Index: head/sys/conf/files.powerpc =================================================================== --- head/sys/conf/files.powerpc (revision 345434) +++ head/sys/conf/files.powerpc (revision 345435) @@ -1,277 +1,278 @@ # This file tells config what files go into building a kernel, # files marked standard are always included. # # $FreeBSD$ # # The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of # limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and # dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored. # # font.h optional sc \ compile-with "uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_16[16*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 > font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_14[14*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 >> font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_8[8*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8 >> font.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "font.h ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8" # # There is only an asm version on ppc64. cddl/compat/opensolaris/kern/opensolaris_atomic.c optional zfs powerpc | dtrace powerpc | zfs powerpcspe | dtrace powerpcspe compile-with "${ZFS_C}" cddl/contrib/opensolaris/common/atomic/powerpc64/opensolaris_atomic.S optional zfs powerpc64 | dtrace powerpc64 compile-with "${ZFS_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_asm.S optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_subr.c optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" cddl/dev/fbt/powerpc/fbt_isa.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}" crypto/blowfish/bf_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec | ipsec_support crypto/des/des_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec | ipsec_support | netsmb dev/bm/if_bm.c optional bm powermac dev/adb/adb_bus.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_kbd.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_mouse.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_hb_if.m optional adb dev/adb/adb_if.m optional adb dev/adb/adb_buttons.c optional adb dev/agp/agp_apple.c optional agp powermac dev/fb/fb.c optional sc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_e500.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mpc7xxx.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_powerpc.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_ppc970.c optional hwpmc dev/iicbus/ad7417.c optional ad7417 powermac dev/iicbus/adm1030.c optional powermac windtunnel | adm1030 powermac dev/iicbus/adt746x.c optional adt746x powermac dev/iicbus/ds1631.c optional ds1631 powermac dev/iicbus/ds1775.c optional ds1775 powermac dev/iicbus/max6690.c optional max6690 powermac dev/iicbus/ofw_iicbus.c optional iicbus aim dev/ipmi/ipmi.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_opal.c optional powernv ipmi dev/nand/nfc_fsl.c optional nand mpc85xx dev/nand/nfc_rb.c optional nand mpc85xx # Most ofw stuff below is brought in by conf/files for options FDT, but # we always want it, even on non-FDT platforms. dev/fdt/simplebus.c standard dev/ofw/openfirm.c standard dev/ofw/openfirmio.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_bus_if.m standard dev/ofw/ofw_cpu.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_if.m standard dev/ofw/ofw_bus_subr.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_console.c optional aim dev/ofw/ofw_disk.c optional ofwd aim dev/ofw/ofwbus.c standard dev/ofw/ofwpci.c optional pci dev/ofw/ofw_standard.c optional aim powerpc dev/ofw/ofw_subr.c standard dev/powermac_nvram/powermac_nvram.c optional powermac_nvram powermac dev/quicc/quicc_bfe_fdt.c optional quicc mpc85xx dev/random/darn.c optional powerpc64 random dev/scc/scc_bfe_macio.c optional scc powermac dev/sdhci/fsl_sdhci.c optional mpc85xx sdhci dev/sec/sec.c optional sec mpc85xx dev/sound/macio/aoa.c optional snd_davbus | snd_ai2s powermac dev/sound/macio/davbus.c optional snd_davbus powermac dev/sound/macio/i2s.c optional snd_ai2s powermac dev/sound/macio/onyx.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/sound/macio/snapper.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/sound/macio/tumbler.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/syscons/scgfbrndr.c optional sc dev/tsec/if_tsec.c optional tsec dev/tsec/if_tsec_fdt.c optional tsec dev/uart/uart_cpu_powerpc.c optional uart dev/usb/controller/ehci_fsl.c optional ehci mpc85xx dev/vt/hw/ofwfb/ofwfb.c optional vt aim kern/kern_clocksource.c standard kern/subr_dummy_vdso_tc.c standard kern/syscalls.c optional ktr kern/subr_sfbuf.c standard libkern/ashldi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/ashrdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/bcmp.c standard libkern/bcopy.c standard libkern/cmpdi2.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/divdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/ffs.c standard libkern/ffsl.c standard libkern/ffsll.c standard libkern/fls.c standard libkern/flsl.c standard libkern/flsll.c standard libkern/lshrdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/memcmp.c standard libkern/memset.c standard libkern/moddi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/qdivrem.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/ucmpdi2.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/udivdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/umoddi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe powerpc/aim/locore.S optional aim no-obj powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c optional aim powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c optional aim powerpc powerpc/aim/mmu_oea64.c optional aim powerpc/aim/moea64_if.m optional aim powerpc/aim/moea64_native.c optional aim powerpc/aim/mp_cpudep.c optional aim powerpc/aim/slb.c optional aim powerpc64 powerpc/booke/locore.S optional booke no-obj powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c optional booke powerpc/booke/machdep_e500.c optional booke_e500 powerpc/booke/mp_cpudep.c optional booke smp powerpc/booke/platform_bare.c optional booke powerpc/booke/pmap.c optional booke powerpc/booke/spe.c optional powerpcspe powerpc/cpufreq/dfs.c optional cpufreq powerpc/cpufreq/mpc85xx_jog.c optional cpufreq mpc85xx powerpc/cpufreq/pcr.c optional cpufreq aim powerpc/cpufreq/pmcr.c optional cpufreq aim powerpc64 powerpc/cpufreq/pmufreq.c optional cpufreq aim pmu powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c optional fpu_emu powerpc/fpu/fpu_explode.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c optional fpu_emu powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/mambo/mambocall.S optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo.c optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo_console.c optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo_disk.c optional mambo powerpc/mikrotik/platform_rb.c optional mikrotik powerpc/mikrotik/rb_led.c optional mikrotik powerpc/mpc85xx/atpic.c optional mpc85xx isa powerpc/mpc85xx/ds1553_bus_fdt.c optional ds1553 powerpc/mpc85xx/ds1553_core.c optional ds1553 powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_diu.c optional mpc85xx diu powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_espi.c optional mpc85xx spibus powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_sata.c optional mpc85xx ata powerpc/mpc85xx/i2c.c optional iicbus powerpc/mpc85xx/isa.c optional mpc85xx isa powerpc/mpc85xx/lbc.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx_cache.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx_gpio.c optional mpc85xx gpio powerpc/mpc85xx/platform_mpc85xx.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/pci_mpc85xx.c optional pci mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/pci_mpc85xx_pcib.c optional pci mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/qoriq_gpio.c optional mpc85xx gpio powerpc/ofw/ofw_machdep.c standard powerpc/ofw/ofw_pcibus.c optional pci powerpc/ofw/ofw_pcib_pci.c optional pci powerpc/ofw/ofw_real.c optional aim powerpc/ofw/ofw_syscons.c optional sc aim powerpc/ofw/ofwcall32.S optional aim powerpc powerpc/ofw/ofwcall64.S optional aim powerpc64 powerpc/ofw/openpic_ofw.c standard powerpc/ofw/rtas.c optional aim powerpc/ofw/ofw_initrd.c optional md_root_mem powerpc64 powerpc/powermac/ata_kauai.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/ata_macio.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/ata_dbdma.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/atibl.c optional powermac atibl powerpc/powermac/cuda.c optional powermac cuda powerpc/powermac/cpcht.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/dbdma.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/fcu.c optional powermac fcu powerpc/powermac/grackle.