb */ fpuexit(curthread); /* restore guest FPU state */ fpu_stop_emulating(); fpurestore(vcpu->guestfpu); /* restore guest XCR0 if XSAVE is enabled in the host */ if (rcr4() & CR4_XSAVE) load_xcr(0, vcpu->guest_xcr0); /* * The FPU is now "dirty" with the guest's state so turn on emulation * to trap any access to the FPU by the host. */ fpu_start_emulating(); } static void save_guest_fpustate(struct vcpu *vcpu) { if ((rcr0() & CR0_TS) == 0) panic("fpu emulation not enabled in host!"); /* save guest XCR0 and restore host XCR0 */ if (rcr4() & CR4_XSAVE) { vcpu->guest_xcr0 = rxcr(0); load_xcr(0, vmm_get_host_xcr0()); } /* save guest FPU state */ fpu_stop_emulating(); fpusave(vcpu->guestfpu); fpu_start_emulating(); } static VMM_STAT(VCPU_IDLE_TICKS, "number of ticks vcpu was idle"); static int vcpu_set_state_locked(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum vcpu_state newstate, bool from_idle) { struct vcpu *vcpu; int error; vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_assert_locked(vcpu); /* * State transitions from the vmmdev_ioctl() must always begin from * the VCPU_IDLE state. This guarantees that there is only a single * ioctl() operating on a vcpu at any point. */ if (from_idle) { while (vcpu->state != VCPU_IDLE) { vcpu->reqidle = 1; vcpu_notify_event_locked(vcpu, false); VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "vcpu state change from %s to " "idle requested", vcpu_state2str(vcpu->state)); msleep_spin(&vcpu->state, &vcpu->mtx, "vmstat", hz); } } else { KASSERT(vcpu->state != VCPU_IDLE, ("invalid transition from " "vcpu idle state")); } if (vcpu->state == VCPU_RUNNING) { KASSERT(vcpu->hostcpu == curcpu, ("curcpu %d and hostcpu %d " "mismatch for running vcpu", curcpu, vcpu->hostcpu)); } else { KASSERT(vcpu->hostcpu == NOCPU, ("Invalid hostcpu %d for a " "vcpu that is not running", vcpu->hostcpu)); } /* * The following state transitions are allowed: * IDLE -> FROZEN -> IDLE * FROZEN -> RUNNING -> FROZEN * FROZEN -> SLEEPING -> FROZEN */ switch (vcpu->state) { case VCPU_IDLE: case VCPU_RUNNING: case VCPU_SLEEPING: error = (newstate != VCPU_FROZEN); break; case VCPU_FROZEN: error = (newstate == VCPU_FROZEN); break; default: error = 1; break; } if (error) return (EBUSY); VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "vcpu state changed from %s to %s", vcpu_state2str(vcpu->state), vcpu_state2str(newstate)); vcpu->state = newstate; if (newstate == VCPU_RUNNING) vcpu->hostcpu = curcpu; else vcpu->hostcpu = NOCPU; if (newstate == VCPU_IDLE) wakeup(&vcpu->state); return (0); } static void vcpu_require_state(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum vcpu_state newstate) { int error; if ((error = vcpu_set_state(vm, vcpuid, newstate, false)) != 0) panic("Error %d setting state to %d\n", error, newstate); } static void vcpu_require_state_locked(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum vcpu_state newstate) { int error; if ((error = vcpu_set_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, newstate, false)) != 0) panic("Error %d setting state to %d", error, newstate); } static void vm_set_rendezvous_func(struct vm *vm, vm_rendezvous_func_t func) { KASSERT(mtx_owned(&vm->rendezvous_mtx), ("rendezvous_mtx not locked")); /* * Update 'rendezvous_func' and execute a write memory barrier to * ensure that it is visible across all host cpus. This is not needed * for correctness but it does ensure that all the vcpus will notice * that the rendezvous is requested immediately. */ vm->rendezvous_func = func; wmb(); } #define RENDEZVOUS_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, fmt) \ do { \ if (vcpuid >= 0) \ VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, fmt); \ else \ VM_CTR0(vm, fmt); \ } while (0) static void vm_handle_rendezvous(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { KASSERT(vcpuid == -1 || (vcpuid >= 0 && vcpuid < vm->maxcpus), ("vm_handle_rendezvous: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid)); mtx_lock(&vm->rendezvous_mtx); while (vm->rendezvous_func != NULL) { /* 'rendezvous_req_cpus' must be a subset of 'active_cpus' */ CPU_AND(&vm->rendezvous_req_cpus, &vm->active_cpus); if (vcpuid != -1 && CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->rendezvous_req_cpus) && !CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->rendezvous_done_cpus)) { VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Calling rendezvous func"); (*vm->rendezvous_func)(vm, vcpuid, vm->rendezvous_arg); CPU_SET(vcpuid, &vm->rendezvous_done_cpus); } if (CPU_CMP(&vm->rendezvous_req_cpus, &vm->rendezvous_done_cpus) == 0) { VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Rendezvous completed"); vm_set_rendezvous_func(vm, NULL); wakeup(&vm->rendezvous_func); break; } RENDEZVOUS_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Wait for rendezvous completion"); mtx_sleep(&vm->rendezvous_func, &vm->rendezvous_mtx, 0, "vmrndv", 0); } mtx_unlock(&vm->rendezvous_mtx); } /* * Emulate a guest 'hlt' by sleeping until the vcpu is ready to run. */ static int vm_handle_hlt(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool intr_disabled, bool *retu) { struct vcpu *vcpu; const char *wmesg; int t, vcpu_halted, vm_halted; KASSERT(!CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->halted_cpus), ("vcpu already halted")); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_halted = 0; vm_halted = 0; vcpu_lock(vcpu); while (1) { /* * Do a final check for pending NMI or interrupts before * really putting this thread to sleep. Also check for * software events that would cause this vcpu to wakeup. * * These interrupts/events could have happened after the * vcpu returned from VMRUN() and before it acquired the * vcpu lock above. */ if (vm->rendezvous_func != NULL || vm->suspend || vcpu->reqidle) break; if (vm_nmi_pending(vm, vcpuid)) break; if (!intr_disabled) { if (vm_extint_pending(vm, vcpuid) || vlapic_pending_intr(vcpu->vlapic, NULL)) { break; } } /* Don't go to sleep if the vcpu thread needs to yield */ if (vcpu_should_yield(vm, vcpuid)) break; if (vcpu_debugged(vm, vcpuid)) break; /* * Some Linux guests implement "halt" by having all vcpus * execute HLT with interrupts disabled. 'halted_cpus' keeps * track of the vcpus that have entered this state. When all * vcpus enter the halted state the virtual machine is halted. */ if (intr_disabled) { wmesg = "vmhalt"; VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Halted"); if (!vcpu_halted && halt_detection_enabled) { vcpu_halted = 1; CPU_SET_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->halted_cpus); } if (CPU_CMP(&vm->halted_cpus, &vm->active_cpus) == 0) { vm_halted = 1; break; } } else { wmesg = "vmidle"; } t = ticks; vcpu_require_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_SLEEPING); /* * XXX msleep_spin() cannot be interrupted by signals so * wake up periodically to check pending signals. */ msleep_spin(vcpu, &vcpu->mtx, wmesg, hz); vcpu_require_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_FROZEN); vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_IDLE_TICKS, ticks - t); } if (vcpu_halted) CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->halted_cpus); vcpu_unlock(vcpu); if (vm_halted) vm_suspend(vm, VM_SUSPEND_HALT); return (0); } static int vm_handle_paging(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool *retu) { int rv, ftype; struct vm_map *map; struct vcpu *vcpu; struct vm_exit *vme; vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vme = &vcpu->exitinfo; KASSERT(vme->inst_length == 0, ("%s: invalid inst_length %d", __func__, vme->inst_length)); ftype = vme->u.paging.fault_type; KASSERT(ftype == VM_PROT_READ || ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE || ftype == VM_PROT_EXECUTE, ("vm_handle_paging: invalid fault_type %d", ftype)); if (ftype == VM_PROT_READ || ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE) { rv = pmap_emulate_accessed_dirty(vmspace_pmap(vm->vmspace), vme->u.paging.gpa, ftype); if (rv == 0) { VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "%s bit emulation for gpa %#lx", ftype == VM_PROT_READ ? "accessed" : "dirty", vme->u.paging.gpa); goto done; } } map = &vm->vmspace->vm_map; rv = vm_fault(map, vme->u.paging.gpa, ftype, VM_FAULT_NORMAL); VCPU_CTR3(vm, vcpuid, "vm_handle_paging rv = %d, gpa = %#lx, " "ftype = %d", rv, vme->u.paging.gpa, ftype); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (EFAULT); done: return (0); } static int vm_handle_inst_emul(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool *retu) { struct vie *vie; struct vcpu *vcpu; struct vm_exit *vme; uint64_t gla, gpa, cs_base; struct vm_guest_paging *paging; mem_region_read_t mread; mem_region_write_t mwrite; enum vm_cpu_mode cpu_mode; int cs_d, error, fault; vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vme = &vcpu->exitinfo; KASSERT(vme->inst_length == 0, ("%s: invalid inst_length %d", __func__, vme->inst_length)); gla = vme->u.inst_emul.gla; gpa = vme->u.inst_emul.gpa; cs_base = vme->u.inst_emul.cs_base; cs_d = vme->u.inst_emul.cs_d; vie = &vme->u.inst_emul.vie; paging = &vme->u.inst_emul.paging; cpu_mode = paging->cpu_mode; VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "inst_emul fault accessing gpa %#lx", gpa); /* Fetch, decode and emulate the faulting instruction */ if (vie->num_valid == 0) { error = vmm_fetch_instruction(vm, vcpuid, paging, vme->rip + cs_base, VIE_INST_SIZE, vie, &fault); } else { /* * The instruction bytes have already been copied into 'vie' */ error = fault = 0; } if (error || fault) return (error); if (vmm_decode_instruction(vm, vcpuid, gla, cpu_mode, cs_d, vie) != 0) { VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "Error decoding instruction at %#lx", vme->rip + cs_base); *retu = true; /* dump instruction bytes in userspace */ return (0); } /* * Update 'nextrip' based on the length of the emulated instruction. */ vme->inst_length = vie->num_processed; vcpu->nextrip += vie->num_processed; VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "nextrip updated to %#lx after instruction " "decoding", vcpu->nextrip); /* return to userland unless this is an in-kernel emulated device */ if (gpa >= DEFAULT_APIC_BASE && gpa < DEFAULT_APIC_BASE + PAGE_SIZE) { mread = lapic_mmio_read; mwrite = lapic_mmio_write; } else if (gpa >= VIOAPIC_BASE && gpa < VIOAPIC_BASE + VIOAPIC_SIZE) { mread = vioapic_mmio_read; mwrite = vioapic_mmio_write; } else if (gpa >= VHPET_BASE && gpa < VHPET_BASE + VHPET_SIZE) { mread = vhpet_mmio_read; mwrite = vhpet_mmio_write; } else { *retu = true; return (0); } error = vmm_emulate_instruction(vm, vcpuid, gpa, vie, paging, mread, mwrite, retu); return (error); } static int vm_handle_suspend(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool *retu) { int i, done; struct vcpu *vcpu; done = 0; vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; CPU_SET_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->suspended_cpus); /* * Wait until all 'active_cpus' have suspended themselves. * * Since a VM may be suspended at any time including when one or * more vcpus are doing a rendezvous we need to call the rendezvous * handler while we are waiting to prevent a deadlock. */ vcpu_lock(vcpu); while (1) { if (CPU_CMP(&vm->suspended_cpus, &vm->active_cpus) == 0) { VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "All vcpus suspended"); break; } if (vm->rendezvous_func == NULL) { VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Sleeping during suspend"); vcpu_require_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_SLEEPING); msleep_spin(vcpu, &vcpu->mtx, "vmsusp", hz); vcpu_require_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_FROZEN); } else { VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Rendezvous during suspend"); vcpu_unlock(vcpu); vm_handle_rendezvous(vm, vcpuid); vcpu_lock(vcpu); } } vcpu_unlock(vcpu); /* * Wakeup the other sleeping vcpus and return to userspace. */ for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) { if (CPU_ISSET(i, &vm->suspended_cpus)) { vcpu_notify_event(vm, i, false); } } *retu = true; return (0); } static int vm_handle_reqidle(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool *retu) { struct vcpu *vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_lock(vcpu); KASSERT(vcpu->reqidle, ("invalid vcpu reqidle %d", vcpu->reqidle)); vcpu->reqidle = 0; vcpu_unlock(vcpu); *retu = true; return (0); } int vm_suspend(struct vm *vm, enum vm_suspend_how how) { int i; if (how <= VM_SUSPEND_NONE || how >= VM_SUSPEND_LAST) return (EINVAL); if (atomic_cmpset_int(&vm->suspend, 0, how) == 0) { VM_CTR2(vm, "virtual machine already suspended %d/%d", vm->suspend, how); return (EALREADY); } VM_CTR1(vm, "virtual machine successfully suspended %d", how); /* * Notify all active vcpus that they are now suspended. */ for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) { if (CPU_ISSET(i, &vm->active_cpus)) vcpu_notify_event(vm, i, false); } return (0); } void vm_exit_suspended(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t rip) { struct vm_exit *vmexit; KASSERT(vm->suspend > VM_SUSPEND_NONE && vm->suspend < VM_SUSPEND_LAST, ("vm_exit_suspended: invalid suspend type %d", vm->suspend)); vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpuid); vmexit->rip = rip; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_SUSPENDED; vmexit-> = vm->suspend; } void vm_exit_debug(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t rip) { struct vm_exit *vmexit; vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpuid); vmexit->rip = rip; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_DEBUG; } void vm_exit_rendezvous(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t rip) { struct vm_exit *vmexit; KASSERT(vm->rendezvous_func != NULL, ("rendezvous not in progress")); vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpuid); vmexit->rip = rip; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_RENDEZVOUS; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VMEXIT_RENDEZVOUS, 1); } void vm_exit_reqidle(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t rip) { struct vm_exit *vmexit; vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpuid); vmexit->rip = rip; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_REQIDLE; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VMEXIT_REQIDLE, 1); } void vm_exit_astpending(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t rip) { struct vm_exit *vmexit; vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpuid); vmexit->rip = rip; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VMEXIT_ASTPENDING, 1); } int vm_run(struct vm *vm, struct vm_run *vmrun) { struct vm_eventinfo evinfo; int error, vcpuid; struct vcpu *vcpu; struct pcb *pcb; uint64_t tscval; struct vm_exit *vme; bool retu, intr_disabled; pmap_t pmap; vcpuid = vmrun->cpuid; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (!CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->active_cpus)) return (EINVAL); if (CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->suspended_cpus)) return (EINVAL); pmap = vmspace_pmap(vm->vmspace); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vme = &vcpu->exitinfo; evinfo.rptr = &vm->rendezvous_func; evinfo.sptr = &vm->suspend; evinfo.iptr = &vcpu->reqidle; restart: critical_enter(); KASSERT(!CPU_ISSET(curcpu, &pmap->pm_active), ("vm_run: absurd pm_active")); tscval = rdtsc(); pcb = PCPU_GET(curpcb); set_pcb_flags(pcb, PCB_FULL_IRET); restore_guest_fpustate(vcpu); vcpu_require_state(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_RUNNING); error = VMRUN(vm->cookie, vcpuid, vcpu->nextrip, pmap, &evinfo); vcpu_require_state(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_FROZEN); save_guest_fpustate(vcpu); vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_TOTAL_RUNTIME, rdtsc() - tscval); critical_exit(); if (error == 0) { retu = false; vcpu->nextrip = vme->rip + vme->inst_length; switch (vme->exitcode) { case VM_EXITCODE_REQIDLE: error = vm_handle_reqidle(vm, vcpuid, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_SUSPENDED: error = vm_handle_suspend(vm, vcpuid, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_IOAPIC_EOI: vioapic_process_eoi(vm, vcpuid, vme->u.ioapic_eoi.vector); break; case VM_EXITCODE_RENDEZVOUS: vm_handle_rendezvous(vm, vcpuid); error = 0; break; case VM_EXITCODE_HLT: intr_disabled = ((vme->u.hlt.rflags & PSL_I) == 0); error = vm_handle_hlt(vm, vcpuid, intr_disabled, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_PAGING: error = vm_handle_paging(vm, vcpuid, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_INST_EMUL: error = vm_handle_inst_emul(vm, vcpuid, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_INOUT: case VM_EXITCODE_INOUT_STR: error = vm_handle_inout(vm, vcpuid, vme, &retu); break; case VM_EXITCODE_MONITOR: case VM_EXITCODE_MWAIT: case VM_EXITCODE_VMINSN: vm_inject_ud(vm, vcpuid); break; default: retu = true; /* handled in userland */ break; } } if (error == 0 && retu == false) goto restart; VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "retu %d/%d", error, vme->exitcode); /* copy the exit information */ bcopy(vme, &vmrun->vm_exit, sizeof(struct vm_exit)); return (error); } int vm_restart_instruction(void *arg, int vcpuid) { struct vm *vm; struct vcpu *vcpu; enum vcpu_state state; uint64_t rip; int error; vm = arg; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; state = vcpu_get_state(vm, vcpuid, NULL); if (state == VCPU_RUNNING) { /* * When a vcpu is "running" the next instruction is determined * by adding 'rip' and 'inst_length' in the vcpu's 'exitinfo'. * Thus setting 'inst_length' to zero will cause the current * instruction to be restarted. */ vcpu->exitinfo.inst_length = 0; VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "restarting instruction at %#lx by " "setting inst_length to zero", vcpu->; } else if (state == VCPU_FROZEN) { /* * When a vcpu is "frozen" it is outside the critical section * around VMRUN() and 'nextrip' points to the next instruction. * Thus instruction restart is achieved by setting 'nextrip' * to the vcpu's %rip. */ error = vm_get_register(vm, vcpuid, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, &rip); KASSERT(!error, ("%s: error %d getting rip", __func__, error)); VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "restarting instruction by updating " "nextrip from %#lx to %#lx", vcpu->nextrip, rip); vcpu->nextrip = rip; } else { panic("%s: invalid state %d", __func__, state); } return (0); } int vm_exit_intinfo(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t info) { struct vcpu *vcpu; int type, vector; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; if (info & VM_INTINFO_VALID) { type = info & VM_INTINFO_TYPE; vector = info & 0xff; if (type == VM_INTINFO_NMI && vector != IDT_NMI) return (EINVAL); if (type == VM_INTINFO_HWEXCEPTION && vector >= 32) return (EINVAL); if (info & VM_INTINFO_RSVD) return (EINVAL); } else { info = 0; } VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "%s: info1(%#lx)", __func__, info); vcpu->exitintinfo = info; return (0); } enum exc_class { EXC_BENIGN, EXC_CONTRIBUTORY, EXC_PAGEFAULT }; #define IDT_VE 20 /* Virtualization Exception (Intel specific) */ static enum exc_class exception_class(uint64_t info) { int type, vector; KASSERT(info & VM_INTINFO_VALID, ("intinfo must be valid: %#lx", info)); type = info & VM_INTINFO_TYPE; vector = info & 0xff; /* Table 6-4, "Interrupt and Exception Classes", Intel SDM, Vol 3 */ switch (type) { case VM_INTINFO_HWINTR: case VM_INTINFO_SWINTR: case VM_INTINFO_NMI: return (EXC_BENIGN); default: /* * Hardware exception. * * SVM and VT-x use identical type values to represent NMI, * hardware interrupt and software interrupt. * * SVM uses type '3' for all exceptions. VT-x uses type '3' * for exceptions except #BP and #OF. #BP and #OF use a type * value of '5' or '6'. Therefore we don't check for explicit * values of 'type' to classify 'intinfo' into a hardware * exception. */ break; } switch (vector) { case IDT_PF: case IDT_VE: return (EXC_PAGEFAULT); case IDT_DE: case IDT_TS: case IDT_NP: case IDT_SS: case IDT_GP: return (EXC_CONTRIBUTORY); default: return (EXC_BENIGN); } } static int nested_fault(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t info1, uint64_t info2, uint64_t *retinfo) { enum exc_class exc1, exc2; int type1, vector1; KASSERT(info1 & VM_INTINFO_VALID, ("info1 %#lx is not valid", info1)); KASSERT(info2 & VM_INTINFO_VALID, ("info2 %#lx is not valid", info2)); /* * If an exception occurs while attempting to call the double-fault * handler the processor enters shutdown mode (aka triple fault). */ type1 = info1 & VM_INTINFO_TYPE; vector1 = info1 & 0xff; if (type1 == VM_INTINFO_HWEXCEPTION && vector1 == IDT_DF) { VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "triple fault: info1(%#lx), info2(%#lx)", info1, info2); vm_suspend(vm, VM_SUSPEND_TRIPLEFAULT); *retinfo = 0; return (0); } /* * Table 6-5 "Conditions for Generating a Double Fault", Intel SDM, Vol3 */ exc1 = exception_class(info1); exc2 = exception_class(info2); if ((exc1 == EXC_CONTRIBUTORY && exc2 == EXC_CONTRIBUTORY) || (exc1 == EXC_PAGEFAULT && exc2 != EXC_BENIGN)) { /* Convert nested fault into a double fault. */ *retinfo = IDT_DF; *retinfo |= VM_INTINFO_VALID | VM_INTINFO_HWEXCEPTION; *retinfo |= VM_INTINFO_DEL_ERRCODE; } else { /* Handle exceptions serially */ *retinfo = info2; } return (1); } static uint64_t vcpu_exception_intinfo(struct vcpu *vcpu) { uint64_t info = 0; if (vcpu->exception_pending) { info = vcpu->exc_vector & 0xff; info |= VM_INTINFO_VALID | VM_INTINFO_HWEXCEPTION; if (vcpu->exc_errcode_valid) { info |= VM_INTINFO_DEL_ERRCODE; info |= (uint64_t)vcpu->exc_errcode << 32; } } return (info); } int vm_entry_intinfo(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t *retinfo) { struct vcpu *vcpu; uint64_t info1, info2; int valid; KASSERT(vcpuid >= 0 && vcpuid < vm->maxcpus, ("invalid vcpu %d", vcpuid)); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; info1 = vcpu->exitintinfo; vcpu->exitintinfo = 0; info2 = 0; if (vcpu->exception_pending) { info2 = vcpu_exception_intinfo(vcpu); vcpu->exception_pending = 0; VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "Exception %d delivered: %#lx", vcpu->exc_vector, info2); } if ((info1 & VM_INTINFO_VALID) && (info2 & VM_INTINFO_VALID)) { valid = nested_fault(vm, vcpuid, info1, info2, retinfo); } else if (info1 & VM_INTINFO_VALID) { *retinfo = info1; valid = 1; } else if (info2 & VM_INTINFO_VALID) { *retinfo = info2; valid = 1; } else { valid = 0; } if (valid) { VCPU_CTR4(vm, vcpuid, "%s: info1(%#lx), info2(%#lx), " "retinfo(%#lx)", __func__, info1, info2, *retinfo); } return (valid); } int vm_get_intinfo(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, uint64_t *info1, uint64_t *info2) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; *info1 = vcpu->exitintinfo; *info2 = vcpu_exception_intinfo(vcpu); return (0); } int vm_inject_exception(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, int vector, int errcode_valid, uint32_t errcode, int restart_instruction) { struct vcpu *vcpu; uint64_t regval; int error; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (vector < 0 || vector >= 32) return (EINVAL); /* * A double fault exception should never be injected directly into * the guest. It is a derived exception that results from specific * combinations of nested faults. */ if (vector == IDT_DF) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; if (vcpu->exception_pending) { VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "Unable to inject exception %d due to " "pending exception %d", vector, vcpu->exc_vector); return (EBUSY); } if (errcode_valid) { /* * Exceptions don't deliver an error code in real mode. */ error = vm_get_register(vm, vcpuid, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, ®val); KASSERT(!error, ("%s: error %d getting CR0", __func__, error)); if (!(regval & CR0_PE)) errcode_valid = 0; } /* * From section 26.6.1 "Interruptibility State" in Intel SDM: * * Event blocking by "STI" or "MOV SS" is cleared after guest executes * one instruction or incurs an exception. */ error = vm_set_register(vm, vcpuid, VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW, 0); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: error %d clearing interrupt shadow", __func__, error)); if (restart_instruction) vm_restart_instruction(vm, vcpuid); vcpu->exception_pending = 1; vcpu->exc_vector = vector; vcpu->exc_errcode = errcode; vcpu->exc_errcode_valid = errcode_valid; VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, "Exception %d pending", vector); return (0); } void vm_inject_fault(void *vmarg, int vcpuid, int vector, int errcode_valid, int errcode) { struct vm *vm; int error, restart_instruction; vm = vmarg; restart_instruction = 1; error = vm_inject_exception(vm, vcpuid, vector, errcode_valid, errcode, restart_instruction); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vm_inject_exception error %d", error)); } void vm_inject_pf(void *vmarg, int vcpuid, int error_code, uint64_t cr2) { struct vm *vm; int error; vm = vmarg; VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, "Injecting page fault: error_code %#x, cr2 %#lx", error_code, cr2); error = vm_set_register(vm, vcpuid, VM_REG_GUEST_CR2, cr2); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vm_set_register(cr2) error %d", error)); vm_inject_fault(vm, vcpuid, IDT_PF, 1, error_code); } static VMM_STAT(VCPU_NMI_COUNT, "number of NMIs delivered to vcpu"); int vm_inject_nmi(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu->nmi_pending = 1; vcpu_notify_event(vm, vcpuid, false); return (0); } int vm_nmi_pending(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_nmi_pending: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; return (vcpu->nmi_pending); } void vm_nmi_clear(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_nmi_pending: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; if (vcpu->nmi_pending == 0) panic("vm_nmi_clear: inconsistent nmi_pending state"); vcpu->nmi_pending = 0; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_NMI_COUNT, 1); } static VMM_STAT(VCPU_EXTINT_COUNT, "number of ExtINTs delivered to vcpu"); int vm_inject_extint(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu->extint_pending = 1; vcpu_notify_event(vm, vcpuid, false); return (0); } int vm_extint_pending(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_extint_pending: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; return (vcpu->extint_pending); } void vm_extint_clear(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_extint_pending: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; if (vcpu->extint_pending == 0) panic("vm_extint_clear: inconsistent extint_pending state"); vcpu->extint_pending = 0; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpuid, VCPU_EXTINT_COUNT, 1); } int vm_get_capability(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, int type, int *retval) { if (vcpu < 0 || vcpu >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (type < 0 || type >= VM_CAP_MAX) return (EINVAL); return (VMGETCAP(vm->cookie, vcpu, type, retval)); } int vm_set_capability(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, int type, int val) { if (vcpu < 0 || vcpu >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (type < 0 || type >= VM_CAP_MAX) return (EINVAL); return (VMSETCAP(vm->cookie, vcpu, type, val)); } struct vlapic * vm_lapic(struct vm *vm, int cpu) { return (vm->vcpu[cpu].vlapic); } struct vioapic * vm_ioapic(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vioapic); } struct vhpet * vm_hpet(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vhpet); } boolean_t vmm_is_pptdev(int bus, int slot, int func) { int found, i, n; int b, s, f; char *val, *cp, *cp2; /* * XXX * The length of an environment variable is limited to 128 bytes which * puts an upper limit on the number of passthru devices that may be * specified using a single environment variable. * * Work around this by scanning multiple environment variable * names instead of a single one - yuck! */ const char *names[] = { "pptdevs", "pptdevs2", "pptdevs3", NULL }; /* set pptdevs="1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12" */ found = 0; for (i = 0; names[i] != NULL && !found; i++) { cp = val = kern_getenv(names[i]); while (cp != NULL && *cp != '\0') { if ((cp2 = strchr(cp, ' ')) != NULL) *cp2 = '\0'; n = sscanf(cp, "%d/%d/%d", &b, &s, &f); if (n == 3 && bus == b && slot == s && func == f) { found = 1; break; } if (cp2 != NULL) *cp2++ = ' '; cp = cp2; } freeenv(val); } return (found); } void * vm_iommu_domain(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->iommu); } int vcpu_set_state(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum vcpu_state newstate, bool from_idle) { int error; struct vcpu *vcpu; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_set_run_state: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_lock(vcpu); error = vcpu_set_state_locked(vm, vcpuid, newstate, from_idle); vcpu_unlock(vcpu); return (error); } enum vcpu_state vcpu_get_state(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, int *hostcpu) { struct vcpu *vcpu; enum vcpu_state state; if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) panic("vm_get_run_state: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid); vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_lock(vcpu); state = vcpu->state; if (hostcpu != NULL) *hostcpu = vcpu->hostcpu; vcpu_unlock(vcpu); return (state); } int vm_activate_cpu(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->active_cpus)) return (EBUSY); VCPU_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "activated"); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->active_cpus); return (0); } int vm_suspend_cpu(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { int i; if (vcpuid < -1 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (vcpuid == -1) { vm->debug_cpus = vm->active_cpus; for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) { if (CPU_ISSET(i, &vm->active_cpus)) vcpu_notify_event(vm, i, false); } } else { if (!CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->active_cpus)) return (EINVAL); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->debug_cpus); vcpu_notify_event(vm, vcpuid, false); } return (0); } int vm_resume_cpu(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { if (vcpuid < -1 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (vcpuid == -1) { CPU_ZERO(&vm->debug_cpus); } else { if (!CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->debug_cpus)) return (EINVAL); CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(vcpuid, &vm->debug_cpus); } return (0); } int vcpu_debugged(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { return (CPU_ISSET(vcpuid, &vm->debug_cpus)); } cpuset_t vm_active_cpus(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->active_cpus); } cpuset_t vm_debug_cpus(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->debug_cpus); } cpuset_t vm_suspended_cpus(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->suspended_cpus); } void * vcpu_stats(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid) { return (vm->vcpu[vcpuid].stats); } int vm_get_x2apic_state(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum x2apic_state *state) { if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); *state = vm->vcpu[vcpuid].x2apic_state; return (0); } int vm_set_x2apic_state(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, enum x2apic_state state) { if (vcpuid < 0 || vcpuid >= vm->maxcpus) return (EINVAL); if (state >= X2APIC_STATE_LAST) return (EINVAL); vm->vcpu[vcpuid].x2apic_state = state; vlapic_set_x2apic_state(vm, vcpuid, state); return (0); } /* * This function is called to ensure that a vcpu "sees" a pending event * as soon as possible: * - If the vcpu thread is sleeping then it is woken up. * - If the vcpu is running on a different host_cpu then an IPI will be directed * to the host_cpu to cause the vcpu to trap into the hypervisor. */ static void vcpu_notify_event_locked(struct vcpu *vcpu, bool lapic_intr) { int hostcpu; hostcpu = vcpu->hostcpu; if (vcpu->state == VCPU_RUNNING) { KASSERT(hostcpu != NOCPU, ("vcpu running on invalid hostcpu")); if (hostcpu != curcpu) { if (lapic_intr) { vlapic_post_intr(vcpu->vlapic, hostcpu, vmm_ipinum); } else { ipi_cpu(hostcpu, vmm_ipinum); } } else { /* * If the 'vcpu' is running on 'curcpu' then it must * be sending a notification to itself (e.g. SELF_IPI). * The pending event will be picked up when the vcpu * transitions back to guest context. */ } } else { KASSERT(hostcpu == NOCPU, ("vcpu state %d not consistent " "with hostcpu %d", vcpu->state, hostcpu)); if (vcpu->state == VCPU_SLEEPING) wakeup_one(vcpu); } } void vcpu_notify_event(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, bool lapic_intr) { struct vcpu *vcpu = &vm->vcpu[vcpuid]; vcpu_lock(vcpu); vcpu_notify_event_locked(vcpu, lapic_intr); vcpu_unlock(vcpu); } struct vmspace * vm_get_vmspace(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vmspace); } int vm_apicid2vcpuid(struct vm *vm, int apicid) { /* * XXX apic id is assumed to be numerically identical to vcpu id */ return (apicid); } void vm_smp_rendezvous(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, cpuset_t dest, vm_rendezvous_func_t func, void *arg) { int i; /* * Enforce that this function is called without any locks */ WITNESS_WARN(WARN_PANIC, NULL, "vm_smp_rendezvous"); KASSERT(vcpuid == -1 || (vcpuid >= 0 && vcpuid < vm->maxcpus), ("vm_smp_rendezvous: invalid vcpuid %d", vcpuid)); restart: mtx_lock(&vm->rendezvous_mtx); if (vm->rendezvous_func != NULL) { /* * If a rendezvous is already in progress then we need to * call the rendezvous handler in case this 'vcpuid' is one * of the targets of the rendezvous. */ RENDEZVOUS_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Rendezvous already in progress"); mtx_unlock(&vm->rendezvous_mtx); vm_handle_rendezvous(vm, vcpuid); goto restart; } KASSERT(vm->rendezvous_func == NULL, ("vm_smp_rendezvous: previous " "rendezvous is still in progress")); RENDEZVOUS_CTR0(vm, vcpuid, "Initiating rendezvous"); vm->rendezvous_req_cpus = dest; CPU_ZERO(&vm->rendezvous_done_cpus); vm->rendezvous_arg = arg; vm_set_rendezvous_func(vm, func); mtx_unlock(&vm->rendezvous_mtx); /* * Wake up any sleeping vcpus and trigger a VM-exit in any running * vcpus so they handle the rendezvous as soon as possible. */ for (i = 0; i < vm->maxcpus; i++) { if (CPU_ISSET(i, &dest)) vcpu_notify_event(vm, i, false); } vm_handle_rendezvous(vm, vcpuid); } struct vatpic * vm_atpic(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vatpic); } struct vatpit * vm_atpit(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vatpit); } struct vpmtmr * vm_pmtmr(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vpmtmr); } struct vrtc * vm_rtc(struct vm *vm) { return (vm->vrtc); } enum vm_reg_name vm_segment_name(int seg) { static enum vm_reg_name seg_names[] = { VM_REG_GUEST_ES, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, VM_REG_GUEST_GS }; KASSERT(seg >= 0 && seg < nitems(seg_names), ("%s: invalid segment encoding %d", __func__, seg)); return (seg_names[seg]); } void vm_copy_teardown(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, struct vm_copyinfo *copyinfo, int num_copyinfo) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < num_copyinfo; idx++) { if (copyinfo[idx].cookie != NULL) vm_gpa_release(copyinfo[idx].cookie); } bzero(copyinfo, num_copyinfo * sizeof(struct vm_copyinfo)); } int vm_copy_setup(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, struct vm_guest_paging *paging, uint64_t gla, size_t len, int prot, struct vm_copyinfo *copyinfo, int num_copyinfo, int *fault) { int error, idx, nused; size_t n, off, remaining; void *hva, *cookie; uint64_t gpa; bzero(copyinfo, sizeof(struct vm_copyinfo) * num_copyinfo); nused = 0; remaining = len; while (remaining > 0) { KASSERT(nused < num_copyinfo, ("insufficient vm_copyinfo")); error = vm_gla2gpa(vm, vcpuid, paging, gla, prot, &gpa, fault); if (error || *fault) return (error); off = gpa & PAGE_MASK; n = min(remaining, PAGE_SIZE - off); copyinfo[nused].gpa = gpa; copyinfo[nused].len = n; remaining -= n; gla += n; nused++; } for (idx = 0; idx < nused; idx++) { hva = vm_gpa_hold(vm, vcpuid, copyinfo[idx].gpa, copyinfo[idx].len, prot, &cookie); if (hva == NULL) break; copyinfo[idx].hva = hva; copyinfo[idx].cookie = cookie; } if (idx != nused) { vm_copy_teardown(vm, vcpuid, copyinfo, num_copyinfo); return (EFAULT); } else { *fault = 0; return (0); } } void vm_copyin(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, struct vm_copyinfo *copyinfo, void *kaddr, size_t len) { char *dst; int idx; dst = kaddr; idx = 0; while (len > 0) { bcopy(copyinfo[idx].hva, dst, copyinfo[idx].len); len -= copyinfo[idx].len; dst += copyinfo[idx].len; idx++; } } void vm_copyout(struct vm *vm, int vcpuid, const void *kaddr, struct vm_copyinfo *copyinfo, size_t len) { const char *src; int idx; src = kaddr; idx = 0; while (len > 0) { bcopy(src, copyinfo[idx].hva, copyinfo[idx].len); len -= copyinfo[idx].len; src += copyinfo[idx].len; idx++; } } /* * Return the amount of in-use and wired memory for the VM. Since * these are global stats, only return the values with for vCPU 0 */ VMM_STAT_DECLARE(VMM_MEM_RESIDENT); VMM_STAT_DECLARE(VMM_MEM_WIRED); static void vm_get_rescnt(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, struct vmm_stat_type *stat) { if (vcpu == 0) { vmm_stat_set(vm, vcpu, VMM_MEM_RESIDENT, PAGE_SIZE * vmspace_resident_count(vm->vmspace)); } } static void vm_get_wiredcnt(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, struct vmm_stat_type *stat) { if (vcpu == 0) { vmm_stat_set(vm, vcpu, VMM_MEM_WIRED, PAGE_SIZE * pmap_wired_count(vmspace_pmap(vm->vmspace))); } } VMM_STAT_FUNC(VMM_MEM_RESIDENT, "Resident memory", vm_get_rescnt); VMM_STAT_FUNC(VMM_MEM_WIRED, "Wired memory", vm_get_wiredcnt); Index: head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v4.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v4.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v4.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,4479 +1,4478 @@ /* From: $NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.148 2004/04/03 04:35:48 bsh Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright 2004 Olivier Houchard. * Copyright 2003 Wasabi Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Written by Steve C. Woodford for Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by * Wasabi Systems, Inc. * 4. The name of Wasabi Systems, Inc. may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY WASABI SYSTEMS, INC. ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL WASABI SYSTEMS, INC * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Wasabi Systems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2001 Richard Earnshaw * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Christopher Gilbert * All rights reserved. * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the company nor the name of the author may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Charles M. Hannum. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Mark Brinicombe. * Copyright (c) 1994 Brini. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software written for Brini by Mark Brinicombe * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * * RiscBSD kernel project * * pmap.c * * Machine dependent vm stuff * * Created : 20/09/94 */ /* * Special compilation symbols * PMAP_DEBUG - Build in pmap_debug_level code * * Note that pmap_mapdev() and pmap_unmapdev() are implemented in arm/devmap.c */ /* Include header files */ #include "opt_vm.h" #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG #define PDEBUG(_lev_,_stat_) \ if (pmap_debug_level >= (_lev_)) \ ((_stat_)) #define dprintf printf int pmap_debug_level = 0; #define PMAP_INLINE #else /* PMAP_DEBUG */ #define PDEBUG(_lev_,_stat_) /* Nothing */ #define dprintf(x, arg...) #define PMAP_INLINE __inline #endif /* PMAP_DEBUG */ extern struct pv_addr systempage; extern int last_fault_code; #define l1pte_section_p(pde) (((pde) & L1_TYPE_MASK) == L1_TYPE_S) #define l2pte_index(v) (((v) & L1_S_OFFSET) >> L2_S_SHIFT) #define l2pte_valid(pte) ((pte) != 0) #define l2pte_pa(pte) ((pte) & L2_S_FRAME) /* * Internal function prototypes */ static void pmap_free_pv_entry (pv_entry_t); static pv_entry_t pmap_get_pv_entry(void); static int pmap_enter_locked(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int); static vm_paddr_t pmap_extract_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_fix_cache(struct vm_page *, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static void pmap_alloc_l1(pmap_t); static void pmap_free_l1(pmap_t); static int pmap_clearbit(struct vm_page *, u_int); static struct l2_bucket *pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static struct l2_bucket *pmap_alloc_l2_bucket(pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static void pmap_free_l2_bucket(pmap_t, struct l2_bucket *, u_int); static vm_offset_t kernel_pt_lookup(vm_paddr_t); static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VMPMAP, "pmap", "PMAP L1"); vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ vm_offset_t pmap_curmaxkvaddr; vm_paddr_t kernel_l1pa; vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = 0; vm_offset_t vm_max_kernel_address; struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; static pt_entry_t *csrc_pte, *cdst_pte; static vm_offset_t csrcp, cdstp, qmap_addr; static struct mtx cmtx, qmap_mtx; static void pmap_init_l1(struct l1_ttable *, pd_entry_t *); /* * These routines are called when the CPU type is identified to set up * the PTE prototypes, cache modes, etc. * * The variables are always here, just in case LKMs need to reference * them (though, they shouldn't). */ static pt_entry_t pte_l1_s_cache_mode; static pt_entry_t pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt; static pt_entry_t pte_l1_s_cache_mask; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_l_cache_mode; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_l_cache_mode_pt; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_l_cache_mask; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_s_cache_mode; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; static pt_entry_t pte_l2_s_cache_mask; /* * Crashdump maps. */ static caddr_t crashdumpmap; extern void bcopy_page(vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); extern void bzero_page(vm_offset_t); extern vm_offset_t alloc_firstaddr; char *_tmppt; /* * Metadata for L1 translation tables. */ struct l1_ttable { /* Entry on the L1 Table list */ SLIST_ENTRY(l1_ttable) l1_link; /* Entry on the L1 Least Recently Used list */ TAILQ_ENTRY(l1_ttable) l1_lru; /* Track how many domains are allocated from this L1 */ volatile u_int l1_domain_use_count; /* * A free-list of domain numbers for this L1. * We avoid using ffs() and a bitmap to track domains since ffs() * is slow on ARM. */ u_int8_t l1_domain_first; u_int8_t l1_domain_free[PMAP_DOMAINS]; /* Physical address of this L1 page table */ vm_paddr_t l1_physaddr; /* KVA of this L1 page table */ pd_entry_t *l1_kva; }; /* * Convert a virtual address into its L1 table index. That is, the * index used to locate the L2 descriptor table pointer in an L1 table. * This is basically used to index l1->l1_kva[]. * * Each L2 descriptor table represents 1MB of VA space. */ #define L1_IDX(va) (((vm_offset_t)(va)) >> L1_S_SHIFT) /* * L1 Page Tables are tracked using a Least Recently Used list. * - New L1s are allocated from the HEAD. * - Freed L1s are added to the TAIl. * - Recently accessed L1s (where an 'access' is some change to one of * the userland pmaps which owns this L1) are moved to the TAIL. */ static TAILQ_HEAD(, l1_ttable) l1_lru_list; /* * A list of all L1 tables */ static SLIST_HEAD(, l1_ttable) l1_list; static struct mtx l1_lru_lock; /* * The l2_dtable tracks L2_BUCKET_SIZE worth of L1 slots. * * This is normally 16MB worth L2 page descriptors for any given pmap. * Reference counts are maintained for L2 descriptors so they can be * freed when empty. */ struct l2_dtable { /* The number of L2 page descriptors allocated to this l2_dtable */ u_int l2_occupancy; /* List of L2 page descriptors */ struct l2_bucket { pt_entry_t *l2b_kva; /* KVA of L2 Descriptor Table */ vm_paddr_t l2b_phys; /* Physical address of same */ u_short l2b_l1idx; /* This L2 table's L1 index */ u_short l2b_occupancy; /* How many active descriptors */ } l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET_SIZE]; }; /* pmap_kenter_internal flags */ #define KENTER_CACHE 0x1 #define KENTER_USER 0x2 /* * Given an L1 table index, calculate the corresponding l2_dtable index * and bucket index within the l2_dtable. */ #define L2_IDX(l1idx) (((l1idx) >> L2_BUCKET_LOG2) & \ (L2_SIZE - 1)) #define L2_BUCKET(l1idx) ((l1idx) & (L2_BUCKET_SIZE - 1)) /* * Given a virtual address, this macro returns the * virtual address required to drop into the next L2 bucket. */ #define L2_NEXT_BUCKET(va) (((va) & L1_S_FRAME) + L1_S_SIZE) /* * We try to map the page tables write-through, if possible. However, not * all CPUs have a write-through cache mode, so on those we have to sync * the cache when we frob page tables. * * We try to evaluate this at compile time, if possible. However, it's * not always possible to do that, hence this run-time var. */ int pmap_needs_pte_sync; /* * Macro to determine if a mapping might be resident in the * instruction cache and/or TLB */ #define PV_BEEN_EXECD(f) (((f) & (PVF_REF | PVF_EXEC)) == (PVF_REF | PVF_EXEC)) /* * Macro to determine if a mapping might be resident in the * data cache and/or TLB */ #define PV_BEEN_REFD(f) (((f) & PVF_REF) != 0) #ifndef PMAP_SHPGPERPROC #define PMAP_SHPGPERPROC 200 #endif #define pmap_is_current(pm) ((pm) == kernel_pmap || \ curproc->p_vmspace->vm_map.pmap == (pm)) static uma_zone_t pvzone = NULL; uma_zone_t l2zone; static uma_zone_t l2table_zone; static vm_offset_t pmap_kernel_l2dtable_kva; static vm_offset_t pmap_kernel_l2ptp_kva; static vm_paddr_t pmap_kernel_l2ptp_phys; static int pv_entry_count=0, pv_entry_max=0, pv_entry_high_water=0; static struct rwlock pvh_global_lock; void pmap_copy_page_offs_generic(vm_paddr_t a_phys, vm_offset_t a_offs, vm_paddr_t b_phys, vm_offset_t b_offs, int cnt); /* * This list exists for the benefit of pmap_map_chunk(). It keeps track * of the kernel L2 tables during bootstrap, so that pmap_map_chunk() can * find them as necessary. * * Note that the data on this list MUST remain valid after initarm() returns, * as pmap_bootstrap() uses it to contruct L2 table metadata. */ SLIST_HEAD(, pv_addr) kernel_pt_list = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(kernel_pt_list); static void pmap_init_l1(struct l1_ttable *l1, pd_entry_t *l1pt) { int i; l1->l1_kva = l1pt; l1->l1_domain_use_count = 0; l1->l1_domain_first = 0; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_DOMAINS; i++) l1->l1_domain_free[i] = i + 1; /* * Copy the kernel's L1 entries to each new L1. */ if (l1pt != kernel_pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva) memcpy(l1pt, kernel_pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva, L1_TABLE_SIZE); if ((l1->l1_physaddr = pmap_extract(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)l1pt)) == 0) panic("pmap_init_l1: can't get PA of L1 at %p", l1pt); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l1_list, l1, l1_link); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); } static vm_offset_t kernel_pt_lookup(vm_paddr_t pa) { struct pv_addr *pv; SLIST_FOREACH(pv, &kernel_pt_list, pv_list) { if (pv->pv_pa == pa) return (pv->pv_va); } return (0); } void pmap_pte_init_generic(void) { pte_l1_s_cache_mode = L1_S_B|L1_S_C; pte_l1_s_cache_mask = L1_S_CACHE_MASK; pte_l2_l_cache_mode = L2_B|L2_C; pte_l2_l_cache_mask = L2_L_CACHE_MASK; pte_l2_s_cache_mode = L2_B|L2_C; pte_l2_s_cache_mask = L2_S_CACHE_MASK; /* * If we have a write-through cache, set B and C. If * we have a write-back cache, then we assume setting * only C will make those pages write-through. */ if (cpufuncs.cf_dcache_wb_range == (void *) cpufunc_nullop) { pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt = L1_S_B|L1_S_C; pte_l2_l_cache_mode_pt = L2_B|L2_C; pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt = L2_B|L2_C; } else { pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt = L1_S_C; pte_l2_l_cache_mode_pt = L2_C; pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt = L2_C; } } /* * Allocate an L1 translation table for the specified pmap. * This is called at pmap creation time. */ static void pmap_alloc_l1(pmap_t pm) { struct l1_ttable *l1; u_int8_t domain; /* * Remove the L1 at the head of the LRU list */ mtx_lock(&l1_lru_lock); l1 = TAILQ_FIRST(&l1_lru_list); TAILQ_REMOVE(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); /* * Pick the first available domain number, and update * the link to the next number. */ domain = l1->l1_domain_first; l1->l1_domain_first = l1->l1_domain_free[domain]; /* * If there are still free domain numbers in this L1, * put it back on the TAIL of the LRU list. */ if (++l1->l1_domain_use_count < PMAP_DOMAINS) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); mtx_unlock(&l1_lru_lock); /* * Fix up the relevant bits in the pmap structure */ pm->pm_l1 = l1; pm->pm_domain = domain + 1; } /* * Free an L1 translation table. * This is called at pmap destruction time. */ static void pmap_free_l1(pmap_t pm) { struct l1_ttable *l1 = pm->pm_l1; mtx_lock(&l1_lru_lock); /* * If this L1 is currently on the LRU list, remove it. */ if (l1->l1_domain_use_count < PMAP_DOMAINS) TAILQ_REMOVE(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); /* * Free up the domain number which was allocated to the pmap */ l1->l1_domain_free[pm->pm_domain - 1] = l1->l1_domain_first; l1->l1_domain_first = pm->pm_domain - 1; l1->l1_domain_use_count--; /* * The L1 now must have at least 1 free domain, so add * it back to the LRU list. If the use count is zero, * put it at the head of the list, otherwise it goes * to the tail. */ if (l1->l1_domain_use_count == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); } else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&l1_lru_list, l1, l1_lru); mtx_unlock(&l1_lru_lock); } /* * Returns a pointer to the L2 bucket associated with the specified pmap * and VA, or NULL if no L2 bucket exists for the address. */ static PMAP_INLINE struct l2_bucket * pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct l2_dtable *l2; struct l2_bucket *l2b; u_short l1idx; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); if ((l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]) == NULL || (l2b = &l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)])->l2b_kva == NULL) return (NULL); return (l2b); } /* * Returns a pointer to the L2 bucket associated with the specified pmap * and VA. * * If no L2 bucket exists, perform the necessary allocations to put an L2 * bucket/page table in place. * * Note that if a new L2 bucket/page was allocated, the caller *must* * increment the bucket occupancy counter appropriately *before* * releasing the pmap's lock to ensure no other thread or cpu deallocates * the bucket/page in the meantime. */ static struct l2_bucket * pmap_alloc_l2_bucket(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct l2_dtable *l2; struct l2_bucket *l2b; u_short l1idx; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pm); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if ((l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]) == NULL) { /* * No mapping at this address, as there is * no entry in the L1 table. * Need to allocate a new l2_dtable. */ PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); if ((l2 = uma_zalloc(l2table_zone, M_NOWAIT)) == NULL) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); return (NULL); } rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); if (pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] != NULL) { /* * Someone already allocated the l2_dtable while * we were doing the same. */ uma_zfree(l2table_zone, l2); l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; } else { bzero(l2, sizeof(*l2)); /* * Link it into the parent pmap */ pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] = l2; } } l2b = &l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)]; /* * Fetch pointer to the L2 page table associated with the address. */ if (l2b->l2b_kva == NULL) { pt_entry_t *ptep; /* * No L2 page table has been allocated. Chances are, this * is because we just allocated the l2_dtable, above. */ l2->l2_occupancy++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); ptep = uma_zalloc(l2zone, M_NOWAIT); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); if (l2b->l2b_kva != NULL) { /* We lost the race. */ l2->l2_occupancy--; uma_zfree(l2zone, ptep); return (l2b); } l2b->l2b_phys = vtophys(ptep); if (ptep == NULL) { /* * Oops, no more L2 page tables available at this * time. We may need to deallocate the l2_dtable * if we allocated a new one above. */ l2->l2_occupancy--; if (l2->l2_occupancy == 0) { pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] = NULL; uma_zfree(l2table_zone, l2); } return (NULL); } l2b->l2b_kva = ptep; l2b->l2b_l1idx = l1idx; } return (l2b); } static PMAP_INLINE void #ifndef PMAP_INCLUDE_PTE_SYNC pmap_free_l2_ptp(pt_entry_t *l2) #else pmap_free_l2_ptp(boolean_t need_sync, pt_entry_t *l2) #endif { #ifdef PMAP_INCLUDE_PTE_SYNC /* * Note: With a write-back cache, we may need to sync this * L2 table before re-using it. * This is because it may have belonged to a non-current * pmap, in which case the cache syncs would have been * skipped when the pages were being unmapped. If the * L2 table were then to be immediately re-allocated to * the *current* pmap, it may well contain stale mappings * which have not yet been cleared by a cache write-back * and so would still be visible to the mmu. */ if (need_sync) PTE_SYNC_RANGE(l2, L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL / sizeof(pt_entry_t)); #endif uma_zfree(l2zone, l2); } /* * One or more mappings in the specified L2 descriptor table have just been * invalidated. * * Garbage collect the metadata and descriptor table itself if necessary. * * The pmap lock must be acquired when this is called (not necessary * for the kernel pmap). */ static void pmap_free_l2_bucket(pmap_t pm, struct l2_bucket *l2b, u_int count) { struct l2_dtable *l2; pd_entry_t *pl1pd, l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep; u_short l1idx; /* * Update the bucket's reference count according to how many * PTEs the caller has just invalidated. */ l2b->l2b_occupancy -= count; /* * Note: * * Level 2 page tables allocated to the kernel pmap are never freed * as that would require checking all Level 1 page tables and * removing any references to the Level 2 page table. See also the * comment elsewhere about never freeing bootstrap L2 descriptors. * * We make do with just invalidating the mapping in the L2 table. * * This isn't really a big deal in practice and, in fact, leads * to a performance win over time as we don't need to continually * alloc/free. */ if (l2b->l2b_occupancy > 0 || pm == kernel_pmap) return; /* * There are no more valid mappings in this level 2 page table. * Go ahead and NULL-out the pointer in the bucket, then * free the page table. */ l1idx = l2b->l2b_l1idx; ptep = l2b->l2b_kva; l2b->l2b_kva = NULL; pl1pd = &pm->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; /* * If the L1 slot matches the pmap's domain * number, then invalidate it. */ l1pd = *pl1pd & (L1_TYPE_MASK | L1_C_DOM_MASK); if (l1pd == (L1_C_DOM(pm->pm_domain) | L1_TYPE_C)) { *pl1pd = 0; PTE_SYNC(pl1pd); } /* * Release the L2 descriptor table back to the pool cache. */ #ifndef PMAP_INCLUDE_PTE_SYNC pmap_free_l2_ptp(ptep); #else pmap_free_l2_ptp(!pmap_is_current(pm), ptep); #endif /* * Update the reference count in the associated l2_dtable */ l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (--l2->l2_occupancy > 0) return; /* * There are no more valid mappings in any of the Level 1 * slots managed by this l2_dtable. Go ahead and NULL-out * the pointer in the parent pmap and free the l2_dtable. */ pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] = NULL; uma_zfree(l2table_zone, l2); } /* * Pool cache constructors for L2 descriptor tables, metadata and pmap * structures. */ static int pmap_l2ptp_ctor(void *mem, int size, void *arg, int flags) { #ifndef PMAP_INCLUDE_PTE_SYNC struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_offset_t va = (vm_offset_t)mem & ~PAGE_MASK; /* * The mappings for these page tables were initially made using * pmap_kenter() by the pool subsystem. Therefore, the cache- * mode will not be right for page table mappings. To avoid * polluting the pmap_kenter() code with a special case for * page tables, we simply fix up the cache-mode here if it's not * correct. */ l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; pte = *ptep; if ((pte & L2_S_CACHE_MASK) != pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt) { /* * Page tables must have the cache-mode set to * Write-Thru. */ *ptep = (pte & ~L2_S_CACHE_MASK) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; PTE_SYNC(ptep); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(va); cpu_cpwait(); } #endif memset(mem, 0, L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL); PTE_SYNC_RANGE(mem, L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL / sizeof(pt_entry_t)); return (0); } /* * A bunch of routines to conditionally flush the caches/TLB depending * on whether the specified pmap actually needs to be flushed at any * given time. */ static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) cpu_tlb_flushID_SE(va); } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(va); } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flushID(pmap_t pm) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) cpu_tlb_flushID(); } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flushD(pmap_t pm) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) cpu_tlb_flushD(); } static int pmap_has_valid_mapping(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *ptep; if (pmap_get_pde_pte(pm, va, &pde, &ptep) && ptep && ((*ptep & L2_TYPE_MASK) != L2_TYPE_INV)) return (1); return (0); } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t len) { vm_size_t rest; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_dcache_wbinv_range: pmap %p is_kernel %d va 0x%08x" " len 0x%x ", pm, pm == kernel_pmap, va, len); if (pmap_is_current(pm) || pm == kernel_pmap) { rest = MIN(PAGE_SIZE - (va & PAGE_MASK), len); while (len > 0) { if (pmap_has_valid_mapping(pm, va)) { cpu_idcache_wbinv_range(va, rest); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(va, rest); } len -= rest; va += rest; rest = MIN(PAGE_SIZE, len); } } } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_dcache_wb_range(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t len, boolean_t do_inv, boolean_t rd_only) { vm_size_t rest; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_dcache_wb_range: pmap %p is_kernel %d va 0x%08x " "len 0x%x ", pm, pm == kernel_pmap, va, len); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, " do_inv %d rd_only %d", do_inv, rd_only); if (pmap_is_current(pm)) { rest = MIN(PAGE_SIZE - (va & PAGE_MASK), len); while (len > 0) { if (pmap_has_valid_mapping(pm, va)) { if (do_inv && rd_only) { cpu_dcache_inv_range(va, rest); cpu_l2cache_inv_range(va, rest); } else if (do_inv) { cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(va, rest); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(va, rest); } else if (!rd_only) { cpu_dcache_wb_range(va, rest); cpu_l2cache_wb_range(va, rest); } } len -= rest; va += rest; rest = MIN(PAGE_SIZE, len); } } } static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_idcache_wbinv_all(pmap_t pm) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) { cpu_idcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); } } #ifdef notyet static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_dcache_wbinv_all(pmap_t pm) { if (pmap_is_current(pm)) { cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); } } #endif /* * PTE_SYNC_CURRENT: * * Make sure the pte is written out to RAM. * We need to do this for one of two cases: * - We're dealing with the kernel pmap * - There is no pmap active in the cache/tlb. * - The specified pmap is 'active' in the cache/tlb. */ #ifdef PMAP_INCLUDE_PTE_SYNC #define PTE_SYNC_CURRENT(pm, ptep) \ do { \ if (PMAP_NEEDS_PTE_SYNC && \ pmap_is_current(pm)) \ PTE_SYNC(ptep); \ } while (/*CONSTCOND*/0) #else #define PTE_SYNC_CURRENT(pm, ptep) /* nothing */ #endif /* * cacheable == -1 means we must make the entry uncacheable, 1 means * cacheable; */ static __inline void pmap_set_cache_entry(pv_entry_t pv, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, int cacheable) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(pv->pv_va)]; if (cacheable == 1) { pte = (*ptep & ~L2_S_CACHE_MASK) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode; if (l2pte_valid(pte)) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(pv->pv_flags)) { pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); } else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(pv->pv_flags)) { pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); } } } else { pte = *ptep &~ L2_S_CACHE_MASK; if ((va != pv->pv_va || pm != pv->pv_pmap) && l2pte_valid(pte)) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(pv->pv_flags)) { pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); } else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(pv->pv_flags)) { pmap_dcache_wb_range(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) == 0); pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); } } } *ptep = pte; PTE_SYNC_CURRENT(pv->pv_pmap, ptep); } static void pmap_fix_cache(struct vm_page *pg, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { int pmwc = 0; int writable = 0, kwritable = 0, uwritable = 0; int entries = 0, kentries = 0, uentries = 0; struct pv_entry *pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); /* the cache gets written back/invalidated on context switch. * therefore, if a user page shares an entry in the same page or * with the kernel map and at least one is writable, then the * cache entry must be set write-through. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pg->md.pv_list, pv_list) { /* generate a count of the pv_entry uses */ if (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) { if (pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap) kwritable++; else if (pv->pv_pmap == pm) uwritable++; writable++; } if (pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap) kentries++; else { if (pv->pv_pmap == pm) uentries++; entries++; } } /* * check if the user duplicate mapping has * been removed. */ if ((pm != kernel_pmap) && (((uentries > 1) && uwritable) || (uwritable > 1))) pmwc = 1; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pg->md.pv_list, pv_list) { /* check for user uncachable conditions - order is important */ if (pm != kernel_pmap && (pv->pv_pmap == pm || pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap)) { if ((uentries > 1 && uwritable) || uwritable > 1) { /* user duplicate mapping */ if (pv->pv_pmap != kernel_pmap) pv->pv_flags |= PVF_MWC; if (!(pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { pv->pv_flags |= PVF_NC; pmap_set_cache_entry(pv, pm, va, -1); } continue; } else /* no longer a duplicate user */ pv->pv_flags &= ~PVF_MWC; } /* * check for kernel uncachable conditions * kernel writable or kernel readable with writable user entry */ if ((kwritable && (entries || kentries > 1)) || (kwritable > 1) || ((kwritable != writable) && kentries && (pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap || (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) || (pv->pv_flags & PVF_MWC)))) { if (!(pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { pv->pv_flags |= PVF_NC; pmap_set_cache_entry(pv, pm, va, -1); } continue; } /* kernel and user are cachable */ if ((pm == kernel_pmap) && !(pv->pv_flags & PVF_MWC) && (pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { pv->pv_flags &= ~PVF_NC; if (pg->md.pv_memattr != VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) pmap_set_cache_entry(pv, pm, va, 1); continue; } /* user is no longer sharable and writable */ if (pm != kernel_pmap && (pv->pv_pmap == pm || pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap) && !pmwc && (pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { pv->pv_flags &= ~(PVF_NC | PVF_MWC); if (pg->md.pv_memattr != VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) pmap_set_cache_entry(pv, pm, va, 1); } } if ((kwritable == 0) && (writable == 0)) { pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~PVF_MOD; vm_page_aflag_clear(pg, PGA_WRITEABLE); return; } } /* * Modify pte bits for all ptes corresponding to the given physical address. * We use `maskbits' rather than `clearbits' because we're always passing * constants and the latter would require an extra inversion at run-time. */ static int pmap_clearbit(struct vm_page *pg, u_int maskbits) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; struct pv_entry *pv; pt_entry_t *ptep, npte, opte; pmap_t pm; vm_offset_t va; u_int oflags; int count = 0; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (maskbits & PVF_WRITE) maskbits |= PVF_MOD; /* * Clear saved attributes (modify, reference) */ pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~(maskbits & (PVF_MOD | PVF_REF)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pg->md.pv_list)) { rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (0); } /* * Loop over all current mappings setting/clearing as appropos */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pg->md.pv_list, pv_list) { va = pv->pv_va; pm = pv->pv_pmap; oflags = pv->pv_flags; if (!(oflags & maskbits)) { if ((maskbits & PVF_WRITE) && (pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { if (pg->md.pv_memattr != VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) { PMAP_LOCK(pm); l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pm, va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; *ptep |= pte_l2_s_cache_mode; PTE_SYNC(ptep); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } pv->pv_flags &= ~(PVF_NC | PVF_MWC); } continue; } pv->pv_flags &= ~maskbits; PMAP_LOCK(pm); l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pm, va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; npte = opte = *ptep; if (maskbits & (PVF_WRITE|PVF_MOD)) { if ((pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC)) { /* * Entry is not cacheable: * * Don't turn caching on again if this is a * modified emulation. This would be * inconsistent with the settings created by * pmap_fix_cache(). Otherwise, it's safe * to re-enable caching. * * There's no need to call pmap_fix_cache() * here: all pages are losing their write * permission. */ if (maskbits & PVF_WRITE) { if (pg->md.pv_memattr != VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) npte |= pte_l2_s_cache_mode; pv->pv_flags &= ~(PVF_NC | PVF_MWC); } } else if (opte & L2_S_PROT_W) { vm_page_dirty(pg); /* * Entry is writable/cacheable: check if pmap * is current if it is flush it, otherwise it * won't be in the cache */ if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) pmap_dcache_wb_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, (maskbits & PVF_REF) ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE); } /* make the pte read only */ npte &= ~L2_S_PROT_W; } if (maskbits & PVF_REF) { if ((pv->pv_flags & PVF_NC) == 0 && (maskbits & (PVF_WRITE|PVF_MOD)) == 0) { /* * Check npte here; we may have already * done the wbinv above, and the validity * of the PTE is the same for opte and * npte. */ if (npte & L2_S_PROT_W) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) pmap_dcache_wb_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, FALSE); } else if ((npte & L2_TYPE_MASK) != L2_TYPE_INV) { /* XXXJRT need idcache_inv_range */ if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) pmap_dcache_wb_range(pm, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, TRUE); } } /* * Make the PTE invalid so that we will take a * page fault the next time the mapping is * referenced. */ npte &= ~L2_TYPE_MASK; npte |= L2_TYPE_INV; } if (npte != opte) { count++; *ptep = npte; PTE_SYNC(ptep); /* Flush the TLB entry if a current pmap. */ if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pm, pv->pv_va); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pm, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } if (maskbits & PVF_WRITE) vm_page_aflag_clear(pg, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * main pv_entry manipulation functions: * pmap_enter_pv: enter a mapping onto a vm_page list * pmap_remove_pv: remove a mappiing from a vm_page list * * NOTE: pmap_enter_pv expects to lock the pvh itself * pmap_remove_pv expects the caller to lock the pvh before calling */ /* * pmap_enter_pv: enter a mapping onto a vm_page's PV list * * => caller should hold the proper lock on pvh_global_lock * => caller should have pmap locked * => we will (someday) gain the lock on the vm_page's PV list * => caller should adjust ptp's wire_count before calling * => caller should not adjust pmap's wire_count */ static void pmap_enter_pv(struct vm_page *pg, struct pv_entry *pve, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags) { rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pm); if (pg->md.pv_kva != 0) { pve->pv_pmap = kernel_pmap; pve->pv_va = pg->md.pv_kva; pve->pv_flags = PVF_WRITE | PVF_UNMAN; if (pm != kernel_pmap) PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pg->md.pv_list, pve, pv_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvlist, pve, pv_plist); if (pm != kernel_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); pg->md.pv_kva = 0; if ((pve = pmap_get_pv_entry()) == NULL) panic("pmap_kenter_pv: no pv entries"); } pve->pv_pmap = pm; pve->pv_va = va; pve->pv_flags = flags; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pg->md.pv_list, pve, pv_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pm->pm_pvlist, pve, pv_plist); pg->md.pvh_attrs |= flags & (PVF_REF | PVF_MOD); if (pve->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED) ++pm->pm_stats.wired_count; vm_page_aflag_set(pg, PGA_REFERENCED); } /* * * pmap_find_pv: Find a pv entry * * => caller should hold lock on vm_page */ static PMAP_INLINE struct pv_entry * pmap_find_pv(struct vm_page *pg, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct pv_entry *pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pg->md.pv_list, pv_list) if (pm == pv->pv_pmap && va == pv->pv_va) break; return (pv); } /* * vector_page_setprot: * * Manipulate the protection of the vector page. */ void vector_page_setprot(int prot) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, vector_page); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(vector_page)]; *ptep = (*ptep & ~L1_S_PROT_MASK) | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot); PTE_SYNC(ptep); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(vector_page); cpu_cpwait(); } /* * pmap_remove_pv: try to remove a mapping from a pv_list * * => caller should hold proper lock on pmap_main_lock * => pmap should be locked * => caller should hold lock on vm_page [so that attrs can be adjusted] * => caller should adjust ptp's wire_count and free PTP if needed * => caller should NOT adjust pmap's wire_count * => we return the removed pve */ static void pmap_nuke_pv(struct vm_page *pg, pmap_t pm, struct pv_entry *pve) { struct pv_entry *pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pm); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pg->md.pv_list, pve, pv_list); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pm->pm_pvlist, pve, pv_plist); if (pve->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED) --pm->pm_stats.wired_count; if (pg->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_MOD) vm_page_dirty(pg); if (TAILQ_FIRST(&pg->md.pv_list) == NULL) pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~PVF_REF; else vm_page_aflag_set(pg, PGA_REFERENCED); if ((pve->pv_flags & PVF_NC) && ((pm == kernel_pmap) || (pve->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) || !(pve->pv_flags & PVF_MWC))) pmap_fix_cache(pg, pm, 0); else if (pve->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) { TAILQ_FOREACH(pve, &pg->md.pv_list, pv_list) if (pve->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) break; if (!pve) { pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~PVF_MOD; vm_page_aflag_clear(pg, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pg->md.pv_list); if (pv != NULL && (pv->pv_flags & PVF_UNMAN) && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_list) == NULL) { pm = kernel_pmap; pg->md.pv_kva = pv->pv_va; /* a recursive pmap_nuke_pv */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&pg->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pm->pm_pvlist, pv, pv_plist); if (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED) --pm->pm_stats.wired_count; pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~PVF_REF; pg->md.pvh_attrs &= ~PVF_MOD; vm_page_aflag_clear(pg, PGA_WRITEABLE); pmap_free_pv_entry(pv); } } static struct pv_entry * pmap_remove_pv(struct vm_page *pg, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct pv_entry *pve; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); pve = TAILQ_FIRST(&pg->md.pv_list); while (pve) { if (pve->pv_pmap == pm && pve->pv_va == va) { /* match? */ pmap_nuke_pv(pg, pm, pve); break; } pve = TAILQ_NEXT(pve, pv_list); } if (pve == NULL && pg->md.pv_kva == va) pg->md.pv_kva = 0; return(pve); /* return removed pve */ } /* * * pmap_modify_pv: Update pv flags * * => caller should hold lock on vm_page [so that attrs can be adjusted] * => caller should NOT adjust pmap's wire_count * => we return the old flags * * Modify a physical-virtual mapping in the pv table */ static u_int pmap_modify_pv(struct vm_page *pg, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, u_int clr_mask, u_int set_mask) { struct pv_entry *npv; u_int flags, oflags; PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pm); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if ((npv = pmap_find_pv(pg, pm, va)) == NULL) return (0); /* * There is at least one VA mapping this page. */ if (clr_mask & (PVF_REF | PVF_MOD)) pg->md.pvh_attrs |= set_mask & (PVF_REF | PVF_MOD); oflags = npv->pv_flags; npv->pv_flags = flags = (oflags & ~clr_mask) | set_mask; if ((flags ^ oflags) & PVF_WIRED) { if (flags & PVF_WIRED) ++pm->pm_stats.wired_count; else --pm->pm_stats.wired_count; } if ((flags ^ oflags) & PVF_WRITE) pmap_fix_cache(pg, pm, 0); return (oflags); } /* Function to set the debug level of the pmap code */ #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG void pmap_debug(int level) { pmap_debug_level = level; dprintf("pmap_debug: level=%d\n", pmap_debug_level); } #endif /* PMAP_DEBUG */ void pmap_pinit0(struct pmap *pmap) { PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_pinit0: pmap = %08x\n", (u_int32_t) pmap)); bcopy(kernel_pmap, pmap, sizeof(*pmap)); bzero(&pmap->pm_mtx, sizeof(pmap->pm_mtx)); PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); m->md.pv_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT; m->md.pvh_attrs = 0; m->md.pv_kva = 0; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { int shpgperproc = PMAP_SHPGPERPROC; l2zone = uma_zcreate("L2 Table", L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL, pmap_l2ptp_ctor, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); l2table_zone = uma_zcreate("L2 Table", sizeof(struct l2_dtable), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); /* * Initialize the PV entry allocator. */ pvzone = uma_zcreate("PV ENTRY", sizeof (struct pv_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.shpgperproc", &shpgperproc); pv_entry_max = shpgperproc * maxproc + vm_cnt.v_page_count; uma_zone_reserve_kva(pvzone, pv_entry_max); pv_entry_high_water = 9 * (pv_entry_max / 10); /* * Now it is safe to enable pv_table recording. */ PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_init: done!\n")); } int pmap_fault_fixup(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t ftype, int user) { struct l2_dtable *l2; struct l2_bucket *l2b; pd_entry_t *pl1pd, l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa; u_int l1idx; int rv = 0; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); /* * If there is no l2_dtable for this address, then the process * has no business accessing it. * * Note: This will catch userland processes trying to access * kernel addresses. */ l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (l2 == NULL) goto out; /* * Likewise if there is no L2 descriptor table */ l2b = &l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)]; if (l2b->l2b_kva == NULL) goto out; /* * Check the PTE itself. */ ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; pte = *ptep; if (pte == 0) goto out; /* * Catch a userland access to the vector page mapped at 0x0 */ if (user && (pte & L2_S_PROT_U) == 0) goto out; if (va == vector_page) goto out; pa = l2pte_pa(pte); if ((ftype & VM_PROT_WRITE) && (pte & L2_S_PROT_W) == 0) { /* * This looks like a good candidate for "page modified" * emulation... */ struct pv_entry *pv; struct vm_page *pg; /* Extract the physical address of the page */ if ((pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)) == NULL) { goto out; } /* Get the current flags for this page. */ pv = pmap_find_pv(pg, pm, va); if (pv == NULL) { goto out; } /* * Do the flags say this page is writable? If not then it * is a genuine write fault. If yes then the write fault is * our fault as we did not reflect the write access in the * PTE. Now we know a write has occurred we can correct this * and also set the modified bit */ if ((pv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) == 0) { goto out; } pg->md.pvh_attrs |= PVF_REF | PVF_MOD; vm_page_dirty(pg); pv->pv_flags |= PVF_REF | PVF_MOD; /* * Re-enable write permissions for the page. No need to call * pmap_fix_cache(), since this is just a * modified-emulation fault, and the PVF_WRITE bit isn't * changing. We've already set the cacheable bits based on * the assumption that we can write to this page. */ *ptep = (pte & ~L2_TYPE_MASK) | L2_S_PROTO | L2_S_PROT_W; PTE_SYNC(ptep); rv = 1; } else if ((pte & L2_TYPE_MASK) == L2_TYPE_INV) { /* * This looks like a good candidate for "page referenced" * emulation. */ struct pv_entry *pv; struct vm_page *pg; /* Extract the physical address of the page */ if ((pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)) == NULL) goto out; /* Get the current flags for this page. */ pv = pmap_find_pv(pg, pm, va); if (pv == NULL) goto out; pg->md.pvh_attrs |= PVF_REF; pv->pv_flags |= PVF_REF; *ptep = (pte & ~L2_TYPE_MASK) | L2_S_PROTO; PTE_SYNC(ptep); rv = 1; } /* * We know there is a valid mapping here, so simply * fix up the L1 if necessary. */ pl1pd = &pm->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; l1pd = l2b->l2b_phys | L1_C_DOM(pm->pm_domain) | L1_C_PROTO; if (*pl1pd != l1pd) { *pl1pd = l1pd; PTE_SYNC(pl1pd); rv = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG /* * If 'rv == 0' at this point, it generally indicates that there is a * stale TLB entry for the faulting address. This happens when two or * more processes are sharing an L1. Since we don't flush the TLB on * a context switch between such processes, we can take domain faults * for mappings which exist at the same VA in both processes. EVEN IF * WE'VE RECENTLY FIXED UP THE CORRESPONDING L1 in pmap_enter(), for * example. * * This is extremely likely to happen if pmap_enter() updated the L1 * entry for a recently entered mapping. In this case, the TLB is * flushed for the new mapping, but there may still be TLB entries for * other mappings belonging to other processes in the 1MB range * covered by the L1 entry. * * Since 'rv == 0', we know that the L1 already contains the correct * value, so the fault must be due to a stale TLB entry. * * Since we always need to flush the TLB anyway in the case where we * fixed up the L1, or frobbed the L2 PTE, we effectively deal with * stale TLB entries dynamically. * * However, the above condition can ONLY happen if the current L1 is * being shared. If it happens when the L1 is unshared, it indicates * that other parts of the pmap are not doing their job WRT managing * the TLB. */ if (rv == 0 && pm->pm_l1->l1_domain_use_count == 1) { printf("fixup: pm %p, va 0x%lx, ftype %d - nothing to do!\n", pm, (u_long)va, ftype); printf("fixup: l2 %p, l2b %p, ptep %p, pl1pd %p\n", l2, l2b, ptep, pl1pd); printf("fixup: pte 0x%x, l1pd 0x%x, last code 0x%x\n", pte, l1pd, last_fault_code); #ifdef DDB Debugger(); #endif } #endif cpu_tlb_flushID_SE(va); cpu_cpwait(); rv = 1; out: rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (rv); } void pmap_postinit(void) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; struct l1_ttable *l1; pd_entry_t *pl1pt; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_offset_t va, eva; u_int loop, needed; needed = (maxproc / PMAP_DOMAINS) + ((maxproc % PMAP_DOMAINS) ? 1 : 0); needed -= 1; l1 = malloc(sizeof(*l1) * needed, M_VMPMAP, M_WAITOK); for (loop = 0; loop < needed; loop++, l1++) { /* Allocate a L1 page table */ va = (vm_offset_t)contigmalloc(L1_TABLE_SIZE, M_VMPMAP, 0, 0x0, 0xffffffff, L1_TABLE_SIZE, 0); if (va == 0) panic("Cannot allocate L1 KVM"); eva = va + L1_TABLE_SIZE; pl1pt = (pd_entry_t *)va; while (va < eva) { l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; pte = *ptep; pte = (pte & ~L2_S_CACHE_MASK) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; *ptep = pte; PTE_SYNC(ptep); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_init_l1(l1, pl1pt); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("pmap_postinit: Allocated %d static L1 descriptor tables\n", needed); #endif } /* * This is used to stuff certain critical values into the PCB where they * can be accessed quickly from cpu_switch() et al. */ void pmap_set_pcb_pagedir(pmap_t pm, struct pcb *pcb) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pcb->pcb_pagedir = pm->pm_l1->l1_physaddr; pcb->pcb_dacr = (DOMAIN_CLIENT << (PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL * 2)) | (DOMAIN_CLIENT << (pm->pm_domain * 2)); if (vector_page < KERNBASE) { pcb->pcb_pl1vec = &pm->pm_l1->l1_kva[L1_IDX(vector_page)]; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pm, vector_page); pcb->pcb_l1vec = l2b->l2b_phys | L1_C_PROTO | L1_C_DOM(pm->pm_domain) | L1_C_DOM(PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL); } else pcb->pcb_pl1vec = NULL; } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { pmap_t pm; struct pcb *pcb; pm = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); pcb = td->td_pcb; critical_enter(); pmap_set_pcb_pagedir(pm, pcb); if (td == curthread) { u_int cur_dacr, cur_ttb; __asm __volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 0" : "=r"(cur_ttb)); __asm __volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c3, c0, 0" : "=r"(cur_dacr)); cur_ttb &= ~(L1_TABLE_SIZE - 1); if (cur_ttb == (u_int)pcb->pcb_pagedir && cur_dacr == pcb->pcb_dacr) { /* * No need to switch address spaces. */ critical_exit(); return; } /* * We MUST, I repeat, MUST fix up the L1 entry corresponding * to 'vector_page' in the incoming L1 table before switching * to it otherwise subsequent interrupts/exceptions (including * domain faults!) will jump into hyperspace. */ if (pcb->pcb_pl1vec) { *pcb->pcb_pl1vec = pcb->pcb_l1vec; /* * Don't need to PTE_SYNC() at this point since * cpu_setttb() is about to flush both the cache * and the TLB. */ } cpu_domains(pcb->pcb_dacr); cpu_setttb(pcb->pcb_pagedir); } critical_exit(); } static int pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(pd_entry_t *kl1, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pdep, pde; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_offset_t pa; int rv = 0; /* * Make sure the descriptor itself has the correct cache mode */ pdep = &kl1[L1_IDX(va)]; pde = *pdep; if (l1pte_section_p(pde)) { if ((pde & L1_S_CACHE_MASK) != pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt) { *pdep = (pde & ~L1_S_CACHE_MASK) | pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt; PTE_SYNC(pdep); cpu_dcache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)pdep, sizeof(*pdep)); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)pdep, sizeof(*pdep)); rv = 1; } } else { pa = (vm_paddr_t)(pde & L1_C_ADDR_MASK); ptep = (pt_entry_t *)kernel_pt_lookup(pa); if (ptep == NULL) panic("pmap_bootstrap: No L2 for L2 @ va %p\n", ptep); ptep = &ptep[l2pte_index(va)]; pte = *ptep; if ((pte & L2_S_CACHE_MASK) != pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt) { *ptep = (pte & ~L2_S_CACHE_MASK) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; PTE_SYNC(ptep); cpu_dcache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)ptep, sizeof(*ptep)); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)ptep, sizeof(*ptep)); rv = 1; } } return (rv); } static void pmap_alloc_specials(vm_offset_t *availp, int pages, vm_offset_t *vap, pt_entry_t **ptep) { vm_offset_t va = *availp; struct l2_bucket *l2b; if (ptep) { l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); if (l2b == NULL) panic("pmap_alloc_specials: no l2b for 0x%x", va); *ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; } *vap = va; *availp = va + (PAGE_SIZE * pages); } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. * * On the arm this is called after mapping has already been enabled * and just syncs the pmap module with what has already been done. * [We can't call it easily with mapping off since the kernel is not * mapped with PA == VA, hence we would have to relocate every address * from the linked base (virtual) address "KERNBASE" to the actual * (physical) address starting relative to 0] */ #define PMAP_STATIC_L2_SIZE 16 void pmap_bootstrap(vm_offset_t firstaddr, struct pv_addr *l1pt) { static struct l1_ttable static_l1; static struct l2_dtable static_l2[PMAP_STATIC_L2_SIZE]; struct l1_ttable *l1 = &static_l1; struct l2_dtable *l2; struct l2_bucket *l2b; pd_entry_t pde; pd_entry_t *kernel_l1pt = (pd_entry_t *)l1pt->pv_va; pt_entry_t *ptep; pt_entry_t *qmap_pte; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_size_t size; int l1idx, l2idx, l2next = 0; PDEBUG(1, printf("firstaddr = %08x, lastaddr = %08x\n", firstaddr, vm_max_kernel_address)); virtual_avail = firstaddr; kernel_pmap->pm_l1 = l1; kernel_l1pa = l1pt->pv_pa; /* * Scan the L1 translation table created by initarm() and create * the required metadata for all valid mappings found in it. */ for (l1idx = 0; l1idx < (L1_TABLE_SIZE / sizeof(pd_entry_t)); l1idx++) { pde = kernel_l1pt[l1idx]; /* * We're only interested in Coarse mappings. * pmap_extract() can deal with section mappings without * recourse to checking L2 metadata. */ if ((pde & L1_TYPE_MASK) != L1_TYPE_C) continue; /* * Lookup the KVA of this L2 descriptor table */ pa = (vm_paddr_t)(pde & L1_C_ADDR_MASK); ptep = (pt_entry_t *)kernel_pt_lookup(pa); if (ptep == NULL) { panic("pmap_bootstrap: No L2 for va 0x%x, pa 0x%lx", (u_int)l1idx << L1_S_SHIFT, (long unsigned int)pa); } /* * Fetch the associated L2 metadata structure. * Allocate a new one if necessary. */ if ((l2 = kernel_pmap->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]) == NULL) { if (l2next == PMAP_STATIC_L2_SIZE) panic("pmap_bootstrap: out of static L2s"); kernel_pmap->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] = l2 = &static_l2[l2next++]; } /* * One more L1 slot tracked... */ l2->l2_occupancy++; /* * Fill in the details of the L2 descriptor in the * appropriate bucket. */ l2b = &l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)]; l2b->l2b_kva = ptep; l2b->l2b_phys = pa; l2b->l2b_l1idx = l1idx; /* * Establish an initial occupancy count for this descriptor */ for (l2idx = 0; l2idx < (L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL / sizeof(pt_entry_t)); l2idx++) { if ((ptep[l2idx] & L2_TYPE_MASK) != L2_TYPE_INV) { l2b->l2b_occupancy++; } } /* * Make sure the descriptor itself has the correct cache mode. * If not, fix it, but whine about the problem. Port-meisters * should consider this a clue to fix up their initarm() * function. :) */ if (pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(kernel_l1pt, (vm_offset_t)ptep)) { printf("pmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for " "L2 pte @ %p\n", ptep); } } /* * Ensure the primary (kernel) L1 has the correct cache mode for * a page table. Bitch if it is not correctly set. */ for (va = (vm_offset_t)kernel_l1pt; va < ((vm_offset_t)kernel_l1pt + L1_TABLE_SIZE); va += PAGE_SIZE) { if (pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(kernel_l1pt, va)) printf("pmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for " "primary L1 @ 0x%x\n", va); } cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); cpu_tlb_flushID(); cpu_cpwait(); PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); kernel_pmap->pm_domain = PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL; TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvlist); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init_flags(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global", RW_RECURSE); /* * Reserve some special page table entries/VA space for temporary * mapping of pages. */ pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, 1, &csrcp, &csrc_pte); pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(kernel_l1pt, (vm_offset_t)csrc_pte); pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, 1, &cdstp, &cdst_pte); pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(kernel_l1pt, (vm_offset_t)cdst_pte); pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, 1, &qmap_addr, &qmap_pte); pmap_set_pt_cache_mode(kernel_l1pt, (vm_offset_t)qmap_pte); size = ((vm_max_kernel_address - pmap_curmaxkvaddr) + L1_S_OFFSET) / L1_S_SIZE; pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, round_page(size * L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL) / PAGE_SIZE, &pmap_kernel_l2ptp_kva, NULL); size = howmany(size, L2_BUCKET_SIZE); pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, round_page(size * sizeof(struct l2_dtable)) / PAGE_SIZE, &pmap_kernel_l2dtable_kva, NULL); pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, 1, (vm_offset_t*)&_tmppt, NULL); pmap_alloc_specials(&virtual_avail, MAXDUMPPGS, (vm_offset_t *)&crashdumpmap, NULL); SLIST_INIT(&l1_list); TAILQ_INIT(&l1_lru_list); mtx_init(&l1_lru_lock, "l1 list lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); pmap_init_l1(l1, kernel_l1pt); cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); virtual_avail = round_page(virtual_avail); virtual_end = vm_max_kernel_address; kernel_vm_end = pmap_curmaxkvaddr; mtx_init(&cmtx, "TMP mappings mtx", NULL, MTX_DEF); mtx_init(&qmap_mtx, "quick mapping mtx", NULL, MTX_DEF); pmap_set_pcb_pagedir(kernel_pmap, thread0.td_pcb); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { struct pcb *pcb; pmap_idcache_wbinv_all(pmap); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); pmap_tlb_flushID(pmap); cpu_cpwait(); if (vector_page < KERNBASE) { struct pcb *curpcb = PCPU_GET(curpcb); pcb = thread0.td_pcb; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) { /* * Frob the L1 entry corresponding to the vector * page so that it contains the kernel pmap's domain * number. This will ensure pmap_remove() does not * pull the current vector page out from under us. */ critical_enter(); *pcb->pcb_pl1vec = pcb->pcb_l1vec; cpu_domains(pcb->pcb_dacr); cpu_setttb(pcb->pcb_pagedir); critical_exit(); } pmap_remove(pmap, vector_page, vector_page + PAGE_SIZE); /* * Make sure cpu_switch(), et al, DTRT. This is safe to do * since this process has no remaining mappings of its own. */ curpcb->pcb_pl1vec = pcb->pcb_pl1vec; curpcb->pcb_l1vec = pcb->pcb_l1vec; curpcb->pcb_dacr = pcb->pcb_dacr; curpcb->pcb_pagedir = pcb->pcb_pagedir; } pmap_free_l1(pmap); dprintf("pmap_release()\n"); } /* * Helper function for pmap_grow_l2_bucket() */ static __inline int pmap_grow_map(vm_offset_t va, pt_entry_t cache_mode, vm_paddr_t *pap) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep; vm_paddr_t pa; struct vm_page *pg; pg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (pg == NULL) return (1); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pg); if (pap) *pap = pa; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; *ptep = L2_S_PROTO | pa | cache_mode | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); PTE_SYNC(ptep); return (0); } /* * This is the same as pmap_alloc_l2_bucket(), except that it is only * used by pmap_growkernel(). */ static __inline struct l2_bucket * pmap_grow_l2_bucket(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct l2_dtable *l2; struct l2_bucket *l2b; struct l1_ttable *l1; pd_entry_t *pl1pd; u_short l1idx; vm_offset_t nva; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); if ((l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]) == NULL) { /* * No mapping at this address, as there is * no entry in the L1 table. * Need to allocate a new l2_dtable. */ nva = pmap_kernel_l2dtable_kva; if ((nva & PAGE_MASK) == 0) { /* * Need to allocate a backing page */ if (pmap_grow_map(nva, pte_l2_s_cache_mode, NULL)) return (NULL); } l2 = (struct l2_dtable *)nva; nva += sizeof(struct l2_dtable); if ((nva & PAGE_MASK) < (pmap_kernel_l2dtable_kva & PAGE_MASK)) { /* * The new l2_dtable straddles a page boundary. * Map in another page to cover it. */ if (pmap_grow_map(nva, pte_l2_s_cache_mode, NULL)) return (NULL); } pmap_kernel_l2dtable_kva = nva; /* * Link it into the parent pmap */ pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)] = l2; memset(l2, 0, sizeof(*l2)); } l2b = &l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)]; /* * Fetch pointer to the L2 page table associated with the address. */ if (l2b->l2b_kva == NULL) { pt_entry_t *ptep; /* * No L2 page table has been allocated. Chances are, this * is because we just allocated the l2_dtable, above. */ nva = pmap_kernel_l2ptp_kva; ptep = (pt_entry_t *)nva; if ((nva & PAGE_MASK) == 0) { /* * Need to allocate a backing page */ if (pmap_grow_map(nva, pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt, &pmap_kernel_l2ptp_phys)) return (NULL); PTE_SYNC_RANGE(ptep, PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(pt_entry_t)); } memset(ptep, 0, L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL); l2->l2_occupancy++; l2b->l2b_kva = ptep; l2b->l2b_l1idx = l1idx; l2b->l2b_phys = pmap_kernel_l2ptp_phys; pmap_kernel_l2ptp_kva += L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL; pmap_kernel_l2ptp_phys += L2_TABLE_SIZE_REAL; } /* Distribute new L1 entry to all other L1s */ SLIST_FOREACH(l1, &l1_list, l1_link) { pl1pd = &l1->l1_kva[L1_IDX(va)]; *pl1pd = l2b->l2b_phys | L1_C_DOM(PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL) | L1_C_PROTO; PTE_SYNC(pl1pd); } return (l2b); } /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { pmap_t kpm = kernel_pmap; if (addr <= pmap_curmaxkvaddr) return; /* we are OK */ /* * whoops! we need to add kernel PTPs */ /* Map 1MB at a time */ for (; pmap_curmaxkvaddr < addr; pmap_curmaxkvaddr += L1_S_SIZE) pmap_grow_l2_bucket(kpm, pmap_curmaxkvaddr); /* * flush out the cache, expensive but growkernel will happen so * rarely */ cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); cpu_tlb_flushD(); cpu_cpwait(); kernel_vm_end = pmap_curmaxkvaddr; } /* * Remove all pages from specified address space * this aids process exit speeds. Also, this code * is special cased for current process only, but * can have the more generic (and slightly slower) * mode enabled. This is much faster than pmap_remove * in the case of running down an entire address space. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { struct pv_entry *pv, *npv; struct l2_bucket *l2b = NULL; vm_page_t m; pt_entry_t *pt; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); cpu_idcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); for (pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvlist); pv; pv = npv) { if (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED || pv->pv_flags & PVF_UNMAN) { /* Cannot remove wired or unmanaged pages now. */ npv = TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_plist); continue; } pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(l2b != NULL, ("No L2 bucket in pmap_remove_pages")); pt = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(pv->pv_va)]; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pt & L2_S_FRAME); KASSERT((vm_offset_t)m >= KERNBASE, ("Trying to access non-existent page va %x pte %x", pv->pv_va, *pt)); *pt = 0; PTE_SYNC(pt); npv = TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_plist); pmap_nuke_pv(m, pmap, pv); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pmap_free_pv_entry(pv); pmap_free_l2_bucket(pmap, l2b, 1); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); cpu_tlb_flushID(); cpu_cpwait(); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ /* Map a section into the KVA. */ /* * Make a temporary mapping for a physical address. This is only intended * to be used for panic dumps. */ void * pmap_kenter_temporary(vm_paddr_t pa, int i) { vm_offset_t va; va = (vm_offset_t)crashdumpmap + (i * PAGE_SIZE); pmap_kenter(va, pa); return ((void *)crashdumpmap); } /* * add a wired page to the kva * note that in order for the mapping to take effect -- you * should do a invltlb after doing the pmap_kenter... */ static PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kenter_internal(vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa, int flags) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *pte; pt_entry_t opte; struct pv_entry *pve; vm_page_t m; PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_kenter: va = %08x, pa = %08x\n", (uint32_t) va, (uint32_t) pa)); l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); if (l2b == NULL) l2b = pmap_grow_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(l2b != NULL, ("No L2 Bucket")); pte = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; opte = *pte; PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_kenter: pte = %08x, opte = %08x, npte = %08x\n", (uint32_t) pte, opte, *pte)); if (l2pte_valid(opte)) { pmap_kremove(va); } else { if (opte == 0) l2b->l2b_occupancy++; } *pte = L2_S_PROTO | pa | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); if (flags & KENTER_CACHE) *pte |= pte_l2_s_cache_mode; if (flags & KENTER_USER) *pte |= L2_S_PROT_U; PTE_SYNC(pte); /* * A kernel mapping may not be the page's only mapping, so create a PV * entry to ensure proper caching. * * The existence test for the pvzone is used to delay the recording of * kernel mappings until the VM system is fully initialized. * * This expects the physical memory to have a vm_page_array entry. */ if (pvzone != NULL && (m = vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(pa)) != NULL) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) || m->md.pv_kva != 0) { if ((pve = pmap_get_pv_entry()) == NULL) panic("pmap_kenter_internal: no pv entries"); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pmap_enter_pv(m, pve, kernel_pmap, va, PVF_WRITE | PVF_UNMAN); pmap_fix_cache(m, kernel_pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } else { m->md.pv_kva = va; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } } void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pmap_kenter_internal(va, pa, KENTER_CACHE); } void pmap_kenter_nocache(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pmap_kenter_internal(va, pa, 0); } void pmap_kenter_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa) { vm_offset_t sva; KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); sva = va; while (size != 0) { pmap_kenter_internal(va, pa, 0); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } } void pmap_kremove_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t sva; KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); sva = va; while (size != 0) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } } void pmap_kenter_user(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pmap_kenter_internal(va, pa, KENTER_CACHE|KENTER_USER); /* * Call pmap_fault_fixup now, to make sure we'll have no exception * at the first use of the new address, or bad things will happen, * as we use one of these addresses in the exception handlers. */ pmap_fault_fixup(kernel_pmap, va, VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE, 1); } vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { return (pmap_extract_locked(kernel_pmap, va)); } /* * remove a page from the kernel pagetables */ void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *pte, opte; struct pv_entry *pve; vm_page_t m; vm_offset_t pa; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(kernel_pmap, va); if (!l2b) return; KASSERT(l2b != NULL, ("No L2 Bucket")); pte = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; opte = *pte; if (l2pte_valid(opte)) { /* pa = vtophs(va) taken from pmap_extract() */ if ((opte & L2_TYPE_MASK) == L2_TYPE_L) pa = (opte & L2_L_FRAME) | (va & L2_L_OFFSET); else pa = (opte & L2_S_FRAME) | (va & L2_S_OFFSET); /* note: should never have to remove an allocation * before the pvzone is initialized. */ rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); if (pvzone != NULL && (m = vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(pa)) && (pve = pmap_remove_pv(m, kernel_pmap, va))) pmap_free_pv_entry(pve); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); va = va & ~PAGE_MASK; cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(va); cpu_cpwait(); *pte = 0; } } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, int prot) { vm_offset_t sva = *virt; vm_offset_t va = sva; PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_map: virt = %08x, start = %08x, end = %08x, " "prot = %d\n", (uint32_t) *virt, (uint32_t) start, (uint32_t) end, prot)); while (start < end) { pmap_kenter(va, start); va += PAGE_SIZE; start += PAGE_SIZE; } *virt = va; return (sva); } static void pmap_wb_page(vm_page_t m) { struct pv_entry *pv; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) pmap_dcache_wb_range(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, FALSE, (pv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) == 0); } static void pmap_inv_page(vm_page_t m) { struct pv_entry *pv; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) pmap_dcache_wb_range(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, TRUE); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t *m, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pmap_wb_page(m[i]); pmap_kenter_internal(va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m[i]), KENTER_CACHE); va += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * this routine jerks page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t va, int count) { vm_paddr_t pa; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pa = vtophys(va); if (pa) { pmap_inv_page(PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)); pmap_kremove(va); } va += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * pmap_object_init_pt preloads the ptes for a given object * into the specified pmap. This eliminates the blast of soft * faults on process startup and immediately after an mmap. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is elgible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; if (!pmap_get_pde_pte(pmap, addr, &pde, &pte)) return (FALSE); KASSERT(pte != NULL, ("Valid mapping but no pte ?")); if (*pte == 0) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } /* * Fetch pointers to the PDE/PTE for the given pmap/VA pair. * Returns TRUE if the mapping exists, else FALSE. * * NOTE: This function is only used by a couple of arm-specific modules. * It is not safe to take any pmap locks here, since we could be right * in the middle of debugging the pmap anyway... * * It is possible for this routine to return FALSE even though a valid * mapping does exist. This is because we don't lock, so the metadata * state may be inconsistent. * * NOTE: We can return a NULL *ptp in the case where the L1 pde is * a "section" mapping. */ boolean_t pmap_get_pde_pte(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t **pdp, pt_entry_t **ptp) { struct l2_dtable *l2; pd_entry_t *pl1pd, l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep; u_short l1idx; if (pm->pm_l1 == NULL) return (FALSE); l1idx = L1_IDX(va); *pdp = pl1pd = &pm->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; l1pd = *pl1pd; if (l1pte_section_p(l1pd)) { *ptp = NULL; return (TRUE); } if (pm->pm_l2 == NULL) return (FALSE); l2 = pm->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (l2 == NULL || (ptep = l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)].l2b_kva) == NULL) { return (FALSE); } *ptp = &ptep[l2pte_index(va)]; return (TRUE); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; pt_entry_t *ptep; struct l2_bucket *l2b; boolean_t flush = FALSE; pmap_t curpm; int flags = 0; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); /* * XXX This call shouldn't exist. Iterating over the PV list twice, * once in pmap_clearbit() and again below, is both unnecessary and * inefficient. The below code should itself write back the cache * entry before it destroys the mapping. */ pmap_clearbit(m, PVF_WRITE); curpm = vmspace_pmap(curproc->p_vmspace); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { if (flush == FALSE && (pv->pv_pmap == curpm || pv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap)) flush = TRUE; PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); /* * Cached contents were written-back in pmap_clearbit(), * but we still have to invalidate the cache entry to make * sure stale data are not retrieved when another page will be * mapped under this virtual address. */ if (pmap_is_current(pv->pv_pmap)) { cpu_dcache_inv_range(pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); if (pmap_has_valid_mapping(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) cpu_l2cache_inv_range(pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); } if (pv->pv_flags & PVF_UNMAN) { /* remove the pv entry, but do not remove the mapping * and remember this is a kernel mapped page */ m->md.pv_kva = pv->pv_va; } else { /* remove the mapping and pv entry */ l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(l2b != NULL, ("No l2 bucket")); ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(pv->pv_va)]; *ptep = 0; PTE_SYNC_CURRENT(pv->pv_pmap, ptep); pmap_free_l2_bucket(pv->pv_pmap, l2b, 1); pv->pv_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; flags |= pv->pv_flags; } pmap_nuke_pv(m, pv->pv_pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); pmap_free_pv_entry(pv); } if (flush) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(flags)) pmap_tlb_flushID(curpm); else pmap_tlb_flushD(curpm); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_offset_t next_bucket; u_int flags; int flush; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_protect: pmap %p sva 0x%08x eva 0x%08x prot %x", pm, sva, eva, prot); if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == 0) { pmap_remove(pm, sva, eva); return; } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { /* * If this is a read->write transition, just ignore it and let * vm_fault() take care of it later. */ return; } rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); /* * OK, at this point, we know we're doing write-protect operation. * If the pmap is active, write-back the range. */ pmap_dcache_wb_range(pm, sva, eva - sva, FALSE, FALSE); flush = ((eva - sva) >= (PAGE_SIZE * 4)) ? 0 : -1; flags = 0; while (sva < eva) { next_bucket = L2_NEXT_BUCKET(sva); if (next_bucket > eva) next_bucket = eva; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pm, sva); if (l2b == NULL) { sva = next_bucket; continue; } ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(sva)]; while (sva < next_bucket) { if ((pte = *ptep) != 0 && (pte & L2_S_PROT_W) != 0) { struct vm_page *pg; u_int f; pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(l2pte_pa(pte)); pte &= ~L2_S_PROT_W; *ptep = pte; PTE_SYNC(ptep); if (!(pg->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED)) { f = pmap_modify_pv(pg, pm, sva, PVF_WRITE, 0); if (f & PVF_WRITE) vm_page_dirty(pg); } else f = 0; if (flush >= 0) { flush++; flags |= f; } else if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(f)) pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pm, sva); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(f)) pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pm, sva); } sva += PAGE_SIZE; ptep++; } } if (flush) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(flags)) pmap_tlb_flushID(pm); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(flags)) pmap_tlb_flushD(pm); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind __unused) { int rv; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rv = pmap_enter_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, flags); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * The pvh global and pmap locks must be held. */ static int pmap_enter_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags) { struct l2_bucket *l2b = NULL; struct vm_page *opg; struct pv_entry *pve = NULL; pt_entry_t *ptep, npte, opte; u_int nflags; u_int oflags; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pmap); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if (va == vector_page) { pa = systempage.pv_pa; m = NULL; } else { if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); } nflags = 0; if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) nflags |= PVF_WRITE; if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) nflags |= PVF_EXEC; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) nflags |= PVF_WIRED; PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_enter: pmap = %08x, va = %08x, m = %08x, prot = %x, " "flags = %x\n", (uint32_t) pmap, va, (uint32_t) m, prot, flags)); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap, va); if (l2b == NULL) l2b = pmap_grow_l2_bucket(pmap, va); } else { do_l2b_alloc: l2b = pmap_alloc_l2_bucket(pmap, va); if (l2b == NULL) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_wait(NULL); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); goto do_l2b_alloc; } return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } } ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(va)]; opte = *ptep; npte = pa; oflags = 0; if (opte) { /* * There is already a mapping at this address. * If the physical address is different, lookup the * vm_page. */ if (l2pte_pa(opte) != pa) opg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(l2pte_pa(opte)); else opg = m; } else opg = NULL; if ((prot & (VM_PROT_ALL)) || (!m || m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_REF)) { /* * - The access type indicates that we don't need * to do referenced emulation. * OR * - The physical page has already been referenced * so no need to re-do referenced emulation here. */ npte |= L2_S_PROTO; nflags |= PVF_REF; if (m && ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 || (m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_MOD))) { /* * This is a writable mapping, and the * page's mod state indicates it has * already been modified. Make it * writable from the outset. */ nflags |= PVF_MOD; if (!(m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_MOD)) vm_page_dirty(m); } if (m && opte) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); } else { /* * Need to do page referenced emulation. */ npte |= L2_TYPE_INV; } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { npte |= L2_S_PROT_W; if (m != NULL && (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } if (m->md.pv_memattr != VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) npte |= pte_l2_s_cache_mode; if (m && m == opg) { /* * We're changing the attrs of an existing mapping. */ oflags = pmap_modify_pv(m, pmap, va, PVF_WRITE | PVF_EXEC | PVF_WIRED | PVF_MOD | PVF_REF, nflags); /* * We may need to flush the cache if we're * doing rw-ro... */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap) && (oflags & PVF_NC) == 0 && (opte & L2_S_PROT_W) != 0 && (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 && (opte & L2_TYPE_MASK) != L2_TYPE_INV) { cpu_dcache_wb_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_wb_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); } } else { /* * New mapping, or changing the backing page * of an existing mapping. */ if (opg) { /* * Replacing an existing mapping with a new one. * It is part of our managed memory so we * must remove it from the PV list */ if ((pve = pmap_remove_pv(opg, pmap, va))) { /* note for patch: the oflags/invalidation was moved * because PG_FICTITIOUS pages could free the pve */ oflags = pve->pv_flags; /* * If the old mapping was valid (ref/mod * emulation creates 'invalid' mappings * initially) then make sure to frob * the cache. */ if ((oflags & PVF_NC) == 0 && l2pte_valid(opte)) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) { pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pmap, va, PAGE_SIZE); } else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) { pmap_dcache_wb_range(pmap, va, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, (oflags & PVF_WRITE) == 0); } } /* free/allocate a pv_entry for UNMANAGED pages if * this physical page is not/is already mapped. */ if (m && (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) && !m->md.pv_kva && TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) { pmap_free_pv_entry(pve); pve = NULL; } } else if (m && (!(m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) || m->md.pv_kva || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list))) pve = pmap_get_pv_entry(); } else if (m && (!(m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) || m->md.pv_kva || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list))) pve = pmap_get_pv_entry(); if (m) { if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED)) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) || m->md.pv_kva) { KASSERT(pve != NULL, ("No pv")); nflags |= PVF_UNMAN; pmap_enter_pv(m, pve, pmap, va, nflags); } else m->md.pv_kva = va; } else { KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva, ("pmap_enter: managed mapping within the clean submap")); KASSERT(pve != NULL, ("No pv")); pmap_enter_pv(m, pve, pmap, va, nflags); } } } /* * Make sure userland mappings get the right permissions */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap && va != vector_page) { npte |= L2_S_PROT_U; } /* * Keep the stats up to date */ if (opte == 0) { l2b->l2b_occupancy++; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; } /* * If this is just a wiring change, the two PTEs will be * identical, so there's no need to update the page table. */ if (npte != opte) { boolean_t is_cached = pmap_is_current(pmap); *ptep = npte; if (is_cached) { /* * We only need to frob the cache/tlb if this pmap * is current */ PTE_SYNC(ptep); if (L1_IDX(va) != L1_IDX(vector_page) && l2pte_valid(npte)) { /* * This mapping is likely to be accessed as * soon as we return to userland. Fix up the * L1 entry to avoid taking another * page/domain fault. */ pd_entry_t *pl1pd, l1pd; pl1pd = &pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva[L1_IDX(va)]; l1pd = l2b->l2b_phys | L1_C_DOM(pmap->pm_domain) | L1_C_PROTO; if (*pl1pd != l1pd) { *pl1pd = l1pd; PTE_SYNC(pl1pd); } } } if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(oflags)) pmap_tlb_flushID_SE(pmap, va); else if (PV_BEEN_REFD(oflags)) pmap_tlb_flushD_SE(pmap, va); if (m) pmap_fix_cache(m, pmap, va); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { pmap_enter_locked(pmap, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pmap_enter_locked(pmap, va, m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * XXX Wired mappings of unmanaged pages cannot be counted by this pmap * implementation. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t next_bucket; vm_page_t m; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (sva < eva) { next_bucket = L2_NEXT_BUCKET(sva); if (next_bucket > eva) next_bucket = eva; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap, sva); if (l2b == NULL) { sva = next_bucket; continue; } for (ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(sva)]; sva < next_bucket; sva += PAGE_SIZE, ptep++) { if ((pte = *ptep) == 0 || (m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(l2pte_pa(pte))) == NULL || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) continue; pv = pmap_find_pv(m, pmap, sva); if ((pv->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: pv %p isn't wired", pv); pv->pv_flags &= ~PVF_WIRED; pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pa = pmap_extract_locked(pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } static vm_paddr_t pmap_extract_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct l2_dtable *l2; pd_entry_t l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa; u_int l1idx; if (pmap != kernel_pmap) PMAP_ASSERT_LOCKED(pmap); l1idx = L1_IDX(va); l1pd = pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; if (l1pte_section_p(l1pd)) { /* * These should only happen for the kernel pmap. */ KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap, ("unexpected section")); /* XXX: what to do about the bits > 32 ? */ if (l1pd & L1_S_SUPERSEC) pa = (l1pd & L1_SUP_FRAME) | (va & L1_SUP_OFFSET); else pa = (l1pd & L1_S_FRAME) | (va & L1_S_OFFSET); } else { /* * Note that we can't rely on the validity of the L1 * descriptor as an indication that a mapping exists. * We have to look it up in the L2 dtable. */ l2 = pmap->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (l2 == NULL || (ptep = l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)].l2b_kva) == NULL) return (0); pte = ptep[l2pte_index(va)]; if (pte == 0) return (0); if ((pte & L2_TYPE_MASK) == L2_TYPE_L) pa = (pte & L2_L_FRAME) | (va & L2_L_OFFSET); else pa = (pte & L2_S_FRAME) | (va & L2_S_OFFSET); } return (pa); } /* * Atomically extract and hold the physical page with the given * pmap and virtual address pair if that mapping permits the given * protection. * */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { struct l2_dtable *l2; pd_entry_t l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa, paddr; vm_page_t m = NULL; u_int l1idx; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); paddr = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: l1pd = pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; if (l1pte_section_p(l1pd)) { /* * These should only happen for kernel_pmap */ KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap, ("huh")); /* XXX: what to do about the bits > 32 ? */ if (l1pd & L1_S_SUPERSEC) pa = (l1pd & L1_SUP_FRAME) | (va & L1_SUP_OFFSET); else pa = (l1pd & L1_S_FRAME) | (va & L1_S_OFFSET); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa & PG_FRAME, &paddr)) goto retry; if (l1pd & L1_S_PROT_W || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } - } else { /* * Note that we can't rely on the validity of the L1 * descriptor as an indication that a mapping exists. * We have to look it up in the L2 dtable. */ l2 = pmap->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (l2 == NULL || (ptep = l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)].l2b_kva) == NULL) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (NULL); } ptep = &ptep[l2pte_index(va)]; pte = *ptep; if (pte == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (NULL); } if (pte & L2_S_PROT_W || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if ((pte & L2_TYPE_MASK) == L2_TYPE_L) pa = (pte & L2_L_FRAME) | (va & L2_L_OFFSET); else pa = (pte & L2_S_FRAME) | (va & L2_S_OFFSET); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa & PG_FRAME, &paddr)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); PA_UNLOCK_COND(paddr); return (m); } vm_paddr_t pmap_dump_kextract(vm_offset_t va, pt2_entry_t *pte2p) { struct l2_dtable *l2; pd_entry_t l1pd; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa; u_int l1idx; l1idx = L1_IDX(va); l1pd = kernel_pmap->pm_l1->l1_kva[l1idx]; if (l1pte_section_p(l1pd)) { if (l1pd & L1_S_SUPERSEC) pa = (l1pd & L1_SUP_FRAME) | (va & L1_SUP_OFFSET); else pa = (l1pd & L1_S_FRAME) | (va & L1_S_OFFSET); pte = L2_S_PROTO | pa | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); } else { l2 = kernel_pmap->pm_l2[L2_IDX(l1idx)]; if (l2 == NULL || (ptep = l2->l2_bucket[L2_BUCKET(l1idx)].l2b_kva) == NULL) { pte = 0; pa = 0; goto out; } pte = ptep[l2pte_index(va)]; if (pte == 0) { pa = 0; goto out; } if ((pte & L2_TYPE_MASK) == L2_TYPE_L) pa = (pte & L2_L_FRAME) | (va & L2_L_OFFSET); else pa = (pte & L2_S_FRAME) | (va & L2_S_OFFSET); } out: if (pte2p != NULL) *pte2p = pte; return (pa); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { PDEBUG(1, printf("pmap_pinit: pmap = %08x\n", (uint32_t) pmap)); pmap_alloc_l1(pmap); bzero(pmap->pm_l2, sizeof(pmap->pm_l2)); CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvlist); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count = 1; if (vector_page < KERNBASE) { pmap_enter(pmap, vector_page, PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(systempage.pv_pa), VM_PROT_READ, PMAP_ENTER_WIRED | VM_PROT_READ, 0); } return (1); } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ static void pmap_free_pv_entry(pv_entry_t pv) { pv_entry_count--; uma_zfree(pvzone, pv); } /* * get a new pv_entry, allocating a block from the system * when needed. * the memory allocation is performed bypassing the malloc code * because of the possibility of allocations at interrupt time. */ static pv_entry_t pmap_get_pv_entry(void) { pv_entry_t ret_value; pv_entry_count++; if (pv_entry_count > pv_entry_high_water) pagedaemon_wakeup(0); /* XXX ARM NUMA */ ret_value = uma_zalloc(pvzone, M_NOWAIT); return ret_value; } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ #define PMAP_REMOVE_CLEAN_LIST_SIZE 3 void pmap_remove(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; vm_offset_t next_bucket; pt_entry_t *ptep; u_int total; u_int mappings, is_exec, is_refd; int flushall = 0; /* * we lock in the pmap => pv_head direction */ rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); total = 0; while (sva < eva) { /* * Do one L2 bucket's worth at a time. */ next_bucket = L2_NEXT_BUCKET(sva); if (next_bucket > eva) next_bucket = eva; l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pm, sva); if (l2b == NULL) { sva = next_bucket; continue; } ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(sva)]; mappings = 0; while (sva < next_bucket) { struct vm_page *pg; pt_entry_t pte; vm_paddr_t pa; pte = *ptep; if (pte == 0) { /* * Nothing here, move along */ sva += PAGE_SIZE; ptep++; continue; } pm->pm_stats.resident_count--; pa = l2pte_pa(pte); is_exec = 0; is_refd = 1; /* * Update flags. In a number of circumstances, * we could cluster a lot of these and do a * number of sequential pages in one go. */ if ((pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)) != NULL) { struct pv_entry *pve; pve = pmap_remove_pv(pg, pm, sva); if (pve) { is_exec = PV_BEEN_EXECD(pve->pv_flags); is_refd = PV_BEEN_REFD(pve->pv_flags); pmap_free_pv_entry(pve); } } if (l2pte_valid(pte) && pmap_is_current(pm)) { if (total < PMAP_REMOVE_CLEAN_LIST_SIZE) { total++; if (is_exec) { cpu_idcache_wbinv_range(sva, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(sva, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_tlb_flushID_SE(sva); } else if (is_refd) { cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(sva, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(sva, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(sva); } } else if (total == PMAP_REMOVE_CLEAN_LIST_SIZE) { /* flushall will also only get set for * for a current pmap */ cpu_idcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); flushall = 1; total++; } } *ptep = 0; PTE_SYNC(ptep); sva += PAGE_SIZE; ptep++; mappings++; } pmap_free_l2_bucket(pm, l2b, mappings); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (flushall) cpu_tlb_flushID(); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * pmap_zero_page() * * Zero a given physical page by mapping it at a page hook point. * In doing the zero page op, the page we zero is mapped cachable, as with * StrongARM accesses to non-cached pages are non-burst making writing * _any_ bulk data very slow. */ static void pmap_zero_page_generic(vm_paddr_t phys, int off, int size) { if (_arm_bzero && size >= _min_bzero_size && _arm_bzero((void *)(phys + off), size, IS_PHYSICAL) == 0) return; mtx_lock(&cmtx); /* * Hook in the page, zero it, invalidate the TLB as needed. * * Note the temporary zero-page mapping must be a non-cached page in * order to work without corruption when write-allocate is enabled. */ *cdst_pte = L2_S_PROTO | phys | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_WRITE); PTE_SYNC(cdst_pte); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(cdstp); cpu_cpwait(); if (off || size != PAGE_SIZE) bzero((void *)(cdstp + off), size); else bzero_page(cdstp); mtx_unlock(&cmtx); } /* * pmap_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { pmap_zero_page_generic(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), 0, PAGE_SIZE); } /* * pmap_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * off and size may not cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { pmap_zero_page_generic(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), off, size); } #if 0 /* * pmap_clean_page() * * This is a local function used to work out the best strategy to clean * a single page referenced by its entry in the PV table. It should be used by * pmap_copy_page, pmap_zero page and maybe some others later on. * * Its policy is effectively: * o If there are no mappings, we don't bother doing anything with the cache. * o If there is one mapping, we clean just that page. * o If there are multiple mappings, we clean the entire cache. * * So that some functions can be further optimised, it returns 0 if it didn't * clean the entire cache, or 1 if it did. * * XXX One bug in this routine is that if the pv_entry has a single page * mapped at 0x00000000 a whole cache clean will be performed rather than * just the 1 page. Since this should not occur in everyday use and if it does * it will just result in not the most efficient clean for the page. * * We don't yet use this function but may want to. */ static int pmap_clean_page(struct pv_entry *pv, boolean_t is_src) { pmap_t pm, pm_to_clean = NULL; struct pv_entry *npv; u_int cache_needs_cleaning = 0; u_int flags = 0; vm_offset_t page_to_clean = 0; if (pv == NULL) { /* nothing mapped in so nothing to flush */ return (0); } /* * Since we flush the cache each time we change to a different * user vmspace, we only need to flush the page if it is in the * current pmap. */ if (curthread) pm = vmspace_pmap(curproc->p_vmspace); else pm = kernel_pmap; for (npv = pv; npv; npv = TAILQ_NEXT(npv, pv_list)) { if (npv->pv_pmap == kernel_pmap || npv->pv_pmap == pm) { flags |= npv->pv_flags; /* * The page is mapped non-cacheable in * this map. No need to flush the cache. */ if (npv->pv_flags & PVF_NC) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (cache_needs_cleaning) panic("pmap_clean_page: " "cache inconsistency"); #endif break; } else if (is_src && (npv->pv_flags & PVF_WRITE) == 0) continue; if (cache_needs_cleaning) { page_to_clean = 0; break; } else { page_to_clean = npv->pv_va; pm_to_clean = npv->pv_pmap; } cache_needs_cleaning = 1; } } if (page_to_clean) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(flags)) pmap_idcache_wbinv_range(pm_to_clean, page_to_clean, PAGE_SIZE); else pmap_dcache_wb_range(pm_to_clean, page_to_clean, PAGE_SIZE, !is_src, (flags & PVF_WRITE) == 0); } else if (cache_needs_cleaning) { if (PV_BEEN_EXECD(flags)) pmap_idcache_wbinv_all(pm); else pmap_dcache_wbinv_all(pm); return (1); } return (0); } #endif /* * pmap_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) * page by mapping the page into virtual memory and using * bcopy to copy the page, one machine dependent page at a * time. */ /* * pmap_copy_page() * * Copy one physical page into another, by mapping the pages into * hook points. The same comment regarding cachability as in * pmap_zero_page also applies here. */ static void pmap_copy_page_generic(vm_paddr_t src, vm_paddr_t dst) { #if 0 struct vm_page *src_pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(src); #endif /* * Clean the source page. Hold the source page's lock for * the duration of the copy so that no other mappings can * be created while we have a potentially aliased mapping. */ #if 0 /* * XXX: Not needed while we call cpu_dcache_wbinv_all() in * pmap_copy_page(). */ (void) pmap_clean_page(TAILQ_FIRST(&src_pg->md.pv_list), TRUE); #endif /* * Map the pages into the page hook points, copy them, and purge * the cache for the appropriate page. Invalidate the TLB * as required. */ mtx_lock(&cmtx); *csrc_pte = L2_S_PROTO | src | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_READ) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode; PTE_SYNC(csrc_pte); *cdst_pte = L2_S_PROTO | dst | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_WRITE) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode; PTE_SYNC(cdst_pte); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(csrcp); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(cdstp); cpu_cpwait(); bcopy_page(csrcp, cdstp); mtx_unlock(&cmtx); cpu_dcache_inv_range(csrcp, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(cdstp, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_inv_range(csrcp, PAGE_SIZE); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(cdstp, PAGE_SIZE); } void pmap_copy_page_offs_generic(vm_paddr_t a_phys, vm_offset_t a_offs, vm_paddr_t b_phys, vm_offset_t b_offs, int cnt) { mtx_lock(&cmtx); *csrc_pte = L2_S_PROTO | a_phys | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_READ) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode; PTE_SYNC(csrc_pte); *cdst_pte = L2_S_PROTO | b_phys | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, VM_PROT_WRITE) | pte_l2_s_cache_mode; PTE_SYNC(cdst_pte); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(csrcp); cpu_tlb_flushD_SE(cdstp); cpu_cpwait(); bcopy((char *)csrcp + a_offs, (char *)cdstp + b_offs, cnt); mtx_unlock(&cmtx); cpu_dcache_inv_range(csrcp + a_offs, cnt); cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(cdstp + b_offs, cnt); cpu_l2cache_inv_range(csrcp + a_offs, cnt); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_range(cdstp + b_offs, cnt); } void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t src, vm_page_t dst) { cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); if (_arm_memcpy && PAGE_SIZE >= _min_memcpy_size && _arm_memcpy((void *)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst), (void *)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src), PAGE_SIZE, IS_PHYSICAL) == 0) return; pmap_copy_page_generic(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src), VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst)); } /* * We have code to do unmapped I/O. However, it isn't quite right and * causes un-page-aligned I/O to devices to fail (most notably newfs * or fsck). We give up a little performance to not allow unmapped I/O * to gain stability. */ int unmapped_buf_allowed = 0; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { vm_page_t a_pg, b_pg; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; cpu_dcache_wbinv_all(); cpu_l2cache_wbinv_all(); while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); b_pg = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); pmap_copy_page_offs_generic(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(a_pg), a_pg_offset, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(b_pg), b_pg_offset, cnt); xfersize -= cnt; a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { /* * Don't bother with a PCPU pageframe, since we don't support * SMP for anything pre-armv7. Use pmap_kenter() to ensure * caching is handled correctly for multiple mappings of the * same physical page. */ mtx_assert(&qmap_mtx, MA_NOTOWNED); mtx_lock(&qmap_mtx); pmap_kenter(qmap_addr, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); return (qmap_addr); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { KASSERT(addr == qmap_addr, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); mtx_assert(&qmap_mtx, MA_OWNED); pmap_kremove(addr); mtx_unlock(&qmap_mtx); } /* * this routine returns true if a physical page resides * in the given pmap. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { if (pv->pv_pmap == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) if ((pv->pv_flags & PVF_WIRED) != 0) count++; rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * This function is advisory. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return the count of reference bits for a page, clearing all of them. */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (pmap_clearbit(m, PVF_REF)); } boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); if (m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_MOD) return (TRUE); return(FALSE); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no mappings can be modified. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; if (m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_MOD) pmap_clearbit(m, PVF_MOD); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return ((m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_REF) != 0); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (vm_page_xbusied(m) || (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0) pmap_clearbit(m, PVF_WRITE); } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { struct l2_bucket *l2b; pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int val; boolean_t managed; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: l2b = pmap_get_l2_bucket(pmap, addr); if (l2b == NULL) { val = 0; goto out; } ptep = &l2b->l2b_kva[l2pte_index(addr)]; pte = *ptep; if (!l2pte_valid(pte)) { val = 0; goto out; } val = MINCORE_INCORE; if (pte & L2_S_PROT_W) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; managed = false; pa = l2pte_pa(pte); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); if (m != NULL && !(m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED)) managed = true; if (managed) { /* * The ARM pmap tries to maintain a per-mapping * reference bit. The trouble is that it's kept in * the PV entry, not the PTE, so it's costly to access * here. You would need to acquire the pvh global * lock, call pmap_find_pv(), and introduce a custom * version of vm_page_pa_tryrelock() that releases and * reacquires the pvh global lock. In the end, I * doubt it's worthwhile. This may falsely report * the given address as referenced. */ if ((m->md.pvh_attrs & PVF_REF) != 0) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && managed) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else out: PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { } #define BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG /* * pmap_map_section: * * Create a single section mapping. */ void pmap_map_section(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa, int prot, int cache) { pd_entry_t *pde = (pd_entry_t *) l1pt; pd_entry_t fl; KASSERT(((va | pa) & L1_S_OFFSET) == 0, ("ouin2")); switch (cache) { case PTE_NOCACHE: default: fl = 0; break; case PTE_CACHE: fl = pte_l1_s_cache_mode; break; case PTE_PAGETABLE: fl = pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt; break; } pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT] = L1_S_PROTO | pa | L1_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot) | fl | L1_S_DOM(PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL); PTE_SYNC(&pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT]); } /* * pmap_link_l2pt: * * Link the L2 page table specified by l2pv.pv_pa into the L1 * page table at the slot for "va". */ void pmap_link_l2pt(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, struct pv_addr *l2pv) { pd_entry_t *pde = (pd_entry_t *) l1pt, proto; u_int slot = va >> L1_S_SHIFT; proto = L1_S_DOM(PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL) | L1_C_PROTO; #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("pmap_link_l2pt: pa=0x%x va=0x%x\n", l2pv->pv_pa, l2pv->pv_va); #endif pde[slot + 0] = proto | (l2pv->pv_pa + 0x000); PTE_SYNC(&pde[slot]); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&kernel_pt_list, l2pv, pv_list); } /* * pmap_map_entry * * Create a single page mapping. */ void pmap_map_entry(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa, int prot, int cache) { pd_entry_t *pde = (pd_entry_t *) l1pt; pt_entry_t fl; pt_entry_t *pte; KASSERT(((va | pa) & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("ouin")); switch (cache) { case PTE_NOCACHE: default: fl = 0; break; case PTE_CACHE: fl = pte_l2_s_cache_mode; break; case PTE_PAGETABLE: fl = pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; break; } if ((pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT] & L1_TYPE_MASK) != L1_TYPE_C) panic("pmap_map_entry: no L2 table for VA 0x%08x", va); pte = (pt_entry_t *) kernel_pt_lookup(pde[L1_IDX(va)] & L1_C_ADDR_MASK); if (pte == NULL) panic("pmap_map_entry: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08x", va); pte[l2pte_index(va)] = L2_S_PROTO | pa | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot) | fl; PTE_SYNC(&pte[l2pte_index(va)]); } /* * pmap_map_chunk: * * Map a chunk of memory using the most efficient mappings * possible (section. large page, small page) into the * provided L1 and L2 tables at the specified virtual address. */ vm_size_t pmap_map_chunk(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa, vm_size_t size, int prot, int cache) { pd_entry_t *pde = (pd_entry_t *) l1pt; pt_entry_t *pte, f1, f2s, f2l; vm_size_t resid; int i; resid = roundup2(size, PAGE_SIZE); if (l1pt == 0) panic("pmap_map_chunk: no L1 table provided"); #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("pmap_map_chunk: pa=0x%x va=0x%x size=0x%x resid=0x%x " "prot=0x%x cache=%d\n", pa, va, size, resid, prot, cache); #endif switch (cache) { case PTE_NOCACHE: default: f1 = 0; f2l = 0; f2s = 0; break; case PTE_CACHE: f1 = pte_l1_s_cache_mode; f2l = pte_l2_l_cache_mode; f2s = pte_l2_s_cache_mode; break; case PTE_PAGETABLE: f1 = pte_l1_s_cache_mode_pt; f2l = pte_l2_l_cache_mode_pt; f2s = pte_l2_s_cache_mode_pt; break; } size = resid; while (resid > 0) { /* See if we can use a section mapping. */ if (L1_S_MAPPABLE_P(va, pa, resid)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("S"); #endif pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT] = L1_S_PROTO | pa | L1_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot) | f1 | L1_S_DOM(PMAP_DOMAIN_KERNEL); PTE_SYNC(&pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT]); va += L1_S_SIZE; pa += L1_S_SIZE; resid -= L1_S_SIZE; continue; } /* * Ok, we're going to use an L2 table. Make sure * one is actually in the corresponding L1 slot * for the current VA. */ if ((pde[va >> L1_S_SHIFT] & L1_TYPE_MASK) != L1_TYPE_C) panic("pmap_map_chunk: no L2 table for VA 0x%08x", va); pte = (pt_entry_t *) kernel_pt_lookup( pde[L1_IDX(va)] & L1_C_ADDR_MASK); if (pte == NULL) panic("pmap_map_chunk: can't find L2 table for VA" "0x%08x", va); /* See if we can use a L2 large page mapping. */ if (L2_L_MAPPABLE_P(va, pa, resid)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("L"); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { pte[l2pte_index(va) + i] = L2_L_PROTO | pa | L2_L_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot) | f2l; PTE_SYNC(&pte[l2pte_index(va) + i]); } va += L2_L_SIZE; pa += L2_L_SIZE; resid -= L2_L_SIZE; continue; } /* Use a small page mapping. */ #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("P"); #endif pte[l2pte_index(va)] = L2_S_PROTO | pa | L2_S_PROT(PTE_KERNEL, prot) | f2s; PTE_SYNC(&pte[l2pte_index(va)]); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; resid -= PAGE_SIZE; } #ifdef VERBOSE_INIT_ARM printf("\n"); #endif return (size); } void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { /* * Remember the memattr in a field that gets used to set the appropriate * bits in the PTEs as mappings are established. */ m->md.pv_memattr = ma; /* * It appears that this function can only be called before any mappings * for the page are established on ARM. If this ever changes, this code * will need to walk the pv_list and make each of the existing mappings * uncacheable, being careful to sync caches and PTEs (and maybe * invalidate TLB?) for any current mapping it modifies. */ if (m->md.pv_kva != 0 || TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list) != NULL) panic("Can't change memattr on page with existing mappings"); } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT || mode == VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE); } Index: head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v6.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v6.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/arm/arm/pmap-v6.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,6982 +1,6981 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause AND BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Alan L. Cox * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Svatopluk Kraus * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Michal Meloun * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Jake Burkholder, * Safeport Network Services, and Network Associates Laboratories, the * Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under * DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA * CHATS research program. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include "opt_vm.h" #include "opt_pmap.h" #include "opt_ddb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SMP #include #endif #ifndef PMAP_SHPGPERPROC #define PMAP_SHPGPERPROC 200 #endif #ifndef DIAGNOSTIC #define PMAP_INLINE __inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG static void pmap_zero_page_check(vm_page_t m); void pmap_debug(int level); int pmap_pid_dump(int pid); #define PDEBUG(_lev_,_stat_) \ if (pmap_debug_level >= (_lev_)) \ ((_stat_)) #define dprintf printf int pmap_debug_level = 1; #else /* PMAP_DEBUG */ #define PDEBUG(_lev_,_stat_) /* Nothing */ #define dprintf(x, arg...) #endif /* PMAP_DEBUG */ /* * Level 2 page tables map definion ('max' is excluded). */ #define PT2V_MIN_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP) #define PT2V_MAX_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP + PT2MAP_SIZE) #define UPT2V_MIN_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP) #define UPT2V_MAX_ADDRESS \ ((vm_offset_t)(PT2MAP + (KERNBASE >> PT2MAP_SHIFT))) /* * Promotion to a 1MB (PTE1) page mapping requires that the corresponding * 4KB (PTE2) page mappings have identical settings for the following fields: */ #define PTE2_PROMOTE (PTE2_V | PTE2_A | PTE2_NM | PTE2_S | PTE2_NG | \ PTE2_NX | PTE2_RO | PTE2_U | PTE2_W | \ PTE2_ATTR_MASK) #define PTE1_PROMOTE (PTE1_V | PTE1_A | PTE1_NM | PTE1_S | PTE1_NG | \ PTE1_NX | PTE1_RO | PTE1_U | PTE1_W | \ PTE1_ATTR_MASK) #define ATTR_TO_L1(l2_attr) ((((l2_attr) & L2_TEX0) ? L1_S_TEX0 : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & L2_C) ? L1_S_C : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & L2_B) ? L1_S_B : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_A) ? PTE1_A : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_NM) ? PTE1_NM : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_S) ? PTE1_S : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_NG) ? PTE1_NG : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_NX) ? PTE1_NX : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_RO) ? PTE1_RO : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_U) ? PTE1_U : 0) | \ (((l2_attr) & PTE2_W) ? PTE1_W : 0)) #define ATTR_TO_L2(l1_attr) ((((l1_attr) & L1_S_TEX0) ? L2_TEX0 : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & L1_S_C) ? L2_C : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & L1_S_B) ? L2_B : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_A) ? PTE2_A : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_NM) ? PTE2_NM : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_S) ? PTE2_S : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_NG) ? PTE2_NG : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_NX) ? PTE2_NX : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_RO) ? PTE2_RO : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_U) ? PTE2_U : 0) | \ (((l1_attr) & PTE1_W) ? PTE2_W : 0)) /* * PTE2 descriptors creation macros. */ #define PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT vm_memattr_to_pte2(VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) #define PTE2_ATTR_PT vm_memattr_to_pte2(pt_memattr) #define PTE2_KPT(pa) PTE2_KERN(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, PTE2_ATTR_PT) #define PTE2_KPT_NG(pa) PTE2_KERN_NG(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, PTE2_ATTR_PT) #define PTE2_KRW(pa) PTE2_KERN(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT) #define PTE2_KRO(pa) PTE2_KERN(pa, PTE2_AP_KR, PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT) #define PV_STATS #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif /* * The boot_pt1 is used temporary in very early boot stage as L1 page table. * We can init many things with no memory allocation thanks to its static * allocation and this brings two main advantages: * (1) other cores can be started very simply, * (2) various boot loaders can be supported as its arguments can be processed * in virtual address space and can be moved to safe location before * first allocation happened. * Only disadvantage is that boot_pt1 is used only in very early boot stage. * However, the table is uninitialized and so lays in bss. Therefore kernel * image size is not influenced. * * QQQ: In the future, maybe, boot_pt1 can be used for soft reset and * CPU suspend/resume game. */ extern pt1_entry_t boot_pt1[]; vm_paddr_t base_pt1; pt1_entry_t *kern_pt1; pt2_entry_t *kern_pt2tab; pt2_entry_t *PT2MAP; static uint32_t ttb_flags; static vm_memattr_t pt_memattr; ttb_entry_t pmap_kern_ttb; struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; LIST_HEAD(pmaplist, pmap); static struct pmaplist allpmaps; static struct mtx allpmaps_lock; vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ static vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end_new; vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = KERNBASE + NKPT2PG * NPT2_IN_PG * PTE1_SIZE; vm_offset_t vm_max_kernel_address; vm_paddr_t kernel_l1pa; static struct rwlock __aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) pvh_global_lock; /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); static int pv_entry_count = 0, pv_entry_max = 0, pv_entry_high_water = 0; static struct md_page *pv_table; /* XXX: Is it used only the list in md_page? */ static int shpgperproc = PMAP_SHPGPERPROC; struct pv_chunk *pv_chunkbase; /* KVA block for pv_chunks */ int pv_maxchunks; /* How many chunks we have KVA for */ vm_offset_t pv_vafree; /* freelist stored in the PTE */ vm_paddr_t first_managed_pa; #define pa_to_pvh(pa) (&pv_table[pte1_index(pa - first_managed_pa)]) /* * All those kernel PT submaps that BSD is so fond of */ caddr_t _tmppt = 0; /* * Crashdump maps. */ static caddr_t crashdumpmap; static pt2_entry_t *PMAP1 = NULL, *PMAP2; static pt2_entry_t *PADDR1 = NULL, *PADDR2; #ifdef DDB static pt2_entry_t *PMAP3; static pt2_entry_t *PADDR3; static int PMAP3cpu __unused; /* for SMP only */ #endif #ifdef SMP static int PMAP1cpu; static int PMAP1changedcpu; SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, PMAP1changedcpu, CTLFLAG_RD, &PMAP1changedcpu, 0, "Number of times pmap_pte2_quick changed CPU with same PMAP1"); #endif static int PMAP1changed; SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, PMAP1changed, CTLFLAG_RD, &PMAP1changed, 0, "Number of times pmap_pte2_quick changed PMAP1"); static int PMAP1unchanged; SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, PMAP1unchanged, CTLFLAG_RD, &PMAP1unchanged, 0, "Number of times pmap_pte2_quick didn't change PMAP1"); static struct mtx PMAP2mutex; /* * Internal flags for pmap_enter()'s helper functions. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM 0x1000000 /* Don't reclaim PV entries. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE 0x2000000 /* Don't replace mappings. */ static __inline void pt2_wirecount_init(vm_page_t m); static boolean_t pmap_demote_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_enter_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t pte1, u_int flags, vm_page_t m); void cache_icache_sync_fresh(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size); /* * Function to set the debug level of the pmap code. */ #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG void pmap_debug(int level) { pmap_debug_level = level; dprintf("pmap_debug: level=%d\n", pmap_debug_level); } #endif /* PMAP_DEBUG */ /* * This table must corespond with memory attribute configuration in vm.h. * First entry is used for normal system mapping. * * Device memory is always marked as shared. * Normal memory is shared only in SMP . * Not outer shareable bits are not used yet. * Class 6 cannot be used on ARM11. */ #define TEXDEF_TYPE_SHIFT 0 #define TEXDEF_TYPE_MASK 0x3 #define TEXDEF_INNER_SHIFT 2 #define TEXDEF_INNER_MASK 0x3 #define TEXDEF_OUTER_SHIFT 4 #define TEXDEF_OUTER_MASK 0x3 #define TEXDEF_NOS_SHIFT 6 #define TEXDEF_NOS_MASK 0x1 #define TEX(t, i, o, s) \ ((t) << TEXDEF_TYPE_SHIFT) | \ ((i) << TEXDEF_INNER_SHIFT) | \ ((o) << TEXDEF_OUTER_SHIFT | \ ((s) << TEXDEF_NOS_SHIFT)) static uint32_t tex_class[8] = { /* type inner cache outer cache */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_WB_WA, NMRR_WB_WA, 0), /* 0 - ATTR_WB_WA */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 1 - ATTR_NOCACHE */ TEX(PRRR_DEV, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 2 - ATTR_DEVICE */ TEX(PRRR_SO, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 3 - ATTR_SO */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_WT, NMRR_WT, 0), /* 4 - ATTR_WT */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 5 - NOT USED YET */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 6 - NOT USED YET */ TEX(PRRR_MEM, NMRR_NC, NMRR_NC, 0), /* 7 - NOT USED YET */ }; #undef TEX static uint32_t pte2_attr_tab[8] = { PTE2_ATTR_WB_WA, /* 0 - VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA */ PTE2_ATTR_NOCACHE, /* 1 - VM_MEMATTR_NOCACHE */ PTE2_ATTR_DEVICE, /* 2 - VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE */ PTE2_ATTR_SO, /* 3 - VM_MEMATTR_SO */ PTE2_ATTR_WT, /* 4 - VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH */ 0, /* 5 - NOT USED YET */ 0, /* 6 - NOT USED YET */ 0 /* 7 - NOT USED YET */ }; CTASSERT(VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA == 0); CTASSERT(VM_MEMATTR_NOCACHE == 1); CTASSERT(VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE == 2); CTASSERT(VM_MEMATTR_SO == 3); CTASSERT(VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH == 4); #define VM_MEMATTR_END (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH + 1) boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode >= 0 && mode < VM_MEMATTR_END); } static inline uint32_t vm_memattr_to_pte2(vm_memattr_t ma) { KASSERT((u_int)ma < VM_MEMATTR_END, ("%s: bad vm_memattr_t %d", __func__, ma)); return (pte2_attr_tab[(u_int)ma]); } static inline uint32_t vm_page_pte2_attr(vm_page_t m) { return (vm_memattr_to_pte2(m->md.pat_mode)); } /* * Convert TEX definition entry to TTB flags. */ static uint32_t encode_ttb_flags(int idx) { uint32_t inner, outer, nos, reg; inner = (tex_class[idx] >> TEXDEF_INNER_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_INNER_MASK; outer = (tex_class[idx] >> TEXDEF_OUTER_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_OUTER_MASK; nos = (tex_class[idx] >> TEXDEF_NOS_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_NOS_MASK; reg = nos << 5; reg |= outer << 3; if (cpuinfo.coherent_walk) reg |= (inner & 0x1) << 6; reg |= (inner & 0x2) >> 1; #ifdef SMP ARM_SMP_UP( reg |= 1 << 1, ); #endif return reg; } /* * Set TEX remapping registers in current CPU. */ void pmap_set_tex(void) { uint32_t prrr, nmrr; uint32_t type, inner, outer, nos; int i; #ifdef PMAP_PTE_NOCACHE /* XXX fixme */ if (cpuinfo.coherent_walk) { pt_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA; ttb_flags = encode_ttb_flags(0); } else { pt_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_NOCACHE; ttb_flags = encode_ttb_flags(1); } #else pt_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA; ttb_flags = encode_ttb_flags(0); #endif prrr = 0; nmrr = 0; /* Build remapping register from TEX classes. */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { type = (tex_class[i] >> TEXDEF_TYPE_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_TYPE_MASK; inner = (tex_class[i] >> TEXDEF_INNER_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_INNER_MASK; outer = (tex_class[i] >> TEXDEF_OUTER_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_OUTER_MASK; nos = (tex_class[i] >> TEXDEF_NOS_SHIFT) & TEXDEF_NOS_MASK; prrr |= type << (i * 2); prrr |= nos << (i + 24); nmrr |= inner << (i * 2); nmrr |= outer << (i * 2 + 16); } /* Add shareable bits for device memory. */ prrr |= PRRR_DS0 | PRRR_DS1; /* Add shareable bits for normal memory in SMP case. */ #ifdef SMP ARM_SMP_UP( prrr |= PRRR_NS1, ); #endif cp15_prrr_set(prrr); cp15_nmrr_set(nmrr); /* Caches are disabled, so full TLB flush should be enough. */ tlb_flush_all_local(); } /* * Remap one vm_meattr class to another one. This can be useful as * workaround for SOC errata, e.g. if devices must be accessed using * SO memory class. * * !!! Please note that this function is absolutely last resort thing. * It should not be used under normal circumstances. !!! * * Usage rules: * - it shall be called after pmap_bootstrap_prepare() and before * cpu_mp_start() (thus only on boot CPU). In practice, it's expected * to be called from platform_attach() or platform_late_init(). * * - if remapping doesn't change caching mode, or until uncached class * is remapped to any kind of cached one, then no other restriction exists. * * - if pmap_remap_vm_attr() changes caching mode, but both (original and * remapped) remain cached, then caller is resposible for calling * of dcache_wbinv_poc_all(). * * - remapping of any kind of cached class to uncached is not permitted. */ void pmap_remap_vm_attr(vm_memattr_t old_attr, vm_memattr_t new_attr) { int old_idx, new_idx; /* Map VM memattrs to indexes to tex_class table. */ old_idx = PTE2_ATTR2IDX(pte2_attr_tab[(int)old_attr]); new_idx = PTE2_ATTR2IDX(pte2_attr_tab[(int)new_attr]); /* Replace TEX attribute and apply it. */ tex_class[old_idx] = tex_class[new_idx]; pmap_set_tex(); } /* * KERNBASE must be multiple of NPT2_IN_PG * PTE1_SIZE. In other words, * KERNBASE is mapped by first L2 page table in L2 page table page. It * meets same constrain due to PT2MAP being placed just under KERNBASE. */ CTASSERT((KERNBASE & (NPT2_IN_PG * PTE1_SIZE - 1)) == 0); CTASSERT((KERNBASE - VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) >= PT2MAP_SIZE); /* * In crazy dreams, PAGE_SIZE could be a multiple of PTE2_SIZE in general. * For now, anyhow, the following check must be fulfilled. */ CTASSERT(PAGE_SIZE == PTE2_SIZE); /* * We don't want to mess up MI code with all MMU and PMAP definitions, * so some things, which depend on other ones, are defined independently. * Now, it is time to check that we don't screw up something. */ CTASSERT(PDRSHIFT == PTE1_SHIFT); /* * Check L1 and L2 page table entries definitions consistency. */ CTASSERT(NB_IN_PT1 == (sizeof(pt1_entry_t) * NPTE1_IN_PT1)); CTASSERT(NB_IN_PT2 == (sizeof(pt2_entry_t) * NPTE2_IN_PT2)); /* * Check L2 page tables page consistency. */ CTASSERT(PAGE_SIZE == (NPT2_IN_PG * NB_IN_PT2)); CTASSERT((1 << PT2PG_SHIFT) == NPT2_IN_PG); /* * Check PT2TAB consistency. * PT2TAB_ENTRIES is defined as a division of NPTE1_IN_PT1 by NPT2_IN_PG. * This should be done without remainder. */ CTASSERT(NPTE1_IN_PT1 == (PT2TAB_ENTRIES * NPT2_IN_PG)); /* * A PT2MAP magic. * * All level 2 page tables (PT2s) are mapped continuously and accordingly * into PT2MAP address space. As PT2 size is less than PAGE_SIZE, this can * be done only if PAGE_SIZE is a multiple of PT2 size. All PT2s in one page * must be used together, but not necessary at once. The first PT2 in a page * must map things on correctly aligned address and the others must follow * in right order. */ #define NB_IN_PT2TAB (PT2TAB_ENTRIES * sizeof(pt2_entry_t)) #define NPT2_IN_PT2TAB (NB_IN_PT2TAB / NB_IN_PT2) #define NPG_IN_PT2TAB (NB_IN_PT2TAB / PAGE_SIZE) /* * Check PT2TAB consistency. * NPT2_IN_PT2TAB is defined as a division of NB_IN_PT2TAB by NB_IN_PT2. * NPG_IN_PT2TAB is defined as a division of NB_IN_PT2TAB by PAGE_SIZE. * The both should be done without remainder. */ CTASSERT(NB_IN_PT2TAB == (NPT2_IN_PT2TAB * NB_IN_PT2)); CTASSERT(NB_IN_PT2TAB == (NPG_IN_PT2TAB * PAGE_SIZE)); /* * The implementation was made general, however, with the assumption * bellow in mind. In case of another value of NPG_IN_PT2TAB, * the code should be once more rechecked. */ CTASSERT(NPG_IN_PT2TAB == 1); /* * Get offset of PT2 in a page * associated with given PT1 index. */ static __inline u_int page_pt2off(u_int pt1_idx) { return ((pt1_idx & PT2PG_MASK) * NB_IN_PT2); } /* * Get physical address of PT2 * associated with given PT2s page and PT1 index. */ static __inline vm_paddr_t page_pt2pa(vm_paddr_t pgpa, u_int pt1_idx) { return (pgpa + page_pt2off(pt1_idx)); } /* * Get first entry of PT2 * associated with given PT2s page and PT1 index. */ static __inline pt2_entry_t * page_pt2(vm_offset_t pgva, u_int pt1_idx) { return ((pt2_entry_t *)(pgva + page_pt2off(pt1_idx))); } /* * Get virtual address of PT2s page (mapped in PT2MAP) * which holds PT2 which holds entry which maps given virtual address. */ static __inline vm_offset_t pt2map_pt2pg(vm_offset_t va) { va &= ~(NPT2_IN_PG * PTE1_SIZE - 1); return ((vm_offset_t)pt2map_entry(va)); } /***************************************************************************** * * THREE pmap initialization milestones exist: * * locore.S * -> fundamental init (including MMU) in ASM * * initarm() * -> fundamental init continues in C * -> first available physical address is known * * pmap_bootstrap_prepare() -> FIRST PMAP MILESTONE (first epoch begins) * -> basic (safe) interface for physical address allocation is made * -> basic (safe) interface for virtual mapping is made * -> limited not SMP coherent work is possible * * -> more fundamental init continues in C * -> locks and some more things are available * -> all fundamental allocations and mappings are done * * pmap_bootstrap() -> SECOND PMAP MILESTONE (second epoch begins) * -> phys_avail[] and virtual_avail is set * -> control is passed to vm subsystem * -> physical and virtual address allocation are off limit * -> low level mapping functions, some SMP coherent, * are available, which cannot be used before vm subsystem * is being inited * * mi_startup() * -> vm subsystem is being inited * * pmap_init() -> THIRD PMAP MILESTONE (third epoch begins) * -> pmap is fully inited * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * * PMAP first stage initialization and utility functions * for pre-bootstrap epoch. * * After pmap_bootstrap_prepare() is called, the following functions * can be used: * * (1) strictly only for this stage functions for physical page allocations, * virtual space allocations, and mappings: * * vm_paddr_t pmap_preboot_get_pages(u_int num); * void pmap_preboot_map_pages(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_offset_t va, u_int num); * vm_offset_t pmap_preboot_reserve_pages(u_int num); * vm_offset_t pmap_preboot_get_vpages(u_int num); * void pmap_preboot_map_attr(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, * vm_prot_t prot, vm_memattr_t attr); * * (2) for all stages: * * vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va); * * NOTE: This is not SMP coherent stage. * *****************************************************************************/ #define KERNEL_P2V(pa) \ ((vm_offset_t)((pa) - arm_physmem_kernaddr + KERNVIRTADDR)) #define KERNEL_V2P(va) \ ((vm_paddr_t)((va) - KERNVIRTADDR + arm_physmem_kernaddr)) static vm_paddr_t last_paddr; /* * Pre-bootstrap epoch page allocator. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_preboot_get_pages(u_int num) { vm_paddr_t ret; ret = last_paddr; last_paddr += num * PAGE_SIZE; return (ret); } /* * The fundamental initialization of PMAP stuff. * * Some things already happened in locore.S and some things could happen * before pmap_bootstrap_prepare() is called, so let's recall what is done: * 1. Caches are disabled. * 2. We are running on virtual addresses already with 'boot_pt1' * as L1 page table. * 3. So far, all virtual addresses can be converted to physical ones and * vice versa by the following macros: * KERNEL_P2V(pa) .... physical to virtual ones, * KERNEL_V2P(va) .... virtual to physical ones. * * What is done herein: * 1. The 'boot_pt1' is replaced by real kernel L1 page table 'kern_pt1'. * 2. PT2MAP magic is brought to live. * 3. Basic preboot functions for page allocations and mappings can be used. * 4. Everything is prepared for L1 cache enabling. * * Variations: * 1. To use second TTB register, so kernel and users page tables will be * separated. This way process forking - pmap_pinit() - could be faster, * it saves physical pages and KVA per a process, and it's simple change. * However, it will lead, due to hardware matter, to the following: * (a) 2G space for kernel and 2G space for users. * (b) 1G space for kernel in low addresses and 3G for users above it. * A question is: Is the case (b) really an option? Note that case (b) * does save neither physical memory and KVA. */ void pmap_bootstrap_prepare(vm_paddr_t last) { vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa, pt2tab_pa, pa, size; vm_offset_t pt2pg_va; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; u_int i; uint32_t l1_attr; /* * Now, we are going to make real kernel mapping. Note that we are * already running on some mapping made in locore.S and we expect * that it's large enough to ensure nofault access to physical memory * allocated herein before switch. * * As kernel image and everything needed before are and will be mapped * by section mappings, we align last physical address to PTE1_SIZE. */ last_paddr = pte1_roundup(last); /* * Allocate and zero page(s) for kernel L1 page table. * * Note that it's first allocation on space which was PTE1_SIZE * aligned and as such base_pt1 is aligned to NB_IN_PT1 too. */ base_pt1 = pmap_preboot_get_pages(NPG_IN_PT1); kern_pt1 = (pt1_entry_t *)KERNEL_P2V(base_pt1); bzero((void*)kern_pt1, NB_IN_PT1); pte1_sync_range(kern_pt1, NB_IN_PT1); /* Allocate and zero page(s) for kernel PT2TAB. */ pt2tab_pa = pmap_preboot_get_pages(NPG_IN_PT2TAB); kern_pt2tab = (pt2_entry_t *)KERNEL_P2V(pt2tab_pa); bzero(kern_pt2tab, NB_IN_PT2TAB); pte2_sync_range(kern_pt2tab, NB_IN_PT2TAB); /* Allocate and zero page(s) for kernel L2 page tables. */ pt2pg_pa = pmap_preboot_get_pages(NKPT2PG); pt2pg_va = KERNEL_P2V(pt2pg_pa); size = NKPT2PG * PAGE_SIZE; bzero((void*)pt2pg_va, size); pte2_sync_range((pt2_entry_t *)pt2pg_va, size); /* * Add a physical memory segment (vm_phys_seg) corresponding to the * preallocated pages for kernel L2 page tables so that vm_page * structures representing these pages will be created. The vm_page * structures are required for promotion of the corresponding kernel * virtual addresses to section mappings. */ vm_phys_add_seg(pt2tab_pa, pmap_preboot_get_pages(0)); /* * Insert allocated L2 page table pages to PT2TAB and make * link to all PT2s in L1 page table. See how kernel_vm_end * is initialized. * * We play simple and safe. So every KVA will have underlaying * L2 page table, even kernel image mapped by sections. */ pte2p = kern_pt2tab_entry(KERNBASE); for (pa = pt2pg_pa; pa < pt2pg_pa + size; pa += PTE2_SIZE) pt2tab_store(pte2p++, PTE2_KPT(pa)); pte1p = kern_pte1(KERNBASE); for (pa = pt2pg_pa; pa < pt2pg_pa + size; pa += NB_IN_PT2) pte1_store(pte1p++, PTE1_LINK(pa)); /* Make section mappings for kernel. */ l1_attr = ATTR_TO_L1(PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT); pte1p = kern_pte1(KERNBASE); for (pa = KERNEL_V2P(KERNBASE); pa < last; pa += PTE1_SIZE) pte1_store(pte1p++, PTE1_KERN(pa, PTE1_AP_KRW, l1_attr)); /* * Get free and aligned space for PT2MAP and make L1 page table links * to L2 page tables held in PT2TAB. * * Note that pages holding PT2s are stored in PT2TAB as pt2_entry_t * descriptors and PT2TAB page(s) itself is(are) used as PT2s. Thus * each entry in PT2TAB maps all PT2s in a page. This implies that * virtual address of PT2MAP must be aligned to NPT2_IN_PG * PTE1_SIZE. */ PT2MAP = (pt2_entry_t *)(KERNBASE - PT2MAP_SIZE); pte1p = kern_pte1((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP); for (pa = pt2tab_pa, i = 0; i < NPT2_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pa += NB_IN_PT2) { pte1_store(pte1p++, PTE1_LINK(pa)); } /* * Store PT2TAB in PT2TAB itself, i.e. self reference mapping. * Each pmap will hold own PT2TAB, so the mapping should be not global. */ pte2p = kern_pt2tab_entry((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP); for (pa = pt2tab_pa, i = 0; i < NPG_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pa += PTE2_SIZE) { pt2tab_store(pte2p++, PTE2_KPT_NG(pa)); } /* * Choose correct L2 page table and make mappings for allocations * made herein which replaces temporary locore.S mappings after a while. * Note that PT2MAP cannot be used until we switch to kern_pt1. * * Note, that these allocations started aligned on 1M section and * kernel PT1 was allocated first. Making of mappings must follow * order of physical allocations as we've used KERNEL_P2V() macro * for virtual addresses resolution. */ pte2p = kern_pt2tab_entry((vm_offset_t)kern_pt1); pt2pg_va = KERNEL_P2V(pte2_pa(pte2_load(pte2p))); pte2p = page_pt2(pt2pg_va, pte1_index((vm_offset_t)kern_pt1)); /* Make mapping for kernel L1 page table. */ for (pa = base_pt1, i = 0; i < NPG_IN_PT1; i++, pa += PTE2_SIZE) pte2_store(pte2p++, PTE2_KPT(pa)); /* Make mapping for kernel PT2TAB. */ for (pa = pt2tab_pa, i = 0; i < NPG_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pa += PTE2_SIZE) pte2_store(pte2p++, PTE2_KPT(pa)); /* Finally, switch from 'boot_pt1' to 'kern_pt1'. */ pmap_kern_ttb = base_pt1 | ttb_flags; cpuinfo_reinit_mmu(pmap_kern_ttb); /* * Initialize the first available KVA. As kernel image is mapped by * sections, we are leaving some gap behind. */ virtual_avail = (vm_offset_t)kern_pt2tab + NPG_IN_PT2TAB * PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Setup L2 page table page for given KVA. * Used in pre-bootstrap epoch. * * Note that we have allocated NKPT2PG pages for L2 page tables in advance * and used them for mapping KVA starting from KERNBASE. However, this is not * enough. Vectors and devices need L2 page tables too. Note that they are * even above VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS. */ static __inline vm_paddr_t pmap_preboot_pt2pg_setup(vm_offset_t va) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa; /* Get associated entry in PT2TAB. */ pte2p = kern_pt2tab_entry(va); /* Just return, if PT2s page exists already. */ pte2 = pt2tab_load(pte2p); if (pte2_is_valid(pte2)) return (pte2_pa(pte2)); KASSERT(va >= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("%s: NKPT2PG too small", __func__)); /* * Allocate page for PT2s and insert it to PT2TAB. * In other words, map it into PT2MAP space. */ pt2pg_pa = pmap_preboot_get_pages(1); pt2tab_store(pte2p, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); /* Zero all PT2s in allocated page. */ bzero((void*)pt2map_pt2pg(va), PAGE_SIZE); pte2_sync_range((pt2_entry_t *)pt2map_pt2pg(va), PAGE_SIZE); return (pt2pg_pa); } /* * Setup L2 page table for given KVA. * Used in pre-bootstrap epoch. */ static void pmap_preboot_pt2_setup(vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa, pt2_pa; /* Setup PT2's page. */ pt2pg_pa = pmap_preboot_pt2pg_setup(va); pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(pt2pg_pa, pte1_index(va)); /* Insert PT2 to PT1. */ pte1p = kern_pte1(va); pte1_store(pte1p, PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa)); } /* * Get L2 page entry associated with given KVA. * Used in pre-bootstrap epoch. */ static __inline pt2_entry_t* pmap_preboot_vtopte2(vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; /* Setup PT2 if needed. */ pte1p = kern_pte1(va); if (!pte1_is_valid(pte1_load(pte1p))) /* XXX - sections ?! */ pmap_preboot_pt2_setup(va); return (pt2map_entry(va)); } /* * Pre-bootstrap epoch page(s) mapping(s). */ void pmap_preboot_map_pages(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_offset_t va, u_int num) { u_int i; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; /* Map all the pages. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { pte2p = pmap_preboot_vtopte2(va); pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2_KRW(pa)); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Pre-bootstrap epoch virtual space alocator. */ vm_offset_t pmap_preboot_reserve_pages(u_int num) { u_int i; vm_offset_t start, va; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; /* Allocate virtual space. */ start = va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += num * PAGE_SIZE; /* Zero the mapping. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { pte2p = pmap_preboot_vtopte2(va); pte2_store(pte2p, 0); va += PAGE_SIZE; } return (start); } /* * Pre-bootstrap epoch page(s) allocation and mapping(s). */ vm_offset_t pmap_preboot_get_vpages(u_int num) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; /* Allocate physical page(s). */ pa = pmap_preboot_get_pages(num); /* Allocate virtual space. */ va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += num * PAGE_SIZE; /* Map and zero all. */ pmap_preboot_map_pages(pa, va, num); bzero((void *)va, num * PAGE_SIZE); return (va); } /* * Pre-bootstrap epoch page mapping(s) with attributes. */ void pmap_preboot_map_attr(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, vm_prot_t prot, vm_memattr_t attr) { u_int num; u_int l1_attr, l1_prot, l2_prot, l2_attr; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; l2_prot = prot & VM_PROT_WRITE ? PTE2_AP_KRW : PTE2_AP_KR; l2_prot |= (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) ? PTE2_X : PTE2_NX; l2_attr = vm_memattr_to_pte2(attr); l1_prot = ATTR_TO_L1(l2_prot); l1_attr = ATTR_TO_L1(l2_attr); /* Map all the pages. */ num = round_page(size); while (num > 0) { if ((((va | pa) & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0) && (num >= PTE1_SIZE)) { pte1p = kern_pte1(va); pte1_store(pte1p, PTE1_KERN(pa, l1_prot, l1_attr)); va += PTE1_SIZE; pa += PTE1_SIZE; num -= PTE1_SIZE; } else { pte2p = pmap_preboot_vtopte2(va); pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2_KERN(pa, l2_prot, l2_attr)); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; num -= PAGE_SIZE; } } } /* * Extract from the kernel page table the physical address * that is mapped by the given virtual address "va". */ vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; pte1 = pte1_load(kern_pte1(va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { pa = pte1_pa(pte1) | (va & PTE1_OFFSET); } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* * We should beware of concurrent promotion that changes * pte1 at this point. However, it's not a problem as PT2 * page is preserved by promotion in PT2TAB. So even if * it happens, using of PT2MAP is still safe. * * QQQ: However, concurrent removing is a problem which * ends in abort on PT2MAP space. Locking must be used * to deal with this. */ pte2 = pte2_load(pt2map_entry(va)); pa = pte2_pa(pte2) | (va & PTE2_OFFSET); } else { panic("%s: va %#x pte1 %#x", __func__, va, pte1); } return (pa); } /* * Extract from the kernel page table the physical address * that is mapped by the given virtual address "va". Also * return L2 page table entry which maps the address. * * This is only intended to be used for panic dumps. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_dump_kextract(vm_offset_t va, pt2_entry_t *pte2p) { vm_paddr_t pa; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; pte1 = pte1_load(kern_pte1(va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { pa = pte1_pa(pte1) | (va & PTE1_OFFSET); pte2 = pa | ATTR_TO_L2(pte1) | PTE2_V; } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2 = pte2_load(pt2map_entry(va)); pa = pte2_pa(pte2); } else { pte2 = 0; pa = 0; } if (pte2p != NULL) *pte2p = pte2; return (pa); } /***************************************************************************** * * PMAP second stage initialization and utility functions * for bootstrap epoch. * * After pmap_bootstrap() is called, the following functions for * mappings can be used: * * void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa); * void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va); * vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, * int prot); * * NOTE: This is not SMP coherent stage. And physical page allocation is not * allowed during this stage. * *****************************************************************************/ /* * Initialize kernel PMAP locks and lists, kernel_pmap itself, and * reserve various virtual spaces for temporary mappings. */ void pmap_bootstrap(vm_offset_t firstaddr) { pt2_entry_t *unused __unused; struct pcpu *pc; /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). */ PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); kernel_l1pa = (vm_paddr_t)kern_pt1; /* for libkvm */ kernel_pmap->pm_pt1 = kern_pt1; kernel_pmap->pm_pt2tab = kern_pt2tab; CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); /* don't allow deactivation */ TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvchunk); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); LIST_INIT(&allpmaps); /* * Request a spin mutex so that changes to allpmaps cannot be * preempted by smp_rendezvous_cpus(). */ mtx_init(&allpmaps_lock, "allpmaps", NULL, MTX_SPIN); mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&allpmaps, kernel_pmap, pm_list); mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); /* * Reserve some special page table entries/VA space for temporary * mapping of pages. */ #define SYSMAP(c, p, v, n) do { \ v = (c)pmap_preboot_reserve_pages(n); \ p = pt2map_entry((vm_offset_t)v); \ } while (0) /* * Local CMAP1/CMAP2 are used for zeroing and copying pages. * Local CMAP2 is also used for data cache cleaning. */ pc = get_pcpu(); mtx_init(&pc->pc_cmap_lock, "SYSMAPS", NULL, MTX_DEF); SYSMAP(caddr_t, pc->pc_cmap1_pte2p, pc->pc_cmap1_addr, 1); SYSMAP(caddr_t, pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p, pc->pc_cmap2_addr, 1); SYSMAP(vm_offset_t, pc->pc_qmap_pte2p, pc->pc_qmap_addr, 1); /* * Crashdump maps. */ SYSMAP(caddr_t, unused, crashdumpmap, MAXDUMPPGS); /* * _tmppt is used for reading arbitrary physical pages via /dev/mem. */ SYSMAP(caddr_t, unused, _tmppt, 1); /* * PADDR1 and PADDR2 are used by pmap_pte2_quick() and pmap_pte2(), * respectively. PADDR3 is used by pmap_pte2_ddb(). */ SYSMAP(pt2_entry_t *, PMAP1, PADDR1, 1); SYSMAP(pt2_entry_t *, PMAP2, PADDR2, 1); #ifdef DDB SYSMAP(pt2_entry_t *, PMAP3, PADDR3, 1); #endif mtx_init(&PMAP2mutex, "PMAP2", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Note that in very short time in initarm(), we are going to * initialize phys_avail[] array and no further page allocation * can happen after that until vm subsystem will be initialized. */ kernel_vm_end_new = kernel_vm_end; virtual_end = vm_max_kernel_address; } static void pmap_init_reserved_pages(void) { struct pcpu *pc; vm_offset_t pages; int i; CPU_FOREACH(i) { pc = pcpu_find(i); /* * Skip if the mapping has already been initialized, * i.e. this is the BSP. */ if (pc->pc_cmap1_addr != 0) continue; mtx_init(&pc->pc_cmap_lock, "SYSMAPS", NULL, MTX_DEF); pages = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * 3); if (pages == 0) panic("%s: unable to allocate KVA", __func__); pc->pc_cmap1_pte2p = pt2map_entry(pages); pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p = pt2map_entry(pages + PAGE_SIZE); pc->pc_qmap_pte2p = pt2map_entry(pages + (PAGE_SIZE * 2)); pc->pc_cmap1_addr = (caddr_t)pages; pc->pc_cmap2_addr = (caddr_t)(pages + PAGE_SIZE); pc->pc_qmap_addr = pages + (PAGE_SIZE * 2); } } SYSINIT(rpages_init, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, pmap_init_reserved_pages, NULL); /* * The function can already be use in second initialization stage. * As such, the function DOES NOT call pmap_growkernel() where PT2 * allocation can happen. So if used, be sure that PT2 for given * virtual address is allocated already! * * Add a wired page to the kva. * Note: not SMP coherent. */ static __inline void pmap_kenter_prot_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, uint32_t prot, uint32_t attr) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; pte1p = kern_pte1(va); if (!pte1_is_valid(pte1_load(pte1p))) { /* XXX - sections ?! */ /* * This is a very low level function, so PT2 and particularly * PT2PG associated with given virtual address must be already * allocated. It's a pain mainly during pmap initialization * stage. However, called after pmap initialization with * virtual address not under kernel_vm_end will lead to * the same misery. */ if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2_load(kern_pt2tab_entry(va)))) panic("%s: kernel PT2 not allocated!", __func__); } pte2p = pt2map_entry(va); pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2_KERN(pa, prot, attr)); } PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pmap_kenter_prot_attr(va, pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT); } /* * Remove a page from the kernel pagetables. * Note: not SMP coherent. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; pte1p = kern_pte1(va); if (pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p))) { pte1_clear(pte1p); } else { pte2p = pt2map_entry(va); pte2_clear(pte2p); } } /* * Share new kernel PT2PG with all pmaps. * The caller is responsible for maintaining TLB consistency. */ static void pmap_kenter_pt2tab(vm_offset_t va, pt2_entry_t npte2) { pmap_t pmap; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_FOREACH(pmap, &allpmaps, pm_list) { pte2p = pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va); pt2tab_store(pte2p, npte2); } mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); } /* * Share new kernel PTE1 with all pmaps. * The caller is responsible for maintaining TLB consistency. */ static void pmap_kenter_pte1(vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t npte1) { pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_FOREACH(pmap, &allpmaps, pm_list) { pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); } mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. * * NOTE: Read the comments above pmap_kenter_prot_attr() as * the function is used herein! */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { vm_offset_t va, sva; vm_paddr_t pte1_offset; pt1_entry_t npte1; uint32_t l1prot, l2prot; uint32_t l1attr, l2attr; PDEBUG(1, printf("%s: virt = %#x, start = %#x, end = %#x (size = %#x)," " prot = %d\n", __func__, *virt, start, end, end - start, prot)); l2prot = (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) ? PTE2_AP_KRW : PTE2_AP_KR; l2prot |= (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) ? PTE2_X : PTE2_NX; l1prot = ATTR_TO_L1(l2prot); l2attr = PTE2_ATTR_DEFAULT; l1attr = ATTR_TO_L1(l2attr); va = *virt; /* * Does the physical address range's size and alignment permit at * least one section mapping to be created? */ pte1_offset = start & PTE1_OFFSET; if ((end - start) - ((PTE1_SIZE - pte1_offset) & PTE1_OFFSET) >= PTE1_SIZE) { /* * Increase the starting virtual address so that its alignment * does not preclude the use of section mappings. */ if ((va & PTE1_OFFSET) < pte1_offset) va = pte1_trunc(va) + pte1_offset; else if ((va & PTE1_OFFSET) > pte1_offset) va = pte1_roundup(va) + pte1_offset; } sva = va; while (start < end) { if ((start & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0 && end - start >= PTE1_SIZE) { KASSERT((va & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("%s: misaligned va %#x", __func__, va)); npte1 = PTE1_KERN(start, l1prot, l1attr); pmap_kenter_pte1(va, npte1); va += PTE1_SIZE; start += PTE1_SIZE; } else { pmap_kenter_prot_attr(va, start, l2prot, l2attr); va += PAGE_SIZE; start += PAGE_SIZE; } } tlb_flush_range(sva, va - sva); *virt = va; return (sva); } /* * Make a temporary mapping for a physical address. * This is only intended to be used for panic dumps. */ void * pmap_kenter_temporary(vm_paddr_t pa, int i) { vm_offset_t va; /* QQQ: 'i' should be less or equal to MAXDUMPPGS. */ va = (vm_offset_t)crashdumpmap + (i * PAGE_SIZE); pmap_kenter(va, pa); tlb_flush_local(va); return ((void *)crashdumpmap); } /************************************* * * TLB & cache maintenance routines. * *************************************/ /* * We inline these within pmap.c for speed. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flush(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap || !CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active)) tlb_flush(va); } PMAP_INLINE void pmap_tlb_flush_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap || !CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active)) tlb_flush_range(sva, size); } /* * Abuse the pte2 nodes for unmapped kva to thread a kva freelist through. * Requirements: * - Must deal with pages in order to ensure that none of the PTE2_* bits * are ever set, PTE2_V in particular. * - Assumes we can write to pte2s without pte2_store() atomic ops. * - Assumes nothing will ever test these addresses for 0 to indicate * no mapping instead of correctly checking PTE2_V. * - Assumes a vm_offset_t will fit in a pte2 (true for arm). * Because PTE2_V is never set, there can be no mappings to invalidate. */ static vm_offset_t pmap_pte2list_alloc(vm_offset_t *head) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p; vm_offset_t va; va = *head; if (va == 0) panic("pmap_ptelist_alloc: exhausted ptelist KVA"); pte2p = pt2map_entry(va); *head = *pte2p; if (*head & PTE2_V) panic("%s: va with PTE2_V set!", __func__); *pte2p = 0; return (va); } static void pmap_pte2list_free(vm_offset_t *head, vm_offset_t va) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p; if (va & PTE2_V) panic("%s: freeing va with PTE2_V set!", __func__); pte2p = pt2map_entry(va); *pte2p = *head; /* virtual! PTE2_V is 0 though */ *head = va; } static void pmap_pte2list_init(vm_offset_t *head, void *base, int npages) { int i; vm_offset_t va; *head = 0; for (i = npages - 1; i >= 0; i--) { va = (vm_offset_t)base + i * PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pte2list_free(head, va); } } /***************************************************************************** * * PMAP third and final stage initialization. * * After pmap_init() is called, PMAP subsystem is fully initialized. * *****************************************************************************/ SYSCTL_NODE(_vm, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM/pmap parameters"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_max, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_max, 0, "Max number of PV entries"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, shpgperproc, CTLFLAG_RD, &shpgperproc, 0, "Page share factor per proc"); static u_long nkpt2pg = NKPT2PG; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, nkpt2pg, CTLFLAG_RD, &nkpt2pg, 0, "Pre-allocated pages for kernel PT2s"); static int sp_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, sp_enabled, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &sp_enabled, 0, "Are large page mappings enabled?"); bool pmap_ps_enabled(pmap_t pmap __unused) { return (sp_enabled != 0); } static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pte1, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "1MB page mapping counters"); static u_long pmap_pte1_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_demotions, 0, "1MB page demotions"); static u_long pmap_pte1_mappings; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, mappings, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_mappings, 0, "1MB page mappings"); static u_long pmap_pte1_p_failures; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, p_failures, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_p_failures, 0, "1MB page promotion failures"); static u_long pmap_pte1_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, promotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_promotions, 0, "1MB page promotions"); static u_long pmap_pte1_kern_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, kern_demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_kern_demotions, 0, "1MB page kernel demotions"); static u_long pmap_pte1_kern_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_pte1, OID_AUTO, kern_promotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_pte1_kern_promotions, 0, "1MB page kernel promotions"); static __inline ttb_entry_t pmap_ttb_get(pmap_t pmap) { return (vtophys(pmap->pm_pt1) | ttb_flags); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. * * Variations: * 1. Pages for L2 page tables are always not managed. So, pv_list and * pt2_wirecount can share same physical space. However, proper * initialization on a page alloc for page tables and reinitialization * on the page free must be ensured. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); pt2_wirecount_init(m); m->md.pat_mode = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT; } /* * Virtualization for faster way how to zero whole page. */ static __inline void pagezero(void *page) { bzero(page, PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Zero L2 page table page. * Use same KVA as in pmap_zero_page(). */ static __inline vm_paddr_t pmap_pt2pg_zero(vm_page_t m) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; vm_paddr_t pa; struct pcpu *pc; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); /* * XXX: For now, we map whole page even if it's already zero, * to sync it even if the sync is only DSB. */ sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); /* Even VM_ALLOC_ZERO request is only advisory. */ if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pagezero(pc->pc_cmap2_addr); pte2_sync_range((pt2_entry_t *)pc->pc_cmap2_addr, PAGE_SIZE); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); /* * Unpin the thread before releasing the lock. Otherwise the thread * could be rescheduled while still bound to the current CPU, only * to unpin itself immediately upon resuming execution. */ sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); return (pa); } /* * Init just allocated page as L2 page table(s) holder * and return its physical address. */ static __inline vm_paddr_t pmap_pt2pg_init(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { vm_paddr_t pa; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; /* Check page attributes. */ if (m->md.pat_mode != pt_memattr) pmap_page_set_memattr(m, pt_memattr); /* Zero page and init wire counts. */ pa = pmap_pt2pg_zero(m); pt2_wirecount_init(m); /* * Map page to PT2MAP address space for given pmap. * Note that PT2MAP space is shared with all pmaps. */ if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pmap_kenter_pt2tab(va, PTE2_KPT(pa)); else { pte2p = pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va); pt2tab_store(pte2p, PTE2_KPT_NG(pa)); } return (pa); } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { vm_size_t s; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; u_int i, pte1_idx, pv_npg; PDEBUG(1, printf("%s: phys_start = %#x\n", __func__, PHYSADDR)); /* * Initialize the vm page array entries for kernel pmap's * L2 page table pages allocated in advance. */ pte1_idx = pte1_index(KERNBASE - PT2MAP_SIZE); pte2p = kern_pt2tab_entry(KERNBASE - PT2MAP_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < nkpt2pg + NPG_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pte2p++) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); KASSERT(pte2_is_valid(pte2), ("%s: no valid entry", __func__)); pa = pte2_pa(pte2); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m >= vm_page_array && m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("%s: L2 page table page is out of range", __func__)); m->pindex = pte1_idx; m->phys_addr = pa; pte1_idx += NPT2_IN_PG; } /* * Initialize the address space (zone) for the pv entries. Set a * high water mark so that the system can recover from excessive * numbers of pv entries. */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.shpgperproc", &shpgperproc); pv_entry_max = shpgperproc * maxproc + vm_cnt.v_page_count; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pv_entries", &pv_entry_max); pv_entry_max = roundup(pv_entry_max, _NPCPV); pv_entry_high_water = 9 * (pv_entry_max / 10); /* * Are large page mappings enabled? */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.sp_enabled", &sp_enabled); if (sp_enabled) { KASSERT(MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && pagesizes[1] == 0, ("%s: can't assign to pagesizes[1]", __func__)); pagesizes[1] = PTE1_SIZE; } /* * Calculate the size of the pv head table for sections. * Handle the possibility that "vm_phys_segs[...].end" is zero. * Note that the table is only for sections which could be promoted. */ first_managed_pa = pte1_trunc(vm_phys_segs[0].start); pv_npg = (pte1_trunc(vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs - 1].end - PAGE_SIZE) - first_managed_pa) / PTE1_SIZE + 1; /* * Allocate memory for the pv head table for sections. */ s = (vm_size_t)(pv_npg * sizeof(struct md_page)); s = round_page(s); pv_table = (struct md_page *)kmem_malloc(s, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < pv_npg; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&pv_table[i].pv_list); pv_maxchunks = MAX(pv_entry_max / _NPCPV, maxproc); pv_chunkbase = (struct pv_chunk *)kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * pv_maxchunks); if (pv_chunkbase == NULL) panic("%s: not enough kvm for pv chunks", __func__); pmap_pte2list_init(&pv_vafree, pv_chunkbase, pv_maxchunks); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { u_int anychanged; pt2_entry_t *epte2p, *pte2p, pte2; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; anychanged = 0; pte2p = pt2map_entry(sva); epte2p = pte2p + count; while (pte2p < epte2p) { m = *ma++; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if ((pte2_pa(pte2) != pa) || (pte2_attr(pte2) != vm_page_pte2_attr(m))) { anychanged++; pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2_KERN(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); } pte2p++; } if (__predict_false(anychanged)) tlb_flush_range(sva, count * PAGE_SIZE); } /* * This routine tears out page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } tlb_flush_range(sva, va - sva); } /* * Are we current address space or kernel? */ static __inline int pmap_is_current(pmap_t pmap) { return (pmap == kernel_pmap || (pmap == vmspace_pmap(curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace))); } /* * If the given pmap is not the current or kernel pmap, the returned * pte2 must be released by passing it to pmap_pte2_release(). */ static pt2_entry_t * pmap_pte2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t pte1; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa; pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) panic("%s: attempt to map PTE1", __func__); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* Are we current address space or kernel? */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) return (pt2map_entry(va)); /* Note that L2 page table size is not equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ pt2pg_pa = trunc_page(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); mtx_lock(&PMAP2mutex); if (pte2_pa(pte2_load(PMAP2)) != pt2pg_pa) { pte2_store(PMAP2, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)PADDR2); } return (PADDR2 + (arm32_btop(va) & (NPTE2_IN_PG - 1))); } return (NULL); } /* * Releases a pte2 that was obtained from pmap_pte2(). * Be prepared for the pte2p being NULL. */ static __inline void pmap_pte2_release(pt2_entry_t *pte2p) { if ((pt2_entry_t *)(trunc_page((vm_offset_t)pte2p)) == PADDR2) { mtx_unlock(&PMAP2mutex); } } /* * Super fast pmap_pte2 routine best used when scanning * the pv lists. This eliminates many coarse-grained * invltlb calls. Note that many of the pv list * scans are across different pmaps. It is very wasteful * to do an entire tlb flush for checking a single mapping. * * If the given pmap is not the current pmap, pvh_global_lock * must be held and curthread pinned to a CPU. */ static pt2_entry_t * pmap_pte2_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t pte1; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa; pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) panic("%s: attempt to map PTE1", __func__); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* Are we current address space or kernel? */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) return (pt2map_entry(va)); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("%s: curthread not pinned", __func__)); /* Note that L2 page table size is not equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ pt2pg_pa = trunc_page(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); if (pte2_pa(pte2_load(PMAP1)) != pt2pg_pa) { pte2_store(PMAP1, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); #ifdef SMP PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR1); PMAP1changed++; } else #ifdef SMP if (PMAP1cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR1); PMAP1changedcpu++; } else #endif PMAP1unchanged++; return (PADDR1 + (arm32_btop(va) & (NPTE2_IN_PG - 1))); } return (NULL); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) pa = pte1_pa(pte1) | (va & PTE1_OFFSET); else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2p = pmap_pte2(pmap, va); pa = pte2_pa(pte2_load(pte2p)) | (va & PTE2_OFFSET); pmap_pte2_release(pte2p); } else pa = 0; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_paddr_t pa, lockpa; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2, *pte2p; vm_page_t m; lockpa = 0; m = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { if (!(pte1 & PTE1_RO) || !(prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { pa = pte1_pa(pte1) | (va & PTE1_OFFSET); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, &lockpa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2p = pmap_pte2(pmap, va); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); pmap_pte2_release(pte2p); if (pte2_is_valid(pte2) && (!(pte2 & PTE2_RO) || !(prot & VM_PROT_WRITE))) { pa = pte2_pa(pte2); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, &lockpa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PA_UNLOCK_COND(lockpa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } /* * Grow the number of kernel L2 page table entries, if needed. */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa, pt2_pa; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; PDEBUG(1, printf("%s: addr = %#x\n", __func__, addr)); /* * All the time kernel_vm_end is first KVA for which underlying * L2 page table is either not allocated or linked from L1 page table * (not considering sections). Except for two possible cases: * * (1) in the very beginning as long as pmap_growkernel() was * not called, it could be first unused KVA (which is not * rounded up to PTE1_SIZE), * * (2) when all KVA space is mapped and vm_map_max(kernel_map) * address is not rounded up to PTE1_SIZE. (For example, * it could be 0xFFFFFFFF.) */ kernel_vm_end = pte1_roundup(kernel_vm_end); mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); addr = roundup2(addr, PTE1_SIZE); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { pte1 = pte1_load(kern_pte1(kernel_vm_end)); if (pte1_is_valid(pte1)) { kernel_vm_end += PTE1_SIZE; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } /* * kernel_vm_end_new is used in pmap_pinit() when kernel * mappings are entered to new pmap all at once to avoid race * between pmap_kenter_pte1() and kernel_vm_end increase. * The same aplies to pmap_kenter_pt2tab(). */ kernel_vm_end_new = kernel_vm_end + PTE1_SIZE; pte2 = pt2tab_load(kern_pt2tab_entry(kernel_vm_end)); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { /* * Install new PT2s page into kernel PT2TAB. */ m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pte1_index(kernel_vm_end) & ~PT2PG_MASK, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (m == NULL) panic("%s: no memory to grow kernel", __func__); /* * QQQ: To link all new L2 page tables from L1 page * table now and so pmap_kenter_pte1() them * at once together with pmap_kenter_pt2tab() * could be nice speed up. However, * pmap_growkernel() does not happen so often... * QQQ: The other TTBR is another option. */ pt2pg_pa = pmap_pt2pg_init(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end, m); } else pt2pg_pa = pte2_pa(pte2); pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(pt2pg_pa, pte1_index(kernel_vm_end)); pmap_kenter_pte1(kernel_vm_end, PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa)); kernel_vm_end = kernel_vm_end_new; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } static int kvm_size(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long ksize = vm_max_kernel_address - KERNBASE; return (sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &ksize, 0, req)); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_size, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_size, "IU", "Size of KVM"); static int kvm_free(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long kfree = vm_max_kernel_address - kernel_vm_end; return (sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &kfree, 0, req)); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_free, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_free, "IU", "Amount of KVM free"); /*********************************************** * * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. * ***********************************************/ /* * Initialize the pmap for the swapper process. */ void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pmap) { PDEBUG(1, printf("%s: pmap = %p\n", __func__, pmap)); PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); /* * Kernel page table directory and pmap stuff around is already * initialized, we are using it right now and here. So, finish * only PMAP structures initialization for process0 ... * * Since the L1 page table and PT2TAB is shared with the kernel pmap, * which is already included in the list "allpmaps", this pmap does * not need to be inserted into that list. */ pmap->pm_pt1 = kern_pt1; pmap->pm_pt2tab = kern_pt2tab; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); CPU_SET(0, &pmap->pm_active); } static __inline void pte1_copy_nosync(pt1_entry_t *spte1p, pt1_entry_t *dpte1p, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { u_int idx, count; idx = pte1_index(sva); count = (pte1_index(eva) - idx + 1) * sizeof(pt1_entry_t); bcopy(spte1p + idx, dpte1p + idx, count); } static __inline void pt2tab_copy_nosync(pt2_entry_t *spte2p, pt2_entry_t *dpte2p, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { u_int idx, count; idx = pt2tab_index(sva); count = (pt2tab_index(eva) - idx + 1) * sizeof(pt2_entry_t); bcopy(spte2p + idx, dpte2p + idx, count); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; vm_paddr_t pa, pt2tab_pa; u_int i; PDEBUG(6, printf("%s: pmap = %p, pm_pt1 = %p\n", __func__, pmap, pmap->pm_pt1)); /* * No need to allocate L2 page table space yet but we do need * a valid L1 page table and PT2TAB table. * * Install shared kernel mappings to these tables. It's a little * tricky as some parts of KVA are reserved for vectors, devices, * and whatever else. These parts are supposed to be above * vm_max_kernel_address. Thus two regions should be installed: * * (1) . * * QQQ: The second region should be stable enough to be installed * only once in time when the tables are allocated. * QQQ: Maybe copy of both regions at once could be faster ... * QQQ: Maybe the other TTBR is an option. * * Finally, install own PT2TAB table to these tables. */ if (pmap->pm_pt1 == NULL) { pmap->pm_pt1 = (pt1_entry_t *)kmem_alloc_contig(NB_IN_PT1, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO, 0, -1UL, NB_IN_PT1, 0, pt_memattr); if (pmap->pm_pt1 == NULL) return (0); } if (pmap->pm_pt2tab == NULL) { /* * QQQ: (1) PT2TAB must be contiguous. If PT2TAB is one page * only, what should be the only size for 32 bit systems, * then we could allocate it with vm_page_alloc() and all * the stuff needed as other L2 page table pages. * (2) Note that a process PT2TAB is special L2 page table * page. Its mapping in kernel_arena is permanent and can * be used no matter which process is current. Its mapping * in PT2MAP can be used only for current process. */ pmap->pm_pt2tab = (pt2_entry_t *)kmem_alloc_attr(NB_IN_PT2TAB, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO, 0, -1UL, pt_memattr); if (pmap->pm_pt2tab == NULL) { /* * QQQ: As struct pmap is allocated from UMA with * UMA_ZONE_NOFREE flag, it's important to leave * no allocation in pmap if initialization failed. */ kmem_free((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pt1, NB_IN_PT1); pmap->pm_pt1 = NULL; return (0); } /* * QQQ: Each L2 page table page vm_page_t has pindex set to * pte1 index of virtual address mapped by this page. * It's not valid for non kernel PT2TABs themselves. * The pindex of these pages can not be altered because * of the way how they are allocated now. However, it * should not be a problem. */ } mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); /* * To avoid race with pmap_kenter_pte1() and pmap_kenter_pt2tab(), * kernel_vm_end_new is used here instead of kernel_vm_end. */ pte1_copy_nosync(kern_pt1, pmap->pm_pt1, KERNBASE, kernel_vm_end_new - 1); pte1_copy_nosync(kern_pt1, pmap->pm_pt1, vm_max_kernel_address, 0xFFFFFFFF); pt2tab_copy_nosync(kern_pt2tab, pmap->pm_pt2tab, KERNBASE, kernel_vm_end_new - 1); pt2tab_copy_nosync(kern_pt2tab, pmap->pm_pt2tab, vm_max_kernel_address, 0xFFFFFFFF); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&allpmaps, pmap, pm_list); mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); /* * Store PT2MAP PT2 pages (a.k.a. PT2TAB) in PT2TAB itself. * I.e. self reference mapping. The PT2TAB is private, however mapped * into shared PT2MAP space, so the mapping should be not global. */ pt2tab_pa = vtophys(pmap->pm_pt2tab); pte2p = pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, (vm_offset_t)PT2MAP); for (pa = pt2tab_pa, i = 0; i < NPG_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pa += PTE2_SIZE) { pt2tab_store(pte2p++, PTE2_KPT_NG(pa)); } /* Insert PT2MAP PT2s into pmap PT1. */ pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, (vm_offset_t)PT2MAP); for (pa = pt2tab_pa, i = 0; i < NPT2_IN_PT2TAB; i++, pa += NB_IN_PT2) { pte1_store(pte1p++, PTE1_LINK(pa)); } /* * Now synchronize new mapping which was made above. */ pte1_sync_range(pmap->pm_pt1, NB_IN_PT1); pte2_sync_range(pmap->pm_pt2tab, NB_IN_PT2TAB); CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); return (1); } #ifdef INVARIANTS static boolean_t pt2tab_user_is_empty(pt2_entry_t *tab) { u_int i, end; end = pt2tab_index(VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); for (i = 0; i < end; i++) if (tab[i] != 0) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } #endif /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { #ifdef INVARIANTS vm_offset_t start, end; #endif KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("%s: pmap resident count %ld != 0", __func__, pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); KASSERT(pt2tab_user_is_empty(pmap->pm_pt2tab), ("%s: has allocated user PT2(s)", __func__)); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active), ("%s: pmap %p is active on some CPU(s)", __func__, pmap)); mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_REMOVE(pmap, pm_list); mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); #ifdef INVARIANTS start = pte1_index(KERNBASE) * sizeof(pt1_entry_t); end = (pte1_index(0xFFFFFFFF) + 1) * sizeof(pt1_entry_t); bzero((char *)pmap->pm_pt1 + start, end - start); start = pt2tab_index(KERNBASE) * sizeof(pt2_entry_t); end = (pt2tab_index(0xFFFFFFFF) + 1) * sizeof(pt2_entry_t); bzero((char *)pmap->pm_pt2tab + start, end - start); #endif /* * We are leaving PT1 and PT2TAB allocated on released pmap, * so hopefully UMA vmspace_zone will always be inited with * UMA_ZONE_NOFREE flag. */ } /********************************************************* * * L2 table pages and their pages management routines. * *********************************************************/ /* * Virtual interface for L2 page table wire counting. * * Each L2 page table in a page has own counter which counts a number of * valid mappings in a table. Global page counter counts mappings in all * tables in a page plus a single itself mapping in PT2TAB. * * During a promotion we leave the associated L2 page table counter * untouched, so the table (strictly speaking a page which holds it) * is never freed if promoted. * * If a page m->wire_count == 1 then no valid mappings exist in any L2 page * table in the page and the page itself is only mapped in PT2TAB. */ static __inline void pt2_wirecount_init(vm_page_t m) { u_int i; /* * Note: A page m is allocated with VM_ALLOC_WIRED flag and * m->wire_count should be already set correctly. * So, there is no need to set it again herein. */ for (i = 0; i < NPT2_IN_PG; i++) m->md.pt2_wirecount[i] = 0; } static __inline void pt2_wirecount_inc(vm_page_t m, uint32_t pte1_idx) { /* * Note: A just modificated pte2 (i.e. already allocated) * is acquiring one extra reference which must be * explicitly cleared. It influences the KASSERTs herein. * All L2 page tables in a page always belong to the same * pmap, so we allow only one extra reference for the page. */ KASSERT(m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK] < (NPTE2_IN_PT2 + 1), ("%s: PT2 is overflowing ...", __func__)); KASSERT(m->wire_count <= (NPTE2_IN_PG + 1), ("%s: PT2PG is overflowing ...", __func__)); m->wire_count++; m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK]++; } static __inline void pt2_wirecount_dec(vm_page_t m, uint32_t pte1_idx) { KASSERT(m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK] != 0, ("%s: PT2 is underflowing ...", __func__)); KASSERT(m->wire_count > 1, ("%s: PT2PG is underflowing ...", __func__)); m->wire_count--; m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK]--; } static __inline void pt2_wirecount_set(vm_page_t m, uint32_t pte1_idx, uint16_t count) { KASSERT(count <= NPTE2_IN_PT2, ("%s: invalid count %u", __func__, count)); KASSERT(m->wire_count > m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK], ("%s: PT2PG corrupting (%u, %u) ...", __func__, m->wire_count, m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK])); m->wire_count -= m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK]; m->wire_count += count; m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK] = count; KASSERT(m->wire_count <= (NPTE2_IN_PG + 1), ("%s: PT2PG is overflowed (%u) ...", __func__, m->wire_count)); } static __inline uint32_t pt2_wirecount_get(vm_page_t m, uint32_t pte1_idx) { return (m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_idx & PT2PG_MASK]); } static __inline boolean_t pt2_is_empty(vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { return (m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_index(va) & PT2PG_MASK] == 0); } static __inline boolean_t pt2_is_full(vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { return (m->md.pt2_wirecount[pte1_index(va) & PT2PG_MASK] == NPTE2_IN_PT2); } static __inline boolean_t pt2pg_is_empty(vm_page_t m) { return (m->wire_count == 1); } /* * This routine is called if the L2 page table * is not mapped correctly. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags) { uint32_t pte1_idx; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t pte2; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa, pt2_pa; pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); pte1p = pmap->pm_pt1 + pte1_idx; KASSERT(pte1_load(pte1p) == 0, ("%s: pm_pt1[%#x] is not zero: %#x", __func__, pte1_idx, pte1_load(pte1p))); pte2 = pt2tab_load(pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va)); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { /* * Install new PT2s page into pmap PT2TAB. */ m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pte1_idx & ~PT2PG_MASK, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (m == NULL) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_wait(NULL); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, * the L2 page table page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; pt2pg_pa = pmap_pt2pg_init(pmap, va, m); } else { pt2pg_pa = pte2_pa(pte2); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pt2pg_pa); } pt2_wirecount_inc(m, pte1_idx); pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(pt2pg_pa, pte1_idx); pte1_store(pte1p, PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa)); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags) { u_int pte1_idx; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; vm_page_t m; pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); retry: pte1p = pmap->pm_pt1 + pte1_idx; pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); /* * This supports switching from a 1MB page to a * normal 4K page. */ if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { (void)pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va); /* * Reload pte1 after demotion. * * Note: Demotion can even fail as either PT2 is not find for * the virtual address or PT2PG can not be allocated. */ pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); } /* * If the L2 page table page is mapped, we just increment the * hold count, and activate it. */ if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); pt2_wirecount_inc(m, pte1_idx); } else { /* * Here if the PT2 isn't mapped, or if it has * been deallocated. */ m = _pmap_allocpte2(pmap, va, flags); if (m == NULL && (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) goto retry; } return (m); } /* * Schedule the specified unused L2 page table page to be freed. Specifically, * add the page to the specified list of pages that will be released to the * physical memory manager after the TLB has been updated. */ static __inline void pmap_add_delayed_free_list(vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { /* * Put page on a list so that it is released after * *ALL* TLB shootdown is done */ #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG pmap_zero_page_check(m); #endif m->flags |= PG_ZERO; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(free, m,; } /* * Unwire L2 page tables page. */ static void pmap_unwire_pt2pg(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p, opte1 __unused; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; uint32_t i; KASSERT(pt2pg_is_empty(m), ("%s: pmap %p PT2PG %p wired", __func__, pmap, m)); /* * Unmap all L2 page tables in the page from L1 page table. * * QQQ: Individual L2 page tables (except the last one) can be unmapped * earlier. However, we are doing that this way. */ KASSERT(m->pindex == (pte1_index(va) & ~PT2PG_MASK), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x PT2PG %p bad index", __func__, pmap, va, m)); pte1p = pmap->pm_pt1 + m->pindex; for (i = 0; i < NPT2_IN_PG; i++, pte1p++) { KASSERT(m->md.pt2_wirecount[i] == 0, ("%s: pmap %p PT2 %u (PG %p) wired", __func__, pmap, i, m)); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_link(opte1)) { pte1_clear(pte1p); /* * Flush intermediate TLB cache. */ pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, (m->pindex + i) << PTE1_SHIFT); } #ifdef INVARIANTS else KASSERT((opte1 == 0) || pte1_is_section(opte1), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x bad pte1 %x at %u", __func__, pmap, va, opte1, i)); #endif } /* * Unmap the page from PT2TAB. */ pte2p = pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va); (void)pt2tab_load_clear(pte2p); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pt2map_pt2pg(va)); m->wire_count = 0; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; /* * This barrier is so that the ordinary store unmapping * the L2 page table page is globally performed before TLB shoot- * down is begun. */ wmb(); vm_wire_sub(1); } /* * Decrements a L2 page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static __inline boolean_t pmap_unwire_pt2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { pt2_wirecount_dec(m, pte1_index(va)); if (pt2pg_is_empty(m)) { /* * QQQ: Wire count is zero, so whole page should be zero and * we can set PG_ZERO flag to it. * Note that when promotion is enabled, it takes some * more efforts. See pmap_unwire_pt2_all() below. */ pmap_unwire_pt2pg(pmap, va, m); pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * Drop a L2 page table page's wire count at once, which is used to record * the number of valid L2 page table entries within the page. If the wire * count drops to zero, then the L2 page table page is unmapped. */ static __inline void pmap_unwire_pt2_all(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { u_int pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); KASSERT(m->pindex == (pte1_idx & ~PT2PG_MASK), ("%s: PT2 page's pindex is wrong", __func__)); KASSERT(m->wire_count > pt2_wirecount_get(m, pte1_idx), ("%s: bad pt2 wire count %u > %u", __func__, m->wire_count, pt2_wirecount_get(m, pte1_idx))); /* * It's possible that the L2 page table was never used. * It happened in case that a section was created without promotion. */ if (pt2_is_full(m, va)) { pt2_wirecount_set(m, pte1_idx, 0); /* * QQQ: We clear L2 page table now, so when L2 page table page * is going to be freed, we can set it PG_ZERO flag ... * This function is called only on section mappings, so * hopefully it's not to big overload. * * XXX: If pmap is current, existing PT2MAP mapping could be * used for zeroing. */ pmap_zero_page_area(m, page_pt2off(pte1_idx), NB_IN_PT2); } #ifdef INVARIANTS else KASSERT(pt2_is_empty(m, va), ("%s: PT2 is not empty (%u)", __func__, pt2_wirecount_get(m, pte1_idx))); #endif if (pt2pg_is_empty(m)) { pmap_unwire_pt2pg(pmap, va, m); pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free); } } /* * After removing a L2 page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static boolean_t pmap_unuse_pt2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pt1_entry_t pte1; vm_page_t mpte; if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (FALSE); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); return (pmap_unwire_pt2(pmap, va, mpte, free)); } /************************************* * * Page management routines. * *************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); CTASSERT(_NPCM == 11); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 336); static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #define PC_FREE0_9 0xfffffffful /* Free values for index 0 through 9 */ #define PC_FREE10 0x0000fffful /* Free values for index 10 */ static const uint32_t pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE10 }; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_count, 0, "Current number of pv entries"); #ifdef PV_STATS static int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_count, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks allocated"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks frees"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_tryfail, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_tryfail, 0, "Number of times tried to get a chunk page but failed."); static long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs; static int pv_entry_spare; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry frees"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry allocs"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_spare, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_spare, 0, "Current number of spare pv entries"); #endif /* * Is given page managed? */ static __inline bool is_managed(vm_paddr_t pa) { vm_page_t m; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); if (m == NULL) return (false); return ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0); } static __inline bool pte1_is_managed(pt1_entry_t pte1) { return (is_managed(pte1_pa(pte1))); } static __inline bool pte2_is_managed(pt2_entry_t pte2) { return (is_managed(pte2_pa(pte2))); } /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. */ static vm_page_t pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap_t locked_pmap) { struct pch newtail; struct pv_chunk *pc; struct md_page *pvh; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pmap_t pmap; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, tpte2; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, m_pc; struct spglist free; uint32_t inuse; int bit, field, freed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(locked_pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap = NULL; m_pc = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&free); TAILQ_INIT(&newtail); while ((pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pv_chunks)) != NULL && (pv_vafree == 0 || SLIST_EMPTY(&free))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); if (pmap != pc->pc_pmap) { if (pmap != NULL) { if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } pmap = pc->pc_pmap; /* Avoid deadlock and lock recursion. */ if (pmap > locked_pmap) PMAP_LOCK(pmap); else if (pmap != locked_pmap && !PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pmap = NULL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } } /* * Destroy every non-wired, 4 KB page mapping in the chunk. */ freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { for (inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; inuse != 0; inuse &= ~(1UL << bit)) { bit = ffs(inuse) - 1; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 32 + bit]; va = pv->pv_va; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); if (pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p))) continue; pte2p = pmap_pte2(pmap, va); tpte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if ((tpte2 & PTE2_W) == 0) tpte2 = pte2_load_clear(pte2p); pmap_pte2_release(pte2p); if ((tpte2 & PTE2_W) != 0) continue; KASSERT(tpte2 != 0, ("pmap_pv_reclaim: pmap %p va %#x zero pte", pmap, va)); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(tpte2)); if (pte2_is_dirty(tpte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((tpte2 & PTE2_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pc->pc_map[field] |= 1UL << bit; pmap_unuse_pt2(pmap, va, &free); freed++; } } if (freed == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } /* Every freed mapping is for a 4 KB page. */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= freed; PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees += freed); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += freed); pv_entry_count -= freed; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != pc_freemask[field]) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); /* * One freed pv entry in locked_pmap is * sufficient. */ if (pmap == locked_pmap) goto out; break; } if (field == _NPCM) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* Entire chunk is free; return it. */ m_pc = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)pc)); pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pc, 1); pmap_pte2list_free(&pv_vafree, (vm_offset_t)pc); break; } } out: TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &newtail, pc_lru); if (pmap != NULL) { if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if (m_pc == NULL && pv_vafree != 0 && SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { m_pc = SLIST_FIRST(&free); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&free,; /* Recycle a freed page table page. */ m_pc->wire_count = 1; vm_wire_add(1); } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); return (m_pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)pc)); pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pc, 1); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); pmap_pte2list_free(&pv_vafree, (vm_offset_t)pc); } /* * Free the pv_entry back to the free list. */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int idx, field, bit; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / 32; bit = idx % 32; pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; for (idx = 0; idx < _NPCM; idx++) if (pc->pc_map[idx] != pc_freemask[idx]) { /* * 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the * list. If it isn't already, move it to the head. */ if (__predict_false(TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk) != pc)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } /* * Get a new pv_entry, allocating a block from the system * when needed. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t try) { static const struct timeval printinterval = { 60, 0 }; static struct timeval lastprint; int bit, field; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_allocs++); pv_entry_count++; if (pv_entry_count > pv_entry_high_water) if (ratecheck(&lastprint, &printinterval)) printf("Approaching the limit on PV entries, consider " "increasing either the vm.pmap.shpgperproc or the " "vm.pmap.pv_entries tunable.\n"); retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = ffs(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 32 + bit]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != 0) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); /* not full, return */ } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); } } /* * Access to the pte2list "pv_vafree" is synchronized by the pvh * global lock. If "pv_vafree" is currently non-empty, it will * remain non-empty until pmap_pte2list_alloc() completes. */ if (pv_vafree == 0 || (m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { if (try) { pv_entry_count--; PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count++); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_allocs++); pc = (struct pv_chunk *)pmap_pte2list_alloc(&pv_vafree); pmap_qenter((vm_offset_t)pc, &m, 1); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = pc_freemask[0] & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ for (field = 1; field < _NPCM; field++) pc->pc_map[field] = pc_freemask[field]; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += _NPCPV - 1); return (pv); } /* * Create a pv entry for page at pa for * (pmap, va). */ static void pmap_insert_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, FALSE); pv->pv_va = va; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); } static __inline pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); break; } } return (pv); } static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found")); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } static void pmap_remove_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { struct md_page *pvh; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } static void pmap_pv_demote_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((pa & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pte1: pa is not 1mpage aligned")); /* * Transfer the 1mpage's pv entry for this mapping to the first * page's pv list. */ pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); va = pte1_trunc(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_demote_pte1: pv not found")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); /* Instantiate the remaining NPTE2_IN_PT2 - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + PTE1_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pte1: page %p is not managed", m)); va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_insert_entry(pmap, va, m); } while (va < va_last); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_pv_promote_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((pa & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_promote_pte1: pa is not 1mpage aligned")); /* * Transfer the first page's pv entry for this mapping to the * 1mpage's pv list. Aside from avoiding the cost of a call * to get_pv_entry(), a transfer avoids the possibility that * get_pv_entry() calls pmap_pv_reclaim() and that pmap_pv_reclaim() * removes one of the mappings that is being promoted. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); va = pte1_trunc(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&m->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_promote_pte1: pv not found")); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); /* Free the remaining NPTE2_IN_PT2 - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + PTE1_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } while (va < va_last); } #endif /* * Conditionally create a pv entry. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pv_entry_count < pv_entry_high_water && (pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, TRUE)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * Create the pv entries for each of the pages within a section. */ static bool pmap_pv_insert_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t pte1, u_int flags) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; bool noreclaim; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); noreclaim = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM) != 0; if ((noreclaim && pv_entry_count >= pv_entry_high_water) || (pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, noreclaim)) == NULL) return (false); pv->pv_va = va; pvh = pa_to_pvh(pte1_pa(pte1)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); return (true); } static inline void pmap_tlb_flush_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t npte1) { /* Kill all the small mappings or the big one only. */ if (pte1_is_section(npte1)) pmap_tlb_flush_range(pmap, pte1_trunc(va), PTE1_SIZE); else pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pte1_trunc(va)); } /* * Update kernel pte1 on all pmaps. * * The following function is called only on one cpu with disabled interrupts. * In SMP case, smp_rendezvous_cpus() is used to stop other cpus. This way * nobody can invoke explicit hardware table walk during the update of pte1. * Unsolicited hardware table walk can still happen, invoked by speculative * data or instruction prefetch or even by speculative hardware table walk. * * The break-before-make approach should be implemented here. However, it's * not so easy to do that for kernel mappings as it would be unhappy to unmap * itself unexpectedly but voluntarily. */ static void pmap_update_pte1_kernel(vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t npte1) { pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; /* * Get current pmap. Interrupts should be disabled here * so PCPU_GET() is done atomically. */ pmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); if (pmap == NULL) pmap = kernel_pmap; /* * (1) Change pte1 on current pmap. * (2) Flush all obsolete TLB entries on current CPU. * (3) Change pte1 on all pmaps. * (4) Flush all obsolete TLB entries on all CPUs in SMP case. */ pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); /* Kill all the small mappings or the big one only. */ if (pte1_is_section(npte1)) { pmap_pte1_kern_promotions++; tlb_flush_range_local(pte1_trunc(va), PTE1_SIZE); } else { pmap_pte1_kern_demotions++; tlb_flush_local(pte1_trunc(va)); } /* * In SMP case, this function is called when all cpus are at smp * rendezvous, so there is no need to use 'allpmaps_lock' lock here. * In UP case, the function is called with this lock locked. */ LIST_FOREACH(pmap, &allpmaps, pm_list) { pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); } #ifdef SMP /* Kill all the small mappings or the big one only. */ if (pte1_is_section(npte1)) tlb_flush_range(pte1_trunc(va), PTE1_SIZE); else tlb_flush(pte1_trunc(va)); #endif } #ifdef SMP struct pte1_action { vm_offset_t va; pt1_entry_t npte1; u_int update; /* CPU that updates the PTE1 */ }; static void pmap_update_pte1_action(void *arg) { struct pte1_action *act = arg; if (act->update == PCPU_GET(cpuid)) pmap_update_pte1_kernel(act->va, act->npte1); } /* * Change pte1 on current pmap. * Note that kernel pte1 must be changed on all pmaps. * * According to the architecture reference manual published by ARM, * the behaviour is UNPREDICTABLE when two or more TLB entries map the same VA. * According to this manual, UNPREDICTABLE behaviours must never happen in * a viable system. In contrast, on x86 processors, it is not specified which * TLB entry mapping the virtual address will be used, but the MMU doesn't * generate a bogus translation the way it does on Cortex-A8 rev 2 (Beaglebone * Black). * * It's a problem when either promotion or demotion is being done. The pte1 * update and appropriate TLB flush must be done atomically in general. */ static void pmap_change_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t npte1) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { struct pte1_action act; sched_pin(); = va; act.npte1 = npte1; act.update = PCPU_GET(cpuid); smp_rendezvous_cpus(all_cpus, smp_no_rendezvous_barrier, pmap_update_pte1_action, NULL, &act); sched_unpin(); } else { register_t cspr; /* * Use break-before-make approach for changing userland * mappings. It can cause L1 translation aborts on other * cores in SMP case. So, special treatment is implemented * in pmap_fault(). To reduce the likelihood that another core * will be affected by the broken mapping, disable interrupts * until the mapping change is completed. */ cspr = disable_interrupts(PSR_I | PSR_F); pte1_clear(pte1p); pmap_tlb_flush_pte1(pmap, va, npte1); pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); restore_interrupts(cspr); } } #else static void pmap_change_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t npte1) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { mtx_lock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); pmap_update_pte1_kernel(va, npte1); mtx_unlock_spin(&allpmaps_lock); } else { register_t cspr; /* * Use break-before-make approach for changing userland * mappings. It's absolutely safe in UP case when interrupts * are disabled. */ cspr = disable_interrupts(PSR_I | PSR_F); pte1_clear(pte1p); pmap_tlb_flush_pte1(pmap, va, npte1); pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); restore_interrupts(cspr); } } #endif #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Tries to promote the NPTE2_IN_PT2, contiguous 4KB page mappings that are * within a single page table page (PT2) to a single 1MB page mapping. * For promotion to occur, two conditions must be met: (1) the 4KB page * mappings must map aligned, contiguous physical memory and (2) the 4KB page * mappings must have identical characteristics. * * Managed (PG_MANAGED) mappings within the kernel address space are not * promoted. The reason is that kernel PTE1s are replicated in each pmap but * pmap_remove_write(), pmap_clear_modify(), and pmap_clear_reference() only * read the PTE1 from the kernel pmap. */ static void pmap_promote_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t npte1; pt2_entry_t *fpte2p, fpte2, fpte2_fav; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_offset_t pteva __unused; vm_page_t m __unused; PDEBUG(6, printf("%s(%p): try for va %#x pte1 %#x at %p\n", __func__, pmap, va, pte1_load(pte1p), pte1p)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Examine the first PTE2 in the specified PT2. Abort if this PTE2 is * either invalid, unused, or does not map the first 4KB physical page * within a 1MB page. */ fpte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pte1_trunc(va)); fpte2 = pte2_load(fpte2p); if ((fpte2 & ((PTE2_FRAME & PTE1_OFFSET) | PTE2_A | PTE2_V)) != (PTE2_A | PTE2_V)) { pmap_pte1_p_failures++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure(1) for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return; } if (pte2_is_managed(fpte2) && pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_pte1_p_failures++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure(2) for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return; } if ((fpte2 & (PTE2_NM | PTE2_RO)) == PTE2_NM) { /* * When page is not modified, PTE2_RO can be set without * a TLB invalidation. */ fpte2 |= PTE2_RO; pte2_store(fpte2p, fpte2); } /* * Examine each of the other PTE2s in the specified PT2. Abort if this * PTE2 maps an unexpected 4KB physical page or does not have identical * characteristics to the first PTE2. */ fpte2_fav = (fpte2 & (PTE2_FRAME | PTE2_A | PTE2_V)); fpte2_fav += PTE1_SIZE - PTE2_SIZE; /* examine from the end */ for (pte2p = fpte2p + NPTE2_IN_PT2 - 1; pte2p > fpte2p; pte2p--) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if ((pte2 & (PTE2_FRAME | PTE2_A | PTE2_V)) != fpte2_fav) { pmap_pte1_p_failures++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure(3) for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return; } if ((pte2 & (PTE2_NM | PTE2_RO)) == PTE2_NM) { /* * When page is not modified, PTE2_RO can be set * without a TLB invalidation. See note above. */ pte2 |= PTE2_RO; pte2_store(pte2p, pte2); pteva = pte1_trunc(va) | (pte2 & PTE1_OFFSET & PTE2_FRAME); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: protect for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, pteva, pmap); } if ((pte2 & PTE2_PROMOTE) != (fpte2 & PTE2_PROMOTE)) { pmap_pte1_p_failures++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure(4) for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return; } fpte2_fav -= PTE2_SIZE; } /* * The page table page in its current state will stay in PT2TAB * until the PTE1 mapping the section is demoted by pmap_demote_pte1() * or destroyed by pmap_remove_pte1(). * * Note that L2 page table size is not equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(trunc_page(pte1_link_pa(pte1_load(pte1p)))); KASSERT(m >= vm_page_array && m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("%s: PT2 page is out of range", __func__)); KASSERT(m->pindex == (pte1_index(va) & ~PT2PG_MASK), ("%s: PT2 page's pindex is wrong", __func__)); /* * Get pte1 from pte2 format. */ npte1 = (fpte2 & PTE1_FRAME) | ATTR_TO_L1(fpte2) | PTE1_V; /* * Promote the pv entries. */ if (pte2_is_managed(fpte2)) pmap_pv_promote_pte1(pmap, va, pte1_pa(npte1)); /* * Promote the mappings. */ pmap_change_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va, npte1); pmap_pte1_promotions++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: success for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); PDEBUG(6, printf("%s(%p): success for va %#x pte1 %#x(%#x) at %p\n", __func__, pmap, va, npte1, pte1_load(pte1p), pte1p)); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * Zero L2 page table page. */ static __inline void pmap_clear_pt2(pt2_entry_t *fpte2p) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p; for (pte2p = fpte2p; pte2p < fpte2p + NPTE2_IN_PT2; pte2p++) pte2_clear(pte2p); } /* * Removes a 1MB page mapping from the kernel pmap. */ static void pmap_remove_kernel_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va) { vm_page_t m; uint32_t pte1_idx; pt2_entry_t *fpte2p; vm_paddr_t pt2_pa; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); m = pmap_pt2_page(pmap, va); if (m == NULL) /* * QQQ: Is this function called only on promoted pte1? * We certainly do section mappings directly * (without promotion) in kernel !!! */ panic("%s: missing pt2 page", __func__); pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); /* * Initialize the L2 page table. */ fpte2p = page_pt2(pt2map_pt2pg(va), pte1_idx); pmap_clear_pt2(fpte2p); /* * Remove the mapping. */ pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), pte1_idx); pmap_kenter_pte1(va, PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa)); /* * QQQ: We do not need to invalidate PT2MAP mapping * as we did not change it. I.e. the L2 page table page * was and still is mapped the same way. */ } /* * Do the things to unmap a section in a process */ static void pmap_remove_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free) { pt1_entry_t opte1; struct md_page *pvh; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m; PDEBUG(6, printf("%s(%p): va %#x pte1 %#x at %p\n", __func__, pmap, sva, pte1_load(pte1p), pte1p)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("%s: sva is not 1mpage aligned", __func__)); /* * Clear and invalidate the mapping. It should occupy one and only TLB * entry. So, pmap_tlb_flush() called with aligned address should be * sufficient. */ opte1 = pte1_load_clear(pte1p); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, sva); if (pte1_is_wired(opte1)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; if (pte1_is_managed(opte1)) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(pte1_pa(opte1)); pmap_pvh_free(pvh, pmap, sva); eva = sva + PTE1_SIZE; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_pa(opte1)); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) { if (pte1_is_dirty(opte1)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (opte1 & PTE1_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { /* * L2 page table(s) can't be removed from kernel map as * kernel counts on it (stuff around pmap_growkernel()). */ pmap_remove_kernel_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva); } else { /* * Get associated L2 page table page. * It's possible that the page was never allocated. */ m = pmap_pt2_page(pmap, sva); if (m != NULL) pmap_unwire_pt2_all(pmap, sva, m, free); } } /* * Fills L2 page table page with mappings to consecutive physical pages. */ static __inline void pmap_fill_pt2(pt2_entry_t *fpte2p, pt2_entry_t npte2) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p; for (pte2p = fpte2p; pte2p < fpte2p + NPTE2_IN_PT2; pte2p++) { pte2_store(pte2p, npte2); npte2 += PTE2_SIZE; } } /* * Tries to demote a 1MB page mapping. If demotion fails, the * 1MB page mapping is invalidated. */ static boolean_t pmap_demote_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t opte1, npte1; pt2_entry_t *fpte2p, npte2; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa, pt2_pa; vm_page_t m; struct spglist free; uint32_t pte1_idx, isnew = 0; PDEBUG(6, printf("%s(%p): try for va %#x pte1 %#x at %p\n", __func__, pmap, va, pte1_load(pte1p), pte1p)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); KASSERT(pte1_is_section(opte1), ("%s: opte1 not a section", __func__)); if ((opte1 & PTE1_A) == 0 || (m = pmap_pt2_page(pmap, va)) == NULL) { KASSERT(!pte1_is_wired(opte1), ("%s: PT2 page for a wired mapping is missing", __func__)); /* * Invalidate the 1MB page mapping and return * "failure" if the mapping was never accessed or the * allocation of the new page table page fails. */ if ((opte1 & PTE1_A) == 0 || (m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pte1_index(va) & ~PT2PG_MASK, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); pmap_remove_pte1(pmap, pte1p, pte1_trunc(va), &free); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return (FALSE); } if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; isnew = 1; /* * We init all L2 page tables in the page even if * we are going to change everything for one L2 page * table in a while. */ pt2pg_pa = pmap_pt2pg_init(pmap, va, m); } else { if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { if (pt2_is_empty(m, va)) isnew = 1; /* Demoting section w/o promotion. */ #ifdef INVARIANTS else KASSERT(pt2_is_full(m, va), ("%s: bad PT2 wire" " count %u", __func__, pt2_wirecount_get(m, pte1_index(va)))); #endif } } pt2pg_pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); /* * If the pmap is current, then the PT2MAP can provide access to * the page table page (promoted L2 page tables are not unmapped). * Otherwise, temporarily map the L2 page table page (m) into * the kernel's address space at either PADDR1 or PADDR2. * * Note that L2 page table size is not equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) fpte2p = page_pt2(pt2map_pt2pg(va), pte1_idx); else if (curthread->td_pinned > 0 && rw_wowned(&pvh_global_lock)) { if (pte2_pa(pte2_load(PMAP1)) != pt2pg_pa) { pte2_store(PMAP1, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); #ifdef SMP PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR1); PMAP1changed++; } else #ifdef SMP if (PMAP1cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR1); PMAP1changedcpu++; } else #endif PMAP1unchanged++; fpte2p = page_pt2((vm_offset_t)PADDR1, pte1_idx); } else { mtx_lock(&PMAP2mutex); if (pte2_pa(pte2_load(PMAP2)) != pt2pg_pa) { pte2_store(PMAP2, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)PADDR2); } fpte2p = page_pt2((vm_offset_t)PADDR2, pte1_idx); } pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(pt2pg_pa, pte1_idx); npte1 = PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa); KASSERT((opte1 & PTE1_A) != 0, ("%s: opte1 is missing PTE1_A", __func__)); KASSERT((opte1 & (PTE1_NM | PTE1_RO)) != PTE1_NM, ("%s: opte1 has PTE1_NM", __func__)); /* * Get pte2 from pte1 format. */ npte2 = pte1_pa(opte1) | ATTR_TO_L2(opte1) | PTE2_V; /* * If the L2 page table page is new, initialize it. If the mapping * has changed attributes, update the page table entries. */ if (isnew != 0) { pt2_wirecount_set(m, pte1_idx, NPTE2_IN_PT2); pmap_fill_pt2(fpte2p, npte2); } else if ((pte2_load(fpte2p) & PTE2_PROMOTE) != (npte2 & PTE2_PROMOTE)) pmap_fill_pt2(fpte2p, npte2); KASSERT(pte2_pa(pte2_load(fpte2p)) == pte2_pa(npte2), ("%s: fpte2p and npte2 map different physical addresses", __func__)); if (fpte2p == PADDR2) mtx_unlock(&PMAP2mutex); /* * Demote the mapping. This pmap is locked. The old PTE1 has * PTE1_A set. If the old PTE1 has not PTE1_RO set, it also * has not PTE1_NM set. Thus, there is no danger of a race with * another processor changing the setting of PTE1_A and/or PTE1_NM * between the read above and the store below. */ pmap_change_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va, npte1); /* * Demote the pv entry. This depends on the earlier demotion * of the mapping. Specifically, the (re)creation of a per- * page pv entry might trigger the execution of pmap_pv_reclaim(), * which might reclaim a newly (re)created per-page pv entry * and destroy the associated mapping. In order to destroy * the mapping, the PTE1 must have already changed from mapping * the 1mpage to referencing the page table page. */ if (pte1_is_managed(opte1)) pmap_pv_demote_pte1(pmap, va, pte1_pa(opte1)); pmap_pte1_demotions++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: success for va %#x in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); PDEBUG(6, printf("%s(%p): success for va %#x pte1 %#x(%#x) at %p\n", __func__, pmap, va, npte1, pte1_load(pte1p), pte1p)); return (TRUE); } /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; pt2_entry_t npte2, opte2; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t opa, pa; vm_page_t mpte2, om; int rv; va = trunc_page(va); KASSERT(va <= vm_max_kernel_address, ("%s: toobig", __func__)); KASSERT(va < UPT2V_MIN_ADDRESS || va >= UPT2V_MAX_ADDRESS, ("%s: invalid to pmap_enter page table pages (va: 0x%x)", __func__, va)); KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva, ("%s: managed mapping within the clean submap", __func__)); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_RESERVED) == 0, ("%s: flags %u has reserved bits set", __func__, flags)); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); npte2 = PTE2(pa, PTE2_A, vm_page_pte2_attr(m)); if ((flags & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) npte2 |= PTE2_NM; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) npte2 |= PTE2_RO; KASSERT((npte2 & (PTE2_NM | PTE2_RO)) != PTE2_RO, ("%s: flags includes VM_PROT_WRITE but prot doesn't", __func__)); if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) npte2 |= PTE2_NX; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) npte2 |= PTE2_W; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) npte2 |= PTE2_U; if (pmap != kernel_pmap) npte2 |= PTE2_NG; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); sched_pin(); if (psind == 1) { /* Assert the required virtual and physical alignment. */ KASSERT((va & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("%s: va unaligned", __func__)); KASSERT(m->psind > 0, ("%s: m->psind < psind", __func__)); rv = pmap_enter_pte1(pmap, va, PTE1_PA(pa) | ATTR_TO_L1(npte2) | PTE1_V, flags, m); goto out; } /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { mpte2 = pmap_allocpte2(pmap, va, flags); if (mpte2 == NULL) { KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0, ("pmap_allocpte2 failed with sleep allowed")); rv = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; goto out; } } else mpte2 = NULL; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); if (pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p))) panic("%s: attempted on 1MB page", __func__); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, va); if (pte2p == NULL) panic("%s: invalid L1 page table entry va=%#x", __func__, va); om = NULL; opte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); opa = pte2_pa(opte2); /* * Mapping has not changed, must be protection or wiring change. */ if (pte2_is_valid(opte2) && (opa == pa)) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT2 pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is wired, * the PT2 page will be also. */ if (pte2_is_wired(npte2) && !pte2_is_wired(opte2)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if (!pte2_is_wired(npte2) && pte2_is_wired(opte2)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove extra pte2 reference */ if (mpte2) pt2_wirecount_dec(mpte2, pte1_index(va)); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) om = m; goto validate; } /* * QQQ: We think that changing physical address on writeable mapping * is not safe. Well, maybe on kernel address space with correct * locking, it can make a sense. However, we have no idea why * anyone should do that on user address space. Are we wrong? */ KASSERT((opa == 0) || (opa == pa) || !pte2_is_valid(opte2) || ((opte2 & PTE2_RO) != 0), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x(%#x) opa %#x pa %#x - gotcha %#x %#x!", __func__, pmap, va, opte2, opa, pa, flags, prot)); pv = NULL; /* * Mapping has changed, invalidate old range and fall through to * handle validating new mapping. */ if (opa) { if (pte2_is_wired(opte2)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); if (om != NULL && (om->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) om = NULL; if (om != NULL) pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); /* * Remove extra pte2 reference */ if (mpte2 != NULL) pt2_wirecount_dec(mpte2, va >> PTE1_SHIFT); } else pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, FALSE); pv->pv_va = va; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); } else if (pv != NULL) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); /* * Increment counters */ if (pte2_is_wired(npte2)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; validate: /* * Now validate mapping with desired protection/wiring. */ if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * If the mapping or permission bits are different, we need * to update the pte2. * * QQQ: Think again and again what to do * if the mapping is going to be changed! */ if ((opte2 & ~(PTE2_NM | PTE2_A)) != (npte2 & ~(PTE2_NM | PTE2_A))) { /* * Sync icache if exec permission and attribute VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA * is set. Do it now, before the mapping is stored and made * valid for hardware table walk. If done later, there is a race * for other threads of current process in lazy loading case. * Don't do it for kernel memory which is mapped with exec * permission even if the memory isn't going to hold executable * code. The only time when icache sync is needed is after * kernel module is loaded and the relocation info is processed. * And it's done in elf_cpu_load_file(). * * QQQ: (1) Does it exist any better way where * or how to sync icache? * (2) Now, we do it on a page basis. */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) && pmap != kernel_pmap && m->md.pat_mode == VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA && (opa != pa || (opte2 & PTE2_NX))) cache_icache_sync_fresh(va, pa, PAGE_SIZE); if (opte2 & PTE2_V) { /* Change mapping with break-before-make approach. */ opte2 = pte2_load_clear(pte2p); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, va); pte2_store(pte2p, npte2); if (om != NULL) { KASSERT((om->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: om %p unmanaged", __func__, om)); if ((opte2 & PTE2_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); if (pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) vm_page_dirty(om); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list) && ((om->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(opa)->pv_list))) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } else pte2_store(pte2p, npte2); } #if 0 else { /* * QQQ: In time when both access and not mofified bits are * emulated by software, this should not happen. Some * analysis is need, if this really happen. Missing * tlb flush somewhere could be the reason. */ panic("%s: pmap %p va %#x opte2 %x npte2 %x !!", __func__, pmap, va, opte2, npte2); } #endif #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * If both the L2 page table page and the reservation are fully * populated, then attempt promotion. */ if ((mpte2 == NULL || pt2_is_full(mpte2, va)) && sp_enabled && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) pmap_promote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va); #endif rv = KERN_SUCCESS; out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Do the things to unmap a page in a process. */ static int pmap_remove_pte2(pmap_t pmap, pt2_entry_t *pte2p, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pt2_entry_t opte2; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Clear and invalidate the mapping. */ opte2 = pte2_load_clear(pte2p); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, va); KASSERT(pte2_is_valid(opte2), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x not link pte2 %#x", __func__, pmap, va, opte2)); if (opte2 & PTE2_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= 1; if (pte2_is_managed(opte2)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(opte2)); if (pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (opte2 & PTE2_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); pmap_remove_entry(pmap, m, va); } return (pmap_unuse_pt2(pmap, va, free)); } /* * Remove a single page from a process address space. */ static void pmap_remove_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("%s: curthread not pinned", __func__)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, va)) == NULL || !pte2_is_valid(pte2_load(pte2p))) return; pmap_remove_pte2(pmap, pte2p, va, free); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t nextva; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; struct spglist free; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * Special handling of removing one page. A very common * operation and easy to short circuit some code. */ if (sva + PAGE_SIZE == eva) { pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, sva)); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pmap_remove_page(pmap, sva, &free); goto out; } } for (; sva < eva; sva = nextva) { /* * Calculate address for next L2 page table. */ nextva = pte1_trunc(sva + PTE1_SIZE); if (nextva < sva) nextva = eva; if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) break; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, sva); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); /* * Weed out invalid mappings. Note: we assume that the L1 page * table is always allocated, and in kernel virtual. */ if (pte1 == 0) continue; if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { /* * Are we removing the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + PTE1_SIZE == nextva && eva >= nextva) { pmap_remove_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva, &free); continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva)) { /* The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } #ifdef INVARIANTS else { /* Update pte1 after demotion. */ pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); } #endif } KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x pte1 %#x at %p" " is not link", __func__, pmap, sva, pte1, pte1p)); /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current L2 page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (nextva > eva) nextva = eva; for (pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, sva); sva != nextva; pte2p++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) continue; if (pmap_remove_pte2(pmap, pte2p, sva, &free)) break; } } out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, opte2; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; vm_offset_t va; struct spglist free; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != NULL) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); (void)pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(!pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p)), ("%s: found " "a 1mpage in page %p's pv list", __func__, m)); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); opte2 = pte2_load_clear(pte2p); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(pte2_is_valid(opte2), ("%s: pmap %p va %x zero pte2", __func__, pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (pte2_is_wired(opte2)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if (opte2 & PTE2_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if (pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_unuse_pt2(pmap, pv->pv_va, &free); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } /* * Just subroutine for pmap_remove_pages() to reasonably satisfy * good coding style, a.k.a. 80 character line width limit hell. */ static __inline void pmap_remove_pte1_quick(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t pte1, pv_entry_t pv, struct spglist *free) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m, mt, mpt2pg; struct md_page *pvh; pa = pte1_pa(pte1); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m->phys_addr == pa, ("%s: vm_page_t %p addr mismatch %#x %#x", __func__, m, m->phys_addr, pa)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("%s: bad pte1 %#x", __func__, pte1)); if (pte1_is_dirty(pte1)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&mt->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } mpt2pg = pmap_pt2_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (mpt2pg != NULL) pmap_unwire_pt2_all(pmap, pv->pv_va, mpt2pg, free); } /* * Just subroutine for pmap_remove_pages() to reasonably satisfy * good coding style, a.k.a. 80 character line width limit hell. */ static __inline void pmap_remove_pte2_quick(pmap_t pmap, pt2_entry_t pte2, pv_entry_t pv, struct spglist *free) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; struct md_page *pvh; pa = pte2_pa(pte2); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m->phys_addr == pa, ("%s: vm_page_t %p addr mismatch %#x %#x", __func__, m, m->phys_addr, pa)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("%s: bad pte2 %#x", __func__, pte2)); if (pte2_is_dirty(pte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_unuse_pt2(pmap, pv->pv_va, free); } /* * Remove all pages from specified address space this aids process * exit speeds. Also, this code is special cased for current process * only, but can have the more generic (and slightly slower) mode enabled. * This is much faster than pmap_remove in the case of running down * an entire address space. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; struct spglist free; int field, idx; int32_t bit; uint32_t inuse, bitmask; boolean_t allfree; /* * Assert that the given pmap is only active on the current * CPU. Unfortunately, we cannot block another CPU from * activating the pmap while this function is executing. */ KASSERT(pmap == vmspace_pmap(curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace), ("%s: non-current pmap %p", __func__, pmap)); #if defined(SMP) && defined(INVARIANTS) { cpuset_t other_cpus; sched_pin(); other_cpus = pmap->pm_active; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &other_cpus); sched_unpin(); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&other_cpus), ("%s: pmap %p active on other cpus", __func__, pmap)); } #endif SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { KASSERT(pc->pc_pmap == pmap, ("%s: wrong pmap %p %p", __func__, pmap, pc->pc_pmap)); allfree = TRUE; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = (~(pc->pc_map[field])) & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = ffs(inuse) - 1; bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * 32 + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; /* * Note that we cannot remove wired pages * from a process' mapping at this time */ pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { if (pte1_is_wired(pte1)) { allfree = FALSE; continue; } pte1_clear(pte1p); pmap_remove_pte1_quick(pmap, pte1, pv, &free); } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2p = pt2map_entry(pv->pv_va); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { printf("%s: pmap %p va %#x " "pte2 %#x\n", __func__, pmap, pv->pv_va, pte2); panic("bad pte2"); } if (pte2_is_wired(pte2)) { allfree = FALSE; continue; } pte2_clear(pte2p); pmap_remove_pte2_quick(pmap, pte2, pv, &free); } else { printf("%s: pmap %p va %#x pte1 %#x\n", __func__, pmap, pv->pv_va, pte1); panic("bad pte1"); } /* Mark free */ PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; } } if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } tlb_flush_all_ng_local(); sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } /* * This code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No L2 page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpt2pg) { pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_paddr_t pa; struct spglist free; uint32_t l2prot; KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("%s: managed mapping within the clean submap", __func__)); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * In the case that a L2 page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { u_int pte1_idx; pt1_entry_t pte1, *pte1p; vm_paddr_t pt2_pa; /* * Get L1 page table things. */ pte1_idx = pte1_index(va); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (mpt2pg && (mpt2pg->pindex == (pte1_idx & ~PT2PG_MASK))) { /* * Each of NPT2_IN_PG L2 page tables on the page can * come here. Make sure that associated L1 page table * link is established. * * QQQ: It comes that we don't establish all links to * L2 page tables for newly allocated L2 page * tables page. */ KASSERT(!pte1_is_section(pte1), ("%s: pte1 %#x is section", __func__, pte1)); if (!pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pt2_pa = page_pt2pa(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpt2pg), pte1_idx); pte1_store(pte1p, PTE1_LINK(pt2_pa)); } pt2_wirecount_inc(mpt2pg, pte1_idx); } else { /* * If the L2 page table page is mapped, we just * increment the hold count, and activate it. */ if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { return (NULL); } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { mpt2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); pt2_wirecount_inc(mpt2pg, pte1_idx); } else { mpt2pg = _pmap_allocpte2(pmap, va, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); if (mpt2pg == NULL) return (NULL); } } } else { mpt2pg = NULL; } /* * This call to pt2map_entry() makes the assumption that we are * entering the page into the current pmap. In order to support * quick entry into any pmap, one would likely use pmap_pte2_quick(). * But that isn't as quick as pt2map_entry(). */ pte2p = pt2map_entry(va); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { if (mpt2pg != NULL) { /* * Remove extra pte2 reference */ pt2_wirecount_dec(mpt2pg, pte1_index(va)); mpt2pg = NULL; } return (NULL); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, va, m)) { if (mpt2pg != NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_pt2(pmap, va, mpt2pg, &free)) { pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } mpt2pg = NULL; } return (NULL); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; /* * Now validate mapping with RO protection */ pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); l2prot = PTE2_RO | PTE2_NM; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) l2prot |= PTE2_U | PTE2_NG; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) l2prot |= PTE2_NX; else if (m->md.pat_mode == VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA && pmap != kernel_pmap) { /* * Sync icache if exec permission and attribute VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA * is set. QQQ: For more info, see comments in pmap_enter(). */ cache_icache_sync_fresh(va, pa, PAGE_SIZE); } pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2(pa, l2prot, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); return (mpt2pg); } void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Tries to create a read- and/or execute-only 1 MB page mapping. Returns * true if successful. Returns false if (1) a mapping already exists at the * specified virtual address or (2) a PV entry cannot be allocated without * reclaiming another PV entry. */ static bool pmap_enter_1mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { pt1_entry_t pte1; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pte1 = PTE1(pa, PTE1_NM | PTE1_RO, ATTR_TO_L1(vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) pte1 |= PTE1_NX; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) pte1 |= PTE1_U; if (pmap != kernel_pmap) pte1 |= PTE1_NG; return (pmap_enter_pte1(pmap, va, pte1, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE | PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, m) == KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Tries to create the specified 1 MB page mapping. Returns KERN_SUCCESS if * the mapping was created, and either KERN_FAILURE or KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE * otherwise. Returns KERN_FAILURE if PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE was specified and * a mapping already exists at the specified virtual address. Returns * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM was specified and PV entry * allocation failed. */ static int pmap_enter_pte1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt1_entry_t pte1, u_int flags, vm_page_t m) { struct spglist free; pt1_entry_t opte1, *pte1p; pt2_entry_t pte2, *pte2p; vm_offset_t cur, end; vm_page_t mt; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((pte1 & (PTE1_NM | PTE1_RO)) == 0 || (pte1 & (PTE1_NM | PTE1_RO)) == (PTE1_NM | PTE1_RO), ("%s: pte1 has inconsistent NM and RO attributes", __func__)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_valid(opte1)) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE) != 0) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* Break the existing mapping(s). */ SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pte1_is_section(opte1)) { /* * If the section resulted from a promotion, then a * reserved PT page could be freed. */ pmap_remove_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va, &free); } else { sched_pin(); end = va + PTE1_SIZE; for (cur = va, pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, va); cur != end; cur += PAGE_SIZE, pte2p++) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) continue; if (pmap_remove_pte2(pmap, pte2p, cur, &free)) break; } sched_unpin(); } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { /* * Abort this mapping if its PV entry could not be created. */ if (!pmap_pv_insert_pte1(pmap, va, pte1, flags)) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } if ((pte1 & PTE1_RO) == 0) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_aflag_set(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } /* * Increment counters. */ if (pte1_is_wired(pte1)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count += PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; /* * Sync icache if exec permission and attribute VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA * is set. QQQ: For more info, see comments in pmap_enter(). */ if ((pte1 & PTE1_NX) == 0 && m->md.pat_mode == VM_MEMATTR_WB_WA && pmap != kernel_pmap && (!pte1_is_section(opte1) || pte1_pa(opte1) != VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) || (opte1 & PTE2_NX) != 0)) cache_icache_sync_fresh(va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PTE1_SIZE); /* * Map the section. */ pte1_store(pte1p, pte1); pmap_pte1_mappings++; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", __func__, va, pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, mpt2pg; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; PDEBUG(6, printf("%s: pmap %p start %#x end %#x m %p prot %#x\n", __func__, pmap, start, end, m_start, prot)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpt2pg = NULL; m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { va = start + ptoa(diff); if ((va & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0 && va + PTE1_SIZE <= end && m->psind == 1 && sp_enabled && pmap_enter_1mpage(pmap, va, m, prot)) m = &m[PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE - 1]; else mpt2pg = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, mpt2pg); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * This code maps large physical mmap regions into the * processor address space. Note that some shortcuts * are taken, but the code works. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p; vm_paddr_t pa, pte2_pa; vm_page_t p; vm_memattr_t pat_mode; u_int l1attr, l1prot; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("%s: non-device object", __func__)); if ((addr & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0 && (size & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0) { if (!vm_object_populate(object, pindex, pindex + atop(size))) return; p = vm_page_lookup(object, pindex); KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("%s: invalid page %p", __func__, p)); pat_mode = p->md.pat_mode; /* * Abort the mapping if the first page is not physically * aligned to a 1MB page boundary. */ pte2_pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p); if (pte2_pa & PTE1_OFFSET) return; /* * Skip the first page. Abort the mapping if the rest of * the pages are not physically contiguous or have differing * memory attributes. */ p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); for (pa = pte2_pa + PAGE_SIZE; pa < pte2_pa + size; pa += PAGE_SIZE) { KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("%s: invalid page %p", __func__, p)); if (pa != VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p) || pat_mode != p->md.pat_mode) return; p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); } /* * Map using 1MB pages. * * QQQ: Well, we are mapping a section, so same condition must * be hold like during promotion. It looks that only RW mapping * is done here, so readonly mapping must be done elsewhere. */ l1prot = PTE1_U | PTE1_NG | PTE1_RW | PTE1_M | PTE1_A; l1attr = ATTR_TO_L1(vm_memattr_to_pte2(pat_mode)); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (pa = pte2_pa; pa < pte2_pa + size; pa += PTE1_SIZE) { pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, addr); if (!pte1_is_valid(pte1_load(pte1p))) { pte1_store(pte1p, PTE1(pa, l1prot, l1attr)); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pte1_mappings++; } /* Else continue on if the PTE1 is already valid. */ addr += PTE1_SIZE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } /* * Do the things to protect a 1mpage in a process. */ static void pmap_protect_pte1(pmap_t pmap, pt1_entry_t *pte1p, vm_offset_t sva, vm_prot_t prot) { pt1_entry_t npte1, opte1; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PTE1_OFFSET) == 0, ("%s: sva is not 1mpage aligned", __func__)); opte1 = npte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_managed(opte1) && pte1_is_dirty(opte1)) { eva = sva + PTE1_SIZE; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_pa(opte1)); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) npte1 |= PTE1_RO | PTE1_NM; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) npte1 |= PTE1_NX; /* * QQQ: Herein, execute permission is never set. * It only can be cleared. So, no icache * syncing is needed. */ if (npte1 != opte1) { pte1_store(pte1p, npte1); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, sva); } } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { boolean_t pv_lists_locked; vm_offset_t nextva; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, opte2, npte2; KASSERT((prot & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("invalid prot %x", prot)); if (prot == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } if ((prot & (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) == (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) return; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = nextva) { /* * Calculate address for next L2 page table. */ nextva = pte1_trunc(sva + PTE1_SIZE); if (nextva < sva) nextva = eva; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, sva); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); /* * Weed out invalid mappings. Note: we assume that L1 page * page table is always allocated, and in kernel virtual. */ if (pte1 == 0) continue; if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { /* * Are we protecting the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + PTE1_SIZE == nextva && eva >= nextva) { pmap_protect_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva, prot); continue; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva)) { /* * The large page mapping * was destroyed. */ continue; } #ifdef INVARIANTS else { /* Update pte1 after demotion */ pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); } #endif } } KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x pte1 %#x at %p" " is not link", __func__, pmap, sva, pte1, pte1p)); /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current L2 page table page, or to the end of the * range being protected. */ if (nextva > eva) nextva = eva; for (pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, sva); sva != nextva; pte2p++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { vm_page_t m; opte2 = npte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(opte2)) continue; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if (pte2_is_managed(opte2) && pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(opte2)); vm_page_dirty(m); } npte2 |= PTE2_RO | PTE2_NM; } if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) npte2 |= PTE2_NX; /* * QQQ: Herein, execute permission is never set. * It only can be cleared. So, no icache * syncing is needed. */ if (npte2 != opte2) { pte2_store(pte2p, npte2); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, sva); } } } if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * pmap_pvh_wired_mappings: * * Return the updated number "count" of managed mappings that are wired. */ static int pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(struct md_page *pvh, int count) { pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { if (pte1_is_wired(pte1)) count++; } else { KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1), ("%s: pte1 %#x is not link", __func__, pte1)); pte2 = pte2_load(pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (pte2_is_wired(pte2)) count++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } sched_unpin(); return (count); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); count = pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(&m->md, count); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { count = pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)), count); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * Returns TRUE if any of the given mappings were used to modify * physical memory. Otherwise, returns FALSE. Both page and 1mpage * mappings are supported. */ static boolean_t pmap_is_modified_pvh(struct md_page *pvh) { pv_entry_t pv; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; pmap_t pmap; boolean_t rv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); rv = FALSE; sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { rv = pte1_is_dirty(pte1); } else { KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1), ("%s: pte1 %#x is not link", __func__, pte1)); pte2 = pte2_load(pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va)); rv = pte2_is_dirty(pte2); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) break; } sched_unpin(); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTE2s can have PG_M set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = pmap_is_modified_pvh(&m->md) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_is_modified_pvh(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)))); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is eligible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, addr)); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2 = pte2_load(pt2map_entry(addr)); rv = !pte2_is_valid(pte2) ; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Returns TRUE if any of the given mappings were referenced and FALSE * otherwise. Both page and 1mpage mappings are supported. */ static boolean_t pmap_is_referenced_pvh(struct md_page *pvh) { pv_entry_t pv; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; pmap_t pmap; boolean_t rv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); rv = FALSE; sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { rv = (pte1 & (PTE1_A | PTE1_V)) == (PTE1_A | PTE1_V); } else { pte2 = pte2_load(pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va)); rv = (pte2 & (PTE2_A | PTE2_V)) == (PTE2_A | PTE2_V); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) break; } sched_unpin(); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = pmap_is_referenced_pvh(&m->md) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_is_referenced_pvh(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)))); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv, pvf; pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, opte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, opte2; vm_paddr_t pa; int rtval = 0; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || (pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) == NULL) goto small_mappings; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_dirty(opte1)) { /* * Although "opte1" is mapping a 1MB page, because * this function is called at a 4KB page granularity, * we only update the 4KB page under test. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((opte1 & PTE1_A) != 0) { /* * Since this reference bit is shared by 256 4KB pages, * it should not be cleared every time it is tested. * Apply a simple "hash" function on the physical page * number, the virtual section number, and the pmap * address to select one 4KB page out of the 256 * on which testing the reference bit will result * in clearing that bit. This function is designed * to avoid the selection of the same 4KB page * for every 1MB page mapping. * * On demotion, a mapping that hasn't been referenced * is simply destroyed. To avoid the possibility of a * subsequent page fault on a demoted wired mapping, * always leave its reference bit set. Moreover, * since the section is wired, the current state of * its reference bit won't affect page replacement. */ if ((((pa >> PAGE_SHIFT) ^ (pv->pv_va >> PTE1_SHIFT) ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) & (NPTE2_IN_PG - 1)) == 0 && !pte1_is_wired(opte1)) { pte1_clear_bit(pte1p, PTE1_A); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pv->pv_va); } rtval++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); } if (rtval >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) goto out; } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != pvf); small_mappings: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) == NULL) goto out; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1_load(pte1p)), ("%s: not found a link in page %p's pv list", __func__, m)); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); opte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((opte2 & PTE2_A) != 0) { pte2_clear_bit(pte2p, PTE2_A); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pv->pv_va); rtval++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); } } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != pvf && rtval < PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX); out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rtval); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, * so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t nextva; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; boolean_t pv_lists_locked; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = nextva) { nextva = pte1_trunc(sva + PTE1_SIZE); if (nextva < sva) nextva = eva; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, sva); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); /* * Weed out invalid mappings. Note: we assume that L1 page * page table is always allocated, and in kernel virtual. */ if (pte1 == 0) continue; if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { if (!pte1_is_wired(pte1)) panic("%s: pte1 %#x not wired", __func__, pte1); /* * Are we unwiring the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + PTE1_SIZE == nextva && eva >= nextva) { pte1_clear_bit(pte1p, PTE1_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; continue; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Repeat sva. */ goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva)) panic("%s: demotion failed", __func__); #ifdef INVARIANTS else { /* Update pte1 after demotion */ pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); } #endif } } KASSERT(pte1_is_link(pte1), ("%s: pmap %p va %#x pte1 %#x at %p" " is not link", __func__, pmap, sva, pte1, pte1p)); /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current L2 page table page, or to the end of the * range being protected. */ if (nextva > eva) nextva = eva; for (pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, sva); sva != nextva; pte2p++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) continue; if (!pte2_is_wired(pte2)) panic("%s: pte2 %#x is missing PTE2_W", __func__, pte2); /* * PTE2_W must be cleared atomically. Although the pmap * lock synchronizes access to PTE2_W, another processor * could be changing PTE2_NM and/or PTE2_A concurrently. */ pte2_clear_bit(pte2p, PTE2_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t *pte1p; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, opte2; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); if (!(pte1_load(pte1p) & PTE1_RO)) (void)pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(!pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p)), ("%s: found" " a section in page %p's pv list", __func__, m)); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); opte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!(opte2 & PTE2_RO)) { pte2_store(pte2p, opte2 | PTE2_RO | PTE2_NM); if (pte2_is_dirty(opte2)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p, opte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_offset_t pdnxt; vm_page_t m; boolean_t pv_lists_locked; if (advice != MADV_DONTNEED && advice != MADV_FREE) return; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = pdnxt) { pdnxt = pte1_trunc(sva + PTE1_SIZE); if (pdnxt < sva) pdnxt = eva; pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, sva); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (!pte1_is_valid(opte1)) /* XXX */ continue; else if (pte1_is_section(opte1)) { if (!pte1_is_managed(opte1)) continue; if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, sva)) { /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } /* * Unless the page mappings are wired, remove the * mapping to a single page so that a subsequent * access may repromote. Since the underlying L2 page * table is fully populated, this removal never * frees a L2 page table page. */ if (!pte1_is_wired(opte1)) { pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, sva); KASSERT(pte2_is_valid(pte2_load(pte2p)), ("%s: invalid PTE2", __func__)); pmap_remove_pte2(pmap, pte2p, sva, NULL); } } if (pdnxt > eva) pdnxt = eva; for (pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, sva); sva != pdnxt; pte2p++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2) || !pte2_is_managed(pte2)) continue; else if (pte2_is_dirty(pte2)) { if (advice == MADV_DONTNEED) { /* * Future calls to pmap_is_modified() * can be avoided by making the page * dirty now. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(pte2)); vm_page_dirty(m); } pte2_set_bit(pte2p, PTE2_NM); pte2_clear_bit(pte2p, PTE2_A); } else if ((pte2 & PTE2_A) != 0) pte2_clear_bit(pte2p, PTE2_A); else continue; pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, sva); } } if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pmap_t pmap; pt1_entry_t *pte1p, opte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, opte2; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("%s: page %p is exclusive busy", __func__, m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTE2s can have PTE2_NM * cleared. If the object containing the page is locked and the page * is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently * set. */ if ((m->flags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, va); opte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (!(opte1 & PTE1_RO)) { if (pmap_demote_pte1(pmap, pte1p, va) && !pte1_is_wired(opte1)) { /* * Write protect the mapping to a * single page so that a subsequent * write access may repromote. */ va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - pte1_pa(opte1); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, va); opte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if ((opte2 & PTE2_V)) { pte2_set_bit(pte2p, PTE2_NM | PTE2_RO); vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, va); } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(!pte1_is_section(pte1_load(pte1p)), ("%s: found" " a section in page %p's pv list", __func__, m)); pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (pte2_is_dirty(pte2_load(pte2p))) { pte2_set_bit(pte2p, PTE2_NM); pmap_tlb_flush(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Sets the memory attribute for the specified page. */ void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; vm_memattr_t oma; vm_paddr_t pa; struct pcpu *pc; oma = m->md.pat_mode; m->md.pat_mode = ma; CTR5(KTR_PMAP, "%s: page %p - 0x%08X oma: %d, ma: %d", __func__, m, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), oma, ma); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) return; #if 0 /* * If "m" is a normal page, flush it from the cache. * * First, try to find an existing mapping of the page by sf * buffer. sf_buf_invalidate_cache() modifies mapping and * flushes the cache. */ if (sf_buf_invalidate_cache(m, oma)) return; #endif /* * If page is not mapped by sf buffer, map the page * transient and do invalidation. */ if (ma != oma) { pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_memattr_to_pte2(ma))); dcache_wbinv_poc((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr, pa, PAGE_SIZE); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } } /* * Miscellaneous support routines follow */ /* * Returns TRUE if the given page is mapped individually or as part of * a 1mpage. Otherwise, returns FALSE. */ boolean_t pmap_page_is_mapped(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = !TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))->pv_list)); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("%s: page %p is not managed", __func__, m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } if (!rv && loops < 16 && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); pagezero(pc->pc_cmap2_addr); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * pmap_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * off and size may not cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); if (off == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) pagezero(pc->pc_cmap2_addr); else bzero(pc->pc_cmap2_addr + off, size); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * pmap_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) * page by mapping the page into virtual memory and using * bcopy to copy the page, one machine dependent page at a * time. */ void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t src, vm_page_t dst) { pt2_entry_t *cmap1_pte2p, *cmap2_pte2p; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap1_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap1_pte2p; cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap1_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP1 busy", __func__); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap1_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src), PTE2_AP_KR | PTE2_NM, vm_page_pte2_attr(src))); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(dst))); bcopy(pc->pc_cmap1_addr, pc->pc_cmap2_addr, PAGE_SIZE); pte2_clear(cmap1_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap1_addr); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } int unmapped_buf_allowed = 1; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { pt2_entry_t *cmap1_pte2p, *cmap2_pte2p; vm_page_t a_pg, b_pg; char *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; struct pcpu *pc; int cnt; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap1_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap1_pte2p; cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap1_pte2p) != 0) panic("pmap_copy_pages: CMAP1 busy"); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("pmap_copy_pages: CMAP2 busy"); while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); b_pg = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); pte2_store(cmap1_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(a_pg), PTE2_AP_KR | PTE2_NM, vm_page_pte2_attr(a_pg))); tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap1_addr); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(b_pg), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(b_pg))); tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); a_cp = pc->pc_cmap1_addr + a_pg_offset; b_cp = pc->pc_cmap2_addr + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } pte2_clear(cmap1_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap1_addr); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { struct pcpu *pc; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; critical_enter(); pc = get_pcpu(); pte2p = pc->pc_qmap_pte2p; KASSERT(pte2_load(pte2p) == 0, ("%s: PTE2 busy", __func__)); pte2_store(pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); return (pc->pc_qmap_addr); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { struct pcpu *pc; pt2_entry_t *pte2p; pc = get_pcpu(); pte2p = pc->pc_qmap_pte2p; KASSERT(addr == pc->pc_qmap_addr, ("%s: invalid address", __func__)); KASSERT(pte2_load(pte2p) != 0, ("%s: PTE2 not in use", __func__)); pte2_clear(pte2p); tlb_flush(pc->pc_qmap_addr); critical_exit(); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { struct spglist free; vm_offset_t addr; vm_offset_t end_addr = src_addr + len; vm_offset_t nextva; if (dst_addr != src_addr) return; if (!pmap_is_current(src_pmap)) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } sched_pin(); for (addr = src_addr; addr < end_addr; addr = nextva) { pt2_entry_t *src_pte2p, *dst_pte2p; vm_page_t dst_mpt2pg, src_mpt2pg; pt1_entry_t src_pte1; u_int pte1_idx; KASSERT(addr < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS, ("%s: invalid to pmap_copy page tables", __func__)); nextva = pte1_trunc(addr + PTE1_SIZE); if (nextva < addr) nextva = end_addr; pte1_idx = pte1_index(addr); src_pte1 = src_pmap->pm_pt1[pte1_idx]; if (pte1_is_section(src_pte1)) { if ((addr & PTE1_OFFSET) != 0 || (addr + PTE1_SIZE) > end_addr) continue; if (dst_pmap->pm_pt1[pte1_idx] == 0 && (!pte1_is_managed(src_pte1) || pmap_pv_insert_pte1(dst_pmap, addr, src_pte1, PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM))) { dst_pmap->pm_pt1[pte1_idx] = src_pte1 & ~PTE1_W; dst_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += PTE1_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pte1_mappings++; } continue; } else if (!pte1_is_link(src_pte1)) continue; src_mpt2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_link_pa(src_pte1)); /* * We leave PT2s to be linked from PT1 even if they are not * referenced until all PT2s in a page are without reference. * * QQQ: It could be changed ... */ #if 0 /* single_pt2_link_is_cleared */ KASSERT(pt2_wirecount_get(src_mpt2pg, pte1_idx) > 0, ("%s: source page table page is unused", __func__)); #else if (pt2_wirecount_get(src_mpt2pg, pte1_idx) == 0) continue; #endif if (nextva > end_addr) nextva = end_addr; src_pte2p = pt2map_entry(addr); while (addr < nextva) { pt2_entry_t temp_pte2; temp_pte2 = pte2_load(src_pte2p); /* * we only virtual copy managed pages */ if (pte2_is_managed(temp_pte2)) { dst_mpt2pg = pmap_allocpte2(dst_pmap, addr, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); if (dst_mpt2pg == NULL) goto out; dst_pte2p = pmap_pte2_quick(dst_pmap, addr); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2_load(dst_pte2p)) && pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(dst_pmap, addr, PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(temp_pte2)))) { /* * Clear the wired, modified, and * accessed (referenced) bits * during the copy. */ temp_pte2 &= ~(PTE2_W | PTE2_A); temp_pte2 |= PTE2_NM; pte2_store(dst_pte2p, temp_pte2); dst_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; } else { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_pt2(dst_pmap, addr, dst_mpt2pg, &free)) { pmap_tlb_flush(dst_pmap, addr); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } goto out; } if (pt2_wirecount_get(dst_mpt2pg, pte1_idx) >= pt2_wirecount_get(src_mpt2pg, pte1_idx)) break; } addr += PAGE_SIZE; src_pte2p++; } } out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more section mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t pte1_offset; if (size < PTE1_SIZE) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); pte1_offset = offset & PTE1_OFFSET; if (size - ((PTE1_SIZE - pte1_offset) & PTE1_OFFSET) < PTE1_SIZE || (*addr & PTE1_OFFSET) == pte1_offset) return; if ((*addr & PTE1_OFFSET) < pte1_offset) *addr = pte1_trunc(*addr) + pte1_offset; else *addr = pte1_roundup(*addr) + pte1_offset; } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap, oldpmap; u_int cpuid, ttb; PDEBUG(9, printf("%s: td = %08x\n", __func__, (uint32_t)td)); critical_enter(); pmap = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); oldpmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #if defined(SMP) CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_CLR(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); CPU_SET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #endif ttb = pmap_ttb_get(pmap); /* * pmap_activate is for the current thread on the current cpu */ td->td_pcb->pcb_pagedir = ttb; cp15_ttbr_set(ttb); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); critical_exit(); } /* * Perform the pmap work for mincore. */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_paddr_t pa; bool managed; int val; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, addr); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { pa = trunc_page(pte1_pa(pte1) | (addr & PTE1_OFFSET)); managed = pte1_is_managed(pte1); val = MINCORE_SUPER | MINCORE_INCORE; if (pte1_is_dirty(pte1)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if (pte1 & PTE1_A) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2p = pmap_pte2(pmap, addr); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); pmap_pte2_release(pte2p); pa = pte2_pa(pte2); managed = pte2_is_managed(pte2); val = MINCORE_INCORE; if (pte2_is_dirty(pte2)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if (pte2 & PTE2_A) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } else { managed = false; val = 0; } if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && managed) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } void pmap_kenter_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa) { vm_offset_t sva; uint32_t l2attr; KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); sva = va; l2attr = vm_memattr_to_pte2(VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE); while (size != 0) { pmap_kenter_prot_attr(va, pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, l2attr); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } tlb_flush_range(sva, va - sva); } void pmap_kremove_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t sva; KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); sva = va; while (size != 0) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } tlb_flush_range(sva, va - sva); } void pmap_set_pcb_pagedir(pmap_t pmap, struct pcb *pcb) { pcb->pcb_pagedir = pmap_ttb_get(pmap); } /* * Clean L1 data cache range by physical address. * The range must be within a single page. */ static void pmap_dcache_wb_pou(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, uint32_t attr) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; struct pcpu *pc; KASSERT(((pa & PAGE_MASK) + size) <= PAGE_SIZE, ("%s: not on single page", __func__)); sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(pa, PTE2_AP_KRW, attr)); dcache_wb_pou((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr + (pa & PAGE_MASK), size); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * Sync instruction cache range which is not mapped yet. */ void cache_icache_sync_fresh(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { uint32_t len, offset; vm_page_t m; /* Write back d-cache on given address range. */ offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; for ( ; size != 0; size -= len, pa += len, offset = 0) { len = min(PAGE_SIZE - offset, size); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m != NULL, ("%s: vm_page_t is null for %#x", __func__, pa)); pmap_dcache_wb_pou(pa, len, vm_page_pte2_attr(m)); } /* * I-cache is VIPT. Only way how to flush all virtual mappings * on given physical address is to invalidate all i-cache. */ icache_inv_all(); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { /* Write back d-cache on given address range. */ if (va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { dcache_wb_pou(va, size); } else { uint32_t len, offset; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; offset = va & PAGE_MASK; for ( ; size != 0; size -= len, va += len, offset = 0) { pa = pmap_extract(pmap, va); /* offset is preserved */ len = min(PAGE_SIZE - offset, size); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m != NULL, ("%s: vm_page_t is null for %#x", __func__, pa)); pmap_dcache_wb_pou(pa, len, vm_page_pte2_attr(m)); } } /* * I-cache is VIPT. Only way how to flush all virtual mappings * on given physical address is to invalidate all i-cache. */ icache_inv_all(); } /* * The implementation of pmap_fault() uses IN_RANGE2() macro which * depends on the fact that given range size is a power of 2. */ CTASSERT(powerof2(NB_IN_PT1)); CTASSERT(powerof2(PT2MAP_SIZE)); #define IN_RANGE2(addr, start, size) \ ((vm_offset_t)(start) == ((vm_offset_t)(addr) & ~((size) - 1))) /* * Handle access and R/W emulation faults. */ int pmap_fault(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t far, uint32_t fsr, int idx, bool usermode) { pt1_entry_t *pte1p, pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; if (pmap == NULL) pmap = kernel_pmap; /* * In kernel, we should never get abort with FAR which is in range of * pmap->pm_pt1 or PT2MAP address spaces. If it happens, stop here * and print out a useful abort message and even get to the debugger * otherwise it likely ends with never ending loop of aborts. */ if (__predict_false(IN_RANGE2(far, pmap->pm_pt1, NB_IN_PT1))) { /* * All L1 tables should always be mapped and present. * However, we check only current one herein. For user mode, * only permission abort from malicious user is not fatal. * And alignment abort as it may have higher priority. */ if (!usermode || (idx != FAULT_ALIGN && idx != FAULT_PERM_L2)) { CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap %#x pm_pt1 %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, pmap->pm_pt1, far); panic("%s: pm_pt1 abort", __func__); } return (KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS); } if (__predict_false(IN_RANGE2(far, PT2MAP, PT2MAP_SIZE))) { /* * PT2MAP should be always mapped and present in current * L1 table. However, only existing L2 tables are mapped * in PT2MAP. For user mode, only L2 translation abort and * permission abort from malicious user is not fatal. * And alignment abort as it may have higher priority. */ if (!usermode || (idx != FAULT_ALIGN && idx != FAULT_TRAN_L2 && idx != FAULT_PERM_L2)) { CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap %#x PT2MAP %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, PT2MAP, far); panic("%s: PT2MAP abort", __func__); } return (KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS); } /* * A pmap lock is used below for handling of access and R/W emulation * aborts. They were handled by atomic operations before so some * analysis of new situation is needed to answer the following question: * Is it safe to use the lock even for these aborts? * * There may happen two cases in general: * * (1) Aborts while the pmap lock is locked already - this should not * happen as pmap lock is not recursive. However, under pmap lock only * internal kernel data should be accessed and such data should be * mapped with A bit set and NM bit cleared. If double abort happens, * then a mapping of data which has caused it must be fixed. Further, * all new mappings are always made with A bit set and the bit can be * cleared only on managed mappings. * * (2) Aborts while another lock(s) is/are locked - this already can * happen. However, there is no difference here if it's either access or * R/W emulation abort, or if it's some other abort. */ PMAP_LOCK(pmap); #ifdef INVARIANTS pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, far)); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* * Check in advance that associated L2 page table is mapped into * PT2MAP space. Note that faulty access to not mapped L2 page * table is caught in more general check above where "far" is * checked that it does not lay in PT2MAP space. Note also that * L1 page table and PT2TAB always exist and are mapped. */ pte2 = pt2tab_load(pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, far)); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) panic("%s: missing L2 page table (%p, %#x)", __func__, pmap, far); } #endif #ifdef SMP /* * Special treatment is due to break-before-make approach done when * pte1 is updated for userland mapping during section promotion or * demotion. If not caught here, pmap_enter() can find a section * mapping on faulting address. That is not allowed. */ if (idx == FAULT_TRAN_L1 && usermode && cp15_ats1cur_check(far) == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } #endif /* * Accesss bits for page and section. Note that the entry * is not in TLB yet, so TLB flush is not necessary. * * QQQ: This is hardware emulation, we do not call userret() * for aborts from user mode. */ if (idx == FAULT_ACCESS_L2) { pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, far)); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* L2 page table should exist and be mapped. */ pte2p = pt2map_entry(far); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { pte2_store(pte2p, pte2 | PTE2_A); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } else { /* * We got L2 access fault but PTE1 is not a link. * Probably some race happened, do nothing. */ CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: FAULT_ACCESS_L2 - pmap %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, far); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } if (idx == FAULT_ACCESS_L1) { pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, far); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { pte1_store(pte1p, pte1 | PTE1_A); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } else { /* * We got L1 access fault but PTE1 is not section * mapping. Probably some race happened, do nothing. */ CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: FAULT_ACCESS_L1 - pmap %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, far); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } /* * Handle modify bits for page and section. Note that the modify * bit is emulated by software. So PTEx_RO is software read only * bit and PTEx_NM flag is real hardware read only bit. * * QQQ: This is hardware emulation, we do not call userret() * for aborts from user mode. */ if ((fsr & FSR_WNR) && (idx == FAULT_PERM_L2)) { pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, far)); if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { /* L2 page table should exist and be mapped. */ pte2p = pt2map_entry(far); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (pte2_is_valid(pte2) && !(pte2 & PTE2_RO) && (pte2 & PTE2_NM)) { pte2_store(pte2p, pte2 & ~PTE2_NM); tlb_flush(trunc_page(far)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } else { /* * We got L2 permission fault but PTE1 is not a link. * Probably some race happened, do nothing. */ CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: FAULT_PERM_L2 - pmap %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, far); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } if ((fsr & FSR_WNR) && (idx == FAULT_PERM_L1)) { pte1p = pmap_pte1(pmap, far); pte1 = pte1_load(pte1p); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { if (!(pte1 & PTE1_RO) && (pte1 & PTE1_NM)) { pte1_store(pte1p, pte1 & ~PTE1_NM); tlb_flush(pte1_trunc(far)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } else { /* * We got L1 permission fault but PTE1 is not section * mapping. Probably some race happened, do nothing. */ CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: FAULT_PERM_L1 - pmap %#x far %#x", __func__, pmap, far); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } } /* * QQQ: The previous code, mainly fast handling of access and * modify bits aborts, could be moved to ASM. Now we are * starting to deal with not fast aborts. */ PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } #if defined(PMAP_DEBUG) /* * Reusing of KVA used in pmap_zero_page function !!! */ static void pmap_zero_page_check(vm_page_t m) { pt2_entry_t *cmap2_pte2p; uint32_t *p, *end; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap2_pte2p = pc->pc_cmap2_pte2p; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (pte2_load(cmap2_pte2p) != 0) panic("%s: CMAP2 busy", __func__); pte2_store(cmap2_pte2p, PTE2_KERN_NG(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PTE2_AP_KRW, vm_page_pte2_attr(m))); end = (uint32_t*)(pc->pc_cmap2_addr + PAGE_SIZE); for (p = (uint32_t*)pc->pc_cmap2_addr; p < end; p++) if (*p != 0) panic("%s: page %p not zero, va: %p", __func__, m, pc->pc_cmap2_addr); pte2_clear(cmap2_pte2p); tlb_flush((vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap2_addr); sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } int pmap_pid_dump(int pid) { pmap_t pmap; struct proc *p; int npte2 = 0; int i, j, index; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { if (p->p_pid != pid || p->p_vmspace == NULL) continue; index = 0; pmap = vmspace_pmap(p->p_vmspace); for (i = 0; i < NPTE1_IN_PT1; i++) { pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_offset_t base, va; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; base = i << PTE1_SHIFT; pte1 = pte1_load(&pmap->pm_pt1[i]); if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { /* * QQQ: Do something here! */ } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { for (j = 0; j < NPTE2_IN_PT2; j++) { va = base + (j << PAGE_SHIFT); if (va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { if (index) { index = 0; printf("\n"); } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); return (npte2); } pte2p = pmap_pte2(pmap, va); pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); pmap_pte2_release(pte2p); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) continue; pa = pte2_pa(pte2); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); - printf("va: 0x%x, pa: 0x%x, h: %d, w:" - " %d, f: 0x%x", va, pa, - m->hold_count, m->wire_count, - m->flags); + printf("va: 0x%x, pa: 0x%x, w: %d, " + "f: 0x%x", va, pa, + m->wire_count, m->flags); npte2++; index++; if (index >= 2) { index = 0; printf("\n"); } else { printf(" "); } } } } } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); return (npte2); } #endif #ifdef DDB static pt2_entry_t * pmap_pte2_ddb(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt1_entry_t pte1; vm_paddr_t pt2pg_pa; pte1 = pte1_load(pmap_pte1(pmap, va)); if (!pte1_is_link(pte1)) return (NULL); if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) return (pt2map_entry(va)); /* Note that L2 page table size is not equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ pt2pg_pa = trunc_page(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); if (pte2_pa(pte2_load(PMAP3)) != pt2pg_pa) { pte2_store(PMAP3, PTE2_KPT(pt2pg_pa)); #ifdef SMP PMAP3cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR3); } #ifdef SMP else if (PMAP3cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP3cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); tlb_flush_local((vm_offset_t)PADDR3); } #endif return (PADDR3 + (arm32_btop(va) & (NPTE2_IN_PG - 1))); } static void dump_pmap(pmap_t pmap) { printf("pmap %p\n", pmap); printf(" pm_pt1: %p\n", pmap->pm_pt1); printf(" pm_pt2tab: %p\n", pmap->pm_pt2tab); printf(" pm_active: 0x%08lX\n", pmap->pm_active.__bits[0]); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pmaps, pmap_list_pmaps) { pmap_t pmap; LIST_FOREACH(pmap, &allpmaps, pm_list) { dump_pmap(pmap); } } static int pte2_class(pt2_entry_t pte2) { int cls; cls = (pte2 >> 2) & 0x03; cls |= (pte2 >> 4) & 0x04; return (cls); } static void dump_section(pmap_t pmap, uint32_t pte1_idx) { } static void dump_link(pmap_t pmap, uint32_t pte1_idx, boolean_t invalid_ok) { uint32_t i; vm_offset_t va; pt2_entry_t *pte2p, pte2; vm_page_t m; va = pte1_idx << PTE1_SHIFT; pte2p = pmap_pte2_ddb(pmap, va); for (i = 0; i < NPTE2_IN_PT2; i++, pte2p++, va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte2 = pte2_load(pte2p); if (pte2 == 0) continue; if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) { printf(" 0x%08X: 0x%08X", va, pte2); if (!invalid_ok) printf(" - not valid !!!"); printf("\n"); continue; } m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(pte2)); printf(" 0x%08X: 0x%08X, TEX%d, s:%d, g:%d, m:%p", va , pte2, pte2_class(pte2), !!(pte2 & PTE2_S), !(pte2 & PTE2_NG), m); if (m != NULL) { - printf(" v:%d h:%d w:%d f:0x%04X\n", m->valid, - m->hold_count, m->wire_count, m->flags); + printf(" v:%d w:%d f:0x%04X\n", m->valid, + m->wire_count, m->flags); } else { printf("\n"); } } } static __inline boolean_t is_pv_chunk_space(vm_offset_t va) { if ((((vm_offset_t)pv_chunkbase) <= va) && (va < ((vm_offset_t)pv_chunkbase + PAGE_SIZE * pv_maxchunks))) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pmap, pmap_pmap_print) { /* XXX convert args. */ pmap_t pmap = (pmap_t)addr; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; vm_offset_t va, eva; vm_page_t m; uint32_t i; boolean_t invalid_ok, dump_link_ok, dump_pv_chunk; if (have_addr) { pmap_t pm; LIST_FOREACH(pm, &allpmaps, pm_list) if (pm == pmap) break; if (pm == NULL) { printf("given pmap %p is not in allpmaps list\n", pmap); return; } } else pmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); eva = (modif[0] == 'u') ? VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS : 0xFFFFFFFF; dump_pv_chunk = FALSE; /* XXX evaluate from modif[] */ printf("pmap: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)pmap); printf("PT2MAP: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)PT2MAP); printf("pt2tab: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)pmap->pm_pt2tab); for(i = 0; i < NPTE1_IN_PT1; i++) { pte1 = pte1_load(&pmap->pm_pt1[i]); if (pte1 == 0) continue; va = i << PTE1_SHIFT; if (va >= eva) break; if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { printf("0x%08X: Section 0x%08X, s:%d g:%d\n", va, pte1, !!(pte1 & PTE1_S), !(pte1 & PTE1_NG)); dump_section(pmap, i); } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { dump_link_ok = TRUE; invalid_ok = FALSE; pte2 = pte2_load(pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte1_link_pa(pte1)); printf("0x%08X: Link 0x%08X, pt2tab: 0x%08X m: %p", va, pte1, pte2, m); if (is_pv_chunk_space(va)) { printf(" - pv_chunk space"); if (dump_pv_chunk) invalid_ok = TRUE; else dump_link_ok = FALSE; } else if (m != NULL) printf(" w:%d w2:%u", m->wire_count, pt2_wirecount_get(m, pte1_index(va))); if (pte2 == 0) printf(" !!! pt2tab entry is ZERO"); else if (pte2_pa(pte1) != pte2_pa(pte2)) printf(" !!! pt2tab entry is DIFFERENT - m: %p", PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte2_pa(pte2))); printf("\n"); if (dump_link_ok) dump_link(pmap, i, invalid_ok); } else printf("0x%08X: Invalid entry 0x%08X\n", va, pte1); } } static void dump_pt2tab(pmap_t pmap) { uint32_t i; pt2_entry_t pte2; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; printf("PT2TAB:\n"); for (i = 0; i < PT2TAB_ENTRIES; i++) { pte2 = pte2_load(&pmap->pm_pt2tab[i]); if (!pte2_is_valid(pte2)) continue; va = i << PT2TAB_SHIFT; pa = pte2_pa(pte2); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); printf(" 0x%08X: 0x%08X, TEX%d, s:%d, m:%p", va, pte2, pte2_class(pte2), !!(pte2 & PTE2_S), m); if (m != NULL) - printf(" , h: %d, w: %d, f: 0x%04X pidx: %lld", - m->hold_count, m->wire_count, m->flags, m->pindex); + printf(" , w: %d, f: 0x%04X pidx: %lld", + m->wire_count, m->flags, m->pindex); printf("\n"); } } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pmap_pt2tab, pmap_pt2tab_print) { /* XXX convert args. */ pmap_t pmap = (pmap_t)addr; pt1_entry_t pte1; pt2_entry_t pte2; vm_offset_t va; uint32_t i, start; if (have_addr) { printf("supported only on current pmap\n"); return; } pmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); printf("curpmap: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)pmap); printf("PT2MAP: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)PT2MAP); printf("pt2tab: 0x%08X\n", (uint32_t)pmap->pm_pt2tab); start = pte1_index((vm_offset_t)PT2MAP); for (i = start; i < (start + NPT2_IN_PT2TAB); i++) { pte1 = pte1_load(&pmap->pm_pt1[i]); if (pte1 == 0) continue; va = i << PTE1_SHIFT; if (pte1_is_section(pte1)) { printf("0x%08X: Section 0x%08X, s:%d\n", va, pte1, !!(pte1 & PTE1_S)); dump_section(pmap, i); } else if (pte1_is_link(pte1)) { pte2 = pte2_load(pmap_pt2tab_entry(pmap, va)); printf("0x%08X: Link 0x%08X, pt2tab: 0x%08X\n", va, pte1, pte2); if (pte2 == 0) printf(" !!! pt2tab entry is ZERO\n"); } else printf("0x%08X: Invalid entry 0x%08X\n", va, pte1); } dump_pt2tab(pmap); } #endif Index: head/sys/arm64/arm64/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/arm64/arm64/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/arm64/arm64/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,5715 +1,5715 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Alan L. Cox * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * This software was developed by Andrew Turner under sponsorship from * the FreeBSD Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Jake Burkholder, * Safeport Network Services, and Network Associates Laboratories, the * Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under * DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA * CHATS research program. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NL0PG (PAGE_SIZE/(sizeof (pd_entry_t))) #define NL1PG (PAGE_SIZE/(sizeof (pd_entry_t))) #define NL2PG (PAGE_SIZE/(sizeof (pd_entry_t))) #define NL3PG (PAGE_SIZE/(sizeof (pt_entry_t))) #define NUL0E L0_ENTRIES #define NUL1E (NUL0E * NL1PG) #define NUL2E (NUL1E * NL2PG) #if !defined(DIAGNOSTIC) #ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ #define PMAP_INLINE __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE extern inline #endif #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif /* * These are configured by the mair_el1 register. This is set up in locore.S */ #define DEVICE_MEMORY 0 #define UNCACHED_MEMORY 1 #define CACHED_MEMORY 2 #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif #define pmap_l2_pindex(v) ((v) >> L2_SHIFT) #define pa_to_pvh(pa) (&pv_table[pmap_l2_pindex(pa)]) #define NPV_LIST_LOCKS MAXCPU #define PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa) \ (&pv_list_locks[pa_index(pa) % NPV_LIST_LOCKS]) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ struct rwlock *_new_lock; \ \ _new_lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); \ if (_new_lock != *_lockp) { \ if (*_lockp != NULL) \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = _new_lock; \ rw_wlock(*_lockp); \ } \ } while (0) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m) \ CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) #define RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ \ if (*_lockp != NULL) { \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) #define VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m) \ PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; /* Used for mapping ACPI memory before VM is initialized */ #define PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT 32 #define PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_SIZE (PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT * L2_SIZE) static vm_offset_t preinit_map_va; /* Start VA of pre-init mapping space */ static int vm_initialized = 0; /* No need to use pre-init maps when set */ /* * Reserve a few L2 blocks starting from 'preinit_map_va' pointer. * Always map entire L2 block for simplicity. * VA of L2 block = preinit_map_va + i * L2_SIZE */ static struct pmap_preinit_mapping { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_size_t size; } pmap_preinit_mapping[PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT]; vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = 0; /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism. */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); static struct mtx pv_chunks_mutex; static struct rwlock pv_list_locks[NPV_LIST_LOCKS]; static struct md_page *pv_table; static struct md_page pv_dummy; vm_paddr_t dmap_phys_base; /* The start of the dmap region */ vm_paddr_t dmap_phys_max; /* The limit of the dmap region */ vm_offset_t dmap_max_addr; /* The virtual address limit of the dmap */ /* This code assumes all L1 DMAP entries will be used */ CTASSERT((DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS & ~L0_OFFSET) == DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS); CTASSERT((DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS & ~L0_OFFSET) == DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS); #define DMAP_TABLES ((DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS - DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) >> L0_SHIFT) extern pt_entry_t pagetable_dmap[]; #define PHYSMAP_SIZE (2 * (VM_PHYSSEG_MAX - 1)) static vm_paddr_t physmap[PHYSMAP_SIZE]; static u_int physmap_idx; static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM/pmap parameters"); static int superpages_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, superpages_enabled, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &superpages_enabled, 0, "Are large page mappings enabled?"); /* * Internal flags for pmap_enter()'s helper functions. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM 0x1000000 /* Don't reclaim PV entries. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE 0x2000000 /* Don't replace mappings. */ static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc); static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv); static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_change_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode); static int pmap_change_attr_locked(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode); static pt_entry_t *pmap_demote_l1(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l1, vm_offset_t va); static pt_entry_t *pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); static pt_entry_t *pmap_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va); static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_enter_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t new_l2, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_remove_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t l1e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_remove_l3(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l3, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t l2e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp); static void _pmap_unwire_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free); static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, pd_entry_t, struct spglist *); static __inline vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); /* * These load the old table data and store the new value. * They need to be atomic as the System MMU may write to the table at * the same time as the CPU. */ #define pmap_load_store(table, entry) atomic_swap_64(table, entry) #define pmap_set(table, mask) atomic_set_64(table, mask) #define pmap_load_clear(table) atomic_swap_64(table, 0) #define pmap_load(table) (*table) /********************/ /* Inline functions */ /********************/ static __inline void pagecopy(void *s, void *d) { memcpy(d, s, PAGE_SIZE); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l0(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { return (&pmap->pm_l0[pmap_l0_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l0_to_l1(pd_entry_t *l0, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pmap_load(l0) & ~ATTR_MASK); return (&l1[pmap_l1_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l0; l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, va); if ((pmap_load(l0) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L0_TABLE) return (NULL); return (pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, va)); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l1_to_l2(pd_entry_t *l1, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l2; l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pmap_load(l1) & ~ATTR_MASK); return (&l2[pmap_l2_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); if ((pmap_load(l1) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L1_TABLE) return (NULL); return (pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, va)); } static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_l2_to_l3(pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *l3; l3 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pmap_load(l2) & ~ATTR_MASK); return (&l3[pmap_l3_index(va)]); } /* * Returns the lowest valid pde for a given virtual address. * The next level may or may not point to a valid page or block. */ static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, int *level) { pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2, desc; l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, va); desc = pmap_load(l0) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK; if (desc != L0_TABLE) { *level = -1; return (NULL); } l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, va); desc = pmap_load(l1) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK; if (desc != L1_TABLE) { *level = 0; return (l0); } l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, va); desc = pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK; if (desc != L2_TABLE) { *level = 1; return (l1); } *level = 2; return (l2); } /* * Returns the lowest valid pte block or table entry for a given virtual * address. If there are no valid entries return NULL and set the level to * the first invalid level. */ static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_pte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, int *level) { pd_entry_t *l1, *l2, desc; pt_entry_t *l3; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); if (l1 == NULL) { *level = 0; return (NULL); } desc = pmap_load(l1) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK; if (desc == L1_BLOCK) { *level = 1; return (l1); } if (desc != L1_TABLE) { *level = 1; return (NULL); } l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, va); desc = pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK; if (desc == L2_BLOCK) { *level = 2; return (l2); } if (desc != L2_TABLE) { *level = 2; return (NULL); } *level = 3; l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); if ((pmap_load(l3) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L3_PAGE) return (NULL); return (l3); } bool pmap_ps_enabled(pmap_t pmap __unused) { return (superpages_enabled != 0); } bool pmap_get_tables(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t **l0, pd_entry_t **l1, pd_entry_t **l2, pt_entry_t **l3) { pd_entry_t *l0p, *l1p, *l2p; if (pmap->pm_l0 == NULL) return (false); l0p = pmap_l0(pmap, va); *l0 = l0p; if ((pmap_load(l0p) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L0_TABLE) return (false); l1p = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0p, va); *l1 = l1p; if ((pmap_load(l1p) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_BLOCK) { *l2 = NULL; *l3 = NULL; return (true); } if ((pmap_load(l1p) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L1_TABLE) return (false); l2p = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1p, va); *l2 = l2p; if ((pmap_load(l2p) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) { *l3 = NULL; return (true); } if ((pmap_load(l2p) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L2_TABLE) return (false); *l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2p, va); return (true); } static __inline int pmap_l3_valid(pt_entry_t l3) { return ((l3 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L3_PAGE); } CTASSERT(L1_BLOCK == L2_BLOCK); /* * Checks if the page is dirty. We currently lack proper tracking of this on * arm64 so for now assume is a page mapped as rw was accessed it is. */ static inline int pmap_page_dirty(pt_entry_t pte) { return ((pte & (ATTR_AF | ATTR_AP_RW_BIT)) == (ATTR_AF | ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW))); } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += count; } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count >= count, ("pmap %p resident count underflow %ld %d", pmap, pmap->pm_stats.resident_count, count)); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= count; } static pt_entry_t * pmap_early_page_idx(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, u_int *l1_slot, u_int *l2_slot) { pt_entry_t *l2; pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = (pd_entry_t *)l1pt; *l1_slot = (va >> L1_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK; /* Check locore has used a table L1 map */ KASSERT((l1[*l1_slot] & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_TABLE, ("Invalid bootstrap L1 table")); /* Find the address of the L2 table */ l2 = (pt_entry_t *)init_pt_va; *l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); return (l2); } static vm_paddr_t pmap_early_vtophys(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va) { u_int l1_slot, l2_slot; pt_entry_t *l2; l2 = pmap_early_page_idx(l1pt, va, &l1_slot, &l2_slot); return ((l2[l2_slot] & ~ATTR_MASK) + (va & L2_OFFSET)); } static vm_offset_t pmap_bootstrap_dmap(vm_offset_t kern_l1, vm_paddr_t min_pa, vm_offset_t freemempos) { pt_entry_t *l2; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t l2_pa, pa; u_int l1_slot, l2_slot, prev_l1_slot; int i; dmap_phys_base = min_pa & ~L1_OFFSET; dmap_phys_max = 0; dmap_max_addr = 0; l2 = NULL; prev_l1_slot = -1; #define DMAP_TABLES ((DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS - DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) >> L0_SHIFT) memset(pagetable_dmap, 0, PAGE_SIZE * DMAP_TABLES); for (i = 0; i < (physmap_idx * 2); i += 2) { pa = physmap[i] & ~L2_OFFSET; va = pa - dmap_phys_base + DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS; /* Create L2 mappings at the start of the region */ if ((pa & L1_OFFSET) != 0) { l1_slot = ((va - DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) >> L1_SHIFT); if (l1_slot != prev_l1_slot) { prev_l1_slot = l1_slot; l2 = (pt_entry_t *)freemempos; l2_pa = pmap_early_vtophys(kern_l1, (vm_offset_t)l2); freemempos += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_load_store(&pagetable_dmap[l1_slot], (l2_pa & ~Ln_TABLE_MASK) | L1_TABLE); memset(l2, 0, PAGE_SIZE); } KASSERT(l2 != NULL, ("pmap_bootstrap_dmap: NULL l2 map")); for (; va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS && pa < physmap[i + 1]; pa += L2_SIZE, va += L2_SIZE) { /* * We are on a boundary, stop to * create a level 1 block */ if ((pa & L1_OFFSET) == 0) break; l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); KASSERT(l2_slot != 0, ("...")); pmap_load_store(&l2[l2_slot], (pa & ~L2_OFFSET) | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_XN | ATTR_IDX(CACHED_MEMORY) | L2_BLOCK); } KASSERT(va == (pa - dmap_phys_base + DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS), ("...")); } for (; va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS && pa < physmap[i + 1] && (physmap[i + 1] - pa) >= L1_SIZE; pa += L1_SIZE, va += L1_SIZE) { l1_slot = ((va - DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) >> L1_SHIFT); pmap_load_store(&pagetable_dmap[l1_slot], (pa & ~L1_OFFSET) | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_XN | ATTR_IDX(CACHED_MEMORY) | L1_BLOCK); } /* Create L2 mappings at the end of the region */ if (pa < physmap[i + 1]) { l1_slot = ((va - DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS) >> L1_SHIFT); if (l1_slot != prev_l1_slot) { prev_l1_slot = l1_slot; l2 = (pt_entry_t *)freemempos; l2_pa = pmap_early_vtophys(kern_l1, (vm_offset_t)l2); freemempos += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_load_store(&pagetable_dmap[l1_slot], (l2_pa & ~Ln_TABLE_MASK) | L1_TABLE); memset(l2, 0, PAGE_SIZE); } KASSERT(l2 != NULL, ("pmap_bootstrap_dmap: NULL l2 map")); for (; va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS && pa < physmap[i + 1]; pa += L2_SIZE, va += L2_SIZE) { l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); pmap_load_store(&l2[l2_slot], (pa & ~L2_OFFSET) | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_XN | ATTR_IDX(CACHED_MEMORY) | L2_BLOCK); } } if (pa > dmap_phys_max) { dmap_phys_max = pa; dmap_max_addr = va; } } cpu_tlb_flushID(); return (freemempos); } static vm_offset_t pmap_bootstrap_l2(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t l2_start) { vm_offset_t l2pt; vm_paddr_t pa; pd_entry_t *l1; u_int l1_slot; KASSERT((va & L1_OFFSET) == 0, ("Invalid virtual address")); l1 = (pd_entry_t *)l1pt; l1_slot = pmap_l1_index(va); l2pt = l2_start; for (; va < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; l1_slot++, va += L1_SIZE) { KASSERT(l1_slot < Ln_ENTRIES, ("Invalid L1 index")); pa = pmap_early_vtophys(l1pt, l2pt); pmap_load_store(&l1[l1_slot], (pa & ~Ln_TABLE_MASK) | L1_TABLE); l2pt += PAGE_SIZE; } /* Clean the L2 page table */ memset((void *)l2_start, 0, l2pt - l2_start); return l2pt; } static vm_offset_t pmap_bootstrap_l3(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t l3_start) { vm_offset_t l3pt; vm_paddr_t pa; pd_entry_t *l2; u_int l2_slot; KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("Invalid virtual address")); l2 = pmap_l2(kernel_pmap, va); l2 = (pd_entry_t *)rounddown2((uintptr_t)l2, PAGE_SIZE); l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); l3pt = l3_start; for (; va < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; l2_slot++, va += L2_SIZE) { KASSERT(l2_slot < Ln_ENTRIES, ("Invalid L2 index")); pa = pmap_early_vtophys(l1pt, l3pt); pmap_load_store(&l2[l2_slot], (pa & ~Ln_TABLE_MASK) | L2_TABLE); l3pt += PAGE_SIZE; } /* Clean the L2 page table */ memset((void *)l3_start, 0, l3pt - l3_start); return l3pt; } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. */ void pmap_bootstrap(vm_offset_t l0pt, vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_paddr_t kernstart, vm_size_t kernlen) { u_int l1_slot, l2_slot; uint64_t kern_delta; pt_entry_t *l2; vm_offset_t va, freemempos; vm_offset_t dpcpu, msgbufpv; vm_paddr_t start_pa, pa, min_pa; int i; kern_delta = KERNBASE - kernstart; printf("pmap_bootstrap %lx %lx %lx\n", l1pt, kernstart, kernlen); printf("%lx\n", l1pt); printf("%lx\n", (KERNBASE >> L1_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK); /* Set this early so we can use the pagetable walking functions */ kernel_pmap_store.pm_l0 = (pd_entry_t *)l0pt; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); /* Assume the address we were loaded to is a valid physical address */ min_pa = KERNBASE - kern_delta; physmap_idx = arm_physmem_avail(physmap, nitems(physmap)); physmap_idx /= 2; /* * Find the minimum physical address. physmap is sorted, * but may contain empty ranges. */ for (i = 0; i < (physmap_idx * 2); i += 2) { if (physmap[i] == physmap[i + 1]) continue; if (physmap[i] <= min_pa) min_pa = physmap[i]; } freemempos = KERNBASE + kernlen; freemempos = roundup2(freemempos, PAGE_SIZE); /* Create a direct map region early so we can use it for pa -> va */ freemempos = pmap_bootstrap_dmap(l1pt, min_pa, freemempos); va = KERNBASE; start_pa = pa = KERNBASE - kern_delta; /* * Read the page table to find out what is already mapped. * This assumes we have mapped a block of memory from KERNBASE * using a single L1 entry. */ l2 = pmap_early_page_idx(l1pt, KERNBASE, &l1_slot, &l2_slot); /* Sanity check the index, KERNBASE should be the first VA */ KASSERT(l2_slot == 0, ("The L2 index is non-zero")); /* Find how many pages we have mapped */ for (; l2_slot < Ln_ENTRIES; l2_slot++) { if ((l2[l2_slot] & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == 0) break; /* Check locore used L2 blocks */ KASSERT((l2[l2_slot] & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("Invalid bootstrap L2 table")); KASSERT((l2[l2_slot] & ~ATTR_MASK) == pa, ("Incorrect PA in L2 table")); va += L2_SIZE; pa += L2_SIZE; } va = roundup2(va, L1_SIZE); /* Create the l2 tables up to VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS */ freemempos = pmap_bootstrap_l2(l1pt, va, freemempos); /* And the l3 tables for the early devmap */ freemempos = pmap_bootstrap_l3(l1pt, VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - (PMAP_MAPDEV_EARLY_SIZE), freemempos); cpu_tlb_flushID(); #define alloc_pages(var, np) \ (var) = freemempos; \ freemempos += (np * PAGE_SIZE); \ memset((char *)(var), 0, ((np) * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Allocate dynamic per-cpu area. */ alloc_pages(dpcpu, DPCPU_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); dpcpu_init((void *)dpcpu, 0); /* Allocate memory for the msgbuf, e.g. for /sbin/dmesg */ alloc_pages(msgbufpv, round_page(msgbufsize) / PAGE_SIZE); msgbufp = (void *)msgbufpv; /* Reserve some VA space for early BIOS/ACPI mapping */ preinit_map_va = roundup2(freemempos, L2_SIZE); virtual_avail = preinit_map_va + PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_SIZE; virtual_avail = roundup2(virtual_avail, L1_SIZE); virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - (PMAP_MAPDEV_EARLY_SIZE); kernel_vm_end = virtual_avail; pa = pmap_early_vtophys(l1pt, freemempos); arm_physmem_exclude_region(start_pa, pa - start_pa, EXFLAG_NOALLOC); cpu_tlb_flushID(); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); m->md.pv_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { vm_size_t s; int i, pv_npg; /* * Are large page mappings enabled? */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.superpages_enabled", &superpages_enabled); if (superpages_enabled) { KASSERT(MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && pagesizes[1] == 0, ("pmap_init: can't assign to pagesizes[1]")); pagesizes[1] = L2_SIZE; } /* * Initialize the pv chunk list mutex. */ mtx_init(&pv_chunks_mutex, "pmap pv chunk list", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Initialize the pool of pv list locks. */ for (i = 0; i < NPV_LIST_LOCKS; i++) rw_init(&pv_list_locks[i], "pmap pv list"); /* * Calculate the size of the pv head table for superpages. */ pv_npg = howmany(vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs - 1].end, L2_SIZE); /* * Allocate memory for the pv head table for superpages. */ s = (vm_size_t)(pv_npg * sizeof(struct md_page)); s = round_page(s); pv_table = (struct md_page *)kmem_malloc(s, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < pv_npg; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&pv_table[i].pv_list); TAILQ_INIT(&pv_dummy.pv_list); vm_initialized = 1; } static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, l2, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "2MB page mapping counters"); static u_long pmap_l2_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_demotions, 0, "2MB page demotions"); static u_long pmap_l2_mappings; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, mappings, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_mappings, 0, "2MB page mappings"); static u_long pmap_l2_p_failures; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, p_failures, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_p_failures, 0, "2MB page promotion failures"); static u_long pmap_l2_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, promotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_promotions, 0, "2MB page promotions"); /* * Invalidate a single TLB entry. */ static __inline void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { sched_pin(); __asm __volatile( "dsb ishst \n" "tlbi vaae1is, %0 \n" "dsb ish \n" "isb \n" : : "r"(va >> PAGE_SHIFT)); sched_unpin(); } static __inline void pmap_invalidate_range_nopin(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t addr; dsb(ishst); for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) { __asm __volatile( "tlbi vaae1is, %0" : : "r"(addr >> PAGE_SHIFT)); } __asm __volatile( "dsb ish \n" "isb \n"); } static __inline void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { sched_pin(); pmap_invalidate_range_nopin(pmap, sva, eva); sched_unpin(); } static __inline void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { sched_pin(); __asm __volatile( "dsb ishst \n" "tlbi vmalle1is \n" "dsb ish \n" "isb \n"); sched_unpin(); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_paddr_t pa; int lvl; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * Find the block or page map for this virtual address. pmap_pte * will return either a valid block/page entry, or NULL. */ pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va, &lvl); if (pte != NULL) { tpte = pmap_load(pte); pa = tpte & ~ATTR_MASK; switch(lvl) { case 1: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_BLOCK, ("pmap_extract: Invalid L1 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L1_OFFSET); break; case 2: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("pmap_extract: Invalid L2 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L2_OFFSET); break; case 3: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L3_PAGE, ("pmap_extract: Invalid L3 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L3_OFFSET); break; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_offset_t off; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int lvl; pa = 0; m = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va, &lvl); if (pte != NULL) { tpte = pmap_load(pte); KASSERT(lvl > 0 && lvl <= 3, ("pmap_extract_and_hold: Invalid level %d", lvl)); CTASSERT(L1_BLOCK == L2_BLOCK); KASSERT((lvl == 3 && (tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L3_PAGE) || (lvl < 3 && (tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_BLOCK), ("pmap_extract_and_hold: Invalid pte at L%d: %lx", lvl, tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); if (((tpte & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) || ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { switch(lvl) { case 1: off = va & L1_OFFSET; break; case 2: off = va & L2_OFFSET; break; case 3: default: off = 0; } if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, (tpte & ~ATTR_MASK) | off, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE((tpte & ~ATTR_MASK) | off); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_paddr_t pa; int lvl; if (va >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS) { pa = DMAP_TO_PHYS(va); } else { pa = 0; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); if (pte != NULL) { tpte = pmap_load(pte); pa = tpte & ~ATTR_MASK; switch(lvl) { case 1: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_BLOCK, ("pmap_kextract: Invalid L1 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L1_OFFSET); break; case 2: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("pmap_kextract: Invalid L2 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L2_OFFSET); break; case 3: KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L3_PAGE, ("pmap_kextract: Invalid L3 pte found: %lx", tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK)); pa |= (va & L3_OFFSET); break; } } } return (pa); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa, int mode) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, attr; vm_offset_t va; int lvl; KASSERT((pa & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kenter: Invalid physical address")); KASSERT((sva & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kenter: Invalid virtual address")); KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_kenter: Mapping is not page-sized")); attr = ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_IDX(mode) | L3_PAGE; if (mode == DEVICE_MEMORY) attr |= ATTR_XN; va = sva; while (size != 0) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_kenter: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_kenter: Invalid level %d", lvl)); pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, va); pmap_load_store(pte, (pa & ~L3_OFFSET) | attr); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } void pmap_kenter_device(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa) { pmap_kenter(sva, size, pa, DEVICE_MEMORY); } /* * Remove a page from the kernel pagetables. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; int lvl; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pte != NULL, ("pmap_kremove: Invalid address")); KASSERT(lvl == 3, ("pmap_kremove: Invalid pte level %d", lvl)); pmap_load_clear(pte); pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, va); } void pmap_kremove_device(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va; int lvl; KASSERT((sva & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kremove_device: Invalid virtual address")); KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_kremove_device: Mapping is not page-sized")); va = sva; while (size != 0) { pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pte != NULL, ("Invalid page table, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 3, ("Invalid device pagetable level: %d != 3", lvl)); pmap_load_clear(pte); va += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { return PHYS_TO_DMAP(start); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; int i, lvl; va = sva; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_qenter: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_qenter: Invalid level %d", lvl)); m = ma[i]; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW) | ATTR_IDX(m->md.pv_memattr) | L3_PAGE; if (m->md.pv_memattr == DEVICE_MEMORY) pa |= ATTR_XN; pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, va); pmap_load_store(pte, pa); va += L3_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * This routine tears out page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va; int lvl; KASSERT(sva >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("usermode va %lx", sva)); va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(lvl == 3, ("Invalid device pagetable level: %d != 3", lvl)); if (pte != NULL) { pmap_load_clear(pte); } va += PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /*************************************************** * Page table page management routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Schedule the specified unused page table page to be freed. Specifically, * add the page to the specified list of pages that will be released to the * physical memory manager after the TLB has been updated. */ static __inline void pmap_add_delayed_free_list(vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free, boolean_t set_PG_ZERO) { if (set_PG_ZERO) m->flags |= PG_ZERO; else m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(free, m,; } /* * Decrements a page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static inline boolean_t pmap_unwire_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { --m->wire_count; if (m->wire_count == 0) { _pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, m, free); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } static void _pmap_unwire_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * unmap the page table page */ if (m->pindex >= (NUL2E + NUL1E)) { /* l1 page */ pd_entry_t *l0; l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, va); pmap_load_clear(l0); } else if (m->pindex >= NUL2E) { /* l2 page */ pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); pmap_load_clear(l1); } else { /* l3 page */ pd_entry_t *l2; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); pmap_load_clear(l2); } pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (m->pindex < NUL2E) { /* We just released an l3, unhold the matching l2 */ pd_entry_t *l1, tl1; vm_page_t l2pg; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); tl1 = pmap_load(l1); l2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tl1 & ~ATTR_MASK); pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, l2pg, free); } else if (m->pindex < (NUL2E + NUL1E)) { /* We just released an l2, unhold the matching l1 */ pd_entry_t *l0, tl0; vm_page_t l1pg; l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, va); tl0 = pmap_load(l0); l1pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tl0 & ~ATTR_MASK); pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, l1pg, free); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); /* * Put page on a list so that it is released after * *ALL* TLB shootdown is done */ pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free, TRUE); } /* * After removing a page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free) { vm_page_t mpte; if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (0); KASSERT(ptepde != 0, ("pmap_unuse_pt: ptepde != 0")); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptepde & ~ATTR_MASK); return (pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, mpte, free)); } void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof(pmap->pm_stats)); pmap->pm_l0 = kernel_pmap->pm_l0; pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; } int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { vm_paddr_t l0phys; vm_page_t l0pt; /* * allocate the l0 page */ while ((l0pt = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) vm_wait(NULL); l0phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l0pt); pmap->pm_l0 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(l0phys); if ((l0pt->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pagezero(pmap->pm_l0); pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof(pmap->pm_stats)); return (1); } /* * This routine is called if the desired page table page does not exist. * * If page table page allocation fails, this routine may sleep before * returning NULL. It sleeps only if a lock pointer was given. * * Note: If a page allocation fails at page table level two or three, * one or two pages may be held during the wait, only to be released * afterwards. This conservative approach is easily argued to avoid * race conditions. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_page_t m, l1pg, l2pg; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Allocate a page table page. */ if ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, ptepindex, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) { if (lockp != NULL) { RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_wait(NULL); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, the page table * page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); /* * Map the pagetable page into the process address space, if * it isn't already there. */ if (ptepindex >= (NUL2E + NUL1E)) { pd_entry_t *l0; vm_pindex_t l0index; l0index = ptepindex - (NUL2E + NUL1E); l0 = &pmap->pm_l0[l0index]; pmap_load_store(l0, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | L0_TABLE); } else if (ptepindex >= NUL2E) { vm_pindex_t l0index, l1index; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1; pd_entry_t tl0; l1index = ptepindex - NUL2E; l0index = l1index >> L0_ENTRIES_SHIFT; l0 = &pmap->pm_l0[l0index]; tl0 = pmap_load(l0); if (tl0 == 0) { /* recurse for allocating page dir */ if (_pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL2E + NUL1E + l0index, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { l1pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tl0 & ~ATTR_MASK); l1pg->wire_count++; } l1 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pmap_load(l0) & ~ATTR_MASK); l1 = &l1[ptepindex & Ln_ADDR_MASK]; pmap_load_store(l1, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | L1_TABLE); } else { vm_pindex_t l0index, l1index; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2; pd_entry_t tl0, tl1; l1index = ptepindex >> Ln_ENTRIES_SHIFT; l0index = l1index >> L0_ENTRIES_SHIFT; l0 = &pmap->pm_l0[l0index]; tl0 = pmap_load(l0); if (tl0 == 0) { /* recurse for allocating page dir */ if (_pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL2E + l1index, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } tl0 = pmap_load(l0); l1 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(tl0 & ~ATTR_MASK); l1 = &l1[l1index & Ln_ADDR_MASK]; } else { l1 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(tl0 & ~ATTR_MASK); l1 = &l1[l1index & Ln_ADDR_MASK]; tl1 = pmap_load(l1); if (tl1 == 0) { /* recurse for allocating page dir */ if (_pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL2E + l1index, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { l2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tl1 & ~ATTR_MASK); l2pg->wire_count++; } } l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pmap_load(l1) & ~ATTR_MASK); l2 = &l2[ptepindex & Ln_ADDR_MASK]; pmap_load_store(l2, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | L2_TABLE); } pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t *l1; vm_page_t l2pg; vm_pindex_t l2pindex; retry: l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); if (l1 != NULL && (pmap_load(l1) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_TABLE) { /* Add a reference to the L2 page. */ l2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_load(l1) & ~ATTR_MASK); l2pg->wire_count++; } else { /* Allocate a L2 page. */ l2pindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va) >> Ln_ENTRIES_SHIFT; l2pg = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL2E + l2pindex, lockp); if (l2pg == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; } return (l2pg); } static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_pindex_t ptepindex; pd_entry_t *pde, tpde; #ifdef INVARIANTS pt_entry_t *pte; #endif vm_page_t m; int lvl; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va); retry: /* * Get the page directory entry */ pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va, &lvl); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment the hold count, * and activate it. If we get a level 2 pde it will point to a level 3 * table. */ switch (lvl) { case -1: break; case 0: #ifdef INVARIANTS pte = pmap_l0_to_l1(pde, va); KASSERT(pmap_load(pte) == 0, ("pmap_alloc_l3: TODO: l0 superpages")); #endif break; case 1: #ifdef INVARIANTS pte = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, va); KASSERT(pmap_load(pte) == 0, ("pmap_alloc_l3: TODO: l1 superpages")); #endif break; case 2: tpde = pmap_load(pde); if (tpde != 0) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tpde & ~ATTR_MASK); m->wire_count++; return (m); } break; default: panic("pmap_alloc_l3: Invalid level %d", lvl); } /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has been deallocated. */ m = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, ptepindex, lockp); if (m == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; return (m); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { vm_page_t m; KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); KASSERT(vm_radix_is_empty(&pmap->pm_root), ("pmap_release: pmap has reserved page table page(s)")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_l0)); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); } static int kvm_size(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long ksize = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &ksize, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_size, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_size, "LU", "Size of KVM"); static int kvm_free(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long kfree = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - kernel_vm_end; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &kfree, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_free, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_free, "LU", "Amount of KVM free"); /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_paddr_t paddr; vm_page_t nkpg; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2; mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); addr = roundup2(addr, L2_SIZE); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { l0 = pmap_l0(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); KASSERT(pmap_load(l0) != 0, ("pmap_growkernel: No level 0 kernel entry")); l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, kernel_vm_end); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { /* We need a new PDP entry */ nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> L1_SHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); pmap_load_store(l1, paddr | L1_TABLE); continue; /* try again */ } l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, kernel_vm_end); if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_AF) != 0) { kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> L2_SHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); pmap_load_store(l2, paddr | L2_TABLE); pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); CTASSERT(_NPCM == 3); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 168); static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #define PC_FREE0 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE1 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE2 0x000000fffffffffful static const uint64_t pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { PC_FREE0, PC_FREE1, PC_FREE2 }; #if 0 #ifdef PV_STATS static int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_count, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks allocated"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks frees"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_tryfail, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_tryfail, 0, "Number of times tried to get a chunk page but failed."); static long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs, pv_entry_count; static int pv_entry_spare; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry frees"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry allocs"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_count, 0, "Current number of pv entries"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_spare, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_spare, 0, "Current number of spare pv entries"); #endif #endif /* 0 */ /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. * * Returns NULL if PV entries were reclaimed from the specified pmap. * * We do not, however, unmap 2mpages because subsequent accesses will * allocate per-page pv entries until repromotion occurs, thereby * exacerbating the shortage of free pv entries. */ static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct pv_chunk *pc, *pc_marker, *pc_marker_end; struct pv_chunk_header pc_marker_b, pc_marker_end_b; struct md_page *pvh; pd_entry_t *pde; pmap_t next_pmap, pmap; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, m_pc; struct spglist free; uint64_t inuse; int bit, field, freed, lvl; static int active_reclaims = 0; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(locked_pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(lockp != NULL, ("reclaim_pv_chunk: lockp is NULL")); pmap = NULL; m_pc = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&free); bzero(&pc_marker_b, sizeof(pc_marker_b)); bzero(&pc_marker_end_b, sizeof(pc_marker_end_b)); pc_marker = (struct pv_chunk *)&pc_marker_b; pc_marker_end = (struct pv_chunk *)&pc_marker_end_b; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); active_reclaims++; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc_marker_end, pc_lru); while ((pc = TAILQ_NEXT(pc_marker, pc_lru)) != pc_marker_end && SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { next_pmap = pc->pc_pmap; if (next_pmap == NULL) { /* * The next chunk is a marker. However, it is * not our marker, so active_reclaims must be * > 1. Consequently, the next_chunk code * will not rotate the pv_chunks list. */ goto next_chunk; } mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); /* * A pv_chunk can only be removed from the pc_lru list * when both pv_chunks_mutex is owned and the * corresponding pmap is locked. */ if (pmap != next_pmap) { if (pmap != NULL && pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); pmap = next_pmap; /* Avoid deadlock and lock recursion. */ if (pmap > locked_pmap) { RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); continue; } else if (pmap != locked_pmap) { if (PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); continue; } else { pmap = NULL; /* pmap is not locked */ mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); pc = TAILQ_NEXT(pc_marker, pc_lru); if (pc == NULL || pc->pc_pmap != next_pmap) continue; goto next_chunk; } } } /* * Destroy every non-wired, 4 KB page mapping in the chunk. */ freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { for (inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; inuse != 0; inuse &= ~(1UL << bit)) { bit = ffsl(inuse) - 1; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va, &lvl); if (lvl != 2) continue; pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); if ((tpte & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) continue; tpte = pmap_load_clear(pte); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tpte & ~ATTR_MASK); if (pmap_page_dirty(tpte)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((tpte & ATTR_AF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pc->pc_map[field] |= 1UL << bit; pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, pmap_load(pde), &free); freed++; } } if (freed == 0) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); goto next_chunk; } /* Every freed mapping is for a 4 KB page. */ pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, freed); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, freed)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); if (pc->pc_map[0] == PC_FREE0 && pc->pc_map[1] == PC_FREE1 && pc->pc_map[2] == PC_FREE2) { PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_frees, 1)); /* Entire chunk is free; return it. */ m_pc = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m_pc->phys_addr); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); break; } TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); /* One freed pv entry in locked_pmap is sufficient. */ if (pmap == locked_pmap) break; next_chunk: TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_marker, pc_lru); if (active_reclaims == 1 && pmap != NULL) { /* * Rotate the pv chunks list so that we do not * scan the same pv chunks that could not be * freed (because they contained a wired * and/or superpage mapping) on every * invocation of reclaim_pv_chunk(). */ while ((pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pv_chunks)) != pc_marker) { MPASS(pc->pc_pmap != NULL); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); } } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker, pc_lru); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc_marker_end, pc_lru); active_reclaims--; mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); if (pmap != NULL && pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (m_pc == NULL && !SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { m_pc = SLIST_FIRST(&free); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&free,; /* Recycle a freed page table page. */ m_pc->wire_count = 1; } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); return (m_pc); } /* * free the pv_entry back to the free list */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int idx, field, bit; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / 64; bit = idx % 64; pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; if (pc->pc_map[0] != PC_FREE0 || pc->pc_map[1] != PC_FREE1 || pc->pc_map[2] != PC_FREE2) { /* 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the list. */ if (__predict_false(pc != TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_frees, 1)); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m->phys_addr); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } /* * Returns a new PV entry, allocating a new PV chunk from the system when * needed. If this PV chunk allocation fails and a PV list lock pointer was * given, a PV chunk is reclaimed from an arbitrary pmap. Otherwise, NULL is * returned. * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { int bit, field; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_allocs, 1)); retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = ffsl(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); return (pv); } } /* No free items, allocate another chunk */ m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { if (lockp == NULL) { PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_allocs, 1)); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0 & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV - 1)); return (pv); } /* * Ensure that the number of spare PV entries in the specified pmap meets or * exceeds the given count, "needed". * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static void reserve_pv_entries(pmap_t pmap, int needed, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct pch new_tail; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; int avail, free; bool reclaimed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(lockp != NULL, ("reserve_pv_entries: lockp is NULL")); /* * Newly allocated PV chunks must be stored in a private list until * the required number of PV chunks have been allocated. Otherwise, * reclaim_pv_chunk() could recycle one of these chunks. In * contrast, these chunks must be added to the pmap upon allocation. */ TAILQ_INIT(&new_tail); retry: avail = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list) { bit_count((bitstr_t *)pc->pc_map, 0, sizeof(pc->pc_map) * NBBY, &free); if (free == 0) break; avail += free; if (avail >= needed) break; } for (reclaimed = false; avail < needed; avail += _NPCPV) { m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; reclaimed = true; } PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_allocs, 1)); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0; pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&new_tail, pc, pc_lru); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); /* * The reclaim might have freed a chunk from the current pmap. * If that chunk contained available entries, we need to * re-count the number of available entries. */ if (reclaimed) goto retry; } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&new_tail)) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &new_tail, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); } } /* * First find and then remove the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address from the specified pv list. Returns the pv entry if found and NULL * otherwise. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or * 2MB page mappings. */ static __inline pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; break; } } return (pv); } /* * After demotion from a 2MB page mapping to 512 4KB page mappings, * destroy the pv entry for the 2MB page mapping and reinstantiate the pv * entries for each of the 4KB page mappings. */ static void pmap_pv_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; int bit, field; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: va is not 2mpage aligned")); KASSERT((pa & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: pa is not 2mpage aligned")); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); /* * Transfer the 2mpage's pv entry for this mapping to the first * page's pv list. Once this transfer begins, the pv list lock * must not be released until the last pv entry is reinstantiated. */ pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: pv not found")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; /* Instantiate the remaining Ln_ENTRIES - 1 pv entries. */ PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_allocs, Ln_ENTRIES - 1)); va_last = va + L2_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; for (;;) { pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); KASSERT(pc->pc_map[0] != 0 || pc->pc_map[1] != 0 || pc->pc_map[2] != 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: missing spare")); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { while (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = ffsl(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; va += PAGE_SIZE; pv->pv_va = va; m++; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: page %p is not managed", m)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (va == va_last) goto out; } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } out: if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, Ln_ENTRIES - 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, Ln_ENTRIES - 1)); } /* * First find and then destroy the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or 2MB * page mappings. */ static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found")); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } /* * Conditionally create the PV entry for a 4KB page mapping if the required * memory can be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { pv_entry_t pv; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, NULL)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * Create the PV entry for a 2MB page mapping. Always returns true unless the * flag PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM is specified. If that flag is specified, returns * false if the PV entry cannot be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static bool pmap_pv_insert_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t l2e, u_int flags, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) return (false); pv->pv_va = va; pa = l2e & ~ATTR_MASK; CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; return (true); } static void pmap_remove_kernel_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t newl2, oldl2; vm_page_t ml3; vm_paddr_t ml3pa; KASSERT(!VIRT_IN_DMAP(va), ("removing direct mapping of %#lx", va)); KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap, ("pmap %p is not kernel_pmap", pmap)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va); if (ml3 == NULL) panic("pmap_remove_kernel_l2: Missing pt page"); ml3pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ml3); newl2 = ml3pa | L2_TABLE; /* * If this page table page was unmapped by a promotion, then it * contains valid mappings. Zero it to invalidate those mappings. */ if (ml3->valid != 0) pagezero((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(ml3pa)); /* * Demote the mapping. The caller must have already invalidated the * mapping (i.e., the "break" in break-before-make). */ oldl2 = pmap_load_store(l2, newl2); KASSERT(oldl2 == 0, ("%s: found existing mapping at %p: %#lx", __func__, l2, oldl2)); } /* * pmap_remove_l2: Do the things to unmap a level 2 superpage. */ static int pmap_remove_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t l1e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t old_l2; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m, ml3; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_remove_l2: sva is not aligned")); old_l2 = pmap_load_clear(l2); KASSERT((old_l2 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("pmap_remove_l2: L2e %lx is not a block mapping", old_l2)); /* * Since a promotion must break the 4KB page mappings before making * the 2MB page mapping, a pmap_invalidate_page() suffices. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, sva); if (old_l2 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); if (old_l2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) { CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, old_l2 & ~ATTR_MASK); pvh = pa_to_pvh(old_l2 & ~ATTR_MASK); pmap_pvh_free(pvh, pmap, sva); eva = sva + L2_SIZE; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(old_l2 & ~ATTR_MASK); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) { if (pmap_page_dirty(old_l2)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (old_l2 & ATTR_AF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_remove_kernel_l2(pmap, l2, sva); } else { ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, sva); if (ml3 != NULL) { KASSERT(ml3->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_l2: l3 page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); KASSERT(ml3->wire_count == NL3PG, ("pmap_remove_l2: l3 page wire count error")); ml3->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(ml3, free, FALSE); } } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, sva, l1e, free)); } /* * pmap_remove_l3: do the things to unmap a page in a process */ static int pmap_remove_l3(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l3, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t l2e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t old_l3; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); old_l3 = pmap_load_clear(l3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); if (old_l3 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (old_l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(old_l3 & ~ATTR_MASK); if (pmap_page_dirty(old_l3)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (old_l3 & ATTR_AF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, l2e, free)); } /* * Remove the specified range of addresses from the L3 page table that is * identified by the given L2 entry. */ static void pmap_remove_l3_range(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t l2e, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *new_lock; pt_entry_t *l3, old_l3; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(rounddown2(sva, L2_SIZE) + L2_SIZE == roundup2(eva, L2_SIZE), ("pmap_remove_l3_range: range crosses an L3 page table boundary")); va = eva; for (l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(&l2e, sva); sva != eva; l3++, sva += L3_SIZE) { if (!pmap_l3_valid(pmap_load(l3))) { if (va != eva) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = eva; } continue; } old_l3 = pmap_load_clear(l3); if ((old_l3 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if ((old_l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(old_l3 & ~ATTR_MASK); if (pmap_page_dirty(old_l3)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((old_l3 & ATTR_AF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); new_lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (new_lock != *lockp) { if (*lockp != NULL) { /* * Pending TLB invalidations must be * performed before the PV list lock is * released. Otherwise, a concurrent * pmap_remove_all() on a physical page * could return while a stale TLB entry * still provides access to that page. */ if (va != eva) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = eva; } rw_wunlock(*lockp); } *lockp = new_lock; rw_wlock(*lockp); } pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, sva); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } if (va == eva) va = sva; if (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, sva, l2e, free)) { sva += L3_SIZE; break; } } if (va != eva) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va_next; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2; pt_entry_t l3_paddr; struct spglist free; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; SLIST_INIT(&free); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); lock = NULL; for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) break; l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l0) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L0_SIZE) & ~L0_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } /* * Calculate index for next page table. */ va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if (l2 == NULL) continue; l3_paddr = pmap_load(l2); if ((l3_paddr & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) { if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, sva, pmap_load(l1), &free, &lock); continue; } else if (pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, sva, &lock) == NULL) continue; l3_paddr = pmap_load(l2); } /* * Weed out invalid mappings. */ if ((l3_paddr & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) != L2_TABLE) continue; /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; pmap_remove_l3_range(pmap, l3_paddr, sva, va_next, &free, &lock); } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *pde, tpde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_offset_t va; struct spglist free; int lvl, pvh_gen, md_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); retry: rw_wlock(lock); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } va = pv->pv_va; pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pte != NULL, ("pmap_remove_all: no page table entry found")); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_remove_all: invalid pte level %d", lvl)); pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, pte, va, &lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_remove_all: no page directory entry found")); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_remove_all: invalid pde level %d", lvl)); tpde = pmap_load(pde); pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); pmap_load_clear(pte); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (tpte & ATTR_SW_WIRED) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if ((tpte & ATTR_AF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if (pmap_page_dirty(tpte)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, tpde, &free); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * pmap_protect_l2: do the things to protect a 2MB page in a pmap */ static void pmap_protect_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t sva, pt_entry_t nbits) { pd_entry_t old_l2; vm_page_t m, mt; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_protect_l2: sva is not 2mpage aligned")); old_l2 = pmap_load(l2); KASSERT((old_l2 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("pmap_protect_l2: L2e %lx is not a block mapping", old_l2)); /* * Return if the L2 entry already has the desired access restrictions * in place. */ if ((old_l2 | nbits) == old_l2) return; /* * When a dirty read/write superpage mapping is write protected, * update the dirty field of each of the superpage's constituent 4KB * pages. */ if ((nbits & ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO)) != 0 && (old_l2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0 && pmap_page_dirty(old_l2)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(old_l2 & ~ATTR_MASK); for (mt = m; mt < &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } pmap_set(l2, nbits); /* * Since a promotion must break the 4KB page mappings before making * the 2MB page mapping, a pmap_invalidate_page() suffices. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, sva); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va, va_next; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2; pt_entry_t *l3p, l3, nbits; KASSERT((prot & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("invalid prot %x", prot)); if (prot == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } nbits = 0; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) nbits |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO); if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) nbits |= ATTR_XN; if (nbits == 0) return; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l0) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L0_SIZE) & ~L0_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if (pmap_load(l2) == 0) continue; if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) { if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { pmap_protect_l2(pmap, l2, sva, nbits); continue; } else if (pmap_demote_l2(pmap, l2, sva) == NULL) continue; } KASSERT((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_TABLE, ("pmap_protect: Invalid L2 entry after demotion")); if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (l3p = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); sva != va_next; l3p++, sva += L3_SIZE) { /* * Go to the next L3 entry if the current one is * invalid or already has the desired access * restrictions in place. (The latter case occurs * frequently. For example, in a "buildworld" * workload, almost 1 out of 4 L3 entries already * have the desired restrictions.) */ l3 = pmap_load(l3p); if (!pmap_l3_valid(l3) || (l3 | nbits) == l3) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } if (va == va_next) va = sva; /* * When a dirty read/write mapping is write protected, * update the page's dirty field. */ if ((nbits & ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO)) != 0 && (l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0 && pmap_page_dirty(l3)) vm_page_dirty(PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(l3 & ~ATTR_MASK)); pmap_set(l3p, nbits); } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Inserts the specified page table page into the specified pmap's collection * of idle page table pages. Each of a pmap's page table pages is responsible * for mapping a distinct range of virtual addresses. The pmap's collection is * ordered by this virtual address range. * * If "promoted" is false, then the page table page "mpte" must be zero filled. */ static __inline int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, bool promoted) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); mpte->valid = promoted ? VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL : 0; return (vm_radix_insert(&pmap->pm_root, mpte)); } /* * Removes the page table page mapping the specified virtual address from the * specified pmap's collection of idle page table pages, and returns it. * Otherwise, returns NULL if there is no page table page corresponding to the * specified virtual address. */ static __inline vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); return (vm_radix_remove(&pmap->pm_root, pmap_l2_pindex(va))); } /* * Performs a break-before-make update of a pmap entry. This is needed when * either promoting or demoting pages to ensure the TLB doesn't get into an * inconsistent state. */ static void pmap_update_entry(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pte, pd_entry_t newpte, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { register_t intr; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Ensure we don't get switched out with the page table in an * inconsistent state. We also need to ensure no interrupts fire * as they may make use of an address we are about to invalidate. */ intr = intr_disable(); critical_enter(); /* Clear the old mapping */ pmap_load_clear(pte); pmap_invalidate_range_nopin(pmap, va, va + size); /* Create the new mapping */ pmap_load_store(pte, newpte); dsb(ishst); critical_exit(); intr_restore(intr); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * After promotion from 512 4KB page mappings to a single 2MB page mapping, * replace the many pv entries for the 4KB page mappings by a single pv entry * for the 2MB page mapping. */ static void pmap_pv_promote_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; KASSERT((pa & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_promote_l2: pa is not 2mpage aligned")); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); /* * Transfer the first page's pv entry for this mapping to the 2mpage's * pv list. Aside from avoiding the cost of a call to get_pv_entry(), * a transfer avoids the possibility that get_pv_entry() calls * reclaim_pv_chunk() and that reclaim_pv_chunk() removes one of the * mappings that is being promoted. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); va = va & ~L2_OFFSET; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&m->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_promote_l2: pv not found")); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; /* Free the remaining NPTEPG - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + L2_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } while (va < va_last); } /* * Tries to promote the 512, contiguous 4KB page mappings that are within a * single level 2 table entry to a single 2MB page mapping. For promotion * to occur, two conditions must be met: (1) the 4KB page mappings must map * aligned, contiguous physical memory and (2) the 4KB page mappings must have * identical characteristics. */ static void pmap_promote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pt_entry_t *firstl3, *l3, newl2, oldl3, pa; vm_page_t mpte; vm_offset_t sva; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); sva = va & ~L2_OFFSET; firstl3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); newl2 = pmap_load(firstl3); /* Check the alingment is valid */ if (((newl2 & ~ATTR_MASK) & L2_OFFSET) != 0) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } pa = newl2 + L2_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; for (l3 = firstl3 + NL3PG - 1; l3 > firstl3; l3--) { oldl3 = pmap_load(l3); if (oldl3 != pa) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } pa -= PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Save the page table page in its current state until the L2 * mapping the superpage is demoted by pmap_demote_l2() or * destroyed by pmap_remove_l3(). */ mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_load(l2) & ~ATTR_MASK); KASSERT(mpte >= vm_page_array && mpte < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_promote_l2: page table page is out of range")); KASSERT(mpte->pindex == pmap_l2_pindex(va), ("pmap_promote_l2: page table page's pindex is wrong")); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mpte, true)) { atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((newl2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_promote_l2(pmap, va, newl2 & ~ATTR_MASK, lockp); newl2 &= ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK; newl2 |= L2_BLOCK; pmap_update_entry(pmap, l2, newl2, sva, L2_SIZE); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_promotions, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t new_l3, orig_l3; pt_entry_t *l2, *l3; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t opa, pa; vm_page_t mpte, om; boolean_t nosleep; int lvl, rv; va = trunc_page(va); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); new_l3 = (pt_entry_t)(pa | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_IDX(m->md.pv_memattr) | L3_PAGE); if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) new_l3 |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO); if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 || m->md.pv_memattr == DEVICE_MEMORY) new_l3 |= ATTR_XN; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) new_l3 |= ATTR_SW_WIRED; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) new_l3 |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_USER) | ATTR_PXN; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) new_l3 |= ATTR_SW_MANAGED; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter: %.16lx -> %.16lx", va, pa); lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (psind == 1) { /* Assert the required virtual and physical alignment. */ KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_enter: va unaligned")); KASSERT(m->psind > 0, ("pmap_enter: m->psind < psind")); rv = pmap_enter_l2(pmap, va, (new_l3 & ~L3_PAGE) | L2_BLOCK, flags, m, &lock); goto out; } mpte = NULL; /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ retry: pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va, &lvl); if (pde != NULL && lvl == 2) { l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, va); if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS && mpte == NULL) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_load(pde) & ~ATTR_MASK); mpte->wire_count++; } goto havel3; } else if (pde != NULL && lvl == 1) { l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, va); if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK && (l3 = pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock)) != NULL) { l3 = &l3[pmap_l3_index(va)]; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE( pmap_load(l2) & ~ATTR_MASK); mpte->wire_count++; } goto havel3; } /* We need to allocate an L3 table. */ } if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { nosleep = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0; /* * We use _pmap_alloc_l3() instead of pmap_alloc_l3() in order * to handle the possibility that a superpage mapping for "va" * was created while we slept. */ mpte = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, pmap_l2_pindex(va), nosleep ? NULL : &lock); if (mpte == NULL && nosleep) { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter: mpte == NULL"); rv = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; goto out; } goto retry; } else panic("pmap_enter: missing L3 table for kernel va %#lx", va); havel3: orig_l3 = pmap_load(l3); opa = orig_l3 & ~ATTR_MASK; pv = NULL; /* * Is the specified virtual address already mapped? */ if (pmap_l3_valid(orig_l3)) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is wired, * the PT page will be also. */ if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0 && (orig_l3 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) == 0 && (orig_l3 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove the extra PT page reference. */ if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_enter: missing reference to page table page," " va: 0x%lx", va)); } /* * Has the physical page changed? */ if (opa == pa) { /* * No, might be a protection or wiring change. */ if ((orig_l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { if ((new_l3 & ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) { vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } goto validate; } /* * The physical page has changed. */ (void)pmap_load_clear(l3); KASSERT((orig_l3 & ~ATTR_MASK) == opa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#lx", va)); if ((orig_l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); /* * The pmap lock is sufficient to synchronize with * concurrent calls to pmap_page_test_mappings() and * pmap_ts_referenced(). */ if (pmap_page_dirty(orig_l3)) vm_page_dirty(om); if ((orig_l3 & ATTR_AF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, opa); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); if ((om->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list) && ((om->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(opa)->pv_list))) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); orig_l3 = 0; } else { /* * Increment the counters. */ if ((new_l3 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, &lock); pv->pv_va = va; } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if ((new_l3 & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } validate: /* * Sync icache if exec permission and attribute VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK * is set. Do it now, before the mapping is stored and made * valid for hardware table walk. If done later, then other can * access this page before caches are properly synced. * Don't do it for kernel memory which is mapped with exec * permission even if the memory isn't going to hold executable * code. The only time when icache sync is needed is after * kernel module is loaded and the relocation info is processed. * And it's done in elf_cpu_load_file(). */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) && pmap != kernel_pmap && m->md.pv_memattr == VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK && (opa != pa || (orig_l3 & ATTR_XN))) cpu_icache_sync_range(PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa), PAGE_SIZE); /* * Update the L3 entry */ if (pmap_l3_valid(orig_l3)) { KASSERT(opa == pa, ("pmap_enter: invalid update")); if ((orig_l3 & ~ATTR_AF) != (new_l3 & ~ATTR_AF)) { /* same PA, different attributes */ pmap_load_store(l3, new_l3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); if (pmap_page_dirty(orig_l3) && (orig_l3 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); } else { /* * orig_l3 == new_l3 * This can happens if multiple threads simultaneously * access not yet mapped page. This bad for performance * since this can cause full demotion-NOP-promotion * cycle. * Another possible reasons are: * - VM and pmap memory layout are diverged * - tlb flush is missing somewhere and CPU doesn't see * actual mapping. */ CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: already mapped page - " "pmap %p va 0x%#lx pte 0x%lx", __func__, pmap, va, new_l3); } } else { /* New mapping */ pmap_load_store(l3, new_l3); dsb(ishst); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if (pmap != pmap_kernel() && (mpte == NULL || mpte->wire_count == NL3PG) && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) { pmap_promote_l2(pmap, pde, va, &lock); } #endif rv = KERN_SUCCESS; out: if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Tries to create a read- and/or execute-only 2MB page mapping. Returns true * if successful. Returns false if (1) a page table page cannot be allocated * without sleeping, (2) a mapping already exists at the specified virtual * address, or (3) a PV entry cannot be allocated without reclaiming another * PV entry. */ static bool pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t new_l2; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); new_l2 = (pd_entry_t)(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_IDX(m->md.pv_memattr) | ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO) | L2_BLOCK); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) new_l2 |= ATTR_SW_MANAGED; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 || m->md.pv_memattr == DEVICE_MEMORY) new_l2 |= ATTR_XN; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) new_l2 |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_USER) | ATTR_PXN; return (pmap_enter_l2(pmap, va, new_l2, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE | PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, NULL, lockp) == KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Tries to create the specified 2MB page mapping. Returns KERN_SUCCESS if * the mapping was created, and either KERN_FAILURE or KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE * otherwise. Returns KERN_FAILURE if PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE was specified and * a mapping already exists at the specified virtual address. Returns * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP was specified and a page table * page allocation failed. Returns KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if * PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM was specified and a PV entry allocation failed. * * The parameter "m" is only used when creating a managed, writeable mapping. */ static int pmap_enter_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t new_l2, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t *l2, old_l2; vm_page_t l2pg, mt; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((l2pg = pmap_alloc_l2(pmap, va, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l2pg)); l2 = &l2[pmap_l2_index(va)]; if ((old_l2 = pmap_load(l2)) != 0) { KASSERT(l2pg->wire_count > 1, ("pmap_enter_l2: l2pg's wire count is too low")); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE) != 0) { l2pg->wire_count--; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } SLIST_INIT(&free); if ((old_l2 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) (void)pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, va, pmap_load(pmap_l1(pmap, va)), &free, lockp); else pmap_remove_l3_range(pmap, old_l2, va, va + L2_SIZE, &free, lockp); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * Both pmap_remove_l2() and pmap_remove_l3() will * leave the kernel page table page zero filled. */ mt = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_load(l2) & ~ATTR_MASK); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mt, false)) panic("pmap_enter_l2: trie insert failed"); } else KASSERT(pmap_load(l2) == 0, ("pmap_enter_l2: non-zero L2 entry %p", l2)); } if ((new_l2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { /* * Abort this mapping if its PV entry could not be created. */ if (!pmap_pv_insert_l2(pmap, va, new_l2, flags, lockp)) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, l2pg, &free)) { /* * Although "va" is not mapped, paging-structure * caches could nonetheless have entries that * refer to the freed page table pages. * Invalidate those entries. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } if ((new_l2 & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) for (mt = m; mt < &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_aflag_set(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Increment counters. */ if ((new_l2 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count += L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; /* * Map the superpage. */ (void)pmap_load_store(l2, new_l2); dsb(ishst); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_mappings, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpte = NULL; m = m_start; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { va = start + ptoa(diff); if ((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0 && va + L2_SIZE <= end && m->psind == 1 && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap, va, m, prot, &lock)) m = &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE - 1]; else mpte = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, mpte, &lock); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; lock = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *l2, *l3, l3_val; vm_paddr_t pa; int lvl; KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: managed mapping within the clean submap")); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_quick_locked: %p %lx", pmap, va); /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { vm_pindex_t l2pindex; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ l2pindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va); if (mpte && (mpte->pindex == l2pindex)) { mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Get the l2 entry */ pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va, &lvl); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment * the hold count, and activate it. Otherwise, we * attempt to allocate a page table page. If this * attempt fails, we don't retry. Instead, we give up. */ if (lvl == 1) { l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, va); if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) return (NULL); } if (lvl == 2 && pmap_load(pde) != 0) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_load(pde) & ~ATTR_MASK); mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Pass NULL instead of the PV list lock * pointer, because we don't intend to sleep. */ mpte = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, l2pindex, NULL); if (mpte == NULL) return (mpte); } } l3 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte)); l3 = &l3[pmap_l3_index(va)]; } else { mpte = NULL; pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: Invalid level %d", lvl)); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, va); } /* * Abort if a mapping already exists. */ if (pmap_load(l3) != 0) { if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, va, m, lockp)) { if (mpte != NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_l3(pmap, va, mpte, &free)) { pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); l3_val = pa | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_IDX(m->md.pv_memattr) | ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO) | L3_PAGE; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 || m->md.pv_memattr == DEVICE_MEMORY) l3_val |= ATTR_XN; else if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) l3_val |= ATTR_PXN; /* * Now validate mapping with RO protection */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) l3_val |= ATTR_SW_MANAGED; /* Sync icache before the mapping is stored to PTE */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) && pmap != kernel_pmap && m->md.pv_memattr == VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK) cpu_icache_sync_range(PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa), PAGE_SIZE); pmap_load_store(l3, l3_val); /* * XXX In principle, because this L3 entry was invalid, we should not * need to perform a TLB invalidation here. However, in practice, * when simply performing a "dsb ishst" here, processes are being * terminated due to bus errors and segmentation violations. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); return (mpte); } /* * This code maps large physical mmap regions into the * processor address space. Note that some shortcuts * are taken, but the code works. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, * so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t va_next; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2; pt_entry_t *l3; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { l0 = pmap_l0(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l0) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L0_SIZE) & ~L0_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if (pmap_load(l2) == 0) continue; if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) { if ((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: l2 %#jx is missing " "ATTR_SW_WIRED", (uintmax_t)pmap_load(l2)); /* * Are we unwiring the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { atomic_clear_64(l2, ATTR_SW_WIRED); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; continue; } else if (pmap_demote_l2(pmap, l2, sva) == NULL) panic("pmap_unwire: demotion failed"); } KASSERT((pmap_load(l2) & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_TABLE, ("pmap_unwire: Invalid l2 entry after demotion")); if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); sva != va_next; l3++, sva += L3_SIZE) { if (pmap_load(l3) == 0) continue; if ((pmap_load(l3) & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: l3 %#jx is missing " "ATTR_SW_WIRED", (uintmax_t)pmap_load(l3)); /* * ATTR_SW_WIRED must be cleared atomically. Although * the pmap lock synchronizes access to ATTR_SW_WIRED, * the System MMU may write to the entry concurrently. */ atomic_clear_64(l3, ATTR_SW_WIRED); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. * * Because the executable mappings created by this routine are copied, * it should not have to flush the instruction cache. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { struct rwlock *lock; struct spglist free; pd_entry_t *l0, *l1, *l2, srcptepaddr; pt_entry_t *dst_pte, ptetemp, *src_pte; vm_offset_t addr, end_addr, va_next; vm_page_t dst_l2pg, dstmpte, srcmpte; if (dst_addr != src_addr) return; end_addr = src_addr + len; lock = NULL; if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } for (addr = src_addr; addr < end_addr; addr = va_next) { l0 = pmap_l0(src_pmap, addr); if (pmap_load(l0) == 0) { va_next = (addr + L0_SIZE) & ~L0_OFFSET; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; continue; } l1 = pmap_l0_to_l1(l0, addr); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (addr + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; continue; } va_next = (addr + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < addr) va_next = end_addr; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, addr); srcptepaddr = pmap_load(l2); if (srcptepaddr == 0) continue; if ((srcptepaddr & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK) { if ((addr & L2_OFFSET) != 0 || addr + L2_SIZE > end_addr) continue; dst_l2pg = pmap_alloc_l2(dst_pmap, addr, NULL); if (dst_l2pg == NULL) break; l2 = (pd_entry_t *) PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst_l2pg)); l2 = &l2[pmap_l2_index(addr)]; if (pmap_load(l2) == 0 && ((srcptepaddr & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) == 0 || pmap_pv_insert_l2(dst_pmap, addr, srcptepaddr, PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, &lock))) { (void)pmap_load_store(l2, srcptepaddr & ~ATTR_SW_WIRED); pmap_resident_count_inc(dst_pmap, L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_mappings, 1); } else dst_l2pg->wire_count--; continue; } KASSERT((srcptepaddr & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_TABLE, ("pmap_copy: invalid L2 entry")); srcptepaddr &= ~ATTR_MASK; srcmpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(srcptepaddr); KASSERT(srcmpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_copy: source page table page is unused")); if (va_next > end_addr) va_next = end_addr; src_pte = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(srcptepaddr); src_pte = &src_pte[pmap_l3_index(addr)]; dstmpte = NULL; for (; addr < va_next; addr += PAGE_SIZE, src_pte++) { ptetemp = pmap_load(src_pte); /* * We only virtual copy managed pages. */ if ((ptetemp & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) == 0) continue; if (dstmpte != NULL) { KASSERT(dstmpte->pindex == pmap_l2_pindex(addr), ("dstmpte pindex/addr mismatch")); dstmpte->wire_count++; } else if ((dstmpte = pmap_alloc_l3(dst_pmap, addr, NULL)) == NULL) goto out; dst_pte = (pt_entry_t *) PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dstmpte)); dst_pte = &dst_pte[pmap_l3_index(addr)]; if (pmap_load(dst_pte) == 0 && pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(dst_pmap, addr, PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptetemp & ~ATTR_MASK), &lock)) { /* * Clear the wired, modified, and accessed * (referenced) bits during the copy. * * XXX not yet */ (void)pmap_load_store(dst_pte, ptetemp & ~ATTR_SW_WIRED); pmap_resident_count_inc(dst_pmap, 1); } else { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_l3(dst_pmap, addr, dstmpte, &free)) { /* * Although "addr" is not mapped, * paging-structure caches could * nonetheless have entries that refer * to the freed page table pages. * Invalidate those entries. * * XXX redundant invalidation */ pmap_invalidate_page(dst_pmap, addr); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } goto out; } /* Have we copied all of the valid mappings? */ if (dstmpte->wire_count >= srcmpte->wire_count) break; } } out: /* * XXX This barrier may not be needed because the destination pmap is * not active. */ dsb(ishst); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); } /* * pmap_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pagezero((void *)va); } /* * pmap_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * off and size may not cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (off == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) pagezero((void *)va); else bzero((char *)va + off, size); } /* * pmap_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) * page by mapping the page into virtual memory and using * bcopy to copy the page, one machine dependent page at a * time. */ void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t src = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc)); vm_offset_t dst = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst)); pagecopy((void *)src, (void *)dst); } int unmapped_buf_allowed = 1; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_page_t m_a, m_b; vm_paddr_t p_a, p_b; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; m_a = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; p_a = m_a->phys_addr; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; m_b = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; p_b = m_b->phys_addr; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); if (__predict_false(!PHYS_IN_DMAP(p_a))) { panic("!DMAP a %lx", p_a); } else { a_cp = (char *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(p_a) + a_pg_offset; } if (__predict_false(!PHYS_IN_DMAP(p_b))) { panic("!DMAP b %lx", p_b); } else { b_cp = (char *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(p_b) + b_pg_offset; } bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } if (!rv && loops < 16 && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } } rw_runlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { struct rwlock *lock; struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; int count, lvl, md_gen, pvh_gen; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (0); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); if (pte != NULL && (pmap_load(pte) & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); if (pte != NULL && (pmap_load(pte) & ATTR_SW_WIRED) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } rw_runlock(lock); return (count); } /* * Destroy all managed, non-wired mappings in the given user-space * pmap. This pmap cannot be active on any processor besides the * caller. * * This function cannot be applied to the kernel pmap. Moreover, it * is not intended for general use. It is only to be used during * process termination. Consequently, it can be implemented in ways * that make it faster than pmap_remove(). First, it can more quickly * destroy mappings by iterating over the pmap's collection of PV * entries, rather than searching the page table. Second, it doesn't * have to test and clear the page table entries atomically, because * no processor is currently accessing the user address space. In * particular, a page table entry's dirty bit won't change state once * this function starts. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; struct spglist free; vm_page_t m, ml3, mt; pv_entry_t pv; struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; struct rwlock *lock; int64_t bit; uint64_t inuse, bitmask; int allfree, field, freed, idx, lvl; vm_paddr_t pa; lock = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&free); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { allfree = 1; freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = ffsl(inuse) - 1; bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * 64 + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("Attempting to remove an unmapped page")); switch(lvl) { case 1: pte = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("Attempting to remove an invalid " "block: %lx", tpte)); tpte = pmap_load(pte); break; case 2: pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); KASSERT((tpte & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L3_PAGE, ("Attempting to remove an invalid " "page: %lx", tpte)); break; default: panic( "Invalid page directory level: %d", lvl); } /* * We cannot remove wired pages from a process' mapping at this time */ if (tpte & ATTR_SW_WIRED) { allfree = 0; continue; } pa = tpte & ~ATTR_MASK; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); KASSERT(m->phys_addr == pa, ("vm_page_t %p phys_addr mismatch %016jx %016jx", m, (uintmax_t)m->phys_addr, (uintmax_t)tpte)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_remove_pages: bad pte %#jx", (uintmax_t)tpte)); pmap_load_clear(pte); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean/reference bits. */ if ((tpte & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) { switch (lvl) { case 1: for (mt = m; mt < &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); break; case 2: vm_page_dirty(m); break; } } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(&lock, m); /* Mark free */ pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; switch (lvl) { case 1: pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); pvh = pa_to_pvh(tpte & ~ATTR_MASK); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv,pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) if ((mt->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&mt->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (ml3 != NULL) { KASSERT(ml3->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pages: l3 page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap,1); KASSERT(ml3->wire_count == NL3PG, ("pmap_remove_pages: l3 page wire count error")); ml3->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(ml3, &free, FALSE); } break; case 2: pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh( VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } break; } pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, pmap_load(pde), &free); freed++; } } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, freed)); if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * This is used to check if a page has been accessed or modified. As we * don't have a bit to see if it has been modified we have to assume it * has been if the page is read/write. */ static boolean_t pmap_page_test_mappings(vm_page_t m, boolean_t accessed, boolean_t modified) { struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv; struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t *pte, mask, value; pmap_t pmap; int lvl, md_gen, pvh_gen; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(lvl == 3, ("pmap_page_test_mappings: Invalid level %d", lvl)); mask = 0; value = 0; if (modified) { mask |= ATTR_AP_RW_BIT; value |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW); } if (accessed) { mask |= ATTR_AF | ATTR_DESCR_MASK; value |= ATTR_AF | L3_PAGE; } rv = (pmap_load(pte) & mask) == value; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_page_test_mappings: Invalid level %d", lvl)); mask = 0; value = 0; if (modified) { mask |= ATTR_AP_RW_BIT; value |= ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW); } if (accessed) { mask |= ATTR_AF | ATTR_DESCR_MASK; value |= ATTR_AF | L2_BLOCK; } rv = (pmap_load(pte) & mask) == value; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } } out: rw_runlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PG_M set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, FALSE, TRUE)); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is eligible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pt_entry_t *pte; boolean_t rv; int lvl; rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, addr, &lvl); if (pte != NULL && pmap_load(pte) != 0) { rv = TRUE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, TRUE, FALSE)); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pt_entry_t oldpte, *pte; vm_offset_t va; int lvl, md_gen, pvh_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); retry_pv_loop: rw_wlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } va = pv->pv_va; pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); if ((pmap_load(pte) & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) (void)pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, pte, va, &lock); KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); retry: oldpte = pmap_load(pte); if ((oldpte & ATTR_AP_RW_BIT) == ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RW)) { if (!atomic_cmpset_long(pte, oldpte, oldpte | ATTR_AP(ATTR_AP_RO))) goto retry; if ((oldpte & ATTR_AF) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } static __inline boolean_t safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t pte) { return (FALSE); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv, pvf; pmap_t pmap; struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *pde, tpde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pt_entry_t *l3; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; int cleared, md_gen, not_cleared, lvl, pvh_gen; struct spglist free; bool demoted; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); cleared = 0; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(pa); rw_wlock(lock); retry: not_cleared = 0; if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) == NULL) goto small_mappings; pv = pvf; do { if (pvf == NULL) pvf = pv; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_ts_referenced: no l1 table found")); KASSERT(lvl == 1, ("pmap_ts_referenced: invalid pde level %d", lvl)); tpde = pmap_load(pde); KASSERT((tpde & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_TABLE, ("pmap_ts_referenced: found an invalid l1 table")); pte = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); if (pmap_page_dirty(tpte)) { /* * Although "tpte" is mapping a 2MB page, because * this function is called at a 4KB page granularity, * we only update the 4KB page under test. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((tpte & ATTR_AF) != 0) { /* * Since this reference bit is shared by 512 4KB * pages, it should not be cleared every time it is * tested. Apply a simple "hash" function on the * physical page number, the virtual superpage number, * and the pmap address to select one 4KB page out of * the 512 on which testing the reference bit will * result in clearing that reference bit. This * function is designed to avoid the selection of the * same 4KB page for every 2MB page mapping. * * On demotion, a mapping that hasn't been referenced * is simply destroyed. To avoid the possibility of a * subsequent page fault on a demoted wired mapping, * always leave its reference bit set. Moreover, * since the superpage is wired, the current state of * its reference bit won't affect page replacement. */ if ((((pa >> PAGE_SHIFT) ^ (pv->pv_va >> L2_SHIFT) ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) & (Ln_ENTRIES - 1)) == 0 && (tpte & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0) { if (safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap, tpte)) { /* * TODO: We don't handle the access * flag at all. We need to be able * to set it in the exception handler. */ panic("ARM64TODO: " "safe_to_clear_referenced\n"); } else if (pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, pte, pv->pv_va, &lock) != NULL) { demoted = true; va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - (tpte & ~ATTR_MASK); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(pte, va); pmap_remove_l3(pmap, l3, va, pmap_load(pte), NULL, &lock); } else demoted = true; if (demoted) { /* * The superpage mapping was removed * entirely and therefore 'pv' is no * longer valid. */ if (pvf == pv) pvf = NULL; pv = NULL; } cleared++; KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); } else not_cleared++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; } if (cleared + not_cleared >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) goto out; } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != pvf); small_mappings: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) == NULL) goto out; pv = pvf; do { if (pvf == NULL) pvf = pv; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_ts_referenced: no l2 table found")); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_ts_referenced: invalid pde level %d", lvl)); tpde = pmap_load(pde); KASSERT((tpde & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_TABLE, ("pmap_ts_referenced: found an invalid l2 table")); pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); if (pmap_page_dirty(tpte)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((tpte & ATTR_AF) != 0) { if (safe_to_clear_referenced(pmap, tpte)) { /* * TODO: We don't handle the access flag * at all. We need to be able to set it in * the exception handler. */ panic("ARM64TODO: safe_to_clear_referenced\n"); } else if ((tpte & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0) { /* * Wired pages cannot be paged out so * doing accessed bit emulation for * them is wasted effort. We do the * hard work for unwired pages only. */ pmap_remove_l3(pmap, pte, pv->pv_va, tpde, &free, &lock); cleared++; if (pvf == pv) pvf = NULL; pv = NULL; KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); } else not_cleared++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; } } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != pvf && cleared + not_cleared < PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX); out: rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); return (cleared + not_cleared); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PG_M set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; /* ARM64TODO: We lack support for tracking if a page is modified */ } void * pmap_mapbios(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t va, offset; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *l2; int i, lvl, l2_blocks, free_l2_count, start_idx; if (!vm_initialized) { /* * No L3 ptables so map entire L2 blocks where start VA is: * preinit_map_va + start_idx * L2_SIZE * There may be duplicate mappings (multiple VA -> same PA) but * ARM64 dcache is always PIPT so that's acceptable. */ if (size == 0) return (NULL); /* Calculate how many L2 blocks are needed for the mapping */ l2_blocks = (roundup2(pa + size, L2_SIZE) - rounddown2(pa, L2_SIZE)) >> L2_SHIFT; offset = pa & L2_OFFSET; if (preinit_map_va == 0) return (NULL); /* Map 2MiB L2 blocks from reserved VA space */ free_l2_count = 0; start_idx = -1; /* Find enough free contiguous VA space */ for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (free_l2_count > 0 && ppim->pa != 0) { /* Not enough space here */ free_l2_count = 0; start_idx = -1; continue; } if (ppim->pa == 0) { /* Free L2 block */ if (start_idx == -1) start_idx = i; free_l2_count++; if (free_l2_count == l2_blocks) break; } } if (free_l2_count != l2_blocks) panic("%s: too many preinit mappings", __func__); va = preinit_map_va + (start_idx * L2_SIZE); for (i = start_idx; i < start_idx + l2_blocks; i++) { /* Mark entries as allocated */ ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; ppim->pa = pa; ppim->va = va + offset; ppim->size = size; } /* Map L2 blocks */ pa = rounddown2(pa, L2_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < l2_blocks; i++) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_mapbios: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 1, ("pmap_mapbios: Invalid level %d", lvl)); /* Insert L2_BLOCK */ l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, va); pmap_load_store(l2, pa | ATTR_DEFAULT | ATTR_XN | ATTR_IDX(CACHED_MEMORY) | L2_BLOCK); va += L2_SIZE; pa += L2_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_all(kernel_pmap); va = preinit_map_va + (start_idx * L2_SIZE); } else { /* kva_alloc may be used to map the pages */ offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); va = kva_alloc(size); if (va == 0) panic("%s: Couldn't allocate KVA", __func__); pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_mapbios: Invalid level %d", lvl)); /* L3 table is linked */ va = trunc_page(va); pa = trunc_page(pa); pmap_kenter(va, size, pa, CACHED_MEMORY); } return ((void *)(va + offset)); } void pmap_unmapbios(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t offset, tmpsize, va_trunc; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *l2; int i, lvl, l2_blocks, block; bool preinit_map; l2_blocks = (roundup2(va + size, L2_SIZE) - rounddown2(va, L2_SIZE)) >> L2_SHIFT; KASSERT(l2_blocks > 0, ("pmap_unmapbios: invalid size %lx", size)); /* Remove preinit mapping */ preinit_map = false; block = 0; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == va) { KASSERT(ppim->size == size, ("pmap_unmapbios: size mismatch")); ppim->va = 0; ppim->pa = 0; ppim->size = 0; preinit_map = true; offset = block * L2_SIZE; va_trunc = rounddown2(va, L2_SIZE) + offset; /* Remove L2_BLOCK */ pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va_trunc, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_unmapbios: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va_trunc)); l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(pde, va_trunc); pmap_load_clear(l2); if (block == (l2_blocks - 1)) break; block++; } } if (preinit_map) { pmap_invalidate_all(kernel_pmap); return; } /* Unmap the pages reserved with kva_alloc. */ if (vm_initialized) { offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); va = trunc_page(va); pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va, &lvl); KASSERT(pde != NULL, ("pmap_unmapbios: Invalid page entry, va: 0x%lx", va)); KASSERT(lvl == 2, ("pmap_unmapbios: Invalid level %d", lvl)); /* Unmap and invalidate the pages */ for (tmpsize = 0; tmpsize < size; tmpsize += PAGE_SIZE) pmap_kremove(va + tmpsize); kva_free(va, size); } } /* * Sets the memory attribute for the specified page. */ void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { m->md.pv_memattr = ma; /* * If "m" is a normal page, update its direct mapping. This update * can be relied upon to perform any cache operations that are * required for data coherence. */ if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_change_attr(PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)), PAGE_SIZE, m->md.pv_memattr) != 0) panic("memory attribute change on the direct map failed"); } /* * Changes the specified virtual address range's memory type to that given by * the parameter "mode". The specified virtual address range must be * completely contained within either the direct map or the kernel map. If * the virtual address range is contained within the kernel map, then the * memory type for each of the corresponding ranges of the direct map is also * changed. (The corresponding ranges of the direct map are those ranges that * map the same physical pages as the specified virtual address range.) These * changes to the direct map are necessary because Intel describes the * behavior of their processors as "undefined" if two or more mappings to the * same physical page have different memory types. * * Returns zero if the change completed successfully, and either EINVAL or * ENOMEM if the change failed. Specifically, EINVAL is returned if some part * of the virtual address range was not mapped, and ENOMEM is returned if * there was insufficient memory available to complete the change. In the * latter case, the memory type may have been changed on some part of the * virtual address range or the direct map. */ static int pmap_change_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode) { int error; PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); error = pmap_change_attr_locked(va, size, mode); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (error); } static int pmap_change_attr_locked(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode) { vm_offset_t base, offset, tmpva; pt_entry_t l3, *pte, *newpte; int lvl; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(kernel_pmap, MA_OWNED); base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); if (!VIRT_IN_DMAP(base)) return (EINVAL); for (tmpva = base; tmpva < base + size; ) { pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, tmpva, &lvl); if (pte == NULL) return (EINVAL); if ((pmap_load(pte) & ATTR_IDX_MASK) == ATTR_IDX(mode)) { /* * We already have the correct attribute, * ignore this entry. */ switch (lvl) { default: panic("Invalid DMAP table level: %d\n", lvl); case 1: tmpva = (tmpva & ~L1_OFFSET) + L1_SIZE; break; case 2: tmpva = (tmpva & ~L2_OFFSET) + L2_SIZE; break; case 3: tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; break; } } else { /* * Split the entry to an level 3 table, then * set the new attribute. */ switch (lvl) { default: panic("Invalid DMAP table level: %d\n", lvl); case 1: newpte = pmap_demote_l1(kernel_pmap, pte, tmpva & ~L1_OFFSET); if (newpte == NULL) return (EINVAL); pte = pmap_l1_to_l2(pte, tmpva); case 2: newpte = pmap_demote_l2(kernel_pmap, pte, tmpva); if (newpte == NULL) return (EINVAL); pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pte, tmpva); case 3: /* Update the entry */ l3 = pmap_load(pte); l3 &= ~ATTR_IDX_MASK; l3 |= ATTR_IDX(mode); if (mode == DEVICE_MEMORY) l3 |= ATTR_XN; pmap_update_entry(kernel_pmap, pte, l3, tmpva, PAGE_SIZE); /* * If moving to a non-cacheable entry flush * the cache. */ if (mode == VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) cpu_dcache_wbinv_range(tmpva, L3_SIZE); break; } tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; } } return (0); } /* * Create an L2 table to map all addresses within an L1 mapping. */ static pt_entry_t * pmap_demote_l1(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l1, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *l2, newl2, oldl1; vm_offset_t tmpl1; vm_paddr_t l2phys, phys; vm_page_t ml2; int i; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldl1 = pmap_load(l1); KASSERT((oldl1 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L1_BLOCK, ("pmap_demote_l1: Demoting a non-block entry")); KASSERT((va & L1_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_demote_l1: Invalid virtual address %#lx", va)); KASSERT((oldl1 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_demote_l1: Level 1 table shouldn't be managed")); tmpl1 = 0; if (va <= (vm_offset_t)l1 && va + L1_SIZE > (vm_offset_t)l1) { tmpl1 = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE); if (tmpl1 == 0) return (NULL); } if ((ml2 = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l1: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (NULL); } l2phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ml2); l2 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(l2phys); /* Address the range points at */ phys = oldl1 & ~ATTR_MASK; /* The attributed from the old l1 table to be copied */ newl2 = oldl1 & ATTR_MASK; /* Create the new entries */ for (i = 0; i < Ln_ENTRIES; i++) { l2[i] = newl2 | phys; phys += L2_SIZE; } KASSERT(l2[0] == ((oldl1 & ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK) | L2_BLOCK), ("Invalid l2 page (%lx != %lx)", l2[0], (oldl1 & ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK) | L2_BLOCK)); if (tmpl1 != 0) { pmap_kenter(tmpl1, PAGE_SIZE, DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)l1) & ~L3_OFFSET, CACHED_MEMORY); l1 = (pt_entry_t *)(tmpl1 + ((vm_offset_t)l1 & PAGE_MASK)); } pmap_update_entry(pmap, l1, l2phys | L1_TABLE, va, PAGE_SIZE); if (tmpl1 != 0) { pmap_kremove(tmpl1); kva_free(tmpl1, PAGE_SIZE); } return (l2); } static void pmap_demote_l2_abort(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt_entry_t *l2, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; SLIST_INIT(&free); (void)pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, va, pmap_load(pmap_l1(pmap, va)), &free, lockp); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * Create an L3 table to map all addresses within an L2 mapping. */ static pt_entry_t * pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pt_entry_t *l3, newl3, oldl2; vm_offset_t tmpl2; vm_paddr_t l3phys, phys; vm_page_t ml3; int i; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); l3 = NULL; oldl2 = pmap_load(l2); KASSERT((oldl2 & ATTR_DESCR_MASK) == L2_BLOCK, ("pmap_demote_l2: Demoting a non-block entry")); va &= ~L2_OFFSET; tmpl2 = 0; if (va <= (vm_offset_t)l2 && va + L2_SIZE > (vm_offset_t)l2) { tmpl2 = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE); if (tmpl2 == 0) return (NULL); } /* * Invalidate the 2MB page mapping and return "failure" if the * mapping was never accessed. */ if ((oldl2 & ATTR_AF) == 0) { KASSERT((oldl2 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0, ("pmap_demote_l2: a wired mapping is missing ATTR_AF")); pmap_demote_l2_abort(pmap, va, l2, lockp); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); goto fail; } if ((ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va)) == NULL) { KASSERT((oldl2 & ATTR_SW_WIRED) == 0, ("pmap_demote_l2: page table page for a wired mapping" " is missing")); /* * If the page table page is missing and the mapping * is for a kernel address, the mapping must belong to * the direct map. Page table pages are preallocated * for every other part of the kernel address space, * so the direct map region is the only part of the * kernel address space that must be handled here. */ KASSERT(va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || VIRT_IN_DMAP(va), ("pmap_demote_l2: No saved mpte for va %#lx", va)); /* * If the 2MB page mapping belongs to the direct map * region of the kernel's address space, then the page * allocation request specifies the highest possible * priority (VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT). Otherwise, the * priority is normal. */ ml3 = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pmap_l2_pindex(va), (VIRT_IN_DMAP(va) ? VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT : VM_ALLOC_NORMAL) | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); /* * If the allocation of the new page table page fails, * invalidate the 2MB page mapping and return "failure". */ if (ml3 == NULL) { pmap_demote_l2_abort(pmap, va, l2, lockp); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l2: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); goto fail; } if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { ml3->wire_count = NL3PG; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } } l3phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ml3); l3 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(l3phys); /* Address the range points at */ phys = oldl2 & ~ATTR_MASK; /* The attributed from the old l2 table to be copied */ newl3 = (oldl2 & (ATTR_MASK & ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK)) | L3_PAGE; /* * If the page table page is not leftover from an earlier promotion, * initialize it. */ if (ml3->valid == 0) { for (i = 0; i < Ln_ENTRIES; i++) { l3[i] = newl3 | phys; phys += L3_SIZE; } } KASSERT(l3[0] == ((oldl2 & ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK) | L3_PAGE), ("Invalid l3 page (%lx != %lx)", l3[0], (oldl2 & ~ATTR_DESCR_MASK) | L3_PAGE)); /* * Map the temporary page so we don't lose access to the l2 table. */ if (tmpl2 != 0) { pmap_kenter(tmpl2, PAGE_SIZE, DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)l2) & ~L3_OFFSET, CACHED_MEMORY); l2 = (pt_entry_t *)(tmpl2 + ((vm_offset_t)l2 & PAGE_MASK)); } /* * The spare PV entries must be reserved prior to demoting the * mapping, that is, prior to changing the PDE. Otherwise, the state * of the L2 and the PV lists will be inconsistent, which can result * in reclaim_pv_chunk() attempting to remove a PV entry from the * wrong PV list and pmap_pv_demote_l2() failing to find the expected * PV entry for the 2MB page mapping that is being demoted. */ if ((oldl2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) reserve_pv_entries(pmap, Ln_ENTRIES - 1, lockp); /* * Pass PAGE_SIZE so that a single TLB invalidation is performed on * the 2MB page mapping. */ pmap_update_entry(pmap, l2, l3phys | L2_TABLE, va, PAGE_SIZE); /* * Demote the PV entry. */ if ((oldl2 & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_demote_l2(pmap, va, oldl2 & ~ATTR_MASK, lockp); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_demotions, 1); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l2: success for va %#lx" " in pmap %p %lx", va, pmap, l3[0]); fail: if (tmpl2 != 0) { pmap_kremove(tmpl2); kva_free(tmpl2, PAGE_SIZE); } return (l3); } static pt_entry_t * pmap_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { struct rwlock *lock; pt_entry_t *l3; lock = NULL; l3 = pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); return (l3); } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_paddr_t mask, pa; int lvl, val; bool managed; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: val = 0; pte = pmap_pte(pmap, addr, &lvl); if (pte != NULL) { tpte = pmap_load(pte); switch (lvl) { case 3: mask = L3_OFFSET; break; case 2: mask = L2_OFFSET; break; case 1: mask = L1_OFFSET; break; default: panic("pmap_mincore: invalid level %d", lvl); } val = MINCORE_INCORE; if (lvl != 3) val |= MINCORE_SUPER; if (pmap_page_dirty(tpte)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if ((tpte & ATTR_AF) == ATTR_AF) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; managed = (tpte & ATTR_SW_MANAGED) == ATTR_SW_MANAGED; pa = (tpte & ~ATTR_MASK) | (addr & mask); } else managed = false; if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && managed) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap; critical_enter(); pmap = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); td->td_proc->p_md.md_l0addr = vtophys(pmap->pm_l0); __asm __volatile("msr ttbr0_el1, %0" : : "r"(td->td_proc->p_md.md_l0addr)); pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); critical_exit(); } struct pcb * pmap_switch(struct thread *old, struct thread *new) { pcpu_bp_harden bp_harden; struct pcb *pcb; /* Store the new curthread */ PCPU_SET(curthread, new); /* And the new pcb */ pcb = new->td_pcb; PCPU_SET(curpcb, pcb); /* * TODO: We may need to flush the cache here if switching * to a user process. */ if (old == NULL || old->td_proc->p_md.md_l0addr != new->td_proc->p_md.md_l0addr) { __asm __volatile( /* Switch to the new pmap */ "msr ttbr0_el1, %0 \n" "isb \n" /* Invalidate the TLB */ "dsb ishst \n" "tlbi vmalle1is \n" "dsb ish \n" "isb \n" : : "r"(new->td_proc->p_md.md_l0addr)); /* * Stop userspace from training the branch predictor against * other processes. This will call into a CPU specific * function that clears the branch predictor state. */ bp_harden = PCPU_GET(bp_harden); if (bp_harden != NULL) bp_harden(); } return (pcb); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { if (va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { cpu_icache_sync_range(va, sz); } else { u_int len, offset; vm_paddr_t pa; /* Find the length of data in this page to flush */ offset = va & PAGE_MASK; len = imin(PAGE_SIZE - offset, sz); while (sz != 0) { /* Extract the physical address & find it in the DMAP */ pa = pmap_extract(pmap, va); if (pa != 0) cpu_icache_sync_range(PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa), len); /* Move to the next page */ sz -= len; va += len; /* Set the length for the next iteration */ len = imin(PAGE_SIZE, sz); } } } int pmap_fault(pmap_t pmap, uint64_t esr, uint64_t far) { #ifdef SMP register_t intr; uint64_t par; switch (ESR_ELx_EXCEPTION(esr)) { case EXCP_INSN_ABORT_L: case EXCP_INSN_ABORT: case EXCP_DATA_ABORT_L: case EXCP_DATA_ABORT: break; default: return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* Data and insn aborts use same encoding for FCS field. */ switch (esr & ISS_DATA_DFSC_MASK) { case ISS_DATA_DFSC_TF_L0: case ISS_DATA_DFSC_TF_L1: case ISS_DATA_DFSC_TF_L2: case ISS_DATA_DFSC_TF_L3: PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* Ask the MMU to check the address */ intr = intr_disable(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) par = arm64_address_translate_s1e1r(far); else par = arm64_address_translate_s1e0r(far); intr_restore(intr); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* * If the translation was successful the address was invalid * due to a break-before-make sequence. We can unlock and * return success to the trap handler. */ if (PAR_SUCCESS(par)) return (KERN_SUCCESS); break; default: break; } #endif return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t superpage_offset; if (size < L2_SIZE) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); superpage_offset = offset & L2_OFFSET; if (size - ((L2_SIZE - superpage_offset) & L2_OFFSET) < L2_SIZE || (*addr & L2_OFFSET) == superpage_offset) return; if ((*addr & L2_OFFSET) < superpage_offset) *addr = (*addr & ~L2_OFFSET) + superpage_offset; else *addr = ((*addr + L2_OFFSET) & ~L2_OFFSET) + superpage_offset; } /** * Get the kernel virtual address of a set of physical pages. If there are * physical addresses not covered by the DMAP perform a transient mapping * that will be removed when calling pmap_unmap_io_transient. * * \param page The pages the caller wishes to obtain the virtual * address on the kernel memory map. * \param vaddr On return contains the kernel virtual memory address * of the pages passed in the page parameter. * \param count Number of pages passed in. * \param can_fault TRUE if the thread using the mapped pages can take * page faults, FALSE otherwise. * * \returns TRUE if the caller must call pmap_unmap_io_transient when * finished or FALSE otherwise. * */ boolean_t pmap_map_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; boolean_t needs_mapping; int error, i; /* * Allocate any KVA space that we need, this is done in a separate * loop to prevent calling vmem_alloc while pinned. */ needs_mapping = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (__predict_false(!PHYS_IN_DMAP(paddr))) { error = vmem_alloc(kernel_arena, PAGE_SIZE, M_BESTFIT | M_WAITOK, &vaddr[i]); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmem_alloc failed: %d", error)); needs_mapping = TRUE; } else { vaddr[i] = PHYS_TO_DMAP(paddr); } } /* Exit early if everything is covered by the DMAP */ if (!needs_mapping) return (FALSE); if (!can_fault) sched_pin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (!PHYS_IN_DMAP(paddr)) { panic( "pmap_map_io_transient: TODO: Map out of DMAP data"); } } return (needs_mapping); } void pmap_unmap_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; int i; if (!can_fault) sched_unpin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (!PHYS_IN_DMAP(paddr)) { panic("ARM64TODO: pmap_unmap_io_transient: Unmap data"); } } } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode >= VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE && mode <= VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH); } Index: head/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/fs/zfs/zfs_vnops.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/fs/zfs/zfs_vnops.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/fs/zfs/zfs_vnops.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,6070 +1,6069 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 by Delphix. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Integros [] * Copyright 2017 Nexenta Systems, Inc. */ /* Portions Copyright 2007 Jeremy Teo */ /* Portions Copyright 2010 Robert Milkowski */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Programming rules. * * Each vnode op performs some logical unit of work. To do this, the ZPL must * properly lock its in-core state, create a DMU transaction, do the work, * record this work in the intent log (ZIL), commit the DMU transaction, * and wait for the intent log to commit if it is a synchronous operation. * Moreover, the vnode ops must work in both normal and log replay context. * The ordering of events is important to avoid deadlocks and references * to freed memory. The example below illustrates the following Big Rules: * * (1) A check must be made in each zfs thread for a mounted file system. * This is done avoiding races using ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs). * A ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs) is needed before all returns. Any znodes * must be checked with ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp). Both of these macros * can return EIO from the calling function. * * (2) VN_RELE() should always be the last thing except for zil_commit() * (if necessary) and ZFS_EXIT(). This is for 3 reasons: * First, if it's the last reference, the vnode/znode * can be freed, so the zp may point to freed memory. Second, the last * reference will call zfs_zinactive(), which may induce a lot of work -- * pushing cached pages (which acquires range locks) and syncing out * cached atime changes. Third, zfs_zinactive() may require a new tx, * which could deadlock the system if you were already holding one. * If you must call VN_RELE() within a tx then use VN_RELE_ASYNC(). * * (3) All range locks must be grabbed before calling dmu_tx_assign(), * as they can span dmu_tx_assign() calls. * * (4) If ZPL locks are held, pass TXG_NOWAIT as the second argument to * dmu_tx_assign(). This is critical because we don't want to block * while holding locks. * * If no ZPL locks are held (aside from ZFS_ENTER()), use TXG_WAIT. This * reduces lock contention and CPU usage when we must wait (note that if * throughput is constrained by the storage, nearly every transaction * must wait). * * Note, in particular, that if a lock is sometimes acquired before * the tx assigns, and sometimes after (e.g. z_lock), then failing * to use a non-blocking assign can deadlock the system. The scenario: * * Thread A has grabbed a lock before calling dmu_tx_assign(). * Thread B is in an already-assigned tx, and blocks for this lock. * Thread A calls dmu_tx_assign(TXG_WAIT) and blocks in txg_wait_open() * forever, because the previous txg can't quiesce until B's tx commits. * * If dmu_tx_assign() returns ERESTART and zfsvfs->z_assign is TXG_NOWAIT, * then drop all locks, call dmu_tx_wait(), and try again. On subsequent * calls to dmu_tx_assign(), pass TXG_NOTHROTTLE in addition to TXG_NOWAIT, * to indicate that this operation has already called dmu_tx_wait(). * This will ensure that we don't retry forever, waiting a short bit * each time. * * (5) If the operation succeeded, generate the intent log entry for it * before dropping locks. This ensures that the ordering of events * in the intent log matches the order in which they actually occurred. * During ZIL replay the zfs_log_* functions will update the sequence * number to indicate the zil transaction has replayed. * * (6) At the end of each vnode op, the DMU tx must always commit, * regardless of whether there were any errors. * * (7) After dropping all locks, invoke zil_commit(zilog, foid) * to ensure that synchronous semantics are provided when necessary. * * In general, this is how things should be ordered in each vnode op: * * ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); // exit if unmounted * top: * zfs_dirent_lookup(&dl, ...) // lock directory entry (may VN_HOLD()) * rw_enter(...); // grab any other locks you need * tx = dmu_tx_create(...); // get DMU tx * dmu_tx_hold_*(); // hold each object you might modify * error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, (waited ? TXG_NOTHROTTLE : 0) | TXG_NOWAIT); * if (error) { * rw_exit(...); // drop locks * zfs_dirent_unlock(dl); // unlock directory entry * VN_RELE(...); // release held vnodes * if (error == ERESTART) { * waited = B_TRUE; * dmu_tx_wait(tx); * dmu_tx_abort(tx); * goto top; * } * dmu_tx_abort(tx); // abort DMU tx * ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); // finished in zfs * return (error); // really out of space * } * error = do_real_work(); // do whatever this VOP does * if (error == 0) * zfs_log_*(...); // on success, make ZIL entry * dmu_tx_commit(tx); // commit DMU tx -- error or not * rw_exit(...); // drop locks * zfs_dirent_unlock(dl); // unlock directory entry * VN_RELE(...); // release held vnodes * zil_commit(zilog, foid); // synchronous when necessary * ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); // finished in zfs * return (error); // done, report error */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_open(vnode_t **vpp, int flag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(*vpp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if ((flag & FWRITE) && (zp->z_pflags & ZFS_APPENDONLY) && ((flag & FAPPEND) == 0)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } if (!zfs_has_ctldir(zp) && zp->z_zfsvfs->z_vscan && ZTOV(zp)->v_type == VREG && !(zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_QUARANTINED) && zp->z_size > 0) { if (fs_vscan(*vpp, cr, 0) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EACCES)); } } /* Keep a count of the synchronous opens in the znode */ if (flag & (FSYNC | FDSYNC)) atomic_inc_32(&zp->z_sync_cnt); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_close(vnode_t *vp, int flag, int count, offset_t offset, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; /* * Clean up any locks held by this process on the vp. */ cleanlocks(vp, ddi_get_pid(), 0); cleanshares(vp, ddi_get_pid()); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); /* Decrement the synchronous opens in the znode */ if ((flag & (FSYNC | FDSYNC)) && (count == 1)) atomic_dec_32(&zp->z_sync_cnt); if (!zfs_has_ctldir(zp) && zp->z_zfsvfs->z_vscan && ZTOV(zp)->v_type == VREG && !(zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_QUARANTINED) && zp->z_size > 0) VERIFY(fs_vscan(vp, cr, 1) == 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* * Lseek support for finding holes (cmd == _FIO_SEEK_HOLE) and * data (cmd == _FIO_SEEK_DATA). "off" is an in/out parameter. */ static int zfs_holey(vnode_t *vp, u_long cmd, offset_t *off) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); uint64_t noff = (uint64_t)*off; /* new offset */ uint64_t file_sz; int error; boolean_t hole; file_sz = zp->z_size; if (noff >= file_sz) { return (SET_ERROR(ENXIO)); } if (cmd == _FIO_SEEK_HOLE) hole = B_TRUE; else hole = B_FALSE; error = dmu_offset_next(zp->z_zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, hole, &noff); if (error == ESRCH) return (SET_ERROR(ENXIO)); /* * We could find a hole that begins after the logical end-of-file, * because dmu_offset_next() only works on whole blocks. If the * EOF falls mid-block, then indicate that the "virtual hole" * at the end of the file begins at the logical EOF, rather than * at the end of the last block. */ if (noff > file_sz) { ASSERT(hole); noff = file_sz; } if (noff < *off) return (error); *off = noff; return (error); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_ioctl(vnode_t *vp, u_long com, intptr_t data, int flag, cred_t *cred, int *rvalp, caller_context_t *ct) { offset_t off; offset_t ndata; dmu_object_info_t doi; int error; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; znode_t *zp; switch (com) { case _FIOFFS: { return (0); /* * The following two ioctls are used by bfu. Faking out, * necessary to avoid bfu errors. */ } case _FIOGDIO: case _FIOSDIO: { return (0); } case _FIO_SEEK_DATA: case _FIO_SEEK_HOLE: { #ifdef illumos if (ddi_copyin((void *)data, &off, sizeof (off), flag)) return (SET_ERROR(EFAULT)); #else off = *(offset_t *)data; #endif zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); /* offset parameter is in/out */ error = zfs_holey(vp, com, &off); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (error) return (error); #ifdef illumos if (ddi_copyout(&off, (void *)data, sizeof (off), flag)) return (SET_ERROR(EFAULT)); #else *(offset_t *)data = off; #endif return (0); } #ifdef illumos case _FIO_COUNT_FILLED: { /* * _FIO_COUNT_FILLED adds a new ioctl command which * exposes the number of filled blocks in a * ZFS object. */ zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); /* * Wait for all dirty blocks for this object * to get synced out to disk, and the DMU info * updated. */ error = dmu_object_wait_synced(zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id); if (error) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Retrieve fill count from DMU object. */ error = dmu_object_info(zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, &doi); if (error) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } ndata = doi.doi_fill_count; ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (ddi_copyout(&ndata, (void *)data, sizeof (ndata), flag)) return (SET_ERROR(EFAULT)); return (0); } #endif } return (SET_ERROR(ENOTTY)); } static vm_page_t page_busy(vnode_t *vp, int64_t start, int64_t off, int64_t nbytes) { vm_object_t obj; vm_page_t pp; int64_t end; /* * At present vm_page_clear_dirty extends the cleared range to DEV_BSIZE * aligned boundaries, if the range is not aligned. As a result a * DEV_BSIZE subrange with partially dirty data may get marked as clean. * It may happen that all DEV_BSIZE subranges are marked clean and thus * the whole page would be considred clean despite have some dirty data. * For this reason we should shrink the range to DEV_BSIZE aligned * boundaries before calling vm_page_clear_dirty. */ end = rounddown2(off + nbytes, DEV_BSIZE); off = roundup2(off, DEV_BSIZE); nbytes = end - off; obj = vp->v_object; zfs_vmobject_assert_wlocked(obj); for (;;) { if ((pp = vm_page_lookup(obj, OFF_TO_IDX(start))) != NULL && pp->valid) { if (vm_page_xbusied(pp)) { /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_reference(pp); vm_page_lock(pp); zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); vm_page_busy_sleep(pp, "zfsmwb", true); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); continue; } vm_page_sbusy(pp); } else if (pp != NULL) { ASSERT(!pp->valid); pp = NULL; } if (pp != NULL) { ASSERT3U(pp->valid, ==, VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL); vm_object_pip_add(obj, 1); pmap_remove_write(pp); if (nbytes != 0) vm_page_clear_dirty(pp, off, nbytes); } break; } return (pp); } static void page_unbusy(vm_page_t pp) { vm_page_sunbusy(pp); vm_object_pip_subtract(pp->object, 1); } static vm_page_t -page_hold(vnode_t *vp, int64_t start) +page_wire(vnode_t *vp, int64_t start) { vm_object_t obj; vm_page_t pp; obj = vp->v_object; zfs_vmobject_assert_wlocked(obj); for (;;) { if ((pp = vm_page_lookup(obj, OFF_TO_IDX(start))) != NULL && pp->valid) { if (vm_page_xbusied(pp)) { /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_reference(pp); vm_page_lock(pp); zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); vm_page_busy_sleep(pp, "zfsmwb", true); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); continue; } ASSERT3U(pp->valid, ==, VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL); vm_page_lock(pp); - vm_page_hold(pp); + vm_page_wire(pp); vm_page_unlock(pp); - } else pp = NULL; break; } return (pp); } static void -page_unhold(vm_page_t pp) +page_unwire(vm_page_t pp) { vm_page_lock(pp); - vm_page_unhold(pp); + vm_page_unwire(pp, PQ_ACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(pp); } /* * When a file is memory mapped, we must keep the IO data synchronized * between the DMU cache and the memory mapped pages. What this means: * * On Write: If we find a memory mapped page, we write to *both* * the page and the dmu buffer. */ static void update_pages(vnode_t *vp, int64_t start, int len, objset_t *os, uint64_t oid, int segflg, dmu_tx_t *tx) { vm_object_t obj; struct sf_buf *sf; caddr_t va; int off; ASSERT(segflg != UIO_NOCOPY); ASSERT(vp->v_mount != NULL); obj = vp->v_object; ASSERT(obj != NULL); off = start & PAGEOFFSET; zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); for (start &= PAGEMASK; len > 0; start += PAGESIZE) { vm_page_t pp; int nbytes = imin(PAGESIZE - off, len); if ((pp = page_busy(vp, start, off, nbytes)) != NULL) { zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); va = zfs_map_page(pp, &sf); (void) dmu_read(os, oid, start+off, nbytes, va+off, DMU_READ_PREFETCH);; zfs_unmap_page(sf); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); page_unbusy(pp); } len -= nbytes; off = 0; } vm_object_pip_wakeupn(obj, 0); zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); } /* * Read with UIO_NOCOPY flag means that sendfile(2) requests * ZFS to populate a range of page cache pages with data. * * NOTE: this function could be optimized to pre-allocate * all pages in advance, drain exclusive busy on all of them, * map them into contiguous KVA region and populate them * in one single dmu_read() call. */ static int mappedread_sf(vnode_t *vp, int nbytes, uio_t *uio) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); objset_t *os = zp->z_zfsvfs->z_os; struct sf_buf *sf; vm_object_t obj; vm_page_t pp; int64_t start; caddr_t va; int len = nbytes; int off; int error = 0; ASSERT(uio->uio_segflg == UIO_NOCOPY); ASSERT(vp->v_mount != NULL); obj = vp->v_object; ASSERT(obj != NULL); ASSERT((uio->uio_loffset & PAGEOFFSET) == 0); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); for (start = uio->uio_loffset; len > 0; start += PAGESIZE) { int bytes = MIN(PAGESIZE, len); pp = vm_page_grab(obj, OFF_TO_IDX(start), VM_ALLOC_SBUSY | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY); if (pp->valid == 0) { zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); va = zfs_map_page(pp, &sf); error = dmu_read(os, zp->z_id, start, bytes, va, DMU_READ_PREFETCH); if (bytes != PAGESIZE && error == 0) bzero(va + bytes, PAGESIZE - bytes); zfs_unmap_page(sf); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); vm_page_sunbusy(pp); vm_page_lock(pp); if (error) { if (pp->wire_count == 0 && pp->valid == 0 && !vm_page_busied(pp)) vm_page_free(pp); } else { pp->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; vm_page_activate(pp); } vm_page_unlock(pp); } else { ASSERT3U(pp->valid, ==, VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL); vm_page_sunbusy(pp); } if (error) break; uio->uio_resid -= bytes; uio->uio_offset += bytes; len -= bytes; } zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); return (error); } /* * When a file is memory mapped, we must keep the IO data synchronized * between the DMU cache and the memory mapped pages. What this means: * * On Read: We "read" preferentially from memory mapped pages, * else we default from the dmu buffer. * * NOTE: We will always "break up" the IO into PAGESIZE uiomoves when * the file is memory mapped. */ static int mappedread(vnode_t *vp, int nbytes, uio_t *uio) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); vm_object_t obj; int64_t start; caddr_t va; int len = nbytes; int off; int error = 0; ASSERT(vp->v_mount != NULL); obj = vp->v_object; ASSERT(obj != NULL); start = uio->uio_loffset; off = start & PAGEOFFSET; zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); for (start &= PAGEMASK; len > 0; start += PAGESIZE) { vm_page_t pp; uint64_t bytes = MIN(PAGESIZE - off, len); - if (pp = page_hold(vp, start)) { + if (pp = page_wire(vp, start)) { struct sf_buf *sf; caddr_t va; zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); va = zfs_map_page(pp, &sf); #ifdef illumos error = uiomove(va + off, bytes, UIO_READ, uio); #else error = vn_io_fault_uiomove(va + off, bytes, uio); #endif zfs_unmap_page(sf); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); - page_unhold(pp); + page_unwire(pp); } else { zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); error = dmu_read_uio_dbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), uio, bytes); zfs_vmobject_wlock(obj); } len -= bytes; off = 0; if (error) break; } zfs_vmobject_wunlock(obj); return (error); } offset_t zfs_read_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024; /* Tunable */ /* * Read bytes from specified file into supplied buffer. * * IN: vp - vnode of file to be read from. * uio - structure supplying read location, range info, * and return buffer. * ioflag - SYNC flags; used to provide FRSYNC semantics. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * OUT: uio - updated offset and range, buffer filled. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Side Effects: * vp - atime updated if byte count > 0 */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_read(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uio, int ioflag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ssize_t n, nbytes; int error = 0; rl_t *rl; xuio_t *xuio = NULL; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if (zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_QUARANTINED) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EACCES)); } /* * Validate file offset */ if (uio->uio_loffset < (offset_t)0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } /* * Fasttrack empty reads */ if (uio->uio_resid == 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* * Check for mandatory locks */ if (MANDMODE(zp->z_mode)) { if (error = chklock(vp, FREAD, uio->uio_loffset, uio->uio_resid, uio->uio_fmode, ct)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } } /* * If we're in FRSYNC mode, sync out this znode before reading it. */ if (zfsvfs->z_log && (ioflag & FRSYNC || zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS)) zil_commit(zfsvfs->z_log, zp->z_id); /* * Lock the range against changes. */ rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, uio->uio_loffset, uio->uio_resid, RL_READER); /* * If we are reading past end-of-file we can skip * to the end; but we might still need to set atime. */ if (uio->uio_loffset >= zp->z_size) { error = 0; goto out; } ASSERT(uio->uio_loffset < zp->z_size); n = MIN(uio->uio_resid, zp->z_size - uio->uio_loffset); #ifdef illumos if ((uio->uio_extflg == UIO_XUIO) && (((xuio_t *)uio)->xu_type == UIOTYPE_ZEROCOPY)) { int nblk; int blksz = zp->z_blksz; uint64_t offset = uio->uio_loffset; xuio = (xuio_t *)uio; if ((ISP2(blksz))) { nblk = (P2ROUNDUP(offset + n, blksz) - P2ALIGN(offset, blksz)) / blksz; } else { ASSERT(offset + n <= blksz); nblk = 1; } (void) dmu_xuio_init(xuio, nblk); if (vn_has_cached_data(vp)) { /* * For simplicity, we always allocate a full buffer * even if we only expect to read a portion of a block. */ while (--nblk >= 0) { (void) dmu_xuio_add(xuio, dmu_request_arcbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), blksz), 0, blksz); } } } #endif /* illumos */ while (n > 0) { nbytes = MIN(n, zfs_read_chunk_size - P2PHASE(uio->uio_loffset, zfs_read_chunk_size)); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (uio->uio_segflg == UIO_NOCOPY) error = mappedread_sf(vp, nbytes, uio); else #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */ if (vn_has_cached_data(vp)) { error = mappedread(vp, nbytes, uio); } else { error = dmu_read_uio_dbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), uio, nbytes); } if (error) { /* convert checksum errors into IO errors */ if (error == ECKSUM) error = SET_ERROR(EIO); break; } n -= nbytes; } out: zfs_range_unlock(rl); ZFS_ACCESSTIME_STAMP(zfsvfs, zp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Write the bytes to a file. * * IN: vp - vnode of file to be written to. * uio - structure supplying write location, range info, * and data buffer. * ioflag - FAPPEND, FSYNC, and/or FDSYNC. FAPPEND is * set if in append mode. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context (NFS/CIFS fem monitor only) * * OUT: uio - updated offset and range. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * vp - ctime|mtime updated if byte count > 0 */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_write(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uio, int ioflag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); rlim64_t limit = MAXOFFSET_T; ssize_t start_resid = uio->uio_resid; ssize_t tx_bytes; uint64_t end_size; dmu_tx_t *tx; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; offset_t woff; ssize_t n, nbytes; rl_t *rl; int max_blksz = zfsvfs->z_max_blksz; int error = 0; arc_buf_t *abuf; iovec_t *aiov = NULL; xuio_t *xuio = NULL; int i_iov = 0; int iovcnt = uio->uio_iovcnt; iovec_t *iovp = uio->uio_iov; int write_eof; int count = 0; sa_bulk_attr_t bulk[4]; uint64_t mtime[2], ctime[2]; /* * Fasttrack empty write */ n = start_resid; if (n == 0) return (0); if (limit == RLIM64_INFINITY || limit > MAXOFFSET_T) limit = MAXOFFSET_T; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &mtime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_SIZE(zfsvfs), NULL, &zp->z_size, 8); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_FLAGS(zfsvfs), NULL, &zp->z_pflags, 8); /* * In a case vp->v_vfsp != zp->z_zfsvfs->z_vfs (e.g. snapshots) our * callers might not be able to detect properly that we are read-only, * so check it explicitly here. */ if (zfsvfs->z_vfs->vfs_flag & VFS_RDONLY) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EROFS)); } /* * If immutable or not appending then return EPERM. * Intentionally allow ZFS_READONLY through here. * See zfs_zaccess_common() */ if ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_IMMUTABLE) || ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_APPENDONLY) && !(ioflag & FAPPEND) && (uio->uio_loffset < zp->z_size))) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; /* * Validate file offset */ woff = ioflag & FAPPEND ? zp->z_size : uio->uio_loffset; if (woff < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } /* * Check for mandatory locks before calling zfs_range_lock() * in order to prevent a deadlock with locks set via fcntl(). */ if (MANDMODE((mode_t)zp->z_mode) && (error = chklock(vp, FWRITE, woff, n, uio->uio_fmode, ct)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } #ifdef illumos /* * Pre-fault the pages to ensure slow (eg NFS) pages * don't hold up txg. * Skip this if uio contains loaned arc_buf. */ if ((uio->uio_extflg == UIO_XUIO) && (((xuio_t *)uio)->xu_type == UIOTYPE_ZEROCOPY)) xuio = (xuio_t *)uio; else uio_prefaultpages(MIN(n, max_blksz), uio); #endif /* * If in append mode, set the io offset pointer to eof. */ if (ioflag & FAPPEND) { /* * Obtain an appending range lock to guarantee file append * semantics. We reset the write offset once we have the lock. */ rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, 0, n, RL_APPEND); woff = rl->r_off; if (rl->r_len == UINT64_MAX) { /* * We overlocked the file because this write will cause * the file block size to increase. * Note that zp_size cannot change with this lock held. */ woff = zp->z_size; } uio->uio_loffset = woff; } else { /* * Note that if the file block size will change as a result of * this write, then this range lock will lock the entire file * so that we can re-write the block safely. */ rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, woff, n, RL_WRITER); } if (vn_rlimit_fsize(vp, uio, uio->uio_td)) { zfs_range_unlock(rl); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (EFBIG); } if (woff >= limit) { zfs_range_unlock(rl); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EFBIG)); } if ((woff + n) > limit || woff > (limit - n)) n = limit - woff; /* Will this write extend the file length? */ write_eof = (woff + n > zp->z_size); end_size = MAX(zp->z_size, woff + n); /* * Write the file in reasonable size chunks. Each chunk is written * in a separate transaction; this keeps the intent log records small * and allows us to do more fine-grained space accounting. */ while (n > 0) { abuf = NULL; woff = uio->uio_loffset; if (zfs_owner_overquota(zfsvfs, zp, B_FALSE) || zfs_owner_overquota(zfsvfs, zp, B_TRUE)) { if (abuf != NULL) dmu_return_arcbuf(abuf); error = SET_ERROR(EDQUOT); break; } if (xuio && abuf == NULL) { ASSERT(i_iov < iovcnt); aiov = &iovp[i_iov]; abuf = dmu_xuio_arcbuf(xuio, i_iov); dmu_xuio_clear(xuio, i_iov); DTRACE_PROBE3(zfs_cp_write, int, i_iov, iovec_t *, aiov, arc_buf_t *, abuf); ASSERT((aiov->iov_base == abuf->b_data) || ((char *)aiov->iov_base - (char *)abuf->b_data + aiov->iov_len == arc_buf_size(abuf))); i_iov++; } else if (abuf == NULL && n >= max_blksz && woff >= zp->z_size && P2PHASE(woff, max_blksz) == 0 && zp->z_blksz == max_blksz) { /* * This write covers a full block. "Borrow" a buffer * from the dmu so that we can fill it before we enter * a transaction. This avoids the possibility of * holding up the transaction if the data copy hangs * up on a pagefault (e.g., from an NFS server mapping). */ size_t cbytes; abuf = dmu_request_arcbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), max_blksz); ASSERT(abuf != NULL); ASSERT(arc_buf_size(abuf) == max_blksz); if (error = uiocopy(abuf->b_data, max_blksz, UIO_WRITE, uio, &cbytes)) { dmu_return_arcbuf(abuf); break; } ASSERT(cbytes == max_blksz); } /* * Start a transaction. */ tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, zp->z_id, woff, MIN(n, max_blksz)); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); if (abuf != NULL) dmu_return_arcbuf(abuf); break; } /* * If zfs_range_lock() over-locked we grow the blocksize * and then reduce the lock range. This will only happen * on the first iteration since zfs_range_reduce() will * shrink down r_len to the appropriate size. */ if (rl->r_len == UINT64_MAX) { uint64_t new_blksz; if (zp->z_blksz > max_blksz) { /* * File's blocksize is already larger than the * "recordsize" property. Only let it grow to * the next power of 2. */ ASSERT(!ISP2(zp->z_blksz)); new_blksz = MIN(end_size, 1 << highbit64(zp->z_blksz)); } else { new_blksz = MIN(end_size, max_blksz); } zfs_grow_blocksize(zp, new_blksz, tx); zfs_range_reduce(rl, woff, n); } /* * XXX - should we really limit each write to z_max_blksz? * Perhaps we should use SPA_MAXBLOCKSIZE chunks? */ nbytes = MIN(n, max_blksz - P2PHASE(woff, max_blksz)); if (woff + nbytes > zp->z_size) vnode_pager_setsize(vp, woff + nbytes); if (abuf == NULL) { tx_bytes = uio->uio_resid; error = dmu_write_uio_dbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), uio, nbytes, tx); tx_bytes -= uio->uio_resid; } else { tx_bytes = nbytes; ASSERT(xuio == NULL || tx_bytes == aiov->iov_len); /* * If this is not a full block write, but we are * extending the file past EOF and this data starts * block-aligned, use assign_arcbuf(). Otherwise, * write via dmu_write(). */ if (tx_bytes < max_blksz && (!write_eof || aiov->iov_base != abuf->b_data)) { ASSERT(xuio); dmu_write(zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, woff, aiov->iov_len, aiov->iov_base, tx); dmu_return_arcbuf(abuf); xuio_stat_wbuf_copied(); } else { ASSERT(xuio || tx_bytes == max_blksz); dmu_assign_arcbuf(sa_get_db(zp->z_sa_hdl), woff, abuf, tx); } ASSERT(tx_bytes <= uio->uio_resid); uioskip(uio, tx_bytes); } if (tx_bytes && vn_has_cached_data(vp)) { update_pages(vp, woff, tx_bytes, zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, uio->uio_segflg, tx); } /* * If we made no progress, we're done. If we made even * partial progress, update the znode and ZIL accordingly. */ if (tx_bytes == 0) { (void) sa_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_SIZE(zfsvfs), (void *)&zp->z_size, sizeof (uint64_t), tx); dmu_tx_commit(tx); ASSERT(error != 0); break; } /* * Clear Set-UID/Set-GID bits on successful write if not * privileged and at least one of the excute bits is set. * * It would be nice to to this after all writes have * been done, but that would still expose the ISUID/ISGID * to another app after the partial write is committed. * * Note: we don't call zfs_fuid_map_id() here because * user 0 is not an ephemeral uid. */ mutex_enter(&zp->z_acl_lock); if ((zp->z_mode & (S_IXUSR | (S_IXUSR >> 3) | (S_IXUSR >> 6))) != 0 && (zp->z_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID)) != 0 && secpolicy_vnode_setid_retain(vp, cr, (zp->z_mode & S_ISUID) != 0 && zp->z_uid == 0) != 0) { uint64_t newmode; zp->z_mode &= ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID); newmode = zp->z_mode; (void) sa_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_MODE(zfsvfs), (void *)&newmode, sizeof (uint64_t), tx); } mutex_exit(&zp->z_acl_lock); zfs_tstamp_update_setup(zp, CONTENT_MODIFIED, mtime, ctime, B_TRUE); /* * Update the file size (zp_size) if it has changed; * account for possible concurrent updates. */ while ((end_size = zp->z_size) < uio->uio_loffset) { (void) atomic_cas_64(&zp->z_size, end_size, uio->uio_loffset); #ifdef illumos ASSERT(error == 0); #else ASSERT(error == 0 || error == EFAULT); #endif } /* * If we are replaying and eof is non zero then force * the file size to the specified eof. Note, there's no * concurrency during replay. */ if (zfsvfs->z_replay && zfsvfs->z_replay_eof != 0) zp->z_size = zfsvfs->z_replay_eof; if (error == 0) error = sa_bulk_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, bulk, count, tx); else (void) sa_bulk_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, bulk, count, tx); zfs_log_write(zilog, tx, TX_WRITE, zp, woff, tx_bytes, ioflag); dmu_tx_commit(tx); if (error != 0) break; ASSERT(tx_bytes == nbytes); n -= nbytes; #ifdef illumos if (!xuio && n > 0) uio_prefaultpages(MIN(n, max_blksz), uio); #endif } zfs_range_unlock(rl); /* * If we're in replay mode, or we made no progress, return error. * Otherwise, it's at least a partial write, so it's successful. */ if (zfsvfs->z_replay || uio->uio_resid == start_resid) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /* * EFAULT means that at least one page of the source buffer was not * available. VFS will re-try remaining I/O upon this error. */ if (error == EFAULT) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } #endif if (ioflag & (FSYNC | FDSYNC) || zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, zp->z_id); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* ARGSUSED */ void zfs_get_done(zgd_t *zgd, int error) { znode_t *zp = zgd->zgd_private; objset_t *os = zp->z_zfsvfs->z_os; if (zgd->zgd_db) dmu_buf_rele(zgd->zgd_db, zgd); zfs_range_unlock(zgd->zgd_rl); /* * Release the vnode asynchronously as we currently have the * txg stopped from syncing. */ VN_RELE_ASYNC(ZTOV(zp), dsl_pool_vnrele_taskq(dmu_objset_pool(os))); kmem_free(zgd, sizeof (zgd_t)); } #ifdef DEBUG static int zil_fault_io = 0; #endif /* * Get data to generate a TX_WRITE intent log record. */ int zfs_get_data(void *arg, lr_write_t *lr, char *buf, struct lwb *lwb, zio_t *zio) { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = arg; objset_t *os = zfsvfs->z_os; znode_t *zp; uint64_t object = lr->lr_foid; uint64_t offset = lr->lr_offset; uint64_t size = lr->lr_length; dmu_buf_t *db; zgd_t *zgd; int error = 0; ASSERT3P(lwb, !