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/hrowpic.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/kiic.c optional powermac kiic powerpc/powermac/macgpio.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/macio.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/nvbl.c optional powermac nvbl powerpc/powermac/platform_powermac.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/powermac_thermal.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/pswitch.c optional powermac pswitch powerpc/powermac/pmu.c optional powermac pmu powerpc/powermac/smu.c optional powermac smu powerpc/powermac/smusat.c optional powermac smu powerpc/powermac/uninorth.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/uninorthpci.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/vcoregpio.c optional powermac powerpc/powernv/opal.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_async.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_console.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_dev.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_flash.c optional powernv +powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_i2c.c optional iicbus fdt powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_i2cm.c optional iicbus fdt powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_pci.c optional powernv pci powerpc/powernv/opal_sensor.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opalcall.S optional powernv powerpc/powernv/platform_powernv.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/powernv_centaur.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/powernv_xscom.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/xive.c optional powernv powerpc/powerpc/altivec.c optional powerpc | powerpc64 powerpc/powerpc/autoconf.c standard powerpc/powerpc/bus_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/busdma_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/clock.c standard powerpc/powerpc/copyinout.c standard powerpc/powerpc/copystr.c standard powerpc/powerpc/cpu.c standard powerpc/powerpc/cpu_subr64.S optional powerpc64 powerpc/powerpc/db_disasm.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_hwwatch.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_interface.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_trace.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/dump_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe | compat_freebsd32 powerpc/powerpc/elf64_machdep.c optional powerpc64 powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/fpu.c standard powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c optional gdb powerpc/powerpc/in_cksum.c optional inet | inet6 powerpc/powerpc/interrupt.c standard powerpc/powerpc/intr_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/iommu_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/mem.c optional mem powerpc/powerpc/mmu_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/mp_machdep.c optional smp powerpc/powerpc/nexus.c standard powerpc/powerpc/openpic.c standard powerpc/powerpc/pic_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/pmap_dispatch.c standard powerpc/powerpc/platform.c standard powerpc/powerpc/platform_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/ptrace_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/sc_machdep.c optional sc powerpc/powerpc/setjmp.S standard powerpc/powerpc/sigcode32.S optional powerpc | powerpcspe | compat_freebsd32 powerpc/powerpc/sigcode64.S optional powerpc64 powerpc/powerpc/swtch32.S optional powerpc | powerpcspe powerpc/powerpc/swtch64.S optional powerpc64 powerpc/powerpc/stack_machdep.c optional ddb | stack powerpc/powerpc/syncicache.c standard powerpc/powerpc/sys_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/trap.c standard powerpc/powerpc/uio_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/uma_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/vm_machdep.c standard powerpc/ps3/ehci_ps3.c optional ps3 ehci powerpc/ps3/ohci_ps3.c optional ps3 ohci powerpc/ps3/if_glc.c optional ps3 glc powerpc/ps3/mmu_ps3.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/platform_ps3.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3bus.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3cdrom.c optional ps3 scbus powerpc/ps3/ps3disk.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3pic.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3_syscons.c optional ps3 vt powerpc/ps3/ps3-hvcall.S optional ps3 powerpc/pseries/phyp-hvcall.S optional pseries powerpc64 powerpc/pseries/mmu_phyp.c optional pseries powerpc64 powerpc/pseries/phyp_console.c optional pseries powerpc64 uart powerpc/pseries/phyp_llan.c optional llan powerpc/pseries/phyp_vscsi.c optional pseries powerpc64 scbus powerpc/pseries/platform_chrp.c optional pseries powerpc/pseries/plpar_iommu.c optional pseries powerpc64 powerpc/pseries/plpar_pcibus.c optional pseries powerpc64 pci powerpc/pseries/rtas_dev.c optional pseries powerpc/pseries/rtas_pci.c optional pseries pci powerpc/pseries/vdevice.c optional pseries powerpc64 powerpc/pseries/xics.c optional pseries powerpc64 powerpc/psim/iobus.c optional psim powerpc/psim/ata_iobus.c optional ata psim powerpc/psim/openpic_iobus.c optional psim powerpc/psim/uart_iobus.c optional uart psim Index: head/sys/powerpc/include/spr.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/include/spr.h (revision 345434) +++ head/sys/powerpc/include/spr.h (revision 345435) @@ -1,876 +1,878 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $NetBSD: spr.h,v 1.25 2002/08/14 15:38:40 matt Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _POWERPC_SPR_H_ #define _POWERPC_SPR_H_ #ifndef _LOCORE #define mtspr(reg, val) \ __asm __volatile("mtspr %0,%1" : : "K"(reg), "r"(val)) #define mfspr(reg) \ ( { register_t val; \ __asm __volatile("mfspr %0,%1" : "=r"(val) : "K"(reg)); \ val; } ) #ifndef __powerpc64__ /* The following routines allow manipulation of the full 64-bit width * of SPRs on 64 bit CPUs in bridge mode */ #define mtspr64(reg,valhi,vallo,scratch) \ __asm __volatile(" \ mfmsr %0; \ insrdi %0,%5,1,0; \ mtmsrd %0; \ isync; \ \ sld %1,%1,%4; \ or %1,%1,%2; \ mtspr %3,%1; \ srd %1,%1,%4; \ \ clrldi %0,%0,1; \ mtmsrd %0; \ isync;" \ : "=r"(scratch), "=r"(valhi) : "r"(vallo), "K"(reg), "r"(32), "r"(1)) #define mfspr64upper(reg,scratch) \ ( { register_t val; \ __asm __volatile(" \ mfmsr %0; \ insrdi %0,%4,1,0; \ mtmsrd %0; \ isync; \ \ mfspr %1,%2; \ srd %1,%1,%3; \ \ clrldi %0,%0,1; \ mtmsrd %0; \ isync;" \ : "=r"(scratch), "=r"(val) : "K"(reg), "r"(32), "r"(1)); \ val; } ) #endif #endif /* _LOCORE */ /* * Special Purpose Register declarations. * * The first column in the comments indicates which PowerPC * architectures the SPR is valid on - 4 for 4xx series, * 6 for 6xx/7xx series and 8 for 8xx and 8xxx series. */ #define SPR_MQ 0x000 /* .6. 601 MQ register */ #define SPR_XER 0x001 /* 468 Fixed Point Exception Register */ #define SPR_RTCU_R 0x004 /* .6. 601 RTC Upper - Read */ #define SPR_RTCL_R 0x005 /* .6. 601 RTC Lower - Read */ #define SPR_LR 0x008 /* 468 Link Register */ #define SPR_CTR 0x009 /* 468 Count Register */ #define SPR_DSCR 0x011 /* Data Stream Control Register */ #define SPR_DSISR 0x012 /* .68 DSI exception source */ #define DSISR_DIRECT 0x80000000 /* Direct-store error exception */ #define DSISR_NOTFOUND 0x40000000 /* Translation not found */ #define DSISR_PROTECT 0x08000000 /* Memory access not permitted */ #define DSISR_INVRX 0x04000000 /* Reserve-indexed insn direct-store access */ #define DSISR_STORE 0x02000000 /* Store operation */ #define DSISR_DABR 0x00400000 /* DABR match */ #define DSISR_SEGMENT 0x00200000 /* XXX; not in 6xx PEM */ #define DSISR_EAR 0x00100000 /* eciwx/ecowx && EAR[E] == 0 */ #define SPR_DAR 0x013 /* .68 Data Address Register */ #define SPR_RTCU_W 0x014 /* .6. 601 RTC Upper - Write */ #define SPR_RTCL_W 0x015 /* .6. 