=, NULL); ASSERT3P(zio, !=, NULL); ASSERT3U(size, !=, 0); /* * Nothing to do if the file has been removed */ if (zfs_zget(zfsvfs, object, &zp) != 0) return (SET_ERROR(ENOENT)); if (zp->z_unlinked) { /* * Release the vnode asynchronously as we currently have the * txg stopped from syncing. */ VN_RELE_ASYNC(ZTOV(zp), dsl_pool_vnrele_taskq(dmu_objset_pool(os))); return (SET_ERROR(ENOENT)); } zgd = (zgd_t *)kmem_zalloc(sizeof (zgd_t), KM_SLEEP); zgd->zgd_lwb = lwb; zgd->zgd_private = zp; /* * Write records come in two flavors: immediate and indirect. * For small writes it's cheaper to store the data with the * log record (immediate); for large writes it's cheaper to * sync the data and get a pointer to it (indirect) so that * we don't have to write the data twice. */ if (buf != NULL) { /* immediate write */ zgd->zgd_rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, offset, size, RL_READER); /* test for truncation needs to be done while range locked */ if (offset >= zp->z_size) { error = SET_ERROR(ENOENT); } else { error = dmu_read(os, object, offset, size, buf, DMU_READ_NO_PREFETCH); } ASSERT(error == 0 || error == ENOENT); } else { /* indirect write */ /* * Have to lock the whole block to ensure when it's * written out and its checksum is being calculated * that no one can change the data. We need to re-check * blocksize after we get the lock in case it's changed! */ for (;;) { uint64_t blkoff; size = zp->z_blksz; blkoff = ISP2(size) ? P2PHASE(offset, size) : offset; offset -= blkoff; zgd->zgd_rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, offset, size, RL_READER); if (zp->z_blksz == size) break; offset += blkoff; zfs_range_unlock(zgd->zgd_rl); } /* test for truncation needs to be done while range locked */ if (lr->lr_offset >= zp->z_size) error = SET_ERROR(ENOENT); #ifdef DEBUG if (zil_fault_io) { error = SET_ERROR(EIO); zil_fault_io = 0; } #endif if (error == 0) error = dmu_buf_hold(os, object, offset, zgd, &db, DMU_READ_NO_PREFETCH); if (error == 0) { blkptr_t *bp = &lr->lr_blkptr; zgd->zgd_db = db; zgd->zgd_bp = bp; ASSERT(db->db_offset == offset); ASSERT(db->db_size == size); error = dmu_sync(zio, lr->lr_common.lrc_txg, zfs_get_done, zgd); ASSERT(error || lr->lr_length <= size); /* * On success, we need to wait for the write I/O * initiated by dmu_sync() to complete before we can * release this dbuf. We will finish everything up * in the zfs_get_done() callback. */ if (error == 0) return (0); if (error == EALREADY) { lr->lr_common.lrc_txtype = TX_WRITE2; /* * TX_WRITE2 relies on the data previously * written by the TX_WRITE that caused * EALREADY. We zero out the BP because * it is the old, currently-on-disk BP. */ zgd->zgd_bp = NULL; BP_ZERO(bp); error = 0; } } } zfs_get_done(zgd, error); return (error); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_access(vnode_t *vp, int mode, int flag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if (flag & V_ACE_MASK) error = zfs_zaccess(zp, mode, flag, B_FALSE, cr); else error = zfs_zaccess_rwx(zp, mode, flag, cr); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } static int zfs_dd_callback(struct mount *mp, void *arg, int lkflags, struct vnode **vpp) { int error; *vpp = arg; error = vn_lock(*vpp, lkflags); if (error != 0) vrele(*vpp); return (error); } static int zfs_lookup_lock(vnode_t *dvp, vnode_t *vp, const char *name, int lkflags) { znode_t *zdp = VTOZ(dvp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zdp->z_zfsvfs; int error; int ltype; ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(dvp, __func__); #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if ((zdp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) == 0) VERIFY(!RRM_LOCK_HELD(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_lock)); #endif if (name[0] == 0 || (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == 0)) { ASSERT3P(dvp, ==, vp); vref(dvp); ltype = lkflags & LK_TYPE_MASK; if (ltype != VOP_ISLOCKED(dvp)) { if (ltype == LK_EXCLUSIVE) vn_lock(dvp, LK_UPGRADE | LK_RETRY); else /* if (ltype == LK_SHARED) */ vn_lock(dvp, LK_DOWNGRADE | LK_RETRY); /* * Relock for the "." case could leave us with * reclaimed vnode. */ if (dvp->v_iflag & VI_DOOMED) { vrele(dvp); return (SET_ERROR(ENOENT)); } } return (0); } else if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0) { /* * Note that in this case, dvp is the child vnode, and we * are looking up the parent vnode - exactly reverse from * normal operation. Unlocking dvp requires some rather * tricky unlock/relock dance to prevent mp from being freed; * use vn_vget_ino_gen() which takes care of all that. * * XXX Note that there is a time window when both vnodes are * unlocked. It is possible, although highly unlikely, that * during that window the parent-child relationship between * the vnodes may change, for example, get reversed. * In that case we would have a wrong lock order for the vnodes. * All other filesystems seem to ignore this problem, so we * do the same here. * A potential solution could be implemented as follows: * - using LK_NOWAIT when locking the second vnode and retrying * if necessary * - checking that the parent-child relationship still holds * after locking both vnodes and retrying if it doesn't */ error = vn_vget_ino_gen(dvp, zfs_dd_callback, vp, lkflags, &vp); return (error); } else { error = vn_lock(vp, lkflags); if (error != 0) vrele(vp); return (error); } } /* * Lookup an entry in a directory, or an extended attribute directory. * If it exists, return a held vnode reference for it. * * IN: dvp - vnode of directory to search. * nm - name of entry to lookup. * pnp - full pathname to lookup [UNUSED]. * flags - LOOKUP_XATTR set if looking for an attribute. * rdir - root directory vnode [UNUSED]. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * OUT: vpp - vnode of located entry, NULL if not found. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * NA */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_lookup(vnode_t *dvp, char *nm, vnode_t **vpp, struct componentname *cnp, int nameiop, cred_t *cr, kthread_t *td, int flags) { znode_t *zdp = VTOZ(dvp); znode_t *zp; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zdp->z_zfsvfs; int error = 0; /* * Fast path lookup, however we must skip DNLC lookup * for case folding or normalizing lookups because the * DNLC code only stores the passed in name. This means * creating 'a' and removing 'A' on a case insensitive * file system would work, but DNLC still thinks 'a' * exists and won't let you create it again on the next * pass through fast path. */ if (!(flags & LOOKUP_XATTR)) { if (dvp->v_type != VDIR) { return (SET_ERROR(ENOTDIR)); } else if (zdp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) { return (SET_ERROR(EIO)); } } DTRACE_PROBE2(zfs__fastpath__lookup__miss, vnode_t *, dvp, char *, nm); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zdp); *vpp = NULL; if (flags & LOOKUP_XATTR) { #ifdef TODO /* * If the xattr property is off, refuse the lookup request. */ if (!(zfsvfs->z_vfs->vfs_flag & VFS_XATTR)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } #endif /* * We don't allow recursive attributes.. * Maybe someday we will. */ if (zdp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } if (error = zfs_get_xattrdir(VTOZ(dvp), vpp, cr, flags)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Do we have permission to get into attribute directory? */ if (error = zfs_zaccess(VTOZ(*vpp), ACE_EXECUTE, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { vrele(*vpp); *vpp = NULL; } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Check accessibility of directory. */ if (error = zfs_zaccess(zdp, ACE_EXECUTE, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(nm, strlen(nm), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EILSEQ)); } /* * First handle the special cases. */ if ((cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) != 0) { /* * If we are a snapshot mounted under .zfs, return * the vp for the snapshot directory. */ if (zdp->z_id == zfsvfs->z_root && zfsvfs->z_parent != zfsvfs) { struct componentname cn; vnode_t *zfsctl_vp; int ltype; ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); ltype = VOP_ISLOCKED(dvp); VOP_UNLOCK(dvp, 0); error = zfsctl_root(zfsvfs->z_parent, LK_SHARED, &zfsctl_vp); if (error == 0) { cn.cn_nameptr = "snapshot"; cn.cn_namelen = strlen(cn.cn_nameptr); cn.cn_nameiop = cnp->cn_nameiop; cn.cn_flags = cnp->cn_flags & ~ISDOTDOT; cn.cn_lkflags = cnp->cn_lkflags; error = VOP_LOOKUP(zfsctl_vp, vpp, &cn); vput(zfsctl_vp); } vn_lock(dvp, ltype | LK_RETRY); return (error); } } if (zfs_has_ctldir(zdp) && strcmp(nm, ZFS_CTLDIR_NAME) == 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if ((cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN) != 0 && nameiop != LOOKUP) return (SET_ERROR(ENOTSUP)); error = zfsctl_root(zfsvfs, cnp->cn_lkflags, vpp); return (error); } /* * The loop is retry the lookup if the parent-child relationship * changes during the dot-dot locking complexities. */ for (;;) { uint64_t parent; error = zfs_dirlook(zdp, nm, &zp); if (error == 0) *vpp = ZTOV(zp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (error != 0) break; error = zfs_lookup_lock(dvp, *vpp, nm, cnp->cn_lkflags); if (error != 0) { /* * If we've got a locking error, then the vnode * got reclaimed because of a force unmount. * We never enter doomed vnodes into the name cache. */ *vpp = NULL; return (error); } if ((cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) == 0) break; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); if (zdp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) { error = SET_ERROR(EIO); } else { error = sa_lookup(zdp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_PARENT(zfsvfs), &parent, sizeof (parent)); } if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); vput(ZTOV(zp)); break; } if (zp->z_id == parent) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); break; } vput(ZTOV(zp)); } out: if (error != 0) *vpp = NULL; /* Translate errors and add SAVENAME when needed. */ if (cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN) { switch (nameiop) { case CREATE: case RENAME: if (error == ENOENT) { error = EJUSTRETURN; cnp->cn_flags |= SAVENAME; break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case DELETE: if (error == 0) cnp->cn_flags |= SAVENAME; break; } } /* Insert name into cache (as non-existent) if appropriate. */ if (zfsvfs->z_use_namecache && error == ENOENT && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) != 0) cache_enter(dvp, NULL, cnp); /* Insert name into cache if appropriate. */ if (zfsvfs->z_use_namecache && error == 0 && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY)) { if (!(cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN) || (nameiop != DELETE && nameiop != RENAME)) { cache_enter(dvp, *vpp, cnp); } } return (error); } /* * Attempt to create a new entry in a directory. If the entry * already exists, truncate the file if permissible, else return * an error. Return the vp of the created or trunc'd file. * * IN: dvp - vnode of directory to put new file entry in. * name - name of new file entry. * vap - attributes of new file. * excl - flag indicating exclusive or non-exclusive mode. * mode - mode to open file with. * cr - credentials of caller. * flag - large file flag [UNUSED]. * ct - caller context * vsecp - ACL to be set * * OUT: vpp - vnode of created or trunc'd entry. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * dvp - ctime|mtime updated if new entry created * vp - ctime|mtime always, atime if new */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_create(vnode_t *dvp, char *name, vattr_t *vap, int excl, int mode, vnode_t **vpp, cred_t *cr, kthread_t *td) { znode_t *zp, *dzp = VTOZ(dvp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; objset_t *os; dmu_tx_t *tx; int error; ksid_t *ksid; uid_t uid; gid_t gid = crgetgid(cr); zfs_acl_ids_t acl_ids; boolean_t fuid_dirtied; void *vsecp = NULL; int flag = 0; uint64_t txtype; /* * If we have an ephemeral id, ACL, or XVATTR then * make sure file system is at proper version */ ksid = crgetsid(cr, KSID_OWNER); if (ksid) uid = ksid_getid(ksid); else uid = crgetuid(cr); if (zfsvfs->z_use_fuids == B_FALSE && (vsecp || (vap->va_mask & AT_XVATTR) || IS_EPHEMERAL(uid) || IS_EPHEMERAL(gid))) return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); os = zfsvfs->z_os; zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(name, strlen(name), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EILSEQ)); } if (vap->va_mask & AT_XVATTR) { if ((error = secpolicy_xvattr(dvp, (xvattr_t *)vap, crgetuid(cr), cr, vap->va_type)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } } *vpp = NULL; if ((vap->va_mode & S_ISVTX) && secpolicy_vnode_stky_modify(cr)) vap->va_mode &= ~S_ISVTX; error = zfs_dirent_lookup(dzp, name, &zp, ZNEW); if (error) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } ASSERT3P(zp, ==, NULL); /* * Create a new file object and update the directory * to reference it. */ if (error = zfs_zaccess(dzp, ACE_ADD_FILE, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { goto out; } /* * We only support the creation of regular files in * extended attribute directories. */ if ((dzp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) && (vap->va_type != VREG)) { error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto out; } if ((error = zfs_acl_ids_create(dzp, 0, vap, cr, vsecp, &acl_ids)) != 0) goto out; if (zfs_acl_ids_overquota(zfsvfs, &acl_ids)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); error = SET_ERROR(EDQUOT); goto out; } getnewvnode_reserve(1); tx = dmu_tx_create(os); dmu_tx_hold_sa_create(tx, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes + ZFS_SA_BASE_ATTR_SIZE); fuid_dirtied = zfsvfs->z_fuid_dirty; if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_txhold(zfsvfs, tx); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, TRUE, name); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, dzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); if (!zfsvfs->z_use_sa && acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes > ZFS_ACE_SPACE) { dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes); } error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_abort(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } zfs_mknode(dzp, vap, tx, cr, 0, &zp, &acl_ids); if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_sync(zfsvfs, tx); (void) zfs_link_create(dzp, name, zp, tx, ZNEW); txtype = zfs_log_create_txtype(Z_FILE, vsecp, vap); zfs_log_create(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, zp, name, vsecp, acl_ids.z_fuidp, vap); zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_commit(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); out: if (error == 0) { *vpp = ZTOV(zp); } if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Remove an entry from a directory. * * IN: dvp - vnode of directory to remove entry from. * name - name of entry to remove. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * dvp - ctime|mtime * vp - ctime (if nlink > 0) */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_remove(vnode_t *dvp, vnode_t *vp, char *name, cred_t *cr) { znode_t *dzp = VTOZ(dvp); znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); znode_t *xzp; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; uint64_t acl_obj, xattr_obj; uint64_t obj = 0; dmu_tx_t *tx; boolean_t unlinked, toobig = FALSE; uint64_t txtype; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; zp = VTOZ(vp); xattr_obj = 0; xzp = NULL; if (error = zfs_zaccess_delete(dzp, zp, cr)) { goto out; } /* * Need to use rmdir for removing directories. */ if (vp->v_type == VDIR) { error = SET_ERROR(EPERM); goto out; } vnevent_remove(vp, dvp, name, ct); obj = zp->z_id; /* are there any extended attributes? */ error = sa_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_XATTR(zfsvfs), &xattr_obj, sizeof (xattr_obj)); if (error == 0 && xattr_obj) { error = zfs_zget(zfsvfs, xattr_obj, &xzp); ASSERT0(error); } /* * We may delete the znode now, or we may put it in the unlinked set; * it depends on whether we're the last link, and on whether there are * other holds on the vnode. So we dmu_tx_hold() the right things to * allow for either case. */ tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, FALSE, name); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, dzp); if (xzp) { dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_TRUE); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, xzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); } /* charge as an update -- would be nice not to charge at all */ dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, zfsvfs->z_unlinkedobj, FALSE, NULL); /* * Mark this transaction as typically resulting in a net free of space */ dmu_tx_mark_netfree(tx); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Remove the directory entry. */ error = zfs_link_destroy(dzp, name, zp, tx, ZEXISTS, &unlinked); if (error) { dmu_tx_commit(tx); goto out; } if (unlinked) { zfs_unlinked_add(zp, tx); vp->v_vflag |= VV_NOSYNC; } txtype = TX_REMOVE; zfs_log_remove(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, name, obj); dmu_tx_commit(tx); out: if (xzp) vrele(ZTOV(xzp)); if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Create a new directory and insert it into dvp using the name * provided. Return a pointer to the inserted directory. * * IN: dvp - vnode of directory to add subdir to. * dirname - name of new directory. * vap - attributes of new directory. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * vsecp - ACL to be set * * OUT: vpp - vnode of created directory. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * dvp - ctime|mtime updated * vp - ctime|mtime|atime updated */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_mkdir(vnode_t *dvp, char *dirname, vattr_t *vap, vnode_t **vpp, cred_t *cr) { znode_t *zp, *dzp = VTOZ(dvp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; uint64_t txtype; dmu_tx_t *tx; int error; ksid_t *ksid; uid_t uid; gid_t gid = crgetgid(cr); zfs_acl_ids_t acl_ids; boolean_t fuid_dirtied; ASSERT(vap->va_type == VDIR); /* * If we have an ephemeral id, ACL, or XVATTR then * make sure file system is at proper version */ ksid = crgetsid(cr, KSID_OWNER); if (ksid) uid = ksid_getid(ksid); else uid = crgetuid(cr); if (zfsvfs->z_use_fuids == B_FALSE && ((vap->va_mask & AT_XVATTR) || IS_EPHEMERAL(uid) || IS_EPHEMERAL(gid))) return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; if (dzp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(dirname, strlen(dirname), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EILSEQ)); } if (vap->va_mask & AT_XVATTR) { if ((error = secpolicy_xvattr(dvp, (xvattr_t *)vap, crgetuid(cr), cr, vap->va_type)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } } if ((error = zfs_acl_ids_create(dzp, 0, vap, cr, NULL, &acl_ids)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * First make sure the new directory doesn't exist. * * Existence is checked first to make sure we don't return * EACCES instead of EEXIST which can cause some applications * to fail. */ *vpp = NULL; if (error = zfs_dirent_lookup(dzp, dirname, &zp, ZNEW)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } ASSERT3P(zp, ==, NULL); if (error = zfs_zaccess(dzp, ACE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } if (zfs_acl_ids_overquota(zfsvfs, &acl_ids)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EDQUOT)); } /* * Add a new entry to the directory. */ getnewvnode_reserve(1); tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, TRUE, dirname); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, FALSE, NULL); fuid_dirtied = zfsvfs->z_fuid_dirty; if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_txhold(zfsvfs, tx); if (!zfsvfs->z_use_sa && acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes > ZFS_ACE_SPACE) { dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes); } dmu_tx_hold_sa_create(tx, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes + ZFS_SA_BASE_ATTR_SIZE); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_abort(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Create new node. */ zfs_mknode(dzp, vap, tx, cr, 0, &zp, &acl_ids); if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_sync(zfsvfs, tx); /* * Now put new name in parent dir. */ (void) zfs_link_create(dzp, dirname, zp, tx, ZNEW); *vpp = ZTOV(zp); txtype = zfs_log_create_txtype(Z_DIR, NULL, vap); zfs_log_create(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, zp, dirname, NULL, acl_ids.z_fuidp, vap); zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_commit(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* * Remove a directory subdir entry. If the current working * directory is the same as the subdir to be removed, the * remove will fail. * * IN: dvp - vnode of directory to remove from. * name - name of directory to be removed. * cwd - vnode of current working directory. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * dvp - ctime|mtime updated */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_rmdir(vnode_t *dvp, vnode_t *vp, char *name, cred_t *cr) { znode_t *dzp = VTOZ(dvp); znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; dmu_tx_t *tx; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; if (error = zfs_zaccess_delete(dzp, zp, cr)) { goto out; } if (vp->v_type != VDIR) { error = SET_ERROR(ENOTDIR); goto out; } vnevent_rmdir(vp, dvp, name, ct); tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, FALSE, name); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, zfsvfs->z_unlinkedobj, FALSE, NULL); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, dzp); dmu_tx_mark_netfree(tx); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } cache_purge(dvp); error = zfs_link_destroy(dzp, name, zp, tx, ZEXISTS, NULL); if (error == 0) { uint64_t txtype = TX_RMDIR; zfs_log_remove(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, name, ZFS_NO_OBJECT); } dmu_tx_commit(tx); cache_purge(vp); out: if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Read as many directory entries as will fit into the provided * buffer from the given directory cursor position (specified in * the uio structure). * * IN: vp - vnode of directory to read. * uio - structure supplying read location, range info, * and return buffer. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * * OUT: uio - updated offset and range, buffer filled. * eofp - set to true if end-of-file detected. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * vp - atime updated * * Note that the low 4 bits of the cookie returned by zap is always zero. * This allows us to use the low range for "special" directory entries: * We use 0 for '.', and 1 for '..'. If this is the root of the filesystem, * we use the offset 2 for the '.zfs' directory. */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_readdir(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uio, cred_t *cr, int *eofp, int *ncookies, u_long **cookies) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); iovec_t *iovp; edirent_t *eodp; dirent64_t *odp; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; objset_t *os; caddr_t outbuf; size_t bufsize; zap_cursor_t zc; zap_attribute_t zap; uint_t bytes_wanted; uint64_t offset; /* must be unsigned; checks for < 1 */ uint64_t parent; int local_eof; int outcount; int error; uint8_t prefetch; boolean_t check_sysattrs; uint8_t type; int ncooks; u_long *cooks = NULL; int flags = 0; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if ((error = sa_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_PARENT(zfsvfs), &parent, sizeof (parent))) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * If we are not given an eof variable, * use a local one. */ if (eofp == NULL) eofp = &local_eof; /* * Check for valid iov_len. */ if (uio->uio_iov->iov_len <= 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } /* * Quit if directory has been removed (posix) */ if ((*eofp = zp->z_unlinked) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } error = 0; os = zfsvfs->z_os; offset = uio->uio_loffset; prefetch = zp->z_zn_prefetch; /* * Initialize the iterator cursor. */ if (offset <= 3) { /* * Start iteration from the beginning of the directory. */ zap_cursor_init(&zc, os, zp->z_id); } else { /* * The offset is a serialized cursor. */ zap_cursor_init_serialized(&zc, os, zp->z_id, offset); } /* * Get space to change directory entries into fs independent format. */ iovp = uio->uio_iov; bytes_wanted = iovp->iov_len; if (uio->uio_segflg != UIO_SYSSPACE || uio->uio_iovcnt != 1) { bufsize = bytes_wanted; outbuf = kmem_alloc(bufsize, KM_SLEEP); odp = (struct dirent64 *)outbuf; } else { bufsize = bytes_wanted; outbuf = NULL; odp = (struct dirent64 *)iovp->iov_base; } eodp = (struct edirent *)odp; if (ncookies != NULL) { /* * Minimum entry size is dirent size and 1 byte for a file name. */ ncooks = uio->uio_resid / (sizeof(struct dirent) - sizeof(((struct dirent *)NULL)->d_name) + 1); cooks = malloc(ncooks * sizeof(u_long), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); *cookies = cooks; *ncookies = ncooks; } /* * If this VFS supports the system attribute view interface; and * we're looking at an extended attribute directory; and we care * about normalization conflicts on this vfs; then we must check * for normalization conflicts with the sysattr name space. */ #ifdef TODO check_sysattrs = vfs_has_feature(vp->v_vfsp, VFSFT_SYSATTR_VIEWS) && (vp->v_flag & V_XATTRDIR) && zfsvfs->z_norm && (flags & V_RDDIR_ENTFLAGS); #else check_sysattrs = 0; #endif /* * Transform to file-system independent format */ outcount = 0; while (outcount < bytes_wanted) { ino64_t objnum; ushort_t reclen; off64_t *next = NULL; /* * Special case `.', `..', and `.zfs'. */ if (offset == 0) { (void) strcpy(zap.za_name, "."); zap.za_normalization_conflict = 0; objnum = zp->z_id; type = DT_DIR; } else if (offset == 1) { (void) strcpy(zap.za_name, ".."); zap.za_normalization_conflict = 0; objnum = parent; type = DT_DIR; } else if (offset == 2 && zfs_show_ctldir(zp)) { (void) strcpy(zap.za_name, ZFS_CTLDIR_NAME); zap.za_normalization_conflict = 0; objnum = ZFSCTL_INO_ROOT; type = DT_DIR; } else { /* * Grab next entry. */ if (error = zap_cursor_retrieve(&zc, &zap)) { if ((*eofp = (error == ENOENT)) != 0) break; else goto update; } if (zap.za_integer_length != 8 || zap.za_num_integers != 1) { cmn_err(CE_WARN, "zap_readdir: bad directory " "entry, obj = %lld, offset = %lld\n", (u_longlong_t)zp->z_id, (u_longlong_t)offset); error = SET_ERROR(ENXIO); goto update; } objnum = ZFS_DIRENT_OBJ(zap.za_first_integer); /* * MacOS X can extract the object type here such as: * uint8_t type = ZFS_DIRENT_TYPE(zap.za_first_integer); */ type = ZFS_DIRENT_TYPE(zap.za_first_integer); if (check_sysattrs && !zap.za_normalization_conflict) { #ifdef TODO zap.za_normalization_conflict = xattr_sysattr_casechk(zap.za_name); #else panic("%s:%u: TODO", __func__, __LINE__); #endif } } if (flags & V_RDDIR_ACCFILTER) { /* * If we have no access at all, don't include * this entry in the returned information */ znode_t *ezp; if (zfs_zget(zp->z_zfsvfs, objnum, &ezp) != 0) goto skip_entry; if (!zfs_has_access(ezp, cr)) { vrele(ZTOV(ezp)); goto skip_entry; } vrele(ZTOV(ezp)); } if (flags & V_RDDIR_ENTFLAGS) reclen = EDIRENT_RECLEN(strlen(zap.za_name)); else reclen = DIRENT64_RECLEN(strlen(zap.za_name)); /* * Will this entry fit in the buffer? */ if (outcount + reclen > bufsize) { /* * Did we manage to fit anything in the buffer? */ if (!outcount) { error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto update; } break; } if (flags & V_RDDIR_ENTFLAGS) { /* * Add extended flag entry: */ eodp->ed_ino = objnum; eodp->ed_reclen = reclen; /* NOTE: ed_off is the offset for the *next* entry. */ next = &eodp->ed_off; eodp->ed_eflags = zap.za_normalization_conflict ? ED_CASE_CONFLICT : 0; (void) strncpy(eodp->ed_name, zap.za_name, EDIRENT_NAMELEN(reclen)); eodp = (edirent_t *)((intptr_t)eodp + reclen); } else { /* * Add normal entry: */ odp->d_ino = objnum; odp->d_reclen = reclen; odp->d_namlen = strlen(zap.za_name); /* NOTE: d_off is the offset for the *next* entry. */ next = &odp->d_off; (void) strlcpy(odp->d_name, zap.za_name, odp->d_namlen + 1); odp->d_type = type; dirent_terminate(odp); odp = (dirent64_t *)((intptr_t)odp + reclen); } outcount += reclen; ASSERT(outcount <= bufsize); /* Prefetch znode */ if (prefetch) dmu_prefetch(os, objnum, 0, 0, 0, ZIO_PRIORITY_SYNC_READ); skip_entry: /* * Move to the next entry, fill in the previous offset. */ if (offset > 2 || (offset == 2 && !zfs_show_ctldir(zp))) { zap_cursor_advance(&zc); offset = zap_cursor_serialize(&zc); } else { offset += 1; } /* Fill the offset right after advancing the cursor. */ if (next != NULL) *next = offset; if (cooks != NULL) { *cooks++ = offset; ncooks--; KASSERT(ncooks >= 0, ("ncookies=%d", ncooks)); } } zp->z_zn_prefetch = B_FALSE; /* a lookup will re-enable pre-fetching */ /* Subtract unused cookies */ if (ncookies != NULL) *ncookies -= ncooks; if (uio->uio_segflg == UIO_SYSSPACE && uio->uio_iovcnt == 1) { iovp->iov_base += outcount; iovp->iov_len -= outcount; uio->uio_resid -= outcount; } else if (error = uiomove(outbuf, (long)outcount, UIO_READ, uio)) { /* * Reset the pointer. */ offset = uio->uio_loffset; } update: zap_cursor_fini(&zc); if (uio->uio_segflg != UIO_SYSSPACE || uio->uio_iovcnt != 1) kmem_free(outbuf, bufsize); if (error == ENOENT) error = 0; ZFS_ACCESSTIME_STAMP(zfsvfs, zp); uio->uio_loffset = offset; ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (error != 0 && cookies != NULL) { free(*cookies, M_TEMP); *cookies = NULL; *ncookies = 0; } return (error); } ulong_t zfs_fsync_sync_cnt = 4; static int zfs_fsync(vnode_t *vp, int syncflag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; (void) tsd_set(zfs_fsyncer_key, (void *)zfs_fsync_sync_cnt); if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync != ZFS_SYNC_DISABLED) { ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); zil_commit(zfsvfs->z_log, zp->z_id); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); } return (0); } /* * Get the requested file attributes and place them in the provided * vattr structure. * * IN: vp - vnode of file. * vap - va_mask identifies requested attributes. * If AT_XVATTR set, then optional attrs are requested * flags - ATTR_NOACLCHECK (CIFS server context) * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * OUT: vap - attribute values. * * RETURN: 0 (always succeeds). */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_getattr(vnode_t *vp, vattr_t *vap, int flags, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error = 0; uint32_t blksize; u_longlong_t nblocks; uint64_t mtime[2], ctime[2], crtime[2], rdev; xvattr_t *xvap = (xvattr_t *)vap; /* vap may be an xvattr_t * */ xoptattr_t *xoap = NULL; boolean_t skipaclchk = (flags & ATTR_NOACLCHECK) ? B_TRUE : B_FALSE; sa_bulk_attr_t bulk[4]; int count = 0; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); zfs_fuid_map_ids(zp, cr, &vap->va_uid, &vap->va_gid); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &mtime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CRTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &crtime, 16); if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR) SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_RDEV(zfsvfs), NULL, &rdev, 8); if ((error = sa_bulk_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, bulk, count)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * If ACL is trivial don't bother looking for ACE_READ_ATTRIBUTES. * Also, if we are the owner don't bother, since owner should * always be allowed to read basic attributes of file. */ if (!(zp->z_pflags & ZFS_ACL_TRIVIAL) && (vap->va_uid != crgetuid(cr))) { if (error = zfs_zaccess(zp, ACE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, 0, skipaclchk, cr)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } } /* * Return all attributes. It's cheaper to provide the answer * than to determine whether we were asked the question. */ vap->va_type = IFTOVT(zp->z_mode); vap->va_mode = zp->z_mode & ~S_IFMT; #ifdef illumos vap->va_fsid = zp->z_zfsvfs->z_vfs->vfs_dev; #else vn_fsid(vp, vap); #endif vap->va_nodeid = zp->z_id; vap->va_nlink = zp->z_links; if ((vp->v_flag & VROOT) && zfs_show_ctldir(zp) && zp->z_links < ZFS_LINK_MAX) vap->va_nlink++; vap->va_size = zp->z_size; #ifdef illumos vap->va_rdev = vp->v_rdev; #else if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR) vap->va_rdev = zfs_cmpldev(rdev); #endif vap->va_seq = zp->z_seq; vap->va_flags = 0; /* FreeBSD: Reset chflags(2) flags. */ vap->va_filerev = zp->z_seq; /* * Add in any requested optional attributes and the create time. * Also set the corresponding bits in the returned attribute bitmap. */ if ((xoap = xva_getxoptattr(xvap)) != NULL && zfsvfs->z_use_fuids) { if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_ARCHIVE)) { xoap->xoa_archive = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_ARCHIVE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_ARCHIVE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_READONLY)) { xoap->xoa_readonly = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_READONLY) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_READONLY); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_SYSTEM)) { xoap->xoa_system = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_SYSTEM) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_SYSTEM); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_HIDDEN)) { xoap->xoa_hidden = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_HIDDEN) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_HIDDEN); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK)) { xoap->xoa_nounlink = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_NOUNLINK) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE)) { xoap->xoa_immutable = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_IMMUTABLE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY)) { xoap->xoa_appendonly = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_APPENDONLY) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NODUMP)) { xoap->xoa_nodump = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_NODUMP) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_NODUMP); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_OPAQUE)) { xoap->xoa_opaque = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_OPAQUE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_OPAQUE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED)) { xoap->xoa_av_quarantined = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_QUARANTINED) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_MODIFIED)) { xoap->xoa_av_modified = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_MODIFIED) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_AV_MODIFIED); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_SCANSTAMP) && vp->v_type == VREG) { zfs_sa_get_scanstamp(zp, xvap); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_REPARSE)) { xoap->xoa_reparse = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_REPARSE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_REPARSE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_GEN)) { xoap->xoa_generation = zp->z_gen; XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_GEN); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_OFFLINE)) { xoap->xoa_offline = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_OFFLINE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_OFFLINE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_SPARSE)) { xoap->xoa_sparse = ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_SPARSE) != 0); XVA_SET_RTN(xvap, XAT_SPARSE); } } ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_atime, zp->z_atime); ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_mtime, mtime); ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_ctime, ctime); ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_birthtime, crtime); sa_object_size(zp->z_sa_hdl, &blksize, &nblocks); vap->va_blksize = blksize; vap->va_bytes = nblocks << 9; /* nblocks * 512 */ if (zp->z_blksz == 0) { /* * Block size hasn't been set; suggest maximal I/O transfers. */ vap->va_blksize = zfsvfs->z_max_blksz; } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } /* * Set the file attributes to the values contained in the * vattr structure. * * IN: vp - vnode of file to be modified. * vap - new attribute values. * If AT_XVATTR set, then optional attrs are being set * flags - ATTR_UTIME set if non-default time values provided. * - ATTR_NOACLCHECK (CIFS context only). * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * vp - ctime updated, mtime updated if size changed. */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_setattr(vnode_t *vp, vattr_t *vap, int flags, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; dmu_tx_t *tx; vattr_t oldva; xvattr_t tmpxvattr; uint_t mask = vap->va_mask; uint_t saved_mask = 0; uint64_t saved_mode; int trim_mask = 0; uint64_t new_mode; uint64_t new_uid, new_gid; uint64_t xattr_obj; uint64_t mtime[2], ctime[2]; znode_t *attrzp; int need_policy = FALSE; int err, err2; zfs_fuid_info_t *fuidp = NULL; xvattr_t *xvap = (xvattr_t *)vap; /* vap may be an xvattr_t * */ xoptattr_t *xoap; zfs_acl_t *aclp; boolean_t skipaclchk = (flags & ATTR_NOACLCHECK) ? B_TRUE : B_FALSE; boolean_t fuid_dirtied = B_FALSE; sa_bulk_attr_t bulk[7], xattr_bulk[7]; int count = 0, xattr_count = 0; if (mask == 0) return (0); if (mask & AT_NOSET) return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; /* * Make sure that if we have ephemeral uid/gid or xvattr specified * that file system is at proper version level */ if (zfsvfs->z_use_fuids == B_FALSE && (((mask & AT_UID) && IS_EPHEMERAL(vap->va_uid)) || ((mask & AT_GID) && IS_EPHEMERAL(vap->va_gid)) || (mask & AT_XVATTR))) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } if (mask & AT_SIZE && vp->v_type == VDIR) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EISDIR)); } if (mask & AT_SIZE && vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VFIFO) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } /* * If this is an xvattr_t, then get a pointer to the structure of * optional attributes. If this is NULL, then we have a vattr_t. */ xoap = xva_getxoptattr(xvap); xva_init(&tmpxvattr); /* * Immutable files can only alter immutable bit and atime */ if ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_IMMUTABLE) && ((mask & (AT_SIZE|AT_UID|AT_GID|AT_MTIME|AT_MODE)) || ((mask & AT_XVATTR) && XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_CREATETIME)))) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } /* * Note: ZFS_READONLY is handled in zfs_zaccess_common. */ /* * Verify timestamps doesn't overflow 32 bits. * ZFS can handle large timestamps, but 32bit syscalls can't * handle times greater than 2039. This check should be removed * once large timestamps are fully supported. */ if (mask & (AT_ATIME | AT_MTIME)) { if (((mask & AT_ATIME) && TIMESPEC_OVERFLOW(&vap->va_atime)) || ((mask & AT_MTIME) && TIMESPEC_OVERFLOW(&vap->va_mtime))) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EOVERFLOW)); } } if (xoap && (mask & AT_XVATTR) && XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_CREATETIME) && TIMESPEC_OVERFLOW(&vap->va_birthtime)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EOVERFLOW)); } attrzp = NULL; aclp = NULL; /* Can this be moved to before the top label? */ if (zfsvfs->z_vfs->vfs_flag & VFS_RDONLY) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EROFS)); } /* * First validate permissions */ if (mask & AT_SIZE) { /* * XXX - Note, we are not providing any open * mode flags here (like FNDELAY), so we may * block if there are locks present... this * should be addressed in openat(). */ /* XXX - would it be OK to generate a log record here? */ err = zfs_freesp(zp, vap->va_size, 0, 0, FALSE); if (err) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (err); } } if (mask & (AT_ATIME|AT_MTIME) || ((mask & AT_XVATTR) && (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_HIDDEN) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_READONLY) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_ARCHIVE) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_OFFLINE) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_SPARSE) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_CREATETIME) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_SYSTEM)))) { need_policy = zfs_zaccess(zp, ACE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, 0, skipaclchk, cr); } if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID)) { int idmask = (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID)); int take_owner; int take_group; /* * NOTE: even if a new mode is being set, * we may clear S_ISUID/S_ISGID bits. */ if (!(mask & AT_MODE)) vap->va_mode = zp->z_mode; /* * Take ownership or chgrp to group we are a member of */ take_owner = (mask & AT_UID) && (vap->va_uid == crgetuid(cr)); take_group = (mask & AT_GID) && zfs_groupmember(zfsvfs, vap->va_gid, cr); /* * If both AT_UID and AT_GID are set then take_owner and * take_group must both be set in order to allow taking * ownership. * * Otherwise, send the check through secpolicy_vnode_setattr() * */ if (((idmask == (AT_UID|AT_GID)) && take_owner && take_group) || ((idmask == AT_UID) && take_owner) || ((idmask == AT_GID) && take_group)) { if (zfs_zaccess(zp, ACE_WRITE_OWNER, 0, skipaclchk, cr) == 0) { /* * Remove setuid/setgid for non-privileged users */ secpolicy_setid_clear(vap, vp, cr); trim_mask = (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID)); } else { need_policy = TRUE; } } else { need_policy = TRUE; } } oldva.va_mode = zp->z_mode; zfs_fuid_map_ids(zp, cr, &oldva.va_uid, &oldva.va_gid); if (mask & AT_XVATTR) { /* * Update xvattr mask to include only those attributes * that are actually changing. * * the bits will be restored prior to actually setting * the attributes so the caller thinks they were set. */ if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY)) { if (xoap->xoa_appendonly != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_APPENDONLY) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_APPENDONLY); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK)) { if (xoap->xoa_nounlink != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_NOUNLINK) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_NOUNLINK); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE)) { if (xoap->xoa_immutable != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_IMMUTABLE) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_IMMUTABLE); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NODUMP)) { if (xoap->xoa_nodump != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_NODUMP) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_NODUMP); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_NODUMP); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_MODIFIED)) { if (xoap->xoa_av_modified != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_MODIFIED) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_MODIFIED); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_AV_MODIFIED); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED)) { if ((vp->v_type != VREG && xoap->xoa_av_quarantined) || xoap->xoa_av_quarantined != ((zp->z_pflags & ZFS_AV_QUARANTINED) != 0)) { need_policy = TRUE; } else { XVA_CLR_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED); XVA_SET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED); } } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_REPARSE)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } if (need_policy == FALSE && (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_SCANSTAMP) || XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_OPAQUE))) { need_policy = TRUE; } } if (mask & AT_MODE) { if (zfs_zaccess(zp, ACE_WRITE_ACL, 0, skipaclchk, cr) == 0) { err = secpolicy_setid_setsticky_clear(vp, vap, &oldva, cr); if (err) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (err); } trim_mask |= AT_MODE; } else { need_policy = TRUE; } } if (need_policy) { /* * If trim_mask is set then take ownership * has been granted or write_acl is present and user * has the ability to modify mode. In that case remove * UID|GID and or MODE from mask so that * secpolicy_vnode_setattr() doesn't revoke it. */ if (trim_mask) { saved_mask = vap->va_mask; vap->va_mask &= ~trim_mask; if (trim_mask & AT_MODE) { /* * Save the mode, as secpolicy_vnode_setattr() * will overwrite it with ova.va_mode. */ saved_mode = vap->va_mode; } } err = secpolicy_vnode_setattr(cr, vp, vap, &oldva, flags, (int (*)(void *, int, cred_t *))zfs_zaccess_unix, zp); if (err) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (err); } if (trim_mask) { vap->va_mask |= saved_mask; if (trim_mask & AT_MODE) { /* * Recover the mode after * secpolicy_vnode_setattr(). */ vap->va_mode = saved_mode; } } } /* * secpolicy_vnode_setattr, or take ownership may have * changed va_mask */ mask = vap->va_mask; if ((mask & (AT_UID | AT_GID))) { err = sa_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_XATTR(zfsvfs), &xattr_obj, sizeof (xattr_obj)); if (err == 0 && xattr_obj) { err = zfs_zget(zp->z_zfsvfs, xattr_obj, &attrzp); if (err == 0) { err = vn_lock(ZTOV(attrzp), LK_EXCLUSIVE); if (err != 0) vrele(ZTOV(attrzp)); } if (err) goto out2; } if (mask & AT_UID) { new_uid = zfs_fuid_create(zfsvfs, (uint64_t)vap->va_uid, cr, ZFS_OWNER, &fuidp); if (new_uid != zp->z_uid && zfs_fuid_overquota(zfsvfs, B_FALSE, new_uid)) { if (attrzp) vput(ZTOV(attrzp)); err = SET_ERROR(EDQUOT); goto out2; } } if (mask & AT_GID) { new_gid = zfs_fuid_create(zfsvfs, (uint64_t)vap->va_gid, cr, ZFS_GROUP, &fuidp); if (new_gid != zp->z_gid && zfs_fuid_overquota(zfsvfs, B_TRUE, new_gid)) { if (attrzp) vput(ZTOV(attrzp)); err = SET_ERROR(EDQUOT); goto out2; } } } tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); if (mask & AT_MODE) { uint64_t pmode = zp->z_mode; uint64_t acl_obj; new_mode = (pmode & S_IFMT) | (vap->va_mode & ~S_IFMT); if (zp->z_zfsvfs->z_acl_mode == ZFS_ACL_RESTRICTED && !(zp->z_pflags & ZFS_ACL_TRIVIAL)) { err = SET_ERROR(EPERM); goto out; } if (err = zfs_acl_chmod_setattr(zp, &aclp, new_mode)) goto out; if (!zp->z_is_sa && ((acl_obj = zfs_external_acl(zp)) != 0)) { /* * Are we upgrading ACL from old V0 format * to V1 format? */ if (zfsvfs->z_version >= ZPL_VERSION_FUID && zfs_znode_acl_version(zp) == ZFS_ACL_VERSION_INITIAL) { dmu_tx_hold_free(tx, acl_obj, 0, DMU_OBJECT_END); dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, aclp->z_acl_bytes); } else { dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, acl_obj, 0, aclp->z_acl_bytes); } } else if (!zp->z_is_sa && aclp->z_acl_bytes > ZFS_ACE_SPACE) { dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, aclp->z_acl_bytes); } dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_TRUE); } else { if ((mask & AT_XVATTR) && XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_SCANSTAMP)) dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_TRUE); else dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); } if (attrzp) { dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, attrzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); } fuid_dirtied = zfsvfs->z_fuid_dirty; if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_txhold(zfsvfs, tx); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); err = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (err) goto out; count = 0; /* * Set each attribute requested. * We group settings according to the locks they need to acquire. * * Note: you cannot set ctime directly, although it will be * updated as a side-effect of calling this function. */ if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID|AT_MODE)) mutex_enter(&zp->z_acl_lock); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_FLAGS(zfsvfs), NULL, &zp->z_pflags, sizeof (zp->z_pflags)); if (attrzp) { if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID|AT_MODE)) mutex_enter(&attrzp->z_acl_lock); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(xattr_bulk, xattr_count, SA_ZPL_FLAGS(zfsvfs), NULL, &attrzp->z_pflags, sizeof (attrzp->z_pflags)); } if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID)) { if (mask & AT_UID) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_UID(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_uid, sizeof (new_uid)); zp->z_uid = new_uid; if (attrzp) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(xattr_bulk, xattr_count, SA_ZPL_UID(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_uid, sizeof (new_uid)); attrzp->z_uid = new_uid; } } if (mask & AT_GID) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_GID(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_gid, sizeof (new_gid)); zp->z_gid = new_gid; if (attrzp) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(xattr_bulk, xattr_count, SA_ZPL_GID(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_gid, sizeof (new_gid)); attrzp->z_gid = new_gid; } } if (!(mask & AT_MODE)) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MODE(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_mode, sizeof (new_mode)); new_mode = zp->z_mode; } err = zfs_acl_chown_setattr(zp); ASSERT(err == 0); if (attrzp) { err = zfs_acl_chown_setattr(attrzp); ASSERT(err == 0); } } if (mask & AT_MODE) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MODE(zfsvfs), NULL, &new_mode, sizeof (new_mode)); zp->z_mode = new_mode; ASSERT3U((uintptr_t)aclp, !=, 0); err = zfs_aclset_common(zp, aclp, cr, tx); ASSERT0(err); if (zp->z_acl_cached) zfs_acl_free(zp->z_acl_cached); zp->z_acl_cached = aclp; aclp = NULL; } if (mask & AT_ATIME) { ZFS_TIME_ENCODE(&vap->va_atime, zp->z_atime); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_ATIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &zp->z_atime, sizeof (zp->z_atime)); } if (mask & AT_MTIME) { ZFS_TIME_ENCODE(&vap->va_mtime, mtime); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, mtime, sizeof (mtime)); } /* XXX - shouldn't this be done *before* the ATIME/MTIME checks? */ if (mask & AT_SIZE && !(mask & AT_MTIME)) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, mtime, sizeof (mtime)); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, sizeof (ctime)); zfs_tstamp_update_setup(zp, CONTENT_MODIFIED, mtime, ctime, B_TRUE); } else if (mask != 0) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, sizeof (ctime)); zfs_tstamp_update_setup(zp, STATE_CHANGED, mtime, ctime, B_TRUE); if (attrzp) { SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(xattr_bulk, xattr_count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, sizeof (ctime)); zfs_tstamp_update_setup(attrzp, STATE_CHANGED, mtime, ctime, B_TRUE); } } /* * Do this after setting timestamps to prevent timestamp * update from toggling bit */ if (xoap && (mask & AT_XVATTR)) { if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_CREATETIME)) xoap->xoa_createtime = vap->va_birthtime; /* * restore trimmed off masks * so that return masks can be set for caller. */ if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_APPENDONLY)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_NOUNLINK)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_IMMUTABLE)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_NODUMP)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_NODUMP); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_AV_MODIFIED)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_MODIFIED); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(&tmpxvattr, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED)) { XVA_SET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_QUARANTINED); } if (XVA_ISSET_REQ(xvap, XAT_AV_SCANSTAMP)) ASSERT(vp->v_type == VREG); zfs_xvattr_set(zp, xvap, tx); } if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_sync(zfsvfs, tx); if (mask != 0) zfs_log_setattr(zilog, tx, TX_SETATTR, zp, vap, mask, fuidp); if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID|AT_MODE)) mutex_exit(&zp->z_acl_lock); if (attrzp) { if (mask & (AT_UID|AT_GID|AT_MODE)) mutex_exit(&attrzp->z_acl_lock); } out: if (err == 0 && attrzp) { err2 = sa_bulk_update(attrzp->z_sa_hdl, xattr_bulk, xattr_count, tx); ASSERT(err2 == 0); } if (attrzp) vput(ZTOV(attrzp)); if (aclp) zfs_acl_free(aclp); if (fuidp) { zfs_fuid_info_free(fuidp); fuidp = NULL; } if (err) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); } else { err2 = sa_bulk_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, bulk, count, tx); dmu_tx_commit(tx); } out2: if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (err); } /* * We acquire all but fdvp locks using non-blocking acquisitions. If we * fail to acquire any lock in the path we will drop all held locks, * acquire the new lock in a blocking fashion, and then release it and * restart the rename. This acquire/release step ensures that we do not * spin on a lock waiting for release. On error release all vnode locks * and decrement references the way tmpfs_rename() would do. */ static int zfs_rename_relock(struct vnode *sdvp, struct vnode **svpp, struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode **tvpp, const struct componentname *scnp, const struct componentname *tcnp) { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; struct vnode *nvp, *svp, *tvp; znode_t *sdzp, *tdzp, *szp, *tzp; const char *snm = scnp->cn_nameptr; const char *tnm = tcnp->cn_nameptr; int error; VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); if (*tvpp != NULL && *tvpp != tdvp) VOP_UNLOCK(*tvpp, 0); relock: error = vn_lock(sdvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE); if (error) goto out; sdzp = VTOZ(sdvp); error = vn_lock(tdvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_NOWAIT); if (error != 0) { VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); if (error != EBUSY) goto out; error = vn_lock(tdvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE); if (error) goto out; VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); goto relock; } tdzp = VTOZ(tdvp); /* * Before using sdzp and tdzp we must ensure that they are live. * As a porting legacy from illumos we have two things to worry * about. One is typical for FreeBSD and it is that the vnode is * not reclaimed (doomed). The other is that the znode is live. * The current code can invalidate the znode without acquiring the * corresponding vnode lock if the object represented by the znode * and vnode is no longer valid after a rollback or receive operation. * z_teardown_lock hidden behind ZFS_ENTER and ZFS_EXIT is the lock * that protects the znodes from the invalidation. */ zfsvfs = sdzp->z_zfsvfs; ASSERT3P(zfsvfs, ==, tdzp->z_zfsvfs); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); /* * We can not use ZFS_VERIFY_ZP() here because it could directly return * bypassing the cleanup code in the case of an error. */ if (tdzp->z_sa_hdl == NULL || sdzp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); error = SET_ERROR(EIO); goto out; } /* * Re-resolve svp to be certain it still exists and fetch the * correct vnode. */ error = zfs_dirent_lookup(sdzp, snm, &szp, ZEXISTS); if (error != 0) { /* Source entry invalid or not there. */ ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); if ((scnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) != 0 || (scnp->cn_namelen == 1 && scnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.')) error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto out; } svp = ZTOV(szp); /* * Re-resolve tvp, if it disappeared we just carry on. */ error = zfs_dirent_lookup(tdzp, tnm, &tzp, 0); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); vrele(svp); if ((tcnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) != 0) error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto out; } if (tzp != NULL) tvp = ZTOV(tzp); else tvp = NULL; /* * At present the vnode locks must be acquired before z_teardown_lock, * although it would be more logical to use the opposite order. */ ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); /* * Now try acquire locks on svp and tvp. */ nvp = svp; error = vn_lock(nvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_NOWAIT); if (error != 0) { VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); if (tvp != NULL) vrele(tvp); if (error != EBUSY) { vrele(nvp); goto out; } error = vn_lock(nvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE); if (error != 0) { vrele(nvp); goto out; } VOP_UNLOCK(nvp, 0); /* * Concurrent rename race. * XXX ? */ if (nvp == tdvp) { vrele(nvp); error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto out; } vrele(*svpp); *svpp = nvp; goto relock; } vrele(*svpp); *svpp = nvp; if (*tvpp != NULL) vrele(*tvpp); *tvpp = NULL; if (tvp != NULL) { nvp = tvp; error = vn_lock(nvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_NOWAIT); if (error != 0) { VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(*svpp, 0); if (error != EBUSY) { vrele(nvp); goto out; } error = vn_lock(nvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE); if (error != 0) { vrele(nvp); goto out; } vput(nvp); goto relock; } *tvpp = nvp; } return (0); out: return (error); } /* * Note that we must use VRELE_ASYNC in this function as it walks * up the directory tree and vrele may need to acquire an exclusive * lock if a last reference to a vnode is dropped. */ static int zfs_rename_check(znode_t *szp, znode_t *sdzp, znode_t *tdzp) { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; znode_t *zp, *zp1; uint64_t parent; int error; zfsvfs = tdzp->z_zfsvfs; if (tdzp == szp) return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); if (tdzp == sdzp) return (0); if (tdzp->z_id == zfsvfs->z_root) return (0); zp = tdzp; for (;;) { ASSERT(!zp->z_unlinked); if ((error = sa_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_PARENT(zfsvfs), &parent, sizeof (parent))) != 0) break; if (parent == szp->z_id) { error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); break; } if (parent == zfsvfs->z_root) break; if (parent == sdzp->z_id) break; error = zfs_zget(zfsvfs, parent, &zp1); if (error != 0) break; if (zp != tdzp) VN_RELE_ASYNC(ZTOV(zp), dsl_pool_vnrele_taskq(dmu_objset_pool(zfsvfs->z_os))); zp = zp1; } if (error == ENOTDIR) panic("checkpath: .. not a directory\n"); if (zp != tdzp) VN_RELE_ASYNC(ZTOV(zp), dsl_pool_vnrele_taskq(dmu_objset_pool(zfsvfs->z_os))); return (error); } /* * Move an entry from the provided source directory to the target * directory. Change the entry name as indicated. * * IN: sdvp - Source directory containing the "old entry". * snm - Old entry name. * tdvp - Target directory to contain the "new entry". * tnm - New entry name. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * sdvp,tdvp - ctime|mtime updated */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_rename(vnode_t *sdvp, vnode_t **svpp, struct componentname *scnp, vnode_t *tdvp, vnode_t **tvpp, struct componentname *tcnp, cred_t *cr) { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; znode_t *sdzp, *tdzp, *szp, *tzp; zilog_t *zilog = NULL; dmu_tx_t *tx; char *snm = scnp->cn_nameptr; char *tnm = tcnp->cn_nameptr; int error = 0; /* Reject renames across filesystems. */ if ((*svpp)->v_mount != tdvp->v_mount || ((*tvpp) != NULL && (*svpp)->v_mount != (*tvpp)->v_mount)) { error = SET_ERROR(EXDEV); goto out; } if (zfsctl_is_node(tdvp)) { error = SET_ERROR(EXDEV); goto out; } /* * Lock all four vnodes to ensure safety and semantics of renaming. */ error = zfs_rename_relock(sdvp, svpp, tdvp, tvpp, scnp, tcnp); if (error != 0) { /* no vnodes are locked in the case of error here */ return (error); } tdzp = VTOZ(tdvp); sdzp = VTOZ(sdvp); zfsvfs = tdzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; /* * After we re-enter ZFS_ENTER() we will have to revalidate all * znodes involved. */ ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(tnm, strlen(tnm), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { error = SET_ERROR(EILSEQ); goto unlockout; } /* If source and target are the same file, there is nothing to do. */ if ((*svpp) == (*tvpp)) { error = 0; goto unlockout; } if (((*svpp)->v_type == VDIR && (*svpp)->v_mountedhere != NULL) || ((*tvpp) != NULL && (*tvpp)->v_type == VDIR && (*tvpp)->v_mountedhere != NULL)) { error = SET_ERROR(EXDEV); goto unlockout; } /* * We can not use ZFS_VERIFY_ZP() here because it could directly return * bypassing the cleanup code in the case of an error. */ if (tdzp->z_sa_hdl == NULL || sdzp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) { error = SET_ERROR(EIO); goto unlockout; } szp = VTOZ(*svpp); tzp = *tvpp == NULL ? NULL : VTOZ(*tvpp); if (szp->z_sa_hdl == NULL || (tzp != NULL && tzp->z_sa_hdl == NULL)) { error = SET_ERROR(EIO); goto unlockout; } /* * This is to prevent the creation of links into attribute space * by renaming a linked file into/outof an attribute directory. * See the comment in zfs_link() for why this is considered bad. */ if ((tdzp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) != (sdzp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR)) { error = SET_ERROR(EINVAL); goto unlockout; } /* * Must have write access at the source to remove the old entry * and write access at the target to create the new entry. * Note that if target and source are the same, this can be * done in a single check. */ if (error = zfs_zaccess_rename(sdzp, szp, tdzp, tzp, cr)) goto unlockout; if ((*svpp)->v_type == VDIR) { /* * Avoid ".", "..", and aliases of "." for obvious reasons. */ if ((scnp->cn_namelen == 1 && scnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') || sdzp == szp || (scnp->cn_flags | tcnp->cn_flags) & ISDOTDOT) { error = EINVAL; goto unlockout; } /* * Check to make sure rename is valid. * Can't do a move like this: /usr/a/b to /usr/a/b/c/d */ if (error = zfs_rename_check(szp, sdzp, tdzp)) goto unlockout; } /* * Does target exist? */ if (tzp) { /* * Source and target must be the same type. */ if ((*svpp)->v_type == VDIR) { if ((*tvpp)->v_type != VDIR) { error = SET_ERROR(ENOTDIR); goto unlockout; } else { cache_purge(tdvp); if (sdvp != tdvp) cache_purge(sdvp); } } else { if ((*tvpp)->v_type == VDIR) { error = SET_ERROR(EISDIR); goto unlockout; } } } vnevent_rename_src(*svpp, sdvp, scnp->cn_nameptr, ct); if (tzp) vnevent_rename_dest(*tvpp, tdvp, tnm, ct); /* * notify the target directory if it is not the same * as source directory. */ if (tdvp != sdvp) { vnevent_rename_dest_dir(tdvp, ct); } tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, szp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, sdzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, sdzp->z_id, FALSE, snm); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, tdzp->z_id, TRUE, tnm); if (sdzp != tdzp) { dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, tdzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, tdzp); } if (tzp) { dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, tzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, tzp); } zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, szp); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, zfsvfs->z_unlinkedobj, FALSE, NULL); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); goto unlockout; } if (tzp) /* Attempt to remove the existing target */ error = zfs_link_destroy(tdzp, tnm, tzp, tx, 0, NULL); if (error == 0) { error = zfs_link_create(tdzp, tnm, szp, tx, ZRENAMING); if (error == 0) { szp->z_pflags |= ZFS_AV_MODIFIED; error = sa_update(szp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_FLAGS(zfsvfs), (void *)&szp->z_pflags, sizeof (uint64_t), tx); ASSERT0(error); error = zfs_link_destroy(sdzp, snm, szp, tx, ZRENAMING, NULL); if (error == 0) { zfs_log_rename(zilog, tx, TX_RENAME, sdzp, snm, tdzp, tnm, szp); /* * Update path information for the target vnode */ vn_renamepath(tdvp, *svpp, tnm, strlen(tnm)); } else { /* * At this point, we have successfully created * the target name, but have failed to remove * the source name. Since the create was done * with the ZRENAMING flag, there are * complications; for one, the link count is * wrong. The easiest way to deal with this * is to remove the newly created target, and * return the original error. This must * succeed; fortunately, it is very unlikely to * fail, since we just created it. */ VERIFY3U(zfs_link_destroy(tdzp, tnm, szp, tx, ZRENAMING, NULL), ==, 0); } } if (error == 0) { cache_purge(*svpp); if (*tvpp != NULL) cache_purge(*tvpp); cache_purge_negative(tdvp); } } dmu_tx_commit(tx); unlockout: /* all 4 vnodes are locked, ZFS_ENTER called */ ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); VOP_UNLOCK(*svpp, 0); VOP_UNLOCK(sdvp, 0); out: /* original two vnodes are locked */ if (error == 0 && zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); if (*tvpp != NULL) VOP_UNLOCK(*tvpp, 0); if (tdvp != *tvpp) VOP_UNLOCK(tdvp, 0); return (error); } /* * Insert the indicated symbolic reference entry into the directory. * * IN: dvp - Directory to contain new symbolic link. * link - Name for new symlink entry. * vap - Attributes of new entry. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * flags - case flags * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * dvp - ctime|mtime updated */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_symlink(vnode_t *dvp, vnode_t **vpp, char *name, vattr_t *vap, char *link, cred_t *cr, kthread_t *td) { znode_t *zp, *dzp = VTOZ(dvp); dmu_tx_t *tx; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; uint64_t len = strlen(link); int error; zfs_acl_ids_t acl_ids; boolean_t fuid_dirtied; uint64_t txtype = TX_SYMLINK; int flags = 0; ASSERT(vap->va_type == VLNK); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(name, strlen(name), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EILSEQ)); } if (len > MAXPATHLEN) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(ENAMETOOLONG)); } if ((error = zfs_acl_ids_create(dzp, 0, vap, cr, NULL, &acl_ids)) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Attempt to lock directory; fail if entry already exists. */ error = zfs_dirent_lookup(dzp, name, &zp, ZNEW); if (error) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } if (error = zfs_zaccess(dzp, ACE_ADD_FILE, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } if (zfs_acl_ids_overquota(zfsvfs, &acl_ids)) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EDQUOT)); } getnewvnode_reserve(1); tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); fuid_dirtied = zfsvfs->z_fuid_dirty; dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, MAX(1, len)); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, TRUE, name); dmu_tx_hold_sa_create(tx, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes + ZFS_SA_BASE_ATTR_SIZE + len); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, dzp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); if (!zfsvfs->z_use_sa && acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes > ZFS_ACE_SPACE) { dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, DMU_NEW_OBJECT, 0, acl_ids.z_aclp->z_acl_bytes); } if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_txhold(zfsvfs, tx); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_abort(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Create a new object for the symlink. * for version 4 ZPL datsets the symlink will be an SA attribute */ zfs_mknode(dzp, vap, tx, cr, 0, &zp, &acl_ids); if (fuid_dirtied) zfs_fuid_sync(zfsvfs, tx); if (zp->z_is_sa) error = sa_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_SYMLINK(zfsvfs), link, len, tx); else zfs_sa_symlink(zp, link, len, tx); zp->z_size = len; (void) sa_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_SIZE(zfsvfs), &zp->z_size, sizeof (zp->z_size), tx); /* * Insert the new object into the directory. */ (void) zfs_link_create(dzp, name, zp, tx, ZNEW); zfs_log_symlink(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, zp, name, link); *vpp = ZTOV(zp); zfs_acl_ids_free(&acl_ids); dmu_tx_commit(tx); getnewvnode_drop_reserve(); if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Return, in the buffer contained in the provided uio structure, * the symbolic path referred to by vp. * * IN: vp - vnode of symbolic link. * uio - structure to contain the link path. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * OUT: uio - structure containing the link path. * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * vp - atime updated */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_readlink(vnode_t *vp, uio_t *uio, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if (zp->z_is_sa) error = sa_lookup_uio(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_SYMLINK(zfsvfs), uio); else error = zfs_sa_readlink(zp, uio); ZFS_ACCESSTIME_STAMP(zfsvfs, zp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Insert a new entry into directory tdvp referencing svp. * * IN: tdvp - Directory to contain new entry. * svp - vnode of new entry. * name - name of new entry. * cr - credentials of caller. * ct - caller context * * RETURN: 0 on success, error code on failure. * * Timestamps: * tdvp - ctime|mtime updated * svp - ctime updated */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int zfs_link(vnode_t *tdvp, vnode_t *svp, char *name, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct, int flags) { znode_t *dzp = VTOZ(tdvp); znode_t *tzp, *szp; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = dzp->z_zfsvfs; zilog_t *zilog; dmu_tx_t *tx; int error; uint64_t parent; uid_t owner; ASSERT(tdvp->v_type == VDIR); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(dzp); zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; /* * POSIX dictates that we return EPERM here. * Better choices include ENOTSUP or EISDIR. */ if (svp->v_type == VDIR) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } szp = VTOZ(svp); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(szp); if (szp->z_pflags & (ZFS_APPENDONLY | ZFS_IMMUTABLE | ZFS_READONLY)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } /* Prevent links to .zfs/shares files */ if ((error = sa_lookup(szp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_PARENT(zfsvfs), &parent, sizeof (uint64_t))) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } if (parent == zfsvfs->z_shares_dir) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } if (zfsvfs->z_utf8 && u8_validate(name, strlen(name), NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &error) < 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EILSEQ)); } /* * We do not support links between attributes and non-attributes * because of the potential security risk of creating links * into "normal" file space in order to circumvent restrictions * imposed in attribute space. */ if ((szp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) != (dzp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EINVAL)); } owner = zfs_fuid_map_id(zfsvfs, szp->z_uid, cr, ZFS_OWNER); if (owner != crgetuid(cr) && secpolicy_basic_link(svp, cr) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(EPERM)); } if (error = zfs_zaccess(dzp, ACE_ADD_FILE, 0, B_FALSE, cr)) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Attempt to lock directory; fail if entry already exists. */ error = zfs_dirent_lookup(dzp, name, &tzp, ZNEW); if (error) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, szp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); dmu_tx_hold_zap(tx, dzp->z_id, TRUE, name); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, szp); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, dzp); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } error = zfs_link_create(dzp, name, szp, tx, 0); if (error == 0) { uint64_t txtype = TX_LINK; zfs_log_link(zilog, tx, txtype, dzp, szp, name); } dmu_tx_commit(tx); if (error == 0) { vnevent_link(svp, ct); } if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /*ARGSUSED*/ void zfs_inactive(vnode_t *vp, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error; rw_enter(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock, RW_READER); if (zp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) { /* * The fs has been unmounted, or we did a * suspend/resume and this file no longer exists. */ rw_exit(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock); vrecycle(vp); return; } if (zp->z_unlinked) { /* * Fast path to recycle a vnode of a removed file. */ rw_exit(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock); vrecycle(vp); return; } if (zp->z_atime_dirty && zp->z_unlinked == 0) { dmu_tx_t *tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); error = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (error) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); } else { (void) sa_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_ATIME(zfsvfs), (void *)&zp->z_atime, sizeof (zp->z_atime), tx); zp->z_atime_dirty = 0; dmu_tx_commit(tx); } } rw_exit(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock); } CTASSERT(sizeof(struct zfid_short) <= sizeof(struct fid)); CTASSERT(sizeof(struct zfid_long) <= sizeof(struct fid)); /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_fid(vnode_t *vp, fid_t *fidp, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; uint32_t gen; uint64_t gen64; uint64_t object = zp->z_id; zfid_short_t *zfid; int size, i, error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); if ((error = sa_lookup(zp->z_sa_hdl, SA_ZPL_GEN(zfsvfs), &gen64, sizeof (uint64_t))) != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } gen = (uint32_t)gen64; size = (zfsvfs->z_parent != zfsvfs) ? LONG_FID_LEN : SHORT_FID_LEN; #ifdef illumos if (fidp->fid_len < size) { fidp->fid_len = size; ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (SET_ERROR(ENOSPC)); } #else fidp->fid_len = size; #endif zfid = (zfid_short_t *)fidp; zfid->zf_len = size; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (zfid->zf_object); i++) zfid->zf_object[i] = (uint8_t)(object >> (8 * i)); /* Must have a non-zero generation number to distinguish from .zfs */ if (gen == 0) gen = 1; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (zfid->zf_gen); i++) zfid->zf_gen[i] = (uint8_t)(gen >> (8 * i)); if (size == LONG_FID_LEN) { uint64_t objsetid = dmu_objset_id(zfsvfs->z_os); zfid_long_t *zlfid; zlfid = (zfid_long_t *)fidp; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (zlfid->zf_setid); i++) zlfid->zf_setid[i] = (uint8_t)(objsetid >> (8 * i)); /* XXX - this should be the generation number for the objset */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof (zlfid->zf_setgen); i++) zlfid->zf_setgen[i] = 0; } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (0); } static int zfs_pathconf(vnode_t *vp, int cmd, ulong_t *valp, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp, *xzp; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; int error; switch (cmd) { case _PC_LINK_MAX: *valp = MIN(LONG_MAX, ZFS_LINK_MAX); return (0); case _PC_FILESIZEBITS: *valp = 64; return (0); #ifdef illumos case _PC_XATTR_EXISTS: zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); *valp = 0; error = zfs_dirent_lookup(zp, "", &xzp, ZXATTR | ZEXISTS | ZSHARED); if (error == 0) { if (!zfs_dirempty(xzp)) *valp = 1; vrele(ZTOV(xzp)); } else if (error == ENOENT) { /* * If there aren't extended attributes, it's the * same as having zero of them. */ error = 0; } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); case _PC_SATTR_ENABLED: case _PC_SATTR_EXISTS: *valp = vfs_has_feature(vp->v_vfsp, VFSFT_SYSATTR_VIEWS) && (vp->v_type == VREG || vp->v_type == VDIR); return (0); case _PC_ACCESS_FILTERING: *valp = vfs_has_feature(vp->v_vfsp, VFSFT_ACCESS_FILTER) && vp->v_type == VDIR; return (0); case _PC_ACL_ENABLED: *valp = _ACL_ACE_ENABLED; return (0); #endif /* illumos */ case _PC_MIN_HOLE_SIZE: *valp = (int)SPA_MINBLOCKSIZE; return (0); #ifdef illumos case _PC_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION: /* nanosecond timestamp resolution */ *valp = 1L; return (0); #endif case _PC_ACL_EXTENDED: *valp = 0; return (0); case _PC_ACL_NFS4: *valp = 1; return (0); case _PC_ACL_PATH_MAX: *valp = ACL_MAX_ENTRIES; return (0); default: return (EOPNOTSUPP); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int zfs_getsecattr(vnode_t *vp, vsecattr_t *vsecp, int flag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error; boolean_t skipaclchk = (flag & ATTR_NOACLCHECK) ? B_TRUE : B_FALSE; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); error = zfs_getacl(zp, vsecp, skipaclchk, cr); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /*ARGSUSED*/ int zfs_setsecattr(vnode_t *vp, vsecattr_t *vsecp, int flag, cred_t *cr, caller_context_t *ct) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; int error; boolean_t skipaclchk = (flag & ATTR_NOACLCHECK) ? B_TRUE : B_FALSE; zilog_t *zilog = zfsvfs->z_log; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); error = zfs_setacl(zp, vsecp, skipaclchk, cr); if (zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zilog, 0); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } static int zfs_getpages(struct vnode *vp, vm_page_t *ma, int count, int *rbehind, int *rahead) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; objset_t *os = zp->z_zfsvfs->z_os; rl_t *rl; vm_object_t object; off_t start, end, obj_size; uint_t blksz; int pgsin_b, pgsin_a; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); start = IDX_TO_OFF(ma[0]->pindex); end = IDX_TO_OFF(ma[count - 1]->pindex + 1); /* * Lock a range covering all required and optional pages. * Note that we need to handle the case of the block size growing. */ for (;;) { blksz = zp->z_blksz; rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, rounddown(start, blksz), roundup(end, blksz) - rounddown(start, blksz), RL_READER); if (blksz == zp->z_blksz) break; zfs_range_unlock(rl); } object = ma[0]->object; zfs_vmobject_wlock(object); obj_size = object->un_pager.vnp.vnp_size; zfs_vmobject_wunlock(object); if (IDX_TO_OFF(ma[count - 1]->pindex) >= obj_size) { zfs_range_unlock(rl); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (zfs_vm_pagerret_bad); } pgsin_b = 0; if (rbehind != NULL) { pgsin_b = OFF_TO_IDX(start - rounddown(start, blksz)); pgsin_b = MIN(*rbehind, pgsin_b); } pgsin_a = 0; if (rahead != NULL) { pgsin_a = OFF_TO_IDX(roundup(end, blksz) - end); if (end + IDX_TO_OFF(pgsin_a) >= obj_size) pgsin_a = OFF_TO_IDX(round_page(obj_size) - end); pgsin_a = MIN(*rahead, pgsin_a); } /* * NB: we need to pass the exact byte size of the data that we expect * to read after accounting for the file size. This is required because * ZFS will panic if we request DMU to read beyond the end of the last * allocated block. */ error = dmu_read_pages(os, zp->z_id, ma, count, &pgsin_b, &pgsin_a, MIN(end, obj_size) - (end - PAGE_SIZE)); zfs_range_unlock(rl); ZFS_ACCESSTIME_STAMP(zfsvfs, zp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (error != 0) return (zfs_vm_pagerret_error); VM_CNT_INC(v_vnodein); VM_CNT_ADD(v_vnodepgsin, count + pgsin_b + pgsin_a); if (rbehind != NULL) *rbehind = pgsin_b; if (rahead != NULL) *rahead = pgsin_a; return (zfs_vm_pagerret_ok); } static int zfs_freebsd_getpages(ap) struct vop_getpages_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; vm_page_t *a_m; int a_count; int *a_rbehind; int *a_rahead; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_getpages(ap->a_vp, ap->a_m, ap->a_count, ap->a_rbehind, ap->a_rahead)); } static int zfs_putpages(struct vnode *vp, vm_page_t *ma, size_t len, int flags, int *rtvals) { znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; rl_t *rl; dmu_tx_t *tx; struct sf_buf *sf; vm_object_t object; vm_page_t m; caddr_t va; size_t tocopy; size_t lo_len; vm_ooffset_t lo_off; vm_ooffset_t off; uint_t blksz; int ncount; int pcount; int err; int i; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); object = vp->v_object; pcount = btoc(len); ncount = pcount; KASSERT(ma[0]->object == object, ("mismatching object")); KASSERT(len > 0 && (len & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("unexpected length")); for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) rtvals[i] = zfs_vm_pagerret_error; off = IDX_TO_OFF(ma[0]->pindex); blksz = zp->z_blksz; lo_off = rounddown(off, blksz); lo_len = roundup(len + (off - lo_off), blksz); rl = zfs_range_lock(zp, lo_off, lo_len, RL_WRITER); zfs_vmobject_wlock(object); if (len + off > object->un_pager.vnp.vnp_size) { if (object->un_pager.vnp.vnp_size > off) { int pgoff; len = object->un_pager.vnp.vnp_size - off; ncount = btoc(len); if ((pgoff = (int)len & PAGE_MASK) != 0) { /* * If the object is locked and the following * conditions hold, then the page's dirty * field cannot be concurrently changed by a * pmap operation. */ m = ma[ncount - 1]; vm_page_assert_sbusied(m); KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_write_mapped(m), ("zfs_putpages: page %p is not read-only", m)); vm_page_clear_dirty(m, pgoff, PAGE_SIZE - pgoff); } } else { len = 0; ncount = 0; } if (ncount < pcount) { for (i = ncount; i < pcount; i++) { rtvals[i] = zfs_vm_pagerret_bad; } } } zfs_vmobject_wunlock(object); if (ncount == 0) goto out; if (zfs_owner_overquota(zfsvfs, zp, B_FALSE) || zfs_owner_overquota(zfsvfs, zp, B_TRUE)) { goto out; } tx = dmu_tx_create(zfsvfs->z_os); dmu_tx_hold_write(tx, zp->z_id, off, len); dmu_tx_hold_sa(tx, zp->z_sa_hdl, B_FALSE); zfs_sa_upgrade_txholds(tx, zp); err = dmu_tx_assign(tx, TXG_WAIT); if (err != 0) { dmu_tx_abort(tx); goto out; } if (zp->z_blksz < PAGE_SIZE) { for (i = 0; len > 0; off += tocopy, len -= tocopy, i++) { tocopy = len > PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : len; va = zfs_map_page(ma[i], &sf); dmu_write(zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, off, tocopy, va, tx); zfs_unmap_page(sf); } } else { err = dmu_write_pages(zfsvfs->z_os, zp->z_id, off, len, ma, tx); } if (err == 0) { uint64_t mtime[2], ctime[2]; sa_bulk_attr_t bulk[3]; int count = 0; SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_MTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &mtime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_CTIME(zfsvfs), NULL, &ctime, 16); SA_ADD_BULK_ATTR(bulk, count, SA_ZPL_FLAGS(zfsvfs), NULL, &zp->z_pflags, 8); zfs_tstamp_update_setup(zp, CONTENT_MODIFIED, mtime, ctime, B_TRUE); err = sa_bulk_update(zp->z_sa_hdl, bulk, count, tx); ASSERT0(err); zfs_log_write(zfsvfs->z_log, tx, TX_WRITE, zp, off, len, 0); zfs_vmobject_wlock(object); for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) { rtvals[i] = zfs_vm_pagerret_ok; vm_page_undirty(ma[i]); } zfs_vmobject_wunlock(object); VM_CNT_INC(v_vnodeout); VM_CNT_ADD(v_vnodepgsout, ncount); } dmu_tx_commit(tx); out: zfs_range_unlock(rl); if ((flags & (zfs_vm_pagerput_sync | zfs_vm_pagerput_inval)) != 0 || zfsvfs->z_os->os_sync == ZFS_SYNC_ALWAYS) zil_commit(zfsvfs->z_log, zp->z_id); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (rtvals[0]); } int zfs_freebsd_putpages(ap) struct vop_putpages_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; vm_page_t *a_m; int a_count; int a_sync; int *a_rtvals; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_putpages(ap->a_vp, ap->a_m, ap->a_count, ap->a_sync, ap->a_rtvals)); } static int zfs_freebsd_bmap(ap) struct vop_bmap_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; daddr_t a_bn; struct bufobj **a_bop; daddr_t *a_bnp; int *a_runp; int *a_runb; } */ *ap; { if (ap->a_bop != NULL) *ap->a_bop = &ap->a_vp->v_bufobj; if (ap->a_bnp != NULL) *ap->a_bnp = ap->a_bn; if (ap->a_runp != NULL) *ap->a_runp = 0; if (ap->a_runb != NULL) *ap->a_runb = 0; return (0); } static int zfs_freebsd_open(ap) struct vop_open_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_mode; struct ucred *a_cred; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); int error; error = zfs_open(&vp, ap->a_mode, ap->a_cred, NULL); if (error == 0) vnode_create_vobject(vp, zp->z_size, ap->a_td); return (error); } static int zfs_freebsd_close(ap) struct vop_close_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_fflag; struct ucred *a_cred; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_close(ap->a_vp, ap->a_fflag, 1, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_ioctl(ap) struct vop_ioctl_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; u_long a_command; caddr_t a_data; int a_fflag; struct ucred *cred; struct thread *td; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_ioctl(ap->a_vp, ap->a_command, (intptr_t)ap->a_data, ap->a_fflag, ap->a_cred, NULL, NULL)); } static int ioflags(int ioflags) { int flags = 0; if (ioflags & IO_APPEND) flags |= FAPPEND; if (ioflags & IO_NDELAY) flags |= FNONBLOCK; if (ioflags & IO_SYNC) flags |= (FSYNC | FDSYNC | FRSYNC); return (flags); } static int zfs_freebsd_read(ap) struct vop_read_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; int a_ioflag; struct ucred *a_cred; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_read(ap->a_vp, ap->a_uio, ioflags(ap->a_ioflag), ap->a_cred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_write(ap) struct vop_write_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; int a_ioflag; struct ucred *a_cred; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_write(ap->a_vp, ap->a_uio, ioflags(ap->a_ioflag), ap->a_cred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_access(ap) struct vop_access_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; accmode_t a_accmode; struct ucred *a_cred; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); accmode_t accmode; int error = 0; /* * ZFS itself only knowns about VREAD, VWRITE, VEXEC and VAPPEND, */ accmode = ap->a_accmode & (VREAD|VWRITE|VEXEC|VAPPEND); if (accmode != 0) error = zfs_access(ap->a_vp, accmode, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL); /* * VADMIN has to be handled by vaccess(). */ if (error == 0) { accmode = ap->a_accmode & ~(VREAD|VWRITE|VEXEC|VAPPEND); if (accmode != 0) { error = vaccess(vp->v_type, zp->z_mode, zp->z_uid, zp->z_gid, accmode, ap->a_cred, NULL); } } /* * For VEXEC, ensure that at least one execute bit is set for * non-directories. */ if (error == 0 && (ap->a_accmode & VEXEC) != 0 && vp->v_type != VDIR && (zp->z_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) == 0) { error = EACCES; } return (error); } static int zfs_freebsd_lookup(ap) struct vop_lookup_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap; { struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; char nm[NAME_MAX + 1]; ASSERT(cnp->cn_namelen < sizeof(nm)); strlcpy(nm, cnp->cn_nameptr, MIN(cnp->cn_namelen + 1, sizeof(nm))); return (zfs_lookup(ap->a_dvp, nm, ap->a_vpp, cnp, cnp->cn_nameiop, cnp->cn_cred, cnp->cn_thread, 0)); } static int zfs_cache_lookup(ap) struct vop_lookup_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap; { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; zfsvfs = ap->a_dvp->v_mount->mnt_data; if (zfsvfs->z_use_namecache) return (vfs_cache_lookup(ap)); else return (zfs_freebsd_lookup(ap)); } static int zfs_freebsd_create(ap) struct vop_create_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; } */ *ap; { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; vattr_t *vap = ap->a_vap; int error, mode; ASSERT(cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); vattr_init_mask(vap); mode = vap->va_mode & ALLPERMS; zfsvfs = ap->a_dvp->v_mount->mnt_data; error = zfs_create(ap->a_dvp, cnp->cn_nameptr, vap, !EXCL, mode, ap->a_vpp, cnp->cn_cred, cnp->cn_thread); if (zfsvfs->z_use_namecache && error == 0 && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) != 0) cache_enter(ap->a_dvp, *ap->a_vpp, cnp); return (error); } static int zfs_freebsd_remove(ap) struct vop_remove_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap; { ASSERT(ap->a_cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); return (zfs_remove(ap->a_dvp, ap->a_vp, ap->a_cnp->cn_nameptr, ap->a_cnp->cn_cred)); } static int zfs_freebsd_mkdir(ap) struct vop_mkdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; } */ *ap; { vattr_t *vap = ap->a_vap; ASSERT(ap->a_cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); vattr_init_mask(vap); return (zfs_mkdir(ap->a_dvp, ap->a_cnp->cn_nameptr, vap, ap->a_vpp, ap->a_cnp->cn_cred)); } static int zfs_freebsd_rmdir(ap) struct vop_rmdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap; { struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; ASSERT(cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); return (zfs_rmdir(ap->a_dvp, ap->a_vp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_cred)); } static int zfs_freebsd_readdir(ap) struct vop_readdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; struct ucred *a_cred; int *a_eofflag; int *a_ncookies; u_long **a_cookies; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_readdir(ap->a_vp, ap->a_uio, ap->a_cred, ap->a_eofflag, ap->a_ncookies, ap->a_cookies)); } static int zfs_freebsd_fsync(ap) struct vop_fsync_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_waitfor; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { vop_stdfsync(ap); return (zfs_fsync(ap->a_vp, 0, ap->a_td->td_ucred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_getattr(ap) struct vop_getattr_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct vattr *a_vap; struct ucred *a_cred; } */ *ap; { vattr_t *vap = ap->a_vap; xvattr_t xvap; u_long fflags = 0; int error; xva_init(&xvap); xvap.xva_vattr = *vap; xvap.xva_vattr.va_mask |= AT_XVATTR; /* Convert chflags into ZFS-type flags. */ /* XXX: what about SF_SETTABLE?. */ XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_IMMUTABLE); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_APPENDONLY); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_NOUNLINK); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_NODUMP); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_READONLY); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_ARCHIVE); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_SYSTEM); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_HIDDEN); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_REPARSE); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_OFFLINE); XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_SPARSE); error = zfs_getattr(ap->a_vp, (vattr_t *)&xvap, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL); if (error != 0) return (error); /* Convert ZFS xattr into chflags. */ #define FLAG_CHECK(fflag, xflag, xfield) do { \ if (XVA_ISSET_RTN(&xvap, (xflag)) && (xfield) != 0) \ fflags |= (fflag); \ } while (0) FLAG_CHECK(SF_IMMUTABLE, XAT_IMMUTABLE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_immutable); FLAG_CHECK(SF_APPEND, XAT_APPENDONLY, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_appendonly); FLAG_CHECK(SF_NOUNLINK, XAT_NOUNLINK, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_nounlink); FLAG_CHECK(UF_ARCHIVE, XAT_ARCHIVE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_archive); FLAG_CHECK(UF_NODUMP, XAT_NODUMP, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_nodump); FLAG_CHECK(UF_READONLY, XAT_READONLY, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_readonly); FLAG_CHECK(UF_SYSTEM, XAT_SYSTEM, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_system); FLAG_CHECK(UF_HIDDEN, XAT_HIDDEN, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_hidden); FLAG_CHECK(UF_REPARSE, XAT_REPARSE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_reparse); FLAG_CHECK(UF_OFFLINE, XAT_OFFLINE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_offline); FLAG_CHECK(UF_SPARSE, XAT_SPARSE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_sparse); #undef FLAG_CHECK *vap = xvap.xva_vattr; vap->va_flags = fflags; return (0); } static int zfs_freebsd_setattr(ap) struct vop_setattr_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct vattr *a_vap; struct ucred *a_cred; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; vattr_t *vap = ap->a_vap; cred_t *cred = ap->a_cred; xvattr_t xvap; u_long fflags; uint64_t zflags; vattr_init_mask(vap); vap->va_mask &= ~AT_NOSET; xva_init(&xvap); xvap.xva_vattr = *vap; zflags = VTOZ(vp)->z_pflags; if (vap->va_flags != VNOVAL) { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = VTOZ(vp)->z_zfsvfs; int error; if (zfsvfs->z_use_fuids == B_FALSE) return (EOPNOTSUPP); fflags = vap->va_flags; /* * XXX KDM * We need to figure out whether it makes sense to allow * UF_REPARSE through, since we don't really have other * facilities to handle reparse points and zfs_setattr() * doesn't currently allow setting that attribute anyway. */ if ((fflags & ~(SF_IMMUTABLE|SF_APPEND|SF_NOUNLINK|UF_ARCHIVE| UF_NODUMP|UF_SYSTEM|UF_HIDDEN|UF_READONLY|UF_REPARSE| UF_OFFLINE|UF_SPARSE)) != 0) return (EOPNOTSUPP); /* * Unprivileged processes are not permitted to unset system * flags, or modify flags if any system flags are set. * Privileged non-jail processes may not modify system flags * if securelevel > 0 and any existing system flags are set. * Privileged jail processes behave like privileged non-jail * processes if the PR_ALLOW_CHFLAGS permission bit is set; * otherwise, they behave like unprivileged processes. */ if (secpolicy_fs_owner(vp->v_mount, cred) == 0 || priv_check_cred(cred, PRIV_VFS_SYSFLAGS) == 0) { if (zflags & (ZFS_IMMUTABLE | ZFS_APPENDONLY | ZFS_NOUNLINK)) { error = securelevel_gt(cred, 0); if (error != 0) return (error); } } else { /* * Callers may only modify the file flags on objects they * have VADMIN rights for. */ if ((error = VOP_ACCESS(vp, VADMIN, cred, curthread)) != 0) return (error); if (zflags & (ZFS_IMMUTABLE | ZFS_APPENDONLY | ZFS_NOUNLINK)) { return (EPERM); } if (fflags & (SF_IMMUTABLE | SF_APPEND | SF_NOUNLINK)) { return (EPERM); } } #define FLAG_CHANGE(fflag, zflag, xflag, xfield) do { \ if (((fflags & (fflag)) && !(zflags & (zflag))) || \ ((zflags & (zflag)) && !(fflags & (fflag)))) { \ XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, (xflag)); \ (xfield) = ((fflags & (fflag)) != 0); \ } \ } while (0) /* Convert chflags into ZFS-type flags. */ /* XXX: what about SF_SETTABLE?. */ FLAG_CHANGE(SF_IMMUTABLE, ZFS_IMMUTABLE, XAT_IMMUTABLE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_immutable); FLAG_CHANGE(SF_APPEND, ZFS_APPENDONLY, XAT_APPENDONLY, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_appendonly); FLAG_CHANGE(SF_NOUNLINK, ZFS_NOUNLINK, XAT_NOUNLINK, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_nounlink); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_ARCHIVE, ZFS_ARCHIVE, XAT_ARCHIVE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_archive); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_NODUMP, ZFS_NODUMP, XAT_NODUMP, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_nodump); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_READONLY, ZFS_READONLY, XAT_READONLY, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_readonly); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_SYSTEM, ZFS_SYSTEM, XAT_SYSTEM, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_system); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_HIDDEN, ZFS_HIDDEN, XAT_HIDDEN, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_hidden); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_REPARSE, ZFS_REPARSE, XAT_REPARSE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_hidden); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_OFFLINE, ZFS_OFFLINE, XAT_OFFLINE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_offline); FLAG_CHANGE(UF_SPARSE, ZFS_SPARSE, XAT_SPARSE, xvap.xva_xoptattrs.xoa_sparse); #undef FLAG_CHANGE } if (vap->va_birthtime.tv_sec != VNOVAL) { xvap.xva_vattr.va_mask |= AT_XVATTR; XVA_SET_REQ(&xvap, XAT_CREATETIME); } return (zfs_setattr(vp, (vattr_t *)&xvap, 0, cred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_rename(ap) struct vop_rename_args /* { struct vnode *a_fdvp; struct vnode *a_fvp; struct componentname *a_fcnp; struct vnode *a_tdvp; struct vnode *a_tvp; struct componentname *a_tcnp; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *fdvp = ap->a_fdvp; vnode_t *fvp = ap->a_fvp; vnode_t *tdvp = ap->a_tdvp; vnode_t *tvp = ap->a_tvp; int error; ASSERT(ap->a_fcnp->cn_flags & (SAVENAME|SAVESTART)); ASSERT(ap->a_tcnp->cn_flags & (SAVENAME|SAVESTART)); error = zfs_rename(fdvp, &fvp, ap->a_fcnp, tdvp, &tvp, ap->a_tcnp, ap->a_fcnp->cn_cred); vrele(fdvp); vrele(fvp); vrele(tdvp); if (tvp != NULL) vrele(tvp); return (error); } static int zfs_freebsd_symlink(ap) struct vop_symlink_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; char *a_target; } */ *ap; { struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; vattr_t *vap = ap->a_vap; ASSERT(cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); vap->va_type = VLNK; /* FreeBSD: Syscall only sets va_mode. */ vattr_init_mask(vap); return (zfs_symlink(ap->a_dvp, ap->a_vpp, cnp->cn_nameptr, vap, __DECONST(char *, ap->a_target), cnp->cn_cred, cnp->cn_thread)); } static int zfs_freebsd_readlink(ap) struct vop_readlink_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; struct ucred *a_cred; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_readlink(ap->a_vp, ap->a_uio, ap->a_cred, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_link(ap) struct vop_link_args /* { struct vnode *a_tdvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap; { struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; vnode_t *tdvp = ap->a_tdvp; if (tdvp->v_mount != vp->v_mount) return (EXDEV); ASSERT(cnp->cn_flags & SAVENAME); return (zfs_link(tdvp, vp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_cred, NULL, 0)); } static int zfs_freebsd_inactive(ap) struct vop_inactive_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; zfs_inactive(vp, ap->a_td->td_ucred, NULL); return (0); } static int zfs_freebsd_reclaim(ap) struct vop_reclaim_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct thread *a_td; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp; znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = zp->z_zfsvfs; ASSERT(zp != NULL); /* Destroy the vm object and flush associated pages. */ vnode_destroy_vobject(vp); /* * z_teardown_inactive_lock protects from a race with * zfs_znode_dmu_fini in zfsvfs_teardown during * force unmount. */ rw_enter(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock, RW_READER); if (zp->z_sa_hdl == NULL) zfs_znode_free(zp); else zfs_zinactive(zp); rw_exit(&zfsvfs->z_teardown_inactive_lock); vp->v_data = NULL; return (0); } static int zfs_freebsd_fid(ap) struct vop_fid_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct fid *a_fid; } */ *ap; { return (zfs_fid(ap->a_vp, (void *)ap->a_fid, NULL)); } static int zfs_freebsd_pathconf(ap) struct vop_pathconf_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_name; register_t *a_retval; } */ *ap; { ulong_t val; int error; error = zfs_pathconf(ap->a_vp, ap->a_name, &val, curthread->td_ucred, NULL); if (error == 0) { *ap->a_retval = val; return (error); } if (error != EOPNOTSUPP) return (error); switch (ap->a_name) { case _PC_NAME_MAX: *ap->a_retval = NAME_MAX; return (0); case _PC_PIPE_BUF: if (ap->a_vp->v_type == VDIR || ap->a_vp->v_type == VFIFO) { *ap->a_retval = PIPE_BUF; return (0); } return (EINVAL); default: return (vop_stdpathconf(ap)); } } /* * FreeBSD's extended attributes namespace defines file name prefix for ZFS' * extended attribute name: * * NAMESPACE PREFIX * system freebsd:system: * user (none, can be used to access ZFS fsattr(5) attributes * created on Solaris) */ static int zfs_create_attrname(int attrnamespace, const char *name, char *attrname, size_t size) { const char *namespace, *prefix, *suffix; /* We don't allow '/' character in attribute name. */ if (strchr(name, '/') != NULL) return (EINVAL); /* We don't allow attribute names that start with "freebsd:" string. */ if (strncmp(name, "freebsd:", 8) == 0) return (EINVAL); bzero(attrname, size); switch (attrnamespace) { case EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER: #if 0 prefix = "freebsd:"; namespace = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER_STRING; suffix = ":"; #else /* * This is the default namespace by which we can access all * attributes created on Solaris. */ prefix = namespace = suffix = ""; #endif break; case EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM: prefix = "freebsd:"; namespace = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM_STRING; suffix = ":"; break; case EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_EMPTY: default: return (EINVAL); } if (snprintf(attrname, size, "%s%s%s%s", prefix, namespace, suffix, name) >= size) { return (ENAMETOOLONG); } return (0); } /* * Vnode operating to retrieve a named extended attribute. */ static int zfs_getextattr(struct vop_getextattr_args *ap) /* vop_getextattr { IN struct vnode *a_vp; IN int a_attrnamespace; IN const char *a_name; INOUT struct uio *a_uio; OUT size_t *a_size; IN struct ucred *a_cred; IN struct thread *a_td; }; */ { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = VTOZ(ap->a_vp)->z_zfsvfs; struct thread *td = ap->a_td; struct nameidata nd; char attrname[255]; struct vattr va; vnode_t *xvp = NULL, *vp; int error, flags; error = extattr_check_cred(ap->a_vp, ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_cred, ap->a_td, VREAD); if (error != 0) return (error); error = zfs_create_attrname(ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_name, attrname, sizeof(attrname)); if (error != 0) return (error); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); error = zfs_lookup(ap->a_vp, NULL, &xvp, NULL, 0, ap->a_cred, td, LOOKUP_XATTR); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } flags = FREAD; NDINIT_ATVP(&nd, LOOKUP, NOFOLLOW, UIO_SYSSPACE, attrname, xvp, td); error = vn_open_cred(&nd, &flags, 0, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL); vp = nd.ni_vp; NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); if (error == ENOENT) error = ENOATTR; return (error); } if (ap->a_size != NULL) { error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &va, ap->a_cred); if (error == 0) *ap->a_size = (size_t)va.va_size; } else if (ap->a_uio != NULL) error = VOP_READ(vp, ap->a_uio, IO_UNIT, ap->a_cred); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); vn_close(vp, flags, ap->a_cred, td); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Vnode operation to remove a named attribute. */ int zfs_deleteextattr(struct vop_deleteextattr_args *ap) /* vop_deleteextattr { IN struct vnode *a_vp; IN int a_attrnamespace; IN const char *a_name; IN struct ucred *a_cred; IN struct thread *a_td; }; */ { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = VTOZ(ap->a_vp)->z_zfsvfs; struct thread *td = ap->a_td; struct nameidata nd; char attrname[255]; struct vattr va; vnode_t *xvp = NULL, *vp; int error, flags; error = extattr_check_cred(ap->a_vp, ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_cred, ap->a_td, VWRITE); if (error != 0) return (error); error = zfs_create_attrname(ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_name, attrname, sizeof(attrname)); if (error != 0) return (error); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); error = zfs_lookup(ap->a_vp, NULL, &xvp, NULL, 0, ap->a_cred, td, LOOKUP_XATTR); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } NDINIT_ATVP(&nd, DELETE, NOFOLLOW | LOCKPARENT | LOCKLEAF, UIO_SYSSPACE, attrname, xvp, td); error = namei(&nd); vp = nd.ni_vp; if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (error == ENOENT) error = ENOATTR; return (error); } error = VOP_REMOVE(nd.ni_dvp, vp, &nd.ni_cnd); NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); vput(nd.ni_dvp); if (vp == nd.ni_dvp) vrele(vp); else vput(vp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Vnode operation to set a named attribute. */ static int zfs_setextattr(struct vop_setextattr_args *ap) /* vop_setextattr { IN struct vnode *a_vp; IN int a_attrnamespace; IN const char *a_name; INOUT struct uio *a_uio; IN struct ucred *a_cred; IN struct thread *a_td; }; */ { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = VTOZ(ap->a_vp)->z_zfsvfs; struct thread *td = ap->a_td; struct nameidata nd; char attrname[255]; struct vattr va; vnode_t *xvp = NULL, *vp; int error, flags; error = extattr_check_cred(ap->a_vp, ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_cred, ap->a_td, VWRITE); if (error != 0) return (error); error = zfs_create_attrname(ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_name, attrname, sizeof(attrname)); if (error != 0) return (error); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); error = zfs_lookup(ap->a_vp, NULL, &xvp, NULL, 0, ap->a_cred, td, LOOKUP_XATTR | CREATE_XATTR_DIR); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } flags = FFLAGS(O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); NDINIT_ATVP(&nd, LOOKUP, NOFOLLOW, UIO_SYSSPACE, attrname, xvp, td); error = vn_open_cred(&nd, &flags, 0600, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL); vp = nd.ni_vp; NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } VATTR_NULL(&va); va.va_size = 0; error = VOP_SETATTR(vp, &va, ap->a_cred); if (error == 0) VOP_WRITE(vp, ap->a_uio, IO_UNIT, ap->a_cred); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); vn_close(vp, flags, ap->a_cred, td); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } /* * Vnode operation to retrieve extended attributes on a vnode. */ static int zfs_listextattr(struct vop_listextattr_args *ap) /* vop_listextattr { IN struct vnode *a_vp; IN int a_attrnamespace; INOUT struct uio *a_uio; OUT size_t *a_size; IN struct ucred *a_cred; IN struct thread *a_td; }; */ { zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = VTOZ(ap->a_vp)->z_zfsvfs; struct thread *td = ap->a_td; struct nameidata nd; char attrprefix[16]; u_char dirbuf[sizeof(struct dirent)]; struct dirent *dp; struct iovec aiov; struct uio auio, *uio = ap->a_uio; size_t *sizep = ap->a_size; size_t plen; vnode_t *xvp = NULL, *vp; int done, error, eof, pos; error = extattr_check_cred(ap->a_vp, ap->a_attrnamespace, ap->a_cred, ap->a_td, VREAD); if (error != 0) return (error); error = zfs_create_attrname(ap->a_attrnamespace, "", attrprefix, sizeof(attrprefix)); if (error != 0) return (error); plen = strlen(attrprefix); ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); if (sizep != NULL) *sizep = 0; error = zfs_lookup(ap->a_vp, NULL, &xvp, NULL, 0, ap->a_cred, td, LOOKUP_XATTR); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); /* * ENOATTR means that the EA directory does not yet exist, * i.e. there are no extended attributes there. */ if (error == ENOATTR) error = 0; return (error); } NDINIT_ATVP(&nd, LOOKUP, NOFOLLOW | LOCKLEAF | LOCKSHARED, UIO_SYSSPACE, ".", xvp, td); error = namei(&nd); vp = nd.ni_vp; NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (error != 0) { ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } auio.uio_iov = &aiov; auio.uio_iovcnt = 1; auio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE; auio.uio_td = td; auio.uio_rw = UIO_READ; auio.uio_offset = 0; do { u_char nlen; aiov.iov_base = (void *)dirbuf; aiov.iov_len = sizeof(dirbuf); auio.uio_resid = sizeof(dirbuf); error = VOP_READDIR(vp, &auio, ap->a_cred, &eof, NULL, NULL); done = sizeof(dirbuf) - auio.uio_resid; if (error != 0) break; for (pos = 0; pos < done;) { dp = (struct dirent *)(dirbuf + pos); pos += dp->d_reclen; /* * XXX: Temporarily we also accept DT_UNKNOWN, as this * is what we get when attribute was created on Solaris. */ if (dp->d_type != DT_REG && dp->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN) continue; if (plen == 0 && strncmp(dp->d_name, "freebsd:", 8) == 0) continue; else if (strncmp(dp->d_name, attrprefix, plen) != 0) continue; nlen = dp->d_namlen - plen; if (sizep != NULL) *sizep += 1 + nlen; else if (uio != NULL) { /* * Format of extattr name entry is one byte for * length and the rest for name. */ error = uiomove(&nlen, 1, uio->uio_rw, uio); if (error == 0) { error = uiomove(dp->d_name + plen, nlen, uio->uio_rw, uio); } if (error != 0) break; } } } while (!eof && error == 0); vput(vp); ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } int zfs_freebsd_getacl(ap) struct vop_getacl_args /* { struct vnode *vp; acl_type_t type; struct acl *aclp; struct ucred *cred; struct thread *td; } */ *ap; { int error; vsecattr_t vsecattr; if (ap->a_type != ACL_TYPE_NFS4) return (EINVAL); vsecattr.vsa_mask = VSA_ACE | VSA_ACECNT; if (error = zfs_getsecattr(ap->a_vp, &vsecattr, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL)) return (error); error = acl_from_aces(ap->a_aclp, vsecattr.vsa_aclentp, vsecattr.vsa_aclcnt); if (vsecattr.vsa_aclentp != NULL) kmem_free(vsecattr.vsa_aclentp, vsecattr.vsa_aclentsz); return (error); } int zfs_freebsd_setacl(ap) struct vop_setacl_args /* { struct vnode *vp; acl_type_t type; struct acl *aclp; struct ucred *cred; struct thread *td; } */ *ap; { int error; vsecattr_t vsecattr; int aclbsize; /* size of acl list in bytes */ aclent_t *aaclp; if (ap->a_type != ACL_TYPE_NFS4) return (EINVAL); if (ap->a_aclp == NULL) return (EINVAL); if (ap->a_aclp->acl_cnt < 1 || ap->a_aclp->acl_cnt > MAX_ACL_ENTRIES) return (EINVAL); /* * With NFSv4 ACLs, chmod(2) may need to add additional entries, * splitting every entry into two and appending "canonical six" * entries at the end. Don't allow for setting an ACL that would * cause chmod(2) to run out of ACL entries. */ if (ap->a_aclp->acl_cnt * 2 + 6 > ACL_MAX_ENTRIES) return (ENOSPC); error = acl_nfs4_check(ap->a_aclp, ap->a_vp->v_type == VDIR); if (error != 0) return (error); vsecattr.vsa_mask = VSA_ACE; aclbsize = ap->a_aclp->acl_cnt * sizeof(ace_t); vsecattr.vsa_aclentp = kmem_alloc(aclbsize, KM_SLEEP); aaclp = vsecattr.vsa_aclentp; vsecattr.vsa_aclentsz = aclbsize; aces_from_acl(vsecattr.vsa_aclentp, &vsecattr.vsa_aclcnt, ap->a_aclp); error = zfs_setsecattr(ap->a_vp, &vsecattr, 0, ap->a_cred, NULL); kmem_free(aaclp, aclbsize); return (error); } int zfs_freebsd_aclcheck(ap) struct vop_aclcheck_args /* { struct vnode *vp; acl_type_t type; struct acl *aclp; struct ucred *cred; struct thread *td; } */ *ap; { return (EOPNOTSUPP); } static int zfs_vptocnp(struct vop_vptocnp_args *ap) { vnode_t *covered_vp; vnode_t *vp = ap->a_vp;; zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs = vp->v_vfsp->vfs_data; znode_t *zp = VTOZ(vp); int ltype; int error; ZFS_ENTER(zfsvfs); ZFS_VERIFY_ZP(zp); /* * If we are a snapshot mounted under .zfs, run the operation * on the covered vnode. */ if (zp->z_id != zfsvfs->z_root || zfsvfs->z_parent == zfsvfs) { char name[MAXNAMLEN + 1]; znode_t *dzp; size_t len; error = zfs_znode_parent_and_name(zp, &dzp, name); if (error == 0) { len = strlen(name); if (*ap->a_buflen < len) error = SET_ERROR(ENOMEM); } if (error == 0) { *ap->a_buflen -= len; bcopy(name, ap->a_buf + *ap->a_buflen, len); *ap->a_vpp = ZTOV(dzp); } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); return (error); } ZFS_EXIT(zfsvfs); covered_vp = vp->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered; vhold(covered_vp); ltype = VOP_ISLOCKED(vp); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); error = vget(covered_vp, LK_SHARED | LK_VNHELD, curthread); if (error == 0) { error = VOP_VPTOCNP(covered_vp, ap->a_vpp, ap->a_cred, ap->a_buf, ap->a_buflen); vput(covered_vp); } vn_lock(vp, ltype | LK_RETRY); if ((vp->v_iflag & VI_DOOMED) != 0) error = SET_ERROR(ENOENT); return (error); } #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC static int zfs_lock(ap) struct vop_lock1_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_flags; char *file; int line; } */ *ap; { vnode_t *vp; znode_t *zp; int err; err = vop_stdlock(ap); if (err == 0 && (ap->a_flags & LK_NOWAIT) == 0) { vp = ap->a_vp; zp = vp->v_data; if (vp->v_mount != NULL && (vp->v_iflag & VI_DOOMED) == 0 && zp != NULL && (zp->z_pflags & ZFS_XATTR) == 0) VERIFY(!RRM_LOCK_HELD(&zp->z_zfsvfs->z_teardown_lock)); } return (err); } #endif struct vop_vector zfs_vnodeops; struct vop_vector zfs_fifoops; struct vop_vector zfs_shareops; struct vop_vector zfs_vnodeops = { .vop_default = &default_vnodeops, .vop_inactive = zfs_freebsd_inactive, .vop_reclaim = zfs_freebsd_reclaim, .vop_access = zfs_freebsd_access, .vop_allocate = VOP_EINVAL, .vop_lookup = zfs_cache_lookup, .vop_cachedlookup = zfs_freebsd_lookup, .vop_getattr = zfs_freebsd_getattr, .vop_setattr = zfs_freebsd_setattr, .vop_create = zfs_freebsd_create, .vop_mknod = zfs_freebsd_create, .vop_mkdir = zfs_freebsd_mkdir, .vop_readdir = zfs_freebsd_readdir, .vop_fsync = zfs_freebsd_fsync, .vop_open = zfs_freebsd_open, .vop_close = zfs_freebsd_close, .vop_rmdir = zfs_freebsd_rmdir, .vop_ioctl = zfs_freebsd_ioctl, .vop_link = zfs_freebsd_link, .vop_symlink = zfs_freebsd_symlink, .vop_readlink = zfs_freebsd_readlink, .vop_read = zfs_freebsd_read, .vop_write = zfs_freebsd_write, .vop_remove = zfs_freebsd_remove, .vop_rename = zfs_freebsd_rename, .vop_pathconf = zfs_freebsd_pathconf, .vop_bmap = zfs_freebsd_bmap, .vop_fid = zfs_freebsd_fid, .vop_getextattr = zfs_getextattr, .vop_deleteextattr = zfs_deleteextattr, .vop_setextattr = zfs_setextattr, .vop_listextattr = zfs_listextattr, .vop_getacl = zfs_freebsd_getacl, .vop_setacl = zfs_freebsd_setacl, .vop_aclcheck = zfs_freebsd_aclcheck, .vop_getpages = zfs_freebsd_getpages, .vop_putpages = zfs_freebsd_putpages, .vop_vptocnp = zfs_vptocnp, #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC .vop_lock1 = zfs_lock, #endif }; struct vop_vector zfs_fifoops = { .vop_default = &fifo_specops, .vop_fsync = zfs_freebsd_fsync, .vop_access = zfs_freebsd_access, .vop_getattr = zfs_freebsd_getattr, .vop_inactive = zfs_freebsd_inactive, .vop_read = VOP_PANIC, .vop_reclaim = zfs_freebsd_reclaim, .vop_setattr = zfs_freebsd_setattr, .vop_write = VOP_PANIC, .vop_pathconf = zfs_freebsd_pathconf, .vop_fid = zfs_freebsd_fid, .vop_getacl = zfs_freebsd_getacl, .vop_setacl = zfs_freebsd_setacl, .vop_aclcheck = zfs_freebsd_aclcheck, }; /* * special share hidden files vnode operations template */ struct vop_vector zfs_shareops = { .vop_default = &default_vnodeops, .vop_access = zfs_freebsd_access, .vop_inactive = zfs_freebsd_inactive, .vop_reclaim = zfs_freebsd_reclaim, .vop_fid = zfs_freebsd_fid, .vop_pathconf = zfs_freebsd_pathconf, }; Index: head/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/src/linux_page.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/src/linux_page.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/src/linux_page.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,397 +1,380 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isilon Systems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2016 Matthew Macy ( * Copyright (c) 2017 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void si_meminfo(struct sysinfo *si) { si->totalram = physmem; si->totalhigh = 0; si->mem_unit = PAGE_SIZE; } void * linux_page_address(struct page *page) { if (page->object != kmem_object && page->object != kernel_object) { return (PMAP_HAS_DMAP ? ((void *)(uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page))) : NULL); } return ((void *)(uintptr_t)(VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS + IDX_TO_OFF(page->pindex))); } vm_page_t linux_alloc_pages(gfp_t flags, unsigned int order) { vm_page_t page; if (PMAP_HAS_DMAP) { unsigned long npages = 1UL << order; int req = VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL; if ((flags & M_ZERO) != 0) req |= VM_ALLOC_ZERO; if (order == 0 && (flags & GFP_DMA32) == 0) { page = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, req); if (page == NULL) return (NULL); } else { vm_paddr_t pmax = (flags & GFP_DMA32) ? BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT : BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR; retry: page = vm_page_alloc_contig(NULL, 0, req, npages, 0, pmax, PAGE_SIZE, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); if (page == NULL) { if (flags & M_WAITOK) { if (!vm_page_reclaim_contig(req, npages, 0, pmax, PAGE_SIZE, 0)) { vm_wait(NULL); } flags &= ~M_WAITOK; goto retry; } return (NULL); } } if (flags & M_ZERO) { unsigned long x; for (x = 0; x != npages; x++) { vm_page_t pgo = page + x; if ((pgo->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(pgo); } } } else { vm_offset_t vaddr; vaddr = linux_alloc_kmem(flags, order); if (vaddr == 0) return (NULL); page = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(vtophys((void *)vaddr)); KASSERT(vaddr == (vm_offset_t)page_address(page), ("Page address mismatch")); } return (page); } void linux_free_pages(vm_page_t page, unsigned int order) { if (PMAP_HAS_DMAP) { unsigned long npages = 1UL << order; unsigned long x; for (x = 0; x != npages; x++) { vm_page_t pgo = page + x; vm_page_lock(pgo); if (vm_page_unwire_noq(pgo)) vm_page_free(pgo); vm_page_unlock(pgo); } } else { vm_offset_t vaddr; vaddr = (vm_offset_t)page_address(page); linux_free_kmem(vaddr, order); } } vm_offset_t linux_alloc_kmem(gfp_t flags, unsigned int order) { size_t size = ((size_t)PAGE_SIZE) << order; vm_offset_t addr; if ((flags & GFP_DMA32) == 0) { addr = kmem_malloc(size, flags & GFP_NATIVE_MASK); } else { addr = kmem_alloc_contig(size, flags & GFP_NATIVE_MASK, 0, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, PAGE_SIZE, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } return (addr); } void linux_free_kmem(vm_offset_t addr, unsigned int order) { size_t size = ((size_t)PAGE_SIZE) << order; kmem_free(addr, size); } static int linux_get_user_pages_internal(vm_map_t map, unsigned long start, int nr_pages, int write, struct page **pages) { vm_prot_t prot; size_t len; int count; - int i; prot = write ? (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE) : VM_PROT_READ; len = ((size_t)nr_pages) << PAGE_SHIFT; count = vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(map, start, len, prot, pages, nr_pages); - if (count == -1) - return (-EFAULT); - - for (i = 0; i != nr_pages; i++) { - struct page *pg = pages[i]; - - vm_page_lock(pg); - vm_page_wire(pg); - vm_page_unhold(pg); - vm_page_unlock(pg); - } - return (nr_pages); + return (count == -1 ? -EFAULT : nr_pages); } int __get_user_pages_fast(unsigned long start, int nr_pages, int write, struct page **pages) { vm_map_t map; vm_page_t *mp; vm_offset_t va; vm_offset_t end; vm_prot_t prot; int count; if (nr_pages == 0 || in_interrupt()) return (0); MPASS(pages != NULL); va = start; map = &curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; end = start + (((size_t)nr_pages) << PAGE_SHIFT); if (start < vm_map_min(map) || end > vm_map_max(map)) return (-EINVAL); prot = write ? (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE) : VM_PROT_READ; for (count = 0, mp = pages, va = start; va < end; mp++, va += PAGE_SIZE, count++) { *mp = pmap_extract_and_hold(map->pmap, va, prot); if (*mp == NULL) break; - - vm_page_lock(*mp); - vm_page_wire(*mp); - vm_page_unhold(*mp); - vm_page_unlock(*mp); if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 && (*mp)->dirty != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { /* * Explicitly dirty the physical page. Otherwise, the * caller's changes may go unnoticed because they are * performed through an unmanaged mapping or by a DMA * operation. * * The object lock is not held here. * See vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(). */ vm_page_dirty(*mp); } } return (count); } long get_user_pages_remote(struct task_struct *task, struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long start, unsigned long nr_pages, int gup_flags, struct page **pages, struct vm_area_struct **vmas) { vm_map_t map; map = &task->task_thread->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; return (linux_get_user_pages_internal(map, start, nr_pages, !!(gup_flags & FOLL_WRITE), pages)); } long get_user_pages(unsigned long start, unsigned long nr_pages, int gup_flags, struct page **pages, struct vm_area_struct **vmas) { vm_map_t map; map = &curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; return (linux_get_user_pages_internal(map, start, nr_pages, !!(gup_flags & FOLL_WRITE), pages)); } int is_vmalloc_addr(const void *addr) { return (vtoslab((vm_offset_t)addr & ~UMA_SLAB_MASK) != NULL); } struct page * linux_shmem_read_mapping_page_gfp(vm_object_t obj, int pindex, gfp_t gfp) { vm_page_t page; int rv; if ((gfp & GFP_NOWAIT) != 0) panic("GFP_NOWAIT is unimplemented"); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); page = vm_page_grab(obj, pindex, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (page->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { vm_page_xbusy(page); if (vm_pager_has_page(obj, pindex, NULL, NULL)) { rv = vm_pager_get_pages(obj, &page, 1, NULL, NULL); if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) { vm_page_lock(page); vm_page_unwire_noq(page); vm_page_free(page); vm_page_unlock(page); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (ERR_PTR(-EINVAL)); } MPASS(page->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL); } else { pmap_zero_page(page); page->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; page->dirty = 0; } vm_page_xunbusy(page); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (page); } struct linux_file * linux_shmem_file_setup(const char *name, loff_t size, unsigned long flags) { struct fileobj { struct linux_file file __aligned(sizeof(void *)); struct vnode vnode __aligned(sizeof(void *)); }; struct fileobj *fileobj; struct linux_file *filp; struct vnode *vp; int error; fileobj = kzalloc(sizeof(*fileobj), GFP_KERNEL); if (fileobj == NULL) { error = -ENOMEM; goto err_0; } filp = &fileobj->file; vp = &fileobj->vnode; filp->f_count = 1; filp->f_vnode = vp; filp->f_shmem = vm_pager_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, NULL, size, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, 0, curthread->td_ucred); if (filp->f_shmem == NULL) { error = -ENOMEM; goto err_1; } return (filp); err_1: kfree(filp); err_0: return (ERR_PTR(error)); } static vm_ooffset_t linux_invalidate_mapping_pages_sub(vm_object_t obj, vm_pindex_t start, vm_pindex_t end, int flags) { int start_count, end_count; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); start_count = obj->resident_page_count; vm_object_page_remove(obj, start, end, flags); end_count = obj->resident_page_count; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (start_count - end_count); } unsigned long linux_invalidate_mapping_pages(vm_object_t obj, pgoff_t start, pgoff_t end) { return (linux_invalidate_mapping_pages_sub(obj, start, end, OBJPR_CLEANONLY)); } void linux_shmem_truncate_range(vm_object_t obj, loff_t lstart, loff_t lend) { vm_pindex_t start = OFF_TO_IDX(lstart + PAGE_SIZE - 1); vm_pindex_t end = OFF_TO_IDX(lend + 1); (void) linux_invalidate_mapping_pages_sub(obj, start, end, 0); } Index: head/sys/contrib/vchiq/interface/vchiq_arm/vchiq_2835_arm.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/contrib/vchiq/interface/vchiq_arm/vchiq_2835_arm.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/contrib/vchiq/interface/vchiq_arm/vchiq_2835_arm.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,619 +1,612 @@ /** * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Broadcom. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer, * without modification. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The names of the above-listed copyright holders may not be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License ("GPL") version 2, as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VCPAGELIST, "vcpagelist", "VideoCore pagelist memory"); #define TOTAL_SLOTS (VCHIQ_SLOT_ZERO_SLOTS + 2 * 32) #define VCHIQ_DOORBELL_IRQ IRQ_ARM_DOORBELL_0 #define VCHIQ_ARM_ADDRESS(x) ((void *)PHYS_TO_VCBUS(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)(x)))) #include "vchiq_arm.h" #include "vchiq_2835.h" #include "vchiq_connected.h" #include "vchiq_killable.h" #define MAX_FRAGMENTS (VCHIQ_NUM_CURRENT_BULKS * 2) int g_cache_line_size = 32; static int g_fragment_size; typedef struct vchiq_2835_state_struct { int inited; VCHIQ_ARM_STATE_T arm_state; } VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T; static char *g_slot_mem; static int g_slot_mem_size; vm_paddr_t g_slot_phys; /* BSD DMA */ bus_dma_tag_t bcm_slots_dma_tag; bus_dmamap_t bcm_slots_dma_map; static char *g_fragments_base; static char *g_free_fragments; struct semaphore g_free_fragments_sema; static DEFINE_SEMAPHORE(g_free_fragments_mutex); typedef struct bulkinfo_struct { PAGELIST_T *pagelist; bus_dma_tag_t pagelist_dma_tag; bus_dmamap_t pagelist_dma_map; void *buf; size_t size; } BULKINFO_T; static int create_pagelist(char __user *buf, size_t count, unsigned short type, struct proc *p, BULKINFO_T *bi); static void free_pagelist(BULKINFO_T *bi, int actual); static void vchiq_dmamap_cb(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nseg, int err) { bus_addr_t *addr; if (err) return; addr = (bus_addr_t*)arg; *addr = PHYS_TO_VCBUS(segs[0].ds_addr); } static int copyout_page(vm_page_t p, size_t offset, void *kaddr, size_t size) { uint8_t *dst; dst = (uint8_t*)pmap_quick_enter_page(p); if (!dst) return ENOMEM; memcpy(dst + offset, kaddr, size); pmap_quick_remove_page((vm_offset_t)dst); return 0; } int __init vchiq_platform_init(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { VCHIQ_SLOT_ZERO_T *vchiq_slot_zero; int frag_mem_size; int err; int i; /* Allocate space for the channels in coherent memory */ g_slot_mem_size = PAGE_ALIGN(TOTAL_SLOTS * VCHIQ_SLOT_SIZE); g_fragment_size = 2*g_cache_line_size; frag_mem_size = PAGE_ALIGN(g_fragment_size * MAX_FRAGMENTS); err = bus_dma_tag_create( NULL, PAGE_SIZE, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ g_slot_mem_size + frag_mem_size, 1, /* maxsize, nsegments */ g_slot_mem_size + frag_mem_size, 0, /* maxsegsize, flags */ NULL, NULL, /* lockfunc, lockarg */ &bcm_slots_dma_tag); err = bus_dmamem_alloc(bcm_slots_dma_tag, (void **)&g_slot_mem, BUS_DMA_COHERENT | BUS_DMA_WAITOK, &bcm_slots_dma_map); if (err) { vchiq_log_error(vchiq_core_log_level, "Unable to allocate channel memory"); err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_alloc; } err = bus_dmamap_load(bcm_slots_dma_tag, bcm_slots_dma_map, g_slot_mem, g_slot_mem_size + frag_mem_size, vchiq_dmamap_cb, &g_slot_phys, 0); if (err) { vchiq_log_error(vchiq_core_log_level, "cannot load DMA map"); err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_load; } WARN_ON(((int)g_slot_mem & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) != 0); vchiq_slot_zero = vchiq_init_slots(g_slot_mem, g_slot_mem_size); if (!vchiq_slot_zero) { err = -EINVAL; goto failed_init_slots; } vchiq_slot_zero->platform_data[VCHIQ_PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS_OFFSET_IDX] = (int)g_slot_phys + g_slot_mem_size; vchiq_slot_zero->platform_data[VCHIQ_PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS_COUNT_IDX] = MAX_FRAGMENTS; g_fragments_base = (char *)(g_slot_mem + g_slot_mem_size); g_slot_mem_size += frag_mem_size; g_free_fragments = g_fragments_base; for (i = 0; i < (MAX_FRAGMENTS - 1); i++) { *(char **)&g_fragments_base[i*g_fragment_size] = &g_fragments_base[(i + 1)*g_fragment_size]; } *(char **)&g_fragments_base[i*g_fragment_size] = NULL; _sema_init(&g_free_fragments_sema, MAX_FRAGMENTS); if (vchiq_init_state(state, vchiq_slot_zero, 0/*slave*/) != VCHIQ_SUCCESS) { err = -EINVAL; goto failed_vchiq_init; } bcm_mbox_write(BCM2835_MBOX_CHAN_VCHIQ, (unsigned int)g_slot_phys); vchiq_log_info(vchiq_arm_log_level, "vchiq_init - done (slots %x, phys %x)", (unsigned int)vchiq_slot_zero, g_slot_phys); vchiq_call_connected_callbacks(); return 0; failed_vchiq_init: failed_init_slots: bus_dmamap_unload(bcm_slots_dma_tag, bcm_slots_dma_map); failed_load: bus_dmamem_free(bcm_slots_dma_tag, g_slot_mem, bcm_slots_dma_map); failed_alloc: bus_dma_tag_destroy(bcm_slots_dma_tag); return err; } void __exit vchiq_platform_exit(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { bus_dmamap_unload(bcm_slots_dma_tag, bcm_slots_dma_map); bus_dmamem_free(bcm_slots_dma_tag, g_slot_mem, bcm_slots_dma_map); bus_dma_tag_destroy(bcm_slots_dma_tag); } VCHIQ_STATUS_T vchiq_platform_init_state(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { VCHIQ_STATUS_T status = VCHIQ_SUCCESS; state->platform_state = kzalloc(sizeof(VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T), GFP_KERNEL); ((VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T*)state->platform_state)->inited = 1; status = vchiq_arm_init_state(state, &((VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T*)state->platform_state)->arm_state); if(status != VCHIQ_SUCCESS) { ((VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T*)state->platform_state)->inited = 0; } return status; } VCHIQ_ARM_STATE_T* vchiq_platform_get_arm_state(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { if(!((VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T*)state->platform_state)->inited) { BUG(); } return &((VCHIQ_2835_ARM_STATE_T*)state->platform_state)->arm_state; } int vchiq_copy_from_user(void *dst, const void *src, int size) { if (((vm_offset_t)(src)) < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { int error = copyin(src, dst, size); return error ? VCHIQ_ERROR : VCHIQ_SUCCESS; } else bcopy(src, dst, size); return 0; } VCHIQ_STATUS_T vchiq_prepare_bulk_data(VCHIQ_BULK_T *bulk, VCHI_MEM_HANDLE_T memhandle, void *offset, int size, int dir) { BULKINFO_T *bi; int ret; WARN_ON(memhandle != VCHI_MEM_HANDLE_INVALID); bi = malloc(sizeof(*bi), M_VCPAGELIST, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (bi == NULL) return VCHIQ_ERROR; ret = create_pagelist((char __user *)offset, size, (dir == VCHIQ_BULK_RECEIVE) ? PAGELIST_READ : PAGELIST_WRITE, current, bi); if (ret != 0) return VCHIQ_ERROR; bulk->handle = memhandle; bulk->data = VCHIQ_ARM_ADDRESS(bi->pagelist); /* Store the pagelist address in remote_data, which isn't used by the slave. */ bulk->remote_data = bi; return VCHIQ_SUCCESS; } void vchiq_complete_bulk(VCHIQ_BULK_T *bulk) { if (bulk && bulk->remote_data && bulk->actual) free_pagelist((BULKINFO_T *)bulk->remote_data, bulk->actual); } void vchiq_transfer_bulk(VCHIQ_BULK_T *bulk) { /* * This should only be called on the master (VideoCore) side, but * provide an implementation to avoid the need for ifdefery. */ BUG(); } void vchiq_dump_platform_state(void *dump_context) { char buf[80]; int len; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " Platform: 2835 (VC master)"); vchiq_dump(dump_context, buf, len + 1); } VCHIQ_STATUS_T vchiq_platform_suspend(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { return VCHIQ_ERROR; } VCHIQ_STATUS_T vchiq_platform_resume(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { return VCHIQ_SUCCESS; } void vchiq_platform_paused(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { } void vchiq_platform_resumed(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { } int vchiq_platform_videocore_wanted(VCHIQ_STATE_T* state) { return 1; // autosuspend not supported - videocore always wanted } int vchiq_platform_use_suspend_timer(void) { return 0; } void vchiq_dump_platform_use_state(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { vchiq_log_info(vchiq_arm_log_level, "Suspend timer not in use"); } void vchiq_platform_handle_timeout(VCHIQ_STATE_T *state) { (void)state; } /* * Local functions */ static void pagelist_page_free(vm_page_t pp) { vm_page_lock(pp); if (vm_page_unwire(pp, PQ_INACTIVE) && pp->object == NULL) vm_page_free(pp); vm_page_unlock(pp); } /* There is a potential problem with partial cache lines (pages?) ** at the ends of the block when reading. If the CPU accessed anything in ** the same line (page?) then it may have pulled old data into the cache, ** obscuring the new data underneath. We can solve this by transferring the ** partial cache lines separately, and allowing the ARM to copy into the ** cached area. ** N.B. This implementation plays slightly fast and loose with the Linux ** driver programming rules, e.g. its use of __virt_to_bus instead of ** dma_map_single, but it isn't a multi-platform driver and it benefits ** from increased speed as a result. */ static int create_pagelist(char __user *buf, size_t count, unsigned short type, struct proc *p, BULKINFO_T *bi) { PAGELIST_T *pagelist; vm_page_t* pages; unsigned long *addrs; unsigned int num_pages, i; vm_offset_t offset; int pagelist_size; char *addr, *base_addr, *next_addr; int run, addridx, actual_pages; int err; vm_paddr_t pagelist_phys; vm_paddr_t pa; offset = (vm_offset_t)buf & (PAGE_SIZE - 1); num_pages = (count + offset + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE; bi->pagelist = NULL; bi->buf = buf; bi->size = count; /* Allocate enough storage to hold the page pointers and the page ** list */ pagelist_size = sizeof(PAGELIST_T) + (num_pages * sizeof(unsigned long)) + (num_pages * sizeof(pages[0])); err = bus_dma_tag_create( NULL, PAGE_SIZE, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ pagelist_size, 1, /* maxsize, nsegments */ pagelist_size, 0, /* maxsegsize, flags */ NULL, NULL, /* lockfunc, lockarg */ &bi->pagelist_dma_tag); err = bus_dmamem_alloc(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, (void **)&pagelist, BUS_DMA_COHERENT | BUS_DMA_WAITOK, &bi->pagelist_dma_map); if (err) { vchiq_log_error(vchiq_core_log_level, "Unable to allocate pagelist memory"); err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_alloc; } err = bus_dmamap_load(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, bi->pagelist_dma_map, pagelist, pagelist_size, vchiq_dmamap_cb, &pagelist_phys, 0); if (err) { vchiq_log_error(vchiq_core_log_level, "cannot load DMA map for pagelist memory"); err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_load; } vchiq_log_trace(vchiq_arm_log_level, "create_pagelist - %x (%d bytes @%p)", (unsigned int)pagelist, count, buf); if (!pagelist) return -ENOMEM; addrs = pagelist->addrs; pages = (vm_page_t*)(addrs + num_pages); actual_pages = vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, (vm_offset_t)buf, count, (type == PAGELIST_READ ? VM_PROT_WRITE : 0 ) | VM_PROT_READ, pages, num_pages); if (actual_pages != num_pages) { vm_page_unhold_pages(pages, actual_pages); free(pagelist, M_VCPAGELIST); return (-ENOMEM); } - for (i = 0; i < actual_pages; i++) { - vm_page_lock(pages[i]); - vm_page_wire(pages[i]); - vm_page_unhold(pages[i]); - vm_page_unlock(pages[i]); - } - pagelist->length = count; pagelist->type = type; pagelist->offset = offset; /* Group the pages into runs of contiguous pages */ base_addr = (void *)PHYS_TO_VCBUS(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pages[0])); next_addr = base_addr + PAGE_SIZE; addridx = 0; run = 0; for (i = 1; i < num_pages; i++) { addr = (void *)PHYS_TO_VCBUS(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pages[i])); if ((addr == next_addr) && (run < (PAGE_SIZE - 1))) { next_addr += PAGE_SIZE; run++; } else { addrs[addridx] = (unsigned long)base_addr + run; addridx++; base_addr = addr; next_addr = addr + PAGE_SIZE; run = 0; } } addrs[addridx] = (unsigned long)base_addr + run; addridx++; /* Partial cache lines (fragments) require special measures */ if ((type == PAGELIST_READ) && ((pagelist->offset & (g_cache_line_size - 1)) || ((pagelist->offset + pagelist->length) & (g_cache_line_size - 1)))) { char *fragments; if (down_interruptible(&g_free_fragments_sema) != 0) { free(pagelist, M_VCPAGELIST); return -EINTR; } WARN_ON(g_free_fragments == NULL); down(&g_free_fragments_mutex); fragments = g_free_fragments; WARN_ON(fragments == NULL); g_free_fragments = *(char **) g_free_fragments; up(&g_free_fragments_mutex); pagelist->type = PAGELIST_READ_WITH_FRAGMENTS + (fragments - g_fragments_base)/g_fragment_size; } pa = pmap_extract(PCPU_GET(curpmap), (vm_offset_t)buf); dcache_wbinv_poc((vm_offset_t)buf, pa, count); bus_dmamap_sync(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, bi->pagelist_dma_map, BUS_DMASYNC_PREWRITE); bi->pagelist = pagelist; return 0; failed_load: bus_dmamem_free(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, bi->pagelist, bi->pagelist_dma_map); failed_alloc: bus_dma_tag_destroy(bi->pagelist_dma_tag); return err; } static void free_pagelist(BULKINFO_T *bi, int actual) { vm_page_t*pages; unsigned int num_pages, i; PAGELIST_T *pagelist; pagelist = bi->pagelist; vchiq_log_trace(vchiq_arm_log_level, "free_pagelist - %x, %d (%lu bytes @%p)", (unsigned int)pagelist, actual, pagelist->length, bi->buf); num_pages = (pagelist->length + pagelist->offset + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE; pages = (vm_page_t*)(pagelist->addrs + num_pages); /* Deal with any partial cache lines (fragments) */ if (pagelist->type >= PAGELIST_READ_WITH_FRAGMENTS) { char *fragments = g_fragments_base + (pagelist->type - PAGELIST_READ_WITH_FRAGMENTS)*g_fragment_size; int head_bytes, tail_bytes; head_bytes = (g_cache_line_size - pagelist->offset) & (g_cache_line_size - 1); tail_bytes = (pagelist->offset + actual) & (g_cache_line_size - 1); if ((actual >= 0) && (head_bytes != 0)) { if (head_bytes > actual) head_bytes = actual; copyout_page(pages[0], pagelist->offset, fragments, head_bytes); } if ((actual >= 0) && (head_bytes < actual) && (tail_bytes != 0)) { copyout_page(pages[num_pages-1], (((vm_offset_t)bi->buf + actual) % PAGE_SIZE) - tail_bytes, fragments + g_cache_line_size, tail_bytes); } down(&g_free_fragments_mutex); *(char **) fragments = g_free_fragments; g_free_fragments = fragments; up(&g_free_fragments_mutex); up(&g_free_fragments_sema); } for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { if (pagelist->type != PAGELIST_WRITE) { vm_page_dirty(pages[i]); pagelist_page_free(pages[i]); } } bus_dmamap_unload(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, bi->pagelist_dma_map); bus_dmamem_free(bi->pagelist_dma_tag, bi->pagelist, bi->pagelist_dma_map); bus_dma_tag_destroy(bi->pagelist_dma_tag); free(bi, M_VCPAGELIST); } Index: head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_cpl_io.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_cpl_io.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_cpl_io.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2318 +1,2318 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Chelsio Communications, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Written by: Navdeep Parhar * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_inet6.h" #include "opt_ratelimit.h" #ifdef TCP_OFFLOAD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TCPSTATES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/common.h" #include "common/t4_msg.h" #include "common/t4_regs.h" #include "common/t4_tcb.h" #include "tom/t4_tom_l2t.h" #include "tom/t4_tom.h" static void t4_aiotx_cancel(struct kaiocb *job); static void t4_aiotx_queue_toep(struct socket *so, struct toepcb *toep); void send_flowc_wr(struct toepcb *toep, struct flowc_tx_params *ftxp) { struct wrqe *wr; struct fw_flowc_wr *flowc; unsigned int nparams, flowclen, paramidx; struct vi_info *vi = toep->vi; struct port_info *pi = vi->pi; struct adapter *sc = pi->adapter; unsigned int pfvf = sc->pf << S_FW_VIID_PFN; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_pidx]; KASSERT(!(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT), ("%s: flowc for tid %u sent already", __func__, toep->tid)); if (ftxp != NULL) nparams = 8; else nparams = 6; if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TLS) nparams++; if (toep->tls.fcplenmax != 0) nparams++; if (toep->tc_idx != -1) { MPASS(toep->tc_idx >= 0 && toep->tc_idx < sc->chip_params->nsched_cls); nparams++; } flowclen = sizeof(*flowc) + nparams * sizeof(struct fw_flowc_mnemval); wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(flowclen, 16), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX */ panic("%s: allocation failure.", __func__); } flowc = wrtod(wr); memset(flowc, 0, wr->wr_len); flowc->op_to_nparams = htobe32(V_FW_WR_OP(FW_FLOWC_WR) | V_FW_FLOWC_WR_NPARAMS(nparams)); flowc->flowid_len16 = htonl(V_FW_WR_LEN16(howmany(flowclen, 16)) | V_FW_WR_FLOWID(toep->tid)); #define FLOWC_PARAM(__m, __v) \ do { \ flowc->mnemval[paramidx].mnemonic = FW_FLOWC_MNEM_##__m; \ flowc->mnemval[paramidx].val = htobe32(__v); \ paramidx++; \ } while (0) paramidx = 0; FLOWC_PARAM(PFNVFN, pfvf); FLOWC_PARAM(CH, pi->tx_chan); FLOWC_PARAM(PORT, pi->tx_chan); FLOWC_PARAM(IQID, toep->ofld_rxq->iq.abs_id); if (ftxp) { uint32_t sndbuf = min(ftxp->snd_space, sc->tt.sndbuf); FLOWC_PARAM(SNDNXT, ftxp->snd_nxt); FLOWC_PARAM(RCVNXT, ftxp->rcv_nxt); FLOWC_PARAM(SNDBUF, sndbuf); FLOWC_PARAM(MSS, ftxp->mss); CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, mss %u, sndbuf %u, snd_nxt 0x%x, rcv_nxt 0x%x", __func__, toep->tid, ftxp->mss, sndbuf, ftxp->snd_nxt, ftxp->rcv_nxt); } else { FLOWC_PARAM(SNDBUF, 512); FLOWC_PARAM(MSS, 512); CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u", __func__, toep->tid); } if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TLS) FLOWC_PARAM(ULP_MODE, toep->ulp_mode); if (toep->tls.fcplenmax != 0) FLOWC_PARAM(TXDATAPLEN_MAX, toep->tls.fcplenmax); if (toep->tc_idx != -1) FLOWC_PARAM(SCHEDCLASS, toep->tc_idx); #undef FLOWC_PARAM KASSERT(paramidx == nparams, ("nparams mismatch")); txsd->tx_credits = howmany(flowclen, 16); txsd->plen = 0; KASSERT(toep->tx_credits >= txsd->tx_credits && toep->txsd_avail > 0, ("%s: not enough credits (%d)", __func__, toep->tx_credits)); toep->tx_credits -= txsd->tx_credits; if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_pidx == toep->txsd_total)) toep->txsd_pidx = 0; toep->txsd_avail--; toep->flags |= TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT; t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } #ifdef RATELIMIT /* * Input is Bytes/second (so_max_pacing_rate), chip counts in Kilobits/second. */ static int update_tx_rate_limit(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, u_int Bps) { int tc_idx, rc; const u_int kbps = (u_int) (uint64_t)Bps * 8ULL / 1000; const int port_id = toep->vi->pi->port_id; CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, rate %uKbps", __func__, toep->tid, kbps); if (kbps == 0) { /* unbind */ tc_idx = -1; } else { rc = t4_reserve_cl_rl_kbps(sc, port_id, kbps, &tc_idx); if (rc != 0) return (rc); MPASS(tc_idx >= 0 && tc_idx < sc->chip_params->nsched_cls); } if (toep->tc_idx != tc_idx) { struct wrqe *wr; struct fw_flowc_wr *flowc; int nparams = 1, flowclen, flowclen16; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_pidx]; flowclen = sizeof(*flowc) + nparams * sizeof(struct fw_flowc_mnemval); flowclen16 = howmany(flowclen, 16); if (toep->tx_credits < flowclen16 || toep->txsd_avail == 0 || (wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(flowclen, 16), toep->ofld_txq)) == NULL) { if (tc_idx >= 0) t4_release_cl_rl(sc, port_id, tc_idx); return (ENOMEM); } flowc = wrtod(wr); memset(flowc, 0, wr->wr_len); flowc->op_to_nparams = htobe32(V_FW_WR_OP(FW_FLOWC_WR) | V_FW_FLOWC_WR_NPARAMS(nparams)); flowc->flowid_len16 = htonl(V_FW_WR_LEN16(flowclen16) | V_FW_WR_FLOWID(toep->tid)); flowc->mnemval[0].mnemonic = FW_FLOWC_MNEM_SCHEDCLASS; if (tc_idx == -1) flowc->mnemval[0].val = htobe32(0xff); else flowc->mnemval[0].val = htobe32(tc_idx); txsd->tx_credits = flowclen16; txsd->plen = 0; toep->tx_credits -= txsd->tx_credits; if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_pidx == toep->txsd_total)) toep->txsd_pidx = 0; toep->txsd_avail--; t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } if (toep->tc_idx >= 0) t4_release_cl_rl(sc, port_id, toep->tc_idx); toep->tc_idx = tc_idx; return (0); } #endif void send_reset(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, uint32_t snd_nxt) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_abort_req *req; int tid = toep->tid; struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(inp); /* don't use if INP_DROPPED */ INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d (%s), toep_flags 0x%x, inp_flags 0x%x%s", __func__, toep->tid, inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED ? "inp dropped" : tcpstates[tp->t_state], toep->flags, inp->inp_flags, toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN ? " (abort already in progress)" : ""); if (toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN) return; /* abort already in progress */ toep->flags |= TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN; KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT, ("%s: flowc_wr not sent for tid %d.", __func__, tid)); wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*req), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX */ panic("%s: allocation failure.", __func__); } req = wrtod(wr); INIT_TP_WR_MIT_CPL(req, CPL_ABORT_REQ, tid); if (inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED) req->rsvd0 = htobe32(snd_nxt); else req->rsvd0 = htobe32(tp->snd_nxt); req->rsvd1 = !(toep->flags & TPF_TX_DATA_SENT); req->cmd = CPL_ABORT_SEND_RST; /* * XXX: What's the correct way to tell that the inp hasn't been detached * from its socket? Should I even be flushing the snd buffer here? */ if ((inp->inp_flags & (INP_DROPPED | INP_TIMEWAIT)) == 0) { struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; if (so != NULL) /* because I'm not sure. See comment above */ sbflush(&so->so_snd); } t4_l2t_send(sc, wr, toep->l2te); } /* * Called when a connection is established to translate the TCP options * reported by HW to FreeBSD's native format. */ static void assign_rxopt(struct tcpcb *tp, uint16_t opt) { struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; struct adapter *sc = td_adapter(toep->td); INP_LOCK_ASSERT(inp); toep->tcp_opt = opt; toep->mtu_idx = G_TCPOPT_MSS(opt); tp->t_maxseg = sc->params.mtus[toep->mtu_idx]; if (inp->inp_inc.inc_flags & INC_ISIPV6) tp->t_maxseg -= sizeof(struct ip6_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr); else tp->t_maxseg -= sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr); toep->emss = tp->t_maxseg; if (G_TCPOPT_TSTAMP(opt)) { tp->t_flags |= TF_RCVD_TSTMP; /* timestamps ok */ tp->ts_recent = 0; /* hmmm */ tp->ts_recent_age = tcp_ts_getticks(); toep->emss -= TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_APPA; } CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d, mtu_idx %u (%u), t_maxseg %u, emss %u", __func__, toep->tid, toep->mtu_idx, sc->params.mtus[G_TCPOPT_MSS(opt)], tp->t_maxseg, toep->emss); if (G_TCPOPT_SACK(opt)) tp->t_flags |= TF_SACK_PERMIT; /* should already be set */ else tp->t_flags &= ~TF_SACK_PERMIT; /* sack disallowed by peer */ if (G_TCPOPT_WSCALE_OK(opt)) tp->t_flags |= TF_RCVD_SCALE; /* Doing window scaling? */ if ((tp->t_flags & (TF_RCVD_SCALE | TF_REQ_SCALE)) == (TF_RCVD_SCALE | TF_REQ_SCALE)) { tp->rcv_scale = tp->request_r_scale; tp->snd_scale = G_TCPOPT_SND_WSCALE(opt); } } /* * Completes some final bits of initialization for just established connections * and changes their state to TCPS_ESTABLISHED. * * The ISNs are from the exchange of SYNs. */ void make_established(struct toepcb *toep, uint32_t iss, uint32_t irs, uint16_t opt) { struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(inp); long bufsize; uint16_t tcpopt = be16toh(opt); struct flowc_tx_params ftxp; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT(tp->t_state == TCPS_SYN_SENT || tp->t_state == TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED, ("%s: TCP state %s", __func__, tcpstates[tp->t_state])); CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d, so %p, inp %p, tp %p, toep %p", __func__, toep->tid, so, inp, tp, toep); tcp_state_change(tp, TCPS_ESTABLISHED); tp->t_starttime = ticks; TCPSTAT_INC(tcps_connects); tp->irs = irs; tcp_rcvseqinit(tp); tp->rcv_wnd = (u_int)toep->opt0_rcv_bufsize << 10; tp->rcv_adv += tp->rcv_wnd; tp->last_ack_sent = tp->rcv_nxt; tp->iss = iss; tcp_sendseqinit(tp); tp->snd_una = iss + 1; tp->snd_nxt = iss + 1; tp->snd_max = iss + 1; assign_rxopt(tp, tcpopt); SOCKBUF_LOCK(&so->so_snd); if (so->so_snd.sb_flags & SB_AUTOSIZE && V_tcp_do_autosndbuf) bufsize = V_tcp_autosndbuf_max; else bufsize = sbspace(&so->so_snd); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(&so->so_snd); ftxp.snd_nxt = tp->snd_nxt; ftxp.rcv_nxt = tp->rcv_nxt; ftxp.snd_space = bufsize; ftxp.mss = toep->emss; send_flowc_wr(toep, &ftxp); soisconnected(so); } int send_rx_credits(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int credits) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_rx_data_ack *req; uint32_t dack = F_RX_DACK_CHANGE | V_RX_DACK_MODE(1); KASSERT(credits >= 0, ("%s: %d credits", __func__, credits)); wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*req), toep->ctrlq); if (wr == NULL) return (0); req = wrtod(wr); INIT_TP_WR_MIT_CPL(req, CPL_RX_DATA_ACK, toep->tid); req->credit_dack = htobe32(dack | V_RX_CREDITS(credits)); t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); return (credits); } void send_rx_modulate(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_rx_data_ack *req; wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*req), toep->ctrlq); if (wr == NULL) return; req = wrtod(wr); INIT_TP_WR_MIT_CPL(req, CPL_RX_DATA_ACK, toep->tid); req->credit_dack = htobe32(F_RX_MODULATE_RX); t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } void t4_rcvd_locked(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp) { struct adapter *sc = tod->tod_softc; struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv; struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; int rx_credits; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); SOCKBUF_LOCK_ASSERT(sb); rx_credits = sbspace(sb) > tp->rcv_wnd ? sbspace(sb) - tp->rcv_wnd : 0; if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TLS) { if (toep->tls.rcv_over >= rx_credits) { toep->tls.rcv_over -= rx_credits; rx_credits = 0; } else { rx_credits -= toep->tls.rcv_over; toep->tls.rcv_over = 0; } } if (rx_credits > 0 && (tp->rcv_wnd <= 32 * 1024 || rx_credits >= 64 * 1024 || (rx_credits >= 16 * 1024 && tp->rcv_wnd <= 128 * 1024) || sbused(sb) + tp->rcv_wnd < sb->sb_lowat)) { rx_credits = send_rx_credits(sc, toep, rx_credits); tp->rcv_wnd += rx_credits; tp->rcv_adv += rx_credits; } else if (toep->flags & TPF_FORCE_CREDITS) send_rx_modulate(sc, toep); } void t4_rcvd(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp) { struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); t4_rcvd_locked(tod, tp); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); } /* * Close a connection by sending a CPL_CLOSE_CON_REQ message. */ int t4_close_conn(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_close_con_req *req; unsigned int tid = toep->tid; CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u%s", __func__, toep->tid, toep->flags & TPF_FIN_SENT ? ", IGNORED" : ""); if (toep->flags & TPF_FIN_SENT) return (0); KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT, ("%s: flowc_wr not sent for tid %u.", __func__, tid)); wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*req), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX */ panic("%s: allocation failure.", __func__); } req = wrtod(wr); req->wr.wr_hi = htonl(V_FW_WR_OP(FW_TP_WR) | V_FW_WR_IMMDLEN(sizeof(*req) - sizeof(req->wr))); req->wr.wr_mid = htonl(V_FW_WR_LEN16(howmany(sizeof(*req), 16)) | V_FW_WR_FLOWID(tid)); req->wr.wr_lo = cpu_to_be64(0); OPCODE_TID(req) = htonl(MK_OPCODE_TID(CPL_CLOSE_CON_REQ, tid)); req->rsvd = 0; toep->flags |= TPF_FIN_SENT; toep->flags &= ~TPF_SEND_FIN; t4_l2t_send(sc, wr, toep->l2te); return (0); } #define MAX_OFLD_TX_CREDITS (SGE_MAX_WR_LEN / 16) #define MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS (howmany(sizeof(struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr) + 1, 16)) /* Maximum amount of immediate data we could stuff in a WR */ static inline int max_imm_payload(int tx_credits) { const int n = 2; /* Use only up to 2 desc for imm. data WR */ KASSERT(tx_credits >= 0 && tx_credits <= MAX_OFLD_TX_CREDITS, ("%s: %d credits", __func__, tx_credits)); if (tx_credits < MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS) return (0); if (tx_credits >= (n * EQ_ESIZE) / 16) return ((n * EQ_ESIZE) - sizeof(struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr)); else return (tx_credits * 16 - sizeof(struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr)); } /* Maximum number of SGL entries we could stuff in a WR */ static inline int max_dsgl_nsegs(int tx_credits) { int nseg = 1; /* ulptx_sgl has room for 1, rest ulp_tx_sge_pair */ int sge_pair_credits = tx_credits - MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS; KASSERT(tx_credits >= 0 && tx_credits <= MAX_OFLD_TX_CREDITS, ("%s: %d credits", __func__, tx_credits)); if (tx_credits < MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS) return (0); nseg += 2 * (sge_pair_credits * 16 / 24); if ((sge_pair_credits * 16) % 24 == 16) nseg++; return (nseg); } static inline void write_tx_wr(void *dst, struct toepcb *toep, unsigned int immdlen, unsigned int plen, uint8_t credits, int shove, int ulp_submode, int txalign) { struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr *txwr = dst; txwr->op_to_immdlen = htobe32(V_WR_OP(FW_OFLD_TX_DATA_WR) | V_FW_WR_IMMDLEN(immdlen)); txwr->flowid_len16 = htobe32(V_FW_WR_FLOWID(toep->tid) | V_FW_WR_LEN16(credits)); txwr->lsodisable_to_flags = htobe32(V_TX_ULP_MODE(toep->ulp_mode) | V_TX_ULP_SUBMODE(ulp_submode) | V_TX_URG(0) | V_TX_SHOVE(shove)); txwr->plen = htobe32(plen); if (txalign > 0) { struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(toep->inp); if (plen < 2 * toep->emss) txwr->lsodisable_to_flags |= htobe32(F_FW_OFLD_TX_DATA_WR_LSODISABLE); else txwr->lsodisable_to_flags |= htobe32(F_FW_OFLD_TX_DATA_WR_ALIGNPLD | (tp->t_flags & TF_NODELAY ? 0 : F_FW_OFLD_TX_DATA_WR_ALIGNPLDSHOVE)); } } /* * Generate a DSGL from a starting mbuf. The total number of segments and the * maximum segments in any one mbuf are provided. */ static void write_tx_sgl(void *dst, struct mbuf *start, struct mbuf *stop, int nsegs, int n) { struct mbuf *m; struct ulptx_sgl *usgl = dst; int i, j, rc; struct sglist sg; struct sglist_seg segs[n]; KASSERT(nsegs > 0, ("%s: nsegs 0", __func__)); sglist_init(&sg, n, segs); usgl->cmd_nsge = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_DSGL) | V_ULPTX_NSGE(nsegs)); i = -1; for (m = start; m != stop; m = m->m_next) { if (m->m_flags & M_NOMAP) rc = sglist_append_mb_ext_pgs(&sg, m); else rc = sglist_append(&sg, mtod(m, void *), m->m_len); if (__predict_false(rc != 0)) panic("%s: sglist_append %d", __func__, rc); for (j = 0; j < sg.sg_nseg; i++, j++) { if (i < 0) { usgl->len0 = htobe32(segs[j].ss_len); usgl->addr0 = htobe64(segs[j].ss_paddr); } else { usgl->sge[i / 2].len[i & 1] = htobe32(segs[j].ss_len); usgl->sge[i / 2].addr[i & 1] = htobe64(segs[j].ss_paddr); } #ifdef INVARIANTS nsegs--; #endif } sglist_reset(&sg); } if (i & 1) usgl->sge[i / 2].len[1] = htobe32(0); KASSERT(nsegs == 0, ("%s: nsegs %d, start %p, stop %p", __func__, nsegs, start, stop)); } /* * Max number of SGL entries an offload tx work request can have. This is 41 * (1 + 40) for a full 512B work request. * fw_ofld_tx_data_wr(16B) + ulptx_sgl(16B, 1) + ulptx_sge_pair(480B, 40) */ #define OFLD_SGL_LEN (41) /* * Send data and/or a FIN to the peer. * * The socket's so_snd buffer consists of a stream of data starting with sb_mb * and linked together with m_next. sb_sndptr, if set, is the last mbuf that * was transmitted. * * drop indicates the number of bytes that should be dropped from the head of * the send buffer. It is an optimization that lets do_fw4_ack avoid creating * contention on the send buffer lock (before this change it used to do * sowwakeup and then t4_push_frames right after that when recovering from tx * stalls). When drop is set this function MUST drop the bytes and wake up any * writers. */ void t4_push_frames(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int drop) { struct mbuf *sndptr, *m, *sb_sndptr; struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr *txwr; struct wrqe *wr; u_int plen, nsegs, credits, max_imm, max_nsegs, max_nsegs_1mbuf; struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(inp); struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_snd; int tx_credits, shove, compl, sowwakeup; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd; bool nomap_mbuf_seen; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT, ("%s: flowc_wr not sent for tid %u.", __func__, toep->tid)); KASSERT(toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_NONE || toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP || toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TLS || toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_RDMA, ("%s: ulp_mode %u for toep %p", __func__, toep->ulp_mode, toep)); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d toep flags %#x tp flags %#x drop %d", __func__, toep->tid, toep->flags, tp->t_flags, drop); #endif if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN)) return; #ifdef RATELIMIT if (__predict_false(inp->inp_flags2 & INP_RATE_LIMIT_CHANGED) && (update_tx_rate_limit(sc, toep, so->so_max_pacing_rate) == 0)) { inp->inp_flags2 &= ~INP_RATE_LIMIT_CHANGED; } #endif /* * This function doesn't resume by itself. Someone else must clear the * flag and call this function. */ if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_TX_SUSPENDED)) { KASSERT(drop == 0, ("%s: drop (%d) != 0 but tx is suspended", __func__, drop)); return; } txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_pidx]; do { tx_credits = min(toep->tx_credits, MAX_OFLD_TX_CREDITS); max_imm = max_imm_payload(tx_credits); max_nsegs = max_dsgl_nsegs(tx_credits); SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); sowwakeup = drop; if (drop) { sbdrop_locked(sb, drop); drop = 0; } sb_sndptr = sb->sb_sndptr; sndptr = sb_sndptr ? sb_sndptr->m_next : sb->sb_mb; plen = 0; nsegs = 0; max_nsegs_1mbuf = 0; /* max # of SGL segments in any one mbuf */ nomap_mbuf_seen = false; for (m = sndptr; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) { int n; if (m->m_flags & M_NOMAP) n = sglist_count_mb_ext_pgs(m); else n = sglist_count(mtod(m, void *), m->m_len); nsegs += n; plen += m->m_len; /* This mbuf sent us _over_ the nsegs limit, back out */ if (plen > max_imm && nsegs > max_nsegs) { nsegs -= n; plen -= m->m_len; if (plen == 0) { /* Too few credits */ toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; if (sowwakeup) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY( &toep->aiotx_jobq)) t4_aiotx_queue_toep(so, toep); sowwakeup_locked(so); } else SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK_ASSERT(sb); return; } break; } if (m->m_flags & M_NOMAP) nomap_mbuf_seen = true; if (max_nsegs_1mbuf < n) max_nsegs_1mbuf = n; sb_sndptr = m; /* new sb->sb_sndptr if all goes well */ /* This mbuf put us right at the max_nsegs limit */ if (plen > max_imm && nsegs == max_nsegs) { m = m->m_next; break; } } if (sbused(sb) > sb->sb_hiwat * 5 / 8 && toep->plen_nocompl + plen >= sb->sb_hiwat / 4) compl = 1; else compl = 0; if (sb->sb_flags & SB_AUTOSIZE && V_tcp_do_autosndbuf && sb->sb_hiwat < V_tcp_autosndbuf_max && sbused(sb) >= sb->sb_hiwat * 7 / 8) { int newsize = min(sb->sb_hiwat + V_tcp_autosndbuf_inc, V_tcp_autosndbuf_max); if (!sbreserve_locked(sb, newsize, so, NULL)) sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_AUTOSIZE; else sowwakeup = 1; /* room available */ } if (sowwakeup) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->aiotx_jobq)) t4_aiotx_queue_toep(so, toep); sowwakeup_locked(so); } else SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK_ASSERT(sb); /* nothing to send */ if (plen == 0) { KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: nothing to send, but m != NULL", __func__)); break; } if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_FIN_SENT)) panic("%s: excess tx.", __func__); shove = m == NULL && !(tp->t_flags & TF_MORETOCOME); if (plen <= max_imm && !nomap_mbuf_seen) { /* Immediate data tx */ wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(sizeof(*txwr) + plen, 16), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX: how will we recover from this? */ toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; return; } txwr = wrtod(wr); credits = howmany(wr->wr_len, 16); write_tx_wr(txwr, toep, plen, plen, credits, shove, 0, sc->tt.tx_align); m_copydata(sndptr, 0, plen, (void *)(txwr + 1)); nsegs = 0; } else { int wr_len; /* DSGL tx */ wr_len = sizeof(*txwr) + sizeof(struct ulptx_sgl) + ((3 * (nsegs - 1)) / 2 + ((nsegs - 1) & 1)) * 8; wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(wr_len, 16), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX: how will we recover from this? */ toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; return; } txwr = wrtod(wr); credits = howmany(wr_len, 16); write_tx_wr(txwr, toep, 0, plen, credits, shove, 0, sc->tt.tx_align); write_tx_sgl(txwr + 1, sndptr, m, nsegs, max_nsegs_1mbuf); if (wr_len & 0xf) { uint64_t *pad = (uint64_t *) ((uintptr_t)txwr + wr_len); *pad = 0; } } KASSERT(toep->tx_credits >= credits, ("%s: not enough credits", __func__)); toep->tx_credits -= credits; toep->tx_nocompl += credits; toep->plen_nocompl += plen; if (toep->tx_credits <= toep->tx_total * 3 / 8 && toep->tx_nocompl >= toep->tx_total / 4) compl = 1; if (compl || toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_RDMA) { txwr->op_to_immdlen |= htobe32(F_FW_WR_COMPL); toep->tx_nocompl = 0; toep->plen_nocompl = 0; } tp->snd_nxt += plen; tp->snd_max += plen; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); KASSERT(sb_sndptr, ("%s: sb_sndptr is NULL", __func__)); sb->sb_sndptr = sb_sndptr; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); toep->flags |= TPF_TX_DATA_SENT; if (toep->tx_credits < MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS) toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; KASSERT(toep->txsd_avail > 0, ("%s: no txsd", __func__)); txsd->plen = plen; txsd->tx_credits = credits; txsd++; if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_pidx == toep->txsd_total)) { toep->txsd_pidx = 0; txsd = &toep->txsd[0]; } toep->txsd_avail--; t4_l2t_send(sc, wr, toep->l2te); } while (m != NULL); /* Send a FIN if requested, but only if there's no more data to send */ if (m == NULL && toep->flags & TPF_SEND_FIN) t4_close_conn(sc, toep); } static inline void rqdrop_locked(struct mbufq *q, int plen) { struct mbuf *m; while (plen > 0) { m = mbufq_dequeue(q); /* Too many credits. */ MPASS(m != NULL); M_ASSERTPKTHDR(m); /* Partial credits. */ MPASS(plen >= m->m_pkthdr.len); plen -= m->m_pkthdr.len; m_freem(m); } } void t4_push_pdus(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int drop) { struct mbuf *sndptr, *m; struct fw_ofld_tx_data_wr *txwr; struct wrqe *wr; u_int plen, nsegs, credits, max_imm, max_nsegs, max_nsegs_1mbuf; u_int adjusted_plen, ulp_submode; struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(inp); int tx_credits, shove; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_pidx]; struct mbufq *pduq = &toep->ulp_pduq; static const u_int ulp_extra_len[] = {0, 4, 4, 8}; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT, ("%s: flowc_wr not sent for tid %u.", __func__, toep->tid)); KASSERT(toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI, ("%s: ulp_mode %u for toep %p", __func__, toep->ulp_mode, toep)); if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN)) return; /* * This function doesn't resume by itself. Someone else must clear the * flag and call this function. */ if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_TX_SUSPENDED)) { KASSERT(drop == 0, ("%s: drop (%d) != 0 but tx is suspended", __func__, drop)); return; } if (drop) rqdrop_locked(&toep->ulp_pdu_reclaimq, drop); while ((sndptr = mbufq_first(pduq)) != NULL) { M_ASSERTPKTHDR(sndptr); tx_credits = min(toep->tx_credits, MAX_OFLD_TX_CREDITS); max_imm = max_imm_payload(tx_credits); max_nsegs = max_dsgl_nsegs(tx_credits); plen = 0; nsegs = 0; max_nsegs_1mbuf = 0; /* max # of SGL segments in any one mbuf */ for (m = sndptr; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) { int n = sglist_count(mtod(m, void *), m->m_len); nsegs += n; plen += m->m_len; /* * This mbuf would send us _over_ the nsegs limit. * Suspend tx because the PDU can't be sent out. */ if (plen > max_imm && nsegs > max_nsegs) { toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; return; } if (max_nsegs_1mbuf < n) max_nsegs_1mbuf = n; } if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_FIN_SENT)) panic("%s: excess tx.", __func__); /* * We have a PDU to send. All of it goes out in one WR so 'm' * is NULL. A PDU's length is always a multiple of 4. */ MPASS(m == NULL); MPASS((plen & 3) == 0); MPASS(sndptr->m_pkthdr.len == plen); shove = !(tp->t_flags & TF_MORETOCOME); ulp_submode = mbuf_ulp_submode(sndptr); MPASS(ulp_submode < nitems(ulp_extra_len)); /* * plen doesn't include header and data digests, which are * generated and inserted in the right places by the TOE, but * they do occupy TCP sequence space and need to be accounted * for. */ adjusted_plen = plen + ulp_extra_len[ulp_submode]; if (plen <= max_imm) { /* Immediate data tx */ wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(sizeof(*txwr) + plen, 16), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX: how will we recover from this? */ toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; return; } txwr = wrtod(wr); credits = howmany(wr->wr_len, 16); write_tx_wr(txwr, toep, plen, adjusted_plen, credits, shove, ulp_submode, sc->tt.tx_align); m_copydata(sndptr, 0, plen, (void *)(txwr + 1)); nsegs = 0; } else { int wr_len; /* DSGL tx */ wr_len = sizeof(*txwr) + sizeof(struct ulptx_sgl) + ((3 * (nsegs - 1)) / 2 + ((nsegs - 1) & 1)) * 8; wr = alloc_wrqe(roundup2(wr_len, 16), toep->ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX: how will we recover from this? */ toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; return; } txwr = wrtod(wr); credits = howmany(wr_len, 16); write_tx_wr(txwr, toep, 0, adjusted_plen, credits, shove, ulp_submode, sc->tt.tx_align); write_tx_sgl(txwr + 1, sndptr, m, nsegs, max_nsegs_1mbuf); if (wr_len & 0xf) { uint64_t *pad = (uint64_t *) ((uintptr_t)txwr + wr_len); *pad = 0; } } KASSERT(toep->tx_credits >= credits, ("%s: not enough credits", __func__)); m = mbufq_dequeue(pduq); MPASS(m == sndptr); mbufq_enqueue(&toep->ulp_pdu_reclaimq, m); toep->tx_credits -= credits; toep->tx_nocompl += credits; toep->plen_nocompl += plen; if (toep->tx_credits <= toep->tx_total * 3 / 8 && toep->tx_nocompl >= toep->tx_total / 4) { txwr->op_to_immdlen |= htobe32(F_FW_WR_COMPL); toep->tx_nocompl = 0; toep->plen_nocompl = 0; } tp->snd_nxt += adjusted_plen; tp->snd_max += adjusted_plen; toep->flags |= TPF_TX_DATA_SENT; if (toep->tx_credits < MIN_OFLD_TX_CREDITS) toep->flags |= TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; KASSERT(toep->txsd_avail > 0, ("%s: no txsd", __func__)); txsd->plen = plen; txsd->tx_credits = credits; txsd++; if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_pidx == toep->txsd_total)) { toep->txsd_pidx = 0; txsd = &toep->txsd[0]; } toep->txsd_avail--; t4_l2t_send(sc, wr, toep->l2te); } /* Send a FIN if requested, but only if there are no more PDUs to send */ if (mbufq_first(pduq) == NULL && toep->flags & TPF_SEND_FIN) t4_close_conn(sc, toep); } int t4_tod_output(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp) { struct adapter *sc = tod->tod_softc; #ifdef INVARIANTS struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; #endif struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT((inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED) == 0, ("%s: inp %p dropped.", __func__, inp)); KASSERT(toep != NULL, ("%s: toep is NULL", __func__)); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI) t4_push_pdus(sc, toep, 0); else if (tls_tx_key(toep)) t4_push_tls_records(sc, toep, 0); else t4_push_frames(sc, toep, 0); return (0); } int t4_send_fin(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp) { struct adapter *sc = tod->tod_softc; #ifdef INVARIANTS struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; #endif struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT((inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED) == 0, ("%s: inp %p dropped.", __func__, inp)); KASSERT(toep != NULL, ("%s: toep is NULL", __func__)); toep->flags |= TPF_SEND_FIN; if (tp->t_state >= TCPS_ESTABLISHED) { if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI) t4_push_pdus(sc, toep, 0); else if (tls_tx_key(toep)) t4_push_tls_records(sc, toep, 0); else t4_push_frames(sc, toep, 0); } return (0); } int t4_send_rst(struct toedev *tod, struct tcpcb *tp) { struct adapter *sc = tod->tod_softc; #if defined(INVARIANTS) struct inpcb *inp = tp->t_inpcb; #endif struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); KASSERT((inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED) == 0, ("%s: inp %p dropped.", __func__, inp)); KASSERT(toep != NULL, ("%s: toep is NULL", __func__)); /* hmmmm */ KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT, ("%s: flowc for tid %u [%s] not sent already", __func__, toep->tid, tcpstates[tp->t_state])); send_reset(sc, toep, 0); return (0); } /* * Peer has sent us a FIN. */ static int do_peer_close(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_peer_close *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = NULL; struct socket *so; struct epoch_tracker et; #ifdef INVARIANTS unsigned int opcode = G_CPL_OPCODE(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); #endif KASSERT(opcode == CPL_PEER_CLOSE, ("%s: unexpected opcode 0x%x", __func__, opcode)); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE)) { /* * do_pass_establish must have run before do_peer_close and if * this is still a synqe instead of a toepcb then the connection * must be getting aborted. */ MPASS(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN); CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, synqe %p (0x%x)", __func__, tid, toep, toep->flags); return (0); } KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); INP_INFO_RLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); INP_WLOCK(inp); tp = intotcpcb(inp); CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u (%s), toep_flags 0x%x, ddp_flags 0x%x, inp %p", __func__, tid, tp ? tcpstates[tp->t_state] : "no tp", toep->flags, toep->ddp.flags, inp); if (toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN) goto done; tp->rcv_nxt++; /* FIN */ so = inp->inp_socket; socantrcvmore(so); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP) { DDP_LOCK(toep); if (__predict_false(toep->ddp.flags & (DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE | DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE))) handle_ddp_close(toep, tp, cpl->rcv_nxt); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); } if (toep->ulp_mode != ULP_MODE_RDMA) { KASSERT(tp->rcv_nxt == be32toh(cpl->rcv_nxt), ("%s: rcv_nxt mismatch: %u %u", __func__, tp->rcv_nxt, be32toh(cpl->rcv_nxt))); } switch (tp->t_state) { case TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED: tp->t_starttime = ticks; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case TCPS_ESTABLISHED: tcp_state_change(tp, TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT); break; case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1: tcp_state_change(tp, TCPS_CLOSING); break; case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2: tcp_twstart(tp); INP_UNLOCK_ASSERT(inp); /* safe, we have a ref on the inp */ INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); INP_WLOCK(inp); final_cpl_received(toep); return (0); default: log(LOG_ERR, "%s: TID %u received CPL_PEER_CLOSE in state %d\n", __func__, tid, tp->t_state); } done: INP_WUNLOCK(inp); INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); return (0); } /* * Peer has ACK'd our FIN. */ static int do_close_con_rpl(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_close_con_rpl *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = NULL; struct socket *so = NULL; struct epoch_tracker et; #ifdef INVARIANTS unsigned int opcode = G_CPL_OPCODE(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); #endif KASSERT(opcode == CPL_CLOSE_CON_RPL, ("%s: unexpected opcode 0x%x", __func__, opcode)); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); INP_INFO_RLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); INP_WLOCK(inp); tp = intotcpcb(inp); CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u (%s), toep_flags 0x%x", __func__, tid, tp ? tcpstates[tp->t_state] : "no tp", toep->flags); if (toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN) goto done; so = inp->inp_socket; tp->snd_una = be32toh(cpl->snd_nxt) - 1; /* exclude FIN */ switch (tp->t_state) { case TCPS_CLOSING: /* see TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 in do_peer_close too */ tcp_twstart(tp); release: INP_UNLOCK_ASSERT(inp); /* safe, we have a ref on the inp */ INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); INP_WLOCK(inp); final_cpl_received(toep); /* no more CPLs expected */ return (0); case TCPS_LAST_ACK: if (tcp_close(tp)) INP_WUNLOCK(inp); goto release; case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1: if (so->so_rcv.sb_state & SBS_CANTRCVMORE) soisdisconnected(so); tcp_state_change(tp, TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2); break; default: log(LOG_ERR, "%s: TID %u received CPL_CLOSE_CON_RPL in state %s\n", __func__, tid, tcpstates[tp->t_state]); } done: INP_WUNLOCK(inp); INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); return (0); } void send_abort_rpl(struct adapter *sc, struct sge_wrq *ofld_txq, int tid, int rst_status) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_abort_rpl *cpl; wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*cpl), ofld_txq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX */ panic("%s: allocation failure.", __func__); } cpl = wrtod(wr); INIT_TP_WR_MIT_CPL(cpl, CPL_ABORT_RPL, tid); cpl->cmd = rst_status; t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } static int abort_status_to_errno(struct tcpcb *tp, unsigned int abort_reason) { switch (abort_reason) { case CPL_ERR_BAD_SYN: case CPL_ERR_CONN_RESET: return (tp->t_state == TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT ? EPIPE : ECONNRESET); case CPL_ERR_XMIT_TIMEDOUT: case CPL_ERR_PERSIST_TIMEDOUT: case CPL_ERR_FINWAIT2_TIMEDOUT: case CPL_ERR_KEEPALIVE_TIMEDOUT: return (ETIMEDOUT); default: return (EIO); } } /* * TCP RST from the peer, timeout, or some other such critical error. */ static int do_abort_req(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_abort_req_rss *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct sge_wrq *ofld_txq = toep->ofld_txq; struct inpcb *inp; struct tcpcb *tp; struct epoch_tracker et; #ifdef INVARIANTS unsigned int opcode = G_CPL_OPCODE(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); #endif KASSERT(opcode == CPL_ABORT_REQ_RSS, ("%s: unexpected opcode 0x%x", __func__, opcode)); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); if (toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE) return (do_abort_req_synqe(iq, rss, m)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); if (negative_advice(cpl->status)) { CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: negative advice %d for tid %d (0x%x)", __func__, cpl->status, tid, toep->flags); return (0); /* Ignore negative advice */ } inp = toep->inp; CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); INP_INFO_RLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); /* for tcp_close */ INP_WLOCK(inp); tp = intotcpcb(inp); CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d (%s), toep_flags 0x%x, inp_flags 0x%x, status %d", __func__, tid, tp ? tcpstates[tp->t_state] : "no tp", toep->flags, inp->inp_flags, cpl->status); /* * If we'd initiated an abort earlier the reply to it is responsible for * cleaning up resources. Otherwise we tear everything down right here * right now. We owe the T4 a CPL_ABORT_RPL no matter what. */ if (toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN) { INP_WUNLOCK(inp); goto done; } toep->flags |= TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN; if ((inp->inp_flags & (INP_DROPPED | INP_TIMEWAIT)) == 0) { struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket; if (so != NULL) so_error_set(so, abort_status_to_errno(tp, cpl->status)); tp = tcp_close(tp); if (tp == NULL) INP_WLOCK(inp); /* re-acquire */ } final_cpl_received(toep); done: INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); send_abort_rpl(sc, ofld_txq, tid, CPL_ABORT_NO_RST); return (0); } /* * Reply to the CPL_ABORT_REQ (send_reset) */ static int do_abort_rpl(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_abort_rpl_rss *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; #ifdef INVARIANTS unsigned int opcode = G_CPL_OPCODE(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); #endif KASSERT(opcode == CPL_ABORT_RPL_RSS, ("%s: unexpected opcode 0x%x", __func__, opcode)); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); if (toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE) return (do_abort_rpl_synqe(iq, rss, m)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, toep %p, inp %p, status %d", __func__, tid, toep, inp, cpl->status); KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN, ("%s: wasn't expecting abort reply", __func__)); INP_WLOCK(inp); final_cpl_received(toep); return (0); } static int do_rx_data(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_rx_data *cpl = mtod(m, const void *); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp; struct socket *so; struct sockbuf *sb; struct epoch_tracker et; int len, rx_credits; uint32_t ddp_placed = 0; if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE)) { /* * do_pass_establish must have run before do_rx_data and if this * is still a synqe instead of a toepcb then the connection must * be getting aborted. */ MPASS(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN); CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, synqe %p (0x%x)", __func__, tid, toep, toep->flags); m_freem(m); return (0); } KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); /* strip off CPL header */ m_adj(m, sizeof(*cpl)); len = m->m_pkthdr.len; INP_WLOCK(inp); if (inp->inp_flags & (INP_DROPPED | INP_TIMEWAIT)) { CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, rx (%d bytes), inp_flags 0x%x", __func__, tid, len, inp->inp_flags); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); m_freem(m); return (0); } tp = intotcpcb(inp); if (__predict_false(tp->rcv_nxt != be32toh(cpl->seq))) ddp_placed = be32toh(cpl->seq) - tp->rcv_nxt; tp->rcv_nxt += len; if (tp->rcv_wnd < len) { KASSERT(toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_RDMA, ("%s: negative window size", __func__)); } tp->rcv_wnd -= len; tp->t_rcvtime = ticks; if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP) DDP_LOCK(toep); so = inp_inpcbtosocket(inp); sb = &so->so_rcv; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (__predict_false(sb->sb_state & SBS_CANTRCVMORE)) { CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, excess rx (%d bytes)", __func__, tid, len); m_freem(m); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP) DDP_UNLOCK(toep); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); INP_INFO_RLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); INP_WLOCK(inp); tp = tcp_drop(tp, ECONNRESET); if (tp) INP_WUNLOCK(inp); INP_INFO_RUNLOCK_ET(&V_tcbinfo, et); CURVNET_RESTORE(); return (0); } /* receive buffer autosize */ MPASS(toep->vnet == so->so_vnet); CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); if (sb->sb_flags & SB_AUTOSIZE && V_tcp_do_autorcvbuf && sb->sb_hiwat < V_tcp_autorcvbuf_max && len > (sbspace(sb) / 8 * 7)) { unsigned int hiwat = sb->sb_hiwat; unsigned int newsize = min(hiwat + sc->tt.autorcvbuf_inc, V_tcp_autorcvbuf_max); if (!sbreserve_locked(sb, newsize, so, NULL)) sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_AUTOSIZE; } if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP) { int changed = !(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_ON) ^ cpl->ddp_off; if (toep->ddp.waiting_count != 0 || toep->ddp.active_count != 0) CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, non-ddp rx (%d bytes)", __func__, tid, len); if (changed) { if (toep->ddp.flags & DDP_SC_REQ) toep->ddp.flags ^= DDP_ON | DDP_SC_REQ; else { KASSERT(cpl->ddp_off == 1, ("%s: DDP switched on by itself.", __func__)); /* Fell out of DDP mode */ toep->ddp.flags &= ~DDP_ON; CTR1(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: fell out of DDP mode", __func__); insert_ddp_data(toep, ddp_placed); } } if (toep->ddp.flags & DDP_ON) { /* * CPL_RX_DATA with DDP on can only be an indicate. * Start posting queued AIO requests via DDP. The * payload that arrived in this indicate is appended * to the socket buffer as usual. */ handle_ddp_indicate(toep); } } sbappendstream_locked(sb, m, 0); rx_credits = sbspace(sb) > tp->rcv_wnd ? sbspace(sb) - tp->rcv_wnd : 0; if (rx_credits > 0 && sbused(sb) + tp->rcv_wnd < sb->sb_lowat) { rx_credits = send_rx_credits(sc, toep, rx_credits); tp->rcv_wnd += rx_credits; tp->rcv_adv += rx_credits; } if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP && toep->ddp.waiting_count > 0 && sbavail(sb) != 0) { CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u queueing AIO task", __func__, tid); ddp_queue_toep(toep); } sorwakeup_locked(so); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK_ASSERT(sb); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_TCPDDP) DDP_UNLOCK(toep); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); CURVNET_RESTORE(); return (0); } static int do_fw4_ack(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_fw4_ack *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = G_CPL_FW4_ACK_FLOWID(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); struct inpcb *inp; struct tcpcb *tp; struct socket *so; uint8_t credits = cpl->credits; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd; int plen; #ifdef INVARIANTS unsigned int opcode = G_CPL_FW4_ACK_OPCODE(be32toh(OPCODE_TID(cpl))); #endif /* * Very unusual case: we'd sent a flowc + abort_req for a synq entry and * now this comes back carrying the credits for the flowc. */ if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE)) { KASSERT(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN, ("%s: credits for a synq entry %p", __func__, toep)); return (0); } inp = toep->inp; KASSERT(opcode == CPL_FW4_ACK, ("%s: unexpected opcode 0x%x", __func__, opcode)); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid mismatch", __func__)); INP_WLOCK(inp); if (__predict_false(toep->flags & TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN)) { INP_WUNLOCK(inp); return (0); } KASSERT((inp->inp_flags & (INP_TIMEWAIT | INP_DROPPED)) == 0, ("%s: inp_flags 0x%x", __func__, inp->inp_flags)); tp = intotcpcb(inp); if (cpl->flags & CPL_FW4_ACK_FLAGS_SEQVAL) { tcp_seq snd_una = be32toh(cpl->snd_una); #ifdef INVARIANTS if (__predict_false(SEQ_LT(snd_una, tp->snd_una))) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: unexpected seq# %x for TID %u, snd_una %x\n", __func__, snd_una, toep->tid, tp->snd_una); } #endif if (tp->snd_una != snd_una) { tp->snd_una = snd_una; tp->ts_recent_age = tcp_ts_getticks(); } } #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d credits %u", __func__, tid, credits); #endif so = inp->inp_socket; txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_cidx]; plen = 0; while (credits) { KASSERT(credits >= txsd->tx_credits, ("%s: too many (or partial) credits", __func__)); credits -= txsd->tx_credits; toep->tx_credits += txsd->tx_credits; plen += txsd->plen; if (txsd->iv_buffer) { free(txsd->iv_buffer, M_CXGBE); txsd->iv_buffer = NULL; } txsd++; toep->txsd_avail++; KASSERT(toep->txsd_avail <= toep->txsd_total, ("%s: txsd avail > total", __func__)); if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_cidx == toep->txsd_total)) { txsd = &toep->txsd[0]; toep->txsd_cidx = 0; } } if (toep->tx_credits == toep->tx_total) { toep->tx_nocompl = 0; toep->plen_nocompl = 0; } if (toep->flags & TPF_TX_SUSPENDED && toep->tx_credits >= toep->tx_total / 4) { #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d calling t4_push_frames", __func__, tid); #endif toep->flags &= ~TPF_TX_SUSPENDED; CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI) t4_push_pdus(sc, toep, plen); else if (tls_tx_key(toep)) t4_push_tls_records(sc, toep, plen); else t4_push_frames(sc, toep, plen); CURVNET_RESTORE(); } else if (plen > 0) { struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_snd; int sbu; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); sbu = sbused(sb); if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI) { if (__predict_false(sbu > 0)) { /* * The data trasmitted before the tid's ULP mode * changed to ISCSI is still in so_snd. * Incoming credits should account for so_snd * first. */ sbdrop_locked(sb, min(sbu, plen)); plen -= min(sbu, plen); } sowwakeup_locked(so); /* unlocks so_snd */ rqdrop_locked(&toep->ulp_pdu_reclaimq, plen); } else { #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d dropped %d bytes", __func__, tid, plen); #endif sbdrop_locked(sb, plen); if (tls_tx_key(toep)) { struct tls_ofld_info *tls_ofld = &toep->tls; MPASS(tls_ofld->sb_off >= plen); tls_ofld->sb_off -= plen; } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->aiotx_jobq)) t4_aiotx_queue_toep(so, toep); sowwakeup_locked(so); /* unlocks so_snd */ } SOCKBUF_UNLOCK_ASSERT(sb); } INP_WUNLOCK(inp); return (0); } void t4_set_tcb_field(struct adapter *sc, struct sge_wrq *wrq, struct toepcb *toep, uint16_t word, uint64_t mask, uint64_t val, int reply, int cookie) { struct wrqe *wr; struct cpl_set_tcb_field *req; struct ofld_tx_sdesc *txsd; MPASS((cookie & ~M_COOKIE) == 0); if (reply) { MPASS(cookie != CPL_COOKIE_RESERVED); } wr = alloc_wrqe(sizeof(*req), wrq); if (wr == NULL) { /* XXX */ panic("%s: allocation failure.", __func__); } req = wrtod(wr); INIT_TP_WR_MIT_CPL(req, CPL_SET_TCB_FIELD, toep->tid); req->reply_ctrl = htobe16(V_QUEUENO(toep->ofld_rxq->iq.abs_id)); if (reply == 0) req->reply_ctrl |= htobe16(F_NO_REPLY); req->word_cookie = htobe16(V_WORD(word) | V_COOKIE(cookie)); req->mask = htobe64(mask); req->val = htobe64(val); if ((wrq->eq.flags & EQ_TYPEMASK) == EQ_OFLD) { txsd = &toep->txsd[toep->txsd_pidx]; txsd->tx_credits = howmany(sizeof(*req), 16); txsd->plen = 0; KASSERT(toep->tx_credits >= txsd->tx_credits && toep->txsd_avail > 0, ("%s: not enough credits (%d)", __func__, toep->tx_credits)); toep->tx_credits -= txsd->tx_credits; if (__predict_false(++toep->txsd_pidx == toep->txsd_total)) toep->txsd_pidx = 0; toep->txsd_avail--; } t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } void t4_init_cpl_io_handlers(void) { t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_PEER_CLOSE, do_peer_close); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_CLOSE_CON_RPL, do_close_con_rpl); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_ABORT_REQ_RSS, do_abort_req); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_ABORT_RPL_RSS, do_abort_rpl, CPL_COOKIE_TOM); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DATA, do_rx_data); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_FW4_ACK, do_fw4_ack, CPL_COOKIE_TOM); } void t4_uninit_cpl_io_handlers(void) { t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_PEER_CLOSE, NULL); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_CLOSE_CON_RPL, NULL); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_ABORT_REQ_RSS, NULL); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_ABORT_RPL_RSS, NULL, CPL_COOKIE_TOM); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DATA, NULL); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_FW4_ACK, NULL, CPL_COOKIE_TOM); } /* * Use the 'backend1' field in AIO jobs to hold an error that should * be reported when the job is completed, the 'backend3' field to * store the amount of data sent by the AIO job so far, and the * 'backend4' field to hold a reference count on the job. * * Each unmapped mbuf holds a reference on the job as does the queue * so long as the job is queued. */ #define aio_error backend1 #define aio_sent backend3 #define aio_refs backend4 #define jobtotid(job) \ (((struct toepcb *)(so_sototcpcb((job)->fd_file->f_data)->t_toe))->tid) static void aiotx_free_job(struct kaiocb *job) { long status; int error; if (refcount_release(&job->aio_refs) == 0) return; error = (intptr_t)job->aio_error; status = job->aio_sent; #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d completed %p len %ld, error %d", __func__, jobtotid(job), job, status, error); #endif if (error != 0 && status != 0) error = 0; if (error == ECANCELED) aio_cancel(job); else if (error) aio_complete(job, -1, error); else { job->msgsnd = 1; aio_complete(job, status, 0); } } static void aiotx_free_pgs(struct mbuf *m) { struct mbuf_ext_pgs *ext_pgs; struct kaiocb *job; struct mtx *mtx; vm_page_t pg; MBUF_EXT_PGS_ASSERT(m); ext_pgs = m->m_ext.ext_pgs; job = m->m_ext.ext_arg1; #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: completed %d bytes for tid %d", __func__, m->m_len, jobtotid(job)); #endif mtx = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ext_pgs->npgs; i++) { pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ext_pgs->pa[i]); vm_page_change_lock(pg, &mtx); - vm_page_unhold(pg); + vm_page_unwire(pg, PQ_ACTIVE); } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); aiotx_free_job(job); } /* * Allocate a chain of unmapped mbufs describing the next 'len' bytes * of an AIO job. */ static struct mbuf * alloc_aiotx_mbuf(struct kaiocb *job, int len) { struct vmspace *vm; vm_page_t pgs[MBUF_PEXT_MAX_PGS]; struct mbuf *m, *top, *last; struct mbuf_ext_pgs *ext_pgs; vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start; int i, mlen, npages, pgoff; KASSERT(job->aio_sent + len <= job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes, ("%s(%p, %d): request to send beyond end of buffer", __func__, job, len)); /* * The AIO subsystem will cancel and drain all requests before * permitting a process to exit or exec, so p_vmspace should * be stable here. */ vm = job->userproc->p_vmspace; map = &vm->vm_map; start = (uintptr_t)job->uaiocb.aio_buf + job->aio_sent; pgoff = start & PAGE_MASK; top = NULL; last = NULL; while (len > 0) { mlen = imin(len, MBUF_PEXT_MAX_PGS * PAGE_SIZE - pgoff); KASSERT(mlen == len || (start + mlen & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: next start (%#jx + %#x) is not page aligned", __func__, (uintmax_t)start, mlen)); npages = vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(map, start, mlen, VM_PROT_WRITE, pgs, nitems(pgs)); if (npages < 0) break; m = mb_alloc_ext_pgs(M_WAITOK, false, aiotx_free_pgs); if (m == NULL) { vm_page_unhold_pages(pgs, npages); break; } ext_pgs = m->m_ext.ext_pgs; ext_pgs->first_pg_off = pgoff; ext_pgs->npgs = npages; if (npages == 1) { KASSERT(mlen + pgoff <= PAGE_SIZE, ("%s: single page is too large (off %d len %d)", __func__, pgoff, mlen)); ext_pgs->last_pg_len = mlen; } else { ext_pgs->last_pg_len = mlen - (PAGE_SIZE - pgoff) - (npages - 2) * PAGE_SIZE; } for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) ext_pgs->pa[i] = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pgs[i]); m->m_len = mlen; m->m_ext.ext_size = npages * PAGE_SIZE; m->m_ext.ext_arg1 = job; refcount_acquire(&job->aio_refs); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d, new mbuf %p for job %p, npages %d", __func__, jobtotid(job), m, job, npages); #endif if (top == NULL) top = m; else last->m_next = m; last = m; len -= mlen; start += mlen; pgoff = 0; } return (top); } static void t4_aiotx_process_job(struct toepcb *toep, struct socket *so, struct kaiocb *job) { struct adapter *sc; struct sockbuf *sb; struct file *fp; struct inpcb *inp; struct tcpcb *tp; struct mbuf *m; int error, len; bool moretocome, sendmore; sc = td_adapter(toep->td); sb = &so->so_snd; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); fp = job->fd_file; m = NULL; #ifdef MAC error = mac_socket_check_send(fp->f_cred, so); if (error != 0) goto out; #endif /* Inline sosend_generic(). */ error = sblock(sb, SBL_WAIT); MPASS(error == 0); sendanother: SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (so->so_snd.sb_state & SBS_CANTSENDMORE) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); sbunlock(sb); if ((so->so_options & SO_NOSIGPIPE) == 0) { PROC_LOCK(job->userproc); kern_psignal(job->userproc, SIGPIPE); PROC_UNLOCK(job->userproc); } error = EPIPE; goto out; } if (so->so_error) { error = so->so_error; so->so_error = 0; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); sbunlock(sb); goto out; } if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) == 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); sbunlock(sb); error = ENOTCONN; goto out; } if (sbspace(sb) < sb->sb_lowat) { MPASS(job->aio_sent == 0 || !(so->so_state & SS_NBIO)); /* * Don't block if there is too little room in the socket * buffer. Instead, requeue the request. */ if (!aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aiotx_cancel)) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); sbunlock(sb); error = ECANCELED; goto out; } TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&toep->aiotx_jobq, job, list); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); sbunlock(sb); goto out; } /* * Write as much data as the socket permits, but no more than a * a single sndbuf at a time. */ len = sbspace(sb); if (len > job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - job->aio_sent) { len = job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - job->aio_sent; moretocome = false; } else moretocome = true; if (len > sc->tt.sndbuf) { len = sc->tt.sndbuf; sendmore = true; } else sendmore = false; if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->aiotx_jobq)) moretocome = true; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); MPASS(len != 0); m = alloc_aiotx_mbuf(job, len); if (m == NULL) { sbunlock(sb); error = EFAULT; goto out; } /* Inlined tcp_usr_send(). */ inp = toep->inp; INP_WLOCK(inp); if (inp->inp_flags & (INP_TIMEWAIT | INP_DROPPED)) { INP_WUNLOCK(inp); sbunlock(sb); error = ECONNRESET; goto out; } job->aio_sent += m_length(m, NULL); sbappendstream(sb, m, 0); m = NULL; if (!(inp->inp_flags & INP_DROPPED)) { tp = intotcpcb(inp); if (moretocome) tp->t_flags |= TF_MORETOCOME; error = tp->t_fb->tfb_tcp_output(tp); if (moretocome) tp->t_flags &= ~TF_MORETOCOME; } INP_WUNLOCK(inp); if (sendmore) goto sendanother; sbunlock(sb); if (error) goto out; /* * If this is a blocking socket and the request has not been * fully completed, requeue it until the socket is ready * again. */ if (job->aio_sent < job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes && !(so->so_state & SS_NBIO)) { SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (!aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aiotx_cancel)) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); error = ECANCELED; goto out; } TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&toep->aiotx_jobq, job, list); return; } /* * If the request will not be requeued, drop the queue's * reference to the job. Any mbufs in flight should still * hold a reference, but this drops the reference that the * queue owns while it is waiting to queue mbufs to the * socket. */ aiotx_free_job(job); out: if (error) { job->aio_error = (void *)(intptr_t)error; aiotx_free_job(job); } if (m != NULL) m_free(m); SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); } static void t4_aiotx_task(void *context, int pending) { struct toepcb *toep = context; struct socket *so; struct kaiocb *job; so = toep->aiotx_so; CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); SOCKBUF_LOCK(&so->so_snd); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->aiotx_jobq) && sowriteable(so)) { job = TAILQ_FIRST(&toep->aiotx_jobq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->aiotx_jobq, job, list); if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) continue; t4_aiotx_process_job(toep, so, job); } toep->aiotx_so = NULL; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(&so->so_snd); CURVNET_RESTORE(); free_toepcb(toep); SOCK_LOCK(so); sorele(so); } static void t4_aiotx_queue_toep(struct socket *so, struct toepcb *toep) { SOCKBUF_LOCK_ASSERT(&toep->inp->inp_socket->so_snd); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: queueing aiotx task for tid %d, active = %s", __func__, toep->tid, toep->aiotx_so != NULL ? "true" : "false"); #endif if (toep->aiotx_so != NULL) return; soref(so); toep->aiotx_so = so; hold_toepcb(toep); soaio_enqueue(&toep->aiotx_task); } static void t4_aiotx_cancel(struct kaiocb *job) { struct socket *so; struct sockbuf *sb; struct tcpcb *tp; struct toepcb *toep; so = job->fd_file->f_data; tp = so_sototcpcb(so); toep = tp->t_toe; MPASS(job->uaiocb.aio_lio_opcode == LIO_WRITE); sb = &so->so_snd; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (!aio_cancel_cleared(job)) TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->aiotx_jobq, job, list); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); job->aio_error = (void *)(intptr_t)ECANCELED; aiotx_free_job(job); } int t4_aio_queue_aiotx(struct socket *so, struct kaiocb *job) { struct tcpcb *tp = so_sototcpcb(so); struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; struct adapter *sc = td_adapter(toep->td); /* This only handles writes. */ if (job->uaiocb.aio_lio_opcode != LIO_WRITE) return (EOPNOTSUPP); if (!sc->tt.tx_zcopy) return (EOPNOTSUPP); if (tls_tx_key(toep)) return (EOPNOTSUPP); SOCKBUF_LOCK(&so->so_snd); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: queueing %p for tid %u", __func__, job, toep->tid); #endif if (!aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aiotx_cancel)) panic("new job was cancelled"); refcount_init(&job->aio_refs, 1); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&toep->aiotx_jobq, job, list); if (sowriteable(so)) t4_aiotx_queue_toep(so, toep); SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(&so->so_snd); return (0); } void aiotx_init_toep(struct toepcb *toep) { TAILQ_INIT(&toep->aiotx_jobq); TASK_INIT(&toep->aiotx_task, 0, t4_aiotx_task, toep); } #endif Index: head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_ddp.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_ddp.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_ddp.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,1969 +1,1945 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012 Chelsio Communications, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Written by: Navdeep Parhar * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TCPSTATES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef TCP_OFFLOAD #include "common/common.h" #include "common/t4_msg.h" #include "common/t4_regs.h" #include "common/t4_tcb.h" #include "tom/t4_tom.h" /* * Use the 'backend3' field in AIO jobs to store the amount of data * received by the AIO job so far. */ #define aio_received backend3 static void aio_ddp_requeue_task(void *context, int pending); static void ddp_complete_all(struct toepcb *toep, int error); static void t4_aio_cancel_active(struct kaiocb *job); static void t4_aio_cancel_queued(struct kaiocb *job); static TAILQ_HEAD(, pageset) ddp_orphan_pagesets; static struct mtx ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock; static struct task ddp_orphan_task; #define MAX_DDP_BUFFER_SIZE (M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_LEN) /* * A page set holds information about a buffer used for DDP. The page * set holds resources such as the VM pages backing the buffer (either * held or wired) and the page pods associated with the buffer. * Recently used page sets are cached to allow for efficient reuse of * buffers (avoiding the need to re-fault in pages, hold them, etc.). * Note that cached page sets keep the backing pages wired. The * number of wired pages is capped by only allowing for two wired * pagesets per connection. This is not a perfect cap, but is a * trade-off for performance. * * If an application ping-pongs two buffers for a connection via * aio_read(2) then those buffers should remain wired and expensive VM * fault lookups should be avoided after each buffer has been used * once. If an application uses more than two buffers then this will * fall back to doing expensive VM fault lookups for each operation. */ static void free_pageset(struct tom_data *td, struct pageset *ps) { vm_page_t p; int i; if (ps->prsv.prsv_nppods > 0) t4_free_page_pods(&ps->prsv); - if (ps->flags & PS_WIRED) { - for (i = 0; i < ps->npages; i++) { - p = ps->pages[i]; - vm_page_lock(p); - vm_page_unwire(p, PQ_INACTIVE); - vm_page_unlock(p); - } - } else - vm_page_unhold_pages(ps->pages, ps->npages); + for (i = 0; i < ps->npages; i++) { + p = ps->pages[i]; + vm_page_lock(p); + vm_page_unwire(p, PQ_INACTIVE); + vm_page_unlock(p); + } mtx_lock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ddp_orphan_pagesets, ps, link); taskqueue_enqueue(taskqueue_thread, &ddp_orphan_task); mtx_unlock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); } static void ddp_free_orphan_pagesets(void *context, int pending) { struct pageset *ps; mtx_lock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&ddp_orphan_pagesets)) { ps = TAILQ_FIRST(&ddp_orphan_pagesets); TAILQ_REMOVE(&ddp_orphan_pagesets, ps, link); mtx_unlock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); if (ps->vm) vmspace_free(ps->vm); free(ps, M_CXGBE); mtx_lock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); } mtx_unlock(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); } static void recycle_pageset(struct toepcb *toep, struct pageset *ps) { DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); - if (!(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD) && ps->flags & PS_WIRED) { + if (!(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD)) { KASSERT(toep->ddp.cached_count + toep->ddp.active_count < nitems(toep->ddp.db), ("too many wired pagesets")); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, ps, link); toep->ddp.cached_count++; } else free_pageset(toep->td, ps); } static void ddp_complete_one(struct kaiocb *job, int error) { long copied; /* * If this job had copied data out of the socket buffer before * it was cancelled, report it as a short read rather than an * error. */ copied = job->aio_received; if (copied != 0 || error == 0) aio_complete(job, copied, 0); else aio_complete(job, -1, error); } static void free_ddp_buffer(struct tom_data *td, struct ddp_buffer *db) { if (db->job) { /* * XXX: If we are un-offloading the socket then we * should requeue these on the socket somehow. If we * got a FIN from the remote end, then this completes * any remaining requests with an EOF read. */ if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(db->job)) ddp_complete_one(db->job, 0); } if (db->ps) free_pageset(td, db->ps); } void ddp_init_toep(struct toepcb *toep) { TAILQ_INIT(&toep->ddp.aiojobq); TASK_INIT(&toep->ddp.requeue_task, 0, aio_ddp_requeue_task, toep); toep->ddp.flags = DDP_OK; toep->ddp.active_id = -1; mtx_init(&toep->ddp.lock, "t4 ddp", NULL, MTX_DEF); } void ddp_uninit_toep(struct toepcb *toep) { mtx_destroy(&toep->ddp.lock); } void release_ddp_resources(struct toepcb *toep) { struct pageset *ps; int i; DDP_LOCK(toep); toep->ddp.flags |= DDP_DEAD; for (i = 0; i < nitems(toep->ddp.db); i++) { free_ddp_buffer(toep->td, &toep->ddp.db[i]); } while ((ps = TAILQ_FIRST(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, ps, link); free_pageset(toep->td, ps); } ddp_complete_all(toep, 0); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); } #ifdef INVARIANTS void ddp_assert_empty(struct toepcb *toep) { int i; MPASS(!(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_TASK_ACTIVE)); for (i = 0; i < nitems(toep->ddp.db); i++) { MPASS(toep->ddp.db[i].job == NULL); MPASS(toep->ddp.db[i].ps == NULL); } MPASS(TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets)); MPASS(TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->ddp.aiojobq)); } #endif static void complete_ddp_buffer(struct toepcb *toep, struct ddp_buffer *db, unsigned int db_idx) { unsigned int db_flag; toep->ddp.active_count--; if (toep->ddp.active_id == db_idx) { if (toep->ddp.active_count == 0) { KASSERT(toep->ddp.db[db_idx ^ 1].job == NULL, ("%s: active_count mismatch", __func__)); toep->ddp.active_id = -1; } else toep->ddp.active_id ^= 1; #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, ddp_active_id = %d", __func__, toep->tid, toep->ddp.active_id); #endif } else { KASSERT(toep->ddp.active_count != 0 && toep->ddp.active_id != -1, ("%s: active count mismatch", __func__)); } db->cancel_pending = 0; db->job = NULL; recycle_pageset(toep, db->ps); db->ps = NULL; db_flag = db_idx == 1 ? DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE : DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE; KASSERT(toep->ddp.flags & db_flag, ("%s: DDP buffer not active. toep %p, ddp_flags 0x%x", __func__, toep, toep->ddp.flags)); toep->ddp.flags &= ~db_flag; } /* XXX: handle_ddp_data code duplication */ void insert_ddp_data(struct toepcb *toep, uint32_t n) { struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct tcpcb *tp = intotcpcb(inp); struct ddp_buffer *db; struct kaiocb *job; size_t placed; long copied; unsigned int db_flag, db_idx; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(inp); DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); tp->rcv_nxt += n; #ifndef USE_DDP_RX_FLOW_CONTROL KASSERT(tp->rcv_wnd >= n, ("%s: negative window size", __func__)); tp->rcv_wnd -= n; #endif CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: placed %u bytes before falling out of DDP", __func__, n); while (toep->ddp.active_count > 0) { MPASS(toep->ddp.active_id != -1); db_idx = toep->ddp.active_id; db_flag = db_idx == 1 ? DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE : DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE; MPASS((toep->ddp.flags & db_flag) != 0); db = &toep->ddp.db[db_idx]; job = db->job; copied = job->aio_received; placed = n; if (placed > job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - copied) placed = job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - copied; if (placed > 0) job->msgrcv = 1; if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) { /* * Update the copied length for when * t4_aio_cancel_active() completes this * request. */ job->aio_received += placed; } else if (copied + placed != 0) { CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: completing %p (copied %ld, placed %lu)", __func__, job, copied, placed); /* XXX: This always completes if there is some data. */ aio_complete(job, copied + placed, 0); } else if (aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aio_cancel_queued)) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); toep->ddp.waiting_count++; } else aio_cancel(job); n -= placed; complete_ddp_buffer(toep, db, db_idx); } MPASS(n == 0); } /* SET_TCB_FIELD sent as a ULP command looks like this */ #define LEN__SET_TCB_FIELD_ULP (sizeof(struct ulp_txpkt) + \ sizeof(struct ulptx_idata) + sizeof(struct cpl_set_tcb_field_core)) /* RX_DATA_ACK sent as a ULP command looks like this */ #define LEN__RX_DATA_ACK_ULP (sizeof(struct ulp_txpkt) + \ sizeof(struct ulptx_idata) + sizeof(struct cpl_rx_data_ack_core)) static inline void * mk_set_tcb_field_ulp(struct ulp_txpkt *ulpmc, struct toepcb *toep, uint64_t word, uint64_t mask, uint64_t val) { struct ulptx_idata *ulpsc; struct cpl_set_tcb_field_core *req; ulpmc->cmd_dest = htonl(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_PKT) | V_ULP_TXPKT_DEST(0)); ulpmc->len = htobe32(howmany(LEN__SET_TCB_FIELD_ULP, 16)); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(ulpmc + 1); ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_IMM)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(sizeof(*req)); req = (struct cpl_set_tcb_field_core *)(ulpsc + 1); OPCODE_TID(req) = htobe32(MK_OPCODE_TID(CPL_SET_TCB_FIELD, toep->tid)); req->reply_ctrl = htobe16(V_NO_REPLY(1) | V_QUEUENO(toep->ofld_rxq->iq.abs_id)); req->word_cookie = htobe16(V_WORD(word) | V_COOKIE(0)); req->mask = htobe64(mask); req->val = htobe64(val); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(req + 1); if (LEN__SET_TCB_FIELD_ULP % 16) { ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_NOOP)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(0); return (ulpsc + 1); } return (ulpsc); } static inline void * mk_rx_data_ack_ulp(struct ulp_txpkt *ulpmc, struct toepcb *toep) { struct ulptx_idata *ulpsc; struct cpl_rx_data_ack_core *req; ulpmc->cmd_dest = htonl(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_PKT) | V_ULP_TXPKT_DEST(0)); ulpmc->len = htobe32(howmany(LEN__RX_DATA_ACK_ULP, 16)); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(ulpmc + 1); ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_IMM)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(sizeof(*req)); req = (struct cpl_rx_data_ack_core *)(ulpsc + 1); OPCODE_TID(req) = htobe32(MK_OPCODE_TID(CPL_RX_DATA_ACK, toep->tid)); req->credit_dack = htobe32(F_RX_MODULATE_RX); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(req + 1); if (LEN__RX_DATA_ACK_ULP % 16) { ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_NOOP)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(0); return (ulpsc + 1); } return (ulpsc); } static struct wrqe * mk_update_tcb_for_ddp(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int db_idx, struct pageset *ps, int offset, uint64_t ddp_flags, uint64_t ddp_flags_mask) { struct wrqe *wr; struct work_request_hdr *wrh; struct ulp_txpkt *ulpmc; int len; KASSERT(db_idx == 0 || db_idx == 1, ("%s: bad DDP buffer index %d", __func__, db_idx)); /* * We'll send a compound work request that has 3 SET_TCB_FIELDs and an * RX_DATA_ACK (with RX_MODULATE to speed up delivery). * * The work request header is 16B and always ends at a 16B boundary. * The ULPTX master commands that follow must all end at 16B boundaries * too so we round up the size to 16. */ len = sizeof(*wrh) + 3 * roundup2(LEN__SET_TCB_FIELD_ULP, 16) + roundup2(LEN__RX_DATA_ACK_ULP, 16); wr = alloc_wrqe(len, toep->ctrlq); if (wr == NULL) return (NULL); wrh = wrtod(wr); INIT_ULPTX_WRH(wrh, len, 1, 0); /* atomic */ ulpmc = (struct ulp_txpkt *)(wrh + 1); /* Write the buffer's tag */ ulpmc = mk_set_tcb_field_ulp(ulpmc, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_TAG + db_idx, V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_TAG(M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_TAG), V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_TAG(ps->prsv.prsv_tag)); /* Update the current offset in the DDP buffer and its total length */ if (db_idx == 0) ulpmc = mk_set_tcb_field_ulp(ulpmc, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_OFFSET, V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_OFFSET(M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_OFFSET) | V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_LEN(M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_LEN), V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_OFFSET(offset) | V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF0_LEN(ps->len)); else ulpmc = mk_set_tcb_field_ulp(ulpmc, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_OFFSET, V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_OFFSET(M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_OFFSET) | V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_LEN((u64)M_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_LEN << 32), V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_OFFSET(offset) | V_TCB_RX_DDP_BUF1_LEN((u64)ps->len << 32)); /* Update DDP flags */ ulpmc = mk_set_tcb_field_ulp(ulpmc, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_FLAGS, ddp_flags_mask, ddp_flags); /* Gratuitous RX_DATA_ACK with RX_MODULATE set to speed up delivery. */ ulpmc = mk_rx_data_ack_ulp(ulpmc, toep); return (wr); } static int handle_ddp_data(struct toepcb *toep, __be32 ddp_report, __be32 rcv_nxt, int len) { uint32_t report = be32toh(ddp_report); unsigned int db_idx; struct inpcb *inp = toep->inp; struct ddp_buffer *db; struct tcpcb *tp; struct socket *so; struct sockbuf *sb; struct kaiocb *job; long copied; db_idx = report & F_DDP_BUF_IDX ? 1 : 0; if (__predict_false(!(report & F_DDP_INV))) CXGBE_UNIMPLEMENTED("DDP buffer still valid"); INP_WLOCK(inp); so = inp_inpcbtosocket(inp); sb = &so->so_rcv; DDP_LOCK(toep); KASSERT(toep->ddp.active_id == db_idx, ("completed DDP buffer (%d) != active_id (%d) for tid %d", db_idx, toep->ddp.active_id, toep->tid)); db = &toep->ddp.db[db_idx]; job = db->job; if (__predict_false(inp->inp_flags & (INP_DROPPED | INP_TIMEWAIT))) { /* * This can happen due to an administrative tcpdrop(8). * Just fail the request with ECONNRESET. */ CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, seq 0x%x, len %d, inp_flags 0x%x", __func__, toep->tid, be32toh(rcv_nxt), len, inp->inp_flags); if (aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) ddp_complete_one(job, ECONNRESET); goto completed; } tp = intotcpcb(inp); /* * For RX_DDP_COMPLETE, len will be zero and rcv_nxt is the * sequence number of the next byte to receive. The length of * the data received for this message must be computed by * comparing the new and old values of rcv_nxt. * * For RX_DATA_DDP, len might be non-zero, but it is only the * length of the most recent DMA. It does not include the * total length of the data received since the previous update * for this DDP buffer. rcv_nxt is the sequence number of the * first received byte from the most recent DMA. */ len += be32toh(rcv_nxt) - tp->rcv_nxt; tp->rcv_nxt += len; tp->t_rcvtime = ticks; #ifndef USE_DDP_RX_FLOW_CONTROL KASSERT(tp->rcv_wnd >= len, ("%s: negative window size", __func__)); tp->rcv_wnd -= len; #endif #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, DDP[%d] placed %d bytes (%#x)", __func__, toep->tid, db_idx, len, report); #endif /* receive buffer autosize */ MPASS(toep->vnet == so->so_vnet); CURVNET_SET(toep->vnet); SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (sb->sb_flags & SB_AUTOSIZE && V_tcp_do_autorcvbuf && sb->sb_hiwat < V_tcp_autorcvbuf_max && len > (sbspace(sb) / 8 * 7)) { struct adapter *sc = td_adapter(toep->td); unsigned int hiwat = sb->sb_hiwat; unsigned int newsize = min(hiwat + sc->tt.autorcvbuf_inc, V_tcp_autorcvbuf_max); if (!sbreserve_locked(sb, newsize, so, NULL)) sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_AUTOSIZE; } SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); CURVNET_RESTORE(); job->msgrcv = 1; if (db->cancel_pending) { /* * Update the job's length but defer completion to the * TCB_RPL callback. */ job->aio_received += len; goto out; } else if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) { /* * Update the copied length for when * t4_aio_cancel_active() completes this request. */ job->aio_received += len; } else { copied = job->aio_received; #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, completing %p (copied %ld, placed %d)", __func__, toep->tid, job, copied, len); #endif aio_complete(job, copied + len, 0); t4_rcvd(&toep->td->tod, tp); } completed: complete_ddp_buffer(toep, db, db_idx); if (toep->ddp.waiting_count > 0) ddp_queue_toep(toep); out: DDP_UNLOCK(toep); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); return (0); } void handle_ddp_indicate(struct toepcb *toep) { DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); MPASS(toep->ddp.active_count == 0); MPASS((toep->ddp.flags & (DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE | DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE)) == 0); if (toep->ddp.waiting_count == 0) { /* * The pending requests that triggered the request for an * an indicate were cancelled. Those cancels should have * already disabled DDP. Just ignore this as the data is * going into the socket buffer anyway. */ return; } CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d indicated (%d waiting)", __func__, toep->tid, toep->ddp.waiting_count); ddp_queue_toep(toep); } enum { DDP_BUF0_INVALIDATED = 0x2, DDP_BUF1_INVALIDATED }; CTASSERT(DDP_BUF0_INVALIDATED == CPL_COOKIE_DDP0); static int do_ddp_tcb_rpl(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_set_tcb_rpl *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); unsigned int db_idx; struct toepcb *toep; struct inpcb *inp; struct ddp_buffer *db; struct kaiocb *job; long copied; if (cpl->status != CPL_ERR_NONE) panic("XXX: tcp_rpl failed: %d", cpl->status); toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); inp = toep->inp; switch (cpl->cookie) { case V_WORD(W_TCB_RX_DDP_FLAGS) | V_COOKIE(DDP_BUF0_INVALIDATED): case V_WORD(W_TCB_RX_DDP_FLAGS) | V_COOKIE(DDP_BUF1_INVALIDATED): /* * XXX: This duplicates a lot of code with handle_ddp_data(). */ db_idx = G_COOKIE(cpl->cookie) - DDP_BUF0_INVALIDATED; MPASS(db_idx < nitems(toep->ddp.db)); INP_WLOCK(inp); DDP_LOCK(toep); db = &toep->ddp.db[db_idx]; /* * handle_ddp_data() should leave the job around until * this callback runs once a cancel is pending. */ MPASS(db != NULL); MPASS(db->job != NULL); MPASS(db->cancel_pending); /* * XXX: It's not clear what happens if there is data * placed when the buffer is invalidated. I suspect we * need to read the TCB to see how much data was placed. * * For now this just pretends like nothing was placed. * * XXX: Note that if we did check the PCB we would need to * also take care of updating the tp, etc. */ job = db->job; copied = job->aio_received; if (copied == 0) { CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: cancelling %p", __func__, job); aio_cancel(job); } else { CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: completing %p (copied %ld)", __func__, job, copied); aio_complete(job, copied, 0); t4_rcvd(&toep->td->tod, intotcpcb(inp)); } complete_ddp_buffer(toep, db, db_idx); if (toep->ddp.waiting_count > 0) ddp_queue_toep(toep); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); break; default: panic("XXX: unknown tcb_rpl offset %#x, cookie %#x", G_WORD(cpl->cookie), G_COOKIE(cpl->cookie)); } return (0); } void handle_ddp_close(struct toepcb *toep, struct tcpcb *tp, __be32 rcv_nxt) { struct ddp_buffer *db; struct kaiocb *job; long copied; unsigned int db_flag, db_idx; int len, placed; INP_WLOCK_ASSERT(toep->inp); DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); len = be32toh(rcv_nxt) - tp->rcv_nxt; tp->rcv_nxt += len; while (toep->ddp.active_count > 0) { MPASS(toep->ddp.active_id != -1); db_idx = toep->ddp.active_id; db_flag = db_idx == 1 ? DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE : DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE; MPASS((toep->ddp.flags & db_flag) != 0); db = &toep->ddp.db[db_idx]; job = db->job; copied = job->aio_received; placed = len; if (placed > job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - copied) placed = job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - copied; if (placed > 0) job->msgrcv = 1; if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) { /* * Update the copied length for when * t4_aio_cancel_active() completes this * request. */ job->aio_received += placed; } else { CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d completed buf %d len %d", __func__, toep->tid, db_idx, placed); aio_complete(job, copied + placed, 0); } len -= placed; complete_ddp_buffer(toep, db, db_idx); } MPASS(len == 0); ddp_complete_all(toep, 0); } #define DDP_ERR (F_DDP_PPOD_MISMATCH | F_DDP_LLIMIT_ERR | F_DDP_ULIMIT_ERR |\ F_DDP_PPOD_PARITY_ERR | F_DDP_PADDING_ERR | F_DDP_OFFSET_ERR |\ F_DDP_INVALID_TAG | F_DDP_COLOR_ERR | F_DDP_TID_MISMATCH |\ F_DDP_INVALID_PPOD | F_DDP_HDRCRC_ERR | F_DDP_DATACRC_ERR) extern cpl_handler_t t4_cpl_handler[]; static int do_rx_data_ddp(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_rx_data_ddp *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); uint32_t vld; struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid/atid mismatch", __func__)); KASSERT(!(toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE), ("%s: toep %p claims to be a synq entry", __func__, toep)); vld = be32toh(cpl->ddpvld); if (__predict_false(vld & DDP_ERR)) { panic("%s: DDP error 0x%x (tid %d, toep %p)", __func__, vld, tid, toep); } if (toep->ulp_mode == ULP_MODE_ISCSI) { t4_cpl_handler[CPL_RX_ISCSI_DDP](iq, rss, m); return (0); } handle_ddp_data(toep, cpl->u.ddp_report, cpl->seq, be16toh(cpl->len)); return (0); } static int do_rx_ddp_complete(struct sge_iq *iq, const struct rss_header *rss, struct mbuf *m) { struct adapter *sc = iq->adapter; const struct cpl_rx_ddp_complete *cpl = (const void *)(rss + 1); unsigned int tid = GET_TID(cpl); struct toepcb *toep = lookup_tid(sc, tid); KASSERT(m == NULL, ("%s: wasn't expecting payload", __func__)); KASSERT(toep->tid == tid, ("%s: toep tid/atid mismatch", __func__)); KASSERT(!(toep->flags & TPF_SYNQE), ("%s: toep %p claims to be a synq entry", __func__, toep)); handle_ddp_data(toep, cpl->ddp_report, cpl->rcv_nxt, 0); return (0); } static void enable_ddp(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep) { KASSERT((toep->ddp.flags & (DDP_ON | DDP_OK | DDP_SC_REQ)) == DDP_OK, ("%s: toep %p has bad ddp_flags 0x%x", __func__, toep, toep->ddp.flags)); CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u (time %u)", __func__, toep->tid, time_uptime); DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); toep->ddp.flags |= DDP_SC_REQ; t4_set_tcb_field(sc, toep->ctrlq, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_FLAGS, V_TF_DDP_OFF(1) | V_TF_DDP_INDICATE_OUT(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF0_INDICATE(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF1_INDICATE(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF0_VALID(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF1_VALID(1), V_TF_DDP_BUF0_INDICATE(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF1_INDICATE(1), 0, 0); t4_set_tcb_field(sc, toep->ctrlq, toep, W_TCB_T_FLAGS, V_TF_RCV_COALESCE_ENABLE(1), 0, 0, 0); } static int calculate_hcf(int n1, int n2) { int a, b, t; if (n1 <= n2) { a = n1; b = n2; } else { a = n2; b = n1; } while (a != 0) { t = a; a = b % a; b = t; } return (b); } static inline int pages_to_nppods(int npages, int ddp_page_shift) { MPASS(ddp_page_shift >= PAGE_SHIFT); return (howmany(npages >> (ddp_page_shift - PAGE_SHIFT), PPOD_PAGES)); } static int alloc_page_pods(struct ppod_region *pr, u_int nppods, u_int pgsz_idx, struct ppod_reservation *prsv) { vmem_addr_t addr; /* relative to start of region */ if (vmem_alloc(pr->pr_arena, PPOD_SZ(nppods), M_NOWAIT | M_FIRSTFIT, &addr) != 0) return (ENOMEM); CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%-17s arena %p, addr 0x%08x, nppods %d, pgsz %d", __func__, pr->pr_arena, (uint32_t)addr & pr->pr_tag_mask, nppods, 1 << pr->pr_page_shift[pgsz_idx]); /* * The hardware tagmask includes an extra invalid bit but the arena was * seeded with valid values only. An allocation out of this arena will * fit inside the tagmask but won't have the invalid bit set. */ MPASS((addr & pr->pr_tag_mask) == addr); MPASS((addr & pr->pr_invalid_bit) == 0); prsv->prsv_pr = pr; prsv->prsv_tag = V_PPOD_PGSZ(pgsz_idx) | addr; prsv->prsv_nppods = nppods; return (0); } int t4_alloc_page_pods_for_ps(struct ppod_region *pr, struct pageset *ps) { int i, hcf, seglen, idx, nppods; struct ppod_reservation *prsv = &ps->prsv; KASSERT(prsv->prsv_nppods == 0, ("%s: page pods already allocated", __func__)); /* * The DDP page size is unrelated to the VM page size. We combine * contiguous physical pages into larger segments to get the best DDP * page size possible. This is the largest of the four sizes in * A_ULP_RX_TDDP_PSZ that evenly divides the HCF of the segment sizes in * the page list. */ hcf = 0; for (i = 0; i < ps->npages; i++) { seglen = PAGE_SIZE; while (i < ps->npages - 1 && ps->pages[i]->phys_addr + PAGE_SIZE == ps->pages[i + 1]->phys_addr) { seglen += PAGE_SIZE; i++; } hcf = calculate_hcf(hcf, seglen); if (hcf < (1 << pr->pr_page_shift[1])) { idx = 0; goto have_pgsz; /* give up, short circuit */ } } #define PR_PAGE_MASK(x) ((1 << pr->pr_page_shift[(x)]) - 1) MPASS((hcf & PR_PAGE_MASK(0)) == 0); /* PAGE_SIZE is >= 4K everywhere */ for (idx = nitems(pr->pr_page_shift) - 1; idx > 0; idx--) { if ((hcf & PR_PAGE_MASK(idx)) == 0) break; } #undef PR_PAGE_MASK have_pgsz: MPASS(idx <= M_PPOD_PGSZ); nppods = pages_to_nppods(ps->npages, pr->pr_page_shift[idx]); if (alloc_page_pods(pr, nppods, idx, prsv) != 0) return (0); MPASS(prsv->prsv_nppods > 0); return (1); } int t4_alloc_page_pods_for_buf(struct ppod_region *pr, vm_offset_t buf, int len, struct ppod_reservation *prsv) { int hcf, seglen, idx, npages, nppods; uintptr_t start_pva, end_pva, pva, p1; MPASS(buf > 0); MPASS(len > 0); /* * The DDP page size is unrelated to the VM page size. We combine * contiguous physical pages into larger segments to get the best DDP * page size possible. This is the largest of the four sizes in * A_ULP_RX_ISCSI_PSZ that evenly divides the HCF of the segment sizes * in the page list. */ hcf = 0; start_pva = trunc_page(buf); end_pva = trunc_page(buf + len - 1); pva = start_pva; while (pva <= end_pva) { seglen = PAGE_SIZE; p1 = pmap_kextract(pva); pva += PAGE_SIZE; while (pva <= end_pva && p1 + seglen == pmap_kextract(pva)) { seglen += PAGE_SIZE; pva += PAGE_SIZE; } hcf = calculate_hcf(hcf, seglen); if (hcf < (1 << pr->pr_page_shift[1])) { idx = 0; goto have_pgsz; /* give up, short circuit */ } } #define PR_PAGE_MASK(x) ((1 << pr->pr_page_shift[(x)]) - 1) MPASS((hcf & PR_PAGE_MASK(0)) == 0); /* PAGE_SIZE is >= 4K everywhere */ for (idx = nitems(pr->pr_page_shift) - 1; idx > 0; idx--) { if ((hcf & PR_PAGE_MASK(idx)) == 0) break; } #undef PR_PAGE_MASK have_pgsz: MPASS(idx <= M_PPOD_PGSZ); npages = 1; npages += (end_pva - start_pva) >> pr->pr_page_shift[idx]; nppods = howmany(npages, PPOD_PAGES); if (alloc_page_pods(pr, nppods, idx, prsv) != 0) return (ENOMEM); MPASS(prsv->prsv_nppods > 0); return (0); } void t4_free_page_pods(struct ppod_reservation *prsv) { struct ppod_region *pr = prsv->prsv_pr; vmem_addr_t addr; MPASS(prsv != NULL); MPASS(prsv->prsv_nppods != 0); addr = prsv->prsv_tag & pr->pr_tag_mask; MPASS((addr & pr->pr_invalid_bit) == 0); CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%-17s arena %p, addr 0x%08x, nppods %d", __func__, pr->pr_arena, addr, prsv->prsv_nppods); vmem_free(pr->pr_arena, addr, PPOD_SZ(prsv->prsv_nppods)); prsv->prsv_nppods = 0; } #define NUM_ULP_TX_SC_IMM_PPODS (256 / PPOD_SIZE) int t4_write_page_pods_for_ps(struct adapter *sc, struct sge_wrq *wrq, int tid, struct pageset *ps) { struct wrqe *wr; struct ulp_mem_io *ulpmc; struct ulptx_idata *ulpsc; struct pagepod *ppod; int i, j, k, n, chunk, len, ddp_pgsz, idx; u_int ppod_addr; uint32_t cmd; struct ppod_reservation *prsv = &ps->prsv; struct ppod_region *pr = prsv->prsv_pr; KASSERT(!(ps->flags & PS_PPODS_WRITTEN), ("%s: page pods already written", __func__)); MPASS(prsv->prsv_nppods > 0); cmd = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_MEM_WRITE)); if (is_t4(sc)) cmd |= htobe32(F_ULP_MEMIO_ORDER); else cmd |= htobe32(F_T5_ULP_MEMIO_IMM); ddp_pgsz = 1 << pr->pr_page_shift[G_PPOD_PGSZ(prsv->prsv_tag)]; ppod_addr = pr->pr_start + (prsv->prsv_tag & pr->pr_tag_mask); for (i = 0; i < prsv->prsv_nppods; ppod_addr += chunk) { /* How many page pods are we writing in this cycle */ n = min(prsv->prsv_nppods - i, NUM_ULP_TX_SC_IMM_PPODS); chunk = PPOD_SZ(n); len = roundup2(sizeof(*ulpmc) + sizeof(*ulpsc) + chunk, 16); wr = alloc_wrqe(len, wrq); if (wr == NULL) return (ENOMEM); /* ok to just bail out */ ulpmc = wrtod(wr); INIT_ULPTX_WR(ulpmc, len, 0, 0); ulpmc->cmd = cmd; ulpmc->dlen = htobe32(V_ULP_MEMIO_DATA_LEN(chunk / 32)); ulpmc->len16 = htobe32(howmany(len - sizeof(ulpmc->wr), 16)); ulpmc->lock_addr = htobe32(V_ULP_MEMIO_ADDR(ppod_addr >> 5)); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(ulpmc + 1); ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_IMM)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(chunk); ppod = (struct pagepod *)(ulpsc + 1); for (j = 0; j < n; i++, j++, ppod++) { ppod->vld_tid_pgsz_tag_color = htobe64(F_PPOD_VALID | V_PPOD_TID(tid) | prsv->prsv_tag); ppod->len_offset = htobe64(V_PPOD_LEN(ps->len) | V_PPOD_OFST(ps->offset)); ppod->rsvd = 0; idx = i * PPOD_PAGES * (ddp_pgsz / PAGE_SIZE); for (k = 0; k < nitems(ppod->addr); k++) { if (idx < ps->npages) { ppod->addr[k] = htobe64(ps->pages[idx]->phys_addr); idx += ddp_pgsz / PAGE_SIZE; } else ppod->addr[k] = 0; #if 0 CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d ppod[%d]->addr[%d] = %p", __func__, toep->tid, i, k, htobe64(ppod->addr[k])); #endif } } t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } ps->flags |= PS_PPODS_WRITTEN; return (0); } int t4_write_page_pods_for_buf(struct adapter *sc, struct sge_wrq *wrq, int tid, struct ppod_reservation *prsv, vm_offset_t buf, int buflen) { struct wrqe *wr; struct ulp_mem_io *ulpmc; struct ulptx_idata *ulpsc; struct pagepod *ppod; int i, j, k, n, chunk, len, ddp_pgsz; u_int ppod_addr, offset; uint32_t cmd; struct ppod_region *pr = prsv->prsv_pr; uintptr_t end_pva, pva, pa; cmd = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_MEM_WRITE)); if (is_t4(sc)) cmd |= htobe32(F_ULP_MEMIO_ORDER); else cmd |= htobe32(F_T5_ULP_MEMIO_IMM); ddp_pgsz = 1 << pr->pr_page_shift[G_PPOD_PGSZ(prsv->prsv_tag)]; offset = buf & PAGE_MASK; ppod_addr = pr->pr_start + (prsv->prsv_tag & pr->pr_tag_mask); pva = trunc_page(buf); end_pva = trunc_page(buf + buflen - 1); for (i = 0; i < prsv->prsv_nppods; ppod_addr += chunk) { /* How many page pods are we writing in this cycle */ n = min(prsv->prsv_nppods - i, NUM_ULP_TX_SC_IMM_PPODS); MPASS(n > 0); chunk = PPOD_SZ(n); len = roundup2(sizeof(*ulpmc) + sizeof(*ulpsc) + chunk, 16); wr = alloc_wrqe(len, wrq); if (wr == NULL) return (ENOMEM); /* ok to just bail out */ ulpmc = wrtod(wr); INIT_ULPTX_WR(ulpmc, len, 0, 0); ulpmc->cmd = cmd; ulpmc->dlen = htobe32(V_ULP_MEMIO_DATA_LEN(chunk / 32)); ulpmc->len16 = htobe32(howmany(len - sizeof(ulpmc->wr), 16)); ulpmc->lock_addr = htobe32(V_ULP_MEMIO_ADDR(ppod_addr >> 5)); ulpsc = (struct ulptx_idata *)(ulpmc + 1); ulpsc->cmd_more = htobe32(V_ULPTX_CMD(ULP_TX_SC_IMM)); ulpsc->len = htobe32(chunk); ppod = (struct pagepod *)(ulpsc + 1); for (j = 0; j < n; i++, j++, ppod++) { ppod->vld_tid_pgsz_tag_color = htobe64(F_PPOD_VALID | V_PPOD_TID(tid) | (prsv->prsv_tag & ~V_PPOD_PGSZ(M_PPOD_PGSZ))); ppod->len_offset = htobe64(V_PPOD_LEN(buflen) | V_PPOD_OFST(offset)); ppod->rsvd = 0; for (k = 0; k < nitems(ppod->addr); k++) { if (pva > end_pva) ppod->addr[k] = 0; else { pa = pmap_kextract(pva); ppod->addr[k] = htobe64(pa); pva += ddp_pgsz; } #if 0 CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d ppod[%d]->addr[%d] = %p", __func__, tid, i, k, htobe64(ppod->addr[k])); #endif } /* * Walk back 1 segment so that the first address in the * next pod is the same as the last one in the current * pod. */ pva -= ddp_pgsz; } t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); } MPASS(pva <= end_pva); return (0); } -static void -wire_pageset(struct pageset *ps) -{ - vm_page_t p; - int i; - - KASSERT(!(ps->flags & PS_WIRED), ("pageset already wired")); - - for (i = 0; i < ps->npages; i++) { - p = ps->pages[i]; - vm_page_lock(p); - vm_page_wire(p); - vm_page_unhold(p); - vm_page_unlock(p); - } - ps->flags |= PS_WIRED; -} - /* - * Prepare a pageset for DDP. This wires the pageset and sets up page - * pods. + * Prepare a pageset for DDP. This sets up page pods. */ static int prep_pageset(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, struct pageset *ps) { struct tom_data *td = sc->tom_softc; - if (!(ps->flags & PS_WIRED)) - wire_pageset(ps); if (ps->prsv.prsv_nppods == 0 && !t4_alloc_page_pods_for_ps(&td->pr, ps)) { return (0); } if (!(ps->flags & PS_PPODS_WRITTEN) && t4_write_page_pods_for_ps(sc, toep->ctrlq, toep->tid, ps) != 0) { return (0); } return (1); } int t4_init_ppod_region(struct ppod_region *pr, struct t4_range *r, u_int psz, const char *name) { int i; MPASS(pr != NULL); MPASS(r->size > 0); pr->pr_start = r->start; pr->pr_len = r->size; pr->pr_page_shift[0] = 12 + G_HPZ0(psz); pr->pr_page_shift[1] = 12 + G_HPZ1(psz); pr->pr_page_shift[2] = 12 + G_HPZ2(psz); pr->pr_page_shift[3] = 12 + G_HPZ3(psz); /* The SGL -> page pod algorithm requires the sizes to be in order. */ for (i = 1; i < nitems(pr->pr_page_shift); i++) { if (pr->pr_page_shift[i] <= pr->pr_page_shift[i - 1]) return (ENXIO); } pr->pr_tag_mask = ((1 << fls(r->size)) - 1) & V_PPOD_TAG(M_PPOD_TAG); pr->pr_alias_mask = V_PPOD_TAG(M_PPOD_TAG) & ~pr->pr_tag_mask; if (pr->pr_tag_mask == 0 || pr->pr_alias_mask == 0) return (ENXIO); pr->pr_alias_shift = fls(pr->pr_tag_mask); pr->pr_invalid_bit = 1 << (pr->pr_alias_shift - 1); pr->pr_arena = vmem_create(name, 0, pr->pr_len, PPOD_SIZE, 0, M_FIRSTFIT | M_NOWAIT); if (pr->pr_arena == NULL) return (ENOMEM); return (0); } void t4_free_ppod_region(struct ppod_region *pr) { MPASS(pr != NULL); if (pr->pr_arena) vmem_destroy(pr->pr_arena); bzero(pr, sizeof(*pr)); } static int pscmp(struct pageset *ps, struct vmspace *vm, vm_offset_t start, int npages, int pgoff, int len) { if (ps->start != start || ps->npages != npages || ps->offset != pgoff || ps->len != len) return (1); return (ps->vm != vm || ps->vm_timestamp != vm->vm_map.timestamp); } static int hold_aio(struct toepcb *toep, struct kaiocb *job, struct pageset **pps) { struct vmspace *vm; vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start, end, pgoff; struct pageset *ps; int n; DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); /* * The AIO subsystem will cancel and drain all requests before * permitting a process to exit or exec, so p_vmspace should * be stable here. */ vm = job->userproc->p_vmspace; map = &vm->vm_map; start = (uintptr_t)job->uaiocb.aio_buf; pgoff = start & PAGE_MASK; end = round_page(start + job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes); start = trunc_page(start); if (end - start > MAX_DDP_BUFFER_SIZE) { /* * Truncate the request to a short read. * Alternatively, we could DDP in chunks to the larger * buffer, but that would be quite a bit more work. * * When truncating, round the request down to avoid * crossing a cache line on the final transaction. */ end = rounddown2(start + MAX_DDP_BUFFER_SIZE, CACHE_LINE_SIZE); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR4(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d, truncating size from %lu to %lu", __func__, toep->tid, (unsigned long)job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes, (unsigned long)(end - (start + pgoff))); job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes = end - (start + pgoff); #endif end = round_page(end); } n = atop(end - start); /* * Try to reuse a cached pageset. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(ps, &toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, link) { if (pscmp(ps, vm, start, n, pgoff, job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes) == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, ps, link); toep->ddp.cached_count--; *pps = ps; return (0); } } /* * If there are too many cached pagesets to create a new one, * free a pageset before creating a new one. */ KASSERT(toep->ddp.active_count + toep->ddp.cached_count <= nitems(toep->ddp.db), ("%s: too many wired pagesets", __func__)); if (toep->ddp.active_count + toep->ddp.cached_count == nitems(toep->ddp.db)) { KASSERT(toep->ddp.cached_count > 0, ("no cached pageset to free")); ps = TAILQ_LAST(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, pagesetq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.cached_pagesets, ps, link); toep->ddp.cached_count--; free_pageset(toep->td, ps); } DDP_UNLOCK(toep); /* Create a new pageset. */ ps = malloc(sizeof(*ps) + n * sizeof(vm_page_t), M_CXGBE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); ps->pages = (vm_page_t *)(ps + 1); ps->vm_timestamp = map->timestamp; ps->npages = vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(map, start, end - start, VM_PROT_WRITE, ps->pages, n); DDP_LOCK(toep); if (ps->npages < 0) { free(ps, M_CXGBE); return (EFAULT); } KASSERT(ps->npages == n, ("hold_aio: page count mismatch: %d vs %d", ps->npages, n)); ps->offset = pgoff; ps->len = job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes; atomic_add_int(&vm->vm_refcnt, 1); ps->vm = vm; ps->start = start; CTR5(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %d, new pageset %p for job %p, npages %d", __func__, toep->tid, ps, job, ps->npages); *pps = ps; return (0); } static void ddp_complete_all(struct toepcb *toep, int error) { struct kaiocb *job; DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&toep->ddp.aiojobq)) { job = TAILQ_FIRST(&toep->ddp.aiojobq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); toep->ddp.waiting_count--; if (aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) ddp_complete_one(job, error); } } static void aio_ddp_cancel_one(struct kaiocb *job) { long copied; /* * If this job had copied data out of the socket buffer before * it was cancelled, report it as a short read rather than an * error. */ copied = job->aio_received; if (copied != 0) aio_complete(job, copied, 0); else aio_cancel(job); } /* * Called when the main loop wants to requeue a job to retry it later. * Deals with the race of the job being cancelled while it was being * examined. */ static void aio_ddp_requeue_one(struct toepcb *toep, struct kaiocb *job) { DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); if (!(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD) && aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aio_cancel_queued)) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); toep->ddp.waiting_count++; } else aio_ddp_cancel_one(job); } static void aio_ddp_requeue(struct toepcb *toep) { struct adapter *sc = td_adapter(toep->td); struct socket *so; struct sockbuf *sb; struct inpcb *inp; struct kaiocb *job; struct ddp_buffer *db; size_t copied, offset, resid; struct pageset *ps; struct mbuf *m; uint64_t ddp_flags, ddp_flags_mask; struct wrqe *wr; int buf_flag, db_idx, error; DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); restart: if (toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD) { MPASS(toep->ddp.waiting_count == 0); MPASS(toep->ddp.active_count == 0); return; } if (toep->ddp.waiting_count == 0 || toep->ddp.active_count == nitems(toep->ddp.db)) { return; } job = TAILQ_FIRST(&toep->ddp.aiojobq); so = job->fd_file->f_data; sb = &so->so_rcv; SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); /* We will never get anything unless we are or were connected. */ if (!(so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED|SS_ISDISCONNECTED))) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); ddp_complete_all(toep, ENOTCONN); return; } KASSERT(toep->ddp.active_count == 0 || sbavail(sb) == 0, ("%s: pending sockbuf data and DDP is active", __func__)); /* Abort if socket has reported problems. */ /* XXX: Wait for any queued DDP's to finish and/or flush them? */ if (so->so_error && sbavail(sb) == 0) { toep->ddp.waiting_count--; TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); goto restart; } /* * If this job has previously copied some data, report * a short read and leave the error to be reported by * a future request. */ copied = job->aio_received; if (copied != 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); aio_complete(job, copied, 0); goto restart; } error = so->so_error; so->so_error = 0; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); aio_complete(job, -1, error); goto restart; } /* * Door is closed. If there is pending data in the socket buffer, * deliver it. If there are pending DDP requests, wait for those * to complete. Once they have completed, return EOF reads. */ if (sb->sb_state & SBS_CANTRCVMORE && sbavail(sb) == 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); if (toep->ddp.active_count != 0) return; ddp_complete_all(toep, 0); return; } /* * If DDP is not enabled and there is no pending socket buffer * data, try to enable DDP. */ if (sbavail(sb) == 0 && (toep->ddp.flags & DDP_ON) == 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); /* * Wait for the card to ACK that DDP is enabled before * queueing any buffers. Currently this waits for an * indicate to arrive. This could use a TCB_SET_FIELD_RPL * message to know that DDP was enabled instead of waiting * for the indicate which would avoid copying the indicate * if no data is pending. * * XXX: Might want to limit the indicate size to the size * of the first queued request. */ if ((toep->ddp.flags & DDP_SC_REQ) == 0) enable_ddp(sc, toep); return; } SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); /* * If another thread is queueing a buffer for DDP, let it * drain any work and return. */ if (toep->ddp.queueing != NULL) return; /* Take the next job to prep it for DDP. */ toep->ddp.waiting_count--; TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); if (!aio_clear_cancel_function(job)) goto restart; toep->ddp.queueing = job; /* NB: This drops DDP_LOCK while it holds the backing VM pages. */ error = hold_aio(toep, job, &ps); if (error != 0) { ddp_complete_one(job, error); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); if (so->so_error && sbavail(sb) == 0) { copied = job->aio_received; if (copied != 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_complete(job, copied, 0); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } error = so->so_error; so->so_error = 0; SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_complete(job, -1, error); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } if (sb->sb_state & SBS_CANTRCVMORE && sbavail(sb) == 0) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); if (toep->ddp.active_count != 0) { /* * The door is closed, but there are still pending * DDP buffers. Requeue. These jobs will all be * completed once those buffers drain. */ aio_ddp_requeue_one(toep, job); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; return; } ddp_complete_one(job, 0); ddp_complete_all(toep, 0); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; return; } sbcopy: /* * If the toep is dead, there shouldn't be any data in the socket * buffer, so the above case should have handled this. */ MPASS(!(toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD)); /* * If there is pending data in the socket buffer (either * from before the requests were queued or a DDP indicate), * copy those mbufs out directly. */ copied = 0; offset = ps->offset + job->aio_received; MPASS(job->aio_received <= job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes); resid = job->uaiocb.aio_nbytes - job->aio_received; m = sb->sb_mb; KASSERT(m == NULL || toep->ddp.active_count == 0, ("%s: sockbuf data with active DDP", __func__)); while (m != NULL && resid > 0) { struct iovec iov[1]; struct uio uio; int error; iov[0].iov_base = mtod(m, void *); iov[0].iov_len = m->m_len; if (iov[0].iov_len > resid) iov[0].iov_len = resid; uio.uio_iov = iov; uio.uio_iovcnt = 1; uio.uio_offset = 0; uio.uio_resid = iov[0].iov_len; uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE; uio.uio_rw = UIO_WRITE; error = uiomove_fromphys(ps->pages, offset + copied, uio.uio_resid, &uio); MPASS(error == 0 && uio.uio_resid == 0); copied += uio.uio_offset; resid -= uio.uio_offset; m = m->m_next; } if (copied != 0) { sbdrop_locked(sb, copied); job->aio_received += copied; job->msgrcv = 1; copied = job->aio_received; inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (!INP_TRY_WLOCK(inp)) { /* * The reference on the socket file descriptor in * the AIO job should keep 'sb' and 'inp' stable. * Our caller has a reference on the 'toep' that * keeps it stable. */ SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); INP_WLOCK(inp); DDP_LOCK(toep); SOCKBUF_LOCK(sb); /* * If the socket has been closed, we should detect * that and complete this request if needed on * the next trip around the loop. */ } t4_rcvd_locked(&toep->td->tod, intotcpcb(inp)); INP_WUNLOCK(inp); if (resid == 0 || toep->ddp.flags & DDP_DEAD) { /* * We filled the entire buffer with socket * data, DDP is not being used, or the socket * is being shut down, so complete the * request. */ SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_complete(job, copied, 0); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } /* * If DDP is not enabled, requeue this request and restart. * This will either enable DDP or wait for more data to * arrive on the socket buffer. */ if ((toep->ddp.flags & (DDP_ON | DDP_SC_REQ)) != DDP_ON) { SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_ddp_requeue_one(toep, job); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } /* * An indicate might have arrived and been added to * the socket buffer while it was unlocked after the * copy to lock the INP. If so, restart the copy. */ if (sbavail(sb) != 0) goto sbcopy; } SOCKBUF_UNLOCK(sb); if (prep_pageset(sc, toep, ps) == 0) { recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_ddp_requeue_one(toep, job); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; /* * XXX: Need to retry this later. Mostly need a trigger * when page pods are freed up. */ printf("%s: prep_pageset failed\n", __func__); return; } /* Determine which DDP buffer to use. */ if (toep->ddp.db[0].job == NULL) { db_idx = 0; } else { MPASS(toep->ddp.db[1].job == NULL); db_idx = 1; } ddp_flags = 0; ddp_flags_mask = 0; if (db_idx == 0) { ddp_flags |= V_TF_DDP_BUF0_VALID(1); if (so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ddp_flags |= V_TF_DDP_BUF0_FLUSH(1); ddp_flags_mask |= V_TF_DDP_PSH_NO_INVALIDATE0(1) | V_TF_DDP_PUSH_DISABLE_0(1) | V_TF_DDP_PSHF_ENABLE_0(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF0_FLUSH(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF0_VALID(1); buf_flag = DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE; } else { ddp_flags |= V_TF_DDP_BUF1_VALID(1); if (so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ddp_flags |= V_TF_DDP_BUF1_FLUSH(1); ddp_flags_mask |= V_TF_DDP_PSH_NO_INVALIDATE1(1) | V_TF_DDP_PUSH_DISABLE_1(1) | V_TF_DDP_PSHF_ENABLE_1(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF1_FLUSH(1) | V_TF_DDP_BUF1_VALID(1); buf_flag = DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE; } MPASS((toep->ddp.flags & buf_flag) == 0); if ((toep->ddp.flags & (DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE | DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE)) == 0) { MPASS(db_idx == 0); MPASS(toep->ddp.active_id == -1); MPASS(toep->ddp.active_count == 0); ddp_flags_mask |= V_TF_DDP_ACTIVE_BUF(1); } /* * The TID for this connection should still be valid. If DDP_DEAD * is set, SBS_CANTRCVMORE should be set, so we shouldn't be * this far anyway. Even if the socket is closing on the other * end, the AIO job holds a reference on this end of the socket * which will keep it open and keep the TCP PCB attached until * after the job is completed. */ wr = mk_update_tcb_for_ddp(sc, toep, db_idx, ps, job->aio_received, ddp_flags, ddp_flags_mask); if (wr == NULL) { recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_ddp_requeue_one(toep, job); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; /* * XXX: Need a way to kick a retry here. * * XXX: We know the fixed size needed and could * preallocate this using a blocking request at the * start of the task to avoid having to handle this * edge case. */ printf("%s: mk_update_tcb_for_ddp failed\n", __func__); return; } if (!aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aio_cancel_active)) { free_wrqe(wr); recycle_pageset(toep, ps); aio_ddp_cancel_one(job); toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; goto restart; } #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR6(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: tid %u, scheduling %p for DDP[%d] (flags %#lx/%#lx)", __func__, toep->tid, job, db_idx, ddp_flags, ddp_flags_mask); #endif /* Give the chip the go-ahead. */ t4_wrq_tx(sc, wr); db = &toep->ddp.db[db_idx]; db->cancel_pending = 0; db->job = job; db->ps = ps; toep->ddp.queueing = NULL; toep->ddp.flags |= buf_flag; toep->ddp.active_count++; if (toep->ddp.active_count == 1) { MPASS(toep->ddp.active_id == -1); toep->ddp.active_id = db_idx; CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: ddp_active_id = %d", __func__, toep->ddp.active_id); } goto restart; } void ddp_queue_toep(struct toepcb *toep) { DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep); if (toep->ddp.flags & DDP_TASK_ACTIVE) return; toep->ddp.flags |= DDP_TASK_ACTIVE; hold_toepcb(toep); soaio_enqueue(&toep->ddp.requeue_task); } static void aio_ddp_requeue_task(void *context, int pending) { struct toepcb *toep = context; DDP_LOCK(toep); aio_ddp_requeue(toep); toep->ddp.flags &= ~DDP_TASK_ACTIVE; DDP_UNLOCK(toep); free_toepcb(toep); } static void t4_aio_cancel_active(struct kaiocb *job) { struct socket *so = job->fd_file->f_data; struct tcpcb *tp = so_sototcpcb(so); struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; struct adapter *sc = td_adapter(toep->td); uint64_t valid_flag; int i; DDP_LOCK(toep); if (aio_cancel_cleared(job)) { DDP_UNLOCK(toep); aio_ddp_cancel_one(job); return; } for (i = 0; i < nitems(toep->ddp.db); i++) { if (toep->ddp.db[i].job == job) { /* Should only ever get one cancel request for a job. */ MPASS(toep->ddp.db[i].cancel_pending == 0); /* * Invalidate this buffer. It will be * cancelled or partially completed once the * card ACKs the invalidate. */ valid_flag = i == 0 ? V_TF_DDP_BUF0_VALID(1) : V_TF_DDP_BUF1_VALID(1); t4_set_tcb_field(sc, toep->ctrlq, toep, W_TCB_RX_DDP_FLAGS, valid_flag, 0, 1, i + DDP_BUF0_INVALIDATED); toep->ddp.db[i].cancel_pending = 1; CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: request %p marked pending", __func__, job); break; } } DDP_UNLOCK(toep); } static void t4_aio_cancel_queued(struct kaiocb *job) { struct socket *so = job->fd_file->f_data; struct tcpcb *tp = so_sototcpcb(so); struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; DDP_LOCK(toep); if (!aio_cancel_cleared(job)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); toep->ddp.waiting_count--; if (toep->ddp.waiting_count == 0) ddp_queue_toep(toep); } CTR2(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: request %p cancelled", __func__, job); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); aio_ddp_cancel_one(job); } int t4_aio_queue_ddp(struct socket *so, struct kaiocb *job) { struct tcpcb *tp = so_sototcpcb(so); struct toepcb *toep = tp->t_toe; /* Ignore writes. */ if (job->uaiocb.aio_lio_opcode != LIO_READ) return (EOPNOTSUPP); DDP_LOCK(toep); /* * XXX: Think about possibly returning errors for ENOTCONN, * etc. Perhaps the caller would only queue the request * if it failed with EOPNOTSUPP? */ #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACES CTR3(KTR_CXGBE, "%s: queueing %p for tid %u", __func__, job, toep->tid); #endif if (!aio_set_cancel_function(job, t4_aio_cancel_queued)) panic("new job was cancelled"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&toep->ddp.aiojobq, job, list); toep->ddp.waiting_count++; toep->ddp.flags |= DDP_OK; /* * Try to handle this request synchronously. If this has * to block because the task is running, it will just bail * and let the task handle it instead. */ aio_ddp_requeue(toep); DDP_UNLOCK(toep); return (0); } void t4_ddp_mod_load(void) { t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_SET_TCB_RPL, do_ddp_tcb_rpl, CPL_COOKIE_DDP0); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_SET_TCB_RPL, do_ddp_tcb_rpl, CPL_COOKIE_DDP1); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DATA_DDP, do_rx_data_ddp); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DDP_COMPLETE, do_rx_ddp_complete); TAILQ_INIT(&ddp_orphan_pagesets); mtx_init(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock, "ddp orphans", NULL, MTX_DEF); TASK_INIT(&ddp_orphan_task, 0, ddp_free_orphan_pagesets, NULL); } void t4_ddp_mod_unload(void) { taskqueue_drain(taskqueue_thread, &ddp_orphan_task); MPASS(TAILQ_EMPTY(&ddp_orphan_pagesets)); mtx_destroy(&ddp_orphan_pagesets_lock); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_SET_TCB_RPL, NULL, CPL_COOKIE_DDP0); t4_register_shared_cpl_handler(CPL_SET_TCB_RPL, NULL, CPL_COOKIE_DDP1); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DATA_DDP, NULL); t4_register_cpl_handler(CPL_RX_DDP_COMPLETE, NULL); } #endif Index: head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.h (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/dev/cxgbe/tom/t4_tom.h (revision 349846) @@ -1,436 +1,435 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Chelsio Communications, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Written by: Navdeep Parhar * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ * */ #ifndef __T4_TOM_H__ #define __T4_TOM_H__ #include #include "common/t4_hw.h" #include "tom/t4_tls.h" #define LISTEN_HASH_SIZE 32 /* * Min receive window. We want it to be large enough to accommodate receive * coalescing, handle jumbo frames, and not trigger sender SWS avoidance. */ #define MIN_RCV_WND (24 * 1024U) /* * Max receive window supported by HW in bytes. Only a small part of it can * be set through option0, the rest needs to be set through RX_DATA_ACK. */ #define MAX_RCV_WND ((1U << 27) - 1) #define DDP_RSVD_WIN (16 * 1024U) #define SB_DDP_INDICATE SB_IN_TOE /* soreceive must respond to indicate */ #define USE_DDP_RX_FLOW_CONTROL #define PPOD_SZ(n) ((n) * sizeof(struct pagepod)) #define PPOD_SIZE (PPOD_SZ(1)) /* TOE PCB flags */ enum { TPF_ATTACHED = (1 << 0), /* a tcpcb refers to this toepcb */ TPF_FLOWC_WR_SENT = (1 << 1), /* firmware flow context WR sent */ TPF_TX_DATA_SENT = (1 << 2), /* some data sent */ TPF_TX_SUSPENDED = (1 << 3), /* tx suspended for lack of resources */ TPF_SEND_FIN = (1 << 4), /* send FIN after all pending data */ TPF_FIN_SENT = (1 << 5), /* FIN has been sent */ TPF_ABORT_SHUTDOWN = (1 << 6), /* connection abort is in progress */ TPF_CPL_PENDING = (1 << 7), /* haven't received the last CPL */ TPF_SYNQE = (1 << 8), /* synq_entry, not really a toepcb */ TPF_SYNQE_EXPANDED = (1 << 9), /* toepcb ready, tid context updated */ TPF_FORCE_CREDITS = (1 << 10), /* always send credits */ }; enum { DDP_OK = (1 << 0), /* OK to turn on DDP */ DDP_SC_REQ = (1 << 1), /* state change (on/off) requested */ DDP_ON = (1 << 2), /* DDP is turned on */ DDP_BUF0_ACTIVE = (1 << 3), /* buffer 0 in use (not invalidated) */ DDP_BUF1_ACTIVE = (1 << 4), /* buffer 1 in use (not invalidated) */ DDP_TASK_ACTIVE = (1 << 5), /* requeue task is queued / running */ DDP_DEAD = (1 << 6), /* toepcb is shutting down */ }; struct sockopt; struct offload_settings; struct ofld_tx_sdesc { uint32_t plen; /* payload length */ uint8_t tx_credits; /* firmware tx credits (unit is 16B) */ void *iv_buffer; /* optional buffer holding IVs for TLS */ }; struct ppod_region { u_int pr_start; u_int pr_len; u_int pr_page_shift[4]; uint32_t pr_tag_mask; /* hardware tagmask for this region. */ uint32_t pr_invalid_bit; /* OR with this to invalidate tag. */ uint32_t pr_alias_mask; /* AND with tag to get alias bits. */ u_int pr_alias_shift; /* shift this much for first alias bit. */ vmem_t *pr_arena; }; struct ppod_reservation { struct ppod_region *prsv_pr; uint32_t prsv_tag; /* Full tag: pgsz, alias, tag, color */ u_int prsv_nppods; }; struct pageset { TAILQ_ENTRY(pageset) link; vm_page_t *pages; int npages; int flags; int offset; /* offset in first page */ int len; struct ppod_reservation prsv; struct vmspace *vm; vm_offset_t start; u_int vm_timestamp; }; TAILQ_HEAD(pagesetq, pageset); -#define PS_WIRED 0x0001 /* Pages wired rather than held. */ -#define PS_PPODS_WRITTEN 0x0002 /* Page pods written to the card. */ +#define PS_PPODS_WRITTEN 0x0001 /* Page pods written to the card. */ struct ddp_buffer { struct pageset *ps; struct kaiocb *job; int cancel_pending; }; struct ddp_pcb { u_int flags; struct ddp_buffer db[2]; TAILQ_HEAD(, pageset) cached_pagesets; TAILQ_HEAD(, kaiocb) aiojobq; u_int waiting_count; u_int active_count; u_int cached_count; int active_id; /* the currently active DDP buffer */ struct task requeue_task; struct kaiocb *queueing; struct mtx lock; }; struct toepcb { TAILQ_ENTRY(toepcb) link; /* toep_list */ u_int flags; /* miscellaneous flags */ int refcount; struct tom_data *td; struct inpcb *inp; /* backpointer to host stack's PCB */ struct vnet *vnet; struct vi_info *vi; /* virtual interface */ struct sge_wrq *ofld_txq; struct sge_ofld_rxq *ofld_rxq; struct sge_wrq *ctrlq; struct l2t_entry *l2te; /* L2 table entry used by this connection */ struct clip_entry *ce; /* CLIP table entry used by this tid */ int tid; /* Connection identifier */ int tc_idx; /* traffic class that this tid is bound to */ /* tx credit handling */ u_int tx_total; /* total tx WR credits (in 16B units) */ u_int tx_credits; /* tx WR credits (in 16B units) available */ u_int tx_nocompl; /* tx WR credits since last compl request */ u_int plen_nocompl; /* payload since last compl request */ uint16_t opt0_rcv_bufsize; /* XXX: save full opt0/opt2 for later? */ uint16_t mtu_idx; uint16_t emss; uint16_t tcp_opt; u_int ulp_mode; /* ULP mode */ void *ulpcb; void *ulpcb2; struct mbufq ulp_pduq; /* PDUs waiting to be sent out. */ struct mbufq ulp_pdu_reclaimq; struct ddp_pcb ddp; struct tls_ofld_info tls; TAILQ_HEAD(, kaiocb) aiotx_jobq; struct task aiotx_task; struct socket *aiotx_so; /* Tx software descriptor */ uint8_t txsd_total; uint8_t txsd_pidx; uint8_t txsd_cidx; uint8_t txsd_avail; struct ofld_tx_sdesc txsd[]; }; #define DDP_LOCK(toep) mtx_lock(&(toep)->ddp.lock) #define DDP_UNLOCK(toep) mtx_unlock(&(toep)->ddp.lock) #define DDP_ASSERT_LOCKED(toep) mtx_assert(&(toep)->ddp.lock, MA_OWNED) struct flowc_tx_params { uint32_t snd_nxt; uint32_t rcv_nxt; unsigned int snd_space; unsigned int mss; }; /* * Compressed state for embryonic connections for a listener. */ struct synq_entry { struct listen_ctx *lctx; /* backpointer to listen ctx */ struct mbuf *syn; int flags; /* same as toepcb's tp_flags */ volatile int ok_to_respond; volatile u_int refcnt; int tid; uint32_t iss; uint32_t irs; uint32_t ts; uint16_t txqid; uint16_t rxqid; uint16_t l2e_idx; uint16_t ulp_mode; uint16_t rcv_bufsize; __be16 tcp_opt; /* from cpl_pass_establish */ struct toepcb *toep; }; /* listen_ctx flags */ #define LCTX_RPL_PENDING 1 /* waiting for a CPL_PASS_OPEN_RPL */ struct listen_ctx { LIST_ENTRY(listen_ctx) link; /* listen hash linkage */ volatile int refcount; int stid; struct stid_region stid_region; int flags; struct inpcb *inp; /* listening socket's inp */ struct vnet *vnet; struct sge_wrq *ctrlq; struct sge_ofld_rxq *ofld_rxq; struct clip_entry *ce; }; /* tcb_histent flags */ #define TE_RPL_PENDING 1 #define TE_ACTIVE 2 /* bits in one 8b tcb_histent sample. */ #define TS_RTO (1 << 0) #define TS_DUPACKS (1 << 1) #define TS_FASTREXMT (1 << 2) #define TS_SND_BACKLOGGED (1 << 3) #define TS_CWND_LIMITED (1 << 4) #define TS_ECN_ECE (1 << 5) #define TS_ECN_CWR (1 << 6) #define TS_RESERVED (1 << 7) /* Unused. */ struct tcb_histent { struct mtx te_lock; struct callout te_callout; uint64_t te_tcb[TCB_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)]; struct adapter *te_adapter; u_int te_flags; u_int te_tid; uint8_t te_pidx; uint8_t te_sample[100]; }; struct tom_data { struct toedev tod; /* toepcb's associated with this TOE device */ struct mtx toep_list_lock; TAILQ_HEAD(, toepcb) toep_list; struct mtx lctx_hash_lock; LIST_HEAD(, listen_ctx) *listen_hash; u_long listen_mask; int lctx_count; /* # of lctx in the hash table */ struct ppod_region pr; struct rwlock tcb_history_lock __aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE); struct tcb_histent **tcb_history; int dupack_threshold; /* WRs that will not be sent to the chip because L2 resolution failed */ struct mtx unsent_wr_lock; STAILQ_HEAD(, wrqe) unsent_wr_list; struct task reclaim_wr_resources; }; static inline struct tom_data * tod_td(struct toedev *tod) { return (__containerof(tod, struct tom_data, tod)); } static inline struct adapter * td_adapter(struct tom_data *td) { return (td->tod.tod_softc); } static inline void set_mbuf_ulp_submode(struct mbuf *m, uint8_t ulp_submode) { M_ASSERTPKTHDR(m); m->m_pkthdr.PH_per.eight[0] = ulp_submode; } static inline uint8_t mbuf_ulp_submode(struct mbuf *m) { M_ASSERTPKTHDR(m); return (m->m_pkthdr.PH_per.eight[0]); } /* t4_tom.c */ struct toepcb *alloc_toepcb(struct vi_info *, int, int, int); struct toepcb *hold_toepcb(struct toepcb *); void free_toepcb(struct toepcb *); void offload_socket(struct socket *, struct toepcb *); void undo_offload_socket(struct socket *); void final_cpl_received(struct toepcb *); void insert_tid(struct adapter *, int, void *, int); void *lookup_tid(struct adapter *, int); void update_tid(struct adapter *, int, void *); void remove_tid(struct adapter *, int, int); int find_best_mtu_idx(struct adapter *, struct in_conninfo *, struct offload_settings *); u_long select_rcv_wnd(struct socket *); int select_rcv_wscale(void); uint64_t calc_opt0(struct socket *, struct vi_info *, struct l2t_entry *, int, int, int, int, struct offload_settings *); uint64_t select_ntuple(struct vi_info *, struct l2t_entry *); int select_ulp_mode(struct socket *, struct adapter *, struct offload_settings *); void set_ulp_mode(struct toepcb *, int); int negative_advice(int); int add_tid_to_history(struct adapter *, u_int); /* t4_connect.c */ void t4_init_connect_cpl_handlers(void); void t4_uninit_connect_cpl_handlers(void); int t4_connect(struct toedev *, struct socket *, struct rtentry *, struct sockaddr *); void act_open_failure_cleanup(struct adapter *, u_int, u_int); /* t4_listen.c */ void t4_init_listen_cpl_handlers(void); void t4_uninit_listen_cpl_handlers(void); int t4_listen_start(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); int t4_listen_stop(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); void t4_syncache_added(struct toedev *, void *); void t4_syncache_removed(struct toedev *, void *); int t4_syncache_respond(struct toedev *, void *, struct mbuf *); int do_abort_req_synqe(struct sge_iq *, const struct rss_header *, struct mbuf *); int do_abort_rpl_synqe(struct sge_iq *, const struct rss_header *, struct mbuf *); void t4_offload_socket(struct toedev *, void *, struct socket *); void synack_failure_cleanup(struct adapter *, int); /* t4_cpl_io.c */ void aiotx_init_toep(struct toepcb *); int t4_aio_queue_aiotx(struct socket *, struct kaiocb *); void t4_init_cpl_io_handlers(void); void t4_uninit_cpl_io_handlers(void); void send_abort_rpl(struct adapter *, struct sge_wrq *, int , int); void send_flowc_wr(struct toepcb *, struct flowc_tx_params *); void send_reset(struct adapter *, struct toepcb *, uint32_t); int send_rx_credits(struct adapter *, struct toepcb *, int); void send_rx_modulate(struct adapter *, struct toepcb *); void make_established(struct toepcb *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint16_t); int t4_close_conn(struct adapter *, struct toepcb *); void t4_rcvd(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); void t4_rcvd_locked(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); int t4_tod_output(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); int t4_send_fin(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); int t4_send_rst(struct toedev *, struct tcpcb *); void t4_set_tcb_field(struct adapter *, struct sge_wrq *, struct toepcb *, uint16_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, int); void t4_push_frames(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int drop); void t4_push_pdus(struct adapter *sc, struct toepcb *toep, int drop); /* t4_ddp.c */ int t4_init_ppod_region(struct ppod_region *, struct t4_range *, u_int, const char *); void t4_free_ppod_region(struct ppod_region *); int t4_alloc_page_pods_for_ps(struct ppod_region *, struct pageset *); int t4_alloc_page_pods_for_buf(struct ppod_region *, vm_offset_t, int, struct ppod_reservation *); int t4_write_page_pods_for_ps(struct adapter *, struct sge_wrq *, int, struct pageset *); int t4_write_page_pods_for_buf(struct adapter *, struct sge_wrq *, int tid, struct ppod_reservation *, vm_offset_t, int); void t4_free_page_pods(struct ppod_reservation *); int t4_soreceive_ddp(struct socket *, struct sockaddr **, struct uio *, struct mbuf **, struct mbuf **, int *); int t4_aio_queue_ddp(struct socket *, struct kaiocb *); void t4_ddp_mod_load(void); void t4_ddp_mod_unload(void); void ddp_assert_empty(struct toepcb *); void ddp_init_toep(struct toepcb *); void ddp_uninit_toep(struct toepcb *); void ddp_queue_toep(struct toepcb *); void release_ddp_resources(struct toepcb *toep); void handle_ddp_close(struct toepcb *, struct tcpcb *, uint32_t); void handle_ddp_indicate(struct toepcb *); void insert_ddp_data(struct toepcb *, uint32_t); const struct offload_settings *lookup_offload_policy(struct adapter *, int, struct mbuf *, uint16_t, struct inpcb *); /* t4_tls.c */ bool can_tls_offload(struct adapter *); int t4_ctloutput_tls(struct socket *, struct sockopt *); void t4_push_tls_records(struct adapter *, struct toepcb *, int); void t4_tls_mod_load(void); void t4_tls_mod_unload(void); void tls_establish(struct toepcb *); void tls_init_toep(struct toepcb *); int tls_rx_key(struct toepcb *); void tls_stop_handshake_timer(struct toepcb *); int tls_tx_key(struct toepcb *); void tls_uninit_toep(struct toepcb *); #endif Index: head/sys/i386/i386/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/i386/i386/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/i386/i386/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,6164 +1,6164 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Alan L. Cox * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2018 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Jake Burkholder, * Safeport Network Services, and Network Associates Laboratories, the * Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under * DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA * CHATS research program. * * Portions of this software were developed by * Konstantin Belousov under sponsorship from * the FreeBSD Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include "opt_apic.h" #include "opt_cpu.h" #include "opt_pmap.h" #include "opt_smp.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEV_APIC #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SMP #include #endif #include #if !defined(DIAGNOSTIC) #ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ #define PMAP_INLINE __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE extern inline #endif #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif #define pa_index(pa) ((pa) >> PDRSHIFT) #define pa_to_pvh(pa) (&pv_table[pa_index(pa)]) /* * PTmap is recursive pagemap at top of virtual address space. * Within PTmap, the page directory can be found (third indirection). */ #define PTmap ((pt_entry_t *)(PTDPTDI << PDRSHIFT)) #define PTD ((pd_entry_t *)((PTDPTDI << PDRSHIFT) + (PTDPTDI * PAGE_SIZE))) #define PTDpde ((pd_entry_t *)((PTDPTDI << PDRSHIFT) + (PTDPTDI * PAGE_SIZE) + \ (PTDPTDI * PDESIZE))) /* * Translate a virtual address to the kernel virtual address of its page table * entry (PTE). This can be used recursively. If the address of a PTE as * previously returned by this macro is itself given as the argument, then the * address of the page directory entry (PDE) that maps the PTE will be * returned. * * This macro may be used before pmap_bootstrap() is called. */ #define vtopte(va) (PTmap + i386_btop(va)) /* * Get PDEs and PTEs for user/kernel address space */ #define pmap_pde(m, v) (&((m)->pm_pdir[(vm_offset_t)(v) >> PDRSHIFT])) #define pdir_pde(m, v) (m[(vm_offset_t)(v) >> PDRSHIFT]) #define pmap_pde_v(pte) ((*(int *)pte & PG_V) != 0) #define pmap_pte_w(pte) ((*(int *)pte & PG_W) != 0) #define pmap_pte_m(pte) ((*(int *)pte & PG_M) != 0) #define pmap_pte_u(pte) ((*(int *)pte & PG_A) != 0) #define pmap_pte_v(pte) ((*(int *)pte & PG_V) != 0) #define pmap_pte_set_w(pte, v) ((v) ? atomic_set_int((u_int *)(pte), PG_W) : \ atomic_clear_int((u_int *)(pte), PG_W)) #define pmap_pte_set_prot(pte, v) ((*(int *)pte &= ~PG_PROT), (*(int *)pte |= (v))) _Static_assert(sizeof(struct pmap) <= sizeof(struct pmap_KBI), "pmap_KBI"); static int pgeflag = 0; /* PG_G or-in */ static int pseflag = 0; /* PG_PS or-in */ static int nkpt = NKPT; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pt_entry_t pg_nx; static uma_zone_t pdptzone; #endif _Static_assert(VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS == VADDR(TRPTDI, 0), "VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS"); _Static_assert(VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS <= VADDR(PTDPTDI, 0), "VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS"); _Static_assert(PMAP_MAP_LOW == VADDR(LOWPTDI, 0), "PMAP_MAP_LOW"); _Static_assert(KERNLOAD == (KERNPTDI << PDRSHIFT), "KERNLOAD"); extern int pat_works; extern int pg_ps_enabled; extern int elf32_nxstack; #define PAT_INDEX_SIZE 8 static int pat_index[PAT_INDEX_SIZE]; /* cache mode to PAT index conversion */ /* * pmap_mapdev support pre initialization (i.e. console) */ #define PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT 8 static struct pmap_preinit_mapping { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_size_t sz; int mode; } pmap_preinit_mapping[PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT]; static int pmap_initialized; static struct rwlock_padalign pvh_global_lock; /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); extern int pv_entry_max, pv_entry_count; static int pv_entry_high_water = 0; static struct md_page *pv_table; extern int shpgperproc; static struct pv_chunk *pv_chunkbase; /* KVA block for pv_chunks */ static int pv_maxchunks; /* How many chunks we have KVA for */ static vm_offset_t pv_vafree; /* freelist stored in the PTE */ /* * All those kernel PT submaps that BSD is so fond of */ static pt_entry_t *CMAP3; static pd_entry_t *KPTD; static caddr_t CADDR3; /* * Crashdump maps. */ static caddr_t crashdumpmap; static pt_entry_t *PMAP1 = NULL, *PMAP2, *PMAP3; static pt_entry_t *PADDR1 = NULL, *PADDR2, *PADDR3; #ifdef SMP static int PMAP1cpu, PMAP3cpu; extern int PMAP1changedcpu; #endif extern int PMAP1changed; extern int PMAP1unchanged; static struct mtx PMAP2mutex; /* * Internal flags for pmap_enter()'s helper functions. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM 0x1000000 /* Don't reclaim PV entries. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE 0x2000000 /* Don't replace mappings. */ static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc); static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv); static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t try); static void pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa); static bool pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde, u_int flags); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa); #endif static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(struct md_page *pvh, int count); static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va); static bool pmap_enter_4mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot); static int pmap_enter_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde, u_int flags, vm_page_t m); static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte); static int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, bool promoted); static void pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde); static void pmap_fill_ptp(pt_entry_t *firstpte, pt_entry_t newpte); static boolean_t pmap_is_modified_pvh(struct md_page *pvh); static boolean_t pmap_is_referenced_pvh(struct md_page *pvh); static void pmap_kenter_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, int mode); static void pmap_kenter_pde(vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde); static void pmap_pde_attr(pd_entry_t *pde, int cache_bits); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va); #endif static boolean_t pmap_protect_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t sva, vm_prot_t prot); static void pmap_pte_attr(pt_entry_t *pte, int cache_bits); static void pmap_remove_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pdq, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free); static int pmap_remove_pte(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free); static vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_remove_page(struct pmap *pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free); static bool pmap_remove_ptes(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, struct spglist *free); static void pmap_remove_entry(struct pmap *pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_insert_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m); static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m); static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde); static void pmap_update_pde_invalidate(vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde); static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags); static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, u_int ptepindex, u_int flags); static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free); static pt_entry_t *pmap_pte_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_pte_release(pt_entry_t *pte); static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, struct spglist *); #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP static void *pmap_pdpt_allocf(uma_zone_t zone, vm_size_t bytes, int domain, uint8_t *flags, int wait); #endif static void pmap_init_trm(void); static void pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap_t pmap); static __inline void pagezero(void *page); CTASSERT(1 << PDESHIFT == sizeof(pd_entry_t)); CTASSERT(1 << PTESHIFT == sizeof(pt_entry_t)); extern char _end[]; extern u_long physfree; /* phys addr of next free page */ extern u_long vm86phystk;/* PA of vm86/bios stack */ extern u_long vm86paddr;/* address of vm86 region */ extern int vm86pa; /* phys addr of vm86 region */ extern u_long KERNend; /* phys addr end of kernel (just after bss) */ #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pd_entry_t *IdlePTD_pae; /* phys addr of kernel PTD */ pdpt_entry_t *IdlePDPT; /* phys addr of kernel PDPT */ pt_entry_t *KPTmap_pae; /* address of kernel page tables */ #define IdlePTD IdlePTD_pae #define KPTmap KPTmap_pae #else pd_entry_t *IdlePTD_nopae; pt_entry_t *KPTmap_nopae; #define IdlePTD IdlePTD_nopae #define KPTmap KPTmap_nopae #endif extern u_long KPTphys; /* phys addr of kernel page tables */ extern u_long tramp_idleptd; static u_long allocpages(u_int cnt, u_long *physfree) { u_long res; res = *physfree; *physfree += PAGE_SIZE * cnt; bzero((void *)res, PAGE_SIZE * cnt); return (res); } static void pmap_cold_map(u_long pa, u_long va, u_long cnt) { pt_entry_t *pt; for (pt = (pt_entry_t *)KPTphys + atop(va); cnt > 0; cnt--, pt++, va += PAGE_SIZE, pa += PAGE_SIZE) *pt = pa | PG_V | PG_RW | PG_A | PG_M; } static void pmap_cold_mapident(u_long pa, u_long cnt) { pmap_cold_map(pa, pa, cnt); } _Static_assert(LOWPTDI * 2 * NBPDR == KERNBASE, "Broken double-map of zero PTD"); static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remap_lower)(bool enable) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LOWPTDI; i++) IdlePTD[i] = enable ? IdlePTD[LOWPTDI + i] : 0; load_cr3(rcr3()); /* invalidate TLB */ } /* * Called from locore.s before paging is enabled. Sets up the first * kernel page table. Since kernel is mapped with PA == VA, this code * does not require relocations. */ void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, cold)(void) { pt_entry_t *pt; u_long a; u_int cr3, ncr4; physfree = (u_long)&_end; if (bootinfo.bi_esymtab != 0) physfree = bootinfo.bi_esymtab; if (bootinfo.bi_kernend != 0) physfree = bootinfo.bi_kernend; physfree = roundup2(physfree, NBPDR); KERNend = physfree; /* Allocate Kernel Page Tables */ KPTphys = allocpages(NKPT, &physfree); KPTmap = (pt_entry_t *)KPTphys; /* Allocate Page Table Directory */ #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP /* XXX only need 32 bytes (easier for now) */ IdlePDPT = (pdpt_entry_t *)allocpages(1, &physfree); #endif IdlePTD = (pd_entry_t *)allocpages(NPGPTD, &physfree); /* * Allocate KSTACK. Leave a guard page between IdlePTD and * proc0kstack, to control stack overflow for thread0 and * prevent corruption of the page table. We leak the guard * physical memory due to 1:1 mappings. */ allocpages(1, &physfree); proc0kstack = allocpages(TD0_KSTACK_PAGES, &physfree); /* vm86/bios stack */ vm86phystk = allocpages(1, &physfree); /* pgtable + ext + IOPAGES */ vm86paddr = vm86pa = allocpages(3, &physfree); /* Install page tables into PTD. Page table page 1 is wasted. */ for (a = 0; a < NKPT; a++) IdlePTD[a] = (KPTphys + ptoa(a)) | PG_V | PG_RW | PG_A | PG_M; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP /* PAE install PTD pointers into PDPT */ for (a = 0; a < NPGPTD; a++) IdlePDPT[a] = ((u_int)IdlePTD + ptoa(a)) | PG_V; #endif /* * Install recursive mapping for kernel page tables into * itself. */ for (a = 0; a < NPGPTD; a++) IdlePTD[PTDPTDI + a] = ((u_int)IdlePTD + ptoa(a)) | PG_V | PG_RW; /* * Initialize page table pages mapping physical address zero * through the (physical) end of the kernel. Many of these * pages must be reserved, and we reserve them all and map * them linearly for convenience. We do this even if we've * enabled PSE above; we'll just switch the corresponding * kernel PDEs before we turn on paging. * * This and all other page table entries allow read and write * access for various reasons. Kernel mappings never have any * access restrictions. */ pmap_cold_mapident(0, atop(NBPDR) * LOWPTDI); pmap_cold_map(0, NBPDR * LOWPTDI, atop(NBPDR) * LOWPTDI); pmap_cold_mapident(KERNBASE, atop(KERNend - KERNBASE)); /* Map page table directory */ #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pmap_cold_mapident((u_long)IdlePDPT, 1); #endif pmap_cold_mapident((u_long)IdlePTD, NPGPTD); /* Map early KPTmap. It is really pmap_cold_mapident. */ pmap_cold_map(KPTphys, (u_long)KPTmap, NKPT); /* Map proc0kstack */ pmap_cold_mapident(proc0kstack, TD0_KSTACK_PAGES); /* ISA hole already mapped */ pmap_cold_mapident(vm86phystk, 1); pmap_cold_mapident(vm86pa, 3); /* Map page 0 into the vm86 page table */ *(pt_entry_t *)vm86pa = 0 | PG_RW | PG_U | PG_A | PG_M | PG_V; /* ...likewise for the ISA hole for vm86 */ for (pt = (pt_entry_t *)vm86pa + atop(ISA_HOLE_START), a = 0; a < atop(ISA_HOLE_LENGTH); a++, pt++) *pt = (ISA_HOLE_START + ptoa(a)) | PG_RW | PG_U | PG_A | PG_M | PG_V; /* Enable PSE, PGE, VME, and PAE if configured. */ ncr4 = 0; if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PSE) != 0) { ncr4 |= CR4_PSE; pseflag = PG_PS; /* * Superpage mapping of the kernel text. Existing 4k * page table pages are wasted. */ for (a = KERNBASE; a < KERNend; a += NBPDR) IdlePTD[a >> PDRSHIFT] = a | PG_PS | PG_A | PG_M | PG_RW | PG_V; } if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PGE) != 0) { ncr4 |= CR4_PGE; pgeflag = PG_G; } ncr4 |= (cpu_feature & CPUID_VME) != 0 ? CR4_VME : 0; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP ncr4 |= CR4_PAE; #endif if (ncr4 != 0) load_cr4(rcr4() | ncr4); /* Now enable paging */ #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP cr3 = (u_int)IdlePDPT; if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PAT) == 0) wbinvd(); #else cr3 = (u_int)IdlePTD; #endif tramp_idleptd = cr3; load_cr3(cr3); load_cr0(rcr0() | CR0_PG); /* * Now running relocated at KERNBASE where the system is * linked to run. */ /* * Remove the lowest part of the double mapping of low memory * to get some null pointer checks. */ __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remap_lower)(false); kernel_vm_end = /* 0 + */ NKPT * NBPDR; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP i386_pmap_VM_NFREEORDER = VM_NFREEORDER_PAE; i386_pmap_VM_LEVEL_0_ORDER = VM_LEVEL_0_ORDER_PAE; i386_pmap_PDRSHIFT = PDRSHIFT_PAE; #else i386_pmap_VM_NFREEORDER = VM_NFREEORDER_NOPAE; i386_pmap_VM_LEVEL_0_ORDER = VM_LEVEL_0_ORDER_NOPAE; i386_pmap_PDRSHIFT = PDRSHIFT_NOPAE; #endif } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, set_nx)(void) { #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((amd_feature & AMDID_NX) == 0) return; pg_nx = PG_NX; elf32_nxstack = 1; /* EFER.EFER_NXE is set in initializecpu(). */ #endif } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. * * On the i386 this is called after pmap_cold() created initial * kernel page table and enabled paging, and just syncs the pmap * module with what has already been done. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, bootstrap)(vm_paddr_t firstaddr) { vm_offset_t va; pt_entry_t *pte, *unused; struct pcpu *pc; u_long res; int i; res = atop(firstaddr - (vm_paddr_t)KERNLOAD); /* * Add a physical memory segment (vm_phys_seg) corresponding to the * preallocated kernel page table pages so that vm_page structures * representing these pages will be created. The vm_page structures * are required for promotion of the corresponding kernel virtual * addresses to superpage mappings. */ vm_phys_add_seg(KPTphys, KPTphys + ptoa(nkpt)); /* * Initialize the first available kernel virtual address. * However, using "firstaddr" may waste a few pages of the * kernel virtual address space, because pmap_cold() may not * have mapped every physical page that it allocated. * Preferably, pmap_cold() would provide a first unused * virtual address in addition to "firstaddr". */ virtual_avail = (vm_offset_t)firstaddr; virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). * Count bootstrap data as being resident in case any of this data is * later unmapped (using pmap_remove()) and freed. */ PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); kernel_pmap->pm_pdir = IdlePTD; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP kernel_pmap->pm_pdpt = IdlePDPT; #endif CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); /* don't allow deactivation */ kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count = res; TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvchunk); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); /* * Reserve some special page table entries/VA space for temporary * mapping of pages. */ #define SYSMAP(c, p, v, n) \ v = (c)va; va += ((n)*PAGE_SIZE); p = pte; pte += (n); va = virtual_avail; pte = vtopte(va); /* * Initialize temporary map objects on the current CPU for use * during early boot. * CMAP1/CMAP2 are used for zeroing and copying pages. * CMAP3 is used for the boot-time memory test. */ pc = get_pcpu(); mtx_init(&pc->pc_cmap_lock, "SYSMAPS", NULL, MTX_DEF); SYSMAP(caddr_t, pc->pc_cmap_pte1, pc->pc_cmap_addr1, 1) SYSMAP(caddr_t, pc->pc_cmap_pte2, pc->pc_cmap_addr2, 1) SYSMAP(vm_offset_t, pte, pc->pc_qmap_addr, 1) SYSMAP(caddr_t, CMAP3, CADDR3, 1); /* * Crashdump maps. */ SYSMAP(caddr_t, unused, crashdumpmap, MAXDUMPPGS) /* * ptvmmap is used for reading arbitrary physical pages via /dev/mem. */ SYSMAP(caddr_t, unused, ptvmmap, 1) /* * msgbufp is used to map the system message buffer. */ SYSMAP(struct msgbuf *, unused, msgbufp, atop(round_page(msgbufsize))) /* * KPTmap is used by pmap_kextract(). * * KPTmap is first initialized by pmap_cold(). However, that initial * KPTmap can only support NKPT page table pages. Here, a larger * KPTmap is created that can support KVA_PAGES page table pages. */ SYSMAP(pt_entry_t *, KPTD, KPTmap, KVA_PAGES) for (i = 0; i < NKPT; i++) KPTD[i] = (KPTphys + ptoa(i)) | PG_RW | PG_V; /* * PADDR1 and PADDR2 are used by pmap_pte_quick() and pmap_pte(), * respectively. */ SYSMAP(pt_entry_t *, PMAP1, PADDR1, 1) SYSMAP(pt_entry_t *, PMAP2, PADDR2, 1) SYSMAP(pt_entry_t *, PMAP3, PADDR3, 1) mtx_init(&PMAP2mutex, "PMAP2", NULL, MTX_DEF); virtual_avail = va; /* * Initialize the PAT MSR if present. * pmap_init_pat() clears and sets CR4_PGE, which, as a * side-effect, invalidates stale PG_G TLB entries that might * have been created in our pre-boot environment. We assume * that PAT support implies PGE and in reverse, PGE presence * comes with PAT. Both features were added for Pentium Pro. */ pmap_init_pat(); } static void pmap_init_reserved_pages(void) { struct pcpu *pc; vm_offset_t pages; int i; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if (!pae_mode) return; #else if (pae_mode) return; #endif CPU_FOREACH(i) { pc = pcpu_find(i); mtx_init(&pc->pc_copyout_mlock, "cpmlk", NULL, MTX_DEF | MTX_NEW); pc->pc_copyout_maddr = kva_alloc(ptoa(2)); if (pc->pc_copyout_maddr == 0) panic("unable to allocate non-sleepable copyout KVA"); sx_init(&pc->pc_copyout_slock, "cpslk"); pc->pc_copyout_saddr = kva_alloc(ptoa(2)); if (pc->pc_copyout_saddr == 0) panic("unable to allocate sleepable copyout KVA"); pc->pc_pmap_eh_va = kva_alloc(ptoa(1)); if (pc->pc_pmap_eh_va == 0) panic("unable to allocate pmap_extract_and_hold KVA"); pc->pc_pmap_eh_ptep = (char *)vtopte(pc->pc_pmap_eh_va); /* * Skip if the mappings have already been initialized, * i.e. this is the BSP. */ if (pc->pc_cmap_addr1 != 0) continue; mtx_init(&pc->pc_cmap_lock, "SYSMAPS", NULL, MTX_DEF); pages = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * 3); if (pages == 0) panic("unable to allocate CMAP KVA"); pc->pc_cmap_pte1 = vtopte(pages); pc->pc_cmap_pte2 = vtopte(pages + PAGE_SIZE); pc->pc_cmap_addr1 = (caddr_t)pages; pc->pc_cmap_addr2 = (caddr_t)(pages + PAGE_SIZE); pc->pc_qmap_addr = pages + ptoa(2); } } SYSINIT(rpages_init, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, pmap_init_reserved_pages, NULL); /* * Setup the PAT MSR. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, init_pat)(void) { int pat_table[PAT_INDEX_SIZE]; uint64_t pat_msr; u_long cr0, cr4; int i; /* Set default PAT index table. */ for (i = 0; i < PAT_INDEX_SIZE; i++) pat_table[i] = -1; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_BACK] = 0; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_THROUGH] = 1; pat_table[PAT_UNCACHEABLE] = 3; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_COMBINING] = 3; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_PROTECTED] = 3; pat_table[PAT_UNCACHED] = 3; /* * Bail if this CPU doesn't implement PAT. * We assume that PAT support implies PGE. */ if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PAT) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < PAT_INDEX_SIZE; i++) pat_index[i] = pat_table[i]; pat_works = 0; return; } /* * Due to some Intel errata, we can only safely use the lower 4 * PAT entries. * * Intel Pentium III Processor Specification Update * Errata E.27 (Upper Four PAT Entries Not Usable With Mode B * or Mode C Paging) * * Intel Pentium IV Processor Specification Update * Errata N46 (PAT Index MSB May Be Calculated Incorrectly) */ if (cpu_vendor_id == CPU_VENDOR_INTEL && !(CPUID_TO_FAMILY(cpu_id) == 6 && CPUID_TO_MODEL(cpu_id) >= 0xe)) pat_works = 0; /* Initialize default PAT entries. */ pat_msr = PAT_VALUE(0, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(1, PAT_WRITE_THROUGH) | PAT_VALUE(2, PAT_UNCACHED) | PAT_VALUE(3, PAT_UNCACHEABLE) | PAT_VALUE(4, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(5, PAT_WRITE_THROUGH) | PAT_VALUE(6, PAT_UNCACHED) | PAT_VALUE(7, PAT_UNCACHEABLE); if (pat_works) { /* * Leave the indices 0-3 at the default of WB, WT, UC-, and UC. * Program 5 and 6 as WP and WC. * Leave 4 and 7 as WB and UC. */ pat_msr &= ~(PAT_MASK(5) | PAT_MASK(6)); pat_msr |= PAT_VALUE(5, PAT_WRITE_PROTECTED) | PAT_VALUE(6, PAT_WRITE_COMBINING); pat_table[PAT_UNCACHED] = 2; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_PROTECTED] = 5; pat_table[PAT_WRITE_COMBINING] = 6; } else { /* * Just replace PAT Index 2 with WC instead of UC-. */ pat_msr &= ~PAT_MASK(2); pat_msr |= PAT_VALUE(2, PAT_WRITE_COMBINING); pat_table[PAT_WRITE_COMBINING] = 2; } /* Disable PGE. */ cr4 = rcr4(); load_cr4(cr4 & ~CR4_PGE); /* Disable caches (CD = 1, NW = 0). */ cr0 = rcr0(); load_cr0((cr0 & ~CR0_NW) | CR0_CD); /* Flushes caches and TLBs. */ wbinvd(); invltlb(); /* Update PAT and index table. */ wrmsr(MSR_PAT, pat_msr); for (i = 0; i < PAT_INDEX_SIZE; i++) pat_index[i] = pat_table[i]; /* Flush caches and TLBs again. */ wbinvd(); invltlb(); /* Restore caches and PGE. */ load_cr0(cr0); load_cr4(cr4); } #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP static void * pmap_pdpt_allocf(uma_zone_t zone, vm_size_t bytes, int domain, uint8_t *flags, int wait) { /* Inform UMA that this allocator uses kernel_map/object. */ *flags = UMA_SLAB_KERNEL; return ((void *)kmem_alloc_contig_domainset(DOMAINSET_FIXED(domain), bytes, wait, 0x0ULL, 0xffffffffULL, 1, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT)); } #endif /* * Abuse the pte nodes for unmapped kva to thread a kva freelist through. * Requirements: * - Must deal with pages in order to ensure that none of the PG_* bits * are ever set, PG_V in particular. * - Assumes we can write to ptes without pte_store() atomic ops, even * on PAE systems. This should be ok. * - Assumes nothing will ever test these addresses for 0 to indicate * no mapping instead of correctly checking PG_V. * - Assumes a vm_offset_t will fit in a pte (true for i386). * Because PG_V is never set, there can be no mappings to invalidate. */ static vm_offset_t pmap_ptelist_alloc(vm_offset_t *head) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va; va = *head; if (va == 0) panic("pmap_ptelist_alloc: exhausted ptelist KVA"); pte = vtopte(va); *head = *pte; if (*head & PG_V) panic("pmap_ptelist_alloc: va with PG_V set!"); *pte = 0; return (va); } static void pmap_ptelist_free(vm_offset_t *head, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; if (va & PG_V) panic("pmap_ptelist_free: freeing va with PG_V set!"); pte = vtopte(va); *pte = *head; /* virtual! PG_V is 0 though */ *head = va; } static void pmap_ptelist_init(vm_offset_t *head, void *base, int npages) { int i; vm_offset_t va; *head = 0; for (i = npages - 1; i >= 0; i--) { va = (vm_offset_t)base + i * PAGE_SIZE; pmap_ptelist_free(head, va); } } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, init)(void) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_page_t mpte; vm_size_t s; int i, pv_npg; /* * Initialize the vm page array entries for the kernel pmap's * page table pages. */ PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (i = 0; i < NKPT; i++) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(KPTphys + ptoa(i)); KASSERT(mpte >= vm_page_array && mpte < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_init: page table page is out of range")); mpte->pindex = i + KPTDI; mpte->phys_addr = KPTphys + ptoa(i); mpte->wire_count = 1; /* * Collect the page table pages that were replaced by a 2/4MB * page. They are filled with equivalent 4KB page mappings. */ if (pseflag != 0 && KERNBASE <= i << PDRSHIFT && i << PDRSHIFT < KERNend && pmap_insert_pt_page(kernel_pmap, mpte, true)) panic("pmap_init: pmap_insert_pt_page failed"); } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); vm_wire_add(NKPT); /* * Initialize the address space (zone) for the pv entries. Set a * high water mark so that the system can recover from excessive * numbers of pv entries. */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.shpgperproc", &shpgperproc); pv_entry_max = shpgperproc * maxproc + vm_cnt.v_page_count; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pv_entries", &pv_entry_max); pv_entry_max = roundup(pv_entry_max, _NPCPV); pv_entry_high_water = 9 * (pv_entry_max / 10); /* * If the kernel is running on a virtual machine, then it must assume * that MCA is enabled by the hypervisor. Moreover, the kernel must * be prepared for the hypervisor changing the vendor and family that * are reported by CPUID. Consequently, the workaround for AMD Family * 10h Erratum 383 is enabled if the processor's feature set does not * include at least one feature that is only supported by older Intel * or newer AMD processors. */ if (vm_guest != VM_GUEST_NO && (cpu_feature & CPUID_SS) == 0 && (cpu_feature2 & (CPUID2_SSSE3 | CPUID2_SSE41 | CPUID2_AESNI | CPUID2_AVX | CPUID2_XSAVE)) == 0 && (amd_feature2 & (AMDID2_XOP | AMDID2_FMA4)) == 0) workaround_erratum383 = 1; /* * Are large page mappings supported and enabled? */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pg_ps_enabled", &pg_ps_enabled); if (pseflag == 0) pg_ps_enabled = 0; else if (pg_ps_enabled) { KASSERT(MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && pagesizes[1] == 0, ("pmap_init: can't assign to pagesizes[1]")); pagesizes[1] = NBPDR; } /* * Calculate the size of the pv head table for superpages. * Handle the possibility that "vm_phys_segs[...].end" is zero. */ pv_npg = trunc_4mpage(vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs - 1].end - PAGE_SIZE) / NBPDR + 1; /* * Allocate memory for the pv head table for superpages. */ s = (vm_size_t)(pv_npg * sizeof(struct md_page)); s = round_page(s); pv_table = (struct md_page *)kmem_malloc(s, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < pv_npg; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&pv_table[i].pv_list); pv_maxchunks = MAX(pv_entry_max / _NPCPV, maxproc); pv_chunkbase = (struct pv_chunk *)kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * pv_maxchunks); if (pv_chunkbase == NULL) panic("pmap_init: not enough kvm for pv chunks"); pmap_ptelist_init(&pv_vafree, pv_chunkbase, pv_maxchunks); #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pdptzone = uma_zcreate("PDPT", NPGPTD * sizeof(pdpt_entry_t), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (NPGPTD * sizeof(pdpt_entry_t)) - 1, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); uma_zone_set_allocf(pdptzone, pmap_pdpt_allocf); #endif pmap_initialized = 1; pmap_init_trm(); if (!bootverbose) return; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == 0) continue; printf("PPIM %u: PA=%#jx, VA=%#x, size=%#x, mode=%#x\n", i, (uintmax_t)ppim->pa, ppim->va, ppim->sz, ppim->mode); } } extern u_long pmap_pde_demotions; extern u_long pmap_pde_mappings; extern u_long pmap_pde_p_failures; extern u_long pmap_pde_promotions; /*************************************************** * Low level helper routines..... ***************************************************/ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, is_valid_memattr)(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode >= 0 && mode < PAT_INDEX_SIZE && pat_index[(int)mode] >= 0); } /* * Determine the appropriate bits to set in a PTE or PDE for a specified * caching mode. */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, cache_bits)(pmap_t pmap, int mode, boolean_t is_pde) { int cache_bits, pat_flag, pat_idx; if (!pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap, mode)) panic("Unknown caching mode %d\n", mode); /* The PAT bit is different for PTE's and PDE's. */ pat_flag = is_pde ? PG_PDE_PAT : PG_PTE_PAT; /* Map the caching mode to a PAT index. */ pat_idx = pat_index[mode]; /* Map the 3-bit index value into the PAT, PCD, and PWT bits. */ cache_bits = 0; if (pat_idx & 0x4) cache_bits |= pat_flag; if (pat_idx & 0x2) cache_bits |= PG_NC_PCD; if (pat_idx & 0x1) cache_bits |= PG_NC_PWT; return (cache_bits); } static bool __CONCAT(PMTYPE, ps_enabled)(pmap_t pmap __unused) { return (pg_ps_enabled); } /* * The caller is responsible for maintaining TLB consistency. */ static void pmap_kenter_pde(vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde) { pd_entry_t *pde; pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, va); pde_store(pde, newpde); } /* * After changing the page size for the specified virtual address in the page * table, flush the corresponding entries from the processor's TLB. Only the * calling processor's TLB is affected. * * The calling thread must be pinned to a processor. */ static void pmap_update_pde_invalidate(vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde) { if ((newpde & PG_PS) == 0) /* Demotion: flush a specific 2MB page mapping. */ invlpg(va); else /* if ((newpde & PG_G) == 0) */ /* * Promotion: flush every 4KB page mapping from the TLB * because there are too many to flush individually. */ invltlb(); } #ifdef SMP /* * For SMP, these functions have to use the IPI mechanism for coherence. * * N.B.: Before calling any of the following TLB invalidation functions, * the calling processor must ensure that all stores updating a non- * kernel page table are globally performed. Otherwise, another * processor could cache an old, pre-update entry without being * invalidated. This can happen one of two ways: (1) The pmap becomes * active on another processor after its pm_active field is checked by * one of the following functions but before a store updating the page * table is globally performed. (2) The pmap becomes active on another * processor before its pm_active field is checked but due to * speculative loads one of the following functions stills reads the * pmap as inactive on the other processor. * * The kernel page table is exempt because its pm_active field is * immutable. The kernel page table is always active on every * processor. */ static void pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { cpuset_t *mask, other_cpus; u_int cpuid; sched_pin(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { invlpg(va); mask = &all_cpus; } else if (!CPU_CMP(&pmap->pm_active, &all_cpus)) { mask = &all_cpus; } else { cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); other_cpus = all_cpus; CPU_CLR(cpuid, &other_cpus); CPU_AND(&other_cpus, &pmap->pm_active); mask = &other_cpus; } smp_masked_invlpg(*mask, va, pmap); sched_unpin(); } /* 4k PTEs -- Chosen to exceed the total size of Broadwell L2 TLB */ #define PMAP_INVLPG_THRESHOLD (4 * 1024 * PAGE_SIZE) static void pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { cpuset_t *mask, other_cpus; vm_offset_t addr; u_int cpuid; if (eva - sva >= PMAP_INVLPG_THRESHOLD) { pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); return; } sched_pin(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) invlpg(addr); mask = &all_cpus; } else if (!CPU_CMP(&pmap->pm_active, &all_cpus)) { mask = &all_cpus; } else { cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); other_cpus = all_cpus; CPU_CLR(cpuid, &other_cpus); CPU_AND(&other_cpus, &pmap->pm_active); mask = &other_cpus; } smp_masked_invlpg_range(*mask, sva, eva, pmap); sched_unpin(); } static void pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap_t pmap) { cpuset_t *mask, other_cpus; u_int cpuid; sched_pin(); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { invltlb(); mask = &all_cpus; } else if (!CPU_CMP(&pmap->pm_active, &all_cpus)) { mask = &all_cpus; } else { cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); other_cpus = all_cpus; CPU_CLR(cpuid, &other_cpus); CPU_AND(&other_cpus, &pmap->pm_active); mask = &other_cpus; } smp_masked_invltlb(*mask, pmap); sched_unpin(); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, invalidate_cache)(void) { sched_pin(); wbinvd(); smp_cache_flush(); sched_unpin(); } struct pde_action { cpuset_t invalidate; /* processors that invalidate their TLB */ vm_offset_t va; pd_entry_t *pde; pd_entry_t newpde; u_int store; /* processor that updates the PDE */ }; static void pmap_update_pde_kernel(void *arg) { struct pde_action *act = arg; pd_entry_t *pde; if (act->store == PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, act->va); pde_store(pde, act->newpde); } } static void pmap_update_pde_user(void *arg) { struct pde_action *act = arg; if (act->store == PCPU_GET(cpuid)) pde_store(act->pde, act->newpde); } static void pmap_update_pde_teardown(void *arg) { struct pde_action *act = arg; if (CPU_ISSET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &act->invalidate)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(act->va, act->newpde); } /* * Change the page size for the specified virtual address in a way that * prevents any possibility of the TLB ever having two entries that map the * same virtual address using different page sizes. This is the recommended * workaround for Erratum 383 on AMD Family 10h processors. It prevents a * machine check exception for a TLB state that is improperly diagnosed as a * hardware error. */ static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde) { struct pde_action act; cpuset_t active, other_cpus; u_int cpuid; sched_pin(); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); other_cpus = all_cpus; CPU_CLR(cpuid, &other_cpus); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) active = all_cpus; else active = pmap->pm_active; if (CPU_OVERLAP(&active, &other_cpus)) { = cpuid; act.invalidate = active; = va; act.pde = pde; act.newpde = newpde; CPU_SET(cpuid, &active); smp_rendezvous_cpus(active, smp_no_rendezvous_barrier, pmap == kernel_pmap ? pmap_update_pde_kernel : pmap_update_pde_user, pmap_update_pde_teardown, &act); } else { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pmap_kenter_pde(va, newpde); else pde_store(pde, newpde); if (CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &active)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(va, newpde); } sched_unpin(); } #else /* !SMP */ /* * Normal, non-SMP, 486+ invalidation functions. * We inline these within pmap.c for speed. */ static void pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) invlpg(va); } static void pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t addr; if (pmap == kernel_pmap) for (addr = sva; addr < eva; addr += PAGE_SIZE) invlpg(addr); } static void pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap_t pmap) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) invltlb(); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, invalidate_cache)(void) { wbinvd(); } static void pmap_update_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t *pde, pd_entry_t newpde) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pmap_kenter_pde(va, newpde); else pde_store(pde, newpde); if (pmap == kernel_pmap || !CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active)) pmap_update_pde_invalidate(va, newpde); } #endif /* !SMP */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, invalidate_page)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, invalidate_range)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap, sva, eva); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, invalidate_all)(pmap_t pmap) { pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); } static void pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde) { /* * When the PDE has PG_PROMOTED set, the 2- or 4MB page mapping was * created by a promotion that did not invalidate the 512 or 1024 4KB * page mappings that might exist in the TLB. Consequently, at this * point, the TLB may hold both 4KB and 2- or 4MB page mappings for * the address range [va, va + NBPDR). Therefore, the entire range * must be invalidated here. In contrast, when PG_PROMOTED is clear, * the TLB will not hold any 4KB page mappings for the address range * [va, va + NBPDR), and so a single INVLPG suffices to invalidate the * 2- or 4MB page mapping from the TLB. */ if ((pde & PG_PROMOTED) != 0) pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap, va, va + NBPDR - 1); else pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); } /* * Are we current address space or kernel? */ static __inline int pmap_is_current(pmap_t pmap) { return (pmap == kernel_pmap); } /* * If the given pmap is not the current or kernel pmap, the returned pte must * be released by passing it to pmap_pte_release(). */ static pt_entry_t * __CONCAT(PMTYPE, pte)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpf; pd_entry_t *pde; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (*pde & PG_PS) return (pde); if (*pde != 0) { /* are we current address space or kernel? */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) return (vtopte(va)); mtx_lock(&PMAP2mutex); newpf = *pde & PG_FRAME; if ((*PMAP2 & PG_FRAME) != newpf) { *PMAP2 = newpf | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; pmap_invalidate_page_int(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)PADDR2); } return (PADDR2 + (i386_btop(va) & (NPTEPG - 1))); } return (NULL); } /* * Releases a pte that was obtained from pmap_pte(). Be prepared for the pte * being NULL. */ static __inline void pmap_pte_release(pt_entry_t *pte) { if ((pt_entry_t *)((vm_offset_t)pte & ~PAGE_MASK) == PADDR2) mtx_unlock(&PMAP2mutex); } /* * NB: The sequence of updating a page table followed by accesses to the * corresponding pages is subject to the situation described in the "AMD64 * Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 2: System Programming" rev. 3.23, * "7.3.1 Special Coherency Considerations". Therefore, issuing the INVLPG * right after modifying the PTE bits is crucial. */ static __inline void invlcaddr(void *caddr) { invlpg((u_int)caddr); } /* * Super fast pmap_pte routine best used when scanning * the pv lists. This eliminates many coarse-grained * invltlb calls. Note that many of the pv list * scans are across different pmaps. It is very wasteful * to do an entire invltlb for checking a single mapping. * * If the given pmap is not the current pmap, pvh_global_lock * must be held and curthread pinned to a CPU. */ static pt_entry_t * pmap_pte_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpf; pd_entry_t *pde; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (*pde & PG_PS) return (pde); if (*pde != 0) { /* are we current address space or kernel? */ if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) return (vtopte(va)); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("curthread not pinned")); newpf = *pde & PG_FRAME; if ((*PMAP1 & PG_FRAME) != newpf) { *PMAP1 = newpf | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; #ifdef SMP PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif invlcaddr(PADDR1); PMAP1changed++; } else #ifdef SMP if (PMAP1cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); invlcaddr(PADDR1); PMAP1changedcpu++; } else #endif PMAP1unchanged++; return (PADDR1 + (i386_btop(va) & (NPTEPG - 1))); } return (0); } static pt_entry_t * pmap_pte_quick3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpf; pd_entry_t *pde; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (*pde & PG_PS) return (pde); if (*pde != 0) { rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("curthread not pinned")); newpf = *pde & PG_FRAME; if ((*PMAP3 & PG_FRAME) != newpf) { *PMAP3 = newpf | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; #ifdef SMP PMAP3cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif invlcaddr(PADDR3); PMAP1changed++; } else #ifdef SMP if (PMAP3cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP3cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); invlcaddr(PADDR3); PMAP1changedcpu++; } else #endif PMAP1unchanged++; return (PADDR3 + (i386_btop(va) & (NPTEPG - 1))); } return (0); } static pt_entry_t pmap_pte_ufast(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde) { pt_entry_t *eh_ptep, pte, *ptep; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pde &= PG_FRAME; critical_enter(); eh_ptep = (pt_entry_t *)PCPU_GET(pmap_eh_ptep); if ((*eh_ptep & PG_FRAME) != pde) { *eh_ptep = pde | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; invlcaddr((void *)PCPU_GET(pmap_eh_va)); } ptep = (pt_entry_t *)PCPU_GET(pmap_eh_va) + (i386_btop(va) & (NPTEPG - 1)); pte = *ptep; critical_exit(); return (pte); } /* * Extract from the kernel page table the physical address that is mapped by * the given virtual address "va". * * This function may be used before pmap_bootstrap() is called. */ static vm_paddr_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, kextract)(vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; if ((pa = pte_load(&PTD[va >> PDRSHIFT])) & PG_PS) { pa = (pa & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK); } else { /* * Beware of a concurrent promotion that changes the PDE at * this point! For example, vtopte() must not be used to * access the PTE because it would use the new PDE. It is, * however, safe to use the old PDE because the page table * page is preserved by the promotion. */ pa = KPTmap[i386_btop(va)]; pa = (pa & PG_FRAME) | (va & PAGE_MASK); } return (pa); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ static vm_paddr_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, extract)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t rtval; pt_entry_t pte; pd_entry_t pde; rtval = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap->pm_pdir[va >> PDRSHIFT]; if (pde != 0) { if ((pde & PG_PS) != 0) rtval = (pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK); else { pte = pmap_pte_ufast(pmap, va, pde); rtval = (pte & PG_FRAME) | (va & PAGE_MASK); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rtval); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ static vm_page_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, extract_and_hold)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t pde; pt_entry_t pte; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; pa = 0; m = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pde = *pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde != 0) { if (pde & PG_PS) { if ((pde & PG_RW) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, (pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (va & PDRMASK), &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); } } else { pte = pmap_pte_ufast(pmap, va, pde); if (pte != 0 && ((pte & PG_RW) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pte & PG_FRAME, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); } } if (m != NULL) - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Add a wired page to the kva. * Note: not SMP coherent. * * This function may be used before pmap_bootstrap() is called. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, kenter)(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = vtopte(va); pte_store(pte, pa | PG_RW | PG_V); } static __inline void pmap_kenter_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, int mode) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = vtopte(va); pte_store(pte, pa | PG_RW | PG_V | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 0)); } /* * Remove a page from the kernel pagetables. * Note: not SMP coherent. * * This function may be used before pmap_bootstrap() is called. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, kremove)(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = vtopte(va); pte_clear(pte); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. */ static vm_offset_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, map)(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { vm_offset_t va, sva; vm_paddr_t superpage_offset; pd_entry_t newpde; va = *virt; /* * Does the physical address range's size and alignment permit at * least one superpage mapping to be created? */ superpage_offset = start & PDRMASK; if ((end - start) - ((NBPDR - superpage_offset) & PDRMASK) >= NBPDR) { /* * Increase the starting virtual address so that its alignment * does not preclude the use of superpage mappings. */ if ((va & PDRMASK) < superpage_offset) va = (va & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; else if ((va & PDRMASK) > superpage_offset) va = ((va + PDRMASK) & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; } sva = va; while (start < end) { if ((start & PDRMASK) == 0 && end - start >= NBPDR && pseflag != 0) { KASSERT((va & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_map: misaligned va %#x", va)); newpde = start | PG_PS | PG_RW | PG_V; pmap_kenter_pde(va, newpde); va += NBPDR; start += NBPDR; } else { pmap_kenter(va, start); va += PAGE_SIZE; start += PAGE_SIZE; } } pmap_invalidate_range_int(kernel_pmap, sva, va); *virt = va; return (sva); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, qenter)(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { pt_entry_t *endpte, oldpte, pa, *pte; vm_page_t m; oldpte = 0; pte = vtopte(sva); endpte = pte + count; while (pte < endpte) { m = *ma++; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); if ((*pte & (PG_FRAME | PG_PTE_CACHE)) != pa) { oldpte |= *pte; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pte_store(pte, pa | pg_nx | PG_RW | PG_V); #else pte_store(pte, pa | PG_RW | PG_V); #endif } pte++; } if (__predict_false((oldpte & PG_V) != 0)) pmap_invalidate_range_int(kernel_pmap, sva, sva + count * PAGE_SIZE); } /* * This routine tears out page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, qremove)(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range_int(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /*************************************************** * Page table page management routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Schedule the specified unused page table page to be freed. Specifically, * add the page to the specified list of pages that will be released to the * physical memory manager after the TLB has been updated. */ static __inline void pmap_add_delayed_free_list(vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free, boolean_t set_PG_ZERO) { if (set_PG_ZERO) m->flags |= PG_ZERO; else m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(free, m,; } /* * Inserts the specified page table page into the specified pmap's collection * of idle page table pages. Each of a pmap's page table pages is responsible * for mapping a distinct range of virtual addresses. The pmap's collection is * ordered by this virtual address range. * * If "promoted" is false, then the page table page "mpte" must be zero filled. */ static __inline int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, bool promoted) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); mpte->valid = promoted ? VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL : 0; return (vm_radix_insert(&pmap->pm_root, mpte)); } /* * Removes the page table page mapping the specified virtual address from the * specified pmap's collection of idle page table pages, and returns it. * Otherwise, returns NULL if there is no page table page corresponding to the * specified virtual address. */ static __inline vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); return (vm_radix_remove(&pmap->pm_root, va >> PDRSHIFT)); } /* * Decrements a page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static inline boolean_t pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { --m->wire_count; if (m->wire_count == 0) { _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, m, free); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { /* * unmap the page table page */ pmap->pm_pdir[m->pindex] = 0; --pmap->pm_stats.resident_count; /* * There is not need to invalidate the recursive mapping since * we never instantiate such mapping for the usermode pmaps, * and never remove page table pages from the kernel pmap. * Put page on a list so that it is released since all TLB * shootdown is done. */ MPASS(pmap != kernel_pmap); pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free, TRUE); } /* * After removing a page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pd_entry_t ptepde; vm_page_t mpte; if (pmap == kernel_pmap) return (0); ptepde = *pmap_pde(pmap, va); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptepde & PG_FRAME); return (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, mpte, free)); } /* * Initialize the pmap for the swapper process. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, pinit0)(pmap_t pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); pmap->pm_pdir = IdlePTD; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pmap->pm_pdpt = IdlePDPT; #endif pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); pmap_activate_boot(pmap); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, pinit)(pmap_t pmap) { vm_page_t m; int i; /* * No need to allocate page table space yet but we do need a valid * page directory table. */ if (pmap->pm_pdir == NULL) { pmap->pm_pdir = (pd_entry_t *)kva_alloc(NBPTD); if (pmap->pm_pdir == NULL) return (0); #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pmap->pm_pdpt = uma_zalloc(pdptzone, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); KASSERT(((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdpt & ((NPGPTD * sizeof(pdpt_entry_t)) - 1)) == 0, ("pmap_pinit: pdpt misaligned")); KASSERT(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdpt) < (4ULL<<30), ("pmap_pinit: pdpt above 4g")); #endif pmap->pm_root.rt_root = 0; } KASSERT(vm_radix_is_empty(&pmap->pm_root), ("pmap_pinit: pmap has reserved page table page(s)")); /* * allocate the page directory page(s) */ for (i = 0; i < NPGPTD; i++) { m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK); pmap->pm_ptdpg[i] = m; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP pmap->pm_pdpt[i] = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_V; #endif } pmap_qenter((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdir, pmap->pm_ptdpg, NPGPTD); #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_PAT) == 0) { pmap_invalidate_cache_range( trunc_page((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdpt), round_page((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdpt + NPGPTD * sizeof(pdpt_entry_t))); } #endif for (i = 0; i < NPGPTD; i++) if ((pmap->pm_ptdpg[i]->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pagezero(pmap->pm_pdir + (i * NPDEPG)); /* Install the trampoline mapping. */ pmap->pm_pdir[TRPTDI] = PTD[TRPTDI]; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); return (1); } /* * this routine is called if the page table page is not * mapped correctly. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, u_int ptepindex, u_int flags) { vm_paddr_t ptepa; vm_page_t m; /* * Allocate a page table page. */ if ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, ptepindex, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_wait(NULL); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, the page table * page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); /* * Map the pagetable page into the process address space, if * it isn't already there. */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; ptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex] = (pd_entry_t) (ptepa | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags) { u_int ptepindex; pd_entry_t ptepa; vm_page_t m; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = va >> PDRSHIFT; retry: /* * Get the page directory entry */ ptepa = pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex]; /* * This supports switching from a 4MB page to a * normal 4K page. */ if (ptepa & PG_PS) { (void)pmap_demote_pde(pmap, &pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex], va); ptepa = pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex]; } /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment the * hold count, and activate it. */ if (ptepa) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptepa & PG_FRAME); m->wire_count++; } else { /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has * been deallocated. */ m = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, flags); if (m == NULL && (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) goto retry; } return (m); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, release)(pmap_t pmap) { vm_page_t m; int i; KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); KASSERT(vm_radix_is_empty(&pmap->pm_root), ("pmap_release: pmap has reserved page table page(s)")); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active), ("releasing active pmap %p", pmap)); pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pdir, NPGPTD); for (i = 0; i < NPGPTD; i++) { m = pmap->pm_ptdpg[i]; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP KASSERT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) == (pmap->pm_pdpt[i] & PG_FRAME), ("pmap_release: got wrong ptd page")); #endif vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } } /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, growkernel)(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_paddr_t ptppaddr; vm_page_t nkpg; pd_entry_t newpdir; mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); addr = roundup2(addr, NBPDR); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { if (pdir_pde(PTD, kernel_vm_end)) { kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> PDRSHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); nkpt++; if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); ptppaddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); newpdir = (pd_entry_t) (ptppaddr | PG_V | PG_RW | PG_A | PG_M); pdir_pde(KPTD, kernel_vm_end) = newpdir; pmap_kenter_pde(kernel_vm_end, newpdir); kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); CTASSERT(_NPCM == 11); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 336); static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #define PC_FREE0_9 0xfffffffful /* Free values for index 0 through 9 */ #define PC_FREE10 0x0000fffful /* Free values for index 10 */ static const uint32_t pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE10 }; #ifdef PV_STATS extern int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; extern long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs; extern int pv_entry_spare; #endif /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. */ static vm_page_t pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap_t locked_pmap) { struct pch newtail; struct pv_chunk *pc; struct md_page *pvh; pd_entry_t *pde; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, m_pc; struct spglist free; uint32_t inuse; int bit, field, freed; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(locked_pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap = NULL; m_pc = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&free); TAILQ_INIT(&newtail); while ((pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pv_chunks)) != NULL && (pv_vafree == 0 || SLIST_EMPTY(&free))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); if (pmap != pc->pc_pmap) { if (pmap != NULL) { pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } pmap = pc->pc_pmap; /* Avoid deadlock and lock recursion. */ if (pmap > locked_pmap) PMAP_LOCK(pmap); else if (pmap != locked_pmap && !PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pmap = NULL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } } /* * Destroy every non-wired, 4 KB page mapping in the chunk. */ freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { for (inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; inuse != 0; inuse &= ~(1UL << bit)) { bit = bsfl(inuse); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 32 + bit]; va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) continue; pte = __CONCAT(PMTYPE, pte)(pmap, va); tpte = *pte; if ((tpte & PG_W) == 0) tpte = pte_load_clear(pte); pmap_pte_release(pte); if ((tpte & PG_W) != 0) continue; KASSERT(tpte != 0, ("pmap_pv_reclaim: pmap %p va %x zero pte", pmap, va)); if ((tpte & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tpte & PG_FRAME); if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((tpte & PG_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } pc->pc_map[field] |= 1UL << bit; pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, &free); freed++; } } if (freed == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } /* Every freed mapping is for a 4 KB page. */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= freed; PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees += freed); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += freed); pv_entry_count -= freed; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != pc_freemask[field]) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); /* * One freed pv entry in locked_pmap is * sufficient. */ if (pmap == locked_pmap) goto out; break; } if (field == _NPCM) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* Entire chunk is free; return it. */ m_pc = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)pc)); pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pc, 1); pmap_ptelist_free(&pv_vafree, (vm_offset_t)pc); break; } } out: TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &newtail, pc_lru); if (pmap != NULL) { pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if (m_pc == NULL && pv_vafree != 0 && SLIST_EMPTY(&free)) { m_pc = SLIST_FIRST(&free); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&free,; /* Recycle a freed page table page. */ m_pc->wire_count = 1; } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); return (m_pc); } /* * free the pv_entry back to the free list */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int idx, field, bit; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / 32; bit = idx % 32; pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; for (idx = 0; idx < _NPCM; idx++) if (pc->pc_map[idx] != pc_freemask[idx]) { /* * 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the * list. If it isn't already, move it to the head. */ if (__predict_false(TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk) != pc)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_kextract((vm_offset_t)pc)); pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pc, 1); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); pmap_ptelist_free(&pv_vafree, (vm_offset_t)pc); } /* * get a new pv_entry, allocating a block from the system * when needed. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t try) { static const struct timeval printinterval = { 60, 0 }; static struct timeval lastprint; int bit, field; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_allocs++); pv_entry_count++; if (pv_entry_count > pv_entry_high_water) if (ratecheck(&lastprint, &printinterval)) printf("Approaching the limit on PV entries, consider " "increasing either the vm.pmap.shpgperproc or the " "vm.pmap.pv_entries tunable.\n"); retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = bsfl(pc->pc_map[field]); break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 32 + bit]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != 0) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); /* not full, return */ } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); } } /* * Access to the ptelist "pv_vafree" is synchronized by the pvh * global lock. If "pv_vafree" is currently non-empty, it will * remain non-empty until pmap_ptelist_alloc() completes. */ if (pv_vafree == 0 || (m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { if (try) { pv_entry_count--; PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count++); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_allocs++); pc = (struct pv_chunk *)pmap_ptelist_alloc(&pv_vafree); pmap_qenter((vm_offset_t)pc, &m, 1); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = pc_freemask[0] & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ for (field = 1; field < _NPCM; field++) pc->pc_map[field] = pc_freemask[field]; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += _NPCPV - 1); return (pv); } static __inline pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); break; } } return (pv); } static void pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((pa & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: pa is not 4mpage aligned")); /* * Transfer the 4mpage's pv entry for this mapping to the first * page's pv list. */ pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); va = trunc_4mpage(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: pv not found")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); /* Instantiate the remaining NPTEPG - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_pde: page %p is not managed", m)); va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_insert_entry(pmap, va, m); } while (va < va_last); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va_last; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((pa & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_pv_promote_pde: pa is not 4mpage aligned")); /* * Transfer the first page's pv entry for this mapping to the * 4mpage's pv list. Aside from avoiding the cost of a call * to get_pv_entry(), a transfer avoids the possibility that * get_pv_entry() calls pmap_collect() and that pmap_collect() * removes one of the mappings that is being promoted. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); va = trunc_4mpage(va); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&m->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_promote_pde: pv not found")); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); /* Free the remaining NPTEPG - 1 pv entries. */ va_last = va + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } while (va < va_last); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found")); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } static void pmap_remove_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { struct md_page *pvh; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } /* * Create a pv entry for page at pa for * (pmap, va). */ static void pmap_insert_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, FALSE); pv->pv_va = va; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); } /* * Conditionally create a pv entry. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (pv_entry_count < pv_entry_high_water && (pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, TRUE)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * Create the pv entries for each of the pages within a superpage. */ static bool pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde, u_int flags) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; bool noreclaim; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); noreclaim = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM) != 0; if ((noreclaim && pv_entry_count >= pv_entry_high_water) || (pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, noreclaim)) == NULL) return (false); pv->pv_va = va; pvh = pa_to_pvh(pde & PG_PS_FRAME); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); return (true); } /* * Fills a page table page with mappings to consecutive physical pages. */ static void pmap_fill_ptp(pt_entry_t *firstpte, pt_entry_t newpte) { pt_entry_t *pte; for (pte = firstpte; pte < firstpte + NPTEPG; pte++) { *pte = newpte; newpte += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Tries to demote a 2- or 4MB page mapping. If demotion fails, the * 2- or 4MB page mapping is invalidated. */ static boolean_t pmap_demote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpde, oldpde; pt_entry_t *firstpte, newpte; vm_paddr_t mptepa; vm_page_t mpte; struct spglist free; vm_offset_t sva; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldpde = *pde; KASSERT((oldpde & (PG_PS | PG_V)) == (PG_PS | PG_V), ("pmap_demote_pde: oldpde is missing PG_PS and/or PG_V")); if ((oldpde & PG_A) == 0 || (mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va)) == NULL) { KASSERT((oldpde & PG_W) == 0, ("pmap_demote_pde: page table page for a wired mapping" " is missing")); /* * Invalidate the 2- or 4MB page mapping and return * "failure" if the mapping was never accessed or the * allocation of the new page table page fails. */ if ((oldpde & PG_A) == 0 || (mpte = vm_page_alloc(NULL, va >> PDRSHIFT, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); sva = trunc_4mpage(va); pmap_remove_pde(pmap, pde, sva, &free); if ((oldpde & PG_G) == 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap, sva, oldpde); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pde: failure for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (FALSE); } if (pmap != kernel_pmap) { mpte->wire_count = NPTEPG; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; } } mptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte); /* * If the page mapping is in the kernel's address space, then the * KPTmap can provide access to the page table page. Otherwise, * temporarily map the page table page (mpte) into the kernel's * address space at either PADDR1 or PADDR2. */ if (pmap == kernel_pmap) firstpte = &KPTmap[i386_btop(trunc_4mpage(va))]; else if (curthread->td_pinned > 0 && rw_wowned(&pvh_global_lock)) { if ((*PMAP1 & PG_FRAME) != mptepa) { *PMAP1 = mptepa | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; #ifdef SMP PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #endif invlcaddr(PADDR1); PMAP1changed++; } else #ifdef SMP if (PMAP1cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) { PMAP1cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); invlcaddr(PADDR1); PMAP1changedcpu++; } else #endif PMAP1unchanged++; firstpte = PADDR1; } else { mtx_lock(&PMAP2mutex); if ((*PMAP2 & PG_FRAME) != mptepa) { *PMAP2 = mptepa | PG_RW | PG_V | PG_A | PG_M; pmap_invalidate_page_int(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)PADDR2); } firstpte = PADDR2; } newpde = mptepa | PG_M | PG_A | (oldpde & PG_U) | PG_RW | PG_V; KASSERT((oldpde & PG_A) != 0, ("pmap_demote_pde: oldpde is missing PG_A")); KASSERT((oldpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_RW, ("pmap_demote_pde: oldpde is missing PG_M")); newpte = oldpde & ~PG_PS; if ((newpte & PG_PDE_PAT) != 0) newpte ^= PG_PDE_PAT | PG_PTE_PAT; /* * If the page table page is not leftover from an earlier promotion, * initialize it. */ if (mpte->valid == 0) pmap_fill_ptp(firstpte, newpte); KASSERT((*firstpte & PG_FRAME) == (newpte & PG_FRAME), ("pmap_demote_pde: firstpte and newpte map different physical" " addresses")); /* * If the mapping has changed attributes, update the page table * entries. */ if ((*firstpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE) != (newpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE)) pmap_fill_ptp(firstpte, newpte); /* * Demote the mapping. This pmap is locked. The old PDE has * PG_A set. If the old PDE has PG_RW set, it also has PG_M * set. Thus, there is no danger of a race with another * processor changing the setting of PG_A and/or PG_M between * the read above and the store below. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, newpde); else if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pmap_kenter_pde(va, newpde); else pde_store(pde, newpde); if (firstpte == PADDR2) mtx_unlock(&PMAP2mutex); /* * Invalidate the recursive mapping of the page table page. */ pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, (vm_offset_t)vtopte(va)); /* * Demote the pv entry. This depends on the earlier demotion * of the mapping. Specifically, the (re)creation of a per- * page pv entry might trigger the execution of pmap_collect(), * which might reclaim a newly (re)created per-page pv entry * and destroy the associated mapping. In order to destroy * the mapping, the PDE must have already changed from mapping * the 2mpage to referencing the page table page. */ if ((oldpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_demote_pde(pmap, va, oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pmap_pde_demotions++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_pde: success for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (TRUE); } /* * Removes a 2- or 4MB page mapping from the kernel pmap. */ static void pmap_remove_kernel_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpde; vm_paddr_t mptepa; vm_page_t mpte; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va); if (mpte == NULL) panic("pmap_remove_kernel_pde: Missing pt page."); mptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte); newpde = mptepa | PG_M | PG_A | PG_RW | PG_V; /* * If this page table page was unmapped by a promotion, then it * contains valid mappings. Zero it to invalidate those mappings. */ if (mpte->valid != 0) pagezero((void *)&KPTmap[i386_btop(trunc_4mpage(va))]); /* * Remove the mapping. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, newpde); else pmap_kenter_pde(va, newpde); /* * Invalidate the recursive mapping of the page table page. */ pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, (vm_offset_t)vtopte(va)); } /* * pmap_remove_pde: do the things to unmap a superpage in a process */ static void pmap_remove_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pdq, vm_offset_t sva, struct spglist *free) { struct md_page *pvh; pd_entry_t oldpde; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m, mpte; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_remove_pde: sva is not 4mpage aligned")); oldpde = pte_load_clear(pdq); if (oldpde & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; /* * Machines that don't support invlpg, also don't support * PG_G. */ if ((oldpde & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(kernel_pmap, sva, oldpde); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; if (oldpde & PG_MANAGED) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pmap_pvh_free(pvh, pmap, sva); eva = sva + NBPDR; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) { if ((oldpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (oldpde & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_remove_kernel_pde(pmap, pdq, sva); } else { mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, sva); if (mpte != NULL) { KASSERT(mpte->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pde: pte page not promoted")); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG, ("pmap_remove_pde: pte page wire count error")); mpte->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(mpte, free, FALSE); } } } /* * pmap_remove_pte: do the things to unmap a page in a process */ static int pmap_remove_pte(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pt_entry_t oldpte; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldpte = pte_load_clear(ptq); KASSERT(oldpte != 0, ("pmap_remove_pte: pmap %p va %x zero pte", pmap, va)); if (oldpte & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; /* * Machines that don't support invlpg, also don't support * PG_G. */ if (oldpte & PG_G) pmap_invalidate_page_int(kernel_pmap, va); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= 1; if (oldpte & PG_MANAGED) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpte & PG_FRAME); if ((oldpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (oldpte & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); pmap_remove_entry(pmap, m, va); } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, free)); } /* * Remove a single page from a process address space */ static void pmap_remove_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct spglist *free) { pt_entry_t *pte; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("curthread not pinned")); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, va)) == NULL || *pte == 0) return; pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, va, free); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); } /* * Removes the specified range of addresses from the page table page. */ static bool pmap_remove_ptes(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, struct spglist *free) { pt_entry_t *pte; bool anyvalid; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT(curthread->td_pinned > 0, ("curthread not pinned")); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); anyvalid = false; for (pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, sva); sva != eva; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (*pte == 0) continue; /* * The TLB entry for a PG_G mapping is invalidated by * pmap_remove_pte(). */ if ((*pte & PG_G) == 0) anyvalid = true; if (pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, sva, free)) break; } return (anyvalid); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remove)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t pdnxt; pd_entry_t ptpaddr; struct spglist free; int anyvalid; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; anyvalid = 0; SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * special handling of removing one page. a very * common operation and easy to short circuit some * code. */ if ((sva + PAGE_SIZE == eva) && ((pmap->pm_pdir[(sva >> PDRSHIFT)] & PG_PS) == 0)) { pmap_remove_page(pmap, sva, &free); goto out; } for (; sva < eva; sva = pdnxt) { u_int pdirindex; /* * Calculate index for next page table. */ pdnxt = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (pdnxt < sva) pdnxt = eva; if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) break; pdirindex = sva >> PDRSHIFT; ptpaddr = pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex]; /* * Weed out invalid mappings. Note: we assume that the page * directory table is always allocated, and in kernel virtual. */ if (ptpaddr == 0) continue; /* * Check for large page. */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * Are we removing the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == pdnxt && eva >= pdnxt) { /* * The TLB entry for a PG_G mapping is * invalidated by pmap_remove_pde(). */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_G) == 0) anyvalid = 1; pmap_remove_pde(pmap, &pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex], sva, &free); continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, &pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex], sva)) { /* The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } } /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (pdnxt > eva) pdnxt = eva; if (pmap_remove_ptes(pmap, sva, pdnxt, &free)) anyvalid = 1; } out: sched_unpin(); if (anyvalid) pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remove_all)(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pd_entry_t *pde; vm_offset_t va; struct spglist free; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != NULL) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); (void)pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: found" " a 4mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); tpte = pte_load_clear(pte); KASSERT(tpte != 0, ("pmap_remove_all: pmap %p va %x zero pte", pmap, pv->pv_va)); if (tpte & PG_W) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if (tpte & PG_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, &free); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, pv->pv_va); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * pmap_protect_pde: do the things to protect a 4mpage in a process */ static boolean_t pmap_protect_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t sva, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t newpde, oldpde; vm_page_t m, mt; boolean_t anychanged; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_protect_pde: sva is not 4mpage aligned")); anychanged = FALSE; retry: oldpde = newpde = *pde; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if ((oldpde & (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } newpde &= ~(PG_RW | PG_M); } #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 && !i386_read_exec) newpde |= pg_nx; #endif if (newpde != oldpde) { /* * As an optimization to future operations on this PDE, clear * PG_PROMOTED. The impending invalidation will remove any * lingering 4KB page mappings from the TLB. */ if (!pde_cmpset(pde, oldpde, newpde & ~PG_PROMOTED)) goto retry; if ((oldpde & PG_G) != 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(kernel_pmap, sva, oldpde); else anychanged = TRUE; } return (anychanged); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, protect)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t pdnxt; pd_entry_t ptpaddr; pt_entry_t *pte; boolean_t anychanged, pv_lists_locked; KASSERT((prot & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("invalid prot %x", prot)); if (prot == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) == (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) return; #else if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) return; #endif if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } anychanged = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = pdnxt) { pt_entry_t obits, pbits; u_int pdirindex; pdnxt = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (pdnxt < sva) pdnxt = eva; pdirindex = sva >> PDRSHIFT; ptpaddr = pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex]; /* * Weed out invalid mappings. Note: we assume that the page * directory table is always allocated, and in kernel virtual. */ if (ptpaddr == 0) continue; /* * Check for large page. */ if ((ptpaddr & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * Are we protecting the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == pdnxt && eva >= pdnxt) { /* * The TLB entry for a PG_G mapping is * invalidated by pmap_protect_pde(). */ if (pmap_protect_pde(pmap, &pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex], sva, prot)) anychanged = TRUE; continue; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all_int( pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, &pmap->pm_pdir[pdirindex], sva)) { /* * The large page mapping was * destroyed. */ continue; } } } if (pdnxt > eva) pdnxt = eva; for (pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, sva); sva != pdnxt; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { vm_page_t m; retry: /* * Regardless of whether a pte is 32 or 64 bits in * size, PG_RW, PG_A, and PG_M are among the least * significant 32 bits. */ obits = pbits = *pte; if ((pbits & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { if ((pbits & (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_M | PG_RW)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pbits & PG_FRAME); vm_page_dirty(m); } pbits &= ~(PG_RW | PG_M); } #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 && !i386_read_exec) pbits |= pg_nx; #endif if (pbits != obits) { #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if (!atomic_cmpset_64(pte, obits, pbits)) goto retry; #else if (!atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, obits, pbits)) goto retry; #endif if (obits & PG_G) pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, sva); else anychanged = TRUE; } } } if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Tries to promote the 512 or 1024, contiguous 4KB page mappings that are * within a single page table page (PTP) to a single 2- or 4MB page mapping. * For promotion to occur, two conditions must be met: (1) the 4KB page * mappings must map aligned, contiguous physical memory and (2) the 4KB page * mappings must have identical characteristics. * * Managed (PG_MANAGED) mappings within the kernel address space are not * promoted. The reason is that kernel PDEs are replicated in each pmap but * pmap_clear_ptes() and pmap_ts_referenced() only read the PDE from the kernel * pmap. */ static void pmap_promote_pde(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t newpde; pt_entry_t *firstpte, oldpte, pa, *pte; vm_offset_t oldpteva; vm_page_t mpte; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Examine the first PTE in the specified PTP. Abort if this PTE is * either invalid, unused, or does not map the first 4KB physical page * within a 2- or 4MB page. */ firstpte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, trunc_4mpage(va)); setpde: newpde = *firstpte; if ((newpde & ((PG_FRAME & PDRMASK) | PG_A | PG_V)) != (PG_A | PG_V)) { pmap_pde_p_failures++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((*firstpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0 && pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_pde_p_failures++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((newpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == PG_RW) { /* * When PG_M is already clear, PG_RW can be cleared without * a TLB invalidation. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)firstpte, newpde, newpde & ~PG_RW)) goto setpde; newpde &= ~PG_RW; } /* * Examine each of the other PTEs in the specified PTP. Abort if this * PTE maps an unexpected 4KB physical page or does not have identical * characteristics to the first PTE. */ pa = (newpde & (PG_PS_FRAME | PG_A | PG_V)) + NBPDR - PAGE_SIZE; for (pte = firstpte + NPTEPG - 1; pte > firstpte; pte--) { setpte: oldpte = *pte; if ((oldpte & (PG_FRAME | PG_A | PG_V)) != pa) { pmap_pde_p_failures++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } if ((oldpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == PG_RW) { /* * When PG_M is already clear, PG_RW can be cleared * without a TLB invalidation. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~PG_RW)) goto setpte; oldpte &= ~PG_RW; oldpteva = (oldpte & PG_FRAME & PDRMASK) | (va & ~PDRMASK); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: protect for va %#x" " in pmap %p", oldpteva, pmap); } if ((oldpte & PG_PTE_PROMOTE) != (newpde & PG_PTE_PROMOTE)) { pmap_pde_p_failures++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } pa -= PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Save the page table page in its current state until the PDE * mapping the superpage is demoted by pmap_demote_pde() or * destroyed by pmap_remove_pde(). */ mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); KASSERT(mpte >= vm_page_array && mpte < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_promote_pde: page table page is out of range")); KASSERT(mpte->pindex == va >> PDRSHIFT, ("pmap_promote_pde: page table page's pindex is wrong")); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mpte, true)) { pmap_pde_p_failures++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: failure for va %#x in pmap %p", va, pmap); return; } /* * Promote the pv entries. */ if ((newpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_promote_pde(pmap, va, newpde & PG_PS_FRAME); /* * Propagate the PAT index to its proper position. */ if ((newpde & PG_PTE_PAT) != 0) newpde ^= PG_PDE_PAT | PG_PTE_PAT; /* * Map the superpage. */ if (workaround_erratum383) pmap_update_pde(pmap, va, pde, PG_PS | newpde); else if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pmap_kenter_pde(va, PG_PROMOTED | PG_PS | newpde); else pde_store(pde, PG_PROMOTED | PG_PS | newpde); pmap_pde_promotions++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_pde: success for va %#x" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, enter)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; pt_entry_t newpte, origpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t opa, pa; vm_page_t mpte, om; int rv; va = trunc_page(va); KASSERT((pmap == kernel_pmap && va < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) || (pmap != kernel_pmap && va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS), ("pmap_enter: toobig k%d %#x", pmap == kernel_pmap, va)); KASSERT(va < PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS, ("pmap_enter: invalid to pmap_enter into trampoline (va: 0x%x)", va)); KASSERT(pmap != kernel_pmap || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva, ("pmap_enter: managed mapping within the clean submap")); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_RESERVED) == 0, ("pmap_enter: flags %u has reserved bits set", flags)); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); newpte = (pt_entry_t)(pa | PG_A | PG_V); if ((flags & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) newpte |= PG_M; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) newpte |= PG_RW; KASSERT((newpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_M, ("pmap_enter: flags includes VM_PROT_WRITE but prot doesn't")); #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 && !i386_read_exec) newpte |= pg_nx; #endif if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) newpte |= PG_W; if (pmap != kernel_pmap) newpte |= PG_U; newpte |= pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, psind > 0); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpte |= PG_MANAGED; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); sched_pin(); if (psind == 1) { /* Assert the required virtual and physical alignment. */ KASSERT((va & PDRMASK) == 0, ("pmap_enter: va unaligned")); KASSERT(m->psind > 0, ("pmap_enter: m->psind < psind")); rv = pmap_enter_pde(pmap, va, newpte | PG_PS, flags, m); goto out; } pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pmap != kernel_pmap) { /* * va is for UVA. * In the case that a page table page is not resident, * we are creating it here. pmap_allocpte() handles * demotion. */ mpte = pmap_allocpte(pmap, va, flags); if (mpte == NULL) { KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0, ("pmap_allocpte failed with sleep allowed")); rv = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; goto out; } } else { /* * va is for KVA, so pmap_demote_pde() will never fail * to install a page table page. PG_V is also * asserted by pmap_demote_pde(). */ mpte = NULL; KASSERT(pde != NULL && (*pde & PG_V) != 0, ("KVA %#x invalid pde pdir %#jx", va, (uintmax_t)pmap->pm_pdir[PTDPTDI])); if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, va); } pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, va); /* * Page Directory table entry is not valid, which should not * happen. We should have either allocated the page table * page or demoted the existing mapping above. */ if (pte == NULL) { panic("pmap_enter: invalid page directory pdir=%#jx, va=%#x", (uintmax_t)pmap->pm_pdir[PTDPTDI], va); } origpte = *pte; pv = NULL; /* * Is the specified virtual address already mapped? */ if ((origpte & PG_V) != 0) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is wired, * the PT page will be also. */ if ((newpte & PG_W) != 0 && (origpte & PG_W) == 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if ((newpte & PG_W) == 0 && (origpte & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove the extra PT page reference. */ if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_enter: missing reference to page table page," " va: 0x%x", va)); } /* * Has the physical page changed? */ opa = origpte & PG_FRAME; if (opa == pa) { /* * No, might be a protection or wiring change. */ if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0 && (newpte & PG_RW) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); if (((origpte ^ newpte) & ~(PG_M | PG_A)) == 0) goto unchanged; goto validate; } /* * The physical page has changed. Temporarily invalidate * the mapping. This ensures that all threads sharing the * pmap keep a consistent view of the mapping, which is * necessary for the correct handling of COW faults. It * also permits reuse of the old mapping's PV entry, * avoiding an allocation. * * For consistency, handle unmanaged mappings the same way. */ origpte = pte_load_clear(pte); KASSERT((origpte & PG_FRAME) == opa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#x", va)); if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); /* * The pmap lock is sufficient to synchronize with * concurrent calls to pmap_page_test_mappings() and * pmap_ts_referenced(). */ if ((origpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(om); if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_enter: no PV entry for %#x", va)); if ((newpte & PG_MANAGED) == 0) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); if ((om->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list) && ((om->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(opa)->pv_list))) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); origpte = 0; } else { /* * Increment the counters. */ if ((newpte & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((newpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, FALSE); pv->pv_va = va; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); if ((newpte & PG_RW) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Update the PTE. */ if ((origpte & PG_V) != 0) { validate: origpte = pte_load_store(pte, newpte); KASSERT((origpte & PG_FRAME) == pa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#x", va)); if ((newpte & PG_M) == 0 && (origpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if ((origpte & PG_MANAGED) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); /* * Although the PTE may still have PG_RW set, TLB * invalidation may nonetheless be required because * the PTE no longer has PG_M set. */ } #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP else if ((origpte & PG_NX) != 0 || (newpte & PG_NX) == 0) { /* * This PTE change does not require TLB invalidation. */ goto unchanged; } #endif if ((origpte & PG_A) != 0) pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); } else pte_store_zero(pte, newpte); unchanged: #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * If both the page table page and the reservation are fully * populated, then attempt promotion. */ if ((mpte == NULL || mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG) && pg_ps_enabled && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) pmap_promote_pde(pmap, pde, va); #endif rv = KERN_SUCCESS; out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Tries to create a read- and/or execute-only 2 or 4 MB page mapping. Returns * true if successful. Returns false if (1) a mapping already exists at the * specified virtual address or (2) a PV entry cannot be allocated without * reclaiming another PV entry. */ static bool pmap_enter_4mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t newpde; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); newpde = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 1) | PG_PS | PG_V; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpde |= PG_MANAGED; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 && !i386_read_exec) newpde |= pg_nx; #endif if (pmap != kernel_pmap) newpde |= PG_U; return (pmap_enter_pde(pmap, va, newpde, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE | PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, NULL) == KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Tries to create the specified 2 or 4 MB page mapping. Returns KERN_SUCCESS * if the mapping was created, and either KERN_FAILURE or * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE otherwise. Returns KERN_FAILURE if * PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE was specified and a mapping already exists at the * specified virtual address. Returns KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if * PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM was specified and a PV entry allocation failed. * * The parameter "m" is only used when creating a managed, writeable mapping. */ static int pmap_enter_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t newpde, u_int flags, vm_page_t m) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; vm_page_t mt; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((newpde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) != PG_RW, ("pmap_enter_pde: newpde is missing PG_M")); KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap || (newpde & PG_W) == 0, ("pmap_enter_pde: cannot create wired user mapping")); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_V) != 0) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE) != 0) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* Break the existing mapping(s). */ SLIST_INIT(&free); if ((oldpde & PG_PS) != 0) { /* * If the PDE resulted from a promotion, then a * reserved PT page could be freed. */ (void)pmap_remove_pde(pmap, pde, va, &free); if ((oldpde & PG_G) == 0) pmap_invalidate_pde_page(pmap, va, oldpde); } else { if (pmap_remove_ptes(pmap, va, va + NBPDR, &free)) pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { /* * Both pmap_remove_pde() and pmap_remove_ptes() will * leave the kernel page table page zero filled. */ mt = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pde & PG_FRAME); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mt, false)) panic("pmap_enter_pde: trie insert failed"); } else KASSERT(*pde == 0, ("pmap_enter_pde: non-zero pde %p", pde)); } if ((newpde & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { /* * Abort this mapping if its PV entry could not be created. */ if (!pmap_pv_insert_pde(pmap, va, newpde, flags)) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: failure for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } if ((newpde & PG_RW) != 0) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_aflag_set(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } /* * Increment counters. */ if ((newpde & PG_W) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count += NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; /* * Map the superpage. (This is not a promoted mapping; there will not * be any lingering 4KB page mappings in the TLB.) */ pde_store(pde, newpde); pmap_pde_mappings++; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_pde: success for va %#lx" " in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, enter_object)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpte = NULL; m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { va = start + ptoa(diff); if ((va & PDRMASK) == 0 && va + NBPDR <= end && m->psind == 1 && pg_ps_enabled && pmap_enter_4mpage(pmap, va, m, prot)) m = &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE - 1]; else mpte = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, mpte); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, enter_quick)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte) { pt_entry_t newpte, *pte; struct spglist free; KASSERT(pmap != kernel_pmap || va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: managed mapping within the clean submap")); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap) { u_int ptepindex; pd_entry_t ptepa; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = va >> PDRSHIFT; if (mpte && (mpte->pindex == ptepindex)) { mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Get the page directory entry */ ptepa = pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex]; /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment * the hold count, and activate it. */ if (ptepa) { if (ptepa & PG_PS) return (NULL); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptepa & PG_FRAME); mpte->wire_count++; } else { mpte = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); if (mpte == NULL) return (mpte); } } } else { mpte = NULL; } sched_pin(); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, va); if (*pte) { if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; mpte = NULL; } sched_unpin(); return (mpte); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, va, m)) { if (mpte != NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, mpte, &free)) { pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } mpte = NULL; } sched_unpin(); return (mpte); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; newpte = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_V | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpte |= PG_MANAGED; #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0 && !i386_read_exec) newpte |= pg_nx; #endif if (pmap != kernel_pmap) newpte |= PG_U; pte_store_zero(pte, newpte); sched_unpin(); return (mpte); } /* * Make a temporary mapping for a physical address. This is only intended * to be used for panic dumps. */ static void * __CONCAT(PMTYPE, kenter_temporary)(vm_paddr_t pa, int i) { vm_offset_t va; va = (vm_offset_t)crashdumpmap + (i * PAGE_SIZE); pmap_kenter(va, pa); invlpg(va); return ((void *)crashdumpmap); } /* * This code maps large physical mmap regions into the * processor address space. Note that some shortcuts * are taken, but the code works. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, object_init_pt)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { pd_entry_t *pde; vm_paddr_t pa, ptepa; vm_page_t p; int pat_mode; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); if (pg_ps_enabled && (addr & (NBPDR - 1)) == 0 && (size & (NBPDR - 1)) == 0) { if (!vm_object_populate(object, pindex, pindex + atop(size))) return; p = vm_page_lookup(object, pindex); KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_object_init_pt: invalid page %p", p)); pat_mode = p->md.pat_mode; /* * Abort the mapping if the first page is not physically * aligned to a 2/4MB page boundary. */ ptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p); if (ptepa & (NBPDR - 1)) return; /* * Skip the first page. Abort the mapping if the rest of * the pages are not physically contiguous or have differing * memory attributes. */ p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); for (pa = ptepa + PAGE_SIZE; pa < ptepa + size; pa += PAGE_SIZE) { KASSERT(p->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_object_init_pt: invalid page %p", p)); if (pa != VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p) || pat_mode != p->md.pat_mode) return; p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); } /* * Map using 2/4MB pages. Since "ptepa" is 2/4M aligned and * "size" is a multiple of 2/4M, adding the PAT setting to * "pa" will not affect the termination of this loop. */ PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (pa = ptepa | pmap_cache_bits(pmap, pat_mode, 1); pa < ptepa + size; pa += NBPDR) { pde = pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (*pde == 0) { pde_store(pde, pa | PG_PS | PG_M | PG_A | PG_U | PG_RW | PG_V); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pde_mappings++; } /* Else continue on if the PDE is already valid. */ addr += NBPDR; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, * so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, unwire)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t pdnxt; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; boolean_t pv_lists_locked; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = pdnxt) { pdnxt = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (pdnxt < sva) pdnxt = eva; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, sva); if ((*pde & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((*pde & PG_PS) != 0) { if ((*pde & PG_W) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: pde %#jx is missing PG_W", (uintmax_t)*pde); /* * Are we unwiring the entire large page? If not, * demote the mapping and fall through. */ if (sva + NBPDR == pdnxt && eva >= pdnxt) { /* * Regardless of whether a pde (or pte) is 32 * or 64 bits in size, PG_W is among the least * significant 32 bits. */ atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pde, PG_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; continue; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Repeat sva. */ goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, sva)) panic("pmap_unwire: demotion failed"); } } if (pdnxt > eva) pdnxt = eva; for (pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, sva); sva != pdnxt; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((*pte & PG_V) == 0) continue; if ((*pte & PG_W) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: pte %#jx is missing PG_W", (uintmax_t)*pte); /* * PG_W must be cleared atomically. Although the pmap * lock synchronizes access to PG_W, another processor * could be setting PG_M and/or PG_A concurrently. * * PG_W is among the least significant 32 bits. */ atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pte, PG_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. Since * current pmap is always the kernel pmap when executing in * kernel, and we do not copy from the kernel pmap to a user * pmap, this optimization is not usable in 4/4G full split i386 * world. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, copy)(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { struct spglist free; pt_entry_t *src_pte, *dst_pte, ptetemp; pd_entry_t srcptepaddr; vm_page_t dstmpte, srcmpte; vm_offset_t addr, end_addr, pdnxt; u_int ptepindex; if (dst_addr != src_addr) return; end_addr = src_addr + len; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } sched_pin(); for (addr = src_addr; addr < end_addr; addr = pdnxt) { KASSERT(addr < PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS, ("pmap_copy: invalid to pmap_copy the trampoline")); pdnxt = (addr + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (pdnxt < addr) pdnxt = end_addr; ptepindex = addr >> PDRSHIFT; srcptepaddr = src_pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex]; if (srcptepaddr == 0) continue; if (srcptepaddr & PG_PS) { if ((addr & PDRMASK) != 0 || addr + NBPDR > end_addr) continue; if (dst_pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex] == 0 && ((srcptepaddr & PG_MANAGED) == 0 || pmap_pv_insert_pde(dst_pmap, addr, srcptepaddr, PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM))) { dst_pmap->pm_pdir[ptepindex] = srcptepaddr & ~PG_W; dst_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pde_mappings++; } continue; } srcmpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(srcptepaddr & PG_FRAME); KASSERT(srcmpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_copy: source page table page is unused")); if (pdnxt > end_addr) pdnxt = end_addr; src_pte = pmap_pte_quick3(src_pmap, addr); while (addr < pdnxt) { ptetemp = *src_pte; /* * we only virtual copy managed pages */ if ((ptetemp & PG_MANAGED) != 0) { dstmpte = pmap_allocpte(dst_pmap, addr, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); if (dstmpte == NULL) goto out; dst_pte = pmap_pte_quick(dst_pmap, addr); if (*dst_pte == 0 && pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(dst_pmap, addr, PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(ptetemp & PG_FRAME))) { /* * Clear the wired, modified, and * accessed (referenced) bits * during the copy. */ *dst_pte = ptetemp & ~(PG_W | PG_M | PG_A); dst_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; } else { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(dst_pmap, dstmpte, &free)) { pmap_invalidate_page_int( dst_pmap, addr); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } goto out; } if (dstmpte->wire_count >= srcmpte->wire_count) break; } addr += PAGE_SIZE; src_pte++; } } out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); } /* * Zero 1 page of virtual memory mapped from a hardware page by the caller. */ static __inline void pagezero(void *page) { #if defined(I686_CPU) if (cpu_class == CPUCLASS_686) { if (cpu_feature & CPUID_SSE2) sse2_pagezero(page); else i686_pagezero(page); } else #endif bzero(page, PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Zero the specified hardware page. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, zero_page)(vm_page_t m) { pt_entry_t *cmap_pte2; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap_pte2 = pc->pc_cmap_pte2; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (*cmap_pte2) panic("pmap_zero_page: CMAP2 busy"); *cmap_pte2 = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); pagezero(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); *cmap_pte2 = 0; /* * Unpin the thread before releasing the lock. Otherwise the thread * could be rescheduled while still bound to the current CPU, only * to unpin itself immediately upon resuming execution. */ sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * Zero an an area within a single hardware page. off and size must not * cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, zero_page_area)(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { pt_entry_t *cmap_pte2; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap_pte2 = pc->pc_cmap_pte2; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (*cmap_pte2) panic("pmap_zero_page_area: CMAP2 busy"); *cmap_pte2 = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); if (off == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) pagezero(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); else bzero(pc->pc_cmap_addr2 + off, size); *cmap_pte2 = 0; sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * Copy 1 specified hardware page to another. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, copy_page)(vm_page_t src, vm_page_t dst) { pt_entry_t *cmap_pte1, *cmap_pte2; struct pcpu *pc; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap_pte1 = pc->pc_cmap_pte1; cmap_pte2 = pc->pc_cmap_pte2; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (*cmap_pte1) panic("pmap_copy_page: CMAP1 busy"); if (*cmap_pte2) panic("pmap_copy_page: CMAP2 busy"); *cmap_pte1 = PG_V | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src) | PG_A | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, src->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr1); *cmap_pte2 = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, dst->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); bcopy(pc->pc_cmap_addr1, pc->pc_cmap_addr2, PAGE_SIZE); *cmap_pte1 = 0; *cmap_pte2 = 0; sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, copy_pages)(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { vm_page_t a_pg, b_pg; char *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; pt_entry_t *cmap_pte1, *cmap_pte2; struct pcpu *pc; int cnt; sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap_pte1 = pc->pc_cmap_pte1; cmap_pte2 = pc->pc_cmap_pte2; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (*cmap_pte1 != 0) panic("pmap_copy_pages: CMAP1 busy"); if (*cmap_pte2 != 0) panic("pmap_copy_pages: CMAP2 busy"); while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); b_pg = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); *cmap_pte1 = PG_V | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(a_pg) | PG_A | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, a_pg->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr1); *cmap_pte2 = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(b_pg) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, b_pg->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); a_cp = pc->pc_cmap_addr1 + a_pg_offset; b_cp = pc->pc_cmap_addr2 + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } *cmap_pte1 = 0; *cmap_pte2 = 0; sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, page_exists_quick)(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } if (!rv && loops < 16 && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, page_wired_mappings)(vm_page_t m) { int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); count = pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(&m->md, count); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { count = pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)), count); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * pmap_pvh_wired_mappings: * * Return the updated number "count" of managed mappings that are wired. */ static int pmap_pvh_wired_mappings(struct md_page *pvh, int count) { pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & PG_W) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } sched_unpin(); return (count); } /* * Returns TRUE if the given page is mapped individually or as part of * a 4mpage. Otherwise, returns FALSE. */ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, page_is_mapped)(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = !TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))->pv_list)); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Remove all pages from specified address space * this aids process exit speeds. Also, this code * is special cased for current process only, but * can have the more generic (and slightly slower) * mode enabled. This is much faster than pmap_remove * in the case of running down an entire address space. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remove_pages)(pmap_t pmap) { pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_page_t m, mpte, mt; pv_entry_t pv; struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; struct spglist free; int field, idx; int32_t bit; uint32_t inuse, bitmask; int allfree; if (pmap != PCPU_GET(curpmap)) { printf("warning: pmap_remove_pages called with non-current pmap\n"); return; } SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { KASSERT(pc->pc_pmap == pmap, ("Wrong pmap %p %p", pmap, pc->pc_pmap)); allfree = 1; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = bsfl(inuse); bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * 32 + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; pte = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); tpte = *pte; if ((tpte & PG_PS) == 0) { pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); tpte = *pte & ~PG_PTE_PAT; } if (tpte == 0) { printf( "TPTE at %p IS ZERO @ VA %08x\n", pte, pv->pv_va); panic("bad pte"); } /* * We cannot remove wired pages from a process' mapping at this time */ if (tpte & PG_W) { allfree = 0; continue; } m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(tpte & PG_FRAME); KASSERT(m->phys_addr == (tpte & PG_FRAME), ("vm_page_t %p phys_addr mismatch %016jx %016jx", m, (uintmax_t)m->phys_addr, (uintmax_t)tpte)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_remove_pages: bad tpte %#jx", (uintmax_t)tpte)); pte_clear(pte); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean/reference bits. */ if ((tpte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if ((tpte & PG_PS) != 0) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } else vm_page_dirty(m); } /* Mark free */ PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; if ((tpte & PG_PS) != 0) { pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE; pvh = pa_to_pvh(tpte & PG_PS_FRAME); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[NBPDR / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&mt->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (mpte != NULL) { KASSERT(mpte->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page not promoted")); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count == NPTEPG, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page wire count error")); mpte->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(mpte, &free, FALSE); } } else { pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, &free); } } } if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } sched_unpin(); pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, is_modified)(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PG_M set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = pmap_is_modified_pvh(&m->md) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_is_modified_pvh(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)))); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Returns TRUE if any of the given mappings were used to modify * physical memory. Otherwise, returns FALSE. Both page and 2mpage * mappings are supported. */ static boolean_t pmap_is_modified_pvh(struct md_page *pvh) { pv_entry_t pv; pt_entry_t *pte; pmap_t pmap; boolean_t rv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); rv = FALSE; sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); rv = (*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) break; } sched_unpin(); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is elgible * for prefault. */ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, is_prefaultable)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pd_entry_t pde; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = *pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (pde != 0 && (pde & PG_PS) == 0) rv = pmap_pte_ufast(pmap, addr, pde) == 0; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ static boolean_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, is_referenced)(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = pmap_is_referenced_pvh(&m->md) || ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && pmap_is_referenced_pvh(pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)))); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Returns TRUE if any of the given mappings were referenced and FALSE * otherwise. Both page and 4mpage mappings are supported. */ static boolean_t pmap_is_referenced_pvh(struct md_page *pvh) { pv_entry_t pv; pt_entry_t *pte; pmap_t pmap; boolean_t rv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); rv = FALSE; sched_pin(); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); rv = (*pte & (PG_A | PG_V)) == (PG_A | PG_V); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) break; } sched_unpin(); return (rv); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remove_write)(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t oldpte, *pte; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if ((*pde & PG_RW) != 0) (void)pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_clear_write: found" " a 4mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); retry: oldpte = *pte; if ((oldpte & PG_RW) != 0) { /* * Regardless of whether a pte is 32 or 64 bits * in size, PG_RW and PG_M are among the least * significant 32 bits. */ if (!atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~(PG_RW | PG_M))) goto retry; if ((oldpte & PG_M) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, ts_referenced)(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv, pvf; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_paddr_t pa; int rtval = 0; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || (pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) == NULL) goto small_mappings; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pde & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { /* * Although "*pde" is mapping a 2/4MB page, because * this function is called at a 4KB page granularity, * we only update the 4KB page under test. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((*pde & PG_A) != 0) { /* * Since this reference bit is shared by either 1024 * or 512 4KB pages, it should not be cleared every * time it is tested. Apply a simple "hash" function * on the physical page number, the virtual superpage * number, and the pmap address to select one 4KB page * out of the 1024 or 512 on which testing the * reference bit will result in clearing that bit. * This function is designed to avoid the selection of * the same 4KB page for every 2- or 4MB page mapping. * * On demotion, a mapping that hasn't been referenced * is simply destroyed. To avoid the possibility of a * subsequent page fault on a demoted wired mapping, * always leave its reference bit set. Moreover, * since the superpage is wired, the current state of * its reference bit won't affect page replacement. */ if ((((pa >> PAGE_SHIFT) ^ (pv->pv_va >> PDRSHIFT) ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) & (NPTEPG - 1)) == 0 && (*pde & PG_W) == 0) { atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pde, PG_A); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, pv->pv_va); } rtval++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); } if (rtval >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) goto out; } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != pvf); small_mappings: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) == NULL) goto out; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: found a 4mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((*pte & PG_A) != 0) { atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pte, PG_A); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, pv->pv_va); rtval++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); } } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != pvf && rtval < PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX); out: sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rtval); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, advise)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va, pdnxt; vm_page_t m; boolean_t anychanged, pv_lists_locked; if (advice != MADV_DONTNEED && advice != MADV_FREE) return; if (pmap_is_current(pmap)) pv_lists_locked = FALSE; else { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; resume: rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); } anychanged = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = pdnxt) { pdnxt = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (pdnxt < sva) pdnxt = eva; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, sva); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_V) == 0) continue; else if ((oldpde & PG_PS) != 0) { if ((oldpde & PG_MANAGED) == 0) continue; if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = TRUE; if (!rw_try_wlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto resume; } sched_pin(); } if (!pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, sva)) { /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } /* * Unless the page mappings are wired, remove the * mapping to a single page so that a subsequent * access may repromote. Since the underlying page * table page is fully populated, this removal never * frees a page table page. */ if ((oldpde & PG_W) == 0) { pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, sva); KASSERT((*pte & PG_V) != 0, ("pmap_advise: invalid PTE")); pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, sva, NULL); anychanged = TRUE; } } if (pdnxt > eva) pdnxt = eva; va = pdnxt; for (pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, sva); sva != pdnxt; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((*pte & (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) != (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) goto maybe_invlrng; else if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { if (advice == MADV_DONTNEED) { /* * Future calls to pmap_is_modified() * can be avoided by making the page * dirty now. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(*pte & PG_FRAME); vm_page_dirty(m); } atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pte, PG_M | PG_A); } else if ((*pte & PG_A) != 0) atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pte, PG_A); else goto maybe_invlrng; if ((*pte & PG_G) != 0) { if (va == pdnxt) va = sva; } else anychanged = TRUE; continue; maybe_invlrng: if (va != pdnxt) { pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap, va, sva); va = pdnxt; } } if (va != pdnxt) pmap_invalidate_range_int(pmap, va, sva); } if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all_int(pmap); if (pv_lists_locked) { sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, clear_modify)(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t oldpde, *pde; pt_entry_t oldpte, *pte; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PG_M set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); sched_pin(); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto small_mappings; pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { va = pv->pv_va; pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); oldpde = *pde; if ((oldpde & PG_RW) != 0) { if (pmap_demote_pde(pmap, pde, va)) { if ((oldpde & PG_W) == 0) { /* * Write protect the mapping to a * single page so that a subsequent * write access may repromote. */ va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - (oldpde & PG_PS_FRAME); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, va); oldpte = *pte; if ((oldpte & PG_V) != 0) { /* * Regardless of whether a pte is 32 or 64 bits * in size, PG_RW and PG_M are among the least * significant 32 bits. */ while (!atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, oldpte, oldpte & ~(PG_M | PG_RW))) oldpte = *pte; vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, va); } } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } small_mappings: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((*pde & PG_PS) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: found" " a 4mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); pte = pmap_pte_quick(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((*pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) { /* * Regardless of whether a pte is 32 or 64 bits * in size, PG_M is among the least significant * 32 bits. */ atomic_clear_int((u_int *)pte, PG_M); pmap_invalidate_page_int(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } sched_unpin(); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Miscellaneous support routines follow */ /* Adjust the cache mode for a 4KB page mapped via a PTE. */ static __inline void pmap_pte_attr(pt_entry_t *pte, int cache_bits) { u_int opte, npte; /* * The cache mode bits are all in the low 32-bits of the * PTE, so we can just spin on updating the low 32-bits. */ do { opte = *(u_int *)pte; npte = opte & ~PG_PTE_CACHE; npte |= cache_bits; } while (npte != opte && !atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pte, opte, npte)); } /* Adjust the cache mode for a 2/4MB page mapped via a PDE. */ static __inline void pmap_pde_attr(pd_entry_t *pde, int cache_bits) { u_int opde, npde; /* * The cache mode bits are all in the low 32-bits of the * PDE, so we can just spin on updating the low 32-bits. */ do { opde = *(u_int *)pde; npde = opde & ~PG_PDE_CACHE; npde |= cache_bits; } while (npde != opde && !atomic_cmpset_int((u_int *)pde, opde, npde)); } /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual * address space. Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This * routine is intended to be used for mapping device memory, * NOT real memory. */ static void * __CONCAT(PMTYPE, mapdev_attr)(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, int mode) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t va, offset; vm_size_t tmpsize; int i; offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); pa = pa & PG_FRAME; if (pa < PMAP_MAP_LOW && pa + size <= PMAP_MAP_LOW) va = pa + PMAP_MAP_LOW; else if (!pmap_initialized) { va = 0; for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == 0) { ppim->pa = pa; ppim->sz = size; ppim->mode = mode; ppim->va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += size; va = ppim->va; break; } } if (va == 0) panic("%s: too many preinit mappings", __func__); } else { /* * If we have a preinit mapping, re-use it. */ for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->pa == pa && ppim->sz == size && ppim->mode == mode) return ((void *)(ppim->va + offset)); } va = kva_alloc(size); if (va == 0) panic("%s: Couldn't allocate KVA", __func__); } for (tmpsize = 0; tmpsize < size; tmpsize += PAGE_SIZE) pmap_kenter_attr(va + tmpsize, pa + tmpsize, mode); pmap_invalidate_range_int(kernel_pmap, va, va + tmpsize); pmap_invalidate_cache_range(va, va + size); return ((void *)(va + offset)); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, unmapdev)(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { struct pmap_preinit_mapping *ppim; vm_offset_t offset; int i; if (va >= PMAP_MAP_LOW && va <= KERNBASE && va + size <= KERNBASE) return; offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); va = trunc_page(va); for (i = 0; i < PMAP_PREINIT_MAPPING_COUNT; i++) { ppim = pmap_preinit_mapping + i; if (ppim->va == va && ppim->sz == size) { if (pmap_initialized) return; ppim->pa = 0; ppim->va = 0; ppim->sz = 0; ppim->mode = 0; if (va + size == virtual_avail) virtual_avail = va; return; } } if (pmap_initialized) kva_free(va, size); } /* * Sets the memory attribute for the specified page. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, page_set_memattr)(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { m->md.pat_mode = ma; if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) return; /* * If "m" is a normal page, flush it from the cache. * See pmap_invalidate_cache_range(). * * First, try to find an existing mapping of the page by sf * buffer. sf_buf_invalidate_cache() modifies mapping and * flushes the cache. */ if (sf_buf_invalidate_cache(m)) return; /* * If page is not mapped by sf buffer, but CPU does not * support self snoop, map the page transient and do * invalidation. In the worst case, whole cache is flushed by * pmap_invalidate_cache_range(). */ if ((cpu_feature & CPUID_SS) == 0) pmap_flush_page(m); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, flush_page)(vm_page_t m) { pt_entry_t *cmap_pte2; struct pcpu *pc; vm_offset_t sva, eva; bool useclflushopt; useclflushopt = (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_CLFLUSHOPT) != 0; if (useclflushopt || (cpu_feature & CPUID_CLFSH) != 0) { sched_pin(); pc = get_pcpu(); cmap_pte2 = pc->pc_cmap_pte2; mtx_lock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); if (*cmap_pte2) panic("pmap_flush_page: CMAP2 busy"); *cmap_pte2 = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, m->md.pat_mode, 0); invlcaddr(pc->pc_cmap_addr2); sva = (vm_offset_t)pc->pc_cmap_addr2; eva = sva + PAGE_SIZE; /* * Use mfence or sfence despite the ordering implied by * mtx_{un,}lock() because clflush on non-Intel CPUs * and clflushopt are not guaranteed to be ordered by * any other instruction. */ if (useclflushopt) sfence(); else if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); for (; sva < eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size) { if (useclflushopt) clflushopt(sva); else clflush(sva); } if (useclflushopt) sfence(); else if (cpu_vendor_id != CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) mfence(); *cmap_pte2 = 0; sched_unpin(); mtx_unlock(&pc->pc_cmap_lock); } else pmap_invalidate_cache(); } /* * Changes the specified virtual address range's memory type to that given by * the parameter "mode". The specified virtual address range must be * completely contained within either the kernel map. * * Returns zero if the change completed successfully, and either EINVAL or * ENOMEM if the change failed. Specifically, EINVAL is returned if some part * of the virtual address range was not mapped, and ENOMEM is returned if * there was insufficient memory available to complete the change. */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, change_attr)(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, int mode) { vm_offset_t base, offset, tmpva; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; int cache_bits_pte, cache_bits_pde; boolean_t changed; base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = round_page(offset + size); /* * Only supported on kernel virtual addresses above the recursive map. */ if (base < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); cache_bits_pde = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 1); cache_bits_pte = pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, mode, 0); changed = FALSE; /* * Pages that aren't mapped aren't supported. Also break down * 2/4MB pages into 4KB pages if required. */ PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (tmpva = base; tmpva < base + size; ) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, tmpva); if (*pde == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (EINVAL); } if (*pde & PG_PS) { /* * If the current 2/4MB page already has * the required memory type, then we need not * demote this page. Just increment tmpva to * the next 2/4MB page frame. */ if ((*pde & PG_PDE_CACHE) == cache_bits_pde) { tmpva = trunc_4mpage(tmpva) + NBPDR; continue; } /* * If the current offset aligns with a 2/4MB * page frame and there is at least 2/4MB left * within the range, then we need not break * down this page into 4KB pages. */ if ((tmpva & PDRMASK) == 0 && tmpva + PDRMASK < base + size) { tmpva += NBPDR; continue; } if (!pmap_demote_pde(kernel_pmap, pde, tmpva)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (ENOMEM); } } pte = vtopte(tmpva); if (*pte == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (EINVAL); } tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); /* * Ok, all the pages exist, so run through them updating their * cache mode if required. */ for (tmpva = base; tmpva < base + size; ) { pde = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, tmpva); if (*pde & PG_PS) { if ((*pde & PG_PDE_CACHE) != cache_bits_pde) { pmap_pde_attr(pde, cache_bits_pde); changed = TRUE; } tmpva = trunc_4mpage(tmpva) + NBPDR; } else { pte = vtopte(tmpva); if ((*pte & PG_PTE_CACHE) != cache_bits_pte) { pmap_pte_attr(pte, cache_bits_pte); changed = TRUE; } tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Flush CPU caches to make sure any data isn't cached that * shouldn't be, etc. */ if (changed) { pmap_invalidate_range_int(kernel_pmap, base, tmpva); pmap_invalidate_cache_range(base, tmpva); } return (0); } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ static int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, mincore)(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pd_entry_t pde; pt_entry_t pte; vm_paddr_t pa; int val; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pde = *pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (pde != 0) { if ((pde & PG_PS) != 0) { pte = pde; /* Compute the physical address of the 4KB page. */ pa = ((pde & PG_PS_FRAME) | (addr & PDRMASK)) & PG_FRAME; val = MINCORE_SUPER; } else { pte = pmap_pte_ufast(pmap, addr, pde); pa = pte & PG_FRAME; val = 0; } } else { pte = 0; pa = 0; val = 0; } if ((pte & PG_V) != 0) { val |= MINCORE_INCORE; if ((pte & (PG_M | PG_RW)) == (PG_M | PG_RW)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if ((pte & PG_A) != 0) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && (pte & (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) == (PG_MANAGED | PG_V)) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, activate)(struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap, oldpmap; u_int cpuid; u_int32_t cr3; critical_enter(); pmap = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); oldpmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #if defined(SMP) CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_CLR(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); CPU_SET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #endif #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP cr3 = vtophys(pmap->pm_pdpt); #else cr3 = vtophys(pmap->pm_pdir); #endif /* * pmap_activate is for the current thread on the current cpu */ td->td_pcb->pcb_cr3 = cr3; PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); critical_exit(); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, activate_boot)(pmap_t pmap) { u_int cpuid; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); #if defined(SMP) CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_SET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); #endif PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, align_superpage)(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t superpage_offset; if (size < NBPDR) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); superpage_offset = offset & PDRMASK; if (size - ((NBPDR - superpage_offset) & PDRMASK) < NBPDR || (*addr & PDRMASK) == superpage_offset) return; if ((*addr & PDRMASK) < superpage_offset) *addr = (*addr & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; else *addr = ((*addr + PDRMASK) & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; } static vm_offset_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, quick_enter_page)(vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t qaddr; pt_entry_t *pte; critical_enter(); qaddr = PCPU_GET(qmap_addr); pte = vtopte(qaddr); KASSERT(*pte == 0, ("pmap_quick_enter_page: PTE busy %#jx", (uintmax_t)*pte)); *pte = PG_V | PG_RW | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_A | PG_M | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, pmap_page_get_memattr(m), 0); invlpg(qaddr); return (qaddr); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, quick_remove_page)(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_offset_t qaddr; pt_entry_t *pte; qaddr = PCPU_GET(qmap_addr); pte = vtopte(qaddr); KASSERT(*pte != 0, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: PTE not in use")); KASSERT(addr == qaddr, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); *pte = 0; critical_exit(); } static vmem_t *pmap_trm_arena; static vmem_addr_t pmap_trm_arena_last = PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS; static int trm_guard = PAGE_SIZE; static int pmap_trm_import(void *unused __unused, vmem_size_t size, int flags, vmem_addr_t *addrp) { vm_page_t m; vmem_addr_t af, addr, prev_addr; pt_entry_t *trm_pte; prev_addr = atomic_load_long(&pmap_trm_arena_last); size = round_page(size) + trm_guard; for (;;) { if (prev_addr + size < prev_addr || prev_addr + size < size || prev_addr + size > PMAP_TRM_MAX_ADDRESS) return (ENOMEM); addr = prev_addr + size; if (atomic_fcmpset_int(&pmap_trm_arena_last, &prev_addr, addr)) break; } prev_addr += trm_guard; trm_pte = PTmap + atop(prev_addr); for (af = prev_addr; af < addr; af += PAGE_SIZE) { m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK); pte_store(&trm_pte[atop(af - prev_addr)], VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | PG_M | PG_A | PG_RW | PG_V | pgeflag | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, FALSE)); } *addrp = prev_addr; return (0); } void pmap_init_trm(void) { vm_page_t pd_m; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.trm_guard", &trm_guard); if ((trm_guard & PAGE_MASK) != 0) trm_guard = 0; pmap_trm_arena = vmem_create("i386trampoline", 0, 0, 1, 0, M_WAITOK); vmem_set_import(pmap_trm_arena, pmap_trm_import, NULL, NULL, PAGE_SIZE); pd_m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if ((pd_m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(pd_m); PTD[TRPTDI] = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pd_m) | PG_M | PG_A | PG_RW | PG_V | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, TRUE); } static void * __CONCAT(PMTYPE, trm_alloc)(size_t size, int flags) { vmem_addr_t res; int error; MPASS((flags & ~(M_WAITOK | M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)) == 0); error = vmem_xalloc(pmap_trm_arena, roundup2(size, 4), sizeof(int), 0, 0, VMEM_ADDR_MIN, VMEM_ADDR_MAX, flags | M_FIRSTFIT, &res); if (error != 0) return (NULL); if ((flags & M_ZERO) != 0) bzero((void *)res, size); return ((void *)res); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, trm_free)(void *addr, size_t size) { vmem_free(pmap_trm_arena, (uintptr_t)addr, roundup2(size, 4)); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, ksetrw)(vm_offset_t va) { *vtopte(va) |= PG_RW; } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, remap_lowptdi)(bool enable) { PTD[KPTDI] = enable ? PTD[LOWPTDI] : 0; invltlb_glob(); } static vm_offset_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, get_map_low)(void) { return (PMAP_MAP_LOW); } static vm_offset_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, get_vm_maxuser_address)(void) { return (VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS); } static vm_paddr_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, pg_frame)(vm_paddr_t pa) { return (pa & PG_FRAME); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, sf_buf_map)(struct sf_buf *sf) { pt_entry_t opte, *ptep; /* * Update the sf_buf's virtual-to-physical mapping, flushing the * virtual address from the TLB. Since the reference count for * the sf_buf's old mapping was zero, that mapping is not * currently in use. Consequently, there is no need to exchange * the old and new PTEs atomically, even under PAE. */ ptep = vtopte(sf->kva); opte = *ptep; *ptep = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(sf->m) | PG_RW | PG_V | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, sf->m->md.pat_mode, 0); /* * Avoid unnecessary TLB invalidations: If the sf_buf's old * virtual-to-physical mapping was not used, then any processor * that has invalidated the sf_buf's virtual address from its TLB * since the last used mapping need not invalidate again. */ #ifdef SMP if ((opte & (PG_V | PG_A)) == (PG_V | PG_A)) CPU_ZERO(&sf->cpumask); #else if ((opte & (PG_V | PG_A)) == (PG_V | PG_A)) pmap_invalidate_page_int(kernel_pmap, sf->kva); #endif } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, cp_slow0_map)(vm_offset_t kaddr, int plen, vm_page_t *ma) { pt_entry_t *pte; int i; for (i = 0, pte = vtopte(kaddr); i < plen; i++, pte++) { *pte = PG_V | PG_RW | PG_A | PG_M | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ma[i]) | pmap_cache_bits(kernel_pmap, pmap_page_get_memattr(ma[i]), FALSE); invlpg(kaddr + ptoa(i)); } } static u_int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, get_kcr3)(void) { #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP return ((u_int)IdlePDPT); #else return ((u_int)IdlePTD); #endif } static u_int __CONCAT(PMTYPE, get_cr3)(pmap_t pmap) { #ifdef PMAP_PAE_COMP return ((u_int)vtophys(pmap->pm_pdpt)); #else return ((u_int)vtophys(pmap->pm_pdir)); #endif } static caddr_t __CONCAT(PMTYPE, cmap3)(vm_paddr_t pa, u_int pte_bits) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = CMAP3; *pte = pa | pte_bits; invltlb(); return (CADDR3); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, basemem_setup)(u_int basemem) { pt_entry_t *pte; int i; /* * Map pages between basemem and ISA_HOLE_START, if any, r/w into * the vm86 page table so that vm86 can scribble on them using * the vm86 map too. XXX: why 2 ways for this and only 1 way for * page 0, at least as initialized here? */ pte = (pt_entry_t *)vm86paddr; for (i = basemem / 4; i < 160; i++) pte[i] = (i << PAGE_SHIFT) | PG_V | PG_RW | PG_U; } struct bios16_pmap_handle { pt_entry_t *pte; pd_entry_t *ptd; pt_entry_t orig_ptd; }; static void * __CONCAT(PMTYPE, bios16_enter)(void) { struct bios16_pmap_handle *h; /* * no page table, so create one and install it. */ h = malloc(sizeof(struct bios16_pmap_handle), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); h->pte = (pt_entry_t *)malloc(PAGE_SIZE, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); h->ptd = IdlePTD; *h->pte = vm86phystk | PG_RW | PG_V; h->orig_ptd = *h->ptd; *h->ptd = vtophys(h->pte) | PG_RW | PG_V; pmap_invalidate_all_int(kernel_pmap); /* XXX insurance for now */ return (h); } static void __CONCAT(PMTYPE, bios16_leave)(void *arg) { struct bios16_pmap_handle *h; h = arg; *h->ptd = h->orig_ptd; /* remove page table */ /* * XXX only needs to be invlpg(0) but that doesn't work on the 386 */ pmap_invalidate_all_int(kernel_pmap); free(h->pte, M_TEMP); /* ... and free it */ } #define PMM(a) \ .pm_##a = __CONCAT(PMTYPE, a), struct pmap_methods __CONCAT(PMTYPE, methods) = { PMM(ksetrw) PMM(remap_lower) PMM(remap_lowptdi) PMM(align_superpage) PMM(quick_enter_page) PMM(quick_remove_page) PMM(trm_alloc) PMM(trm_free) PMM(get_map_low) PMM(get_vm_maxuser_address) PMM(kextract) PMM(pg_frame) PMM(sf_buf_map) PMM(cp_slow0_map) PMM(get_kcr3) PMM(get_cr3) PMM(cmap3) PMM(basemem_setup) PMM(set_nx) PMM(bios16_enter) PMM(bios16_leave) PMM(bootstrap) PMM(is_valid_memattr) PMM(cache_bits) PMM(ps_enabled) PMM(pinit0) PMM(pinit) PMM(activate) PMM(activate_boot) PMM(advise) PMM(clear_modify) PMM(change_attr) PMM(mincore) PMM(copy) PMM(copy_page) PMM(copy_pages) PMM(zero_page) PMM(zero_page_area) PMM(enter) PMM(enter_object) PMM(enter_quick) PMM(kenter_temporary) PMM(object_init_pt) PMM(unwire) PMM(page_exists_quick) PMM(page_wired_mappings) PMM(page_is_mapped) PMM(remove_pages) PMM(is_modified) PMM(is_prefaultable) PMM(is_referenced) PMM(remove_write) PMM(ts_referenced) PMM(mapdev_attr) PMM(unmapdev) PMM(page_set_memattr) PMM(extract) PMM(extract_and_hold) PMM(map) PMM(qenter) PMM(qremove) PMM(release) PMM(remove) PMM(protect) PMM(remove_all) PMM(init) PMM(init_pat) PMM(growkernel) PMM(invalidate_page) PMM(invalidate_range) PMM(invalidate_all) PMM(invalidate_cache) PMM(flush_page) PMM(kenter) PMM(kremove) }; Index: head/sys/kern/kern_exec.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/kern/kern_exec.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/kern/kern_exec.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,1816 +1,1815 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 1993, David Greenman * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_capsicum.h" #include "opt_hwpmc_hooks.h" #include "opt_ktrace.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KTRACE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS #include dtrace_execexit_func_t dtrace_fasttrap_exec; #endif SDT_PROVIDER_DECLARE(proc); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec, "char *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec__failure, "int"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec__success, "char *"); MALLOC_DEFINE(M_PARGS, "proc-args", "Process arguments"); int coredump_pack_fileinfo = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, coredump_pack_fileinfo, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &coredump_pack_fileinfo, 0, "Enable file path packing in 'procstat -f' coredump notes"); int coredump_pack_vmmapinfo = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, coredump_pack_vmmapinfo, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &coredump_pack_vmmapinfo, 0, "Enable file path packing in 'procstat -v' coredump notes"); static int sysctl_kern_ps_strings(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int sysctl_kern_usrstack(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int sysctl_kern_stackprot(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int do_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p); /* XXX This should be vm_size_t. */ SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, KERN_PS_STRINGS, ps_strings, CTLTYPE_ULONG|CTLFLAG_RD| CTLFLAG_CAPRD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_ps_strings, "LU", ""); /* XXX This should be vm_size_t. */ SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, KERN_USRSTACK, usrstack, CTLTYPE_ULONG|CTLFLAG_RD| CTLFLAG_CAPRD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_usrstack, "LU", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, stackprot, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_stackprot, "I", ""); u_long ps_arg_cache_limit = PAGE_SIZE / 16; SYSCTL_ULONG(_kern, OID_AUTO, ps_arg_cache_limit, CTLFLAG_RW, &ps_arg_cache_limit, 0, ""); static int disallow_high_osrel; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, disallow_high_osrel, CTLFLAG_RW, &disallow_high_osrel, 0, "Disallow execution of binaries built for higher version of the world"); static int map_at_zero = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_security_bsd, OID_AUTO, map_at_zero, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &map_at_zero, 0, "Permit processes to map an object at virtual address 0."); static int sysctl_kern_ps_strings(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; int error; p = curproc; #ifdef SCTL_MASK32 if (req->flags & SCTL_MASK32) { unsigned int val; val = (unsigned int)p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &val, sizeof(val)); } else #endif error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings)); return error; } static int sysctl_kern_usrstack(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; int error; p = curproc; #ifdef SCTL_MASK32 if (req->flags & SCTL_MASK32) { unsigned int val; val = (unsigned int)p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &val, sizeof(val)); } else #endif error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack)); return error; } static int sysctl_kern_stackprot(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; p = curproc; return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_stackprot, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_stackprot))); } /* * Each of the items is a pointer to a `const struct execsw', hence the * double pointer here. */ static const struct execsw **execsw; #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct execve_args { char *fname; char **argv; char **envv; }; #endif int sys_execve(struct thread *td, struct execve_args *uap) { struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, uap->fname, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) error = kern_execve(td, &args, NULL); post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); return (error); } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct fexecve_args { int fd; char **argv; char **envv; } #endif int sys_fexecve(struct thread *td, struct fexecve_args *uap) { struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, NULL, UIO_SYSSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) { args.fd = uap->fd; error = kern_execve(td, &args, NULL); } post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); return (error); } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct __mac_execve_args { char *fname; char **argv; char **envv; struct mac *mac_p; }; #endif int sys___mac_execve(struct thread *td, struct __mac_execve_args *uap) { #ifdef MAC struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, uap->fname, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) error = kern_execve(td, &args, uap->mac_p); post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); return (error); #else return (ENOSYS); #endif } int pre_execve(struct thread *td, struct vmspace **oldvmspace) { struct proc *p; int error; KASSERT(td == curthread, ("non-current thread %p", td)); error = 0; p = td->td_proc; if ((p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); if (thread_single(p, SINGLE_BOUNDARY) != 0) error = ERESTART; PROC_UNLOCK(p); } KASSERT(error != 0 || (td->td_pflags & TDP_EXECVMSPC) == 0, ("nested execve")); *oldvmspace = p->p_vmspace; return (error); } void post_execve(struct thread *td, int error, struct vmspace *oldvmspace) { struct proc *p; KASSERT(td == curthread, ("non-current thread %p", td)); p = td->td_proc; if ((p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); /* * If success, we upgrade to SINGLE_EXIT state to * force other threads to suicide. */ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) thread_single(p, SINGLE_EXIT); else thread_single_end(p, SINGLE_BOUNDARY); PROC_UNLOCK(p); } if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_EXECVMSPC) != 0) { KASSERT(p->p_vmspace != oldvmspace, ("oldvmspace still used")); vmspace_free(oldvmspace); td->td_pflags &= ~TDP_EXECVMSPC; } } /* * XXX: kern_execve has the astonishing property of not always returning to * the caller. If sufficiently bad things happen during the call to * do_execve(), it can end up calling exit1(); as a result, callers must * avoid doing anything which they might need to undo (e.g., allocating * memory). */ int kern_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p) { AUDIT_ARG_ARGV(args->begin_argv, args->argc, exec_args_get_begin_envv(args) - args->begin_argv); AUDIT_ARG_ENVV(exec_args_get_begin_envv(args), args->envc, args->endp - exec_args_get_begin_envv(args)); return (do_execve(td, args, mac_p)); } /* * In-kernel implementation of execve(). All arguments are assumed to be * userspace pointers from the passed thread. */ static int do_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p) { struct proc *p = td->td_proc; struct nameidata nd; struct ucred *oldcred; struct uidinfo *euip = NULL; register_t *stack_base; int error, i; struct image_params image_params, *imgp; struct vattr attr; int (*img_first)(struct image_params *); struct pargs *oldargs = NULL, *newargs = NULL; struct sigacts *oldsigacts = NULL, *newsigacts = NULL; #ifdef KTRACE struct vnode *tracevp = NULL; struct ucred *tracecred = NULL; #endif struct vnode *oldtextvp = NULL, *newtextvp; int credential_changing; #ifdef MAC struct label *interpvplabel = NULL; int will_transition; #endif #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS struct pmckern_procexec pe; #endif static const char fexecv_proc_title[] = "(fexecv)"; imgp = &image_params; /* * Lock the process and set the P_INEXEC flag to indicate that * it should be left alone until we're done here. This is * necessary to avoid race conditions - e.g. in ptrace() - * that might allow a local user to illicitly obtain elevated * privileges. */ PROC_LOCK(p); KASSERT((p->p_flag & P_INEXEC) == 0, ("%s(): process already has P_INEXEC flag", __func__)); p->p_flag |= P_INEXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Initialize part of the common data */ bzero(imgp, sizeof(*imgp)); imgp->proc = p; imgp->attr = &attr; imgp->args = args; oldcred = p->p_ucred; #ifdef MAC error = mac_execve_enter(imgp, mac_p); if (error) goto exec_fail; #endif /* * Translate the file name. namei() returns a vnode pointer * in ni_vp among other things. * * XXXAUDIT: It would be desirable to also audit the name of the * interpreter if this is an interpreted binary. */ if (args->fname != NULL) { NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, ISOPEN | LOCKLEAF | LOCKSHARED | FOLLOW | SAVENAME | AUDITVNODE1, UIO_SYSSPACE, args->fname, td); } SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec, args->fname); interpret: if (args->fname != NULL) { #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE /* * While capability mode can't reach this point via direct * path arguments to execve(), we also don't allow * interpreters to be used in capability mode (for now). * Catch indirect lookups and return a permissions error. */ if (IN_CAPABILITY_MODE(td)) { error = ECAPMODE; goto exec_fail; } #endif error = namei(&nd); if (error) goto exec_fail; newtextvp = nd.ni_vp; imgp->vp = newtextvp; } else { AUDIT_ARG_FD(args->fd); /* * Descriptors opened only with O_EXEC or O_RDONLY are allowed. */ error = fgetvp_exec(td, args->fd, &cap_fexecve_rights, &newtextvp); if (error) goto exec_fail; vn_lock(newtextvp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); AUDIT_ARG_VNODE1(newtextvp); imgp->vp = newtextvp; } /* * Check file permissions. Also 'opens' file and sets its vnode to * text mode. */ error = exec_check_permissions(imgp); if (error) goto exec_fail_dealloc; imgp->object = imgp->vp->v_object; if (imgp->object != NULL) vm_object_reference(imgp->object); error = exec_map_first_page(imgp); if (error) goto exec_fail_dealloc; imgp->proc->p_osrel = 0; imgp->proc->p_fctl0 = 0; /* * Implement image setuid/setgid. * * Determine new credentials before attempting image activators * so that it can be used by process_exec handlers to determine * credential/setid changes. * * Don't honor setuid/setgid if the filesystem prohibits it or if * the process is being traced. * * We disable setuid/setgid/etc in capability mode on the basis * that most setugid applications are not written with that * environment in mind, and will therefore almost certainly operate * incorrectly. In principle there's no reason that setugid * applications might not be useful in capability mode, so we may want * to reconsider this conservative design choice in the future. * * XXXMAC: For the time being, use NOSUID to also prohibit * transitions on the file system. */ credential_changing = 0; credential_changing |= (attr.va_mode & S_ISUID) && oldcred->cr_uid != attr.va_uid; credential_changing |= (attr.va_mode & S_ISGID) && oldcred->cr_gid != attr.va_gid; #ifdef MAC will_transition = mac_vnode_execve_will_transition(oldcred, imgp->vp, interpvplabel, imgp); credential_changing |= will_transition; #endif /* Don't inherit PROC_PDEATHSIG_CTL value if setuid/setgid. */ if (credential_changing) imgp->proc->p_pdeathsig = 0; if (credential_changing && #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE ((oldcred->cr_flags & CRED_FLAG_CAPMODE) == 0) && #endif (imgp->vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOSUID) == 0 && (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) { imgp->credential_setid = true; VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); imgp->newcred = crdup(oldcred); if (attr.va_mode & S_ISUID) { euip = uifind(attr.va_uid); change_euid(imgp->newcred, euip); } vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); if (attr.va_mode & S_ISGID) change_egid(imgp->newcred, attr.va_gid); /* * Implement correct POSIX saved-id behavior. * * XXXMAC: Note that the current logic will save the * uid and gid if a MAC domain transition occurs, even * though maybe it shouldn't. */ change_svuid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_uid); change_svgid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_gid); } else { /* * Implement correct POSIX saved-id behavior. * * XXX: It's not clear that the existing behavior is * POSIX-compliant. A number of sources indicate that the * saved uid/gid should only be updated if the new ruid is * not equal to the old ruid, or the new euid is not equal * to the old euid and the new euid is not equal to the old * ruid. The FreeBSD code always updates the saved uid/gid. * Also, this code uses the new (replaced) euid and egid as * the source, which may or may not be the right ones to use. */ if (oldcred->cr_svuid != oldcred->cr_uid || oldcred->cr_svgid != oldcred->cr_gid) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); imgp->newcred = crdup(oldcred); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); change_svuid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_uid); change_svgid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_gid); } } /* The new credentials are installed into the process later. */ /* * Do the best to calculate the full path to the image file. */ if (args->fname != NULL && args->fname[0] == '/') imgp->execpath = args->fname; else { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); if (vn_fullpath(td, imgp->vp, &imgp->execpath, &imgp->freepath) != 0) imgp->execpath = args->fname; vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); } /* * If the current process has a special image activator it * wants to try first, call it. For example, emulating shell * scripts differently. */ error = -1; if ((img_first = imgp->proc->p_sysent->sv_imgact_try) != NULL) error = img_first(imgp); /* * Loop through the list of image activators, calling each one. * An activator returns -1 if there is no match, 0 on success, * and an error otherwise. */ for (i = 0; error == -1 && execsw[i]; ++i) { if (execsw[i]->ex_imgact == NULL || execsw[i]->ex_imgact == img_first) { continue; } error = (*execsw[i]->ex_imgact)(imgp); } if (error) { if (error == -1) error = ENOEXEC; goto exec_fail_dealloc; } /* * Special interpreter operation, cleanup and loop up to try to * activate the interpreter. */ if (imgp->interpreted) { exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); /* * The text reference needs to be removed for scripts. * There is a short period before we determine that * something is a script where text reference is active. * The vnode lock is held over this entire period * so nothing should illegitimately be blocked. */ VOP_UNSET_TEXT_CHECKED(imgp->vp); /* free name buffer and old vnode */ if (args->fname != NULL) NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); #ifdef MAC mac_execve_interpreter_enter(newtextvp, &interpvplabel); #endif if (imgp->opened) { VOP_CLOSE(newtextvp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td); imgp->opened = 0; } vput(newtextvp); vm_object_deallocate(imgp->object); imgp->object = NULL; imgp->credential_setid = false; if (imgp->newcred != NULL) { crfree(imgp->newcred); imgp->newcred = NULL; } imgp->execpath = NULL; free(imgp->freepath, M_TEMP); imgp->freepath = NULL; /* set new name to that of the interpreter */ NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, LOCKLEAF | FOLLOW | SAVENAME, UIO_SYSSPACE, imgp->interpreter_name, td); args->fname = imgp->interpreter_name; goto interpret; } /* * NB: We unlock the vnode here because it is believed that none * of the sv_copyout_strings/sv_fixup operations require the vnode. */ VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); if (disallow_high_osrel && P_OSREL_MAJOR(p->p_osrel) > P_OSREL_MAJOR(__FreeBSD_version)) { error = ENOEXEC; uprintf("Osrel %d for image %s too high\n", p->p_osrel, imgp->execpath != NULL ? imgp->execpath : ""); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); goto exec_fail_dealloc; } /* ABI enforces the use of Capsicum. Switch into capabilities mode. */ if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_CAPSICUM)) sys_cap_enter(td, NULL); /* * Copy out strings (args and env) and initialize stack base. */ stack_base = (*p->p_sysent->sv_copyout_strings)(imgp); /* * Stack setup. */ error = (*p->p_sysent->sv_fixup)(&stack_base, imgp); if (error != 0) { vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); goto exec_fail_dealloc; } if (args->fdp != NULL) { /* Install a brand new file descriptor table. */ fdinstall_remapped(td, args->fdp); args->fdp = NULL; } else { /* * Keep on using the existing file descriptor table. For * security and other reasons, the file descriptor table * cannot be shared after an exec. */ fdunshare(td); /* close files on exec */ fdcloseexec(td); } /* * Malloc things before we need locks. */ i = exec_args_get_begin_envv(imgp->args) - imgp->args->begin_argv; /* Cache arguments if they fit inside our allowance */ if (ps_arg_cache_limit >= i + sizeof(struct pargs)) { newargs = pargs_alloc(i); bcopy(imgp->args->begin_argv, newargs->ar_args, i); } /* * For security and other reasons, signal handlers cannot * be shared after an exec. The new process gets a copy of the old * handlers. In execsigs(), the new process will have its signals * reset. */ if (sigacts_shared(p->p_sigacts)) { oldsigacts = p->p_sigacts; newsigacts = sigacts_alloc(); sigacts_copy(newsigacts, oldsigacts); } vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); PROC_LOCK(p); if (oldsigacts) p->p_sigacts = newsigacts; /* Stop profiling */ stopprofclock(p); /* reset caught signals */ execsigs(p); /* name this process - nameiexec(p, ndp) */ bzero(p->p_comm, sizeof(p->p_comm)); if (args->fname) bcopy(nd.ni_cnd.cn_nameptr, p->p_comm, min(nd.ni_cnd.cn_namelen, MAXCOMLEN)); else if (vn_commname(newtextvp, p->p_comm, sizeof(p->p_comm)) != 0) bcopy(fexecv_proc_title, p->p_comm, sizeof(fexecv_proc_title)); bcopy(p->p_comm, td->td_name, sizeof(td->td_name)); #ifdef KTR sched_clear_tdname(td); #endif /* * mark as execed, wakeup the process that vforked (if any) and tell * it that it now has its own resources back */ p->p_flag |= P_EXEC; if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_NOTRACE_EXEC) == 0) p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_NOTRACE; if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) { p->p_flag &= ~(P_PPWAIT | P_PPTRACE); cv_broadcast(&p->p_pwait); /* STOPs are no longer ignored, arrange for AST */ signotify(td); } /* * Implement image setuid/setgid installation. */ if (imgp->credential_setid) { /* * Turn off syscall tracing for set-id programs, except for * root. Record any set-id flags first to make sure that * we do not regain any tracing during a possible block. */ setsugid(p); #ifdef KTRACE if (p->p_tracecred != NULL && priv_check_cred(p->p_tracecred, PRIV_DEBUG_DIFFCRED)) ktrprocexec(p, &tracecred, &tracevp); #endif /* * Close any file descriptors 0..2 that reference procfs, * then make sure file descriptors 0..2 are in use. * * Both fdsetugidsafety() and fdcheckstd() may call functions * taking sleepable locks, so temporarily drop our locks. */ PROC_UNLOCK(p); VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); fdsetugidsafety(td); error = fdcheckstd(td); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (error != 0) goto exec_fail_dealloc; PROC_LOCK(p); #ifdef MAC if (will_transition) { mac_vnode_execve_transition(oldcred, imgp->newcred, imgp->vp, interpvplabel, imgp); } #endif } else { if (oldcred->cr_uid == oldcred->cr_ruid && oldcred->cr_gid == oldcred->cr_rgid) p->p_flag &= ~P_SUGID; } /* * Set the new credentials. */ if (imgp->newcred != NULL) { proc_set_cred(p, imgp->newcred); crfree(oldcred); oldcred = NULL; } /* * Store the vp for use in procfs. This vnode was referenced by namei * or fgetvp_exec. */ oldtextvp = p->p_textvp; p->p_textvp = newtextvp; #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS /* * Tell the DTrace fasttrap provider about the exec if it * has declared an interest. */ if (dtrace_fasttrap_exec) dtrace_fasttrap_exec(p); #endif /* * Notify others that we exec'd, and clear the P_INEXEC flag * as we're now a bona fide freshly-execed process. */ KNOTE_LOCKED(p->p_klist, NOTE_EXEC); p->p_flag &= ~P_INEXEC; /* clear "fork but no exec" flag, as we _are_ execing */ p->p_acflag &= ~AFORK; /* * Free any previous argument cache and replace it with * the new argument cache, if any. */ oldargs = p->p_args; p->p_args = newargs; newargs = NULL; PROC_UNLOCK(p); #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS /* * Check if system-wide sampling is in effect or if the * current process is using PMCs. If so, do exec() time * processing. This processing needs to happen AFTER the * P_INEXEC flag is cleared. */ if (PMC_SYSTEM_SAMPLING_ACTIVE() || PMC_PROC_IS_USING_PMCS(p)) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); pe.pm_credentialschanged = credential_changing; pe.pm_entryaddr = imgp->entry_addr; PMC_CALL_HOOK_X(td, PMC_FN_PROCESS_EXEC, (void *) &pe); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } #endif /* Set values passed into the program in registers. */ (*p->p_sysent->sv_setregs)(td, imgp, (u_long)(uintptr_t)stack_base); vfs_mark_atime(imgp->vp, td->td_ucred); SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec__success, args->fname); exec_fail_dealloc: if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); if (imgp->vp != NULL) { if (args->fname) NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (imgp->opened) VOP_CLOSE(imgp->vp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td); if (imgp->textset) VOP_UNSET_TEXT_CHECKED(imgp->vp); if (error != 0) vput(imgp->vp); else VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp, 0); } if (imgp->object != NULL) vm_object_deallocate(imgp->object); free(imgp->freepath, M_TEMP); if (error == 0) { if (p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_EXEC) { PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_EXEC) td->td_dbgflags |= TDB_EXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); } /* * Stop the process here if its stop event mask has * the S_EXEC bit set. */ STOPEVENT(p, S_EXEC, 0); } else { exec_fail: /* we're done here, clear P_INEXEC */ PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~P_INEXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec__failure, error); } if (imgp->newcred != NULL && oldcred != NULL) crfree(imgp->newcred); #ifdef MAC mac_execve_exit(imgp); mac_execve_interpreter_exit(interpvplabel); #endif exec_free_args(args); /* * Handle deferred decrement of ref counts. */ if (oldtextvp != NULL) vrele(oldtextvp); #ifdef KTRACE if (tracevp != NULL) vrele(tracevp); if (tracecred != NULL) crfree(tracecred); #endif pargs_drop(oldargs); pargs_drop(newargs); if (oldsigacts != NULL) sigacts_free(oldsigacts); if (euip != NULL) uifree(euip); if (error && imgp->vmspace_destroyed) { /* sorry, no more process anymore. exit gracefully */ exit1(td, 0, SIGABRT); /* NOT REACHED */ } #ifdef KTRACE if (error == 0) ktrprocctor(p); #endif /* * We don't want cpu_set_syscall_retval() to overwrite any of * the register values put in place by exec_setregs(). * Implementations of cpu_set_syscall_retval() will leave * registers unmodified when returning EJUSTRETURN. */ return (error == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : error); } int exec_map_first_page(struct image_params *imgp) { int rv, i, after, initial_pagein; vm_page_t ma[VM_INITIAL_PAGEIN]; vm_object_t object; if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); object = imgp->vp->v_object; if (object == NULL) return (EACCES); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 vm_object_color(object, 0); #endif ma[0] = vm_page_grab(object, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY); if (ma[0]->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { vm_page_xbusy(ma[0]); if (!vm_pager_has_page(object, 0, NULL, &after)) { vm_page_lock(ma[0]); vm_page_free(ma[0]); vm_page_unlock(ma[0]); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (EIO); } initial_pagein = min(after, VM_INITIAL_PAGEIN); KASSERT(initial_pagein <= object->size, ("%s: initial_pagein %d object->size %ju", __func__, initial_pagein, (uintmax_t )object->size)); for (i = 1; i < initial_pagein; i++) { if ((ma[i] = vm_page_next(ma[i - 1])) != NULL) { if (ma[i]->valid) break; if (!vm_page_tryxbusy(ma[i])) break; } else { ma[i] = vm_page_alloc(object, i, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL); if (ma[i] == NULL) break; } } initial_pagein = i; rv = vm_pager_get_pages(object, ma, initial_pagein, NULL, NULL); if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) { for (i = 0; i < initial_pagein; i++) { vm_page_lock(ma[i]); vm_page_free(ma[i]); vm_page_unlock(ma[i]); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (EIO); } vm_page_xunbusy(ma[0]); for (i = 1; i < initial_pagein; i++) vm_page_readahead_finish(ma[i]); } vm_page_lock(ma[0]); - vm_page_hold(ma[0]); - vm_page_activate(ma[0]); + vm_page_wire(ma[0]); vm_page_unlock(ma[0]); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); imgp->firstpage = sf_buf_alloc(ma[0], 0); imgp->image_header = (char *)sf_buf_kva(imgp->firstpage); return (0); } void exec_unmap_first_page(struct image_params *imgp) { vm_page_t m; if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) { m = sf_buf_page(imgp->firstpage); sf_buf_free(imgp->firstpage); imgp->firstpage = NULL; vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_unhold(m); + vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(m); } } /* * Destroy old address space, and allocate a new stack. * The new stack is only sgrowsiz large because it is grown * automatically on a page fault. */ int exec_new_vmspace(struct image_params *imgp, struct sysentvec *sv) { int error; struct proc *p = imgp->proc; struct vmspace *vmspace = p->p_vmspace; vm_object_t obj; struct rlimit rlim_stack; vm_offset_t sv_minuser, stack_addr; vm_map_t map; u_long ssiz; imgp->vmspace_destroyed = 1; imgp->sysent = sv; /* May be called with Giant held */ EVENTHANDLER_DIRECT_INVOKE(process_exec, p, imgp); /* * Blow away entire process VM, if address space not shared, * otherwise, create a new VM space so that other threads are * not disrupted */ map = &vmspace->vm_map; if (map_at_zero) sv_minuser = sv->sv_minuser; else sv_minuser = MAX(sv->sv_minuser, PAGE_SIZE); if (vmspace->vm_refcnt == 1 && vm_map_min(map) == sv_minuser && vm_map_max(map) == sv->sv_maxuser && cpu_exec_vmspace_reuse(p, map)) { shmexit(vmspace); pmap_remove_pages(vmspace_pmap(vmspace)); vm_map_remove(map, vm_map_min(map), vm_map_max(map)); /* * An exec terminates mlockall(MCL_FUTURE), ASLR state * must be re-evaluated. */ vm_map_lock(map); vm_map_modflags(map, 0, MAP_WIREFUTURE | MAP_ASLR | MAP_ASLR_IGNSTART); vm_map_unlock(map); } else { error = vmspace_exec(p, sv_minuser, sv->sv_maxuser); if (error) return (error); vmspace = p->p_vmspace; map = &vmspace->vm_map; } map->flags |= imgp->map_flags; /* Map a shared page */ obj = sv->sv_shared_page_obj; if (obj != NULL) { vm_object_reference(obj); error = vm_map_fixed(map, obj, 0, sv->sv_shared_page_base, sv->sv_shared_page_len, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE, MAP_INHERIT_SHARE | MAP_ACC_NO_CHARGE); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { vm_object_deallocate(obj); return (vm_mmap_to_errno(error)); } } /* Allocate a new stack */ if (imgp->stack_sz != 0) { ssiz = trunc_page(imgp->stack_sz); PROC_LOCK(p); lim_rlimit_proc(p, RLIMIT_STACK, &rlim_stack); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (ssiz > rlim_stack.rlim_max) ssiz = rlim_stack.rlim_max; if (ssiz > rlim_stack.rlim_cur) { rlim_stack.rlim_cur = ssiz; kern_setrlimit(curthread, RLIMIT_STACK, &rlim_stack); } } else if (sv->sv_maxssiz != NULL) { ssiz = *sv->sv_maxssiz; } else { ssiz = maxssiz; } stack_addr = sv->sv_usrstack - ssiz; error = vm_map_stack(map, stack_addr, (vm_size_t)ssiz, obj != NULL && imgp->stack_prot != 0 ? imgp->stack_prot : sv->sv_stackprot, VM_PROT_ALL, MAP_STACK_GROWS_DOWN); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) return (vm_mmap_to_errno(error)); /* * vm_ssize and vm_maxsaddr are somewhat antiquated concepts, but they * are still used to enforce the stack rlimit on the process stack. */ vmspace->vm_ssize = sgrowsiz >> PAGE_SHIFT; vmspace->vm_maxsaddr = (char *)stack_addr; return (0); } /* * Copy out argument and environment strings from the old process address * space into the temporary string buffer. */ int exec_copyin_args(struct image_args *args, const char *fname, enum uio_seg segflg, char **argv, char **envv) { u_long arg, env; int error; bzero(args, sizeof(*args)); if (argv == NULL) return (EFAULT); /* * Allocate demand-paged memory for the file name, argument, and * environment strings. */ error = exec_alloc_args(args); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Copy the file name. */ error = exec_args_add_fname(args, fname, segflg); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; /* * extract arguments first */ for (;;) { error = fueword(argv++, &arg); if (error == -1) { error = EFAULT; goto err_exit; } if (arg == 0) break; error = exec_args_add_arg(args, (char *)(uintptr_t)arg, UIO_USERSPACE); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; } /* * extract environment strings */ if (envv) { for (;;) { error = fueword(envv++, &env); if (error == -1) { error = EFAULT; goto err_exit; } if (env == 0) break; error = exec_args_add_env(args, (char *)(uintptr_t)env, UIO_USERSPACE); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; } } return (0); err_exit: exec_free_args(args); return (error); } int exec_copyin_data_fds(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, const void *data, size_t datalen, const int *fds, size_t fdslen) { struct filedesc *ofdp; const char *p; int *kfds; int error; memset(args, '\0', sizeof(*args)); ofdp = td->td_proc->p_fd; if (datalen >= ARG_MAX || fdslen > ofdp->fd_lastfile + 1) return (E2BIG); error = exec_alloc_args(args); if (error != 0) return (error); args->begin_argv = args->buf; args->stringspace = ARG_MAX; if (datalen > 0) { /* * Argument buffer has been provided. Copy it into the * kernel as a single string and add a terminating null * byte. */ error = copyin(data, args->begin_argv, datalen); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; args->begin_argv[datalen] = '\0'; args->endp = args->begin_argv + datalen + 1; args->stringspace -= datalen + 1; /* * Traditional argument counting. Count the number of * null bytes. */ for (p = args->begin_argv; p < args->endp; ++p) if (*p == '\0') ++args->argc; } else { /* No argument buffer provided. */ args->endp = args->begin_argv; } /* Create new file descriptor table. */ kfds = malloc(fdslen * sizeof(int), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); error = copyin(fds, kfds, fdslen * sizeof(int)); if (error != 0) { free(kfds, M_TEMP); goto err_exit; } error = fdcopy_remapped(ofdp, kfds, fdslen, &args->fdp); free(kfds, M_TEMP); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; return (0); err_exit: exec_free_args(args); return (error); } struct exec_args_kva { vm_offset_t addr; u_int gen; SLIST_ENTRY(exec_args_kva) next; }; DPCPU_DEFINE_STATIC(struct exec_args_kva *, exec_args_kva); static SLIST_HEAD(, exec_args_kva) exec_args_kva_freelist; static struct mtx exec_args_kva_mtx; static u_int exec_args_gen; static void exec_prealloc_args_kva(void *arg __unused) { struct exec_args_kva *argkva; u_int i; SLIST_INIT(&exec_args_kva_freelist); mtx_init(&exec_args_kva_mtx, "exec args kva", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < exec_map_entries; i++) { argkva = malloc(sizeof(*argkva), M_PARGS, M_WAITOK); argkva->addr = kmap_alloc_wait(exec_map, exec_map_entry_size); argkva->gen = exec_args_gen; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, argkva, next); } } SYSINIT(exec_args_kva, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_ANY, exec_prealloc_args_kva, NULL); static vm_offset_t exec_alloc_args_kva(void **cookie) { struct exec_args_kva *argkva; argkva = (void *)atomic_readandclear_ptr( (uintptr_t *)DPCPU_PTR(exec_args_kva)); if (argkva == NULL) { mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); while ((argkva = SLIST_FIRST(&exec_args_kva_freelist)) == NULL) (void)mtx_sleep(&exec_args_kva_freelist, &exec_args_kva_mtx, 0, "execkva", 0); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, next); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); } *(struct exec_args_kva **)cookie = argkva; return (argkva->addr); } static void exec_release_args_kva(struct exec_args_kva *argkva, u_int gen) { vm_offset_t base; base = argkva->addr; if (argkva->gen != gen) { (void)vm_map_madvise(exec_map, base, base + exec_map_entry_size, MADV_FREE); argkva->gen = gen; } if (!atomic_cmpset_ptr((uintptr_t *)DPCPU_PTR(exec_args_kva), (uintptr_t)NULL, (uintptr_t)argkva)) { mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, argkva, next); wakeup_one(&exec_args_kva_freelist); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); } } static void exec_free_args_kva(void *cookie) { exec_release_args_kva(cookie, exec_args_gen); } static void exec_args_kva_lowmem(void *arg __unused) { SLIST_HEAD(, exec_args_kva) head; struct exec_args_kva *argkva; u_int gen; int i; gen = atomic_fetchadd_int(&exec_args_gen, 1) + 1; /* * Force an madvise of each KVA range. Any currently allocated ranges * will have MADV_FREE applied once they are freed. */ SLIST_INIT(&head); mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); SLIST_SWAP(&head, &exec_args_kva_freelist, exec_args_kva); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); while ((argkva = SLIST_FIRST(&head)) != NULL) { SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&head, next); exec_release_args_kva(argkva, gen); } CPU_FOREACH(i) { argkva = (void *)atomic_readandclear_ptr( (uintptr_t *)DPCPU_ID_PTR(i, exec_args_kva)); if (argkva != NULL) exec_release_args_kva(argkva, gen); } } EVENTHANDLER_DEFINE(vm_lowmem, exec_args_kva_lowmem, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); /* * Allocate temporary demand-paged, zero-filled memory for the file name, * argument, and environment strings. */ int exec_alloc_args(struct image_args *args) { args->buf = (char *)exec_alloc_args_kva(&args->bufkva); return (0); } void exec_free_args(struct image_args *args) { if (args->buf != NULL) { exec_free_args_kva(args->bufkva); args->buf = NULL; } if (args->fname_buf != NULL) { free(args->fname_buf, M_TEMP); args->fname_buf = NULL; } if (args->fdp != NULL) fdescfree_remapped(args->fdp); } /* * A set to functions to fill struct image args. * * NOTE: exec_args_add_fname() must be called (possibly with a NULL * fname) before the other functions. All exec_args_add_arg() calls must * be made before any exec_args_add_env() calls. exec_args_adjust_args() * may be called any time after exec_args_add_fname(). * * exec_args_add_fname() - install path to be executed * exec_args_add_arg() - append an argument string * exec_args_add_env() - append an env string * exec_args_adjust_args() - adjust location of the argument list to * allow new arguments to be prepended */ int exec_args_add_fname(struct image_args *args, const char *fname, enum uio_seg segflg) { int error; size_t length; KASSERT(args->fname == NULL, ("fname already appended")); KASSERT(args->endp == NULL, ("already appending to args")); if (fname != NULL) { args->fname = args->buf; error = segflg == UIO_SYSSPACE ? copystr(fname, args->fname, PATH_MAX, &length) : copyinstr(fname, args->fname, PATH_MAX, &length); if (error != 0) return (error == ENAMETOOLONG ? E2BIG : error); } else length = 0; /* Set up for _arg_*()/_env_*() */ args->endp = args->buf + length; /* begin_argv must be set and kept updated */ args->begin_argv = args->endp; KASSERT(exec_map_entry_size - length >= ARG_MAX, ("too little space remaining for arguments %zu < %zu", exec_map_entry_size - length, (size_t)ARG_MAX)); args->stringspace = ARG_MAX; return (0); } static int exec_args_add_str(struct image_args *args, const char *str, enum uio_seg segflg, int *countp) { int error; size_t length; KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); KASSERT(args->begin_argv != NULL, ("begin_argp not initialized")); error = (segflg == UIO_SYSSPACE) ? copystr(str, args->endp, args->stringspace, &length) : copyinstr(str, args->endp, args->stringspace, &length); if (error != 0) return (error == ENAMETOOLONG ? E2BIG : error); args->stringspace -= length; args->endp += length; (*countp)++; return (0); } int exec_args_add_arg(struct image_args *args, const char *argp, enum uio_seg segflg) { KASSERT(args->envc == 0, ("appending args after env")); return (exec_args_add_str(args, argp, segflg, &args->argc)); } int exec_args_add_env(struct image_args *args, const char *envp, enum uio_seg segflg) { if (args->envc == 0) args->begin_envv = args->endp; return (exec_args_add_str(args, envp, segflg, &args->envc)); } int exec_args_adjust_args(struct image_args *args, size_t consume, ssize_t extend) { ssize_t offset; KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); KASSERT(args->begin_argv != NULL, ("begin_argp not initialized")); offset = extend - consume; if (args->stringspace < offset) return (E2BIG); memmove(args->begin_argv + extend, args->begin_argv + consume, args->endp - args->begin_argv + consume); if (args->envc > 0) args->begin_envv += offset; args->endp += offset; args->stringspace -= offset; return (0); } char * exec_args_get_begin_envv(struct image_args *args) { KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); if (args->envc > 0) return (args->begin_envv); return (args->endp); } /* * Copy strings out to the new process address space, constructing new arg * and env vector tables. Return a pointer to the base so that it can be used * as the initial stack pointer. */ register_t * exec_copyout_strings(struct image_params *imgp) { int argc, envc; char **vectp; char *stringp; uintptr_t destp; register_t *stack_base; struct ps_strings *arginfo; struct proc *p; size_t execpath_len; int szsigcode, szps; char canary[sizeof(long) * 8]; szps = sizeof(pagesizes[0]) * MAXPAGESIZES; /* * Calculate string base and vector table pointers. * Also deal with signal trampoline code for this exec type. */ if (imgp->execpath != NULL && imgp->auxargs != NULL) execpath_len = strlen(imgp->execpath) + 1; else execpath_len = 0; p = imgp->proc; szsigcode = 0; arginfo = (struct ps_strings *)p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings; if (p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base == 0) { if (p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode != NULL) szsigcode = *(p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode); } destp = (uintptr_t)arginfo; /* * install sigcode */ if (szsigcode != 0) { destp -= szsigcode; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); copyout(p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode, (void *)destp, szsigcode); } /* * Copy the image path for the rtld. */ if (execpath_len != 0) { destp -= execpath_len; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); imgp->execpathp = destp; copyout(imgp->execpath, (void *)destp, execpath_len); } /* * Prepare the canary for SSP. */ arc4rand(canary, sizeof(canary), 0); destp -= sizeof(canary); imgp->canary = destp; copyout(canary, (void *)destp, sizeof(canary)); imgp->canarylen = sizeof(canary); /* * Prepare the pagesizes array. */ destp -= szps; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); imgp->pagesizes = destp; copyout(pagesizes, (void *)destp, szps); imgp->pagesizeslen = szps; destp -= ARG_MAX - imgp->args->stringspace; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); vectp = (char **)destp; if (imgp->auxargs) { /* * Allocate room on the stack for the ELF auxargs * array. It has up to AT_COUNT entries. */ vectp -= howmany(AT_COUNT * sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo), sizeof(*vectp)); } /* * Allocate room for the argv[] and env vectors including the * terminating NULL pointers. */ vectp -= imgp->args->argc + 1 + imgp->args->envc + 1; /* * vectp also becomes our initial stack base */ stack_base = (register_t *)vectp; stringp = imgp->args->begin_argv; argc = imgp->args->argc; envc = imgp->args->envc; /* * Copy out strings - arguments and environment. */ copyout(stringp, (void *)destp, ARG_MAX - imgp->args->stringspace); /* * Fill in "ps_strings" struct for ps, w, etc. */ suword(&arginfo->ps_argvstr, (long)(intptr_t)vectp); suword32(&arginfo->ps_nargvstr, argc); /* * Fill in argument portion of vector table. */ for (; argc > 0; --argc) { suword(vectp++, (long)(intptr_t)destp); while (*stringp++ != 0) destp++; destp++; } /* a null vector table pointer separates the argp's from the envp's */ suword(vectp++, 0); suword(&arginfo->ps_envstr, (long)(intptr_t)vectp); suword32(&arginfo->ps_nenvstr, envc); /* * Fill in environment portion of vector table. */ for (; envc > 0; --envc) { suword(vectp++, (long)(intptr_t)destp); while (*stringp++ != 0) destp++; destp++; } /* end of vector table is a null pointer */ suword(vectp, 0); return (stack_base); } /* * Check permissions of file to execute. * Called with imgp->vp locked. * Return 0 for success or error code on failure. */ int exec_check_permissions(struct image_params *imgp) { struct vnode *vp = imgp->vp; struct vattr *attr = imgp->attr; struct thread *td; int error; td = curthread; /* Get file attributes */ error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, attr, td->td_ucred); if (error) return (error); #ifdef MAC error = mac_vnode_check_exec(td->td_ucred, imgp->vp, imgp); if (error) return (error); #endif /* * 1) Check if file execution is disabled for the filesystem that * this file resides on. * 2) Ensure that at least one execute bit is on. Otherwise, a * privileged user will always succeed, and we don't want this * to happen unless the file really is executable. * 3) Ensure that the file is a regular file. */ if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOEXEC) || (attr->va_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) == 0 || (attr->va_type != VREG)) return (EACCES); /* * Zero length files can't be exec'd */ if (attr->va_size == 0) return (ENOEXEC); /* * Check for execute permission to file based on current credentials. */ error = VOP_ACCESS(vp, VEXEC, td->td_ucred, td); if (error) return (error); /* * Check number of open-for-writes on the file and deny execution * if there are any. * * Add a text reference now so no one can write to the * executable while we're activating it. * * Remember if this was set before and unset it in case this is not * actually an executable image. */ error = VOP_SET_TEXT(vp); if (error != 0) return (error); imgp->textset = true; /* * Call filesystem specific open routine (which does nothing in the * general case). */ error = VOP_OPEN(vp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td, NULL); if (error == 0) imgp->opened = 1; return (error); } /* * Exec handler registration */ int exec_register(const struct execsw *execsw_arg) { const struct execsw **es, **xs, **newexecsw; u_int count = 2; /* New slot and trailing NULL */ if (execsw) for (es = execsw; *es; es++) count++; newexecsw = malloc(count * sizeof(*es), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); xs = newexecsw; if (execsw) for (es = execsw; *es; es++) *xs++ = *es; *xs++ = execsw_arg; *xs = NULL; if (execsw) free(execsw, M_TEMP); execsw = newexecsw; return (0); } int exec_unregister(const struct execsw *execsw_arg) { const struct execsw **es, **xs, **newexecsw; int count = 1; if (execsw == NULL) panic("unregister with no handlers left?\n"); for (es = execsw; *es; es++) { if (*es == execsw_arg) break; } if (*es == NULL) return (ENOENT); for (es = execsw; *es; es++) if (*es != execsw_arg) count++; newexecsw = malloc(count * sizeof(*es), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); xs = newexecsw; for (es = execsw; *es; es++) if (*es != execsw_arg) *xs++ = *es; *xs = NULL; if (execsw) free(execsw, M_TEMP); execsw = newexecsw; return (0); } Index: head/sys/kern/sys_process.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/kern/sys_process.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/kern/sys_process.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,1497 +1,1498 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1994, Sean Eric Fagan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Sean Eric Fagan. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #include struct ptrace_io_desc32 { int piod_op; uint32_t piod_offs; uint32_t piod_addr; uint32_t piod_len; }; struct ptrace_vm_entry32 { int pve_entry; int pve_timestamp; uint32_t pve_start; uint32_t pve_end; uint32_t pve_offset; u_int pve_prot; u_int pve_pathlen; int32_t pve_fileid; u_int pve_fsid; uint32_t pve_path; }; #endif /* * Functions implemented using PROC_ACTION(): * * proc_read_regs(proc, regs) * Get the current user-visible register set from the process * and copy it into the regs structure (). * The process is stopped at the time read_regs is called. * * proc_write_regs(proc, regs) * Update the current register set from the passed in regs * structure. Take care to avoid clobbering special CPU * registers or privileged bits in the PSL. * Depending on the architecture this may have fix-up work to do, * especially if the IAR or PCW are modified. * The process is stopped at the time write_regs is called. * * proc_read_fpregs, proc_write_fpregs * deal with the floating point register set, otherwise as above. * * proc_read_dbregs, proc_write_dbregs * deal with the processor debug register set, otherwise as above. * * proc_sstep(proc) * Arrange for the process to trap after executing a single instruction. */ #define PROC_ACTION(action) do { \ int error; \ \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); \ if ((td->td_proc->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) \ error = EIO; \ else \ error = (action); \ return (error); \ } while(0) int proc_read_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_regs(td, regs)); } int proc_write_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { PROC_ACTION(set_regs(td, regs)); } int proc_read_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_dbregs(td, dbregs)); } int proc_write_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { PROC_ACTION(set_dbregs(td, dbregs)); } /* * Ptrace doesn't support fpregs at all, and there are no security holes * or translations for fpregs, so we can just copy them. */ int proc_read_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_fpregs(td, fpregs)); } int proc_write_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { PROC_ACTION(set_fpregs(td, fpregs)); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* For 32 bit binaries, we need to expose the 32 bit regs layouts. */ int proc_read_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_regs32(td, regs32)); } int proc_write_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_regs32(td, regs32)); } int proc_read_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *dbregs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_dbregs32(td, dbregs32)); } int proc_write_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *dbregs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_dbregs32(td, dbregs32)); } int proc_read_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_fpregs32(td, fpregs32)); } int proc_write_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_fpregs32(td, fpregs32)); } #endif int proc_sstep(struct thread *td) { PROC_ACTION(ptrace_single_step(td)); } int proc_rwmem(struct proc *p, struct uio *uio) { vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t pageno; /* page number */ vm_prot_t reqprot; int error, fault_flags, page_offset, writing; /* * Assert that someone has locked this vmspace. (Should be * curthread but we can't assert that.) This keeps the process * from exiting out from under us until this operation completes. */ PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_NOTOWNED); /* * The map we want... */ map = &p->p_vmspace->vm_map; /* * If we are writing, then we request vm_fault() to create a private * copy of each page. Since these copies will not be writeable by the * process, we must explicity request that they be dirtied. */ writing = uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE; reqprot = writing ? VM_PROT_COPY | VM_PROT_READ : VM_PROT_READ; fault_flags = writing ? VM_FAULT_DIRTY : VM_FAULT_NORMAL; /* * Only map in one page at a time. We don't have to, but it * makes things easier. This way is trivial - right? */ do { vm_offset_t uva; u_int len; vm_page_t m; uva = (vm_offset_t)uio->uio_offset; /* * Get the page number of this segment. */ pageno = trunc_page(uva); page_offset = uva - pageno; /* * How many bytes to copy */ len = min(PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, uio->uio_resid); /* * Fault and hold the page on behalf of the process. */ error = vm_fault_hold(map, pageno, reqprot, fault_flags, &m); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { if (error == KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE) error = ENOMEM; else error = EFAULT; break; } /* * Now do the i/o move. */ error = uiomove_fromphys(&m, page_offset, len, uio); /* Make the I-cache coherent for breakpoints. */ if (writing && error == 0) { vm_map_lock_read(map); if (vm_map_check_protection(map, pageno, pageno + PAGE_SIZE, VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) vm_sync_icache(map, uva, len); vm_map_unlock_read(map); } /* * Release the page. */ vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_unhold(m); + if (vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE) && m->object == NULL) + vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0); return (error); } static ssize_t proc_iop(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len, enum uio_rw rw) { struct iovec iov; struct uio uio; ssize_t slen; MPASS(len < SSIZE_MAX); slen = (ssize_t)len; iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)buf; iov.iov_len = len; uio.uio_iov = &iov; uio.uio_iovcnt = 1; uio.uio_offset = va; uio.uio_resid = slen; uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE; uio.uio_rw = rw; uio.uio_td = td; proc_rwmem(p, &uio); if (uio.uio_resid == slen) return (-1); return (slen - uio.uio_resid); } ssize_t proc_readmem(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len) { return (proc_iop(td, p, va, buf, len, UIO_READ)); } ssize_t proc_writemem(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len) { return (proc_iop(td, p, va, buf, len, UIO_WRITE)); } static int ptrace_vm_entry(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct ptrace_vm_entry *pve) { struct vattr vattr; vm_map_t map; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t obj, tobj, lobj; struct vmspace *vm; struct vnode *vp; char *freepath, *fullpath; u_int pathlen; int error, index; error = 0; obj = NULL; vm = vmspace_acquire_ref(p); map = &vm->vm_map; vm_map_lock_read(map); do { entry = map->; index = 0; while (index < pve->pve_entry && entry != &map->header) { entry = entry->next; index++; } if (index != pve->pve_entry) { error = EINVAL; break; } KASSERT((map->header.eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) == 0, ("Submap in map header")); while ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) != 0) { entry = entry->next; index++; } if (entry == &map->header) { error = ENOENT; break; } /* We got an entry. */ pve->pve_entry = index + 1; pve->pve_timestamp = map->timestamp; pve->pve_start = entry->start; pve->pve_end = entry->end - 1; pve->pve_offset = entry->offset; pve->pve_prot = entry->protection; /* Backing object's path needed? */ if (pve->pve_pathlen == 0) break; pathlen = pve->pve_pathlen; pve->pve_pathlen = 0; obj = entry->object.vm_object; if (obj != NULL) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(obj); } while (0); vm_map_unlock_read(map); pve->pve_fsid = VNOVAL; pve->pve_fileid = VNOVAL; if (error == 0 && obj != NULL) { lobj = obj; for (tobj = obj; tobj != NULL; tobj = tobj->backing_object) { if (tobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(tobj); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); lobj = tobj; pve->pve_offset += tobj->backing_object_offset; } vp = vm_object_vnode(lobj); if (vp != NULL) vref(vp); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); if (vp != NULL) { freepath = NULL; fullpath = NULL; vn_fullpath(td, vp, &fullpath, &freepath); vn_lock(vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, td->td_ucred) == 0) { pve->pve_fileid = vattr.va_fileid; pve->pve_fsid = vattr.va_fsid; } vput(vp); if (fullpath != NULL) { pve->pve_pathlen = strlen(fullpath) + 1; if (pve->pve_pathlen <= pathlen) { error = copyout(fullpath, pve->pve_path, pve->pve_pathlen); } else error = ENAMETOOLONG; } if (freepath != NULL) free(freepath, M_TEMP); } } vmspace_free(vm); if (error == 0) CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_VM_ENTRY: pid %d, entry %d, start %p", p->p_pid, pve->pve_entry, pve->pve_start); return (error); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 static int ptrace_vm_entry32(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct ptrace_vm_entry32 *pve32) { struct ptrace_vm_entry pve; int error; pve.pve_entry = pve32->pve_entry; pve.pve_pathlen = pve32->pve_pathlen; pve.pve_path = (void *)(uintptr_t)pve32->pve_path; error = ptrace_vm_entry(td, p, &pve); if (error == 0) { pve32->pve_entry = pve.pve_entry; pve32->pve_timestamp = pve.pve_timestamp; pve32->pve_start = pve.pve_start; pve32->pve_end = pve.pve_end; pve32->pve_offset = pve.pve_offset; pve32->pve_prot = pve.pve_prot; pve32->pve_fileid = pve.pve_fileid; pve32->pve_fsid = pve.pve_fsid; } pve32->pve_pathlen = pve.pve_pathlen; return (error); } static void ptrace_lwpinfo_to32(const struct ptrace_lwpinfo *pl, struct ptrace_lwpinfo32 *pl32) { bzero(pl32, sizeof(*pl32)); pl32->pl_lwpid = pl->pl_lwpid; pl32->pl_event = pl->pl_event; pl32->pl_flags = pl->pl_flags; pl32->pl_sigmask = pl->pl_sigmask; pl32->pl_siglist = pl->pl_siglist; siginfo_to_siginfo32(&pl->pl_siginfo, &pl32->pl_siginfo); strcpy(pl32->pl_tdname, pl->pl_tdname); pl32->pl_child_pid = pl->pl_child_pid; pl32->pl_syscall_code = pl->pl_syscall_code; pl32->pl_syscall_narg = pl->pl_syscall_narg; } #endif /* COMPAT_FREEBSD32 */ /* * Process debugging system call. */ #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct ptrace_args { int req; pid_t pid; caddr_t addr; int data; }; #endif #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * This CPP subterfuge is to try and reduce the number of ifdefs in * the body of the code. * COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.reg, sizeof r.reg); * becomes either: * copyin(uap->addr, &r.reg, sizeof r.reg); * or * copyin(uap->addr, &r.reg32, sizeof r.reg32); * .. except this is done at runtime. */ #define BZERO(a, s) wrap32 ? \ bzero(a ## 32, s ## 32) : \ bzero(a, s) #define COPYIN(u, k, s) wrap32 ? \ copyin(u, k ## 32, s ## 32) : \ copyin(u, k, s) #define COPYOUT(k, u, s) wrap32 ? \ copyout(k ## 32, u, s ## 32) : \ copyout(k, u, s) #else #define BZERO(a, s) bzero(a, s) #define COPYIN(u, k, s) copyin(u, k, s) #define COPYOUT(k, u, s) copyout(k, u, s) #endif int sys_ptrace(struct thread *td, struct ptrace_args *uap) { /* * XXX this obfuscation is to reduce stack usage, but the register * structs may be too large to put on the stack anyway. */ union { struct ptrace_io_desc piod; struct ptrace_lwpinfo pl; struct ptrace_vm_entry pve; struct dbreg dbreg; struct fpreg fpreg; struct reg reg; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 struct dbreg32 dbreg32; struct fpreg32 fpreg32; struct reg32 reg32; struct ptrace_io_desc32 piod32; struct ptrace_lwpinfo32 pl32; struct ptrace_vm_entry32 pve32; #endif char args[sizeof(td->td_sa.args)]; int ptevents; } r; void *addr; int error = 0; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int wrap32 = 0; if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) wrap32 = 1; #endif AUDIT_ARG_PID(uap->pid); AUDIT_ARG_CMD(uap->req); AUDIT_ARG_VALUE(uap->data); addr = &r; switch (uap->req) { case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_LWPINFO: case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: break; case PT_GETREGS: BZERO(&r.reg, sizeof r.reg); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: BZERO(&r.fpreg, sizeof r.fpreg); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: BZERO(&r.dbreg, sizeof r.dbreg); break; case PT_SETREGS: error = COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.reg, sizeof r.reg); break; case PT_SETFPREGS: error = COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.fpreg, sizeof r.fpreg); break; case PT_SETDBREGS: error = COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.dbreg, sizeof r.dbreg); break; case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: if (uap->data != sizeof(r.ptevents)) error = EINVAL; else error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.ptevents, uap->data); break; case PT_IO: error = COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.piod, sizeof r.piod); break; case PT_VM_ENTRY: error = COPYIN(uap->addr, &r.pve, sizeof r.pve); break; default: addr = uap->addr; break; } if (error) return (error); error = kern_ptrace(td, uap->req, uap->pid, addr, uap->data); if (error) return (error); switch (uap->req) { case PT_VM_ENTRY: error = COPYOUT(&r.pve, uap->addr, sizeof r.pve); break; case PT_IO: error = COPYOUT(&r.piod, uap->addr, sizeof r.piod); break; case PT_GETREGS: error = COPYOUT(&r.reg, uap->addr, sizeof r.reg); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: error = COPYOUT(&r.fpreg, uap->addr, sizeof r.fpreg); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: error = COPYOUT(&r.dbreg, uap->addr, sizeof r.dbreg); break; case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: /* NB: The size in uap->data is validated in kern_ptrace(). */ error = copyout(&r.ptevents, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case PT_LWPINFO: /* NB: The size in uap->data is validated in kern_ptrace(). */ error = copyout(&, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: error = copyout(r.args, uap->addr, MIN(uap->data, sizeof(r.args))); break; } return (error); } #undef COPYIN #undef COPYOUT #undef BZERO #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * PROC_READ(regs, td2, addr); * becomes either: * proc_read_regs(td2, addr); * or * proc_read_regs32(td2, addr); * .. except this is done at runtime. There is an additional * complication in that PROC_WRITE disallows 32 bit consumers * from writing to 64 bit address space targets. */ #define PROC_READ(w, t, a) wrap32 ? \ proc_read_ ## w ## 32(t, a) : \ proc_read_ ## w (t, a) #define PROC_WRITE(w, t, a) wrap32 ? \ (safe ? proc_write_ ## w ## 32(t, a) : EINVAL ) : \ proc_write_ ## w (t, a) #else #define PROC_READ(w, t, a) proc_read_ ## w (t, a) #define PROC_WRITE(w, t, a) proc_write_ ## w (t, a) #endif void proc_set_traced(struct proc *p, bool stop) { sx_assert(&proctree_lock, SX_XLOCKED); PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); p->p_flag |= P_TRACED; if (stop) p->p_flag2 |= P2_PTRACE_FSTP; p->p_ptevents = PTRACE_DEFAULT; } int kern_ptrace(struct thread *td, int req, pid_t pid, void *addr, int data) { struct iovec iov; struct uio uio; struct proc *curp, *p, *pp; struct thread *td2 = NULL, *td3; struct ptrace_io_desc *piod = NULL; struct ptrace_lwpinfo *pl; int error, num, tmp; int proctree_locked = 0; lwpid_t tid = 0, *buf; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int wrap32 = 0, safe = 0; struct ptrace_io_desc32 *piod32 = NULL; struct ptrace_lwpinfo32 *pl32 = NULL; struct ptrace_lwpinfo plr; #endif curp = td->td_proc; /* Lock proctree before locking the process. */ switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: case PT_ATTACH: case PT_STEP: case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: case PT_FOLLOW_FORK: case PT_LWP_EVENTS: case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_DETACH: case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: sx_xlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = 1; break; default: break; } if (req == PT_TRACE_ME) { p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK(p); } else { if (pid <= PID_MAX) { if ((p = pfind(pid)) == NULL) { if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (ESRCH); } } else { td2 = tdfind(pid, -1); if (td2 == NULL) { if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (ESRCH); } p = td2->td_proc; tid = pid; pid = p->p_pid; } } AUDIT_ARG_PROCESS(p); if ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) != 0) { error = ESRCH; goto fail; } if ((error = p_cansee(td, p)) != 0) goto fail; if ((error = p_candebug(td, p)) != 0) goto fail; /* * System processes can't be debugged. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) != 0) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } if (tid == 0) { if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) != 0) { KASSERT(p->p_xthread != NULL, ("NULL p_xthread")); td2 = p->p_xthread; } else { td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); } tid = td2->td_tid; } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * Test if we're a 32 bit client and what the target is. * Set the wrap controls accordingly. */ if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td2->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) safe = 1; wrap32 = 1; } #endif /* * Permissions check */ switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: /* * Always legal, when there is a parent process which * could trace us. Otherwise, reject. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } if (p->p_pptr == initproc) { error = EPERM; goto fail; } break; case PT_ATTACH: /* Self */ if (p == td->td_proc) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } /* Already traced */ if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } /* Can't trace an ancestor if you're being traced. */ if (curp->p_flag & P_TRACED) { for (pp = curp->p_pptr; pp != NULL; pp = pp->p_pptr) { if (pp == p) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } } } /* OK */ break; case PT_CLEARSTEP: /* Allow thread to clear single step for itself */ if (td->td_tid == tid) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: /* not being traced... */ if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) { error = EPERM; goto fail; } /* not being traced by YOU */ if (p->p_pptr != td->td_proc) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } /* not currently stopped */ if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) == 0 || p->p_suspcount != p->p_numthreads || (p->p_flag & P_WAITED) == 0) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } /* OK */ break; } /* Keep this process around until we finish this request. */ _PHOLD(p); #ifdef FIX_SSTEP /* * Single step fixup ala procfs */ FIX_SSTEP(td2); #endif /* * Actually do the requests */ td->td_retval[0] = 0; switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: /* set my trace flag and "owner" so it can read/write me */ proc_set_traced(p, false); if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) p->p_flag |= P_PPTRACE; CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TRACE_ME: pid %d", p->p_pid); break; case PT_ATTACH: /* security check done above */ /* * It would be nice if the tracing relationship was separate * from the parent relationship but that would require * another set of links in the proc struct or for "wait" * to scan the entire proc table. To make life easier, * we just re-parent the process we're trying to trace. * The old parent is remembered so we can put things back * on a "detach". */ proc_set_traced(p, true); if (p->p_pptr != td->td_proc) { proc_reparent(p, td->td_proc, false); } CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_ATTACH: pid %d, oppid %d", p->p_pid, p->p_oppid); sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = 0; MPASS(p->p_xthread == NULL); MPASS((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) == 0); /* * If already stopped due to a stop signal, clear the * existing stop before triggering a traced SIGSTOP. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_SIG) != 0) { PROC_SLOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~(P_STOPPED_SIG | P_WAITED); thread_unsuspend(p); PROC_SUNLOCK(p); } kern_psignal(p, SIGSTOP); break; case PT_CLEARSTEP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_CLEARSTEP: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = ptrace_clear_single_step(td2); break; case PT_SETSTEP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETSTEP: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = ptrace_single_step(td2); break; case PT_SUSPEND: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SUSPEND: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_SUSPEND; thread_lock(td2); td2->td_flags |= TDF_NEEDSUSPCHK; thread_unlock(td2); break; case PT_RESUME: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_RESUME: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_SUSPEND; break; case PT_FOLLOW_FORK: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_FOLLOW_FORK: pid %d %s -> %s", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_FORK ? "enabled" : "disabled", data ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if (data) p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_FORK; else p->p_ptevents &= ~PTRACE_FORK; break; case PT_LWP_EVENTS: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_LWP_EVENTS: pid %d %s -> %s", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_LWP ? "enabled" : "disabled", data ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if (data) p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_LWP; else p->p_ptevents &= ~PTRACE_LWP; break; case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: if (data != sizeof(p->p_ptevents)) { error = EINVAL; break; } CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: pid %d mask %#x", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents); *(int *)addr = p->p_ptevents; break; case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: if (data != sizeof(p->p_ptevents)) { error = EINVAL; break; } tmp = *(int *)addr; if ((tmp & ~(PTRACE_EXEC | PTRACE_SCE | PTRACE_SCX | PTRACE_FORK | PTRACE_LWP | PTRACE_VFORK)) != 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: pid %d mask %#x -> %#x", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, tmp); p->p_ptevents = tmp; break; case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GET_SC_ARGS: pid %d", p->p_pid); if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCE | TDB_SCX)) == 0 #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 || (wrap32 && !safe) #endif ) { error = EINVAL; break; } bzero(addr, sizeof(td2->td_sa.args)); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) for (num = 0; num < nitems(td2->td_sa.args); num++) ((uint32_t *)addr)[num] = (uint32_t) td2->td_sa.args[num]; else #endif bcopy(td2->td_sa.args, addr, td2->td_sa.narg * sizeof(register_t)); break; case PT_STEP: case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: case PT_DETACH: /* Zero means do not send any signal */ if (data < 0 || data > _SIG_MAXSIG) { error = EINVAL; break; } switch (req) { case PT_STEP: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_STEP: tid %d (pid %d), sig = %d", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid, data); error = ptrace_single_step(td2); if (error) goto out; break; case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: if (addr != (void *)1) { error = ptrace_set_pc(td2, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr); if (error) goto out; } switch (req) { case PT_TO_SCE: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SCE; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TO_SCE: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_TO_SCX: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SCX; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TO_SCX: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_SYSCALL: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SYSCALL; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SYSCALL: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_CONTINUE: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_CONTINUE: pid %d, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; } break; case PT_DETACH: /* * Reset the process parent. * * NB: This clears P_TRACED before reparenting * a detached process back to its original * parent. Otherwise the debugee will be set * as an orphan of the debugger. */ p->p_flag &= ~(P_TRACED | P_WAITED); if (p->p_oppid != p->p_pptr->p_pid) { PROC_LOCK(p->p_pptr); sigqueue_take(p->p_ksi); PROC_UNLOCK(p->p_pptr); pp = proc_realparent(p); proc_reparent(p, pp, false); if (pp == initproc) p->p_sigparent = SIGCHLD; CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_DETACH: pid %d reparented to pid %d, sig %d", p->p_pid, pp->p_pid, data); } else CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_DETACH: pid %d, sig %d", p->p_pid, data); p->p_ptevents = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td3) { if ((td3->td_dbgflags & TDB_FSTP) != 0) { sigqueue_delete(&td3->td_sigqueue, SIGSTOP); } td3->td_dbgflags &= ~(TDB_XSIG | TDB_FSTP | TDB_SUSPEND); } if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_PTRACE_FSTP) != 0) { sigqueue_delete(&p->p_sigqueue, SIGSTOP); p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_PTRACE_FSTP; } /* should we send SIGCHLD? */ /* childproc_continued(p); */ break; } sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = 0; sendsig: MPASS(proctree_locked == 0); /* * Clear the pending event for the thread that just * reported its event (p_xthread). This may not be * the thread passed to PT_CONTINUE, PT_STEP, etc. if * the debugger is resuming a different thread. * * Deliver any pending signal via the reporting thread. */ MPASS(p->p_xthread != NULL); p->p_xthread->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_XSIG; p->p_xthread->td_xsig = data; p->p_xthread = NULL; p->p_xsig = data; /* * P_WKILLED is insurance that a PT_KILL/SIGKILL * always works immediately, even if another thread is * unsuspended first and attempts to handle a * different signal or if the POSIX.1b style signal * queue cannot accommodate any new signals. */ if (data == SIGKILL) proc_wkilled(p); /* * Unsuspend all threads. To leave a thread * suspended, use PT_SUSPEND to suspend it before * continuing the process. */ PROC_SLOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~(P_STOPPED_TRACE | P_STOPPED_SIG | P_WAITED); thread_unsuspend(p); PROC_SUNLOCK(p); break; case PT_WRITE_I: case PT_WRITE_D: td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = 0; if (proc_writemem(td, p, (off_t)(uintptr_t)addr, &data, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) error = ENOMEM; else CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_WRITE: pid %d: %p <= %#x", p->p_pid, addr, data); PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_READ_I: case PT_READ_D: PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = tmp = 0; if (proc_readmem(td, p, (off_t)(uintptr_t)addr, &tmp, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) error = ENOMEM; else CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_READ: pid %d: %p >= %#x", p->p_pid, addr, tmp); td->td_retval[0] = tmp; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_IO: #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) { piod32 = addr; iov.iov_base = (void *)(uintptr_t)piod32->piod_addr; iov.iov_len = piod32->piod_len; uio.uio_offset = (off_t)(uintptr_t)piod32->piod_offs; uio.uio_resid = piod32->piod_len; } else #endif { piod = addr; iov.iov_base = piod->piod_addr; iov.iov_len = piod->piod_len; uio.uio_offset = (off_t)(uintptr_t)piod->piod_offs; uio.uio_resid = piod->piod_len; } uio.uio_iov = &iov; uio.uio_iovcnt = 1; uio.uio_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE; uio.uio_td = td; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 tmp = wrap32 ? piod32->piod_op : piod->piod_op; #else tmp = piod->piod_op; #endif switch (tmp) { case PIOD_READ_D: case PIOD_READ_I: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_IO: pid %d: READ (%p, %#x)", p->p_pid, (uintptr_t)uio.uio_offset, uio.uio_resid); uio.uio_rw = UIO_READ; break; case PIOD_WRITE_D: case PIOD_WRITE_I: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_IO: pid %d: WRITE (%p, %#x)", p->p_pid, (uintptr_t)uio.uio_offset, uio.uio_resid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; uio.uio_rw = UIO_WRITE; break; default: error = EINVAL; goto out; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = proc_rwmem(p, &uio); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) piod32->piod_len -= uio.uio_resid; else #endif piod->piod_len -= uio.uio_resid; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_KILL: CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_KILL: pid %d", p->p_pid); data = SIGKILL; goto sendsig; /* in PT_CONTINUE above */ case PT_SETREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(regs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(regs, td2, addr); break; case PT_SETFPREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETFPREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(fpregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETFPREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(fpregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_SETDBREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETDBREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(dbregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETDBREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(dbregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_LWPINFO: if (data <= 0 || #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 (!wrap32 && data > sizeof(*pl)) || (wrap32 && data > sizeof(*pl32))) { #else data > sizeof(*pl)) { #endif error = EINVAL; break; } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) { pl = &plr; pl32 = addr; } else #endif pl = addr; bzero(pl, sizeof(*pl)); pl->pl_lwpid = td2->td_tid; pl->pl_event = PL_EVENT_NONE; pl->pl_flags = 0; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_XSIG) { pl->pl_event = PL_EVENT_SIGNAL; if (td2->td_si.si_signo != 0 && #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 ((!wrap32 && data >= offsetof(struct ptrace_lwpinfo, pl_siginfo) + sizeof(pl->pl_siginfo)) || (wrap32 && data >= offsetof(struct ptrace_lwpinfo32, pl_siginfo) + sizeof(struct siginfo32))) #else data >= offsetof(struct ptrace_lwpinfo, pl_siginfo) + sizeof(pl->pl_siginfo) #endif ){ pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SI; pl->pl_siginfo = td2->td_si; } } if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_SCE) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SCE; else if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_SCX) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SCX; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_EXEC) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_EXEC; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_FORK) { pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_FORKED; pl->pl_child_pid = td2->td_dbg_forked; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_VFORK) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_VFORKED; } else if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCX | TDB_VFORK)) == TDB_VFORK) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_VFORK_DONE; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_CHILD) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_CHILD; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_BORN) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_BORN; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_EXIT) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_EXITED; pl->pl_sigmask = td2->td_sigmask; pl->pl_siglist = td2->td_siglist; strcpy(pl->pl_tdname, td2->td_name); if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCE | TDB_SCX)) != 0) { pl->pl_syscall_code = td2->td_sa.code; pl->pl_syscall_narg = td2->td_sa.narg; } else { pl->pl_syscall_code = 0; pl->pl_syscall_narg = 0; } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) ptrace_lwpinfo_to32(pl, pl32); #endif CTR6(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_LWPINFO: tid %d (pid %d) event %d flags %#x child pid %d syscall %d", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid, pl->pl_event, pl->pl_flags, pl->pl_child_pid, pl->pl_syscall_code); break; case PT_GETNUMLWPS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETNUMLWPS: pid %d: %d threads", p->p_pid, p->p_numthreads); td->td_retval[0] = p->p_numthreads; break; case PT_GETLWPLIST: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETLWPLIST: pid %d: data %d, actual %d", p->p_pid, data, p->p_numthreads); if (data <= 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } num = imin(p->p_numthreads, data); PROC_UNLOCK(p); buf = malloc(num * sizeof(lwpid_t), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); tmp = 0; PROC_LOCK(p); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td2) { if (tmp >= num) break; buf[tmp++] = td2->td_tid; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = copyout(buf, addr, tmp * sizeof(lwpid_t)); free(buf, M_TEMP); if (!error) td->td_retval[0] = tmp; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_VM_TIMESTAMP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_VM_TIMESTAMP: pid %d: timestamp %d", p->p_pid, p->p_vmspace->vm_map.timestamp); td->td_retval[0] = p->p_vmspace->vm_map.timestamp; break; case PT_VM_ENTRY: PROC_UNLOCK(p); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (wrap32) error = ptrace_vm_entry32(td, p, addr); else #endif error = ptrace_vm_entry(td, p, addr); PROC_LOCK(p); break; default: #ifdef __HAVE_PTRACE_MACHDEP if (req >= PT_FIRSTMACH) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = cpu_ptrace(td2, req, addr, data); PROC_LOCK(p); } else #endif /* Unknown request. */ error = EINVAL; break; } out: /* Drop our hold on this process now that the request has completed. */ _PRELE(p); fail: PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (error); } #undef PROC_READ #undef PROC_WRITE /* * Stop a process because of a debugging event; * stay stopped until p->p_step is cleared * (cleared by PIOCCONT in procfs). */ void stopevent(struct proc *p, unsigned int event, unsigned int val) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); p->p_step = 1; CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "stopevent: pid %d event %u val %u", p->p_pid, event, val); do { if (event != S_EXIT) p->p_xsig = val; p->p_xthread = NULL; p->p_stype = event; /* Which event caused the stop? */ wakeup(&p->p_stype); /* Wake up any PIOCWAIT'ing procs */ msleep(&p->p_step, &p->p_mtx, PWAIT, "stopevent", 0); } while (p->p_step); } Index: head/sys/kern/uipc_shm.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/kern/uipc_shm.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/kern/uipc_shm.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,1184 +1,1180 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, 2016-2017 Robert N. M. Watson * All rights reserved. * * Portions of this software were developed by BAE Systems, the University of * Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and Memorial University under DARPA/AFRL * contract FA8650-15-C-7558 ("CADETS"), as part of the DARPA Transparent * Computing (TC) research program. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Support for shared swap-backed anonymous memory objects via * shm_open(2) and shm_unlink(2). While most of the implementation is * here, vm_mmap.c contains mapping logic changes. * * posixshmcontrol(1) allows users to inspect the state of the memory * objects. Per-uid swap resource limit controls total amount of * memory that user can consume for anonymous objects, including * shared. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_capsicum.h" #include "opt_ktrace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct shm_mapping { char *sm_path; Fnv32_t sm_fnv; struct shmfd *sm_shmfd; LIST_ENTRY(shm_mapping) sm_link; }; static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_SHMFD, "shmfd", "shared memory file descriptor"); static LIST_HEAD(, shm_mapping) *shm_dictionary; static struct sx shm_dict_lock; static struct mtx shm_timestamp_lock; static u_long shm_hash; static struct unrhdr64 shm_ino_unr; static dev_t shm_dev_ino; #define SHM_HASH(fnv) (&shm_dictionary[(fnv) & shm_hash]) static void shm_init(void *arg); static void shm_insert(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv, struct shmfd *shmfd); static struct shmfd *shm_lookup(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv); static int shm_remove(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv, struct ucred *ucred); static fo_rdwr_t shm_read; static fo_rdwr_t shm_write; static fo_truncate_t shm_truncate; static fo_ioctl_t shm_ioctl; static fo_stat_t shm_stat; static fo_close_t shm_close; static fo_chmod_t shm_chmod; static fo_chown_t shm_chown; static fo_seek_t shm_seek; static fo_fill_kinfo_t shm_fill_kinfo; static fo_mmap_t shm_mmap; /* File descriptor operations. */ struct fileops shm_ops = { .fo_read = shm_read, .fo_write = shm_write, .fo_truncate = shm_truncate, .fo_ioctl = shm_ioctl, .fo_poll = invfo_poll, .fo_kqfilter = invfo_kqfilter, .fo_stat = shm_stat, .fo_close = shm_close, .fo_chmod = shm_chmod, .fo_chown = shm_chown, .fo_sendfile = vn_sendfile, .fo_seek = shm_seek, .fo_fill_kinfo = shm_fill_kinfo, .fo_mmap = shm_mmap, .fo_flags = DFLAG_PASSABLE | DFLAG_SEEKABLE }; FEATURE(posix_shm, "POSIX shared memory"); static int uiomove_object_page(vm_object_t obj, size_t len, struct uio *uio) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t idx; size_t tlen; int error, offset, rv; idx = OFF_TO_IDX(uio->uio_offset); offset = uio->uio_offset & PAGE_MASK; tlen = MIN(PAGE_SIZE - offset, len); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); /* * Read I/O without either a corresponding resident page or swap * page: use zero_region. This is intended to avoid instantiating * pages on read from a sparse region. */ if (uio->uio_rw == UIO_READ && vm_page_lookup(obj, idx) == NULL && !vm_pager_has_page(obj, idx, NULL, NULL)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (uiomove(__DECONST(void *, zero_region), tlen, uio)); } /* * Parallel reads of the page content from disk are prevented * by exclusive busy. * * Although the tmpfs vnode lock is held here, it is * nonetheless safe to sleep waiting for a free page. The * pageout daemon does not need to acquire the tmpfs vnode * lock to page out tobj's pages because tobj is a OBJT_SWAP * type object. */ m = vm_page_grab(obj, idx, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY); if (m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { vm_page_xbusy(m); if (vm_pager_has_page(obj, idx, NULL, NULL)) { rv = vm_pager_get_pages(obj, &m, 1, NULL, NULL); if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) { printf( "uiomove_object: vm_obj %p idx %jd valid %x pager error %d\n", obj, idx, m->valid, rv); vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (EIO); } } else vm_page_zero_invalid(m, TRUE); vm_page_xunbusy(m); } vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_hold(m); - if (vm_page_active(m)) - vm_page_reference(m); - else - vm_page_activate(m); + vm_page_wire(m); vm_page_unlock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); error = uiomove_fromphys(&m, offset, tlen, uio); if (uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE && error == 0) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); vm_page_dirty(m); vm_pager_page_unswapped(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); } vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_unhold(m); + vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(m); return (error); } int uiomove_object(vm_object_t obj, off_t obj_size, struct uio *uio) { ssize_t resid; size_t len; int error; error = 0; while ((resid = uio->uio_resid) > 0) { if (obj_size <= uio->uio_offset) break; len = MIN(obj_size - uio->uio_offset, resid); if (len == 0) break; error = uiomove_object_page(obj, len, uio); if (error != 0 || resid == uio->uio_resid) break; } return (error); } static int shm_seek(struct file *fp, off_t offset, int whence, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; off_t foffset; int error; shmfd = fp->f_data; foffset = foffset_lock(fp, 0); error = 0; switch (whence) { case L_INCR: if (foffset < 0 || (offset > 0 && foffset > OFF_MAX - offset)) { error = EOVERFLOW; break; } offset += foffset; break; case L_XTND: if (offset > 0 && shmfd->shm_size > OFF_MAX - offset) { error = EOVERFLOW; break; } offset += shmfd->shm_size; break; case L_SET: break; default: error = EINVAL; } if (error == 0) { if (offset < 0 || offset > shmfd->shm_size) error = EINVAL; else td->td_uretoff.tdu_off = offset; } foffset_unlock(fp, offset, error != 0 ? FOF_NOUPDATE : 0); return (error); } static int shm_read(struct file *fp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *active_cred, int flags, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; void *rl_cookie; int error; shmfd = fp->f_data; #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_read(active_cred, fp->f_cred, shmfd); if (error) return (error); #endif foffset_lock_uio(fp, uio, flags); rl_cookie = rangelock_rlock(&shmfd->shm_rl, uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_offset + uio->uio_resid, &shmfd->shm_mtx); error = uiomove_object(shmfd->shm_object, shmfd->shm_size, uio); rangelock_unlock(&shmfd->shm_rl, rl_cookie, &shmfd->shm_mtx); foffset_unlock_uio(fp, uio, flags); return (error); } static int shm_write(struct file *fp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *active_cred, int flags, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; void *rl_cookie; int error; shmfd = fp->f_data; #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_write(active_cred, fp->f_cred, shmfd); if (error) return (error); #endif foffset_lock_uio(fp, uio, flags); if ((flags & FOF_OFFSET) == 0) { rl_cookie = rangelock_wlock(&shmfd->shm_rl, 0, OFF_MAX, &shmfd->shm_mtx); } else { rl_cookie = rangelock_wlock(&shmfd->shm_rl, uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_offset + uio->uio_resid, &shmfd->shm_mtx); } error = uiomove_object(shmfd->shm_object, shmfd->shm_size, uio); rangelock_unlock(&shmfd->shm_rl, rl_cookie, &shmfd->shm_mtx); foffset_unlock_uio(fp, uio, flags); return (error); } static int shm_truncate(struct file *fp, off_t length, struct ucred *active_cred, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; #ifdef MAC int error; #endif shmfd = fp->f_data; #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_truncate(active_cred, fp->f_cred, shmfd); if (error) return (error); #endif return (shm_dotruncate(shmfd, length)); } int shm_ioctl(struct file *fp, u_long com, void *data, struct ucred *active_cred, struct thread *td) { switch (com) { case FIONBIO: case FIOASYNC: /* * Allow fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) to work, * just like it would on an unlinked regular file */ return (0); default: return (ENOTTY); } } static int shm_stat(struct file *fp, struct stat *sb, struct ucred *active_cred, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; #ifdef MAC int error; #endif shmfd = fp->f_data; #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_stat(active_cred, fp->f_cred, shmfd); if (error) return (error); #endif /* * Attempt to return sanish values for fstat() on a memory file * descriptor. */ bzero(sb, sizeof(*sb)); sb->st_blksize = PAGE_SIZE; sb->st_size = shmfd->shm_size; sb->st_blocks = howmany(sb->st_size, sb->st_blksize); mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); sb->st_atim = shmfd->shm_atime; sb->st_ctim = shmfd->shm_ctime; sb->st_mtim = shmfd->shm_mtime; sb->st_birthtim = shmfd->shm_birthtime; sb->st_mode = S_IFREG | shmfd->shm_mode; /* XXX */ sb->st_uid = shmfd->shm_uid; sb->st_gid = shmfd->shm_gid; mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); sb->st_dev = shm_dev_ino; sb->st_ino = shmfd->shm_ino; sb->st_nlink = shmfd->shm_object->ref_count; return (0); } static int shm_close(struct file *fp, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; shmfd = fp->f_data; fp->f_data = NULL; shm_drop(shmfd); return (0); } int shm_dotruncate(struct shmfd *shmfd, off_t length) { vm_object_t object; vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t idx, nobjsize; vm_ooffset_t delta; int base, rv; KASSERT(length >= 0, ("shm_dotruncate: length < 0")); object = shmfd->shm_object; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); if (length == shmfd->shm_size) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (0); } nobjsize = OFF_TO_IDX(length + PAGE_MASK); /* Are we shrinking? If so, trim the end. */ if (length < shmfd->shm_size) { /* * Disallow any requests to shrink the size if this * object is mapped into the kernel. */ if (shmfd->shm_kmappings > 0) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (EBUSY); } /* * Zero the truncated part of the last page. */ base = length & PAGE_MASK; if (base != 0) { idx = OFF_TO_IDX(length); retry: m = vm_page_lookup(object, idx); if (m != NULL) { if (vm_page_sleep_if_busy(m, "shmtrc")) goto retry; } else if (vm_pager_has_page(object, idx, NULL, NULL)) { m = vm_page_alloc(object, idx, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL); if (m == NULL) goto retry; rv = vm_pager_get_pages(object, &m, 1, NULL, NULL); vm_page_lock(m); if (rv == VM_PAGER_OK) { /* * Since the page was not resident, * and therefore not recently * accessed, immediately enqueue it * for asynchronous laundering. The * current operation is not regarded * as an access. */ vm_page_launder(m); vm_page_unlock(m); vm_page_xunbusy(m); } else { vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (EIO); } } if (m != NULL) { pmap_zero_page_area(m, base, PAGE_SIZE - base); KASSERT(m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("shm_dotruncate: page %p is invalid", m)); vm_page_dirty(m); vm_pager_page_unswapped(m); } } delta = IDX_TO_OFF(object->size - nobjsize); /* Toss in memory pages. */ if (nobjsize < object->size) vm_object_page_remove(object, nobjsize, object->size, 0); /* Toss pages from swap. */ if (object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(object, nobjsize, delta); /* Free the swap accounted for shm */ swap_release_by_cred(delta, object->cred); object->charge -= delta; } else { /* Try to reserve additional swap space. */ delta = IDX_TO_OFF(nobjsize - object->size); if (!swap_reserve_by_cred(delta, object->cred)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (ENOMEM); } object->charge += delta; } shmfd->shm_size = length; mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); vfs_timestamp(&shmfd->shm_ctime); shmfd->shm_mtime = shmfd->shm_ctime; mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); object->size = nobjsize; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (0); } /* * shmfd object management including creation and reference counting * routines. */ struct shmfd * shm_alloc(struct ucred *ucred, mode_t mode) { struct shmfd *shmfd; shmfd = malloc(sizeof(*shmfd), M_SHMFD, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); shmfd->shm_size = 0; shmfd->shm_uid = ucred->cr_uid; shmfd->shm_gid = ucred->cr_gid; shmfd->shm_mode = mode; shmfd->shm_object = vm_pager_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, NULL, shmfd->shm_size, VM_PROT_DEFAULT, 0, ucred); KASSERT(shmfd->shm_object != NULL, ("shm_create: vm_pager_allocate")); shmfd->shm_object->pg_color = 0; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(shmfd->shm_object); vm_object_clear_flag(shmfd->shm_object, OBJ_ONEMAPPING); vm_object_set_flag(shmfd->shm_object, OBJ_COLORED | OBJ_NOSPLIT); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(shmfd->shm_object); vfs_timestamp(&shmfd->shm_birthtime); shmfd->shm_atime = shmfd->shm_mtime = shmfd->shm_ctime = shmfd->shm_birthtime; shmfd->shm_ino = alloc_unr64(&shm_ino_unr); refcount_init(&shmfd->shm_refs, 1); mtx_init(&shmfd->shm_mtx, "shmrl", NULL, MTX_DEF); rangelock_init(&shmfd->shm_rl); #ifdef MAC mac_posixshm_init(shmfd); mac_posixshm_create(ucred, shmfd); #endif return (shmfd); } struct shmfd * shm_hold(struct shmfd *shmfd) { refcount_acquire(&shmfd->shm_refs); return (shmfd); } void shm_drop(struct shmfd *shmfd) { if (refcount_release(&shmfd->shm_refs)) { #ifdef MAC mac_posixshm_destroy(shmfd); #endif rangelock_destroy(&shmfd->shm_rl); mtx_destroy(&shmfd->shm_mtx); vm_object_deallocate(shmfd->shm_object); free(shmfd, M_SHMFD); } } /* * Determine if the credentials have sufficient permissions for a * specified combination of FREAD and FWRITE. */ int shm_access(struct shmfd *shmfd, struct ucred *ucred, int flags) { accmode_t accmode; int error; accmode = 0; if (flags & FREAD) accmode |= VREAD; if (flags & FWRITE) accmode |= VWRITE; mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); error = vaccess(VREG, shmfd->shm_mode, shmfd->shm_uid, shmfd->shm_gid, accmode, ucred, NULL); mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); return (error); } /* * Dictionary management. We maintain an in-kernel dictionary to map * paths to shmfd objects. We use the FNV hash on the path to store * the mappings in a hash table. */ static void shm_init(void *arg) { mtx_init(&shm_timestamp_lock, "shm timestamps", NULL, MTX_DEF); sx_init(&shm_dict_lock, "shm dictionary"); shm_dictionary = hashinit(1024, M_SHMFD, &shm_hash); new_unrhdr64(&shm_ino_unr, 1); shm_dev_ino = devfs_alloc_cdp_inode(); KASSERT(shm_dev_ino > 0, ("shm dev inode not initialized")); } SYSINIT(shm_init, SI_SUB_SYSV_SHM, SI_ORDER_ANY, shm_init, NULL); static struct shmfd * shm_lookup(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv) { struct shm_mapping *map; LIST_FOREACH(map, SHM_HASH(fnv), sm_link) { if (map->sm_fnv != fnv) continue; if (strcmp(map->sm_path, path) == 0) return (map->sm_shmfd); } return (NULL); } static void shm_insert(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv, struct shmfd *shmfd) { struct shm_mapping *map; map = malloc(sizeof(struct shm_mapping), M_SHMFD, M_WAITOK); map->sm_path = path; map->sm_fnv = fnv; map->sm_shmfd = shm_hold(shmfd); shmfd->shm_path = path; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(SHM_HASH(fnv), map, sm_link); } static int shm_remove(char *path, Fnv32_t fnv, struct ucred *ucred) { struct shm_mapping *map; int error; LIST_FOREACH(map, SHM_HASH(fnv), sm_link) { if (map->sm_fnv != fnv) continue; if (strcmp(map->sm_path, path) == 0) { #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_unlink(ucred, map->sm_shmfd); if (error) return (error); #endif error = shm_access(map->sm_shmfd, ucred, FREAD | FWRITE); if (error) return (error); map->sm_shmfd->shm_path = NULL; LIST_REMOVE(map, sm_link); shm_drop(map->sm_shmfd); free(map->sm_path, M_SHMFD); free(map, M_SHMFD); return (0); } } return (ENOENT); } int kern_shm_open(struct thread *td, const char *userpath, int flags, mode_t mode, struct filecaps *fcaps) { struct filedesc *fdp; struct shmfd *shmfd; struct file *fp; char *path; const char *pr_path; size_t pr_pathlen; Fnv32_t fnv; mode_t cmode; int fd, error; #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE /* * shm_open(2) is only allowed for anonymous objects. */ if (IN_CAPABILITY_MODE(td) && (userpath != SHM_ANON)) return (ECAPMODE); #endif AUDIT_ARG_FFLAGS(flags); AUDIT_ARG_MODE(mode); if ((flags & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDONLY && (flags & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDWR) return (EINVAL); if ((flags & ~(O_ACCMODE | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC)) != 0) return (EINVAL); fdp = td->td_proc->p_fd; cmode = (mode & ~fdp->fd_cmask) & ACCESSPERMS; error = falloc_caps(td, &fp, &fd, O_CLOEXEC, fcaps); if (error) return (error); /* A SHM_ANON path pointer creates an anonymous object. */ if (userpath == SHM_ANON) { /* A read-only anonymous object is pointless. */ if ((flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) { fdclose(td, fp, fd); fdrop(fp, td); return (EINVAL); } shmfd = shm_alloc(td->td_ucred, cmode); } else { path = malloc(MAXPATHLEN, M_SHMFD, M_WAITOK); pr_path = td->td_ucred->cr_prison->pr_path; /* Construct a full pathname for jailed callers. */ pr_pathlen = strcmp(pr_path, "/") == 0 ? 0 : strlcpy(path, pr_path, MAXPATHLEN); error = copyinstr(userpath, path + pr_pathlen, MAXPATHLEN - pr_pathlen, NULL); #ifdef KTRACE if (error == 0 && KTRPOINT(curthread, KTR_NAMEI)) ktrnamei(path); #endif /* Require paths to start with a '/' character. */ if (error == 0 && path[pr_pathlen] != '/') error = EINVAL; if (error) { fdclose(td, fp, fd); fdrop(fp, td); free(path, M_SHMFD); return (error); } AUDIT_ARG_UPATH1_CANON(path); fnv = fnv_32_str(path, FNV1_32_INIT); sx_xlock(&shm_dict_lock); shmfd = shm_lookup(path, fnv); if (shmfd == NULL) { /* Object does not yet exist, create it if requested. */ if (flags & O_CREAT) { #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_create(td->td_ucred, path); if (error == 0) { #endif shmfd = shm_alloc(td->td_ucred, cmode); shm_insert(path, fnv, shmfd); #ifdef MAC } #endif } else { free(path, M_SHMFD); error = ENOENT; } } else { /* * Object already exists, obtain a new * reference if requested and permitted. */ free(path, M_SHMFD); if ((flags & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) error = EEXIST; else { #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_open(td->td_ucred, shmfd, FFLAGS(flags & O_ACCMODE)); if (error == 0) #endif error = shm_access(shmfd, td->td_ucred, FFLAGS(flags & O_ACCMODE)); } /* * Truncate the file back to zero length if * O_TRUNC was specified and the object was * opened with read/write. */ if (error == 0 && (flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_TRUNC)) == (O_RDWR | O_TRUNC)) { #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_truncate( td->td_ucred, fp->f_cred, shmfd); if (error == 0) #endif shm_dotruncate(shmfd, 0); } if (error == 0) shm_hold(shmfd); } sx_xunlock(&shm_dict_lock); if (error) { fdclose(td, fp, fd); fdrop(fp, td); return (error); } } finit(fp, FFLAGS(flags & O_ACCMODE), DTYPE_SHM, shmfd, &shm_ops); td->td_retval[0] = fd; fdrop(fp, td); return (0); } /* System calls. */ int sys_shm_open(struct thread *td, struct shm_open_args *uap) { return (kern_shm_open(td, uap->path, uap->flags, uap->mode, NULL)); } int sys_shm_unlink(struct thread *td, struct shm_unlink_args *uap) { char *path; const char *pr_path; size_t pr_pathlen; Fnv32_t fnv; int error; path = malloc(MAXPATHLEN, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); pr_path = td->td_ucred->cr_prison->pr_path; pr_pathlen = strcmp(pr_path, "/") == 0 ? 0 : strlcpy(path, pr_path, MAXPATHLEN); error = copyinstr(uap->path, path + pr_pathlen, MAXPATHLEN - pr_pathlen, NULL); if (error) { free(path, M_TEMP); return (error); } #ifdef KTRACE if (KTRPOINT(curthread, KTR_NAMEI)) ktrnamei(path); #endif AUDIT_ARG_UPATH1_CANON(path); fnv = fnv_32_str(path, FNV1_32_INIT); sx_xlock(&shm_dict_lock); error = shm_remove(path, fnv, td->td_ucred); sx_xunlock(&shm_dict_lock); free(path, M_TEMP); return (error); } int shm_mmap(struct file *fp, vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t objsize, vm_prot_t prot, vm_prot_t cap_maxprot, int flags, vm_ooffset_t foff, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; vm_prot_t maxprot; int error; shmfd = fp->f_data; maxprot = VM_PROT_NONE; /* FREAD should always be set. */ if ((fp->f_flag & FREAD) != 0) maxprot |= VM_PROT_EXECUTE | VM_PROT_READ; if ((fp->f_flag & FWRITE) != 0) maxprot |= VM_PROT_WRITE; /* Don't permit shared writable mappings on read-only descriptors. */ if ((flags & MAP_SHARED) != 0 && (maxprot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 && (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) return (EACCES); maxprot &= cap_maxprot; /* See comment in vn_mmap(). */ if ( #ifdef _LP64 objsize > OFF_MAX || #endif foff < 0 || foff > OFF_MAX - objsize) return (EINVAL); #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_mmap(td->td_ucred, shmfd, prot, flags); if (error != 0) return (error); #endif mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); vfs_timestamp(&shmfd->shm_atime); mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); vm_object_reference(shmfd->shm_object); error = vm_mmap_object(map, addr, objsize, prot, maxprot, flags, shmfd->shm_object, foff, FALSE, td); if (error != 0) vm_object_deallocate(shmfd->shm_object); return (error); } static int shm_chmod(struct file *fp, mode_t mode, struct ucred *active_cred, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; int error; error = 0; shmfd = fp->f_data; mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); /* * SUSv4 says that x bits of permission need not be affected. * Be consistent with our shm_open there. */ #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_setmode(active_cred, shmfd, mode); if (error != 0) goto out; #endif error = vaccess(VREG, shmfd->shm_mode, shmfd->shm_uid, shmfd->shm_gid, VADMIN, active_cred, NULL); if (error != 0) goto out; shmfd->shm_mode = mode & ACCESSPERMS; out: mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); return (error); } static int shm_chown(struct file *fp, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, struct ucred *active_cred, struct thread *td) { struct shmfd *shmfd; int error; error = 0; shmfd = fp->f_data; mtx_lock(&shm_timestamp_lock); #ifdef MAC error = mac_posixshm_check_setowner(active_cred, shmfd, uid, gid); if (error != 0) goto out; #endif if (uid == (uid_t)-1) uid = shmfd->shm_uid; if (gid == (gid_t)-1) gid = shmfd->shm_gid; if (((uid != shmfd->shm_uid && uid != active_cred->cr_uid) || (gid != shmfd->shm_gid && !groupmember(gid, active_cred))) && (error = priv_check_cred(active_cred, PRIV_VFS_CHOWN))) goto out; shmfd->shm_uid = uid; shmfd->shm_gid = gid; out: mtx_unlock(&shm_timestamp_lock); return (error); } /* * Helper routines to allow the backing object of a shared memory file * descriptor to be mapped in the kernel. */ int shm_map(struct file *fp, size_t size, off_t offset, void **memp) { struct shmfd *shmfd; vm_offset_t kva, ofs; vm_object_t obj; int rv; if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_SHM) return (EINVAL); shmfd = fp->f_data; obj = shmfd->shm_object; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); /* * XXXRW: This validation is probably insufficient, and subject to * sign errors. It should be fixed. */ if (offset >= shmfd->shm_size || offset + size > round_page(shmfd->shm_size)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (EINVAL); } shmfd->shm_kmappings++; vm_object_reference_locked(obj); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); /* Map the object into the kernel_map and wire it. */ kva = vm_map_min(kernel_map); ofs = offset & PAGE_MASK; offset = trunc_page(offset); size = round_page(size + ofs); rv = vm_map_find(kernel_map, obj, offset, &kva, size, 0, VMFS_OPTIMAL_SPACE, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, 0); if (rv == KERN_SUCCESS) { rv = vm_map_wire(kernel_map, kva, kva + size, VM_MAP_WIRE_SYSTEM | VM_MAP_WIRE_NOHOLES); if (rv == KERN_SUCCESS) { *memp = (void *)(kva + ofs); return (0); } vm_map_remove(kernel_map, kva, kva + size); } else vm_object_deallocate(obj); /* On failure, drop our mapping reference. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); shmfd->shm_kmappings--; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (vm_mmap_to_errno(rv)); } /* * We require the caller to unmap the entire entry. This allows us to * safely decrement shm_kmappings when a mapping is removed. */ int shm_unmap(struct file *fp, void *mem, size_t size) { struct shmfd *shmfd; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_offset_t kva, ofs; vm_object_t obj; vm_pindex_t pindex; vm_prot_t prot; boolean_t wired; vm_map_t map; int rv; if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_SHM) return (EINVAL); shmfd = fp->f_data; kva = (vm_offset_t)mem; ofs = kva & PAGE_MASK; kva = trunc_page(kva); size = round_page(size + ofs); map = kernel_map; rv = vm_map_lookup(&map, kva, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, &entry, &obj, &pindex, &prot, &wired); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (EINVAL); if (entry->start != kva || entry->end != kva + size) { vm_map_lookup_done(map, entry); return (EINVAL); } vm_map_lookup_done(map, entry); if (obj != shmfd->shm_object) return (EINVAL); vm_map_remove(map, kva, kva + size); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); KASSERT(shmfd->shm_kmappings > 0, ("shm_unmap: object not mapped")); shmfd->shm_kmappings--; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); return (0); } static int shm_fill_kinfo_locked(struct shmfd *shmfd, struct kinfo_file *kif, bool list) { const char *path, *pr_path; size_t pr_pathlen; bool visible; sx_assert(&shm_dict_lock, SA_LOCKED); kif->kf_type = KF_TYPE_SHM; kif->kf_un.kf_file.kf_file_mode = S_IFREG | shmfd->shm_mode; kif->kf_un.kf_file.kf_file_size = shmfd->shm_size; if (shmfd->shm_path != NULL) { if (shmfd->shm_path != NULL) { path = shmfd->shm_path; pr_path = curthread->td_ucred->cr_prison->pr_path; if (strcmp(pr_path, "/") != 0) { /* Return the jail-rooted pathname. */ pr_pathlen = strlen(pr_path); visible = strncmp(path, pr_path, pr_pathlen) == 0 && path[pr_pathlen] == '/'; if (list && !visible) return (EPERM); if (visible) path += pr_pathlen; } strlcpy(kif->kf_path, path, sizeof(kif->kf_path)); } } return (0); } static int shm_fill_kinfo(struct file *fp, struct kinfo_file *kif, struct filedesc *fdp __unused) { int res; sx_slock(&shm_dict_lock); res = shm_fill_kinfo_locked(fp->f_data, kif, false); sx_sunlock(&shm_dict_lock); return (res); } static int sysctl_posix_shm_list(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct shm_mapping *shmm; struct sbuf sb; struct kinfo_file kif; u_long i; ssize_t curlen; int error, error2; sbuf_new_for_sysctl(&sb, NULL, sizeof(struct kinfo_file) * 5, req); sbuf_clear_flags(&sb, SBUF_INCLUDENUL); curlen = 0; error = 0; sx_slock(&shm_dict_lock); for (i = 0; i < shm_hash + 1; i++) { LIST_FOREACH(shmm, &shm_dictionary[i], sm_link) { error = shm_fill_kinfo_locked(shmm->sm_shmfd, &kif, true); if (error == EPERM) continue; if (error != 0) break; pack_kinfo(&kif); if (req->oldptr != NULL && kif.kf_structsize + curlen > req->oldlen) break; error = sbuf_bcat(&sb, &kif, kif.kf_structsize) == 0 ? 0 : ENOMEM; if (error != 0) break; curlen += kif.kf_structsize; } } sx_sunlock(&shm_dict_lock); error2 = sbuf_finish(&sb); sbuf_delete(&sb); return (error != 0 ? error : error2); } SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, posix_shm_list, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE | CTLTYPE_OPAQUE, NULL, 0, sysctl_posix_shm_list, "", "POSIX SHM list"); Index: head/sys/mips/mips/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/mips/mips/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/mips/mips/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,3701 +1,3701 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 * from: src/sys/i386/i386/pmap.c,v 2000/11/21 00:09:14 ps * JNPR: pmap.c,v 2007/08/16 11:51:06 girish */ /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_pmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef PMAP_DEBUG #if !defined(DIAGNOSTIC) #define PMAP_INLINE __inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif /* * Get PDEs and PTEs for user/kernel address space */ #define pmap_seg_index(v) (((v) >> SEGSHIFT) & (NPDEPG - 1)) #define pmap_pde_index(v) (((v) >> PDRSHIFT) & (NPDEPG - 1)) #define pmap_pte_index(v) (((v) >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (NPTEPG - 1)) #define pmap_pde_pindex(v) ((v) >> PDRSHIFT) #ifdef __mips_n64 #define NUPDE (NPDEPG * NPDEPG) #define NUSERPGTBLS (NUPDE + NPDEPG) #else #define NUPDE (NPDEPG) #define NUSERPGTBLS (NUPDE) #endif #define is_kernel_pmap(x) ((x) == kernel_pmap) struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; pd_entry_t *kernel_segmap; vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ static int nkpt; unsigned pmap_max_asid; /* max ASID supported by the system */ #define PMAP_ASID_RESERVED 0 vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; static void pmap_asid_alloc(pmap_t pmap); static struct rwlock_padalign pvh_global_lock; /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); static int pv_entry_count; static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc); static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv); static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t try); static vm_page_t pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap_t locked_pmap); static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_direct_page(unsigned int index, int req); static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte); static void pmap_grow_direct_page(int req); static int pmap_remove_pte(struct pmap *pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde); static void pmap_remove_page(struct pmap *pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_remove_entry(struct pmap *pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va); static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m); static void pmap_update_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt_entry_t pte); static void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap); static void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m); static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags); static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, unsigned ptepindex, u_int flags); static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, pd_entry_t); static pt_entry_t init_pte_prot(vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t access, vm_prot_t prot); static void pmap_invalidate_page_action(void *arg); static void pmap_invalidate_range_action(void *arg); static void pmap_update_page_action(void *arg); #ifndef __mips_n64 /* * This structure is for high memory (memory above 512Meg in 32 bit) support. * The highmem area does not have a KSEG0 mapping, and we need a mechanism to * do temporary per-CPU mappings for pmap_zero_page, pmap_copy_page etc. * * At bootup, we reserve 2 virtual pages per CPU for mapping highmem pages. To * access a highmem physical address on a CPU, we map the physical address to * the reserved virtual address for the CPU in the kernel pagetable. This is * done with interrupts disabled(although a spinlock and sched_pin would be * sufficient). */ struct local_sysmaps { vm_offset_t base; uint32_t saved_intr; uint16_t valid1, valid2; }; static struct local_sysmaps sysmap_lmem[MAXCPU]; static __inline void pmap_alloc_lmem_map(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) { sysmap_lmem[i].base = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE * 2; sysmap_lmem[i].valid1 = sysmap_lmem[i].valid2 = 0; } } static __inline vm_offset_t pmap_lmem_map1(vm_paddr_t phys) { struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte, npte; vm_offset_t va; uint32_t intr; int cpu; intr = intr_disable(); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[cpu]; sysm->saved_intr = intr; va = sysm->base; npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(phys) | PTE_C_CACHE | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va); *pte = npte; sysm->valid1 = 1; return (va); } static __inline vm_offset_t pmap_lmem_map2(vm_paddr_t phys1, vm_paddr_t phys2) { struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte, npte; vm_offset_t va1, va2; uint32_t intr; int cpu; intr = intr_disable(); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[cpu]; sysm->saved_intr = intr; va1 = sysm->base; va2 = sysm->base + PAGE_SIZE; npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(phys1) | PTE_C_CACHE | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va1); *pte = npte; npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(phys2) | PTE_C_CACHE | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va2); *pte = npte; sysm->valid1 = 1; sysm->valid2 = 1; return (va1); } static __inline void pmap_lmem_unmap(void) { struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte; int cpu; cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[cpu]; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); *pte = PTE_G; tlb_invalidate_address(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); sysm->valid1 = 0; if (sysm->valid2) { pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, sysm->base + PAGE_SIZE); *pte = PTE_G; tlb_invalidate_address(kernel_pmap, sysm->base + PAGE_SIZE); sysm->valid2 = 0; } intr_restore(sysm->saved_intr); } #else /* __mips_n64 */ static __inline void pmap_alloc_lmem_map(void) { } static __inline vm_offset_t pmap_lmem_map1(vm_paddr_t phys) { return (0); } static __inline vm_offset_t pmap_lmem_map2(vm_paddr_t phys1, vm_paddr_t phys2) { return (0); } static __inline vm_offset_t pmap_lmem_unmap(void) { return (0); } #endif /* !__mips_n64 */ static __inline int pmap_pte_cache_bits(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_page_t m) { vm_memattr_t ma; ma = pmap_page_get_memattr(m); if (ma == VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK && !is_cacheable_mem(pa)) ma = VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE; return PTE_C(ma); } #define PMAP_PTE_SET_CACHE_BITS(pte, ps, m) { \ pte &= ~PTE_C_MASK; \ pte |= pmap_pte_cache_bits(pa, m); \ } /* * Page table entry lookup routines. */ static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_segmap(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { return (&pmap->pm_segtab[pmap_seg_index(va)]); } #ifdef __mips_n64 static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pd_entry_t *pdpe, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pde = (pd_entry_t *)*pdpe; return (&pde[pmap_pde_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pdpe; pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, va); if (*pdpe == NULL) return (NULL); return (pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, va)); } #else static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pd_entry_t *pdpe, vm_offset_t va) { return (pdpe); } static __inline pd_entry_t *pmap_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { return (pmap_segmap(pmap, va)); } #endif static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_pde_to_pte(pd_entry_t *pde, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; pte = (pt_entry_t *)*pde; return (&pte[pmap_pte_index(va)]); } pt_entry_t * pmap_pte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde == NULL || *pde == NULL) return (NULL); return (pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va)); } vm_offset_t pmap_steal_memory(vm_size_t size) { vm_paddr_t bank_size, pa; vm_offset_t va; size = round_page(size); bank_size = phys_avail[1] - phys_avail[0]; while (size > bank_size) { int i; for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 2]; i += 2) { phys_avail[i] = phys_avail[i + 2]; phys_avail[i + 1] = phys_avail[i + 3]; } phys_avail[i] = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] = 0; if (!phys_avail[0]) panic("pmap_steal_memory: out of memory"); bank_size = phys_avail[1] - phys_avail[0]; } pa = phys_avail[0]; phys_avail[0] += size; if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(pa) == 0) panic("Out of memory below 512Meg?"); va = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); bzero((caddr_t)va, size); return (va); } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. This * assumes that the phys_avail array has been initialized. */ static void pmap_create_kernel_pagetable(void) { int i, j; vm_offset_t ptaddr; pt_entry_t *pte; #ifdef __mips_n64 pd_entry_t *pde; vm_offset_t pdaddr; int npt, npde; #endif /* * Allocate segment table for the kernel */ kernel_segmap = (pd_entry_t *)pmap_steal_memory(PAGE_SIZE); /* * Allocate second level page tables for the kernel */ #ifdef __mips_n64 npde = howmany(NKPT, NPDEPG); pdaddr = pmap_steal_memory(PAGE_SIZE * npde); #endif nkpt = NKPT; ptaddr = pmap_steal_memory(PAGE_SIZE * nkpt); /* * The R[4-7]?00 stores only one copy of the Global bit in the * translation lookaside buffer for each 2 page entry. Thus invalid * entrys must have the Global bit set so when Entry LO and Entry HI * G bits are anded together they will produce a global bit to store * in the tlb. */ for (i = 0, pte = (pt_entry_t *)ptaddr; i < (nkpt * NPTEPG); i++, pte++) *pte = PTE_G; #ifdef __mips_n64 for (i = 0, npt = nkpt; npt > 0; i++) { kernel_segmap[i] = (pd_entry_t)(pdaddr + i * PAGE_SIZE); pde = (pd_entry_t *)kernel_segmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < NPDEPG && npt > 0; j++, npt--) pde[j] = (pd_entry_t)(ptaddr + (i * NPDEPG + j) * PAGE_SIZE); } #else for (i = 0, j = pmap_seg_index(VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS); i < nkpt; i++, j++) kernel_segmap[j] = (pd_entry_t)(ptaddr + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); #endif PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); kernel_pmap->pm_segtab = kernel_segmap; CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pm_pvchunk); kernel_pmap->pm_asid[0].asid = PMAP_ASID_RESERVED; kernel_pmap->pm_asid[0].gen = 0; kernel_vm_end += nkpt * NPTEPG * PAGE_SIZE; } void pmap_bootstrap(void) { int i; int need_local_mappings = 0; /* Sort. */ again: for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { /* * Keep the memory aligned on page boundary. */ phys_avail[i] = round_page(phys_avail[i]); phys_avail[i + 1] = trunc_page(phys_avail[i + 1]); if (i < 2) continue; if (phys_avail[i - 2] > phys_avail[i]) { vm_paddr_t ptemp[2]; ptemp[0] = phys_avail[i + 0]; ptemp[1] = phys_avail[i + 1]; phys_avail[i + 0] = phys_avail[i - 2]; phys_avail[i + 1] = phys_avail[i - 1]; phys_avail[i - 2] = ptemp[0]; phys_avail[i - 1] = ptemp[1]; goto again; } } /* * In 32 bit, we may have memory which cannot be mapped directly. * This memory will need temporary mapping before it can be * accessed. */ if (!MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(phys_avail[i - 1] - 1)) need_local_mappings = 1; /* * Copy the phys_avail[] array before we start stealing memory from it. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { physmem_desc[i] = phys_avail[i]; physmem_desc[i + 1] = phys_avail[i + 1]; } Maxmem = atop(phys_avail[i - 1]); if (bootverbose) { printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { vm_paddr_t size; size = phys_avail[i + 1] - phys_avail[i]; printf("%#08jx - %#08jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t) phys_avail[i], (uintmax_t) phys_avail[i + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t) size, (uintmax_t) size / PAGE_SIZE); } printf("Maxmem is 0x%0jx\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)Maxmem)); } /* * Steal the message buffer from the beginning of memory. */ msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)pmap_steal_memory(msgbufsize); msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); /* * Steal thread0 kstack. */ kstack0 = pmap_steal_memory(KSTACK_PAGES << PAGE_SHIFT); virtual_avail = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; #ifdef SMP /* * Steal some virtual address space to map the pcpu area. */ virtual_avail = roundup2(virtual_avail, PAGE_SIZE * 2); pcpup = (struct pcpu *)virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE * 2; /* * Initialize the wired TLB entry mapping the pcpu region for * the BSP at 'pcpup'. Up until this point we were operating * with the 'pcpup' for the BSP pointing to a virtual address * in KSEG0 so there was no need for a TLB mapping. */ mips_pcpu_tlb_init(PCPU_ADDR(0)); if (bootverbose) printf("pcpu is available at virtual address %p.\n", pcpup); #endif if (need_local_mappings) pmap_alloc_lmem_map(); pmap_create_kernel_pagetable(); pmap_max_asid = VMNUM_PIDS; mips_wr_entryhi(0); mips_wr_pagemask(0); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); m->md.pv_flags = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT << PV_MEMATTR_SHIFT; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { } /*************************************************** * Low level helper routines..... ***************************************************/ #ifdef SMP static __inline void pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap_t pmap, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg) { int cpuid, cpu, self; cpuset_t active_cpus; sched_pin(); if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) { smp_rendezvous(NULL, fn, NULL, arg); goto out; } /* Force ASID update on inactive CPUs */ CPU_FOREACH(cpu) { if (!CPU_ISSET(cpu, &pmap->pm_active)) pmap->pm_asid[cpu].gen = 0; } cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); /* * XXX: barrier/locking for active? * * Take a snapshot of active here, any further changes are ignored. * tlb update/invalidate should be harmless on inactive CPUs */ active_cpus = pmap->pm_active; self = CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &active_cpus); CPU_CLR(cpuid, &active_cpus); /* Optimize for the case where this cpu is the only active one */ if (CPU_EMPTY(&active_cpus)) { if (self) fn(arg); } else { if (self) CPU_SET(cpuid, &active_cpus); smp_rendezvous_cpus(active_cpus, NULL, fn, NULL, arg); } out: sched_unpin(); } #else /* !SMP */ static __inline void pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap_t pmap, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg) { int cpuid; if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) { fn(arg); return; } cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); if (!CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active)) pmap->pm_asid[cpuid].gen = 0; else fn(arg); } #endif /* SMP */ static void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap, (void (*)(void *))tlb_invalidate_all_user, pmap); } struct pmap_invalidate_page_arg { pmap_t pmap; vm_offset_t va; }; static void pmap_invalidate_page_action(void *arg) { struct pmap_invalidate_page_arg *p = arg; tlb_invalidate_address(p->pmap, p->va); } static void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct pmap_invalidate_page_arg arg; arg.pmap = pmap; = va; pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap, pmap_invalidate_page_action, &arg); } struct pmap_invalidate_range_arg { pmap_t pmap; vm_offset_t sva; vm_offset_t eva; }; static void pmap_invalidate_range_action(void *arg) { struct pmap_invalidate_range_arg *p = arg; tlb_invalidate_range(p->pmap, p->sva, p->eva); } static void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pmap_invalidate_range_arg arg; arg.pmap = pmap; arg.sva = sva; arg.eva = eva; pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap, pmap_invalidate_range_action, &arg); } struct pmap_update_page_arg { pmap_t pmap; vm_offset_t va; pt_entry_t pte; }; static void pmap_update_page_action(void *arg) { struct pmap_update_page_arg *p = arg; tlb_update(p->pmap, p->va, p->pte); } static void pmap_update_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pt_entry_t pte) { struct pmap_update_page_arg arg; arg.pmap = pmap; = va; arg.pte = pte; pmap_call_on_active_cpus(pmap, pmap_update_page_action, &arg); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t retval = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va); if (pte) { retval = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(*pte) | (va & PAGE_MASK); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (retval); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pt_entry_t pte, *ptep; vm_paddr_t pa, pte_pa; vm_page_t m; m = NULL; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: ptep = pmap_pte(pmap, va); if (ptep != NULL) { pte = *ptep; if (pte_test(&pte, PTE_V) && (!pte_test(&pte, PTE_RO) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { pte_pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(pte); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pte_pa, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pte_pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * add a wired page to the kva */ void pmap_kenter_attr(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { pt_entry_t *pte; pt_entry_t opte, npte; #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG printf("pmap_kenter: va: %p -> pa: %p\n", (void *)va, (void *)pa); #endif pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va); opte = *pte; npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | PTE_C(ma) | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; *pte = npte; if (pte_test(&opte, PTE_V) && opte != npte) pmap_update_page(kernel_pmap, va, npte); } void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { KASSERT(is_cacheable_mem(pa), ("pmap_kenter: memory at 0x%lx is not cacheable", (u_long)pa)); pmap_kenter_attr(va, pa, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } void pmap_kenter_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa) { KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); for (; size > 0; size -= PAGE_SIZE) { /* * XXXCEM: this is somewhat inefficient on SMP systems in that * every single page is individually TLB-invalidated via * rendezvous (pmap_update_page()), instead of invalidating the * entire range via a single rendezvous. */ pmap_kenter_attr(va, pa, VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; } } void pmap_kremove_device(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: device mapping not page-sized", __func__)); /* * XXXCEM: Similar to pmap_kenter_device, this is inefficient on SMP, * in that pages are invalidated individually instead of a single range * rendezvous. */ for (; size > 0; size -= PAGE_SIZE) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * remove a page from the kernel pagetables */ /* PMAP_INLINE */ void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; /* * Write back all caches from the page being destroyed */ mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(va, PAGE_SIZE); pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va); *pte = PTE_G; pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, va); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. * * Use XKPHYS for 64 bit, and KSEG0 where possible for 32 bit. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { vm_offset_t va, sva; if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(end - 1)) return (MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(start)); va = sva = *virt; while (start < end) { pmap_kenter(va, start); va += PAGE_SIZE; start += PAGE_SIZE; } *virt = va; return (sva); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t *m, int count) { int i; vm_offset_t origva = va; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pmap_flush_pvcache(m[i]); pmap_kenter(va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m[i])); va += PAGE_SIZE; } mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(origva, PAGE_SIZE*count); } /* * this routine jerks page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t va, int count) { pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t origva; if (count < 1) return; mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(va, PAGE_SIZE * count); origva = va; do { pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va); *pte = PTE_G; va += PAGE_SIZE; } while (--count > 0); pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, origva, va); } /*************************************************** * Page table page management routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Decrements a page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static PMAP_INLINE boolean_t pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { --m->wire_count; if (m->wire_count == 0) { _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, m); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pd_entry_t *pde; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * unmap the page table page */ #ifdef __mips_n64 if (m->pindex < NUPDE) pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); else pde = pmap_segmap(pmap, va); #else pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); #endif *pde = 0; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; #ifdef __mips_n64 if (m->pindex < NUPDE) { pd_entry_t *pdp; vm_page_t pdpg; /* * Recursively decrement next level pagetable refcount */ pdp = (pd_entry_t *)*pmap_segmap(pmap, va); pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(pdp)); pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdpg); } #endif /* * If the page is finally unwired, simply free it. */ vm_page_free_zero(m); vm_wire_sub(1); } /* * After removing a page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde) { vm_page_t mpte; if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (0); KASSERT(pde != 0, ("pmap_unuse_pt: pde != 0")); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(pde)); return (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte)); } void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pmap) { int i; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); pmap->pm_segtab = kernel_segmap; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) { pmap->pm_asid[i].asid = PMAP_ASID_RESERVED; pmap->pm_asid[i].gen = 0; } PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); } static void pmap_grow_direct_page(int req) { #ifdef __mips_n64 vm_wait(NULL); #else if (!vm_page_reclaim_contig(req, 1, 0, MIPS_KSEG0_LARGEST_PHYS, PAGE_SIZE, 0)) vm_wait(NULL); #endif } static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_direct_page(unsigned int index, int req) { vm_page_t m; m = vm_page_alloc_freelist(VM_FREELIST_DIRECT, req | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (m == NULL) return (NULL); if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); m->pindex = index; return (m); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { vm_offset_t ptdva; vm_page_t ptdpg; int i, req_class; /* * allocate the page directory page */ req_class = VM_ALLOC_NORMAL; while ((ptdpg = pmap_alloc_direct_page(NUSERPGTBLS, req_class)) == NULL) pmap_grow_direct_page(req_class); ptdva = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ptdpg)); pmap->pm_segtab = (pd_entry_t *)ptdva; CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) { pmap->pm_asid[i].asid = PMAP_ASID_RESERVED; pmap->pm_asid[i].gen = 0; } TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof pmap->pm_stats); return (1); } /* * this routine is called if the page table page is not * mapped correctly. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, unsigned ptepindex, u_int flags) { vm_offset_t pageva; vm_page_t m; int req_class; /* * Find or fabricate a new pagetable page */ req_class = VM_ALLOC_NORMAL; if ((m = pmap_alloc_direct_page(ptepindex, req_class)) == NULL) { if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); pmap_grow_direct_page(req_class); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, the page * table page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } /* * Map the pagetable page into the process address space, if it * isn't already there. */ pageva = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (ptepindex >= NUPDE) { pmap->pm_segtab[ptepindex - NUPDE] = (pd_entry_t)pageva; } else { pd_entry_t *pdep, *pde; int segindex = ptepindex >> (SEGSHIFT - PDRSHIFT); int pdeindex = ptepindex & (NPDEPG - 1); vm_page_t pg; pdep = &pmap->pm_segtab[segindex]; if (*pdep == NULL) { /* recurse for allocating page dir */ if (_pmap_allocpte(pmap, NUPDE + segindex, flags) == NULL) { /* alloc failed, release current */ vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(*pdep)); pg->wire_count++; } /* Next level entry */ pde = (pd_entry_t *)*pdep; pde[pdeindex] = (pd_entry_t)pageva; } #else pmap->pm_segtab[ptepindex] = (pd_entry_t)pageva; #endif pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_allocpte(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int flags) { unsigned ptepindex; pd_entry_t *pde; vm_page_t m; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_pde_pindex(va); retry: /* * Get the page directory entry */ pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment the hold * count, and activate it. */ if (pde != NULL && *pde != NULL) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(*pde)); m->wire_count++; } else { /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has been * deallocated. */ m = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, flags); if (m == NULL && (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) == 0) goto retry; } return (m); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { vm_offset_t ptdva; vm_page_t ptdpg; KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); ptdva = (vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_segtab; ptdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(ptdva)); vm_page_unwire_noq(ptdpg); vm_page_free_zero(ptdpg); } /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_page_t nkpg; pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pte; int i, req_class; mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); req_class = VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT; addr = roundup2(addr, NBSEG); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == 0) { /* new intermediate page table entry */ nkpg = pmap_alloc_direct_page(nkpt, req_class); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); *pdpe = (pd_entry_t)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg)); continue; /* try again */ } #endif pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, kernel_vm_end); if (*pde != 0) { kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } /* * This index is bogus, but out of the way */ nkpg = pmap_alloc_direct_page(nkpt, req_class); #ifndef __mips_n64 if (nkpg == NULL && vm_page_reclaim_contig(req_class, 1, 0, MIPS_KSEG0_LARGEST_PHYS, PAGE_SIZE, 0)) nkpg = pmap_alloc_direct_page(nkpt, req_class); #endif if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); nkpt++; *pde = (pd_entry_t)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg)); /* * The R[4-7]?00 stores only one copy of the Global bit in * the translation lookaside buffer for each 2 page entry. * Thus invalid entrys must have the Global bit set so when * Entry LO and Entry HI G bits are anded together they will * produce a global bit to store in the tlb. */ pte = (pt_entry_t *)*pde; for (i = 0; i < NPTEPG; i++) pte[i] = PTE_G; kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); #ifdef __mips_n64 CTASSERT(_NPCM == 3); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 168); #else CTASSERT(_NPCM == 11); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 336); #endif static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #ifdef __mips_n64 #define PC_FREE0_1 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE2 0x000000fffffffffful #else #define PC_FREE0_9 0xfffffffful /* Free values for index 0 through 9 */ #define PC_FREE10 0x0000fffful /* Free values for index 10 */ #endif static const u_long pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { #ifdef __mips_n64 PC_FREE0_1, PC_FREE0_1, PC_FREE2 #else PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE0_9, PC_FREE10 #endif }; static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM/pmap parameters"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_count, 0, "Current number of pv entries"); #ifdef PV_STATS static int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_count, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks allocated"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks frees"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_tryfail, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_tryfail, 0, "Number of times tried to get a chunk page but failed."); static long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs; static int pv_entry_spare; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry frees"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry allocs"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_spare, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_spare, 0, "Current number of spare pv entries"); #endif /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. */ static vm_page_t pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap_t locked_pmap) { struct pch newtail; struct pv_chunk *pc; pd_entry_t *pde; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte, oldpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, m_pc; u_long inuse; int bit, field, freed, idx; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(locked_pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap = NULL; m_pc = NULL; TAILQ_INIT(&newtail); while ((pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pv_chunks)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); if (pmap != pc->pc_pmap) { if (pmap != NULL) { pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } pmap = pc->pc_pmap; /* Avoid deadlock and lock recursion. */ if (pmap > locked_pmap) PMAP_LOCK(pmap); else if (pmap != locked_pmap && !PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pmap = NULL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } } /* * Destroy every non-wired, 4 KB page mapping in the chunk. */ freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { for (inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; inuse != 0; inuse &= ~(1UL << bit)) { bit = ffsl(inuse) - 1; idx = field * sizeof(inuse) * NBBY + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; va = pv->pv_va; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); KASSERT(pde != NULL && *pde != 0, ("pmap_pv_reclaim: pde")); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); oldpte = *pte; if (pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_W)) continue; if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) *pte = PTE_G; else *pte = 0; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(oldpte)); if (pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_D)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (m->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pc->pc_map[field] |= 1UL << bit; pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, *pde); freed++; } } if (freed == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); continue; } /* Every freed mapping is for a 4 KB page. */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= freed; PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees += freed); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += freed); pv_entry_count -= freed; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != pc_freemask[field]) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&newtail, pc, pc_lru); /* * One freed pv entry in locked_pmap is * sufficient. */ if (pmap == locked_pmap) goto out; break; } if (field == _NPCM) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* Entire chunk is free; return it. */ m_pc = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS( (vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m_pc->phys_addr); break; } } out: TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &newtail, pc_lru); if (pmap != NULL) { pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); if (pmap != locked_pmap) PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } return (m_pc); } /* * free the pv_entry back to the free list */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int bit, field, idx; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / (sizeof(u_long) * NBBY); bit = idx % (sizeof(u_long) * NBBY); pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; for (idx = 0; idx < _NPCM; idx++) if (pc->pc_map[idx] != pc_freemask[idx]) { /* * 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the * list. If it isn't already, move it to the head. */ if (__predict_false(TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk) != pc)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare -= _NPCPV); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count--); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_frees++); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m->phys_addr); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } /* * get a new pv_entry, allocating a block from the system * when needed. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, boolean_t try) { struct pv_chunk *pc; pv_entry_t pv; vm_page_t m; int bit, field, idx; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(pv_entry_allocs++); pv_entry_count++; retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = ffsl(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { idx = field * sizeof(pc->pc_map[field]) * NBBY + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) if (pc->pc_map[field] != 0) { PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); /* not full, return */ } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare--); return (pv); } } /* No free items, allocate another chunk */ m = vm_page_alloc_freelist(VM_FREELIST_DIRECT, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { if (try) { pv_entry_count--; PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = pmap_pv_reclaim(pmap); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(pc_chunk_count++); PV_STAT(pc_chunk_allocs++); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (struct pv_chunk *)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = pc_freemask[0] & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ for (field = 1; field < _NPCM; field++) pc->pc_map[field] = pc_freemask[field]; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare += _NPCPV - 1); return (pv); } static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_list) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_list); break; } } return (pv); } static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found, pa %lx va %lx", (u_long)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(__containerof(pvh, struct vm_page, md)), (u_long)va)); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } static void pmap_remove_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Conditionally create a pv entry. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t mpte, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, TRUE)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * pmap_remove_pte: do the things to unmap a page in a process */ static int pmap_remove_pte(struct pmap *pmap, pt_entry_t *ptq, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t pde) { pt_entry_t oldpte; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Write back all cache lines from the page being unmapped. */ mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(va, PAGE_SIZE); oldpte = *ptq; if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) *ptq = PTE_G; else *ptq = 0; if (pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= 1; if (pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_MANAGED)) { pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(oldpte); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); if (pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_D)) { KASSERT(!pte_test(&oldpte, PTE_RO), ("%s: modified page not writable: va: %p, pte: %#jx", __func__, (void *)va, (uintmax_t)oldpte)); vm_page_dirty(m); } if (m->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; pmap_remove_entry(pmap, m, va); } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, pde)); } /* * Remove a single page from a process address space */ static void pmap_remove_page(struct pmap *pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *ptq; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); if (pde == NULL || *pde == 0) return; ptq = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, va); /* * If there is no pte for this address, just skip it! */ if (!pte_test(ptq, PTE_V)) return; (void)pmap_remove_pte(pmap, ptq, va, *pde); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va, va_next; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * special handling of removing one page. a very common operation * and easy to short circuit some code. */ if ((sva + PAGE_SIZE) == eva) { pmap_remove_page(pmap, sva); goto out; } for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, sva); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBSEG) & ~SEGMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } #endif va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if (*pde == NULL) continue; /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V)) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } if (va == va_next) va = sva; if (pmap_remove_pte(pmap, pte, sva, *pde)) { sva += PAGE_SIZE; break; } } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } out: rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (m->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * If it's last mapping writeback all caches from * the page being destroyed */ if (TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_list) == NULL) mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(pde != NULL && *pde != 0, ("pmap_remove_all: pde")); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); tpte = *pte; if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) *pte = PTE_G; else *pte = 0; if (pte_test(&tpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if (pte_test(&tpte, PTE_D)) { KASSERT(!pte_test(&tpte, PTE_RO), ("%s: modified page not writable: va: %p, pte: %#jx", __func__, (void *)pv->pv_va, (uintmax_t)tpte)); vm_page_dirty(m); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, *pde); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { pt_entry_t pbits, *pte; pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; vm_offset_t va, va_next; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) return; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, sva); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBSEG) & ~SEGMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } #endif va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if (*pde == NULL) continue; /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being write protected. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { pbits = *pte; if (!pte_test(&pbits, PTE_V) || pte_test(&pbits, PTE_RO)) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } pte_set(&pbits, PTE_RO); if (pte_test(&pbits, PTE_D)) { pte_clear(&pbits, PTE_D); if (pte_test(&pbits, PTE_MANAGED)) { pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(pbits); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); vm_page_dirty(m); } if (va == va_next) va = sva; } else { /* * Unless PTE_D is set, any TLB entries * mapping "sva" don't allow write access, so * they needn't be invalidated. */ if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } } *pte = pbits; } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind __unused) { vm_paddr_t pa, opa; pt_entry_t *pte; pt_entry_t origpte, newpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_page_t mpte, om; va &= ~PAGE_MASK; KASSERT(va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("pmap_enter: toobig")); KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva, ("pmap_enter: managed mapping within the clean submap")); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); newpte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | init_pte_prot(m, flags, prot); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) newpte |= PTE_W; if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) newpte |= PTE_G; PMAP_PTE_SET_CACHE_BITS(newpte, pa, m); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newpte |= PTE_MANAGED; mpte = NULL; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * In the case that a page table page is not resident, we are * creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { mpte = pmap_allocpte(pmap, va, flags); if (mpte == NULL) { KASSERT((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0, ("pmap_allocpte failed with sleep allowed")); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va); /* * Page Directory table entry not valid, we need a new PT page */ if (pte == NULL) { panic("pmap_enter: invalid page directory, pdir=%p, va=%p", (void *)pmap->pm_segtab, (void *)va); } origpte = *pte; KASSERT(!pte_test(&origpte, PTE_D | PTE_RO | PTE_V), ("pmap_enter: modified page not writable: va: %p, pte: %#jx", (void *)va, (uintmax_t)origpte)); opa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(origpte); /* * Mapping has not changed, must be protection or wiring change. */ if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_V) && opa == pa) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is * wired, the PT page will be also. */ if (pte_test(&newpte, PTE_W) && !pte_test(&origpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if (!pte_test(&newpte, PTE_W) && pte_test(&origpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove extra pte reference */ if (mpte) mpte->wire_count--; if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_MANAGED)) { m->md.pv_flags |= PV_TABLE_REF; if (!pte_test(&newpte, PTE_RO)) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } goto validate; } pv = NULL; /* * Mapping has changed, invalidate old range and fall through to * handle validating new mapping. */ if (opa) { if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) *pte = PTE_G; else *pte = 0; if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_MANAGED)) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_D)) vm_page_dirty(om); if ((om->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) != 0) { om->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); } pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); if (!pte_test(&newpte, PTE_MANAGED)) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); if ((om->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); origpte = 0; if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_enter: missing reference to page table page," " va: %p", (void *)va)); } } else pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if (pte_test(&newpte, PTE_MANAGED)) { m->md.pv_flags |= PV_TABLE_REF; if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, FALSE); pv->pv_va = va; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); if (!pte_test(&newpte, PTE_RO)) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Increment counters */ if (pte_test(&newpte, PTE_W)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; validate: #ifdef PMAP_DEBUG printf("pmap_enter: va: %p -> pa: %p\n", (void *)va, (void *)pa); #endif /* * if the mapping or permission bits are different, we need to * update the pte. */ if (origpte != newpte) { *pte = newpte; if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_V)) { KASSERT(opa == pa, ("pmap_enter: invalid update")); if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_D)) { if (pte_test(&origpte, PTE_MANAGED)) vm_page_dirty(m); } pmap_update_page(pmap, va, newpte); } } /* * Sync I & D caches for executable pages. Do this only if the * target pmap belongs to the current process. Otherwise, an * unresolvable TLB miss may occur. */ if (!is_kernel_pmap(pmap) && (pmap == &curproc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap) && (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) { mips_icache_sync_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte) { pt_entry_t *pte, npte; vm_paddr_t pa; KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: managed mapping within the clean submap")); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * In the case that a page table page is not resident, we are * creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { pd_entry_t *pde; unsigned ptepindex; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_pde_pindex(va); if (mpte && (mpte->pindex == ptepindex)) { mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Get the page directory entry */ pde = pmap_pde(pmap, va); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just * increment the hold count, and activate it. */ if (pde && *pde != 0) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE( MIPS_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(*pde)); mpte->wire_count++; } else { mpte = _pmap_allocpte(pmap, ptepindex, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP); if (mpte == NULL) return (mpte); } } } else { mpte = NULL; } pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va); if (pte_test(pte, PTE_V)) { if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, mpte, va, m)) { if (mpte != NULL) { pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte); mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); /* * Now validate mapping with RO protection */ npte = PTE_RO | TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | PTE_V; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) npte |= PTE_MANAGED; PMAP_PTE_SET_CACHE_BITS(npte, pa, m); if (is_kernel_pmap(pmap)) *pte = npte | PTE_G; else { *pte = npte; /* * Sync I & D caches. Do this only if the target pmap * belongs to the current process. Otherwise, an * unresolvable TLB miss may occur. */ if (pmap == &curproc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap) { va &= ~PAGE_MASK; mips_icache_sync_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); } } return (mpte); } /* * Make a temporary mapping for a physical address. This is only intended * to be used for panic dumps. * * Use XKPHYS for 64 bit, and KSEG0 where possible for 32 bit. */ void * pmap_kenter_temporary(vm_paddr_t pa, int i) { vm_offset_t va; if (i != 0) printf("%s: ERROR!!! More than one page of virtual address mapping not supported\n", __func__); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(pa)) { va = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); } else { #ifndef __mips_n64 /* XXX : to be converted to new style */ int cpu; register_t intr; struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte, npte; /* If this is used other than for dumps, we may need to leave * interrupts disasbled on return. If crash dumps don't work when * we get to this point, we might want to consider this (leaving things * disabled as a starting point ;-) */ intr = intr_disable(); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[cpu]; /* Since this is for the debugger, no locks or any other fun */ npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | PTE_C_CACHE | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); *pte = npte; sysm->valid1 = 1; pmap_update_page(kernel_pmap, sysm->base, npte); va = sysm->base; intr_restore(intr); #endif } return ((void *)va); } void pmap_kenter_temporary_free(vm_paddr_t pa) { #ifndef __mips_n64 /* XXX : to be converted to new style */ int cpu; register_t intr; struct local_sysmaps *sysm; #endif if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(pa)) { /* nothing to do for this case */ return; } #ifndef __mips_n64 /* XXX : to be converted to new style */ cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[cpu]; if (sysm->valid1) { pt_entry_t *pte; intr = intr_disable(); pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); *pte = PTE_G; pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); intr_restore(intr); sysm->valid1 = 0; } #endif } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpte = NULL; m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { mpte = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot, mpte); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * pmap_object_init_pt preloads the ptes for a given object * into the specified pmap. This eliminates the blast of soft * faults on process startup and immediately after an mmap. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, * so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va_next; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, sva); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == NULL) { va_next = (sva + NBSEG) & ~SEGMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } #endif va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if (*pde == NULL) continue; if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V)) continue; if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_W)) panic("pmap_unwire: pte %#jx is missing PG_W", (uintmax_t)*pte); pte_clear(pte, PTE_W); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { } /* * pmap_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * Use XKPHYS for 64 bit, and KSEG0 where possible for 32 bit. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(phys)) { va = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(phys); bzero((caddr_t)va, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); } else { va = pmap_lmem_map1(phys); bzero((caddr_t)va, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va, PAGE_SIZE); pmap_lmem_unmap(); } } /* * pmap_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * off and size may not cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(phys)) { va = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(phys); bzero((char *)(caddr_t)va + off, size); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va + off, size); } else { va = pmap_lmem_map1(phys); bzero((char *)va + off, size); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va + off, size); pmap_lmem_unmap(); } } /* * pmap_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) * page by mapping the page into virtual memory and using * bcopy to copy the page, one machine dependent page at a * time. * * Use XKPHYS for 64 bit, and KSEG0 where possible for 32 bit. */ void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t src, vm_page_t dst) { vm_offset_t va_src, va_dst; vm_paddr_t phys_src = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src); vm_paddr_t phys_dst = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dst); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(phys_src) && MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(phys_dst)) { /* easy case, all can be accessed via KSEG0 */ /* * Flush all caches for VA that are mapped to this page * to make sure that data in SDRAM is up to date */ pmap_flush_pvcache(src); mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index( MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(phys_dst), PAGE_SIZE); va_src = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(phys_src); va_dst = MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(phys_dst); bcopy((caddr_t)va_src, (caddr_t)va_dst, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va_dst, PAGE_SIZE); } else { va_src = pmap_lmem_map2(phys_src, phys_dst); va_dst = va_src + PAGE_SIZE; bcopy((void *)va_src, (void *)va_dst, PAGE_SIZE); mips_dcache_wbinv_range(va_dst, PAGE_SIZE); pmap_lmem_unmap(); } } int unmapped_buf_allowed; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { char *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_page_t a_m, b_m; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; vm_paddr_t a_phys, b_phys; int cnt; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); a_m = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; a_phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(a_m); b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); b_m = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(b_m); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(a_phys) && MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(b_phys)) { pmap_flush_pvcache(a_m); mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index( MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(b_phys), PAGE_SIZE); a_cp = (char *)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(a_phys) + a_pg_offset; b_cp = (char *)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(b_phys) + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); mips_dcache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)b_cp, cnt); } else { a_cp = (char *)pmap_lmem_map2(a_phys, b_phys); b_cp = (char *)a_cp + PAGE_SIZE; a_cp += a_pg_offset; b_cp += b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); mips_dcache_wbinv_range((vm_offset_t)b_cp, cnt); pmap_lmem_unmap(); } a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { #if defined(__mips_n64) return MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); #else vm_paddr_t pa; struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte, npte; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(pa)) { if (pmap_page_get_memattr(m) != VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK) return (MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT_UNCACHED(pa)); else return (MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa)); } critical_enter(); sysm = &sysmap_lmem[PCPU_GET(cpuid)]; KASSERT(sysm->valid1 == 0, ("pmap_quick_enter_page: PTE busy")); pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, sysm->base); npte = TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G; PMAP_PTE_SET_CACHE_BITS(npte, pa, m); *pte = npte; sysm->valid1 = 1; return (sysm->base); #endif } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { mips_dcache_wbinv_range(addr, PAGE_SIZE); #if !defined(__mips_n64) struct local_sysmaps *sysm; pt_entry_t *pte; if (addr >= MIPS_KSEG0_START && addr < MIPS_KSEG0_END) return; sysm = &sysmap_lmem[PCPU_GET(cpuid)]; KASSERT(sysm->valid1 != 0, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: PTE not in use")); KASSERT(sysm->base == addr, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, addr); *pte = PTE_G; tlb_invalidate_address(kernel_pmap, addr); sysm->valid1 = 0; critical_exit(); #endif } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Remove all pages from specified address space * this aids process exit speeds. Also, this code * is special cased for current process only, but * can have the more generic (and slightly slower) * mode enabled. This is much faster than pmap_remove * in the case of running down an entire address space. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; pv_entry_t pv; vm_page_t m; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; u_long inuse, bitmask; int allfree, bit, field, idx; if (pmap != vmspace_pmap(curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace)) { printf("warning: pmap_remove_pages called with non-current pmap\n"); return; } rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { allfree = 1; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = ffsl(inuse) - 1; bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * sizeof(inuse) * NBBY + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; pde = pmap_pde(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(pde != NULL && *pde != 0, ("pmap_remove_pages: pde")); pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, pv->pv_va); if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V)) panic("pmap_remove_pages: bad pte"); tpte = *pte; /* * We cannot remove wired pages from a process' mapping at this time */ if (pte_test(&tpte, PTE_W)) { allfree = 0; continue; } *pte = is_kernel_pmap(pmap) ? PTE_G : 0; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(tpte)); KASSERT(m != NULL, ("pmap_remove_pages: bad tpte %#jx", (uintmax_t)tpte)); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if (pte_test(&tpte, PTE_D)) vm_page_dirty(m); /* Mark free */ PV_STAT(pv_entry_frees++); PV_STAT(pv_entry_spare++); pv_entry_count--; pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_list); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, *pde); } } if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * pmap_testbit tests bits in pte's */ static boolean_t pmap_testbit(vm_page_t m, int bit) { pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; boolean_t rv = FALSE; if (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) return (rv); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); rv = pte_test(pte, bit); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) break; } return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (pte_test(pte, PTE_W)) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t pbits, *pte; pv_entry_t pv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(pte != NULL && pte_test(pte, PTE_V), ("page on pv_list has no pte")); pbits = *pte; if (pte_test(&pbits, PTE_D)) { pte_clear(&pbits, PTE_D); vm_page_dirty(m); } pte_set(&pbits, PTE_RO); if (pbits != *pte) { *pte = pbits; pmap_update_page(pmap, pv->pv_va, pbits); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return the count of reference bits for a page, clearing all of them. */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); if (m->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (1); } return (0); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PTE_D set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = pmap_testbit(m, PTE_D); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* N/C */ /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is elgible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pd_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t *pte; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pde = pmap_pde(pmap, addr); if (pde != NULL && *pde != 0) { pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, addr); rv = (*pte == 0); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t va, va_next; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; if (advice != MADV_DONTNEED && advice != MADV_FREE) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, sva); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBSEG) & ~SEGMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } #endif va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if (*pde == NULL) continue; /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being write protected. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_MANAGED | PTE_V)) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(*pte); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_TABLE_REF; if (pte_test(pte, PTE_D)) { if (advice == MADV_DONTNEED) { /* * Future calls to pmap_is_modified() * can be avoided by making the page * dirty now. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } else { pte_clear(pte, PTE_D); if (va == va_next) va = sva; } } else { /* * Unless PTE_D is set, any TLB entries * mapping "sva" don't allow write access, so * they needn't be invalidated. */ if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } } } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PTE_D set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * write busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_list) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (pte_test(pte, PTE_D)) { pte_clear(pte, PTE_D); pmap_update_page(pmap, pv->pv_va, *pte); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return ((m->md.pv_flags & PV_TABLE_REF) != 0); } /* * Miscellaneous support routines follow */ /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual * address space. Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This * routine is intended to be used for mapping device memory, * NOT real memory. * * Use XKPHYS uncached for 64 bit, and KSEG1 where possible for 32 bit. */ void * pmap_mapdev_attr(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_memattr_t ma) { vm_offset_t va, tmpva, offset; /* * KSEG1 maps only first 512M of phys address space. For * pa > 0x20000000 we should make proper mapping * using pmap_kenter. */ if (MIPS_DIRECT_MAPPABLE(pa + size - 1) && ma == VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE) return ((void *)MIPS_PHYS_TO_DIRECT_UNCACHED(pa)); else { offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup(size + offset, PAGE_SIZE); va = kva_alloc(size); if (!va) panic("pmap_mapdev: Couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory"); pa = trunc_page(pa); for (tmpva = va; size > 0;) { pmap_kenter_attr(tmpva, pa, ma); size -= PAGE_SIZE; tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; } } return ((void *)(va + offset)); } void * pmap_mapdev(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return pmap_mapdev_attr(pa, size, VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE); } void pmap_unmapdev(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { #ifndef __mips_n64 vm_offset_t base, offset; /* If the address is within KSEG1 then there is nothing to do */ if (va >= MIPS_KSEG1_START && va <= MIPS_KSEG1_END) return; base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup(size + offset, PAGE_SIZE); kva_free(base, size); #endif } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pt_entry_t *ptep, pte; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int val; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: ptep = pmap_pte(pmap, addr); pte = (ptep != NULL) ? *ptep : 0; if (!pte_test(&pte, PTE_V)) { val = 0; goto out; } val = MINCORE_INCORE; if (pte_test(&pte, PTE_D)) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(pte); if (pte_test(&pte, PTE_MANAGED)) { /* * This may falsely report the given address as * MINCORE_REFERENCED. Unfortunately, due to the lack of * per-PTE reference information, it is impossible to * determine if the address is MINCORE_REFERENCED. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); if ((m->aflags & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; } if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && pte_test(&pte, PTE_MANAGED)) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else out: PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap, oldpmap; struct proc *p = td->td_proc; u_int cpuid; critical_enter(); pmap = vmspace_pmap(p->p_vmspace); oldpmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); if (oldpmap) CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(cpuid, &oldpmap->pm_active); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); pmap_asid_alloc(pmap); if (td == curthread) { PCPU_SET(segbase, pmap->pm_segtab); mips_wr_entryhi(pmap->pm_asid[cpuid].asid); } PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); critical_exit(); } static void pmap_sync_icache_one(void *arg __unused) { mips_icache_sync_all(); mips_dcache_wbinv_all(); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { smp_rendezvous(NULL, pmap_sync_icache_one, NULL, NULL); } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t superpage_offset; if (size < PDRSIZE) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); superpage_offset = offset & PDRMASK; if (size - ((PDRSIZE - superpage_offset) & PDRMASK) < PDRSIZE || (*addr & PDRMASK) == superpage_offset) return; if ((*addr & PDRMASK) < superpage_offset) *addr = (*addr & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; else *addr = ((*addr + PDRMASK) & ~PDRMASK) + superpage_offset; } #ifdef DDB DB_SHOW_COMMAND(ptable, ddb_pid_dump) { pmap_t pmap; struct thread *td = NULL; struct proc *p; int i, j, k; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; if (have_addr) { td = db_lookup_thread(addr, true); if (td == NULL) { db_printf("Invalid pid or tid"); return; } p = td->td_proc; if (p->p_vmspace == NULL) { db_printf("No vmspace for process"); return; } pmap = vmspace_pmap(p->p_vmspace); } else pmap = kernel_pmap; db_printf("pmap:%p segtab:%p asid:%x generation:%x\n", pmap, pmap->pm_segtab, pmap->pm_asid[0].asid, pmap->pm_asid[0].gen); for (i = 0; i < NPDEPG; i++) { pd_entry_t *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pde; pt_entry_t pte; pdpe = (pd_entry_t *)pmap->pm_segtab[i]; if (pdpe == NULL) continue; db_printf("[%4d] %p\n", i, pdpe); #ifdef __mips_n64 for (j = 0; j < NPDEPG; j++) { pde = (pt_entry_t *)pdpe[j]; if (pde == NULL) continue; db_printf("\t[%4d] %p\n", j, pde); #else { j = 0; pde = (pt_entry_t *)pdpe; #endif for (k = 0; k < NPTEPG; k++) { pte = pde[k]; if (pte == 0 || !pte_test(&pte, PTE_V)) continue; pa = TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(pte); va = ((u_long)i << SEGSHIFT) | (j << PDRSHIFT) | (k << PAGE_SHIFT); db_printf("\t\t[%04d] va: %p pte: %8jx pa:%jx\n", k, (void *)va, (uintmax_t)pte, (uintmax_t)pa); } } } } #endif /* * Allocate TLB address space tag (called ASID or TLBPID) and return it. * It takes almost as much or more time to search the TLB for a * specific ASID and flush those entries as it does to flush the entire TLB. * Therefore, when we allocate a new ASID, we just take the next number. When * we run out of numbers, we flush the TLB, increment the generation count * and start over. ASID zero is reserved for kernel use. */ static void pmap_asid_alloc(pmap) pmap_t pmap; { if (pmap->pm_asid[PCPU_GET(cpuid)].asid != PMAP_ASID_RESERVED && pmap->pm_asid[PCPU_GET(cpuid)].gen == PCPU_GET(asid_generation)); else { if (PCPU_GET(next_asid) == pmap_max_asid) { tlb_invalidate_all_user(NULL); PCPU_SET(asid_generation, (PCPU_GET(asid_generation) + 1) & ASIDGEN_MASK); if (PCPU_GET(asid_generation) == 0) { PCPU_SET(asid_generation, 1); } PCPU_SET(next_asid, 1); /* 0 means invalid */ } pmap->pm_asid[PCPU_GET(cpuid)].asid = PCPU_GET(next_asid); pmap->pm_asid[PCPU_GET(cpuid)].gen = PCPU_GET(asid_generation); PCPU_SET(next_asid, PCPU_GET(next_asid) + 1); } } static pt_entry_t init_pte_prot(vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t access, vm_prot_t prot) { pt_entry_t rw; if (!(prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) rw = PTE_V | PTE_RO; else if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { if ((access & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) rw = PTE_V | PTE_D; else rw = PTE_V; } else /* Needn't emulate a modified bit for unmanaged pages. */ rw = PTE_V | PTE_D; return (rw); } /* * pmap_emulate_modified : do dirty bit emulation * * On SMP, update just the local TLB, other CPUs will update their * TLBs from PTE lazily, if they get the exception. * Returns 0 in case of sucess, 1 if the page is read only and we * need to fault. */ int pmap_emulate_modified(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *pte; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte = pmap_pte(pmap, va); if (pte == NULL) panic("pmap_emulate_modified: can't find PTE"); #ifdef SMP /* It is possible that some other CPU changed m-bit */ if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V) || pte_test(pte, PTE_D)) { tlb_update(pmap, va, *pte); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (0); } #else if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V) || pte_test(pte, PTE_D)) panic("pmap_emulate_modified: invalid pte"); #endif if (pte_test(pte, PTE_RO)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (1); } pte_set(pte, PTE_D); tlb_update(pmap, va, *pte); if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_MANAGED)) panic("pmap_emulate_modified: unmanaged page"); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (0); } /* * Routine: pmap_kextract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * virtual address. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { int mapped; /* * First, the direct-mapped regions. */ #if defined(__mips_n64) if (va >= MIPS_XKPHYS_START && va < MIPS_XKPHYS_END) return (MIPS_XKPHYS_TO_PHYS(va)); #endif if (va >= MIPS_KSEG0_START && va < MIPS_KSEG0_END) return (MIPS_KSEG0_TO_PHYS(va)); if (va >= MIPS_KSEG1_START && va < MIPS_KSEG1_END) return (MIPS_KSEG1_TO_PHYS(va)); /* * User virtual addresses. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { pt_entry_t *ptep; if (curproc && curproc->p_vmspace) { ptep = pmap_pte(&curproc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap, va); if (ptep) { return (TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(*ptep) | (va & PAGE_MASK)); } return (0); } } /* * Should be kernel virtual here, otherwise fail */ mapped = (va >= MIPS_KSEG2_START || va < MIPS_KSEG2_END); #if defined(__mips_n64) mapped = mapped || (va >= MIPS_XKSEG_START || va < MIPS_XKSEG_END); #endif /* * Kernel virtual. */ if (mapped) { pt_entry_t *ptep; /* Is the kernel pmap initialized? */ if (!CPU_EMPTY(&kernel_pmap->pm_active)) { /* It's inside the virtual address range */ ptep = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, va); if (ptep) { return (TLBLO_PTE_TO_PA(*ptep) | (va & PAGE_MASK)); } } return (0); } panic("%s for unknown address space %p.", __func__, (void *)va); } void pmap_flush_pvcache(vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; if (m != NULL) { for (pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list); pv; pv = TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_list)) { mips_dcache_wbinv_range_index(pv->pv_va, PAGE_SIZE); } } } void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { /* * It appears that this function can only be called before any mappings * for the page are established. If this ever changes, this code will * need to walk the pv_list and make each of the existing mappings * uncacheable, being careful to sync caches and PTEs (and maybe * invalidate TLB?) for any current mapping it modifies. */ if (TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list) != NULL) panic("Can't change memattr on page with existing mappings"); /* Clean memattr portion of pv_flags */ m->md.pv_flags &= ~PV_MEMATTR_MASK; m->md.pv_flags |= (ma << PV_MEMATTR_SHIFT) & PV_MEMATTR_MASK; } static __inline void pmap_pte_attr(pt_entry_t *pte, vm_memattr_t ma) { u_int npte; npte = *(u_int *)pte; npte &= ~PTE_C_MASK; npte |= PTE_C(ma); *pte = npte; } int pmap_change_attr(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size, vm_memattr_t ma) { pd_entry_t *pde, *pdpe; pt_entry_t *pte; vm_offset_t ova, eva, va, va_next; pmap_t pmap; ova = sva; eva = sva + size; if (eva < sva) return (EINVAL); pmap = kernel_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { pdpe = pmap_segmap(pmap, sva); #ifdef __mips_n64 if (*pdpe == 0) { va_next = (sva + NBSEG) & ~SEGMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } #endif va_next = (sva + NBPDR) & ~PDRMASK; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; pde = pmap_pdpe_to_pde(pdpe, sva); if (*pde == NULL) continue; /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (pte = pmap_pde_to_pte(pde, sva); sva != va_next; pte++, sva += PAGE_SIZE) { if (!pte_test(pte, PTE_V) || pte_cache_bits(pte) == ma) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } if (va == va_next) va = sva; pmap_pte_attr(pte, ma); } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Flush caches to be in the safe side */ mips_dcache_wbinv_range(ova, size); return 0; } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { switch (mode) { case VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE: case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK: #ifdef MIPS_CCA_WC case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_COMBINING: #endif return (TRUE); default: return (FALSE); } } Index: head/sys/net/bpf_zerocopy.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/net/bpf_zerocopy.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/net/bpf_zerocopy.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,600 +1,596 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2007 Seccuris Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Robert N. M. Watson under contract to * Seccuris Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_bpf.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Zero-copy buffer scheme for BPF: user space "donates" two buffers, which * are mapped into the kernel address space using sf_bufs and used directly * by BPF. Memory is wired since page faults cannot be tolerated in the * contexts where the buffers are copied to (locks held, interrupt context, * etc). Access to shared memory buffers is synchronized using a header on * each buffer, allowing the number of system calls to go to zero as BPF * reaches saturation (buffers filled as fast as they can be drained by the * user process). Full details of the protocol for communicating between the * user process and BPF may be found in bpf(4). */ /* * Maximum number of pages per buffer. Since all BPF devices use two, the * maximum per device is 2*BPF_MAX_PAGES. Resource limits on the number of * sf_bufs may be an issue, so do not set this too high. On older systems, * kernel address space limits may also be an issue. */ #define BPF_MAX_PAGES 512 /* * struct zbuf describes a memory buffer loaned by a user process to the * kernel. We represent this as a series of pages managed using an array of * sf_bufs. Even though the memory is contiguous in user space, it may not * be mapped contiguously in the kernel (i.e., a set of physically * non-contiguous pages in the direct map region) so we must implement * scatter-gather copying. One significant mitigating factor is that on * systems with a direct memory map, we can avoid TLB misses. * * At the front of the shared memory region is a bpf_zbuf_header, which * contains shared control data to allow user space and the kernel to * synchronize; this is included in zb_size, but not bpf_bufsize, so that BPF * knows that the space is not available. */ struct zbuf { vm_offset_t zb_uaddr; /* User address at time of setup. */ size_t zb_size; /* Size of buffer, incl. header. */ u_int zb_numpages; /* Number of pages. */ int zb_flags; /* Flags on zbuf. */ struct sf_buf **zb_pages; /* Pages themselves. */ struct bpf_zbuf_header *zb_header; /* Shared header. */ }; /* * When a buffer has been assigned to userspace, flag it as such, as the * buffer may remain in the store position as a result of the user process * not yet having acknowledged the buffer in the hold position yet. */ #define ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED 0x00000001 /* Set when owned by user. */ /* * Release a page we've previously wired. */ static void zbuf_page_free(vm_page_t pp) { vm_page_lock(pp); if (vm_page_unwire(pp, PQ_INACTIVE) && pp->object == NULL) vm_page_free(pp); vm_page_unlock(pp); } /* * Free an sf_buf with attached page. */ static void zbuf_sfbuf_free(struct sf_buf *sf) { vm_page_t pp; pp = sf_buf_page(sf); sf_buf_free(sf); zbuf_page_free(pp); } /* * Free a zbuf, including its page array, sbufs, and pages. Allow partially * allocated zbufs to be freed so that it may be used even during a zbuf * setup. */ static void zbuf_free(struct zbuf *zb) { int i; for (i = 0; i < zb->zb_numpages; i++) { if (zb->zb_pages[i] != NULL) zbuf_sfbuf_free(zb->zb_pages[i]); } free(zb->zb_pages, M_BPF); free(zb, M_BPF); } /* * Given a user pointer to a page of user memory, return an sf_buf for the * page. Because we may be requesting quite a few sf_bufs, prefer failure to * deadlock and use SFB_NOWAIT. */ static struct sf_buf * zbuf_sfbuf_get(struct vm_map *map, vm_offset_t uaddr) { struct sf_buf *sf; vm_page_t pp; if (vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(map, uaddr, PAGE_SIZE, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, &pp, 1) < 0) return (NULL); - vm_page_lock(pp); - vm_page_wire(pp); - vm_page_unhold(pp); - vm_page_unlock(pp); sf = sf_buf_alloc(pp, SFB_NOWAIT); if (sf == NULL) { zbuf_page_free(pp); return (NULL); } return (sf); } /* * Create a zbuf describing a range of user address space memory. Validate * page alignment, size requirements, etc. */ static int zbuf_setup(struct thread *td, vm_offset_t uaddr, size_t len, struct zbuf **zbp) { struct zbuf *zb; struct vm_map *map; int error, i; *zbp = NULL; /* * User address must be page-aligned. */ if (uaddr & PAGE_MASK) return (EINVAL); /* * Length must be an integer number of full pages. */ if (len & PAGE_MASK) return (EINVAL); /* * Length must not exceed per-buffer resource limit. */ if ((len / PAGE_SIZE) > BPF_MAX_PAGES) return (EINVAL); /* * Allocate the buffer and set up each page with is own sf_buf. */ error = 0; zb = malloc(sizeof(*zb), M_BPF, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); zb->zb_uaddr = uaddr; zb->zb_size = len; zb->zb_numpages = len / PAGE_SIZE; zb->zb_pages = malloc(sizeof(struct sf_buf *) * zb->zb_numpages, M_BPF, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); map = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; for (i = 0; i < zb->zb_numpages; i++) { zb->zb_pages[i] = zbuf_sfbuf_get(map, uaddr + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); if (zb->zb_pages[i] == NULL) { error = EFAULT; goto error; } } zb->zb_header = (struct bpf_zbuf_header *)sf_buf_kva(zb->zb_pages[0]); bzero(zb->zb_header, sizeof(*zb->zb_header)); *zbp = zb; return (0); error: zbuf_free(zb); return (error); } /* * Copy bytes from a source into the specified zbuf. The caller is * responsible for performing bounds checking, etc. */ void bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes(struct bpf_d *d, caddr_t buf, u_int offset, void *src, u_int len) { u_int count, page, poffset; u_char *src_bytes; struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes: not in zbuf mode")); KASSERT(buf != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes: NULL buf")); src_bytes = (u_char *)src; zb = (struct zbuf *)buf; KASSERT((zb->zb_flags & ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED) == 0, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes: ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED")); /* * Scatter-gather copy to user pages mapped into kernel address space * using sf_bufs: copy up to a page at a time. */ offset += sizeof(struct bpf_zbuf_header); page = offset / PAGE_SIZE; poffset = offset % PAGE_SIZE; while (len > 0) { KASSERT(page < zb->zb_numpages, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes:" " page overflow (%d p %d np)\n", page, zb->zb_numpages)); count = min(len, PAGE_SIZE - poffset); bcopy(src_bytes, ((u_char *)sf_buf_kva(zb->zb_pages[page])) + poffset, count); poffset += count; if (poffset == PAGE_SIZE) { poffset = 0; page++; } KASSERT(poffset < PAGE_SIZE, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes: page offset overflow (%d)", poffset)); len -= count; src_bytes += count; } } /* * Copy bytes from an mbuf chain to the specified zbuf: copying will be * scatter-gather both from mbufs, which may be fragmented over memory, and * to pages, which may not be contiguously mapped in kernel address space. * As with bpf_zerocopy_append_bytes(), the caller is responsible for * checking that this will not exceed the buffer limit. */ void bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf(struct bpf_d *d, caddr_t buf, u_int offset, void *src, u_int len) { u_int count, moffset, page, poffset; const struct mbuf *m; struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf not in zbuf mode")); KASSERT(buf != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf: NULL buf")); m = (struct mbuf *)src; zb = (struct zbuf *)buf; KASSERT((zb->zb_flags & ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED) == 0, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf: ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED")); /* * Scatter gather both from an mbuf chain and to a user page set * mapped into kernel address space using sf_bufs. If we're lucky, * each mbuf requires one copy operation, but if page alignment and * mbuf alignment work out less well, we'll be doing two copies per * mbuf. */ offset += sizeof(struct bpf_zbuf_header); page = offset / PAGE_SIZE; poffset = offset % PAGE_SIZE; moffset = 0; while (len > 0) { KASSERT(page < zb->zb_numpages, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf: page overflow (%d p %d " "np)\n", page, zb->zb_numpages)); KASSERT(m != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf: end of mbuf chain")); count = min(m->m_len - moffset, len); count = min(count, PAGE_SIZE - poffset); bcopy(mtod(m, u_char *) + moffset, ((u_char *)sf_buf_kva(zb->zb_pages[page])) + poffset, count); poffset += count; if (poffset == PAGE_SIZE) { poffset = 0; page++; } KASSERT(poffset < PAGE_SIZE, ("bpf_zerocopy_append_mbuf: page offset overflow (%d)", poffset)); moffset += count; if (moffset == m->m_len) { m = m->m_next; moffset = 0; } len -= count; } } /* * Notification from the BPF framework that a buffer in the store position is * rejecting packets and may be considered full. We mark the buffer as * immutable and assign to userspace so that it is immediately available for * the user process to access. */ void bpf_zerocopy_buffull(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_buffull: not in zbuf mode")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_sbuf; KASSERT(zb != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_buffull: zb == NULL")); if ((zb->zb_flags & ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED) == 0) { zb->zb_flags |= ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED; zb->zb_header->bzh_kernel_len = d->bd_slen; atomic_add_rel_int(&zb->zb_header->bzh_kernel_gen, 1); } } /* * Notification from the BPF framework that a buffer has moved into the held * slot on a descriptor. Zero-copy BPF will update the shared page to let * the user process know and flag the buffer as assigned if it hasn't already * been marked assigned due to filling while it was in the store position. * * Note: identical logic as in bpf_zerocopy_buffull(), except that we operate * on bd_hbuf and bd_hlen. */ void bpf_zerocopy_bufheld(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_bufheld: not in zbuf mode")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_hbuf; KASSERT(zb != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_bufheld: zb == NULL")); if ((zb->zb_flags & ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED) == 0) { zb->zb_flags |= ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED; zb->zb_header->bzh_kernel_len = d->bd_hlen; atomic_add_rel_int(&zb->zb_header->bzh_kernel_gen, 1); } } /* * Notification from the BPF framework that the free buffer has been been * rotated out of the held position to the free position. This happens when * the user acknowledges the held buffer. */ void bpf_zerocopy_buf_reclaimed(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_reclaim_buf: not in zbuf mode")); KASSERT(d->bd_fbuf != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_buf_reclaimed: NULL free buf")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_fbuf; zb->zb_flags &= ~ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED; } /* * Query from the BPF framework regarding whether the buffer currently in the * held position can be moved to the free position, which can be indicated by * the user process making their generation number equal to the kernel * generation number. */ int bpf_zerocopy_canfreebuf(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_canfreebuf: not in zbuf mode")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_hbuf; if (zb == NULL) return (0); if (zb->zb_header->bzh_kernel_gen == atomic_load_acq_int(&zb->zb_header->bzh_user_gen)) return (1); return (0); } /* * Query from the BPF framework as to whether or not the buffer current in * the store position can actually be written to. This may return false if * the store buffer is assigned to userspace before the hold buffer is * acknowledged. */ int bpf_zerocopy_canwritebuf(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_canwritebuf: not in zbuf mode")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_sbuf; KASSERT(zb != NULL, ("bpf_zerocopy_canwritebuf: bd_sbuf NULL")); if (zb->zb_flags & ZBUF_FLAG_ASSIGNED) return (0); return (1); } /* * Free zero copy buffers at request of descriptor. */ void bpf_zerocopy_free(struct bpf_d *d) { struct zbuf *zb; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_free: not in zbuf mode")); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_sbuf; if (zb != NULL) zbuf_free(zb); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_hbuf; if (zb != NULL) zbuf_free(zb); zb = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_fbuf; if (zb != NULL) zbuf_free(zb); } /* * Ioctl to return the maximum buffer size. */ int bpf_zerocopy_ioctl_getzmax(struct thread *td, struct bpf_d *d, size_t *i) { KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_ioctl_getzmax: not in zbuf mode")); *i = BPF_MAX_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; return (0); } /* * Ioctl to force rotation of the two buffers, if there's any data available. * This can be used by user space to implement timeouts when waiting for a * buffer to fill. */ int bpf_zerocopy_ioctl_rotzbuf(struct thread *td, struct bpf_d *d, struct bpf_zbuf *bz) { struct zbuf *bzh; bzero(bz, sizeof(*bz)); BPFD_LOCK(d); if (d->bd_hbuf == NULL && d->bd_slen != 0) { ROTATE_BUFFERS(d); bzh = (struct zbuf *)d->bd_hbuf; bz->bz_bufa = (void *)bzh->zb_uaddr; bz->bz_buflen = d->bd_hlen; } BPFD_UNLOCK(d); return (0); } /* * Ioctl to configure zero-copy buffers -- may be done only once. */ int bpf_zerocopy_ioctl_setzbuf(struct thread *td, struct bpf_d *d, struct bpf_zbuf *bz) { struct zbuf *zba, *zbb; int error; KASSERT(d->bd_bufmode == BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF, ("bpf_zerocopy_ioctl_setzbuf: not in zbuf mode")); /* * Must set both buffers. Cannot clear them. */ if (bz->bz_bufa == NULL || bz->bz_bufb == NULL) return (EINVAL); /* * Buffers must have a size greater than 0. Alignment and other size * validity checking is done in zbuf_setup(). */ if (bz->bz_buflen == 0) return (EINVAL); /* * Allocate new buffers. */ error = zbuf_setup(td, (vm_offset_t)bz->bz_bufa, bz->bz_buflen, &zba); if (error) return (error); error = zbuf_setup(td, (vm_offset_t)bz->bz_bufb, bz->bz_buflen, &zbb); if (error) { zbuf_free(zba); return (error); } /* * We only allow buffers to be installed once, so atomically check * that no buffers are currently installed and install new buffers. */ BPFD_LOCK(d); if (d->bd_hbuf != NULL || d->bd_sbuf != NULL || d->bd_fbuf != NULL || d->bd_bif != NULL) { BPFD_UNLOCK(d); zbuf_free(zba); zbuf_free(zbb); return (EINVAL); } /* * Point BPF descriptor at buffers; initialize sbuf as zba so that * it is always filled first in the sequence, per bpf(4). */ d->bd_fbuf = (caddr_t)zbb; d->bd_sbuf = (caddr_t)zba; d->bd_slen = 0; d->bd_hlen = 0; /* * We expose only the space left in the buffer after the size of the * shared management region. */ d->bd_bufsize = bz->bz_buflen - sizeof(struct bpf_zbuf_header); BPFD_UNLOCK(d); return (0); } Index: head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2780 +1,2780 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD AND BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Matt Thomas of Allegro Networks, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.28 2000/03/26 20:42:36 kleink Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Benno Rice ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is also stored by the * logical address mapping module, this module may throw away valid virtual * to physical mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations of * mappings must be done as requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which make virtual to * physical map invalidates expensive, this module may delay invalidate * reduced protection operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as to which processors * are currently using which maps, and to when physical maps must be made * correct. */ #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mmu_if.h" #define MOEA_DEBUG #define TODO panic("%s: not implemented", __func__); #define VSID_MAKE(sr, hash) ((sr) | (((hash) & 0xfffff) << 4)) #define VSID_TO_SR(vsid) ((vsid) & 0xf) #define VSID_TO_HASH(vsid) (((vsid) >> 4) & 0xfffff) struct ofw_map { vm_offset_t om_va; vm_size_t om_len; vm_offset_t om_pa; u_int om_mode; }; extern unsigned char _etext[]; extern unsigned char _end[]; /* * Map of physical memory regions. */ static struct mem_region *regions; static struct mem_region *pregions; static u_int phys_avail_count; static int regions_sz, pregions_sz; static struct ofw_map *translations; /* * Lock for the pteg and pvo tables. */ struct mtx moea_table_mutex; struct mtx moea_vsid_mutex; /* tlbie instruction synchronization */ static struct mtx tlbie_mtx; /* * PTEG data. */ static struct pteg *moea_pteg_table; u_int moea_pteg_count; u_int moea_pteg_mask; /* * PVO data. */ struct pvo_head *moea_pvo_table; /* pvo entries by pteg index */ struct pvo_head moea_pvo_kunmanaged = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(moea_pvo_kunmanaged); /* list of unmanaged pages */ static struct rwlock_padalign pvh_global_lock; uma_zone_t moea_upvo_zone; /* zone for pvo entries for unmanaged pages */ uma_zone_t moea_mpvo_zone; /* zone for pvo entries for managed pages */ #define BPVO_POOL_SIZE 32768 static struct pvo_entry *moea_bpvo_pool; static int moea_bpvo_pool_index = 0; #define VSID_NBPW (sizeof(u_int32_t) * 8) static u_int moea_vsid_bitmap[NPMAPS / VSID_NBPW]; static boolean_t moea_initialized = FALSE; /* * Statistics. */ u_int moea_pte_valid = 0; u_int moea_pte_overflow = 0; u_int moea_pte_replacements = 0; u_int moea_pvo_entries = 0; u_int moea_pvo_enter_calls = 0; u_int moea_pvo_remove_calls = 0; u_int moea_pte_spills = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pte_valid, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pte_valid, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pte_overflow, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pte_overflow, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pte_replacements, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pte_replacements, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pvo_entries, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pvo_entries, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pvo_enter_calls, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pvo_enter_calls, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pvo_remove_calls, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pvo_remove_calls, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea_pte_spills, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea_pte_spills, 0, ""); /* * Allocate physical memory for use in moea_bootstrap. */ static vm_offset_t moea_bootstrap_alloc(vm_size_t, u_int); /* * PTE calls. */ static int moea_pte_insert(u_int, struct pte *); /* * PVO calls. */ static int moea_pvo_enter(pmap_t, uma_zone_t, struct pvo_head *, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t, u_int, int); static void moea_pvo_remove(struct pvo_entry *, int); static struct pvo_entry *moea_pvo_find_va(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, int *); static struct pte *moea_pvo_to_pte(const struct pvo_entry *, int); /* * Utility routines. */ static int moea_enter_locked(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int, int8_t); static void moea_syncicache(vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static boolean_t moea_query_bit(vm_page_t, int); static u_int moea_clear_bit(vm_page_t, int); static void moea_kremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); int moea_pte_spill(vm_offset_t); /* * Kernel MMU interface */ void moea_clear_modify(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea_copy_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t, vm_page_t); void moea_copy_pages(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize); int moea_enter(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int, int8_t); void moea_enter_object(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); void moea_enter_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); vm_paddr_t moea_extract(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); vm_page_t moea_extract_and_hold(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); void moea_init(mmu_t); boolean_t moea_is_modified(mmu_t, vm_page_t); boolean_t moea_is_prefaultable(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); boolean_t moea_is_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); int moea_ts_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); vm_offset_t moea_map(mmu_t, vm_offset_t *, vm_paddr_t, vm_paddr_t, int); boolean_t moea_page_exists_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_page_t); void moea_page_init(mmu_t, vm_page_t); int moea_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea_pinit(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea_pinit0(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea_protect(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); void moea_qenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t *, int); void moea_qremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, int); void moea_release(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea_remove(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); void moea_remove_all(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea_remove_write(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea_unwire(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); void moea_zero_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea_zero_page_area(mmu_t, vm_page_t, int, int); void moea_activate(mmu_t, struct thread *); void moea_deactivate(mmu_t, struct thread *); void moea_cpu_bootstrap(mmu_t, int); void moea_bootstrap(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); void *moea_mapdev(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); void *moea_mapdev_attr(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t, vm_memattr_t); void moea_unmapdev(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); vm_paddr_t moea_kextract(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); void moea_kenter_attr(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_memattr_t); void moea_kenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t); void moea_page_set_memattr(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma); boolean_t moea_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static void moea_sync_icache(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); void moea_dumpsys_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void **va); void moea_scan_init(mmu_t mmu); vm_offset_t moea_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m); void moea_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr); static int moea_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen); static int moea_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr); static mmu_method_t moea_methods[] = { MMUMETHOD(mmu_clear_modify, moea_clear_modify), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_page, moea_copy_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_pages, moea_copy_pages), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter, moea_enter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_object, moea_enter_object), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_quick, moea_enter_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract, moea_extract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract_and_hold, moea_extract_and_hold), MMUMETHOD(mmu_init, moea_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_modified, moea_is_modified), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_prefaultable, moea_is_prefaultable), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_referenced, moea_is_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_ts_referenced, moea_ts_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map, moea_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_exists_quick,moea_page_exists_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_init, moea_page_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_wired_mappings,moea_page_wired_mappings), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit, moea_pinit), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit0, moea_pinit0), MMUMETHOD(mmu_protect, moea_protect), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qenter, moea_qenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qremove, moea_qremove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_release, moea_release), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove, moea_remove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_all, moea_remove_all), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_write, moea_remove_write), MMUMETHOD(mmu_sync_icache, moea_sync_icache), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unwire, moea_unwire), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page, moea_zero_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page_area, moea_zero_page_area), MMUMETHOD(mmu_activate, moea_activate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_deactivate, moea_deactivate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_set_memattr, moea_page_set_memattr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_enter_page, moea_quick_enter_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_remove_page, moea_quick_remove_page), /* Internal interfaces */ MMUMETHOD(mmu_bootstrap, moea_bootstrap), MMUMETHOD(mmu_cpu_bootstrap, moea_cpu_bootstrap), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev_attr, moea_mapdev_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev, moea_mapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unmapdev, moea_unmapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kextract, moea_kextract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter, moea_kenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter_attr, moea_kenter_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dev_direct_mapped,moea_dev_direct_mapped), MMUMETHOD(mmu_scan_init, moea_scan_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dumpsys_map, moea_dumpsys_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map_user_ptr, moea_map_user_ptr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_decode_kernel_ptr, moea_decode_kernel_ptr), { 0, 0 } }; MMU_DEF(oea_mmu, MMU_TYPE_OEA, moea_methods, 0); static __inline uint32_t moea_calc_wimg(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { uint32_t pte_lo; int i; if (ma != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) { switch (ma) { case VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE: return (PTE_I | PTE_G); case VM_MEMATTR_CACHEABLE: return (PTE_M); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_COMBINING: case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK: case VM_MEMATTR_PREFETCHABLE: return (PTE_I); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH: return (PTE_W | PTE_M); } } /* * Assume the page is cache inhibited and access is guarded unless * it's in our available memory array. */ pte_lo = PTE_I | PTE_G; for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { if ((pa >= pregions[i].mr_start) && (pa < (pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size))) { pte_lo = PTE_M; break; } } return pte_lo; } static void tlbie(vm_offset_t va) { mtx_lock_spin(&tlbie_mtx); __asm __volatile("ptesync"); __asm __volatile("tlbie %0" :: "r"(va)); __asm __volatile("eieio; tlbsync; ptesync"); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbie_mtx); } static void tlbia(void) { vm_offset_t va; for (va = 0; va < 0x00040000; va += 0x00001000) { __asm __volatile("tlbie %0" :: "r"(va)); powerpc_sync(); } __asm __volatile("tlbsync"); powerpc_sync(); } static __inline int va_to_sr(u_int *sr, vm_offset_t va) { return (sr[(uintptr_t)va >> ADDR_SR_SHFT]); } static __inline u_int va_to_pteg(u_int sr, vm_offset_t addr) { u_int hash; hash = (sr & SR_VSID_MASK) ^ (((u_int)addr & ADDR_PIDX) >> ADDR_PIDX_SHFT); return (hash & moea_pteg_mask); } static __inline struct pvo_head * vm_page_to_pvoh(vm_page_t m) { return (&m->md.mdpg_pvoh); } static __inline void moea_attr_clear(vm_page_t m, int ptebit) { rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); m->md.mdpg_attrs &= ~ptebit; } static __inline int moea_attr_fetch(vm_page_t m) { return (m->md.mdpg_attrs); } static __inline void moea_attr_save(vm_page_t m, int ptebit) { rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); m->md.mdpg_attrs |= ptebit; } static __inline int moea_pte_compare(const struct pte *pt, const struct pte *pvo_pt) { if (pt->pte_hi == pvo_pt->pte_hi) return (1); return (0); } static __inline int moea_pte_match(struct pte *pt, u_int sr, vm_offset_t va, int which) { return (pt->pte_hi & ~PTE_VALID) == (((sr & SR_VSID_MASK) << PTE_VSID_SHFT) | ((va >> ADDR_API_SHFT) & PTE_API) | which); } static __inline void moea_pte_create(struct pte *pt, u_int sr, vm_offset_t va, u_int pte_lo) { mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); /* * Construct a PTE. Default to IMB initially. Valid bit only gets * set when the real pte is set in memory. * * Note: Don't set the valid bit for correct operation of tlb update. */ pt->pte_hi = ((sr & SR_VSID_MASK) << PTE_VSID_SHFT) | (((va & ADDR_PIDX) >> ADDR_API_SHFT) & PTE_API); pt->pte_lo = pte_lo; } static __inline void moea_pte_synch(struct pte *pt, struct pte *pvo_pt) { mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); pvo_pt->pte_lo |= pt->pte_lo & (PTE_REF | PTE_CHG); } static __inline void moea_pte_clear(struct pte *pt, vm_offset_t va, int ptebit) { mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); /* * As shown in Section */ pt->pte_lo &= ~ptebit; tlbie(va); } static __inline void moea_pte_set(struct pte *pt, struct pte *pvo_pt) { mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); pvo_pt->pte_hi |= PTE_VALID; /* * Update the PTE as defined in section * Note that the REF/CHG bits are from pvo_pt and thus should have * been saved so this routine can restore them (if desired). */ pt->pte_lo = pvo_pt->pte_lo; powerpc_sync(); pt->pte_hi = pvo_pt->pte_hi; powerpc_sync(); moea_pte_valid++; } static __inline void moea_pte_unset(struct pte *pt, struct pte *pvo_pt, vm_offset_t va) { mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); pvo_pt->pte_hi &= ~PTE_VALID; /* * Force the reg & chg bits back into the PTEs. */ powerpc_sync(); /* * Invalidate the pte. */ pt->pte_hi &= ~PTE_VALID; tlbie(va); /* * Save the reg & chg bits. */ moea_pte_synch(pt, pvo_pt); moea_pte_valid--; } static __inline void moea_pte_change(struct pte *pt, struct pte *pvo_pt, vm_offset_t va) { /* * Invalidate the PTE */ moea_pte_unset(pt, pvo_pt, va); moea_pte_set(pt, pvo_pt); } /* * Quick sort callout for comparing memory regions. */ static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b); static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct ofw_map *mapa; const struct ofw_map *mapb; mapa = a; mapb = b; if (mapa->om_pa < mapb->om_pa) return (-1); else if (mapa->om_pa > mapb->om_pa) return (1); else return (0); } void moea_cpu_bootstrap(mmu_t mmup, int ap) { u_int sdr; int i; if (ap) { powerpc_sync(); __asm __volatile("mtdbatu 0,%0" :: "r"(battable[0].batu)); __asm __volatile("mtdbatl 0,%0" :: "r"(battable[0].batl)); isync(); __asm __volatile("mtibatu 0,%0" :: "r"(battable[0].batu)); __asm __volatile("mtibatl 0,%0" :: "r"(battable[0].batl)); isync(); } __asm __volatile("mtdbatu 1,%0" :: "r"(battable[8].batu)); __asm __volatile("mtdbatl 1,%0" :: "r"(battable[8].batl)); isync(); __asm __volatile("mtibatu 1,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm __volatile("mtdbatu 2,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm __volatile("mtibatu 2,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm __volatile("mtdbatu 3,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm __volatile("mtibatu 3,%0" :: "r"(0)); isync(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) mtsrin(i << ADDR_SR_SHFT, kernel_pmap->pm_sr[i]); powerpc_sync(); sdr = (u_int)moea_pteg_table | (moea_pteg_mask >> 10); __asm __volatile("mtsdr1 %0" :: "r"(sdr)); isync(); tlbia(); } void moea_bootstrap(mmu_t mmup, vm_offset_t kernelstart, vm_offset_t kernelend) { ihandle_t mmui; phandle_t chosen, mmu; int sz; int i, j; vm_size_t size, physsz, hwphyssz; vm_offset_t pa, va, off; void *dpcpu; register_t msr; /* * Set up BAT0 to map the lowest 256 MB area */ battable[0x0].batl = BATL(0x00000000, BAT_M, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0x0].batu = BATU(0x00000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); /* * Map PCI memory space. */ battable[0x8].batl = BATL(0x80000000, BAT_I|BAT_G, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0x8].batu = BATU(0x80000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); battable[0x9].batl = BATL(0x90000000, BAT_I|BAT_G, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0x9].batu = BATU(0x90000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); battable[0xa].batl = BATL(0xa0000000, BAT_I|BAT_G, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0xa].batu = BATU(0xa0000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); battable[0xb].batl = BATL(0xb0000000, BAT_I|BAT_G, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0xb].batu = BATU(0xb0000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); /* * Map obio devices. */ battable[0xf].batl = BATL(0xf0000000, BAT_I|BAT_G, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0xf].batu = BATU(0xf0000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); /* * Use an IBAT and a DBAT to map the bottom segment of memory * where we are. Turn off instruction relocation temporarily * to prevent faults while reprogramming the IBAT. */ msr = mfmsr(); mtmsr(msr & ~PSL_IR); __asm (".balign 32; \n" "mtibatu 0,%0; mtibatl 0,%1; isync; \n" "mtdbatu 0,%0; mtdbatl 0,%1; isync" :: "r"(battable[0].batu), "r"(battable[0].batl)); mtmsr(msr); /* map pci space */ __asm __volatile("mtdbatu 1,%0" :: "r"(battable[8].batu)); __asm __volatile("mtdbatl 1,%0" :: "r"(battable[8].batl)); isync(); /* set global direct map flag */ hw_direct_map = 1; mem_regions(&pregions, &pregions_sz, ®ions, ®ions_sz); CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: physical memory"); for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { vm_offset_t pa; vm_offset_t end; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "physregion: %#x - %#x (%#x)", pregions[i].mr_start, pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size, pregions[i].mr_size); /* * Install entries into the BAT table to allow all * of physmem to be convered by on-demand BAT entries. * The loop will sometimes set the same battable element * twice, but that's fine since they won't be used for * a while yet. */ pa = pregions[i].mr_start & 0xf0000000; end = pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size; do { u_int n = pa >> ADDR_SR_SHFT; battable[n].batl = BATL(pa, BAT_M, BAT_PP_RW); battable[n].batu = BATU(pa, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); pa += SEGMENT_LENGTH; } while (pa < end); } if (nitems(phys_avail) < regions_sz) panic("moea_bootstrap: phys_avail too small"); phys_avail_count = 0; physsz = 0; hwphyssz = 0; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.physmem", (u_long *) &hwphyssz); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < regions_sz; i++, j += 2) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "region: %#x - %#x (%#x)", regions[i].mr_start, regions[i].mr_start + regions[i].mr_size, regions[i].mr_size); if (hwphyssz != 0 && (physsz + regions[i].mr_size) >= hwphyssz) { if (physsz < hwphyssz) { phys_avail[j] = regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = regions[i].mr_start + hwphyssz - physsz; physsz = hwphyssz; phys_avail_count++; } break; } phys_avail[j] = regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = regions[i].mr_start + regions[i].mr_size; phys_avail_count++; physsz += regions[i].mr_size; } /* Check for overlap with the kernel and exception vectors */ for (j = 0; j < 2*phys_avail_count; j+=2) { if (phys_avail[j] < EXC_LAST) phys_avail[j] += EXC_LAST; if (kernelstart >= phys_avail[j] && kernelstart < phys_avail[j+1]) { if (kernelend < phys_avail[j+1]) { phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count] = (kernelend & ~PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE; phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count + 1] = phys_avail[j+1]; phys_avail_count++; } phys_avail[j+1] = kernelstart & ~PAGE_MASK; } if (kernelend >= phys_avail[j] && kernelend < phys_avail[j+1]) { if (kernelstart > phys_avail[j]) { phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count] = phys_avail[j]; phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count + 1] = kernelstart & ~PAGE_MASK; phys_avail_count++; } phys_avail[j] = (kernelend & ~PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE; } } physmem = btoc(physsz); /* * Allocate PTEG table. */ #ifdef PTEGCOUNT moea_pteg_count = PTEGCOUNT; #else moea_pteg_count = 0x1000; while (moea_pteg_count < physmem) moea_pteg_count <<= 1; moea_pteg_count >>= 1; #endif /* PTEGCOUNT */ size = moea_pteg_count * sizeof(struct pteg); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: %d PTEGs, %d bytes", moea_pteg_count, size); moea_pteg_table = (struct pteg *)moea_bootstrap_alloc(size, size); CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: PTEG table at %p", moea_pteg_table); bzero((void *)moea_pteg_table, moea_pteg_count * sizeof(struct pteg)); moea_pteg_mask = moea_pteg_count - 1; /* * Allocate pv/overflow lists. */ size = sizeof(struct pvo_head) * moea_pteg_count; moea_pvo_table = (struct pvo_head *)moea_bootstrap_alloc(size, PAGE_SIZE); CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: PVO table at %p", moea_pvo_table); for (i = 0; i < moea_pteg_count; i++) LIST_INIT(&moea_pvo_table[i]); /* * Initialize the lock that synchronizes access to the pteg and pvo * tables. */ mtx_init(&moea_table_mutex, "pmap table", NULL, MTX_DEF | MTX_RECURSE); mtx_init(&moea_vsid_mutex, "VSID table", NULL, MTX_DEF); mtx_init(&tlbie_mtx, "tlbie", NULL, MTX_SPIN); /* * Initialise the unmanaged pvo pool. */ moea_bpvo_pool = (struct pvo_entry *)moea_bootstrap_alloc( BPVO_POOL_SIZE*sizeof(struct pvo_entry), 0); moea_bpvo_pool_index = 0; /* * Make sure kernel vsid is allocated as well as VSID 0. */ moea_vsid_bitmap[(KERNEL_VSIDBITS & (NPMAPS - 1)) / VSID_NBPW] |= 1 << (KERNEL_VSIDBITS % VSID_NBPW); moea_vsid_bitmap[0] |= 1; /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). */ PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) kernel_pmap->pm_sr[i] = EMPTY_SEGMENT + i; CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); RB_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pmap_pvo); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); /* * Set up the Open Firmware mappings */ chosen = OF_finddevice("/chosen"); if (chosen != -1 && OF_getprop(chosen, "mmu", &mmui, 4) != -1 && (mmu = OF_instance_to_package(mmui)) != -1 && (sz = OF_getproplen(mmu, "translations")) != -1) { translations = NULL; for (i = 0; phys_avail[i] != 0; i += 2) { if (phys_avail[i + 1] >= sz) { translations = (struct ofw_map *)phys_avail[i]; break; } } if (translations == NULL) panic("moea_bootstrap: no space to copy translations"); bzero(translations, sz); if (OF_getprop(mmu, "translations", translations, sz) == -1) panic("moea_bootstrap: can't get ofw translations"); CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: translations"); sz /= sizeof(*translations); qsort(translations, sz, sizeof (*translations), om_cmp); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "translation: pa=%#x va=%#x len=%#x", translations[i].om_pa, translations[i].om_va, translations[i].om_len); /* * If the mapping is 1:1, let the RAM and device * on-demand BAT tables take care of the translation. */ if (translations[i].om_va == translations[i].om_pa) continue; /* Enter the pages */ for (off = 0; off < translations[i].om_len; off += PAGE_SIZE) moea_kenter(mmup, translations[i].om_va + off, translations[i].om_pa + off); } } /* * Calculate the last available physical address. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 2] != 0; i += 2) ; Maxmem = powerpc_btop(phys_avail[i + 1]); moea_cpu_bootstrap(mmup,0); mtmsr(mfmsr() | PSL_DR | PSL_IR); pmap_bootstrapped++; /* * Set the start and end of kva. */ virtual_avail = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; virtual_end = VM_MAX_SAFE_KERNEL_ADDRESS; /* * Allocate a kernel stack with a guard page for thread0 and map it * into the kernel page map. */ pa = moea_bootstrap_alloc(kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE); va = virtual_avail + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; virtual_avail = va + kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "moea_bootstrap: kstack0 at %#x (%#x)", pa, va); thread0.td_kstack = va; thread0.td_kstack_pages = kstack_pages; for (i = 0; i < kstack_pages; i++) { moea_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Allocate virtual address space for the message buffer. */ pa = msgbuf_phys = moea_bootstrap_alloc(msgbufsize, PAGE_SIZE); msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)virtual_avail; va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += round_page(msgbufsize); while (va < virtual_avail) { moea_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Allocate virtual address space for the dynamic percpu area. */ pa = moea_bootstrap_alloc(DPCPU_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE); dpcpu = (void *)virtual_avail; va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += DPCPU_SIZE; while (va < virtual_avail) { moea_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } dpcpu_init(dpcpu, 0); } /* * Activate a user pmap. The pmap must be activated before it's address * space can be accessed in any way. */ void moea_activate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pm, pmr; /* * Load all the data we need up front to encourage the compiler to * not issue any loads while we have interrupts disabled below. */ pm = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; pmr = pm->pmap_phys; CPU_SET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmr); mtsrin(USER_SR << ADDR_SR_SHFT, td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid); } void moea_deactivate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pm; pm = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); PCPU_SET(curpmap, NULL); } void moea_unwire(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pvo_entry key, *pvo; PMAP_LOCK(pm); key.pvo_vaddr = sva; for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo)) { if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) == 0) panic("moea_unwire: pvo %p is missing PVO_WIRED", pvo); pvo->pvo_vaddr &= ~PVO_WIRED; pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void moea_copy_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t dst; vm_offset_t src; dst = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst); src = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc); bcopy((void *)src, (void *)dst, PAGE_SIZE); } void moea_copy_pages(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); a_cp = (char *)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]) + a_pg_offset; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); b_cp = (char *)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]) + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } /* * Zero a page of physical memory by temporarily mapping it into the tlb. */ void moea_zero_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t off, pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); for (off = 0; off < PAGE_SIZE; off += cacheline_size) __asm __volatile("dcbz 0,%0" :: "r"(pa + off)); } void moea_zero_page_area(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); void *va = (void *)(pa + off); bzero(va, size); } vm_offset_t moea_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { return (VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); } void moea_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr) { } /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. */ int moea_enter(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { int error; for (;;) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); error = moea_enter_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, flags, psind); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (error != ENOMEM) return (KERN_SUCCESS); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0) return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_UNLOCKED(m->object); vm_wait(NULL); } } /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. * * The global pvh and pmap must be locked. */ static int moea_enter_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind __unused) { struct pvo_head *pvo_head; uma_zone_t zone; u_int pte_lo, pvo_flags; int error; if (pmap_bootstrapped) rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || !moea_initialized) { pvo_head = &moea_pvo_kunmanaged; zone = moea_upvo_zone; pvo_flags = 0; } else { pvo_head = vm_page_to_pvoh(m); zone = moea_mpvo_zone; pvo_flags = PVO_MANAGED; } pte_lo = moea_calc_wimg(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), pmap_page_get_memattr(m)); if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { pte_lo |= PTE_BW; if (pmap_bootstrapped && (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } else pte_lo |= PTE_BR; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) pvo_flags |= PVO_WIRED; error = moea_pvo_enter(pmap, zone, pvo_head, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), pte_lo, pvo_flags); /* * Flush the real page from the instruction cache. This has be done * for all user mappings to prevent information leakage via the * instruction cache. moea_pvo_enter() returns ENOENT for the first * mapping for a page. */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap && error == ENOENT && (pte_lo & (PTE_I | PTE_G)) == 0) moea_syncicache(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PAGE_SIZE); return (error); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void moea_enter_object(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { moea_enter_locked(pm, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), 0, 0); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void moea_enter_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); moea_enter_locked(pm, va, m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), 0, 0); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } vm_paddr_t moea_extract(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK(pm); pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(pm, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); if (pvo == NULL) pa = 0; else pa = (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN) | (va & ADDR_POFF); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (pa); } /* * Atomically extract and hold the physical page with the given * pmap and virtual address pair if that mapping permits the given * protection. */ vm_page_t moea_extract_and_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; m = NULL; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); if (pvo != NULL && (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) && ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_PP) == PTE_RW || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } void moea_init(mmu_t mmu) { moea_upvo_zone = uma_zcreate("UPVO entry", sizeof (struct pvo_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); moea_mpvo_zone = uma_zcreate("MPVO entry", sizeof(struct pvo_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); moea_initialized = TRUE; } boolean_t moea_is_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = moea_query_bit(m, PTE_REF); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } boolean_t moea_is_modified(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PTE_CHG set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); rv = moea_query_bit(m, PTE_CHG); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } boolean_t moea_is_prefaultable(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; boolean_t rv; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); rv = pvo == NULL || (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) == 0; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } void moea_clear_modify(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("moea_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busy", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PTE_CHG * set. If the object containing the page is locked and the page is * not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); moea_clear_bit(m, PTE_CHG); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void moea_remove_write(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; struct pte *pt; pmap_t pmap; u_int lo; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); lo = moea_attr_fetch(m); powerpc_sync(); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_PP) != PTE_BR) { pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, -1); pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo &= ~PTE_PP; pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo |= PTE_BR; if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_synch(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte); lo |= pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo; pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo &= ~PTE_CHG; moea_pte_change(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte, pvo->pvo_vaddr); mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((lo & PTE_CHG) != 0) { moea_attr_clear(m, PTE_CHG); vm_page_dirty(m); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * moea_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * XXX: The exact number of bits to check and clear is a matter that * should be tested and standardized at some point in the future for * optimal aging of shared pages. */ int moea_ts_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { int count; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); count = moea_clear_bit(m, PTE_REF); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * Modify the WIMG settings of all mappings for a page. */ void moea_page_set_memattr(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; struct pvo_head *pvo_head; struct pte *pt; pmap_t pmap; u_int lo; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) { m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = ma; return; } rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); pvo_head = vm_page_to_pvoh(m); lo = moea_calc_wimg(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), ma); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, pvo_head, pvo_vlink) { pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, -1); pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo &= ~PTE_WIMG; pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo |= lo; if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_change(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte, pvo->pvo_vaddr); if (pvo->pvo_pmap == kernel_pmap) isync(); } mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = ma; rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Map a wired page into kernel virtual address space. */ void moea_kenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { moea_kenter_attr(mmu, va, pa, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } void moea_kenter_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { u_int pte_lo; int error; #if 0 if (va < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) panic("moea_kenter: attempt to enter non-kernel address %#x", va); #endif pte_lo = moea_calc_wimg(pa, ma); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); error = moea_pvo_enter(kernel_pmap, moea_upvo_zone, &moea_pvo_kunmanaged, va, pa, pte_lo, PVO_WIRED); if (error != 0 && error != ENOENT) panic("moea_kenter: failed to enter va %#x pa %#x: %d", va, pa, error); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } /* * Extract the physical page address associated with the given kernel virtual * address. */ vm_paddr_t moea_kextract(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_paddr_t pa; /* * Allow direct mappings on 32-bit OEA */ if (va < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { return (va); } PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); KASSERT(pvo != NULL, ("moea_kextract: no addr found")); pa = (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN) | (va & ADDR_POFF); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (pa); } /* * Remove a wired page from kernel virtual address space. */ void moea_kremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { moea_remove(mmu, kernel_pmap, va, va + PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Provide a kernel pointer corresponding to a given userland pointer. * The returned pointer is valid until the next time this function is * called in this thread. This is used internally in copyin/copyout. */ int moea_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen) { size_t l; register_t vsid; *kaddr = (char *)USER_ADDR + ((uintptr_t)uaddr & ~SEGMENT_MASK); l = ((char *)USER_ADDR + SEGMENT_LENGTH) - (char *)(*kaddr); if (l > ulen) l = ulen; if (klen) *klen = l; else if (l != ulen) return (EFAULT); vsid = va_to_vsid(pm, (vm_offset_t)uaddr); /* Mark segment no-execute */ vsid |= SR_N; /* If we have already set this VSID, we can just return */ if (curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid == vsid) return (0); __asm __volatile("isync"); curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_segm = (uintptr_t)uaddr >> ADDR_SR_SHFT; curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid = vsid; __asm __volatile("mtsr %0,%1; isync" :: "n"(USER_SR), "r"(vsid)); return (0); } /* * Figure out where a given kernel pointer (usually in a fault) points * to from the VM's perspective, potentially remapping into userland's * address space. */ static int moea_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr) { vm_offset_t user_sr; if ((addr >> ADDR_SR_SHFT) == (USER_ADDR >> ADDR_SR_SHFT)) { user_sr = curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_segm; addr &= ADDR_PIDX | ADDR_POFF; addr |= user_sr << ADDR_SR_SHFT; *decoded_addr = addr; *is_user = 1; } else { *decoded_addr = addr; *is_user = 0; } return (0); } /* * Map a range of physical addresses into kernel virtual address space. * * The value passed in *virt is a suggested virtual address for the mapping. * Architectures which can support a direct-mapped physical to virtual region * can return the appropriate address within that region, leaving '*virt' * unchanged. We cannot and therefore do not; *virt is updated with the * first usable address after the mapped region. */ vm_offset_t moea_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t pa_start, vm_paddr_t pa_end, int prot) { vm_offset_t sva, va; sva = *virt; va = sva; for (; pa_start < pa_end; pa_start += PAGE_SIZE, va += PAGE_SIZE) moea_kenter(mmu, va, pa_start); *virt = va; return (sva); } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t moea_page_exists_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { int loops; struct pvo_entry *pvo; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); loops = 0; rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { if (pvo->pvo_pmap == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } if (++loops >= 16) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } void moea_page_init(mmu_t mmu __unused, vm_page_t m) { m->md.mdpg_attrs = 0; m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT; LIST_INIT(&m->md.mdpg_pvoh); } /* * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int moea_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) != 0) count++; rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } static u_int moea_vsidcontext; void moea_pinit(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { int i, mask; u_int entropy; KASSERT((int)pmap < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("moea_pinit: virt pmap")); RB_INIT(&pmap->pmap_pvo); entropy = 0; __asm __volatile("mftb %0" : "=r"(entropy)); if ((pmap->pmap_phys = (pmap_t)moea_kextract(mmu, (vm_offset_t)pmap)) == NULL) { pmap->pmap_phys = pmap; } mtx_lock(&moea_vsid_mutex); /* * Allocate some segment registers for this pmap. */ for (i = 0; i < NPMAPS; i += VSID_NBPW) { u_int hash, n; /* * Create a new value by mutiplying by a prime and adding in * entropy from the timebase register. This is to make the * VSID more random so that the PT hash function collides * less often. (Note that the prime casues gcc to do shifts * instead of a multiply.) */ moea_vsidcontext = (moea_vsidcontext * 0x1105) + entropy; hash = moea_vsidcontext & (NPMAPS - 1); if (hash == 0) /* 0 is special, avoid it */ continue; n = hash >> 5; mask = 1 << (hash & (VSID_NBPW - 1)); hash = (moea_vsidcontext & 0xfffff); if (moea_vsid_bitmap[n] & mask) { /* collision? */ /* anything free in this bucket? */ if (moea_vsid_bitmap[n] == 0xffffffff) { entropy = (moea_vsidcontext >> 20); continue; } i = ffs(~moea_vsid_bitmap[n]) - 1; mask = 1 << i; hash &= rounddown2(0xfffff, VSID_NBPW); hash |= i; } KASSERT(!(moea_vsid_bitmap[n] & mask), ("Allocating in-use VSID group %#x\n", hash)); moea_vsid_bitmap[n] |= mask; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) pmap->pm_sr[i] = VSID_MAKE(i, hash); mtx_unlock(&moea_vsid_mutex); return; } mtx_unlock(&moea_vsid_mutex); panic("moea_pinit: out of segments"); } /* * Initialize the pmap associated with process 0. */ void moea_pinit0(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pm); moea_pinit(mmu, pm); bzero(&pm->pm_stats, sizeof(pm->pm_stats)); } /* * Set the physical protection on the specified range of this map as requested. */ void moea_protect(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *tpvo, key; struct pte *pt; KASSERT(pm == &curproc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap || pm == kernel_pmap, ("moea_protect: non current pmap")); if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { moea_remove(mmu, pm, sva, eva); return; } rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); key.pvo_vaddr = sva; for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = tpvo) { tpvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * Grab the PTE pointer before we diddle with the cached PTE * copy. */ pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, -1); /* * Change the protection of the page. */ pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo &= ~PTE_PP; pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo |= PTE_BR; /* * If the PVO is in the page table, update that pte as well. */ if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_change(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte, pvo->pvo_vaddr); mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); } } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * Map a list of wired pages into kernel virtual address space. This is * intended for temporary mappings which do not need page modification or * references recorded. Existing mappings in the region are overwritten. */ void moea_qenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *m, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { moea_kenter(mmu, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(*m)); va += PAGE_SIZE; m++; } } /* * Remove page mappings from kernel virtual address space. Intended for * temporary mappings entered by moea_qenter. */ void moea_qremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { moea_kremove(mmu, va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } } void moea_release(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { int idx, mask; /* * Free segment register's VSID */ if (pmap->pm_sr[0] == 0) panic("moea_release"); mtx_lock(&moea_vsid_mutex); idx = VSID_TO_HASH(pmap->pm_sr[0]) & (NPMAPS-1); mask = 1 << (idx % VSID_NBPW); idx /= VSID_NBPW; moea_vsid_bitmap[idx] &= ~mask; mtx_unlock(&moea_vsid_mutex); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. */ void moea_remove(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *tpvo, key; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); key.pvo_vaddr = sva; for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = tpvo) { tpvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo); moea_pvo_remove(pvo, -1); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Remove physical page from all pmaps in which it resides. moea_pvo_remove() * will reflect changes in pte's back to the vm_page. */ void moea_remove_all(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_head *pvo_head; struct pvo_entry *pvo, *next_pvo; pmap_t pmap; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); pvo_head = vm_page_to_pvoh(m); for (pvo = LIST_FIRST(pvo_head); pvo != NULL; pvo = next_pvo) { next_pvo = LIST_NEXT(pvo, pvo_vlink); pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); moea_pvo_remove(pvo, -1); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) && moea_query_bit(m, PTE_CHG)) { moea_attr_clear(m, PTE_CHG); vm_page_dirty(m); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Allocate a physical page of memory directly from the phys_avail map. * Can only be called from moea_bootstrap before avail start and end are * calculated. */ static vm_offset_t moea_bootstrap_alloc(vm_size_t size, u_int align) { vm_offset_t s, e; int i, j; size = round_page(size); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { if (align != 0) s = roundup2(phys_avail[i], align); else s = phys_avail[i]; e = s + size; if (s < phys_avail[i] || e > phys_avail[i + 1]) continue; if (s == phys_avail[i]) { phys_avail[i] += size; } else if (e == phys_avail[i + 1]) { phys_avail[i + 1] -= size; } else { for (j = phys_avail_count * 2; j > i; j -= 2) { phys_avail[j] = phys_avail[j - 2]; phys_avail[j + 1] = phys_avail[j - 1]; } phys_avail[i + 3] = phys_avail[i + 1]; phys_avail[i + 1] = s; phys_avail[i + 2] = e; phys_avail_count++; } return (s); } panic("moea_bootstrap_alloc: could not allocate memory"); } static void moea_syncicache(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t len) { __syncicache((void *)pa, len); } static int moea_pvo_enter(pmap_t pm, uma_zone_t zone, struct pvo_head *pvo_head, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, u_int pte_lo, int flags) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; u_int sr; int first; u_int ptegidx; int i; int bootstrap; moea_pvo_enter_calls++; first = 0; bootstrap = 0; /* * Compute the PTE Group index. */ va &= ~ADDR_POFF; sr = va_to_sr(pm->pm_sr, va); ptegidx = va_to_pteg(sr, va); /* * Remove any existing mapping for this page. Reuse the pvo entry if * there is a mapping. */ mtx_lock(&moea_table_mutex); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, &moea_pvo_table[ptegidx], pvo_olink) { if (pvo->pvo_pmap == pm && PVO_VADDR(pvo) == va) { if ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN) == pa && (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_PP) == (pte_lo & PTE_PP)) { /* * The PTE is not changing. Instead, this may * be a request to change the mapping's wired * attribute. */ mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); if ((flags & PVO_WIRED) != 0 && (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) == 0) { pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED; pm->pm_stats.wired_count++; } else if ((flags & PVO_WIRED) == 0 && (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) != 0) { pvo->pvo_vaddr &= ~PVO_WIRED; pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; } return (0); } moea_pvo_remove(pvo, -1); break; } } /* * If we aren't overwriting a mapping, try to allocate. */ if (moea_initialized) { pvo = uma_zalloc(zone, M_NOWAIT); } else { if (moea_bpvo_pool_index >= BPVO_POOL_SIZE) { panic("moea_enter: bpvo pool exhausted, %d, %d, %d", moea_bpvo_pool_index, BPVO_POOL_SIZE, BPVO_POOL_SIZE * sizeof(struct pvo_entry)); } pvo = &moea_bpvo_pool[moea_bpvo_pool_index]; moea_bpvo_pool_index++; bootstrap = 1; } if (pvo == NULL) { mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (ENOMEM); } moea_pvo_entries++; pvo->pvo_vaddr = va; pvo->pvo_pmap = pm; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&moea_pvo_table[ptegidx], pvo, pvo_olink); pvo->pvo_vaddr &= ~ADDR_POFF; if (flags & PVO_WIRED) pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED; if (pvo_head != &moea_pvo_kunmanaged) pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_MANAGED; if (bootstrap) pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_BOOTSTRAP; moea_pte_create(&pvo->pvo_pte.pte, sr, va, pa | pte_lo); /* * Add to pmap list */ RB_INSERT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * Remember if the list was empty and therefore will be the first * item. */ if (LIST_FIRST(pvo_head) == NULL) first = 1; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(pvo_head, pvo, pvo_vlink); if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) pm->pm_stats.wired_count++; pm->pm_stats.resident_count++; i = moea_pte_insert(ptegidx, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte); KASSERT(i < 8, ("Invalid PTE index")); if (i >= 0) { PVO_PTEGIDX_SET(pvo, i); } else { panic("moea_pvo_enter: overflow"); moea_pte_overflow++; } mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (first ? ENOENT : 0); } static void moea_pvo_remove(struct pvo_entry *pvo, int pteidx) { struct pte *pt; /* * If there is an active pte entry, we need to deactivate it (and * save the ref & cfg bits). */ pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, pteidx); if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_unset(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte, pvo->pvo_vaddr); mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); PVO_PTEGIDX_CLR(pvo); } else { moea_pte_overflow--; } /* * Update our statistics. */ pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Save the REF/CHG bits into their cache if the page is managed. */ if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) == PVO_MANAGED) { struct vm_page *pg; pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN); if (pg != NULL) { moea_attr_save(pg, pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & (PTE_REF | PTE_CHG)); } } /* * Remove this PVO from the PV and pmap lists. */ LIST_REMOVE(pvo, pvo_vlink); RB_REMOVE(pvo_tree, &pvo->pvo_pmap->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * Remove this from the overflow list and return it to the pool * if we aren't going to reuse it. */ LIST_REMOVE(pvo, pvo_olink); if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_BOOTSTRAP)) uma_zfree(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED ? moea_mpvo_zone : moea_upvo_zone, pvo); moea_pvo_entries--; moea_pvo_remove_calls++; } static __inline int moea_pvo_pte_index(const struct pvo_entry *pvo, int ptegidx) { int pteidx; /* * We can find the actual pte entry without searching by grabbing * the PTEG index from 3 unused bits in pte_lo[11:9] and by * noticing the HID bit. */ pteidx = ptegidx * 8 + PVO_PTEGIDX_GET(pvo); if (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_HID) pteidx ^= moea_pteg_mask * 8; return (pteidx); } static struct pvo_entry * moea_pvo_find_va(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, int *pteidx_p) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int ptegidx; u_int sr; va &= ~ADDR_POFF; sr = va_to_sr(pm->pm_sr, va); ptegidx = va_to_pteg(sr, va); mtx_lock(&moea_table_mutex); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, &moea_pvo_table[ptegidx], pvo_olink) { if (pvo->pvo_pmap == pm && PVO_VADDR(pvo) == va) { if (pteidx_p) *pteidx_p = moea_pvo_pte_index(pvo, ptegidx); break; } } mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (pvo); } static struct pte * moea_pvo_to_pte(const struct pvo_entry *pvo, int pteidx) { struct pte *pt; /* * If we haven't been supplied the ptegidx, calculate it. */ if (pteidx == -1) { int ptegidx; u_int sr; sr = va_to_sr(pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_sr, pvo->pvo_vaddr); ptegidx = va_to_pteg(sr, pvo->pvo_vaddr); pteidx = moea_pvo_pte_index(pvo, ptegidx); } pt = &moea_pteg_table[pteidx >> 3].pt[pteidx & 7]; mtx_lock(&moea_table_mutex); if ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) && !PVO_PTEGIDX_ISSET(pvo)) { panic("moea_pvo_to_pte: pvo %p has valid pte in pvo but no " "valid pte index", pvo); } if ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) == 0 && PVO_PTEGIDX_ISSET(pvo)) { panic("moea_pvo_to_pte: pvo %p has valid pte index in pvo " "pvo but no valid pte", pvo); } if ((pt->pte_hi ^ (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & ~PTE_VALID)) == PTE_VALID) { if ((pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) == 0) { panic("moea_pvo_to_pte: pvo %p has valid pte in " "moea_pteg_table %p but invalid in pvo", pvo, pt); } if (((pt->pte_lo ^ pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo) & ~(PTE_CHG|PTE_REF)) != 0) { panic("moea_pvo_to_pte: pvo %p pte does not match " "pte %p in moea_pteg_table", pvo, pt); } mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); return (pt); } if (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID) { panic("moea_pvo_to_pte: pvo %p has invalid pte %p in " "moea_pteg_table but valid in pvo: %8x, %8x", pvo, pt, pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi, pt->pte_hi); } mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (NULL); } /* * XXX: THIS STUFF SHOULD BE IN pte.c? */ int moea_pte_spill(vm_offset_t addr) { struct pvo_entry *source_pvo, *victim_pvo; struct pvo_entry *pvo; int ptegidx, i, j; u_int sr; struct pteg *pteg; struct pte *pt; moea_pte_spills++; sr = mfsrin(addr); ptegidx = va_to_pteg(sr, addr); /* * Have to substitute some entry. Use the primary hash for this. * Use low bits of timebase as random generator. */ pteg = &moea_pteg_table[ptegidx]; mtx_lock(&moea_table_mutex); __asm __volatile("mftb %0" : "=r"(i)); i &= 7; pt = &pteg->pt[i]; source_pvo = NULL; victim_pvo = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(pvo, &moea_pvo_table[ptegidx], pvo_olink) { /* * We need to find a pvo entry for this address. */ if (source_pvo == NULL && moea_pte_match(&pvo->pvo_pte.pte, sr, addr, pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_HID)) { /* * Now found an entry to be spilled into the pteg. * The PTE is now valid, so we know it's active. */ j = moea_pte_insert(ptegidx, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte); if (j >= 0) { PVO_PTEGIDX_SET(pvo, j); moea_pte_overflow--; mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (1); } source_pvo = pvo; if (victim_pvo != NULL) break; } /* * We also need the pvo entry of the victim we are replacing * so save the R & C bits of the PTE. */ if ((pt->pte_hi & PTE_HID) == 0 && victim_pvo == NULL && moea_pte_compare(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte)) { victim_pvo = pvo; if (source_pvo != NULL) break; } } if (source_pvo == NULL) { mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (0); } if (victim_pvo == NULL) { if ((pt->pte_hi & PTE_HID) == 0) panic("moea_pte_spill: victim p-pte (%p) has no pvo" "entry", pt); /* * If this is a secondary PTE, we need to search it's primary * pvo bucket for the matching PVO. */ LIST_FOREACH(pvo, &moea_pvo_table[ptegidx ^ moea_pteg_mask], pvo_olink) { /* * We also need the pvo entry of the victim we are * replacing so save the R & C bits of the PTE. */ if (moea_pte_compare(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte)) { victim_pvo = pvo; break; } } if (victim_pvo == NULL) panic("moea_pte_spill: victim s-pte (%p) has no pvo" "entry", pt); } /* * We are invalidating the TLB entry for the EA we are replacing even * though it's valid. If we don't, we lose any ref/chg bit changes * contained in the TLB entry. */ source_pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi &= ~PTE_HID; moea_pte_unset(pt, &victim_pvo->pvo_pte.pte, victim_pvo->pvo_vaddr); moea_pte_set(pt, &source_pvo->pvo_pte.pte); PVO_PTEGIDX_CLR(victim_pvo); PVO_PTEGIDX_SET(source_pvo, i); moea_pte_replacements++; mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); return (1); } static __inline struct pvo_entry * moea_pte_spillable_ident(u_int ptegidx) { struct pte *pt; struct pvo_entry *pvo_walk, *pvo = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(pvo_walk, &moea_pvo_table[ptegidx], pvo_olink) { if (pvo_walk->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) continue; if (!(pvo_walk->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID)) continue; pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo_walk, -1); if (pt == NULL) continue; pvo = pvo_walk; mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); if (!(pt->pte_lo & PTE_REF)) return (pvo_walk); } return (pvo); } static int moea_pte_insert(u_int ptegidx, struct pte *pvo_pt) { struct pte *pt; struct pvo_entry *victim_pvo; int i; int victim_idx; u_int pteg_bkpidx = ptegidx; mtx_assert(&moea_table_mutex, MA_OWNED); /* * First try primary hash. */ for (pt = moea_pteg_table[ptegidx].pt, i = 0; i < 8; i++, pt++) { if ((pt->pte_hi & PTE_VALID) == 0) { pvo_pt->pte_hi &= ~PTE_HID; moea_pte_set(pt, pvo_pt); return (i); } } /* * Now try secondary hash. */ ptegidx ^= moea_pteg_mask; for (pt = moea_pteg_table[ptegidx].pt, i = 0; i < 8; i++, pt++) { if ((pt->pte_hi & PTE_VALID) == 0) { pvo_pt->pte_hi |= PTE_HID; moea_pte_set(pt, pvo_pt); return (i); } } /* Try again, but this time try to force a PTE out. */ ptegidx = pteg_bkpidx; victim_pvo = moea_pte_spillable_ident(ptegidx); if (victim_pvo == NULL) { ptegidx ^= moea_pteg_mask; victim_pvo = moea_pte_spillable_ident(ptegidx); } if (victim_pvo == NULL) { panic("moea_pte_insert: overflow"); return (-1); } victim_idx = moea_pvo_pte_index(victim_pvo, ptegidx); if (pteg_bkpidx == ptegidx) pvo_pt->pte_hi &= ~PTE_HID; else pvo_pt->pte_hi |= PTE_HID; /* * Synchronize the sacrifice PTE with its PVO, then mark both * invalid. The PVO will be reused when/if the VM system comes * here after a fault. */ pt = &moea_pteg_table[victim_idx >> 3].pt[victim_idx & 7]; if (pt->pte_hi != victim_pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi) panic("Victim PVO doesn't match PTE! PVO: %8x, PTE: %8x", victim_pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi, pt->pte_hi); /* * Set the new PTE. */ moea_pte_unset(pt, &victim_pvo->pvo_pte.pte, victim_pvo->pvo_vaddr); PVO_PTEGIDX_CLR(victim_pvo); moea_pte_overflow++; moea_pte_set(pt, pvo_pt); return (victim_idx & 7); } static boolean_t moea_query_bit(vm_page_t m, int ptebit) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; struct pte *pt; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if (moea_attr_fetch(m) & ptebit) return (TRUE); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { /* * See if we saved the bit off. If so, cache it and return * success. */ if (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & ptebit) { moea_attr_save(m, ptebit); return (TRUE); } } /* * No luck, now go through the hard part of looking at the PTEs * themselves. Sync so that any pending REF/CHG bits are flushed to * the PTEs. */ powerpc_sync(); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { /* * See if this pvo has a valid PTE. if so, fetch the * REF/CHG bits from the valid PTE. If the appropriate * ptebit is set, cache it and return success. */ pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, -1); if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_synch(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte); mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); if (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & ptebit) { moea_attr_save(m, ptebit); return (TRUE); } } } return (FALSE); } static u_int moea_clear_bit(vm_page_t m, int ptebit) { u_int count; struct pvo_entry *pvo; struct pte *pt; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); /* * Clear the cached value. */ moea_attr_clear(m, ptebit); /* * Sync so that any pending REF/CHG bits are flushed to the PTEs (so * we can reset the right ones). note that since the pvo entries and * list heads are accessed via BAT0 and are never placed in the page * table, we don't have to worry about further accesses setting the * REF/CHG bits. */ powerpc_sync(); /* * For each pvo entry, clear the pvo's ptebit. If this pvo has a * valid pte clear the ptebit from the valid pte. */ count = 0; LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { pt = moea_pvo_to_pte(pvo, -1); if (pt != NULL) { moea_pte_synch(pt, &pvo->pvo_pte.pte); if (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & ptebit) { count++; moea_pte_clear(pt, PVO_VADDR(pvo), ptebit); } mtx_unlock(&moea_table_mutex); } pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo &= ~ptebit; } return (count); } /* * Return true if the physical range is encompassed by the battable[idx] */ static int moea_bat_mapped(int idx, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { u_int prot; u_int32_t start; u_int32_t end; u_int32_t bat_ble; /* * Return immediately if not a valid mapping */ if (!(battable[idx].batu & BAT_Vs)) return (EINVAL); /* * The BAT entry must be cache-inhibited, guarded, and r/w * so it can function as an i/o page */ prot = battable[idx].batl & (BAT_I|BAT_G|BAT_PP_RW); if (prot != (BAT_I|BAT_G|BAT_PP_RW)) return (EPERM); /* * The address should be within the BAT range. Assume that the * start address in the BAT has the correct alignment (thus * not requiring masking) */ start = battable[idx].batl & BAT_PBS; bat_ble = (battable[idx].batu & ~(BAT_EBS)) | 0x03; end = start | (bat_ble << 15) | 0x7fff; if ((pa < start) || ((pa + size) > end)) return (ERANGE); return (0); } boolean_t moea_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { int i; /* * This currently does not work for entries that * overlap 256M BAT segments. */ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (moea_bat_mapped(i, pa, size) == 0) return (0); return (EFAULT); } /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual * address space. Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This * routine is intended to be used for mapping device memory, * NOT real memory. */ void * moea_mapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return (moea_mapdev_attr(mmu, pa, size, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT)); } void * moea_mapdev_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_memattr_t ma) { vm_offset_t va, tmpva, ppa, offset; int i; ppa = trunc_page(pa); offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup(offset + size, PAGE_SIZE); /* * If the physical address lies within a valid BAT table entry, * return the 1:1 mapping. This currently doesn't work * for regions that overlap 256M BAT segments. */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (moea_bat_mapped(i, pa, size) == 0) return ((void *) pa); } va = kva_alloc(size); if (!va) panic("moea_mapdev: Couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory"); for (tmpva = va; size > 0;) { moea_kenter_attr(mmu, tmpva, ppa, ma); tlbie(tmpva); size -= PAGE_SIZE; tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; ppa += PAGE_SIZE; } return ((void *)(va + offset)); } void moea_unmapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t base, offset; /* * If this is outside kernel virtual space, then it's a * battable entry and doesn't require unmapping */ if ((va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && (va <= virtual_end)) { base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup(offset + size, PAGE_SIZE); kva_free(base, size); } } static void moea_sync_icache(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_offset_t lim; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_size_t len; PMAP_LOCK(pm); while (sz > 0) { lim = round_page(va); len = MIN(lim - va, sz); pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(pm, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); if (pvo != NULL) { pa = (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_lo & PTE_RPGN) | (va & ADDR_POFF); moea_syncicache(pa, len); } va += len; sz -= len; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void moea_dumpsys_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void **va) { *va = (void *)pa; } extern struct dump_pa dump_map[PHYS_AVAIL_SZ + 1]; void moea_scan_init(mmu_t mmu) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_offset_t va; int i; if (!do_minidump) { /* Initialize phys. segments for dumpsys(). */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); mem_regions(&pregions, &pregions_sz, ®ions, ®ions_sz); for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { dump_map[i].pa_start = pregions[i].mr_start; dump_map[i].pa_size = pregions[i].mr_size; } return; } /* Virtual segments for minidumps: */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); /* 1st: kernel .data and .bss. */ dump_map[0].pa_start = trunc_page((uintptr_t)_etext); dump_map[0].pa_size = round_page((uintptr_t)_end) - dump_map[0].pa_start; /* 2nd: msgbuf and tables (see pmap_bootstrap()). */ dump_map[1].pa_start = (vm_paddr_t)msgbufp->msg_ptr; dump_map[1].pa_size = round_page(msgbufp->msg_size); /* 3rd: kernel VM. */ va = dump_map[1].pa_start + dump_map[1].pa_size; /* Find start of next chunk (from va). */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't dump the buffer cache. */ if (va >= kmi.buffer_sva && va < kmi.buffer_eva) { va = kmi.buffer_eva; continue; } pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); if (pvo != NULL && (pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } if (va < virtual_end) { dump_map[2].pa_start = va; va += PAGE_SIZE; /* Find last page in chunk. */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't run into the buffer cache. */ if (va == kmi.buffer_sva) break; pvo = moea_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF, NULL); if (pvo == NULL || !(pvo->pvo_pte.pte.pte_hi & PTE_VALID)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } dump_map[2].pa_size = va - dump_map[2].pa_start; } } Index: head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea64.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea64.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea64.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2925 +1,2925 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Nathan Whitehorn * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is also stored by the * logical address mapping module, this module may throw away valid virtual * to physical mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations of * mappings must be done as requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which make virtual to * physical map invalidates expensive, this module may delay invalidate * reduced protection operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as to which processors * are currently using which maps, and to when physical maps must be made * correct. */ #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mmu_oea64.h" #include "mmu_if.h" #include "moea64_if.h" void moea64_release_vsid(uint64_t vsid); uintptr_t moea64_get_unique_vsid(void); #define DISABLE_TRANS(msr) msr = mfmsr(); mtmsr(msr & ~PSL_DR) #define ENABLE_TRANS(msr) mtmsr(msr) #define VSID_MAKE(sr, hash) ((sr) | (((hash) & 0xfffff) << 4)) #define VSID_TO_HASH(vsid) (((vsid) >> 4) & 0xfffff) #define VSID_HASH_MASK 0x0000007fffffffffULL /* * Locking semantics: * * There are two locks of interest: the page locks and the pmap locks, which * protect their individual PVO lists and are locked in that order. The contents * of all PVO entries are protected by the locks of their respective pmaps. * The pmap of any PVO is guaranteed not to change so long as the PVO is linked * into any list. * */ #define PV_LOCK_PER_DOM PA_LOCK_COUNT*3 #define PV_LOCK_COUNT PV_LOCK_PER_DOM*MAXMEMDOM static struct mtx_padalign pv_lock[PV_LOCK_COUNT]; /* * Cheap NUMA-izing of the pv locks, to reduce contention across domains. * NUMA domains on POWER9 appear to be indexed as sparse memory spaces, with the * index at (N << 45). */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ #define PV_LOCK_IDX(pa) (pa_index(pa) % PV_LOCK_PER_DOM + \ (((pa) >> 45) % MAXMEMDOM) * PV_LOCK_PER_DOM) #else #define PV_LOCK_IDX(pa) (pa_index(pa) % PV_LOCK_COUNT) #endif #define PV_LOCKPTR(pa) ((struct mtx *)(&pv_lock[PV_LOCK_IDX(pa)])) #define PV_LOCK(pa) mtx_lock(PV_LOCKPTR(pa)) #define PV_UNLOCK(pa) mtx_unlock(PV_LOCKPTR(pa)) #define PV_LOCKASSERT(pa) mtx_assert(PV_LOCKPTR(pa), MA_OWNED) #define PV_PAGE_LOCK(m) PV_LOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) #define PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m) PV_UNLOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) #define PV_PAGE_LOCKASSERT(m) PV_LOCKASSERT(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) struct ofw_map { cell_t om_va; cell_t om_len; uint64_t om_pa; cell_t om_mode; }; extern unsigned char _etext[]; extern unsigned char _end[]; extern void *slbtrap, *slbtrapend; /* * Map of physical memory regions. */ static struct mem_region *regions; static struct mem_region *pregions; static struct numa_mem_region *numa_pregions; static u_int phys_avail_count; static int regions_sz, pregions_sz, numapregions_sz; extern void bs_remap_earlyboot(void); /* * Lock for the SLB tables. */ struct mtx moea64_slb_mutex; /* * PTEG data. */ u_long moea64_pteg_count; u_long moea64_pteg_mask; /* * PVO data. */ uma_zone_t moea64_pvo_zone; /* zone for pvo entries */ static struct pvo_entry *moea64_bpvo_pool; static int moea64_bpvo_pool_index = 0; static int moea64_bpvo_pool_size = 327680; TUNABLE_INT("machdep.moea64_bpvo_pool_size", &moea64_bpvo_pool_size); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_allocated_bpvo_entries, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_bpvo_pool_index, 0, ""); #define VSID_NBPW (sizeof(u_int32_t) * 8) #ifdef __powerpc64__ #define NVSIDS (NPMAPS * 16) #define VSID_HASHMASK 0xffffffffUL #else #define NVSIDS NPMAPS #define VSID_HASHMASK 0xfffffUL #endif static u_int moea64_vsid_bitmap[NVSIDS / VSID_NBPW]; static boolean_t moea64_initialized = FALSE; /* * Statistics. */ u_int moea64_pte_valid = 0; u_int moea64_pte_overflow = 0; u_int moea64_pvo_entries = 0; u_int moea64_pvo_enter_calls = 0; u_int moea64_pvo_remove_calls = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_pte_valid, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_pte_valid, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_pte_overflow, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_pte_overflow, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_pvo_entries, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_pvo_entries, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_pvo_enter_calls, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_pvo_enter_calls, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, moea64_pvo_remove_calls, CTLFLAG_RD, &moea64_pvo_remove_calls, 0, ""); vm_offset_t moea64_scratchpage_va[2]; struct pvo_entry *moea64_scratchpage_pvo[2]; struct mtx moea64_scratchpage_mtx; uint64_t moea64_large_page_mask = 0; uint64_t moea64_large_page_size = 0; int moea64_large_page_shift = 0; /* * PVO calls. */ static int moea64_pvo_enter(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo, struct pvo_head *pvo_head); static void moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo); static void moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo); static struct pvo_entry *moea64_pvo_find_va(pmap_t, vm_offset_t); /* * Utility routines. */ static boolean_t moea64_query_bit(mmu_t, vm_page_t, uint64_t); static u_int moea64_clear_bit(mmu_t, vm_page_t, uint64_t); static void moea64_kremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); static void moea64_syncicache(mmu_t, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t sz); static void moea64_pmap_init_qpages(void); /* * Kernel MMU interface */ void moea64_clear_modify(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_copy_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_copy_pages(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize); int moea64_enter(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int flags, int8_t psind); void moea64_enter_object(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); void moea64_enter_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); vm_paddr_t moea64_extract(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); vm_page_t moea64_extract_and_hold(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); void moea64_init(mmu_t); boolean_t moea64_is_modified(mmu_t, vm_page_t); boolean_t moea64_is_prefaultable(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); boolean_t moea64_is_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); int moea64_ts_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); vm_offset_t moea64_map(mmu_t, vm_offset_t *, vm_paddr_t, vm_paddr_t, int); boolean_t moea64_page_exists_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_page_init(mmu_t, vm_page_t); int moea64_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_pinit(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea64_pinit0(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea64_protect(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); void moea64_qenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t *, int); void moea64_qremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, int); void moea64_release(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea64_remove(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); void moea64_remove_pages(mmu_t, pmap_t); void moea64_remove_all(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_remove_write(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_unwire(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); void moea64_zero_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t); void moea64_zero_page_area(mmu_t, vm_page_t, int, int); void moea64_activate(mmu_t, struct thread *); void moea64_deactivate(mmu_t, struct thread *); void *moea64_mapdev(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); void *moea64_mapdev_attr(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t, vm_memattr_t); void moea64_unmapdev(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); vm_paddr_t moea64_kextract(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); void moea64_page_set_memattr(mmu_t, vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma); void moea64_kenter_attr(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_memattr_t ma); void moea64_kenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t); boolean_t moea64_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static void moea64_sync_icache(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); void moea64_dumpsys_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void **va); void moea64_scan_init(mmu_t mmu); vm_offset_t moea64_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m); void moea64_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr); static int moea64_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen); static int moea64_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr); static mmu_method_t moea64_methods[] = { MMUMETHOD(mmu_clear_modify, moea64_clear_modify), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_page, moea64_copy_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_pages, moea64_copy_pages), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter, moea64_enter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_object, moea64_enter_object), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_quick, moea64_enter_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract, moea64_extract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract_and_hold, moea64_extract_and_hold), MMUMETHOD(mmu_init, moea64_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_modified, moea64_is_modified), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_prefaultable, moea64_is_prefaultable), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_referenced, moea64_is_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_ts_referenced, moea64_ts_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map, moea64_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_exists_quick,moea64_page_exists_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_init, moea64_page_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_wired_mappings,moea64_page_wired_mappings), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit, moea64_pinit), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit0, moea64_pinit0), MMUMETHOD(mmu_protect, moea64_protect), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qenter, moea64_qenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qremove, moea64_qremove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_release, moea64_release), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove, moea64_remove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_pages, moea64_remove_pages), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_all, moea64_remove_all), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_write, moea64_remove_write), MMUMETHOD(mmu_sync_icache, moea64_sync_icache), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unwire, moea64_unwire), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page, moea64_zero_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page_area, moea64_zero_page_area), MMUMETHOD(mmu_activate, moea64_activate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_deactivate, moea64_deactivate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_set_memattr, moea64_page_set_memattr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_enter_page, moea64_quick_enter_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_remove_page, moea64_quick_remove_page), /* Internal interfaces */ MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev, moea64_mapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev_attr, moea64_mapdev_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unmapdev, moea64_unmapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kextract, moea64_kextract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter, moea64_kenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter_attr, moea64_kenter_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dev_direct_mapped,moea64_dev_direct_mapped), MMUMETHOD(mmu_scan_init, moea64_scan_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dumpsys_map, moea64_dumpsys_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map_user_ptr, moea64_map_user_ptr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_decode_kernel_ptr, moea64_decode_kernel_ptr), { 0, 0 } }; MMU_DEF(oea64_mmu, "mmu_oea64_base", moea64_methods, 0); static struct pvo_head * vm_page_to_pvoh(vm_page_t m) { mtx_assert(PV_LOCKPTR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)), MA_OWNED); return (&m->md.mdpg_pvoh); } static struct pvo_entry * alloc_pvo_entry(int bootstrap) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; if (!moea64_initialized || bootstrap) { if (moea64_bpvo_pool_index >= moea64_bpvo_pool_size) { panic("moea64_enter: bpvo pool exhausted, %d, %d, %zd", moea64_bpvo_pool_index, moea64_bpvo_pool_size, moea64_bpvo_pool_size * sizeof(struct pvo_entry)); } pvo = &moea64_bpvo_pool[ atomic_fetchadd_int(&moea64_bpvo_pool_index, 1)]; bzero(pvo, sizeof(*pvo)); pvo->pvo_vaddr = PVO_BOOTSTRAP; } else { pvo = uma_zalloc(moea64_pvo_zone, M_NOWAIT); bzero(pvo, sizeof(*pvo)); } return (pvo); } static void init_pvo_entry(struct pvo_entry *pvo, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { uint64_t vsid; uint64_t hash; int shift; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pvo->pvo_pmap = pmap; va &= ~ADDR_POFF; pvo->pvo_vaddr |= va; vsid = va_to_vsid(pmap, va); pvo->pvo_vpn = (uint64_t)((va & ADDR_PIDX) >> ADDR_PIDX_SHFT) | (vsid << 16); shift = (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_LARGE) ? moea64_large_page_shift : ADDR_PIDX_SHFT; hash = (vsid & VSID_HASH_MASK) ^ (((uint64_t)va & ADDR_PIDX) >> shift); pvo->pvo_pte.slot = (hash & moea64_pteg_mask) << 3; } static void free_pvo_entry(struct pvo_entry *pvo) { if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_BOOTSTRAP)) uma_zfree(moea64_pvo_zone, pvo); } void moea64_pte_from_pvo(const struct pvo_entry *pvo, struct lpte *lpte) { lpte->pte_hi = (pvo->pvo_vpn >> (ADDR_API_SHFT64 - ADDR_PIDX_SHFT)) & LPTE_AVPN_MASK; lpte->pte_hi |= LPTE_VALID; if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_LARGE) lpte->pte_hi |= LPTE_BIG; if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) lpte->pte_hi |= LPTE_WIRED; if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_HID) lpte->pte_hi |= LPTE_HID; lpte->pte_lo = pvo->; /* Includes WIMG bits */ if (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) lpte->pte_lo |= LPTE_BW; else lpte->pte_lo |= LPTE_BR; if (!(pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) lpte->pte_lo |= LPTE_NOEXEC; } static __inline uint64_t moea64_calc_wimg(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { uint64_t pte_lo; int i; if (ma != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) { switch (ma) { case VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE: return (LPTE_I | LPTE_G); case VM_MEMATTR_CACHEABLE: return (LPTE_M); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_COMBINING: case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK: case VM_MEMATTR_PREFETCHABLE: return (LPTE_I); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH: return (LPTE_W | LPTE_M); } } /* * Assume the page is cache inhibited and access is guarded unless * it's in our available memory array. */ pte_lo = LPTE_I | LPTE_G; for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { if ((pa >= pregions[i].mr_start) && (pa < (pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size))) { pte_lo &= ~(LPTE_I | LPTE_G); pte_lo |= LPTE_M; break; } } return pte_lo; } /* * Quick sort callout for comparing memory regions. */ static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b); static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct ofw_map *mapa; const struct ofw_map *mapb; mapa = a; mapb = b; if (mapa->om_pa < mapb->om_pa) return (-1); else if (mapa->om_pa > mapb->om_pa) return (1); else return (0); } static void moea64_add_ofw_mappings(mmu_t mmup, phandle_t mmu, size_t sz) { struct ofw_map translations[sz/(4*sizeof(cell_t))]; /*>= 4 cells per */ pcell_t acells, trans_cells[sz/sizeof(cell_t)]; struct pvo_entry *pvo; register_t msr; vm_offset_t off; vm_paddr_t pa_base; int i, j; bzero(translations, sz); OF_getencprop(OF_finddevice("/"), "#address-cells", &acells, sizeof(acells)); if (OF_getencprop(mmu, "translations", trans_cells, sz) == -1) panic("moea64_bootstrap: can't get ofw translations"); CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "moea64_add_ofw_mappings: translations"); sz /= sizeof(cell_t); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < sz; j++) { translations[j].om_va = trans_cells[i++]; translations[j].om_len = trans_cells[i++]; translations[j].om_pa = trans_cells[i++]; if (acells == 2) { translations[j].om_pa <<= 32; translations[j].om_pa |= trans_cells[i++]; } translations[j].om_mode = trans_cells[i++]; } KASSERT(i == sz, ("Translations map has incorrect cell count (%d/%zd)", i, sz)); sz = j; qsort(translations, sz, sizeof (*translations), om_cmp); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { pa_base = translations[i].om_pa; #ifndef __powerpc64__ if ((translations[i].om_pa >> 32) != 0) panic("OFW translations above 32-bit boundary!"); #endif if (pa_base % PAGE_SIZE) panic("OFW translation not page-aligned (phys)!"); if (translations[i].om_va % PAGE_SIZE) panic("OFW translation not page-aligned (virt)!"); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "translation: pa=%#zx va=%#x len=%#x", pa_base, translations[i].om_va, translations[i].om_len); /* Now enter the pages for this mapping */ DISABLE_TRANS(msr); for (off = 0; off < translations[i].om_len; off += PAGE_SIZE) { /* If this address is direct-mapped, skip remapping */ if (hw_direct_map && translations[i].om_va == PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_base) && moea64_calc_wimg(pa_base + off, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) == LPTE_M) continue; PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, translations[i].om_va + off); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); if (pvo != NULL) continue; moea64_kenter(mmup, translations[i].om_va + off, pa_base + off); } ENABLE_TRANS(msr); } } #ifdef __powerpc64__ static void moea64_probe_large_page(void) { uint16_t pvr = mfpvr() >> 16; switch (pvr) { case IBM970: case IBM970FX: case IBM970MP: powerpc_sync(); isync(); mtspr(SPR_HID4, mfspr(SPR_HID4) & ~HID4_970_DISABLE_LG_PG); powerpc_sync(); isync(); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: if (moea64_large_page_size == 0) { moea64_large_page_size = 0x1000000; /* 16 MB */ moea64_large_page_shift = 24; } } moea64_large_page_mask = moea64_large_page_size - 1; } static void moea64_bootstrap_slb_prefault(vm_offset_t va, int large) { struct slb *cache; struct slb entry; uint64_t esid, slbe; uint64_t i; cache = PCPU_GET(aim.slb); esid = va >> ADDR_SR_SHFT; slbe = (esid << SLBE_ESID_SHIFT) | SLBE_VALID; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (cache[i].slbe == (slbe | i)) return; } entry.slbe = slbe; entry.slbv = KERNEL_VSID(esid) << SLBV_VSID_SHIFT; if (large) entry.slbv |= SLBV_L; slb_insert_kernel(entry.slbe, entry.slbv); } #endif static void moea64_setup_direct_map(mmu_t mmup, vm_offset_t kernelstart, vm_offset_t kernelend) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; register_t msr; vm_paddr_t pa, pkernelstart, pkernelend; vm_offset_t size, off; uint64_t pte_lo; int i; if (moea64_large_page_size == 0) hw_direct_map = 0; DISABLE_TRANS(msr); if (hw_direct_map) { PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { for (pa = pregions[i].mr_start; pa < pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size; pa += moea64_large_page_size) { pte_lo = LPTE_M; pvo = alloc_pvo_entry(1 /* bootstrap */); pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED | PVO_LARGE; init_pvo_entry(pvo, kernel_pmap, PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa)); /* * Set memory access as guarded if prefetch within * the page could exit the available physmem area. */ if (pa & moea64_large_page_mask) { pa &= moea64_large_page_mask; pte_lo |= LPTE_G; } if (pa + moea64_large_page_size > pregions[i].mr_start + pregions[i].mr_size) pte_lo |= LPTE_G; pvo->pvo_pte.prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE; pvo-> = pa | pte_lo; moea64_pvo_enter(mmup, pvo, NULL); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } /* * Make sure the kernel and BPVO pool stay mapped on systems either * without a direct map or on which the kernel is not already executing * out of the direct-mapped region. */ if (kernelstart < DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS) { /* * For pre-dmap execution, we need to use identity mapping * because we will be operating with the mmu on but in the * wrong address configuration until we __restartkernel(). */ for (pa = kernelstart & ~PAGE_MASK; pa < kernelend; pa += PAGE_SIZE) moea64_kenter(mmup, pa, pa); } else if (!hw_direct_map) { pkernelstart = kernelstart & ~DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS; pkernelend = kernelend & ~DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS; for (pa = pkernelstart & ~PAGE_MASK; pa < pkernelend; pa += PAGE_SIZE) moea64_kenter(mmup, pa | DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, pa); } if (!hw_direct_map) { size = moea64_bpvo_pool_size*sizeof(struct pvo_entry); off = (vm_offset_t)(moea64_bpvo_pool); for (pa = off; pa < off + size; pa += PAGE_SIZE) moea64_kenter(mmup, pa, pa); /* Map exception vectors */ for (pa = EXC_RSVD; pa < EXC_LAST; pa += PAGE_SIZE) moea64_kenter(mmup, pa | DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, pa); } ENABLE_TRANS(msr); /* * Allow user to override unmapped_buf_allowed for testing. * XXXKIB Only direct map implementation was tested. */ if (!TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vfs.unmapped_buf_allowed", &unmapped_buf_allowed)) unmapped_buf_allowed = hw_direct_map; } /* Quick sort callout for comparing physical addresses. */ static int pa_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const vm_paddr_t *pa = a, *pb = b; if (*pa < *pb) return (-1); else if (*pa > *pb) return (1); else return (0); } void moea64_early_bootstrap(mmu_t mmup, vm_offset_t kernelstart, vm_offset_t kernelend) { int i, j; vm_size_t physsz, hwphyssz; vm_paddr_t kernelphysstart, kernelphysend; int rm_pavail; #ifndef __powerpc64__ /* We don't have a direct map since there is no BAT */ hw_direct_map = 0; /* Make sure battable is zero, since we have no BAT */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { battable[i].batu = 0; battable[i].batl = 0; } #else moea64_probe_large_page(); /* Use a direct map if we have large page support */ if (moea64_large_page_size > 0) hw_direct_map = 1; else hw_direct_map = 0; /* Install trap handlers for SLBs */ bcopy(&slbtrap, (void *)EXC_DSE,(size_t)&slbtrapend - (size_t)&slbtrap); bcopy(&slbtrap, (void *)EXC_ISE,(size_t)&slbtrapend - (size_t)&slbtrap); __syncicache((void *)EXC_DSE, 0x80); __syncicache((void *)EXC_ISE, 0x80); #endif kernelphysstart = kernelstart & ~DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS; kernelphysend = kernelend & ~DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS; /* Get physical memory regions from firmware */ mem_regions(&pregions, &pregions_sz, ®ions, ®ions_sz); CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "moea64_bootstrap: physical memory"); if (nitems(phys_avail) < regions_sz) panic("moea64_bootstrap: phys_avail too small"); phys_avail_count = 0; physsz = 0; hwphyssz = 0; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.physmem", (u_long *) &hwphyssz); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < regions_sz; i++, j += 2) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "region: %#zx - %#zx (%#zx)", regions[i].mr_start, regions[i].mr_start + regions[i].mr_size, regions[i].mr_size); if (hwphyssz != 0 && (physsz + regions[i].mr_size) >= hwphyssz) { if (physsz < hwphyssz) { phys_avail[j] = regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = regions[i].mr_start + hwphyssz - physsz; physsz = hwphyssz; phys_avail_count++; } break; } phys_avail[j] = regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = regions[i].mr_start + regions[i].mr_size; phys_avail_count++; physsz += regions[i].mr_size; } /* Check for overlap with the kernel and exception vectors */ rm_pavail = 0; for (j = 0; j < 2*phys_avail_count; j+=2) { if (phys_avail[j] < EXC_LAST) phys_avail[j] += EXC_LAST; if (phys_avail[j] >= kernelphysstart && phys_avail[j+1] <= kernelphysend) { phys_avail[j] = phys_avail[j+1] = ~0; rm_pavail++; continue; } if (kernelphysstart >= phys_avail[j] && kernelphysstart < phys_avail[j+1]) { if (kernelphysend < phys_avail[j+1]) { phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count] = (kernelphysend & ~PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE; phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count + 1] = phys_avail[j+1]; phys_avail_count++; } phys_avail[j+1] = kernelphysstart & ~PAGE_MASK; } if (kernelphysend >= phys_avail[j] && kernelphysend < phys_avail[j+1]) { if (kernelphysstart > phys_avail[j]) { phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count] = phys_avail[j]; phys_avail[2*phys_avail_count + 1] = kernelphysstart & ~PAGE_MASK; phys_avail_count++; } phys_avail[j] = (kernelphysend & ~PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE; } } /* Remove physical available regions marked for removal (~0) */ if (rm_pavail) { qsort(phys_avail, 2*phys_avail_count, sizeof(phys_avail[0]), pa_cmp); phys_avail_count -= rm_pavail; for (i = 2*phys_avail_count; i < 2*(phys_avail_count + rm_pavail); i+=2) phys_avail[i] = phys_avail[i+1] = 0; } physmem = btoc(physsz); #ifdef PTEGCOUNT moea64_pteg_count = PTEGCOUNT; #else moea64_pteg_count = 0x1000; while (moea64_pteg_count < physmem) moea64_pteg_count <<= 1; moea64_pteg_count >>= 1; #endif /* PTEGCOUNT */ } void moea64_mid_bootstrap(mmu_t mmup, vm_offset_t kernelstart, vm_offset_t kernelend) { int i; /* * Set PTEG mask */ moea64_pteg_mask = moea64_pteg_count - 1; /* * Initialize SLB table lock and page locks */ mtx_init(&moea64_slb_mutex, "SLB table", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < PV_LOCK_COUNT; i++) mtx_init(&pv_lock[i], "page pv", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Initialise the bootstrap pvo pool. */ moea64_bpvo_pool = (struct pvo_entry *)moea64_bootstrap_alloc( moea64_bpvo_pool_size*sizeof(struct pvo_entry), PAGE_SIZE); moea64_bpvo_pool_index = 0; /* Place at address usable through the direct map */ if (hw_direct_map) moea64_bpvo_pool = (struct pvo_entry *) PHYS_TO_DMAP((uintptr_t)moea64_bpvo_pool); /* * Make sure kernel vsid is allocated as well as VSID 0. */ #ifndef __powerpc64__ moea64_vsid_bitmap[(KERNEL_VSIDBITS & (NVSIDS - 1)) / VSID_NBPW] |= 1 << (KERNEL_VSIDBITS % VSID_NBPW); moea64_vsid_bitmap[0] |= 1; #endif /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { pcpup->pc_aim.slb[i].slbv = 0; pcpup->pc_aim.slb[i].slbe = 0; } #else for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) kernel_pmap->pm_sr[i] = EMPTY_SEGMENT + i; #endif kernel_pmap->pmap_phys = kernel_pmap; CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); RB_INIT(&kernel_pmap->pmap_pvo); PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); /* * Now map in all the other buffers we allocated earlier */ moea64_setup_direct_map(mmup, kernelstart, kernelend); } void moea64_late_bootstrap(mmu_t mmup, vm_offset_t kernelstart, vm_offset_t kernelend) { ihandle_t mmui; phandle_t chosen; phandle_t mmu; ssize_t sz; int i; vm_offset_t pa, va; void *dpcpu; /* * Set up the Open Firmware pmap and add its mappings if not in real * mode. */ chosen = OF_finddevice("/chosen"); if (chosen != -1 && OF_getencprop(chosen, "mmu", &mmui, 4) != -1) { mmu = OF_instance_to_package(mmui); if (mmu == -1 || (sz = OF_getproplen(mmu, "translations")) == -1) sz = 0; if (sz > 6144 /* tmpstksz - 2 KB headroom */) panic("moea64_bootstrap: too many ofw translations"); if (sz > 0) moea64_add_ofw_mappings(mmup, mmu, sz); } /* * Calculate the last available physical address. */ Maxmem = 0; for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 2] != 0; i += 2) Maxmem = MAX(Maxmem, powerpc_btop(phys_avail[i + 1])); /* * Initialize MMU. */ MMU_CPU_BOOTSTRAP(mmup,0); mtmsr(mfmsr() | PSL_DR | PSL_IR); pmap_bootstrapped++; /* * Set the start and end of kva. */ virtual_avail = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; virtual_end = VM_MAX_SAFE_KERNEL_ADDRESS; /* * Map the entire KVA range into the SLB. We must not fault there. */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ for (va = virtual_avail; va < virtual_end; va += SEGMENT_LENGTH) moea64_bootstrap_slb_prefault(va, 0); #endif /* * Remap any early IO mappings (console framebuffer, etc.) */ bs_remap_earlyboot(); /* * Figure out how far we can extend virtual_end into segment 16 * without running into existing mappings. Segment 16 is guaranteed * to contain neither RAM nor devices (at least on Apple hardware), * but will generally contain some OFW mappings we should not * step on. */ #ifndef __powerpc64__ /* KVA is in high memory on PPC64 */ PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); while (virtual_end < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS && moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, virtual_end+1) == NULL) virtual_end += PAGE_SIZE; PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); #endif /* * Allocate a kernel stack with a guard page for thread0 and map it * into the kernel page map. */ pa = moea64_bootstrap_alloc(kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE); va = virtual_avail + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; virtual_avail = va + kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "moea64_bootstrap: kstack0 at %#x (%#x)", pa, va); thread0.td_kstack = va; thread0.td_kstack_pages = kstack_pages; for (i = 0; i < kstack_pages; i++) { moea64_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Allocate virtual address space for the message buffer. */ pa = msgbuf_phys = moea64_bootstrap_alloc(msgbufsize, PAGE_SIZE); msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)virtual_avail; va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += round_page(msgbufsize); while (va < virtual_avail) { moea64_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Allocate virtual address space for the dynamic percpu area. */ pa = moea64_bootstrap_alloc(DPCPU_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE); dpcpu = (void *)virtual_avail; va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += DPCPU_SIZE; while (va < virtual_avail) { moea64_kenter(mmup, va, pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } dpcpu_init(dpcpu, curcpu); /* * Allocate some things for page zeroing. We put this directly * in the page table and use MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE to avoid any * of the PVO book-keeping or other parts of the VM system * from even knowing that this hack exists. */ if (!hw_direct_map) { mtx_init(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx, "pvo zero page", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { moea64_scratchpage_va[i] = (virtual_end+1) - PAGE_SIZE; virtual_end -= PAGE_SIZE; moea64_kenter(mmup, moea64_scratchpage_va[i], 0); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); moea64_scratchpage_pvo[i] = moea64_pvo_find_va( kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)moea64_scratchpage_va[i]); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } numa_mem_regions(&numa_pregions, &numapregions_sz); } static void moea64_pmap_init_qpages(void) { struct pcpu *pc; int i; if (hw_direct_map) return; CPU_FOREACH(i) { pc = pcpu_find(i); pc->pc_qmap_addr = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE); if (pc->pc_qmap_addr == 0) panic("pmap_init_qpages: unable to allocate KVA"); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pc->pc_aim.qmap_pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, pc->pc_qmap_addr); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); mtx_init(&pc->pc_aim.qmap_lock, "qmap lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); } } SYSINIT(qpages_init, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, moea64_pmap_init_qpages, NULL); /* * Activate a user pmap. This mostly involves setting some non-CPU * state. */ void moea64_activate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pm; pm = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; CPU_SET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); #ifdef __powerpc64__ PCPU_SET(aim.userslb, pm->pm_slb); __asm __volatile("slbmte %0, %1; isync" :: "r"(td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid), "r"(USER_SLB_SLBE)); #else PCPU_SET(curpmap, pm->pmap_phys); mtsrin(USER_SR << ADDR_SR_SHFT, td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid); #endif } void moea64_deactivate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pm; __asm __volatile("isync; slbie %0" :: "r"(USER_ADDR)); pm = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); #ifdef __powerpc64__ PCPU_SET(aim.userslb, NULL); #else PCPU_SET(curpmap, NULL); #endif } void moea64_unwire(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pvo_entry key, *pvo; vm_page_t m; int64_t refchg; key.pvo_vaddr = sva; PMAP_LOCK(pm); for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo)) { if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) == 0) panic("moea64_unwire: pvo %p is missing PVO_WIRED", pvo); pvo->pvo_vaddr &= ~PVO_WIRED; refchg = MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmu, pvo, 0 /* No invalidation */); if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) && (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { if (refchg < 0) refchg = LPTE_CHG; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); refchg |= atomic_readandclear_32(&m->md.mdpg_attrs); if (refchg & LPTE_CHG) vm_page_dirty(m); if (refchg & LPTE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); } pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * This goes through and sets the physical address of our * special scratch PTE to the PA we want to zero or copy. Because * of locking issues (this can get called in pvo_enter() by * the UMA allocator), we can't use most other utility functions here */ static __inline void moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu_t mmup, int which, vm_paddr_t pa) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; KASSERT(!hw_direct_map, ("Using OEA64 scratchpage with a direct map!")); mtx_assert(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx, MA_OWNED); pvo = moea64_scratchpage_pvo[which]; PMAP_LOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); pvo-> = moea64_calc_wimg(pa, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) | (uint64_t)pa; MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmup, pvo, MOEA64_PTE_INVALIDATE); PMAP_UNLOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); isync(); } void moea64_copy_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t dst; vm_offset_t src; dst = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst); src = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc); if (hw_direct_map) { bcopy((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(src), (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(dst), PAGE_SIZE); } else { mtx_lock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 0, src); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 1, dst); bcopy((void *)moea64_scratchpage_va[0], (void *)moea64_scratchpage_va[1], PAGE_SIZE); mtx_unlock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); } } static inline void moea64_copy_pages_dmap(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); a_cp = (char *)(uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP( VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])) + a_pg_offset; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); b_cp = (char *)(uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP( VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])) + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } static inline void moea64_copy_pages_nodmap(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; mtx_lock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 0, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])); a_cp = (char *)moea64_scratchpage_va[0] + a_pg_offset; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 1, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])); b_cp = (char *)moea64_scratchpage_va[1] + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } mtx_unlock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); } void moea64_copy_pages(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { if (hw_direct_map) { moea64_copy_pages_dmap(mmu, ma, a_offset, mb, b_offset, xfersize); } else { moea64_copy_pages_nodmap(mmu, ma, a_offset, mb, b_offset, xfersize); } } void moea64_zero_page_area(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_paddr_t pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (size + off > PAGE_SIZE) panic("moea64_zero_page: size + off > PAGE_SIZE"); if (hw_direct_map) { bzero((caddr_t)(uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa) + off, size); } else { mtx_lock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 0, pa); bzero((caddr_t)moea64_scratchpage_va[0] + off, size); mtx_unlock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); } } /* * Zero a page of physical memory by temporarily mapping it */ void moea64_zero_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { vm_paddr_t pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); vm_offset_t va, off; if (!hw_direct_map) { mtx_lock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 0, pa); va = moea64_scratchpage_va[0]; } else { va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa); } for (off = 0; off < PAGE_SIZE; off += cacheline_size) __asm __volatile("dcbz 0,%0" :: "r"(va + off)); if (!hw_direct_map) mtx_unlock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); } vm_offset_t moea64_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_paddr_t pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (hw_direct_map) return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa)); /* * MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE does some locking, so we can't just grab * a critical section and access the PCPU data like on i386. * Instead, pin the thread and grab the PCPU lock to prevent * a preempting thread from using the same PCPU data. */ sched_pin(); mtx_assert(PCPU_PTR(aim.qmap_lock), MA_NOTOWNED); pvo = PCPU_GET(aim.qmap_pvo); mtx_lock(PCPU_PTR(aim.qmap_lock)); pvo-> = moea64_calc_wimg(pa, pmap_page_get_memattr(m)) | (uint64_t)pa; MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmu, pvo, MOEA64_PTE_INVALIDATE); isync(); return (PCPU_GET(qmap_addr)); } void moea64_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr) { if (hw_direct_map) return; mtx_assert(PCPU_PTR(aim.qmap_lock), MA_OWNED); KASSERT(PCPU_GET(qmap_addr) == addr, ("moea64_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); mtx_unlock(PCPU_PTR(aim.qmap_lock)); sched_unpin(); } /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. */ int moea64_enter(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *oldpvo; struct pvo_head *pvo_head; uint64_t pte_lo; int error; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); pvo = alloc_pvo_entry(0); pvo->pvo_pmap = NULL; /* to be filled in later */ pvo->pvo_pte.prot = prot; pte_lo = moea64_calc_wimg(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), pmap_page_get_memattr(m)); pvo-> = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | pte_lo; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || !moea64_initialized) { pvo_head = NULL; } else { pvo_head = &m->md.mdpg_pvoh; pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_MANAGED; } for (;;) { PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (pvo->pvo_pmap == NULL) init_pvo_entry(pvo, pmap, va); if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) if (pmap_bootstrapped && (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); oldpvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(pmap, va); if (oldpvo != NULL) { if (oldpvo->pvo_vaddr == pvo->pvo_vaddr && oldpvo-> == pvo-> && oldpvo->pvo_pte.prot == prot) { /* Identical mapping already exists */ error = 0; /* If not in page table, reinsert it */ if (MOEA64_PTE_SYNCH(mmu, oldpvo) < 0) { moea64_pte_overflow--; MOEA64_PTE_INSERT(mmu, oldpvo); } /* Then just clean up and go home */ PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); free_pvo_entry(pvo); break; } /* Otherwise, need to kill it first */ KASSERT(oldpvo->pvo_pmap == pmap, ("pmap of old " "mapping does not match new mapping")); moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu, oldpvo); } error = moea64_pvo_enter(mmu, pvo, pvo_head); PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Free any dead pages */ if (oldpvo != NULL) { PV_LOCK(oldpvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu, oldpvo); PV_UNLOCK(oldpvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); free_pvo_entry(oldpvo); } if (error != ENOMEM) break; if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0) return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_UNLOCKED(m->object); vm_wait(NULL); } /* * Flush the page from the instruction cache if this page is * mapped executable and cacheable. */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap && !(m->aflags & PGA_EXECUTABLE) && (pte_lo & (LPTE_I | LPTE_G | LPTE_NOEXEC)) == 0) { vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_EXECUTABLE); moea64_syncicache(mmu, pmap, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), PAGE_SIZE); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } static void moea64_syncicache(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t sz) { /* * This is much trickier than on older systems because * we can't sync the icache on physical addresses directly * without a direct map. Instead we check a couple of cases * where the memory is already mapped in and, failing that, * use the same trick we use for page zeroing to create * a temporary mapping for this physical address. */ if (!pmap_bootstrapped) { /* * If PMAP is not bootstrapped, we are likely to be * in real mode. */ __syncicache((void *)(uintptr_t)pa, sz); } else if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { __syncicache((void *)va, sz); } else if (hw_direct_map) { __syncicache((void *)(uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa), sz); } else { /* Use the scratch page to set up a temp mapping */ mtx_lock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); moea64_set_scratchpage_pa(mmu, 1, pa & ~ADDR_POFF); __syncicache((void *)(moea64_scratchpage_va[1] + (va & ADDR_POFF)), sz); mtx_unlock(&moea64_scratchpage_mtx); } } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void moea64_enter_object(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); m = m_start; while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { moea64_enter(mmu, pm, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP, 0); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } } void moea64_enter_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { moea64_enter(mmu, pm, va, m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP, 0); } vm_paddr_t moea64_extract(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK(pm); pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(pm, va); if (pvo == NULL) pa = 0; else pa = (pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN) | (va - PVO_VADDR(pvo)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (pa); } /* * Atomically extract and hold the physical page with the given * pmap and virtual address pair if that mapping permits the given * protection. */ vm_page_t moea64_extract_and_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; m = NULL; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF); if (pvo != NULL && (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & prot) == prot) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } static mmu_t installed_mmu; static void * moea64_uma_page_alloc(uma_zone_t zone, vm_size_t bytes, int domain, uint8_t *flags, int wait) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; int needed_lock; /* * This entire routine is a horrible hack to avoid bothering kmem * for new KVA addresses. Because this can get called from inside * kmem allocation routines, calling kmem for a new address here * can lead to multiply locking non-recursive mutexes. */ *flags = UMA_SLAB_PRIV; needed_lock = !PMAP_LOCKED(kernel_pmap); m = vm_page_alloc_domain(NULL, 0, domain, malloc2vm_flags(wait) | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ); if (m == NULL) return (NULL); va = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pvo = alloc_pvo_entry(1 /* bootstrap */); pvo->pvo_pte.prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE; pvo-> = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | LPTE_M; if (needed_lock) PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); init_pvo_entry(pvo, kernel_pmap, va); pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED; moea64_pvo_enter(installed_mmu, pvo, NULL); if (needed_lock) PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); if ((wait & M_ZERO) && (m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) bzero((void *)va, PAGE_SIZE); return (void *)va; } extern int elf32_nxstack; void moea64_init(mmu_t mmu) { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "moea64_init"); moea64_pvo_zone = uma_zcreate("UPVO entry", sizeof (struct pvo_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); if (!hw_direct_map) { installed_mmu = mmu; uma_zone_set_allocf(moea64_pvo_zone, moea64_uma_page_alloc); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 elf32_nxstack = 1; #endif moea64_initialized = TRUE; } boolean_t moea64_is_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (moea64_query_bit(mmu, m, LPTE_REF)); } boolean_t moea64_is_modified(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have LPTE_CHG set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); return (moea64_query_bit(mmu, m, LPTE_CHG)); } boolean_t moea64_is_prefaultable(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; boolean_t rv = TRUE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF); if (pvo != NULL) rv = FALSE; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } void moea64_clear_modify(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("moea64_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have LPTE_CHG * set. If the object containing the page is locked and the page is * not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; moea64_clear_bit(mmu, m, LPTE_CHG); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void moea64_remove_write(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int64_t refchg, ret; pmap_t pmap; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; powerpc_sync(); PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); refchg = 0; LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD) && (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { pvo->pvo_pte.prot &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE; ret = MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmu, pvo, MOEA64_PTE_PROT_UPDATE); if (ret < 0) ret = LPTE_CHG; refchg |= ret; if (pvo->pvo_pmap == kernel_pmap) isync(); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((refchg | atomic_readandclear_32(&m->md.mdpg_attrs)) & LPTE_CHG) vm_page_dirty(m); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); } /* * moea64_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * XXX: The exact number of bits to check and clear is a matter that * should be tested and standardized at some point in the future for * optimal aging of shared pages. */ int moea64_ts_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (moea64_clear_bit(mmu, m, LPTE_REF)); } /* * Modify the WIMG settings of all mappings for a page. */ void moea64_page_set_memattr(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int64_t refchg; pmap_t pmap; uint64_t lo; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) { m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = ma; return; } lo = moea64_calc_wimg(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), ma); PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD)) { pvo-> &= ~LPTE_WIMG; pvo-> |= lo; refchg = MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmu, pvo, MOEA64_PTE_INVALIDATE); if (refchg < 0) refchg = (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) ? LPTE_CHG : 0; if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) && (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { refchg |= atomic_readandclear_32(&m->md.mdpg_attrs); if (refchg & LPTE_CHG) vm_page_dirty(m); if (refchg & LPTE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); } if (pvo->pvo_pmap == kernel_pmap) isync(); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = ma; PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); } /* * Map a wired page into kernel virtual address space. */ void moea64_kenter_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { int error; struct pvo_entry *pvo, *oldpvo; pvo = alloc_pvo_entry(0); pvo->pvo_pte.prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE; pvo-> = (pa & ~ADDR_POFF) | moea64_calc_wimg(pa, ma); pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_WIRED; PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); oldpvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va); if (oldpvo != NULL) moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu, oldpvo); init_pvo_entry(pvo, kernel_pmap, va); error = moea64_pvo_enter(mmu, pvo, NULL); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); /* Free any dead pages */ if (oldpvo != NULL) { PV_LOCK(oldpvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu, oldpvo); PV_UNLOCK(oldpvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); free_pvo_entry(oldpvo); } if (error != 0 && error != ENOENT) panic("moea64_kenter: failed to enter va %#zx pa %#jx: %d", va, (uintmax_t)pa, error); } void moea64_kenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { moea64_kenter_attr(mmu, va, pa, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } /* * Extract the physical page address associated with the given kernel virtual * address. */ vm_paddr_t moea64_kextract(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_paddr_t pa; /* * Shortcut the direct-mapped case when applicable. We never put * anything but 1:1 (or 62-bit aliased) mappings below * VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS. */ if (va < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) return (va & ~DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(pvo != NULL, ("moea64_kextract: no addr found for %#" PRIxPTR, va)); pa = (pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN) | (va - PVO_VADDR(pvo)); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (pa); } /* * Remove a wired page from kernel virtual address space. */ void moea64_kremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { moea64_remove(mmu, kernel_pmap, va, va + PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Provide a kernel pointer corresponding to a given userland pointer. * The returned pointer is valid until the next time this function is * called in this thread. This is used internally in copyin/copyout. */ static int moea64_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen) { size_t l; #ifdef __powerpc64__ struct slb *slb; #endif register_t slbv; *kaddr = (char *)USER_ADDR + ((uintptr_t)uaddr & ~SEGMENT_MASK); l = ((char *)USER_ADDR + SEGMENT_LENGTH) - (char *)(*kaddr); if (l > ulen) l = ulen; if (klen) *klen = l; else if (l != ulen) return (EFAULT); #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Try lockless look-up first */ slb = user_va_to_slb_entry(pm, (vm_offset_t)uaddr); if (slb == NULL) { /* If it isn't there, we need to pre-fault the VSID */ PMAP_LOCK(pm); slbv = va_to_vsid(pm, (vm_offset_t)uaddr) << SLBV_VSID_SHIFT; PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } else { slbv = slb->slbv; } /* Mark segment no-execute */ slbv |= SLBV_N; #else slbv = va_to_vsid(pm, (vm_offset_t)uaddr); /* Mark segment no-execute */ slbv |= SR_N; #endif /* If we have already set this VSID, we can just return */ if (curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid == slbv) return (0); __asm __volatile("isync"); curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_segm = (uintptr_t)uaddr >> ADDR_SR_SHFT; curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid = slbv; #ifdef __powerpc64__ __asm __volatile ("slbie %0; slbmte %1, %2; isync" :: "r"(USER_ADDR), "r"(slbv), "r"(USER_SLB_SLBE)); #else __asm __volatile("mtsr %0,%1; isync" :: "n"(USER_SR), "r"(slbv)); #endif return (0); } /* * Figure out where a given kernel pointer (usually in a fault) points * to from the VM's perspective, potentially remapping into userland's * address space. */ static int moea64_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr) { vm_offset_t user_sr; if ((addr >> ADDR_SR_SHFT) == (USER_ADDR >> ADDR_SR_SHFT)) { user_sr = curthread->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_segm; addr &= ADDR_PIDX | ADDR_POFF; addr |= user_sr << ADDR_SR_SHFT; *decoded_addr = addr; *is_user = 1; } else { *decoded_addr = addr; *is_user = 0; } return (0); } /* * Map a range of physical addresses into kernel virtual address space. * * The value passed in *virt is a suggested virtual address for the mapping. * Architectures which can support a direct-mapped physical to virtual region * can return the appropriate address within that region, leaving '*virt' * unchanged. Other architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped region. */ vm_offset_t moea64_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t pa_start, vm_paddr_t pa_end, int prot) { vm_offset_t sva, va; if (hw_direct_map) { /* * Check if every page in the region is covered by the direct * map. The direct map covers all of physical memory. Use * moea64_calc_wimg() as a shortcut to see if the page is in * physical memory as a way to see if the direct map covers it. */ for (va = pa_start; va < pa_end; va += PAGE_SIZE) if (moea64_calc_wimg(va, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) != LPTE_M) break; if (va == pa_end) return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa_start)); } sva = *virt; va = sva; /* XXX respect prot argument */ for (; pa_start < pa_end; pa_start += PAGE_SIZE, va += PAGE_SIZE) moea64_kenter(mmu, va, pa_start); *virt = va; return (sva); } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t moea64_page_exists_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { int loops; struct pvo_entry *pvo; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("moea64_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); loops = 0; rv = FALSE; PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD) && pvo->pvo_pmap == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } if (++loops >= 16) break; } PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); return (rv); } void moea64_page_init(mmu_t mmu __unused, vm_page_t m) { m->md.mdpg_attrs = 0; m->md.mdpg_cache_attrs = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT; LIST_INIT(&m->md.mdpg_pvoh); } /* * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int moea64_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & (PVO_DEAD | PVO_WIRED)) == PVO_WIRED) count++; PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); return (count); } static uintptr_t moea64_vsidcontext; uintptr_t moea64_get_unique_vsid(void) { u_int entropy; register_t hash; uint32_t mask; int i; entropy = 0; __asm __volatile("mftb %0" : "=r"(entropy)); mtx_lock(&moea64_slb_mutex); for (i = 0; i < NVSIDS; i += VSID_NBPW) { u_int n; /* * Create a new value by mutiplying by a prime and adding in * entropy from the timebase register. This is to make the * VSID more random so that the PT hash function collides * less often. (Note that the prime casues gcc to do shifts * instead of a multiply.) */ moea64_vsidcontext = (moea64_vsidcontext * 0x1105) + entropy; hash = moea64_vsidcontext & (NVSIDS - 1); if (hash == 0) /* 0 is special, avoid it */ continue; n = hash >> 5; mask = 1 << (hash & (VSID_NBPW - 1)); hash = (moea64_vsidcontext & VSID_HASHMASK); if (moea64_vsid_bitmap[n] & mask) { /* collision? */ /* anything free in this bucket? */ if (moea64_vsid_bitmap[n] == 0xffffffff) { entropy = (moea64_vsidcontext >> 20); continue; } i = ffs(~moea64_vsid_bitmap[n]) - 1; mask = 1 << i; hash &= rounddown2(VSID_HASHMASK, VSID_NBPW); hash |= i; } if (hash == VSID_VRMA) /* also special, avoid this too */ continue; KASSERT(!(moea64_vsid_bitmap[n] & mask), ("Allocating in-use VSID %#zx\n", hash)); moea64_vsid_bitmap[n] |= mask; mtx_unlock(&moea64_slb_mutex); return (hash); } mtx_unlock(&moea64_slb_mutex); panic("%s: out of segments",__func__); } #ifdef __powerpc64__ void moea64_pinit(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { RB_INIT(&pmap->pmap_pvo); pmap->pm_slb_tree_root = slb_alloc_tree(); pmap->pm_slb = slb_alloc_user_cache(); pmap->pm_slb_len = 0; } #else void moea64_pinit(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { int i; uint32_t hash; RB_INIT(&pmap->pmap_pvo); if (pmap_bootstrapped) pmap->pmap_phys = (pmap_t)moea64_kextract(mmu, (vm_offset_t)pmap); else pmap->pmap_phys = pmap; /* * Allocate some segment registers for this pmap. */ hash = moea64_get_unique_vsid(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) pmap->pm_sr[i] = VSID_MAKE(i, hash); KASSERT(pmap->pm_sr[0] != 0, ("moea64_pinit: pm_sr[0] = 0")); } #endif /* * Initialize the pmap associated with process 0. */ void moea64_pinit0(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pm); moea64_pinit(mmu, pm); bzero(&pm->pm_stats, sizeof(pm->pm_stats)); } /* * Set the physical protection on the specified range of this map as requested. */ static void moea64_pvo_protect(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, struct pvo_entry *pvo, vm_prot_t prot) { struct vm_page *pg; vm_prot_t oldprot; int32_t refchg; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pm, MA_OWNED); /* * Change the protection of the page. */ oldprot = pvo->pvo_pte.prot; pvo->pvo_pte.prot = prot; pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); /* * If the PVO is in the page table, update mapping */ refchg = MOEA64_PTE_REPLACE(mmu, pvo, MOEA64_PTE_PROT_UPDATE); if (refchg < 0) refchg = (oldprot & VM_PROT_WRITE) ? LPTE_CHG : 0; if (pm != kernel_pmap && pg != NULL && !(pg->aflags & PGA_EXECUTABLE) && (pvo-> & (LPTE_I | LPTE_G | LPTE_NOEXEC)) == 0) { if ((pg->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(pg, PGA_EXECUTABLE); moea64_syncicache(mmu, pm, PVO_VADDR(pvo), pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN, PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Update vm about the REF/CHG bits if the page is managed and we have * removed write access. */ if (pg != NULL && (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) && (oldprot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { refchg |= atomic_readandclear_32(&pg->md.mdpg_attrs); if (refchg & LPTE_CHG) vm_page_dirty(pg); if (refchg & LPTE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(pg, PGA_REFERENCED); } } void moea64_protect(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *tpvo, key; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "moea64_protect: pm=%p sva=%#x eva=%#x prot=%#x", pm, sva, eva, prot); KASSERT(pm == &curproc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap || pm == kernel_pmap, ("moea64_protect: non current pmap")); if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { moea64_remove(mmu, pm, sva, eva); return; } PMAP_LOCK(pm); key.pvo_vaddr = sva; for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = tpvo) { tpvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo); moea64_pvo_protect(mmu, pm, pvo, prot); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * Map a list of wired pages into kernel virtual address space. This is * intended for temporary mappings which do not need page modification or * references recorded. Existing mappings in the region are overwritten. */ void moea64_qenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t *m, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { moea64_kenter(mmu, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(*m)); va += PAGE_SIZE; m++; } } /* * Remove page mappings from kernel virtual address space. Intended for * temporary mappings entered by moea64_qenter. */ void moea64_qremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, int count) { while (count-- > 0) { moea64_kremove(mmu, va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } } void moea64_release_vsid(uint64_t vsid) { int idx, mask; mtx_lock(&moea64_slb_mutex); idx = vsid & (NVSIDS-1); mask = 1 << (idx % VSID_NBPW); idx /= VSID_NBPW; KASSERT(moea64_vsid_bitmap[idx] & mask, ("Freeing unallocated VSID %#jx", vsid)); moea64_vsid_bitmap[idx] &= ~mask; mtx_unlock(&moea64_slb_mutex); } void moea64_release(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { /* * Free segment registers' VSIDs */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ slb_free_tree(pmap); slb_free_user_cache(pmap->pm_slb); #else KASSERT(pmap->pm_sr[0] != 0, ("moea64_release: pm_sr[0] = 0")); moea64_release_vsid(VSID_TO_HASH(pmap->pm_sr[0])); #endif } /* * Remove all pages mapped by the specified pmap */ void moea64_remove_pages(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *tpvo; struct pvo_tree tofree; RB_INIT(&tofree); PMAP_LOCK(pm); RB_FOREACH_SAFE(pvo, pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, tpvo) { if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) continue; /* * For locking reasons, remove this from the page table and * pmap, but save delinking from the vm_page for a second * pass */ moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu, pvo); RB_INSERT(pvo_tree, &tofree, pvo); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); RB_FOREACH_SAFE(pvo, pvo_tree, &tofree, tpvo) { PV_LOCK(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu, pvo); PV_UNLOCK(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); RB_REMOVE(pvo_tree, &tofree, pvo); free_pvo_entry(pvo); } } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. */ void moea64_remove(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *tpvo, key; struct pvo_tree tofree; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pm->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; key.pvo_vaddr = sva; RB_INIT(&tofree); PMAP_LOCK(pm); for (pvo = RB_NFIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key); pvo != NULL && PVO_VADDR(pvo) < eva; pvo = tpvo) { tpvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * For locking reasons, remove this from the page table and * pmap, but save delinking from the vm_page for a second * pass */ moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu, pvo); RB_INSERT(pvo_tree, &tofree, pvo); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); RB_FOREACH_SAFE(pvo, pvo_tree, &tofree, tpvo) { PV_LOCK(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu, pvo); PV_UNLOCK(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); RB_REMOVE(pvo_tree, &tofree, pvo); free_pvo_entry(pvo); } } /* * Remove physical page from all pmaps in which it resides. moea64_pvo_remove() * will reflect changes in pte's back to the vm_page. */ void moea64_remove_all(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, *next_pvo; struct pvo_head freequeue; int wasdead; pmap_t pmap; LIST_INIT(&freequeue); PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink, next_pvo) { pmap = pvo->pvo_pmap; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); wasdead = (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD); if (!wasdead) moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu, pvo); moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu, pvo); if (!wasdead) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&freequeue, pvo, pvo_vlink); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(m), ("Page still has mappings")); KASSERT(!(m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE), ("Page still writable")); PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); /* Clean up UMA allocations */ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pvo, &freequeue, pvo_vlink, next_pvo) free_pvo_entry(pvo); } /* * Allocate a physical page of memory directly from the phys_avail map. * Can only be called from moea64_bootstrap before avail start and end are * calculated. */ vm_offset_t moea64_bootstrap_alloc(vm_size_t size, vm_size_t align) { vm_offset_t s, e; int i, j; size = round_page(size); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { if (align != 0) s = roundup2(phys_avail[i], align); else s = phys_avail[i]; e = s + size; if (s < phys_avail[i] || e > phys_avail[i + 1]) continue; if (s + size > platform_real_maxaddr()) continue; if (s == phys_avail[i]) { phys_avail[i] += size; } else if (e == phys_avail[i + 1]) { phys_avail[i + 1] -= size; } else { for (j = phys_avail_count * 2; j > i; j -= 2) { phys_avail[j] = phys_avail[j - 2]; phys_avail[j + 1] = phys_avail[j - 1]; } phys_avail[i + 3] = phys_avail[i + 1]; phys_avail[i + 1] = s; phys_avail[i + 2] = e; phys_avail_count++; } return (s); } panic("moea64_bootstrap_alloc: could not allocate memory"); } static int moea64_pvo_enter(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo, struct pvo_head *pvo_head) { int first, err; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pvo->pvo_pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(moea64_pvo_find_va(pvo->pvo_pmap, PVO_VADDR(pvo)) == NULL, ("Existing mapping for VA %#jx", (uintmax_t)PVO_VADDR(pvo))); moea64_pvo_enter_calls++; /* * Add to pmap list */ RB_INSERT(pvo_tree, &pvo->pvo_pmap->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * Remember if the list was empty and therefore will be the first * item. */ if (pvo_head != NULL) { if (LIST_FIRST(pvo_head) == NULL) first = 1; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(pvo_head, pvo, pvo_vlink); } if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; /* * Insert it into the hardware page table */ err = MOEA64_PTE_INSERT(mmu, pvo); if (err != 0) { panic("moea64_pvo_enter: overflow"); } moea64_pvo_entries++; if (pvo->pvo_pmap == kernel_pmap) isync(); #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * Make sure all our bootstrap mappings are in the SLB as soon * as virtual memory is switched on. */ if (!pmap_bootstrapped) moea64_bootstrap_slb_prefault(PVO_VADDR(pvo), pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_LARGE); #endif return (first ? ENOENT : 0); } static void moea64_pvo_remove_from_pmap(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo) { struct vm_page *pg; int32_t refchg; KASSERT(pvo->pvo_pmap != NULL, ("Trying to remove PVO with no pmap")); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pvo->pvo_pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD), ("Trying to remove dead PVO")); /* * If there is an active pte entry, we need to deactivate it */ refchg = MOEA64_PTE_UNSET(mmu, pvo); if (refchg < 0) { /* * If it was evicted from the page table, be pessimistic and * dirty the page. */ if (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) refchg = LPTE_CHG; else refchg = 0; } /* * Update our statistics. */ pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_WIRED) pvo->pvo_pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove this PVO from the pmap list. */ RB_REMOVE(pvo_tree, &pvo->pvo_pmap->pmap_pvo, pvo); /* * Mark this for the next sweep */ pvo->pvo_vaddr |= PVO_DEAD; /* Send RC bits to VM */ if ((pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) && (pvo->pvo_pte.prot & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); if (pg != NULL) { refchg |= atomic_readandclear_32(&pg->md.mdpg_attrs); if (refchg & LPTE_CHG) vm_page_dirty(pg); if (refchg & LPTE_REF) vm_page_aflag_set(pg, PGA_REFERENCED); } } } static void moea64_pvo_remove_from_page(mmu_t mmu, struct pvo_entry *pvo) { struct vm_page *pg; KASSERT(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD, ("Trying to delink live page")); /* Use NULL pmaps as a sentinel for races in page deletion */ if (pvo->pvo_pmap == NULL) return; pvo->pvo_pmap = NULL; /* * Update vm about page writeability/executability if managed */ PV_LOCKASSERT(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); if (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_MANAGED) { pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN); if (pg != NULL) { LIST_REMOVE(pvo, pvo_vlink); if (LIST_EMPTY(vm_page_to_pvoh(pg))) vm_page_aflag_clear(pg, PGA_WRITEABLE | PGA_EXECUTABLE); } } moea64_pvo_entries--; moea64_pvo_remove_calls++; } static struct pvo_entry * moea64_pvo_find_va(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct pvo_entry key; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pm, MA_OWNED); key.pvo_vaddr = va & ~ADDR_POFF; return (RB_FIND(pvo_tree, &pm->pmap_pvo, &key)); } static boolean_t moea64_query_bit(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, uint64_t ptebit) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; int64_t ret; boolean_t rv; /* * See if this bit is stored in the page already. */ if (m->md.mdpg_attrs & ptebit) return (TRUE); /* * Examine each PTE. Sync so that any pending REF/CHG bits are * flushed to the PTEs. */ rv = FALSE; powerpc_sync(); PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { ret = 0; /* * See if this pvo has a valid PTE. if so, fetch the * REF/CHG bits from the valid PTE. If the appropriate * ptebit is set, return success. */ PMAP_LOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD)) ret = MOEA64_PTE_SYNCH(mmu, pvo); PMAP_UNLOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); if (ret > 0) { atomic_set_32(&m->md.mdpg_attrs, ret & (LPTE_CHG | LPTE_REF)); if (ret & ptebit) { rv = TRUE; break; } } } PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); return (rv); } static u_int moea64_clear_bit(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, u_int64_t ptebit) { u_int count; struct pvo_entry *pvo; int64_t ret; /* * Sync so that any pending REF/CHG bits are flushed to the PTEs (so * we can reset the right ones). */ powerpc_sync(); /* * For each pvo entry, clear the pte's ptebit. */ count = 0; PV_PAGE_LOCK(m); LIST_FOREACH(pvo, vm_page_to_pvoh(m), pvo_vlink) { ret = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); if (!(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD)) ret = MOEA64_PTE_CLEAR(mmu, pvo, ptebit); PMAP_UNLOCK(pvo->pvo_pmap); if (ret > 0 && (ret & ptebit)) count++; } atomic_clear_32(&m->md.mdpg_attrs, ptebit); PV_PAGE_UNLOCK(m); return (count); } boolean_t moea64_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { struct pvo_entry *pvo, key; vm_offset_t ppa; int error = 0; if (hw_direct_map && mem_valid(pa, size) == 0) return (0); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); ppa = pa & ~ADDR_POFF; key.pvo_vaddr = DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS + ppa; for (pvo = RB_FIND(pvo_tree, &kernel_pmap->pmap_pvo, &key); ppa < pa + size; ppa += PAGE_SIZE, pvo = RB_NEXT(pvo_tree, &kernel_pmap->pmap_pvo, pvo)) { if (pvo == NULL || (pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN) != ppa) { error = EFAULT; break; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); return (error); } /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual * address space. Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This * routine is intended to be used for mapping device memory, * NOT real memory. */ void * moea64_mapdev_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_memattr_t ma) { vm_offset_t va, tmpva, ppa, offset; ppa = trunc_page(pa); offset = pa & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup2(offset + size, PAGE_SIZE); va = kva_alloc(size); if (!va) panic("moea64_mapdev: Couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory"); for (tmpva = va; size > 0;) { moea64_kenter_attr(mmu, tmpva, ppa, ma); size -= PAGE_SIZE; tmpva += PAGE_SIZE; ppa += PAGE_SIZE; } return ((void *)(va + offset)); } void * moea64_mapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return moea64_mapdev_attr(mmu, pa, size, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } void moea64_unmapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t base, offset; base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup2(offset + size, PAGE_SIZE); kva_free(base, size); } void moea64_sync_icache(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_offset_t lim; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_size_t len; PMAP_LOCK(pm); while (sz > 0) { lim = round_page(va+1); len = MIN(lim - va, sz); pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(pm, va & ~ADDR_POFF); if (pvo != NULL && !(pvo-> & LPTE_I)) { pa = (pvo-> & LPTE_RPGN) | (va & ADDR_POFF); moea64_syncicache(mmu, pm, va, pa, len); } va += len; sz -= len; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void moea64_dumpsys_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void **va) { *va = (void *)(uintptr_t)pa; } extern struct dump_pa dump_map[PHYS_AVAIL_SZ + 1]; void moea64_scan_init(mmu_t mmu) { struct pvo_entry *pvo; vm_offset_t va; int i; if (!do_minidump) { /* Initialize phys. segments for dumpsys(). */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); mem_regions(&pregions, &pregions_sz, ®ions, ®ions_sz); for (i = 0; i < pregions_sz; i++) { dump_map[i].pa_start = pregions[i].mr_start; dump_map[i].pa_size = pregions[i].mr_size; } return; } /* Virtual segments for minidumps: */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); /* 1st: kernel .data and .bss. */ dump_map[0].pa_start = trunc_page((uintptr_t)_etext); dump_map[0].pa_size = round_page((uintptr_t)_end) - dump_map[0].pa_start; /* 2nd: msgbuf and tables (see pmap_bootstrap()). */ dump_map[1].pa_start = (vm_paddr_t)(uintptr_t)msgbufp->msg_ptr; dump_map[1].pa_size = round_page(msgbufp->msg_size); /* 3rd: kernel VM. */ va = dump_map[1].pa_start + dump_map[1].pa_size; /* Find start of next chunk (from va). */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't dump the buffer cache. */ if (va >= kmi.buffer_sva && va < kmi.buffer_eva) { va = kmi.buffer_eva; continue; } pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF); if (pvo != NULL && !(pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } if (va < virtual_end) { dump_map[2].pa_start = va; va += PAGE_SIZE; /* Find last page in chunk. */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't run into the buffer cache. */ if (va == kmi.buffer_sva) break; pvo = moea64_pvo_find_va(kernel_pmap, va & ~ADDR_POFF); if (pvo == NULL || (pvo->pvo_vaddr & PVO_DEAD)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } dump_map[2].pa_size = va - dump_map[2].pa_start; } } Index: head/sys/powerpc/booke/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/booke/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/powerpc/booke/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,4524 +1,4524 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Semihalf, Rafal Jaworowski * Copyright (C) 2006 Semihalf, Marian Balakowicz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Some hw specific parts of this pmap were derived or influenced * by NetBSD's ibm4xx pmap module. More generic code is shared with * a few other pmap modules from the FreeBSD tree. */ /* * VM layout notes: * * Kernel and user threads run within one common virtual address space * defined by AS=0. * * 32-bit pmap: * Virtual address space layout: * ----------------------------- * 0x0000_0000 - 0x7fff_ffff : user process * 0x8000_0000 - 0xbfff_ffff : pmap_mapdev()-ed area (PCI/PCIE etc.) * 0xc000_0000 - 0xc0ff_ffff : kernel reserved * 0xc000_0000 - data_end : kernel code+data, env, metadata etc. * 0xc100_0000 - 0xffff_ffff : KVA * 0xc100_0000 - 0xc100_3fff : reserved for page zero/copy * 0xc100_4000 - 0xc200_3fff : reserved for ptbl bufs * 0xc200_4000 - 0xc200_8fff : guard page + kstack0 * 0xc200_9000 - 0xfeef_ffff : actual free KVA space * * 64-bit pmap: * Virtual address space layout: * ----------------------------- * 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xbfff_ffff_ffff_ffff : user process * 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 - 0x8fff_ffff_ffff_ffff : text, data, heap, maps, libraries * 0x9000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xafff_ffff_ffff_ffff : mmio region * 0xb000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xbfff_ffff_ffff_ffff : stack * 0xc000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xcfff_ffff_ffff_ffff : kernel reserved * 0xc000_0000_0000_0000 - endkernel-1 : kernel code & data * endkernel - msgbufp-1 : flat device tree * msgbufp - ptbl_bufs-1 : message buffer * ptbl_bufs - kernel_pdir-1 : kernel page tables * kernel_pdir - kernel_pp2d-1 : kernel page directory * kernel_pp2d - . : kernel pointers to page directory * pmap_zero_copy_min - crashdumpmap-1 : reserved for page zero/copy * crashdumpmap - ptbl_buf_pool_vabase-1 : reserved for ptbl bufs * ptbl_buf_pool_vabase - virtual_avail-1 : user page directories and page tables * virtual_avail - 0xcfff_ffff_ffff_ffff : actual free KVA space * 0xd000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xdfff_ffff_ffff_ffff : coprocessor region * 0xe000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xefff_ffff_ffff_ffff : mmio region * 0xf000_0000_0000_0000 - 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff : direct map * 0xf000_0000_0000_0000 - +Maxmem : physmem map * - 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff : device direct map */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mmu_if.h" #define SPARSE_MAPDEV #ifdef DEBUG #define debugf(fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ##args) #else #define debugf(fmt, args...) #endif #ifdef __powerpc64__ #define PRI0ptrX "016lx" #else #define PRI0ptrX "08x" #endif #define TODO panic("%s: not implemented", __func__); extern unsigned char _etext[]; extern unsigned char _end[]; extern uint32_t *bootinfo; vm_paddr_t kernload; vm_offset_t kernstart; vm_size_t kernsize; /* Message buffer and tables. */ static vm_offset_t data_start; static vm_size_t data_end; /* Phys/avail memory regions. */ static struct mem_region *availmem_regions; static int availmem_regions_sz; static struct mem_region *physmem_regions; static int physmem_regions_sz; /* Reserved KVA space and mutex for mmu_booke_zero_page. */ static vm_offset_t zero_page_va; static struct mtx zero_page_mutex; static struct mtx tlbivax_mutex; /* Reserved KVA space and mutex for mmu_booke_copy_page. */ static vm_offset_t copy_page_src_va; static vm_offset_t copy_page_dst_va; static struct mtx copy_page_mutex; /**************************************************************************/ /* PMAP */ /**************************************************************************/ static int mmu_booke_enter_locked(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int flags, int8_t psind); unsigned int kptbl_min; /* Index of the first kernel ptbl. */ unsigned int kernel_ptbls; /* Number of KVA ptbls. */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ unsigned int kernel_pdirs; #endif /* * If user pmap is processed with mmu_booke_remove and the resident count * drops to 0, there are no more pages to remove, so we need not continue. */ #define PMAP_REMOVE_DONE(pmap) \ ((pmap) != kernel_pmap && (pmap)->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) || !defined(__powerpc64__) extern int elf32_nxstack; #endif /**************************************************************************/ /* TLB and TID handling */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Translation ID busy table */ static volatile pmap_t tidbusy[MAXCPU][TID_MAX + 1]; /* * TLB0 capabilities (entry, way numbers etc.). These can vary between e500 * core revisions and should be read from h/w registers during early config. */ uint32_t tlb0_entries; uint32_t tlb0_ways; uint32_t tlb0_entries_per_way; uint32_t tlb1_entries; #define TLB0_ENTRIES (tlb0_entries) #define TLB0_WAYS (tlb0_ways) #define TLB0_ENTRIES_PER_WAY (tlb0_entries_per_way) #define TLB1_ENTRIES (tlb1_entries) static vm_offset_t tlb1_map_base = VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS + PAGE_SIZE; static tlbtid_t tid_alloc(struct pmap *); static void tid_flush(tlbtid_t tid); #ifdef DDB #ifdef __powerpc64__ static void tlb_print_entry(int, uint32_t, uint64_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); #else static void tlb_print_entry(int, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); #endif #endif static void tlb1_read_entry(tlb_entry_t *, unsigned int); static void tlb1_write_entry(tlb_entry_t *, unsigned int); static int tlb1_iomapped(int, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t, vm_offset_t *); static vm_size_t tlb1_mapin_region(vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static vm_size_t tsize2size(unsigned int); static unsigned int size2tsize(vm_size_t); static unsigned int ilog2(unsigned long); static void set_mas4_defaults(void); static inline void tlb0_flush_entry(vm_offset_t); static inline unsigned int tlb0_tableidx(vm_offset_t, unsigned int); /**************************************************************************/ /* Page table management */ /**************************************************************************/ static struct rwlock_padalign pvh_global_lock; /* Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism */ static uma_zone_t pvzone; static int pv_entry_count = 0, pv_entry_max = 0, pv_entry_high_water = 0; #define PV_ENTRY_ZONE_MIN 2048 /* min pv entries in uma zone */ #ifndef PMAP_SHPGPERPROC #define PMAP_SHPGPERPROC 200 #endif static void ptbl_init(void); static struct ptbl_buf *ptbl_buf_alloc(void); static void ptbl_buf_free(struct ptbl_buf *); static void ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap_t, pte_t *); #ifdef __powerpc64__ static pte_t *ptbl_alloc(mmu_t, pmap_t, pte_t **, unsigned int, boolean_t); static void ptbl_free(mmu_t, pmap_t, pte_t **, unsigned int); static void ptbl_hold(mmu_t, pmap_t, pte_t **, unsigned int); static int ptbl_unhold(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); #else static pte_t *ptbl_alloc(mmu_t, pmap_t, unsigned int, boolean_t); static void ptbl_free(mmu_t, pmap_t, unsigned int); static void ptbl_hold(mmu_t, pmap_t, unsigned int); static int ptbl_unhold(mmu_t, pmap_t, unsigned int); #endif static vm_paddr_t pte_vatopa(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static int pte_enter(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_page_t, vm_offset_t, uint32_t, boolean_t); static int pte_remove(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, uint8_t); static pte_t *pte_find(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static void kernel_pte_alloc(vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); static pv_entry_t pv_alloc(void); static void pv_free(pv_entry_t); static void pv_insert(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t); static void pv_remove(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t); static void booke_pmap_init_qpages(void); /* Number of kva ptbl buffers, each covering one ptbl (PTBL_PAGES). */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ #define PTBL_BUFS (16UL * 16 * 16) #else #define PTBL_BUFS (128 * 16) #endif struct ptbl_buf { TAILQ_ENTRY(ptbl_buf) link; /* list link */ vm_offset_t kva; /* va of mapping */ }; /* ptbl free list and a lock used for access synchronization. */ static TAILQ_HEAD(, ptbl_buf) ptbl_buf_freelist; static struct mtx ptbl_buf_freelist_lock; /* Base address of kva space allocated fot ptbl bufs. */ static vm_offset_t ptbl_buf_pool_vabase; /* Pointer to ptbl_buf structures. */ static struct ptbl_buf *ptbl_bufs; #ifdef SMP extern tlb_entry_t __boot_tlb1[]; void pmap_bootstrap_ap(volatile uint32_t *); #endif /* * Kernel MMU interface */ static void mmu_booke_clear_modify(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_copy(mmu_t, pmap_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t, vm_offset_t); static void mmu_booke_copy_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_copy_pages(mmu_t, vm_page_t *, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t *, vm_offset_t, int); static int mmu_booke_enter(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t, u_int flags, int8_t psind); static void mmu_booke_enter_object(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); static void mmu_booke_enter_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t, vm_prot_t); static vm_paddr_t mmu_booke_extract(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static vm_page_t mmu_booke_extract_and_hold(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); static void mmu_booke_init(mmu_t); static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_modified(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_prefaultable(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t); static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static int mmu_booke_ts_referenced(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static vm_offset_t mmu_booke_map(mmu_t, vm_offset_t *, vm_paddr_t, vm_paddr_t, int); static int mmu_booke_mincore(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t *); static void mmu_booke_object_init_pt(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, vm_size_t); static boolean_t mmu_booke_page_exists_quick(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_page_init(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static int mmu_booke_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_pinit(mmu_t, pmap_t); static void mmu_booke_pinit0(mmu_t, pmap_t); static void mmu_booke_protect(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_prot_t); static void mmu_booke_qenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_page_t *, int); static void mmu_booke_qremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, int); static void mmu_booke_release(mmu_t, pmap_t); static void mmu_booke_remove(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); static void mmu_booke_remove_all(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_remove_write(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_unwire(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); static void mmu_booke_zero_page(mmu_t, vm_page_t); static void mmu_booke_zero_page_area(mmu_t, vm_page_t, int, int); static void mmu_booke_activate(mmu_t, struct thread *); static void mmu_booke_deactivate(mmu_t, struct thread *); static void mmu_booke_bootstrap(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t); static void *mmu_booke_mapdev(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static void *mmu_booke_mapdev_attr(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t, vm_memattr_t); static void mmu_booke_unmapdev(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); static vm_paddr_t mmu_booke_kextract(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); static void mmu_booke_kenter(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t); static void mmu_booke_kenter_attr(mmu_t, vm_offset_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_memattr_t); static void mmu_booke_kremove(mmu_t, vm_offset_t); static boolean_t mmu_booke_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_size_t); static void mmu_booke_sync_icache(mmu_t, pmap_t, vm_offset_t, vm_size_t); static void mmu_booke_dumpsys_map(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t, void **); static void mmu_booke_dumpsys_unmap(mmu_t, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t, void *); static void mmu_booke_scan_init(mmu_t); static vm_offset_t mmu_booke_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m); static void mmu_booke_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr); static int mmu_booke_change_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t sz, vm_memattr_t mode); static int mmu_booke_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen); static int mmu_booke_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr); static mmu_method_t mmu_booke_methods[] = { /* pmap dispatcher interface */ MMUMETHOD(mmu_clear_modify, mmu_booke_clear_modify), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy, mmu_booke_copy), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_page, mmu_booke_copy_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_copy_pages, mmu_booke_copy_pages), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter, mmu_booke_enter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_object, mmu_booke_enter_object), MMUMETHOD(mmu_enter_quick, mmu_booke_enter_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract, mmu_booke_extract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_extract_and_hold, mmu_booke_extract_and_hold), MMUMETHOD(mmu_init, mmu_booke_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_modified, mmu_booke_is_modified), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_prefaultable, mmu_booke_is_prefaultable), MMUMETHOD(mmu_is_referenced, mmu_booke_is_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_ts_referenced, mmu_booke_ts_referenced), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map, mmu_booke_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mincore, mmu_booke_mincore), MMUMETHOD(mmu_object_init_pt, mmu_booke_object_init_pt), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_exists_quick,mmu_booke_page_exists_quick), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_init, mmu_booke_page_init), MMUMETHOD(mmu_page_wired_mappings, mmu_booke_page_wired_mappings), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit, mmu_booke_pinit), MMUMETHOD(mmu_pinit0, mmu_booke_pinit0), MMUMETHOD(mmu_protect, mmu_booke_protect), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qenter, mmu_booke_qenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_qremove, mmu_booke_qremove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_release, mmu_booke_release), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove, mmu_booke_remove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_all, mmu_booke_remove_all), MMUMETHOD(mmu_remove_write, mmu_booke_remove_write), MMUMETHOD(mmu_sync_icache, mmu_booke_sync_icache), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unwire, mmu_booke_unwire), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page, mmu_booke_zero_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_zero_page_area, mmu_booke_zero_page_area), MMUMETHOD(mmu_activate, mmu_booke_activate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_deactivate, mmu_booke_deactivate), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_enter_page, mmu_booke_quick_enter_page), MMUMETHOD(mmu_quick_remove_page, mmu_booke_quick_remove_page), /* Internal interfaces */ MMUMETHOD(mmu_bootstrap, mmu_booke_bootstrap), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dev_direct_mapped,mmu_booke_dev_direct_mapped), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev, mmu_booke_mapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_mapdev_attr, mmu_booke_mapdev_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter, mmu_booke_kenter), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kenter_attr, mmu_booke_kenter_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kextract, mmu_booke_kextract), MMUMETHOD(mmu_kremove, mmu_booke_kremove), MMUMETHOD(mmu_unmapdev, mmu_booke_unmapdev), MMUMETHOD(mmu_change_attr, mmu_booke_change_attr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_map_user_ptr, mmu_booke_map_user_ptr), MMUMETHOD(mmu_decode_kernel_ptr, mmu_booke_decode_kernel_ptr), /* dumpsys() support */ MMUMETHOD(mmu_dumpsys_map, mmu_booke_dumpsys_map), MMUMETHOD(mmu_dumpsys_unmap, mmu_booke_dumpsys_unmap), MMUMETHOD(mmu_scan_init, mmu_booke_scan_init), { 0, 0 } }; MMU_DEF(booke_mmu, MMU_TYPE_BOOKE, mmu_booke_methods, 0); static __inline uint32_t tlb_calc_wimg(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { uint32_t attrib; int i; if (ma != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) { switch (ma) { case VM_MEMATTR_UNCACHEABLE: return (MAS2_I | MAS2_G); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_COMBINING: case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK: case VM_MEMATTR_PREFETCHABLE: return (MAS2_I); case VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH: return (MAS2_W | MAS2_M); case VM_MEMATTR_CACHEABLE: return (MAS2_M); } } /* * Assume the page is cache inhibited and access is guarded unless * it's in our available memory array. */ attrib = _TLB_ENTRY_IO; for (i = 0; i < physmem_regions_sz; i++) { if ((pa >= physmem_regions[i].mr_start) && (pa < (physmem_regions[i].mr_start + physmem_regions[i].mr_size))) { attrib = _TLB_ENTRY_MEM; break; } } return (attrib); } static inline void tlb_miss_lock(void) { #ifdef SMP struct pcpu *pc; if (!smp_started) return; STAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &cpuhead, pc_allcpu) { if (pc != pcpup) { CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: tlb miss LOCK of CPU=%d, " "tlb_lock=%p", __func__, pc->pc_cpuid, pc->pc_booke.tlb_lock); KASSERT((pc->pc_cpuid != PCPU_GET(cpuid)), ("tlb_miss_lock: tried to lock self")); tlb_lock(pc->pc_booke.tlb_lock); CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "%s: locked", __func__); } } #endif } static inline void tlb_miss_unlock(void) { #ifdef SMP struct pcpu *pc; if (!smp_started) return; STAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &cpuhead, pc_allcpu) { if (pc != pcpup) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: tlb miss UNLOCK of CPU=%d", __func__, pc->pc_cpuid); tlb_unlock(pc->pc_booke.tlb_lock); CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "%s: unlocked", __func__); } } #endif } /* Return number of entries in TLB0. */ static __inline void tlb0_get_tlbconf(void) { uint32_t tlb0_cfg; tlb0_cfg = mfspr(SPR_TLB0CFG); tlb0_entries = tlb0_cfg & TLBCFG_NENTRY_MASK; tlb0_ways = (tlb0_cfg & TLBCFG_ASSOC_MASK) >> TLBCFG_ASSOC_SHIFT; tlb0_entries_per_way = tlb0_entries / tlb0_ways; } /* Return number of entries in TLB1. */ static __inline void tlb1_get_tlbconf(void) { uint32_t tlb1_cfg; tlb1_cfg = mfspr(SPR_TLB1CFG); tlb1_entries = tlb1_cfg & TLBCFG_NENTRY_MASK; } /**************************************************************************/ /* Page table related */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Initialize pool of kva ptbl buffers. */ static void ptbl_init(void) { int i; mtx_init(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock, "ptbl bufs lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); TAILQ_INIT(&ptbl_buf_freelist); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_BUFS; i++) { ptbl_bufs[i].kva = ptbl_buf_pool_vabase + i * MAX(PTBL_PAGES,PDIR_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ptbl_buf_freelist, &ptbl_bufs[i], link); } } /* Get an sf_buf from the freelist. */ static struct ptbl_buf * ptbl_buf_alloc(void) { struct ptbl_buf *buf; mtx_lock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); buf = TAILQ_FIRST(&ptbl_buf_freelist); if (buf != NULL) TAILQ_REMOVE(&ptbl_buf_freelist, buf, link); mtx_unlock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); return (buf); } /* Return ptbl buff to free pool. */ static void ptbl_buf_free(struct ptbl_buf *buf) { mtx_lock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ptbl_buf_freelist, buf, link); mtx_unlock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); } /* * Search the list of allocated ptbl bufs and find on list of allocated ptbls */ static void ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap_t pmap, pte_t * ptbl) { struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; TAILQ_FOREACH(pbuf, &pmap->pm_ptbl_list, link) { if (pbuf->kva == (vm_offset_t) ptbl) { /* Remove from pmap ptbl buf list. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_ptbl_list, pbuf, link); /* Free corresponding ptbl buf. */ ptbl_buf_free(pbuf); break; } } } /* Get a pointer to a PTE in a page table. */ static __inline pte_t * pte_find(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pte_t **pdir; pte_t *ptbl; KASSERT((pmap != NULL), ("pte_find: invalid pmap")); pdir = pmap->pm_pp2d[PP2D_IDX(va)]; if (!pdir) return NULL; ptbl = pdir[PDIR_IDX(va)]; return ((ptbl != NULL) ? &ptbl[PTBL_IDX(va)] : NULL); } /* * Search the list of allocated pdir bufs and find on list of allocated pdirs */ static void ptbl_free_pmap_pdir(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, pte_t ** pdir) { struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; TAILQ_FOREACH(pbuf, &pmap->pm_pdir_list, link) { if (pbuf->kva == (vm_offset_t) pdir) { /* Remove from pmap ptbl buf list. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pdir_list, pbuf, link); /* Free corresponding pdir buf. */ ptbl_buf_free(pbuf); break; } } } /* Free pdir pages and invalidate pdir entry. */ static void pdir_free(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pp2d_idx) { pte_t **pdir; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; int i; pdir = pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx]; KASSERT((pdir != NULL), ("pdir_free: null pdir")); pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < PDIR_PAGES; i++) { va = ((vm_offset_t) pdir + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); vm_page_free_zero(m); vm_wire_sub(1); pmap_kremove(va); } ptbl_free_pmap_pdir(mmu, pmap, pdir); } /* * Decrement pdir pages hold count and attempt to free pdir pages. Called * when removing directory entry from pdir. * * Return 1 if pdir pages were freed. */ static int pdir_unhold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, u_int pp2d_idx) { pte_t **pdir; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int i; KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("pdir_unhold: unholding kernel pdir!")); pdir = pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx]; KASSERT(((vm_offset_t) pdir >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS), ("pdir_unhold: non kva pdir")); /* decrement hold count */ for (i = 0; i < PDIR_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t) pdir + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count--; } /* * Free pdir pages if there are no dir entries in this pdir. * wire_count has the same value for all ptbl pages, so check the * last page. */ if (m->wire_count == 0) { pdir_free(mmu, pmap, pp2d_idx); return (1); } return (0); } /* * Increment hold count for pdir pages. This routine is used when new ptlb * entry is being inserted into pdir. */ static void pdir_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, pte_t ** pdir) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int i; KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("pdir_hold: holding kernel pdir!")); KASSERT((pdir != NULL), ("pdir_hold: null pdir")); for (i = 0; i < PDIR_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t) pdir + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count++; } } /* Allocate page table. */ static pte_t * ptbl_alloc(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, pte_t ** pdir, unsigned int pdir_idx, boolean_t nosleep) { vm_page_t mtbl [PTBL_PAGES]; vm_page_t m; struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; unsigned int pidx; pte_t *ptbl; int i, j; int req; KASSERT((pdir[pdir_idx] == NULL), ("%s: valid ptbl entry exists!", __func__)); pbuf = ptbl_buf_alloc(); if (pbuf == NULL) panic("%s: couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory", __func__); ptbl = (pte_t *) pbuf->kva; for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pidx = (PTBL_PAGES * pdir_idx) + i; req = VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED; while ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pidx, req)) == NULL) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (nosleep) { ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap, ptbl); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) vm_page_free(mtbl[j]); vm_wire_sub(i); return (NULL); } vm_wait(NULL); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } mtbl[i] = m; } /* Mapin allocated pages into kernel_pmap. */ mmu_booke_qenter(mmu, (vm_offset_t) ptbl, mtbl, PTBL_PAGES); /* Zero whole ptbl. */ bzero((caddr_t) ptbl, PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); /* Add pbuf to the pmap ptbl bufs list. */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_ptbl_list, pbuf, link); return (ptbl); } /* Free ptbl pages and invalidate pdir entry. */ static void ptbl_free(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, pte_t ** pdir, unsigned int pdir_idx) { pte_t *ptbl; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; int i; ptbl = pdir[pdir_idx]; KASSERT((ptbl != NULL), ("ptbl_free: null ptbl")); pdir[pdir_idx] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { va = ((vm_offset_t) ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); vm_page_free_zero(m); vm_wire_sub(1); pmap_kremove(va); } ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap, ptbl); } /* * Decrement ptbl pages hold count and attempt to free ptbl pages. Called * when removing pte entry from ptbl. * * Return 1 if ptbl pages were freed. */ static int ptbl_unhold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pte_t *ptbl; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; u_int pp2d_idx; pte_t **pdir; u_int pdir_idx; int i; pp2d_idx = PP2D_IDX(va); pdir_idx = PDIR_IDX(va); KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("ptbl_unhold: unholding kernel ptbl!")); pdir = pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx]; ptbl = pdir[pdir_idx]; KASSERT(((vm_offset_t) ptbl >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS), ("ptbl_unhold: non kva ptbl")); /* decrement hold count */ for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t) ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count--; } /* * Free ptbl pages if there are no pte entries in this ptbl. * wire_count has the same value for all ptbl pages, so check the * last page. */ if (m->wire_count == 0) { /* A pair of indirect entries might point to this ptbl page */ #if 0 tlb_flush_entry(pmap, va & ~((2UL * PAGE_SIZE_1M) - 1), TLB_SIZE_1M, MAS6_SIND); tlb_flush_entry(pmap, (va & ~((2UL * PAGE_SIZE_1M) - 1)) | PAGE_SIZE_1M, TLB_SIZE_1M, MAS6_SIND); #endif ptbl_free(mmu, pmap, pdir, pdir_idx); pdir_unhold(mmu, pmap, pp2d_idx); return (1); } return (0); } /* * Increment hold count for ptbl pages. This routine is used when new pte * entry is being inserted into ptbl. */ static void ptbl_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, pte_t ** pdir, unsigned int pdir_idx) { vm_paddr_t pa; pte_t *ptbl; vm_page_t m; int i; KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("ptbl_hold: holding kernel ptbl!")); ptbl = pdir[pdir_idx]; KASSERT((ptbl != NULL), ("ptbl_hold: null ptbl")); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t) ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count++; } } #else /* Initialize pool of kva ptbl buffers. */ static void ptbl_init(void) { int i; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: s (ptbl_bufs = 0x%08x size 0x%08x)", __func__, (uint32_t)ptbl_bufs, sizeof(struct ptbl_buf) * PTBL_BUFS); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: s (ptbl_buf_pool_vabase = 0x%08x size = 0x%08x)", __func__, ptbl_buf_pool_vabase, PTBL_BUFS * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); mtx_init(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock, "ptbl bufs lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); TAILQ_INIT(&ptbl_buf_freelist); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_BUFS; i++) { ptbl_bufs[i].kva = ptbl_buf_pool_vabase + i * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ptbl_buf_freelist, &ptbl_bufs[i], link); } } /* Get a ptbl_buf from the freelist. */ static struct ptbl_buf * ptbl_buf_alloc(void) { struct ptbl_buf *buf; mtx_lock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); buf = TAILQ_FIRST(&ptbl_buf_freelist); if (buf != NULL) TAILQ_REMOVE(&ptbl_buf_freelist, buf, link); mtx_unlock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: buf = %p", __func__, buf); return (buf); } /* Return ptbl buff to free pool. */ static void ptbl_buf_free(struct ptbl_buf *buf) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: buf = %p", __func__, buf); mtx_lock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ptbl_buf_freelist, buf, link); mtx_unlock(&ptbl_buf_freelist_lock); } /* * Search the list of allocated ptbl bufs and find on list of allocated ptbls */ static void ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap_t pmap, pte_t *ptbl) { struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: ptbl = %p", __func__, ptbl); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pbuf, &pmap->pm_ptbl_list, link) if (pbuf->kva == (vm_offset_t)ptbl) { /* Remove from pmap ptbl buf list. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_ptbl_list, pbuf, link); /* Free corresponding ptbl buf. */ ptbl_buf_free(pbuf); break; } } /* Allocate page table. */ static pte_t * ptbl_alloc(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pdir_idx, boolean_t nosleep) { vm_page_t mtbl[PTBL_PAGES]; vm_page_t m; struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; unsigned int pidx; pte_t *ptbl; int i, j; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap = %p su = %d pdir_idx = %d", __func__, pmap, (pmap == kernel_pmap), pdir_idx); KASSERT((pdir_idx <= (VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS / PDIR_SIZE)), ("ptbl_alloc: invalid pdir_idx")); KASSERT((pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx] == NULL), ("pte_alloc: valid ptbl entry exists!")); pbuf = ptbl_buf_alloc(); if (pbuf == NULL) panic("pte_alloc: couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory"); ptbl = (pte_t *)pbuf->kva; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: ptbl kva = %p", __func__, ptbl); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pidx = (PTBL_PAGES * pdir_idx) + i; while ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pidx, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); if (nosleep) { ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap, ptbl); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) vm_page_free(mtbl[j]); vm_wire_sub(i); return (NULL); } vm_wait(NULL); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } mtbl[i] = m; } /* Map allocated pages into kernel_pmap. */ mmu_booke_qenter(mmu, (vm_offset_t)ptbl, mtbl, PTBL_PAGES); /* Zero whole ptbl. */ bzero((caddr_t)ptbl, PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); /* Add pbuf to the pmap ptbl bufs list. */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_ptbl_list, pbuf, link); return (ptbl); } /* Free ptbl pages and invalidate pdir entry. */ static void ptbl_free(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pdir_idx) { pte_t *ptbl; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; int i; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap = %p su = %d pdir_idx = %d", __func__, pmap, (pmap == kernel_pmap), pdir_idx); KASSERT((pdir_idx <= (VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS / PDIR_SIZE)), ("ptbl_free: invalid pdir_idx")); ptbl = pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: ptbl = %p", __func__, ptbl); KASSERT((ptbl != NULL), ("ptbl_free: null ptbl")); /* * Invalidate the pdir entry as soon as possible, so that other CPUs * don't attempt to look up the page tables we are releasing. */ mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx] = NULL; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { va = ((vm_offset_t)ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); vm_page_free_zero(m); vm_wire_sub(1); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, va); } ptbl_free_pmap_ptbl(pmap, ptbl); } /* * Decrement ptbl pages hold count and attempt to free ptbl pages. * Called when removing pte entry from ptbl. * * Return 1 if ptbl pages were freed. */ static int ptbl_unhold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pdir_idx) { pte_t *ptbl; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; int i; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap = %p su = %d pdir_idx = %d", __func__, pmap, (pmap == kernel_pmap), pdir_idx); KASSERT((pdir_idx <= (VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS / PDIR_SIZE)), ("ptbl_unhold: invalid pdir_idx")); KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("ptbl_unhold: unholding kernel ptbl!")); ptbl = pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]; //debugf("ptbl_unhold: ptbl = 0x%08x\n", (u_int32_t)ptbl); KASSERT(((vm_offset_t)ptbl >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS), ("ptbl_unhold: non kva ptbl")); /* decrement hold count */ for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count--; } /* * Free ptbl pages if there are no pte etries in this ptbl. * wire_count has the same value for all ptbl pages, so check the last * page. */ if (m->wire_count == 0) { ptbl_free(mmu, pmap, pdir_idx); //debugf("ptbl_unhold: e (freed ptbl)\n"); return (1); } return (0); } /* * Increment hold count for ptbl pages. This routine is used when a new pte * entry is being inserted into the ptbl. */ static void ptbl_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pdir_idx) { vm_paddr_t pa; pte_t *ptbl; vm_page_t m; int i; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap = %p pdir_idx = %d", __func__, pmap, pdir_idx); KASSERT((pdir_idx <= (VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS / PDIR_SIZE)), ("ptbl_hold: invalid pdir_idx")); KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("ptbl_hold: holding kernel ptbl!")); ptbl = pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]; KASSERT((ptbl != NULL), ("ptbl_hold: null ptbl")); for (i = 0; i < PTBL_PAGES; i++) { pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)ptbl + (i * PAGE_SIZE)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); m->wire_count++; } } #endif /* Allocate pv_entry structure. */ pv_entry_t pv_alloc(void) { pv_entry_t pv; pv_entry_count++; if (pv_entry_count > pv_entry_high_water) pagedaemon_wakeup(0); /* XXX powerpc NUMA */ pv = uma_zalloc(pvzone, M_NOWAIT); return (pv); } /* Free pv_entry structure. */ static __inline void pv_free(pv_entry_t pve) { pv_entry_count--; uma_zfree(pvzone, pve); } /* Allocate and initialize pv_entry structure. */ static void pv_insert(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pve; //int su = (pmap == kernel_pmap); //debugf("pv_insert: s (su = %d pmap = 0x%08x va = 0x%08x m = 0x%08x)\n", su, // (u_int32_t)pmap, va, (u_int32_t)m); pve = pv_alloc(); if (pve == NULL) panic("pv_insert: no pv entries!"); pve->pv_pmap = pmap; pve->pv_va = va; /* add to pv_list */ PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pve, pv_link); //debugf("pv_insert: e\n"); } /* Destroy pv entry. */ static void pv_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pve; //int su = (pmap == kernel_pmap); //debugf("pv_remove: s (su = %d pmap = 0x%08x va = 0x%08x)\n", su, (u_int32_t)pmap, va); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); /* find pv entry */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pve, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { if ((pmap == pve->pv_pmap) && (va == pve->pv_va)) { /* remove from pv_list */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pve, pv_link); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); /* free pv entry struct */ pv_free(pve); break; } } //debugf("pv_remove: e\n"); } #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * Clean pte entry, try to free page table page if requested. * * Return 1 if ptbl pages were freed, otherwise return 0. */ static int pte_remove(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, u_int8_t flags) { vm_page_t m; pte_t *pte; pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va); KASSERT(pte != NULL, ("%s: NULL pte", __func__)); if (!PTE_ISVALID(pte)) return (0); /* Get vm_page_t for mapped pte. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_PA(pte)); if (PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* Handle managed entry. */ if (PTE_ISMANAGED(pte)) { /* Handle modified pages. */ if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); /* Referenced pages. */ if (PTE_ISREFERENCED(pte)) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* Remove pv_entry from pv_list. */ pv_remove(pmap, va, m); } else if (m->md.pv_tracked) { pv_remove(pmap, va, m); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) m->md.pv_tracked = false; } mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte = 0; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; if (flags & PTBL_UNHOLD) { return (ptbl_unhold(mmu, pmap, va)); } return (0); } /* * allocate a page of pointers to page directories, do not preallocate the * page tables */ static pte_t ** pdir_alloc(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, unsigned int pp2d_idx, bool nosleep) { vm_page_t mtbl [PDIR_PAGES]; vm_page_t m; struct ptbl_buf *pbuf; pte_t **pdir; unsigned int pidx; int i; int req; pbuf = ptbl_buf_alloc(); if (pbuf == NULL) panic("%s: couldn't alloc kernel virtual memory", __func__); /* Allocate pdir pages, this will sleep! */ for (i = 0; i < PDIR_PAGES; i++) { pidx = (PDIR_PAGES * pp2d_idx) + i; req = VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED; while ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pidx, req)) == NULL) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_wait(NULL); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } mtbl[i] = m; } /* Mapin allocated pages into kernel_pmap. */ pdir = (pte_t **) pbuf->kva; pmap_qenter((vm_offset_t) pdir, mtbl, PDIR_PAGES); /* Zero whole pdir. */ bzero((caddr_t) pdir, PDIR_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); /* Add pdir to the pmap pdir bufs list. */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pdir_list, pbuf, link); return pdir; } /* * Insert PTE for a given page and virtual address. */ static int pte_enter(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va, uint32_t flags, boolean_t nosleep) { unsigned int pp2d_idx = PP2D_IDX(va); unsigned int pdir_idx = PDIR_IDX(va); unsigned int ptbl_idx = PTBL_IDX(va); pte_t *ptbl, *pte, pte_tmp; pte_t **pdir; /* Get the page directory pointer. */ pdir = pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx]; if (pdir == NULL) pdir = pdir_alloc(mmu, pmap, pp2d_idx, nosleep); /* Get the page table pointer. */ ptbl = pdir[pdir_idx]; if (ptbl == NULL) { /* Allocate page table pages. */ ptbl = ptbl_alloc(mmu, pmap, pdir, pdir_idx, nosleep); if (ptbl == NULL) { KASSERT(nosleep, ("nosleep and NULL ptbl")); return (ENOMEM); } pte = &ptbl[ptbl_idx]; } else { /* * Check if there is valid mapping for requested va, if there * is, remove it. */ pte = &ptbl[ptbl_idx]; if (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { pte_remove(mmu, pmap, va, PTBL_HOLD); } else { /* * pte is not used, increment hold count for ptbl * pages. */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap) ptbl_hold(mmu, pmap, pdir, pdir_idx); } } if (pdir[pdir_idx] == NULL) { if (pmap != kernel_pmap && pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx] != NULL) pdir_hold(mmu, pmap, pdir); pdir[pdir_idx] = ptbl; } if (pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx] == NULL) pmap->pm_pp2d[pp2d_idx] = pdir; /* * Insert pv_entry into pv_list for mapped page if part of managed * memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { flags |= PTE_MANAGED; /* Create and insert pv entry. */ pv_insert(pmap, va, m); } pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; pte_tmp = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pte_tmp |= (PTE_VALID | flags); mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte = pte_tmp; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); return (0); } /* Return the pa for the given pmap/va. */ static vm_paddr_t pte_vatopa(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa = 0; pte_t *pte; pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va); if ((pte != NULL) && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) pa = (PTE_PA(pte) | (va & PTE_PA_MASK)); return (pa); } /* allocate pte entries to manage (addr & mask) to (addr & mask) + size */ static void kernel_pte_alloc(vm_offset_t data_end, vm_offset_t addr, vm_offset_t pdir) { int i, j; vm_offset_t va; pte_t *pte; va = addr; /* Initialize kernel pdir */ for (i = 0; i < kernel_pdirs; i++) { kernel_pmap->pm_pp2d[i + PP2D_IDX(va)] = (pte_t **)(pdir + (i * PAGE_SIZE * PDIR_PAGES)); for (j = PDIR_IDX(va + (i * PAGE_SIZE * PDIR_NENTRIES * PTBL_NENTRIES)); j < PDIR_NENTRIES; j++) { kernel_pmap->pm_pp2d[i + PP2D_IDX(va)][j] = (pte_t *)(pdir + (kernel_pdirs * PAGE_SIZE * PDIR_PAGES) + (((i * PDIR_NENTRIES) + j) * PAGE_SIZE * PTBL_PAGES)); } } /* * Fill in PTEs covering kernel code and data. They are not required * for address translation, as this area is covered by static TLB1 * entries, but for pte_vatopa() to work correctly with kernel area * addresses. */ for (va = addr; va < data_end; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = &(kernel_pmap->pm_pp2d[PP2D_IDX(va)][PDIR_IDX(va)][PTBL_IDX(va)]); *pte = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(kernload + (va - kernstart)); *pte |= PTE_M | PTE_SR | PTE_SW | PTE_SX | PTE_WIRED | PTE_VALID | PTE_PS_4KB; } } #else /* * Clean pte entry, try to free page table page if requested. * * Return 1 if ptbl pages were freed, otherwise return 0. */ static int pte_remove(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, uint8_t flags) { unsigned int pdir_idx = PDIR_IDX(va); unsigned int ptbl_idx = PTBL_IDX(va); vm_page_t m; pte_t *ptbl; pte_t *pte; //int su = (pmap == kernel_pmap); //debugf("pte_remove: s (su = %d pmap = 0x%08x va = 0x%08x flags = %d)\n", // su, (u_int32_t)pmap, va, flags); ptbl = pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]; KASSERT(ptbl, ("pte_remove: null ptbl")); pte = &ptbl[ptbl_idx]; if (pte == NULL || !PTE_ISVALID(pte)) return (0); if (PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* Get vm_page_t for mapped pte. */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_PA(pte)); /* Handle managed entry. */ if (PTE_ISMANAGED(pte)) { if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (PTE_ISREFERENCED(pte)) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); pv_remove(pmap, va, m); } else if (m->md.pv_tracked) { /* * Always pv_insert()/pv_remove() on MPC85XX, in case DPAA is * used. This is needed by the NCSW support code for fast * VA<->PA translation. */ pv_remove(pmap, va, m); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list)) m->md.pv_tracked = false; } mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte = 0; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count--; if (flags & PTBL_UNHOLD) { //debugf("pte_remove: e (unhold)\n"); return (ptbl_unhold(mmu, pmap, pdir_idx)); } //debugf("pte_remove: e\n"); return (0); } /* * Insert PTE for a given page and virtual address. */ static int pte_enter(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va, uint32_t flags, boolean_t nosleep) { unsigned int pdir_idx = PDIR_IDX(va); unsigned int ptbl_idx = PTBL_IDX(va); pte_t *ptbl, *pte, pte_tmp; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: su = %d pmap = %p va = %p", __func__, pmap == kernel_pmap, pmap, va); /* Get the page table pointer. */ ptbl = pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]; if (ptbl == NULL) { /* Allocate page table pages. */ ptbl = ptbl_alloc(mmu, pmap, pdir_idx, nosleep); if (ptbl == NULL) { KASSERT(nosleep, ("nosleep and NULL ptbl")); return (ENOMEM); } pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx] = ptbl; pte = &ptbl[ptbl_idx]; } else { /* * Check if there is valid mapping for requested * va, if there is, remove it. */ pte = &pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx][ptbl_idx]; if (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { pte_remove(mmu, pmap, va, PTBL_HOLD); } else { /* * pte is not used, increment hold count * for ptbl pages. */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap) ptbl_hold(mmu, pmap, pdir_idx); } } /* * Insert pv_entry into pv_list for mapped page if part of managed * memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { flags |= PTE_MANAGED; /* Create and insert pv entry. */ pv_insert(pmap, va, m); } pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; pte_tmp = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pte_tmp |= (PTE_VALID | flags | PTE_PS_4KB); /* 4KB pages only */ mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte = pte_tmp; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); return (0); } /* Return the pa for the given pmap/va. */ static vm_paddr_t pte_vatopa(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa = 0; pte_t *pte; pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va); if ((pte != NULL) && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) pa = (PTE_PA(pte) | (va & PTE_PA_MASK)); return (pa); } /* Get a pointer to a PTE in a page table. */ static pte_t * pte_find(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { unsigned int pdir_idx = PDIR_IDX(va); unsigned int ptbl_idx = PTBL_IDX(va); KASSERT((pmap != NULL), ("pte_find: invalid pmap")); if (pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx]) return (&(pmap->pm_pdir[pdir_idx][ptbl_idx])); return (NULL); } /* Set up kernel page tables. */ static void kernel_pte_alloc(vm_offset_t data_end, vm_offset_t addr, vm_offset_t pdir) { int i; vm_offset_t va; pte_t *pte; /* Initialize kernel pdir */ for (i = 0; i < kernel_ptbls; i++) kernel_pmap->pm_pdir[kptbl_min + i] = (pte_t *)(pdir + (i * PAGE_SIZE * PTBL_PAGES)); /* * Fill in PTEs covering kernel code and data. They are not required * for address translation, as this area is covered by static TLB1 * entries, but for pte_vatopa() to work correctly with kernel area * addresses. */ for (va = addr; va < data_end; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = &(kernel_pmap->pm_pdir[PDIR_IDX(va)][PTBL_IDX(va)]); *pte = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(kernload + (va - kernstart)); *pte |= PTE_M | PTE_SR | PTE_SW | PTE_SX | PTE_WIRED | PTE_VALID | PTE_PS_4KB; } } #endif /**************************************************************************/ /* PMAP related */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * This is called during booke_init, before the system is really initialized. */ static void mmu_booke_bootstrap(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t kernelend) { vm_paddr_t phys_kernelend; struct mem_region *mp, *mp1; int cnt, i, j; vm_paddr_t s, e, sz; vm_paddr_t physsz, hwphyssz; u_int phys_avail_count; vm_size_t kstack0_sz; vm_offset_t kernel_pdir, kstack0; vm_paddr_t kstack0_phys; void *dpcpu; debugf("mmu_booke_bootstrap: entered\n"); /* Set interesting system properties */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ hw_direct_map = 1; #else hw_direct_map = 0; #endif #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) || !defined(__powerpc64__) elf32_nxstack = 1; #endif /* Initialize invalidation mutex */ mtx_init(&tlbivax_mutex, "tlbivax", NULL, MTX_SPIN); /* Read TLB0 size and associativity. */ tlb0_get_tlbconf(); /* * Align kernel start and end address (kernel image). * Note that kernel end does not necessarily relate to kernsize. * kernsize is the size of the kernel that is actually mapped. */ kernstart = trunc_page(start); data_start = round_page(kernelend); data_end = data_start; /* Allocate the dynamic per-cpu area. */ dpcpu = (void *)data_end; data_end += DPCPU_SIZE; /* Allocate space for the message buffer. */ msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)data_end; data_end += msgbufsize; debugf(" msgbufp at 0x%"PRI0ptrX" end = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", (uintptr_t)msgbufp, data_end); data_end = round_page(data_end); /* Allocate space for ptbl_bufs. */ ptbl_bufs = (struct ptbl_buf *)data_end; data_end += sizeof(struct ptbl_buf) * PTBL_BUFS; debugf(" ptbl_bufs at 0x%"PRI0ptrX" end = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", (uintptr_t)ptbl_bufs, data_end); data_end = round_page(data_end); /* Allocate PTE tables for kernel KVA. */ kernel_pdir = data_end; kernel_ptbls = howmany(VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS, PDIR_SIZE); #ifdef __powerpc64__ kernel_pdirs = howmany(kernel_ptbls, PDIR_NENTRIES); data_end += kernel_pdirs * PDIR_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; #endif data_end += kernel_ptbls * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; debugf(" kernel ptbls: %d\n", kernel_ptbls); debugf(" kernel pdir at 0x%"PRI0ptrX" end = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", kernel_pdir, data_end); debugf(" data_end: 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", data_end); if (data_end - kernstart > kernsize) { kernsize += tlb1_mapin_region(kernstart + kernsize, kernload + kernsize, (data_end - kernstart) - kernsize); } data_end = kernstart + kernsize; debugf(" updated data_end: 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", data_end); /* * Clear the structures - note we can only do it safely after the * possible additional TLB1 translations are in place (above) so that * all range up to the currently calculated 'data_end' is covered. */ dpcpu_init(dpcpu, 0); memset((void *)ptbl_bufs, 0, sizeof(struct ptbl_buf) * PTBL_SIZE); #ifdef __powerpc64__ memset((void *)kernel_pdir, 0, kernel_pdirs * PDIR_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE + kernel_ptbls * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); #else memset((void *)kernel_pdir, 0, kernel_ptbls * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE); #endif /*******************************************************/ /* Set the start and end of kva. */ /*******************************************************/ virtual_avail = round_page(data_end); virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; /* Allocate KVA space for page zero/copy operations. */ zero_page_va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE; copy_page_src_va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE; copy_page_dst_va = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE; debugf("zero_page_va = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", zero_page_va); debugf("copy_page_src_va = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", copy_page_src_va); debugf("copy_page_dst_va = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", copy_page_dst_va); /* Initialize page zero/copy mutexes. */ mtx_init(&zero_page_mutex, "mmu_booke_zero_page", NULL, MTX_DEF); mtx_init(©_page_mutex, "mmu_booke_copy_page", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* Allocate KVA space for ptbl bufs. */ ptbl_buf_pool_vabase = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PTBL_BUFS * PTBL_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; debugf("ptbl_buf_pool_vabase = 0x%"PRI0ptrX" end = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", ptbl_buf_pool_vabase, virtual_avail); /* Calculate corresponding physical addresses for the kernel region. */ phys_kernelend = kernload + kernsize; debugf("kernel image and allocated data:\n"); debugf(" kernload = 0x%09llx\n", (uint64_t)kernload); debugf(" kernstart = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", kernstart); debugf(" kernsize = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", kernsize); /* * Remove kernel physical address range from avail regions list. Page * align all regions. Non-page aligned memory isn't very interesting * to us. Also, sort the entries for ascending addresses. */ /* Retrieve phys/avail mem regions */ mem_regions(&physmem_regions, &physmem_regions_sz, &availmem_regions, &availmem_regions_sz); if (nitems(phys_avail) < availmem_regions_sz) panic("mmu_booke_bootstrap: phys_avail too small"); sz = 0; cnt = availmem_regions_sz; debugf("processing avail regions:\n"); for (mp = availmem_regions; mp->mr_size; mp++) { s = mp->mr_start; e = mp->mr_start + mp->mr_size; debugf(" %09jx-%09jx -> ", (uintmax_t)s, (uintmax_t)e); /* Check whether this region holds all of the kernel. */ if (s < kernload && e > phys_kernelend) { availmem_regions[cnt].mr_start = phys_kernelend; availmem_regions[cnt++].mr_size = e - phys_kernelend; e = kernload; } /* Look whether this regions starts within the kernel. */ if (s >= kernload && s < phys_kernelend) { if (e <= phys_kernelend) goto empty; s = phys_kernelend; } /* Now look whether this region ends within the kernel. */ if (e > kernload && e <= phys_kernelend) { if (s >= kernload) goto empty; e = kernload; } /* Now page align the start and size of the region. */ s = round_page(s); e = trunc_page(e); if (e < s) e = s; sz = e - s; debugf("%09jx-%09jx = %jx\n", (uintmax_t)s, (uintmax_t)e, (uintmax_t)sz); /* Check whether some memory is left here. */ if (sz == 0) { empty: memmove(mp, mp + 1, (cnt - (mp - availmem_regions)) * sizeof(*mp)); cnt--; mp--; continue; } /* Do an insertion sort. */ for (mp1 = availmem_regions; mp1 < mp; mp1++) if (s < mp1->mr_start) break; if (mp1 < mp) { memmove(mp1 + 1, mp1, (char *)mp - (char *)mp1); mp1->mr_start = s; mp1->mr_size = sz; } else { mp->mr_start = s; mp->mr_size = sz; } } availmem_regions_sz = cnt; /*******************************************************/ /* Steal physical memory for kernel stack from the end */ /* of the first avail region */ /*******************************************************/ kstack0_sz = kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE; kstack0_phys = availmem_regions[0].mr_start + availmem_regions[0].mr_size; kstack0_phys -= kstack0_sz; availmem_regions[0].mr_size -= kstack0_sz; /*******************************************************/ /* Fill in phys_avail table, based on availmem_regions */ /*******************************************************/ phys_avail_count = 0; physsz = 0; hwphyssz = 0; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.physmem", (u_long *) &hwphyssz); debugf("fill in phys_avail:\n"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < availmem_regions_sz; i++, j += 2) { debugf(" region: 0x%jx - 0x%jx (0x%jx)\n", (uintmax_t)availmem_regions[i].mr_start, (uintmax_t)availmem_regions[i].mr_start + availmem_regions[i].mr_size, (uintmax_t)availmem_regions[i].mr_size); if (hwphyssz != 0 && (physsz + availmem_regions[i].mr_size) >= hwphyssz) { debugf(" hw.physmem adjust\n"); if (physsz < hwphyssz) { phys_avail[j] = availmem_regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = availmem_regions[i].mr_start + hwphyssz - physsz; physsz = hwphyssz; phys_avail_count++; } break; } phys_avail[j] = availmem_regions[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = availmem_regions[i].mr_start + availmem_regions[i].mr_size; phys_avail_count++; physsz += availmem_regions[i].mr_size; } physmem = btoc(physsz); /* Calculate the last available physical address. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 2] != 0; i += 2) ; Maxmem = powerpc_btop(phys_avail[i + 1]); debugf("Maxmem = 0x%08lx\n", Maxmem); debugf("phys_avail_count = %d\n", phys_avail_count); debugf("physsz = 0x%09jx physmem = %jd (0x%09jx)\n", (uintmax_t)physsz, (uintmax_t)physmem, (uintmax_t)physmem); #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * Map the physical memory contiguously in TLB1. * Round so it fits into a single mapping. */ tlb1_mapin_region(DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, 0, phys_avail[i + 1]); #endif /*******************************************************/ /* Initialize (statically allocated) kernel pmap. */ /*******************************************************/ PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); #ifndef __powerpc64__ kptbl_min = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS / PDIR_SIZE; #endif debugf("kernel_pmap = 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", (uintptr_t)kernel_pmap); kernel_pte_alloc(virtual_avail, kernstart, kernel_pdir); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) { kernel_pmap->pm_tid[i] = TID_KERNEL; /* Initialize each CPU's tidbusy entry 0 with kernel_pmap */ tidbusy[i][TID_KERNEL] = kernel_pmap; } /* Mark kernel_pmap active on all CPUs */ CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); /* * Initialize the global pv list lock. */ rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); /*******************************************************/ /* Final setup */ /*******************************************************/ /* Enter kstack0 into kernel map, provide guard page */ kstack0 = virtual_avail + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; thread0.td_kstack = kstack0; thread0.td_kstack_pages = kstack_pages; debugf("kstack_sz = 0x%08x\n", kstack0_sz); debugf("kstack0_phys at 0x%09llx - 0x%09llx\n", kstack0_phys, kstack0_phys + kstack0_sz); debugf("kstack0 at 0x%"PRI0ptrX" - 0x%"PRI0ptrX"\n", kstack0, kstack0 + kstack0_sz); virtual_avail += KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE + kstack0_sz; for (i = 0; i < kstack_pages; i++) { mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, kstack0, kstack0_phys); kstack0 += PAGE_SIZE; kstack0_phys += PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_bootstrapped = 1; debugf("virtual_avail = %"PRI0ptrX"\n", virtual_avail); debugf("virtual_end = %"PRI0ptrX"\n", virtual_end); debugf("mmu_booke_bootstrap: exit\n"); } #ifdef SMP void tlb1_ap_prep(void) { tlb_entry_t *e, tmp; unsigned int i; /* Prepare TLB1 image for AP processors */ e = __boot_tlb1; for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&tmp, i); if ((tmp.mas1 & MAS1_VALID) && (tmp.mas2 & _TLB_ENTRY_SHARED)) memcpy(e++, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } } void pmap_bootstrap_ap(volatile uint32_t *trcp __unused) { int i; /* * Finish TLB1 configuration: the BSP already set up its TLB1 and we * have the snapshot of its contents in the s/w __boot_tlb1[] table * created by tlb1_ap_prep(), so use these values directly to * (re)program AP's TLB1 hardware. * * Start at index 1 because index 0 has the kernel map. */ for (i = 1; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { if (__boot_tlb1[i].mas1 & MAS1_VALID) tlb1_write_entry(&__boot_tlb1[i], i); } set_mas4_defaults(); } #endif static void booke_pmap_init_qpages(void) { struct pcpu *pc; int i; CPU_FOREACH(i) { pc = pcpu_find(i); pc->pc_qmap_addr = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE); if (pc->pc_qmap_addr == 0) panic("pmap_init_qpages: unable to allocate KVA"); } } SYSINIT(qpages_init, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, booke_pmap_init_qpages, NULL); /* * Get the physical page address for the given pmap/virtual address. */ static vm_paddr_t mmu_booke_extract(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pa = pte_vatopa(mmu, pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } /* * Extract the physical page address associated with the given * kernel virtual address. */ static vm_paddr_t mmu_booke_kextract(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { tlb_entry_t e; vm_paddr_t p = 0; int i; if (va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) p = pte_vatopa(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); if (p == 0) { /* Check TLB1 mappings */ for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (va >= e.virt && va < e.virt + e.size) return (e.phys + (va - e.virt)); } } return (p); } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ static void mmu_booke_init(mmu_t mmu) { int shpgperproc = PMAP_SHPGPERPROC; /* * Initialize the address space (zone) for the pv entries. Set a * high water mark so that the system can recover from excessive * numbers of pv entries. */ pvzone = uma_zcreate("PV ENTRY", sizeof(struct pv_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_VM | UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.shpgperproc", &shpgperproc); pv_entry_max = shpgperproc * maxproc + vm_cnt.v_page_count; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pv_entries", &pv_entry_max); pv_entry_high_water = 9 * (pv_entry_max / 10); uma_zone_reserve_kva(pvzone, pv_entry_max); /* Pre-fill pvzone with initial number of pv entries. */ uma_prealloc(pvzone, PV_ENTRY_ZONE_MIN); /* Initialize ptbl allocation. */ ptbl_init(); } /* * Map a list of wired pages into kernel virtual address space. This is * intended for temporary mappings which do not need page modification or * references recorded. Existing mappings in the region are overwritten. */ static void mmu_booke_qenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *m, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(*m)); va += PAGE_SIZE; m++; } } /* * Remove page mappings from kernel virtual address space. Intended for * temporary mappings entered by mmu_booke_qenter. */ static void mmu_booke_qremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; va = sva; while (count-- > 0) { mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } } /* * Map a wired page into kernel virtual address space. */ static void mmu_booke_kenter(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa) { mmu_booke_kenter_attr(mmu, va, pa, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } static void mmu_booke_kenter_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_memattr_t ma) { uint32_t flags; pte_t *pte; KASSERT(((va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && (va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)), ("mmu_booke_kenter: invalid va")); flags = PTE_SR | PTE_SW | PTE_SX | PTE_WIRED | PTE_VALID; flags |= tlb_calc_wimg(pa, ma) << PTE_MAS2_SHIFT; flags |= PTE_PS_4KB; pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT((pte != NULL), ("mmu_booke_kenter: invalid va. NULL PTE")); mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); if (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "%s: replacing entry!", __func__); /* Flush entry from TLB0 */ tlb0_flush_entry(va); } *pte = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(pa) | flags; //debugf("mmu_booke_kenter: pdir_idx = %d ptbl_idx = %d va=0x%08x " // "pa=0x%08x rpn=0x%08x flags=0x%08x\n", // pdir_idx, ptbl_idx, va, pa, pte->rpn, pte->flags); /* Flush the real memory from the instruction cache. */ if ((flags & (PTE_I | PTE_G)) == 0) __syncicache((void *)va, PAGE_SIZE); tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } /* * Remove a page from kernel page table. */ static void mmu_booke_kremove(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va) { pte_t *pte; CTR2(KTR_PMAP,"%s: s (va = 0x%"PRI0ptrX")\n", __func__, va); KASSERT(((va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && (va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)), ("mmu_booke_kremove: invalid va")); pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); if (!PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "%s: invalid pte", __func__); return; } mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); /* Invalidate entry in TLB0, update PTE. */ tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte = 0; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } /* * Provide a kernel pointer corresponding to a given userland pointer. * The returned pointer is valid until the next time this function is * called in this thread. This is used internally in copyin/copyout. */ int mmu_booke_map_user_ptr(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, volatile const void *uaddr, void **kaddr, size_t ulen, size_t *klen) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr + ulen > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS + PAGE_SIZE) return (EFAULT); *kaddr = (void *)(uintptr_t)uaddr; if (klen) *klen = ulen; return (0); } /* * Figure out where a given kernel pointer (usually in a fault) points * to from the VM's perspective, potentially remapping into userland's * address space. */ static int mmu_booke_decode_kernel_ptr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, int *is_user, vm_offset_t *decoded_addr) { if (addr < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) *is_user = 1; else *is_user = 0; *decoded_addr = addr; return (0); } /* * Initialize pmap associated with process 0. */ static void mmu_booke_pinit0(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); mmu_booke_pinit(mmu, pmap); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, * such as one in a vmspace structure. */ static void mmu_booke_pinit(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { int i; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "%s: pmap = %p, proc %d '%s'", __func__, pmap, curthread->td_proc->p_pid, curthread->td_proc->p_comm); KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("pmap_pinit: initializing kernel_pmap")); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) pmap->pm_tid[i] = TID_NONE; CPU_ZERO(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof(pmap->pm_stats)); #ifdef __powerpc64__ bzero(&pmap->pm_pp2d, sizeof(pte_t **) * PP2D_NENTRIES); TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_pdir_list); #else bzero(&pmap->pm_pdir, sizeof(pte_t *) * PDIR_NENTRIES); #endif TAILQ_INIT(&pmap->pm_ptbl_list); } /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by mmu_booke_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ static void mmu_booke_release(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap) { KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); } /* * Insert the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target physical map with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. */ static int mmu_booke_enter(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { int error; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); error = mmu_booke_enter_locked(mmu, pmap, va, m, prot, flags, psind); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (error); } static int mmu_booke_enter_locked(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int pmap_flags, int8_t psind __unused) { pte_t *pte; vm_paddr_t pa; uint32_t flags; int error, su, sync; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); su = (pmap == kernel_pmap); sync = 0; //debugf("mmu_booke_enter_locked: s (pmap=0x%08x su=%d tid=%d m=0x%08x va=0x%08x " // "pa=0x%08x prot=0x%08x flags=%#x)\n", // (u_int32_t)pmap, su, pmap->pm_tid, // (u_int32_t)m, va, pa, prot, flags); if (su) { KASSERT(((va >= virtual_avail) && (va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)), ("mmu_booke_enter_locked: kernel pmap, non kernel va")); } else { KASSERT((va <= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS), ("mmu_booke_enter_locked: user pmap, non user va")); } if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * If there is an existing mapping, and the physical address has not * changed, must be protection or wiring change. */ if (((pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va)) != NULL) && (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) && (PTE_PA(pte) == pa)) { /* * Before actually updating pte->flags we calculate and * prepare its new value in a helper var. */ flags = *pte; flags &= ~(PTE_UW | PTE_UX | PTE_SW | PTE_SX | PTE_MODIFIED); /* Wiring change, just update stats. */ if ((pmap_flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) { if (!PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) { flags |= PTE_WIRED; pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; } } else { if (PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) { flags &= ~PTE_WIRED; pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { /* Add write permissions. */ flags |= PTE_SW; if (!su) flags |= PTE_UW; if ((flags & PTE_MANAGED) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } else { /* Handle modified pages, sense modify status. */ /* * The PTE_MODIFIED flag could be set by underlying * TLB misses since we last read it (above), possibly * other CPUs could update it so we check in the PTE * directly rather than rely on that saved local flags * copy. */ if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); } if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) { flags |= PTE_SX; if (!su) flags |= PTE_UX; /* * Check existing flags for execute permissions: if we * are turning execute permissions on, icache should * be flushed. */ if ((*pte & (PTE_UX | PTE_SX)) == 0) sync++; } flags &= ~PTE_REFERENCED; /* * The new flags value is all calculated -- only now actually * update the PTE. */ mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte &= ~PTE_FLAGS_MASK; *pte |= flags; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } else { /* * If there is an existing mapping, but it's for a different * physical address, pte_enter() will delete the old mapping. */ //if ((pte != NULL) && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) // debugf("mmu_booke_enter_locked: replace\n"); //else // debugf("mmu_booke_enter_locked: new\n"); /* Now set up the flags and install the new mapping. */ flags = (PTE_SR | PTE_VALID); flags |= PTE_M; if (!su) flags |= PTE_UR; if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) { flags |= PTE_SW; if (!su) flags |= PTE_UW; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) { flags |= PTE_SX; if (!su) flags |= PTE_UX; } /* If its wired update stats. */ if ((pmap_flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) flags |= PTE_WIRED; error = pte_enter(mmu, pmap, m, va, flags, (pmap_flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0); if (error != 0) return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; /* Flush the real memory from the instruction cache. */ if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) sync++; } if (sync && (su || pmap == PCPU_GET(curpmap))) { __syncicache((void *)va, PAGE_SIZE); sync = 0; } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ static void mmu_booke_enter_object(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); m = m_start; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { mmu_booke_enter_locked(mmu, pmap, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP, 0); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static void mmu_booke_enter_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); mmu_booke_enter_locked(mmu, pmap, va, m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP, 0); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly rounded to the page size. */ static void mmu_booke_remove(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t endva) { pte_t *pte; uint8_t hold_flag; int su = (pmap == kernel_pmap); //debugf("mmu_booke_remove: s (su = %d pmap=0x%08x tid=%d va=0x%08x endva=0x%08x)\n", // su, (u_int32_t)pmap, pmap->pm_tid, va, endva); if (su) { KASSERT(((va >= virtual_avail) && (va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)), ("mmu_booke_remove: kernel pmap, non kernel va")); } else { KASSERT((va <= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS), ("mmu_booke_remove: user pmap, non user va")); } if (PMAP_REMOVE_DONE(pmap)) { //debugf("mmu_booke_remove: e (empty)\n"); return; } hold_flag = PTBL_HOLD_FLAG(pmap); //debugf("mmu_booke_remove: hold_flag = %d\n", hold_flag); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; va < endva; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va); if ((pte != NULL) && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) pte_remove(mmu, pmap, va, hold_flag); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); //debugf("mmu_booke_remove: e\n"); } /* * Remove physical page from all pmaps in which it resides. */ static void mmu_booke_remove_all(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv, pvn; uint8_t hold_flag; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); for (pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list); pv != NULL; pv = pvn) { pvn = TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_link); PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); hold_flag = PTBL_HOLD_FLAG(pv->pv_pmap); pte_remove(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va, hold_flag); PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Map a range of physical addresses into kernel virtual address space. */ static vm_offset_t mmu_booke_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t pa_start, vm_paddr_t pa_end, int prot) { vm_offset_t sva = *virt; vm_offset_t va = sva; //debugf("mmu_booke_map: s (sva = 0x%08x pa_start = 0x%08x pa_end = 0x%08x)\n", // sva, pa_start, pa_end); while (pa_start < pa_end) { mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, va, pa_start); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa_start += PAGE_SIZE; } *virt = va; //debugf("mmu_booke_map: e (va = 0x%08x)\n", va); return (sva); } /* * The pmap must be activated before it's address space can be accessed in any * way. */ static void mmu_booke_activate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap; u_int cpuid; pmap = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; CTR5(KTR_PMAP, "%s: s (td = %p, proc = '%s', id = %d, pmap = 0x%"PRI0ptrX")", __func__, td, td->td_proc->p_comm, td->td_proc->p_pid, pmap); KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("mmu_booke_activate: kernel_pmap!")); sched_pin(); cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpuid, &pmap->pm_active); PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); if (pmap->pm_tid[cpuid] == TID_NONE) tid_alloc(pmap); /* Load PID0 register with pmap tid value. */ mtspr(SPR_PID0, pmap->pm_tid[cpuid]); __asm __volatile("isync"); mtspr(SPR_DBCR0, td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.booke.dbcr0); sched_unpin(); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: e (tid = %d for '%s')", __func__, pmap->pm_tid[PCPU_GET(cpuid)], td->td_proc->p_comm); } /* * Deactivate the specified process's address space. */ static void mmu_booke_deactivate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td) { pmap_t pmap; pmap = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap; CTR5(KTR_PMAP, "%s: td=%p, proc = '%s', id = %d, pmap = 0x%"PRI0ptrX, __func__, td, td->td_proc->p_comm, td->td_proc->p_pid, pmap); td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.booke.dbcr0 = mfspr(SPR_DBCR0); CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pmap->pm_active); PCPU_SET(curpmap, NULL); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ static void mmu_booke_copy(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { } /* * Set the physical protection on the specified range of this map as requested. */ static void mmu_booke_protect(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; pte_t *pte; if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { mmu_booke_remove(mmu, pmap, sva, eva); return; } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) return; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (va = sva; va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va)) != NULL) { if (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_PA(pte)); mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); /* Handle modified pages. */ if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte) && PTE_ISMANAGED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); tlb0_flush_entry(va); *pte &= ~(PTE_UW | PTE_SW | PTE_MODIFIED); tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ static void mmu_booke_remove_write(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; pte_t *pte; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL) { if (PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_PA(pte)); mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); /* Handle modified pages. */ if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); /* Flush mapping from TLB0. */ *pte &= ~(PTE_UW | PTE_SW | PTE_MODIFIED); tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } static void mmu_booke_sync_icache(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { pte_t *pte; vm_paddr_t pa = 0; int sync_sz, valid; #ifndef __powerpc64__ pmap_t pmap; vm_page_t m; vm_offset_t addr; int active; #endif #ifndef __powerpc64__ rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); pmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); active = (pm == kernel_pmap || pm == pmap) ? 1 : 0; #endif while (sz > 0) { PMAP_LOCK(pm); pte = pte_find(mmu, pm, va); valid = (pte != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) ? 1 : 0; if (valid) pa = PTE_PA(pte); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); sync_sz = PAGE_SIZE - (va & PAGE_MASK); sync_sz = min(sync_sz, sz); if (valid) { #ifdef __powerpc64__ pa += (va & PAGE_MASK); __syncicache((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa), sync_sz); #else if (!active) { /* Create a mapping in the active pmap. */ addr = 0; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pte_enter(mmu, pmap, m, addr, PTE_SR | PTE_VALID, FALSE); addr += (va & PAGE_MASK); __syncicache((void *)addr, sync_sz); pte_remove(mmu, pmap, addr, PTBL_UNHOLD); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } else __syncicache((void *)va, sync_sz); #endif } va += sync_sz; sz -= sync_sz; } #ifndef __powerpc64__ rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); #endif } /* * Atomically extract and hold the physical page with the given * pmap and virtual address pair if that mapping permits the given * protection. */ static vm_page_t mmu_booke_extract_and_hold(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pte_t *pte; vm_page_t m; uint32_t pte_wbit; vm_paddr_t pa; m = NULL; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va); if ((pte != NULL) && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { if (pmap == kernel_pmap) pte_wbit = PTE_SW; else pte_wbit = PTE_UW; if ((*pte & pte_wbit) || ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, PTE_PA(pte), &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_PA(pte)); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ static void mmu_booke_page_init(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { m->md.pv_tracked = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); } /* * mmu_booke_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by * mapping it into virtual memory and using bzero to clear * its contents. * * off and size must reside within a single page. */ static void mmu_booke_zero_page_area(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t va; /* XXX KASSERT off and size are within a single page? */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); bzero((caddr_t)va + off, size); #else mtx_lock(&zero_page_mutex); va = zero_page_va; mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); bzero((caddr_t)va + off, size); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, va); mtx_unlock(&zero_page_mutex); #endif } /* * mmu_booke_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page. */ static void mmu_booke_zero_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t off, va; #ifdef __powerpc64__ va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); for (off = 0; off < PAGE_SIZE; off += cacheline_size) __asm __volatile("dcbz 0,%0" :: "r"(va + off)); #else va = zero_page_va; mtx_lock(&zero_page_mutex); mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); for (off = 0; off < PAGE_SIZE; off += cacheline_size) __asm __volatile("dcbz 0,%0" :: "r"(va + off)); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, va); mtx_unlock(&zero_page_mutex); #endif } /* * mmu_booke_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) page by * mapping the page into virtual memory and using memcopy to copy the page, * one machine dependent page at a time. */ static void mmu_booke_copy_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t sm, vm_page_t dm) { vm_offset_t sva, dva; #ifdef __powerpc64__ sva = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(sm)); dva = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dm)); memcpy((caddr_t)dva, (caddr_t)sva, PAGE_SIZE); #else sva = copy_page_src_va; dva = copy_page_dst_va; mtx_lock(©_page_mutex); mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, sva, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(sm)); mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, dva, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dm)); memcpy((caddr_t)dva, (caddr_t)sva, PAGE_SIZE); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, dva); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, sva); mtx_unlock(©_page_mutex); #endif } static inline void mmu_booke_copy_pages(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t *ma, vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t *mb, vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; #ifdef __powerpc64__ vm_page_t pa, pb; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; pa = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; pb = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); a_cp = (caddr_t)((uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pa)) + a_pg_offset); b_cp = (caddr_t)((uintptr_t)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pb)) + b_pg_offset); bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } #else mtx_lock(©_page_mutex); while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, copy_page_src_va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])); a_cp = (char *)copy_page_src_va + a_pg_offset; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); mmu_booke_kenter(mmu, copy_page_dst_va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT])); b_cp = (char *)copy_page_dst_va + b_pg_offset; bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, copy_page_dst_va); mmu_booke_kremove(mmu, copy_page_src_va); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } mtx_unlock(©_page_mutex); #endif } static vm_offset_t mmu_booke_quick_enter_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { #ifdef __powerpc64__ return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))); #else vm_paddr_t paddr; vm_offset_t qaddr; uint32_t flags; pte_t *pte; paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); flags = PTE_SR | PTE_SW | PTE_SX | PTE_WIRED | PTE_VALID; flags |= tlb_calc_wimg(paddr, pmap_page_get_memattr(m)) << PTE_MAS2_SHIFT; flags |= PTE_PS_4KB; critical_enter(); qaddr = PCPU_GET(qmap_addr); pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, qaddr); KASSERT(*pte == 0, ("mmu_booke_quick_enter_page: PTE busy")); /* * XXX: tlbivax is broadcast to other cores, but qaddr should * not be present in other TLBs. Is there a better instruction * sequence to use? Or just forget it & use mmu_booke_kenter()... */ __asm __volatile("tlbivax 0, %0" :: "r"(qaddr & MAS2_EPN_MASK)); __asm __volatile("isync; msync"); *pte = PTE_RPN_FROM_PA(paddr) | flags; /* Flush the real memory from the instruction cache. */ if ((flags & (PTE_I | PTE_G)) == 0) __syncicache((void *)qaddr, PAGE_SIZE); return (qaddr); #endif } static void mmu_booke_quick_remove_page(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr) { #ifndef __powerpc64__ pte_t *pte; pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, addr); KASSERT(PCPU_GET(qmap_addr) == addr, ("mmu_booke_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); KASSERT(*pte != 0, ("mmu_booke_quick_remove_page: PTE not in use")); *pte = 0; critical_exit(); #endif } /* * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any of physical maps. */ static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_modified(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pte_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can be modified. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (rv); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) rv = TRUE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if (rv) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is eligible * for prefault. */ static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_prefaultable(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { return (FALSE); } /* * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ static boolean_t mmu_booke_is_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pte_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { if (PTE_ISREFERENCED(pte)) rv = TRUE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if (rv) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ static void mmu_booke_clear_modify(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pte_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("mmu_booke_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PG_AWRITEABLE, then no PTEs can be modified. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PG_AWRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); if (*pte & (PTE_SW | PTE_UW | PTE_MODIFIED)) { tlb0_flush_entry(pv->pv_va); *pte &= ~(PTE_SW | PTE_UW | PTE_MODIFIED | PTE_REFERENCED); } tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ static int mmu_booke_ts_referenced(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pte_t *pte; pv_entry_t pv; int count; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); count = 0; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { if (PTE_ISMODIFIED(pte)) vm_page_dirty(m); if (PTE_ISREFERENCED(pte)) { mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); tlb0_flush_entry(pv->pv_va); *pte &= ~PTE_REFERENCED; tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); if (++count >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); break; } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range must * have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings cannot have * the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, so * there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ static void mmu_booke_unwire(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t va; pte_t *pte; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (va = sva; va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE) { if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pmap, va)) != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) { if (!PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) panic("mmu_booke_unwire: pte %p isn't wired", pte); *pte &= ~PTE_WIRED; pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Return true if the pmap's pv is one of the first 16 pvs linked to from this * page. This count may be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it is * only necessary that true be returned for a small subset of pmaps for proper * page aging. */ static boolean_t mmu_booke_page_exists_quick(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; int loops; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("mmu_booke_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); loops = 0; rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { if (pv->pv_pmap == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } if (++loops >= 16) break; } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page that are * wired. */ static int mmu_booke_page_wired_mappings(mmu_t mmu, vm_page_t m) { pv_entry_t pv; pte_t *pte; int count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_link) { PMAP_LOCK(pv->pv_pmap); if ((pte = pte_find(mmu, pv->pv_pmap, pv->pv_va)) != NULL) if (PTE_ISVALID(pte) && PTE_ISWIRED(pte)) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pv->pv_pmap); } rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } static int mmu_booke_dev_direct_mapped(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { int i; vm_offset_t va; /* * This currently does not work for entries that * overlap TLB1 entries. */ for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i ++) { if (tlb1_iomapped(i, pa, size, &va) == 0) return (0); } return (EFAULT); } void mmu_booke_dumpsys_map(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void **va) { vm_paddr_t ppa; vm_offset_t ofs; vm_size_t gran; /* Minidumps are based on virtual memory addresses. */ if (do_minidump) { *va = (void *)(vm_offset_t)pa; return; } /* Raw physical memory dumps don't have a virtual address. */ /* We always map a 256MB page at 256M. */ gran = 256 * 1024 * 1024; ppa = rounddown2(pa, gran); ofs = pa - ppa; *va = (void *)gran; tlb1_set_entry((vm_offset_t)va, ppa, gran, _TLB_ENTRY_IO); if (sz > (gran - ofs)) tlb1_set_entry((vm_offset_t)(va + gran), ppa + gran, gran, _TLB_ENTRY_IO); } void mmu_booke_dumpsys_unmap(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, size_t sz, void *va) { vm_paddr_t ppa; vm_offset_t ofs; vm_size_t gran; tlb_entry_t e; int i; /* Minidumps are based on virtual memory addresses. */ /* Nothing to do... */ if (do_minidump) return; for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) break; } /* Raw physical memory dumps don't have a virtual address. */ i--; e.mas1 = 0; e.mas2 = 0; e.mas3 = 0; tlb1_write_entry(&e, i); gran = 256 * 1024 * 1024; ppa = rounddown2(pa, gran); ofs = pa - ppa; if (sz > (gran - ofs)) { i--; e.mas1 = 0; e.mas2 = 0; e.mas3 = 0; tlb1_write_entry(&e, i); } } extern struct dump_pa dump_map[PHYS_AVAIL_SZ + 1]; void mmu_booke_scan_init(mmu_t mmu) { vm_offset_t va; pte_t *pte; int i; if (!do_minidump) { /* Initialize phys. segments for dumpsys(). */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); mem_regions(&physmem_regions, &physmem_regions_sz, &availmem_regions, &availmem_regions_sz); for (i = 0; i < physmem_regions_sz; i++) { dump_map[i].pa_start = physmem_regions[i].mr_start; dump_map[i].pa_size = physmem_regions[i].mr_size; } return; } /* Virtual segments for minidumps: */ memset(&dump_map, 0, sizeof(dump_map)); /* 1st: kernel .data and .bss. */ dump_map[0].pa_start = trunc_page((uintptr_t)_etext); dump_map[0].pa_size = round_page((uintptr_t)_end) - dump_map[0].pa_start; /* 2nd: msgbuf and tables (see pmap_bootstrap()). */ dump_map[1].pa_start = data_start; dump_map[1].pa_size = data_end - data_start; /* 3rd: kernel VM. */ va = dump_map[1].pa_start + dump_map[1].pa_size; /* Find start of next chunk (from va). */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't dump the buffer cache. */ if (va >= kmi.buffer_sva && va < kmi.buffer_eva) { va = kmi.buffer_eva; continue; } pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); if (pte != NULL && PTE_ISVALID(pte)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } if (va < virtual_end) { dump_map[2].pa_start = va; va += PAGE_SIZE; /* Find last page in chunk. */ while (va < virtual_end) { /* Don't run into the buffer cache. */ if (va == kmi.buffer_sva) break; pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); if (pte == NULL || !PTE_ISVALID(pte)) break; va += PAGE_SIZE; } dump_map[2].pa_size = va - dump_map[2].pa_start; } } /* * Map a set of physical memory pages into the kernel virtual address space. * Return a pointer to where it is mapped. This routine is intended to be used * for mapping device memory, NOT real memory. */ static void * mmu_booke_mapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return (mmu_booke_mapdev_attr(mmu, pa, size, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT)); } static void * mmu_booke_mapdev_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_memattr_t ma) { tlb_entry_t e; void *res; uintptr_t va, tmpva; vm_size_t sz; int i; /* * Check if this is premapped in TLB1. Note: this should probably also * check whether a sequence of TLB1 entries exist that match the * requirement, but now only checks the easy case. */ for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (pa >= e.phys && (pa + size) <= (e.phys + e.size) && (ma == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT || tlb_calc_wimg(pa, ma) == (e.mas2 & (MAS2_WIMGE_MASK & ~_TLB_ENTRY_SHARED)))) return (void *)(e.virt + (vm_offset_t)(pa - e.phys)); } size = roundup(size, PAGE_SIZE); /* * The device mapping area is between VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS and * VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS. This gives 1GB of device addressing. */ #ifdef SPARSE_MAPDEV /* * With a sparse mapdev, align to the largest starting region. This * could feasibly be optimized for a 'best-fit' alignment, but that * calculation could be very costly. * Align to the smaller of: * - first set bit in overlap of (pa & size mask) * - largest size envelope * * It's possible the device mapping may start at a PA that's not larger * than the size mask, so we need to offset in to maximize the TLB entry * range and minimize the number of used TLB entries. */ do { tmpva = tlb1_map_base; sz = ffsl(((1 << flsl(size-1)) - 1) & pa); sz = sz ? min(roundup(sz + 3, 4), flsl(size) - 1) : flsl(size) - 1; va = roundup(tlb1_map_base, 1 << sz) | (((1 << sz) - 1) & pa); #ifdef __powerpc64__ } while (!atomic_cmpset_long(&tlb1_map_base, tmpva, va + size)); #else } while (!atomic_cmpset_int(&tlb1_map_base, tmpva, va + size)); #endif #else #ifdef __powerpc64__ va = atomic_fetchadd_long(&tlb1_map_base, size); #else va = atomic_fetchadd_int(&tlb1_map_base, size); #endif #endif res = (void *)va; do { sz = 1 << (ilog2(size) & ~1); /* Align size to PA */ if (pa % sz != 0) { do { sz >>= 2; } while (pa % sz != 0); } /* Now align from there to VA */ if (va % sz != 0) { do { sz >>= 2; } while (va % sz != 0); } if (bootverbose) printf("Wiring VA=%lx to PA=%jx (size=%lx)\n", va, (uintmax_t)pa, sz); if (tlb1_set_entry(va, pa, sz, _TLB_ENTRY_SHARED | tlb_calc_wimg(pa, ma)) < 0) return (NULL); size -= sz; pa += sz; va += sz; } while (size > 0); return (res); } /* * 'Unmap' a range mapped by mmu_booke_mapdev(). */ static void mmu_booke_unmapdev(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { #ifdef SUPPORTS_SHRINKING_TLB1 vm_offset_t base, offset; /* * Unmap only if this is inside kernel virtual space. */ if ((va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && (va <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)) { base = trunc_page(va); offset = va & PAGE_MASK; size = roundup(offset + size, PAGE_SIZE); kva_free(base, size); } #endif } /* * mmu_booke_object_init_pt preloads the ptes for a given object into the * specified pmap. This eliminates the blast of soft faults on process startup * and immediately after an mmap. */ static void mmu_booke_object_init_pt(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("mmu_booke_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } /* * Perform the pmap work for mincore. */ static int mmu_booke_mincore(mmu_t mmu, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { /* XXX: this should be implemented at some point */ return (0); } static int mmu_booke_change_attr(mmu_t mmu, vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t sz, vm_memattr_t mode) { vm_offset_t va; pte_t *pte; int i, j; tlb_entry_t e; /* Check TLB1 mappings */ for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (addr >= e.virt && addr < e.virt + e.size) break; } if (i < TLB1_ENTRIES) { /* Only allow full mappings to be modified for now. */ /* Validate the range. */ for (j = i, va = addr; va < addr + sz; va += e.size, j++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, j); if (va != e.virt || (sz - (va - addr) < e.size)) return (EINVAL); } for (va = addr; va < addr + sz; va += e.size, i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); e.mas2 &= ~MAS2_WIMGE_MASK; e.mas2 |= tlb_calc_wimg(e.phys, mode); /* * Write it out to the TLB. Should really re-sync with other * cores. */ tlb1_write_entry(&e, i); } return (0); } /* Not in TLB1, try through pmap */ /* First validate the range. */ for (va = addr; va < addr + sz; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); if (pte == NULL || !PTE_ISVALID(pte)) return (EINVAL); } mtx_lock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); tlb_miss_lock(); for (va = addr; va < addr + sz; va += PAGE_SIZE) { pte = pte_find(mmu, kernel_pmap, va); *pte &= ~(PTE_MAS2_MASK << PTE_MAS2_SHIFT); *pte |= tlb_calc_wimg(PTE_PA(pte), mode) << PTE_MAS2_SHIFT; tlb0_flush_entry(va); } tlb_miss_unlock(); mtx_unlock_spin(&tlbivax_mutex); return (0); } /**************************************************************************/ /* TID handling */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Allocate a TID. If necessary, steal one from someone else. * The new TID is flushed from the TLB before returning. */ static tlbtid_t tid_alloc(pmap_t pmap) { tlbtid_t tid; int thiscpu; KASSERT((pmap != kernel_pmap), ("tid_alloc: kernel pmap")); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: s (pmap = %p)", __func__, pmap); thiscpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); tid = PCPU_GET(booke.tid_next); if (tid > TID_MAX) tid = TID_MIN; PCPU_SET(booke.tid_next, tid + 1); /* If we are stealing TID then clear the relevant pmap's field */ if (tidbusy[thiscpu][tid] != NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: warning: stealing tid %d", __func__, tid); tidbusy[thiscpu][tid]->pm_tid[thiscpu] = TID_NONE; /* Flush all entries from TLB0 matching this TID. */ tid_flush(tid); } tidbusy[thiscpu][tid] = pmap; pmap->pm_tid[thiscpu] = tid; __asm __volatile("msync; isync"); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "%s: e (%02d next = %02d)", __func__, tid, PCPU_GET(booke.tid_next)); return (tid); } /**************************************************************************/ /* TLB0 handling */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Convert TLB0 va and way number to tlb0[] table index. */ static inline unsigned int tlb0_tableidx(vm_offset_t va, unsigned int way) { unsigned int idx; idx = (way * TLB0_ENTRIES_PER_WAY); idx += (va & MAS2_TLB0_ENTRY_IDX_MASK) >> MAS2_TLB0_ENTRY_IDX_SHIFT; return (idx); } /* * Invalidate TLB0 entry. */ static inline void tlb0_flush_entry(vm_offset_t va) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "%s: s va=0x%08x", __func__, va); mtx_assert(&tlbivax_mutex, MA_OWNED); __asm __volatile("tlbivax 0, %0" :: "r"(va & MAS2_EPN_MASK)); __asm __volatile("isync; msync"); __asm __volatile("tlbsync; msync"); CTR1(KTR_PMAP, "%s: e", __func__); } /**************************************************************************/ /* TLB1 handling */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * TLB1 mapping notes: * * TLB1[0] Kernel text and data. * TLB1[1-15] Additional kernel text and data mappings (if required), PCI * windows, other devices mappings. */ /* * Read an entry from given TLB1 slot. */ void tlb1_read_entry(tlb_entry_t *entry, unsigned int slot) { register_t msr; uint32_t mas0; KASSERT((entry != NULL), ("%s(): Entry is NULL!", __func__)); msr = mfmsr(); __asm __volatile("wrteei 0"); mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(1) | MAS0_ESEL(slot); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbre"); entry->mas1 = mfspr(SPR_MAS1); entry->mas2 = mfspr(SPR_MAS2); entry->mas3 = mfspr(SPR_MAS3); switch ((mfpvr() >> 16) & 0xFFFF) { case FSL_E500v2: case FSL_E500mc: case FSL_E5500: case FSL_E6500: entry->mas7 = mfspr(SPR_MAS7); break; default: entry->mas7 = 0; break; } __asm __volatile("wrtee %0" :: "r"(msr)); entry->virt = entry->mas2 & MAS2_EPN_MASK; entry->phys = ((vm_paddr_t)(entry->mas7 & MAS7_RPN) << 32) | (entry->mas3 & MAS3_RPN); entry->size = tsize2size((entry->mas1 & MAS1_TSIZE_MASK) >> MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT); } struct tlbwrite_args { tlb_entry_t *e; unsigned int idx; }; static void tlb1_write_entry_int(void *arg) { struct tlbwrite_args *args = arg; uint32_t mas0; /* Select entry */ mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(1) | MAS0_ESEL(args->idx); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); mtspr(SPR_MAS1, args->e->mas1); mtspr(SPR_MAS2, args->e->mas2); mtspr(SPR_MAS3, args->e->mas3); switch ((mfpvr() >> 16) & 0xFFFF) { case FSL_E500mc: case FSL_E5500: case FSL_E6500: mtspr(SPR_MAS8, 0); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case FSL_E500v2: mtspr(SPR_MAS7, args->e->mas7); break; default: break; } __asm __volatile("isync; tlbwe; isync; msync"); } static void tlb1_write_entry_sync(void *arg) { /* Empty synchronization point for smp_rendezvous(). */ } /* * Write given entry to TLB1 hardware. */ static void tlb1_write_entry(tlb_entry_t *e, unsigned int idx) { struct tlbwrite_args args; args.e = e; args.idx = idx; #ifdef SMP if ((e->mas2 & _TLB_ENTRY_SHARED) && smp_started) { mb(); smp_rendezvous(tlb1_write_entry_sync, tlb1_write_entry_int, tlb1_write_entry_sync, &args); } else #endif { register_t msr; msr = mfmsr(); __asm __volatile("wrteei 0"); tlb1_write_entry_int(&args); __asm __volatile("wrtee %0" :: "r"(msr)); } } /* * Return the largest uint value log such that 2^log <= num. */ static unsigned int ilog2(unsigned long num) { long lz; #ifdef __powerpc64__ __asm ("cntlzd %0, %1" : "=r" (lz) : "r" (num)); return (63 - lz); #else __asm ("cntlzw %0, %1" : "=r" (lz) : "r" (num)); return (31 - lz); #endif } /* * Convert TLB TSIZE value to mapped region size. */ static vm_size_t tsize2size(unsigned int tsize) { /* * size = 4^tsize KB * size = 4^tsize * 2^10 = 2^(2 * tsize - 10) */ return ((1 << (2 * tsize)) * 1024); } /* * Convert region size (must be power of 4) to TLB TSIZE value. */ static unsigned int size2tsize(vm_size_t size) { return (ilog2(size) / 2 - 5); } /* * Register permanent kernel mapping in TLB1. * * Entries are created starting from index 0 (current free entry is * kept in tlb1_idx) and are not supposed to be invalidated. */ int tlb1_set_entry(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, uint32_t flags) { tlb_entry_t e; uint32_t ts, tid; int tsize, index; for (index = 0; index < TLB1_ENTRIES; index++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, index); if ((e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID) == 0) break; /* Check if we're just updating the flags, and update them. */ if (e.phys == pa && e.virt == va && e.size == size) { e.mas2 = (va & MAS2_EPN_MASK) | flags; tlb1_write_entry(&e, index); return (0); } } if (index >= TLB1_ENTRIES) { printf("tlb1_set_entry: TLB1 full!\n"); return (-1); } /* Convert size to TSIZE */ tsize = size2tsize(size); tid = (TID_KERNEL << MAS1_TID_SHIFT) & MAS1_TID_MASK; /* XXX TS is hard coded to 0 for now as we only use single address space */ ts = (0 << MAS1_TS_SHIFT) & MAS1_TS_MASK; e.phys = pa; e.virt = va; e.size = size; e.mas1 = MAS1_VALID | MAS1_IPROT | ts | tid; e.mas1 |= ((tsize << MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT) & MAS1_TSIZE_MASK); e.mas2 = (va & MAS2_EPN_MASK) | flags; /* Set supervisor RWX permission bits */ e.mas3 = (pa & MAS3_RPN) | MAS3_SR | MAS3_SW | MAS3_SX; e.mas7 = (pa >> 32) & MAS7_RPN; tlb1_write_entry(&e, index); /* * XXX in general TLB1 updates should be propagated between CPUs, * since current design assumes to have the same TLB1 set-up on all * cores. */ return (0); } /* * Map in contiguous RAM region into the TLB1 using maximum of * KERNEL_REGION_MAX_TLB_ENTRIES entries. * * If necessary round up last entry size and return total size * used by all allocated entries. */ vm_size_t tlb1_mapin_region(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { vm_size_t pgs[KERNEL_REGION_MAX_TLB_ENTRIES]; vm_size_t mapped, pgsz, base, mask; int idx, nents; /* Round up to the next 1M */ size = roundup2(size, 1 << 20); mapped = 0; idx = 0; base = va; pgsz = 64*1024*1024; while (mapped < size) { while (mapped < size && idx < KERNEL_REGION_MAX_TLB_ENTRIES) { while (pgsz > (size - mapped)) pgsz >>= 2; pgs[idx++] = pgsz; mapped += pgsz; } /* We under-map. Correct for this. */ if (mapped < size) { while (pgs[idx - 1] == pgsz) { idx--; mapped -= pgsz; } /* XXX We may increase beyond out starting point. */ pgsz <<= 2; pgs[idx++] = pgsz; mapped += pgsz; } } nents = idx; mask = pgs[0] - 1; /* Align address to the boundary */ if (va & mask) { va = (va + mask) & ~mask; pa = (pa + mask) & ~mask; } for (idx = 0; idx < nents; idx++) { pgsz = pgs[idx]; debugf("%u: %llx -> %jx, size=%jx\n", idx, pa, (uintmax_t)va, (uintmax_t)pgsz); tlb1_set_entry(va, pa, pgsz, _TLB_ENTRY_SHARED | _TLB_ENTRY_MEM); pa += pgsz; va += pgsz; } mapped = (va - base); if (bootverbose) printf("mapped size 0x%"PRIxPTR" (wasted space 0x%"PRIxPTR")\n", mapped, mapped - size); return (mapped); } /* * TLB1 initialization routine, to be called after the very first * assembler level setup done in locore.S. */ void tlb1_init() { uint32_t mas0, mas1, mas2, mas3, mas7; uint32_t tsz; tlb1_get_tlbconf(); mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(1) | MAS0_ESEL(0); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbre"); mas1 = mfspr(SPR_MAS1); mas2 = mfspr(SPR_MAS2); mas3 = mfspr(SPR_MAS3); mas7 = mfspr(SPR_MAS7); kernload = ((vm_paddr_t)(mas7 & MAS7_RPN) << 32) | (mas3 & MAS3_RPN); tsz = (mas1 & MAS1_TSIZE_MASK) >> MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT; kernsize += (tsz > 0) ? tsize2size(tsz) : 0; /* Setup TLB miss defaults */ set_mas4_defaults(); } /* * pmap_early_io_unmap() should be used in short conjunction with * pmap_early_io_map(), as in the following snippet: * * x = pmap_early_io_map(...); * * pmap_early_io_unmap(x, size); * * And avoiding more allocations between. */ void pmap_early_io_unmap(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { int i; tlb_entry_t e; vm_size_t isize; size = roundup(size, PAGE_SIZE); isize = size; for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES && size > 0; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (va <= e.virt && (va + isize) >= (e.virt + e.size)) { size -= e.size; e.mas1 &= ~MAS1_VALID; tlb1_write_entry(&e, i); } } if (tlb1_map_base == va + isize) tlb1_map_base -= isize; } vm_offset_t pmap_early_io_map(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { vm_paddr_t pa_base; vm_offset_t va, sz; int i; tlb_entry_t e; KASSERT(!pmap_bootstrapped, ("Do not use after PMAP is up!")); for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (pa >= e.phys && (pa + size) <= (e.phys + e.size)) return (e.virt + (pa - e.phys)); } pa_base = rounddown(pa, PAGE_SIZE); size = roundup(size + (pa - pa_base), PAGE_SIZE); tlb1_map_base = roundup2(tlb1_map_base, 1 << (ilog2(size) & ~1)); va = tlb1_map_base + (pa - pa_base); do { sz = 1 << (ilog2(size) & ~1); tlb1_set_entry(tlb1_map_base, pa_base, sz, _TLB_ENTRY_SHARED | _TLB_ENTRY_IO); size -= sz; pa_base += sz; tlb1_map_base += sz; } while (size > 0); return (va); } void pmap_track_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t page; struct pv_entry *pve; va = trunc_page(va); pa = pmap_kextract(va); page = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); TAILQ_FOREACH(pve, &page->md.pv_list, pv_link) { if ((pmap == pve->pv_pmap) && (va == pve->pv_va)) { goto out; } } page->md.pv_tracked = true; pv_insert(pmap, va, page); out: PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * Setup MAS4 defaults. * These values are loaded to MAS0-2 on a TLB miss. */ static void set_mas4_defaults(void) { uint32_t mas4; /* Defaults: TLB0, PID0, TSIZED=4K */ mas4 = MAS4_TLBSELD0; mas4 |= (TLB_SIZE_4K << MAS4_TSIZED_SHIFT) & MAS4_TSIZED_MASK; #ifdef SMP mas4 |= MAS4_MD; #endif mtspr(SPR_MAS4, mas4); __asm __volatile("isync"); } /* * Return 0 if the physical IO range is encompassed by one of the * the TLB1 entries, otherwise return related error code. */ static int tlb1_iomapped(int i, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_offset_t *va) { uint32_t prot; vm_paddr_t pa_start; vm_paddr_t pa_end; unsigned int entry_tsize; vm_size_t entry_size; tlb_entry_t e; *va = (vm_offset_t)NULL; tlb1_read_entry(&e, i); /* Skip invalid entries */ if (!(e.mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) return (EINVAL); /* * The entry must be cache-inhibited, guarded, and r/w * so it can function as an i/o page */ prot = e.mas2 & (MAS2_I | MAS2_G); if (prot != (MAS2_I | MAS2_G)) return (EPERM); prot = e.mas3 & (MAS3_SR | MAS3_SW); if (prot != (MAS3_SR | MAS3_SW)) return (EPERM); /* The address should be within the entry range. */ entry_tsize = (e.mas1 & MAS1_TSIZE_MASK) >> MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT; KASSERT((entry_tsize), ("tlb1_iomapped: invalid entry tsize")); entry_size = tsize2size(entry_tsize); pa_start = (((vm_paddr_t)e.mas7 & MAS7_RPN) << 32) | (e.mas3 & MAS3_RPN); pa_end = pa_start + entry_size; if ((pa < pa_start) || ((pa + size) > pa_end)) return (ERANGE); /* Return virtual address of this mapping. */ *va = (e.mas2 & MAS2_EPN_MASK) + (pa - pa_start); return (0); } /* * Invalidate all TLB0 entries which match the given TID. Note this is * dedicated for cases when invalidations should NOT be propagated to other * CPUs. */ static void tid_flush(tlbtid_t tid) { register_t msr; uint32_t mas0, mas1, mas2; int entry, way; /* Don't evict kernel translations */ if (tid == TID_KERNEL) return; msr = mfmsr(); __asm __volatile("wrteei 0"); /* * Newer (e500mc and later) have tlbilx, which doesn't broadcast, so use * it for PID invalidation. */ switch ((mfpvr() >> 16) & 0xffff) { case FSL_E500mc: case FSL_E5500: case FSL_E6500: mtspr(SPR_MAS6, tid << MAS6_SPID0_SHIFT); /* tlbilxpid */ __asm __volatile("isync; .long 0x7c000024; isync; msync"); __asm __volatile("wrtee %0" :: "r"(msr)); return; } for (way = 0; way < TLB0_WAYS; way++) for (entry = 0; entry < TLB0_ENTRIES_PER_WAY; entry++) { mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(0) | MAS0_ESEL(way); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); mas2 = entry << MAS2_TLB0_ENTRY_IDX_SHIFT; mtspr(SPR_MAS2, mas2); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbre"); mas1 = mfspr(SPR_MAS1); if (!(mas1 & MAS1_VALID)) continue; if (((mas1 & MAS1_TID_MASK) >> MAS1_TID_SHIFT) != tid) continue; mas1 &= ~MAS1_VALID; mtspr(SPR_MAS1, mas1); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbwe; isync; msync"); } __asm __volatile("wrtee %0" :: "r"(msr)); } #ifdef DDB /* Print out contents of the MAS registers for each TLB0 entry */ static void #ifdef __powerpc64__ tlb_print_entry(int i, uint32_t mas1, uint64_t mas2, uint32_t mas3, #else tlb_print_entry(int i, uint32_t mas1, uint32_t mas2, uint32_t mas3, #endif uint32_t mas7) { int as; char desc[3]; tlbtid_t tid; vm_size_t size; unsigned int tsize; desc[2] = '\0'; if (mas1 & MAS1_VALID) desc[0] = 'V'; else desc[0] = ' '; if (mas1 & MAS1_IPROT) desc[1] = 'P'; else desc[1] = ' '; as = (mas1 & MAS1_TS_MASK) ? 1 : 0; tid = MAS1_GETTID(mas1); tsize = (mas1 & MAS1_TSIZE_MASK) >> MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT; size = 0; if (tsize) size = tsize2size(tsize); printf("%3d: (%s) [AS=%d] " "sz = 0x%08x tsz = %d tid = %d mas1 = 0x%08x " "mas2(va) = 0x%"PRI0ptrX" mas3(pa) = 0x%08x mas7 = 0x%08x\n", i, desc, as, size, tsize, tid, mas1, mas2, mas3, mas7); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(tlb0, tlb0_print_tlbentries) { uint32_t mas0, mas1, mas3, mas7; #ifdef __powerpc64__ uint64_t mas2; #else uint32_t mas2; #endif int entryidx, way, idx; printf("TLB0 entries:\n"); for (way = 0; way < TLB0_WAYS; way ++) for (entryidx = 0; entryidx < TLB0_ENTRIES_PER_WAY; entryidx++) { mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(0) | MAS0_ESEL(way); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); mas2 = entryidx << MAS2_TLB0_ENTRY_IDX_SHIFT; mtspr(SPR_MAS2, mas2); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbre"); mas1 = mfspr(SPR_MAS1); mas2 = mfspr(SPR_MAS2); mas3 = mfspr(SPR_MAS3); mas7 = mfspr(SPR_MAS7); idx = tlb0_tableidx(mas2, way); tlb_print_entry(idx, mas1, mas2, mas3, mas7); } } /* * Print out contents of the MAS registers for each TLB1 entry */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(tlb1, tlb1_print_tlbentries) { uint32_t mas0, mas1, mas3, mas7; #ifdef __powerpc64__ uint64_t mas2; #else uint32_t mas2; #endif int i; printf("TLB1 entries:\n"); for (i = 0; i < TLB1_ENTRIES; i++) { mas0 = MAS0_TLBSEL(1) | MAS0_ESEL(i); mtspr(SPR_MAS0, mas0); __asm __volatile("isync; tlbre"); mas1 = mfspr(SPR_MAS1); mas2 = mfspr(SPR_MAS2); mas3 = mfspr(SPR_MAS3); mas7 = mfspr(SPR_MAS7); tlb_print_entry(i, mas1, mas2, mas3, mas7); } } #endif Index: head/sys/riscv/riscv/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/riscv/riscv/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/riscv/riscv/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,4479 +1,4479 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Alan L. Cox * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Ruslan Bukin * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Portions of this software were developed by Andrew Turner under * sponsorship from The FreeBSD Foundation. * * Portions of this software were developed by SRI International and the * University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract * FA8750-10-C-0237 ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. * * Portions of this software were developed by the University of Cambridge * Computer Laboratory as part of the CTSRD Project, with support from the * UK Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Jake Burkholder, * Safeport Network Services, and Network Associates Laboratories, the * Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under * DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA * CHATS research program. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is * also stored by the logical address mapping module, * this module may throw away valid virtual-to-physical * mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations * of virtual-to-physical mappings must be done as * requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which * make virtual-to-physical map invalidates expensive, * this module may delay invalidate or reduced protection * operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as * to which processors are currently using which maps, * and to when physical maps must be made correct. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NUL1E (Ln_ENTRIES * Ln_ENTRIES) #define NUL2E (Ln_ENTRIES * NUL1E) #if !defined(DIAGNOSTIC) #ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ #define PMAP_INLINE __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) inline #else #define PMAP_INLINE extern inline #endif #else #define PMAP_INLINE #endif #ifdef PV_STATS #define PV_STAT(x) do { x ; } while (0) #else #define PV_STAT(x) do { } while (0) #endif #define pmap_l2_pindex(v) ((v) >> L2_SHIFT) #define pa_to_pvh(pa) (&pv_table[pa_index(pa)]) #define NPV_LIST_LOCKS MAXCPU #define PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa) \ (&pv_list_locks[pmap_l2_pindex(pa) % NPV_LIST_LOCKS]) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ struct rwlock *_new_lock; \ \ _new_lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); \ if (_new_lock != *_lockp) { \ if (*_lockp != NULL) \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = _new_lock; \ rw_wlock(*_lockp); \ } \ } while (0) #define CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m) \ CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) #define RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp) do { \ struct rwlock **_lockp = (lockp); \ \ if (*_lockp != NULL) { \ rw_wunlock(*_lockp); \ *_lockp = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) #define VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m) \ PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) /* The list of all the user pmaps */ LIST_HEAD(pmaplist, pmap); static struct pmaplist allpmaps = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(); struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; vm_offset_t virtual_avail; /* VA of first avail page (after kernel bss) */ vm_offset_t virtual_end; /* VA of last avail page (end of kernel AS) */ vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end = 0; vm_paddr_t dmap_phys_base; /* The start of the dmap region */ vm_paddr_t dmap_phys_max; /* The limit of the dmap region */ vm_offset_t dmap_max_addr; /* The virtual address limit of the dmap */ /* This code assumes all L1 DMAP entries will be used */ CTASSERT((DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS & ~L1_OFFSET) == DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS); CTASSERT((DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS & ~L1_OFFSET) == DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS); static struct rwlock_padalign pvh_global_lock; static struct mtx_padalign allpmaps_lock; static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM/pmap parameters"); static int superpages_enabled = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, superpages_enabled, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &superpages_enabled, 0, "Enable support for transparent superpages"); static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, l2, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "2MB page mapping counters"); static u_long pmap_l2_demotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, demotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_demotions, 0, "2MB page demotions"); static u_long pmap_l2_mappings; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, mappings, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_mappings, 0, "2MB page mappings"); static u_long pmap_l2_p_failures; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, p_failures, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_p_failures, 0, "2MB page promotion failures"); static u_long pmap_l2_promotions; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm_pmap_l2, OID_AUTO, promotions, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmap_l2_promotions, 0, "2MB page promotions"); /* * Data for the pv entry allocation mechanism */ static TAILQ_HEAD(pch, pv_chunk) pv_chunks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pv_chunks); static struct mtx pv_chunks_mutex; static struct rwlock pv_list_locks[NPV_LIST_LOCKS]; static struct md_page *pv_table; static struct md_page pv_dummy; extern cpuset_t all_harts; /* * Internal flags for pmap_enter()'s helper functions. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM 0x1000000 /* Don't reclaim PV entries. */ #define PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE 0x2000000 /* Don't replace mappings. */ static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc); static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv); static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp); static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va); static bool pmap_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va); static bool pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_enter_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t new_l2, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp); static int pmap_remove_l3(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l3, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp); static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp); static vm_page_t _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp); static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free); static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t, vm_offset_t, pd_entry_t, struct spglist *); #define pmap_clear(pte) pmap_store(pte, 0) #define pmap_clear_bits(pte, bits) atomic_clear_64(pte, bits) #define pmap_load_store(pte, entry) atomic_swap_64(pte, entry) #define pmap_load_clear(pte) pmap_load_store(pte, 0) #define pmap_load(pte) atomic_load_64(pte) #define pmap_store(pte, entry) atomic_store_64(pte, entry) #define pmap_store_bits(pte, bits) atomic_set_64(pte, bits) /********************/ /* Inline functions */ /********************/ static __inline void pagecopy(void *s, void *d) { memcpy(d, s, PAGE_SIZE); } static __inline void pagezero(void *p) { bzero(p, PAGE_SIZE); } #define pmap_l1_index(va) (((va) >> L1_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK) #define pmap_l2_index(va) (((va) >> L2_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK) #define pmap_l3_index(va) (((va) >> L3_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK) #define PTE_TO_PHYS(pte) ((pte >> PTE_PPN0_S) * PAGE_SIZE) static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l1(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { return (&pmap->pm_l1[pmap_l1_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l1_to_l2(pd_entry_t *l1, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t phys; pd_entry_t *l2; phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l1)); l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(phys); return (&l2[pmap_l2_index(va)]); } static __inline pd_entry_t * pmap_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); if ((pmap_load(l1) & PTE_V) == 0) return (NULL); if ((pmap_load(l1) & PTE_RX) != 0) return (NULL); return (pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, va)); } static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_l2_to_l3(pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { vm_paddr_t phys; pt_entry_t *l3; phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2)); l3 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(phys); return (&l3[pmap_l3_index(va)]); } static __inline pt_entry_t * pmap_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l2; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); if (l2 == NULL) return (NULL); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_V) == 0) return (NULL); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RX) != 0) return (NULL); return (pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va)); } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += count; } static __inline void pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap_t pmap, int count) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count >= count, ("pmap %p resident count underflow %ld %d", pmap, pmap->pm_stats.resident_count, count)); pmap->pm_stats.resident_count -= count; } static void pmap_distribute_l1(struct pmap *pmap, vm_pindex_t l1index, pt_entry_t entry) { struct pmap *user_pmap; pd_entry_t *l1; /* Distribute new kernel L1 entry to all the user pmaps */ if (pmap != kernel_pmap) return; mtx_lock(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_FOREACH(user_pmap, &allpmaps, pm_list) { l1 = &user_pmap->pm_l1[l1index]; pmap_store(l1, entry); } mtx_unlock(&allpmaps_lock); } static pt_entry_t * pmap_early_page_idx(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, u_int *l1_slot, u_int *l2_slot) { pt_entry_t *l2; pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = (pd_entry_t *)l1pt; *l1_slot = (va >> L1_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK; /* Check locore has used a table L1 map */ KASSERT((l1[*l1_slot] & PTE_RX) == 0, ("Invalid bootstrap L1 table")); /* Find the address of the L2 table */ l2 = (pt_entry_t *)init_pt_va; *l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); return (l2); } static vm_paddr_t pmap_early_vtophys(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va) { u_int l1_slot, l2_slot; pt_entry_t *l2; u_int ret; l2 = pmap_early_page_idx(l1pt, va, &l1_slot, &l2_slot); /* Check locore has used L2 superpages */ KASSERT((l2[l2_slot] & PTE_RX) != 0, ("Invalid bootstrap L2 table")); /* L2 is superpages */ ret = (l2[l2_slot] >> PTE_PPN1_S) << L2_SHIFT; ret += (va & L2_OFFSET); return (ret); } static void pmap_bootstrap_dmap(vm_offset_t kern_l1, vm_paddr_t min_pa, vm_paddr_t max_pa) { vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; pd_entry_t *l1; u_int l1_slot; pt_entry_t entry; pn_t pn; pa = dmap_phys_base = min_pa & ~L1_OFFSET; va = DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS; l1 = (pd_entry_t *)kern_l1; l1_slot = pmap_l1_index(DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS); for (; va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS && pa < max_pa; pa += L1_SIZE, va += L1_SIZE, l1_slot++) { KASSERT(l1_slot < Ln_ENTRIES, ("Invalid L1 index")); /* superpages */ pn = (pa / PAGE_SIZE); entry = PTE_KERN; entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(&l1[l1_slot], entry); } /* Set the upper limit of the DMAP region */ dmap_phys_max = pa; dmap_max_addr = va; sfence_vma(); } static vm_offset_t pmap_bootstrap_l3(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t l3_start) { vm_offset_t l3pt; pt_entry_t entry; pd_entry_t *l2; vm_paddr_t pa; u_int l2_slot; pn_t pn; KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("Invalid virtual address")); l2 = pmap_l2(kernel_pmap, va); l2 = (pd_entry_t *)((uintptr_t)l2 & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)); l2_slot = pmap_l2_index(va); l3pt = l3_start; for (; va < VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS; l2_slot++, va += L2_SIZE) { KASSERT(l2_slot < Ln_ENTRIES, ("Invalid L2 index")); pa = pmap_early_vtophys(l1pt, l3pt); pn = (pa / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(&l2[l2_slot], entry); l3pt += PAGE_SIZE; } /* Clean the L2 page table */ memset((void *)l3_start, 0, l3pt - l3_start); return (l3pt); } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. */ void pmap_bootstrap(vm_offset_t l1pt, vm_paddr_t kernstart, vm_size_t kernlen) { u_int l1_slot, l2_slot, avail_slot, map_slot; vm_offset_t freemempos; vm_offset_t dpcpu, msgbufpv; vm_paddr_t end, max_pa, min_pa, pa, start; int i; printf("pmap_bootstrap %lx %lx %lx\n", l1pt, kernstart, kernlen); printf("%lx\n", l1pt); printf("%lx\n", (KERNBASE >> L1_SHIFT) & Ln_ADDR_MASK); /* Set this early so we can use the pagetable walking functions */ kernel_pmap_store.pm_l1 = (pd_entry_t *)l1pt; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(kernel_pmap); rw_init(&pvh_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); CPU_FILL(&kernel_pmap->pm_active); /* Assume the address we were loaded to is a valid physical address. */ min_pa = max_pa = kernstart; /* * Find the minimum physical address. physmap is sorted, * but may contain empty ranges. */ for (i = 0; i < physmap_idx * 2; i += 2) { if (physmap[i] == physmap[i + 1]) continue; if (physmap[i] <= min_pa) min_pa = physmap[i]; if (physmap[i + 1] > max_pa) max_pa = physmap[i + 1]; } printf("physmap_idx %lx\n", physmap_idx); printf("min_pa %lx\n", min_pa); printf("max_pa %lx\n", max_pa); /* Create a direct map region early so we can use it for pa -> va */ pmap_bootstrap_dmap(l1pt, min_pa, max_pa); /* * Read the page table to find out what is already mapped. * This assumes we have mapped a block of memory from KERNBASE * using a single L1 entry. */ (void)pmap_early_page_idx(l1pt, KERNBASE, &l1_slot, &l2_slot); /* Sanity check the index, KERNBASE should be the first VA */ KASSERT(l2_slot == 0, ("The L2 index is non-zero")); freemempos = roundup2(KERNBASE + kernlen, PAGE_SIZE); /* Create the l3 tables for the early devmap */ freemempos = pmap_bootstrap_l3(l1pt, VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - L2_SIZE, freemempos); sfence_vma(); #define alloc_pages(var, np) \ (var) = freemempos; \ freemempos += (np * PAGE_SIZE); \ memset((char *)(var), 0, ((np) * PAGE_SIZE)); /* Allocate dynamic per-cpu area. */ alloc_pages(dpcpu, DPCPU_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); dpcpu_init((void *)dpcpu, 0); /* Allocate memory for the msgbuf, e.g. for /sbin/dmesg */ alloc_pages(msgbufpv, round_page(msgbufsize) / PAGE_SIZE); msgbufp = (void *)msgbufpv; virtual_avail = roundup2(freemempos, L2_SIZE); virtual_end = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - L2_SIZE; kernel_vm_end = virtual_avail; pa = pmap_early_vtophys(l1pt, freemempos); /* Initialize phys_avail and dump_avail. */ for (avail_slot = map_slot = physmem = 0; map_slot < physmap_idx * 2; map_slot += 2) { start = physmap[map_slot]; end = physmap[map_slot + 1]; if (start == end) continue; dump_avail[map_slot] = start; dump_avail[map_slot + 1] = end; realmem += atop((vm_offset_t)(end - start)); if (start >= kernstart && end <= pa) continue; if (start < kernstart && end > kernstart) end = kernstart; else if (start < pa && end > pa) start = pa; phys_avail[avail_slot] = start; phys_avail[avail_slot + 1] = end; physmem += (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT; avail_slot += 2; if (end != physmap[map_slot + 1] && end > pa) { phys_avail[avail_slot] = pa; phys_avail[avail_slot + 1] = physmap[map_slot + 1]; physmem += (physmap[map_slot + 1] - pa) >> PAGE_SHIFT; avail_slot += 2; } } phys_avail[avail_slot] = 0; phys_avail[avail_slot + 1] = 0; /* * Maxmem isn't the "maximum memory", it's one larger than the * highest page of the physical address space. It should be * called something like "Maxphyspage". */ Maxmem = atop(phys_avail[avail_slot - 1]); } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.pv_list); m->md.pv_memattr = VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. * Called by vm_init, to initialize any structures that the pmap * system needs to map virtual memory. */ void pmap_init(void) { vm_size_t s; int i, pv_npg; /* * Initialize the pv chunk and pmap list mutexes. */ mtx_init(&pv_chunks_mutex, "pmap pv chunk list", NULL, MTX_DEF); mtx_init(&allpmaps_lock, "allpmaps", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* * Initialize the pool of pv list locks. */ for (i = 0; i < NPV_LIST_LOCKS; i++) rw_init(&pv_list_locks[i], "pmap pv list"); /* * Calculate the size of the pv head table for superpages. */ pv_npg = howmany(vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs - 1].end, L2_SIZE); /* * Allocate memory for the pv head table for superpages. */ s = (vm_size_t)(pv_npg * sizeof(struct md_page)); s = round_page(s); pv_table = (struct md_page *)kmem_malloc(s, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < pv_npg; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&pv_table[i].pv_list); TAILQ_INIT(&pv_dummy.pv_list); if (superpages_enabled) pagesizes[1] = L2_SIZE; } #ifdef SMP /* * For SMP, these functions have to use IPIs for coherence. * * In general, the calling thread uses a plain fence to order the * writes to the page tables before invoking an SBI callback to invoke * sfence_vma() on remote CPUs. */ static void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { cpuset_t mask; sched_pin(); mask = pmap->pm_active; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(hart), &mask); fence(); if (!CPU_EMPTY(&mask) && smp_started) sbi_remote_sfence_vma(mask.__bits, va, 1); sfence_vma_page(va); sched_unpin(); } static void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { cpuset_t mask; sched_pin(); mask = pmap->pm_active; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(hart), &mask); fence(); if (!CPU_EMPTY(&mask) && smp_started) sbi_remote_sfence_vma(mask.__bits, sva, eva - sva + 1); /* * Might consider a loop of sfence_vma_page() for a small * number of pages in the future. */ sfence_vma(); sched_unpin(); } static void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { cpuset_t mask; sched_pin(); mask = pmap->pm_active; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(hart), &mask); /* * XXX: The SBI doc doesn't detail how to specify x0 as the * address to perform a global fence. BBL currently treats * all sfence_vma requests as global however. */ fence(); if (!CPU_EMPTY(&mask) && smp_started) sbi_remote_sfence_vma(mask.__bits, 0, 0); sfence_vma(); sched_unpin(); } #else /* * Normal, non-SMP, invalidation functions. * We inline these within pmap.c for speed. */ static __inline void pmap_invalidate_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { sfence_vma_page(va); } static __inline void pmap_invalidate_range(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { /* * Might consider a loop of sfence_vma_page() for a small * number of pages in the future. */ sfence_vma(); } static __inline void pmap_invalidate_all(pmap_t pmap) { sfence_vma(); } #endif /* * Routine: pmap_extract * Function: * Extract the physical page address associated * with the given map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l2p, l2; pt_entry_t *l3p, l3; vm_paddr_t pa; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); /* * Start with the l2 tabel. We are unable to allocate * pages in the l1 table. */ l2p = pmap_l2(pmap, va); if (l2p != NULL) { l2 = pmap_load(l2p); if ((l2 & PTE_RX) == 0) { l3p = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2p, va); if (l3p != NULL) { l3 = pmap_load(l3p); pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(l3); pa |= (va & L3_OFFSET); } } else { /* L2 is superpages */ pa = (l2 >> PTE_PPN1_S) << L2_SHIFT; pa |= (va & L2_OFFSET); } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (pa); } /* * Routine: pmap_extract_and_hold * Function: * Atomically extract and hold the physical page * with the given pmap and virtual address pair * if that mapping permits the given protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { pt_entry_t *l3p, l3; vm_paddr_t phys; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m; pa = 0; m = NULL; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: l3p = pmap_l3(pmap, va); if (l3p != NULL && (l3 = pmap_load(l3p)) != 0) { if ((l3 & PTE_W) != 0 || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(l3); if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, phys, &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (m); } vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { pd_entry_t *l2; pt_entry_t *l3; vm_paddr_t pa; if (va >= DMAP_MIN_ADDRESS && va < DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS) { pa = DMAP_TO_PHYS(va); } else { l2 = pmap_l2(kernel_pmap, va); if (l2 == NULL) panic("pmap_kextract: No l2"); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RX) != 0) { /* superpages */ pa = (pmap_load(l2) >> PTE_PPN1_S) << L2_SHIFT; pa |= (va & L2_OFFSET); return (pa); } l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); if (l3 == NULL) panic("pmap_kextract: No l3..."); pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l3)); pa |= (va & PAGE_MASK); } return (pa); } /*************************************************** * Low level mapping routines..... ***************************************************/ void pmap_kenter_device(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size, vm_paddr_t pa) { pt_entry_t entry; pt_entry_t *l3; vm_offset_t va; pn_t pn; KASSERT((pa & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kenter_device: Invalid physical address")); KASSERT((sva & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kenter_device: Invalid virtual address")); KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_kenter_device: Mapping is not page-sized")); va = sva; while (size != 0) { l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(l3 != NULL, ("Invalid page table, va: 0x%lx", va)); pn = (pa / PAGE_SIZE); entry = PTE_KERN; entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l3, entry); va += PAGE_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * Remove a page from the kernel pagetables. * Note: not SMP coherent. */ PMAP_INLINE void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t *l3; l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(l3 != NULL, ("pmap_kremove: Invalid address")); pmap_clear(l3); sfence_vma(); } void pmap_kremove_device(vm_offset_t sva, vm_size_t size) { pt_entry_t *l3; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((sva & L3_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_kremove_device: Invalid virtual address")); KASSERT((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("pmap_kremove_device: Mapping is not page-sized")); va = sva; while (size != 0) { l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(l3 != NULL, ("Invalid page table, va: 0x%lx", va)); pmap_clear(l3); va += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * Used to map a range of physical addresses into kernel * virtual address space. * * The value passed in '*virt' is a suggested virtual address for * the mapping. Architectures which can support a direct-mapped * physical to virtual region can return the appropriate address * within that region, leaving '*virt' unchanged. Other * architectures should map the pages starting at '*virt' and * update '*virt' with the first usable address after the mapped * region. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { return PHYS_TO_DMAP(start); } /* * Add a list of wired pages to the kva * this routine is only used for temporary * kernel mappings that do not need to have * page modification or references recorded. * Note that old mappings are simply written * over. The page *must* be wired. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { pt_entry_t *l3, pa; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m; pt_entry_t entry; pn_t pn; int i; va = sva; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { m = ma[i]; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pn = (pa / PAGE_SIZE); l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); entry = PTE_KERN; entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l3, entry); va += L3_SIZE; } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * This routine tears out page mappings from the * kernel -- it is meant only for temporary mappings. * Note: SMP coherent. Uses a ranged shootdown IPI. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { pt_entry_t *l3; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT(sva >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS, ("usermode va %lx", sva)); for (va = sva; count-- > 0; va += PAGE_SIZE) { l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); KASSERT(l3 != NULL, ("pmap_kremove: Invalid address")); pmap_clear(l3); } pmap_invalidate_range(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } bool pmap_ps_enabled(pmap_t pmap __unused) { return (superpages_enabled); } /*************************************************** * Page table page management routines..... ***************************************************/ /* * Schedule the specified unused page table page to be freed. Specifically, * add the page to the specified list of pages that will be released to the * physical memory manager after the TLB has been updated. */ static __inline void pmap_add_delayed_free_list(vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free, boolean_t set_PG_ZERO) { if (set_PG_ZERO) m->flags |= PG_ZERO; else m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(free, m,; } /* * Inserts the specified page table page into the specified pmap's collection * of idle page table pages. Each of a pmap's page table pages is responsible * for mapping a distinct range of virtual addresses. The pmap's collection is * ordered by this virtual address range. * * If "promoted" is false, then the page table page "ml3" must be zero filled. */ static __inline int pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t ml3, bool promoted) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); ml3->valid = promoted ? VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL : 0; return (vm_radix_insert(&pmap->pm_root, ml3)); } /* * Removes the page table page mapping the specified virtual address from the * specified pmap's collection of idle page table pages, and returns it. * Otherwise, returns NULL if there is no page table page corresponding to the * specified virtual address. */ static __inline vm_page_t pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); return (vm_radix_remove(&pmap->pm_root, pmap_l2_pindex(va))); } /* * Decrements a page table page's wire count, which is used to record the * number of valid page table entries within the page. If the wire count * drops to zero, then the page table page is unmapped. Returns TRUE if the * page table page was unmapped and FALSE otherwise. */ static inline boolean_t pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { --m->wire_count; if (m->wire_count == 0) { _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, m, free); return (TRUE); } else { return (FALSE); } } static void _pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct spglist *free) { vm_paddr_t phys; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if (m->pindex >= NUL1E) { pd_entry_t *l1; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); pmap_clear(l1); pmap_distribute_l1(pmap, pmap_l1_index(va), 0); } else { pd_entry_t *l2; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); pmap_clear(l2); } pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (m->pindex < NUL1E) { pd_entry_t *l1; vm_page_t pdpg; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l1)); pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, pdpg, free); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_wire_sub(1); /* * Put page on a list so that it is released after * *ALL* TLB shootdown is done */ pmap_add_delayed_free_list(m, free, TRUE); } /* * After removing a page table entry, this routine is used to * conditionally free the page, and manage the hold/wire counts. */ static int pmap_unuse_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t ptepde, struct spglist *free) { vm_page_t mpte; if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (0); KASSERT(ptepde != 0, ("pmap_unuse_pt: ptepde != 0")); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(ptepde)); return (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte, free)); } void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pmap) { PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pmap); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof(pmap->pm_stats)); pmap->pm_l1 = kernel_pmap->pm_l1; pmap->pm_satp = SATP_MODE_SV39 | (vtophys(pmap->pm_l1) >> PAGE_SHIFT); CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); pmap_activate_boot(pmap); } int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pmap) { vm_paddr_t l1phys; vm_page_t l1pt; /* * allocate the l1 page */ while ((l1pt = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0xdeadbeef, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) vm_wait(NULL); l1phys = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l1pt); pmap->pm_l1 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(l1phys); pmap->pm_satp = SATP_MODE_SV39 | (l1phys >> PAGE_SHIFT); if ((l1pt->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pagezero(pmap->pm_l1); bzero(&pmap->pm_stats, sizeof(pmap->pm_stats)); CPU_ZERO(&pmap->pm_active); /* Install kernel pagetables */ memcpy(pmap->pm_l1, kernel_pmap->pm_l1, PAGE_SIZE); /* Add to the list of all user pmaps */ mtx_lock(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&allpmaps, pmap, pm_list); mtx_unlock(&allpmaps_lock); vm_radix_init(&pmap->pm_root); return (1); } /* * This routine is called if the desired page table page does not exist. * * If page table page allocation fails, this routine may sleep before * returning NULL. It sleeps only if a lock pointer was given. * * Note: If a page allocation fails at page table level two or three, * one or two pages may be held during the wait, only to be released * afterwards. This conservative approach is easily argued to avoid * race conditions. */ static vm_page_t _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_pindex_t ptepindex, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_page_t m, /*pdppg, */pdpg; pt_entry_t entry; vm_paddr_t phys; pn_t pn; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* * Allocate a page table page. */ if ((m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, ptepindex, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO)) == NULL) { if (lockp != NULL) { RELEASE_PV_LIST_LOCK(lockp); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_wait(NULL); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); } /* * Indicate the need to retry. While waiting, the page table * page may have been allocated. */ return (NULL); } if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); /* * Map the pagetable page into the process address space, if * it isn't already there. */ if (ptepindex >= NUL1E) { pd_entry_t *l1; vm_pindex_t l1index; l1index = ptepindex - NUL1E; l1 = &pmap->pm_l1[l1index]; pn = (VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l1, entry); pmap_distribute_l1(pmap, l1index, entry); } else { vm_pindex_t l1index; pd_entry_t *l1, *l2; l1index = ptepindex >> (L1_SHIFT - L2_SHIFT); l1 = &pmap->pm_l1[l1index]; if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { /* recurse for allocating page dir */ if (_pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL1E + l1index, lockp) == NULL) { vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); return (NULL); } } else { phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l1)); pdpg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); pdpg->wire_count++; } phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l1)); l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(phys); l2 = &l2[ptepindex & Ln_ADDR_MASK]; pn = (VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l2, entry); } pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); return (m); } static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t *l1; vm_page_t l2pg; vm_pindex_t l2pindex; retry: l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); if (l1 != NULL && (pmap_load(l1) & PTE_RWX) == 0) { /* Add a reference to the L2 page. */ l2pg = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l1))); l2pg->wire_count++; } else { /* Allocate a L2 page. */ l2pindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va) >> Ln_ENTRIES_SHIFT; l2pg = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, NUL2E + l2pindex, lockp); if (l2pg == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; } return (l2pg); } static vm_page_t pmap_alloc_l3(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { vm_pindex_t ptepindex; pd_entry_t *l2; vm_paddr_t phys; vm_page_t m; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ ptepindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va); retry: /* * Get the page directory entry */ l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment the * hold count, and activate it. */ if (l2 != NULL && pmap_load(l2) != 0) { phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2)); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); m->wire_count++; } else { /* * Here if the pte page isn't mapped, or if it has been * deallocated. */ m = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, ptepindex, lockp); if (m == NULL && lockp != NULL) goto retry; } return (m); } /*************************************************** * Pmap allocation/deallocation routines. ***************************************************/ /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pmap) { vm_page_t m; KASSERT(pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0, ("pmap_release: pmap resident count %ld != 0", pmap->pm_stats.resident_count)); KASSERT(CPU_EMPTY(&pmap->pm_active), ("releasing active pmap %p", pmap)); mtx_lock(&allpmaps_lock); LIST_REMOVE(pmap, pm_list); mtx_unlock(&allpmaps_lock); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_l1)); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } #if 0 static int kvm_size(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long ksize = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &ksize, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_size, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_size, "LU", "Size of KVM"); static int kvm_free(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { unsigned long kfree = VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - kernel_vm_end; return sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &kfree, 0, req); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, kvm_free, CTLTYPE_LONG|CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, kvm_free, "LU", "Amount of KVM free"); #endif /* 0 */ /* * grow the number of kernel page table entries, if needed */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_paddr_t paddr; vm_page_t nkpg; pd_entry_t *l1, *l2; pt_entry_t entry; pn_t pn; mtx_assert(&kernel_map->system_mtx, MA_OWNED); addr = roundup2(addr, L2_SIZE); if (addr - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) addr = vm_map_max(kernel_map); while (kernel_vm_end < addr) { l1 = pmap_l1(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { /* We need a new PDP entry */ nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> L1_SHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(nkpg); paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); pn = (paddr / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l1, entry); pmap_distribute_l1(kernel_pmap, pmap_l1_index(kernel_vm_end), entry); continue; /* try again */ } l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, kernel_vm_end); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_V) != 0 && (pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RWX) == 0) { kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } continue; } nkpg = vm_page_alloc(NULL, kernel_vm_end >> L2_SHIFT, VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (nkpg == NULL) panic("pmap_growkernel: no memory to grow kernel"); if ((nkpg->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) { pmap_zero_page(nkpg); } paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(nkpg); pn = (paddr / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l2, entry); pmap_invalidate_page(kernel_pmap, kernel_vm_end); kernel_vm_end = (kernel_vm_end + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (kernel_vm_end - 1 >= vm_map_max(kernel_map)) { kernel_vm_end = vm_map_max(kernel_map); break; } } } /*************************************************** * page management routines. ***************************************************/ CTASSERT(sizeof(struct pv_chunk) == PAGE_SIZE); CTASSERT(_NPCM == 3); CTASSERT(_NPCPV == 168); static __inline struct pv_chunk * pv_to_chunk(pv_entry_t pv) { return ((struct pv_chunk *)((uintptr_t)pv & ~(uintptr_t)PAGE_MASK)); } #define PV_PMAP(pv) (pv_to_chunk(pv)->pc_pmap) #define PC_FREE0 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE1 0xfffffffffffffffful #define PC_FREE2 0x000000fffffffffful static const uint64_t pc_freemask[_NPCM] = { PC_FREE0, PC_FREE1, PC_FREE2 }; #if 0 #ifdef PV_STATS static int pc_chunk_count, pc_chunk_allocs, pc_chunk_frees, pc_chunk_tryfail; SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_count, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks allocated"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry chunks frees"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pc_chunk_tryfail, CTLFLAG_RD, &pc_chunk_tryfail, 0, "Number of times tried to get a chunk page but failed."); static long pv_entry_frees, pv_entry_allocs, pv_entry_count; static int pv_entry_spare; SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_frees, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_frees, 0, "Current number of pv entry frees"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_allocs, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_allocs, 0, "Current number of pv entry allocs"); SYSCTL_LONG(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_count, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_count, 0, "Current number of pv entries"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm_pmap, OID_AUTO, pv_entry_spare, CTLFLAG_RD, &pv_entry_spare, 0, "Current number of spare pv entries"); #endif #endif /* 0 */ /* * We are in a serious low memory condition. Resort to * drastic measures to free some pages so we can allocate * another pv entry chunk. * * Returns NULL if PV entries were reclaimed from the specified pmap. * * We do not, however, unmap 2mpages because subsequent accesses will * allocate per-page pv entries until repromotion occurs, thereby * exacerbating the shortage of free pv entries. */ static vm_page_t reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap_t locked_pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { panic("RISCVTODO: reclaim_pv_chunk"); } /* * free the pv_entry back to the free list */ static void free_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, pv_entry_t pv) { struct pv_chunk *pc; int idx, field, bit; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); pc = pv_to_chunk(pv); idx = pv - &pc->pc_pventry[0]; field = idx / 64; bit = idx % 64; pc->pc_map[field] |= 1ul << bit; if (pc->pc_map[0] != PC_FREE0 || pc->pc_map[1] != PC_FREE1 || pc->pc_map[2] != PC_FREE2) { /* 98% of the time, pc is already at the head of the list. */ if (__predict_false(pc != TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } static void free_pv_chunk(struct pv_chunk *pc) { vm_page_t m; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_frees, 1)); /* entire chunk is free, return it */ m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)pc)); dump_drop_page(m->phys_addr); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); } /* * Returns a new PV entry, allocating a new PV chunk from the system when * needed. If this PV chunk allocation fails and a PV list lock pointer was * given, a PV chunk is reclaimed from an arbitrary pmap. Otherwise, NULL is * returned. * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static pv_entry_t get_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, struct rwlock **lockp) { int bit, field; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_allocs, 1)); retry: pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); if (pc != NULL) { for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { if (pc->pc_map[field]) { bit = ffsl(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; break; } } if (field < _NPCM) { pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); /* If this was the last item, move it to tail */ if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_int(&pv_entry_spare, 1)); return (pv); } } /* No free items, allocate another chunk */ m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { if (lockp == NULL) { PV_STAT(pc_chunk_tryfail++); return (NULL); } m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; } PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pc_chunk_allocs, 1)); dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0 & ~1ul; /* preallocated bit 0 */ pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pv_chunks, pc, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[0]; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_count, 1)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, _NPCPV - 1)); return (pv); } /* * Ensure that the number of spare PV entries in the specified pmap meets or * exceeds the given count, "needed". * * The given PV list lock may be released. */ static void reserve_pv_entries(pmap_t pmap, int needed, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct pch new_tail; struct pv_chunk *pc; vm_page_t m; int avail, free; bool reclaimed; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(lockp != NULL, ("reserve_pv_entries: lockp is NULL")); /* * Newly allocated PV chunks must be stored in a private list until * the required number of PV chunks have been allocated. Otherwise, * reclaim_pv_chunk() could recycle one of these chunks. In * contrast, these chunks must be added to the pmap upon allocation. */ TAILQ_INIT(&new_tail); retry: avail = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list) { bit_count((bitstr_t *)pc->pc_map, 0, sizeof(pc->pc_map) * NBBY, &free); if (free == 0) break; avail += free; if (avail >= needed) break; } for (reclaimed = false; avail < needed; avail += _NPCPV) { m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m == NULL) { m = reclaim_pv_chunk(pmap, lockp); if (m == NULL) goto retry; reclaimed = true; } /* XXX PV STATS */ #if 0 dump_add_page(m->phys_addr); #endif pc = (void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(m->phys_addr); pc->pc_pmap = pmap; pc->pc_map[0] = PC_FREE0; pc->pc_map[1] = PC_FREE1; pc->pc_map[2] = PC_FREE2; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&new_tail, pc, pc_lru); /* * The reclaim might have freed a chunk from the current pmap. * If that chunk contained available entries, we need to * re-count the number of available entries. */ if (reclaimed) goto retry; } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&new_tail)) { mtx_lock(&pv_chunks_mutex); TAILQ_CONCAT(&pv_chunks, &new_tail, pc_lru); mtx_unlock(&pv_chunks_mutex); } } /* * First find and then remove the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address from the specified pv list. Returns the pv entry if found and NULL * otherwise. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or * 2MB page mappings. */ static __inline pv_entry_t pmap_pvh_remove(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (pmap == PV_PMAP(pv) && va == pv->pv_va) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; break; } } return (pv); } /* * First find and then destroy the pv entry for the specified pmap and virtual * address. This operation can be performed on pv lists for either 4KB or 2MB * page mappings. */ static void pmap_pvh_free(struct md_page *pvh, pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va) { pv_entry_t pv; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pvh_free: pv not found for %#lx", va)); free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); } /* * Conditionally create the PV entry for a 4KB page mapping if the required * memory can be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static boolean_t pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { pv_entry_t pv; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, NULL)) != NULL) { pv->pv_va = va; CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } /* * After demotion from a 2MB page mapping to 512 4KB page mappings, * destroy the pv entry for the 2MB page mapping and reinstantiate the pv * entries for each of the 4KB page mappings. */ static void __unused pmap_pv_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; struct pv_chunk *pc; pv_entry_t pv; vm_page_t m; vm_offset_t va_last; int bit, field; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); /* * Transfer the 2mpage's pv entry for this mapping to the first * page's pv list. Once this transfer begins, the pv list lock * must not be released until the last pv entry is reinstantiated. */ pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); va &= ~L2_OFFSET; pv = pmap_pvh_remove(pvh, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: pv not found")); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; /* Instantiate the remaining 511 pv entries. */ va_last = va + L2_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; for (;;) { pc = TAILQ_FIRST(&pmap->pm_pvchunk); KASSERT(pc->pc_map[0] != 0 || pc->pc_map[1] != 0 || pc->pc_map[2] != 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: missing spare")); for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { while (pc->pc_map[field] != 0) { bit = ffsl(pc->pc_map[field]) - 1; pc->pc_map[field] &= ~(1ul << bit); pv = &pc->pc_pventry[field * 64 + bit]; va += PAGE_SIZE; pv->pv_va = va; m++; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_pv_demote_l2: page %p is not managed", m)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (va == va_last) goto out; } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } out: if (pc->pc_map[0] == 0 && pc->pc_map[1] == 0 && pc->pc_map[2] == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); } /* XXX PV stats */ } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_pv_promote_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_page_t m; vm_offset_t va_last; rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_pv_promote_l2: misaligned va %#lx", va)); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&m->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_pv_promote_l2: pv for %#lx not found", va)); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; va_last = va + L2_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; do { m++; va += PAGE_SIZE; pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } while (va < va_last); } #endif /* VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 */ /* * Create the PV entry for a 2MB page mapping. Always returns true unless the * flag PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM is specified. If that flag is specified, returns * false if the PV entry cannot be allocated without resorting to reclamation. */ static bool pmap_pv_insert_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t l2e, u_int flags, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t pa; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); /* Pass NULL instead of the lock pointer to disable reclamation. */ if ((pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) return (false); pv->pv_va = va; pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(l2e); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, pa); pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; return (true); } static void pmap_remove_kernel_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { pt_entry_t newl2, oldl2; vm_page_t ml3; vm_paddr_t ml3pa; KASSERT(!VIRT_IN_DMAP(va), ("removing direct mapping of %#lx", va)); KASSERT(pmap == kernel_pmap, ("pmap %p is not kernel_pmap", pmap)); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va); if (ml3 == NULL) panic("pmap_remove_kernel_l2: Missing pt page"); ml3pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(ml3); newl2 = ml3pa | PTE_V; /* * If this page table page was unmapped by a promotion, then it * contains valid mappings. Zero it to invalidate those mappings. */ if (ml3->valid != 0) pagezero((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(ml3pa)); /* * Demote the mapping. */ oldl2 = pmap_load_store(l2, newl2); KASSERT(oldl2 == 0, ("%s: found existing mapping at %p: %#lx", __func__, l2, oldl2)); } /* * pmap_remove_l2: Do the things to unmap a level 2 superpage. */ static int pmap_remove_l2(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t sva, pd_entry_t l1e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct md_page *pvh; pt_entry_t oldl2; vm_offset_t eva, va; vm_page_t m, ml3; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); KASSERT((sva & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_remove_l2: sva is not aligned")); oldl2 = pmap_load_clear(l2); KASSERT((oldl2 & PTE_RWX) != 0, ("pmap_remove_l2: L2e %lx is not a superpage mapping", oldl2)); /* * The sfence.vma documentation states that it is sufficient to specify * a single address within a superpage mapping. However, since we do * not perform any invalidation upon promotion, TLBs may still be * caching 4KB mappings within the superpage, so we must invalidate the * entire range. */ pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, sva, sva + L2_SIZE); if ((oldl2 & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); if ((oldl2 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(lockp, PTE_TO_PHYS(oldl2)); pvh = pa_to_pvh(PTE_TO_PHYS(oldl2)); pmap_pvh_free(pvh, pmap, sva); eva = sva + L2_SIZE; for (va = sva, m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(oldl2)); va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE, m++) { if ((oldl2 & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((oldl2 & PTE_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } if (pmap == kernel_pmap) { pmap_remove_kernel_l2(pmap, l2, sva); } else { ml3 = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, sva); if (ml3 != NULL) { KASSERT(ml3->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_l2: l3 page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); KASSERT(ml3->wire_count == Ln_ENTRIES, ("pmap_remove_l2: l3 page wire count error")); ml3->wire_count = 1; vm_page_unwire_noq(ml3); pmap_add_delayed_free_list(ml3, free, FALSE); } } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, sva, l1e, free)); } /* * pmap_remove_l3: do the things to unmap a page in a process */ static int pmap_remove_l3(pmap_t pmap, pt_entry_t *l3, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t l2e, struct spglist *free, struct rwlock **lockp) { pt_entry_t old_l3; vm_paddr_t phys; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); old_l3 = pmap_load_clear(l3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); if (old_l3 & PTE_SW_WIRED) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count -= 1; pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); if (old_l3 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) { phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(old_l3); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); if ((old_l3 & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); if (old_l3 & PTE_A) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(lockp, m); pmap_pvh_free(&m->md, pmap, va); } return (pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, va, l2e, free)); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. * * It is assumed that the start and end are properly * rounded to the page size. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { struct spglist free; struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va, va_next; pd_entry_t *l1, *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t *l3; /* * Perform an unsynchronized read. This is, however, safe. */ if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) return; SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); lock = NULL; for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { if (pmap->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) break; l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } /* * Calculate index for next page table. */ va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if (l2 == NULL) continue; if ((l2e = pmap_load(l2)) == 0) continue; if ((l2e & PTE_RWX) != 0) { if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { (void)pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, sva, pmap_load(l1), &free, &lock); continue; } else if (!pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, sva, &lock)) { /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } l2e = pmap_load(l2); } /* * Limit our scan to either the end of the va represented * by the current page table page, or to the end of the * range being removed. */ if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; va = va_next; for (l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); sva != va_next; l3++, sva += L3_SIZE) { if (pmap_load(l3) == 0) { if (va != va_next) { pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); va = va_next; } continue; } if (va == va_next) va = sva; if (pmap_remove_l3(pmap, l3, sva, l2e, &free, &lock)) { sva += L3_SIZE; break; } } if (va != va_next) pmap_invalidate_range(pmap, va, sva); } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } /* * Routine: pmap_remove_all * Function: * Removes this physical page from * all physical maps in which it resides. * Reflects back modify bits to the pager. * * Notes: * Original versions of this routine were very * inefficient because they iteratively called * pmap_remove (slow...) */ void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { struct spglist free; struct md_page *pvh; pmap_t pmap; pt_entry_t *l3, l3e; pd_entry_t *l2, l2e; pv_entry_t pv; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); rw_wlock(&pvh_global_lock); while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); va = pv->pv_va; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); (void)pmap_demote_l2(pmap, l2, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != NULL) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT(l2 != NULL, ("pmap_remove_all: no l2 table found")); l2e = pmap_load(l2); KASSERT((l2e & PTE_RX) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: found a superpage in %p's pv list", m)); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, pv->pv_va); l3e = pmap_load_clear(l3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (l3e & PTE_SW_WIRED) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; if ((l3e & PTE_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean and reference bits. */ if ((l3e & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, pmap_load(l2), &free); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } /* * Set the physical protection on the * specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { pd_entry_t *l1, *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t *l3, l3e, mask; vm_page_t m, mt; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va_next; bool anychanged, pv_lists_locked; if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva); return; } if ((prot & (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) == (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) return; anychanged = false; pv_lists_locked = false; mask = 0; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) mask |= PTE_W | PTE_D; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) == 0) mask |= PTE_X; resume: PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if (l2 == NULL || (l2e = pmap_load(l2)) == 0) continue; if ((l2e & PTE_RWX) != 0) { if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { retryl2: if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 && (l2e & (PTE_SW_MANAGED | PTE_D)) == (PTE_SW_MANAGED | PTE_D)) { pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(l2e); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa); for (mt = m; mt < &m[Ln_ENTRIES]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); } if (!atomic_fcmpset_long(l2, &l2e, l2e & ~mask)) goto retryl2; anychanged = true; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = true; if (!rw_try_rlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all( pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); goto resume; } } if (!pmap_demote_l2(pmap, l2, sva)) { /* * The large page mapping was destroyed. */ continue; } } } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); sva != va_next; l3++, sva += L3_SIZE) { l3e = pmap_load(l3); retryl3: if ((l3e & PTE_V) == 0) continue; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 && (l3e & (PTE_SW_MANAGED | PTE_D)) == (PTE_SW_MANAGED | PTE_D)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(l3e)); vm_page_dirty(m); } if (!atomic_fcmpset_long(l3, &l3e, l3e & ~mask)) goto retryl3; anychanged = true; } } if (anychanged) pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); if (pv_lists_locked) rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } int pmap_fault_fixup(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t ftype) { pd_entry_t *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t bits, *pte, oldpte; int rv; rv = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); if (l2 == NULL || ((l2e = pmap_load(l2)) & PTE_V) == 0) goto done; if ((l2e & PTE_RWX) == 0) { pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); if (pte == NULL || ((oldpte = pmap_load(pte) & PTE_V)) == 0) goto done; } else { pte = l2; oldpte = l2e; } if ((pmap != kernel_pmap && (oldpte & PTE_U) == 0) || (ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE && (oldpte & PTE_W) == 0) || (ftype == VM_PROT_EXECUTE && (oldpte & PTE_X) == 0) || (ftype == VM_PROT_READ && (oldpte & PTE_R) == 0)) goto done; bits = PTE_A; if (ftype == VM_PROT_WRITE) bits |= PTE_D; /* * Spurious faults can occur if the implementation caches invalid * entries in the TLB, or if simultaneous accesses on multiple CPUs * race with each other. */ if ((oldpte & bits) != bits) pmap_store_bits(pte, bits); sfence_vma(); rv = 1; done: PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } static bool pmap_demote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va) { struct rwlock *lock; bool rv; lock = NULL; rv = pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); return (rv); } /* * Tries to demote a 2MB page mapping. If demotion fails, the 2MB page * mapping is invalidated. */ static bool pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; vm_page_t mpte; pd_entry_t newl2, oldl2; pt_entry_t *firstl3, newl3; vm_paddr_t mptepa; int i; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); oldl2 = pmap_load(l2); KASSERT((oldl2 & PTE_RWX) != 0, ("pmap_demote_l2_locked: oldl2 is not a leaf entry")); if ((oldl2 & PTE_A) == 0 || (mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, va)) == NULL) { if ((oldl2 & PTE_A) == 0 || (mpte = vm_page_alloc(NULL, pmap_l2_pindex(va), (VIRT_IN_DMAP(va) ? VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT : VM_ALLOC_NORMAL) | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED)) == NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); (void)pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, va & ~L2_OFFSET, pmap_load(pmap_l1(pmap, va)), &free, lockp); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l2_locked: " "failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (false); } if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { mpte->wire_count = Ln_ENTRIES; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } } mptepa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte); firstl3 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(mptepa); newl2 = ((mptepa / PAGE_SIZE) << PTE_PPN0_S) | PTE_V; KASSERT((oldl2 & PTE_A) != 0, ("pmap_demote_l2_locked: oldl2 is missing PTE_A")); KASSERT((oldl2 & (PTE_D | PTE_W)) != PTE_W, ("pmap_demote_l2_locked: oldl2 is missing PTE_D")); newl3 = oldl2; /* * If the page table page is not leftover from an earlier promotion, * initialize it. */ if (mpte->valid == 0) { for (i = 0; i < Ln_ENTRIES; i++) pmap_store(firstl3 + i, newl3 + (i << PTE_PPN0_S)); } KASSERT(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(firstl3)) == PTE_TO_PHYS(newl3), ("pmap_demote_l2_locked: firstl3 and newl3 map different physical " "addresses")); /* * If the mapping has changed attributes, update the page table * entries. */ if ((pmap_load(firstl3) & PTE_PROMOTE) != (newl3 & PTE_PROMOTE)) for (i = 0; i < Ln_ENTRIES; i++) pmap_store(firstl3 + i, newl3 + (i << PTE_PPN0_S)); /* * The spare PV entries must be reserved prior to demoting the * mapping, that is, prior to changing the L2 entry. Otherwise, the * state of the L2 entry and the PV lists will be inconsistent, which * can result in reclaim_pv_chunk() attempting to remove a PV entry from * the wrong PV list and pmap_pv_demote_l2() failing to find the * expected PV entry for the 2MB page mapping that is being demoted. */ if ((oldl2 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) reserve_pv_entries(pmap, Ln_ENTRIES - 1, lockp); /* * Demote the mapping. */ pmap_store(l2, newl2); /* * Demote the PV entry. */ if ((oldl2 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_demote_l2(pmap, va, PTE_TO_PHYS(oldl2), lockp); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_demotions, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_demote_l2_locked: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (true); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 static void pmap_promote_l2(pmap_t pmap, pd_entry_t *l2, vm_offset_t va, struct rwlock **lockp) { pt_entry_t *firstl3, *l3; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t ml3; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); va &= ~L2_OFFSET; KASSERT((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RWX) == 0, ("pmap_promote_l2: invalid l2 entry %p", l2)); firstl3 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2))); pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(firstl3)); if ((pa & L2_OFFSET) != 0) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx pmap %p", va, pmap); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); return; } pa += PAGE_SIZE; for (l3 = firstl3 + 1; l3 < firstl3 + Ln_ENTRIES; l3++) { if (PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l3)) != pa) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx pmap %p", va, pmap); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); return; } if ((pmap_load(l3) & PTE_PROMOTE) != (pmap_load(firstl3) & PTE_PROMOTE)) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx pmap %p", va, pmap); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); return; } pa += PAGE_SIZE; } ml3 = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2))); KASSERT(ml3->pindex == pmap_l2_pindex(va), ("pmap_promote_l2: page table page's pindex is wrong")); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, ml3, true)) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: failure for va %#lx pmap %p", va, pmap); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_p_failures, 1); return; } if ((pmap_load(firstl3) & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) pmap_pv_promote_l2(pmap, va, PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(firstl3)), lockp); pmap_store(l2, pmap_load(firstl3)); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_promotions, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_promote_l2: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); } #endif /* * Insert the given physical page (p) at * the specified virtual address (v) in the * target physical map with the protection requested. * * If specified, the page will be wired down, meaning * that the related pte can not be reclaimed. * * NB: This is the only routine which MAY NOT lazy-evaluate * or lose information. That is, this routine must actually * insert this page into the given map NOW. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *l1, *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t new_l3, orig_l3; pt_entry_t *l3; pv_entry_t pv; vm_paddr_t opa, pa, l2_pa, l3_pa; vm_page_t mpte, om, l2_m, l3_m; pt_entry_t entry; pn_t l2_pn, l3_pn, pn; int rv; bool nosleep; va = trunc_page(va); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pn = (pa / PAGE_SIZE); new_l3 = PTE_V | PTE_R | PTE_A; if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) new_l3 |= PTE_X; if (flags & VM_PROT_WRITE) new_l3 |= PTE_D; if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) new_l3 |= PTE_W; if (va < VM_MAX_USER_ADDRESS) new_l3 |= PTE_U; new_l3 |= (pn << PTE_PPN0_S); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0) new_l3 |= PTE_SW_WIRED; /* * Set modified bit gratuitously for writeable mappings if * the page is unmanaged. We do not want to take a fault * to do the dirty bit accounting for these mappings. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) { if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) new_l3 |= PTE_D; } else new_l3 |= PTE_SW_MANAGED; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter: %.16lx -> %.16lx", va, pa); lock = NULL; mpte = NULL; rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); if (psind == 1) { /* Assert the required virtual and physical alignment. */ KASSERT((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0, ("pmap_enter: va %#lx unaligned", va)); KASSERT(m->psind > 0, ("pmap_enter: m->psind < psind")); rv = pmap_enter_l2(pmap, va, new_l3, flags, m, &lock); goto out; } l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); if (l2 != NULL && ((l2e = pmap_load(l2)) & PTE_V) != 0 && ((l2e & PTE_RWX) == 0 || pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock))) { l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2))); mpte->wire_count++; } } else if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { nosleep = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0; mpte = pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, va, nosleep ? NULL : &lock); if (mpte == NULL && nosleep) { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter: mpte == NULL"); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, va); } else { l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, va); /* TODO: This is not optimal, but should mostly work */ if (l3 == NULL) { if (l2 == NULL) { l2_m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (l2_m == NULL) panic("pmap_enter: l2 pte_m == NULL"); if ((l2_m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(l2_m); l2_pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l2_m); l2_pn = (l2_pa / PAGE_SIZE); l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, va); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (l2_pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l1, entry); pmap_distribute_l1(pmap, pmap_l1_index(va), entry); l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, va); } l3_m = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO); if (l3_m == NULL) panic("pmap_enter: l3 pte_m == NULL"); if ((l3_m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(l3_m); l3_pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l3_m); l3_pn = (l3_pa / PAGE_SIZE); entry = (PTE_V); entry |= (l3_pn << PTE_PPN0_S); pmap_store(l2, entry); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } orig_l3 = pmap_load(l3); opa = PTE_TO_PHYS(orig_l3); pv = NULL; /* * Is the specified virtual address already mapped? */ if ((orig_l3 & PTE_V) != 0) { /* * Wiring change, just update stats. We don't worry about * wiring PT pages as they remain resident as long as there * are valid mappings in them. Hence, if a user page is wired, * the PT page will be also. */ if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0 && (orig_l3 & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; else if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) == 0 && (orig_l3 & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; /* * Remove the extra PT page reference. */ if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; KASSERT(mpte->wire_count > 0, ("pmap_enter: missing reference to page table page," " va: 0x%lx", va)); } /* * Has the physical page changed? */ if (opa == pa) { /* * No, might be a protection or wiring change. */ if ((orig_l3 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0 && (new_l3 & PTE_W) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); goto validate; } /* * The physical page has changed. Temporarily invalidate * the mapping. This ensures that all threads sharing the * pmap keep a consistent view of the mapping, which is * necessary for the correct handling of COW faults. It * also permits reuse of the old mapping's PV entry, * avoiding an allocation. * * For consistency, handle unmanaged mappings the same way. */ orig_l3 = pmap_load_clear(l3); KASSERT(PTE_TO_PHYS(orig_l3) == opa, ("pmap_enter: unexpected pa update for %#lx", va)); if ((orig_l3 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(opa); /* * The pmap lock is sufficient to synchronize with * concurrent calls to pmap_page_test_mappings() and * pmap_ts_referenced(). */ if ((orig_l3 & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(om); if ((orig_l3 & PTE_A) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(om, PGA_REFERENCED); CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, opa); pv = pmap_pvh_remove(&om->md, pmap, va); KASSERT(pv != NULL, ("pmap_enter: no PV entry for %#lx", va)); if ((new_l3 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) == 0) free_pv_entry(pmap, pv); if ((om->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&om->md.pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(om, PGA_WRITEABLE); } pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); orig_l3 = 0; } else { /* * Increment the counters. */ if ((new_l3 & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count++; pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((new_l3 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { if (pv == NULL) { pv = get_pv_entry(pmap, &lock); pv->pv_va = va; } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_PHYS(&lock, pa); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if ((new_l3 & PTE_W) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } validate: /* * Sync the i-cache on all harts before updating the PTE * if the new PTE is executable. */ if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) pmap_sync_icache(pmap, va, PAGE_SIZE); /* * Update the L3 entry. */ if (orig_l3 != 0) { orig_l3 = pmap_load_store(l3, new_l3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); KASSERT(PTE_TO_PHYS(orig_l3) == pa, ("pmap_enter: invalid update")); if ((orig_l3 & (PTE_D | PTE_SW_MANAGED)) == (PTE_D | PTE_SW_MANAGED)) vm_page_dirty(m); } else { pmap_store(l3, new_l3); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if (mpte != NULL && mpte->wire_count == Ln_ENTRIES && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m) == 0) pmap_promote_l2(pmap, l2, va, &lock); #endif rv = KERN_SUCCESS; out: if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Tries to create a read- and/or execute-only 2MB page mapping. Returns true * if successful. Returns false if (1) a page table page cannot be allocated * without sleeping, (2) a mapping already exists at the specified virtual * address, or (3) a PV entry cannot be allocated without reclaiming another * PV entry. */ static bool pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, struct rwlock **lockp) { pd_entry_t new_l2; pn_t pn; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); pn = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) / PAGE_SIZE; new_l2 = (pd_entry_t)((pn << PTE_PPN0_S) | PTE_R | PTE_V); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) new_l2 |= PTE_SW_MANAGED; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) != 0) new_l2 |= PTE_X; if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) new_l2 |= PTE_U; return (pmap_enter_l2(pmap, va, new_l2, PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE | PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM, NULL, lockp) == KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Tries to create the specified 2MB page mapping. Returns KERN_SUCCESS if * the mapping was created, and either KERN_FAILURE or KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE * otherwise. Returns KERN_FAILURE if PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE was specified and * a mapping already exists at the specified virtual address. Returns * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP was specified and a page table * page allocation failed. Returns KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if * PMAP_ENTER_NORECLAIM was specified and a PV entry allocation failed. * * The parameter "m" is only used when creating a managed, writeable mapping. */ static int pmap_enter_l2(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t new_l2, u_int flags, vm_page_t m, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t *l2, *l3, oldl2; vm_offset_t sva; vm_page_t l2pg, mt; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); if ((l2pg = pmap_alloc_l2(pmap, va, (flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP) != 0 ? NULL : lockp)) == NULL) { CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } l2 = (pd_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(l2pg)); l2 = &l2[pmap_l2_index(va)]; if ((oldl2 = pmap_load(l2)) != 0) { KASSERT(l2pg->wire_count > 1, ("pmap_enter_l2: l2pg's wire count is too low")); if ((flags & PMAP_ENTER_NOREPLACE) != 0) { l2pg->wire_count--; CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_FAILURE); } SLIST_INIT(&free); if ((oldl2 & PTE_RWX) != 0) (void)pmap_remove_l2(pmap, l2, va, pmap_load(pmap_l1(pmap, va)), &free, lockp); else for (sva = va; sva < va + L2_SIZE; sva += PAGE_SIZE) { l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); if ((pmap_load(l3) & PTE_V) != 0 && pmap_remove_l3(pmap, l3, sva, oldl2, &free, lockp) != 0) break; } vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); if (va >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * Both pmap_remove_l2() and pmap_remove_l3() will * leave the kernel page table page zero filled. */ mt = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2))); if (pmap_insert_pt_page(pmap, mt, false)) panic("pmap_enter_l2: trie insert failed"); } else KASSERT(pmap_load(l2) == 0, ("pmap_enter_l2: non-zero L2 entry %p", l2)); } if ((new_l2 & PTE_SW_MANAGED) != 0) { /* * Abort this mapping if its PV entry could not be created. */ if (!pmap_pv_insert_l2(pmap, va, new_l2, flags, lockp)) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, l2pg, &free)) { /* * Although "va" is not mapped, paging-structure * caches could nonetheless have entries that * refer to the freed page table pages. * Invalidate those entries. */ pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, true); } CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: failure for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } if ((new_l2 & PTE_W) != 0) for (mt = m; mt < &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE]; mt++) vm_page_aflag_set(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } /* * Increment counters. */ if ((new_l2 & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) pmap->pm_stats.wired_count += L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pmap->pm_stats.resident_count += L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; /* * Map the superpage. */ pmap_store(l2, new_l2); atomic_add_long(&pmap_l2_mappings, 1); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_l2: success for va %#lx in pmap %p", va, pmap); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; vm_offset_t va; vm_page_t m, mpte; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); mpte = NULL; m = m_start; lock = NULL; rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { va = start + ptoa(diff); if ((va & L2_OFFSET) == 0 && va + L2_SIZE <= end && m->psind == 1 && pmap_ps_enabled(pmap) && pmap_enter_2mpage(pmap, va, m, prot, &lock)) m = &m[L2_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE - 1]; else mpte = pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, mpte, &lock); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * this code makes some *MAJOR* assumptions: * 1. Current pmap & pmap exists. * 2. Not wired. * 3. Read access. * 4. No page table pages. * but is *MUCH* faster than pmap_enter... */ void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { struct rwlock *lock; lock = NULL; rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); (void)pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap, va, m, prot, NULL, &lock); if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } static vm_page_t pmap_enter_quick_locked(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t mpte, struct rwlock **lockp) { struct spglist free; vm_paddr_t phys; pd_entry_t *l2; pt_entry_t *l3, newl3; KASSERT(va < kmi.clean_sva || va >= kmi.clean_eva || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("pmap_enter_quick_locked: managed mapping within the clean submap")); rw_assert(&pvh_global_lock, RA_LOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pmap, MA_OWNED); CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_quick_locked: %p %lx", pmap, va); /* * In the case that a page table page is not * resident, we are creating it here. */ if (va < VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { vm_pindex_t l2pindex; /* * Calculate pagetable page index */ l2pindex = pmap_l2_pindex(va); if (mpte && (mpte->pindex == l2pindex)) { mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Get the l2 entry */ l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); /* * If the page table page is mapped, we just increment * the hold count, and activate it. Otherwise, we * attempt to allocate a page table page. If this * attempt fails, we don't retry. Instead, we give up. */ if (l2 != NULL && pmap_load(l2) != 0) { phys = PTE_TO_PHYS(pmap_load(l2)); mpte = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(phys); mpte->wire_count++; } else { /* * Pass NULL instead of the PV list lock * pointer, because we don't intend to sleep. */ mpte = _pmap_alloc_l3(pmap, l2pindex, NULL); if (mpte == NULL) return (mpte); } } l3 = (pt_entry_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mpte)); l3 = &l3[pmap_l3_index(va)]; } else { mpte = NULL; l3 = pmap_l3(kernel_pmap, va); } if (l3 == NULL) panic("pmap_enter_quick_locked: No l3"); if (pmap_load(l3) != 0) { if (mpte != NULL) { mpte->wire_count--; mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Enter on the PV list if part of our managed memory. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !pmap_try_insert_pv_entry(pmap, va, m, lockp)) { if (mpte != NULL) { SLIST_INIT(&free); if (pmap_unwire_ptp(pmap, va, mpte, &free)) { pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } mpte = NULL; } return (mpte); } /* * Increment counters */ pmap_resident_count_inc(pmap, 1); newl3 = ((VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) / PAGE_SIZE) << PTE_PPN0_S) | PTE_V | PTE_R; if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) != 0) newl3 |= PTE_X; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) newl3 |= PTE_SW_MANAGED; if (va < VM_MAX_USER_ADDRESS) newl3 |= PTE_U; /* * Sync the i-cache on all harts before updating the PTE * if the new PTE is executable. */ if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) pmap_sync_icache(pmap, va, PAGE_SIZE); pmap_store(l3, newl3); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); return (mpte); } /* * This code maps large physical mmap regions into the * processor address space. Note that some shortcuts * are taken, but the code works. */ void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range * must have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings * cannot have the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the page table entry is not a hardware feature, * so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t va_next; pd_entry_t *l1, *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t *l3, l3e; bool pv_lists_locked; pv_lists_locked = false; retry: PMAP_LOCK(pmap); for (; sva < eva; sva = va_next) { l1 = pmap_l1(pmap, sva); if (pmap_load(l1) == 0) { va_next = (sva + L1_SIZE) & ~L1_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; continue; } va_next = (sva + L2_SIZE) & ~L2_OFFSET; if (va_next < sva) va_next = eva; l2 = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1, sva); if ((l2e = pmap_load(l2)) == 0) continue; if ((l2e & PTE_RWX) != 0) { if (sva + L2_SIZE == va_next && eva >= va_next) { if ((l2e & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: l2 %#jx is missing " "PTE_SW_WIRED", (uintmax_t)l2e); pmap_clear_bits(l2, PTE_SW_WIRED); continue; } else { if (!pv_lists_locked) { pv_lists_locked = true; if (!rw_try_rlock(&pvh_global_lock)) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); /* Repeat sva. */ goto retry; } } if (!pmap_demote_l2(pmap, l2, sva)) panic("pmap_unwire: demotion failed"); } } if (va_next > eva) va_next = eva; for (l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, sva); sva != va_next; l3++, sva += L3_SIZE) { if ((l3e = pmap_load(l3)) == 0) continue; if ((l3e & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire: l3 %#jx is missing " "PTE_SW_WIRED", (uintmax_t)l3e); /* * PG_W must be cleared atomically. Although the pmap * lock synchronizes access to PG_W, another processor * could be setting PG_M and/or PG_A concurrently. */ pmap_clear_bits(l3, PTE_SW_WIRED); pmap->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } if (pv_lists_locked) rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } /* * Copy the range specified by src_addr/len * from the source map to the range dst_addr/len * in the destination map. * * This routine is only advisory and need not do anything. */ void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { } /* * pmap_zero_page zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. */ void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); pagezero((void *)va); } /* * pmap_zero_page_area zeros the specified hardware page by mapping * the page into KVM and using bzero to clear its contents. * * off and size may not cover an area beyond a single hardware page. */ void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { vm_offset_t va = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); if (off == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) pagezero((void *)va); else bzero((char *)va + off, size); } /* * pmap_copy_page copies the specified (machine independent) * page by mapping the page into virtual memory and using * bcopy to copy the page, one machine dependent page at a * time. */ void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t src = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc)); vm_offset_t dst = PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst)); pagecopy((void *)src, (void *)dst); } int unmapped_buf_allowed = 1; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { void *a_cp, *b_cp; vm_page_t m_a, m_b; vm_paddr_t p_a, p_b; vm_offset_t a_pg_offset, b_pg_offset; int cnt; while (xfersize > 0) { a_pg_offset = a_offset & PAGE_MASK; m_a = ma[a_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; p_a = m_a->phys_addr; b_pg_offset = b_offset & PAGE_MASK; m_b = mb[b_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT]; p_b = m_b->phys_addr; cnt = min(xfersize, PAGE_SIZE - a_pg_offset); cnt = min(cnt, PAGE_SIZE - b_pg_offset); if (__predict_false(!PHYS_IN_DMAP(p_a))) { panic("!DMAP a %lx", p_a); } else { a_cp = (char *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(p_a) + a_pg_offset; } if (__predict_false(!PHYS_IN_DMAP(p_b))) { panic("!DMAP b %lx", p_b); } else { b_cp = (char *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(p_b) + b_pg_offset; } bcopy(a_cp, b_cp, cnt); a_offset += cnt; b_offset += cnt; xfersize -= cnt; } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { return (PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv; int loops = 0; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } if (!rv && loops < 16 && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { if (PV_PMAP(pv) == pmap) { rv = TRUE; break; } loops++; if (loops >= 16) break; } } rw_runlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_page_wired_mappings: * * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *l2; pt_entry_t *l3; pv_entry_t pv; int count, md_gen, pvh_gen; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (0); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((pmap_load(l3) & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, pv->pv_va); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_SW_WIRED) != 0) count++; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } } rw_runlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (count); } static void pmap_remove_pages_pv(pmap_t pmap, vm_page_t m, pv_entry_t pv, struct spglist *free, bool superpage) { struct md_page *pvh; vm_page_t mpte, mt; if (superpage) { pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, Ln_ENTRIES); pvh = pa_to_pvh(m->phys_addr); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) { for (mt = m; mt < &m[Ln_ENTRIES]; mt++) if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&mt->md.pv_list) && (mt->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0) vm_page_aflag_clear(mt, PGA_WRITEABLE); } mpte = pmap_remove_pt_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); if (mpte != NULL) { KASSERT(mpte->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page not promoted")); pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); KASSERT(mpte->wire_count == Ln_ENTRIES, ("pmap_remove_pages: pte page wire count error")); mpte->wire_count = 0; pmap_add_delayed_free_list(mpte, free, FALSE); } } else { pmap_resident_count_dec(pmap, 1); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.pv_list) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) != 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(m->phys_addr); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pvh->pv_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } } } /* * Destroy all managed, non-wired mappings in the given user-space * pmap. This pmap cannot be active on any processor besides the * caller. * * This function cannot be applied to the kernel pmap. Moreover, it * is not intended for general use. It is only to be used during * process termination. Consequently, it can be implemented in ways * that make it faster than pmap_remove(). First, it can more quickly * destroy mappings by iterating over the pmap's collection of PV * entries, rather than searching the page table. Second, it doesn't * have to test and clear the page table entries atomically, because * no processor is currently accessing the user address space. In * particular, a page table entry's dirty bit won't change state once * this function starts. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pmap) { struct spglist free; pd_entry_t ptepde; pt_entry_t *pte, tpte; vm_page_t m, mt; pv_entry_t pv; struct pv_chunk *pc, *npc; struct rwlock *lock; int64_t bit; uint64_t inuse, bitmask; int allfree, field, freed, idx; bool superpage; lock = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&free); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pc, &pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc_list, npc) { allfree = 1; freed = 0; for (field = 0; field < _NPCM; field++) { inuse = ~pc->pc_map[field] & pc_freemask[field]; while (inuse != 0) { bit = ffsl(inuse) - 1; bitmask = 1UL << bit; idx = field * 64 + bit; pv = &pc->pc_pventry[idx]; inuse &= ~bitmask; pte = pmap_l1(pmap, pv->pv_va); ptepde = pmap_load(pte); pte = pmap_l1_to_l2(pte, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); if ((tpte & PTE_RWX) != 0) { superpage = true; } else { ptepde = tpte; pte = pmap_l2_to_l3(pte, pv->pv_va); tpte = pmap_load(pte); superpage = false; } /* * We cannot remove wired pages from a * process' mapping at this time. */ if (tpte & PTE_SW_WIRED) { allfree = 0; continue; } m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(PTE_TO_PHYS(tpte)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 || m < &vm_page_array[vm_page_array_size], ("pmap_remove_pages: bad pte %#jx", (uintmax_t)tpte)); pmap_clear(pte); /* * Update the vm_page_t clean/reference bits. */ if ((tpte & (PTE_D | PTE_W)) == (PTE_D | PTE_W)) { if (superpage) for (mt = m; mt < &m[Ln_ENTRIES]; mt++) vm_page_dirty(mt); else vm_page_dirty(m); } CHANGE_PV_LIST_LOCK_TO_VM_PAGE(&lock, m); /* Mark free */ pc->pc_map[field] |= bitmask; pmap_remove_pages_pv(pmap, m, pv, &free, superpage); pmap_unuse_pt(pmap, pv->pv_va, ptepde, &free); freed++; } } PV_STAT(atomic_add_long(&pv_entry_frees, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_add_int(&pv_entry_spare, freed)); PV_STAT(atomic_subtract_long(&pv_entry_count, freed)); if (allfree) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pmap->pm_pvchunk, pc, pc_list); free_pv_chunk(pc); } } if (lock != NULL) rw_wunlock(lock); pmap_invalidate_all(pmap); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); } static bool pmap_page_test_mappings(vm_page_t m, boolean_t accessed, boolean_t modified) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pd_entry_t *l2; pt_entry_t *l3, mask; pv_entry_t pv; pmap_t pmap; int md_gen, pvh_gen; bool rv; mask = 0; if (modified) mask |= PTE_D; if (accessed) mask |= PTE_A; rv = FALSE; rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(lock); restart: TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, pv->pv_va); rv = (pmap_load(l3) & mask) == mask; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) { pvh = pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_runlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_rlock(lock); if (md_gen != m->md.pv_gen || pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, pv->pv_va); rv = (pmap_load(l2) & mask) == mask; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); if (rv) goto out; } } out: rw_runlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_modified: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was modified * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no PTEs can have PG_M set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (FALSE); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, FALSE, TRUE)); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is eligible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { pt_entry_t *l3; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, addr); if (l3 != NULL && pmap_load(l3) != 0) { rv = TRUE; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_referenced: * * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); return (pmap_page_test_mappings(m, TRUE, FALSE)); } /* * Clear the write and modified bits in each of the given page's mappings. */ void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *l2; pt_entry_t *l3, oldl3, newl3; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; vm_offset_t va; int md_gen, pvh_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); retry_pv_loop: rw_wlock(lock); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } va = pv->pv_va; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); if ((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_W) != 0) (void)pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock); KASSERT(lock == VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), ("inconsistent pv lock %p %p for page %p", lock, VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m), m)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); rw_wunlock(lock); goto retry_pv_loop; } } l3 = pmap_l3(pmap, pv->pv_va); oldl3 = pmap_load(l3); retry: if ((oldl3 & PTE_W) != 0) { newl3 = oldl3 & ~(PTE_D | PTE_W); if (!atomic_fcmpset_long(l3, &oldl3, newl3)) goto retry; if ((oldl3 & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(lock); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); } /* * pmap_ts_referenced: * * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct spglist free; struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pv_entry_t pv, pvf; pmap_t pmap; pd_entry_t *l2, l2e; pt_entry_t *l3, l3e; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t va; int md_gen, pvh_gen, ret; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); SLIST_INIT(&free); ret = 0; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(pa); lock = PHYS_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(pa); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); rw_wlock(lock); retry: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) == NULL) goto small_mappings; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } va = pv->pv_va; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); l2e = pmap_load(l2); if ((l2e & (PTE_W | PTE_D)) == (PTE_W | PTE_D)) { /* * Although l2e is mapping a 2MB page, because * this function is called at a 4KB page granularity, * we only update the 4KB page under test. */ vm_page_dirty(m); } if ((l2e & PTE_A) != 0) { /* * Since this reference bit is shared by 512 4KB * pages, it should not be cleared every time it is * tested. Apply a simple "hash" function on the * physical page number, the virtual superpage number, * and the pmap address to select one 4KB page out of * the 512 on which testing the reference bit will * result in clearing that reference bit. This * function is designed to avoid the selection of the * same 4KB page for every 2MB page mapping. * * On demotion, a mapping that hasn't been referenced * is simply destroyed. To avoid the possibility of a * subsequent page fault on a demoted wired mapping, * always leave its reference bit set. Moreover, * since the superpage is wired, the current state of * its reference bit won't affect page replacement. */ if ((((pa >> PAGE_SHIFT) ^ (pv->pv_va >> L2_SHIFT) ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) & (Ln_ENTRIES - 1)) == 0 && (l2e & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) { pmap_clear_bits(l2, PTE_A); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } ret++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pvh->pv_list, pv, pv_next); pvh->pv_gen++; } if (ret >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) goto out; } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&pvh->pv_list)) != pvf); small_mappings: if ((pvf = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) == NULL) goto out; pv = pvf; do { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto retry; } } l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RX) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: found an invalid l2 table")); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, pv->pv_va); l3e = pmap_load(l3); if ((l3e & PTE_D) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((l3e & PTE_A) != 0) { if ((l3e & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) { /* * Wired pages cannot be paged out so * doing accessed bit emulation for * them is wasted effort. We do the * hard work for unwired pages only. */ pmap_clear_bits(l3, PTE_A); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } ret++; } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); /* Rotate the PV list if it has more than one entry. */ if (pv != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pv, pv_next) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.pv_list, pv, pv_next); m->md.pv_gen++; } } while ((pv = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.pv_list)) != pvf && ret < PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX); out: rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); vm_page_free_pages_toq(&free, false); return (ret); } /* * Apply the given advice to the specified range of addresses within the * given pmap. Depending on the advice, clear the referenced and/or * modified flags in each mapping and set the mapped page's dirty field. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { } /* * Clear the modify bits on the specified physical page. */ void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { struct md_page *pvh; struct rwlock *lock; pmap_t pmap; pv_entry_t next_pv, pv; pd_entry_t *l2, oldl2; pt_entry_t *l3, oldl3; vm_offset_t va; int md_gen, pvh_gen; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no PTEs can have PG_M set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; pvh = (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0 ? &pv_dummy : pa_to_pvh(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); lock = VM_PAGE_TO_PV_LIST_LOCK(m); rw_rlock(&pvh_global_lock); rw_wlock(lock); restart: TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pv, &pvh->pv_list, pv_next, next_pv) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } va = pv->pv_va; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, va); oldl2 = pmap_load(l2); if ((oldl2 & PTE_W) != 0) { if (pmap_demote_l2_locked(pmap, l2, va, &lock)) { if ((oldl2 & PTE_SW_WIRED) == 0) { /* * Write protect the mapping to a * single page so that a subsequent * write access may repromote. */ va += VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) - PTE_TO_PHYS(oldl2); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, va); oldl3 = pmap_load(l3); if ((oldl3 & PTE_V) != 0) { while (!atomic_fcmpset_long(l3, &oldl3, oldl3 & ~(PTE_D | PTE_W))) cpu_spinwait(); vm_page_dirty(m); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, va); } } } } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } TAILQ_FOREACH(pv, &m->md.pv_list, pv_next) { pmap = PV_PMAP(pv); if (!PMAP_TRYLOCK(pmap)) { md_gen = m->md.pv_gen; pvh_gen = pvh->pv_gen; rw_wunlock(lock); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rw_wlock(lock); if (pvh_gen != pvh->pv_gen || md_gen != m->md.pv_gen) { PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); goto restart; } } l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, pv->pv_va); KASSERT((pmap_load(l2) & PTE_RWX) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: found a 2mpage in page %p's pv list", m)); l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, pv->pv_va); if ((pmap_load(l3) & (PTE_D | PTE_W)) == (PTE_D | PTE_W)) { pmap_clear_bits(l3, PTE_D); pmap_invalidate_page(pmap, pv->pv_va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); } rw_wunlock(lock); rw_runlock(&pvh_global_lock); } void * pmap_mapbios(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { return ((void *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(pa)); } void pmap_unmapbios(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { } /* * Sets the memory attribute for the specified page. */ void pmap_page_set_memattr(vm_page_t m, vm_memattr_t ma) { m->md.pv_memattr = ma; } /* * perform the pmap work for mincore */ int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { pt_entry_t *l2, *l3, tpte; vm_paddr_t pa; int val; bool managed; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); retry: managed = false; val = 0; l2 = pmap_l2(pmap, addr); if (l2 != NULL && ((tpte = pmap_load(l2)) & PTE_V) != 0) { if ((tpte & PTE_RWX) != 0) { pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(tpte) | (addr & L2_OFFSET); val = MINCORE_INCORE | MINCORE_SUPER; } else { l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2, addr); tpte = pmap_load(l3); if ((tpte & PTE_V) == 0) goto done; pa = PTE_TO_PHYS(tpte) | (addr & L3_OFFSET); val = MINCORE_INCORE; } if ((tpte & PTE_D) != 0) val |= MINCORE_MODIFIED | MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER; if ((tpte & PTE_A) != 0) val |= MINCORE_REFERENCED | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER; managed = (tpte & PTE_SW_MANAGED) == PTE_SW_MANAGED; } done: if ((val & (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER)) != (MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER | MINCORE_REFERENCED_OTHER) && managed) { /* Ensure that "PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pa)->object" doesn't change. */ if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap, pa, locked_pa)) goto retry; } else PA_UNLOCK_COND(*locked_pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (val); } void pmap_activate_sw(struct thread *td) { pmap_t oldpmap, pmap; u_int hart; oldpmap = PCPU_GET(curpmap); pmap = vmspace_pmap(td->td_proc->p_vmspace); if (pmap == oldpmap) return; load_satp(pmap->pm_satp); hart = PCPU_GET(hart); #ifdef SMP CPU_SET_ATOMIC(hart, &pmap->pm_active); CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(hart, &oldpmap->pm_active); #else CPU_SET(hart, &pmap->pm_active); CPU_CLR(hart, &oldpmap->pm_active); #endif PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); sfence_vma(); } void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { critical_enter(); pmap_activate_sw(td); critical_exit(); } void pmap_activate_boot(pmap_t pmap) { u_int hart; hart = PCPU_GET(hart); #ifdef SMP CPU_SET_ATOMIC(hart, &pmap->pm_active); #else CPU_SET(hart, &pmap->pm_active); #endif PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmap); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { cpuset_t mask; /* * From the RISC-V User-Level ISA V2.2: * * "To make a store to instruction memory visible to all * RISC-V harts, the writing hart has to execute a data FENCE * before requesting that all remote RISC-V harts execute a * FENCE.I." */ sched_pin(); mask = all_harts; CPU_CLR(PCPU_GET(hart), &mask); fence(); if (!CPU_EMPTY(&mask) && smp_started) sbi_remote_fence_i(mask.__bits); sched_unpin(); } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t superpage_offset; if (size < L2_SIZE) return; if (object != NULL && (object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) != 0) offset += ptoa(object->pg_color); superpage_offset = offset & L2_OFFSET; if (size - ((L2_SIZE - superpage_offset) & L2_OFFSET) < L2_SIZE || (*addr & L2_OFFSET) == superpage_offset) return; if ((*addr & L2_OFFSET) < superpage_offset) *addr = (*addr & ~L2_OFFSET) + superpage_offset; else *addr = ((*addr + L2_OFFSET) & ~L2_OFFSET) + superpage_offset; } /** * Get the kernel virtual address of a set of physical pages. If there are * physical addresses not covered by the DMAP perform a transient mapping * that will be removed when calling pmap_unmap_io_transient. * * \param page The pages the caller wishes to obtain the virtual * address on the kernel memory map. * \param vaddr On return contains the kernel virtual memory address * of the pages passed in the page parameter. * \param count Number of pages passed in. * \param can_fault TRUE if the thread using the mapped pages can take * page faults, FALSE otherwise. * * \returns TRUE if the caller must call pmap_unmap_io_transient when * finished or FALSE otherwise. * */ boolean_t pmap_map_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; boolean_t needs_mapping; int error, i; /* * Allocate any KVA space that we need, this is done in a separate * loop to prevent calling vmem_alloc while pinned. */ needs_mapping = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (__predict_false(paddr >= DMAP_MAX_PHYSADDR)) { error = vmem_alloc(kernel_arena, PAGE_SIZE, M_BESTFIT | M_WAITOK, &vaddr[i]); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmem_alloc failed: %d", error)); needs_mapping = TRUE; } else { vaddr[i] = PHYS_TO_DMAP(paddr); } } /* Exit early if everything is covered by the DMAP */ if (!needs_mapping) return (FALSE); if (!can_fault) sched_pin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (paddr >= DMAP_MAX_PHYSADDR) { panic( "pmap_map_io_transient: TODO: Map out of DMAP data"); } } return (needs_mapping); } void pmap_unmap_io_transient(vm_page_t page[], vm_offset_t vaddr[], int count, boolean_t can_fault) { vm_paddr_t paddr; int i; if (!can_fault) sched_unpin(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { paddr = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(page[i]); if (paddr >= DMAP_MAX_PHYSADDR) { panic("RISCVTODO: pmap_unmap_io_transient: Unmap data"); } } } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode >= VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE && mode <= VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK); } bool pmap_get_tables(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, pd_entry_t **l1, pd_entry_t **l2, pt_entry_t **l3) { pd_entry_t *l1p, *l2p; /* Get l1 directory entry. */ l1p = pmap_l1(pmap, va); *l1 = l1p; if (l1p == NULL || (pmap_load(l1p) & PTE_V) == 0) return (false); if ((pmap_load(l1p) & PTE_RX) != 0) { *l2 = NULL; *l3 = NULL; return (true); } /* Get l2 directory entry. */ l2p = pmap_l1_to_l2(l1p, va); *l2 = l2p; if (l2p == NULL || (pmap_load(l2p) & PTE_V) == 0) return (false); if ((pmap_load(l2p) & PTE_RX) != 0) { *l3 = NULL; return (true); } /* Get l3 page table entry. */ *l3 = pmap_l2_to_l3(l2p, va); return (true); } Index: head/sys/sparc64/sparc64/pmap.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/sparc64/sparc64/pmap.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/sparc64/sparc64/pmap.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2327 +1,2327 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and William Jolitz of UUNET Technologies Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)pmap.c 7.7 (Berkeley) 5/12/91 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * Manages physical address maps. * * Since the information managed by this module is also stored by the * logical address mapping module, this module may throw away valid virtual * to physical mappings at almost any time. However, invalidations of * mappings must be done as requested. * * In order to cope with hardware architectures which make virtual to * physical map invalidates expensive, this module may delay invalidate * reduced protection operations until such time as they are actually * necessary. This module is given full information as to which processors * are currently using which maps, and to when physical maps must be made * correct. */ #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_pmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Map of physical memory reagions */ vm_paddr_t phys_avail[128]; static struct ofw_mem_region mra[128]; struct ofw_mem_region sparc64_memreg[128]; int sparc64_nmemreg; static struct ofw_map translations[128]; static int translations_size; static vm_offset_t pmap_idle_map; static vm_offset_t pmap_temp_map_1; static vm_offset_t pmap_temp_map_2; /* * First and last available kernel virtual addresses */ vm_offset_t virtual_avail; vm_offset_t virtual_end; vm_offset_t kernel_vm_end; vm_offset_t vm_max_kernel_address; /* * Kernel pmap */ struct pmap kernel_pmap_store; struct rwlock_padalign tte_list_global_lock; /* * Allocate physical memory for use in pmap_bootstrap. */ static vm_paddr_t pmap_bootstrap_alloc(vm_size_t size, uint32_t colors); static void pmap_bootstrap_set_tte(struct tte *tp, u_long vpn, u_long data); static void pmap_cache_remove(vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_protect_tte(struct pmap *pm1, struct pmap *pm2, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va); static int pmap_unwire_tte(pmap_t pm, pmap_t pm2, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va); static void pmap_init_qpages(void); /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. * * The page queues and pmap must be locked. */ static int pmap_enter_locked(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind); extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_direct_patch_tsb_phys_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_direct_patch_tsb_phys_end_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_asi_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_quad_ldd_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_2[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_2[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_asi_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_quad_ldd_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_2[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_mask_1[]; extern int tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_mask_2[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_asi_1[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_quad_ldd_1[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_1[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_2[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_1[]; extern int tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_2[]; /* * If user pmap is processed with pmap_remove and with pmap_remove and the * resident count drops to 0, there are no more pages to remove, so we * need not continue. */ #define PMAP_REMOVE_DONE(pm) \ ((pm) != kernel_pmap && (pm)->pm_stats.resident_count == 0) /* * The threshold (in bytes) above which tsb_foreach() is used in pmap_remove() * and pmap_protect() instead of trying each virtual address. */ #define PMAP_TSB_THRESH ((TSB_SIZE / 2) * PAGE_SIZE) SYSCTL_NODE(_debug, OID_AUTO, pmap_stats, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, ""); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nenter); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nenter_update); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nenter_replace); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nenter_new); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nkenter); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nkenter_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nkenter_stupid); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nkremove); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nqenter); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nqremove); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_c); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_cc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_coc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_nc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_enter_cnc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove_c); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove_cc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove_coc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncache_remove_nc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_c); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_nc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_area); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_area_c); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_area_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nzero_page_area_nc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_c); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_oc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_nc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_dc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_doc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_sc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_ncopy_page_soc); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nnew_thread); PMAP_STATS_VAR(pmap_nnew_thread_oc); static inline u_long dtlb_get_data(u_int tlb, u_int slot); /* * Quick sort callout for comparing memory regions */ static int mr_cmp(const void *a, const void *b); static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b); static int mr_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct ofw_mem_region *mra; const struct ofw_mem_region *mrb; mra = a; mrb = b; if (mra->mr_start < mrb->mr_start) return (-1); else if (mra->mr_start > mrb->mr_start) return (1); else return (0); } static int om_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct ofw_map *oma; const struct ofw_map *omb; oma = a; omb = b; if (oma->om_start < omb->om_start) return (-1); else if (oma->om_start > omb->om_start) return (1); else return (0); } static inline u_long dtlb_get_data(u_int tlb, u_int slot) { u_long data; register_t s; slot = TLB_DAR_SLOT(tlb, slot); /* * We read ASI_DTLB_DATA_ACCESS_REG twice back-to-back in order to * work around errata of USIII and beyond. */ s = intr_disable(); (void)ldxa(slot, ASI_DTLB_DATA_ACCESS_REG); data = ldxa(slot, ASI_DTLB_DATA_ACCESS_REG); intr_restore(s); return (data); } /* * Bootstrap the system enough to run with virtual memory. */ void pmap_bootstrap(u_int cpu_impl) { struct pmap *pm; struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t off; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_size_t physsz; vm_size_t virtsz; u_long data; u_long vpn; phandle_t pmem; phandle_t vmem; u_int dtlb_slots_avail; int i; int j; int sz; uint32_t asi; uint32_t colors; uint32_t ldd; /* * Set the kernel context. */ pmap_set_kctx(); colors = dcache_color_ignore != 0 ? 1 : DCACHE_COLORS; /* * Find out what physical memory is available from the PROM and * initialize the phys_avail array. This must be done before * pmap_bootstrap_alloc is called. */ if ((pmem = OF_finddevice("/memory")) == -1) OF_panic("%s: finddevice /memory", __func__); if ((sz = OF_getproplen(pmem, "available")) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getproplen /memory/available", __func__); if (sizeof(phys_avail) < sz) OF_panic("%s: phys_avail too small", __func__); if (sizeof(mra) < sz) OF_panic("%s: mra too small", __func__); bzero(mra, sz); if (OF_getprop(pmem, "available", mra, sz) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getprop /memory/available", __func__); sz /= sizeof(*mra); #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC OF_printf("pmap_bootstrap: physical memory\n"); #endif qsort(mra, sz, sizeof (*mra), mr_cmp); physsz = 0; getenv_quad("hw.physmem", &physmem); physmem = btoc(physmem); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < sz; i++, j += 2) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC OF_printf("start=%#lx size=%#lx\n", mra[i].mr_start, mra[i].mr_size); #endif if (physmem != 0 && btoc(physsz + mra[i].mr_size) >= physmem) { if (btoc(physsz) < physmem) { phys_avail[j] = mra[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = mra[i].mr_start + (ctob(physmem) - physsz); physsz = ctob(physmem); } break; } phys_avail[j] = mra[i].mr_start; phys_avail[j + 1] = mra[i].mr_start + mra[i].mr_size; physsz += mra[i].mr_size; } physmem = btoc(physsz); /* * Calculate the size of kernel virtual memory, and the size and mask * for the kernel TSB based on the phsyical memory size but limited * by the amount of dTLB slots available for locked entries if we have * to lock the TSB in the TLB (given that for spitfire-class CPUs all * of the dt64 slots can hold locked entries but there is no large * dTLB for unlocked ones, we don't use more than half of it for the * TSB). * Note that for reasons unknown OpenSolaris doesn't take advantage of * ASI_ATOMIC_QUAD_LDD_PHYS on UltraSPARC-III. However, given that no * public documentation is available for these, the latter just might * not support it, yet. */ if (cpu_impl == CPU_IMPL_SPARC64V || cpu_impl >= CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCIIIp) { tsb_kernel_ldd_phys = 1; virtsz = roundup(5 / 3 * physsz, PAGE_SIZE_4M << (PAGE_SHIFT - TTE_SHIFT)); } else { dtlb_slots_avail = 0; for (i = 0; i < dtlb_slots; i++) { data = dtlb_get_data(cpu_impl == CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCIII ? TLB_DAR_T16 : TLB_DAR_T32, i); if ((data & (TD_V | TD_L)) != (TD_V | TD_L)) dtlb_slots_avail++; } #ifdef SMP dtlb_slots_avail -= PCPU_PAGES; #endif if (cpu_impl >= CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCI && cpu_impl < CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCIII) dtlb_slots_avail /= 2; virtsz = roundup(physsz, PAGE_SIZE_4M << (PAGE_SHIFT - TTE_SHIFT)); virtsz = MIN(virtsz, (dtlb_slots_avail * PAGE_SIZE_4M) << (PAGE_SHIFT - TTE_SHIFT)); } vm_max_kernel_address = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS + virtsz; tsb_kernel_size = virtsz >> (PAGE_SHIFT - TTE_SHIFT); tsb_kernel_mask = (tsb_kernel_size >> TTE_SHIFT) - 1; /* * Allocate the kernel TSB and lock it in the TLB if necessary. */ pa = pmap_bootstrap_alloc(tsb_kernel_size, colors); if (pa & PAGE_MASK_4M) OF_panic("%s: TSB unaligned", __func__); tsb_kernel_phys = pa; if (tsb_kernel_ldd_phys == 0) { tsb_kernel = (struct tte *)(VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS - tsb_kernel_size); pmap_map_tsb(); bzero(tsb_kernel, tsb_kernel_size); } else { tsb_kernel = (struct tte *)TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(tsb_kernel_phys); aszero(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, tsb_kernel_phys, tsb_kernel_size); } /* * Allocate and map the dynamic per-CPU area for the BSP. */ pa = pmap_bootstrap_alloc(DPCPU_SIZE, colors); dpcpu0 = (void *)TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); /* * Allocate and map the message buffer. */ pa = pmap_bootstrap_alloc(msgbufsize, colors); msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); /* * Patch the TSB addresses and mask as well as the ASIs used to load * it into the trap table. */ #define LDDA_R_I_R(rd, imm_asi, rs1, rs2) \ (EIF_OP(IOP_LDST) | EIF_F3_RD(rd) | EIF_F3_OP3(INS3_LDDA) | \ EIF_F3_RS1(rs1) | EIF_F3_I(0) | EIF_F3_IMM_ASI(imm_asi) | \ EIF_F3_RS2(rs2)) #define OR_R_I_R(rd, imm13, rs1) \ (EIF_OP(IOP_MISC) | EIF_F3_RD(rd) | EIF_F3_OP3(INS2_OR) | \ EIF_F3_RS1(rs1) | EIF_F3_I(1) | EIF_IMM(imm13, 13)) #define SETHI(rd, imm22) \ (EIF_OP(IOP_FORM2) | EIF_F2_RD(rd) | EIF_F2_OP2(INS0_SETHI) | \ EIF_IMM((imm22) >> 10, 22)) #define WR_R_I(rd, imm13, rs1) \ (EIF_OP(IOP_MISC) | EIF_F3_RD(rd) | EIF_F3_OP3(INS2_WR) | \ EIF_F3_RS1(rs1) | EIF_F3_I(1) | EIF_IMM(imm13, 13)) #define PATCH_ASI(addr, asi) do { \ if (addr[0] != WR_R_I(IF_F3_RD(addr[0]), 0x0, \ IF_F3_RS1(addr[0]))) \ OF_panic("%s: patched instructions have changed", \ __func__); \ addr[0] |= EIF_IMM((asi), 13); \ flush(addr); \ } while (0) #define PATCH_LDD(addr, asi) do { \ if (addr[0] != LDDA_R_I_R(IF_F3_RD(addr[0]), 0x0, \ IF_F3_RS1(addr[0]), IF_F3_RS2(addr[0]))) \ OF_panic("%s: patched instructions have changed", \ __func__); \ addr[0] |= EIF_F3_IMM_ASI(asi); \ flush(addr); \ } while (0) #define PATCH_TSB(addr, val) do { \ if (addr[0] != SETHI(IF_F2_RD(addr[0]), 0x0) || \ addr[1] != OR_R_I_R(IF_F3_RD(addr[1]), 0x0, \ IF_F3_RS1(addr[1])) || \ addr[3] != SETHI(IF_F2_RD(addr[3]), 0x0)) \ OF_panic("%s: patched instructions have changed", \ __func__); \ addr[0] |= EIF_IMM((val) >> 42, 22); \ addr[1] |= EIF_IMM((val) >> 32, 10); \ addr[3] |= EIF_IMM((val) >> 10, 22); \ flush(addr); \ flush(addr + 1); \ flush(addr + 3); \ } while (0) #define PATCH_TSB_MASK(addr, val) do { \ if (addr[0] != SETHI(IF_F2_RD(addr[0]), 0x0) || \ addr[1] != OR_R_I_R(IF_F3_RD(addr[1]), 0x0, \ IF_F3_RS1(addr[1]))) \ OF_panic("%s: patched instructions have changed", \ __func__); \ addr[0] |= EIF_IMM((val) >> 10, 22); \ addr[1] |= EIF_IMM((val), 10); \ flush(addr); \ flush(addr + 1); \ } while (0) if (tsb_kernel_ldd_phys == 0) { asi = ASI_N; ldd = ASI_NUCLEUS_QUAD_LDD; off = (vm_offset_t)tsb_kernel; } else { asi = ASI_PHYS_USE_EC; ldd = ASI_ATOMIC_QUAD_LDD_PHYS; off = (vm_offset_t)tsb_kernel_phys; } PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_miss_direct_patch_tsb_phys_1, tsb_kernel_phys); PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_miss_direct_patch_tsb_phys_end_1, tsb_kernel_phys + tsb_kernel_size - 1); PATCH_ASI(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_asi_1, asi); PATCH_LDD(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_quad_ldd_1, ldd); PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_1, off); PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_2, off); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_1, tsb_kernel_mask); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_dmmu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_2, tsb_kernel_mask); PATCH_ASI(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_asi_1, asi); PATCH_LDD(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_quad_ldd_1, ldd); PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_1, off); PATCH_TSB(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_2, off); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_mask_1, tsb_kernel_mask); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_dmmu_prot_patch_tsb_mask_2, tsb_kernel_mask); PATCH_ASI(tl1_immu_miss_patch_asi_1, asi); PATCH_LDD(tl1_immu_miss_patch_quad_ldd_1, ldd); PATCH_TSB(tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_1, off); PATCH_TSB(tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_2, off); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_1, tsb_kernel_mask); PATCH_TSB_MASK(tl1_immu_miss_patch_tsb_mask_2, tsb_kernel_mask); /* * Enter fake 8k pages for the 4MB kernel pages, so that * pmap_kextract() will work for them. */ for (i = 0; i < kernel_tlb_slots; i++) { pa = kernel_tlbs[i].te_pa; va = kernel_tlbs[i].te_va; for (off = 0; off < PAGE_SIZE_4M; off += PAGE_SIZE) { tp = tsb_kvtotte(va + off); vpn = TV_VPN(va + off, TS_8K); data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa + off) | TD_REF | TD_SW | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_P | TD_W; pmap_bootstrap_set_tte(tp, vpn, data); } } /* * Set the start and end of KVA. The kernel is loaded starting * at the first available 4MB super page, so we advance to the * end of the last one used for it. */ virtual_avail = KERNBASE + kernel_tlb_slots * PAGE_SIZE_4M; virtual_end = vm_max_kernel_address; kernel_vm_end = vm_max_kernel_address; /* * Allocate kva space for temporary mappings. */ pmap_idle_map = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE * colors; pmap_temp_map_1 = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE * colors; pmap_temp_map_2 = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += PAGE_SIZE * colors; /* * Allocate a kernel stack with guard page for thread0 and map it * into the kernel TSB. We must ensure that the virtual address is * colored properly for corresponding CPUs, since we're allocating * from phys_avail so the memory won't have an associated vm_page_t. */ pa = pmap_bootstrap_alloc(KSTACK_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE, colors); kstack0_phys = pa; virtual_avail += roundup(KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES, colors) * PAGE_SIZE; kstack0 = virtual_avail; virtual_avail += roundup(KSTACK_PAGES, colors) * PAGE_SIZE; if (dcache_color_ignore == 0) KASSERT(DCACHE_COLOR(kstack0) == DCACHE_COLOR(kstack0_phys), ("pmap_bootstrap: kstack0 miscolored")); for (i = 0; i < KSTACK_PAGES; i++) { pa = kstack0_phys + i * PAGE_SIZE; va = kstack0 + i * PAGE_SIZE; tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa) | TD_REF | TD_SW | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_P | TD_W; pmap_bootstrap_set_tte(tp, vpn, data); } /* * Calculate the last available physical address. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 2] != 0; i += 2) ; Maxmem = sparc64_btop(phys_avail[i + 1]); /* * Add the PROM mappings to the kernel TSB. */ if ((vmem = OF_finddevice("/virtual-memory")) == -1) OF_panic("%s: finddevice /virtual-memory", __func__); if ((sz = OF_getproplen(vmem, "translations")) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getproplen translations", __func__); if (sizeof(translations) < sz) OF_panic("%s: translations too small", __func__); bzero(translations, sz); if (OF_getprop(vmem, "translations", translations, sz) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getprop /virtual-memory/translations", __func__); sz /= sizeof(*translations); translations_size = sz; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC OF_printf("pmap_bootstrap: translations\n"); #endif qsort(translations, sz, sizeof (*translations), om_cmp); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC OF_printf("translation: start=%#lx size=%#lx tte=%#lx\n", translations[i].om_start, translations[i].om_size, translations[i].om_tte); #endif if ((translations[i].om_tte & TD_V) == 0) continue; if (translations[i].om_start < VM_MIN_PROM_ADDRESS || translations[i].om_start > VM_MAX_PROM_ADDRESS) continue; for (off = 0; off < translations[i].om_size; off += PAGE_SIZE) { va = translations[i].om_start + off; tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); data = ((translations[i].om_tte & ~((TD_SOFT2_MASK << TD_SOFT2_SHIFT) | (cpu_impl >= CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCI && cpu_impl < CPU_IMPL_ULTRASPARCIII ? (TD_DIAG_SF_MASK << TD_DIAG_SF_SHIFT) : (TD_RSVD_CH_MASK << TD_RSVD_CH_SHIFT)) | (TD_SOFT_MASK << TD_SOFT_SHIFT))) | TD_EXEC) + off; pmap_bootstrap_set_tte(tp, vpn, data); } } /* * Get the available physical memory ranges from /memory/reg. These * are only used for kernel dumps, but it may not be wise to do PROM * calls in that situation. */ if ((sz = OF_getproplen(pmem, "reg")) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getproplen /memory/reg", __func__); if (sizeof(sparc64_memreg) < sz) OF_panic("%s: sparc64_memreg too small", __func__); if (OF_getprop(pmem, "reg", sparc64_memreg, sz) == -1) OF_panic("%s: getprop /memory/reg", __func__); sparc64_nmemreg = sz / sizeof(*sparc64_memreg); /* * Initialize the kernel pmap (which is statically allocated). */ pm = kernel_pmap; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pm); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) pm->pm_context[i] = TLB_CTX_KERNEL; CPU_FILL(&pm->pm_active); /* * Initialize the global tte list lock, which is more commonly * known as the pmap pv global lock. */ rw_init(&tte_list_global_lock, "pmap pv global"); /* * Flush all non-locked TLB entries possibly left over by the * firmware. */ tlb_flush_nonlocked(); } static void pmap_init_qpages(void) { struct pcpu *pc; int i; if (dcache_color_ignore != 0) return; CPU_FOREACH(i) { pc = pcpu_find(i); pc->pc_qmap_addr = kva_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * DCACHE_COLORS); if (pc->pc_qmap_addr == 0) panic("pmap_init_qpages: unable to allocate KVA"); } } SYSINIT(qpages_init, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, pmap_init_qpages, NULL); /* * Map the 4MB kernel TSB pages. */ void pmap_map_tsb(void) { vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; u_long data; int i; for (i = 0; i < tsb_kernel_size; i += PAGE_SIZE_4M) { va = (vm_offset_t)tsb_kernel + i; pa = tsb_kernel_phys + i; data = TD_V | TD_4M | TD_PA(pa) | TD_L | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_P | TD_W; stxa(AA_DMMU_TAR, ASI_DMMU, TLB_TAR_VA(va) | TLB_TAR_CTX(TLB_CTX_KERNEL)); stxa_sync(0, ASI_DTLB_DATA_IN_REG, data); } } /* * Set the secondary context to be the kernel context (needed for FP block * operations in the kernel). */ void pmap_set_kctx(void) { stxa(AA_DMMU_SCXR, ASI_DMMU, (ldxa(AA_DMMU_SCXR, ASI_DMMU) & TLB_CXR_PGSZ_MASK) | TLB_CTX_KERNEL); flush(KERNBASE); } /* * Allocate a physical page of memory directly from the phys_avail map. * Can only be called from pmap_bootstrap before avail start and end are * calculated. */ static vm_paddr_t pmap_bootstrap_alloc(vm_size_t size, uint32_t colors) { vm_paddr_t pa; int i; size = roundup(size, PAGE_SIZE * colors); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { if (phys_avail[i + 1] - phys_avail[i] < size) continue; pa = phys_avail[i]; phys_avail[i] += size; return (pa); } OF_panic("%s: no suitable region found", __func__); } /* * Set a TTE. This function is intended as a helper when tsb_kernel is * direct-mapped but we haven't taken over the trap table, yet, as it's the * case when we are taking advantage of ASI_ATOMIC_QUAD_LDD_PHYS to access * the kernel TSB. */ void pmap_bootstrap_set_tte(struct tte *tp, u_long vpn, u_long data) { if (tsb_kernel_ldd_phys == 0) { tp->tte_vpn = vpn; tp->tte_data = data; } else { stxa((vm_paddr_t)tp + offsetof(struct tte, tte_vpn), ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, vpn); stxa((vm_paddr_t)tp + offsetof(struct tte, tte_data), ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, data); } } /* * Initialize a vm_page's machine-dependent fields. */ void pmap_page_init(vm_page_t m) { TAILQ_INIT(&m->md.tte_list); m->md.color = DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); m->md.pmap = NULL; } /* * Initialize the pmap module. */ void pmap_init(void) { vm_offset_t addr; vm_size_t size; int result; int i; for (i = 0; i < translations_size; i++) { addr = translations[i].om_start; size = translations[i].om_size; if ((translations[i].om_tte & TD_V) == 0) continue; if (addr < VM_MIN_PROM_ADDRESS || addr > VM_MAX_PROM_ADDRESS) continue; result = vm_map_find(kernel_map, NULL, 0, &addr, size, 0, VMFS_NO_SPACE, VM_PROT_ALL, VM_PROT_ALL, MAP_NOFAULT); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS || addr != translations[i].om_start) panic("pmap_init: vm_map_find"); } } /* * Extract the physical page address associated with the given * map/virtual_address pair. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; vm_paddr_t pa; if (pm == kernel_pmap) return (pmap_kextract(va)); PMAP_LOCK(pm); tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va); if (tp == NULL) pa = 0; else pa = TTE_GET_PA(tp) | (va & TTE_GET_PAGE_MASK(tp)); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (pa); } /* * Atomically extract and hold the physical page with the given * pmap and virtual address pair if that mapping permits the given * protection. */ vm_page_t pmap_extract_and_hold(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_prot_t prot) { struct tte *tp; vm_page_t m; vm_paddr_t pa; m = NULL; pa = 0; PMAP_LOCK(pm); retry: if (pm == kernel_pmap) { if (va >= VM_MIN_DIRECT_ADDRESS) { tp = NULL; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TLB_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(va)); (void)vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pm, TLB_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(va), &pa); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } else { tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_V) == 0) tp = NULL; } } else tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va); if (tp != NULL && ((tp->tte_data & TD_SW) || (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0)) { if (vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pm, TTE_GET_PA(tp), &pa)) goto retry; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TTE_GET_PA(tp)); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); } PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (m); } /* * Extract the physical page address associated with the given kernel virtual * address. */ vm_paddr_t pmap_kextract(vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; if (va >= VM_MIN_DIRECT_ADDRESS) return (TLB_DIRECT_TO_PHYS(va)); tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_V) == 0) return (0); return (TTE_GET_PA(tp) | (va & TTE_GET_PAGE_MASK(tp))); } int pmap_cache_enter(vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; int color; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_cache_enter: fake page")); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0) return (1); /* * Find the color for this virtual address and note the added mapping. */ color = DCACHE_COLOR(va); m->md.colors[color]++; /* * If all existing mappings have the same color, the mapping is * cacheable. */ if (m->md.color == color) { KASSERT(m->md.colors[DCACHE_OTHER_COLOR(color)] == 0, ("pmap_cache_enter: cacheable, mappings of other color")); if (m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))) PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_c); else PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_oc); return (1); } /* * If there are no mappings of the other color, and the page still has * the wrong color, this must be a new mapping. Change the color to * match the new mapping, which is cacheable. We must flush the page * from the cache now. */ if (m->md.colors[DCACHE_OTHER_COLOR(color)] == 0) { KASSERT(m->md.colors[color] == 1, ("pmap_cache_enter: changing color, not new mapping")); dcache_page_inval(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); m->md.color = color; if (m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))) PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_cc); else PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_coc); return (1); } /* * If the mapping is already non-cacheable, just return. */ if (m->md.color == -1) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_nc); return (0); } PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_enter_cnc); /* * Mark all mappings as uncacheable, flush any lines with the other * color out of the dcache, and set the color to none (-1). */ TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_CV); tlb_page_demap(TTE_GET_PMAP(tp), TTE_GET_VA(tp)); } dcache_page_inval(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); m->md.color = -1; return (0); } static void pmap_cache_remove(vm_page_t m, vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; int color; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_cache_remove: m=%p va=%#lx c=%d", m, va, m->md.colors[DCACHE_COLOR(va)]); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_cache_remove: fake page")); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0) return; KASSERT(m->md.colors[DCACHE_COLOR(va)] > 0, ("pmap_cache_remove: no mappings %d <= 0", m->md.colors[DCACHE_COLOR(va)])); /* * Find the color for this virtual address and note the removal of * the mapping. */ color = DCACHE_COLOR(va); m->md.colors[color]--; /* * If the page is cacheable, just return and keep the same color, even * if there are no longer any mappings. */ if (m->md.color != -1) { if (m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))) PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove_c); else PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove_oc); return; } KASSERT(m->md.colors[DCACHE_OTHER_COLOR(color)] != 0, ("pmap_cache_remove: uncacheable, no mappings of other color")); /* * If the page is not cacheable (color is -1), and the number of * mappings for this color is not zero, just return. There are * mappings of the other color still, so remain non-cacheable. */ if (m->md.colors[color] != 0) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove_nc); return; } /* * The number of mappings for this color is now zero. Recache the * other colored mappings, and change the page color to the other * color. There should be no lines in the data cache for this page, * so flushing should not be needed. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { atomic_set_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_CV); tlb_page_demap(TTE_GET_PMAP(tp), TTE_GET_VA(tp)); } m->md.color = DCACHE_OTHER_COLOR(color); if (m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))) PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove_cc); else PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncache_remove_coc); } /* * Map a wired page into kernel virtual address space. */ void pmap_kenter(vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m) { vm_offset_t ova; struct tte *tp; vm_page_t om; u_long data; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nkenter); tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_kenter: va=%#lx pa=%#lx tp=%p data=%#lx", va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), tp, tp->tte_data); if (DCACHE_COLOR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)) != DCACHE_COLOR(va)) { CTR5(KTR_SPARE2, "pmap_kenter: off color va=%#lx pa=%#lx o=%p ot=%d pi=%#lx", va, VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m), m->object, m->object ? m->object->type : -1, m->pindex); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nkenter_oc); } if ((tp->tte_data & TD_V) != 0) { om = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TTE_GET_PA(tp)); ova = TTE_GET_VA(tp); if (m == om && va == ova) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nkenter_stupid); return; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&om->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); pmap_cache_remove(om, ova); if (va != ova) tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, ova); } data = TD_V | TD_8K | VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) | TD_REF | TD_SW | TD_CP | TD_P | TD_W; if (pmap_cache_enter(m, va) != 0) data |= TD_CV; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); tp->tte_data = data; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); } /* * Map a wired page into kernel virtual address space. This additionally * takes a flag argument which is or'ed to the TTE data. This is used by * sparc64_bus_mem_map(). * NOTE: if the mapping is non-cacheable, it's the caller's responsibility * to flush entries that might still be in the cache, if applicable. */ void pmap_kenter_flags(vm_offset_t va, vm_paddr_t pa, u_long flags) { struct tte *tp; tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_kenter_flags: va=%#lx pa=%#lx tp=%p data=%#lx", va, pa, tp, tp->tte_data); tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa) | TD_REF | TD_P | flags; } /* * Remove a wired page from kernel virtual address space. */ void pmap_kremove(vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; vm_page_t m; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nkremove); tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_kremove: va=%#lx tp=%p data=%#lx", va, tp, tp->tte_data); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_V) == 0) return; m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TTE_GET_PA(tp)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); pmap_cache_remove(m, va); TTE_ZERO(tp); } /* * Inverse of pmap_kenter_flags, used by bus_space_unmap(). */ void pmap_kremove_flags(vm_offset_t va) { struct tte *tp; tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_kremove_flags: va=%#lx tp=%p data=%#lx", va, tp, tp->tte_data); TTE_ZERO(tp); } /* * Map a range of physical addresses into kernel virtual address space. * * The value passed in *virt is a suggested virtual address for the mapping. * Architectures which can support a direct-mapped physical to virtual region * can return the appropriate address within that region, leaving '*virt' * unchanged. */ vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t *virt, vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end, int prot) { return (TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(start)); } /* * Map a list of wired pages into kernel virtual address space. This is * intended for temporary mappings which do not need page modification or * references recorded. Existing mappings in the region are overwritten. */ void pmap_qenter(vm_offset_t sva, vm_page_t *m, int count) { vm_offset_t va; PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nqenter); va = sva; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); while (count-- > 0) { pmap_kenter(va, *m); va += PAGE_SIZE; m++; } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); tlb_range_demap(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * Remove page mappings from kernel virtual address space. Intended for * temporary mappings entered by pmap_qenter. */ void pmap_qremove(vm_offset_t sva, int count) { vm_offset_t va; PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nqremove); va = sva; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); while (count-- > 0) { pmap_kremove(va); va += PAGE_SIZE; } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); tlb_range_demap(kernel_pmap, sva, va); } /* * Initialize the pmap associated with process 0. */ void pmap_pinit0(pmap_t pm) { int i; PMAP_LOCK_INIT(pm); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) pm->pm_context[i] = TLB_CTX_KERNEL; CPU_ZERO(&pm->pm_active); pm->pm_tsb = NULL; pm->pm_tsb_obj = NULL; bzero(&pm->pm_stats, sizeof(pm->pm_stats)); } /* * Initialize a preallocated and zeroed pmap structure, such as one in a * vmspace structure. */ int pmap_pinit(pmap_t pm) { vm_page_t ma[TSB_PAGES]; int i; /* * Allocate KVA space for the TSB. */ if (pm->pm_tsb == NULL) { pm->pm_tsb = (struct tte *)kva_alloc(TSB_BSIZE); if (pm->pm_tsb == NULL) return (0); } /* * Allocate an object for it. */ if (pm->pm_tsb_obj == NULL) pm->pm_tsb_obj = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_PHYS, TSB_PAGES); for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) pm->pm_context[i] = -1; CPU_ZERO(&pm->pm_active); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(pm->pm_tsb_obj); (void)vm_page_grab_pages(pm->pm_tsb_obj, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_WIRED | VM_ALLOC_ZERO, ma, TSB_PAGES); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(pm->pm_tsb_obj); for (i = 0; i < TSB_PAGES; i++) ma[i]->md.pmap = pm; pmap_qenter((vm_offset_t)pm->pm_tsb, ma, TSB_PAGES); bzero(&pm->pm_stats, sizeof(pm->pm_stats)); return (1); } /* * Release any resources held by the given physical map. * Called when a pmap initialized by pmap_pinit is being released. * Should only be called if the map contains no valid mappings. */ void pmap_release(pmap_t pm) { vm_object_t obj; vm_page_t m; #ifdef SMP struct pcpu *pc; #endif CTR2(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_release: ctx=%#x tsb=%p", pm->pm_context[curcpu], pm->pm_tsb); KASSERT(pmap_resident_count(pm) == 0, ("pmap_release: resident pages %ld != 0", pmap_resident_count(pm))); /* * After the pmap was freed, it might be reallocated to a new process. * When switching, this might lead us to wrongly assume that we need * not switch contexts because old and new pmap pointer are equal. * Therefore, make sure that this pmap is not referenced by any PCPU * pointer any more. This could happen in two cases: * - A process that referenced the pmap is currently exiting on a CPU. * However, it is guaranteed to not switch in any more after setting * its state to PRS_ZOMBIE. * - A process that referenced this pmap ran on a CPU, but we switched * to a kernel thread, leaving the pmap pointer unchanged. */ #ifdef SMP sched_pin(); STAILQ_FOREACH(pc, &cpuhead, pc_allcpu) atomic_cmpset_rel_ptr((uintptr_t *)&pc->pc_pmap, (uintptr_t)pm, (uintptr_t)NULL); sched_unpin(); #else critical_enter(); if (PCPU_GET(pmap) == pm) PCPU_SET(pmap, NULL); critical_exit(); #endif pmap_qremove((vm_offset_t)pm->pm_tsb, TSB_PAGES); obj = pm->pm_tsb_obj; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); KASSERT(obj->ref_count == 1, ("pmap_release: tsbobj ref count != 1")); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&obj->memq)) { m = TAILQ_FIRST(&obj->memq); m->md.pmap = NULL; vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free_zero(m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); } /* * Grow the number of kernel page table entries. Unneeded. */ void pmap_growkernel(vm_offset_t addr) { panic("pmap_growkernel: can't grow kernel"); } int pmap_remove_tte(struct pmap *pm, struct pmap *pm2, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va) { vm_page_t m; u_long data; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); data = atomic_readandclear_long(&tp->tte_data); if ((data & TD_FAKE) == 0) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TD_PA(data)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); if ((data & TD_WIRED) != 0) pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; if ((data & TD_PV) != 0) { if ((data & TD_W) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((data & TD_REF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&m->md.tte_list)) vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); pm->pm_stats.resident_count--; } pmap_cache_remove(m, va); } TTE_ZERO(tp); if (PMAP_REMOVE_DONE(pm)) return (0); return (1); } /* * Remove the given range of addresses from the specified map. */ void pmap_remove(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end) { struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t va; CTR3(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_remove: ctx=%#lx start=%#lx end=%#lx", pm->pm_context[curcpu], start, end); if (PMAP_REMOVE_DONE(pm)) return; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); if (end - start > PMAP_TSB_THRESH) { tsb_foreach(pm, NULL, start, end, pmap_remove_tte); tlb_context_demap(pm); } else { for (va = start; va < end; va += PAGE_SIZE) if ((tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va)) != NULL && !pmap_remove_tte(pm, NULL, tp, va)) break; tlb_range_demap(pm, start, end - 1); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); } void pmap_remove_all(vm_page_t m) { struct pmap *pm; struct tte *tpn; struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t va; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_all: page %p is not managed", m)); rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); for (tp = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.tte_list); tp != NULL; tp = tpn) { tpn = TAILQ_NEXT(tp, tte_link); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; pm = TTE_GET_PMAP(tp); va = TTE_GET_VA(tp); PMAP_LOCK(pm); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_WIRED) != 0) pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; if ((tp->tte_data & TD_REF) != 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_W) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); tp->tte_data &= ~TD_V; tlb_page_demap(pm, va); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); pm->pm_stats.resident_count--; pmap_cache_remove(m, va); TTE_ZERO(tp); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); } static int pmap_protect_tte(struct pmap *pm, struct pmap *pm2, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va) { u_long data; vm_page_t m; PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pm, MA_OWNED); data = atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_SW | TD_W); if ((data & (TD_PV | TD_W)) == (TD_PV | TD_W)) { m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TD_PA(data)); vm_page_dirty(m); } return (1); } /* * Set the physical protection on the specified range of this map as requested. */ void pmap_protect(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_offset_t va; struct tte *tp; CTR4(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_protect: ctx=%#lx sva=%#lx eva=%#lx prot=%#lx", pm->pm_context[curcpu], sva, eva, prot); if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_NONE) { pmap_remove(pm, sva, eva); return; } if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) return; PMAP_LOCK(pm); if (eva - sva > PMAP_TSB_THRESH) { tsb_foreach(pm, NULL, sva, eva, pmap_protect_tte); tlb_context_demap(pm); } else { for (va = sva; va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE) if ((tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va)) != NULL) pmap_protect_tte(pm, NULL, tp, va); tlb_range_demap(pm, sva, eva - 1); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. */ int pmap_enter(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind) { int rv; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); rv = pmap_enter_locked(pm, va, m, prot, flags, psind); rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); return (rv); } /* * Map the given physical page at the specified virtual address in the * target pmap with the protection requested. If specified the page * will be wired down. * * The page queues and pmap must be locked. */ static int pmap_enter_locked(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, u_int flags, int8_t psind __unused) { struct tte *tp; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t real; u_long data; boolean_t wired; rw_assert(&tte_list_global_lock, RA_WLOCKED); PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pm, MA_OWNED); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nenter); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); wired = (flags & PMAP_ENTER_WIRED) != 0; /* * If this is a fake page from the device_pager, but it covers actual * physical memory, convert to the real backing page. */ if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) { real = vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(pa); if (real != NULL) m = real; } CTR6(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_locked: ctx=%p m=%p va=%#lx pa=%#lx prot=%#x wired=%d", pm->pm_context[curcpu], m, va, pa, prot, wired); /* * If there is an existing mapping, and the physical address has not * changed, must be protection or wiring change. */ if ((tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va)) != NULL && TTE_GET_PA(tp) == pa) { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_locked: update"); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nenter_update); /* * Wiring change, just update stats. */ if (wired) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_WIRED) == 0) { tp->tte_data |= TD_WIRED; pm->pm_stats.wired_count++; } } else { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_WIRED) != 0) { tp->tte_data &= ~TD_WIRED; pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; } } /* * Save the old bits and clear the ones we're interested in. */ data = tp->tte_data; tp->tte_data &= ~(TD_EXEC | TD_SW | TD_W); /* * If we're turning off write permissions, sense modify status. */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) { tp->tte_data |= TD_SW; if (wired) tp->tte_data |= TD_W; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } else if ((data & TD_W) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); /* * If we're turning on execute permissions, flush the icache. */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) != 0) { if ((data & TD_EXEC) == 0) icache_page_inval(pa); tp->tte_data |= TD_EXEC; } /* * Delete the old mapping. */ tlb_page_demap(pm, TTE_GET_VA(tp)); } else { /* * If there is an existing mapping, but its for a different * physical address, delete the old mapping. */ if (tp != NULL) { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_locked: replace"); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nenter_replace); pmap_remove_tte(pm, NULL, tp, va); tlb_page_demap(pm, va); } else { CTR0(KTR_PMAP, "pmap_enter_locked: new"); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nenter_new); } /* * Now set up the data and install the new mapping. */ data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa); if (pm == kernel_pmap) data |= TD_P; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) { data |= TD_SW; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); } if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) { data |= TD_EXEC; icache_page_inval(pa); } /* * If its wired update stats. We also don't need reference or * modify tracking for wired mappings, so set the bits now. */ if (wired) { pm->pm_stats.wired_count++; data |= TD_REF | TD_WIRED; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) data |= TD_W; } tsb_tte_enter(pm, m, va, TS_8K, data); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Maps a sequence of resident pages belonging to the same object. * The sequence begins with the given page m_start. This page is * mapped at the given virtual address start. Each subsequent page is * mapped at a virtual address that is offset from start by the same * amount as the page is offset from m_start within the object. The * last page in the sequence is the page with the largest offset from * m_start that can be mapped at a virtual address less than the given * virtual address end. Not every virtual page between start and end * is mapped; only those for which a resident page exists with the * corresponding offset from m_start are mapped. */ void pmap_enter_object(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_page_t m_start, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t diff, psize; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m_start->object); psize = atop(end - start); m = m_start; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); while (m != NULL && (diff = m->pindex - m_start->pindex) < psize) { pmap_enter_locked(pm, start + ptoa(diff), m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), 0, 0); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void pmap_enter_quick(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot) { rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_LOCK(pm); pmap_enter_locked(pm, va, m, prot & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE), 0, 0); rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } void pmap_object_init_pt(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t addr, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEVICE || object->type == OBJT_SG, ("pmap_object_init_pt: non-device object")); } static int pmap_unwire_tte(pmap_t pm, pmap_t pm2, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va) { PMAP_LOCK_ASSERT(pm, MA_OWNED); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_WIRED) == 0) panic("pmap_unwire_tte: tp %p is missing TD_WIRED", tp); atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_WIRED); pm->pm_stats.wired_count--; return (1); } /* * Clear the wired attribute from the mappings for the specified range of * addresses in the given pmap. Every valid mapping within that range must * have the wired attribute set. In contrast, invalid mappings cannot have * the wired attribute set, so they are ignored. * * The wired attribute of the translation table entry is not a hardware * feature, so there is no need to invalidate any TLB entries. */ void pmap_unwire(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva) { vm_offset_t va; struct tte *tp; PMAP_LOCK(pm); if (eva - sva > PMAP_TSB_THRESH) tsb_foreach(pm, NULL, sva, eva, pmap_unwire_tte); else { for (va = sva; va < eva; va += PAGE_SIZE) if ((tp = tsb_tte_lookup(pm, va)) != NULL) pmap_unwire_tte(pm, NULL, tp, va); } PMAP_UNLOCK(pm); } static int pmap_copy_tte(pmap_t src_pmap, pmap_t dst_pmap, struct tte *tp, vm_offset_t va) { vm_page_t m; u_long data; if ((tp->tte_data & TD_FAKE) != 0) return (1); if (tsb_tte_lookup(dst_pmap, va) == NULL) { data = tp->tte_data & ~(TD_PV | TD_REF | TD_SW | TD_CV | TD_W); m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(TTE_GET_PA(tp)); tsb_tte_enter(dst_pmap, m, va, TS_8K, data); } return (1); } void pmap_copy(pmap_t dst_pmap, pmap_t src_pmap, vm_offset_t dst_addr, vm_size_t len, vm_offset_t src_addr) { struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t va; if (dst_addr != src_addr) return; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); if (dst_pmap < src_pmap) { PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); } else { PMAP_LOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_LOCK(dst_pmap); } if (len > PMAP_TSB_THRESH) { tsb_foreach(src_pmap, dst_pmap, src_addr, src_addr + len, pmap_copy_tte); tlb_context_demap(dst_pmap); } else { for (va = src_addr; va < src_addr + len; va += PAGE_SIZE) if ((tp = tsb_tte_lookup(src_pmap, va)) != NULL) pmap_copy_tte(src_pmap, dst_pmap, tp, va); tlb_range_demap(dst_pmap, src_addr, src_addr + len - 1); } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); PMAP_UNLOCK(src_pmap); PMAP_UNLOCK(dst_pmap); } void pmap_zero_page(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_zero_page: fake page")); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0 || m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(pa)) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_c); va = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); cpu_block_zero((void *)va, PAGE_SIZE); } else if (m->md.color == -1) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_nc); aszero(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, pa, PAGE_SIZE); } else { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_oc); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); va = pmap_temp_map_1 + (m->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); cpu_block_zero((void *)va, PAGE_SIZE); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } void pmap_zero_page_area(vm_page_t m, int off, int size) { struct tte *tp; vm_offset_t va; vm_paddr_t pa; KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_zero_page_area: fake page")); KASSERT(off + size <= PAGE_SIZE, ("pmap_zero_page_area: bad off/size")); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_area); pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0 || m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(pa)) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_area_c); va = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa); bzero((void *)(va + off), size); } else if (m->md.color == -1) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_area_nc); aszero(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, pa + off, size); } else { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_nzero_page_area_oc); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); va = pmap_temp_map_1 + (m->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(va); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(va, TS_8K); bzero((void *)(va + off), size); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, va); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } void pmap_copy_page(vm_page_t msrc, vm_page_t mdst) { vm_offset_t vdst; vm_offset_t vsrc; vm_paddr_t pdst; vm_paddr_t psrc; struct tte *tp; KASSERT((mdst->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_copy_page: fake dst page")); KASSERT((msrc->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("pmap_copy_page: fake src page")); PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page); pdst = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(mdst); psrc = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(msrc); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0 || (msrc->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(psrc) && mdst->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(pdst))) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_c); vdst = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pdst); vsrc = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(psrc); cpu_block_copy((void *)vsrc, (void *)vdst, PAGE_SIZE); } else if (msrc->md.color == -1 && mdst->md.color == -1) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_nc); ascopy(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, psrc, pdst, PAGE_SIZE); } else if (msrc->md.color == -1) { if (mdst->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(pdst)) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_dc); vdst = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pdst); ascopyfrom(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, psrc, (void *)vdst, PAGE_SIZE); } else { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_doc); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); vdst = pmap_temp_map_1 + (mdst->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(vdst); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pdst) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(vdst, TS_8K); ascopyfrom(ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, psrc, (void *)vdst, PAGE_SIZE); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, vdst); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } else if (mdst->md.color == -1) { if (msrc->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(psrc)) { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_sc); vsrc = TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(psrc); ascopyto((void *)vsrc, ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, pdst, PAGE_SIZE); } else { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_soc); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); vsrc = pmap_temp_map_1 + (msrc->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(vsrc); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(psrc) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(vsrc, TS_8K); ascopyto((void *)vsrc, ASI_PHYS_USE_EC, pdst, PAGE_SIZE); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, vsrc); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } else { PMAP_STATS_INC(pmap_ncopy_page_oc); PMAP_LOCK(kernel_pmap); vdst = pmap_temp_map_1 + (mdst->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(vdst); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pdst) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(vdst, TS_8K); vsrc = pmap_temp_map_2 + (msrc->md.color * PAGE_SIZE); tp = tsb_kvtotte(vsrc); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(psrc) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(vsrc, TS_8K); cpu_block_copy((void *)vsrc, (void *)vdst, PAGE_SIZE); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, vdst); tlb_page_demap(kernel_pmap, vsrc); PMAP_UNLOCK(kernel_pmap); } } vm_offset_t pmap_quick_enter_page(vm_page_t m) { vm_paddr_t pa; vm_offset_t qaddr; struct tte *tp; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if (dcache_color_ignore != 0 || m->md.color == DCACHE_COLOR(pa)) return (TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(pa)); critical_enter(); qaddr = PCPU_GET(qmap_addr); qaddr += (PAGE_SIZE * ((DCACHE_COLORS + DCACHE_COLOR(pa) - DCACHE_COLOR(qaddr)) % DCACHE_COLORS)); tp = tsb_kvtotte(qaddr); KASSERT(tp->tte_data == 0, ("pmap_quick_enter_page: PTE busy")); tp->tte_data = TD_V | TD_8K | TD_PA(pa) | TD_CP | TD_CV | TD_W; tp->tte_vpn = TV_VPN(qaddr, TS_8K); return (qaddr); } void pmap_quick_remove_page(vm_offset_t addr) { vm_offset_t qaddr; struct tte *tp; if (addr >= VM_MIN_DIRECT_ADDRESS) return; tp = tsb_kvtotte(addr); qaddr = PCPU_GET(qmap_addr); KASSERT((addr >= qaddr) && (addr < (qaddr + (PAGE_SIZE * DCACHE_COLORS))), ("pmap_quick_remove_page: invalid address")); KASSERT(tp->tte_data != 0, ("pmap_quick_remove_page: PTE not in use")); stxa(TLB_DEMAP_VA(addr) | TLB_DEMAP_NUCLEUS | TLB_DEMAP_PAGE, ASI_DMMU_DEMAP, 0); stxa(TLB_DEMAP_VA(addr) | TLB_DEMAP_NUCLEUS | TLB_DEMAP_PAGE, ASI_IMMU_DEMAP, 0); flush(KERNBASE); TTE_ZERO(tp); critical_exit(); } int unmapped_buf_allowed; void pmap_copy_pages(vm_page_t ma[], vm_offset_t a_offset, vm_page_t mb[], vm_offset_t b_offset, int xfersize) { panic("pmap_copy_pages: not implemented"); } /* * Returns true if the pmap's pv is one of the first * 16 pvs linked to from this page. This count may * be changed upwards or downwards in the future; it * is only necessary that true be returned for a small * subset of pmaps for proper page aging. */ boolean_t pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap_t pm, vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; int loops; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_page_exists_quick: page %p is not managed", m)); loops = 0; rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; if (TTE_GET_PMAP(tp) == pm) { rv = TRUE; break; } if (++loops >= 16) break; } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Return the number of managed mappings to the given physical page * that are wired. */ int pmap_page_wired_mappings(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; int count; count = 0; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (count); rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) if ((tp->tte_data & (TD_PV | TD_WIRED)) == (TD_PV | TD_WIRED)) count++; rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (count); } /* * Remove all pages from specified address space, this aids process exit * speeds. This is much faster than pmap_remove in the case of running down * an entire address space. Only works for the current pmap. */ void pmap_remove_pages(pmap_t pm) { } /* * Returns TRUE if the given page has a managed mapping. */ boolean_t pmap_page_is_mapped(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; boolean_t rv; rv = FALSE; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (rv); rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) != 0) { rv = TRUE; break; } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * Return a count of reference bits for a page, clearing those bits. * It is not necessary for every reference bit to be cleared, but it * is necessary that 0 only be returned when there are truly no * reference bits set. * * As an optimization, update the page's dirty field if a modified bit is * found while counting reference bits. This opportunistic update can be * performed at low cost and can eliminate the need for some future calls * to pmap_is_modified(). However, since this function stops after * finding PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX reference bits, it may not detect some * dirty pages. Those dirty pages will only be detected by a future call * to pmap_is_modified(). */ int pmap_ts_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tpf; struct tte *tpn; struct tte *tp; u_long data; int count; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_ts_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); count = 0; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); if ((tp = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->md.tte_list)) != NULL) { tpf = tp; do { tpn = TAILQ_NEXT(tp, tte_link); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->md.tte_list, tp, tte_link); if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; data = atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_REF); if ((data & TD_W) != 0) vm_page_dirty(m); if ((data & TD_REF) != 0 && ++count >= PMAP_TS_REFERENCED_MAX) break; } while ((tp = tpn) != NULL && tp != tpf); } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (count); } boolean_t pmap_is_modified(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_modified: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * concurrently set while the object is locked. Thus, if PGA_WRITEABLE * is clear, no TTEs can have TD_W set. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return (rv); rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; if ((tp->tte_data & TD_W) != 0) { rv = TRUE; break; } } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * pmap_is_prefaultable: * * Return whether or not the specified virtual address is elgible * for prefault. */ boolean_t pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t addr) { boolean_t rv; PMAP_LOCK(pmap); rv = tsb_tte_lookup(pmap, addr) == NULL; PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); return (rv); } /* * Return whether or not the specified physical page was referenced * in any physical maps. */ boolean_t pmap_is_referenced(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; boolean_t rv; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_is_referenced: page %p is not managed", m)); rv = FALSE; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; if ((tp->tte_data & TD_REF) != 0) { rv = TRUE; break; } } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); return (rv); } /* * This function is advisory. */ void pmap_advise(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t sva, vm_offset_t eva, int advice) { } void pmap_clear_modify(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; u_long data; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is not managed", m)); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT(!vm_page_xbusied(m), ("pmap_clear_modify: page %p is exclusive busied", m)); /* * If the page is not PGA_WRITEABLE, then no TTEs can have TD_W set. * If the object containing the page is locked and the page is not * exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be concurrently set. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; data = atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_W); if ((data & TD_W) != 0) tlb_page_demap(TTE_GET_PMAP(tp), TTE_GET_VA(tp)); } rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); } void pmap_remove_write(vm_page_t m) { struct tte *tp; u_long data; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("pmap_remove_write: page %p is not managed", m)); /* * If the page is not exclusive busied, then PGA_WRITEABLE cannot be * set by another thread while the object is locked. Thus, * if PGA_WRITEABLE is clear, no page table entries need updating. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && (m->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; rw_wlock(&tte_list_global_lock); TAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &m->md.tte_list, tte_link) { if ((tp->tte_data & TD_PV) == 0) continue; data = atomic_clear_long(&tp->tte_data, TD_SW | TD_W); if ((data & TD_W) != 0) { vm_page_dirty(m); tlb_page_demap(TTE_GET_PMAP(tp), TTE_GET_VA(tp)); } } vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_WRITEABLE); rw_wunlock(&tte_list_global_lock); } int pmap_mincore(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t addr, vm_paddr_t *locked_pa) { /* TODO; */ return (0); } /* * Activate a user pmap. The pmap must be activated before its address space * can be accessed in any way. */ void pmap_activate(struct thread *td) { struct vmspace *vm; struct pmap *pm; int context; critical_enter(); vm = td->td_proc->p_vmspace; pm = vmspace_pmap(vm); context = PCPU_GET(tlb_ctx); if (context == PCPU_GET(tlb_ctx_max)) { tlb_flush_user(); context = PCPU_GET(tlb_ctx_min); } PCPU_SET(tlb_ctx, context + 1); pm->pm_context[curcpu] = context; #ifdef SMP CPU_SET_ATOMIC(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); atomic_store_acq_ptr((uintptr_t *)PCPU_PTR(pmap), (uintptr_t)pm); #else CPU_SET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active); PCPU_SET(pmap, pm); #endif stxa(AA_DMMU_TSB, ASI_DMMU, pm->pm_tsb); stxa(AA_IMMU_TSB, ASI_IMMU, pm->pm_tsb); stxa(AA_DMMU_PCXR, ASI_DMMU, (ldxa(AA_DMMU_PCXR, ASI_DMMU) & TLB_CXR_PGSZ_MASK) | context); flush(KERNBASE); critical_exit(); } void pmap_sync_icache(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t sz) { } /* * Increase the starting virtual address of the given mapping if a * different alignment might result in more superpage mappings. */ void pmap_align_superpage(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t *addr, vm_size_t size) { } boolean_t pmap_is_valid_memattr(pmap_t pmap __unused, vm_memattr_t mode) { return (mode == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } Index: head/sys/sys/param.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/sys/param.h (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/sys/param.h (revision 349846) @@ -1,367 +1,367 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed * to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph * Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with * the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)param.h 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/4/95 * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_PARAM_H_ #define _SYS_PARAM_H_ #include #define BSD 199506 /* System version (year & month). */ #define BSD4_3 1 #define BSD4_4 1 /* * __FreeBSD_version numbers are documented in the Porter's Handbook. * If you bump the version for any reason, you should update the documentation * there. * Currently this lives here in the doc/ repository: * * head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/versions/chapter.xml * * scheme is: Rxx * 'R' is in the range 0 to 4 if this is a release branch or * X.0-CURRENT before releng/X.0 is created, otherwise 'R' is * in the range 5 to 9. */ #undef __FreeBSD_version -#define __FreeBSD_version 1300034 /* Master, propagated to newvers */ +#define __FreeBSD_version 1300035 /* Master, propagated to newvers */ /* * __FreeBSD_kernel__ indicates that this system uses the kernel of FreeBSD, * which by definition is always true on FreeBSD. This macro is also defined * on other systems that use the kernel of FreeBSD, such as GNU/kFreeBSD. * * It is tempting to use this macro in userland code when we want to enable * kernel-specific routines, and in fact it's fine to do this in code that * is part of FreeBSD itself. However, be aware that as presence of this * macro is still not widespread (e.g. older FreeBSD versions, 3rd party * compilers, etc), it is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED to check for this macro in * external applications without also checking for __FreeBSD__ as an * alternative. */ #undef __FreeBSD_kernel__ #define __FreeBSD_kernel__ #if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(IN_RTLD) #define P_OSREL_SIGWAIT 700000 #define P_OSREL_SIGSEGV 700004 #define P_OSREL_MAP_ANON 800104 #define P_OSREL_MAP_FSTRICT 1100036 #define P_OSREL_SHUTDOWN_ENOTCONN 1100077 #define P_OSREL_MAP_GUARD 1200035 #define P_OSREL_WRFSBASE 1200041 #define P_OSREL_CK_CYLGRP 1200046 #define P_OSREL_VMTOTAL64 1200054 #define P_OSREL_CK_SUPERBLOCK 1300000 #define P_OSREL_CK_INODE 1300005 #define P_OSREL_MAJOR(x) ((x) / 100000) #endif #ifndef LOCORE #include #endif /* * Machine-independent constants (some used in following include files). * Redefined constants are from POSIX 1003.1 limits file. * * MAXCOMLEN should be >= sizeof(ac_comm) (see ) */ #include #define MAXCOMLEN 19 /* max command name remembered */ #define MAXINTERP PATH_MAX /* max interpreter file name length */ #define MAXLOGNAME 33 /* max login name length (incl. NUL) */ #define MAXUPRC CHILD_MAX /* max simultaneous processes */ #define NCARGS ARG_MAX /* max bytes for an exec function */ #define NGROUPS (NGROUPS_MAX+1) /* max number groups */ #define NOFILE OPEN_MAX /* max open files per process */ #define NOGROUP 65535 /* marker for empty group set member */ #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256 /* max hostname size */ #define SPECNAMELEN 255 /* max length of devicename */ /* More types and definitions used throughout the kernel. */ #ifdef _KERNEL #include #include #ifndef LOCORE #include #include #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #endif #ifndef _KERNEL /* Signals. */ #include #endif /* Machine type dependent parameters. */ #include #ifndef _KERNEL #include #endif #ifndef DEV_BSHIFT #define DEV_BSHIFT 9 /* log2(DEV_BSIZE) */ #endif #define DEV_BSIZE (1<>PAGE_SHIFT) #endif /* * btodb() is messy and perhaps slow because `bytes' may be an off_t. We * want to shift an unsigned type to avoid sign extension and we don't * want to widen `bytes' unnecessarily. Assume that the result fits in * a daddr_t. */ #ifndef btodb #define btodb(bytes) /* calculates (bytes / DEV_BSIZE) */ \ (sizeof (bytes) > sizeof(long) \ ? (daddr_t)((unsigned long long)(bytes) >> DEV_BSHIFT) \ : (daddr_t)((unsigned long)(bytes) >> DEV_BSHIFT)) #endif #ifndef dbtob #define dbtob(db) /* calculates (db * DEV_BSIZE) */ \ ((off_t)(db) << DEV_BSHIFT) #endif #define PRIMASK 0x0ff #define PCATCH 0x100 /* OR'd with pri for tsleep to check signals */ #define PDROP 0x200 /* OR'd with pri to stop re-entry of interlock mutex */ #define NZERO 0 /* default "nice" */ #define NBBY 8 /* number of bits in a byte */ #define NBPW sizeof(int) /* number of bytes per word (integer) */ #define CMASK 022 /* default file mask: S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH */ #define NODEV (dev_t)(-1) /* non-existent device */ /* * File system parameters and macros. * * MAXBSIZE - Filesystems are made out of blocks of at most MAXBSIZE bytes * per block. MAXBSIZE may be made larger without effecting * any existing filesystems as long as it does not exceed MAXPHYS, * and may be made smaller at the risk of not being able to use * filesystems which require a block size exceeding MAXBSIZE. * * MAXBCACHEBUF - Maximum size of a buffer in the buffer cache. This must * be >= MAXBSIZE and can be set differently for different * architectures by defining it in . * Making this larger allows NFS to do larger reads/writes. * * BKVASIZE - Nominal buffer space per buffer, in bytes. BKVASIZE is the * minimum KVM memory reservation the kernel is willing to make. * Filesystems can of course request smaller chunks. Actual * backing memory uses a chunk size of a page (PAGE_SIZE). * The default value here can be overridden on a per-architecture * basis by defining it in . * * If you make BKVASIZE too small you risk seriously fragmenting * the buffer KVM map which may slow things down a bit. If you * make it too big the kernel will not be able to optimally use * the KVM memory reserved for the buffer cache and will wind * up with too-few buffers. * * The default is 16384, roughly 2x the block size used by a * normal UFS filesystem. */ #define MAXBSIZE 65536 /* must be power of 2 */ #ifndef MAXBCACHEBUF #define MAXBCACHEBUF MAXBSIZE /* must be a power of 2 >= MAXBSIZE */ #endif #ifndef BKVASIZE #define BKVASIZE 16384 /* must be power of 2 */ #endif #define BKVAMASK (BKVASIZE-1) /* * MAXPATHLEN defines the longest permissible path length after expanding * symbolic links. It is used to allocate a temporary buffer from the buffer * pool in which to do the name expansion, hence should be a power of two, * and must be less than or equal to MAXBSIZE. MAXSYMLINKS defines the * maximum number of symbolic links that may be expanded in a path name. * It should be set high enough to allow all legitimate uses, but halt * infinite loops reasonably quickly. */ #define MAXPATHLEN PATH_MAX #define MAXSYMLINKS 32 /* Bit map related macros. */ #define setbit(a,i) (((unsigned char *)(a))[(i)/NBBY] |= 1<<((i)%NBBY)) #define clrbit(a,i) (((unsigned char *)(a))[(i)/NBBY] &= ~(1<<((i)%NBBY))) #define isset(a,i) \ (((const unsigned char *)(a))[(i)/NBBY] & (1<<((i)%NBBY))) #define isclr(a,i) \ ((((const unsigned char *)(a))[(i)/NBBY] & (1<<((i)%NBBY))) == 0) /* Macros for counting and rounding. */ #ifndef howmany #define howmany(x, y) (((x)+((y)-1))/(y)) #endif #define nitems(x) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0])) #define rounddown(x, y) (((x)/(y))*(y)) #define rounddown2(x, y) ((x)&(~((y)-1))) /* if y is power of two */ #define roundup(x, y) ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y)) /* to any y */ #define roundup2(x, y) (((x)+((y)-1))&(~((y)-1))) /* if y is powers of two */ #define powerof2(x) ((((x)-1)&(x))==0) /* Macros for min/max. */ #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #ifdef _KERNEL /* * Basic byte order function prototypes for non-inline functions. */ #ifndef LOCORE #ifndef _BYTEORDER_PROTOTYPED #define _BYTEORDER_PROTOTYPED __BEGIN_DECLS __uint32_t htonl(__uint32_t); __uint16_t htons(__uint16_t); __uint32_t ntohl(__uint32_t); __uint16_t ntohs(__uint16_t); __END_DECLS #endif #endif #ifndef _BYTEORDER_FUNC_DEFINED #define _BYTEORDER_FUNC_DEFINED #define htonl(x) __htonl(x) #define htons(x) __htons(x) #define ntohl(x) __ntohl(x) #define ntohs(x) __ntohs(x) #endif /* !_BYTEORDER_FUNC_DEFINED */ #endif /* _KERNEL */ /* * Scale factor for scaled integers used to count %cpu time and load avgs. * * The number of CPU `tick's that map to a unique `%age' can be expressed * by the formula (1 / (2 ^ (FSHIFT - 11))). The maximum load average that * can be calculated (assuming 32 bits) can be closely approximated using * the formula (2 ^ (2 * (16 - FSHIFT))) for (FSHIFT < 15). * * For the scheduler to maintain a 1:1 mapping of CPU `tick' to `%age', * FSHIFT must be at least 11; this gives us a maximum load avg of ~1024. */ #define FSHIFT 11 /* bits to right of fixed binary point */ #define FSCALE (1<> (PAGE_SHIFT - DEV_BSHIFT)) #define ctodb(db) /* calculates pages to devblks */ \ ((db) << (PAGE_SHIFT - DEV_BSHIFT)) /* * Old spelling of __containerof(). */ #define member2struct(s, m, x) \ ((struct s *)(void *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(struct s, m))) /* * Access a variable length array that has been declared as a fixed * length array. */ #define __PAST_END(array, offset) (((__typeof__(*(array)) *)(array))[offset]) #endif /* _SYS_PARAM_H_ */ Index: head/sys/vm/vm_fault.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_fault.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_fault.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,1843 +1,1855 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-4-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_fault.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 1/12/94 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Page fault handling module. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ktrace.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KTRACE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PFBAK 4 #define PFFOR 4 #define VM_FAULT_READ_DEFAULT (1 + VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_INIT) #define VM_FAULT_READ_MAX (1 + VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MAX) #define VM_FAULT_DONTNEED_MIN 1048576 struct faultstate { vm_page_t m; vm_object_t object; vm_pindex_t pindex; vm_page_t first_m; vm_object_t first_object; vm_pindex_t first_pindex; vm_map_t map; vm_map_entry_t entry; int map_generation; bool lookup_still_valid; struct vnode *vp; }; static void vm_fault_dontneed(const struct faultstate *fs, vm_offset_t vaddr, int ahead); static void vm_fault_prefault(const struct faultstate *fs, vm_offset_t addra, int backward, int forward, bool obj_locked); static inline void release_page(struct faultstate *fs) { vm_page_xunbusy(fs->m); vm_page_lock(fs->m); vm_page_deactivate(fs->m); vm_page_unlock(fs->m); fs->m = NULL; } static inline void unlock_map(struct faultstate *fs) { if (fs->lookup_still_valid) { vm_map_lookup_done(fs->map, fs->entry); fs->lookup_still_valid = false; } } static void unlock_vp(struct faultstate *fs) { if (fs->vp != NULL) { vput(fs->vp); fs->vp = NULL; } } static void unlock_and_deallocate(struct faultstate *fs) { vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs->object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs->object); if (fs->object != fs->first_object) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs->first_object); vm_page_lock(fs->first_m); vm_page_free(fs->first_m); vm_page_unlock(fs->first_m); vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs->first_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs->first_object); fs->first_m = NULL; } vm_object_deallocate(fs->first_object); unlock_map(fs); unlock_vp(fs); } static void vm_fault_dirty(vm_map_entry_t entry, vm_page_t m, vm_prot_t prot, vm_prot_t fault_type, int fault_flags, bool set_wd) { bool need_dirty; if (((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 && (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_DIRTY) == 0) || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); need_dirty = ((fault_type & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 && (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) == 0) || (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_DIRTY) != 0; if (set_wd) vm_object_set_writeable_dirty(m->object); else /* * If two callers of vm_fault_dirty() with set_wd == * FALSE, one for the map entry with MAP_ENTRY_NOSYNC * flag set, other with flag clear, race, it is * possible for the no-NOSYNC thread to see m->dirty * != 0 and not clear VPO_NOSYNC. Take vm_page lock * around manipulation of VPO_NOSYNC and * vm_page_dirty() call, to avoid the race and keep * m->oflags consistent. */ vm_page_lock(m); /* * If this is a NOSYNC mmap we do not want to set VPO_NOSYNC * if the page is already dirty to prevent data written with * the expectation of being synced from not being synced. * Likewise if this entry does not request NOSYNC then make * sure the page isn't marked NOSYNC. Applications sharing * data should use the same flags to avoid ping ponging. */ if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_NOSYNC) != 0) { if (m->dirty == 0) { m->oflags |= VPO_NOSYNC; } } else { m->oflags &= ~VPO_NOSYNC; } /* * If the fault is a write, we know that this page is being * written NOW so dirty it explicitly to save on * pmap_is_modified() calls later. * * Also, since the page is now dirty, we can possibly tell * the pager to release any swap backing the page. Calling * the pager requires a write lock on the object. */ if (need_dirty) vm_page_dirty(m); if (!set_wd) vm_page_unlock(m); else if (need_dirty) vm_pager_page_unswapped(m); } static void vm_fault_fill_hold(vm_page_t *m_hold, vm_page_t m) { if (m_hold != NULL) { *m_hold = m; vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_hold(m); + vm_page_wire(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } } /* * Unlocks fs.first_object and on success. */ static int vm_fault_soft_fast(struct faultstate *fs, vm_offset_t vaddr, vm_prot_t prot, int fault_type, int fault_flags, boolean_t wired, vm_page_t *m_hold) { vm_page_t m, m_map; #if (defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || (defined(__arm__) && \ __ARM_ARCH >= 6) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__riscv)) && \ VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 vm_page_t m_super; int flags; #endif int psind, rv; MPASS(fs->vp == NULL); m = vm_page_lookup(fs->first_object, fs->first_pindex); /* A busy page can be mapped for read|execute access. */ if (m == NULL || ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 && vm_page_busied(m)) || m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) return (KERN_FAILURE); m_map = m; psind = 0; #if (defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || (defined(__arm__) && \ __ARM_ARCH >= 6) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__riscv)) && \ VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 && (m_super = vm_reserv_to_superpage(m)) != NULL && rounddown2(vaddr, pagesizes[m_super->psind]) >= fs->entry->start && roundup2(vaddr + 1, pagesizes[m_super->psind]) <= fs->entry->end && (vaddr & (pagesizes[m_super->psind] - 1)) == (VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) & (pagesizes[m_super->psind] - 1)) && !wired && pmap_ps_enabled(fs->map->pmap)) { flags = PS_ALL_VALID; if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0) { /* * Create a superpage mapping allowing write access * only if none of the constituent pages are busy and * all of them are already dirty (except possibly for * the page that was faulted on). */ flags |= PS_NONE_BUSY; if ((fs->first_object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) == 0) flags |= PS_ALL_DIRTY; } if (vm_page_ps_test(m_super, flags, m)) { m_map = m_super; psind = m_super->psind; vaddr = rounddown2(vaddr, pagesizes[psind]); /* Preset the modified bit for dirty superpages. */ if ((flags & PS_ALL_DIRTY) != 0) fault_type |= VM_PROT_WRITE; } } #endif rv = pmap_enter(fs->map->pmap, vaddr, m_map, prot, fault_type | PMAP_ENTER_NOSLEEP | (wired ? PMAP_ENTER_WIRED : 0), psind); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (rv); vm_fault_fill_hold(m_hold, m); vm_fault_dirty(fs->entry, m, prot, fault_type, fault_flags, false); if (psind == 0 && !wired) vm_fault_prefault(fs, vaddr, PFBAK, PFFOR, true); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(fs->first_object); vm_map_lookup_done(fs->map, fs->entry); curthread->td_ru.ru_minflt++; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } static void vm_fault_restore_map_lock(struct faultstate *fs) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(fs->first_object); MPASS(fs->first_object->paging_in_progress > 0); if (!vm_map_trylock_read(fs->map)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs->first_object); vm_map_lock_read(fs->map); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs->first_object); } fs->lookup_still_valid = true; } static void vm_fault_populate_check_page(vm_page_t m) { /* * Check each page to ensure that the pager is obeying the * interface: the page must be installed in the object, fully * valid, and exclusively busied. */ MPASS(m != NULL); MPASS(m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL); MPASS(vm_page_xbusied(m)); } static void vm_fault_populate_cleanup(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t first, vm_pindex_t last) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t pidx; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); MPASS(first <= last); for (pidx = first, m = vm_page_lookup(object, pidx); pidx <= last; pidx++, m = vm_page_next(m)) { vm_fault_populate_check_page(m); vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_deactivate(m); vm_page_unlock(m); vm_page_xunbusy(m); } } static int vm_fault_populate(struct faultstate *fs, vm_prot_t prot, int fault_type, int fault_flags, boolean_t wired, vm_page_t *m_hold) { struct mtx *m_mtx; vm_offset_t vaddr; vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t map_first, map_last, pager_first, pager_last, pidx; int i, npages, psind, rv; MPASS(fs->object == fs->first_object); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(fs->first_object); MPASS(fs->first_object->paging_in_progress > 0); MPASS(fs->first_object->backing_object == NULL); MPASS(fs->lookup_still_valid); pager_first = OFF_TO_IDX(fs->entry->offset); pager_last = pager_first + atop(fs->entry->end - fs->entry->start) - 1; unlock_map(fs); unlock_vp(fs); /* * Call the pager (driver) populate() method. * * There is no guarantee that the method will be called again * if the current fault is for read, and a future fault is * for write. Report the entry's maximum allowed protection * to the driver. */ rv = vm_pager_populate(fs->first_object, fs->first_pindex, fault_type, fs->entry->max_protection, &pager_first, &pager_last); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(fs->first_object); if (rv == VM_PAGER_BAD) { /* * VM_PAGER_BAD is the backdoor for a pager to request * normal fault handling. */ vm_fault_restore_map_lock(fs); if (fs->map->timestamp != fs->map_generation) return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); /* RetryFault */ return (KERN_NOT_RECEIVER); } if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) return (KERN_FAILURE); /* AKA SIGSEGV */ /* Ensure that the driver is obeying the interface. */ MPASS(pager_first <= pager_last); MPASS(fs->first_pindex <= pager_last); MPASS(fs->first_pindex >= pager_first); MPASS(pager_last < fs->first_object->size); vm_fault_restore_map_lock(fs); if (fs->map->timestamp != fs->map_generation) { vm_fault_populate_cleanup(fs->first_object, pager_first, pager_last); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); /* RetryFault */ } /* * The map is unchanged after our last unlock. Process the fault. * * The range [pager_first, pager_last] that is given to the * pager is only a hint. The pager may populate any range * within the object that includes the requested page index. * In case the pager expanded the range, clip it to fit into * the map entry. */ map_first = OFF_TO_IDX(fs->entry->offset); if (map_first > pager_first) { vm_fault_populate_cleanup(fs->first_object, pager_first, map_first - 1); pager_first = map_first; } map_last = map_first + atop(fs->entry->end - fs->entry->start) - 1; if (map_last < pager_last) { vm_fault_populate_cleanup(fs->first_object, map_last + 1, pager_last); pager_last = map_last; } for (pidx = pager_first, m = vm_page_lookup(fs->first_object, pidx); pidx <= pager_last; pidx += npages, m = vm_page_next(&m[npages - 1])) { vaddr = fs->entry->start + IDX_TO_OFF(pidx) - fs->entry->offset; #if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || (defined(__arm__) && \ __ARM_ARCH >= 6) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__riscv) psind = m->psind; if (psind > 0 && ((vaddr & (pagesizes[psind] - 1)) != 0 || pidx + OFF_TO_IDX(pagesizes[psind]) - 1 > pager_last || !pmap_ps_enabled(fs->map->pmap) || wired)) psind = 0; #else psind = 0; #endif npages = atop(pagesizes[psind]); for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { vm_fault_populate_check_page(&m[i]); vm_fault_dirty(fs->entry, &m[i], prot, fault_type, fault_flags, true); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs->first_object); rv = pmap_enter(fs->map->pmap, vaddr, m, prot, fault_type | (wired ? PMAP_ENTER_WIRED : 0), psind); #if defined(__amd64__) if (psind > 0 && rv == KERN_FAILURE) { for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { rv = pmap_enter(fs->map->pmap, vaddr + ptoa(i), &m[i], prot, fault_type | (wired ? PMAP_ENTER_WIRED : 0), 0); MPASS(rv == KERN_SUCCESS); } } #else MPASS(rv == KERN_SUCCESS); #endif VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs->first_object); m_mtx = NULL; for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { vm_page_change_lock(&m[i], &m_mtx); if ((fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) != 0) vm_page_wire(&m[i]); else vm_page_activate(&m[i]); if (m_hold != NULL && m[i].pindex == fs->first_pindex) { *m_hold = &m[i]; - vm_page_hold(&m[i]); + vm_page_wire(&m[i]); } vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(&m[i]); } if (m_mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(m_mtx); } curthread->td_ru.ru_majflt++; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * vm_fault: * * Handle a page fault occurring at the given address, * requiring the given permissions, in the map specified. * If successful, the page is inserted into the * associated physical map. * * NOTE: the given address should be truncated to the * proper page address. * * KERN_SUCCESS is returned if the page fault is handled; otherwise, * a standard error specifying why the fault is fatal is returned. * * The map in question must be referenced, and remains so. * Caller may hold no locks. */ int vm_fault(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t vaddr, vm_prot_t fault_type, int fault_flags) { struct thread *td; int result; td = curthread; if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_NOFAULTING) != 0) return (KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE); #ifdef KTRACE if (map != kernel_map && KTRPOINT(td, KTR_FAULT)) ktrfault(vaddr, fault_type); #endif result = vm_fault_hold(map, trunc_page(vaddr), fault_type, fault_flags, NULL); #ifdef KTRACE if (map != kernel_map && KTRPOINT(td, KTR_FAULTEND)) ktrfaultend(result); #endif return (result); } int vm_fault_hold(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t vaddr, vm_prot_t fault_type, int fault_flags, vm_page_t *m_hold) { struct faultstate fs; struct vnode *vp; struct domainset *dset; + struct mtx *mtx; vm_object_t next_object, retry_object; vm_offset_t e_end, e_start; vm_pindex_t retry_pindex; vm_prot_t prot, retry_prot; int ahead, alloc_req, behind, cluster_offset, error, era, faultcount; int locked, nera, result, rv; u_char behavior; boolean_t wired; /* Passed by reference. */ bool dead, hardfault, is_first_object_locked; VM_CNT_INC(v_vm_faults); fs.vp = NULL; faultcount = 0; nera = -1; hardfault = false; RetryFault:; /* * Find the backing store object and offset into it to begin the * search. */ = map; result = vm_map_lookup(&, vaddr, fault_type | VM_PROT_FAULT_LOOKUP, &fs.entry, &fs.first_object, &fs.first_pindex, &prot, &wired); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { unlock_vp(&fs); return (result); } fs.map_generation =>timestamp; if (fs.entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_NOFAULT) { panic("%s: fault on nofault entry, addr: %#lx", __func__, (u_long)vaddr); } if (fs.entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IN_TRANSITION && fs.entry->wiring_thread != curthread) { vm_map_unlock_read(; vm_map_lock(; if (vm_map_lookup_entry(, vaddr, &fs.entry) && (fs.entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IN_TRANSITION)) { unlock_vp(&fs); fs.entry->eflags |= MAP_ENTRY_NEEDS_WAKEUP; vm_map_unlock_and_wait(, 0); } else vm_map_unlock(; goto RetryFault; } MPASS((fs.entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_GUARD) == 0); if (wired) fault_type = prot | (fault_type & VM_PROT_COPY); else KASSERT((fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) == 0, ("!wired && VM_FAULT_WIRE")); /* * Try to avoid lock contention on the top-level object through * special-case handling of some types of page faults, specifically, * those that are both (1) mapping an existing page from the top- * level object and (2) not having to mark that object as containing * dirty pages. Under these conditions, a read lock on the top-level * object suffices, allowing multiple page faults of a similar type to * run in parallel on the same top-level object. */ if (fs.vp == NULL /* avoid locked vnode leak */ && (fault_flags & (VM_FAULT_WIRE | VM_FAULT_DIRTY)) == 0 && /* avoid calling vm_object_set_writeable_dirty() */ ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 || (fs.first_object->type != OBJT_VNODE && (fs.first_object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) == 0) || (fs.first_object->flags & OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY) != 0)) { VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(fs.first_object); if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 || (fs.first_object->type != OBJT_VNODE && (fs.first_object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) == 0) || (fs.first_object->flags & OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY) != 0) { rv = vm_fault_soft_fast(&fs, vaddr, prot, fault_type, fault_flags, wired, m_hold); if (rv == KERN_SUCCESS) return (rv); } if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYUPGRADE(fs.first_object)) { VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(fs.first_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.first_object); } } else { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.first_object); } /* * Make a reference to this object to prevent its disposal while we * are messing with it. Once we have the reference, the map is free * to be diddled. Since objects reference their shadows (and copies), * they will stay around as well. * * Bump the paging-in-progress count to prevent size changes (e.g. * truncation operations) during I/O. */ vm_object_reference_locked(fs.first_object); vm_object_pip_add(fs.first_object, 1); fs.lookup_still_valid = true; fs.first_m = NULL; /* * Search for the page at object/offset. */ fs.object = fs.first_object; fs.pindex = fs.first_pindex; while (TRUE) { /* * If the object is marked for imminent termination, * we retry here, since the collapse pass has raced * with us. Otherwise, if we see terminally dead * object, return fail. */ if ((fs.object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) != 0) { dead = fs.object->type == OBJT_DEAD; unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); if (dead) return (KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE); pause("vmf_de", 1); goto RetryFault; } /* * See if page is resident */ fs.m = vm_page_lookup(fs.object, fs.pindex); if (fs.m != NULL) { /* * Wait/Retry if the page is busy. We have to do this * if the page is either exclusive or shared busy * because the vm_pager may be using read busy for * pageouts (and even pageins if it is the vnode * pager), and we could end up trying to pagein and * pageout the same page simultaneously. * * We can theoretically allow the busy case on a read * fault if the page is marked valid, but since such * pages are typically already pmap'd, putting that * special case in might be more effort then it is * worth. We cannot under any circumstances mess * around with a shared busied page except, perhaps, * to pmap it. */ if (vm_page_busied(fs.m)) { /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_aflag_set(fs.m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (fs.object != fs.first_object) { if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK( fs.first_object)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.first_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.object); } vm_page_lock(fs.first_m); vm_page_free(fs.first_m); vm_page_unlock(fs.first_m); vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs.first_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.first_object); fs.first_m = NULL; } unlock_map(&fs); if (fs.m == vm_page_lookup(fs.object, fs.pindex)) { vm_page_sleep_if_busy(fs.m, "vmpfw"); } vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs.object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); VM_CNT_INC(v_intrans); vm_object_deallocate(fs.first_object); goto RetryFault; } /* * Mark page busy for other processes, and the * pagedaemon. If it still isn't completely valid * (readable), jump to readrest, else break-out ( we * found the page ). */ vm_page_xbusy(fs.m); if (fs.m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) goto readrest; break; /* break to PAGE HAS BEEN FOUND */ } KASSERT(fs.m == NULL, ("fs.m should be NULL, not %p", fs.m)); /* * Page is not resident. If the pager might contain the page * or this is the beginning of the search, allocate a new * page. (Default objects are zero-fill, so there is no real * pager for them.) */ if (fs.object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT || fs.object == fs.first_object) { if (fs.pindex >= fs.object->size) { unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); return (KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE); } if (fs.object == fs.first_object && (fs.first_object->flags & OBJ_POPULATE) != 0 && fs.first_object->shadow_count == 0) { rv = vm_fault_populate(&fs, prot, fault_type, fault_flags, wired, m_hold); switch (rv) { case KERN_SUCCESS: case KERN_FAILURE: unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); return (rv); case KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE: unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); goto RetryFault; case KERN_NOT_RECEIVER: /* * Pager's populate() method * returned VM_PAGER_BAD. */ break; default: panic("inconsistent return codes"); } } /* * Allocate a new page for this object/offset pair. * * Unlocked read of the p_flag is harmless. At * worst, the P_KILLED might be not observed * there, and allocation can fail, causing * restart and new reading of the p_flag. */ dset = fs.object->domain.dr_policy; if (dset == NULL) dset = curthread->td_domain.dr_policy; if (!vm_page_count_severe_set(&dset->ds_mask) || P_KILLED(curproc)) { #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 vm_object_color(fs.object, atop(vaddr) - fs.pindex); #endif alloc_req = P_KILLED(curproc) ? VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM : VM_ALLOC_NORMAL; if (fs.object->type != OBJT_VNODE && fs.object->backing_object == NULL) alloc_req |= VM_ALLOC_ZERO; fs.m = vm_page_alloc(fs.object, fs.pindex, alloc_req); } if (fs.m == NULL) { unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); vm_waitpfault(dset); goto RetryFault; } } readrest: /* * At this point, we have either allocated a new page or found * an existing page that is only partially valid. * * We hold a reference on the current object and the page is * exclusive busied. */ /* * If the pager for the current object might have the page, * then determine the number of additional pages to read and * potentially reprioritize previously read pages for earlier * reclamation. These operations should only be performed * once per page fault. Even if the current pager doesn't * have the page, the number of additional pages to read will * apply to subsequent objects in the shadow chain. */ if (fs.object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && nera == -1 && !P_KILLED(curproc)) { KASSERT(fs.lookup_still_valid, ("map unlocked")); era = fs.entry->read_ahead; behavior = vm_map_entry_behavior(fs.entry); if (behavior == MAP_ENTRY_BEHAV_RANDOM) { nera = 0; } else if (behavior == MAP_ENTRY_BEHAV_SEQUENTIAL) { nera = VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MAX; if (vaddr == fs.entry->next_read) vm_fault_dontneed(&fs, vaddr, nera); } else if (vaddr == fs.entry->next_read) { /* * This is a sequential fault. Arithmetically * increase the requested number of pages in * the read-ahead window. The requested * number of pages is "# of sequential faults * x (read ahead min + 1) + read ahead min" */ nera = VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MIN; if (era > 0) { nera += era + 1; if (nera > VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MAX) nera = VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MAX; } if (era == VM_FAULT_READ_AHEAD_MAX) vm_fault_dontneed(&fs, vaddr, nera); } else { /* * This is a non-sequential fault. */ nera = 0; } if (era != nera) { /* * A read lock on the map suffices to update * the read ahead count safely. */ fs.entry->read_ahead = nera; } /* * Prepare for unlocking the map. Save the map * entry's start and end addresses, which are used to * optimize the size of the pager operation below. * Even if the map entry's addresses change after * unlocking the map, using the saved addresses is * safe. */ e_start = fs.entry->start; e_end = fs.entry->end; } /* * Call the pager to retrieve the page if there is a chance * that the pager has it, and potentially retrieve additional * pages at the same time. */ if (fs.object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT) { /* * Release the map lock before locking the vnode or * sleeping in the pager. (If the current object has * a shadow, then an earlier iteration of this loop * may have already unlocked the map.) */ unlock_map(&fs); if (fs.object->type == OBJT_VNODE && (vp = fs.object->handle) != fs.vp) { /* * Perform an unlock in case the desired vnode * changed while the map was unlocked during a * retry. */ unlock_vp(&fs); locked = VOP_ISLOCKED(vp); if (locked != LK_EXCLUSIVE) locked = LK_SHARED; /* * We must not sleep acquiring the vnode lock * while we have the page exclusive busied or * the object's paging-in-progress count * incremented. Otherwise, we could deadlock. */ error = vget(vp, locked | LK_CANRECURSE | LK_NOWAIT, curthread); if (error != 0) { vhold(vp); release_page(&fs); unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); error = vget(vp, locked | LK_RETRY | LK_CANRECURSE, curthread); vdrop(vp); fs.vp = vp; KASSERT(error == 0, ("vm_fault: vget failed")); goto RetryFault; } fs.vp = vp; } KASSERT(fs.vp == NULL || !>system_map, ("vm_fault: vnode-backed object mapped by system map")); /* * Page in the requested page and hint the pager, * that it may bring up surrounding pages. */ if (nera == -1 || behavior == MAP_ENTRY_BEHAV_RANDOM || P_KILLED(curproc)) { behind = 0; ahead = 0; } else { /* Is this a sequential fault? */ if (nera > 0) { behind = 0; ahead = nera; } else { /* * Request a cluster of pages that is * aligned to a VM_FAULT_READ_DEFAULT * page offset boundary within the * object. Alignment to a page offset * boundary is more likely to coincide * with the underlying file system * block than alignment to a virtual * address boundary. */ cluster_offset = fs.pindex % VM_FAULT_READ_DEFAULT; behind = ulmin(cluster_offset, atop(vaddr - e_start)); ahead = VM_FAULT_READ_DEFAULT - 1 - cluster_offset; } ahead = ulmin(ahead, atop(e_end - vaddr) - 1); } rv = vm_pager_get_pages(fs.object, &fs.m, 1, &behind, &ahead); if (rv == VM_PAGER_OK) { faultcount = behind + 1 + ahead; hardfault = true; break; /* break to PAGE HAS BEEN FOUND */ } if (rv == VM_PAGER_ERROR) printf("vm_fault: pager read error, pid %d (%s)\n", curproc->p_pid, curproc->p_comm); /* * If an I/O error occurred or the requested page was * outside the range of the pager, clean up and return * an error. */ if (rv == VM_PAGER_ERROR || rv == VM_PAGER_BAD) { vm_page_lock(fs.m); if (!vm_page_wired(fs.m)) vm_page_free(fs.m); else vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(fs.m); vm_page_unlock(fs.m); fs.m = NULL; unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); return (rv == VM_PAGER_ERROR ? KERN_FAILURE : KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE); } /* * The requested page does not exist at this object/ * offset. Remove the invalid page from the object, * waking up anyone waiting for it, and continue on to * the next object. However, if this is the top-level * object, we must leave the busy page in place to * prevent another process from rushing past us, and * inserting the page in that object at the same time * that we are. */ if (fs.object != fs.first_object) { vm_page_lock(fs.m); if (!vm_page_wired(fs.m)) vm_page_free(fs.m); else vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(fs.m); vm_page_unlock(fs.m); fs.m = NULL; } } /* * We get here if the object has default pager (or unwiring) * or the pager doesn't have the page. */ if (fs.object == fs.first_object) fs.first_m = fs.m; /* * Move on to the next object. Lock the next object before * unlocking the current one. */ next_object = fs.object->backing_object; if (next_object == NULL) { /* * If there's no object left, fill the page in the top * object with zeros. */ if (fs.object != fs.first_object) { vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs.object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); fs.object = fs.first_object; fs.pindex = fs.first_pindex; fs.m = fs.first_m; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.object); } fs.first_m = NULL; /* * Zero the page if necessary and mark it valid. */ if ((fs.m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) { pmap_zero_page(fs.m); } else { VM_CNT_INC(v_ozfod); } VM_CNT_INC(v_zfod); fs.m->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; /* Don't try to prefault neighboring pages. */ faultcount = 1; break; /* break to PAGE HAS BEEN FOUND */ } else { KASSERT(fs.object != next_object, ("object loop %p", next_object)); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(next_object); vm_object_pip_add(next_object, 1); if (fs.object != fs.first_object) vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs.object); fs.pindex += OFF_TO_IDX(fs.object->backing_object_offset); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); fs.object = next_object; } } vm_page_assert_xbusied(fs.m); /* * PAGE HAS BEEN FOUND. [Loop invariant still holds -- the object lock * is held.] */ /* * If the page is being written, but isn't already owned by the * top-level object, we have to copy it into a new page owned by the * top-level object. */ if (fs.object != fs.first_object) { /* * We only really need to copy if we want to write it. */ if ((fault_type & (VM_PROT_COPY | VM_PROT_WRITE)) != 0) { /* * This allows pages to be virtually copied from a * backing_object into the first_object, where the * backing object has no other refs to it, and cannot * gain any more refs. Instead of a bcopy, we just * move the page from the backing object to the * first object. Note that we must mark the page * dirty in the first object so that it will go out * to swap when needed. */ is_first_object_locked = false; if ( /* * Only one shadow object */ (fs.object->shadow_count == 1) && /* * No COW refs, except us */ (fs.object->ref_count == 1) && /* * No one else can look this object up */ (fs.object->handle == NULL) && /* * No other ways to look the object up */ ((fs.object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT) || (fs.object->type == OBJT_SWAP)) && (is_first_object_locked = VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(fs.first_object)) && /* * We don't chase down the shadow chain */ fs.object == fs.first_object->backing_object) { - vm_page_lock(fs.m); - vm_page_dequeue(fs.m); + /* + * Keep the page wired to ensure that it is not + * freed by another thread, such as the page + * daemon, while it is disassociated from an + * object. + */ + mtx = NULL; + vm_page_change_lock(fs.m, &mtx); + vm_page_wire(fs.m); (void)vm_page_remove(fs.m); - vm_page_unlock(fs.m); - vm_page_lock(fs.first_m); + vm_page_change_lock(fs.first_m, &mtx); vm_page_replace_checked(fs.m, fs.first_object, fs.first_pindex, fs.first_m); vm_page_free(fs.first_m); - vm_page_unlock(fs.first_m); + vm_page_change_lock(fs.m, &mtx); + vm_page_unwire(fs.m, PQ_ACTIVE); + mtx_unlock(mtx); vm_page_dirty(fs.m); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Rename the reservation. */ vm_reserv_rename(fs.m, fs.first_object, fs.object, OFF_TO_IDX( fs.first_object->backing_object_offset)); #endif /* * Removing the page from the backing object * unbusied it. */ vm_page_xbusy(fs.m); fs.first_m = fs.m; fs.m = NULL; VM_CNT_INC(v_cow_optim); } else { /* * Oh, well, lets copy it. */ pmap_copy_page(fs.m, fs.first_m); fs.first_m->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; if (wired && (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) == 0) { vm_page_lock(fs.first_m); vm_page_wire(fs.first_m); vm_page_unlock(fs.first_m); vm_page_lock(fs.m); vm_page_unwire(fs.m, PQ_INACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(fs.m); } /* * We no longer need the old page or object. */ release_page(&fs); } /* * fs.object != fs.first_object due to above * conditional */ vm_object_pip_wakeup(fs.object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); /* * We only try to prefault read-only mappings to the * neighboring pages when this copy-on-write fault is * a hard fault. In other cases, trying to prefault * is typically wasted effort. */ if (faultcount == 0) faultcount = 1; /* * Only use the new page below... */ fs.object = fs.first_object; fs.pindex = fs.first_pindex; fs.m = fs.first_m; if (!is_first_object_locked) VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.object); VM_CNT_INC(v_cow_faults); curthread->td_cow++; } else { prot &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE; } } /* * We must verify that the maps have not changed since our last * lookup. */ if (!fs.lookup_still_valid) { if (!vm_map_trylock_read( { release_page(&fs); unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); goto RetryFault; } fs.lookup_still_valid = true; if (>timestamp != fs.map_generation) { result = vm_map_lookup_locked(&, vaddr, fault_type, &fs.entry, &retry_object, &retry_pindex, &retry_prot, &wired); /* * If we don't need the page any longer, put it on the inactive * list (the easiest thing to do here). If no one needs it, * pageout will grab it eventually. */ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { release_page(&fs); unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); /* * If retry of map lookup would have blocked then * retry fault from start. */ if (result == KERN_FAILURE) goto RetryFault; return (result); } if ((retry_object != fs.first_object) || (retry_pindex != fs.first_pindex)) { release_page(&fs); unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); goto RetryFault; } /* * Check whether the protection has changed or the object has * been copied while we left the map unlocked. Changing from * read to write permission is OK - we leave the page * write-protected, and catch the write fault. Changing from * write to read permission means that we can't mark the page * write-enabled after all. */ prot &= retry_prot; fault_type &= retry_prot; if (prot == 0) { release_page(&fs); unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); goto RetryFault; } /* Reassert because wired may have changed. */ KASSERT(wired || (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) == 0, ("!wired && VM_FAULT_WIRE")); } } /* * If the page was filled by a pager, save the virtual address that * should be faulted on next under a sequential access pattern to the * map entry. A read lock on the map suffices to update this address * safely. */ if (hardfault) fs.entry->next_read = vaddr + ptoa(ahead) + PAGE_SIZE; vm_fault_dirty(fs.entry, fs.m, prot, fault_type, fault_flags, true); vm_page_assert_xbusied(fs.m); /* * Page must be completely valid or it is not fit to * map into user space. vm_pager_get_pages() ensures this. */ KASSERT(fs.m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("vm_fault: page %p partially invalid", fs.m)); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(fs.object); /* * Put this page into the physical map. We had to do the unlock above * because pmap_enter() may sleep. We don't put the page * back on the active queue until later so that the pageout daemon * won't find it (yet). */ pmap_enter(>pmap, vaddr, fs.m, prot, fault_type | (wired ? PMAP_ENTER_WIRED : 0), 0); if (faultcount != 1 && (fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) == 0 && wired == 0) vm_fault_prefault(&fs, vaddr, faultcount > 0 ? behind : PFBAK, faultcount > 0 ? ahead : PFFOR, false); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(fs.object); vm_page_lock(fs.m); /* * If the page is not wired down, then put it where the pageout daemon * can find it. */ if ((fault_flags & VM_FAULT_WIRE) != 0) vm_page_wire(fs.m); else vm_page_activate(fs.m); if (m_hold != NULL) { *m_hold = fs.m; - vm_page_hold(fs.m); + vm_page_wire(fs.m); } vm_page_unlock(fs.m); vm_page_xunbusy(fs.m); /* * Unlock everything, and return */ unlock_and_deallocate(&fs); if (hardfault) { VM_CNT_INC(v_io_faults); curthread->td_ru.ru_majflt++; #ifdef RACCT if (racct_enable && fs.object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { PROC_LOCK(curproc); if ((fault_type & (VM_PROT_COPY | VM_PROT_WRITE)) != 0) { racct_add_force(curproc, RACCT_WRITEBPS, PAGE_SIZE + behind * PAGE_SIZE); racct_add_force(curproc, RACCT_WRITEIOPS, 1); } else { racct_add_force(curproc, RACCT_READBPS, PAGE_SIZE + ahead * PAGE_SIZE); racct_add_force(curproc, RACCT_READIOPS, 1); } PROC_UNLOCK(curproc); } #endif } else curthread->td_ru.ru_minflt++; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Speed up the reclamation of pages that precede the faulting pindex within * the first object of the shadow chain. Essentially, perform the equivalent * to madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED) on a large cluster of pages that precedes * the faulting pindex by the cluster size when the pages read by vm_fault() * cross a cluster-size boundary. The cluster size is the greater of the * smallest superpage size and VM_FAULT_DONTNEED_MIN. * * When "fs->first_object" is a shadow object, the pages in the backing object * that precede the faulting pindex are deactivated by vm_fault(). So, this * function must only be concerned with pages in the first object. */ static void vm_fault_dontneed(const struct faultstate *fs, vm_offset_t vaddr, int ahead) { vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t first_object, object; vm_offset_t end, start; vm_page_t m, m_next; vm_pindex_t pend, pstart; vm_size_t size; object = fs->object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); first_object = fs->first_object; if (first_object != object) { if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(first_object)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(first_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); } } /* Neither fictitious nor unmanaged pages can be reclaimed. */ if ((first_object->flags & (OBJ_FICTITIOUS | OBJ_UNMANAGED)) == 0) { size = VM_FAULT_DONTNEED_MIN; if (MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && size < pagesizes[1]) size = pagesizes[1]; end = rounddown2(vaddr, size); if (vaddr - end >= size - PAGE_SIZE - ptoa(ahead) && (entry = fs->entry)->start < end) { if (end - entry->start < size) start = entry->start; else start = end - size; pmap_advise(fs->map->pmap, start, end, MADV_DONTNEED); pstart = OFF_TO_IDX(entry->offset) + atop(start - entry->start); m_next = vm_page_find_least(first_object, pstart); pend = OFF_TO_IDX(entry->offset) + atop(end - entry->start); while ((m = m_next) != NULL && m->pindex < pend) { m_next = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); if (m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL || vm_page_busied(m)) continue; /* * Don't clear PGA_REFERENCED, since it would * likely represent a reference by a different * process. * * Typically, at this point, prefetched pages * are still in the inactive queue. Only * pages that triggered page faults are in the * active queue. */ vm_page_lock(m); if (!vm_page_inactive(m)) vm_page_deactivate(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } } } if (first_object != object) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(first_object); } /* * vm_fault_prefault provides a quick way of clustering * pagefaults into a processes address space. It is a "cousin" * of vm_map_pmap_enter, except it runs at page fault time instead * of mmap time. */ static void vm_fault_prefault(const struct faultstate *fs, vm_offset_t addra, int backward, int forward, bool obj_locked) { pmap_t pmap; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t backing_object, lobject; vm_offset_t addr, starta; vm_pindex_t pindex; vm_page_t m; int i; pmap = fs->map->pmap; if (pmap != vmspace_pmap(curthread->td_proc->p_vmspace)) return; entry = fs->entry; if (addra < backward * PAGE_SIZE) { starta = entry->start; } else { starta = addra - backward * PAGE_SIZE; if (starta < entry->start) starta = entry->start; } /* * Generate the sequence of virtual addresses that are candidates for * prefaulting in an outward spiral from the faulting virtual address, * "addra". Specifically, the sequence is "addra - PAGE_SIZE", "addra * + PAGE_SIZE", "addra - 2 * PAGE_SIZE", "addra + 2 * PAGE_SIZE", ... * If the candidate address doesn't have a backing physical page, then * the loop immediately terminates. */ for (i = 0; i < 2 * imax(backward, forward); i++) { addr = addra + ((i >> 1) + 1) * ((i & 1) == 0 ? -PAGE_SIZE : PAGE_SIZE); if (addr > addra + forward * PAGE_SIZE) addr = 0; if (addr < starta || addr >= entry->end) continue; if (!pmap_is_prefaultable(pmap, addr)) continue; pindex = ((addr - entry->start) + entry->offset) >> PAGE_SHIFT; lobject = entry->object.vm_object; if (!obj_locked) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(lobject); while ((m = vm_page_lookup(lobject, pindex)) == NULL && lobject->type == OBJT_DEFAULT && (backing_object = lobject->backing_object) != NULL) { KASSERT((lobject->backing_object_offset & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("vm_fault_prefault: unaligned object offset")); pindex += lobject->backing_object_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(backing_object); if (!obj_locked || lobject != entry->object.vm_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobject); lobject = backing_object; } if (m == NULL) { if (!obj_locked || lobject != entry->object.vm_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobject); break; } if (m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL && (m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0) pmap_enter_quick(pmap, addr, m, entry->protection); if (!obj_locked || lobject != entry->object.vm_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobject); } } /* * Hold each of the physical pages that are mapped by the specified range of * virtual addresses, ["addr", "addr" + "len"), if those mappings are valid * and allow the specified types of access, "prot". If all of the implied * pages are successfully held, then the number of held pages is returned * together with pointers to those pages in the array "ma". However, if any * of the pages cannot be held, -1 is returned. */ int vm_fault_quick_hold_pages(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t len, vm_prot_t prot, vm_page_t *ma, int max_count) { vm_offset_t end, va; vm_page_t *mp; int count; boolean_t pmap_failed; if (len == 0) return (0); end = round_page(addr + len); addr = trunc_page(addr); /* * Check for illegal addresses. */ if (addr < vm_map_min(map) || addr > end || end > vm_map_max(map)) return (-1); if (atop(end - addr) > max_count) panic("vm_fault_quick_hold_pages: count > max_count"); count = atop(end - addr); /* * Most likely, the physical pages are resident in the pmap, so it is * faster to try pmap_extract_and_hold() first. */ pmap_failed = FALSE; for (mp = ma, va = addr; va < end; mp++, va += PAGE_SIZE) { *mp = pmap_extract_and_hold(map->pmap, va, prot); if (*mp == NULL) pmap_failed = TRUE; else if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 && (*mp)->dirty != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { /* * Explicitly dirty the physical page. Otherwise, the * caller's changes may go unnoticed because they are * performed through an unmanaged mapping or by a DMA * operation. * * The object lock is not held here. * See vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(). */ vm_page_dirty(*mp); } } if (pmap_failed) { /* * One or more pages could not be held by the pmap. Either no * page was mapped at the specified virtual address or that * mapping had insufficient permissions. Attempt to fault in * and hold these pages. * * If vm_fault_disable_pagefaults() was called, * i.e., TDP_NOFAULTING is set, we must not sleep nor * acquire MD VM locks, which means we must not call * vm_fault_hold(). Some (out of tree) callers mark * too wide a code area with vm_fault_disable_pagefaults() * already, use the VM_PROT_QUICK_NOFAULT flag to request * the proper behaviour explicitly. */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_QUICK_NOFAULT) != 0 && (curthread->td_pflags & TDP_NOFAULTING) != 0) goto error; for (mp = ma, va = addr; va < end; mp++, va += PAGE_SIZE) if (*mp == NULL && vm_fault_hold(map, va, prot, VM_FAULT_NORMAL, mp) != KERN_SUCCESS) goto error; } return (count); error: for (mp = ma; mp < ma + count; mp++) if (*mp != NULL) { vm_page_lock(*mp); - vm_page_unhold(*mp); + if (vm_page_unwire(*mp, PQ_INACTIVE) && + (*mp)->object == NULL) + vm_page_free(*mp); vm_page_unlock(*mp); } return (-1); } /* * Routine: * vm_fault_copy_entry * Function: * Create new shadow object backing dst_entry with private copy of * all underlying pages. When src_entry is equal to dst_entry, * function implements COW for wired-down map entry. Otherwise, * it forks wired entry into dst_map. * * In/out conditions: * The source and destination maps must be locked for write. * The source map entry must be wired down (or be a sharing map * entry corresponding to a main map entry that is wired down). */ void vm_fault_copy_entry(vm_map_t dst_map, vm_map_t src_map, vm_map_entry_t dst_entry, vm_map_entry_t src_entry, vm_ooffset_t *fork_charge) { vm_object_t backing_object, dst_object, object, src_object; vm_pindex_t dst_pindex, pindex, src_pindex; vm_prot_t access, prot; vm_offset_t vaddr; vm_page_t dst_m; vm_page_t src_m; boolean_t upgrade; #ifdef lint src_map++; #endif /* lint */ upgrade = src_entry == dst_entry; access = prot = dst_entry->protection; src_object = src_entry->object.vm_object; src_pindex = OFF_TO_IDX(src_entry->offset); if (upgrade && (dst_entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_NEEDS_COPY) == 0) { dst_object = src_object; vm_object_reference(dst_object); } else { /* * Create the top-level object for the destination entry. (Doesn't * actually shadow anything - we copy the pages directly.) */ dst_object = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, atop(dst_entry->end - dst_entry->start)); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 dst_object->flags |= OBJ_COLORED; dst_object->pg_color = atop(dst_entry->start); #endif dst_object->domain = src_object->domain; dst_object->charge = dst_entry->end - dst_entry->start; } VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(dst_object); KASSERT(upgrade || dst_entry->object.vm_object == NULL, ("vm_fault_copy_entry: vm_object not NULL")); if (src_object != dst_object) { dst_entry->object.vm_object = dst_object; dst_entry->offset = 0; dst_entry->eflags &= ~MAP_ENTRY_VN_EXEC; } if (fork_charge != NULL) { KASSERT(dst_entry->cred == NULL, ("vm_fault_copy_entry: leaked swp charge")); dst_object->cred = curthread->td_ucred; crhold(dst_object->cred); *fork_charge += dst_object->charge; } else if ((dst_object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || dst_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) && dst_object->cred == NULL) { KASSERT(dst_entry->cred != NULL, ("no cred for entry %p", dst_entry)); dst_object->cred = dst_entry->cred; dst_entry->cred = NULL; } /* * If not an upgrade, then enter the mappings in the pmap as * read and/or execute accesses. Otherwise, enter them as * write accesses. * * A writeable large page mapping is only created if all of * the constituent small page mappings are modified. Marking * PTEs as modified on inception allows promotion to happen * without taking potentially large number of soft faults. */ if (!upgrade) access &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE; /* * Loop through all of the virtual pages within the entry's * range, copying each page from the source object to the * destination object. Since the source is wired, those pages * must exist. In contrast, the destination is pageable. * Since the destination object doesn't share any backing storage * with the source object, all of its pages must be dirtied, * regardless of whether they can be written. */ for (vaddr = dst_entry->start, dst_pindex = 0; vaddr < dst_entry->end; vaddr += PAGE_SIZE, dst_pindex++) { again: /* * Find the page in the source object, and copy it in. * Because the source is wired down, the page will be * in memory. */ if (src_object != dst_object) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(src_object); object = src_object; pindex = src_pindex + dst_pindex; while ((src_m = vm_page_lookup(object, pindex)) == NULL && (backing_object = object->backing_object) != NULL) { /* * Unless the source mapping is read-only or * it is presently being upgraded from * read-only, the first object in the shadow * chain should provide all of the pages. In * other words, this loop body should never be * executed when the source mapping is already * read/write. */ KASSERT((src_entry->protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0 || upgrade, ("vm_fault_copy_entry: main object missing page")); VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(backing_object); pindex += OFF_TO_IDX(object->backing_object_offset); if (object != dst_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); object = backing_object; } KASSERT(src_m != NULL, ("vm_fault_copy_entry: page missing")); if (object != dst_object) { /* * Allocate a page in the destination object. */ dst_m = vm_page_alloc(dst_object, (src_object == dst_object ? src_pindex : 0) + dst_pindex, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL); if (dst_m == NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(dst_object); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); vm_wait(dst_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(dst_object); goto again; } pmap_copy_page(src_m, dst_m); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); dst_m->dirty = dst_m->valid = src_m->valid; } else { dst_m = src_m; if (vm_page_sleep_if_busy(dst_m, "fltupg")) goto again; if (dst_m->pindex >= dst_object->size) /* * We are upgrading. Index can occur * out of bounds if the object type is * vnode and the file was truncated. */ break; vm_page_xbusy(dst_m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(dst_object); /* * Enter it in the pmap. If a wired, copy-on-write * mapping is being replaced by a write-enabled * mapping, then wire that new mapping. * * The page can be invalid if the user called * msync(MS_INVALIDATE) or truncated the backing vnode * or shared memory object. In this case, do not * insert it into pmap, but still do the copy so that * all copies of the wired map entry have similar * backing pages. */ if (dst_m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { pmap_enter(dst_map->pmap, vaddr, dst_m, prot, access | (upgrade ? PMAP_ENTER_WIRED : 0), 0); } /* * Mark it no longer busy, and put it on the active list. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(dst_object); if (upgrade) { if (src_m != dst_m) { vm_page_lock(src_m); vm_page_unwire(src_m, PQ_INACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(src_m); vm_page_lock(dst_m); vm_page_wire(dst_m); vm_page_unlock(dst_m); } else { KASSERT(vm_page_wired(dst_m), ("dst_m %p is not wired", dst_m)); } } else { vm_page_lock(dst_m); vm_page_activate(dst_m); vm_page_unlock(dst_m); } vm_page_xunbusy(dst_m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(dst_object); if (upgrade) { dst_entry->eflags &= ~(MAP_ENTRY_COW | MAP_ENTRY_NEEDS_COPY); vm_object_deallocate(src_object); } } /* * Block entry into the machine-independent layer's page fault handler by * the calling thread. Subsequent calls to vm_fault() by that thread will * return KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE. Enable machine-dependent handling of * spurious page faults. */ int vm_fault_disable_pagefaults(void) { return (curthread_pflags_set(TDP_NOFAULTING | TDP_RESETSPUR)); } void vm_fault_enable_pagefaults(int save) { curthread_pflags_restore(save); } Index: head/sys/vm/vm_glue.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_glue.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_glue.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,598 +1,596 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_glue.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 1/5/94 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_vm.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_kstack_max_pages.h" #include "opt_kstack_usage_prof.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * MPSAFE * * WARNING! This code calls vm_map_check_protection() which only checks * the associated vm_map_entry range. It does not determine whether the * contents of the memory is actually readable or writable. In most cases * just checking the vm_map_entry is sufficient within the kernel's address * space. */ int kernacc(void *addr, int len, int rw) { boolean_t rv; vm_offset_t saddr, eaddr; vm_prot_t prot; KASSERT((rw & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("illegal ``rw'' argument to kernacc (%x)\n", rw)); if ((vm_offset_t)addr + len > vm_map_max(kernel_map) || (vm_offset_t)addr + len < (vm_offset_t)addr) return (FALSE); prot = rw; saddr = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)addr); eaddr = round_page((vm_offset_t)addr + len); vm_map_lock_read(kernel_map); rv = vm_map_check_protection(kernel_map, saddr, eaddr, prot); vm_map_unlock_read(kernel_map); return (rv == TRUE); } /* * MPSAFE * * WARNING! This code calls vm_map_check_protection() which only checks * the associated vm_map_entry range. It does not determine whether the * contents of the memory is actually readable or writable. vmapbuf(), * vm_fault_quick(), or copyin()/copout()/su*()/fu*() functions should be * used in conjunction with this call. */ int useracc(void *addr, int len, int rw) { boolean_t rv; vm_prot_t prot; vm_map_t map; KASSERT((rw & ~VM_PROT_ALL) == 0, ("illegal ``rw'' argument to useracc (%x)\n", rw)); prot = rw; map = &curproc->p_vmspace->vm_map; if ((vm_offset_t)addr + len > vm_map_max(map) || (vm_offset_t)addr + len < (vm_offset_t)addr) { return (FALSE); } vm_map_lock_read(map); rv = vm_map_check_protection(map, trunc_page((vm_offset_t)addr), round_page((vm_offset_t)addr + len), prot); vm_map_unlock_read(map); return (rv == TRUE); } int vslock(void *addr, size_t len) { vm_offset_t end, last, start; vm_size_t npages; int error; last = (vm_offset_t)addr + len; start = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)addr); end = round_page(last); if (last < (vm_offset_t)addr || end < (vm_offset_t)addr) return (EINVAL); npages = atop(end - start); if (npages > vm_page_max_user_wired) return (ENOMEM); error = vm_map_wire(&curproc->p_vmspace->vm_map, start, end, VM_MAP_WIRE_SYSTEM | VM_MAP_WIRE_NOHOLES); if (error == KERN_SUCCESS) { curthread->td_vslock_sz += len; return (0); } /* * Return EFAULT on error to match copy{in,out}() behaviour * rather than returning ENOMEM like mlock() would. */ return (EFAULT); } void vsunlock(void *addr, size_t len) { /* Rely on the parameter sanity checks performed by vslock(). */ MPASS(curthread->td_vslock_sz >= len); curthread->td_vslock_sz -= len; (void)vm_map_unwire(&curproc->p_vmspace->vm_map, trunc_page((vm_offset_t)addr), round_page((vm_offset_t)addr + len), VM_MAP_WIRE_SYSTEM | VM_MAP_WIRE_NOHOLES); } /* * Pin the page contained within the given object at the given offset. If the * page is not resident, allocate and load it using the given object's pager. * Return the pinned page if successful; otherwise, return NULL. */ static vm_page_t vm_imgact_hold_page(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t pindex; int rv; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); pindex = OFF_TO_IDX(offset); - m = vm_page_grab(object, pindex, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY); + m = vm_page_grab(object, pindex, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | + VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { vm_page_xbusy(m); rv = vm_pager_get_pages(object, &m, 1, NULL, NULL); if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) { vm_page_lock(m); + vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_NONE); vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); m = NULL; goto out; } vm_page_xunbusy(m); } - vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_hold(m); - vm_page_activate(m); - vm_page_unlock(m); out: VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (m); } /* * Return a CPU private mapping to the page at the given offset within the * given object. The page is pinned before it is mapped. */ struct sf_buf * vm_imgact_map_page(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset) { vm_page_t m; m = vm_imgact_hold_page(object, offset); if (m == NULL) return (NULL); sched_pin(); return (sf_buf_alloc(m, SFB_CPUPRIVATE)); } /* * Destroy the given CPU private mapping and unpin the page that it mapped. */ void vm_imgact_unmap_page(struct sf_buf *sf) { vm_page_t m; m = sf_buf_page(sf); sf_buf_free(sf); sched_unpin(); vm_page_lock(m); - vm_page_unhold(m); + vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); vm_page_unlock(m); } void vm_sync_icache(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t sz) { pmap_sync_icache(map->pmap, va, sz); } struct kstack_cache_entry *kstack_cache; static int kstack_cache_size = 128; static int kstacks, kstack_domain_iter; static struct mtx kstack_cache_mtx; MTX_SYSINIT(kstack_cache, &kstack_cache_mtx, "kstkch", MTX_DEF); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, kstack_cache_size, CTLFLAG_RW, &kstack_cache_size, 0, ""); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, kstacks, CTLFLAG_RD, &kstacks, 0, ""); /* * Create the kernel stack (including pcb for i386) for a new thread. * This routine directly affects the fork perf for a process and * create performance for a thread. */ int vm_thread_new(struct thread *td, int pages) { vm_object_t ksobj; vm_offset_t ks; vm_page_t ma[KSTACK_MAX_PAGES]; struct kstack_cache_entry *ks_ce; int i; /* Bounds check */ if (pages <= 1) pages = kstack_pages; else if (pages > KSTACK_MAX_PAGES) pages = KSTACK_MAX_PAGES; if (pages == kstack_pages && kstack_cache != NULL) { mtx_lock(&kstack_cache_mtx); if (kstack_cache != NULL) { ks_ce = kstack_cache; kstack_cache = ks_ce->next_ks_entry; mtx_unlock(&kstack_cache_mtx); td->td_kstack_obj = ks_ce->ksobj; td->td_kstack = (vm_offset_t)ks_ce; td->td_kstack_pages = kstack_pages; return (1); } mtx_unlock(&kstack_cache_mtx); } /* * Allocate an object for the kstack. */ ksobj = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, pages); /* * Get a kernel virtual address for this thread's kstack. */ #if defined(__mips__) /* * We need to align the kstack's mapped address to fit within * a single TLB entry. */ if (vmem_xalloc(kernel_arena, (pages + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE * 2, 0, 0, VMEM_ADDR_MIN, VMEM_ADDR_MAX, M_BESTFIT | M_NOWAIT, &ks)) { ks = 0; } #else ks = kva_alloc((pages + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE); #endif if (ks == 0) { printf("vm_thread_new: kstack allocation failed\n"); vm_object_deallocate(ksobj); return (0); } /* * Ensure that kstack objects can draw pages from any memory * domain. Otherwise a local memory shortage can block a process * swap-in. */ if (vm_ndomains > 1) { ksobj->domain.dr_policy = DOMAINSET_RR(); ksobj->domain.dr_iter = atomic_fetchadd_int(&kstack_domain_iter, 1); } atomic_add_int(&kstacks, 1); if (KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES != 0) { pmap_qremove(ks, KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES); ks += KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE; } td->td_kstack_obj = ksobj; td->td_kstack = ks; /* * Knowing the number of pages allocated is useful when you * want to deallocate them. */ td->td_kstack_pages = pages; /* * For the length of the stack, link in a real page of ram for each * page of stack. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(ksobj); (void)vm_page_grab_pages(ksobj, 0, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_WIRED, ma, pages); for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) ma[i]->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(ksobj); pmap_qenter(ks, ma, pages); return (1); } static void vm_thread_stack_dispose(vm_object_t ksobj, vm_offset_t ks, int pages) { vm_page_t m; int i; atomic_add_int(&kstacks, -1); pmap_qremove(ks, pages); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(ksobj); for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) { m = vm_page_lookup(ksobj, i); if (m == NULL) panic("vm_thread_dispose: kstack already missing?"); vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_unwire_noq(m); vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(ksobj); vm_object_deallocate(ksobj); kva_free(ks - (KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE), (pages + KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE); } /* * Dispose of a thread's kernel stack. */ void vm_thread_dispose(struct thread *td) { vm_object_t ksobj; vm_offset_t ks; struct kstack_cache_entry *ks_ce; int pages; pages = td->td_kstack_pages; ksobj = td->td_kstack_obj; ks = td->td_kstack; td->td_kstack = 0; td->td_kstack_pages = 0; if (pages == kstack_pages && kstacks <= kstack_cache_size) { ks_ce = (struct kstack_cache_entry *)ks; ks_ce->ksobj = ksobj; mtx_lock(&kstack_cache_mtx); ks_ce->next_ks_entry = kstack_cache; kstack_cache = ks_ce; mtx_unlock(&kstack_cache_mtx); return; } vm_thread_stack_dispose(ksobj, ks, pages); } static void vm_thread_stack_lowmem(void *nulll) { struct kstack_cache_entry *ks_ce, *ks_ce1; mtx_lock(&kstack_cache_mtx); ks_ce = kstack_cache; kstack_cache = NULL; mtx_unlock(&kstack_cache_mtx); while (ks_ce != NULL) { ks_ce1 = ks_ce; ks_ce = ks_ce->next_ks_entry; vm_thread_stack_dispose(ks_ce1->ksobj, (vm_offset_t)ks_ce1, kstack_pages); } } static void kstack_cache_init(void *nulll) { EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(vm_lowmem, vm_thread_stack_lowmem, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); } SYSINIT(vm_kstacks, SI_SUB_KTHREAD_INIT, SI_ORDER_ANY, kstack_cache_init, NULL); #ifdef KSTACK_USAGE_PROF /* * Track maximum stack used by a thread in kernel. */ static int max_kstack_used; SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, max_kstack_used, CTLFLAG_RD, &max_kstack_used, 0, "Maxiumum stack depth used by a thread in kernel"); void intr_prof_stack_use(struct thread *td, struct trapframe *frame) { vm_offset_t stack_top; vm_offset_t current; int used, prev_used; /* * Testing for interrupted kernel mode isn't strictly * needed. It optimizes the execution, since interrupts from * usermode will have only the trap frame on the stack. */ if (TRAPF_USERMODE(frame)) return; stack_top = td->td_kstack + td->td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE; current = (vm_offset_t)(uintptr_t)&stack_top; /* * Try to detect if interrupt is using kernel thread stack. * Hardware could use a dedicated stack for interrupt handling. */ if (stack_top <= current || current < td->td_kstack) return; used = stack_top - current; for (;;) { prev_used = max_kstack_used; if (prev_used >= used) break; if (atomic_cmpset_int(&max_kstack_used, prev_used, used)) break; } } #endif /* KSTACK_USAGE_PROF */ /* * Implement fork's actions on an address space. * Here we arrange for the address space to be copied or referenced, * allocate a user struct (pcb and kernel stack), then call the * machine-dependent layer to fill those in and make the new process * ready to run. The new process is set up so that it returns directly * to user mode to avoid stack copying and relocation problems. */ int vm_forkproc(struct thread *td, struct proc *p2, struct thread *td2, struct vmspace *vm2, int flags) { struct proc *p1 = td->td_proc; struct domainset *dset; int error; if ((flags & RFPROC) == 0) { /* * Divorce the memory, if it is shared, essentially * this changes shared memory amongst threads, into * COW locally. */ if ((flags & RFMEM) == 0) { if (p1->p_vmspace->vm_refcnt > 1) { error = vmspace_unshare(p1); if (error) return (error); } } cpu_fork(td, p2, td2, flags); return (0); } if (flags & RFMEM) { p2->p_vmspace = p1->p_vmspace; atomic_add_int(&p1->p_vmspace->vm_refcnt, 1); } dset = td2->td_domain.dr_policy; while (vm_page_count_severe_set(&dset->ds_mask)) { vm_wait_doms(&dset->ds_mask); } if ((flags & RFMEM) == 0) { p2->p_vmspace = vm2; if (p1->p_vmspace->vm_shm) shmfork(p1, p2); } /* * cpu_fork will copy and update the pcb, set up the kernel stack, * and make the child ready to run. */ cpu_fork(td, p2, td2, flags); return (0); } /* * Called after process has been wait(2)'ed upon and is being reaped. * The idea is to reclaim resources that we could not reclaim while * the process was still executing. */ void vm_waitproc(p) struct proc *p; { vmspace_exitfree(p); /* and clean-out the vmspace */ } void kick_proc0(void) { wakeup(&proc0); } Index: head/sys/vm/vm_object.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_object.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_object.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2687 +1,2687 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_object.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 3/22/94 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Virtual memory object module. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for curproc, pageproc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int old_msync; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, old_msync, CTLFLAG_RW, &old_msync, 0, "Use old (insecure) msync behavior"); static int vm_object_page_collect_flush(vm_object_t object, vm_page_t p, int pagerflags, int flags, boolean_t *clearobjflags, boolean_t *eio); static boolean_t vm_object_page_remove_write(vm_page_t p, int flags, boolean_t *clearobjflags); static void vm_object_qcollapse(vm_object_t object); static void vm_object_vndeallocate(vm_object_t object); /* * Virtual memory objects maintain the actual data * associated with allocated virtual memory. A given * page of memory exists within exactly one object. * * An object is only deallocated when all "references" * are given up. Only one "reference" to a given * region of an object should be writeable. * * Associated with each object is a list of all resident * memory pages belonging to that object; this list is * maintained by the "vm_page" module, and locked by the object's * lock. * * Each object also records a "pager" routine which is * used to retrieve (and store) pages to the proper backing * storage. In addition, objects may be backed by other * objects from which they were virtual-copied. * * The only items within the object structure which are * modified after time of creation are: * reference count locked by object's lock * pager routine locked by object's lock * */ struct object_q vm_object_list; struct mtx vm_object_list_mtx; /* lock for object list and count */ struct vm_object kernel_object_store; static SYSCTL_NODE(_vm_stats, OID_AUTO, object, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "VM object stats"); static counter_u64_t object_collapses = EARLY_COUNTER; SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_vm_stats_object, OID_AUTO, collapses, CTLFLAG_RD, &object_collapses, "VM object collapses"); static counter_u64_t object_bypasses = EARLY_COUNTER; SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_vm_stats_object, OID_AUTO, bypasses, CTLFLAG_RD, &object_bypasses, "VM object bypasses"); static void counter_startup(void) { object_collapses = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); object_bypasses = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); } SYSINIT(object_counters, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, counter_startup, NULL); static uma_zone_t obj_zone; static int vm_object_zinit(void *mem, int size, int flags); #ifdef INVARIANTS static void vm_object_zdtor(void *mem, int size, void *arg); static void vm_object_zdtor(void *mem, int size, void *arg) { vm_object_t object; object = (vm_object_t)mem; KASSERT(object->ref_count == 0, ("object %p ref_count = %d", object, object->ref_count)); KASSERT(TAILQ_EMPTY(&object->memq), ("object %p has resident pages in its memq", object)); KASSERT(vm_radix_is_empty(&object->rtree), ("object %p has resident pages in its trie", object)); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 KASSERT(LIST_EMPTY(&object->rvq), ("object %p has reservations", object)); #endif KASSERT(object->paging_in_progress == 0, ("object %p paging_in_progress = %d", object, object->paging_in_progress)); KASSERT(object->resident_page_count == 0, ("object %p resident_page_count = %d", object, object->resident_page_count)); KASSERT(object->shadow_count == 0, ("object %p shadow_count = %d", object, object->shadow_count)); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_DEAD, ("object %p has non-dead type %d", object, object->type)); } #endif static int vm_object_zinit(void *mem, int size, int flags) { vm_object_t object; object = (vm_object_t)mem; rw_init_flags(&object->lock, "vm object", RW_DUPOK | RW_NEW); /* These are true for any object that has been freed */ object->type = OBJT_DEAD; object->ref_count = 0; vm_radix_init(&object->rtree); object->paging_in_progress = 0; object->resident_page_count = 0; object->shadow_count = 0; object->flags = OBJ_DEAD; mtx_lock(&vm_object_list_mtx); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_object_list, object, object_list); mtx_unlock(&vm_object_list_mtx); return (0); } static void _vm_object_allocate(objtype_t type, vm_pindex_t size, vm_object_t object) { TAILQ_INIT(&object->memq); LIST_INIT(&object->shadow_head); object->type = type; if (type == OBJT_SWAP) pctrie_init(&object->un_pager.swp.swp_blks); /* * Ensure that swap_pager_swapoff() iteration over object_list * sees up to date type and pctrie head if it observed * non-dead object. */ atomic_thread_fence_rel(); switch (type) { case OBJT_DEAD: panic("_vm_object_allocate: can't create OBJT_DEAD"); case OBJT_DEFAULT: case OBJT_SWAP: object->flags = OBJ_ONEMAPPING; break; case OBJT_DEVICE: case OBJT_SG: object->flags = OBJ_FICTITIOUS | OBJ_UNMANAGED; break; case OBJT_MGTDEVICE: object->flags = OBJ_FICTITIOUS; break; case OBJT_PHYS: object->flags = OBJ_UNMANAGED; break; case OBJT_VNODE: object->flags = 0; break; default: panic("_vm_object_allocate: type %d is undefined", type); } object->size = size; object->domain.dr_policy = NULL; object->generation = 1; object->ref_count = 1; object->memattr = VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT; object->cred = NULL; object->charge = 0; object->handle = NULL; object->backing_object = NULL; object->backing_object_offset = (vm_ooffset_t) 0; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 LIST_INIT(&object->rvq); #endif umtx_shm_object_init(object); } /* * vm_object_init: * * Initialize the VM objects module. */ void vm_object_init(void) { TAILQ_INIT(&vm_object_list); mtx_init(&vm_object_list_mtx, "vm object_list", NULL, MTX_DEF); rw_init(&kernel_object->lock, "kernel vm object"); _vm_object_allocate(OBJT_PHYS, atop(VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS), kernel_object); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 kernel_object->flags |= OBJ_COLORED; kernel_object->pg_color = (u_short)atop(VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS); #endif /* * The lock portion of struct vm_object must be type stable due * to vm_pageout_fallback_object_lock locking a vm object * without holding any references to it. */ obj_zone = uma_zcreate("VM OBJECT", sizeof (struct vm_object), NULL, #ifdef INVARIANTS vm_object_zdtor, #else NULL, #endif vm_object_zinit, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_NOFREE); vm_radix_zinit(); } void vm_object_clear_flag(vm_object_t object, u_short bits) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); object->flags &= ~bits; } /* * Sets the default memory attribute for the specified object. Pages * that are allocated to this object are by default assigned this memory * attribute. * * Presently, this function must be called before any pages are allocated * to the object. In the future, this requirement may be relaxed for * "default" and "swap" objects. */ int vm_object_set_memattr(vm_object_t object, vm_memattr_t memattr) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); switch (object->type) { case OBJT_DEFAULT: case OBJT_DEVICE: case OBJT_MGTDEVICE: case OBJT_PHYS: case OBJT_SG: case OBJT_SWAP: case OBJT_VNODE: if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&object->memq)) return (KERN_FAILURE); break; case OBJT_DEAD: return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); default: panic("vm_object_set_memattr: object %p is of undefined type", object); } object->memattr = memattr; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } void vm_object_pip_add(vm_object_t object, short i) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); object->paging_in_progress += i; } void vm_object_pip_subtract(vm_object_t object, short i) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); object->paging_in_progress -= i; } void vm_object_pip_wakeup(vm_object_t object) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); object->paging_in_progress--; if ((object->flags & OBJ_PIPWNT) && object->paging_in_progress == 0) { vm_object_clear_flag(object, OBJ_PIPWNT); wakeup(object); } } void vm_object_pip_wakeupn(vm_object_t object, short i) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); if (i) object->paging_in_progress -= i; if ((object->flags & OBJ_PIPWNT) && object->paging_in_progress == 0) { vm_object_clear_flag(object, OBJ_PIPWNT); wakeup(object); } } void vm_object_pip_wait(vm_object_t object, char *waitid) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); while (object->paging_in_progress) { object->flags |= OBJ_PIPWNT; VM_OBJECT_SLEEP(object, object, PVM, waitid, 0); } } /* * vm_object_allocate: * * Returns a new object with the given size. */ vm_object_t vm_object_allocate(objtype_t type, vm_pindex_t size) { vm_object_t object; object = (vm_object_t)uma_zalloc(obj_zone, M_WAITOK); _vm_object_allocate(type, size, object); return (object); } /* * vm_object_reference: * * Gets another reference to the given object. Note: OBJ_DEAD * objects can be referenced during final cleaning. */ void vm_object_reference(vm_object_t object) { if (object == NULL) return; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); vm_object_reference_locked(object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); } /* * vm_object_reference_locked: * * Gets another reference to the given object. * * The object must be locked. */ void vm_object_reference_locked(vm_object_t object) { struct vnode *vp; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); object->ref_count++; if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { vp = object->handle; vref(vp); } } /* * Handle deallocating an object of type OBJT_VNODE. */ static void vm_object_vndeallocate(vm_object_t object) { struct vnode *vp = (struct vnode *) object->handle; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_VNODE, ("vm_object_vndeallocate: not a vnode object")); KASSERT(vp != NULL, ("vm_object_vndeallocate: missing vp")); #ifdef INVARIANTS if (object->ref_count == 0) { vn_printf(vp, "vm_object_vndeallocate "); panic("vm_object_vndeallocate: bad object reference count"); } #endif if (!umtx_shm_vnobj_persistent && object->ref_count == 1) umtx_shm_object_terminated(object); object->ref_count--; /* vrele may need the vnode lock. */ VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vrele(vp); } /* * vm_object_deallocate: * * Release a reference to the specified object, * gained either through a vm_object_allocate * or a vm_object_reference call. When all references * are gone, storage associated with this object * may be relinquished. * * No object may be locked. */ void vm_object_deallocate(vm_object_t object) { vm_object_t temp; struct vnode *vp; while (object != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { vm_object_vndeallocate(object); return; } KASSERT(object->ref_count != 0, ("vm_object_deallocate: object deallocated too many times: %d", object->type)); /* * If the reference count goes to 0 we start calling * vm_object_terminate() on the object chain. * A ref count of 1 may be a special case depending on the * shadow count being 0 or 1. */ object->ref_count--; if (object->ref_count > 1) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return; } else if (object->ref_count == 1) { if (object->type == OBJT_SWAP && (object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS) != 0) { vp = object->un_pager.swp.swp_tmpfs; vhold(vp); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); if (object->type == OBJT_DEAD || object->ref_count != 1) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); vdrop(vp); return; } if ((object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS) != 0) VOP_UNSET_TEXT(vp); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); vdrop(vp); } if (object->shadow_count == 0 && object->handle == NULL && (object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || (object->type == OBJT_SWAP && (object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) == 0))) { vm_object_set_flag(object, OBJ_ONEMAPPING); } else if ((object->shadow_count == 1) && (object->handle == NULL) && (object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || object->type == OBJT_SWAP)) { vm_object_t robject; robject = LIST_FIRST(&object->shadow_head); KASSERT(robject != NULL, ("vm_object_deallocate: ref_count: %d, shadow_count: %d", object->ref_count, object->shadow_count)); KASSERT((robject->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) == 0, ("shadowed tmpfs v_object %p", object)); if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(robject)) { /* * Avoid a potential deadlock. */ object->ref_count++; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); /* * More likely than not the thread * holding robject's lock has lower * priority than the current thread. * Let the lower priority thread run. */ pause("vmo_de", 1); continue; } /* * Collapse object into its shadow unless its * shadow is dead. In that case, object will * be deallocated by the thread that is * deallocating its shadow. */ if ((robject->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0 && (robject->handle == NULL) && (robject->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || robject->type == OBJT_SWAP)) { robject->ref_count++; retry: if (robject->paging_in_progress) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_object_pip_wait(robject, "objde1"); temp = robject->backing_object; if (object == temp) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto retry; } } else if (object->paging_in_progress) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(robject); object->flags |= OBJ_PIPWNT; VM_OBJECT_SLEEP(object, object, PDROP | PVM, "objde2", 0); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(robject); temp = robject->backing_object; if (object == temp) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto retry; } } else VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); if (robject->ref_count == 1) { robject->ref_count--; object = robject; goto doterm; } object = robject; vm_object_collapse(object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); continue; } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(robject); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return; } doterm: umtx_shm_object_terminated(object); temp = object->backing_object; if (temp != NULL) { KASSERT((object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) == 0, ("shadowed tmpfs v_object 2 %p", object)); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(temp); LIST_REMOVE(object, shadow_list); temp->shadow_count--; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(temp); object->backing_object = NULL; } /* * Don't double-terminate, we could be in a termination * recursion due to the terminate having to sync data * to disk. */ if ((object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0) vm_object_terminate(object); else VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); object = temp; } } /* * vm_object_destroy removes the object from the global object list * and frees the space for the object. */ void vm_object_destroy(vm_object_t object) { /* * Release the allocation charge. */ if (object->cred != NULL) { swap_release_by_cred(object->charge, object->cred); object->charge = 0; crfree(object->cred); object->cred = NULL; } /* * Free the space for the object. */ uma_zfree(obj_zone, object); } /* * vm_object_terminate_pages removes any remaining pageable pages * from the object and resets the object to an empty state. */ static void vm_object_terminate_pages(vm_object_t object) { vm_page_t p, p_next; struct mtx *mtx; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); mtx = NULL; /* * Free any remaining pageable pages. This also removes them from the * paging queues. However, don't free wired pages, just remove them * from the object. Rather than incrementally removing each page from * the object, the page and object are reset to any empty state. */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(p, &object->memq, listq, p_next) { vm_page_assert_unbusied(p); if ((object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) == 0) /* * vm_page_free_prep() only needs the page * lock for managed pages. */ vm_page_change_lock(p, &mtx); p->object = NULL; if (vm_page_wired(p)) continue; VM_CNT_INC(v_pfree); vm_page_free(p); } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); /* * If the object contained any pages, then reset it to an empty state. * None of the object's fields, including "resident_page_count", were * modified by the preceding loop. */ if (object->resident_page_count != 0) { vm_radix_reclaim_allnodes(&object->rtree); TAILQ_INIT(&object->memq); object->resident_page_count = 0; if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) vdrop(object->handle); } } /* * vm_object_terminate actually destroys the specified object, freeing * up all previously used resources. * * The object must be locked. * This routine may block. */ void vm_object_terminate(vm_object_t object) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); /* * Make sure no one uses us. */ vm_object_set_flag(object, OBJ_DEAD); /* * wait for the pageout daemon to be done with the object */ vm_object_pip_wait(object, "objtrm"); KASSERT(!object->paging_in_progress, ("vm_object_terminate: pageout in progress")); /* * Clean and free the pages, as appropriate. All references to the * object are gone, so we don't need to lock it. */ if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { struct vnode *vp = (struct vnode *)object->handle; /* * Clean pages and flush buffers. */ vm_object_page_clean(object, 0, 0, OBJPC_SYNC); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, 0, 0); BO_LOCK(&vp->v_bufobj); vp->v_bufobj.bo_flag |= BO_DEAD; BO_UNLOCK(&vp->v_bufobj); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); } KASSERT(object->ref_count == 0, ("vm_object_terminate: object with references, ref_count=%d", object->ref_count)); if ((object->flags & OBJ_PG_DTOR) == 0) vm_object_terminate_pages(object); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if (__predict_false(!LIST_EMPTY(&object->rvq))) vm_reserv_break_all(object); #endif KASSERT(object->cred == NULL || object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || object->type == OBJT_SWAP, ("%s: non-swap obj %p has cred", __func__, object)); /* * Let the pager know object is dead. */ vm_pager_deallocate(object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_object_destroy(object); } /* * Make the page read-only so that we can clear the object flags. However, if * this is a nosync mmap then the object is likely to stay dirty so do not * mess with the page and do not clear the object flags. Returns TRUE if the * page should be flushed, and FALSE otherwise. */ static boolean_t vm_object_page_remove_write(vm_page_t p, int flags, boolean_t *clearobjflags) { /* * If we have been asked to skip nosync pages and this is a * nosync page, skip it. Note that the object flags were not * cleared in this case so we do not have to set them. */ if ((flags & OBJPC_NOSYNC) != 0 && (p->oflags & VPO_NOSYNC) != 0) { *clearobjflags = FALSE; return (FALSE); } else { pmap_remove_write(p); return (p->dirty != 0); } } /* * vm_object_page_clean * * Clean all dirty pages in the specified range of object. Leaves page * on whatever queue it is currently on. If NOSYNC is set then do not * write out pages with VPO_NOSYNC set (originally comes from MAP_NOSYNC), * leaving the object dirty. * * When stuffing pages asynchronously, allow clustering. XXX we need a * synchronous clustering mode implementation. * * Odd semantics: if start == end, we clean everything. * * The object must be locked. * * Returns FALSE if some page from the range was not written, as * reported by the pager, and TRUE otherwise. */ boolean_t vm_object_page_clean(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t start, vm_ooffset_t end, int flags) { vm_page_t np, p; vm_pindex_t pi, tend, tstart; int curgeneration, n, pagerflags; boolean_t clearobjflags, eio, res; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); /* * The OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY flag is only set for OBJT_VNODE * objects. The check below prevents the function from * operating on non-vnode objects. */ if ((object->flags & OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY) == 0 || object->resident_page_count == 0) return (TRUE); pagerflags = (flags & (OBJPC_SYNC | OBJPC_INVAL)) != 0 ? VM_PAGER_PUT_SYNC : VM_PAGER_CLUSTER_OK; pagerflags |= (flags & OBJPC_INVAL) != 0 ? VM_PAGER_PUT_INVAL : 0; tstart = OFF_TO_IDX(start); tend = (end == 0) ? object->size : OFF_TO_IDX(end + PAGE_MASK); clearobjflags = tstart == 0 && tend >= object->size; res = TRUE; rescan: curgeneration = object->generation; for (p = vm_page_find_least(object, tstart); p != NULL; p = np) { pi = p->pindex; if (pi >= tend) break; np = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); if (p->valid == 0) continue; if (vm_page_sleep_if_busy(p, "vpcwai")) { if (object->generation != curgeneration) { if ((flags & OBJPC_SYNC) != 0) goto rescan; else clearobjflags = FALSE; } np = vm_page_find_least(object, pi); continue; } if (!vm_object_page_remove_write(p, flags, &clearobjflags)) continue; n = vm_object_page_collect_flush(object, p, pagerflags, flags, &clearobjflags, &eio); if (eio) { res = FALSE; clearobjflags = FALSE; } if (object->generation != curgeneration) { if ((flags & OBJPC_SYNC) != 0) goto rescan; else clearobjflags = FALSE; } /* * If the VOP_PUTPAGES() did a truncated write, so * that even the first page of the run is not fully * written, vm_pageout_flush() returns 0 as the run * length. Since the condition that caused truncated * write may be permanent, e.g. exhausted free space, * accepting n == 0 would cause an infinite loop. * * Forwarding the iterator leaves the unwritten page * behind, but there is not much we can do there if * filesystem refuses to write it. */ if (n == 0) { n = 1; clearobjflags = FALSE; } np = vm_page_find_least(object, pi + n); } #if 0 VOP_FSYNC(vp, (pagerflags & VM_PAGER_PUT_SYNC) ? MNT_WAIT : 0); #endif if (clearobjflags) vm_object_clear_flag(object, OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY); return (res); } static int vm_object_page_collect_flush(vm_object_t object, vm_page_t p, int pagerflags, int flags, boolean_t *clearobjflags, boolean_t *eio) { vm_page_t ma[vm_pageout_page_count], p_first, tp; int count, i, mreq, runlen; vm_page_lock_assert(p, MA_NOTOWNED); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); count = 1; mreq = 0; for (tp = p; count < vm_pageout_page_count; count++) { tp = vm_page_next(tp); if (tp == NULL || vm_page_busied(tp)) break; if (!vm_object_page_remove_write(tp, flags, clearobjflags)) break; } for (p_first = p; count < vm_pageout_page_count; count++) { tp = vm_page_prev(p_first); if (tp == NULL || vm_page_busied(tp)) break; if (!vm_object_page_remove_write(tp, flags, clearobjflags)) break; p_first = tp; mreq++; } for (tp = p_first, i = 0; i < count; tp = TAILQ_NEXT(tp, listq), i++) ma[i] = tp; vm_pageout_flush(ma, count, pagerflags, mreq, &runlen, eio); return (runlen); } /* * Note that there is absolutely no sense in writing out * anonymous objects, so we track down the vnode object * to write out. * We invalidate (remove) all pages from the address space * for semantic correctness. * * If the backing object is a device object with unmanaged pages, then any * mappings to the specified range of pages must be removed before this * function is called. * * Note: certain anonymous maps, such as MAP_NOSYNC maps, * may start out with a NULL object. */ boolean_t vm_object_sync(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_size_t size, boolean_t syncio, boolean_t invalidate) { vm_object_t backing_object; struct vnode *vp; struct mount *mp; int error, flags, fsync_after; boolean_t res; if (object == NULL) return (TRUE); res = TRUE; error = 0; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); while ((backing_object = object->backing_object) != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(backing_object); offset += object->backing_object_offset; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); object = backing_object; if (object->size < OFF_TO_IDX(offset + size)) size = IDX_TO_OFF(object->size) - offset; } /* * Flush pages if writing is allowed, invalidate them * if invalidation requested. Pages undergoing I/O * will be ignored by vm_object_page_remove(). * * We cannot lock the vnode and then wait for paging * to complete without deadlocking against vm_fault. * Instead we simply call vm_object_page_remove() and * allow it to block internally on a page-by-page * basis when it encounters pages undergoing async * I/O. */ if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE && (object->flags & OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY) != 0 && ((vp = object->handle)->v_vflag & VV_NOSYNC) == 0) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); (void) vn_start_write(vp, &mp, V_WAIT); vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); if (syncio && !invalidate && offset == 0 && atop(size) == object->size) { /* * If syncing the whole mapping of the file, * it is faster to schedule all the writes in * async mode, also allowing the clustering, * and then wait for i/o to complete. */ flags = 0; fsync_after = TRUE; } else { flags = (syncio || invalidate) ? OBJPC_SYNC : 0; flags |= invalidate ? (OBJPC_SYNC | OBJPC_INVAL) : 0; fsync_after = FALSE; } VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); res = vm_object_page_clean(object, offset, offset + size, flags); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); if (fsync_after) error = VOP_FSYNC(vp, MNT_WAIT, curthread); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); vn_finished_write(mp); if (error != 0) res = FALSE; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); } if ((object->type == OBJT_VNODE || object->type == OBJT_DEVICE) && invalidate) { if (object->type == OBJT_DEVICE) /* * The option OBJPR_NOTMAPPED must be passed here * because vm_object_page_remove() cannot remove * unmanaged mappings. */ flags = OBJPR_NOTMAPPED; else if (old_msync) flags = 0; else flags = OBJPR_CLEANONLY; vm_object_page_remove(object, OFF_TO_IDX(offset), OFF_TO_IDX(offset + size + PAGE_MASK), flags); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return (res); } /* * Determine whether the given advice can be applied to the object. Advice is * not applied to unmanaged pages since they never belong to page queues, and * since MADV_FREE is destructive, it can apply only to anonymous pages that * have been mapped at most once. */ static bool vm_object_advice_applies(vm_object_t object, int advice) { if ((object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) != 0) return (false); if (advice != MADV_FREE) return (true); return ((object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || object->type == OBJT_SWAP) && (object->flags & OBJ_ONEMAPPING) != 0); } static void vm_object_madvise_freespace(vm_object_t object, int advice, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_size_t size) { if (advice == MADV_FREE && object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(object, pindex, size); } /* * vm_object_madvise: * * Implements the madvise function at the object/page level. * * MADV_WILLNEED (any object) * * Activate the specified pages if they are resident. * * MADV_DONTNEED (any object) * * Deactivate the specified pages if they are resident. * * MADV_FREE (OBJT_DEFAULT/OBJT_SWAP objects, * OBJ_ONEMAPPING only) * * Deactivate and clean the specified pages if they are * resident. This permits the process to reuse the pages * without faulting or the kernel to reclaim the pages * without I/O. */ void vm_object_madvise(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_pindex_t end, int advice) { vm_pindex_t tpindex; vm_object_t backing_object, tobject; vm_page_t m, tm; if (object == NULL) return; relookup: VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); if (!vm_object_advice_applies(object, advice)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); return; } for (m = vm_page_find_least(object, pindex); pindex < end; pindex++) { tobject = object; /* * If the next page isn't resident in the top-level object, we * need to search the shadow chain. When applying MADV_FREE, we * take care to release any swap space used to store * non-resident pages. */ if (m == NULL || pindex < m->pindex) { /* * Optimize a common case: if the top-level object has * no backing object, we can skip over the non-resident * range in constant time. */ if (object->backing_object == NULL) { tpindex = (m != NULL && m->pindex < end) ? m->pindex : end; vm_object_madvise_freespace(object, advice, pindex, tpindex - pindex); if ((pindex = tpindex) == end) break; goto next_page; } tpindex = pindex; do { vm_object_madvise_freespace(tobject, advice, tpindex, 1); /* * Prepare to search the next object in the * chain. */ backing_object = tobject->backing_object; if (backing_object == NULL) goto next_pindex; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(backing_object); tpindex += OFF_TO_IDX(tobject->backing_object_offset); if (tobject != object) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(tobject); tobject = backing_object; if (!vm_object_advice_applies(tobject, advice)) goto next_pindex; } while ((tm = vm_page_lookup(tobject, tpindex)) == NULL); } else { next_page: tm = m; m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } /* * If the page is not in a normal state, skip it. */ if (tm->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) goto next_pindex; vm_page_lock(tm); - if (vm_page_held(tm)) { + if (vm_page_wired(tm)) { vm_page_unlock(tm); goto next_pindex; } KASSERT((tm->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("vm_object_madvise: page %p is fictitious", tm)); KASSERT((tm->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("vm_object_madvise: page %p is not managed", tm)); if (vm_page_busied(tm)) { if (object != tobject) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(tobject); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); if (advice == MADV_WILLNEED) { /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_aflag_set(tm, PGA_REFERENCED); } vm_page_busy_sleep(tm, "madvpo", false); goto relookup; } vm_page_advise(tm, advice); vm_page_unlock(tm); vm_object_madvise_freespace(tobject, advice, tm->pindex, 1); next_pindex: if (tobject != object) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(tobject); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); } /* * vm_object_shadow: * * Create a new object which is backed by the * specified existing object range. The source * object reference is deallocated. * * The new object and offset into that object * are returned in the source parameters. */ void vm_object_shadow( vm_object_t *object, /* IN/OUT */ vm_ooffset_t *offset, /* IN/OUT */ vm_size_t length) { vm_object_t source; vm_object_t result; source = *object; /* * Don't create the new object if the old object isn't shared. */ if (source != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(source); if (source->ref_count == 1 && source->handle == NULL && (source->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || source->type == OBJT_SWAP)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(source); return; } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(source); } /* * Allocate a new object with the given length. */ result = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, atop(length)); /* * The new object shadows the source object, adding a reference to it. * Our caller changes his reference to point to the new object, * removing a reference to the source object. Net result: no change * of reference count. * * Try to optimize the result object's page color when shadowing * in order to maintain page coloring consistency in the combined * shadowed object. */ result->backing_object = source; /* * Store the offset into the source object, and fix up the offset into * the new object. */ result->backing_object_offset = *offset; if (source != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(source); result->domain = source->domain; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&source->shadow_head, result, shadow_list); source->shadow_count++; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 result->flags |= source->flags & OBJ_COLORED; result->pg_color = (source->pg_color + OFF_TO_IDX(*offset)) & ((1 << (VM_NFREEORDER - 1)) - 1); #endif VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(source); } /* * Return the new things */ *offset = 0; *object = result; } /* * vm_object_split: * * Split the pages in a map entry into a new object. This affords * easier removal of unused pages, and keeps object inheritance from * being a negative impact on memory usage. */ void vm_object_split(vm_map_entry_t entry) { vm_page_t m, m_next; vm_object_t orig_object, new_object, source; vm_pindex_t idx, offidxstart; vm_size_t size; orig_object = entry->object.vm_object; if (orig_object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && orig_object->type != OBJT_SWAP) return; if (orig_object->ref_count <= 1) return; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(orig_object); offidxstart = OFF_TO_IDX(entry->offset); size = atop(entry->end - entry->start); /* * If swap_pager_copy() is later called, it will convert new_object * into a swap object. */ new_object = vm_object_allocate(OBJT_DEFAULT, size); /* * At this point, the new object is still private, so the order in * which the original and new objects are locked does not matter. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(new_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(orig_object); new_object->domain = orig_object->domain; source = orig_object->backing_object; if (source != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(source); if ((source->flags & OBJ_DEAD) != 0) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(source); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(orig_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(new_object); vm_object_deallocate(new_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(orig_object); return; } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&source->shadow_head, new_object, shadow_list); source->shadow_count++; vm_object_reference_locked(source); /* for new_object */ vm_object_clear_flag(source, OBJ_ONEMAPPING); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(source); new_object->backing_object_offset = orig_object->backing_object_offset + entry->offset; new_object->backing_object = source; } if (orig_object->cred != NULL) { new_object->cred = orig_object->cred; crhold(orig_object->cred); new_object->charge = ptoa(size); KASSERT(orig_object->charge >= ptoa(size), ("orig_object->charge < 0")); orig_object->charge -= ptoa(size); } retry: m = vm_page_find_least(orig_object, offidxstart); for (; m != NULL && (idx = m->pindex - offidxstart) < size; m = m_next) { m_next = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); /* * We must wait for pending I/O to complete before we can * rename the page. * * We do not have to VM_PROT_NONE the page as mappings should * not be changed by this operation. */ if (vm_page_busied(m)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(new_object); vm_page_lock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(orig_object); vm_page_busy_sleep(m, "spltwt", false); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(orig_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(new_object); goto retry; } /* vm_page_rename() will dirty the page. */ if (vm_page_rename(m, new_object, idx)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(new_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(orig_object); vm_radix_wait(); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(orig_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(new_object); goto retry; } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * If some of the reservation's allocated pages remain with * the original object, then transferring the reservation to * the new object is neither particularly beneficial nor * particularly harmful as compared to leaving the reservation * with the original object. If, however, all of the * reservation's allocated pages are transferred to the new * object, then transferring the reservation is typically * beneficial. Determining which of these two cases applies * would be more costly than unconditionally renaming the * reservation. */ vm_reserv_rename(m, new_object, orig_object, offidxstart); #endif if (orig_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) vm_page_xbusy(m); } if (orig_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) { /* * swap_pager_copy() can sleep, in which case the orig_object's * and new_object's locks are released and reacquired. */ swap_pager_copy(orig_object, new_object, offidxstart, 0); TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &new_object->memq, listq) vm_page_xunbusy(m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(orig_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(new_object); entry->object.vm_object = new_object; entry->offset = 0LL; vm_object_deallocate(orig_object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(new_object); } #define OBSC_COLLAPSE_NOWAIT 0x0002 #define OBSC_COLLAPSE_WAIT 0x0004 static vm_page_t vm_object_collapse_scan_wait(vm_object_t object, vm_page_t p, vm_page_t next, int op) { vm_object_t backing_object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); backing_object = object->backing_object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(backing_object); KASSERT(p == NULL || vm_page_busied(p), ("unbusy page %p", p)); KASSERT(p == NULL || p->object == object || p->object == backing_object, ("invalid ownership %p %p %p", p, object, backing_object)); if ((op & OBSC_COLLAPSE_NOWAIT) != 0) return (next); if (p != NULL) vm_page_lock(p); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); /* The page is only NULL when rename fails. */ if (p == NULL) vm_radix_wait(); else vm_page_busy_sleep(p, "vmocol", false); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(backing_object); return (TAILQ_FIRST(&backing_object->memq)); } static bool vm_object_scan_all_shadowed(vm_object_t object) { vm_object_t backing_object; vm_page_t p, pp; vm_pindex_t backing_offset_index, new_pindex, pi, ps; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object->backing_object); backing_object = object->backing_object; if (backing_object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && backing_object->type != OBJT_SWAP) return (false); pi = backing_offset_index = OFF_TO_IDX(object->backing_object_offset); p = vm_page_find_least(backing_object, pi); ps = swap_pager_find_least(backing_object, pi); /* * Only check pages inside the parent object's range and * inside the parent object's mapping of the backing object. */ for (;; pi++) { if (p != NULL && p->pindex < pi) p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); if (ps < pi) ps = swap_pager_find_least(backing_object, pi); if (p == NULL && ps >= backing_object->size) break; else if (p == NULL) pi = ps; else pi = MIN(p->pindex, ps); new_pindex = pi - backing_offset_index; if (new_pindex >= object->size) break; /* * See if the parent has the page or if the parent's object * pager has the page. If the parent has the page but the page * is not valid, the parent's object pager must have the page. * * If this fails, the parent does not completely shadow the * object and we might as well give up now. */ pp = vm_page_lookup(object, new_pindex); if ((pp == NULL || pp->valid == 0) && !vm_pager_has_page(object, new_pindex, NULL, NULL)) return (false); } return (true); } static bool vm_object_collapse_scan(vm_object_t object, int op) { vm_object_t backing_object; vm_page_t next, p, pp; vm_pindex_t backing_offset_index, new_pindex; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object->backing_object); backing_object = object->backing_object; backing_offset_index = OFF_TO_IDX(object->backing_object_offset); /* * Initial conditions */ if ((op & OBSC_COLLAPSE_WAIT) != 0) vm_object_set_flag(backing_object, OBJ_DEAD); /* * Our scan */ for (p = TAILQ_FIRST(&backing_object->memq); p != NULL; p = next) { next = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); new_pindex = p->pindex - backing_offset_index; /* * Check for busy page */ if (vm_page_busied(p)) { next = vm_object_collapse_scan_wait(object, p, next, op); continue; } KASSERT(p->object == backing_object, ("vm_object_collapse_scan: object mismatch")); if (p->pindex < backing_offset_index || new_pindex >= object->size) { if (backing_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(backing_object, p->pindex, 1); /* * Page is out of the parent object's range, we can * simply destroy it. */ vm_page_lock(p); KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(p), ("freeing mapped page %p", p)); if (vm_page_remove(p)) vm_page_free(p); vm_page_unlock(p); continue; } pp = vm_page_lookup(object, new_pindex); if (pp != NULL && vm_page_busied(pp)) { /* * The page in the parent is busy and possibly not * (yet) valid. Until its state is finalized by the * busy bit owner, we can't tell whether it shadows the * original page. Therefore, we must either skip it * and the original (backing_object) page or wait for * its state to be finalized. * * This is due to a race with vm_fault() where we must * unbusy the original (backing_obj) page before we can * (re)lock the parent. Hence we can get here. */ next = vm_object_collapse_scan_wait(object, pp, next, op); continue; } KASSERT(pp == NULL || pp->valid != 0, ("unbusy invalid page %p", pp)); if (pp != NULL || vm_pager_has_page(object, new_pindex, NULL, NULL)) { /* * The page already exists in the parent OR swap exists * for this location in the parent. Leave the parent's * page alone. Destroy the original page from the * backing object. */ if (backing_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(backing_object, p->pindex, 1); vm_page_lock(p); KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(p), ("freeing mapped page %p", p)); if (vm_page_remove(p)) vm_page_free(p); vm_page_unlock(p); continue; } /* * Page does not exist in parent, rename the page from the * backing object to the main object. * * If the page was mapped to a process, it can remain mapped * through the rename. vm_page_rename() will dirty the page. */ if (vm_page_rename(p, object, new_pindex)) { next = vm_object_collapse_scan_wait(object, NULL, next, op); continue; } /* Use the old pindex to free the right page. */ if (backing_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(backing_object, new_pindex + backing_offset_index, 1); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Rename the reservation. */ vm_reserv_rename(p, object, backing_object, backing_offset_index); #endif } return (true); } /* * this version of collapse allows the operation to occur earlier and * when paging_in_progress is true for an object... This is not a complete * operation, but should plug 99.9% of the rest of the leaks. */ static void vm_object_qcollapse(vm_object_t object) { vm_object_t backing_object = object->backing_object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(backing_object); if (backing_object->ref_count != 1) return; vm_object_collapse_scan(object, OBSC_COLLAPSE_NOWAIT); } /* * vm_object_collapse: * * Collapse an object with the object backing it. * Pages in the backing object are moved into the * parent, and the backing object is deallocated. */ void vm_object_collapse(vm_object_t object) { vm_object_t backing_object, new_backing_object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); while (TRUE) { /* * Verify that the conditions are right for collapse: * * The object exists and the backing object exists. */ if ((backing_object = object->backing_object) == NULL) break; /* * we check the backing object first, because it is most likely * not collapsable. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(backing_object); if (backing_object->handle != NULL || (backing_object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && backing_object->type != OBJT_SWAP) || (backing_object->flags & (OBJ_DEAD | OBJ_NOSPLIT)) != 0 || object->handle != NULL || (object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && object->type != OBJT_SWAP) || (object->flags & OBJ_DEAD)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); break; } if (object->paging_in_progress != 0 || backing_object->paging_in_progress != 0) { vm_object_qcollapse(object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); break; } /* * We know that we can either collapse the backing object (if * the parent is the only reference to it) or (perhaps) have * the parent bypass the object if the parent happens to shadow * all the resident pages in the entire backing object. * * This is ignoring pager-backed pages such as swap pages. * vm_object_collapse_scan fails the shadowing test in this * case. */ if (backing_object->ref_count == 1) { vm_object_pip_add(object, 1); vm_object_pip_add(backing_object, 1); /* * If there is exactly one reference to the backing * object, we can collapse it into the parent. */ vm_object_collapse_scan(object, OBSC_COLLAPSE_WAIT); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Break any reservations from backing_object. */ if (__predict_false(!LIST_EMPTY(&backing_object->rvq))) vm_reserv_break_all(backing_object); #endif /* * Move the pager from backing_object to object. */ if (backing_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) { /* * swap_pager_copy() can sleep, in which case * the backing_object's and object's locks are * released and reacquired. * Since swap_pager_copy() is being asked to * destroy the source, it will change the * backing_object's type to OBJT_DEFAULT. */ swap_pager_copy( backing_object, object, OFF_TO_IDX(object->backing_object_offset), TRUE); } /* * Object now shadows whatever backing_object did. * Note that the reference to * backing_object->backing_object moves from within * backing_object to within object. */ LIST_REMOVE(object, shadow_list); backing_object->shadow_count--; if (backing_object->backing_object) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(backing_object->backing_object); LIST_REMOVE(backing_object, shadow_list); LIST_INSERT_HEAD( &backing_object->backing_object->shadow_head, object, shadow_list); /* * The shadow_count has not changed. */ VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object->backing_object); } object->backing_object = backing_object->backing_object; object->backing_object_offset += backing_object->backing_object_offset; /* * Discard backing_object. * * Since the backing object has no pages, no pager left, * and no object references within it, all that is * necessary is to dispose of it. */ KASSERT(backing_object->ref_count == 1, ( "backing_object %p was somehow re-referenced during collapse!", backing_object)); vm_object_pip_wakeup(backing_object); backing_object->type = OBJT_DEAD; backing_object->ref_count = 0; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); vm_object_destroy(backing_object); vm_object_pip_wakeup(object); counter_u64_add(object_collapses, 1); } else { /* * If we do not entirely shadow the backing object, * there is nothing we can do so we give up. */ if (object->resident_page_count != object->size && !vm_object_scan_all_shadowed(object)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); break; } /* * Make the parent shadow the next object in the * chain. Deallocating backing_object will not remove * it, since its reference count is at least 2. */ LIST_REMOVE(object, shadow_list); backing_object->shadow_count--; new_backing_object = backing_object->backing_object; if ((object->backing_object = new_backing_object) != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(new_backing_object); LIST_INSERT_HEAD( &new_backing_object->shadow_head, object, shadow_list ); new_backing_object->shadow_count++; vm_object_reference_locked(new_backing_object); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(new_backing_object); object->backing_object_offset += backing_object->backing_object_offset; } /* * Drop the reference count on backing_object. Since * its ref_count was at least 2, it will not vanish. */ backing_object->ref_count--; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(backing_object); counter_u64_add(object_bypasses, 1); } /* * Try again with this object's new backing object. */ } } /* * vm_object_page_remove: * * For the given object, either frees or invalidates each of the * specified pages. In general, a page is freed. However, if a page is * wired for any reason other than the existence of a managed, wired * mapping, then it may be invalidated but not removed from the object. * Pages are specified by the given range ["start", "end") and the option * OBJPR_CLEANONLY. As a special case, if "end" is zero, then the range * extends from "start" to the end of the object. If the option * OBJPR_CLEANONLY is specified, then only the non-dirty pages within the * specified range are affected. If the option OBJPR_NOTMAPPED is * specified, then the pages within the specified range must have no * mappings. Otherwise, if this option is not specified, any mappings to * the specified pages are removed before the pages are freed or * invalidated. * * In general, this operation should only be performed on objects that * contain managed pages. There are, however, two exceptions. First, it * is performed on the kernel and kmem objects by vm_map_entry_delete(). * Second, it is used by msync(..., MS_INVALIDATE) to invalidate device- * backed pages. In both of these cases, the option OBJPR_CLEANONLY must * not be specified and the option OBJPR_NOTMAPPED must be specified. * * The object must be locked. */ void vm_object_page_remove(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t start, vm_pindex_t end, int options) { vm_page_t p, next; struct mtx *mtx; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT((object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) == 0 || (options & (OBJPR_CLEANONLY | OBJPR_NOTMAPPED)) == OBJPR_NOTMAPPED, ("vm_object_page_remove: illegal options for object %p", object)); if (object->resident_page_count == 0) return; vm_object_pip_add(object, 1); again: p = vm_page_find_least(object, start); mtx = NULL; /* * Here, the variable "p" is either (1) the page with the least pindex * greater than or equal to the parameter "start" or (2) NULL. */ for (; p != NULL && (p->pindex < end || end == 0); p = next) { next = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); /* * If the page is wired for any reason besides the existence * of managed, wired mappings, then it cannot be freed. For * example, fictitious pages, which represent device memory, * are inherently wired and cannot be freed. They can, * however, be invalidated if the option OBJPR_CLEANONLY is * not specified. */ vm_page_change_lock(p, &mtx); if (vm_page_xbusied(p)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_page_busy_sleep(p, "vmopax", true); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto again; } if (vm_page_wired(p)) { if ((options & OBJPR_NOTMAPPED) == 0 && object->ref_count != 0) pmap_remove_all(p); if ((options & OBJPR_CLEANONLY) == 0) { p->valid = 0; vm_page_undirty(p); } continue; } if (vm_page_busied(p)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_page_busy_sleep(p, "vmopar", false); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto again; } KASSERT((p->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("vm_object_page_remove: page %p is fictitious", p)); if ((options & OBJPR_CLEANONLY) != 0 && p->valid != 0) { if ((options & OBJPR_NOTMAPPED) == 0 && object->ref_count != 0) pmap_remove_write(p); if (p->dirty != 0) continue; } if ((options & OBJPR_NOTMAPPED) == 0 && object->ref_count != 0) pmap_remove_all(p); vm_page_free(p); } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); vm_object_pip_wakeup(object); } /* * vm_object_page_noreuse: * * For the given object, attempt to move the specified pages to * the head of the inactive queue. This bypasses regular LRU * operation and allows the pages to be reused quickly under memory * pressure. If a page is wired for any reason, then it will not * be queued. Pages are specified by the range ["start", "end"). * As a special case, if "end" is zero, then the range extends from * "start" to the end of the object. * * This operation should only be performed on objects that * contain non-fictitious, managed pages. * * The object must be locked. */ void vm_object_page_noreuse(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t start, vm_pindex_t end) { struct mtx *mtx; vm_page_t p, next; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); KASSERT((object->flags & (OBJ_FICTITIOUS | OBJ_UNMANAGED)) == 0, ("vm_object_page_noreuse: illegal object %p", object)); if (object->resident_page_count == 0) return; p = vm_page_find_least(object, start); /* * Here, the variable "p" is either (1) the page with the least pindex * greater than or equal to the parameter "start" or (2) NULL. */ mtx = NULL; for (; p != NULL && (p->pindex < end || end == 0); p = next) { next = TAILQ_NEXT(p, listq); vm_page_change_lock(p, &mtx); vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(p); } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); } /* * Populate the specified range of the object with valid pages. Returns * TRUE if the range is successfully populated and FALSE otherwise. * * Note: This function should be optimized to pass a larger array of * pages to vm_pager_get_pages() before it is applied to a non- * OBJT_DEVICE object. * * The object must be locked. */ boolean_t vm_object_populate(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t start, vm_pindex_t end) { vm_page_t m; vm_pindex_t pindex; int rv; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); for (pindex = start; pindex < end; pindex++) { m = vm_page_grab(object, pindex, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL); if (m->valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { rv = vm_pager_get_pages(object, &m, 1, NULL, NULL); if (rv != VM_PAGER_OK) { vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_free(m); vm_page_unlock(m); break; } } /* * Keep "m" busy because a subsequent iteration may unlock * the object. */ } if (pindex > start) { m = vm_page_lookup(object, start); while (m != NULL && m->pindex < pindex) { vm_page_xunbusy(m); m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } } return (pindex == end); } /* * Routine: vm_object_coalesce * Function: Coalesces two objects backing up adjoining * regions of memory into a single object. * * returns TRUE if objects were combined. * * NOTE: Only works at the moment if the second object is NULL - * if it's not, which object do we lock first? * * Parameters: * prev_object First object to coalesce * prev_offset Offset into prev_object * prev_size Size of reference to prev_object * next_size Size of reference to the second object * reserved Indicator that extension region has * swap accounted for * * Conditions: * The object must *not* be locked. */ boolean_t vm_object_coalesce(vm_object_t prev_object, vm_ooffset_t prev_offset, vm_size_t prev_size, vm_size_t next_size, boolean_t reserved) { vm_pindex_t next_pindex; if (prev_object == NULL) return (TRUE); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(prev_object); if ((prev_object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && prev_object->type != OBJT_SWAP) || (prev_object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) != 0) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(prev_object); return (FALSE); } /* * Try to collapse the object first */ vm_object_collapse(prev_object); /* * Can't coalesce if: . more than one reference . paged out . shadows * another object . has a copy elsewhere (any of which mean that the * pages not mapped to prev_entry may be in use anyway) */ if (prev_object->backing_object != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(prev_object); return (FALSE); } prev_size >>= PAGE_SHIFT; next_size >>= PAGE_SHIFT; next_pindex = OFF_TO_IDX(prev_offset) + prev_size; if (prev_object->ref_count > 1 && prev_object->size != next_pindex && (prev_object->flags & OBJ_ONEMAPPING) == 0) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(prev_object); return (FALSE); } /* * Account for the charge. */ if (prev_object->cred != NULL) { /* * If prev_object was charged, then this mapping, * although not charged now, may become writable * later. Non-NULL cred in the object would prevent * swap reservation during enabling of the write * access, so reserve swap now. Failed reservation * cause allocation of the separate object for the map * entry, and swap reservation for this entry is * managed in appropriate time. */ if (!reserved && !swap_reserve_by_cred(ptoa(next_size), prev_object->cred)) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(prev_object); return (FALSE); } prev_object->charge += ptoa(next_size); } /* * Remove any pages that may still be in the object from a previous * deallocation. */ if (next_pindex < prev_object->size) { vm_object_page_remove(prev_object, next_pindex, next_pindex + next_size, 0); if (prev_object->type == OBJT_SWAP) swap_pager_freespace(prev_object, next_pindex, next_size); #if 0 if (prev_object->cred != NULL) { KASSERT(prev_object->charge >= ptoa(prev_object->size - next_pindex), ("object %p overcharged 1 %jx %jx", prev_object, (uintmax_t)next_pindex, (uintmax_t)next_size)); prev_object->charge -= ptoa(prev_object->size - next_pindex); } #endif } /* * Extend the object if necessary. */ if (next_pindex + next_size > prev_object->size) prev_object->size = next_pindex + next_size; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(prev_object); return (TRUE); } void vm_object_set_writeable_dirty(vm_object_t object) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); if (object->type != OBJT_VNODE) { if ((object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) != 0) { KASSERT(object->type == OBJT_SWAP, ("non-swap tmpfs")); vm_object_set_flag(object, OBJ_TMPFS_DIRTY); } return; } object->generation++; if ((object->flags & OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY) != 0) return; vm_object_set_flag(object, OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY); } /* * vm_object_unwire: * * For each page offset within the specified range of the given object, * find the highest-level page in the shadow chain and unwire it. A page * must exist at every page offset, and the highest-level page must be * wired. */ void vm_object_unwire(vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_size_t length, uint8_t queue) { vm_object_t tobject, t1object; vm_page_t m, tm; vm_pindex_t end_pindex, pindex, tpindex; int depth, locked_depth; KASSERT((offset & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("vm_object_unwire: offset is not page aligned")); KASSERT((length & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("vm_object_unwire: length is not a multiple of PAGE_SIZE")); /* The wired count of a fictitious page never changes. */ if ((object->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) != 0) return; pindex = OFF_TO_IDX(offset); end_pindex = pindex + atop(length); again: locked_depth = 1; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(object); m = vm_page_find_least(object, pindex); while (pindex < end_pindex) { if (m == NULL || pindex < m->pindex) { /* * The first object in the shadow chain doesn't * contain a page at the current index. Therefore, * the page must exist in a backing object. */ tobject = object; tpindex = pindex; depth = 0; do { tpindex += OFF_TO_IDX(tobject->backing_object_offset); tobject = tobject->backing_object; KASSERT(tobject != NULL, ("vm_object_unwire: missing page")); if ((tobject->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) != 0) goto next_page; depth++; if (depth == locked_depth) { locked_depth++; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(tobject); } } while ((tm = vm_page_lookup(tobject, tpindex)) == NULL); } else { tm = m; m = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq); } vm_page_lock(tm); if (vm_page_xbusied(tm)) { for (tobject = object; locked_depth >= 1; locked_depth--) { t1object = tobject->backing_object; VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(tobject); tobject = t1object; } vm_page_busy_sleep(tm, "unwbo", true); goto again; } vm_page_unwire(tm, queue); vm_page_unlock(tm); next_page: pindex++; } /* Release the accumulated object locks. */ for (tobject = object; locked_depth >= 1; locked_depth--) { t1object = tobject->backing_object; VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(tobject); tobject = t1object; } } /* * Return the vnode for the given object, or NULL if none exists. * For tmpfs objects, the function may return NULL if there is * no vnode allocated at the time of the call. */ struct vnode * vm_object_vnode(vm_object_t object) { struct vnode *vp; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { vp = object->handle; KASSERT(vp != NULL, ("%s: OBJT_VNODE has no vnode", __func__)); } else if (object->type == OBJT_SWAP && (object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS) != 0) { vp = object->un_pager.swp.swp_tmpfs; KASSERT(vp != NULL, ("%s: OBJT_TMPFS has no vnode", __func__)); } else { vp = NULL; } return (vp); } /* * Return the kvme type of the given object. * If vpp is not NULL, set it to the object's vm_object_vnode() or NULL. */ int vm_object_kvme_type(vm_object_t object, struct vnode **vpp) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); if (vpp != NULL) *vpp = vm_object_vnode(object); switch (object->type) { case OBJT_DEFAULT: return (KVME_TYPE_DEFAULT); case OBJT_VNODE: return (KVME_TYPE_VNODE); case OBJT_SWAP: if ((object->flags & OBJ_TMPFS_NODE) != 0) return (KVME_TYPE_VNODE); return (KVME_TYPE_SWAP); case OBJT_DEVICE: return (KVME_TYPE_DEVICE); case OBJT_PHYS: return (KVME_TYPE_PHYS); case OBJT_DEAD: return (KVME_TYPE_DEAD); case OBJT_SG: return (KVME_TYPE_SG); case OBJT_MGTDEVICE: return (KVME_TYPE_MGTDEVICE); default: return (KVME_TYPE_UNKNOWN); } } static int sysctl_vm_object_list(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct kinfo_vmobject *kvo; char *fullpath, *freepath; struct vnode *vp; struct vattr va; vm_object_t obj; vm_page_t m; int count, error; if (req->oldptr == NULL) { /* * If an old buffer has not been provided, generate an * estimate of the space needed for a subsequent call. */ mtx_lock(&vm_object_list_mtx); count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(obj, &vm_object_list, object_list) { if (obj->type == OBJT_DEAD) continue; count++; } mtx_unlock(&vm_object_list_mtx); return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, NULL, sizeof(struct kinfo_vmobject) * count * 11 / 10)); } kvo = malloc(sizeof(*kvo), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); error = 0; /* * VM objects are type stable and are never removed from the * list once added. This allows us to safely read obj->object_list * after reacquiring the VM object lock. */ mtx_lock(&vm_object_list_mtx); TAILQ_FOREACH(obj, &vm_object_list, object_list) { if (obj->type == OBJT_DEAD) continue; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(obj); if (obj->type == OBJT_DEAD) { VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); continue; } mtx_unlock(&vm_object_list_mtx); kvo->kvo_size = ptoa(obj->size); kvo->kvo_resident = obj->resident_page_count; kvo->kvo_ref_count = obj->ref_count; kvo->kvo_shadow_count = obj->shadow_count; kvo->kvo_memattr = obj->memattr; kvo->kvo_active = 0; kvo->kvo_inactive = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &obj->memq, listq) { /* * A page may belong to the object but be * dequeued and set to PQ_NONE while the * object lock is not held. This makes the * reads of m->queue below racy, and we do not * count pages set to PQ_NONE. However, this * sysctl is only meant to give an * approximation of the system anyway. */ if (m->queue == PQ_ACTIVE) kvo->kvo_active++; else if (m->queue == PQ_INACTIVE) kvo->kvo_inactive++; } kvo->kvo_vn_fileid = 0; kvo->kvo_vn_fsid = 0; kvo->kvo_vn_fsid_freebsd11 = 0; freepath = NULL; fullpath = ""; kvo->kvo_type = vm_object_kvme_type(obj, &vp); if (vp != NULL) vref(vp); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); if (vp != NULL) { vn_fullpath(curthread, vp, &fullpath, &freepath); vn_lock(vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (VOP_GETATTR(vp, &va, curthread->td_ucred) == 0) { kvo->kvo_vn_fileid = va.va_fileid; kvo->kvo_vn_fsid = va.va_fsid; kvo->kvo_vn_fsid_freebsd11 = va.va_fsid; /* truncate */ } vput(vp); } strlcpy(kvo->kvo_path, fullpath, sizeof(kvo->kvo_path)); if (freepath != NULL) free(freepath, M_TEMP); /* Pack record size down */ kvo->kvo_structsize = offsetof(struct kinfo_vmobject, kvo_path) + strlen(kvo->kvo_path) + 1; kvo->kvo_structsize = roundup(kvo->kvo_structsize, sizeof(uint64_t)); error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, kvo, kvo->kvo_structsize); mtx_lock(&vm_object_list_mtx); if (error) break; } mtx_unlock(&vm_object_list_mtx); free(kvo, M_TEMP); return (error); } SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, objects, CTLTYPE_STRUCT | CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_SKIP | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_vm_object_list, "S,kinfo_vmobject", "List of VM objects"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #ifdef DDB #include #include #include static int _vm_object_in_map(vm_map_t map, vm_object_t object, vm_map_entry_t entry) { vm_map_t tmpm; vm_map_entry_t tmpe; vm_object_t obj; int entcount; if (map == 0) return 0; if (entry == 0) { tmpe = map->; entcount = map->nentries; while (entcount-- && (tmpe != &map->header)) { if (_vm_object_in_map(map, object, tmpe)) { return 1; } tmpe = tmpe->next; } } else if (entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) { tmpm = entry->object.sub_map; tmpe = tmpm->; entcount = tmpm->nentries; while (entcount-- && tmpe != &tmpm->header) { if (_vm_object_in_map(tmpm, object, tmpe)) { return 1; } tmpe = tmpe->next; } } else if ((obj = entry->object.vm_object) != NULL) { for (; obj; obj = obj->backing_object) if (obj == object) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int vm_object_in_map(vm_object_t object) { struct proc *p; /* sx_slock(&allproc_lock); */ FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { if (!p->p_vmspace /* || (p->p_flag & (P_SYSTEM|P_WEXIT)) */) continue; if (_vm_object_in_map(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, object, 0)) { /* sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); */ return 1; } } /* sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); */ if (_vm_object_in_map(kernel_map, object, 0)) return 1; return 0; } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(vmochk, vm_object_check) { vm_object_t object; /* * make sure that internal objs are in a map somewhere * and none have zero ref counts. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(object, &vm_object_list, object_list) { if (object->handle == NULL && (object->type == OBJT_DEFAULT || object->type == OBJT_SWAP)) { if (object->ref_count == 0) { db_printf("vmochk: internal obj has zero ref count: %ld\n", (long)object->size); } if (!vm_object_in_map(object)) { db_printf( "vmochk: internal obj is not in a map: " "ref: %d, size: %lu: 0x%lx, backing_object: %p\n", object->ref_count, (u_long)object->size, (u_long)object->size, (void *)object->backing_object); } } } } /* * vm_object_print: [ debug ] */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(object, vm_object_print_static) { /* XXX convert args. */ vm_object_t object = (vm_object_t)addr; boolean_t full = have_addr; vm_page_t p; /* XXX count is an (unused) arg. Avoid shadowing it. */ #define count was_count int count; if (object == NULL) return; db_iprintf( "Object %p: type=%d, size=0x%jx, res=%d, ref=%d, flags=0x%x ruid %d charge %jx\n", object, (int)object->type, (uintmax_t)object->size, object->resident_page_count, object->ref_count, object->flags, object->cred ? object->cred->cr_ruid : -1, (uintmax_t)object->charge); db_iprintf(" sref=%d, backing_object(%d)=(%p)+0x%jx\n", object->shadow_count, object->backing_object ? object->backing_object->ref_count : 0, object->backing_object, (uintmax_t)object->backing_object_offset); if (!full) return; db_indent += 2; count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &object->memq, listq) { if (count == 0) db_iprintf("memory:="); else if (count == 6) { db_printf("\n"); db_iprintf(" ..."); count = 0; } else db_printf(","); count++; db_printf("(off=0x%jx,page=0x%jx)", (uintmax_t)p->pindex, (uintmax_t)VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(p)); } if (count != 0) db_printf("\n"); db_indent -= 2; } /* XXX. */ #undef count /* XXX need this non-static entry for calling from vm_map_print. */ void vm_object_print( /* db_expr_t */ long addr, boolean_t have_addr, /* db_expr_t */ long count, char *modif) { vm_object_print_static(addr, have_addr, count, modif); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(vmopag, vm_object_print_pages) { vm_object_t object; vm_pindex_t fidx; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m, prev_m; int rcount, nl, c; nl = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(object, &vm_object_list, object_list) { db_printf("new object: %p\n", (void *)object); if (nl > 18) { c = cngetc(); if (c != ' ') return; nl = 0; } nl++; rcount = 0; fidx = 0; pa = -1; TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &object->memq, listq) { if (m->pindex > 128) break; if ((prev_m = TAILQ_PREV(m, pglist, listq)) != NULL && prev_m->pindex + 1 != m->pindex) { if (rcount) { db_printf(" index(%ld)run(%d)pa(0x%lx)\n", (long)fidx, rcount, (long)pa); if (nl > 18) { c = cngetc(); if (c != ' ') return; nl = 0; } nl++; rcount = 0; } } if (rcount && (VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m) == pa + rcount * PAGE_SIZE)) { ++rcount; continue; } if (rcount) { db_printf(" index(%ld)run(%d)pa(0x%lx)\n", (long)fidx, rcount, (long)pa); if (nl > 18) { c = cngetc(); if (c != ' ') return; nl = 0; } nl++; } fidx = m->pindex; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); rcount = 1; } if (rcount) { db_printf(" index(%ld)run(%d)pa(0x%lx)\n", (long)fidx, rcount, (long)pa); if (nl > 18) { c = cngetc(); if (c != ' ') return; nl = 0; } nl++; } } } #endif /* DDB */ Index: head/sys/vm/vm_page.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_page.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_page.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,4548 +1,4510 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1998 Matthew Dillon. All Rights Reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_page.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 5/7/91 */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Resident memory management module. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int uma_startup_count(int); extern void uma_startup(void *, int); extern int vmem_startup_count(void); struct vm_domain vm_dom[MAXMEMDOM]; DPCPU_DEFINE_STATIC(struct vm_batchqueue, pqbatch[MAXMEMDOM][PQ_COUNT]); struct mtx_padalign __exclusive_cache_line pa_lock[PA_LOCK_COUNT]; struct mtx_padalign __exclusive_cache_line vm_domainset_lock; /* The following fields are protected by the domainset lock. */ domainset_t __exclusive_cache_line vm_min_domains; domainset_t __exclusive_cache_line vm_severe_domains; static int vm_min_waiters; static int vm_severe_waiters; static int vm_pageproc_waiters; /* * bogus page -- for I/O to/from partially complete buffers, * or for paging into sparsely invalid regions. */ vm_page_t bogus_page; vm_page_t vm_page_array; long vm_page_array_size; long first_page; static int boot_pages; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, boot_pages, CTLFLAG_RDTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH, &boot_pages, 0, "number of pages allocated for bootstrapping the VM system"); static int pa_tryrelock_restart; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, tryrelock_restart, CTLFLAG_RD, &pa_tryrelock_restart, 0, "Number of tryrelock restarts"); static TAILQ_HEAD(, vm_page) blacklist_head; static int sysctl_vm_page_blacklist(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); SYSCTL_PROC(_vm, OID_AUTO, page_blacklist, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_vm_page_blacklist, "A", "Blacklist pages"); static uma_zone_t fakepg_zone; static void vm_page_alloc_check(vm_page_t m); static void vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(vm_page_t m, vm_page_bits_t pagebits); static void vm_page_dequeue_complete(vm_page_t m); static void vm_page_enqueue(vm_page_t m, uint8_t queue); static void vm_page_init(void *dummy); static int vm_page_insert_after(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_page_t mpred); static void vm_page_insert_radixdone(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t object, vm_page_t mpred); static int vm_page_reclaim_run(int req_class, int domain, u_long npages, vm_page_t m_run, vm_paddr_t high); static int vm_domain_alloc_fail(struct vm_domain *vmd, vm_object_t object, int req); static int vm_page_import(void *arg, void **store, int cnt, int domain, int flags); static void vm_page_release(void *arg, void **store, int cnt); SYSINIT(vm_page, SI_SUB_VM, SI_ORDER_SECOND, vm_page_init, NULL); static void vm_page_init(void *dummy) { fakepg_zone = uma_zcreate("fakepg", sizeof(struct vm_page), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, UMA_ALIGN_PTR, UMA_ZONE_NOFREE | UMA_ZONE_VM); bogus_page = vm_page_alloc(NULL, 0, VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); } /* * The cache page zone is initialized later since we need to be able to allocate * pages before UMA is fully initialized. */ static void vm_page_init_cache_zones(void *dummy __unused) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pgcache *pgcache; int domain, pool; for (domain = 0; domain < vm_ndomains; domain++) { vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); /* * Don't allow the page caches to take up more than .25% of * memory. */ if (vmd->vmd_page_count / 400 < 256 * mp_ncpus * VM_NFREEPOOL) continue; for (pool = 0; pool < VM_NFREEPOOL; pool++) { pgcache = &vmd->vmd_pgcache[pool]; pgcache->domain = domain; pgcache->pool = pool; pgcache->zone = uma_zcache_create("vm pgcache", sizeof(struct vm_page), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, vm_page_import, vm_page_release, pgcache, UMA_ZONE_MAXBUCKET | UMA_ZONE_VM); (void)uma_zone_set_maxcache(pgcache->zone, 0); } } } SYSINIT(vm_page2, SI_SUB_VM_CONF, SI_ORDER_ANY, vm_page_init_cache_zones, NULL); /* Make sure that u_long is at least 64 bits when PAGE_SIZE is 32K. */ #if PAGE_SIZE == 32768 #ifdef CTASSERT CTASSERT(sizeof(u_long) >= 8); #endif #endif /* * Try to acquire a physical address lock while a pmap is locked. If we * fail to trylock we unlock and lock the pmap directly and cache the * locked pa in *locked. The caller should then restart their loop in case * the virtual to physical mapping has changed. */ int vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap_t pmap, vm_paddr_t pa, vm_paddr_t *locked) { vm_paddr_t lockpa; lockpa = *locked; *locked = pa; if (lockpa) { PA_LOCK_ASSERT(lockpa, MA_OWNED); if (PA_LOCKPTR(pa) == PA_LOCKPTR(lockpa)) return (0); PA_UNLOCK(lockpa); } if (PA_TRYLOCK(pa)) return (0); PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap); atomic_add_int(&pa_tryrelock_restart, 1); PA_LOCK(pa); PMAP_LOCK(pmap); return (EAGAIN); } /* * vm_set_page_size: * * Sets the page size, perhaps based upon the memory * size. Must be called before any use of page-size * dependent functions. */ void vm_set_page_size(void) { if (vm_cnt.v_page_size == 0) vm_cnt.v_page_size = PAGE_SIZE; if (((vm_cnt.v_page_size - 1) & vm_cnt.v_page_size) != 0) panic("vm_set_page_size: page size not a power of two"); } /* * vm_page_blacklist_next: * * Find the next entry in the provided string of blacklist * addresses. Entries are separated by space, comma, or newline. * If an invalid integer is encountered then the rest of the * string is skipped. Updates the list pointer to the next * character, or NULL if the string is exhausted or invalid. */ static vm_paddr_t vm_page_blacklist_next(char **list, char *end) { vm_paddr_t bad; char *cp, *pos; if (list == NULL || *list == NULL) return (0); if (**list =='\0') { *list = NULL; return (0); } /* * If there's no end pointer then the buffer is coming from * the kenv and we know it's null-terminated. */ if (end == NULL) end = *list + strlen(*list); /* Ensure that strtoq() won't walk off the end */ if (*end != '\0') { if (*end == '\n' || *end == ' ' || *end == ',') *end = '\0'; else { printf("Blacklist not terminated, skipping\n"); *list = NULL; return (0); } } for (pos = *list; *pos != '\0'; pos = cp) { bad = strtoq(pos, &cp, 0); if (*cp == '\0' || *cp == ' ' || *cp == ',' || *cp == '\n') { if (bad == 0) { if (++cp < end) continue; else break; } } else break; if (*cp == '\0' || ++cp >= end) *list = NULL; else *list = cp; return (trunc_page(bad)); } printf("Garbage in RAM blacklist, skipping\n"); *list = NULL; return (0); } bool vm_page_blacklist_add(vm_paddr_t pa, bool verbose) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_page_t m; int ret; m = vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(pa); if (m == NULL) return (true); /* page does not exist, no failure */ vmd = vm_pagequeue_domain(m); vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); ret = vm_phys_unfree_page(m); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (ret != 0) { vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, -1); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&blacklist_head, m, listq); if (verbose) printf("Skipping page with pa 0x%jx\n", (uintmax_t)pa); } return (ret); } /* * vm_page_blacklist_check: * * Iterate through the provided string of blacklist addresses, pulling * each entry out of the physical allocator free list and putting it * onto a list for reporting via the vm.page_blacklist sysctl. */ static void vm_page_blacklist_check(char *list, char *end) { vm_paddr_t pa; char *next; next = list; while (next != NULL) { if ((pa = vm_page_blacklist_next(&next, end)) == 0) continue; vm_page_blacklist_add(pa, bootverbose); } } /* * vm_page_blacklist_load: * * Search for a special module named "ram_blacklist". It'll be a * plain text file provided by the user via the loader directive * of the same name. */ static void vm_page_blacklist_load(char **list, char **end) { void *mod; u_char *ptr; u_int len; mod = NULL; ptr = NULL; mod = preload_search_by_type("ram_blacklist"); if (mod != NULL) { ptr = preload_fetch_addr(mod); len = preload_fetch_size(mod); } *list = ptr; if (ptr != NULL) *end = ptr + len; else *end = NULL; return; } static int sysctl_vm_page_blacklist(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { vm_page_t m; struct sbuf sbuf; int error, first; first = 1; error = sysctl_wire_old_buffer(req, 0); if (error != 0) return (error); sbuf_new_for_sysctl(&sbuf, NULL, 128, req); TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &blacklist_head, listq) { sbuf_printf(&sbuf, "%s%#jx", first ? "" : ",", (uintmax_t)m->phys_addr); first = 0; } error = sbuf_finish(&sbuf); sbuf_delete(&sbuf); return (error); } /* * Initialize a dummy page for use in scans of the specified paging queue. * In principle, this function only needs to set the flag PG_MARKER. - * Nonetheless, it write busies and initializes the hold count to one as - * safety precautions. + * Nonetheless, it write busies the page as a safety precaution. */ static void vm_page_init_marker(vm_page_t marker, int queue, uint8_t aflags) { bzero(marker, sizeof(*marker)); marker->flags = PG_MARKER; marker->aflags = aflags; marker->busy_lock = VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER; marker->queue = queue; - marker->hold_count = 1; } static void vm_page_domain_init(int domain) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; int i; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); bzero(vmd, sizeof(*vmd)); *__DECONST(char **, &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE].pq_name) = "vm inactive pagequeue"; *__DECONST(char **, &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_ACTIVE].pq_name) = "vm active pagequeue"; *__DECONST(char **, &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY].pq_name) = "vm laundry pagequeue"; *__DECONST(char **, &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_UNSWAPPABLE].pq_name) = "vm unswappable pagequeue"; vmd->vmd_domain = domain; vmd->vmd_page_count = 0; vmd->vmd_free_count = 0; vmd->vmd_segs = 0; vmd->vmd_oom = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < PQ_COUNT; i++) { pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[i]; TAILQ_INIT(&pq->pq_pl); mtx_init(&pq->pq_mutex, pq->pq_name, "vm pagequeue", MTX_DEF | MTX_DUPOK); pq->pq_pdpages = 0; vm_page_init_marker(&vmd->vmd_markers[i], i, 0); } mtx_init(&vmd->vmd_free_mtx, "vm page free queue", NULL, MTX_DEF); mtx_init(&vmd->vmd_pageout_mtx, "vm pageout lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); snprintf(vmd->vmd_name, sizeof(vmd->vmd_name), "%d", domain); /* * inacthead is used to provide FIFO ordering for LRU-bypassing * insertions. */ vm_page_init_marker(&vmd->vmd_inacthead, PQ_INACTIVE, PGA_ENQUEUED); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE].pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_inacthead, plinks.q); /* * The clock pages are used to implement active queue scanning without * requeues. Scans start at clock[0], which is advanced after the scan * ends. When the two clock hands meet, they are reset and scanning * resumes from the head of the queue. */ vm_page_init_marker(&vmd->vmd_clock[0], PQ_ACTIVE, PGA_ENQUEUED); vm_page_init_marker(&vmd->vmd_clock[1], PQ_ACTIVE, PGA_ENQUEUED); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_ACTIVE].pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], plinks.q); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_ACTIVE].pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[1], plinks.q); } /* * Initialize a physical page in preparation for adding it to the free * lists. */ static void vm_page_init_page(vm_page_t m, vm_paddr_t pa, int segind) { m->object = NULL; m->wire_count = 0; m->busy_lock = VPB_UNBUSIED; - m->hold_count = 0; m->flags = m->aflags = 0; m->phys_addr = pa; m->queue = PQ_NONE; m->psind = 0; m->segind = segind; m->order = VM_NFREEORDER; m->pool = VM_FREEPOOL_DEFAULT; m->valid = m->dirty = 0; pmap_page_init(m); } /* * vm_page_startup: * * Initializes the resident memory module. Allocates physical memory for * bootstrapping UMA and some data structures that are used to manage * physical pages. Initializes these structures, and populates the free * page queues. */ vm_offset_t vm_page_startup(vm_offset_t vaddr) { struct vm_phys_seg *seg; vm_page_t m; char *list, *listend; vm_offset_t mapped; vm_paddr_t end, high_avail, low_avail, new_end, page_range, size; vm_paddr_t biggestsize, last_pa, pa; u_long pagecount; int biggestone, i, segind; #ifdef WITNESS int witness_size; #endif #if defined(__i386__) && defined(VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE) long ii; #endif biggestsize = 0; biggestone = 0; vaddr = round_page(vaddr); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1]; i += 2) { phys_avail[i] = round_page(phys_avail[i]); phys_avail[i + 1] = trunc_page(phys_avail[i + 1]); } for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1]; i += 2) { size = phys_avail[i + 1] - phys_avail[i]; if (size > biggestsize) { biggestone = i; biggestsize = size; } } end = phys_avail[biggestone+1]; /* * Initialize the page and queue locks. */ mtx_init(&vm_domainset_lock, "vm domainset lock", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < PA_LOCK_COUNT; i++) mtx_init(&pa_lock[i], "vm page", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < vm_ndomains; i++) vm_page_domain_init(i); /* * Allocate memory for use when boot strapping the kernel memory * allocator. Tell UMA how many zones we are going to create * before going fully functional. UMA will add its zones. * * VM startup zones: vmem, vmem_btag, VM OBJECT, RADIX NODE, MAP, * KMAP ENTRY, MAP ENTRY, VMSPACE. */ boot_pages = uma_startup_count(8); #ifndef UMA_MD_SMALL_ALLOC /* vmem_startup() calls uma_prealloc(). */ boot_pages += vmem_startup_count(); /* vm_map_startup() calls uma_prealloc(). */ boot_pages += howmany(MAX_KMAP, UMA_SLAB_SPACE / sizeof(struct vm_map)); /* * Before going fully functional kmem_init() does allocation * from "KMAP ENTRY" and vmem_create() does allocation from "vmem". */ boot_pages += 2; #endif /* * CTFLAG_RDTUN doesn't work during the early boot process, so we must * manually fetch the value. */ TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.boot_pages", &boot_pages); new_end = end - (boot_pages * UMA_SLAB_SIZE); new_end = trunc_page(new_end); mapped = pmap_map(&vaddr, new_end, end, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); bzero((void *)mapped, end - new_end); uma_startup((void *)mapped, boot_pages); #ifdef WITNESS witness_size = round_page(witness_startup_count()); new_end -= witness_size; mapped = pmap_map(&vaddr, new_end, new_end + witness_size, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); bzero((void *)mapped, witness_size); witness_startup((void *)mapped); #endif #if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__arm__) || \ defined(__i386__) || defined(__mips__) || defined(__riscv) /* * Allocate a bitmap to indicate that a random physical page * needs to be included in a minidump. * * The amd64 port needs this to indicate which direct map pages * need to be dumped, via calls to dump_add_page()/dump_drop_page(). * * However, i386 still needs this workspace internally within the * minidump code. In theory, they are not needed on i386, but are * included should the sf_buf code decide to use them. */ last_pa = 0; for (i = 0; dump_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) if (dump_avail[i + 1] > last_pa) last_pa = dump_avail[i + 1]; page_range = last_pa / PAGE_SIZE; vm_page_dump_size = round_page(roundup2(page_range, NBBY) / NBBY); new_end -= vm_page_dump_size; vm_page_dump = (void *)(uintptr_t)pmap_map(&vaddr, new_end, new_end + vm_page_dump_size, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); bzero((void *)vm_page_dump, vm_page_dump_size); #else (void)last_pa; #endif #if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__mips__) || \ defined(__riscv) /* * Include the UMA bootstrap pages, witness pages and vm_page_dump * in a crash dump. When pmap_map() uses the direct map, they are * not automatically included. */ for (pa = new_end; pa < end; pa += PAGE_SIZE) dump_add_page(pa); #endif phys_avail[biggestone + 1] = new_end; #ifdef __amd64__ /* * Request that the physical pages underlying the message buffer be * included in a crash dump. Since the message buffer is accessed * through the direct map, they are not automatically included. */ pa = DMAP_TO_PHYS((vm_offset_t)msgbufp->msg_ptr); last_pa = pa + round_page(msgbufsize); while (pa < last_pa) { dump_add_page(pa); pa += PAGE_SIZE; } #endif /* * Compute the number of pages of memory that will be available for * use, taking into account the overhead of a page structure per page. * In other words, solve * "available physical memory" - round_page(page_range * * sizeof(struct vm_page)) = page_range * PAGE_SIZE * for page_range. */ low_avail = phys_avail[0]; high_avail = phys_avail[1]; for (i = 0; i < vm_phys_nsegs; i++) { if (vm_phys_segs[i].start < low_avail) low_avail = vm_phys_segs[i].start; if (vm_phys_segs[i].end > high_avail) high_avail = vm_phys_segs[i].end; } /* Skip the first chunk. It is already accounted for. */ for (i = 2; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { if (phys_avail[i] < low_avail) low_avail = phys_avail[i]; if (phys_avail[i + 1] > high_avail) high_avail = phys_avail[i + 1]; } first_page = low_avail / PAGE_SIZE; #ifdef VM_PHYSSEG_SPARSE size = 0; for (i = 0; i < vm_phys_nsegs; i++) size += vm_phys_segs[i].end - vm_phys_segs[i].start; for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) size += phys_avail[i + 1] - phys_avail[i]; #elif defined(VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE) size = high_avail - low_avail; #else #error "Either VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE or VM_PHYSSEG_SPARSE must be defined." #endif #ifdef VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE /* * In the VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE case, the number of pages can account for * the overhead of a page structure per page only if vm_page_array is * allocated from the last physical memory chunk. Otherwise, we must * allocate page structures representing the physical memory * underlying vm_page_array, even though they will not be used. */ if (new_end != high_avail) page_range = size / PAGE_SIZE; else #endif { page_range = size / (PAGE_SIZE + sizeof(struct vm_page)); /* * If the partial bytes remaining are large enough for * a page (PAGE_SIZE) without a corresponding * 'struct vm_page', then new_end will contain an * extra page after subtracting the length of the VM * page array. Compensate by subtracting an extra * page from new_end. */ if (size % (PAGE_SIZE + sizeof(struct vm_page)) >= PAGE_SIZE) { if (new_end == high_avail) high_avail -= PAGE_SIZE; new_end -= PAGE_SIZE; } } end = new_end; /* * Reserve an unmapped guard page to trap access to vm_page_array[-1]. * However, because this page is allocated from KVM, out-of-bounds * accesses using the direct map will not be trapped. */ vaddr += PAGE_SIZE; /* * Allocate physical memory for the page structures, and map it. */ new_end = trunc_page(end - page_range * sizeof(struct vm_page)); mapped = pmap_map(&vaddr, new_end, end, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); vm_page_array = (vm_page_t)mapped; vm_page_array_size = page_range; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Allocate physical memory for the reservation management system's * data structures, and map it. */ if (high_avail == end) high_avail = new_end; new_end = vm_reserv_startup(&vaddr, new_end, high_avail); #endif #if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__mips__) || \ defined(__riscv) /* * Include vm_page_array and vm_reserv_array in a crash dump. */ for (pa = new_end; pa < end; pa += PAGE_SIZE) dump_add_page(pa); #endif phys_avail[biggestone + 1] = new_end; /* * Add physical memory segments corresponding to the available * physical pages. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) vm_phys_add_seg(phys_avail[i], phys_avail[i + 1]); /* * Initialize the physical memory allocator. */ vm_phys_init(); /* * Initialize the page structures and add every available page to the * physical memory allocator's free lists. */ #if defined(__i386__) && defined(VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE) for (ii = 0; ii < vm_page_array_size; ii++) { m = &vm_page_array[ii]; vm_page_init_page(m, (first_page + ii) << PAGE_SHIFT, 0); m->flags = PG_FICTITIOUS; } #endif vm_cnt.v_page_count = 0; for (segind = 0; segind < vm_phys_nsegs; segind++) { seg = &vm_phys_segs[segind]; for (m = seg->first_page, pa = seg->start; pa < seg->end; m++, pa += PAGE_SIZE) vm_page_init_page(m, pa, segind); /* * Add the segment to the free lists only if it is covered by * one of the ranges in phys_avail. Because we've added the * ranges to the vm_phys_segs array, we can assume that each * segment is either entirely contained in one of the ranges, * or doesn't overlap any of them. */ for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { struct vm_domain *vmd; if (seg->start < phys_avail[i] || seg->end > phys_avail[i + 1]) continue; m = seg->first_page; pagecount = (u_long)atop(seg->end - seg->start); vmd = VM_DOMAIN(seg->domain); vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); vm_phys_enqueue_contig(m, pagecount); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, pagecount); vm_cnt.v_page_count += (u_int)pagecount; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(seg->domain); vmd->vmd_page_count += (u_int)pagecount; vmd->vmd_segs |= 1UL << m->segind; break; } } /* * Remove blacklisted pages from the physical memory allocator. */ TAILQ_INIT(&blacklist_head); vm_page_blacklist_load(&list, &listend); vm_page_blacklist_check(list, listend); list = kern_getenv("vm.blacklist"); vm_page_blacklist_check(list, NULL); freeenv(list); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Initialize the reservation management system. */ vm_reserv_init(); #endif return (vaddr); } void vm_page_reference(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); } /* * vm_page_busy_downgrade: * * Downgrade an exclusive busy page into a single shared busy page. */ void vm_page_busy_downgrade(vm_page_t m) { u_int x; bool locked; vm_page_assert_xbusied(m); locked = mtx_owned(vm_page_lockptr(m)); for (;;) { x = m->busy_lock; x &= VPB_BIT_WAITERS; if (x != 0 && !locked) vm_page_lock(m); if (atomic_cmpset_rel_int(&m->busy_lock, VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER | x, VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1))) break; if (x != 0 && !locked) vm_page_unlock(m); } if (x != 0) { wakeup(m); if (!locked) vm_page_unlock(m); } } /* * vm_page_sbusied: * * Return a positive value if the page is shared busied, 0 otherwise. */ int vm_page_sbusied(vm_page_t m) { u_int x; x = m->busy_lock; return ((x & VPB_BIT_SHARED) != 0 && x != VPB_UNBUSIED); } /* * vm_page_sunbusy: * * Shared unbusy a page. */ void vm_page_sunbusy(vm_page_t m) { u_int x; vm_page_lock_assert(m, MA_NOTOWNED); vm_page_assert_sbusied(m); for (;;) { x = m->busy_lock; if (VPB_SHARERS(x) > 1) { if (atomic_cmpset_int(&m->busy_lock, x, x - VPB_ONE_SHARER)) break; continue; } if ((x & VPB_BIT_WAITERS) == 0) { KASSERT(x == VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1), ("vm_page_sunbusy: invalid lock state")); if (atomic_cmpset_int(&m->busy_lock, VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1), VPB_UNBUSIED)) break; continue; } KASSERT(x == (VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1) | VPB_BIT_WAITERS), ("vm_page_sunbusy: invalid lock state for waiters")); vm_page_lock(m); if (!atomic_cmpset_int(&m->busy_lock, x, VPB_UNBUSIED)) { vm_page_unlock(m); continue; } wakeup(m); vm_page_unlock(m); break; } } /* * vm_page_busy_sleep: * * Sleep and release the page lock, using the page pointer as wchan. * This is used to implement the hard-path of busying mechanism. * * The given page must be locked. * * If nonshared is true, sleep only if the page is xbusy. */ void vm_page_busy_sleep(vm_page_t m, const char *wmesg, bool nonshared) { u_int x; vm_page_assert_locked(m); x = m->busy_lock; if (x == VPB_UNBUSIED || (nonshared && (x & VPB_BIT_SHARED) != 0) || ((x & VPB_BIT_WAITERS) == 0 && !atomic_cmpset_int(&m->busy_lock, x, x | VPB_BIT_WAITERS))) { vm_page_unlock(m); return; } msleep(m, vm_page_lockptr(m), PVM | PDROP, wmesg, 0); } /* * vm_page_trysbusy: * * Try to shared busy a page. * If the operation succeeds 1 is returned otherwise 0. * The operation never sleeps. */ int vm_page_trysbusy(vm_page_t m) { u_int x; for (;;) { x = m->busy_lock; if ((x & VPB_BIT_SHARED) == 0) return (0); if (atomic_cmpset_acq_int(&m->busy_lock, x, x + VPB_ONE_SHARER)) return (1); } } static void vm_page_xunbusy_locked(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_xbusied(m); vm_page_assert_locked(m); atomic_store_rel_int(&m->busy_lock, VPB_UNBUSIED); /* There is a waiter, do wakeup() instead of vm_page_flash(). */ wakeup(m); } void vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(vm_page_t m) { bool lockacq; vm_page_assert_xbusied(m); /* * Fast path for unbusy. If it succeeds, we know that there * are no waiters, so we do not need a wakeup. */ if (atomic_cmpset_rel_int(&m->busy_lock, VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER, VPB_UNBUSIED)) return; lockacq = !mtx_owned(vm_page_lockptr(m)); if (lockacq) vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_xunbusy_locked(m); if (lockacq) vm_page_unlock(m); } /* * vm_page_xunbusy_hard: * * Called after the first try the exclusive unbusy of a page failed. * It is assumed that the waiters bit is on. */ void vm_page_xunbusy_hard(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_xbusied(m); vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_xunbusy_locked(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } /* * vm_page_flash: * * Wakeup anyone waiting for the page. * The ownership bits do not change. * * The given page must be locked. */ void vm_page_flash(vm_page_t m) { u_int x; vm_page_lock_assert(m, MA_OWNED); for (;;) { x = m->busy_lock; if ((x & VPB_BIT_WAITERS) == 0) return; if (atomic_cmpset_int(&m->busy_lock, x, x & (~VPB_BIT_WAITERS))) break; } wakeup(m); } /* * Avoid releasing and reacquiring the same page lock. */ void vm_page_change_lock(vm_page_t m, struct mtx **mtx) { struct mtx *mtx1; mtx1 = vm_page_lockptr(m); if (*mtx == mtx1) return; if (*mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(*mtx); *mtx = mtx1; mtx_lock(mtx1); } /* - * Keep page from being freed by the page daemon - * much of the same effect as wiring, except much lower - * overhead and should be used only for *very* temporary - * holding ("wiring"). - */ -void -vm_page_hold(vm_page_t mem) -{ - - vm_page_lock_assert(mem, MA_OWNED); - mem->hold_count++; -} - -void -vm_page_unhold(vm_page_t mem) -{ - - vm_page_lock_assert(mem, MA_OWNED); - KASSERT(mem->hold_count >= 1, ("vm_page_unhold: hold count < 0!!!")); - --mem->hold_count; - if (mem->hold_count == 0 && (mem->flags & PG_UNHOLDFREE) != 0) - vm_page_free_toq(mem); -} - -/* * vm_page_unhold_pages: * * Unhold each of the pages that is referenced by the given array. */ void vm_page_unhold_pages(vm_page_t *ma, int count) { struct mtx *mtx; mtx = NULL; for (; count != 0; count--) { vm_page_change_lock(*ma, &mtx); - vm_page_unhold(*ma); + if (vm_page_unwire(*ma, PQ_ACTIVE) && (*ma)->object == NULL) + vm_page_free(*ma); ma++; } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); } vm_page_t PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(vm_paddr_t pa) { vm_page_t m; #ifdef VM_PHYSSEG_SPARSE m = vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(pa); if (m == NULL) m = vm_phys_fictitious_to_vm_page(pa); return (m); #elif defined(VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE) long pi; pi = atop(pa); if (pi >= first_page && (pi - first_page) < vm_page_array_size) { m = &vm_page_array[pi - first_page]; return (m); } return (vm_phys_fictitious_to_vm_page(pa)); #else #error "Either VM_PHYSSEG_DENSE or VM_PHYSSEG_SPARSE must be defined." #endif } /* * vm_page_getfake: * * Create a fictitious page with the specified physical address and * memory attribute. The memory attribute is the only the machine- * dependent aspect of a fictitious page that must be initialized. */ vm_page_t vm_page_getfake(vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr) { vm_page_t m; m = uma_zalloc(fakepg_zone, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); vm_page_initfake(m, paddr, memattr); return (m); } void vm_page_initfake(vm_page_t m, vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr) { if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) { /* * The page's memattr might have changed since the * previous initialization. Update the pmap to the * new memattr. */ goto memattr; } m->phys_addr = paddr; m->queue = PQ_NONE; /* Fictitious pages don't use "segind". */ m->flags = PG_FICTITIOUS; /* Fictitious pages don't use "order" or "pool". */ m->oflags = VPO_UNMANAGED; m->busy_lock = VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER; m->wire_count = 1; pmap_page_init(m); memattr: pmap_page_set_memattr(m, memattr); } /* * vm_page_putfake: * * Release a fictitious page. */ void vm_page_putfake(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0, ("managed %p", m)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0, ("vm_page_putfake: bad page %p", m)); uma_zfree(fakepg_zone, m); } /* * vm_page_updatefake: * * Update the given fictitious page to the specified physical address and * memory attribute. */ void vm_page_updatefake(vm_page_t m, vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr) { KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0, ("vm_page_updatefake: bad page %p", m)); m->phys_addr = paddr; pmap_page_set_memattr(m, memattr); } /* * vm_page_free: * * Free a page. */ void vm_page_free(vm_page_t m) { m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; vm_page_free_toq(m); } /* * vm_page_free_zero: * * Free a page to the zerod-pages queue */ void vm_page_free_zero(vm_page_t m) { m->flags |= PG_ZERO; vm_page_free_toq(m); } /* * Unbusy and handle the page queueing for a page from a getpages request that * was optionally read ahead or behind. */ void vm_page_readahead_finish(vm_page_t m) { /* We shouldn't put invalid pages on queues. */ KASSERT(m->valid != 0, ("%s: %p is invalid", __func__, m)); /* * Since the page is not the actually needed one, whether it should * be activated or deactivated is not obvious. Empirical results * have shown that deactivating the page is usually the best choice, * unless the page is wanted by another thread. */ vm_page_lock(m); if ((m->busy_lock & VPB_BIT_WAITERS) != 0) vm_page_activate(m); else vm_page_deactivate(m); vm_page_unlock(m); vm_page_xunbusy(m); } /* * vm_page_sleep_if_busy: * * Sleep and release the page queues lock if the page is busied. * Returns TRUE if the thread slept. * * The given page must be unlocked and object containing it must * be locked. */ int vm_page_sleep_if_busy(vm_page_t m, const char *msg) { vm_object_t obj; vm_page_lock_assert(m, MA_NOTOWNED); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (vm_page_busied(m)) { /* * The page-specific object must be cached because page * identity can change during the sleep, causing the * re-lock of a different object. * It is assumed that a reference to the object is already * held by the callers. */ obj = m->object; vm_page_lock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(obj); vm_page_busy_sleep(m, msg, false); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(obj); return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } /* * vm_page_dirty_KBI: [ internal use only ] * * Set all bits in the page's dirty field. * * The object containing the specified page must be locked if the * call is made from the machine-independent layer. * * See vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(). * * This function should only be called by vm_page_dirty(). */ void vm_page_dirty_KBI(vm_page_t m) { /* Refer to this operation by its public name. */ KASSERT(m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("vm_page_dirty: page is invalid!")); m->dirty = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; } /* * vm_page_insert: [ internal use only ] * * Inserts the given mem entry into the object and object list. * * The object must be locked. */ int vm_page_insert(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex) { vm_page_t mpred; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); mpred = vm_radix_lookup_le(&object->rtree, pindex); return (vm_page_insert_after(m, object, pindex, mpred)); } /* * vm_page_insert_after: * * Inserts the page "m" into the specified object at offset "pindex". * * The page "mpred" must immediately precede the offset "pindex" within * the specified object. * * The object must be locked. */ static int vm_page_insert_after(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_page_t mpred) { vm_page_t msucc; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(m->object == NULL, ("vm_page_insert_after: page already inserted")); if (mpred != NULL) { KASSERT(mpred->object == object, ("vm_page_insert_after: object doesn't contain mpred")); KASSERT(mpred->pindex < pindex, ("vm_page_insert_after: mpred doesn't precede pindex")); msucc = TAILQ_NEXT(mpred, listq); } else msucc = TAILQ_FIRST(&object->memq); if (msucc != NULL) KASSERT(msucc->pindex > pindex, ("vm_page_insert_after: msucc doesn't succeed pindex")); /* * Record the object/offset pair in this page */ m->object = object; m->pindex = pindex; /* * Now link into the object's ordered list of backed pages. */ if (vm_radix_insert(&object->rtree, m)) { m->object = NULL; m->pindex = 0; return (1); } vm_page_insert_radixdone(m, object, mpred); return (0); } /* * vm_page_insert_radixdone: * * Complete page "m" insertion into the specified object after the * radix trie hooking. * * The page "mpred" must precede the offset "m->pindex" within the * specified object. * * The object must be locked. */ static void vm_page_insert_radixdone(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t object, vm_page_t mpred) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(object != NULL && m->object == object, ("vm_page_insert_radixdone: page %p has inconsistent object", m)); if (mpred != NULL) { KASSERT(mpred->object == object, ("vm_page_insert_after: object doesn't contain mpred")); KASSERT(mpred->pindex < m->pindex, ("vm_page_insert_after: mpred doesn't precede pindex")); } if (mpred != NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&object->memq, mpred, m, listq); else TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&object->memq, m, listq); /* * Show that the object has one more resident page. */ object->resident_page_count++; /* * Hold the vnode until the last page is released. */ if (object->resident_page_count == 1 && object->type == OBJT_VNODE) vhold(object->handle); /* * Since we are inserting a new and possibly dirty page, * update the object's OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY flag. */ if (pmap_page_is_write_mapped(m)) vm_object_set_writeable_dirty(object); } /* * vm_page_remove: * * Removes the specified page from its containing object, but does not * invalidate any backing storage. Return true if the page may be safely * freed and false otherwise. * * The object must be locked. The page must be locked if it is managed. */ bool vm_page_remove(vm_page_t m) { vm_object_t object; vm_page_t mrem; object = m->object; if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_assert_locked(m); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); if (vm_page_xbusied(m)) vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(m); mrem = vm_radix_remove(&object->rtree, m->pindex); KASSERT(mrem == m, ("removed page %p, expected page %p", mrem, m)); /* * Now remove from the object's list of backed pages. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&object->memq, m, listq); /* * And show that the object has one fewer resident page. */ object->resident_page_count--; /* * The vnode may now be recycled. */ if (object->resident_page_count == 0 && object->type == OBJT_VNODE) vdrop(object->handle); m->object = NULL; return (!vm_page_wired(m)); } /* * vm_page_lookup: * * Returns the page associated with the object/offset * pair specified; if none is found, NULL is returned. * * The object must be locked. */ vm_page_t vm_page_lookup(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); return (vm_radix_lookup(&object->rtree, pindex)); } /* * vm_page_find_least: * * Returns the page associated with the object with least pindex * greater than or equal to the parameter pindex, or NULL. * * The object must be locked. */ vm_page_t vm_page_find_least(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex) { vm_page_t m; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); if ((m = TAILQ_FIRST(&object->memq)) != NULL && m->pindex < pindex) m = vm_radix_lookup_ge(&object->rtree, pindex); return (m); } /* * Returns the given page's successor (by pindex) within the object if it is * resident; if none is found, NULL is returned. * * The object must be locked. */ vm_page_t vm_page_next(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_t next; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); if ((next = TAILQ_NEXT(m, listq)) != NULL) { MPASS(next->object == m->object); if (next->pindex != m->pindex + 1) next = NULL; } return (next); } /* * Returns the given page's predecessor (by pindex) within the object if it is * resident; if none is found, NULL is returned. * * The object must be locked. */ vm_page_t vm_page_prev(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_t prev; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); if ((prev = TAILQ_PREV(m, pglist, listq)) != NULL) { MPASS(prev->object == m->object); if (prev->pindex != m->pindex - 1) prev = NULL; } return (prev); } /* * Uses the page mnew as a replacement for an existing page at index * pindex which must be already present in the object. * * The existing page must not be on a paging queue. */ vm_page_t vm_page_replace(vm_page_t mnew, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex) { vm_page_t mold; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(mnew->object == NULL, ("vm_page_replace: page %p already in object", mnew)); - KASSERT(mnew->queue == PQ_NONE, + KASSERT(mnew->queue == PQ_NONE || vm_page_wired(mnew), ("vm_page_replace: new page %p is on a paging queue", mnew)); /* * This function mostly follows vm_page_insert() and * vm_page_remove() without the radix, object count and vnode * dance. Double check such functions for more comments. */ mnew->object = object; mnew->pindex = pindex; mold = vm_radix_replace(&object->rtree, mnew); KASSERT(mold->queue == PQ_NONE, ("vm_page_replace: old page %p is on a paging queue", mold)); /* Keep the resident page list in sorted order. */ TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&object->memq, mold, mnew, listq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&object->memq, mold, listq); mold->object = NULL; vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(mold); /* * The object's resident_page_count does not change because we have * swapped one page for another, but OBJ_MIGHTBEDIRTY. */ if (pmap_page_is_write_mapped(mnew)) vm_object_set_writeable_dirty(object); return (mold); } /* * vm_page_rename: * * Move the given memory entry from its * current object to the specified target object/offset. * * Note: swap associated with the page must be invalidated by the move. We * have to do this for several reasons: (1) we aren't freeing the * page, (2) we are dirtying the page, (3) the VM system is probably * moving the page from object A to B, and will then later move * the backing store from A to B and we can't have a conflict. * * Note: we *always* dirty the page. It is necessary both for the * fact that we moved it, and because we may be invalidating * swap. * * The objects must be locked. */ int vm_page_rename(vm_page_t m, vm_object_t new_object, vm_pindex_t new_pindex) { vm_page_t mpred; vm_pindex_t opidx; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(new_object); mpred = vm_radix_lookup_le(&new_object->rtree, new_pindex); KASSERT(mpred == NULL || mpred->pindex != new_pindex, ("vm_page_rename: pindex already renamed")); /* * Create a custom version of vm_page_insert() which does not depend * by m_prev and can cheat on the implementation aspects of the * function. */ opidx = m->pindex; m->pindex = new_pindex; if (vm_radix_insert(&new_object->rtree, m)) { m->pindex = opidx; return (1); } /* * The operation cannot fail anymore. The removal must happen before * the listq iterator is tainted. */ m->pindex = opidx; vm_page_lock(m); (void)vm_page_remove(m); /* Return back to the new pindex to complete vm_page_insert(). */ m->pindex = new_pindex; m->object = new_object; vm_page_unlock(m); vm_page_insert_radixdone(m, new_object, mpred); vm_page_dirty(m); return (0); } /* * vm_page_alloc: * * Allocate and return a page that is associated with the specified * object and offset pair. By default, this page is exclusive busied. * * The caller must always specify an allocation class. * * allocation classes: * VM_ALLOC_NORMAL normal process request * VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM system *really* needs a page * VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT interrupt time request * * optional allocation flags: * VM_ALLOC_COUNT(number) the number of additional pages that the caller * intends to allocate * VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY do not exclusive busy the page * VM_ALLOC_NODUMP do not include the page in a kernel core dump * VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ page is not associated with an object and * should not be exclusive busy * VM_ALLOC_SBUSY shared busy the allocated page * VM_ALLOC_WIRED wire the allocated page * VM_ALLOC_ZERO prefer a zeroed page */ vm_page_t vm_page_alloc(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int req) { return (vm_page_alloc_after(object, pindex, req, object != NULL ? vm_radix_lookup_le(&object->rtree, pindex) : NULL)); } vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_domain(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int domain, int req) { return (vm_page_alloc_domain_after(object, pindex, domain, req, object != NULL ? vm_radix_lookup_le(&object->rtree, pindex) : NULL)); } /* * Allocate a page in the specified object with the given page index. To * optimize insertion of the page into the object, the caller must also specifiy * the resident page in the object with largest index smaller than the given * page index, or NULL if no such page exists. */ vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_after(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int req, vm_page_t mpred) { struct vm_domainset_iter di; vm_page_t m; int domain; vm_domainset_iter_page_init(&di, object, pindex, &domain, &req); do { m = vm_page_alloc_domain_after(object, pindex, domain, req, mpred); if (m != NULL) break; } while (vm_domainset_iter_page(&di, object, &domain) == 0); return (m); } /* * Returns true if the number of free pages exceeds the minimum * for the request class and false otherwise. */ int vm_domain_allocate(struct vm_domain *vmd, int req, int npages) { u_int limit, old, new; req = req & VM_ALLOC_CLASS_MASK; /* * The page daemon is allowed to dig deeper into the free page list. */ if (curproc == pageproc && req != VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT) req = VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM; if (req == VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT) limit = 0; else if (req == VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM) limit = vmd->vmd_interrupt_free_min; else limit = vmd->vmd_free_reserved; /* * Attempt to reserve the pages. Fail if we're below the limit. */ limit += npages; old = vmd->vmd_free_count; do { if (old < limit) return (0); new = old - npages; } while (atomic_fcmpset_int(&vmd->vmd_free_count, &old, new) == 0); /* Wake the page daemon if we've crossed the threshold. */ if (vm_paging_needed(vmd, new) && !vm_paging_needed(vmd, old)) pagedaemon_wakeup(vmd->vmd_domain); /* Only update bitsets on transitions. */ if ((old >= vmd->vmd_free_min && new < vmd->vmd_free_min) || (old >= vmd->vmd_free_severe && new < vmd->vmd_free_severe)) vm_domain_set(vmd); return (1); } vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_domain_after(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int domain, int req, vm_page_t mpred) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_page_t m; int flags, pool; KASSERT((object != NULL) == ((req & VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ) == 0) && (object != NULL || (req & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) == 0) && ((req & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) != (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)), ("inconsistent object(%p)/req(%x)", object, req)); KASSERT(object == NULL || (req & VM_ALLOC_WAITOK) == 0, ("Can't sleep and retry object insertion.")); KASSERT(mpred == NULL || mpred->pindex < pindex, ("mpred %p doesn't precede pindex 0x%jx", mpred, (uintmax_t)pindex)); if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); flags = 0; m = NULL; pool = object != NULL ? VM_FREEPOOL_DEFAULT : VM_FREEPOOL_DIRECT; again: #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Can we allocate the page from a reservation? */ if (vm_object_reserv(object) && (m = vm_reserv_alloc_page(object, pindex, domain, req, mpred)) != NULL) { domain = vm_phys_domain(m); vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); goto found; } #endif vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); if (vmd->vmd_pgcache[pool].zone != NULL) { m = uma_zalloc(vmd->vmd_pgcache[pool].zone, M_NOWAIT); if (m != NULL) { flags |= PG_PCPU_CACHE; goto found; } } if (vm_domain_allocate(vmd, req, 1)) { /* * If not, allocate it from the free page queues. */ vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); m = vm_phys_alloc_pages(domain, pool, 0); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (m == NULL) { vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, 1); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if (vm_reserv_reclaim_inactive(domain)) goto again; #endif } } if (m == NULL) { /* * Not allocatable, give up. */ if (vm_domain_alloc_fail(vmd, object, req)) goto again; return (NULL); } /* * At this point we had better have found a good page. */ found: vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_alloc_check(m); /* * Initialize the page. Only the PG_ZERO flag is inherited. */ if ((req & VM_ALLOC_ZERO) != 0) flags |= (m->flags & PG_ZERO); if ((req & VM_ALLOC_NODUMP) != 0) flags |= PG_NODUMP; m->flags = flags; m->aflags = 0; m->oflags = object == NULL || (object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) != 0 ? VPO_UNMANAGED : 0; m->busy_lock = VPB_UNBUSIED; if ((req & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) == 0) m->busy_lock = VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) != 0) m->busy_lock = VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1); if (req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) { /* * The page lock is not required for wiring a page until that * page is inserted into the object. */ vm_wire_add(1); m->wire_count = 1; } m->act_count = 0; if (object != NULL) { if (vm_page_insert_after(m, object, pindex, mpred)) { if (req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) { vm_wire_sub(1); m->wire_count = 0; } KASSERT(m->object == NULL, ("page %p has object", m)); m->oflags = VPO_UNMANAGED; m->busy_lock = VPB_UNBUSIED; /* Don't change PG_ZERO. */ vm_page_free_toq(m); if (req & VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_radix_wait(); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); } return (NULL); } /* Ignore device objects; the pager sets "memattr" for them. */ if (object->memattr != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT && (object->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) == 0) pmap_page_set_memattr(m, object->memattr); } else m->pindex = pindex; return (m); } /* * vm_page_alloc_contig: * * Allocate a contiguous set of physical pages of the given size "npages" * from the free lists. All of the physical pages must be at or above * the given physical address "low" and below the given physical address * "high". The given value "alignment" determines the alignment of the * first physical page in the set. If the given value "boundary" is * non-zero, then the set of physical pages cannot cross any physical * address boundary that is a multiple of that value. Both "alignment" * and "boundary" must be a power of two. * * If the specified memory attribute, "memattr", is VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, * then the memory attribute setting for the physical pages is configured * to the object's memory attribute setting. Otherwise, the memory * attribute setting for the physical pages is configured to "memattr", * overriding the object's memory attribute setting. However, if the * object's memory attribute setting is not VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, then the * memory attribute setting for the physical pages cannot be configured * to VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT. * * The specified object may not contain fictitious pages. * * The caller must always specify an allocation class. * * allocation classes: * VM_ALLOC_NORMAL normal process request * VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM system *really* needs a page * VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT interrupt time request * * optional allocation flags: * VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY do not exclusive busy the page * VM_ALLOC_NODUMP do not include the page in a kernel core dump * VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ page is not associated with an object and * should not be exclusive busy * VM_ALLOC_SBUSY shared busy the allocated page * VM_ALLOC_WIRED wire the allocated page * VM_ALLOC_ZERO prefer a zeroed page */ vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_contig(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, vm_memattr_t memattr) { struct vm_domainset_iter di; vm_page_t m; int domain; vm_domainset_iter_page_init(&di, object, pindex, &domain, &req); do { m = vm_page_alloc_contig_domain(object, pindex, domain, req, npages, low, high, alignment, boundary, memattr); if (m != NULL) break; } while (vm_domainset_iter_page(&di, object, &domain) == 0); return (m); } vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_contig_domain(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int domain, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, vm_memattr_t memattr) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_page_t m, m_ret, mpred; u_int busy_lock, flags, oflags; mpred = NULL; /* XXX: pacify gcc */ KASSERT((object != NULL) == ((req & VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ) == 0) && (object != NULL || (req & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) == 0) && ((req & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) != (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)), ("vm_page_alloc_contig: inconsistent object(%p)/req(%x)", object, req)); KASSERT(object == NULL || (req & VM_ALLOC_WAITOK) == 0, ("Can't sleep and retry object insertion.")); if (object != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT((object->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("vm_page_alloc_contig: object %p has fictitious pages", object)); } KASSERT(npages > 0, ("vm_page_alloc_contig: npages is zero")); if (object != NULL) { mpred = vm_radix_lookup_le(&object->rtree, pindex); KASSERT(mpred == NULL || mpred->pindex != pindex, ("vm_page_alloc_contig: pindex already allocated")); } /* * Can we allocate the pages without the number of free pages falling * below the lower bound for the allocation class? */ m_ret = NULL; again: #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Can we allocate the pages from a reservation? */ if (vm_object_reserv(object) && (m_ret = vm_reserv_alloc_contig(object, pindex, domain, req, mpred, npages, low, high, alignment, boundary)) != NULL) { domain = vm_phys_domain(m_ret); vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); goto found; } #endif vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); if (vm_domain_allocate(vmd, req, npages)) { /* * allocate them from the free page queues. */ vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); m_ret = vm_phys_alloc_contig(domain, npages, low, high, alignment, boundary); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (m_ret == NULL) { vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, npages); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if (vm_reserv_reclaim_contig(domain, npages, low, high, alignment, boundary)) goto again; #endif } } if (m_ret == NULL) { if (vm_domain_alloc_fail(vmd, object, req)) goto again; return (NULL); } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 found: #endif for (m = m_ret; m < &m_ret[npages]; m++) { vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_alloc_check(m); } /* * Initialize the pages. Only the PG_ZERO flag is inherited. */ flags = 0; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_ZERO) != 0) flags = PG_ZERO; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_NODUMP) != 0) flags |= PG_NODUMP; oflags = object == NULL || (object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) != 0 ? VPO_UNMANAGED : 0; busy_lock = VPB_UNBUSIED; if ((req & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) == 0) busy_lock = VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) != 0) busy_lock = VPB_SHARERS_WORD(1); if ((req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) vm_wire_add(npages); if (object != NULL) { if (object->memattr != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT && memattr == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) memattr = object->memattr; } for (m = m_ret; m < &m_ret[npages]; m++) { m->aflags = 0; m->flags = (m->flags | PG_NODUMP) & flags; m->busy_lock = busy_lock; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) m->wire_count = 1; m->act_count = 0; m->oflags = oflags; if (object != NULL) { if (vm_page_insert_after(m, object, pindex, mpred)) { if ((req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) vm_wire_sub(npages); KASSERT(m->object == NULL, ("page %p has object", m)); mpred = m; for (m = m_ret; m < &m_ret[npages]; m++) { if (m <= mpred && (req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) m->wire_count = 0; m->oflags = VPO_UNMANAGED; m->busy_lock = VPB_UNBUSIED; /* Don't change PG_ZERO. */ vm_page_free_toq(m); } if (req & VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_radix_wait(); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); } return (NULL); } mpred = m; } else m->pindex = pindex; if (memattr != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) pmap_page_set_memattr(m, memattr); pindex++; } return (m_ret); } /* * Check a page that has been freshly dequeued from a freelist. */ static void vm_page_alloc_check(vm_page_t m) { KASSERT(m->object == NULL, ("page %p has object", m)); KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_NONE && (m->aflags & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK) == 0, ("page %p has unexpected queue %d, flags %#x", m, m->queue, (m->aflags & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK))); - KASSERT(!vm_page_held(m), ("page %p is held", m)); + KASSERT(!vm_page_wired(m), ("page %p is wired", m)); KASSERT(!vm_page_busied(m), ("page %p is busy", m)); KASSERT(m->dirty == 0, ("page %p is dirty", m)); KASSERT(pmap_page_get_memattr(m) == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, ("page %p has unexpected memattr %d", m, pmap_page_get_memattr(m))); KASSERT(m->valid == 0, ("free page %p is valid", m)); } /* * vm_page_alloc_freelist: * * Allocate a physical page from the specified free page list. * * The caller must always specify an allocation class. * * allocation classes: * VM_ALLOC_NORMAL normal process request * VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM system *really* needs a page * VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT interrupt time request * * optional allocation flags: * VM_ALLOC_COUNT(number) the number of additional pages that the caller * intends to allocate * VM_ALLOC_WIRED wire the allocated page * VM_ALLOC_ZERO prefer a zeroed page */ vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_freelist(int freelist, int req) { struct vm_domainset_iter di; vm_page_t m; int domain; vm_domainset_iter_page_init(&di, NULL, 0, &domain, &req); do { m = vm_page_alloc_freelist_domain(domain, freelist, req); if (m != NULL) break; } while (vm_domainset_iter_page(&di, NULL, &domain) == 0); return (m); } vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_freelist_domain(int domain, int freelist, int req) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_page_t m; u_int flags; m = NULL; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); again: if (vm_domain_allocate(vmd, req, 1)) { vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); m = vm_phys_alloc_freelist_pages(domain, freelist, VM_FREEPOOL_DIRECT, 0); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (m == NULL) vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, 1); } if (m == NULL) { if (vm_domain_alloc_fail(vmd, NULL, req)) goto again; return (NULL); } vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_alloc_check(m); /* * Initialize the page. Only the PG_ZERO flag is inherited. */ m->aflags = 0; flags = 0; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_ZERO) != 0) flags = PG_ZERO; m->flags &= flags; if ((req & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) { /* * The page lock is not required for wiring a page that does * not belong to an object. */ vm_wire_add(1); m->wire_count = 1; } /* Unmanaged pages don't use "act_count". */ m->oflags = VPO_UNMANAGED; return (m); } static int vm_page_import(void *arg, void **store, int cnt, int domain, int flags) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pgcache *pgcache; int i; pgcache = arg; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(pgcache->domain); /* Only import if we can bring in a full bucket. */ if (cnt == 1 || !vm_domain_allocate(vmd, VM_ALLOC_NORMAL, cnt)) return (0); domain = vmd->vmd_domain; vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); i = vm_phys_alloc_npages(domain, pgcache->pool, cnt, (vm_page_t *)store); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (cnt != i) vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, cnt - i); return (i); } static void vm_page_release(void *arg, void **store, int cnt) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pgcache *pgcache; vm_page_t m; int i; pgcache = arg; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(pgcache->domain); vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { m = (vm_page_t)store[i]; vm_phys_free_pages(m, 0); } vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, cnt); } #define VPSC_ANY 0 /* No restrictions. */ #define VPSC_NORESERV 1 /* Skip reservations; implies VPSC_NOSUPER. */ #define VPSC_NOSUPER 2 /* Skip superpages. */ /* * vm_page_scan_contig: * * Scan vm_page_array[] between the specified entries "m_start" and * "m_end" for a run of contiguous physical pages that satisfy the * specified conditions, and return the lowest page in the run. The * specified "alignment" determines the alignment of the lowest physical * page in the run. If the specified "boundary" is non-zero, then the * run of physical pages cannot span a physical address that is a * multiple of "boundary". * * "m_end" is never dereferenced, so it need not point to a vm_page * structure within vm_page_array[]. * * "npages" must be greater than zero. "m_start" and "m_end" must not * span a hole (or discontiguity) in the physical address space. Both * "alignment" and "boundary" must be a power of two. */ vm_page_t vm_page_scan_contig(u_long npages, vm_page_t m_start, vm_page_t m_end, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options) { struct mtx *m_mtx; vm_object_t object; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m, m_run; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 int level; #endif int m_inc, order, run_ext, run_len; KASSERT(npages > 0, ("npages is 0")); KASSERT(powerof2(alignment), ("alignment is not a power of 2")); KASSERT(powerof2(boundary), ("boundary is not a power of 2")); m_run = NULL; run_len = 0; m_mtx = NULL; for (m = m_start; m < m_end && run_len < npages; m += m_inc) { KASSERT((m->flags & PG_MARKER) == 0, ("page %p is PG_MARKER", m)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0 || m->wire_count == 1, ("fictitious page %p has invalid wire count", m)); /* * If the current page would be the start of a run, check its * physical address against the end, alignment, and boundary * conditions. If it doesn't satisfy these conditions, either * terminate the scan or advance to the next page that * satisfies the failed condition. */ if (run_len == 0) { KASSERT(m_run == NULL, ("m_run != NULL")); if (m + npages > m_end) break; pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); if ((pa & (alignment - 1)) != 0) { m_inc = atop(roundup2(pa, alignment) - pa); continue; } if (rounddown2(pa ^ (pa + ptoa(npages) - 1), boundary) != 0) { m_inc = atop(roundup2(pa, boundary) - pa); continue; } } else KASSERT(m_run != NULL, ("m_run == NULL")); vm_page_change_lock(m, &m_mtx); m_inc = 1; retry: - if (vm_page_held(m)) + if (vm_page_wired(m)) run_ext = 0; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 else if ((level = vm_reserv_level(m)) >= 0 && (options & VPSC_NORESERV) != 0) { run_ext = 0; /* Advance to the end of the reservation. */ pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); m_inc = atop(roundup2(pa + 1, vm_reserv_size(level)) - pa); } #endif else if ((object = m->object) != NULL) { /* * The page is considered eligible for relocation if * and only if it could be laundered or reclaimed by * the page daemon. */ if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYRLOCK(object)) { mtx_unlock(m_mtx); VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(object); mtx_lock(m_mtx); if (m->object != object) { /* * The page may have been freed. */ VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); goto retry; - } else if (vm_page_held(m)) { + } else if (vm_page_wired(m)) { run_ext = 0; goto unlock; } } - KASSERT((m->flags & PG_UNHOLDFREE) == 0, - ("page %p is PG_UNHOLDFREE", m)); /* Don't care: PG_NODUMP, PG_ZERO. */ if (object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && object->type != OBJT_SWAP && object->type != OBJT_VNODE) { run_ext = 0; #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 } else if ((options & VPSC_NOSUPER) != 0 && (level = vm_reserv_level_iffullpop(m)) >= 0) { run_ext = 0; /* Advance to the end of the superpage. */ pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m); m_inc = atop(roundup2(pa + 1, vm_reserv_size(level)) - pa); #endif } else if (object->memattr == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT && vm_page_queue(m) != PQ_NONE && !vm_page_busied(m)) { /* * The page is allocated but eligible for * relocation. Extend the current run by one * page. */ KASSERT(pmap_page_get_memattr(m) == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, ("page %p has an unexpected memattr", m)); KASSERT((m->oflags & (VPO_SWAPINPROG | VPO_SWAPSLEEP | VPO_UNMANAGED)) == 0, ("page %p has unexpected oflags", m)); /* Don't care: VPO_NOSYNC. */ run_ext = 1; } else run_ext = 0; unlock: VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 } else if (level >= 0) { /* * The page is reserved but not yet allocated. In * other words, it is still free. Extend the current * run by one page. */ run_ext = 1; #endif } else if ((order = m->order) < VM_NFREEORDER) { /* * The page is enqueued in the physical memory * allocator's free page queues. Moreover, it is the * first page in a power-of-two-sized run of * contiguous free pages. Add these pages to the end * of the current run, and jump ahead. */ run_ext = 1 << order; m_inc = 1 << order; } else { /* * Skip the page for one of the following reasons: (1) * It is enqueued in the physical memory allocator's * free page queues. However, it is not the first * page in a run of contiguous free pages. (This case * rarely occurs because the scan is performed in * ascending order.) (2) It is not reserved, and it is * transitioning from free to allocated. (Conversely, * the transition from allocated to free for managed * pages is blocked by the page lock.) (3) It is * allocated but not contained by an object and not * wired, e.g., allocated by Xen's balloon driver. */ run_ext = 0; } /* * Extend or reset the current run of pages. */ if (run_ext > 0) { if (run_len == 0) m_run = m; run_len += run_ext; } else { if (run_len > 0) { m_run = NULL; run_len = 0; } } } if (m_mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(m_mtx); if (run_len >= npages) return (m_run); return (NULL); } /* * vm_page_reclaim_run: * * Try to relocate each of the allocated virtual pages within the * specified run of physical pages to a new physical address. Free the * physical pages underlying the relocated virtual pages. A virtual page * is relocatable if and only if it could be laundered or reclaimed by * the page daemon. Whenever possible, a virtual page is relocated to a * physical address above "high". * * Returns 0 if every physical page within the run was already free or * just freed by a successful relocation. Otherwise, returns a non-zero * value indicating why the last attempt to relocate a virtual page was * unsuccessful. * * "req_class" must be an allocation class. */ static int vm_page_reclaim_run(int req_class, int domain, u_long npages, vm_page_t m_run, vm_paddr_t high) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct mtx *m_mtx; struct spglist free; vm_object_t object; vm_paddr_t pa; vm_page_t m, m_end, m_new; int error, order, req; KASSERT((req_class & VM_ALLOC_CLASS_MASK) == req_class, ("req_class is not an allocation class")); SLIST_INIT(&free); error = 0; m = m_run; m_end = m_run + npages; m_mtx = NULL; for (; error == 0 && m < m_end; m++) { KASSERT((m->flags & (PG_FICTITIOUS | PG_MARKER)) == 0, ("page %p is PG_FICTITIOUS or PG_MARKER", m)); /* * Avoid releasing and reacquiring the same page lock. */ vm_page_change_lock(m, &m_mtx); retry: - if (vm_page_held(m)) + if (vm_page_wired(m)) error = EBUSY; else if ((object = m->object) != NULL) { /* * The page is relocated if and only if it could be * laundered or reclaimed by the page daemon. */ if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(object)) { mtx_unlock(m_mtx); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); mtx_lock(m_mtx); if (m->object != object) { /* * The page may have been freed. */ VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); goto retry; - } else if (vm_page_held(m)) { + } else if (vm_page_wired(m)) { error = EBUSY; goto unlock; } } - KASSERT((m->flags & PG_UNHOLDFREE) == 0, - ("page %p is PG_UNHOLDFREE", m)); /* Don't care: PG_NODUMP, PG_ZERO. */ if (object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT && object->type != OBJT_SWAP && object->type != OBJT_VNODE) error = EINVAL; else if (object->memattr != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) error = EINVAL; else if (vm_page_queue(m) != PQ_NONE && !vm_page_busied(m)) { KASSERT(pmap_page_get_memattr(m) == VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT, ("page %p has an unexpected memattr", m)); KASSERT((m->oflags & (VPO_SWAPINPROG | VPO_SWAPSLEEP | VPO_UNMANAGED)) == 0, ("page %p has unexpected oflags", m)); /* Don't care: VPO_NOSYNC. */ if (m->valid != 0) { /* * First, try to allocate a new page * that is above "high". Failing * that, try to allocate a new page * that is below "m_run". Allocate * the new page between the end of * "m_run" and "high" only as a last * resort. */ req = req_class | VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ; if ((m->flags & PG_NODUMP) != 0) req |= VM_ALLOC_NODUMP; if (trunc_page(high) != ~(vm_paddr_t)PAGE_MASK) { m_new = vm_page_alloc_contig( NULL, 0, req, 1, round_page(high), ~(vm_paddr_t)0, PAGE_SIZE, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } else m_new = NULL; if (m_new == NULL) { pa = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m_run); m_new = vm_page_alloc_contig( NULL, 0, req, 1, 0, pa - 1, PAGE_SIZE, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } if (m_new == NULL) { pa += ptoa(npages); m_new = vm_page_alloc_contig( NULL, 0, req, 1, pa, high, PAGE_SIZE, 0, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); } if (m_new == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; goto unlock; } KASSERT(!vm_page_wired(m_new), ("page %p is wired", m_new)); /* * Replace "m" with the new page. For * vm_page_replace(), "m" must be busy * and dequeued. Finally, change "m" * as if vm_page_free() was called. */ if (object->ref_count != 0) pmap_remove_all(m); m_new->aflags = m->aflags & ~PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK; KASSERT(m_new->oflags == VPO_UNMANAGED, ("page %p is managed", m_new)); m_new->oflags = m->oflags & VPO_NOSYNC; pmap_copy_page(m, m_new); m_new->valid = m->valid; m_new->dirty = m->dirty; m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; vm_page_xbusy(m); vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_replace_checked(m_new, object, m->pindex, m); if (vm_page_free_prep(m)) SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free, m,; /* * The new page must be deactivated * before the object is unlocked. */ vm_page_change_lock(m_new, &m_mtx); vm_page_deactivate(m_new); } else { m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; vm_page_dequeue(m); if (vm_page_free_prep(m)) SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free, m,; KASSERT(m->dirty == 0, ("page %p is dirty", m)); } } else error = EBUSY; unlock: VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); } else { MPASS(vm_phys_domain(m) == domain); vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); order = m->order; if (order < VM_NFREEORDER) { /* * The page is enqueued in the physical memory * allocator's free page queues. Moreover, it * is the first page in a power-of-two-sized * run of contiguous free pages. Jump ahead * to the last page within that run, and * continue from there. */ m += (1 << order) - 1; } #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 else if (vm_reserv_is_page_free(m)) order = 0; #endif vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); if (order == VM_NFREEORDER) error = EINVAL; } } if (m_mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(m_mtx); if ((m = SLIST_FIRST(&free)) != NULL) { int cnt; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); cnt = 0; vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); do { MPASS(vm_phys_domain(m) == domain); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&free,; vm_phys_free_pages(m, 0); cnt++; } while ((m = SLIST_FIRST(&free)) != NULL); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, cnt); } return (error); } #define NRUNS 16 CTASSERT(powerof2(NRUNS)); #define RUN_INDEX(count) ((count) & (NRUNS - 1)) #define MIN_RECLAIM 8 /* * vm_page_reclaim_contig: * * Reclaim allocated, contiguous physical memory satisfying the specified * conditions by relocating the virtual pages using that physical memory. * Returns true if reclamation is successful and false otherwise. Since * relocation requires the allocation of physical pages, reclamation may * fail due to a shortage of free pages. When reclamation fails, callers * are expected to perform vm_wait() before retrying a failed allocation * operation, e.g., vm_page_alloc_contig(). * * The caller must always specify an allocation class through "req". * * allocation classes: * VM_ALLOC_NORMAL normal process request * VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM system *really* needs a page * VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT interrupt time request * * The optional allocation flags are ignored. * * "npages" must be greater than zero. Both "alignment" and "boundary" * must be a power of two. */ bool vm_page_reclaim_contig_domain(int domain, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_paddr_t curr_low; vm_page_t m_run, m_runs[NRUNS]; u_long count, reclaimed; int error, i, options, req_class; KASSERT(npages > 0, ("npages is 0")); KASSERT(powerof2(alignment), ("alignment is not a power of 2")); KASSERT(powerof2(boundary), ("boundary is not a power of 2")); req_class = req & VM_ALLOC_CLASS_MASK; /* * The page daemon is allowed to dig deeper into the free page list. */ if (curproc == pageproc && req_class != VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT) req_class = VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM; /* * Return if the number of free pages cannot satisfy the requested * allocation. */ vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); count = vmd->vmd_free_count; if (count < npages + vmd->vmd_free_reserved || (count < npages + vmd->vmd_interrupt_free_min && req_class == VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM) || (count < npages && req_class == VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT)) return (false); /* * Scan up to three times, relaxing the restrictions ("options") on * the reclamation of reservations and superpages each time. */ for (options = VPSC_NORESERV;;) { /* * Find the highest runs that satisfy the given constraints * and restrictions, and record them in "m_runs". */ curr_low = low; count = 0; for (;;) { m_run = vm_phys_scan_contig(domain, npages, curr_low, high, alignment, boundary, options); if (m_run == NULL) break; curr_low = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m_run) + ptoa(npages); m_runs[RUN_INDEX(count)] = m_run; count++; } /* * Reclaim the highest runs in LIFO (descending) order until * the number of reclaimed pages, "reclaimed", is at least * MIN_RECLAIM. Reset "reclaimed" each time because each * reclamation is idempotent, and runs will (likely) recur * from one scan to the next as restrictions are relaxed. */ reclaimed = 0; for (i = 0; count > 0 && i < NRUNS; i++) { count--; m_run = m_runs[RUN_INDEX(count)]; error = vm_page_reclaim_run(req_class, domain, npages, m_run, high); if (error == 0) { reclaimed += npages; if (reclaimed >= MIN_RECLAIM) return (true); } } /* * Either relax the restrictions on the next scan or return if * the last scan had no restrictions. */ if (options == VPSC_NORESERV) options = VPSC_NOSUPER; else if (options == VPSC_NOSUPER) options = VPSC_ANY; else if (options == VPSC_ANY) return (reclaimed != 0); } } bool vm_page_reclaim_contig(int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary) { struct vm_domainset_iter di; int domain; bool ret; vm_domainset_iter_page_init(&di, NULL, 0, &domain, &req); do { ret = vm_page_reclaim_contig_domain(domain, req, npages, low, high, alignment, boundary); if (ret) break; } while (vm_domainset_iter_page(&di, NULL, &domain) == 0); return (ret); } /* * Set the domain in the appropriate page level domainset. */ void vm_domain_set(struct vm_domain *vmd) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); if (!vmd->vmd_minset && vm_paging_min(vmd)) { vmd->vmd_minset = 1; DOMAINSET_SET(vmd->vmd_domain, &vm_min_domains); } if (!vmd->vmd_severeset && vm_paging_severe(vmd)) { vmd->vmd_severeset = 1; DOMAINSET_SET(vmd->vmd_domain, &vm_severe_domains); } mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } /* * Clear the domain from the appropriate page level domainset. */ void vm_domain_clear(struct vm_domain *vmd) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); if (vmd->vmd_minset && !vm_paging_min(vmd)) { vmd->vmd_minset = 0; DOMAINSET_CLR(vmd->vmd_domain, &vm_min_domains); if (vm_min_waiters != 0) { vm_min_waiters = 0; wakeup(&vm_min_domains); } } if (vmd->vmd_severeset && !vm_paging_severe(vmd)) { vmd->vmd_severeset = 0; DOMAINSET_CLR(vmd->vmd_domain, &vm_severe_domains); if (vm_severe_waiters != 0) { vm_severe_waiters = 0; wakeup(&vm_severe_domains); } } /* * If pageout daemon needs pages, then tell it that there are * some free. */ if (vmd->vmd_pageout_pages_needed && vmd->vmd_free_count >= vmd->vmd_pageout_free_min) { wakeup(&vmd->vmd_pageout_pages_needed); vmd->vmd_pageout_pages_needed = 0; } /* See comments in vm_wait_doms(). */ if (vm_pageproc_waiters) { vm_pageproc_waiters = 0; wakeup(&vm_pageproc_waiters); } mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } /* * Wait for free pages to exceed the min threshold globally. */ void vm_wait_min(void) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); while (vm_page_count_min()) { vm_min_waiters++; msleep(&vm_min_domains, &vm_domainset_lock, PVM, "vmwait", 0); } mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } /* * Wait for free pages to exceed the severe threshold globally. */ void vm_wait_severe(void) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); while (vm_page_count_severe()) { vm_severe_waiters++; msleep(&vm_severe_domains, &vm_domainset_lock, PVM, "vmwait", 0); } mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } u_int vm_wait_count(void) { return (vm_severe_waiters + vm_min_waiters + vm_pageproc_waiters); } void vm_wait_doms(const domainset_t *wdoms) { /* * We use racey wakeup synchronization to avoid expensive global * locking for the pageproc when sleeping with a non-specific vm_wait. * To handle this, we only sleep for one tick in this instance. It * is expected that most allocations for the pageproc will come from * kmem or vm_page_grab* which will use the more specific and * race-free vm_wait_domain(). */ if (curproc == pageproc) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); vm_pageproc_waiters++; msleep(&vm_pageproc_waiters, &vm_domainset_lock, PVM | PDROP, "pageprocwait", 1); } else { /* * XXX Ideally we would wait only until the allocation could * be satisfied. This condition can cause new allocators to * consume all freed pages while old allocators wait. */ mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); if (vm_page_count_min_set(wdoms)) { vm_min_waiters++; msleep(&vm_min_domains, &vm_domainset_lock, PVM | PDROP, "vmwait", 0); } else mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } } /* * vm_wait_domain: * * Sleep until free pages are available for allocation. * - Called in various places after failed memory allocations. */ void vm_wait_domain(int domain) { struct vm_domain *vmd; domainset_t wdom; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); vm_domain_free_assert_unlocked(vmd); if (curproc == pageproc) { mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); if (vmd->vmd_free_count < vmd->vmd_pageout_free_min) { vmd->vmd_pageout_pages_needed = 1; msleep(&vmd->vmd_pageout_pages_needed, &vm_domainset_lock, PDROP | PSWP, "VMWait", 0); } else mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } else { if (pageproc == NULL) panic("vm_wait in early boot"); DOMAINSET_ZERO(&wdom); DOMAINSET_SET(vmd->vmd_domain, &wdom); vm_wait_doms(&wdom); } } /* * vm_wait: * * Sleep until free pages are available for allocation in the * affinity domains of the obj. If obj is NULL, the domain set * for the calling thread is used. * Called in various places after failed memory allocations. */ void vm_wait(vm_object_t obj) { struct domainset *d; d = NULL; /* * Carefully fetch pointers only once: the struct domainset * itself is ummutable but the pointer might change. */ if (obj != NULL) d = obj->domain.dr_policy; if (d == NULL) d = curthread->td_domain.dr_policy; vm_wait_doms(&d->ds_mask); } /* * vm_domain_alloc_fail: * * Called when a page allocation function fails. Informs the * pagedaemon and performs the requested wait. Requires the * domain_free and object lock on entry. Returns with the * object lock held and free lock released. Returns an error when * retry is necessary. * */ static int vm_domain_alloc_fail(struct vm_domain *vmd, vm_object_t object, int req) { vm_domain_free_assert_unlocked(vmd); atomic_add_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_deficit, max((u_int)req >> VM_ALLOC_COUNT_SHIFT, 1)); if (req & (VM_ALLOC_WAITOK | VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL)) { if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_wait_domain(vmd->vmd_domain); if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); if (req & VM_ALLOC_WAITOK) return (EAGAIN); } return (0); } /* * vm_waitpfault: * * Sleep until free pages are available for allocation. * - Called only in vm_fault so that processes page faulting * can be easily tracked. * - Sleeps at a lower priority than vm_wait() so that vm_wait()ing * processes will be able to grab memory first. Do not change * this balance without careful testing first. */ void vm_waitpfault(struct domainset *dset) { /* * XXX Ideally we would wait only until the allocation could * be satisfied. This condition can cause new allocators to * consume all freed pages while old allocators wait. */ mtx_lock(&vm_domainset_lock); if (vm_page_count_min_set(&dset->ds_mask)) { vm_min_waiters++; msleep(&vm_min_domains, &vm_domainset_lock, PUSER | PDROP, "pfault", 0); } else mtx_unlock(&vm_domainset_lock); } struct vm_pagequeue * vm_page_pagequeue(vm_page_t m) { return (&vm_pagequeue_domain(m)->vmd_pagequeues[m->queue]); } static struct mtx * vm_page_pagequeue_lockptr(vm_page_t m) { uint8_t queue; if ((queue = atomic_load_8(&m->queue)) == PQ_NONE) return (NULL); return (&vm_pagequeue_domain(m)->vmd_pagequeues[queue].pq_mutex); } static inline void vm_pqbatch_process_page(struct vm_pagequeue *pq, vm_page_t m) { struct vm_domain *vmd; uint8_t qflags; CRITICAL_ASSERT(curthread); vm_pagequeue_assert_locked(pq); /* * The page daemon is allowed to set m->queue = PQ_NONE without * the page queue lock held. In this case it is about to free the page, * which must not have any queue state. */ qflags = atomic_load_8(&m->aflags) & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK; KASSERT(pq == vm_page_pagequeue(m) || qflags == 0, ("page %p doesn't belong to queue %p but has queue state %#x", m, pq, qflags)); if ((qflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0) { if (__predict_true((qflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); vm_pagequeue_cnt_dec(pq); } vm_page_dequeue_complete(m); } else if ((qflags & (PGA_REQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD)) != 0) { if ((qflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0) TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); else { vm_pagequeue_cnt_inc(pq); vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_ENQUEUED); } if ((qflags & PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD) != 0) { KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_INACTIVE, ("head enqueue not supported for page %p", m)); vmd = vm_pagequeue_domain(m); TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(&vmd->vmd_inacthead, m, plinks.q); } else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); /* * PGA_REQUEUE and PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD must be cleared after * setting PGA_ENQUEUED in order to synchronize with the * page daemon. */ vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD); } } static void vm_pqbatch_process(struct vm_pagequeue *pq, struct vm_batchqueue *bq, uint8_t queue) { vm_page_t m; int i; for (i = 0; i < bq->bq_cnt; i++) { m = bq->bq_pa[i]; if (__predict_false(m->queue != queue)) continue; vm_pqbatch_process_page(pq, m); } vm_batchqueue_init(bq); } static void vm_pqbatch_submit_page(vm_page_t m, uint8_t queue) { struct vm_batchqueue *bq; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; int domain; KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("page %p is unmanaged", m)); KASSERT(mtx_owned(vm_page_lockptr(m)) || (m->object == NULL && (m->aflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0), ("missing synchronization for page %p", m)); KASSERT(queue < PQ_COUNT, ("invalid queue %d", queue)); domain = vm_phys_domain(m); pq = &vm_pagequeue_domain(m)->vmd_pagequeues[queue]; critical_enter(); bq = DPCPU_PTR(pqbatch[domain][queue]); if (vm_batchqueue_insert(bq, m)) { critical_exit(); return; } if (!vm_pagequeue_trylock(pq)) { critical_exit(); vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); critical_enter(); bq = DPCPU_PTR(pqbatch[domain][queue]); } vm_pqbatch_process(pq, bq, queue); /* * The page may have been logically dequeued before we acquired the * page queue lock. In this case, since we either hold the page lock * or the page is being freed, a different thread cannot be concurrently * enqueuing the page. */ if (__predict_true(m->queue == queue)) vm_pqbatch_process_page(pq, m); else { KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_NONE, ("invalid queue transition for page %p", m)); KASSERT((m->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) == 0, ("page %p is enqueued with invalid queue index", m)); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK); } vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); critical_exit(); } /* * vm_page_drain_pqbatch: [ internal use only ] * * Force all per-CPU page queue batch queues to be drained. This is * intended for use in severe memory shortages, to ensure that pages * do not remain stuck in the batch queues. */ void vm_page_drain_pqbatch(void) { struct thread *td; struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; int cpu, domain, queue; td = curthread; CPU_FOREACH(cpu) { thread_lock(td); sched_bind(td, cpu); thread_unlock(td); for (domain = 0; domain < vm_ndomains; domain++) { vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); for (queue = 0; queue < PQ_COUNT; queue++) { pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[queue]; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); critical_enter(); vm_pqbatch_process(pq, DPCPU_PTR(pqbatch[domain][queue]), queue); critical_exit(); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } } } thread_lock(td); sched_unbind(td); thread_unlock(td); } /* * Complete the logical removal of a page from a page queue. We must be * careful to synchronize with the page daemon, which may be concurrently * examining the page with only the page lock held. The page must not be * in a state where it appears to be logically enqueued. */ static void vm_page_dequeue_complete(vm_page_t m) { m->queue = PQ_NONE; atomic_thread_fence_rel(); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK); } /* * vm_page_dequeue_deferred: [ internal use only ] * * Request removal of the given page from its current page * queue. Physical removal from the queue may be deferred * indefinitely. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_dequeue_deferred(vm_page_t m) { uint8_t queue; vm_page_assert_locked(m); if ((queue = vm_page_queue(m)) == PQ_NONE) return; vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_DEQUEUE); vm_pqbatch_submit_page(m, queue); } /* * A variant of vm_page_dequeue_deferred() that does not assert the page * lock and is only to be called from vm_page_free_prep(). It is just an * open-coded implementation of vm_page_dequeue_deferred(). Because the * page is being freed, we can assume that nothing else is scheduling queue * operations on this page, so we get for free the mutual exclusion that * is otherwise provided by the page lock. */ static void vm_page_dequeue_deferred_free(vm_page_t m) { uint8_t queue; KASSERT(m->object == NULL, ("page %p has an object reference", m)); if ((m->aflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0) return; atomic_thread_fence_acq(); if ((queue = m->queue) == PQ_NONE) return; vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_DEQUEUE); vm_pqbatch_submit_page(m, queue); } /* * vm_page_dequeue: * * Remove the page from whichever page queue it's in, if any. * The page must either be locked or unallocated. This constraint * ensures that the queue state of the page will remain consistent * after this function returns. */ void vm_page_dequeue(vm_page_t m) { struct mtx *lock, *lock1; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; uint8_t aflags; KASSERT(mtx_owned(vm_page_lockptr(m)) || m->order == VM_NFREEORDER, ("page %p is allocated and unlocked", m)); for (;;) { lock = vm_page_pagequeue_lockptr(m); if (lock == NULL) { /* * A thread may be concurrently executing * vm_page_dequeue_complete(). Ensure that all queue * state is cleared before we return. */ aflags = atomic_load_8(&m->aflags); if ((aflags & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK) == 0) return; KASSERT((aflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0, ("page %p has unexpected queue state flags %#x", m, aflags)); /* * Busy wait until the thread updating queue state is * finished. Such a thread must be executing in a * critical section. */ cpu_spinwait(); continue; } mtx_lock(lock); if ((lock1 = vm_page_pagequeue_lockptr(m)) == lock) break; mtx_unlock(lock); lock = lock1; } KASSERT(lock == vm_page_pagequeue_lockptr(m), ("%s: page %p migrated directly between queues", __func__, m)); KASSERT((m->aflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0 || mtx_owned(vm_page_lockptr(m)), ("%s: queued unlocked page %p", __func__, m)); if ((m->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0) { pq = vm_page_pagequeue(m); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); vm_pagequeue_cnt_dec(pq); } vm_page_dequeue_complete(m); mtx_unlock(lock); } /* * Schedule the given page for insertion into the specified page queue. * Physical insertion of the page may be deferred indefinitely. */ static void vm_page_enqueue(vm_page_t m, uint8_t queue) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_NONE && (m->aflags & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK) == 0, ("%s: page %p is already enqueued", __func__, m)); m->queue = queue; if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REQUEUE); vm_pqbatch_submit_page(m, queue); } /* * vm_page_requeue: [ internal use only ] * * Schedule a requeue of the given page. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_requeue(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); KASSERT(vm_page_queue(m) != PQ_NONE, ("%s: page %p is not logically enqueued", __func__, m)); if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REQUEUE); vm_pqbatch_submit_page(m, atomic_load_8(&m->queue)); } /* * vm_page_free_prep: * * Prepares the given page to be put on the free list, * disassociating it from any VM object. The caller may return * the page to the free list only if this function returns true. * * The object must be locked. The page must be locked if it is * managed. */ bool vm_page_free_prep(vm_page_t m) { #if defined(DIAGNOSTIC) && defined(PHYS_TO_DMAP) if (PMAP_HAS_DMAP && (m->flags & PG_ZERO) != 0) { uint64_t *p; int i; p = (uint64_t *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t); i++, p++) KASSERT(*p == 0, ("vm_page_free_prep %p PG_ZERO %d %jx", m, i, (uintmax_t)*p)); } #endif if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) { vm_page_lock_assert(m, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(m), ("vm_page_free_prep: freeing mapped page %p", m)); } else KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_NONE, ("vm_page_free_prep: unmanaged page %p is queued", m)); VM_CNT_INC(v_tfree); if (vm_page_sbusied(m)) panic("vm_page_free_prep: freeing busy page %p", m); if (m->object != NULL) (void)vm_page_remove(m); /* * If fictitious remove object association and * return. */ if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) { KASSERT(m->wire_count == 1, ("fictitious page %p is not wired", m)); KASSERT(m->queue == PQ_NONE, ("fictitious page %p is queued", m)); return (false); } /* * Pages need not be dequeued before they are returned to the physical * memory allocator, but they must at least be marked for a deferred * dequeue. */ if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_dequeue_deferred_free(m); m->valid = 0; vm_page_undirty(m); if (vm_page_wired(m) != 0) panic("vm_page_free_prep: freeing wired page %p", m); - if (m->hold_count != 0) { - m->flags &= ~PG_ZERO; - KASSERT((m->flags & PG_UNHOLDFREE) == 0, - ("vm_page_free_prep: freeing PG_UNHOLDFREE page %p", m)); - m->flags |= PG_UNHOLDFREE; - return (false); - } /* * Restore the default memory attribute to the page. */ if (pmap_page_get_memattr(m) != VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT) pmap_page_set_memattr(m, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 /* * Determine whether the page belongs to a reservation. If the page was * allocated from a per-CPU cache, it cannot belong to a reservation, so * as an optimization, we avoid the check in that case. */ if ((m->flags & PG_PCPU_CACHE) == 0 && vm_reserv_free_page(m)) return (false); #endif return (true); } /* * vm_page_free_toq: * * Returns the given page to the free list, disassociating it * from any VM object. * * The object must be locked. The page must be locked if it is * managed. */ void vm_page_free_toq(vm_page_t m) { struct vm_domain *vmd; uma_zone_t zone; if (!vm_page_free_prep(m)) return; vmd = vm_pagequeue_domain(m); zone = vmd->vmd_pgcache[m->pool].zone; if ((m->flags & PG_PCPU_CACHE) != 0 && zone != NULL) { uma_zfree(zone, m); return; } vm_domain_free_lock(vmd); vm_phys_free_pages(m, 0); vm_domain_free_unlock(vmd); vm_domain_freecnt_inc(vmd, 1); } /* * vm_page_free_pages_toq: * * Returns a list of pages to the free list, disassociating it * from any VM object. In other words, this is equivalent to * calling vm_page_free_toq() for each page of a list of VM objects. * * The objects must be locked. The pages must be locked if it is * managed. */ void vm_page_free_pages_toq(struct spglist *free, bool update_wire_count) { vm_page_t m; int count; if (SLIST_EMPTY(free)) return; count = 0; while ((m = SLIST_FIRST(free)) != NULL) { count++; SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(free,; vm_page_free_toq(m); } if (update_wire_count) vm_wire_sub(count); } /* * vm_page_wire: * * Mark this page as wired down. If the page is fictitious, then * its wire count must remain one. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_wire(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) { KASSERT(m->wire_count == 1, ("vm_page_wire: fictitious page %p's wire count isn't one", m)); return; } if (!vm_page_wired(m)) { KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0 || m->queue == PQ_NONE, ("vm_page_wire: unmanaged page %p is queued", m)); vm_wire_add(1); } m->wire_count++; KASSERT(m->wire_count != 0, ("vm_page_wire: wire_count overflow m=%p", m)); } /* * vm_page_unwire: * * Release one wiring of the specified page, potentially allowing it to be * paged out. Returns TRUE if the number of wirings transitions to zero and * FALSE otherwise. * * Only managed pages belonging to an object can be paged out. If the number * of wirings transitions to zero and the page is eligible for page out, then * the page is added to the specified paging queue (unless PQ_NONE is * specified, in which case the page is dequeued if it belongs to a paging * queue). * * If a page is fictitious, then its wire count must always be one. * * A managed page must be locked. */ bool vm_page_unwire(vm_page_t m, uint8_t queue) { bool unwired; KASSERT(queue < PQ_COUNT || queue == PQ_NONE, ("vm_page_unwire: invalid queue %u request for page %p", queue, m)); if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_assert_locked(m); unwired = vm_page_unwire_noq(m); if (!unwired || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0 || m->object == NULL) return (unwired); if (vm_page_queue(m) == queue) { if (queue == PQ_ACTIVE) vm_page_reference(m); else if (queue != PQ_NONE) vm_page_requeue(m); } else { vm_page_dequeue(m); if (queue != PQ_NONE) { vm_page_enqueue(m, queue); if (queue == PQ_ACTIVE) /* Initialize act_count. */ vm_page_activate(m); } } return (unwired); } /* * * vm_page_unwire_noq: * * Unwire a page without (re-)inserting it into a page queue. It is up * to the caller to enqueue, requeue, or free the page as appropriate. * In most cases, vm_page_unwire() should be used instead. */ bool vm_page_unwire_noq(vm_page_t m) { if ((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0) vm_page_assert_locked(m); if ((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) != 0) { KASSERT(m->wire_count == 1, ("vm_page_unwire: fictitious page %p's wire count isn't one", m)); return (false); } if (!vm_page_wired(m)) panic("vm_page_unwire: page %p's wire count is zero", m); m->wire_count--; if (m->wire_count == 0) { vm_wire_sub(1); return (true); } else return (false); } /* * vm_page_activate: * * Put the specified page on the active list (if appropriate). * Ensure that act_count is at least ACT_INIT but do not otherwise * mess with it. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_activate(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if (vm_page_wired(m) || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return; if (vm_page_queue(m) == PQ_ACTIVE) { if (m->act_count < ACT_INIT) m->act_count = ACT_INIT; return; } vm_page_dequeue(m); if (m->act_count < ACT_INIT) m->act_count = ACT_INIT; vm_page_enqueue(m, PQ_ACTIVE); } /* * Move the specified page to the tail of the inactive queue, or requeue * the page if it is already in the inactive queue. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_deactivate(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if (vm_page_wired(m) || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return; if (!vm_page_inactive(m)) { vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_enqueue(m, PQ_INACTIVE); } else vm_page_requeue(m); } /* * Move the specified page close to the head of the inactive queue, * bypassing LRU. A marker page is used to maintain FIFO ordering. * As with regular enqueues, we use a per-CPU batch queue to reduce * contention on the page queue lock. * * The page must be locked. */ void vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if (vm_page_wired(m) || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return; if (!vm_page_inactive(m)) { vm_page_dequeue(m); m->queue = PQ_INACTIVE; } if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD) == 0) vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD); vm_pqbatch_submit_page(m, PQ_INACTIVE); } /* * vm_page_launder * * Put a page in the laundry, or requeue it if it is already there. */ void vm_page_launder(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if (vm_page_wired(m) || (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) != 0) return; if (vm_page_in_laundry(m)) vm_page_requeue(m); else { vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_enqueue(m, PQ_LAUNDRY); } } /* * vm_page_unswappable * * Put a page in the PQ_UNSWAPPABLE holding queue. */ void vm_page_unswappable(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); KASSERT(!vm_page_wired(m) && (m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("page %p already unswappable", m)); vm_page_dequeue(m); vm_page_enqueue(m, PQ_UNSWAPPABLE); } /* * Attempt to free the page. If it cannot be freed, do nothing. Returns true * if the page is freed and false otherwise. * * The page must be managed. The page and its containing object must be * locked. */ bool vm_page_try_to_free(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("page %p is unmanaged", m)); - if (m->dirty != 0 || vm_page_held(m) || vm_page_busied(m)) + if (m->dirty != 0 || vm_page_wired(m) || vm_page_busied(m)) return (false); if (m->object->ref_count != 0) { pmap_remove_all(m); if (m->dirty != 0) return (false); } vm_page_free(m); return (true); } /* * vm_page_advise * * Apply the specified advice to the given page. * * The object and page must be locked. */ void vm_page_advise(vm_page_t m, int advice) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (advice == MADV_FREE) /* * Mark the page clean. This will allow the page to be freed * without first paging it out. MADV_FREE pages are often * quickly reused by malloc(3), so we do not do anything that * would result in a page fault on a later access. */ vm_page_undirty(m); else if (advice != MADV_DONTNEED) { if (advice == MADV_WILLNEED) vm_page_activate(m); return; } /* * Clear any references to the page. Otherwise, the page daemon will * immediately reactivate the page. */ vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REFERENCED); if (advice != MADV_FREE && m->dirty == 0 && pmap_is_modified(m)) vm_page_dirty(m); /* * Place clean pages near the head of the inactive queue rather than * the tail, thus defeating the queue's LRU operation and ensuring that * the page will be reused quickly. Dirty pages not already in the * laundry are moved there. */ if (m->dirty == 0) vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(m); else if (!vm_page_in_laundry(m)) vm_page_launder(m); } /* * Grab a page, waiting until we are waken up due to the page * changing state. We keep on waiting, if the page continues * to be in the object. If the page doesn't exist, first allocate it * and then conditionally zero it. * * This routine may sleep. * * The object must be locked on entry. The lock will, however, be released * and reacquired if the routine sleeps. */ vm_page_t vm_page_grab(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int allocflags) { vm_page_t m; int sleep; int pflags; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) == 0 || (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0, ("vm_page_grab: VM_ALLOC_SBUSY/VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY mismatch")); pflags = allocflags & ~(VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK | VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL); if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) == 0) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL; retrylookup: if ((m = vm_page_lookup(object, pindex)) != NULL) { sleep = (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0 ? vm_page_xbusied(m) : vm_page_busied(m); if (sleep) { if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) != 0) return (NULL); /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); vm_page_lock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_page_busy_sleep(m, "pgrbwt", (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto retrylookup; } else { if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) { vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_wire(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } if ((allocflags & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) == 0) vm_page_xbusy(m); if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) != 0) vm_page_sbusy(m); return (m); } } m = vm_page_alloc(object, pindex, pflags); if (m == NULL) { if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) != 0) return (NULL); goto retrylookup; } if (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_ZERO && (m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); return (m); } /* * Return the specified range of pages from the given object. For each * page offset within the range, if a page already exists within the object * at that offset and it is busy, then wait for it to change state. If, * instead, the page doesn't exist, then allocate it. * * The caller must always specify an allocation class. * * allocation classes: * VM_ALLOC_NORMAL normal process request * VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM system *really* needs the pages * * The caller must always specify that the pages are to be busied and/or * wired. * * optional allocation flags: * VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY do not sleep on soft busy pages * VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY do not exclusive busy the page * VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT do not sleep * VM_ALLOC_SBUSY set page to sbusy state * VM_ALLOC_WIRED wire the pages * VM_ALLOC_ZERO zero and validate any invalid pages * * If VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT is not specified, this routine may sleep. Otherwise, it * may return a partial prefix of the requested range. */ int vm_page_grab_pages(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int allocflags, vm_page_t *ma, int count) { vm_page_t m, mpred; int pflags; int i; bool sleep; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); KASSERT(((u_int)allocflags >> VM_ALLOC_COUNT_SHIFT) == 0, ("vm_page_grap_pages: VM_ALLOC_COUNT() is not allowed")); KASSERT((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY) == 0 || (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0, ("vm_page_grab_pages: the pages must be busied or wired")); KASSERT((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) == 0 || (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0, ("vm_page_grab_pages: VM_ALLOC_SBUSY/IGN_SBUSY mismatch")); if (count == 0) return (0); pflags = allocflags & ~(VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT | VM_ALLOC_WAITOK | VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL | VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY); if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) == 0) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL; i = 0; retrylookup: m = vm_radix_lookup_le(&object->rtree, pindex + i); if (m == NULL || m->pindex != pindex + i) { mpred = m; m = NULL; } else mpred = TAILQ_PREV(m, pglist, listq); for (; i < count; i++) { if (m != NULL) { sleep = (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0 ? vm_page_xbusied(m) : vm_page_busied(m); if (sleep) { if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) != 0) break; /* * Reference the page before unlocking and * sleeping so that the page daemon is less * likely to reclaim it. */ vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REFERENCED); vm_page_lock(m); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_page_busy_sleep(m, "grbmaw", (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY) != 0); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); goto retrylookup; } if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_WIRED) != 0) { vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_wire(m); vm_page_unlock(m); } if ((allocflags & (VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_SBUSY)) == 0) vm_page_xbusy(m); if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_SBUSY) != 0) vm_page_sbusy(m); } else { m = vm_page_alloc_after(object, pindex + i, pflags | VM_ALLOC_COUNT(count - i), mpred); if (m == NULL) { if ((allocflags & VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT) != 0) break; goto retrylookup; } } if (m->valid == 0 && (allocflags & VM_ALLOC_ZERO) != 0) { if ((m->flags & PG_ZERO) == 0) pmap_zero_page(m); m->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; } ma[i] = mpred = m; m = vm_page_next(m); } return (i); } /* * Mapping function for valid or dirty bits in a page. * * Inputs are required to range within a page. */ vm_page_bits_t vm_page_bits(int base, int size) { int first_bit; int last_bit; KASSERT( base + size <= PAGE_SIZE, ("vm_page_bits: illegal base/size %d/%d", base, size) ); if (size == 0) /* handle degenerate case */ return (0); first_bit = base >> DEV_BSHIFT; last_bit = (base + size - 1) >> DEV_BSHIFT; return (((vm_page_bits_t)2 << last_bit) - ((vm_page_bits_t)1 << first_bit)); } /* * vm_page_set_valid_range: * * Sets portions of a page valid. The arguments are expected * to be DEV_BSIZE aligned but if they aren't the bitmap is inclusive * of any partial chunks touched by the range. The invalid portion of * such chunks will be zeroed. * * (base + size) must be less then or equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ void vm_page_set_valid_range(vm_page_t m, int base, int size) { int endoff, frag; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (size == 0) /* handle degenerate case */ return; /* * If the base is not DEV_BSIZE aligned and the valid * bit is clear, we have to zero out a portion of the * first block. */ if ((frag = rounddown2(base, DEV_BSIZE)) != base && (m->valid & (1 << (base >> DEV_BSHIFT))) == 0) pmap_zero_page_area(m, frag, base - frag); /* * If the ending offset is not DEV_BSIZE aligned and the * valid bit is clear, we have to zero out a portion of * the last block. */ endoff = base + size; if ((frag = rounddown2(endoff, DEV_BSIZE)) != endoff && (m->valid & (1 << (endoff >> DEV_BSHIFT))) == 0) pmap_zero_page_area(m, endoff, DEV_BSIZE - (endoff & (DEV_BSIZE - 1))); /* * Assert that no previously invalid block that is now being validated * is already dirty. */ KASSERT((~m->valid & vm_page_bits(base, size) & m->dirty) == 0, ("vm_page_set_valid_range: page %p is dirty", m)); /* * Set valid bits inclusive of any overlap. */ m->valid |= vm_page_bits(base, size); } /* * Clear the given bits from the specified page's dirty field. */ static __inline void vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(vm_page_t m, vm_page_bits_t pagebits) { uintptr_t addr; #if PAGE_SIZE < 16384 int shift; #endif /* * If the object is locked and the page is neither exclusive busy nor * write mapped, then the page's dirty field cannot possibly be * set by a concurrent pmap operation. */ VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m) && !pmap_page_is_write_mapped(m)) m->dirty &= ~pagebits; else { /* * The pmap layer can call vm_page_dirty() without * holding a distinguished lock. The combination of * the object's lock and an atomic operation suffice * to guarantee consistency of the page dirty field. * * For PAGE_SIZE == 32768 case, compiler already * properly aligns the dirty field, so no forcible * alignment is needed. Only require existence of * atomic_clear_64 when page size is 32768. */ addr = (uintptr_t)&m->dirty; #if PAGE_SIZE == 32768 atomic_clear_64((uint64_t *)addr, pagebits); #elif PAGE_SIZE == 16384 atomic_clear_32((uint32_t *)addr, pagebits); #else /* PAGE_SIZE <= 8192 */ /* * Use a trick to perform a 32-bit atomic on the * containing aligned word, to not depend on the existence * of atomic_clear_{8, 16}. */ shift = addr & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1); #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN shift = (sizeof(uint32_t) - sizeof(m->dirty) - shift) * NBBY; #else shift *= NBBY; #endif addr &= ~(sizeof(uint32_t) - 1); atomic_clear_32((uint32_t *)addr, pagebits << shift); #endif /* PAGE_SIZE */ } } /* * vm_page_set_validclean: * * Sets portions of a page valid and clean. The arguments are expected * to be DEV_BSIZE aligned but if they aren't the bitmap is inclusive * of any partial chunks touched by the range. The invalid portion of * such chunks will be zero'd. * * (base + size) must be less then or equal to PAGE_SIZE. */ void vm_page_set_validclean(vm_page_t m, int base, int size) { vm_page_bits_t oldvalid, pagebits; int endoff, frag; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (size == 0) /* handle degenerate case */ return; /* * If the base is not DEV_BSIZE aligned and the valid * bit is clear, we have to zero out a portion of the * first block. */ if ((frag = rounddown2(base, DEV_BSIZE)) != base && (m->valid & ((vm_page_bits_t)1 << (base >> DEV_BSHIFT))) == 0) pmap_zero_page_area(m, frag, base - frag); /* * If the ending offset is not DEV_BSIZE aligned and the * valid bit is clear, we have to zero out a portion of * the last block. */ endoff = base + size; if ((frag = rounddown2(endoff, DEV_BSIZE)) != endoff && (m->valid & ((vm_page_bits_t)1 << (endoff >> DEV_BSHIFT))) == 0) pmap_zero_page_area(m, endoff, DEV_BSIZE - (endoff & (DEV_BSIZE - 1))); /* * Set valid, clear dirty bits. If validating the entire * page we can safely clear the pmap modify bit. We also * use this opportunity to clear the VPO_NOSYNC flag. If a process * takes a write fault on a MAP_NOSYNC memory area the flag will * be set again. * * We set valid bits inclusive of any overlap, but we can only * clear dirty bits for DEV_BSIZE chunks that are fully within * the range. */ oldvalid = m->valid; pagebits = vm_page_bits(base, size); m->valid |= pagebits; #if 0 /* NOT YET */ if ((frag = base & (DEV_BSIZE - 1)) != 0) { frag = DEV_BSIZE - frag; base += frag; size -= frag; if (size < 0) size = 0; } pagebits = vm_page_bits(base, size & (DEV_BSIZE - 1)); #endif if (base == 0 && size == PAGE_SIZE) { /* * The page can only be modified within the pmap if it is * mapped, and it can only be mapped if it was previously * fully valid. */ if (oldvalid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) /* * Perform the pmap_clear_modify() first. Otherwise, * a concurrent pmap operation, such as * pmap_protect(), could clear a modification in the * pmap and set the dirty field on the page before * pmap_clear_modify() had begun and after the dirty * field was cleared here. */ pmap_clear_modify(m); m->dirty = 0; m->oflags &= ~VPO_NOSYNC; } else if (oldvalid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) m->dirty &= ~pagebits; else vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(m, pagebits); } void vm_page_clear_dirty(vm_page_t m, int base, int size) { vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(m, vm_page_bits(base, size)); } /* * vm_page_set_invalid: * * Invalidates DEV_BSIZE'd chunks within a page. Both the * valid and dirty bits for the effected areas are cleared. */ void vm_page_set_invalid(vm_page_t m, int base, int size) { vm_page_bits_t bits; vm_object_t object; object = m->object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE && base == 0 && IDX_TO_OFF(m->pindex) + size >= object->un_pager.vnp.vnp_size) bits = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; else bits = vm_page_bits(base, size); if (object->ref_count != 0 && m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL && bits != 0) pmap_remove_all(m); KASSERT((bits == 0 && m->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) || !pmap_page_is_mapped(m), ("vm_page_set_invalid: page %p is mapped", m)); m->valid &= ~bits; m->dirty &= ~bits; } /* * vm_page_zero_invalid() * * The kernel assumes that the invalid portions of a page contain * garbage, but such pages can be mapped into memory by user code. * When this occurs, we must zero out the non-valid portions of the * page so user code sees what it expects. * * Pages are most often semi-valid when the end of a file is mapped * into memory and the file's size is not page aligned. */ void vm_page_zero_invalid(vm_page_t m, boolean_t setvalid) { int b; int i; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); /* * Scan the valid bits looking for invalid sections that * must be zeroed. Invalid sub-DEV_BSIZE'd areas ( where the * valid bit may be set ) have already been zeroed by * vm_page_set_validclean(). */ for (b = i = 0; i <= PAGE_SIZE / DEV_BSIZE; ++i) { if (i == (PAGE_SIZE / DEV_BSIZE) || (m->valid & ((vm_page_bits_t)1 << i))) { if (i > b) { pmap_zero_page_area(m, b << DEV_BSHIFT, (i - b) << DEV_BSHIFT); } b = i + 1; } } /* * setvalid is TRUE when we can safely set the zero'd areas * as being valid. We can do this if there are no cache consistancy * issues. e.g. it is ok to do with UFS, but not ok to do with NFS. */ if (setvalid) m->valid = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; } /* * vm_page_is_valid: * * Is (partial) page valid? Note that the case where size == 0 * will return FALSE in the degenerate case where the page is * entirely invalid, and TRUE otherwise. */ int vm_page_is_valid(vm_page_t m, int base, int size) { vm_page_bits_t bits; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); bits = vm_page_bits(base, size); return (m->valid != 0 && (m->valid & bits) == bits); } /* * Returns true if all of the specified predicates are true for the entire * (super)page and false otherwise. */ bool vm_page_ps_test(vm_page_t m, int flags, vm_page_t skip_m) { vm_object_t object; int i, npages; object = m->object; if (skip_m != NULL && skip_m->object != object) return (false); VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); npages = atop(pagesizes[m->psind]); /* * The physically contiguous pages that make up a superpage, i.e., a * page with a page size index ("psind") greater than zero, will * occupy adjacent entries in vm_page_array[]. */ for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { /* Always test object consistency, including "skip_m". */ if (m[i].object != object) return (false); if (&m[i] == skip_m) continue; if ((flags & PS_NONE_BUSY) != 0 && vm_page_busied(&m[i])) return (false); if ((flags & PS_ALL_DIRTY) != 0) { /* * Calling vm_page_test_dirty() or pmap_is_modified() * might stop this case from spuriously returning * "false". However, that would require a write lock * on the object containing "m[i]". */ if (m[i].dirty != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) return (false); } if ((flags & PS_ALL_VALID) != 0 && m[i].valid != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) return (false); } return (true); } /* * Set the page's dirty bits if the page is modified. */ void vm_page_test_dirty(vm_page_t m) { VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); if (m->dirty != VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL && pmap_is_modified(m)) vm_page_dirty(m); } void vm_page_lock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line) { mtx_lock_flags_(vm_page_lockptr(m), 0, file, line); } void vm_page_unlock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line) { mtx_unlock_flags_(vm_page_lockptr(m), 0, file, line); } int vm_page_trylock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line) { return (mtx_trylock_flags_(vm_page_lockptr(m), 0, file, line)); } #if defined(INVARIANTS) || defined(INVARIANT_SUPPORT) void vm_page_assert_locked_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line) { vm_page_lock_assert_KBI(m, MA_OWNED, file, line); } void vm_page_lock_assert_KBI(vm_page_t m, int a, const char *file, int line) { mtx_assert_(vm_page_lockptr(m), a, file, line); } #endif #ifdef INVARIANTS void vm_page_object_lock_assert(vm_page_t m) { /* * Certain of the page's fields may only be modified by the * holder of the containing object's lock or the exclusive busy. * holder. Unfortunately, the holder of the write busy is * not recorded, and thus cannot be checked here. */ if (m->object != NULL && !vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(m->object); } void vm_page_assert_pga_writeable(vm_page_t m, uint8_t bits) { if ((bits & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0) return; /* * The PGA_WRITEABLE flag can only be set if the page is * managed, is exclusively busied or the object is locked. * Currently, this flag is only set by pmap_enter(). */ KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("PGA_WRITEABLE on unmanaged page")); if (!vm_page_xbusied(m)) VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(m->object); } #endif #include "opt_ddb.h" #ifdef DDB #include #include DB_SHOW_COMMAND(page, vm_page_print_page_info) { db_printf("vm_cnt.v_free_count: %d\n", vm_free_count()); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_inactive_count: %d\n", vm_inactive_count()); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_active_count: %d\n", vm_active_count()); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_laundry_count: %d\n", vm_laundry_count()); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_wire_count: %d\n", vm_wire_count()); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_free_reserved: %d\n", vm_cnt.v_free_reserved); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_free_min: %d\n", vm_cnt.v_free_min); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_free_target: %d\n", vm_cnt.v_free_target); db_printf("vm_cnt.v_inactive_target: %d\n", vm_cnt.v_inactive_target); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pageq, vm_page_print_pageq_info) { int dom; db_printf("pq_free %d\n", vm_free_count()); for (dom = 0; dom < vm_ndomains; dom++) { db_printf( "dom %d page_cnt %d free %d pq_act %d pq_inact %d pq_laund %d pq_unsw %d\n", dom, vm_dom[dom].vmd_page_count, vm_dom[dom].vmd_free_count, vm_dom[dom].vmd_pagequeues[PQ_ACTIVE].pq_cnt, vm_dom[dom].vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE].pq_cnt, vm_dom[dom].vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY].pq_cnt, vm_dom[dom].vmd_pagequeues[PQ_UNSWAPPABLE].pq_cnt); } } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(pginfo, vm_page_print_pginfo) { vm_page_t m; boolean_t phys, virt; if (!have_addr) { db_printf("show pginfo addr\n"); return; } phys = strchr(modif, 'p') != NULL; virt = strchr(modif, 'v') != NULL; if (virt) m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(pmap_kextract(addr)); else if (phys) m = PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(addr); else m = (vm_page_t)addr; db_printf( - "page %p obj %p pidx 0x%jx phys 0x%jx q %d hold %d wire %d\n" + "page %p obj %p pidx 0x%jx phys 0x%jx q %d wire %d\n" " af 0x%x of 0x%x f 0x%x act %d busy %x valid 0x%x dirty 0x%x\n", m, m->object, (uintmax_t)m->pindex, (uintmax_t)m->phys_addr, - m->queue, m->hold_count, m->wire_count, m->aflags, m->oflags, + m->queue, m->wire_count, m->aflags, m->oflags, m->flags, m->act_count, m->busy_lock, m->valid, m->dirty); } #endif /* DDB */ Index: head/sys/vm/vm_page.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_page.h (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_page.h (revision 349846) @@ -1,838 +1,827 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_page.h 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/13/93 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Resident memory system definitions. */ #ifndef _VM_PAGE_ #define _VM_PAGE_ #include /* * Management of resident (logical) pages. * * A small structure is kept for each resident * page, indexed by page number. Each structure * is an element of several collections: * * A radix tree used to quickly * perform object/offset lookups * * A list of all pages for a given object, * so they can be quickly deactivated at * time of deallocation. * * An ordered list of pages due for pageout. * * In addition, the structure contains the object * and offset to which this page belongs (for pageout), * and sundry status bits. * * In general, operations on this structure's mutable fields are * synchronized using either one of or a combination of the lock on the * object that the page belongs to (O), the page lock (P), * the per-domain lock for the free queues (F), or the page's queue * lock (Q). The physical address of a page is used to select its page * lock from a pool. The queue lock for a page depends on the value of * its queue field and described in detail below. If a field is * annotated below with two of these locks, then holding either lock is * sufficient for read access, but both locks are required for write * access. An annotation of (C) indicates that the field is immutable. * * In contrast, the synchronization of accesses to the page's * dirty field is machine dependent (M). In the * machine-independent layer, the lock on the object that the * page belongs to must be held in order to operate on the field. * However, the pmap layer is permitted to set all bits within * the field without holding that lock. If the underlying * architecture does not support atomic read-modify-write * operations on the field's type, then the machine-independent * layer uses a 32-bit atomic on the aligned 32-bit word that * contains the dirty field. In the machine-independent layer, * the implementation of read-modify-write operations on the * field is encapsulated in vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(). * * The page structure contains two counters which prevent page reuse. * Both counters are protected by the page lock (P). The hold * counter counts transient references obtained via a pmap lookup, and * is also used to prevent page reclamation in situations where it is * undesirable to block other accesses to the page. The wire counter * is used to implement mlock(2) and is non-zero for pages containing * kernel memory. Pages that are wired or held will not be reclaimed * or laundered by the page daemon, but are treated differently during * a page queue scan: held pages remain at their position in the queue, * while wired pages are removed from the queue and must later be * re-enqueued appropriately by the unwiring thread. It is legal to * call vm_page_free() on a held page; doing so causes it to be removed * from its object and page queue, and the page is released to the * allocator once the last hold reference is dropped. In contrast, * wired pages may not be freed. * * In some pmap implementations, the wire count of a page table page is * used to track the number of populated entries. * * The busy lock is an embedded reader-writer lock which protects the * page's contents and identity (i.e., its tuple) and * interlocks with the object lock (O). In particular, a page may be * busied or unbusied only with the object write lock held. To avoid * bloating the page structure, the busy lock lacks some of the * features available to the kernel's general-purpose synchronization * primitives. As a result, busy lock ordering rules are not verified, * lock recursion is not detected, and an attempt to xbusy a busy page * or sbusy an xbusy page results will trigger a panic rather than * causing the thread to block. vm_page_sleep_if_busy() can be used to * sleep until the page's busy state changes, after which the caller * must re-lookup the page and re-evaluate its state. * * The queue field is the index of the page queue containing the * page, or PQ_NONE if the page is not enqueued. The queue lock of a * page is the page queue lock corresponding to the page queue index, * or the page lock (P) for the page if it is not enqueued. To modify * the queue field, the queue lock for the old value of the field must * be held. It is invalid for a page's queue field to transition * between two distinct page queue indices. That is, when updating * the queue field, either the new value or the old value must be * PQ_NONE. * * To avoid contention on page queue locks, page queue operations * (enqueue, dequeue, requeue) are batched using per-CPU queues. * A deferred operation is requested by inserting an entry into a * batch queue; the entry is simply a pointer to the page, and the * request type is encoded in the page's aflags field using the values * in PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK. The type-stability of struct vm_pages is * crucial to this scheme since the processing of entries in a given * batch queue may be deferred indefinitely. In particular, a page * may be freed before its pending batch queue entries have been * processed. The page lock (P) must be held to schedule a batched * queue operation, and the page queue lock must be held in order to * process batch queue entries for the page queue. */ #if PAGE_SIZE == 4096 #define VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL 0xffu typedef uint8_t vm_page_bits_t; #elif PAGE_SIZE == 8192 #define VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL 0xffffu typedef uint16_t vm_page_bits_t; #elif PAGE_SIZE == 16384 #define VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL 0xffffffffu typedef uint32_t vm_page_bits_t; #elif PAGE_SIZE == 32768 #define VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL 0xfffffffffffffffflu typedef uint64_t vm_page_bits_t; #endif struct vm_page { union { TAILQ_ENTRY(vm_page) q; /* page queue or free list (Q) */ struct { SLIST_ENTRY(vm_page) ss; /* private slists */ void *pv; } s; struct { u_long p; u_long v; } memguard; } plinks; TAILQ_ENTRY(vm_page) listq; /* pages in same object (O) */ vm_object_t object; /* which object am I in (O,P) */ vm_pindex_t pindex; /* offset into object (O,P) */ vm_paddr_t phys_addr; /* physical address of page (C) */ struct md_page md; /* machine dependent stuff */ u_int wire_count; /* wired down maps refs (P) */ volatile u_int busy_lock; /* busy owners lock */ - uint16_t hold_count; /* page hold count (P) */ uint16_t flags; /* page PG_* flags (P) */ + uint8_t order; /* index of the buddy queue (F) */ + uint8_t pool; /* vm_phys freepool index (F) */ uint8_t aflags; /* access is atomic */ uint8_t oflags; /* page VPO_* flags (O) */ uint8_t queue; /* page queue index (Q) */ int8_t psind; /* pagesizes[] index (O) */ int8_t segind; /* vm_phys segment index (C) */ - uint8_t order; /* index of the buddy queue (F) */ - uint8_t pool; /* vm_phys freepool index (F) */ u_char act_count; /* page usage count (P) */ /* NOTE that these must support one bit per DEV_BSIZE in a page */ /* so, on normal X86 kernels, they must be at least 8 bits wide */ vm_page_bits_t valid; /* map of valid DEV_BSIZE chunks (O) */ vm_page_bits_t dirty; /* map of dirty DEV_BSIZE chunks (M) */ }; /* * Page flags stored in oflags: * * Access to these page flags is synchronized by the lock on the object * containing the page (O). * * Note: VPO_UNMANAGED (used by OBJT_DEVICE, OBJT_PHYS and OBJT_SG) * indicates that the page is not under PV management but * otherwise should be treated as a normal page. Pages not * under PV management cannot be paged out via the * object/vm_page_t because there is no knowledge of their pte * mappings, and such pages are also not on any PQ queue. * */ #define VPO_KMEM_EXEC 0x01 /* kmem mapping allows execution */ #define VPO_SWAPSLEEP 0x02 /* waiting for swap to finish */ #define VPO_UNMANAGED 0x04 /* no PV management for page */ #define VPO_SWAPINPROG 0x08 /* swap I/O in progress on page */ #define VPO_NOSYNC 0x10 /* do not collect for syncer */ /* * Busy page implementation details. * The algorithm is taken mostly by rwlock(9) and sx(9) locks implementation, * even if the support for owner identity is removed because of size * constraints. Checks on lock recursion are then not possible, while the * lock assertions effectiveness is someway reduced. */ #define VPB_BIT_SHARED 0x01 #define VPB_BIT_EXCLUSIVE 0x02 #define VPB_BIT_WAITERS 0x04 #define VPB_BIT_FLAGMASK \ (VPB_BIT_SHARED | VPB_BIT_EXCLUSIVE | VPB_BIT_WAITERS) #define VPB_SHARERS_SHIFT 3 #define VPB_SHARERS(x) \ (((x) & ~VPB_BIT_FLAGMASK) >> VPB_SHARERS_SHIFT) #define VPB_SHARERS_WORD(x) ((x) << VPB_SHARERS_SHIFT | VPB_BIT_SHARED) #define VPB_ONE_SHARER (1 << VPB_SHARERS_SHIFT) #define VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER VPB_BIT_EXCLUSIVE #define VPB_UNBUSIED VPB_SHARERS_WORD(0) #define PQ_NONE 255 #define PQ_INACTIVE 0 #define PQ_ACTIVE 1 #define PQ_LAUNDRY 2 #define PQ_UNSWAPPABLE 3 #define PQ_COUNT 4 #ifndef VM_PAGE_HAVE_PGLIST TAILQ_HEAD(pglist, vm_page); #define VM_PAGE_HAVE_PGLIST #endif SLIST_HEAD(spglist, vm_page); #ifdef _KERNEL extern vm_page_t bogus_page; #endif /* _KERNEL */ extern struct mtx_padalign pa_lock[]; #if defined(__arm__) #define PDRSHIFT PDR_SHIFT #elif !defined(PDRSHIFT) #define PDRSHIFT 21 #endif #define pa_index(pa) ((pa) >> PDRSHIFT) #define PA_LOCKPTR(pa) ((struct mtx *)(&pa_lock[pa_index(pa) % PA_LOCK_COUNT])) #define PA_LOCKOBJPTR(pa) ((struct lock_object *)PA_LOCKPTR((pa))) #define PA_LOCK(pa) mtx_lock(PA_LOCKPTR(pa)) #define PA_TRYLOCK(pa) mtx_trylock(PA_LOCKPTR(pa)) #define PA_UNLOCK(pa) mtx_unlock(PA_LOCKPTR(pa)) #define PA_UNLOCK_COND(pa) \ do { \ if ((pa) != 0) { \ PA_UNLOCK((pa)); \ (pa) = 0; \ } \ } while (0) #define PA_LOCK_ASSERT(pa, a) mtx_assert(PA_LOCKPTR(pa), (a)) #if defined(KLD_MODULE) && !defined(KLD_TIED) #define vm_page_lock(m) vm_page_lock_KBI((m), LOCK_FILE, LOCK_LINE) #define vm_page_unlock(m) vm_page_unlock_KBI((m), LOCK_FILE, LOCK_LINE) #define vm_page_trylock(m) vm_page_trylock_KBI((m), LOCK_FILE, LOCK_LINE) #else /* !KLD_MODULE */ #define vm_page_lockptr(m) (PA_LOCKPTR(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS((m)))) #define vm_page_lock(m) mtx_lock(vm_page_lockptr((m))) #define vm_page_unlock(m) mtx_unlock(vm_page_lockptr((m))) #define vm_page_trylock(m) mtx_trylock(vm_page_lockptr((m))) #endif #if defined(INVARIANTS) #define vm_page_assert_locked(m) \ vm_page_assert_locked_KBI((m), __FILE__, __LINE__) #define vm_page_lock_assert(m, a) \ vm_page_lock_assert_KBI((m), (a), __FILE__, __LINE__) #else #define vm_page_assert_locked(m) #define vm_page_lock_assert(m, a) #endif /* * The vm_page's aflags are updated using atomic operations. To set or clear * these flags, the functions vm_page_aflag_set() and vm_page_aflag_clear() * must be used. Neither these flags nor these functions are part of the KBI. * * PGA_REFERENCED may be cleared only if the page is locked. It is set by * both the MI and MD VM layers. However, kernel loadable modules should not * directly set this flag. They should call vm_page_reference() instead. * * PGA_WRITEABLE is set exclusively on managed pages by pmap_enter(). * When it does so, the object must be locked, or the page must be * exclusive busied. The MI VM layer must never access this flag * directly. Instead, it should call pmap_page_is_write_mapped(). * * PGA_EXECUTABLE may be set by pmap routines, and indicates that a page has * at least one executable mapping. It is not consumed by the MI VM layer. * * PGA_ENQUEUED is set and cleared when a page is inserted into or removed * from a page queue, respectively. It determines whether the plinks.q field * of the page is valid. To set or clear this flag, the queue lock for the * page must be held: the page queue lock corresponding to the page's "queue" * field if its value is not PQ_NONE, and the page lock otherwise. * * PGA_DEQUEUE is set when the page is scheduled to be dequeued from a page * queue, and cleared when the dequeue request is processed. A page may * have PGA_DEQUEUE set and PGA_ENQUEUED cleared, for instance if a dequeue * is requested after the page is scheduled to be enqueued but before it is * actually inserted into the page queue. For allocated pages, the page lock * must be held to set this flag, but it may be set by vm_page_free_prep() * without the page lock held. The page queue lock must be held to clear the * PGA_DEQUEUE flag. * * PGA_REQUEUE is set when the page is scheduled to be enqueued or requeued * in its page queue. The page lock must be held to set this flag, and the * queue lock for the page must be held to clear it. * * PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD is a special flag for enqueuing pages near the head of * the inactive queue, thus bypassing LRU. The page lock must be held to * set this flag, and the queue lock for the page must be held to clear it. */ #define PGA_WRITEABLE 0x01 /* page may be mapped writeable */ #define PGA_REFERENCED 0x02 /* page has been referenced */ #define PGA_EXECUTABLE 0x04 /* page may be mapped executable */ #define PGA_ENQUEUED 0x08 /* page is enqueued in a page queue */ #define PGA_DEQUEUE 0x10 /* page is due to be dequeued */ #define PGA_REQUEUE 0x20 /* page is due to be requeued */ #define PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD 0x40 /* page requeue should bypass LRU */ #define PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK (PGA_ENQUEUED | PGA_DEQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE | \ PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD) /* * Page flags. If changed at any other time than page allocation or * freeing, the modification must be protected by the vm_page lock. * * The PG_PCPU_CACHE flag is set at allocation time if the page was * allocated from a per-CPU cache. It is cleared the next time that the * page is allocated from the physical memory allocator. */ #define PG_PCPU_CACHE 0x0001 /* was allocated from per-CPU caches */ #define PG_FICTITIOUS 0x0004 /* physical page doesn't exist */ #define PG_ZERO 0x0008 /* page is zeroed */ #define PG_MARKER 0x0010 /* special queue marker page */ #define PG_NODUMP 0x0080 /* don't include this page in a dump */ -#define PG_UNHOLDFREE 0x0100 /* delayed free of a held page */ /* * Misc constants. */ #define ACT_DECLINE 1 #define ACT_ADVANCE 3 #define ACT_INIT 5 #define ACT_MAX 64 #ifdef _KERNEL #include #include /* * Each pageable resident page falls into one of five lists: * * free * Available for allocation now. * * inactive * Low activity, candidates for reclamation. * This list is approximately LRU ordered. * * laundry * This is the list of pages that should be * paged out next. * * unswappable * Dirty anonymous pages that cannot be paged * out because no swap device is configured. * * active * Pages that are "active", i.e., they have been * recently referenced. * */ extern vm_page_t vm_page_array; /* First resident page in table */ extern long vm_page_array_size; /* number of vm_page_t's */ extern long first_page; /* first physical page number */ #define VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(entry) ((entry)->phys_addr) /* * PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE() returns the vm_page_t object that represents a memory * page to which the given physical address belongs. The correct vm_page_t * object is returned for addresses that are not page-aligned. */ vm_page_t PHYS_TO_VM_PAGE(vm_paddr_t pa); /* * Page allocation parameters for vm_page for the functions * vm_page_alloc(), vm_page_grab(), vm_page_alloc_contig() and * vm_page_alloc_freelist(). Some functions support only a subset * of the flags, and ignore others, see the flags legend. * * The meaning of VM_ALLOC_ZERO differs slightly between the vm_page_alloc*() * and the vm_page_grab*() functions. See these functions for details. * * Bits 0 - 1 define class. * Bits 2 - 15 dedicated for flags. * Legend: * (a) - vm_page_alloc() supports the flag. * (c) - vm_page_alloc_contig() supports the flag. * (f) - vm_page_alloc_freelist() supports the flag. * (g) - vm_page_grab() supports the flag. * (p) - vm_page_grab_pages() supports the flag. * Bits above 15 define the count of additional pages that the caller * intends to allocate. */ #define VM_ALLOC_NORMAL 0 #define VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT 1 #define VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM 2 #define VM_ALLOC_CLASS_MASK 3 #define VM_ALLOC_WAITOK 0x0008 /* (acf) Sleep and retry */ #define VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL 0x0010 /* (acf) Sleep and return error */ #define VM_ALLOC_WIRED 0x0020 /* (acfgp) Allocate a wired page */ #define VM_ALLOC_ZERO 0x0040 /* (acfgp) Allocate a prezeroed page */ #define VM_ALLOC_NOOBJ 0x0100 /* (acg) No associated object */ #define VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY 0x0200 /* (acgp) Do not excl busy the page */ #define VM_ALLOC_IGN_SBUSY 0x1000 /* (gp) Ignore shared busy flag */ #define VM_ALLOC_NODUMP 0x2000 /* (ag) don't include in dump */ #define VM_ALLOC_SBUSY 0x4000 /* (acgp) Shared busy the page */ #define VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT 0x8000 /* (acfgp) Do not sleep */ #define VM_ALLOC_COUNT_SHIFT 16 #define VM_ALLOC_COUNT(count) ((count) << VM_ALLOC_COUNT_SHIFT) #ifdef M_NOWAIT static inline int malloc2vm_flags(int malloc_flags) { int pflags; KASSERT((malloc_flags & M_USE_RESERVE) == 0 || (malloc_flags & M_NOWAIT) != 0, ("M_USE_RESERVE requires M_NOWAIT")); pflags = (malloc_flags & M_USE_RESERVE) != 0 ? VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT : VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM; if ((malloc_flags & M_ZERO) != 0) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_ZERO; if ((malloc_flags & M_NODUMP) != 0) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_NODUMP; if ((malloc_flags & M_NOWAIT)) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT; if ((malloc_flags & M_WAITOK)) pflags |= VM_ALLOC_WAITOK; return (pflags); } #endif /* * Predicates supported by vm_page_ps_test(): * * PS_ALL_DIRTY is true only if the entire (super)page is dirty. * However, it can be spuriously false when the (super)page has become * dirty in the pmap but that information has not been propagated to the * machine-independent layer. */ #define PS_ALL_DIRTY 0x1 #define PS_ALL_VALID 0x2 #define PS_NONE_BUSY 0x4 void vm_page_busy_downgrade(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_busy_sleep(vm_page_t m, const char *msg, bool nonshared); void vm_page_flash(vm_page_t m); -void vm_page_hold(vm_page_t mem); -void vm_page_unhold(vm_page_t mem); void vm_page_free(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_free_zero(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_activate (vm_page_t); void vm_page_advise(vm_page_t m, int advice); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc(vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, int); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_domain(vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, int, int); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_after(vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, int, vm_page_t); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_domain_after(vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, int, int, vm_page_t); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_contig(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, vm_memattr_t memattr); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_contig_domain(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int domain, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, vm_memattr_t memattr); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_freelist(int, int); vm_page_t vm_page_alloc_freelist_domain(int, int, int); bool vm_page_blacklist_add(vm_paddr_t pa, bool verbose); void vm_page_change_lock(vm_page_t m, struct mtx **mtx); vm_page_t vm_page_grab (vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t, int); int vm_page_grab_pages(vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, int allocflags, vm_page_t *ma, int count); void vm_page_deactivate(vm_page_t); void vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(vm_page_t); void vm_page_dequeue(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_dequeue_deferred(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_drain_pqbatch(void); vm_page_t vm_page_find_least(vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t); bool vm_page_free_prep(vm_page_t m); vm_page_t vm_page_getfake(vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr); void vm_page_initfake(vm_page_t m, vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr); int vm_page_insert (vm_page_t, vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t); void vm_page_launder(vm_page_t m); vm_page_t vm_page_lookup (vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t); vm_page_t vm_page_next(vm_page_t m); int vm_page_pa_tryrelock(pmap_t, vm_paddr_t, vm_paddr_t *); struct vm_pagequeue *vm_page_pagequeue(vm_page_t m); vm_page_t vm_page_prev(vm_page_t m); bool vm_page_ps_test(vm_page_t m, int flags, vm_page_t skip_m); void vm_page_putfake(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_readahead_finish(vm_page_t m); bool vm_page_reclaim_contig(int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary); bool vm_page_reclaim_contig_domain(int domain, int req, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary); void vm_page_reference(vm_page_t m); bool vm_page_remove(vm_page_t); int vm_page_rename (vm_page_t, vm_object_t, vm_pindex_t); vm_page_t vm_page_replace(vm_page_t mnew, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex); void vm_page_requeue(vm_page_t m); int vm_page_sbusied(vm_page_t m); vm_page_t vm_page_scan_contig(u_long npages, vm_page_t m_start, vm_page_t m_end, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options); void vm_page_set_valid_range(vm_page_t m, int base, int size); int vm_page_sleep_if_busy(vm_page_t m, const char *msg); vm_offset_t vm_page_startup(vm_offset_t vaddr); void vm_page_sunbusy(vm_page_t m); bool vm_page_try_to_free(vm_page_t m); int vm_page_trysbusy(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_unhold_pages(vm_page_t *ma, int count); void vm_page_unswappable(vm_page_t m); bool vm_page_unwire(vm_page_t m, uint8_t queue); bool vm_page_unwire_noq(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_updatefake(vm_page_t m, vm_paddr_t paddr, vm_memattr_t memattr); void vm_page_wire (vm_page_t); void vm_page_xunbusy_hard(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_xunbusy_maybelocked(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_set_validclean (vm_page_t, int, int); void vm_page_clear_dirty (vm_page_t, int, int); void vm_page_set_invalid (vm_page_t, int, int); int vm_page_is_valid (vm_page_t, int, int); void vm_page_test_dirty (vm_page_t); vm_page_bits_t vm_page_bits(int base, int size); void vm_page_zero_invalid(vm_page_t m, boolean_t setvalid); void vm_page_free_toq(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_free_pages_toq(struct spglist *free, bool update_wire_count); void vm_page_dirty_KBI(vm_page_t m); void vm_page_lock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line); void vm_page_unlock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line); int vm_page_trylock_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line); #if defined(INVARIANTS) || defined(INVARIANT_SUPPORT) void vm_page_assert_locked_KBI(vm_page_t m, const char *file, int line); void vm_page_lock_assert_KBI(vm_page_t m, int a, const char *file, int line); #endif #define vm_page_assert_sbusied(m) \ KASSERT(vm_page_sbusied(m), \ ("vm_page_assert_sbusied: page %p not shared busy @ %s:%d", \ (m), __FILE__, __LINE__)) #define vm_page_assert_unbusied(m) \ KASSERT(!vm_page_busied(m), \ ("vm_page_assert_unbusied: page %p busy @ %s:%d", \ (m), __FILE__, __LINE__)) #define vm_page_assert_xbusied(m) \ KASSERT(vm_page_xbusied(m), \ ("vm_page_assert_xbusied: page %p not exclusive busy @ %s:%d", \ (m), __FILE__, __LINE__)) #define vm_page_busied(m) \ ((m)->busy_lock != VPB_UNBUSIED) #define vm_page_sbusy(m) do { \ if (!vm_page_trysbusy(m)) \ panic("%s: page %p failed shared busying", __func__, \ (m)); \ } while (0) #define vm_page_tryxbusy(m) \ (atomic_cmpset_acq_int(&(m)->busy_lock, VPB_UNBUSIED, \ VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER)) #define vm_page_xbusied(m) \ (((m)->busy_lock & VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER) != 0) #define vm_page_xbusy(m) do { \ if (!vm_page_tryxbusy(m)) \ panic("%s: page %p failed exclusive busying", __func__, \ (m)); \ } while (0) /* Note: page m's lock must not be owned by the caller. */ #define vm_page_xunbusy(m) do { \ if (!atomic_cmpset_rel_int(&(m)->busy_lock, \ VPB_SINGLE_EXCLUSIVER, VPB_UNBUSIED)) \ vm_page_xunbusy_hard(m); \ } while (0) #ifdef INVARIANTS void vm_page_object_lock_assert(vm_page_t m); #define VM_PAGE_OBJECT_LOCK_ASSERT(m) vm_page_object_lock_assert(m) void vm_page_assert_pga_writeable(vm_page_t m, uint8_t bits); #define VM_PAGE_ASSERT_PGA_WRITEABLE(m, bits) \ vm_page_assert_pga_writeable(m, bits) #else #define VM_PAGE_OBJECT_LOCK_ASSERT(m) (void)0 #define VM_PAGE_ASSERT_PGA_WRITEABLE(m, bits) (void)0 #endif /* * We want to use atomic updates for the aflags field, which is 8 bits wide. * However, not all architectures support atomic operations on 8-bit * destinations. In order that we can easily use a 32-bit operation, we * require that the aflags field be 32-bit aligned. */ CTASSERT(offsetof(struct vm_page, aflags) % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0); /* * Clear the given bits in the specified page. */ static inline void vm_page_aflag_clear(vm_page_t m, uint8_t bits) { uint32_t *addr, val; /* * The PGA_REFERENCED flag can only be cleared if the page is locked. */ if ((bits & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) vm_page_assert_locked(m); /* * Access the whole 32-bit word containing the aflags field with an * atomic update. Parallel non-atomic updates to the other fields * within this word are handled properly by the atomic update. */ addr = (void *)&m->aflags; KASSERT(((uintptr_t)addr & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1)) == 0, ("vm_page_aflag_clear: aflags is misaligned")); val = bits; #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN val <<= 24; #endif atomic_clear_32(addr, val); } /* * Set the given bits in the specified page. */ static inline void vm_page_aflag_set(vm_page_t m, uint8_t bits) { uint32_t *addr, val; VM_PAGE_ASSERT_PGA_WRITEABLE(m, bits); /* * Access the whole 32-bit word containing the aflags field with an * atomic update. Parallel non-atomic updates to the other fields * within this word are handled properly by the atomic update. */ addr = (void *)&m->aflags; KASSERT(((uintptr_t)addr & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1)) == 0, ("vm_page_aflag_set: aflags is misaligned")); val = bits; #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN val <<= 24; #endif atomic_set_32(addr, val); } /* * vm_page_dirty: * * Set all bits in the page's dirty field. * * The object containing the specified page must be locked if the * call is made from the machine-independent layer. * * See vm_page_clear_dirty_mask(). */ static __inline void vm_page_dirty(vm_page_t m) { /* Use vm_page_dirty_KBI() under INVARIANTS to save memory. */ #if (defined(KLD_MODULE) && !defined(KLD_TIED)) || defined(INVARIANTS) vm_page_dirty_KBI(m); #else m->dirty = VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL; #endif } /* * vm_page_undirty: * * Set page to not be dirty. Note: does not clear pmap modify bits */ static __inline void vm_page_undirty(vm_page_t m) { VM_PAGE_OBJECT_LOCK_ASSERT(m); m->dirty = 0; } static inline void vm_page_replace_checked(vm_page_t mnew, vm_object_t object, vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_page_t mold) { vm_page_t mret; mret = vm_page_replace(mnew, object, pindex); KASSERT(mret == mold, ("invalid page replacement, mold=%p, mret=%p", mold, mret)); /* Unused if !INVARIANTS. */ (void)mold; (void)mret; } /* * vm_page_queue: * * Return the index of the queue containing m. This index is guaranteed * not to change while the page lock is held. */ static inline uint8_t vm_page_queue(vm_page_t m) { vm_page_assert_locked(m); if ((m->aflags & PGA_DEQUEUE) != 0) return (PQ_NONE); atomic_thread_fence_acq(); return (m->queue); } static inline bool vm_page_active(vm_page_t m) { return (vm_page_queue(m) == PQ_ACTIVE); } static inline bool vm_page_inactive(vm_page_t m) { return (vm_page_queue(m) == PQ_INACTIVE); } static inline bool vm_page_in_laundry(vm_page_t m) { uint8_t queue; queue = vm_page_queue(m); return (queue == PQ_LAUNDRY || queue == PQ_UNSWAPPABLE); } /* - * vm_page_held: + * vm_page_wired: * * Return true if a reference prevents the page from being reclaimable. */ -static inline bool -vm_page_held(vm_page_t m) -{ - - return (m->hold_count > 0 || m->wire_count > 0); -} - static inline bool vm_page_wired(vm_page_t m) { return (m->wire_count > 0); } #endif /* _KERNEL */ #endif /* !_VM_PAGE_ */ Index: head/sys/vm/vm_pageout.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_pageout.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_pageout.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,2112 +1,2100 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-4-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005 Yahoo! Technologies Norway AS * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_pageout.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 5/7/91 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * The proverbial page-out daemon. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * System initialization */ /* the kernel process "vm_pageout"*/ static void vm_pageout(void); static void vm_pageout_init(void); static int vm_pageout_clean(vm_page_t m, int *numpagedout); static int vm_pageout_cluster(vm_page_t m); static void vm_pageout_mightbe_oom(struct vm_domain *vmd, int page_shortage, int starting_page_shortage); SYSINIT(pagedaemon_init, SI_SUB_KTHREAD_PAGE, SI_ORDER_FIRST, vm_pageout_init, NULL); struct proc *pageproc; static struct kproc_desc page_kp = { "pagedaemon", vm_pageout, &pageproc }; SYSINIT(pagedaemon, SI_SUB_KTHREAD_PAGE, SI_ORDER_SECOND, kproc_start, &page_kp); SDT_PROVIDER_DEFINE(vm); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE(vm, , , vm__lowmem_scan); /* Pagedaemon activity rates, in subdivisions of one second. */ #define VM_LAUNDER_RATE 10 #define VM_INACT_SCAN_RATE 10 static int vm_pageout_oom_seq = 12; static int vm_pageout_update_period; static int disable_swap_pageouts; static int lowmem_period = 10; static int swapdev_enabled; static int vm_panic_on_oom = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, panic_on_oom, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &vm_panic_on_oom, 0, "panic on out of memory instead of killing the largest process"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, pageout_update_period, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &vm_pageout_update_period, 0, "Maximum active LRU update period"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, lowmem_period, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &lowmem_period, 0, "Low memory callback period"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, disable_swapspace_pageouts, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &disable_swap_pageouts, 0, "Disallow swapout of dirty pages"); static int pageout_lock_miss; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, pageout_lock_miss, CTLFLAG_RD, &pageout_lock_miss, 0, "vget() lock misses during pageout"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, pageout_oom_seq, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &vm_pageout_oom_seq, 0, "back-to-back calls to oom detector to start OOM"); static int act_scan_laundry_weight = 3; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, act_scan_laundry_weight, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &act_scan_laundry_weight, 0, "weight given to clean vs. dirty pages in active queue scans"); static u_int vm_background_launder_rate = 4096; SYSCTL_UINT(_vm, OID_AUTO, background_launder_rate, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &vm_background_launder_rate, 0, "background laundering rate, in kilobytes per second"); static u_int vm_background_launder_max = 20 * 1024; SYSCTL_UINT(_vm, OID_AUTO, background_launder_max, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &vm_background_launder_max, 0, "background laundering cap, in kilobytes"); int vm_pageout_page_count = 32; u_long vm_page_max_user_wired; SYSCTL_ULONG(_vm, OID_AUTO, max_user_wired, CTLFLAG_RW, &vm_page_max_user_wired, 0, "system-wide limit to user-wired page count"); static u_int isqrt(u_int num); static int vm_pageout_launder(struct vm_domain *vmd, int launder, bool in_shortfall); static void vm_pageout_laundry_worker(void *arg); struct scan_state { struct vm_batchqueue bq; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; vm_page_t marker; int maxscan; int scanned; }; static void vm_pageout_init_scan(struct scan_state *ss, struct vm_pagequeue *pq, vm_page_t marker, vm_page_t after, int maxscan) { vm_pagequeue_assert_locked(pq); KASSERT((marker->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) == 0, ("marker %p already enqueued", marker)); if (after == NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pq->pq_pl, marker, plinks.q); else TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&pq->pq_pl, after, marker, plinks.q); vm_page_aflag_set(marker, PGA_ENQUEUED); vm_batchqueue_init(&ss->bq); ss->pq = pq; ss->marker = marker; ss->maxscan = maxscan; ss->scanned = 0; vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } static void vm_pageout_end_scan(struct scan_state *ss) { struct vm_pagequeue *pq; pq = ss->pq; vm_pagequeue_assert_locked(pq); KASSERT((ss->marker->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0, ("marker %p not enqueued", ss->marker)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, ss->marker, plinks.q); vm_page_aflag_clear(ss->marker, PGA_ENQUEUED); pq->pq_pdpages += ss->scanned; } /* * Add a small number of queued pages to a batch queue for later processing * without the corresponding queue lock held. The caller must have enqueued a * marker page at the desired start point for the scan. Pages will be * physically dequeued if the caller so requests. Otherwise, the returned * batch may contain marker pages, and it is up to the caller to handle them. * * When processing the batch queue, vm_page_queue() must be used to * determine whether the page has been logically dequeued by another thread. * Once this check is performed, the page lock guarantees that the page will * not be disassociated from the queue. */ static __always_inline void vm_pageout_collect_batch(struct scan_state *ss, const bool dequeue) { struct vm_pagequeue *pq; vm_page_t m, marker, n; marker = ss->marker; pq = ss->pq; KASSERT((marker->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0, ("marker %p not enqueued", ss->marker)); vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); for (m = TAILQ_NEXT(marker, plinks.q); m != NULL && ss->scanned < ss->maxscan && ss->bq.bq_cnt < VM_BATCHQUEUE_SIZE; m = n, ss->scanned++) { n = TAILQ_NEXT(m, plinks.q); if ((m->flags & PG_MARKER) == 0) { KASSERT((m->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0, ("page %p not enqueued", m)); KASSERT((m->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS) == 0, ("Fictitious page %p cannot be in page queue", m)); KASSERT((m->oflags & VPO_UNMANAGED) == 0, ("Unmanaged page %p cannot be in page queue", m)); } else if (dequeue) continue; (void)vm_batchqueue_insert(&ss->bq, m); if (dequeue) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_ENQUEUED); } } TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, marker, plinks.q); if (__predict_true(m != NULL)) TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(m, marker, plinks.q); else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pq->pq_pl, marker, plinks.q); if (dequeue) vm_pagequeue_cnt_add(pq, -ss->bq.bq_cnt); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } /* Return the next page to be scanned, or NULL if the scan is complete. */ static __always_inline vm_page_t vm_pageout_next(struct scan_state *ss, const bool dequeue) { if (ss->bq.bq_cnt == 0) vm_pageout_collect_batch(ss, dequeue); return (vm_batchqueue_pop(&ss->bq)); } /* * Scan for pages at adjacent offsets within the given page's object that are * eligible for laundering, form a cluster of these pages and the given page, * and launder that cluster. */ static int vm_pageout_cluster(vm_page_t m) { vm_object_t object; vm_page_t mc[2 * vm_pageout_page_count], p, pb, ps; vm_pindex_t pindex; int ib, is, page_base, pageout_count; vm_page_assert_locked(m); object = m->object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); pindex = m->pindex; vm_page_assert_unbusied(m); - KASSERT(!vm_page_held(m), ("page %p is held", m)); + KASSERT(!vm_page_wired(m), ("page %p is wired", m)); pmap_remove_write(m); vm_page_unlock(m); mc[vm_pageout_page_count] = pb = ps = m; pageout_count = 1; page_base = vm_pageout_page_count; ib = 1; is = 1; /* * We can cluster only if the page is not clean, busy, or held, and * the page is in the laundry queue. * * During heavy mmap/modification loads the pageout * daemon can really fragment the underlying file * due to flushing pages out of order and not trying to * align the clusters (which leaves sporadic out-of-order * holes). To solve this problem we do the reverse scan * first and attempt to align our cluster, then do a * forward scan if room remains. */ more: while (ib != 0 && pageout_count < vm_pageout_page_count) { if (ib > pindex) { ib = 0; break; } if ((p = vm_page_prev(pb)) == NULL || vm_page_busied(p)) { ib = 0; break; } vm_page_test_dirty(p); if (p->dirty == 0) { ib = 0; break; } vm_page_lock(p); - if (vm_page_held(p) || !vm_page_in_laundry(p)) { + if (vm_page_wired(p) || !vm_page_in_laundry(p)) { vm_page_unlock(p); ib = 0; break; } pmap_remove_write(p); vm_page_unlock(p); mc[--page_base] = pb = p; ++pageout_count; ++ib; /* * We are at an alignment boundary. Stop here, and switch * directions. Do not clear ib. */ if ((pindex - (ib - 1)) % vm_pageout_page_count == 0) break; } while (pageout_count < vm_pageout_page_count && pindex + is < object->size) { if ((p = vm_page_next(ps)) == NULL || vm_page_busied(p)) break; vm_page_test_dirty(p); if (p->dirty == 0) break; vm_page_lock(p); - if (vm_page_held(p) || !vm_page_in_laundry(p)) { + if (vm_page_wired(p) || !vm_page_in_laundry(p)) { vm_page_unlock(p); break; } pmap_remove_write(p); vm_page_unlock(p); mc[page_base + pageout_count] = ps = p; ++pageout_count; ++is; } /* * If we exhausted our forward scan, continue with the reverse scan * when possible, even past an alignment boundary. This catches * boundary conditions. */ if (ib != 0 && pageout_count < vm_pageout_page_count) goto more; return (vm_pageout_flush(&mc[page_base], pageout_count, VM_PAGER_PUT_NOREUSE, 0, NULL, NULL)); } /* * vm_pageout_flush() - launder the given pages * * The given pages are laundered. Note that we setup for the start of * I/O ( i.e. busy the page ), mark it read-only, and bump the object * reference count all in here rather then in the parent. If we want * the parent to do more sophisticated things we may have to change * the ordering. * * Returned runlen is the count of pages between mreq and first * page after mreq with status VM_PAGER_AGAIN. * *eio is set to TRUE if pager returned VM_PAGER_ERROR or VM_PAGER_FAIL * for any page in runlen set. */ int vm_pageout_flush(vm_page_t *mc, int count, int flags, int mreq, int *prunlen, boolean_t *eio) { vm_object_t object = mc[0]->object; int pageout_status[count]; int numpagedout = 0; int i, runlen; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); /* * Initiate I/O. Mark the pages busy and verify that they're valid * and read-only. * * We do not have to fixup the clean/dirty bits here... we can * allow the pager to do it after the I/O completes. * * NOTE! mc[i]->dirty may be partial or fragmented due to an * edge case with file fragments. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { KASSERT(mc[i]->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL, ("vm_pageout_flush: partially invalid page %p index %d/%d", mc[i], i, count)); KASSERT((mc[i]->aflags & PGA_WRITEABLE) == 0, ("vm_pageout_flush: writeable page %p", mc[i])); vm_page_sbusy(mc[i]); } vm_object_pip_add(object, count); vm_pager_put_pages(object, mc, count, flags, pageout_status); runlen = count - mreq; if (eio != NULL) *eio = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { vm_page_t mt = mc[i]; KASSERT(pageout_status[i] == VM_PAGER_PEND || !pmap_page_is_write_mapped(mt), ("vm_pageout_flush: page %p is not write protected", mt)); switch (pageout_status[i]) { case VM_PAGER_OK: vm_page_lock(mt); if (vm_page_in_laundry(mt)) vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(mt); vm_page_unlock(mt); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case VM_PAGER_PEND: numpagedout++; break; case VM_PAGER_BAD: /* * The page is outside the object's range. We pretend * that the page out worked and clean the page, so the * changes will be lost if the page is reclaimed by * the page daemon. */ vm_page_undirty(mt); vm_page_lock(mt); if (vm_page_in_laundry(mt)) vm_page_deactivate_noreuse(mt); vm_page_unlock(mt); break; case VM_PAGER_ERROR: case VM_PAGER_FAIL: /* * If the page couldn't be paged out to swap because the * pager wasn't able to find space, place the page in * the PQ_UNSWAPPABLE holding queue. This is an * optimization that prevents the page daemon from * wasting CPU cycles on pages that cannot be reclaimed * becase no swap device is configured. * * Otherwise, reactivate the page so that it doesn't * clog the laundry and inactive queues. (We will try * paging it out again later.) */ vm_page_lock(mt); if (object->type == OBJT_SWAP && pageout_status[i] == VM_PAGER_FAIL) { vm_page_unswappable(mt); numpagedout++; } else vm_page_activate(mt); vm_page_unlock(mt); if (eio != NULL && i >= mreq && i - mreq < runlen) *eio = TRUE; break; case VM_PAGER_AGAIN: if (i >= mreq && i - mreq < runlen) runlen = i - mreq; break; } /* * If the operation is still going, leave the page busy to * block all other accesses. Also, leave the paging in * progress indicator set so that we don't attempt an object * collapse. */ if (pageout_status[i] != VM_PAGER_PEND) { vm_object_pip_wakeup(object); vm_page_sunbusy(mt); } } if (prunlen != NULL) *prunlen = runlen; return (numpagedout); } static void vm_pageout_swapon(void *arg __unused, struct swdevt *sp __unused) { atomic_store_rel_int(&swapdev_enabled, 1); } static void vm_pageout_swapoff(void *arg __unused, struct swdevt *sp __unused) { if (swap_pager_nswapdev() == 1) atomic_store_rel_int(&swapdev_enabled, 0); } /* * Attempt to acquire all of the necessary locks to launder a page and * then call through the clustering layer to PUTPAGES. Wait a short * time for a vnode lock. * * Requires the page and object lock on entry, releases both before return. * Returns 0 on success and an errno otherwise. */ static int vm_pageout_clean(vm_page_t m, int *numpagedout) { struct vnode *vp; struct mount *mp; vm_object_t object; vm_pindex_t pindex; int error, lockmode; vm_page_assert_locked(m); object = m->object; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_WLOCKED(object); error = 0; vp = NULL; mp = NULL; /* * The object is already known NOT to be dead. It * is possible for the vget() to block the whole * pageout daemon, but the new low-memory handling * code should prevent it. * * We can't wait forever for the vnode lock, we might * deadlock due to a vn_read() getting stuck in * vm_wait while holding this vnode. We skip the * vnode if we can't get it in a reasonable amount * of time. */ if (object->type == OBJT_VNODE) { vm_page_unlock(m); vp = object->handle; if (vp->v_type == VREG && vn_start_write(vp, &mp, V_NOWAIT) != 0) { mp = NULL; error = EDEADLK; goto unlock_all; } KASSERT(mp != NULL, ("vp %p with NULL v_mount", vp)); vm_object_reference_locked(object); pindex = m->pindex; VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); lockmode = MNT_SHARED_WRITES(vp->v_mount) ? LK_SHARED : LK_EXCLUSIVE; if (vget(vp, lockmode | LK_TIMELOCK, curthread)) { vp = NULL; error = EDEADLK; goto unlock_mp; } VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); /* * Ensure that the object and vnode were not disassociated * while locks were dropped. */ if (vp->v_object != object) { error = ENOENT; goto unlock_all; } vm_page_lock(m); /* * While the object and page were unlocked, the page * may have been: * (1) moved to a different queue, * (2) reallocated to a different object, * (3) reallocated to a different offset, or * (4) cleaned. */ if (!vm_page_in_laundry(m) || m->object != object || m->pindex != pindex || m->dirty == 0) { vm_page_unlock(m); error = ENXIO; goto unlock_all; } /* * The page may have been busied or referenced while the object * and page locks were released. */ - if (vm_page_busied(m) || vm_page_held(m)) { + if (vm_page_busied(m) || vm_page_wired(m)) { vm_page_unlock(m); error = EBUSY; goto unlock_all; } } /* * If a page is dirty, then it is either being washed * (but not yet cleaned) or it is still in the * laundry. If it is still in the laundry, then we * start the cleaning operation. */ if ((*numpagedout = vm_pageout_cluster(m)) == 0) error = EIO; unlock_all: VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); unlock_mp: vm_page_lock_assert(m, MA_NOTOWNED); if (mp != NULL) { if (vp != NULL) vput(vp); vm_object_deallocate(object); vn_finished_write(mp); } return (error); } /* * Attempt to launder the specified number of pages. * * Returns the number of pages successfully laundered. */ static int vm_pageout_launder(struct vm_domain *vmd, int launder, bool in_shortfall) { struct scan_state ss; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; struct mtx *mtx; vm_object_t object; vm_page_t m, marker; int act_delta, error, numpagedout, queue, starting_target; int vnodes_skipped; bool pageout_ok; mtx = NULL; object = NULL; starting_target = launder; vnodes_skipped = 0; /* * Scan the laundry queues for pages eligible to be laundered. We stop * once the target number of dirty pages have been laundered, or once * we've reached the end of the queue. A single iteration of this loop * may cause more than one page to be laundered because of clustering. * * As an optimization, we avoid laundering from PQ_UNSWAPPABLE when no * swap devices are configured. */ if (atomic_load_acq_int(&swapdev_enabled)) queue = PQ_UNSWAPPABLE; else queue = PQ_LAUNDRY; scan: marker = &vmd->vmd_markers[queue]; pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[queue]; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); vm_pageout_init_scan(&ss, pq, marker, NULL, pq->pq_cnt); while (launder > 0 && (m = vm_pageout_next(&ss, false)) != NULL) { if (__predict_false((m->flags & PG_MARKER) != 0)) continue; vm_page_change_lock(m, &mtx); recheck: /* * The page may have been disassociated from the queue * while locks were dropped. */ if (vm_page_queue(m) != queue) continue; /* * A requeue was requested, so this page gets a second * chance. */ if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE) != 0) { vm_page_requeue(m); continue; } /* - * Held pages are essentially stuck in the queue. - * * Wired pages may not be freed. Complete their removal * from the queue now to avoid needless revisits during * future scans. */ - if (m->hold_count != 0) - continue; if (vm_page_wired(m)) { vm_page_dequeue_deferred(m); continue; } if (object != m->object) { if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); object = m->object; if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(object)) { mtx_unlock(mtx); /* Depends on type-stability. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); mtx_lock(mtx); goto recheck; } } if (vm_page_busied(m)) continue; /* * Invalid pages can be easily freed. They cannot be * mapped; vm_page_free() asserts this. */ if (m->valid == 0) goto free_page; /* * If the page has been referenced and the object is not dead, * reactivate or requeue the page depending on whether the * object is mapped. * * Test PGA_REFERENCED after calling pmap_ts_referenced() so * that a reference from a concurrently destroyed mapping is * observed here and now. */ if (object->ref_count != 0) act_delta = pmap_ts_referenced(m); else { KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(m), ("page %p is mapped", m)); act_delta = 0; } if ((m->aflags & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REFERENCED); act_delta++; } if (act_delta != 0) { if (object->ref_count != 0) { VM_CNT_INC(v_reactivated); vm_page_activate(m); /* * Increase the activation count if the page * was referenced while in the laundry queue. * This makes it less likely that the page will * be returned prematurely to the inactive * queue. */ m->act_count += act_delta + ACT_ADVANCE; /* * If this was a background laundering, count * activated pages towards our target. The * purpose of background laundering is to ensure * that pages are eventually cycled through the * laundry queue, and an activation is a valid * way out. */ if (!in_shortfall) launder--; continue; } else if ((object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0) { vm_page_requeue(m); continue; } } /* * If the page appears to be clean at the machine-independent * layer, then remove all of its mappings from the pmap in * anticipation of freeing it. If, however, any of the page's * mappings allow write access, then the page may still be * modified until the last of those mappings are removed. */ if (object->ref_count != 0) { vm_page_test_dirty(m); if (m->dirty == 0) pmap_remove_all(m); } /* * Clean pages are freed, and dirty pages are paged out unless * they belong to a dead object. Requeueing dirty pages from * dead objects is pointless, as they are being paged out and * freed by the thread that destroyed the object. */ if (m->dirty == 0) { free_page: vm_page_free(m); VM_CNT_INC(v_dfree); } else if ((object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0) { if (object->type != OBJT_SWAP && object->type != OBJT_DEFAULT) pageout_ok = true; else if (disable_swap_pageouts) pageout_ok = false; else pageout_ok = true; if (!pageout_ok) { vm_page_requeue(m); continue; } /* * Form a cluster with adjacent, dirty pages from the * same object, and page out that entire cluster. * * The adjacent, dirty pages must also be in the * laundry. However, their mappings are not checked * for new references. Consequently, a recently * referenced page may be paged out. However, that * page will not be prematurely reclaimed. After page * out, the page will be placed in the inactive queue, * where any new references will be detected and the * page reactivated. */ error = vm_pageout_clean(m, &numpagedout); if (error == 0) { launder -= numpagedout; ss.scanned += numpagedout; } else if (error == EDEADLK) { pageout_lock_miss++; vnodes_skipped++; } mtx = NULL; object = NULL; } } if (mtx != NULL) { mtx_unlock(mtx); mtx = NULL; } if (object != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); object = NULL; } vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); vm_pageout_end_scan(&ss); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); if (launder > 0 && queue == PQ_UNSWAPPABLE) { queue = PQ_LAUNDRY; goto scan; } /* * Wakeup the sync daemon if we skipped a vnode in a writeable object * and we didn't launder enough pages. */ if (vnodes_skipped > 0 && launder > 0) (void)speedup_syncer(); return (starting_target - launder); } /* * Compute the integer square root. */ static u_int isqrt(u_int num) { u_int bit, root, tmp; bit = num != 0 ? (1u << ((fls(num) - 1) & ~1)) : 0; root = 0; while (bit != 0) { tmp = root + bit; root >>= 1; if (num >= tmp) { num -= tmp; root += bit; } bit >>= 2; } return (root); } /* * Perform the work of the laundry thread: periodically wake up and determine * whether any pages need to be laundered. If so, determine the number of pages * that need to be laundered, and launder them. */ static void vm_pageout_laundry_worker(void *arg) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; uint64_t nclean, ndirty, nfreed; int domain, last_target, launder, shortfall, shortfall_cycle, target; bool in_shortfall; domain = (uintptr_t)arg; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY]; KASSERT(vmd->vmd_segs != 0, ("domain without segments")); shortfall = 0; in_shortfall = false; shortfall_cycle = 0; last_target = target = 0; nfreed = 0; /* * Calls to these handlers are serialized by the swap syscall lock. */ (void)EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(swapon, vm_pageout_swapon, vmd, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); (void)EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(swapoff, vm_pageout_swapoff, vmd, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); /* * The pageout laundry worker is never done, so loop forever. */ for (;;) { KASSERT(target >= 0, ("negative target %d", target)); KASSERT(shortfall_cycle >= 0, ("negative cycle %d", shortfall_cycle)); launder = 0; /* * First determine whether we need to launder pages to meet a * shortage of free pages. */ if (shortfall > 0) { in_shortfall = true; shortfall_cycle = VM_LAUNDER_RATE / VM_INACT_SCAN_RATE; target = shortfall; } else if (!in_shortfall) goto trybackground; else if (shortfall_cycle == 0 || vm_laundry_target(vmd) <= 0) { /* * We recently entered shortfall and began laundering * pages. If we have completed that laundering run * (and we are no longer in shortfall) or we have met * our laundry target through other activity, then we * can stop laundering pages. */ in_shortfall = false; target = 0; goto trybackground; } launder = target / shortfall_cycle--; goto dolaundry; /* * There's no immediate need to launder any pages; see if we * meet the conditions to perform background laundering: * * 1. The ratio of dirty to clean inactive pages exceeds the * background laundering threshold, or * 2. we haven't yet reached the target of the current * background laundering run. * * The background laundering threshold is not a constant. * Instead, it is a slowly growing function of the number of * clean pages freed by the page daemon since the last * background laundering. Thus, as the ratio of dirty to * clean inactive pages grows, the amount of memory pressure * required to trigger laundering decreases. We ensure * that the threshold is non-zero after an inactive queue * scan, even if that scan failed to free a single clean page. */ trybackground: nclean = vmd->vmd_free_count + vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE].pq_cnt; ndirty = vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY].pq_cnt; if (target == 0 && ndirty * isqrt(howmany(nfreed + 1, vmd->vmd_free_target - vmd->vmd_free_min)) >= nclean) { target = vmd->vmd_background_launder_target; } /* * We have a non-zero background laundering target. If we've * laundered up to our maximum without observing a page daemon * request, just stop. This is a safety belt that ensures we * don't launder an excessive amount if memory pressure is low * and the ratio of dirty to clean pages is large. Otherwise, * proceed at the background laundering rate. */ if (target > 0) { if (nfreed > 0) { nfreed = 0; last_target = target; } else if (last_target - target >= vm_background_launder_max * PAGE_SIZE / 1024) { target = 0; } launder = vm_background_launder_rate * PAGE_SIZE / 1024; launder /= VM_LAUNDER_RATE; if (launder > target) launder = target; } dolaundry: if (launder > 0) { /* * Because of I/O clustering, the number of laundered * pages could exceed "target" by the maximum size of * a cluster minus one. */ target -= min(vm_pageout_launder(vmd, launder, in_shortfall), target); pause("laundp", hz / VM_LAUNDER_RATE); } /* * If we're not currently laundering pages and the page daemon * hasn't posted a new request, sleep until the page daemon * kicks us. */ vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); if (target == 0 && vmd->vmd_laundry_request == VM_LAUNDRY_IDLE) (void)mtx_sleep(&vmd->vmd_laundry_request, vm_pagequeue_lockptr(pq), PVM, "launds", 0); /* * If the pagedaemon has indicated that it's in shortfall, start * a shortfall laundering unless we're already in the middle of * one. This may preempt a background laundering. */ if (vmd->vmd_laundry_request == VM_LAUNDRY_SHORTFALL && (!in_shortfall || shortfall_cycle == 0)) { shortfall = vm_laundry_target(vmd) + vmd->vmd_pageout_deficit; target = 0; } else shortfall = 0; if (target == 0) vmd->vmd_laundry_request = VM_LAUNDRY_IDLE; nfreed += vmd->vmd_clean_pages_freed; vmd->vmd_clean_pages_freed = 0; vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } } /* * Compute the number of pages we want to try to move from the * active queue to either the inactive or laundry queue. * * When scanning active pages during a shortage, we make clean pages * count more heavily towards the page shortage than dirty pages. * This is because dirty pages must be laundered before they can be * reused and thus have less utility when attempting to quickly * alleviate a free page shortage. However, this weighting also * causes the scan to deactivate dirty pages more aggressively, * improving the effectiveness of clustering. */ static int vm_pageout_active_target(struct vm_domain *vmd) { int shortage; shortage = vmd->vmd_inactive_target + vm_paging_target(vmd) - (vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE].pq_cnt + vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY].pq_cnt / act_scan_laundry_weight); shortage *= act_scan_laundry_weight; return (shortage); } /* * Scan the active queue. If there is no shortage of inactive pages, scan a * small portion of the queue in order to maintain quasi-LRU. */ static void vm_pageout_scan_active(struct vm_domain *vmd, int page_shortage) { struct scan_state ss; struct mtx *mtx; vm_page_t m, marker; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; long min_scan; int act_delta, max_scan, scan_tick; marker = &vmd->vmd_markers[PQ_ACTIVE]; pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_ACTIVE]; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); /* * If we're just idle polling attempt to visit every * active page within 'update_period' seconds. */ scan_tick = ticks; if (vm_pageout_update_period != 0) { min_scan = pq->pq_cnt; min_scan *= scan_tick - vmd->vmd_last_active_scan; min_scan /= hz * vm_pageout_update_period; } else min_scan = 0; if (min_scan > 0 || (page_shortage > 0 && pq->pq_cnt > 0)) vmd->vmd_last_active_scan = scan_tick; /* * Scan the active queue for pages that can be deactivated. Update * the per-page activity counter and use it to identify deactivation * candidates. Held pages may be deactivated. * * To avoid requeuing each page that remains in the active queue, we * implement the CLOCK algorithm. To keep the implementation of the * enqueue operation consistent for all page queues, we use two hands, * represented by marker pages. Scans begin at the first hand, which * precedes the second hand in the queue. When the two hands meet, * they are moved back to the head and tail of the queue, respectively, * and scanning resumes. */ max_scan = page_shortage > 0 ? pq->pq_cnt : min_scan; mtx = NULL; act_scan: vm_pageout_init_scan(&ss, pq, marker, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], max_scan); while ((m = vm_pageout_next(&ss, false)) != NULL) { if (__predict_false(m == &vmd->vmd_clock[1])) { vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], plinks.q); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[1], plinks.q); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pq->pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], plinks.q); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pq->pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[1], plinks.q); max_scan -= ss.scanned; vm_pageout_end_scan(&ss); goto act_scan; } if (__predict_false((m->flags & PG_MARKER) != 0)) continue; vm_page_change_lock(m, &mtx); /* * The page may have been disassociated from the queue * while locks were dropped. */ if (vm_page_queue(m) != PQ_ACTIVE) continue; /* * Wired pages are dequeued lazily. */ if (vm_page_wired(m)) { vm_page_dequeue_deferred(m); continue; } /* * Check to see "how much" the page has been used. * * Test PGA_REFERENCED after calling pmap_ts_referenced() so * that a reference from a concurrently destroyed mapping is * observed here and now. * * Perform an unsynchronized object ref count check. While * the page lock ensures that the page is not reallocated to * another object, in particular, one with unmanaged mappings * that cannot support pmap_ts_referenced(), two races are, * nonetheless, possible: * 1) The count was transitioning to zero, but we saw a non- * zero value. pmap_ts_referenced() will return zero * because the page is not mapped. * 2) The count was transitioning to one, but we saw zero. * This race delays the detection of a new reference. At * worst, we will deactivate and reactivate the page. */ if (m->object->ref_count != 0) act_delta = pmap_ts_referenced(m); else act_delta = 0; if ((m->aflags & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REFERENCED); act_delta++; } /* * Advance or decay the act_count based on recent usage. */ if (act_delta != 0) { m->act_count += ACT_ADVANCE + act_delta; if (m->act_count > ACT_MAX) m->act_count = ACT_MAX; } else m->act_count -= min(m->act_count, ACT_DECLINE); if (m->act_count == 0) { /* * When not short for inactive pages, let dirty pages go * through the inactive queue before moving to the * laundry queues. This gives them some extra time to * be reactivated, potentially avoiding an expensive * pageout. However, during a page shortage, the * inactive queue is necessarily small, and so dirty * pages would only spend a trivial amount of time in * the inactive queue. Therefore, we might as well * place them directly in the laundry queue to reduce * queuing overhead. */ if (page_shortage <= 0) vm_page_deactivate(m); else { /* * Calling vm_page_test_dirty() here would * require acquisition of the object's write * lock. However, during a page shortage, * directing dirty pages into the laundry * queue is only an optimization and not a * requirement. Therefore, we simply rely on * the opportunistic updates to the page's * dirty field by the pmap. */ if (m->dirty == 0) { vm_page_deactivate(m); page_shortage -= act_scan_laundry_weight; } else { vm_page_launder(m); page_shortage--; } } } } if (mtx != NULL) { mtx_unlock(mtx); mtx = NULL; } vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pq->pq_pl, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], plinks.q); TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&pq->pq_pl, marker, &vmd->vmd_clock[0], plinks.q); vm_pageout_end_scan(&ss); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } static int vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive_page(struct scan_state *ss, vm_page_t m) { struct vm_domain *vmd; if (m->queue != PQ_INACTIVE || (m->aflags & PGA_ENQUEUED) != 0) return (0); vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_ENQUEUED); if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD) != 0) { vmd = vm_pagequeue_domain(m); TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(&vmd->vmd_inacthead, m, plinks.q); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD); } else if ((m->aflags & PGA_REQUEUE) != 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ss->pq->pq_pl, m, plinks.q); vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD); } else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(ss->marker, m, plinks.q); return (1); } /* * Re-add stuck pages to the inactive queue. We will examine them again * during the next scan. If the queue state of a page has changed since * it was physically removed from the page queue in * vm_pageout_collect_batch(), don't do anything with that page. */ static void vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive(struct scan_state *ss, struct vm_batchqueue *bq, vm_page_t m) { struct vm_pagequeue *pq; int delta; delta = 0; pq = ss->pq; if (m != NULL) { if (vm_batchqueue_insert(bq, m)) return; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); delta += vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive_page(ss, m); } else vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); while ((m = vm_batchqueue_pop(bq)) != NULL) delta += vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive_page(ss, m); vm_pagequeue_cnt_add(pq, delta); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); vm_batchqueue_init(bq); } /* * Attempt to reclaim the requested number of pages from the inactive queue. * Returns true if the shortage was addressed. */ static int vm_pageout_scan_inactive(struct vm_domain *vmd, int shortage, int *addl_shortage) { struct scan_state ss; struct vm_batchqueue rq; struct mtx *mtx; vm_page_t m, marker; struct vm_pagequeue *pq; vm_object_t object; int act_delta, addl_page_shortage, deficit, page_shortage; int starting_page_shortage; /* * The addl_page_shortage is an estimate of the number of temporarily * stuck pages in the inactive queue. In other words, the * number of pages from the inactive count that should be * discounted in setting the target for the active queue scan. */ addl_page_shortage = 0; /* * vmd_pageout_deficit counts the number of pages requested in * allocations that failed because of a free page shortage. We assume * that the allocations will be reattempted and thus include the deficit * in our scan target. */ deficit = atomic_readandclear_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_deficit); starting_page_shortage = page_shortage = shortage + deficit; mtx = NULL; object = NULL; vm_batchqueue_init(&rq); /* * Start scanning the inactive queue for pages that we can free. The * scan will stop when we reach the target or we have scanned the * entire queue. (Note that m->act_count is not used to make * decisions for the inactive queue, only for the active queue.) */ marker = &vmd->vmd_markers[PQ_INACTIVE]; pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_INACTIVE]; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); vm_pageout_init_scan(&ss, pq, marker, NULL, pq->pq_cnt); while (page_shortage > 0 && (m = vm_pageout_next(&ss, true)) != NULL) { KASSERT((m->flags & PG_MARKER) == 0, ("marker page %p was dequeued", m)); vm_page_change_lock(m, &mtx); recheck: /* * The page may have been disassociated from the queue * while locks were dropped. */ if (vm_page_queue(m) != PQ_INACTIVE) { addl_page_shortage++; continue; } /* * The page was re-enqueued after the page queue lock was * dropped, or a requeue was requested. This page gets a second * chance. */ if ((m->aflags & (PGA_ENQUEUED | PGA_REQUEUE | PGA_REQUEUE_HEAD)) != 0) goto reinsert; /* - * Held pages are essentially stuck in the queue. So, - * they ought to be discounted from the inactive count. - * See the description of addl_page_shortage above. - * * Wired pages may not be freed. Complete their removal * from the queue now to avoid needless revisits during * future scans. */ - if (m->hold_count != 0) { - addl_page_shortage++; - goto reinsert; - } if (vm_page_wired(m)) { vm_page_dequeue_deferred(m); continue; } if (object != m->object) { if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); object = m->object; if (!VM_OBJECT_TRYWLOCK(object)) { mtx_unlock(mtx); /* Depends on type-stability. */ VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); mtx_lock(mtx); goto recheck; } } if (vm_page_busied(m)) { /* * Don't mess with busy pages. Leave them at * the front of the queue. Most likely, they * are being paged out and will leave the * queue shortly after the scan finishes. So, * they ought to be discounted from the * inactive count. */ addl_page_shortage++; goto reinsert; } /* * Invalid pages can be easily freed. They cannot be * mapped, vm_page_free() asserts this. */ if (m->valid == 0) goto free_page; /* * If the page has been referenced and the object is not dead, * reactivate or requeue the page depending on whether the * object is mapped. * * Test PGA_REFERENCED after calling pmap_ts_referenced() so * that a reference from a concurrently destroyed mapping is * observed here and now. */ if (object->ref_count != 0) act_delta = pmap_ts_referenced(m); else { KASSERT(!pmap_page_is_mapped(m), ("page %p is mapped", m)); act_delta = 0; } if ((m->aflags & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) { vm_page_aflag_clear(m, PGA_REFERENCED); act_delta++; } if (act_delta != 0) { if (object->ref_count != 0) { VM_CNT_INC(v_reactivated); vm_page_activate(m); /* * Increase the activation count if the page * was referenced while in the inactive queue. * This makes it less likely that the page will * be returned prematurely to the inactive * queue. */ m->act_count += act_delta + ACT_ADVANCE; continue; } else if ((object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0) { vm_page_aflag_set(m, PGA_REQUEUE); goto reinsert; } } /* * If the page appears to be clean at the machine-independent * layer, then remove all of its mappings from the pmap in * anticipation of freeing it. If, however, any of the page's * mappings allow write access, then the page may still be * modified until the last of those mappings are removed. */ if (object->ref_count != 0) { vm_page_test_dirty(m); if (m->dirty == 0) pmap_remove_all(m); } /* * Clean pages can be freed, but dirty pages must be sent back * to the laundry, unless they belong to a dead object. * Requeueing dirty pages from dead objects is pointless, as * they are being paged out and freed by the thread that * destroyed the object. */ if (m->dirty == 0) { free_page: /* * Because we dequeued the page and have already * checked for concurrent dequeue and enqueue * requests, we can safely disassociate the page * from the inactive queue. */ KASSERT((m->aflags & PGA_QUEUE_STATE_MASK) == 0, ("page %p has queue state", m)); m->queue = PQ_NONE; vm_page_free(m); page_shortage--; } else if ((object->flags & OBJ_DEAD) == 0) vm_page_launder(m); continue; reinsert: vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive(&ss, &rq, m); } if (mtx != NULL) mtx_unlock(mtx); if (object != NULL) VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive(&ss, &rq, NULL); vm_pageout_reinsert_inactive(&ss, &, NULL); vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); vm_pageout_end_scan(&ss); vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); VM_CNT_ADD(v_dfree, starting_page_shortage - page_shortage); /* * Wake up the laundry thread so that it can perform any needed * laundering. If we didn't meet our target, we're in shortfall and * need to launder more aggressively. If PQ_LAUNDRY is empty and no * swap devices are configured, the laundry thread has no work to do, so * don't bother waking it up. * * The laundry thread uses the number of inactive queue scans elapsed * since the last laundering to determine whether to launder again, so * keep count. */ if (starting_page_shortage > 0) { pq = &vmd->vmd_pagequeues[PQ_LAUNDRY]; vm_pagequeue_lock(pq); if (vmd->vmd_laundry_request == VM_LAUNDRY_IDLE && (pq->pq_cnt > 0 || atomic_load_acq_int(&swapdev_enabled))) { if (page_shortage > 0) { vmd->vmd_laundry_request = VM_LAUNDRY_SHORTFALL; VM_CNT_INC(v_pdshortfalls); } else if (vmd->vmd_laundry_request != VM_LAUNDRY_SHORTFALL) vmd->vmd_laundry_request = VM_LAUNDRY_BACKGROUND; wakeup(&vmd->vmd_laundry_request); } vmd->vmd_clean_pages_freed += starting_page_shortage - page_shortage; vm_pagequeue_unlock(pq); } /* * Wakeup the swapout daemon if we didn't free the targeted number of * pages. */ if (page_shortage > 0) vm_swapout_run(); /* * If the inactive queue scan fails repeatedly to meet its * target, kill the largest process. */ vm_pageout_mightbe_oom(vmd, page_shortage, starting_page_shortage); /* * Reclaim pages by swapping out idle processes, if configured to do so. */ vm_swapout_run_idle(); /* * See the description of addl_page_shortage above. */ *addl_shortage = addl_page_shortage + deficit; return (page_shortage <= 0); } static int vm_pageout_oom_vote; /* * The pagedaemon threads randlomly select one to perform the * OOM. Trying to kill processes before all pagedaemons * failed to reach free target is premature. */ static void vm_pageout_mightbe_oom(struct vm_domain *vmd, int page_shortage, int starting_page_shortage) { int old_vote; if (starting_page_shortage <= 0 || starting_page_shortage != page_shortage) vmd->vmd_oom_seq = 0; else vmd->vmd_oom_seq++; if (vmd->vmd_oom_seq < vm_pageout_oom_seq) { if (vmd->vmd_oom) { vmd->vmd_oom = FALSE; atomic_subtract_int(&vm_pageout_oom_vote, 1); } return; } /* * Do not follow the call sequence until OOM condition is * cleared. */ vmd->vmd_oom_seq = 0; if (vmd->vmd_oom) return; vmd->vmd_oom = TRUE; old_vote = atomic_fetchadd_int(&vm_pageout_oom_vote, 1); if (old_vote != vm_ndomains - 1) return; /* * The current pagedaemon thread is the last in the quorum to * start OOM. Initiate the selection and signaling of the * victim. */ vm_pageout_oom(VM_OOM_MEM); /* * After one round of OOM terror, recall our vote. On the * next pass, current pagedaemon would vote again if the low * memory condition is still there, due to vmd_oom being * false. */ vmd->vmd_oom = FALSE; atomic_subtract_int(&vm_pageout_oom_vote, 1); } /* * The OOM killer is the page daemon's action of last resort when * memory allocation requests have been stalled for a prolonged period * of time because it cannot reclaim memory. This function computes * the approximate number of physical pages that could be reclaimed if * the specified address space is destroyed. * * Private, anonymous memory owned by the address space is the * principal resource that we expect to recover after an OOM kill. * Since the physical pages mapped by the address space's COW entries * are typically shared pages, they are unlikely to be released and so * they are not counted. * * To get to the point where the page daemon runs the OOM killer, its * efforts to write-back vnode-backed pages may have stalled. This * could be caused by a memory allocation deadlock in the write path * that might be resolved by an OOM kill. Therefore, physical pages * belonging to vnode-backed objects are counted, because they might * be freed without being written out first if the address space holds * the last reference to an unlinked vnode. * * Similarly, physical pages belonging to OBJT_PHYS objects are * counted because the address space might hold the last reference to * the object. */ static long vm_pageout_oom_pagecount(struct vmspace *vmspace) { vm_map_t map; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t obj; long res; map = &vmspace->vm_map; KASSERT(!map->system_map, ("system map")); sx_assert(&map->lock, SA_LOCKED); res = 0; for (entry = map->; entry != &map->header; entry = entry->next) { if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) != 0) continue; obj = entry->object.vm_object; if (obj == NULL) continue; if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_NEEDS_COPY) != 0 && obj->ref_count != 1) continue; switch (obj->type) { case OBJT_DEFAULT: case OBJT_SWAP: case OBJT_PHYS: case OBJT_VNODE: res += obj->resident_page_count; break; } } return (res); } void vm_pageout_oom(int shortage) { struct proc *p, *bigproc; vm_offset_t size, bigsize; struct thread *td; struct vmspace *vm; bool breakout; /* * We keep the process bigproc locked once we find it to keep anyone * from messing with it; however, there is a possibility of * deadlock if process B is bigproc and one of its child processes * attempts to propagate a signal to B while we are waiting for A's * lock while walking this list. To avoid this, we don't block on * the process lock but just skip a process if it is already locked. */ bigproc = NULL; bigsize = 0; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { PROC_LOCK(p); /* * If this is a system, protected or killed process, skip it. */ if (p->p_state != PRS_NORMAL || (p->p_flag & (P_INEXEC | P_PROTECTED | P_SYSTEM | P_WEXIT)) != 0 || p->p_pid == 1 || P_KILLED(p) || (p->p_pid < 48 && swap_pager_avail != 0)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } /* * If the process is in a non-running type state, * don't touch it. Check all the threads individually. */ breakout = false; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { thread_lock(td); if (!TD_ON_RUNQ(td) && !TD_IS_RUNNING(td) && !TD_IS_SLEEPING(td) && !TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td) && !TD_IS_SWAPPED(td)) { thread_unlock(td); breakout = true; break; } thread_unlock(td); } if (breakout) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } /* * get the process size */ vm = vmspace_acquire_ref(p); if (vm == NULL) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } _PHOLD_LITE(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); if (!vm_map_trylock_read(&vm->vm_map)) { vmspace_free(vm); sx_slock(&allproc_lock); PRELE(p); continue; } size = vmspace_swap_count(vm); if (shortage == VM_OOM_MEM) size += vm_pageout_oom_pagecount(vm); vm_map_unlock_read(&vm->vm_map); vmspace_free(vm); sx_slock(&allproc_lock); /* * If this process is bigger than the biggest one, * remember it. */ if (size > bigsize) { if (bigproc != NULL) PRELE(bigproc); bigproc = p; bigsize = size; } else { PRELE(p); } } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); if (bigproc != NULL) { if (vm_panic_on_oom != 0) panic("out of swap space"); PROC_LOCK(bigproc); killproc(bigproc, "out of swap space"); sched_nice(bigproc, PRIO_MIN); _PRELE(bigproc); PROC_UNLOCK(bigproc); } } static bool vm_pageout_lowmem(void) { static int lowmem_ticks = 0; int last; last = atomic_load_int(&lowmem_ticks); while ((u_int)(ticks - last) / hz >= lowmem_period) { if (atomic_fcmpset_int(&lowmem_ticks, &last, ticks) == 0) continue; /* * Decrease registered cache sizes. */ SDT_PROBE0(vm, , , vm__lowmem_scan); EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(vm_lowmem, VM_LOW_PAGES); /* * We do this explicitly after the caches have been * drained above. */ uma_reclaim(); return (true); } return (false); } static void vm_pageout_worker(void *arg) { struct vm_domain *vmd; u_int ofree; int addl_shortage, domain, shortage; bool target_met; domain = (uintptr_t)arg; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); shortage = 0; target_met = true; /* * XXXKIB It could be useful to bind pageout daemon threads to * the cores belonging to the domain, from which vm_page_array * is allocated. */ KASSERT(vmd->vmd_segs != 0, ("domain without segments")); vmd->vmd_last_active_scan = ticks; /* * The pageout daemon worker is never done, so loop forever. */ while (TRUE) { vm_domain_pageout_lock(vmd); /* * We need to clear wanted before we check the limits. This * prevents races with wakers who will check wanted after they * reach the limit. */ atomic_store_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted, 0); /* * Might the page daemon need to run again? */ if (vm_paging_needed(vmd, vmd->vmd_free_count)) { /* * Yes. If the scan failed to produce enough free * pages, sleep uninterruptibly for some time in the * hope that the laundry thread will clean some pages. */ vm_domain_pageout_unlock(vmd); if (!target_met) pause("pwait", hz / VM_INACT_SCAN_RATE); } else { /* * No, sleep until the next wakeup or until pages * need to have their reference stats updated. */ if (mtx_sleep(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted, vm_domain_pageout_lockptr(vmd), PDROP | PVM, "psleep", hz / VM_INACT_SCAN_RATE) == 0) VM_CNT_INC(v_pdwakeups); } /* Prevent spurious wakeups by ensuring that wanted is set. */ atomic_store_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted, 1); /* * Use the controller to calculate how many pages to free in * this interval, and scan the inactive queue. If the lowmem * handlers appear to have freed up some pages, subtract the * difference from the inactive queue scan target. */ shortage = pidctrl_daemon(&vmd->vmd_pid, vmd->vmd_free_count); if (shortage > 0) { ofree = vmd->vmd_free_count; if (vm_pageout_lowmem() && vmd->vmd_free_count > ofree) shortage -= min(vmd->vmd_free_count - ofree, (u_int)shortage); target_met = vm_pageout_scan_inactive(vmd, shortage, &addl_shortage); } else addl_shortage = 0; /* * Scan the active queue. A positive value for shortage * indicates that we must aggressively deactivate pages to avoid * a shortfall. */ shortage = vm_pageout_active_target(vmd) + addl_shortage; vm_pageout_scan_active(vmd, shortage); } } /* * vm_pageout_init initialises basic pageout daemon settings. */ static void vm_pageout_init_domain(int domain) { struct vm_domain *vmd; struct sysctl_oid *oid; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); vmd->vmd_interrupt_free_min = 2; /* * v_free_reserved needs to include enough for the largest * swap pager structures plus enough for any pv_entry structs * when paging. */ if (vmd->vmd_page_count > 1024) vmd->vmd_free_min = 4 + (vmd->vmd_page_count - 1024) / 200; else vmd->vmd_free_min = 4; vmd->vmd_pageout_free_min = 2 * MAXBSIZE / PAGE_SIZE + vmd->vmd_interrupt_free_min; vmd->vmd_free_reserved = vm_pageout_page_count + vmd->vmd_pageout_free_min + (vmd->vmd_page_count / 768); vmd->vmd_free_severe = vmd->vmd_free_min / 2; vmd->vmd_free_target = 4 * vmd->vmd_free_min + vmd->vmd_free_reserved; vmd->vmd_free_min += vmd->vmd_free_reserved; vmd->vmd_free_severe += vmd->vmd_free_reserved; vmd->vmd_inactive_target = (3 * vmd->vmd_free_target) / 2; if (vmd->vmd_inactive_target > vmd->vmd_free_count / 3) vmd->vmd_inactive_target = vmd->vmd_free_count / 3; /* * Set the default wakeup threshold to be 10% below the paging * target. This keeps the steady state out of shortfall. */ vmd->vmd_pageout_wakeup_thresh = (vmd->vmd_free_target / 10) * 9; /* * Target amount of memory to move out of the laundry queue during a * background laundering. This is proportional to the amount of system * memory. */ vmd->vmd_background_launder_target = (vmd->vmd_free_target - vmd->vmd_free_min) / 10; /* Initialize the pageout daemon pid controller. */ pidctrl_init(&vmd->vmd_pid, hz / VM_INACT_SCAN_RATE, vmd->vmd_free_target, PIDCTRL_BOUND, PIDCTRL_KPD, PIDCTRL_KID, PIDCTRL_KDD); oid = SYSCTL_ADD_NODE(NULL, SYSCTL_CHILDREN(vmd->vmd_oid), OID_AUTO, "pidctrl", CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, ""); pidctrl_init_sysctl(&vmd->vmd_pid, SYSCTL_CHILDREN(oid)); } static void vm_pageout_init(void) { u_int freecount; int i; /* * Initialize some paging parameters. */ if (vm_cnt.v_page_count < 2000) vm_pageout_page_count = 8; freecount = 0; for (i = 0; i < vm_ndomains; i++) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vm_pageout_init_domain(i); vmd = VM_DOMAIN(i); vm_cnt.v_free_reserved += vmd->vmd_free_reserved; vm_cnt.v_free_target += vmd->vmd_free_target; vm_cnt.v_free_min += vmd->vmd_free_min; vm_cnt.v_inactive_target += vmd->vmd_inactive_target; vm_cnt.v_pageout_free_min += vmd->vmd_pageout_free_min; vm_cnt.v_interrupt_free_min += vmd->vmd_interrupt_free_min; vm_cnt.v_free_severe += vmd->vmd_free_severe; freecount += vmd->vmd_free_count; } /* * Set interval in seconds for active scan. We want to visit each * page at least once every ten minutes. This is to prevent worst * case paging behaviors with stale active LRU. */ if (vm_pageout_update_period == 0) vm_pageout_update_period = 600; if (vm_page_max_user_wired == 0) vm_page_max_user_wired = freecount / 3; } /* * vm_pageout is the high level pageout daemon. */ static void vm_pageout(void) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; int error, first, i; p = curproc; td = curthread; swap_pager_swap_init(); for (first = -1, i = 0; i < vm_ndomains; i++) { if (VM_DOMAIN_EMPTY(i)) { if (bootverbose) printf("domain %d empty; skipping pageout\n", i); continue; } if (first == -1) first = i; else { error = kthread_add(vm_pageout_worker, (void *)(uintptr_t)i, p, NULL, 0, 0, "dom%d", i); if (error != 0) panic("starting pageout for domain %d: %d\n", i, error); } error = kthread_add(vm_pageout_laundry_worker, (void *)(uintptr_t)i, p, NULL, 0, 0, "laundry: dom%d", i); if (error != 0) panic("starting laundry for domain %d: %d", i, error); } error = kthread_add(uma_reclaim_worker, NULL, p, NULL, 0, 0, "uma"); if (error != 0) panic("starting uma_reclaim helper, error %d\n", error); snprintf(td->td_name, sizeof(td->td_name), "dom%d", first); vm_pageout_worker((void *)(uintptr_t)first); } /* * Perform an advisory wakeup of the page daemon. */ void pagedaemon_wakeup(int domain) { struct vm_domain *vmd; vmd = VM_DOMAIN(domain); vm_domain_pageout_assert_unlocked(vmd); if (curproc == pageproc) return; if (atomic_fetchadd_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted, 1) == 0) { vm_domain_pageout_lock(vmd); atomic_store_int(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted, 1); wakeup(&vmd->vmd_pageout_wanted); vm_domain_pageout_unlock(vmd); } } Index: head/sys/vm/vm_swapout.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/vm/vm_swapout.c (revision 349845) +++ head/sys/vm/vm_swapout.c (revision 349846) @@ -1,963 +1,963 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-4-Clause AND MIT-CMU) * * Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 John S. Dyson * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 David Greenman * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2005 Yahoo! Technologies Norway AS * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)vm_pageout.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 5/7/91 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_kstack_max_pages.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* the kernel process "vm_daemon" */ static void vm_daemon(void); static struct proc *vmproc; static struct kproc_desc vm_kp = { "vmdaemon", vm_daemon, &vmproc }; SYSINIT(vmdaemon, SI_SUB_KTHREAD_VM, SI_ORDER_FIRST, kproc_start, &vm_kp); static int vm_swap_enabled = 1; static int vm_swap_idle_enabled = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, VM_SWAPPING_ENABLED, swap_enabled, CTLFLAG_RW, &vm_swap_enabled, 0, "Enable entire process swapout"); SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, swap_idle_enabled, CTLFLAG_RW, &vm_swap_idle_enabled, 0, "Allow swapout on idle criteria"); /* * Swap_idle_threshold1 is the guaranteed swapped in time for a process */ static int swap_idle_threshold1 = 2; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, swap_idle_threshold1, CTLFLAG_RW, &swap_idle_threshold1, 0, "Guaranteed swapped in time for a process"); /* * Swap_idle_threshold2 is the time that a process can be idle before * it will be swapped out, if idle swapping is enabled. */ static int swap_idle_threshold2 = 10; SYSCTL_INT(_vm, OID_AUTO, swap_idle_threshold2, CTLFLAG_RW, &swap_idle_threshold2, 0, "Time before a process will be swapped out"); static int vm_pageout_req_swapout; /* XXX */ static int vm_daemon_needed; static struct mtx vm_daemon_mtx; /* Allow for use by vm_pageout before vm_daemon is initialized. */ MTX_SYSINIT(vm_daemon, &vm_daemon_mtx, "vm daemon", MTX_DEF); static int swapped_cnt; static int swap_inprogress; /* Pending swap-ins done outside swapper. */ static int last_swapin; static void swapclear(struct proc *); static int swapout(struct proc *); static void vm_swapout_map_deactivate_pages(vm_map_t, long); static void vm_swapout_object_deactivate_pages(pmap_t, vm_object_t, long); static void swapout_procs(int action); static void vm_req_vmdaemon(int req); static void vm_thread_swapout(struct thread *td); /* * vm_swapout_object_deactivate_pages * * Deactivate enough pages to satisfy the inactive target * requirements. * * The object and map must be locked. */ static void vm_swapout_object_deactivate_pages(pmap_t pmap, vm_object_t first_object, long desired) { vm_object_t backing_object, object; vm_page_t p; int act_delta, remove_mode; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(first_object); if ((first_object->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) != 0) return; for (object = first_object;; object = backing_object) { if (pmap_resident_count(pmap) <= desired) goto unlock_return; VM_OBJECT_ASSERT_LOCKED(object); if ((object->flags & OBJ_UNMANAGED) != 0 || object->paging_in_progress != 0) goto unlock_return; remove_mode = 0; if (object->shadow_count > 1) remove_mode = 1; /* * Scan the object's entire memory queue. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &object->memq, listq) { if (pmap_resident_count(pmap) <= desired) goto unlock_return; if (should_yield()) goto unlock_return; if (vm_page_busied(p)) continue; VM_CNT_INC(v_pdpages); vm_page_lock(p); - if (vm_page_held(p) || + if (vm_page_wired(p) || !pmap_page_exists_quick(pmap, p)) { vm_page_unlock(p); continue; } act_delta = pmap_ts_referenced(p); if ((p->aflags & PGA_REFERENCED) != 0) { if (act_delta == 0) act_delta = 1; vm_page_aflag_clear(p, PGA_REFERENCED); } if (!vm_page_active(p) && act_delta != 0) { vm_page_activate(p); p->act_count += act_delta; } else if (vm_page_active(p)) { if (act_delta == 0) { p->act_count -= min(p->act_count, ACT_DECLINE); if (!remove_mode && p->act_count == 0) { pmap_remove_all(p); vm_page_deactivate(p); } else vm_page_requeue(p); } else { vm_page_activate(p); if (p->act_count < ACT_MAX - ACT_ADVANCE) p->act_count += ACT_ADVANCE; vm_page_requeue(p); } } else if (vm_page_inactive(p)) pmap_remove_all(p); vm_page_unlock(p); } if ((backing_object = object->backing_object) == NULL) goto unlock_return; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(backing_object); if (object != first_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); } unlock_return: if (object != first_object) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); } /* * deactivate some number of pages in a map, try to do it fairly, but * that is really hard to do. */ static void vm_swapout_map_deactivate_pages(vm_map_t map, long desired) { vm_map_entry_t tmpe; vm_object_t obj, bigobj; int nothingwired; if (!vm_map_trylock_read(map)) return; bigobj = NULL; nothingwired = TRUE; /* * first, search out the biggest object, and try to free pages from * that. */ tmpe = map->; while (tmpe != &map->header) { if ((tmpe->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) == 0) { obj = tmpe->object.vm_object; if (obj != NULL && VM_OBJECT_TRYRLOCK(obj)) { if (obj->shadow_count <= 1 && (bigobj == NULL || bigobj->resident_page_count < obj->resident_page_count)) { if (bigobj != NULL) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(bigobj); bigobj = obj; } else VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); } } if (tmpe->wired_count > 0) nothingwired = FALSE; tmpe = tmpe->next; } if (bigobj != NULL) { vm_swapout_object_deactivate_pages(map->pmap, bigobj, desired); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(bigobj); } /* * Next, hunt around for other pages to deactivate. We actually * do this search sort of wrong -- .text first is not the best idea. */ tmpe = map->; while (tmpe != &map->header) { if (pmap_resident_count(vm_map_pmap(map)) <= desired) break; if ((tmpe->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) == 0) { obj = tmpe->object.vm_object; if (obj != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(obj); vm_swapout_object_deactivate_pages(map->pmap, obj, desired); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); } } tmpe = tmpe->next; } /* * Remove all mappings if a process is swapped out, this will free page * table pages. */ if (desired == 0 && nothingwired) { pmap_remove(vm_map_pmap(map), vm_map_min(map), vm_map_max(map)); } vm_map_unlock_read(map); } /* * Swap out requests */ #define VM_SWAP_NORMAL 1 #define VM_SWAP_IDLE 2 void vm_swapout_run(void) { if (vm_swap_enabled) vm_req_vmdaemon(VM_SWAP_NORMAL); } /* * Idle process swapout -- run once per second when pagedaemons are * reclaiming pages. */ void vm_swapout_run_idle(void) { static long lsec; if (!vm_swap_idle_enabled || time_second == lsec) return; vm_req_vmdaemon(VM_SWAP_IDLE); lsec = time_second; } static void vm_req_vmdaemon(int req) { static int lastrun = 0; mtx_lock(&vm_daemon_mtx); vm_pageout_req_swapout |= req; if ((ticks > (lastrun + hz)) || (ticks < lastrun)) { wakeup(&vm_daemon_needed); lastrun = ticks; } mtx_unlock(&vm_daemon_mtx); } static void vm_daemon(void) { struct rlimit rsslim; struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct vmspace *vm; int breakout, swapout_flags, tryagain, attempts; #ifdef RACCT uint64_t rsize, ravailable; #endif while (TRUE) { mtx_lock(&vm_daemon_mtx); msleep(&vm_daemon_needed, &vm_daemon_mtx, PPAUSE, "psleep", #ifdef RACCT racct_enable ? hz : 0 #else 0 #endif ); swapout_flags = vm_pageout_req_swapout; vm_pageout_req_swapout = 0; mtx_unlock(&vm_daemon_mtx); if (swapout_flags != 0) { /* * Drain the per-CPU page queue batches as a deadlock * avoidance measure. */ if ((swapout_flags & VM_SWAP_NORMAL) != 0) vm_page_drain_pqbatch(); swapout_procs(swapout_flags); } /* * scan the processes for exceeding their rlimits or if * process is swapped out -- deactivate pages */ tryagain = 0; attempts = 0; again: attempts++; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { vm_pindex_t limit, size; /* * if this is a system process or if we have already * looked at this process, skip it. */ PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_state != PRS_NORMAL || p->p_flag & (P_INEXEC | P_SYSTEM | P_WEXIT)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } /* * if the process is in a non-running type state, * don't touch it. */ breakout = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { thread_lock(td); if (!TD_ON_RUNQ(td) && !TD_IS_RUNNING(td) && !TD_IS_SLEEPING(td) && !TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td)) { thread_unlock(td); breakout = 1; break; } thread_unlock(td); } if (breakout) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } /* * get a limit */ lim_rlimit_proc(p, RLIMIT_RSS, &rsslim); limit = OFF_TO_IDX( qmin(rsslim.rlim_cur, rsslim.rlim_max)); /* * let processes that are swapped out really be * swapped out set the limit to nothing (will force a * swap-out.) */ if ((p->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) limit = 0; /* XXX */ vm = vmspace_acquire_ref(p); _PHOLD_LITE(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (vm == NULL) { PRELE(p); continue; } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); size = vmspace_resident_count(vm); if (size >= limit) { vm_swapout_map_deactivate_pages( &vm->vm_map, limit); size = vmspace_resident_count(vm); } #ifdef RACCT if (racct_enable) { rsize = IDX_TO_OFF(size); PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_state == PRS_NORMAL) racct_set(p, RACCT_RSS, rsize); ravailable = racct_get_available(p, RACCT_RSS); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (rsize > ravailable) { /* * Don't be overly aggressive; this * might be an innocent process, * and the limit could've been exceeded * by some memory hog. Don't try * to deactivate more than 1/4th * of process' resident set size. */ if (attempts <= 8) { if (ravailable < rsize - (rsize / 4)) { ravailable = rsize - (rsize / 4); } } vm_swapout_map_deactivate_pages( &vm->vm_map, OFF_TO_IDX(ravailable)); /* Update RSS usage after paging out. */ size = vmspace_resident_count(vm); rsize = IDX_TO_OFF(size); PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_state == PRS_NORMAL) racct_set(p, RACCT_RSS, rsize); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (rsize > ravailable) tryagain = 1; } } #endif vmspace_free(vm); sx_slock(&allproc_lock); PRELE(p); } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); if (tryagain != 0 && attempts <= 10) { maybe_yield(); goto again; } } } /* * Allow a thread's kernel stack to be paged out. */ static void vm_thread_swapout(struct thread *td) { vm_object_t ksobj; vm_page_t m; int i, pages; cpu_thread_swapout(td); pages = td->td_kstack_pages; ksobj = td->td_kstack_obj; pmap_qremove(td->td_kstack, pages); VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(ksobj); for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) { m = vm_page_lookup(ksobj, i); if (m == NULL) panic("vm_thread_swapout: kstack already missing?"); vm_page_dirty(m); vm_page_lock(m); vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_LAUNDRY); vm_page_unlock(m); } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(ksobj); } /* * Bring the kernel stack for a specified thread back in. */ static void vm_thread_swapin(struct thread *td, int oom_alloc) { vm_object_t ksobj; vm_page_t ma[KSTACK_MAX_PAGES]; int a, count, i, j, pages, rv; pages = td->td_kstack_pages; ksobj = td->td_kstack_obj; VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(ksobj); (void)vm_page_grab_pages(ksobj, 0, oom_alloc | VM_ALLOC_WIRED, ma, pages); for (i = 0; i < pages;) { vm_page_assert_xbusied(ma[i]); if (ma[i]->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) { vm_page_xunbusy(ma[i]); i++; continue; } vm_object_pip_add(ksobj, 1); for (j = i + 1; j < pages; j++) if (ma[j]->valid == VM_PAGE_BITS_ALL) break; rv = vm_pager_has_page(ksobj, ma[i]->pindex, NULL, &a); KASSERT(rv == 1, ("%s: missing page %p", __func__, ma[i])); count = min(a + 1, j - i); rv = vm_pager_get_pages(ksobj, ma + i, count, NULL, NULL); KASSERT(rv == VM_PAGER_OK, ("%s: cannot get kstack for proc %d", __func__, td->td_proc->p_pid)); vm_object_pip_wakeup(ksobj); for (j = i; j < i + count; j++) vm_page_xunbusy(ma[j]); i += count; } VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(ksobj); pmap_qenter(td->td_kstack, ma, pages); cpu_thread_swapin(td); } void faultin(struct proc *p) { struct thread *td; int oom_alloc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); /* * If another process is swapping in this process, * just wait until it finishes. */ if (p->p_flag & P_SWAPPINGIN) { while (p->p_flag & P_SWAPPINGIN) msleep(&p->p_flag, &p->p_mtx, PVM, "faultin", 0); return; } if ((p->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) { oom_alloc = (p->p_flag & P_WKILLED) != 0 ? VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM : VM_ALLOC_NORMAL; /* * Don't let another thread swap process p out while we are * busy swapping it in. */ ++p->p_lock; p->p_flag |= P_SWAPPINGIN; PROC_UNLOCK(p); sx_xlock(&allproc_lock); MPASS(swapped_cnt > 0); swapped_cnt--; if (curthread != &thread0) swap_inprogress++; sx_xunlock(&allproc_lock); /* * We hold no lock here because the list of threads * can not change while all threads in the process are * swapped out. */ FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) vm_thread_swapin(td, oom_alloc); if (curthread != &thread0) { sx_xlock(&allproc_lock); MPASS(swap_inprogress > 0); swap_inprogress--; last_swapin = ticks; sx_xunlock(&allproc_lock); } PROC_LOCK(p); swapclear(p); p->p_swtick = ticks; /* Allow other threads to swap p out now. */ wakeup(&p->p_flag); --p->p_lock; } } /* * This swapin algorithm attempts to swap-in processes only if there * is enough space for them. Of course, if a process waits for a long * time, it will be swapped in anyway. */ static struct proc * swapper_selector(bool wkilled_only) { struct proc *p, *res; struct thread *td; int ppri, pri, slptime, swtime; sx_assert(&allproc_lock, SA_SLOCKED); if (swapped_cnt == 0) return (NULL); res = NULL; ppri = INT_MIN; FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_state == PRS_NEW || (p->p_flag & (P_SWAPPINGOUT | P_SWAPPINGIN | P_INMEM)) != 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } if (p->p_state == PRS_NORMAL && (p->p_flag & P_WKILLED) != 0) { /* * A swapped-out process might have mapped a * large portion of the system's pages as * anonymous memory. There is no other way to * release the memory other than to kill the * process, for which we need to swap it in. */ return (p); } if (wkilled_only) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } swtime = (ticks - p->p_swtick) / hz; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { /* * An otherwise runnable thread of a process * swapped out has only the TDI_SWAPPED bit set. */ thread_lock(td); if (td->td_inhibitors == TDI_SWAPPED) { slptime = (ticks - td->td_slptick) / hz; pri = swtime + slptime; if ((td->td_flags & TDF_SWAPINREQ) == 0) pri -= p->p_nice * 8; /* * if this thread is higher priority * and there is enough space, then select * this process instead of the previous * selection. */ if (pri > ppri) { res = p; ppri = pri; } } thread_unlock(td); } PROC_UNLOCK(p); } if (res != NULL) PROC_LOCK(res); return (res); } #define SWAPIN_INTERVAL (MAXSLP * hz / 2) /* * Limit swapper to swap in one non-WKILLED process in MAXSLP/2 * interval, assuming that there is: * - at least one domain that is not suffering from a shortage of free memory; * - no parallel swap-ins; * - no other swap-ins in the current SWAPIN_INTERVAL. */ static bool swapper_wkilled_only(void) { return (vm_page_count_min_set(&all_domains) || swap_inprogress > 0 || (u_int)(ticks - last_swapin) < SWAPIN_INTERVAL); } void swapper(void) { struct proc *p; for (;;) { sx_slock(&allproc_lock); p = swapper_selector(swapper_wkilled_only()); sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); if (p == NULL) { tsleep(&proc0, PVM, "swapin", SWAPIN_INTERVAL); } else { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); /* * Another process may be bringing or may have * already brought this process in while we * traverse all threads. Or, this process may * have exited or even being swapped out * again. */ if (p->p_state == PRS_NORMAL && (p->p_flag & (P_INMEM | P_SWAPPINGOUT | P_SWAPPINGIN)) == 0) { faultin(p); } PROC_UNLOCK(p); } } } /* * First, if any processes have been sleeping or stopped for at least * "swap_idle_threshold1" seconds, they are swapped out. If, however, * no such processes exist, then the longest-sleeping or stopped * process is swapped out. Finally, and only as a last resort, if * there are no sleeping or stopped processes, the longest-resident * process is swapped out. */ static void swapout_procs(int action) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; int slptime; bool didswap, doswap; MPASS((action & (VM_SWAP_NORMAL | VM_SWAP_IDLE)) != 0); didswap = false; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { /* * Filter out not yet fully constructed processes. Do * not swap out held processes. Avoid processes which * are system, exiting, execing, traced, already swapped * out or are in the process of being swapped in or out. */ PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_state != PRS_NORMAL || p->p_lock != 0 || (p->p_flag & (P_SYSTEM | P_WEXIT | P_INEXEC | P_STOPPED_SINGLE | P_TRACED | P_SWAPPINGOUT | P_SWAPPINGIN | P_INMEM)) != P_INMEM) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); continue; } /* * Further consideration of this process for swap out * requires iterating over its threads. We release * allproc_lock here so that process creation and * destruction are not blocked while we iterate. * * To later reacquire allproc_lock and resume * iteration over the allproc list, we will first have * to release the lock on the process. We place a * hold on the process so that it remains in the * allproc list while it is unlocked. */ _PHOLD_LITE(p); sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); /* * Do not swapout a realtime process. * Guarantee swap_idle_threshold1 time in memory. * If the system is under memory stress, or if we are * swapping idle processes >= swap_idle_threshold2, * then swap the process out. */ doswap = true; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { thread_lock(td); slptime = (ticks - td->td_slptick) / hz; if (PRI_IS_REALTIME(td->td_pri_class) || slptime < swap_idle_threshold1 || !thread_safetoswapout(td) || ((action & VM_SWAP_NORMAL) == 0 && slptime < swap_idle_threshold2)) doswap = false; thread_unlock(td); if (!doswap) break; } if (doswap && swapout(p) == 0) didswap = true; PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (didswap) { sx_xlock(&allproc_lock); swapped_cnt++; sx_downgrade(&allproc_lock); } else sx_slock(&allproc_lock); PRELE(p); } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); /* * If we swapped something out, and another process needed memory, * then wakeup the sched process. */ if (didswap) wakeup(&proc0); } static void swapclear(struct proc *p) { struct thread *td; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { thread_lock(td); td->td_flags |= TDF_INMEM; td->td_flags &= ~TDF_SWAPINREQ; TD_CLR_SWAPPED(td); if (TD_CAN_RUN(td)) if (setrunnable(td)) { #ifdef INVARIANTS /* * XXX: We just cleared TDI_SWAPPED * above and set TDF_INMEM, so this * should never happen. */ panic("not waking up swapper"); #endif } thread_unlock(td); } p->p_flag &= ~(P_SWAPPINGIN | P_SWAPPINGOUT); p->p_flag |= P_INMEM; } static int swapout(struct proc *p) { struct thread *td; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); /* * The states of this process and its threads may have changed * by now. Assuming that there is only one pageout daemon thread, * this process should still be in memory. */ KASSERT((p->p_flag & (P_INMEM | P_SWAPPINGOUT | P_SWAPPINGIN)) == P_INMEM, ("swapout: lost a swapout race?")); /* * Remember the resident count. */ p->p_vmspace->vm_swrss = vmspace_resident_count(p->p_vmspace); /* * Check and mark all threads before we proceed. */ p->p_flag &= ~P_INMEM; p->p_flag |= P_SWAPPINGOUT; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { thread_lock(td); if (!thread_safetoswapout(td)) { thread_unlock(td); swapclear(p); return (EBUSY); } td->td_flags &= ~TDF_INMEM; TD_SET_SWAPPED(td); thread_unlock(td); } td = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); ++td->td_ru.ru_nswap; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * This list is stable because all threads are now prevented from * running. The list is only modified in the context of a running * thread in this process. */ FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) vm_thread_swapout(td); PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~P_SWAPPINGOUT; p->p_swtick = ticks; return (0); }