601 RTC Lower - Write */ #define SPR_DEC 0x016 /* .68 DECrementer register */ #define SPR_SDR1 0x019 /* .68 Page table base address register */ #define SPR_SRR0 0x01a /* 468 Save/Restore Register 0 */ #define SPR_SRR1 0x01b /* 468 Save/Restore Register 1 */ #define SRR1_ISI_PFAULT 0x40000000 /* ISI page not found */ #define SRR1_ISI_NOEXECUTE 0x10000000 /* Memory marked no-execute */ #define SRR1_ISI_PP 0x08000000 /* PP bits forbid access */ #define SPR_DECAR 0x036 /* ..8 Decrementer auto reload */ #define SPR_EIE 0x050 /* ..8 Exception Interrupt ??? */ #define SPR_EID 0x051 /* ..8 Exception Interrupt ??? */ #define SPR_NRI 0x052 /* ..8 Exception Interrupt ??? */ #define SPR_FSCR 0x099 /* Facility Status and Control Register */ #define FSCR_IC_MASK 0xFF00000000000000ULL /* FSCR[0:7] is Interrupt Cause */ #define FSCR_IC_FP 0x0000000000000000ULL /* FP unavailable */ #define FSCR_IC_VSX 0x0100000000000000ULL /* VSX unavailable */ #define FSCR_IC_DSCR 0x0200000000000000ULL /* Access to the DSCR at SPRs 3 or 17 */ #define FSCR_IC_PM 0x0300000000000000ULL /* Read or write access of a Performance Monitor SPR in group A */ #define FSCR_IC_BHRB 0x0400000000000000ULL /* Execution of a BHRB Instruction */ #define FSCR_IC_HTM 0x0500000000000000ULL /* Access to a Transactional Memory */ /* Reserved 0x0600000000000000ULL */ #define FSCR_IC_EBB 0x0700000000000000ULL /* Access to Event-Based Branch */ #define FSCR_IC_TAR 0x0800000000000000ULL /* Access to Target Address Register */ #define FSCR_IC_STOP 0x0900000000000000ULL /* Access to the 'stop' instruction in privileged non-hypervisor state */ #define FSCR_IC_MSG 0x0A00000000000000ULL /* Access to 'msgsndp' or 'msgclrp' instructions */ #define FSCR_IC_SCV 0x0C00000000000000ULL /* Execution of a 'scv' instruction */ #define SPR_USPRG0 0x100 /* 4.. User SPR General 0 */ #define SPR_VRSAVE 0x100 /* .6. AltiVec VRSAVE */ #define SPR_SPRG0 0x110 /* 468 SPR General 0 */ #define SPR_SPRG1 0x111 /* 468 SPR General 1 */ #define SPR_SPRG2 0x112 /* 468 SPR General 2 */ #define SPR_SPRG3 0x113 /* 468 SPR General 3 */ #define SPR_SPRG4 0x114 /* 4.. SPR General 4 */ #define SPR_SPRG5 0x115 /* 4.. SPR General 5 */ #define SPR_SPRG6 0x116 /* 4.. SPR General 6 */ #define SPR_SPRG7 0x117 /* 4.. SPR General 7 */ #define SPR_SCOMC 0x114 /* ... SCOM Address Register (970) */ #define SPR_SCOMD 0x115 /* ... SCOM Data Register (970) */ #define SPR_ASR 0x118 /* ... Address Space Register (PPC64) */ #define SPR_EAR 0x11a /* .68 External Access Register */ #define SPR_PVR 0x11f /* 468 Processor Version Register */ #define MPC601 0x0001 #define MPC603 0x0003 #define MPC604 0x0004 #define MPC602 0x0005 #define MPC603e 0x0006 #define MPC603ev 0x0007 #define MPC750 0x0008 #define MPC750CL 0x7000 /* Nintendo Wii's Broadway */ #define MPC604ev 0x0009 #define MPC7400 0x000c #define MPC620 0x0014 #define IBM403 0x0020 #define IBM401A1 0x0021 #define IBM401B2 0x0022 #define IBM401C2 0x0023 #define IBM401D2 0x0024 #define IBM401E2 0x0025 #define IBM401F2 0x0026 #define IBM401G2 0x0027 #define IBMRS64II 0x0033 #define IBMRS64III 0x0034 #define IBMPOWER4 0x0035 #define IBMRS64III_2 0x0036 #define IBMRS64IV 0x0037 #define IBMPOWER4PLUS 0x0038 #define IBM970 0x0039 #define IBMPOWER5 0x003a #define IBMPOWER5PLUS 0x003b #define IBM970FX 0x003c #define IBMPOWER6 0x003e #define IBMPOWER7 0x003f #define IBMPOWER3 0x0040 #define IBMPOWER3PLUS 0x0041 #define IBM970MP 0x0044 #define IBM970GX 0x0045 #define IBMPOWERPCA2 0x0049 #define IBMPOWER7PLUS 0x004a #define IBMPOWER8E 0x004b #define IBMPOWER8 0x004d #define IBMPOWER9 0x004e #define MPC860 0x0050 #define IBMCELLBE 0x0070 #define MPC8240 0x0081 #define PA6T 0x0090 #define IBM405GP 0x4011 #define IBM405L 0x4161 #define IBM750FX 0x7000 #define MPC745X_P(v) ((v & 0xFFF8) == 0x8000) #define MPC7450 0x8000 #define MPC7455 0x8001 #define MPC7457 0x8002 #define MPC7447A 0x8003 #define MPC7448 0x8004 #define MPC7410 0x800c #define MPC8245 0x8081 #define FSL_E500v1 0x8020 #define FSL_E500v2 0x8021 #define FSL_E500mc 0x8023 #define FSL_E5500 0x8024 #define FSL_E6500 0x8040 #define FSL_E300C1 0x8083 #define FSL_E300C2 0x8084 #define FSL_E300C3 0x8085 #define FSL_E300C4 0x8086 #define LPCR_PECE_WAKESET (LPCR_PECE_EXT | LPCR_PECE_DECR | LPCR_PECE_ME) #define SPR_EPCR 0x133 #define EPCR_EXTGS 0x80000000 #define EPCR_DTLBGS 0x40000000 #define EPCR_ITLBGS 0x20000000 #define EPCR_DSIGS 0x10000000 #define EPCR_ISIGS 0x08000000 #define EPCR_DUVGS 0x04000000 #define EPCR_ICM 0x02000000 #define EPCR_GICMGS 0x01000000 #define EPCR_DGTMI 0x00800000 #define EPCR_DMIUH 0x00400000 #define EPCR_PMGS 0x00200000 #define SPR_HSRR0 0x13a #define SPR_HSRR1 0x13b #define SPR_LPCR 0x13e /* Logical Partitioning Control */ #define LPCR_LPES 0x008 /* Bit 60 */ #define LPCR_HVICE 0x002 /* Hypervisor Virtualization Interrupt (Arch 3.0) */ #define LPCR_PECE_DRBL (1ULL << 16) /* Directed Privileged Doorbell */ #define LPCR_PECE_HDRBL (1ULL << 15) /* Directed Hypervisor Doorbell */ #define LPCR_PECE_EXT (1ULL << 14) /* External exceptions */ #define LPCR_PECE_DECR (1ULL << 13) /* Decrementer exceptions */ #define LPCR_PECE_ME (1ULL << 12) /* Machine Check and Hypervisor */ /* Maintenance exceptions */ #define SPR_LPID 0x13f /* Logical Partitioning Control */ +#define SPR_HMER 0x150 /* Hypervisor Maintenance Exception Register */ +#define SPR_HMEER 0x151 /* Hypervisor Maintenance Exception Enable Register */ #define SPR_PTCR 0x1d0 /* Partition Table Control Register */ #define SPR_SPEFSCR 0x200 /* ..8 Signal Processing Engine FSCR. */ #define SPEFSCR_SOVH 0x80000000 #define SPEFSCR_OVH 0x40000000 #define SPEFSCR_FGH 0x20000000 #define SPEFSCR_FXH 0x10000000 #define SPEFSCR_FINVH 0x08000000 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZH 0x04000000 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFH 0x02000000 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFH 0x01000000 #define SPEFSCR_FINXS 0x00200000 #define SPEFSCR_FINVS 0x00100000 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZS 0x00080000 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFS 0x00040000 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFS 0x00020000 #define SPEFSCR_SOV 0x00008000 #define SPEFSCR_OV 0x00004000 #define SPEFSCR_FG 0x00002000 #define SPEFSCR_FX 0x00001000 #define SPEFSCR_FINV 0x00000800 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZ 0x00000400 #define SPEFSCR_FUNF 0x00000200 #define SPEFSCR_FOVF 0x00000100 #define SPEFSCR_FINXE 0x00000040 #define SPEFSCR_FINVE 0x00000020 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZE 0x00000010 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFE 0x00000008 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFE 0x00000004 #define SPEFSCR_FRMC_M 0x00000003 #define SPR_IBAT0U 0x210 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 0 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT0L 0x211 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 0 Lower */ #define SPR_IBAT1U 0x212 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 1 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT1L 0x213 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 1 Lower */ #define SPR_IBAT2U 0x214 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 2 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT2L 0x215 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 2 Lower */ #define SPR_IBAT3U 0x216 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 3 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT3L 0x217 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 3 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT0U 0x218 /* .6. Data BAT Reg 0 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT0L 0x219 /* .6. Data BAT Reg 0 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT1U 0x21a /* .6. Data BAT Reg 1 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT1L 0x21b /* .6. Data BAT Reg 1 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT2U 0x21c /* .6. Data BAT Reg 2 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT2L 0x21d /* .6. Data BAT Reg 2 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT3U 0x21e /* .6. Data BAT Reg 3 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT3L 0x21f /* .6. Data BAT Reg 3 Lower */ #define SPR_IC_CST 0x230 /* ..8 Instruction Cache CSR */ #define IC_CST_IEN 0x80000000 /* I cache is ENabled (RO) */ #define IC_CST_CMD_INVALL 0x0c000000 /* I cache invalidate all */ #define IC_CST_CMD_UNLOCKALL 0x0a000000 /* I cache unlock all */ #define IC_CST_CMD_UNLOCK 0x08000000 /* I cache unlock block */ #define IC_CST_CMD_LOADLOCK 0x06000000 /* I cache load & lock block */ #define IC_CST_CMD_DISABLE 0x04000000 /* I cache disable */ #define IC_CST_CMD_ENABLE 0x02000000 /* I cache enable */ #define IC_CST_CCER1 0x00200000 /* I cache error type 1 (RO) */ #define IC_CST_CCER2 0x00100000 /* I cache error type 2 (RO) */ #define IC_CST_CCER3 0x00080000 /* I cache error type 3 (RO) */ #define SPR_IBAT4U 0x230 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 4 Upper */ #define SPR_IC_ADR 0x231 /* ..8 Instruction Cache Address */ #define SPR_IBAT4L 0x231 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 4 Lower */ #define SPR_IC_DAT 0x232 /* ..8 Instruction Cache Data */ #define SPR_IBAT5U 0x232 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 5 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT5L 0x233 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 5 Lower */ #define SPR_IBAT6U 0x234 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 6 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT6L 0x235 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 6 Lower */ #define SPR_IBAT7U 0x236 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 7 Upper */ #define SPR_IBAT7L 0x237 /* .6. Instruction BAT Reg 7 Lower */ #define SPR_DC_CST 0x230 /* ..8 Data Cache CSR */ #define DC_CST_DEN 0x80000000 /* D cache ENabled (RO) */ #define DC_CST_DFWT 0x40000000 /* D cache Force Write-Thru (RO) */ #define DC_CST_LES 0x20000000 /* D cache Little Endian Swap (RO) */ #define DC_CST_CMD_FLUSH 0x0e000000 /* D cache invalidate all */ #define DC_CST_CMD_INVALL 0x0c000000 /* D cache invalidate all */ #define DC_CST_CMD_UNLOCKALL 0x0a000000 /* D cache unlock all */ #define DC_CST_CMD_UNLOCK 0x08000000 /* D cache unlock block */ #define DC_CST_CMD_CLRLESWAP 0x07000000 /* D cache clr little-endian swap */ #define DC_CST_CMD_LOADLOCK 0x06000000 /* D cache load & lock block */ #define DC_CST_CMD_SETLESWAP 0x05000000 /* D cache set little-endian swap */ #define DC_CST_CMD_DISABLE 0x04000000 /* D cache disable */ #define DC_CST_CMD_CLRFWT 0x03000000 /* D cache clear forced write-thru */ #define DC_CST_CMD_ENABLE 0x02000000 /* D cache enable */ #define DC_CST_CMD_SETFWT 0x01000000 /* D cache set forced write-thru */ #define DC_CST_CCER1 0x00200000 /* D cache error type 1 (RO) */ #define DC_CST_CCER2 0x00100000 /* D cache error type 2 (RO) */ #define DC_CST_CCER3 0x00080000 /* D cache error type 3 (RO) */ #define SPR_DBAT4U 0x238 /* .6. Data BAT Reg 4 Upper */ #define SPR_DC_ADR 0x231 /* ..8 Data Cache Address */ #define SPR_DBAT4L 0x239 /* .6. Data BAT Reg 4 Lower */ #define SPR_DC_DAT 0x232 /* ..8 Data Cache Data */ #define SPR_DBAT5U 0x23a /* .6. Data BAT Reg 5 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT5L 0x23b /* .6. Data BAT Reg 5 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT6U 0x23c /* .6. Data BAT Reg 6 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT6L 0x23d /* .6. Data BAT Reg 6 Lower */ #define SPR_DBAT7U 0x23e /* .6. Data BAT Reg 7 Upper */ #define SPR_DBAT7L 0x23f /* .6. Data BAT Reg 7 Lower */ #define SPR_SPRG8 0x25c /* ..8 SPR General 8 */ #define SPR_MI_CTR 0x310 /* ..8 IMMU control */ #define Mx_CTR_GPM 0x80000000 /* Group Protection Mode */ #define Mx_CTR_PPM 0x40000000 /* Page Protection Mode */ #define Mx_CTR_CIDEF 0x20000000 /* Cache-Inhibit DEFault */ #define MD_CTR_WTDEF 0x20000000 /* Write-Through DEFault */ #define Mx_CTR_RSV4 0x08000000 /* Reserve 4 TLB entries */ #define MD_CTR_TWAM 0x04000000 /* TableWalk Assist Mode */ #define Mx_CTR_PPCS 0x02000000 /* Priv/user state compare mode */ #define Mx_CTR_TLB_INDX 0x000001f0 /* TLB index mask */ #define Mx_CTR_TLB_INDX_BITPOS 8 /* TLB index shift */ #define SPR_MI_AP 0x312 /* ..8 IMMU access protection */ #define Mx_GP_SUPER(n) (0 << (2*(15-(n)))) /* access is supervisor */ #define Mx_GP_PAGE (1 << (2*(15-(n)))) /* access is page protect */ #define Mx_GP_SWAPPED (2 << (2*(15-(n)))) /* access is swapped */ #define Mx_GP_USER (3 << (2*(15-(n)))) /* access is user */ #define SPR_MI_EPN 0x313 /* ..8 IMMU effective number */ #define Mx_EPN_EPN 0xfffff000 /* Effective Page Number mask */ #define Mx_EPN_EV 0x00000020 /* Entry Valid */ #define Mx_EPN_ASID 0x0000000f /* Address Space ID */ #define SPR_MI_TWC 0x315 /* ..8 IMMU tablewalk control */ #define MD_TWC_L2TB 0xfffff000 /* Level-2 Tablewalk Base */ #define Mx_TWC_APG 0x000001e0 /* Access Protection Group */ #define Mx_TWC_G 0x00000010 /* Guarded memory */ #define Mx_TWC_PS 0x0000000c /* Page Size (L1) */ #define MD_TWC_WT 0x00000002 /* Write-Through */ #define Mx_TWC_V 0x00000001 /* Entry Valid */ #define SPR_MI_RPN 0x316 /* ..8 IMMU real (phys) page number */ #define Mx_RPN_RPN 0xfffff000 /* Real Page Number */ #define Mx_RPN_PP 0x00000ff0 /* Page Protection */ #define Mx_RPN_SPS 0x00000008 /* Small Page Size */ #define Mx_RPN_SH 0x00000004 /* SHared page */ #define Mx_RPN_CI 0x00000002 /* Cache Inhibit */ #define Mx_RPN_V 0x00000001 /* Valid */ #define SPR_MD_CTR 0x318 /* ..8 DMMU control */ #define SPR_M_CASID 0x319 /* ..8 CASID */ #define M_CASID 0x0000000f /* Current AS Id */ #define SPR_MD_AP 0x31a /* ..8 DMMU access protection */ #define SPR_MD_EPN 0x31b /* ..8 DMMU effective number */ #define SPR_970MMCR0 0x31b /* ... Monitor Mode Control Register 0 (PPC 970) */ #define SPR_970MMCR0_PMC1SEL(x) ((x) << 8) /* PMC1 selector (970) */ #define SPR_970MMCR0_PMC2SEL(x) ((x) << 1) /* PMC2 selector (970) */ #define SPR_970MMCR1 0x31e /* ... Monitor Mode Control Register 1 (PPC 970) */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC3SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 27) /* PMC 3 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC4SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 22) /* PMC 4 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC5SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 17) /* PMC 5 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC6SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 12) /* PMC 6 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC7SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 7) /* PMC 7 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCR1_PMC8SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 2) /* PMC 8 selector */ #define SPR_970MMCRA 0x312 /* ... Monitor Mode Control Register 2 (PPC 970) */ #define SPR_970PMC1 0x313 /* ... PMC 1 */ #define SPR_970PMC2 0x314 /* ... PMC 2 */ #define SPR_970PMC3 0x315 /* ... PMC 3 */ #define SPR_970PMC4 0x316 /* ... PMC 4 */ #define SPR_970PMC5 0x317 /* ... PMC 5 */ #define SPR_970PMC6 0x318 /* ... PMC 6 */ #define SPR_970PMC7 0x319 /* ... PMC 7 */ #define SPR_970PMC8 0x31a /* ... PMC 8 */ #define SPR_M_TWB 0x31c /* ..8 MMU tablewalk base */ #define M_TWB_L1TB 0xfffff000 /* level-1 translation base */ #define M_TWB_L1INDX 0x00000ffc /* level-1 index */ #define SPR_MD_TWC 0x31d /* ..8 DMMU tablewalk control */ #define SPR_MD_RPN 0x31e /* ..8 DMMU real (phys) page number */ #define SPR_MD_TW 0x31f /* ..8 MMU tablewalk scratch */ #define SPR_MI_CAM 0x330 /* ..8 IMMU CAM entry read */ #define SPR_MI_RAM0 0x331 /* ..8 IMMU RAM entry read reg 0 */ #define SPR_MI_RAM1 0x332 /* ..8 IMMU RAM entry read reg 1 */ #define SPR_MD_CAM 0x338 /* ..8 IMMU CAM entry read */ #define SPR_MD_RAM0 0x339 /* ..8 IMMU RAM entry read reg 0 */ #define SPR_MD_RAM1 0x33a /* ..8 IMMU RAM entry read reg 1 */ #define SPR_PSSCR 0x357 /* Processor Stop Status and Control Register (ISA 3.0) */ #define SPR_PMCR 0x374 /* Processor Management Control Register */ #define SPR_UMMCR2 0x3a0 /* .6. User Monitor Mode Control Register 2 */ #define SPR_UMMCR0 0x3a8 /* .6. User Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */ #define SPR_USIA 0x3ab /* .6. User Sampled Instruction Address */ #define SPR_UMMCR1 0x3ac /* .6. User Monitor Mode Control Register 1 */ #define SPR_ZPR 0x3b0 /* 4.. Zone Protection Register */ #define SPR_MMCR2 0x3b0 /* .6. Monitor Mode Control Register 2 */ #define SPR_MMCR2_THRESHMULT_32 0x80000000 /* Multiply MMCR0 threshold by 32 */ #define SPR_MMCR2_THRESHMULT_2 0x00000000 /* Multiply MMCR0 threshold by 2 */ #define SPR_PID 0x3b1 /* 4.. Process ID */ #define SPR_PMC5 0x3b1 /* .6. Performance Counter Register 5 */ #define SPR_PMC6 0x3b2 /* .6. Performance Counter Register 6 */ #define SPR_CCR0 0x3b3 /* 4.. Core Configuration Register 0 */ #define SPR_IAC3 0x3b4 /* 4.. Instruction Address Compare 3 */ #define SPR_IAC4 0x3b5 /* 4.. Instruction Address Compare 4 */ #define SPR_DVC1 0x3b6 /* 4.. Data Value Compare 1 */ #define SPR_DVC2 0x3b7 /* 4.. Data Value Compare 2 */ #define SPR_MMCR0 0x3b8 /* .6. Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FC 0x80000000 /* Freeze counters */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FCS 0x40000000 /* Freeze counters in supervisor mode */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FCP 0x20000000 /* Freeze counters in user mode */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FCM1 0x10000000 /* Freeze counters when mark=1 */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FCM0 0x08000000 /* Freeze counters when mark=0 */ #define SPR_MMCR0_PMXE 0x04000000 /* Enable PM interrupt */ #define SPR_MMCR0_FCECE 0x02000000 /* Freeze counters after event */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TBSEL_15 0x01800000 /* Count bit 15 of TBL */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TBSEL_19 0x01000000 /* Count bit 19 of TBL */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TBSEL_23 0x00800000 /* Count bit 23 of TBL */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TBSEL_31 0x00000000 /* Count bit 31 of TBL */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TBEE 0x00400000 /* Time-base event enable */ #define SPR_MMCRO_THRESHOLD(x) ((x) << 16) /* Threshold value */ #define SPR_MMCR0_PMC1CE 0x00008000 /* PMC1 condition enable */ #define SPR_MMCR0_PMCNCE 0x00004000 /* PMCn condition enable */ #define SPR_MMCR0_TRIGGER 0x00002000 /* Trigger */ #define SPR_MMCR0_PMC1SEL(x) (((x) & 0x3f) << 6) /* PMC1 selector */ #define SPR_MMCR0_PMC2SEL(x) (((x) & 0x3f) << 0) /* PMC2 selector */ #define SPR_SGR 0x3b9 /* 4.. Storage Guarded Register */ #define SPR_PMC1 0x3b9 /* .6. Performance Counter Register 1 */ #define SPR_DCWR 0x3ba /* 4.. Data Cache Write-through Register */ #define SPR_PMC2 0x3ba /* .6. Performance Counter Register 2 */ #define SPR_SLER 0x3bb /* 4.. Storage Little Endian Register */ #define SPR_SIA 0x3bb /* .6. Sampled Instruction Address */ #define SPR_MMCR1 0x3bc /* .6. Monitor Mode Control Register 2 */ #define SPR_MMCR1_PMC3SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 27) /* PMC 3 selector */ #define SPR_MMCR1_PMC4SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 22) /* PMC 4 selector */ #define SPR_MMCR1_PMC5SEL(x) (((x) & 0x1f) << 17) /* PMC 5 selector */ #define SPR_MMCR1_PMC6SEL(x) (((x) & 0x3f) << 11) /* PMC 6 selector */ #define SPR_SU0R 0x3bc /* 4.. Storage User-defined 0 Register */ #define SPR_PMC3 0x3bd /* .6. Performance Counter Register 3 */ #define SPR_PMC4 0x3be /* .6. Performance Counter Register 4 */ #define SPR_DMISS 0x3d0 /* .68 Data TLB Miss Address Register */ #define SPR_DCMP 0x3d1 /* .68 Data TLB Compare Register */ #define SPR_HASH1 0x3d2 /* .68 Primary Hash Address Register */ #define SPR_ICDBDR 0x3d3 /* 4.. Instruction Cache Debug Data Register */ #define SPR_HASH2 0x3d3 /* .68 Secondary Hash Address Register */ #define SPR_IMISS 0x3d4 /* .68 Instruction TLB Miss Address Register */ #define SPR_TLBMISS 0x3d4 /* .6. TLB Miss Address Register */ #define SPR_DEAR 0x3d5 /* 4.. Data Error Address Register */ #define SPR_ICMP 0x3d5 /* .68 Instruction TLB Compare Register */ #define SPR_PTEHI 0x3d5 /* .6. Instruction TLB Compare Register */ #define SPR_EVPR 0x3d6 /* 4.. Exception Vector Prefix Register */ #define SPR_RPA 0x3d6 /* .68 Required Physical Address Register */ #define SPR_PTELO 0x3d6 /* .6. Required Physical Address Register */ #define SPR_TSR 0x150 /* ..8 Timer Status Register */ #define SPR_TCR 0x154 /* ..8 Timer Control Register */ #define TSR_ENW 0x80000000 /* Enable Next Watchdog */ #define TSR_WIS 0x40000000 /* Watchdog Interrupt Status */ #define TSR_WRS_MASK 0x30000000 /* Watchdog Reset Status */ #define TSR_WRS_NONE 0x00000000 /* No watchdog reset has occurred */ #define TSR_WRS_CORE 0x10000000 /* Core reset was forced by the watchdog */ #define TSR_WRS_CHIP 0x20000000 /* Chip reset was forced by the watchdog */ #define TSR_WRS_SYSTEM 0x30000000 /* System reset was forced by the watchdog */ #define TSR_PIS 0x08000000 /* PIT Interrupt Status */ #define TSR_DIS 0x08000000 /* Decrementer Interrupt Status */ #define TSR_FIS 0x04000000 /* FIT Interrupt Status */ #define TCR_WP_MASK 0xc0000000 /* Watchdog Period mask */ #define TCR_WP_2_17 0x00000000 /* 2**17 clocks */ #define TCR_WP_2_21 0x40000000 /* 2**21 clocks */ #define TCR_WP_2_25 0x80000000 /* 2**25 clocks */ #define TCR_WP_2_29 0xc0000000 /* 2**29 clocks */ #define TCR_WRC_MASK 0x30000000 /* Watchdog Reset Control mask */ #define TCR_WRC_NONE 0x00000000 /* No watchdog reset */ #define TCR_WRC_CORE 0x10000000 /* Core reset */ #define TCR_WRC_CHIP 0x20000000 /* Chip reset */ #define TCR_WRC_SYSTEM 0x30000000 /* System reset */ #define TCR_WIE 0x08000000 /* Watchdog Interrupt Enable */ #define TCR_PIE 0x04000000 /* PIT Interrupt Enable */ #define TCR_DIE 0x04000000 /* Pecrementer Interrupt Enable */ #define TCR_FP_MASK 0x03000000 /* FIT Period */ #define TCR_FP_2_9 0x00000000 /* 2**9 clocks */ #define TCR_FP_2_13 0x01000000 /* 2**13 clocks */ #define TCR_FP_2_17 0x02000000 /* 2**17 clocks */ #define TCR_FP_2_21 0x03000000 /* 2**21 clocks */ #define TCR_FIE 0x00800000 /* FIT Interrupt Enable */ #define TCR_ARE 0x00400000 /* Auto Reload Enable */ #define SPR_PIT 0x3db /* 4.. Programmable Interval Timer */ #define SPR_SRR2 0x3de /* 4.. Save/Restore Register 2 */ #define SPR_SRR3 0x3df /* 4.. Save/Restore Register 3 */ #define SPR_HID0 0x3f0 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 0 */ #define SPR_HID1 0x3f1 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 1 */ #define SPR_HID2 0x3f3 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 2 */ #define SPR_HID4 0x3f4 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 4 */ #define SPR_HID5 0x3f6 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 5 */ #define SPR_HID6 0x3f9 /* ..8 Hardware Implementation Register 6 */ #define SPR_CELL_TSRL 0x380 /* ... Cell BE Thread Status Register */ #define SPR_CELL_TSCR 0x399 /* ... Cell BE Thread Switch Register */ #if defined(AIM) #define SPR_DBSR 0x3f0 /* 4.. Debug Status Register */ #define DBSR_IC 0x80000000 /* Instruction completion debug event */ #define DBSR_BT 0x40000000 /* Branch Taken debug event */ #define DBSR_EDE 0x20000000 /* Exception debug event */ #define DBSR_TIE 0x10000000 /* Trap Instruction debug event */ #define DBSR_UDE 0x08000000 /* Unconditional debug event */ #define DBSR_IA1 0x04000000 /* IAC1 debug event */ #define DBSR_IA2 0x02000000 /* IAC2 debug event */ #define DBSR_DR1 0x01000000 /* DAC1 Read debug event */ #define DBSR_DW1 0x00800000 /* DAC1 Write debug event */ #define DBSR_DR2 0x00400000 /* DAC2 Read debug event */ #define DBSR_DW2 0x00200000 /* DAC2 Write debug event */ #define DBSR_IDE 0x00100000 /* Imprecise debug event */ #define DBSR_IA3 0x00080000 /* IAC3 debug event */ #define DBSR_IA4 0x00040000 /* IAC4 debug event */ #define DBSR_MRR 0x00000300 /* Most recent reset */ #define SPR_DBCR0 0x3f2 /* 4.. Debug Control Register 0 */ #define SPR_DBCR1 0x3bd /* 4.. Debug Control Register 1 */ #define SPR_IAC1 0x3f4 /* 4.. Instruction Address Compare 1 */ #define SPR_IAC2 0x3f5 /* 4.. Instruction Address Compare 2 */ #define SPR_DAC1 0x3f6 /* 4.. Data Address Compare 1 */ #define SPR_DAC2 0x3f7 /* 4.. Data Address Compare 2 */ #define SPR_PIR 0x3ff /* .6. Processor Identification Register */ #elif defined(BOOKE) #define SPR_PIR 0x11e /* ..8 Processor Identification Register */ #define SPR_DBSR 0x130 /* ..8 Debug Status Register */ #define DBSR_IDE 0x80000000 /* Imprecise debug event. */ #define DBSR_UDE 0x40000000 /* Unconditional debug event. */ #define DBSR_MRR 0x30000000 /* Most recent Reset (mask). */ #define DBSR_ICMP 0x08000000 /* Instr. complete debug event. */ #define DBSR_BRT 0x04000000 /* Branch taken debug event. */ #define DBSR_IRPT 0x02000000 /* Interrupt taken debug event. */ #define DBSR_TRAP 0x01000000 /* Trap instr. debug event. */ #define DBSR_IAC1 0x00800000 /* Instr. address compare #1. */ #define DBSR_IAC2 0x00400000 /* Instr. address compare #2. */ #define DBSR_IAC3 0x00200000 /* Instr. address compare #3. */ #define DBSR_IAC4 0x00100000 /* Instr. address compare #4. */ #define DBSR_DAC1R 0x00080000 /* Data addr. read compare #1. */ #define DBSR_DAC1W 0x00040000 /* Data addr. write compare #1. */ #define DBSR_DAC2R 0x00020000 /* Data addr. read compare #2. */ #define DBSR_DAC2W 0x00010000 /* Data addr. write compare #2. */ #define DBSR_RET 0x00008000 /* Return debug event. */ #define SPR_DBCR0 0x134 /* ..8 Debug Control Register 0 */ #define SPR_DBCR1 0x135 /* ..8 Debug Control Register 1 */ #define SPR_IAC1 0x138 /* ..8 Instruction Address Compare 1 */ #define SPR_IAC2 0x139 /* ..8 Instruction Address Compare 2 */ #define SPR_DAC1 0x13c /* ..8 Data Address Compare 1 */ #define SPR_DAC2 0x13d /* ..8 Data Address Compare 2 */ #endif #define DBCR0_EDM 0x80000000 /* External Debug Mode */ #define DBCR0_IDM 0x40000000 /* Internal Debug Mode */ #define DBCR0_RST_MASK 0x30000000 /* ReSeT */ #define DBCR0_RST_NONE 0x00000000 /* No action */ #define DBCR0_RST_CORE 0x10000000 /* Core reset */ #define DBCR0_RST_CHIP 0x20000000 /* Chip reset */ #define DBCR0_RST_SYSTEM 0x30000000 /* System reset */ #define DBCR0_IC 0x08000000 /* Instruction Completion debug event */ #define DBCR0_BT 0x04000000 /* Branch Taken debug event */ #define DBCR0_EDE 0x02000000 /* Exception Debug Event */ #define DBCR0_TDE 0x01000000 /* Trap Debug Event */ #define DBCR0_IA1 0x00800000 /* IAC (Instruction Address Compare) 1 debug event */ #define DBCR0_IA2 0x00400000 /* IAC 2 debug event */ #define DBCR0_IA12 0x00200000 /* Instruction Address Range Compare 1-2 */ #define DBCR0_IA12X 0x00100000 /* IA12 eXclusive */ #define DBCR0_IA3 0x00080000 /* IAC 3 debug event */ #define DBCR0_IA4 0x00040000 /* IAC 4 debug event */ #define DBCR0_IA34 0x00020000 /* Instruction Address Range Compare 3-4 */ #define DBCR0_IA34X 0x00010000 /* IA34 eXclusive */ #define DBCR0_IA12T 0x00008000 /* Instruction Address Range Compare 1-2 range Toggle */ #define DBCR0_IA34T 0x00004000 /* Instruction Address Range Compare 3-4 range Toggle */ #define DBCR0_FT 0x00000001 /* Freeze Timers on debug event */ #define SPR_IABR 0x3f2 /* ..8 Instruction Address Breakpoint Register 0 */ #define SPR_DABR 0x3f5 /* .6. Data Address Breakpoint Register */ #define SPR_MSSCR0 0x3f6 /* .6. Memory SubSystem Control Register */ #define MSSCR0_SHDEN 0x80000000 /* 0: Shared-state enable */ #define MSSCR0_SHDPEN3 0x40000000 /* 1: ~SHD[01] signal enable in MEI mode */ #define MSSCR0_L1INTVEN 0x38000000 /* 2-4: L1 data cache ~HIT intervention enable */ #define MSSCR0_L2INTVEN 0x07000000 /* 5-7: L2 data cache ~HIT intervention enable*/ #define MSSCR0_DL1HWF 0x00800000 /* 8: L1 data cache hardware flush */ #define MSSCR0_MBO 0x00400000 /* 9: must be one */ #define MSSCR0_EMODE 0x00200000 /* 10: MPX bus mode (read-only) */ #define MSSCR0_ABD 0x00100000 /* 11: address bus driven (read-only) */ #define MSSCR0_MBZ 0x000fffff /* 12-31: must be zero */ #define MSSCR0_L2PFE 0x00000003 /* 30-31: L2 prefetch enable */ #define SPR_MSSSR0 0x3f7 /* .6. Memory Subsystem Status Register (MPC745x) */ #define MSSSR0_L2TAG 0x00040000 /* 13: L2 tag parity error */ #define MSSSR0_L2DAT 0x00020000 /* 14: L2 data parity error */ #define MSSSR0_L3TAG 0x00010000 /* 15: L3 tag parity error */ #define MSSSR0_L3DAT 0x00008000 /* 16: L3 data parity error */ #define MSSSR0_APE 0x00004000 /* 17: Address parity error */ #define MSSSR0_DPE 0x00002000 /* 18: Data parity error */ #define MSSSR0_TEA 0x00001000 /* 19: Bus transfer error acknowledge */ #define SPR_LDSTCR 0x3f8 /* .6. Load/Store Control Register */ #define SPR_L2PM 0x3f8 /* .6. L2 Private Memory Control Register */ #define SPR_L2CR 0x3f9 /* .6. L2 Control Register */ #define L2CR_L2E 0x80000000 /* 0: L2 enable */ #define L2CR_L2PE 0x40000000 /* 1: L2 data parity enable */ #define L2CR_L2SIZ 0x30000000 /* 2-3: L2 size */ #define L2SIZ_2M 0x00000000 #define L2SIZ_256K 0x10000000 #define L2SIZ_512K 0x20000000 #define L2SIZ_1M 0x30000000 #define L2CR_L2CLK 0x0e000000 /* 4-6: L2 clock ratio */ #define L2CLK_DIS 0x00000000 /* disable L2 clock */ #define L2CLK_10 0x02000000 /* core clock / 1 */ #define L2CLK_15 0x04000000 /* / 1.5 */ #define L2CLK_20 0x08000000 /* / 2 */ #define L2CLK_25 0x0a000000 /* / 2.5 */ #define L2CLK_30 0x0c000000 /* / 3 */ #define L2CR_L2RAM 0x01800000 /* 7-8: L2 RAM type */ #define L2RAM_FLOWTHRU_BURST 0x00000000 #define L2RAM_PIPELINE_BURST 0x01000000 #define L2RAM_PIPELINE_LATE 0x01800000 #define L2CR_L2DO 0x00400000 /* 9: L2 data-only. Setting this bit disables instruction caching. */ #define L2CR_L2I 0x00200000 /* 10: L2 global invalidate. */ #define L2CR_L2IO_7450 0x00010000 /* 11: L2 instruction-only (MPC745x). */ #define L2CR_L2CTL 0x00100000 /* 11: L2 RAM control (ZZ enable). Enables automatic operation of the L2ZZ (low-power mode) signal. */ #define L2CR_L2WT 0x00080000 /* 12: L2 write-through. */ #define L2CR_L2TS 0x00040000 /* 13: L2 test support. */ #define L2CR_L2OH 0x00030000 /* 14-15: L2 output hold. */ #define L2CR_L2DO_7450 0x00010000 /* 15: L2 data-only (MPC745x). */ #define L2CR_L2SL 0x00008000 /* 16: L2 DLL slow. */ #define L2CR_L2DF 0x00004000 /* 17: L2 differential clock. */ #define L2CR_L2BYP 0x00002000 /* 18: L2 DLL bypass. */ #define L2CR_L2FA 0x00001000 /* 19: L2 flush assist (for software flush). */ #define L2CR_L2HWF 0x00000800 /* 20: L2 hardware flush. */ #define L2CR_L2IO 0x00000400 /* 21: L2 instruction-only. */ #define L2CR_L2CLKSTP 0x00000200 /* 22: L2 clock stop. */ #define L2CR_L2DRO 0x00000100 /* 23: L2DLL rollover checkstop enable. */ #define L2CR_L2IP 0x00000001 /* 31: L2 global invalidate in */ /* progress (read only). */ #define SPR_L3CR 0x3fa /* .6. L3 Control Register */ #define L3CR_L3E 0x80000000 /* 0: L3 enable */ #define L3CR_L3PE 0x40000000 /* 1: L3 data parity enable */ #define L3CR_L3APE 0x20000000 #define L3CR_L3SIZ 0x10000000 /* 3: L3 size (0=1MB, 1=2MB) */ #define L3CR_L3CLKEN 0x08000000 /* 4: Enables L3_CLK[0:1] */ #define L3CR_L3CLK 0x03800000 #define L3CR_L3IO 0x00400000 #define L3CR_L3CLKEXT 0x00200000 #define L3CR_L3CKSPEXT 0x00100000 #define L3CR_L3OH1 0x00080000 #define L3CR_L3SPO 0x00040000 #define L3CR_L3CKSP 0x00030000 #define L3CR_L3PSP 0x0000e000 #define L3CR_L3REP 0x00001000 #define L3CR_L3HWF 0x00000800 #define L3CR_L3I 0x00000400 /* 21: L3 global invalidate */ #define L3CR_L3RT 0x00000300 #define L3CR_L3NIRCA 0x00000080 #define L3CR_L3DO 0x00000040 #define L3CR_PMEN 0x00000004 #define L3CR_PMSIZ 0x00000003 #define SPR_DCCR 0x3fa /* 4.. Data Cache Cachability Register */ #define SPR_ICCR 0x3fb /* 4.. Instruction Cache Cachability Register */ #define SPR_THRM1 0x3fc /* .6. Thermal Management Register */ #define SPR_THRM2 0x3fd /* .6. Thermal Management Register */ #define SPR_THRM_TIN 0x80000000 /* Thermal interrupt bit (RO) */ #define SPR_THRM_TIV 0x40000000 /* Thermal interrupt valid (RO) */ #define SPR_THRM_THRESHOLD(x) ((x) << 23) /* Thermal sensor threshold */ #define SPR_THRM_TID 0x00000004 /* Thermal interrupt direction */ #define SPR_THRM_TIE 0x00000002 /* Thermal interrupt enable */ #define SPR_THRM_VALID 0x00000001 /* Valid bit */ #define SPR_THRM3 0x3fe /* .6. Thermal Management Register */ #define SPR_THRM_TIMER(x) ((x) << 1) /* Sampling interval timer */ #define SPR_THRM_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* TAU Enable */ #define SPR_FPECR 0x3fe /* .6. Floating-Point Exception Cause Register */ /* Time Base Register declarations */ #define TBR_TBL 0x10c /* 468 Time Base Lower - read */ #define TBR_TBU 0x10d /* 468 Time Base Upper - read */ #define TBR_TBWL 0x11c /* 468 Time Base Lower - supervisor, write */ #define TBR_TBWU 0x11d /* 468 Time Base Upper - supervisor, write */ /* Performance counter declarations */ #define PMC_OVERFLOW 0x80000000 /* Counter has overflowed */ /* The first five countable [non-]events are common to many PMC's */ #define PMCN_NONE 0 /* Count nothing */ #define PMCN_CYCLES 1 /* Processor cycles */ #define PMCN_ICOMP 2 /* Instructions completed */ #define PMCN_TBLTRANS 3 /* TBL bit transitions */ #define PCMN_IDISPATCH 4 /* Instructions dispatched */ /* Similar things for the 970 PMC direct counters */ #define PMC970N_NONE 0x8 /* Count nothing */ #define PMC970N_CYCLES 0xf /* Processor cycles */ #define PMC970N_ICOMP 0x9 /* Instructions completed */ #if defined(BOOKE) #define SPR_MCARU 0x239 /* ..8 Machine Check Address register upper bits */ #define SPR_MCSR 0x23c /* ..8 Machine Check Syndrome register */ #define SPR_MCAR 0x23d /* ..8 Machine Check Address register */ #define SPR_ESR 0x003e /* ..8 Exception Syndrome Register */ #define ESR_PIL 0x08000000 /* Program interrupt - illegal */ #define ESR_PPR 0x04000000 /* Program interrupt - privileged */ #define ESR_PTR 0x02000000 /* Program interrupt - trap */ #define ESR_ST 0x00800000 /* Store operation */ #define ESR_DLK 0x00200000 /* Data storage, D cache locking */ #define ESR_ILK 0x00100000 /* Data storage, I cache locking */ #define ESR_BO 0x00020000 /* Data/instruction storage, byte ordering */ #define ESR_SPE 0x00000080 /* SPE exception bit */ #define SPR_CSRR0 0x03a /* ..8 58 Critical SRR0 */ #define SPR_CSRR1 0x03b /* ..8 59 Critical SRR1 */ #define SPR_MCSRR0 0x23a /* ..8 570 Machine check SRR0 */ #define SPR_MCSRR1 0x23b /* ..8 571 Machine check SRR1 */ #define SPR_DSRR0 0x23e /* ..8 574 Debug SRR0 */ #define SPR_DSRR1 0x23f /* ..8 575 Debug SRR1 */ #define SPR_MMUCR 0x3b2 /* 4.. MMU Control Register */ #define MMUCR_SWOA (0x80000000 >> 7) #define MMUCR_U1TE (0x80000000 >> 9) #define MMUCR_U2SWOAE (0x80000000 >> 10) #define MMUCR_DULXE (0x80000000 >> 12) #define MMUCR_IULXE (0x80000000 >> 13) #define MMUCR_STS (0x80000000 >> 15) #define MMUCR_STID_MASK (0xFF000000 >> 24) #define SPR_MMUCSR0 0x3f4 /* ..8 1012 MMU Control and Status Register 0 */ #define MMUCSR0_L2TLB0_FI 0x04 /* TLB0 flash invalidate */ #define MMUCSR0_L2TLB1_FI 0x02 /* TLB1 flash invalidate */ #define SPR_SVR 0x3ff /* ..8 1023 System Version Register */ #define SVR_MPC8533 0x8034 #define SVR_MPC8533E 0x803c #define SVR_MPC8541 0x8072 #define SVR_MPC8541E 0x807a #define SVR_MPC8548 0x8031 #define SVR_MPC8548E 0x8039 #define SVR_MPC8555 0x8071 #define SVR_MPC8555E 0x8079 #define SVR_MPC8572 0x80e0 #define SVR_MPC8572E 0x80e8 #define SVR_P1011 0x80e5 #define SVR_P1011E 0x80ed #define SVR_P1013 0x80e7 #define SVR_P1013E 0x80ef #define SVR_P1020 0x80e4 #define SVR_P1020E 0x80ec #define SVR_P1022 0x80e6 #define SVR_P1022E 0x80ee #define SVR_P2010 0x80e3 #define SVR_P2010E 0x80eb #define SVR_P2020 0x80e2 #define SVR_P2020E 0x80ea #define SVR_P2041 0x8210 #define SVR_P2041E 0x8218 #define SVR_P3041 0x8211 #define SVR_P3041E 0x8219 #define SVR_P4040 0x8200 #define SVR_P4040E 0x8208 #define SVR_P4080 0x8201 #define SVR_P4080E 0x8209 #define SVR_P5010 0x8221 #define SVR_P5010E 0x8229 #define SVR_P5020 0x8220 #define SVR_P5020E 0x8228 #define SVR_P5021 0x8205 #define SVR_P5021E 0x820d #define SVR_P5040 0x8204 #define SVR_P5040E 0x820c #define SVR_VER(svr) (((svr) >> 16) & 0xffff) #define SPR_PID0 0x030 /* ..8 Process ID Register 0 */ #define SPR_PID1 0x279 /* ..8 Process ID Register 1 */ #define SPR_PID2 0x27a /* ..8 Process ID Register 2 */ #define SPR_TLB0CFG 0x2B0 /* ..8 TLB 0 Config Register */ #define SPR_TLB1CFG 0x2B1 /* ..8 TLB 1 Config Register */ #define TLBCFG_ASSOC_MASK 0xff000000 /* Associativity of TLB */ #define TLBCFG_ASSOC_SHIFT 24 #define TLBCFG_NENTRY_MASK 0x00000fff /* Number of entries in TLB */ #define SPR_IVPR 0x03f /* ..8 Interrupt Vector Prefix Register */ #define SPR_IVOR0 0x190 /* ..8 Critical input */ #define SPR_IVOR1 0x191 /* ..8 Machine check */ #define SPR_IVOR2 0x192 #define SPR_IVOR3 0x193 #define SPR_IVOR4 0x194 #define SPR_IVOR5 0x195 #define SPR_IVOR6 0x196 #define SPR_IVOR7 0x197 #define SPR_IVOR8 0x198 #define SPR_IVOR9 0x199 #define SPR_IVOR10 0x19a #define SPR_IVOR11 0x19b #define SPR_IVOR12 0x19c #define SPR_IVOR13 0x19d #define SPR_IVOR14 0x19e #define SPR_IVOR15 0x19f #define SPR_IVOR32 0x210 #define SPR_IVOR33 0x211 #define SPR_IVOR34 0x212 #define SPR_IVOR35 0x213 #define SPR_MAS0 0x270 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 0 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS1 0x271 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 1 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS2 0x272 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 2 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS3 0x273 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 3 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS4 0x274 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 4 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS5 0x275 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 5 Book-E */ #define SPR_MAS6 0x276 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 6 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS7 0x3B0 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 7 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_MAS8 0x155 /* ..8 MMU Assist Register 8 Book-E/e500 */ #define SPR_L1CFG0 0x203 /* ..8 L1 cache configuration register 0 */ #define SPR_L1CFG1 0x204 /* ..8 L1 cache configuration register 1 */ #define SPR_CCR1 0x378 #define CCR1_L2COBE 0x00000040 #define DCR_L2DCDCRAI 0x0000 /* L2 D-Cache DCR Address Pointer */ #define DCR_L2DCDCRDI 0x0001 /* L2 D-Cache DCR Data Indirect */ #define DCR_L2CR0 0x00 /* L2 Cache Configuration Register 0 */ #define L2CR0_AS 0x30000000 #define SPR_L1CSR0 0x3F2 /* ..8 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 */ #define L1CSR0_DCPE 0x00010000 /* Data Cache Parity Enable */ #define L1CSR0_DCLFR 0x00000100 /* Data Cache Lock Bits Flash Reset */ #define L1CSR0_DCFI 0x00000002 /* Data Cache Flash Invalidate */ #define L1CSR0_DCE 0x00000001 /* Data Cache Enable */ #define SPR_L1CSR1 0x3F3 /* ..8 L1 Cache Control and Status Register 1 */ #define L1CSR1_ICPE 0x00010000 /* Instruction Cache Parity Enable */ #define L1CSR1_ICUL 0x00000400 /* Instr Cache Unable to Lock */ #define L1CSR1_ICLFR 0x00000100 /* Instruction Cache Lock Bits Flash Reset */ #define L1CSR1_ICFI 0x00000002 /* Instruction Cache Flash Invalidate */ #define L1CSR1_ICE 0x00000001 /* Instruction Cache Enable */ #define SPR_L2CSR0 0x3F9 /* ..8 L2 Cache Control and Status Register 0 */ #define L2CSR0_L2E 0x80000000 /* L2 Cache Enable */ #define L2CSR0_L2PE 0x40000000 /* L2 Cache Parity Enable */ #define L2CSR0_L2FI 0x00200000 /* L2 Cache Flash Invalidate */ #define L2CSR0_L2LFC 0x00000400 /* L2 Cache Lock Flags Clear */ #define SPR_BUCSR 0x3F5 /* ..8 Branch Unit Control and Status Register */ #define BUCSR_BPEN 0x00000001 /* Branch Prediction Enable */ #define BUCSR_BBFI 0x00000200 /* Branch Buffer Flash Invalidate */ #endif /* BOOKE */ #endif /* !_POWERPC_SPR_H_ */ Index: head/sys/powerpc/include/trap.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/include/trap.h (revision 345434) +++ head/sys/powerpc/include/trap.h (revision 345435) @@ -1,160 +1,161 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $NetBSD: trap.h,v 1.7 2002/02/22 13:51:40 kleink Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _POWERPC_TRAP_H_ #define _POWERPC_TRAP_H_ #define EXC_RSVD 0x0000 /* Reserved */ #define EXC_RST 0x0100 /* Reset; all but IBM4xx */ #define EXC_MCHK 0x0200 /* Machine Check */ #define EXC_DSI 0x0300 /* Data Storage Interrupt */ #define EXC_DSE 0x0380 /* Data Segment Interrupt */ #define EXC_ISI 0x0400 /* Instruction Storage Interrupt */ #define EXC_ISE 0x0480 /* Instruction Segment Interrupt */ #define EXC_EXI 0x0500 /* External Interrupt */ #define EXC_ALI 0x0600 /* Alignment Interrupt */ #define EXC_PGM 0x0700 /* Program Interrupt */ #define EXC_FPU 0x0800 /* Floating-point Unavailable */ #define EXC_DECR 0x0900 /* Decrementer Interrupt */ #define EXC_SC 0x0c00 /* System Call */ #define EXC_TRC 0x0d00 /* Trace */ #define EXC_FPA 0x0e00 /* Floating-point Assist */ /* The following is only available on the 601: */ #define EXC_RUNMODETRC 0x2000 /* Run Mode/Trace Exception */ /* The following are only available on 970(G5): */ #define EXC_VECAST_G5 0x1700 /* AltiVec Assist */ /* The following are only available on 7400(G4): */ #define EXC_VEC 0x0f20 /* AltiVec Unavailable */ #define EXC_VECAST_G4 0x1600 /* AltiVec Assist */ /* The following are only available on 604/750/7400: */ #define EXC_PERF 0x0f00 /* Performance Monitoring */ #define EXC_BPT 0x1300 /* Instruction Breakpoint */ #define EXC_SMI 0x1400 /* System Managment Interrupt */ /* The following are only available on 750/7400: */ #define EXC_THRM 0x1700 /* Thermal Management Interrupt */ /* And these are only on the 603: */ #define EXC_IMISS 0x1000 /* Instruction translation miss */ #define EXC_DLMISS 0x1100 /* Data load translation miss */ #define EXC_DSMISS 0x1200 /* Data store translation miss */ /* Power ISA 2.06+: */ #define EXC_HDSI 0x0e00 /* Hypervisor Data Storage */ #define EXC_HISI 0x0e20 /* Hypervisor Instruction Storage */ #define EXC_HEA 0x0e40 /* Hypervisor Emulation Assistance */ #define EXC_HMI 0x0e60 /* Hypervisor Maintenance */ #define EXC_VSX 0x0f40 /* VSX Unavailable */ /* Power ISA 2.07+: */ #define EXC_FAC 0x0f60 /* Facility Unavailable */ #define EXC_HFAC 0x0f80 /* Hypervisor Facility Unavailable */ /* Power ISA 3.0+: */ #define EXC_HVI 0x0ea0 /* Hypervisor Virtualization */ /* The following are available on 4xx and 85xx */ #define EXC_CRIT 0x0100 /* Critical Input Interrupt */ #define EXC_PIT 0x1000 /* Programmable Interval Timer */ #define EXC_FIT 0x1010 /* Fixed Interval Timer */ #define EXC_WDOG 0x1020 /* Watchdog Timer */ #define EXC_DTMISS 0x1100 /* Data TLB Miss */ #define EXC_ITMISS 0x1200 /* Instruction TLB Miss */ #define EXC_APU 0x1300 /* Auxiliary Processing Unit */ #define EXC_DEBUG 0x2f10 /* Debug trap */ #define EXC_VECAST_E 0x2f20 /* Altivec Assist (Book-E) */ #define EXC_SPFPD 0x2f30 /* SPE Floating-point Data */ #define EXC_SPFPR 0x2f40 /* SPE Floating-point Round */ /* POWER8 */ #define EXC_SOFT_PATCH 0x1500 /* POWER8 Soft Patch Exception */ #define EXC_LAST 0x2f00 /* Last possible exception vector */ #define EXC_AST 0x3000 /* Fake AST vector */ /* Trap was in user mode */ #define EXC_USER 0x10000 /* * EXC_ALI sets bits in the DSISR and DAR to provide enough * information to recover from the unaligned access without needing to * parse the offending instruction. This includes certain bits of the * opcode, and information about what registers are used. The opcode * indicator values below come from Appendix F of Book III of "The * PowerPC Architecture". */ #define EXC_ALI_OPCODE_INDICATOR(dsisr) ((dsisr >> 10) & 0x7f) #define EXC_ALI_LFD 0x09 #define EXC_ALI_STFD 0x0b /* Macros to extract register information */ #define EXC_ALI_RST(dsisr) ((dsisr >> 5) & 0x1f) /* source or target */ #define EXC_ALI_RA(dsisr) (dsisr & 0x1f) #define EXC_ALI_SPE_REG(instr) ((instr >> 21) & 0x1f) /* * SRR1 bits for program exception traps. These identify what caused * the program exception. See section 6.5.9 of the Power ISA Version * 2.05. */ #define EXC_PGM_FPENABLED (1UL << 20) #define EXC_PGM_ILLEGAL (1UL << 19) #define EXC_PGM_PRIV (1UL << 18) #define EXC_PGM_TRAP (1UL << 17) /* DTrace trap opcode. */ #define EXC_DTRACE 0x7ffff808 /* Magic pointer to store TOC base and other info for trap handlers on ppc64 */ #define TRAP_GENTRAP 0x1f0 #define TRAP_TOCBASE 0x1f8 #ifndef LOCORE struct trapframe; struct pcb; +extern int (*hmi_handler)(struct trapframe *); void trap(struct trapframe *); int ppc_instr_emulate(struct trapframe *, struct pcb *); #endif #endif /* _POWERPC_TRAP_H_ */ Index: head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal.h (revision 345434) +++ head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal.h (revision 345435) @@ -1,179 +1,191 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2015 Nathan Whitehorn * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _POWERNV_OPAL_H #define _POWERNV_OPAL_H #include #include /* Check if OPAL is correctly instantiated. Will try to instantiate it. */ int opal_check(void); /* Call an OPAL method. Any pointers passed must be real-mode accessible! */ int opal_call(uint64_t token, ...); #define OPAL_CONSOLE_WRITE 1 #define OPAL_CONSOLE_READ 2 #define OPAL_RTC_READ 3 #define OPAL_RTC_WRITE 4 #define OPAL_CEC_POWER_DOWN 5 #define OPAL_CEC_REBOOT 6 #define OPAL_HANDLE_INTERRUPT 9 #define OPAL_POLL_EVENTS 10 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_READ_BYTE 13 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_READ_HALF_WORD 14 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_READ_WORD 15 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE_BYTE 16 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE_HALF_WORD 17 #define OPAL_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE_WORD 18 #define OPAL_PCI_EEH_FREEZE_CLEAR 26 #define OPAL_PCI_PHB_MMIO_ENABLE 27 #define OPAL_PCI_SET_PHB_MEM_WINDOW 28 #define OPAL_PCI_MAP_PE_MMIO_WINDOW 29 #define OPAL_PCI_SET_XIVE_PE 37 #define OPAL_PCI_RESET 49 #define OPAL_PCI_POLL 62 #define OPAL_SET_XIVE 19 #define OPAL_GET_XIVE 20 #define OPAL_PCI_SET_PE 31 #define OPAL_GET_MSI_32 39 #define OPAL_GET_MSI_64 40 #define OPAL_PCI_MSI_EOI 63 #define OPAL_PCI_GET_PHB_DIAG_DATA2 64 #define OPAL_START_CPU 41 #define OPAL_PCI_MAP_PE_DMA_WINDOW 44 #define OPAL_PCI_MAP_PE_DMA_WINDOW_REAL 45 #define OPAL_RETURN_CPU 69 #define OPAL_REINIT_CPUS 70 +#define OPAL_CHECK_TOKEN 80 #define OPAL_CHECK_ASYNC_COMPLETION 86 #define OPAL_SENSOR_READ 88 +#define OPAL_HANDLE_HMI 98 #define OPAL_IPMI_SEND 107 #define OPAL_IPMI_RECV 108 #define OPAL_I2C_REQUEST 109 #define OPAL_FLASH_READ 110 #define OPAL_FLASH_WRITE 111 #define OPAL_FLASH_ERASE 111 #define OPAL_INT_GET_XIRR 122 #define OPAL_INT_SET_CPPR 123 #define OPAL_INT_EOI 124 #define OPAL_INT_SET_MFRR 125 #define OPAL_PCI_TCE_KILL 126 #define OPAL_XIVE_RESET 128 #define OPAL_XIVE_GET_IRQ_INFO 129 #define OPAL_XIVE_GET_IRQ_CONFIG 130 #define OPAL_XIVE_SET_IRQ_CONFIG 131 #define OPAL_XIVE_GET_QUEUE_INFO 132 #define OPAL_XIVE_SET_QUEUE_INFO 133 #define OPAL_XIVE_DONATE_PAGE 134 #define OPAL_XIVE_ALLOCATE_VP_BLOCK 135 #define OPAL_XIVE_FREE_VP_BLOCK 136 #define OPAL_XIVE_GET_VP_INFO 137 #define OPAL_XIVE_SET_VP_INFO 138 #define OPAL_XIVE_ALLOCATE_IRQ 139 #define OPAL_XIVE_FREE_IRQ 140 #define OPAL_XIVE_SYNC 141 #define OPAL_XIVE_DUMP 142 #define OPAL_SENSOR_GROUP_CLEAR 156 #define OPAL_SENSOR_READ_U64 162 #define OPAL_SENSOR_GROUP_ENABLE 163 +#define OPAL_HANDLE_HMI2 166 /* For OPAL_PCI_SET_PE */ #define OPAL_UNMAP_PE 0 #define OPAL_MAP_PE 1 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_ANY 0 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_3BITS 2 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_4BITS 3 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_5BITS 4 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_6BITS 5 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_7BITS 6 #define OPAL_PCI_BUS_ALL 7 /* Match bus number exactly */ #define OPAL_IGNORE_RID_DEVICE_NUMBER 0 #define OPAL_COMPARE_RID_DEVICE_NUMBER 1 #define OPAL_IGNORE_RID_FUNC_NUMBER 0 #define OPAL_COMPARE_RID_FUNC_NUMBER 1 #define OPAL_SUCCESS 0 #define OPAL_PARAMETER -1 #define OPAL_BUSY -2 #define OPAL_CLOSED -5 #define OPAL_HARDWARE -6 #define OPAL_UNSUPPORTED -7 #define OPAL_RESOURCE -10 #define OPAL_BUSY_EVENT -12 #define OPAL_ASYNC_COMPLETION -15 #define OPAL_EMPTY -16 #define OPAL_XIVE_PROVISIONING -31 #define OPAL_XIVE_FREE_ACTIVE -32 + +#define OPAL_TOKEN_ABSENT 0 +#define OPAL_TOKEN_PRESENT 1 + +#define OPAL_HMI_FLAGS_TB_RESYNC (1ull << 0) +#define OPAL_HMI_FLAGS_DEC_LOST (1ull << 1) +#define OPAL_HMI_FLAGS_HDEC_LOST (1ull << 2) +#define OPAL_HMI_FLAGS_TOD_TB_FAIL (1ull << 3) +#define OPAL_HMI_FLAGS_NEW_EVENT (1ull << 63) #define OPAL_XIVE_XICS_MODE_EMU 0 #define OPAL_XIVE_XICS_MODE_EXP 1 #define OPAL_XIVE_VP_ENABLED 0x00000001 #define OPAL_XIVE_VP_SINGLE_ESCALATION 0x00000002 #define OPAL_XIVE_EQ_ENABLED 0x00000001 #define OPAL_XIVE_EQ_ALWAYS_NOTIFY 0x00000002 #define OPAL_XIVE_EQ_ESCALATE 0x00000004 struct opal_msg { uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t reserved; uint64_t params[8]; }; enum opal_msg_type { OPAL_MSG_ASYNC_COMP = 0, OPAL_MSG_MEM_ERR = 1, OPAL_MSG_EPOW = 2, OPAL_MSG_SHUTDOWN = 3, OPAL_MSG_HMI_EVT = 4, OPAL_MSG_DPO = 5, OPAL_MSG_PRD = 6, OPAL_MSG_OCC = 7, OPAL_MSG_TYPE_MAX, }; #define OPAL_IPMI_MSG_FORMAT_VERSION_1 1 struct opal_ipmi_msg { uint8_t version; uint8_t netfn; uint8_t cmd; uint8_t data[]; }; int opal_init_async_tokens(int); int opal_alloc_async_token(void); void opal_free_async_token(int); int opal_wait_completion(void *, uint64_t, uint64_t); #endif Index: head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c (nonexistent) +++ head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c (revision 345435) @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/*- + * Copyright (c) 2019 Justin Hibbits + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES + * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. + * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, + * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT + * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF + * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ + +#include +__FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include "opal.h" + +static int +opal_hmi_handler2(struct trapframe *frame) +{ + int64_t flags; + int err; + + err = opal_call(OPAL_HANDLE_HMI2, vtophys(&flags)); + + /* XXX: At some point, handle the flags outvar. */ + if (err == OPAL_SUCCESS) { + mtspr(SPR_HMER, 0); + return (0); + } + + printf("HMI handler failed! OPAL error code: %d\n", err); + + return (-1); +} + +static int +opal_hmi_handler(struct trapframe *frame) +{ + int err; + + err = opal_call(OPAL_HANDLE_HMI); + + if (err == OPAL_SUCCESS) { + mtspr(SPR_HMER, 0); + return (0); + } + + printf("HMI handler failed! OPAL error code: %d\n", err); + + return (-1); +} + +static void +opal_setup_hmi(void *data) +{ + /* This only works for OPAL, so first make sure we have it. */ + if (opal_check() != 0) + return; + + if (opal_call(OPAL_CHECK_TOKEN, OPAL_HANDLE_HMI2) == OPAL_TOKEN_PRESENT) + hmi_handler = opal_hmi_handler2; + else if (opal_call(OPAL_CHECK_TOKEN, OPAL_HANDLE_HMI) == OPAL_TOKEN_PRESENT) + hmi_handler = opal_hmi_handler; + else { + printf("Warning: No OPAL HMI handler found.\n"); + return; + } + + if (bootverbose) + printf("Installed OPAL HMI handler.\n"); +} + +SYSINIT(opal_setup_hmi, SI_SUB_HYPERVISOR, SI_ORDER_ANY, opal_setup_hmi, NULL); Property changes on: head/sys/powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Index: head/sys/powerpc/powerpc/interrupt.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/powerpc/powerpc/interrupt.c (revision 345434) +++ head/sys/powerpc/powerpc/interrupt.c (revision 345435) @@ -1,129 +1,141 @@ /*- * Copyright 2002 by Peter Grehan. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Interrupts are dispatched to here from locore asm */ #include "opt_hwpmc_hooks.h" +#include "opt_platform.h" #include /* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pic_if.h" +#ifdef POWERNV +int (*hmi_handler)(struct trapframe *); +#endif + /* * A very short dispatch, to try and maximise assembler code use * between all exception types. Maybe 'true' interrupts should go * here, and the trap code can come in separately */ void powerpc_interrupt(struct trapframe *framep) { struct thread *td; struct trapframe *oldframe; register_t ee; td = curthread; CTR2(KTR_INTR, "%s: EXC=%x", __func__, framep->exc); switch (framep->exc) { case EXC_EXI: case EXC_HVI: critical_enter(); PIC_DISPATCH(root_pic, framep); critical_exit(); #ifdef BOOKE framep->srr1 &= ~PSL_WE; #endif break; case EXC_DECR: critical_enter(); atomic_add_int(&td->td_intr_nesting_level, 1); oldframe = td->td_intr_frame; td->td_intr_frame = framep; decr_intr(framep); td->td_intr_frame = oldframe; atomic_subtract_int(&td->td_intr_nesting_level, 1); critical_exit(); #ifdef BOOKE framep->srr1 &= ~PSL_WE; #endif break; #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS case EXC_PERF: critical_enter(); KASSERT(pmc_intr != NULL, ("Performance exception, but no handler!")); (*pmc_intr)(framep); if (pmc_hook && (PCPU_GET(curthread)->td_pflags & TDP_CALLCHAIN)) pmc_hook(PCPU_GET(curthread), PMC_FN_USER_CALLCHAIN, framep); critical_exit(); break; +#endif + +#ifdef POWERNV + case EXC_HMI: + if (hmi_handler != 0 && hmi_handler(framep) == 0) + break; + /* If no handler, or failure to handle, just drop to trap. */ #endif default: /* Re-enable interrupts if applicable. */ ee = framep->srr1 & PSL_EE; if (ee != 0) mtmsr(mfmsr() | ee); trap(framep); } }